#r // ongoing
tiptoethewordsgo · 2 months
hello gravity falls tumblr, someone write a fanfic where the pines family have to break bill out of rehab to help defeat a greater evil and my life is yours
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phlegmykins · 1 year
CW: Spoilers for the Sandman comic books
(Also nsfw)
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woodsborostabathon · 1 month
have been fighting for my life trying to find this one richie/ethan x reader fic (it was like. an ethan fic but there was a pretty significant sort of kind of fake dating richie subplot) on here that i rbed onto a sideblog on my old acc and saved NOWHERE ELSE apparently bc it was so good but im getting NOTHING 😭
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i dont think bsd is poorly written at all
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reconstructionlegacy · 4 months
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“for the Brentaal Star” / “for the Republic”
Satle Shan was born on Brentaal. you ever think about that?
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kuromi-hoemie · 3 months
I'm all caught up on a show that's not done yet
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beesthebees · 2 months
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they killed a guy
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also ignore the shitty quality my wifi sucks
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leascno · 2 years
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ummm continuation of this LMFAO
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the-deadlock-south · 3 months
love that you dont have to essentially buy heroes now but 1.) that shouldve been the case in the first place 2.) i feel bad for everyone i play against as i now realize i can play ramattra as much as i want and i will proceed with my rampages
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tyrannuspitch · 5 months
ALSO. what's really interesting about thor not picking up on loki's situation in the avengers is that thor leans in the right direction for a moment, but doesn't pursue it. who showed you this power?
there are a few different audience interpretations of what's happened to loki - coercion and threats; torture; influence by the sceptre; influence by the tesseract; outright mind control; any combination of the above...
but all of these options are variations of one particular theme. there are also many other possibilities, and thor hasn't seen what we've seen to lead us in this direction. thor has very little to go on at all, because he still doesn't have all the pieces to explain loki's original breakdown in thor one, and since then there's been an entire missing year in which literally anything could have happened. it's pretty much an open question to him.
but among all the different confusing details that get thrown at thor, "where did loki get an army?" is the vital question and the key. a year is probably not long enough to build one himself - so was loki given it? (implying subordination.) did he bargain for it? (implying equality.) did he steal or win it? (implying some kind of mutiny or coup.)
and thor identifies the right question, AND jumps to the right explanation, the one in which loki is being used, but then... seems to just give up.
i think this is partly because thor fears it, but he doesn't know it. he's assuming this of loki not because he actually sees specific evidence of loki being coerced/exploited/etc, but because he is naturally inclined to see loki as powerless, because of their abusive family background. if he's not controlling loki, then surely someone else must be...
and i'm just speculating now, but i think it's possible thor gives up on the idea because he kind of knows he's doing this. assuming loki is being controlled again means assuming loki is as he's always been, and, to a certain extent, absolving loki. but then he goes - actually, i can't afford to assume this. he is clearly NOT the same. there are just too many possibilities, and he's too unwilling to communicate, so i need to start from the ground up if i want to find the truth.
which is kind of darkly ironic. thor instinctively suspects a pattern of revictimisation in loki because of his own abusive mindset - but also because of his abusive mindset, he doesn't understand how that revictimisation could arise from vulnerabilities actively inflicted on loki, rather than an Inherent State of Lowliness in loki, so he doesn't see how it's actually objectively likely, and he dismisses it as... old habits? maybe even wishful thinking, in a way? he tries to look past his biases, and he looks past useful information instead.
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wizardnuke · 5 months
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homemade bread i burnt a lil. spinch is there cause human body requires green. disaster egg that was supposed to be fried but i really fucked up when i flipped it and elected to just cover the pan and sunny side up it. not pictured: keifer
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byierficrecs · 1 year
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❝ a real fucking legacy, to leave ❞ author: @andiwriteordie
link: archiveofourown.org/works/44192767
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stillcaptivating · 4 months
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babygirlificationn · 2 years
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Did some self indulgent doodles for @greentrickster aa fic 'Saturation' :D the con chapters are just...so much fun.
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bitual · 7 months
first week of uni overr
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clarabowmp3 · 6 months
pluto says hi auntie lily!!
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Auntie lily would say hi but there’s no time!!!!!! ☹️⏰⏰⏰ Need to get all my kisses in ready set mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah x infinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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