#t // miscommunication
kenziezie · 1 year
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VILE piece for today (i do not own a blender i apologize if it looks whack)
also i'm editing this, i did not realize this was whump until i was told it was whump, so be aware you will see more of this!! i'm sorry if this is too intense for some people ;v;
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californiaboytoybilly · 11 months
Billy, who has only ever known a life of ‘use or be used’ comes to Hawkins, Indiana with exactly one plan.
To get the fuck back out.
But see, the problem is that that takes money. Money he definitely doesn’t have.
The first night in his new room, he doesn’t bother to unpack. No, he sits on the floor by his bare mattress and he plots.
It’s not worth the risk trying to steal from Neil. Can’t escape this shithole if he’s fucking dead. Getting a job and actually managing to keep the money without his father finding out would be… difficult.
Bored housewives would probably be willing to shell out gifts for the privilege of a quick fuck to forget their balding, miserable husbands. It wasn’t much, but it was a thought to consider.
He leaves that half finished plan open in his brain when he goes to his first day at Hawkins High, only to have the page ripped up and burned at the first sight of one Steve Harrington.
Bored and- seemingly- apathetic pretty boy with absent parents and a big house. Considerably more his type than some desperate midwest housewife with sickly sweet perfume and a simpering voice.
And clearly rich.
By the second week of classes, Billy has caught Steve’s eyes lingering on him a few too many times.
So starts what would become both the only thing that mattered to him, and the worst thing he’d ever do.
His usual charm doesn’t work on Steve, so he goes the other way. Taunts him, a bully pulling on his pigtails until one day Steve snaps and kisses him behind the gym until Billy almost forgets why he’s doing this entirely.
At first, he feels no guilt in it. They don’t talk feelings, it’s just good fucking sex and Steve apparently loves to give gifts.
Gifts that are too thoughtful. Too knowing.
First aid supplies. Clothes. Buying him expensive dinners to make up for the nights Billy was sent to his room without a bite to eat the entire day, even if he didn’t know that.
Billy starts to become more aware of his plan as the days, then months slip by. He thinks of all the times Steve has given him money for gas or other things, how Billy has lied to him. How all that money is stashed away, just waiting for a chance that he can disappear into the night like an asshole outlaw.
Steve becomes his boyfriend and the guilt sits heavy and sticky in his gut. He starts to second guess what he’s been doing.
Billy doesn’t say he’s in love, not even when Steve does. He knows he is- has fought against it with every fibre of his being the whole fucked up way down- but he can’t bring himself to say it when his escape is on the horizon.
He comforts himself by telling himself Steve will forget about him. Move on and marry some docile stay-at-home wife who wouldn’t push his buttons the way Billy did.
But then, late one night, Steve says it again while he’s pressing Billy down into the mattress. And Billy- emotionally taken apart by a particularly bad day at home- crumbles. His eyes fill with tears and he says it back in a fit of weakness. The first time he’s ever said those words to someone.
I love you too.
That’s when his plan starts to fall apart. It’s become annoyingly apparent that he can’t escape this. Doesn’t want to. Steve has become his escape.
So even though it feels like pulling teeth, he starts to empty his stash. He buys Steve gifts now, because spending it on him makes him feel less vile. Takes Steve out on dates.
He finally feels a sense of relief when it’s gone, even if he says goodbye to California mournfully in the same thought.
It’s easier to be around Steve after that, even if a trace of the guilt always lingers. Easier to say he loves him when he isn’t constantly ready to say goodbye. Easier to open up to him.
He finally tells Steve the truth about Neil, and the first thing Steve does is offer him a place in his home if he needs to run.
Billy loves him. He feels free for the first time in his life. He’s happy.
And that’s when Steve finds out the truth.
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trendingdrama · 6 months
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What are you doing here? Don't you know you should be more careful? Let's go inside. I'll explain everything. And then,I'll do as you say. So… Hyun-woo... If this ever happens again,don't save me.
Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴇᴀʀꜱ 눈물의 여왕 (2024)
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months
i couldn't see (you were always right beside me) by oriscribes
@oriscribes @stevespookington
Rating: Teen and Up
13,609 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Online Friendship, idiots to lovers, Friends to Lovers, idiot4idiot, Idiots in Love, i cannot overstress how idiotic they are in this, they play WoW together, Neighbors, Miscommunication, Getting Together, POV Alternating, Texting, Mistaken Identity, Identity Porn
Three hours later Steve logged off to get ready for his shift at the hospital. He was several levels higher and had finished the quests in Darkshore with the help of Greyhawk. He also had a friend listed in his friends list. Greyhawk had said that being friends would let them be able to tell when the other was online so they could quest again. Steve really liked the sound of that. He didn’t have many friends his own age. He and Robin basically lived in each other’s pockets at work, but with Robin’s new girlfriend and their sleep schedules, they didn’t end up getting to hang out more than once a week. A new friend sounded really nice, especially given that it was unlikely he would ever get along with his neighbors. The only resident Steve’s age on this floor was the neighbor he hated and that was very unlikely to change anytime soon. OR Steve hated his neighbor. And then Dustin and the other kiddos left for college and Steve signed up for some online game called World of Warcraft. Which was how Steve met a Night Elf druid named Greyhawk.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is Friends to Lovers.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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pillowenvelopchair · 2 months
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kaesficrecarchive · 7 months
[mingyu x wonwoo]
fever dream high (you know that i caught it) by mondeblue (9/9 | 47,214 | M)
“Are you staying over tonight?” It takes Wonwoo a moment to realize Mingyu’s talking to him. He looks up again, and finds Mingyu already looking back. “I don’t think so,” he answers. “Why?” Mingyu shrugs, but Wonwoo thinks he can see the tips of his ears turn red. “I don’t want a repeat of, uh, last time.” Seokmin laughs. “Oh, you mean when you hooked up with someone right in front of him?” he says gleefully. “And you didn’t realize he was there until-” “I was there, you know,” Mingyu tells him. “You don’t have to remind me.” (or: mingyu makes the worst first impression in the history of first impressions. wonwoo just wants to maintain plausible deniability.)
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Season 1—Season 2 Sonic and Nine each saw the other as their personal little buddy
Hit post
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theloveinc · 2 years
I love ex boyfriend bakugo so much you don't even know
actually i do know because i feel the SAME. my love for ex bakugo is unyielding. endless. forever. and i actually wrote a bunch for him a couple months ago when another anon brought it up but... got scared they'd hate what i had down so i....... put it on the shelf. i'll have to find it maybe... if ppl want.
ANYWAY... like. there is truly just no way to go wrong with him. there is just no universe where he isn't either a depressed, miserable, longing ex or an kind, gentle and regretful one (or some variation of). even when he's angry, it's mostly just at himself for being a douche who managed to lose you, and HOW CAN U NOT LOVE THAT??
it's so ironic bc he's such a prickly pear but... he just loves the hardest out of any + everyone. not that i don't imagine the others and just as caring... but for bakugo, it's almost a religious experience, you know? never a phase or an era or something he just does but a... idek. life commitment? goal? achievement? something to be maintained and treasured? all of the above. EVEN IF he's not that good at it (at first... which is debatable anyway), that's still how he feels.
so when u break up... that can't be the end of things. like really i can only imagine it happening circumstantially, cuz i genuinely think that any issues you bring up with him (aside from work maybe), he'd take BEYOND seriously.
too gruff and private? suddenly he's telling u every single emotion he has and asking if he's being too rough. too anal and uptight? suddenly the kitchen is a mess and he hasn't even noticed. hell, even too busy? he'll do his best to fit a whole evening with u in his schedule (he hates mornings more than anything but takes the ass crack of dawn shift just so u can have dinner together most night)... it's like !!!!!!! + reminds me of that post i made talking about how pro heroes are so hard to breakup with bc even when ur pointing out their flaws, they're so used to constructive criticism, they don't even notice ur being insulting LMFAO😭
that aside tho, i can never imagine a bakugo breakup!au without them... you both back together at some point. even if it's ten or fifteen years later like... he spent all that time trying to get better for u... even if he didn't think you'd really come back. (or, as i was trying to write, you breakup with him and he just... doesn't fucking believe u LMFAOOOOO and shoves his booty back into his rightful place sadjkfhakjdsf)
(and bc i have i-can-fix-him disease, i also like bakugo who went thru a traumatic breakup w/ someone who wasn't u... and then five/ten/fifteen years later, you're the one to teach him to love again. or maybe that's not that unique of me LOL).
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fluffypotatey · 9 months
The distorted memories probably help macaque believe wukong never cared,or at least cared like a kid cares about a toy he could easily replace. And macaque needs to believe that, cause if wukong did actually care then it would be something in macaque himself that made him lose wukong's love.
why must you hurt me so 🥲
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beethebisblog · 1 year
I had to watch the episode in short bursts, because people kept needing me for things.
I’m gonna ramble about everything that happened for each character but first I just want to say that I loved hearing more of Tricia’s singing voice this episode, she has been underutilized so far.
At the beginning of the show, Susan was very quickly cast as the pretty but mean popular girl jealous that her ex-boyfriend moved on. Then slowly, they did this thing that I REALLY love, where they gave her more depth, more complexity, and more dimension. They have shown us perfect Susan who works hard to maintain the status quo and please her mother (who is encouraging unhealthy relationships with food and slutshaming her daughter, seriously Mrs. St Clair can suck a rock). And now they’ve shown us another level to Susan, acknowledging that rich white families will ALWAYS do whatever it takes to protect their reputations. Her mother holds this over her head, but it was clearly a very traumatic, very difficult thing for her to do in secret without the support of anyone. Sure her parents made it so that she could get the abortion, but based on how we’ve seen her mother treat her, we know Susan doesn’t get any real support and it makes her actions that much more heartbreaking. When she tries to stand up to her mother, and Olivia (who is neither right nor wrong in her reactions) doesn’t want to believe she’s changed, you can see that she accepts that. It isn’t until Olivia is a steps a little too over the line that she reveals the truth about what she witnessed. Susan is 16-17 and she’s hurt and she’s scared and she’s sad and I love her.
I don’t have much to say on her, except that she really is a sweetheart who deserves better friends. Honestly, sometimes a pity date with the bad boy of the school is way better than sitting there alone while your friends all have dates. She’s so cute. Her poor nose and eye :(
-Hazel & Wally
Doing them together because they were together in all of their scenes. Hazel was giving Cinderella vibes. I appreciate the fact that while Wally doesn’t understand some of her Hazel-ness, he really seems genuinely interested in learning about her interests and getting her to at least attempt to enjoy his too. I loved their duet. I love that during the utter chaos that was the rest of the episode, they got to be in their little bubble where everyone pointed out that they are seemingly perfect for one another. I don’t normally trust media when it says stuff like that, but I actually really like them together.
I love her so so so much. It’s entirely relatable the way a crush can feel all consuming and irritating all at once. Her (and Cynthia’s) song was very much a highlight of the episode. I love that Nancy is just an all in type of person and she doesn’t really stop to hear a no for the answer. I do wish they would give her a little more depth. They’ve done a good job with Susan and Jane and Olivia and Richie and Buddy. All we really know about Nancy is that she is incredibly headstrong, a very talented seamstress/ designer, the daughter of the owners of the frosty palace who may or may not be an only child, a Buddhist who’s not a fan of reading, “scary” and although she hasn’t had much of a romantic life in the past, she has a big crush on Potato. Which is valid, because he‘s great. But still, I want to see a new dimension of Nancy with this new conflict within the Pink Ladies.
She is in the “shit I am gay but no one can know, especially not the person who made me realize it’s true” phase where she fights it HARD. Compulsive heterosexuality hurts. She needs someone to talk to, before she implodes further. That moment with Lydia made me so so sad, but that’s just a real part of quiet culture for someone. Cynthia is hurting, and that doesn’t give her a free pass to hurt Shy Guy like she did, but I understand it. She’s gonna have to apologize bug time, when she comes around. Also, as always, I loved Ari’s part in the duet.
I’ve decided that if her and Richie are twins, she’s the older one for sure. The ages are so hazy, or at least their grade levels, and I’m kinda confused. So my head cannon is that she’s the older twin. Which would explain her protectiveness over the Pink Ladies, without factoring in the slightly homosexual overtures to hers and Jane’s friendship that is not present with the other PLs. Olivia hates Susan, and she does have reason for it. But that really doesn’t explain why she wouldn’t let Jane explain. Because people can change, and they can learn. But Olivia does NOT have forgive Susan, but she should’ve given her so-called best friend a chance to explain. No matter what Susan said, Olivia had NO right to do what she did. She knows what the school is like once they realize you are a “slut” and she knew that the consequences always land on the girl (does she not remember the extent of the conversation at Dot’s party??). Sorry that just made me so mad. And then to tell Richie what happened between Buddy and Jane :/Her moments with Gil were really sweet. But her going back to her abuser does not send a good message at all and I hope this is addressed before the season is over.
She did the right thing not going with either guy to the dance. She was unsure of her feelings for either and did not want to lead them on or hurt them by choosing too soon, and that was a mature decision. Her budding friendship with Susan is interesting and kind of ironic. Her accidentally confirming Olivia and Mr. Daniels is unfortunate, but also something that would reasonably happen to me because I am bad at de-escalation techniques. Jane is very much people pleaser, even after everything, so it makes sense that she would sort of defend Susan. Her coming home to Olivia’s jacket already on her porch (which like, hello Flash because how did she get there before Jane) was almost the opposite of the scene where Olivia brings Jane’s jacket to her house. She did not even really register what Richie told her about Buddy and the election results (which like, how did he find out?)
He is a good guy. He respects Jane’s space; he saw that Dot was devastated about her going dateless to the dance (which also sorta implies she’s never been if they previously had to have a date to register a ticket and she said her friends always had dates but not her). He was very kind to go with her, and go along with her quirks. Teenage jealously makes a person unsteady, and I am just glad someone told Jane the truth about Dick Aldridge.
I am still not his biggest fan, but man was he sad this episode. It seems like everyone is moving forward except him, which is expected when you realize most of your life is a lie. He needs a slap in the face and a hug.
-The others (Shy Guy, Potato, Mr. Daniels)
As for the rest: Potato remains one of my top guys; Shy Guy and Cynthia in the kitchen actually made me cringe because I know she feels nothing what he feels for her; and the predator needs to be imprisoned. I can’t believe he is trying to suck her back in :(
I need my girls back together. I need some proper communication to happen between Lydia and Cynthia.
Also episode 8 comes out the day before my birthday so I hope it’s a good one (they have not let me down so far).
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jilyarchive · 2 years
To All The Girls I've Loved Before
Title: To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before  Author: marvabell Rating: T  Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Hurt/Comfort  Chapters: 1  Word Count: 2204  Summary: James Potter writes letters to all the girls he’s loved before but they’re all adressed to one. [To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before AU for Jily but with my own spin on it of course]
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typinggently · 11 months
Alpha4Alpha is SUCH a fun dynamic I love it so so so so so so so much. Growl snarl bite and such. Knot.
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bwambiee · 3 months
is bein’ mentally insane ova an irl guy da same as havin’ a cwush?
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byierficrecs · 1 year
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❝ i really fucked it up this time ❞ author: @sunflowersand-bees
link: archiveofourown.org/works/46303906
personal blog || submit a story || support me on ko-fi 🌈
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andrew-haaz · 1 year
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
Here’s part four! Few more warnings for this one just because of some of the things in it
Content warnings: threats or violence, fear, talk of death, character going feral, miscommunications and slight arguments, soft, safe, g/t vore
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Quackity has felt off since Sapnap had introduced them to his instincts and the potions he carries around. It’s not his fault, but something just felt.. incomplete. He just couldn’t puzzle it out on his own. He couldn’t go to Sapnap about these feelings, because he was one of the people that feeling circled around. Instead, he’d gone to Bad, though he hadn’t been much help since Quackity was an avian hybrid. When that became a bust, though he got a muffin out of it, he turned to the only other avian hybrid he knew on the server.
The shock on Philza’s face was pretty funny, but with the axe that Techno had been using to cut logs when Quackity arrived pressed against his back, he didn’t dare make a peep of laughter. “Hey, Quackity… Do you need something?” He was pretty perplexed on seeing the avian before him, looking rather nervous but that was to be expected with Techno looming over him. “I just needed to talk to you about something. It’s instinct wise, I figured you’d probably be able to help me better than anyone else.” That’s fair, Phil supposed. He had heard that Quackity was a duck hybrid, but he’d never seen the younger male display any kind of traits. Though, that was likely due to being pushed to hide his hybrid instincts or facing them alone. At least Phil had been open about it when he first arrived, or Quackity may not have had anyone to go to.
“Well, come on in, then. I just finished getting some tea ready.” He smiled, trying to appear hospitable, and through the nervous look on the other’s face, he was rewarded with seeing relief relax his tense form a bit. Phil motioned for him to follow, leading him to the living room and sitting him down on the couch. “Techno, do you want to go finish cutting logs for the fireplace?” The piglin snorted in response. “And leave you alone with him?” Quackity barely suppressed a flinch at the hostility of his tone, but Phil caught it. He’d also noticed that the fellow avian hybrid hadn’t come with any weapons, and wasn’t even dressed up, just appearing in a casual attire of pants and a jacket. Of course, he could be hiding weapons, but Phil seriously doubted it. “I think we’ll be fine. Besides, you don’t wanna sit here and listen to us go on about avian instincts and biology, you’ll get bored. You know it all already.” He offered the pinkette a look that demanded no argument against his words, a look that the other would recognize as his I can handle myself look. “Fine. But I won't be long.” “That’s fine too. I don’t think it’ll take much for us to talk through this, though you’re free to the library if we are still talking when you come in.” Techno exhaled sharply, but nodded and left through the door he walked the blackette through.
Only then did Phil allow himself to go to the kitchen and get the tea he promised. When he returned, the other was slumped over in the seat, breath still stuttering but better than when he’d arrived. “So what’s going on?” He set the steaming mug in front of the younger, who gratefully picked it up to have something to warm his hands with. “It’s just… Sapnap found out he had some instincts that weren’t active until recently, and I’ve been helping him with it. And I don’t mind! It’s just.. I’ve felt kinda weird since then? Like his is an instinct based on protecting kids, and it’s just been kinda messing with me, I don’t want him to feel bad though. If any of that makes sense?”
Phil took a sip of his tea, mulling over what Quackity just told- more like rambled to- him. Without really knowing which instinct Sapnap was dealing with, he couldn’t really say for sure what it could be. Though he would consider himself pretty familiar with netherborn instincts and traits, thanks to his roommate. With it being an instinct relating to children, though, one came to mind.
“Sounds to me like you’re dealing with nesting instincts, mate.” “Nesting instincts?” Maybe going to the old man wasn’t a good idea after all. “Yea. It’s when you-“ “No, I know what nesting instincts are. Sap and Karl have helped me with it before, it’s just never made me feel this bad. It’s like the opposite, really.” Phil only gave a hum in response, watching the other’s nervous actions as he took another drink of his tea. “What exactly do you think caused these feelings?” “Sapnap’s got netherborn instincts, and me and Karl have been helping him with them. It was fine at first but now I’m feeling like this and it feels weird to let him-“ he cut himself off abruptly, gritting his teeth to stay quiet. “…I take it you’re not allowed to tell?” “Not my place to.” He took a swig from the steaming cup, trying to ignore the fact that it scalded his throat. He wasn’t often one to drink hot beverages, and so he wasn’t really used to the waiting time before it was cool enough to drink without getting hurt. “So, Sapnap’s been having instinct problems and you’ve been helping him, which worked out fine at first but now it doesn’t. Could it be a dominance issue?” “Do you have dominance issues with Techno?” “Techno’s instincts are a little different than mine, but you’d be surprised at how many netherborns and avians have in common.” He perked up instantly. “Really?” Phil only smiled. “Wait, okay..” Quackity mulled over the information he’d just been given, even though it was practically crumbs.
“There is a chance you and Sapnap could be having similar instincts, and that’s why it’s made you feel strangely.” Phil went ahead and puzzled the pieces together as Quackity continued to think on it. “But there’s no way for me to do it safely.” When a ghost of a smirk appeared on Phil’s face, he realized he’d fucked up. “So it is nesting instincts.” “How!? That’s not nesting instincts!?” His wings puffed out defensively, and Phil was quick to calm the blackette down. “You have to let me finish, before you get worked up. Your tea should be cool enough to drink so that it won’t hurt you now.” With a pout at being called out for even that, he tried to fold his wings back up, taking another drink from the now warm mug.
“Nesting instincts can go one of two ways: the first you already know of, setting up a nest out of blankets, pillows, practically anything you can find along with your loved ones’ belongings. The other is literally the opposite. Instead of making a nest, you make yourself the nest. Most avian hybrids have a crop, which is a fancy way of saying a second stomach. It can behave the same way a brooding pouch does.”
Quackity could only sit there and blink at the information he’d just recieved. The biology one wasn’t a shocker, he’d gotten used to having to manually move the food he ate from his crop to his stomach. But the instincts, and being able to use his crop the same way Sapnap does his storage stomach?
Of course he felt uncomfortable when Sapnap stored him, it was because he wanted to be the one storing them!
“Did I get it right?” Phil asked after the other avian stared at his mug for a few seconds too long for his liking. “Yea. Yea, you did. I didn’t think a crop could be used like that.” He responded with a soft chuckle. “Jesus, I didn’t even know avians and netherborns could have their instincts so aligned.”
“You really were never taught anything, were you?” Quackity jumped at the voice behind him, head snapping back to look at the Piglin behind him. “How long have you been there!?” He tried to hide his fear, but his voice still had a tremble to it. “Long enough. Maybe I should let you stay just so you can get all the information you’ve apparently been missing out on.” The blackette’s face turned red, but he ducked his head down to keep the other two from seeing it. He missed the glare Phil shot Techno’s way as he did. “It’s alright, mate. Not everyone is taught this kind of stuff from birth. You’re not the first hybrid I’ve helped with instincts and such. I have a book on it, if you’d rather that?”
“Yeah. Yea, I would, cause I’ve gotta get going. It’s my night to cook dinner and I don’t want the other two to worry about me.” And I need to get the fuck away from Techno. Thankfully, Phil got the hint, standing to go retrieve the book. Techno followed, which allowed the avian to fully relax since he’d stepped into the house. Once the duo returned, he’d already put his empty mug in the sink after rinsing it out, and was standing close to the door. Phil wished him luck as he gave him the book, and Quackity ducked out the door and out of the arctic as fast as he could.
When he’d gotten home to start dinner, Sapnap wasn’t waiting on the couch like he usually was. He found Karl in the kitchen, table set and ingredients laid out. He was just setting the last tomato down on the counter when he noticed the other’s presence. “You’re back!” He walked over to greet him with a hug, kissing him on the cheek as he wrapped his arms around him. “I am.” He smiled, returning the affection. “Where’s Sapnap? Usually he hangs out on the couch.” He pulled back from the hug so the other could answer, only to see the brunette's smile dim to a grimace, looking away to the ingredients. “He got kinda upset earlier while he was out. I tried to talk to him about it, but he just said he wanted to be alone. I can’t remember who he’d said he was with, but I guess someone said something about his friends or us.”
Quackity frowned. When he’d been leaving that morning, Sapnap had told him he was heading out to see Dream and George. The three had been on pretty good terms since the fireborn came clean about his instincts, so for him to come home upset meant something had to be really bothering him. “Would you be okay to cook dinner while I go check on him?” “Of course! Maybe he’ll talk to you.” “I’ll definitely try.” The two separated, Karl turning to wash his hands and begin dinner and Quackity turning to head to their shared room.
A light knock was all he needed before he heard an answer. “Not now, Karl.” “Wrong fiancé.” Quackity opened the door, poking his head in but not stepping in. Sapnap was simply sitting against the headboard of the bed, legs pulled up to his chest and arms resting over his knees. He didn’t look too upset, but he definitely didn’t seem happy. “Can I come in?” It took a long minute for the other to answer, and unease began to gnaw at his stomach. Did he do something that upset Sapnap? “Yea.” He closed the door gently behind him before moving to the other side of the bed to climb in beside him.
“What happened today?” A shrug started his response. “Not much. Hung out with Dream and George. Some things got said, I’m sure Karl filled you in.” “All Karl told me was that you wouldn’t talk to him about it.” When the orange eyes snapped over to him, he had the feeling something hadn’t been said. “He seriously- ugh, never mind. You’ve been acting off lately, Q. I don’t know if I did something to upset you or not, and I was talking to the guys about it and they joked around that maybe you were just pretending to be okay with being stored and it got me worked up.”
“It’s not about that!” “Then what is it about? I don’t like not knowing what’s wrong if there’s a chance I can fix it.” “It..” Quackity sighed. “It is about the storing thing. BUT!” He cut off any retort Sapnap could have made, not wanting him to continue to make himself feel bad. “It’s not that bad. I do like being stored, I’m happy that it’s something that makes you happy. But I started feeling weird whenever we did it, and I couldn’t figure out why.” He took a breath before continuing, knowing what he’d say next would upset the man beside him. It’s why he never told either of his fiancés where he was going; They knew all too well the bad blood between him, Phil and Techno. “I went to Philza today.” “You what!?” “I know, okay? Techno had his axe to my back for a good while before Phil told him to back off. He’s the only avian hybrid I know, Sap. He would have been the only one with answers if it was instincts. And I did go to Bad first, to be fair.” “Let me see your back, make sure he didn’t damage any fucking feathers.” He didn’t argue, simply shrugging his jacket off and letting the other pull his shirt up to check. “Phil was able to help me figure it out, though.” “What did he say?” The avian tried not to shiver as a warm hand trailed up his spine, trying to make sure no part of his skin or wings were injured. Which, he understood, he hadn’t checked before he came back, but he had noticed that there was no hole in his jacket from the blade. “Well, it turns out we both have similar instincts. He and Techno do, too.” The hand pulled away, and he helped smooth his shirt back out. “What do you mean by that?” “I have an organ called a crop. It’s similar to your pouch, but it’s actually connected to my stomach. Nothing can accidentally get put any further though, I’d have to manually do it. I think you can figure out the instinct part on your own.” Sapnap had placed himself in front of Quackity after helping him fix his shirt, and the Mexican had a perfect view as the implication hit him.
“You have storing instincts too?” “Phil called them nesting instincts, but yea.” He gave the other a smile, which turned into a yelp as he was tackled into a hug, his head bouncing off of the headboard. “Oww, Sapnap what the fuck!?” “Don’t fucking scare me like that again! I thought I was making you upset and that was why you were getting reclusive.” “I have not been reclusive!” “Yea, cause me and Karl haven’t been talking about it.” He shot back, helping the other sit back up. “I think you’re just mad you’ll have to share Karlos with me on this too.” Sapnap gave a huff. “You’re an idiot.” “I’m your idiot, though.” He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess you are. Wanna go check on Karl?” “Yea.”
The brunette in question was getting the plates ready to take to the dining room, visibly brightening when he saw the formerly upset fireborn with a smile. “So, Quackity has news.” He started, pulling the other into a hug and whispering something into his ear. At first the avian was confused, but he put it together when Karl hugged him tighter and he could make out the man whispering “it’s okay,” to the blackette. Both pulled away after a moment. “Well, if Q has news for us then let’s go ahead and eat.” “Yeah, I’d rather wait until after to say anything, if that’s alright.” Karl nodded, picking up his plate and reaching for another when Sapnap stepped forward and grabbed the other two. “I can carry my own plate.” Quackity huffed. He was ignored as the fireborn walked over to the table, setting it down at his spot. Pouting, he followed. They ate in relative silence, talking about things that didn’t involve anyone’s day. At least, until Sapnap inevitably couldn’t wait any longer.
“We may have had a misunderstanding.” “About?” “Everything. Q wasn’t being reclusive on purpose, Dream and George were wrong about their assumption. Now you need to come clean about today.” He directed the last statement to Quackity, who grimaced when he knew exactly what the other was referring to.
“I went to Bad today because Sapnap storing me was making me feel off. Not bad, just, weird. Bad couldn’t really help me because he’s a netherborn and not an avian.” “I already don’t like where this is going.” Karl interrupted. “You’re really not going to. Continue, Q.” Sapnap responded. “Right, so before you guys interrupted me, I was gonna say that I.. may have gone to Philza’s house.” “Why!?” “He’s an avian! He’d know what was going on with me. Trust me, I paid the price for that fucking decision.” “I already checked him, no injuries. But Techno held an axe blade to his back.” “Quackity, you need to tell us before you do stuff like that! What if he killed you?” “I know! I know, but I already felt bad and I know neither of you like the cold. It turned out okay, and I won’t even have to go back because Phil literally gave me a book on avian hybrids, which has everything I need to know for the future.” Both of his fiancés relaxed instantly upon hearing that.
“Okay. Just, please don’t do that kind of thing again, okay? What are we supposed to think if you just sneak off and never come back?”
“It’s never gonna happen again, Karl. Promise.”
He offered the man a smile, hoping to ease the upset he’d caused. The brunette stood up, storming over to Quackity’s chair before yanking the other into a hug. “We care about you, Q. We don’t wanna lose you.” The avian only hugged tighter. “You won’t. I love you, and I’m sorry for upsetting you. You too, Sapnap. I’m sorry about all of this.” He looked at the fireborn, who had also stood up. He was met with a fond smile, not a single trace of anger in his eyes. “Let’s go to the couch so we can all actually cuddle.”
They all helped clean up the kitchen and table, getting it done as fast as they could so that they could go to the couch and wind down. When they finally made it there, Quackity had been pushed into the middle so the two could lean against him and he could wrap his arms around them. “So, what did Philza find out, anyway?” “Nesting instincts.” Karl pulled a face, almost making him laugh. “Really? They’ve never been like this before.” “There’s apparently two types of nesting instincts. Same with Sap, I guess mine just never needed to be active until they were triggered.” “What were they triggered by? And what does the second nesting instinct entail?” “I triggered it. When I told you guys about my instincts, it set his off.” Karl sat up, eyes widening as he processed that statement. “No way.” Quackity pulled his hand away, the sudden switch in Karl’s behavior making him anxious. “I have an organ that’s similar to Sapnap’s, and I now have instincts for it too. I’ve always known about the organ, I just never thought it was important to bring up before.”
“You say it’s similar. Is it different than his?” “Same concept, but mine is actually attached to my real stomach. So all my food winds up there before it actually... yeah.” He couldn’t say the word, suddenly becoming appalled with the idea of telling them. “It’s safe, though. He has to consciously push the food lower, so if he were to store treasure or people like I do, it’s still safe because he’d know not to push it further.” Sapnap reached over him to take Karl’s hand, but his words and actions simply became static to him. He knew he needed to calm down. Logically, he knew he was getting worked up for nothing. But there was underlying danger to his instincts. What if it scared them? He didn’t wanna scare Karl off, and if he did-
A weight suddenly threw itself on top of him, and it shocked him enough to pull him back to reality. He blinked a few times, registering where he was before looking down. It was Karl. He’d thrown himself onto him to make him snap back. He knew that for a fact because he and Sapnap had done it to him before to help pull him from a panic attack. Forcing himself to take a few deep breaths, he brought his arm up to hug the other. Sapnap leaned more into him, and for a moment there was just peace. The only thing that soured it was the uneasy feeling still nestled in his gut.
“You okay?” Karl broke the quiet, speaking softly as if he hadn’t wanted to shatter it. He only nodded, unable to say anything. His frazzled brain was barely making cohesive thoughts, simply diving into instincts.
Bad? Bad, danger near. Protect mates. Can’t. Mates are too big, can’t protect them. Need to move.
Need to hide.
An upset warble escaped from the avian, and both of his fiancés looked at one another. “Quackity?”
Mate? Mate okay, mate not scared. Danger near?
His head jerked to follow his eyes as he looked around for any kind of threat. A small chirp was the only reply that Sapnap received. “Oh no.” “Is he okay?” “I think he’s mentally checked out. I don’t think he’s registering anything.” “Oh.”
Mates? Mates making strange noises. Are mates okay? Is there danger near?
“…Is there anything we can do to help him?” “I don’t know. Here, Q, let me see you real quick.” Sapnap used his hand to turn the avian’s head to him, and inhaled sharply at the extremely dilated eyes that returned his look. “He’s bad, Karl.”
Mate sad? Mate scared? Danger near?
Another chirp, but this time his hands moved to poke and prod at the fireborn. “Wh-hey! What are you doing?” He wasn’t messing around, and he’s so far gone in instincts he couldn’t even begin to decipher a thought in his head. But the touches weren’t rough, and if he knew any better he’d almost guess that he was..
That he was checking him over for injuries. When it clicked, Sapnap relaxed somewhat. “Okay, I think I’ve got it.” “Got what?” “He got so worked up and now his instincts are telling him none of us are safe. Can you grab a shrinking potion for me?” Karl had to climb over the couch to prevent the other from seeing him and holding him in an iron grip like he was doing to Sapnap. He lay in his lover’s grasp, waiting for his other fiancé to return and trying not to overthink the situation.
The last time he’d been stored, it had been by Bad. He was becoming a teenager, and was of course doing stupid things, and Bad thought he’d give him a time out. That was how Skeppy found out about it, and why Bad swore off storing anything since. His last time being stored had been full of fear on several different parties, and at the time it had made him scared.
Quackity was scared, he was worried, and Karl was likely a good mix of both. He forced himself to calm down. It’ll be okay, he repeated to himself. It’s just Quackity. Karl returned quickly with the shrinking potion, winding up having to feed it to him when he couldn’t free his hands from the other’s grip without a sad and panicked chirp and the grip tightening making him wince. Karl stayed back a good amount of space, simply watching as the man shrink down from his usual height down to roughly four inches. At least he’s still the shortest, he mused.
Quackity stared down at the other in shock, instincts turning haywire. Mate small! Mate suddenly small. Protect mate. No danger? Protect mate. Other mate seems scared. Danger? Danger near? Protect mate. Without any kind of delay, he slipped the smaller man into his mouth, teeth clicking shut once all his limbs were out of the way. With no kind of resistance, he easily slicked the other up to make the journey easier on both of them. His body and brain were still on autopilot, and he couldn’t even recognize any kind of signal he was getting. He couldn’t even taste the other, simply going through the actions so he could send him to his crop.
Sapnap decided that he’d much rather prefer doing this when the other was awake and alert. The complete silence, the lack of any kind of emotion to his actions, it was just unnerving to deal with. He still forced himself to relax, not letting himself get any more worked up. He needed Q to relax, and if this was how, this was how. Even when he was pushed back, he didn’t fight. In fact, he voluntarily relaxed. At least this part is familiar no matter who does it. It’s always a little unpleasant because of how tight it was, but that didn’t matter, because he wouldn’t be dealing with this almost robot Quackity. It’d be like getting stored by Bad again. He closed his eyes, letting his body relax fully as the first swallow began tugging his legs down.
Karl hesitated between staying where he was and making sure Sapnap stayed unharmed or going to sit by Quackity and making sure he started coming out of the haze. His hesitancy only grew as the avian completely seemed to zone out the second his mouth closed.
It was when he swallowed that he decided to be by him. At least if he started choking, then he might be able to save both of them. As he sat down beside the other, he jumped, head snapping up to look at him. “Hey, it’s okay.” He tried not to look at the other’s throat, instead keeping eye contact as he grabbed his hands. He was only answered by a chirp, but he expected it, rubbing circles onto the other’s knuckles. Sapnap had been right when he’d said it was bad, he thought, unable to tell where the avian’s pupils ended and his irises started. They simply sat like that for a moment, Karl beginning to wonder if he was going to stay like that all night before the blackette suddenly jumped, blinking rapidly as he tried to pull himself together. “You okay?” He turned to look at the other, and Karl almost heaved a sigh of relief when his eyes looked normal. “Um…” he looked around, trying to recognize his surroundings. “I guess. What happened?” “You were panicking. We tried to pull you out of it, but then you just went completely instinctual. You weren’t even responding, just.. chirping.” “Where’s Sapnap?” The tone of his voice made the brunette sad, hearing the abrupt fear and worry that tinged his words. “He never left, Quackity.” “That doesn’t make me feel better.”
When he’d made a guess to where Quackity had been when Sapnap did it the first time, he’d been wrong. But he also didn’t really know how to explain that in his instinct-filled haze he’d swallowed the fireborn to try and reassure himself they were all safe, so instead he took a wild guess where his crop would be and pressed a hand to Quackity’s chest. He found out he was right with a shove against his hand and the avian freezing under him.
“He didn’t.” “He agreed to it. He thought it’d be the only way we could pull you out of that state. And it worked, didn’t it?” When he looked up to the other’s face, the humorous tone escaped him completely. His fiancé was on the brink of tears, looking completely horrified with himself. He suddenly leaned forward, pulling his legs to his chest and letting his head fall onto his knees with a thunk. “Hey!” Karl’s hand had been moved when the other had, and he placed it on his shoulder. “Quackity, it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry, Sapnap. I’m sorry.” “It was his idea, Q. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He kept mumbling apologies, and Karl felt lost on anything he could do to help him through this. “Uh.. if it’s bothering you that badly then you could let him out?” Quackity was getting ready to reply when he heard Sapnap growl in response.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” “It’s not fair to you!” “It is more than fair, Quackity! I wasn’t gonna make Karl do it when I’ve dealt with this since my childhood! It was my idea.” “That doesn’t make it okay.” “It made you okay. That’s what I’m concerned about.” The fireborn sighed, pushing his soaked bangs out of his eyes with an equally soaked hand. He’d been trying to calm him down along with Karl, but all he did was keep panicking. He didn’t want to get angry, but his stubborn fiancé wouldn’t listen until he did. “It’s not good to get so worried that you practically go feral. We needed to snap you out of it.”
“… I don’t want to leave you in there.” “You said these instincts have been bothering you. Is this not helping?” “It is, but-“ “Then that’s that. You said yourself that this is safe, so there’s no problem with me staying overnight. That should keep the feeling at bay for a while, at least.”
Quackity groaned, and Sapnap could just envision him slapping a palm over his eyes. “You’re impossible.” “And?” “…Thank you.” He spoke very quietly, as if any louder would break him. “You do it for me all the time, Q. I don’t mind helping you in return.” Sighing, the avian uncurled, hands resting uneasily on his lap. At least, until he was gently pushed over so that he was laying down, with his head resting on the armrest of the sofa. Before he could ask why, Karl had already slotted himself into his arms, resting his head on his chest. “All this instinct stuff is gonna be the death of me, I swear.” Quackity gave a small chuckle, bringing his arms up to wrap around the other. “Sorry, Karl.” “It’s okay. I just hope everything’s alright between you two now.” “Yea, it is.” “Good.”
The two lay comfortably for a while, enjoying the calm peace that resolving this problem brought. That is, until Sapnap decided to have some fun.
A surprised chirp escaped the avian as he felt small hands run along the walls of his crop. “What are you doing?” “Returning the favor.” He wanted to retort, he really did, but a pleased trill came out instead which turned his face a bright pink. Karl laughed upon seeing it. “You’re making him blush, Sapnap.” He spoke loudly, unsure if his small fiancé could hear him through the wall of flesh and muscle separating them. Though, he knew Quackity did, just from how much more he flushed in response, looking away with a small pout.
Sapnap only laughed in response, doubling his efforts and getting rewarded with feeling the Mexican relax fully, practically turning into putty around him. He knew the feeling all too well. He only stopped when his arms were exhausted and he could hear the blackette’s breathing slow.
The night ended with the trio falling asleep on the couch, Quackity being the first to fall asleep and the other two following quickly after. And Sapnap, despite being wary of how this time had gone, was looking forward to when his avian wanted to do this again.
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