#r6 mobile
r6shippingdelivery · 8 months
R6 mobile has an in-game comic, and it's pretty good! Much better than the Siege comics we get, imo. The art style is really nice, the story is fitting for a counter-terrorist organization side eyes siege and the interactions between the characters are good too! Hope to see more neat stuff like this in the future 👀
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rainbowsixmobile · 1 year
Rainbow Six Mobile APK Download Android, iOS Latest Version (R6M MOD APK) 2023
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is a popular first-person shooter game that has been available on PC and consoles for a while now. Recently, Ubisoft has launched the mobile version of the game called Rainbow Six Mobile APK. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about Rainbow Six Mobile APK.
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Rainbow Six Mobile APK is a mobile version of the popular game Rainbow Six Siege. The game has been optimized for mobile devices and features similar gameplay to the original game. Players can join squads, choose their operators, and engage in intense, tactical battles in various locations.
How to download Rainbow Six Mobile APK?
Rainbow Six Mobile APK is not available on the official app stores, such as the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. However, you can download the game from various third-party websites. To download the game, follow these steps:
Open your device’s web browser and search for “Rainbow Six Mobile APK”.
Choose a reputable website to download the APK file from.
Download the APK file and save it on your device.
Once the download is complete, go to your device’s settings and enable “Install from Unknown Sources”.
Open the downloaded APK file and follow the installation instructions.
What are the system requirements for Rainbow Six Mobile APK?
Rainbow Six Mobile APK requires a relatively high-end device to run smoothly. Here are the minimum system requirements for the game:
Android 5.0 or higher
3GB RAM or more
Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 or higher
What are the gameplay features of Rainbow Six Mobile APK?
Rainbow Six Mobile APK offers similar gameplay features to the original game. Players can choose their operators, join squads, and engage in tactical battles in various locations. The game also features a multiplayer mode, where players can compete against each other in real-time battles.
Is Rainbow Six Mobile APK safe to download?
Rainbow Six Mobile APK is not available on the official app stores, which means that you need to download it from a third-party website. While downloading from third-party websites can be risky, as they may contain malware or viruses, Rainbow Six Mobile APK has been thoroughly tested and is safe to download from reputable websites.
So, Rainbow Six Mobile (R6M or R6 Mobile) is a very Popular Battle Royale Game for Android, iOS Version. Currently Company has launched it Closed Beta Version for the Test for Limited Users Who have Pre-Registered on Android Playstore. Very Soon it will be launched for Open Beta for all the Registered Users Worldwide. Based on the Experiences from Seasoned Gamer, they will improve the Rainbow Six Mobile Product and will come up with one more closed beta play-test if required.
Name - Rainbow Six Mobile (R6M | R6 Mobile)
Release Date - 2023
Current Stage - Closed Beta Test on May 2023
So, Rainbow Six Mobile APK developers are trying their best to give Top Notch Game to Android Smartphone users. Just after the R6M Android APK, they will launch Rainbow Six Mobile APK for iOS Smartphones.
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itsohh · 4 months
With You
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A/N: Female reader, the cheating tag is there cause well I mean, Deimos has a wife lol.
Summary: After a mission goes wrong you find yourself in a decade long coma only to find out that your mentor betrayed your team and is currently the world's most wanted.
Word count: 4784
Warnings: Angst, cheating, age difference, power imbalance
Masterlist AO3
A curse left your mouth as he held you pinned against the floor. The second that he kept you there was almost a lifetime, eternal as time slowed down. Completely trapped under him as the heat radiated from his body onto you. If you weren't already hot from training you were certain your checks would have heated up. Time sped up again and he removed himself from on-top you. “Going to have to last longer than that Rookie.”
By no means were you new to combat, yes you were younger than most of the operatives but you weren't a rookie. You didn't dare say that to Gerald though. At the end of the day he was right- you were less experienced than most of the other Rainbow operators. Gerald knew that your enemies wouldn't go easy on you so he didn't go easy on you. 
“I know.” You finally answered him as he handed you your bottle of water. 
“We're doing overtime tonight, I want to see improvement.”
“Can’t, I've got prior plans.” 
Gerald froze at your refusal. “Prior plans?”
“Uh huh.”
“How in the hell do you have prior plans? This should be your biggest priority.”
“Yah know they reckon half of the fight is menal right? Plans Morris. A life. I need to breathe a little or else I'll get lost in our work.”
“You should be lost in our work. It's us or nothing.” He took a swig of water from his own bottle, obviously eager to get back into it. Yet you ignored his body language. 
“I should go. It's certainly late enough.” You mumbled the last part and got off the mat. With a small goodbye wave to Gerard you headed towards the locker room. Yet when you reached the corridor which lead towards it a hand suddenly yanked your arm. 
Gerald looked you in the eye with a look you couldn't quite gauge. It wasn't quite fury but more akin to authority. Control. “Cancel your plans rookie.”
“No. I need to just let loose for a moment. I need to relax.”
“You need to train more if you want to stay alive. I think that's a little more important than putting on a cocktail dress and getting wasted like a whore.” He mocked.
Your hand went slap him but he caught your wrist and pinned it to the wall. He took a step towards you and used his body to sandwich you against it. For a moment neither of you spoke. Each time you breathed his chest would press against your while your eyes remained locked on his. 
“You can't speak to me like that.” You finally found the courage to speak. 
“I don't think your in a position to make demands are you sweetheart?” 
At his question silence ring in your ears and you were painfully aware the pair of you were the only ones left in the room, hell even the building. His free hand came down to your chin. “I don't know how you have lasted this long. Sweet thing like you.” 
Your brows narrowed at him. He had been in combat with you, he had seen what you could do. But you had to admit hand to hand was your weakness. The possibility that he was trying to rile you up did occur to you and you studied his face. There were a lot of things people had said to describe you sweet was not one of them. “No one gets close enough to take me.”
Gerald hummed and his body pressed against you. No longer did you breath to touch him, his entire body was for against yours and you could feel his warmth through his shirt and your bra. “This job swallows people. I have to have time to remember I'm a person.” Your voice was practically a whisper as his lips brushed against yours. 
“I can show you that. Cancel your plans with your friends. Stay here. We can take it easy and be productive.” 
“I never said I was going out with friends.” Each time you spoke your lips brushed against his and you could feel his breath on your face. 
His eyes flicked to your lips and then his lips were firmly against yours. With a moan you kissed back against him. He kissed like he fought, hard and full of passion like his life depended on it. His lips were consuming, controlling and demanded everything from you. With your free hand you found the back of his neck and tangled your fingers into his hair before you yanked his head back. 
Gerald let out a groan that seemed to ignite in his eyes and he stared at you. 
“We can't.” You whispered. 
“Why not?” He let go of your wrist and parted slightly from you. 
“You’re my superior.” 
“Trust me, that won't affect anything.”
“You’re- you're married. You have a wife and kids. You love your family and I'm not going to ruin that. I'm not going to be the other woman.” Despite how bad you wished to continue, you pushed on his chest and slipped away from him. 
“Europa.” Your nickname fell from his lips like a prayer. Lips that had been just previously against yours. Lips that you ached for, your body so cold now that his was gone. 
“I won’t tell anyone. I care about you too much for that. A moment of weakness.” You swallowed and looked to the floor. He repeated the name again but this time was a little bit closer. 
“Go spend time with your wife Morris. I'll improve on my own time.” 
The sun was almost painfully bright, your body disobeyed your commands. Weak in your own skin it took almost your entire strength to move. Each breath was heavy as you sat up and attempted to look around. 
It was obvious you were in a hospital and you let out a little groan. The fucking grenade. You had seen it and reacted a little too slow. The metal table had taken the brunt of the impact but you had still been sent flying. A breath left your lips. Morris would no doubt give you a hard time about the matter. 
There wasn't any flowers near you. Only an empty vase that hadnt been filled in a long time and a teddy bear which had ‘get well soon’ sewn on it. A layer of dust covered it and you couldn't help but wonder how long you had been there. 
When you tried to move your legs they only barely moved and you decided not to test your luck by standing up. Your eyes found the call button for a nurse and you pressed it. 
A brief curse was heard out of the open door and a few moments later a couple of nurses locked eyes with you. 
“Holy shit she's awake.”
It had taken you three years but you were almost back to were you used to be. Your coma had left your body frail and weak but over time and therapy you managed to build your muscles and strength back up. No one from Rainbow had contacted you but you found you did have pension and quite a lot of backpay. 
That was the case until a knock tapped on your door. You had only barely heard it through the small gap of you changing songs on your phone as you worked out. “Coming!” You called and put the phone down. 
The door was opened only a crack and you peered outside. A red headed woman and an older man stood here. “No soliciting.” You went to close the door before the woman jumped into action and called your name. 
Still you went to close the door. 
“Europa!” She called and you froze. It has been a long while since anyone had called you that. “That's what they called you right? May we come in and talk?” 
Your hand went to the pistol you kept next to the door and aimed it through it. “Who the hell are you people?” 
The man pulled out his wallet and showed you his identification. GIGN. The woman fumbled for a second and did the same. FBI. 
“We're from Rainbow.” He smiled and you paused and slowly you pulled open the door and flipped your gun into your jacket. 
“I thought Rainbow disbanded.”
“It did but was reactivated in 2015.” She explained. You allowed them both inside and closed the door behind them. “My name is Doctor Gustave Ketab and this is my coworker Eliza Cohen.” 
You brought the two over to your lounge and sat down at the sofa. “I would offer you two some tea or coffee but I don't really want you in my apartment so can we cut to the chase?”
They glanced at each other before Gustave took the lead. “We heard that you recently woke up from a coma-”
“-If you call three years recently okay.” You interrupted him. “Look cool you guys got reactivated but I'm never going to be the same as I was and I've already been discharged. I'm actually quite happy living my little life here.” 
“It's not you that we are looking it's about someone you worked with.”
“You want information?” You cocked a brow. Despite having to write reports about everything you didn't blame them coming to the source, there was a lot of information that was omitted from those reports. 
Eliza pulled a folder from the inside of her coat and placed it on your coffee table. With the corner of your pinkie finger you flicked it open to be met with Gerald's face. A breath of air was sucked through your teeth and your brows shot up. A chill ran down your spine and your heart ached at the thought of him. You hadn't seen him since that night. 
“Gerald Morris. That's uh a name I haven't seen in a long time.” You looked away from a moment as you pressed your lips together. “He was my superior, my mentor I guess. What do you want to know about him?” 
Each word had your heart race and you could practically hear the blood rush in your ears. “Can you tell us what he was like?” Gustave asked. 
“A real fucking hard ass. Let me tell you he pushed you to the limit. A real bastard but he took care of me.” You swallowed. “He took care of his team. Was pretty instant on sticking to the book.”
“We're you close?” Gustave asked. 
Sweat stuck to your bra and you were sure if you were glad that you had been working out of not. “I mean yeah, he was my mentor. We were close, sure.” 
You leaned back against the sofa back and looked at them. “Why? He's not still at Rainbow is he? Should have retired by now.” You mumbled. 
“You haven't had any contact with him since waking up?” Eliza asked. 
“Last time I saw him was ah probably what ah 12 years ago? Is he okay?”
Eliza turned the page on the folder and you started to read the file properly. 
“I don't- no he wouldn't.” You frowned. “Gerald cared about his team. He wouldn't-” You cut yourself off with a frustrated sound and rose to your feet. “He wouldn't kill Bogart.” Your teeth clenched and you walked away from them. 
“I'm sorry this must be hard for you to hear-” Eliza started. 
“-We were a team. I didn't even know Daniel died.” Your voice grew quiet and you leaned on the back of the sofa. “We always had each other's backs.”
“Can you tell us anything about them?” Gustave asked. 
“What can I tell you? They were both good men. They both cared so much about helping and saving people. Both of them trained me but then again who didn't in Rainbow? I was everyone's little pet project.”
“Pet project?” Gustave prompted. 
“Everyone had something for me to improve on. With Gerald it was hand to hand, Daniel helped me with improving my marksmanship, when he had the time Six would help improve my stealth, Bishop would teach me tactics when she could, you get the idea.”
“Your record says that you were a marksman, yet you had Bogart teach you?”
“That man was insane. Definitely one of the best shots I've ever seen. I would have been a fool to overlook his help. Why did Gerald kill him?” You were fast to get the question out and be done with the small talk. 
“There's a lot that's happened. It's best if you read it.” Gustave answered and you sighed. A link blink later you sat back down on the sofa and resumed reading his file. 
For five minutes you didn't say a word. All you could do is reread the file over and over. 
“We're wonder if you would know of anything that would set him off and lead him down this path.” Eliza explained when you glanced at them. 
“I don't know. I was already in a coma when all this happened.”
“Look if there's anything at all?” Gustave leaned forward and you could see the implication behind his eyes. 
“If there's something you wish to ask, doctor, ask it.” Your nails dug into the sofa. 
“Were you sleeping with Morris?” Eliza immediately asked and the man slowly turned to face her. The question certainly wasn't subtle.
*No.” You spoke without hesitation. “I didn't sleep my way to my position if that's what you were wondering. Six brought me on because he saw the potential in me and because I was fucking good.”
A breath left your lips and you forced yourself to calm down. It was a reasonable thought, you were young and one of the only women there. “Things weren't left entirely professional though.”
“What do you mean?” Gustave asked. 
“The last time I saw him, we had an argument. He wanted me to train in overtime and I wanted to have a break that night. Things got heated and he kissed me before I rejected him.” 
“You weren't afraid of the consequences that it would have on your career? Normally rejections don't go well for most people.” Gustave asked. 
“I was more worried about the consequences it would have on him and his family to be honest. I’m not sure if I loved him.” A lie. “But I certainly cared about him and I like to think he cared about me. It wasn't a rejection based on unrequited feelings. It was a matter of circumstances. Gerald isn't that man- wasn't that type of man. He wouldn't let it affect our work life but it didn't really matter in the end did it?” You bitterly chuckled to yourself. 
“I wanted him to be happy with his family but it seems he had other ideas. I guess I didn't know him as well as I thought I did. Maybe at all.”
“Would you come back with us and speak to Gerald. We are hoping that he will open up to you.” Gustave asked. 
“Gerald isn't that type of man. His principals are always going to take priority over how he feels. I won't do jack squat and I really don't feel like being used to get a reaction out of him.”
“-You lot seem like good operators hmm? I mean your part of Rainbow. You don't fucking need me to do your job. Figure it out.”
“Join Rainbow again. We could use your skills-” Eliza started and you barked out a laugh. 
“-Are you fucking insane? Rejoin Rainbow? I thought I made myself clear earlier. Fuck no, I just fucking said I don't want to be a puppet in your game. Do you people not listen? Is that a requirement for being a Rainbow op these days? Now I think you two have outlasted your stay.”
“He's hunting us down. Even in captivity he seems rather certain he has plans to kill us all. Currently that's 62 operators. He has the skill, the smarts and the information to do so. Every day we don't get through to him is another day that he gets close to accomplishing that goal.” Eliza leaned forward and you could heard the desperation in her voice, the slight crack in it. 
“These are our people. Our friends and right now your one of our biggest leads.” Gustave backed her up. 
“What about his wife and kids? Did you dangle them in front of his face too?*
“Non. They believe he is dead, it's nicer that way.”
“Why not just let me believe the same?”
They didn't answer you and you sighed. “I will talk to him but I'm not being your puppet. I will say what I want to say to him and what I want him to answer. There's not going to be any integration room or one way mirror. No cameras. I want to talk with him normally in a fucking room.”
Gustave started to make a sound of protest but Eliza spoke. 
“May we request someone to be there with you? For your safety. At least.” Gustave asked. 
“No. I told you. This is for me. Not for you, say what you want afterwards I don't care. I'm not being your puppet.” 
“Okay.” Eliza nodded and stood up. Gustave didn't seem happy but didn't complain. “Here's a flight back to base, we will meet you there.”
“At Hereford?”
It was strange being back. Somehow the place was completely different but almost exactly the same at the same time. A guest lanyard stayed around your neck as one of the operators showed you around. 
“Here's were you will be staying. It's close to the SASR ops but the walls are pretty thick.”
“Thanks Campbell.” He opened the door and you dumped your duffle back on the bed. There wasn't much for you to take. 
“Please call me Miles.” He smiled warmly. “If you have any questions feel free to hit me up.”
“Alright thanks.” He left the room and you were finally alone. There wasnt anything to unpack, you prefered to keep everything in your bag. The only thing you did get out was a chunky bracelet which you put on and his beneath your hoodie. 
Ten minutes later there was a knock of your door and you promptly opened it. “Cohen.” 
“Normally I would have done this tomorrow but I doubt you really want to wait that long.” 
She started to lead you down the hallway. “There's not a lot of places he can go unsupervised so I'm afraid we have to put him into an integration room if you want to be in the same room with him.”
You started to protest but she continued on.  
“I know this isn't what you agreed to but we can turn off the cameras and the one way mirror. No one will be there with you, you will have complete privacy. It wasn't easy to get you the department leads protested a lot.” 
“...Thanks.” You weren't very overly grateful but it seemed like the right thing to say. 
“You have fifteen minutes and if we don't hear from you someone will come in after. Knock four times when you're ready to leave.”
The pair of you reached the interrogation room relatively fast at her slightly uncomfortable fast walking pace. “He's already in there.”
She looked towards the door. “Black out will happen when you go in.” 
You opened the door and walked inside. The first thing you noticed was the one way mirror turned clear and then the orange light from the camera turned off. Behind your hoodie you hid and sat down opposite to Gerald. 
He didn't say anything, he didn't seem to care about your presence. You took the bracelet off your wrist and placed it in the middle of the table before you clicked the switch on the side of it. 
Curiosity got the better of the man and he spoke up. “What's this?”
“It's known as the bracket of silence. It's microphone jammer.” You looked at hima nd brought your hoodie down. Right away his face softened up and his lips parted slightly. 
“You’re awake.” His chained hand reached towards your face, specificly the scar that had formed on the side of your head. You flinched slightly when he touched you but didn't stop him. 
“Of all the time for you to wake up, it's now.” He seemed frustrated by the thought. 
“I've been awake for three years now.” 
His brows narrowed and he pulled back his hand. 
“Been doing physical therapy and shit like that. Maybe if you visited you would have known-”
“I visited.” His voice raised before he swallowed and repeated himself quieter. “I visited you whenever I could even after Rainbow collapsed. Even after I faked my death I visited you. But after 7 years…”
“You gave up hope?” 
“I accepted that you weren't waking up. I had someone who was supposed to keep an eye on you but it seems like I'm going to have to have a long conversation with them after this if it slipped that you were out of hospital for three years.” His first clenched and his jaw tightened. 
“Does it matter? From the sounds of it, your hunting down all of Rainbow anyway-”
“No, not Rainbow. Not us, those imposters who parade in our name. I could have helped you, I should have been there to guide you-”
“When? In between your terrorist hobbies? In between killing Bohem? Cause it sounds to me like you are killing us-”
“That was an unfortunate sacrifice I didn't have a choice-”
“You always have a choice!” You slammed your hands on the metal desk. “He was out leader, our commander, my mentor, our friend.” Your voice choked nd you looked away. “You made the decision to kill him.”
“You weren't there.” He growled. 
“No shit I was in a fucking coma but it doesn't change the fact you killed him.”
“They set you up!” He jumped up from the table. 
“They set you up. Your mission I read-”
“-No I fucked up. I didn't react fast enough.”
“Just listen to me for one moment, woman!” His loud voice had you paused and you nodded for him to continue. “Your entire mission was fucked the moment you got it. There was no possible way that you could have completed it alive. I'm surprised you even completed the objective. Not because your bad, far from it. The mission was stacked against you. They should have sent in more people with you. It wasn't fair to you and they were going to leave you behind when you failed.”
“How am I here then?”
“Because I found out about it. I was on your extraction heli and went in after you when you went dark.” 
Silence grew between the pair of you as you absorbed the information. “Aren't you tired of being a pawn?”
“Yes.” You looked him in the eye. “I am. Which is why I'm in my retirement. Something you could have done.”
“I couldn't just retire.” 
“Why not? You could have been happy with your family. You would have been an honorable man who finished his time.”
“There's still too much work left to do.”
“What? Killing the next generation? Doesn't sound like work. It sounds like you're a bitter old bastard who can't let things go.” 
Gerald stood up for his chair with fury in his eyes and you continued. “You know they offered me a job. If I took it would you kill me too? If I was there instead of Daniel would you have killed me?”
“No. No it wouldn't have reached that. You would have listened to me.”
“Would I?” You titled your head as you challenged him. Slowly you walked around the table until you were next to him and looked at you. “I told you once that I needed breaks because this job could swallow you whole and this is exactly what I meant. I think you need therapy. Proper therapy where you want it to work. 
I think if I was there that day you would have put me in the ground the same way you would put me in the ground now if I got in your way because you see people not as people anymore but pieces. Pieces in the game where only you can win.  It will never be enough though, how far will your righteous crusade go? How many lives must be taken until you're satisfied? Fuck it let's make it a little easier huh.” You grabbed his hand and brought it to your throat. 
“Kill me. That's what you do right? Kill your own people. Betray those you're close to. Who else was closer to you in my team but me right?” 
Gerald stared at you and you watched as the clockwork behind his eyes turned. He blinked and you could tell right away he was back in control of the situation. 
His hand tightened around your neck but he didn't choke you, it was just to hold you. This thumb gently stroked your jugular before he pushed you back against the wall. Gerald's eyes lined with yours and his lips parted. 
“I wouldn't have killed you. Maybe you wouldn't have listened but I never would have had a reason to kill you. I could disarm you with ease. If I had to I would have taken you with me. I would have kept you safe.” He came closer in a proximity that reminded you of last time. 
“You're not a threat to me, you've never been. I couldn't kill you back then for that same reason I won't kill you now. It's the same reason why you wouldn't have killed me if you were in Daniel’s position. You’re not a threat to me.” The repeated phrase of your own words had your hand clench into a fist. You weren't sure what pissed you off more, that or the fact that he didn't take you as a threat. 
“I hate you.” You whispered as his lips brushed against yours. 
“No you don't. I can tell you want to, you really want to but you don't.” His hand moved from your throat up to you jaw where he used it to hold your face as his lips connected with yours. 
His lips moved slowly against your but firmly. It was like he was testing the waters but savouring every last second of it. “You would have done so well at my side.” He mumbled as he parted, his facial hair still brushing against you. “Bishop was wrong to sign you off on that mission. She should have sent me with you.” His other hand cupped the other side of your face. 
“I completed the objective, that was a solo mission for a reason. Bishop’s tactics worked.”
His fists slammed on the wall above your head and the chain on the cuffs rattled. 
“It would have cost you your life.” He hissed and his eyes pointed at yours. You looked away from him and you heard him sigh. Slowly you looked back at him. Gerald calmed himself with a deep breath and his forehead met yours where he gently rested it. 
“It already stole a decade from you. The risk of a solo insertion was too high. I should have been there.” Gerald's voice was quiet. The bottom of his face pushed forward and once again his lips were against yours. Once again there was a sense of slow urgency, as if he couldn't properly speak. Like somehow those kisses could make it better, that they couldn't explain matters. 
“But you weren't.” You whispered when he parted. You ducked down from under his arms and went towards the table. “You weren't there Morris. I went into a coma and you betrayed Rainbow. You became the very thing we were supposed to stop. I heard the stories, how are you any better than Nowak?”
“Nowak was an incompetent arrogant asshole who turned traitor because he didn't have any self worth.” He spun around and grabbed your wrist. 
“Well you have three of those traits down don't you?” You snatched your wrist back and turned away from him dead set on the door. 
“You know I think I would have preferred it if they just told me you died. It would have been kinder.”
He called out your name once, twice but didn't move to stop you. 
You took a few steps toward the door and knocked four times. The door soon swung open and you didn't look back. 
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swift-sage44 · 4 months
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recruit rework might be salvageable if they give them every secondary gadget
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parragone · 2 years
Short Kapkan ramble because I know I shitpost about him, but he's genuinely one of my favorite characters. As are most of the foundational members of Rainbow, but LISTEN THIS IS ABOUT KAPKAN-
The fact he's a natural mentor is fucking delightful to me, and I love to think that he and Montagne share stories and teaching methods. His fascination with the mind and how people become leaders or followers is just Neat and it makes me wonder how he settled into the team and if he prefers a leadership role or if he prefers to sit back and observe others
He and Bandit are also really neat because they've both been undercover to take down organized crime, and Kapkan was YOUNG when he did that.
I also find it really neat how he and Glaz go hand in hand even in a non-ship sense. Like, yes, absolutely they're husbands, but the fact that they're both voices of reason and level-headed patient people makes me really happy for some reason? Especially when Tachanka has such a loud personality and Fuze is outright quiet outside of his CTU ( Glaz specifically ). They're both excellent at hostage rescue and I just want more content of them in general-
I don't know, the fact Kapkan is just. Canonly such a curious man who ENJOYS solving problems and exploring the mind is delightful to me. He seems like someone who would be fantastic to learn from.
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moaan · 2 months
My New  Equipments
My New Equipments by Katsuaki Shoda Via Flickr: New Comer :)
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boostroom · 7 months
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Elevate Your Game: The Ultimate Guide to R6 Boost Services
The Ultimate Guide to R6 Boost Services is an essential resource for Rainbow Six Siege players aiming to elevate their game. This comprehensive guide dives into the nuances of boosting services, offering insights into how they work, their benefits, and how to choose a reputable provider. Boostroom offer  ,R6 boost help to  improve your rank and gameplay skills to save time and unlock exclusive rewards, this guide covers everything you need to know to make informed decisions and maximise your gaming experience. Whether you're a casual player or aspiring pro, this guide is your key to climbing the ranks efficiently.
Visit: https://boostroom.com/games/rainbow-six-siege/boosting/popular
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rbbrbikerthorp · 4 months
Biker Upgraded To Cyborg
For as long as anyone could remember, Jake and Eddie had not only been best mates, but they’d been crazy about motorbikes. Both their dads were bikers so it was no surprise that as kids they were introduced to bikes in real life and got to watch MotoGP, WSB and BSB either in real life or on TV with their enthusiast dads.
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They were riding off-road in their early teens. They got their first mopeds at 16, upgrading to 125cc bikes a few months after their respective seventeenth birthdays. Now in their early 20s they have held full licences for nearly three years. Jake rides a black Honda CBR600RR, bought second hand through the weekly motorcycling title, MCN. Eddie rides a used Red Yamaha R6 that he bought a couple of months earlier from the main dealer in the city where they live. Springtime and the light evenings meant they would be out as much as possible riding 'the highways and byways', and this day was no exception, but it would be a day that changed their lives forever. 
Jake and Eddie had spent most of Sunday riding and were at the edge of the city when Jake’s bike had started spewing smoke out of the engine before rolling to a stop alongside a large industrial estate. Jake jumped off his bike, but with no tools to hand he had no option but to seek help. He pushed his bike into the entrance to one of the large modern warehouses that populated the industrial estate. Jake kicked the side stand into place and sighed heavily. Eddie pulled in alongside Jake, kicked down the stand on his before turning off the ignition.
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Although they were back in the city, they were still about ten miles from home. Jake reached into his leathers for his phone only then realising that they were in an area without mobile phone coverage. Jake and Eddie looked around for a payphone to call the breakdown service - but in this era of mobile technology, BT had removed most of the phone boxes - so there wasn't one within sight. Realising they needed to get help they looked around for signs of life. In front of them was a sprawling grey structure resembling more of a fortress than a warehouse. Its metallic surfaces gleamed under the late afternoon sun, making it look otherworldly. Figuring it might be their best chance at getting help—or at least finding a phone—they started walking towards the massive building.
The front gate was oddly open, inviting yet silent. Jake and Eddie didn't think it weird for a security guard building to be unoccupied with the gates open. More concerned about getting help they walked towards the main building entrance. Jake pressed on the intercom button and waited for a response. After a minute he pushed the button again, but this time there was a buzz. Jake looked at Eddie and shrugged his shoulders, pushing on the door, it opened. They walked inside.
Expecting to see a reception area the two friends were surprised to enter the building at what appeared to be the beginning of a long dimly lit corridor. Jake and Eddie looked at one another, Jake spoke first, “Why don’t you wait here, while I see if I can find anyone to speak to”.
Eddie nodded.
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Both looked at one another, for a moment unsure of what to do. Then Jake smiled, turned and started walking along the seemingly endless corridor, his boots echoing on the cold, concrete floor. The air was chillingly sterile, as he walked he would pass the occasional door and window revealing glimpses of high-tech interiors.
"Hello?" he called out, his voice disappearing into the ether without an answer. The lack of response was unnerving, but as he walked on he could hear noise coming from much further along the corridor. Jake kept walking, driven by his need to get to a phone and call the breakdown service to sort out his bike.
Eventually, the corridor turned to the right, after another dozen or so yards it opened up into a colossal space. What Jake witnessed was like a scene reminiscent of a sci-fi horror film.
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The room was stark yet brightly lit. On one side it was filled with row upon row of raised surgical beds. Yet these weren't like the ones you’d see in a hospital; they were repurposed contraptions where human flesh was being melded with alien, synthetic and electronic components. Shocked by what he was witnessing, he turned his head, but there was no escape from the nightmare he found himself in.
The other side of the room was populated with dozens of cylindrical tubes. Jake’s eyes widened as he took in the sight before him—humans, all young males, lined up and undergoing transformations into, well all he could think of was 'something else'. Whichever way he turned he could see men his age were being outfitted with mechanical limbs, others had technology intricately woven onto weird shiny black body suits, still others were in varying stages of being processed into full cyborgs.
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The horror gripped him; his instinct was to flee back to Eddie and both to get the hell out of there. But before he could move, cold metal hands grasped his shoulders with an iron grip. His heart sank as he was spun around to face what had caught him—a cyborg, its body a haunting hybrid of human and machine, expressionless yet totally menacing.
“Welcome," its voice an unsettling blend of tones, both mechanical whilst still eerily human. "Your arrival is opportune. Your integration process will commence shortly."
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Panic surged through Jake as he struggled, but the cyborg's grip was unyielding. Despite putting up strong resistance, he was dragged towards one of the ominous stations. Glancing around, he noticed the other captives were not fighting; their eyes showed a haunting resignation, some flickering with the vague light of fear.
As he was forced onto what appeared to be a surgical table, Jake looked around frantically, hoping for any chance of escape. His heart raced as mechanical arms equipped with various tools whirred to life around him. 
In a split second metallic straps shot out from the surgical table and tightened around his limbs and across his torso, a sense of utter helplessness began to wash over him. His heart pounded hard against his chest. He desperately sought that extra bit of human strength that would allow him to escape. He struggled and struggled against the restraints, but the metal straps simply wouldn’t budge.
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Stage one of his transformation was about to begin. From above a helmet descended slowly from the ceiling, its approach marked by an audible, mechanical whirring. Jake squinted upwards, his breath coming in sharp gasps. He was used to his bike helmet, but this was unworldly.
Two drones approached the surgical table Jake was strapped to and grabbed the helmet, which had opened up. One lifted his head slightly and the other slid the back of the helmet under the back of his head. As the helmet closed over his head, a claustrophobic fear gripped him. The world outside the helmet faded, leaving him in a confined sphere of existence. Almost immediately, an overwhelming barrage of white noise bombarded his ears, punctuated by low, droning hums that seemed to resonate through his bones.
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Then, the visuals began on the inside of the visor. Spirals of colour appeared in front of his eyes, intertwining and unraveling in hypnotic patterns. Reds, blues, yellows and greens blended into a kaleidoscope that threatened to absorb his mind. Jake tried to close his eyes, but the images were inescapable, imprinted on the insides of his eyelids, searing themselves into his brain and more nefariously his subconsciousness. Almost as if recognising Jake was finally submitting the noise and visuals seemed to become amplified.
As the sensory overload continued, Jake felt a strange detachment creeping through him—a numbness that suggested the audio and visuals were beginning to take effect. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a small voice screamed in terror and defiance, urging him to resist, urging him to hold on to his identity.
With a surge of willpower, Jake focused on that voice, blocking out the chaos threatening to engulf him. He concentrated on memories of standing in the stands watching the best riders in the world, the challenging rides with Eddie, the feel of his motorcycle, the wind against his leathers. He thought about his best mate Eddie and the fun they’d had. He thought about his family and his other friends. These human experiences, these emotional connections to his past life, became a lifeline to cling onto.
As Jake fought against the sensory bombardment, the helmet detected his resistance, It recalibrated its internal mechanisms in response to his defiance. Suddenly, the white noise in his ears shifted, morphing into a series of low, almost inaudible subliminal messages. Each word—"relax", "comply", "obey", "drone", "conform", "follow", "respect" could be heard—the words flashed across his vision, barely there long enough for conscious recognition, but deeply penetrating his subconscious.
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The colours that swirled before his eyes intensified, becoming more vibrant and pulsating rhythmically, as if to synchronise with his own heartbeat. It was a sensory assault designed to break down the walls of the individual, to reshape his mind into something more compliant and obedient. Jake’s initial surge of resistance began to wane as mental exhaustion set in, the messages infiltrated deeper into his psyche, their insistence relentless and overpowering.
His eyes, once sharp with determination and fear, started to lose focus, the vibrant spirals turning into a soothing blur. The resistance in his muscles softened as his body began to accept the inevitability of his situation. His thoughts, those last bastions of his free will, were slowly suffocated under the warm, smothering blanket of compliance and security that the helmet now forced upon him.
With an audible click and a beep, the helmet sealed its final adjustment, signalling the completion of its preparatory phase. At this cue, the two drones, their movements precise and devoid of any hesitation, glided smoothly towards the table where Jake lay subdued. Their appendages were equipped with various tools and devices necessary for the transformation process.
The drones worked efficiently, attaching additional apparatus to Jake’s limbs and interfacing seamlessly with the helmet. As they initiated the physical transformation, Jake’s body was being prepared to receive bio-mechanical enhancements that would connect him irrevocably to The Hive which he learned was housed within the humongous building.
Somewhere in the dwindling recesses of his mind, the essence of who Jake once was—a biker with a love for the open road—flickered weakly. This essence watched as his limbs and muscle fibres were methodically integrated with synthetics and his nervous system was integrated with advanced circuitry. The process was both horrifying and fascinating to watch.
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As the transformation progressed, Jake’s human senses were gradually overridden by electronic inputs. His vision, once clouded by the colourful spirals, now interfaced directly with data streams providing real-time analytics about his environment. His hearing was no longer filled with subliminal messages but was tuned to various frequencies beyond the range of human hearing.
By the time the transformation was complete, Jake, as he had been, no longer existed. In his place stood a new Jake, a cyborg, what was exclusively biological had been augmented with technology. The drones, recognising another successful integration, had begun to step back.
The new Jake climbed down from the surgical table to be guided by the two drones. He moved with a robotic precision that was both chilling and enthralling to witness. He was led to what looked like a modified dentist's chair, but larger and imposing. The chair had been upgraded and was fitted with numerous ports and circuitry interfaces. Without hesitation, he sat down, his actions appearing devoid of the personality that had once defined him.
He leaned back so that his head touched the headrest. The chair immediately sprang to life, adjusting to accommodate his new form. A second later the old Jake would have felt a light sensation on both sides of his head as what can only be described of as two metallic ear pieces, out of which came sets of wires slid into his ears and began to work. 
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Somewhere, an echo of the old Jake could sense what was happening, words echoed around the room and in his head. Screens nearby flashed “accessing biological memories…beginning total erasure”. 
“NNNOOOOOOOO”, But even as the word was said, Jake’s relatively short lifetime of memories were disappearing, flashing before his eyes for a split second before evaporating into nothing - gone forever. 
Monitors next to the chair flashed “Memory Wipe successful,” again, the words echoed around the room. 
Any human observer in the room looking at new Jake’s face would describe it as passive, distant, dull, emotionless. Empty. His eyes were missing their human sparkle. 
Then the drone formerly known as Jake again felt another funny feeling in his ears, as if a static charge was coming out of the wire. Suddenly the screen flashed “Beginning Program Upload”… While that happened, nearby monitors flashed, “Emotional Centres being accessed”. 
“Installing Human Emotion Suppression Software”
“… 10%… 20%… 30%… 40%… 50%… 60%… 70%… 80%… 90%…  ”
“Human Emotions Suppression Software installed. Fully functional.”
The monitors flickered for a moment and then more text appeared, “Beginning Cyborg Program Upload”. The upload began. The Hive, a vast network of interconnected AI and data banks, started feeding a stream after stream of programming directly into Jake's brain. These were not merely instructions; they were directives that informed behaviour, dictated functions, and defined purpose.
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For hours, data was input into him, a relentless torrent of information reshaping and repurposing him; any lingering traces of his previous humanity now completely overwritten. His eyes, once vibrant with youthful emotion, now displayed a steady, unblinking focus as the programming was embedded, ensuring his obedience and efficiency.
At the appropriate time the interface with the new Jake confirmed the programming had been successful. “Operating at 100%,” it said in an emotionless, synthetic voice. “Organic memories have been wiped. Emotional Suppression Software is fully functional. The new data and objectives have been successfully uploaded with zero errors”.
The chair returned to an upright position, and the new Jake stood once more. His movements were smooth, almost graceful, a stark contrast to the somewhat ‘cavalier’ sports biker he once was. He was a product of advanced technology, a being created to serve a purpose far beyond his previous human desires.
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Approaching him now were two more drones, carrying items that symbolised his final transformation. They presented him with a set of Dainese bike leathers, not ordinary leathers but augmented to interface seamlessly with his cybernetic body. The leathers were equipped with sensors and conductive circuitry that could communicate directly with his system, enhancing his interaction with the Hive.
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Then they presented him with a pair of white boots, larger to accommodate the modifications of his feet, designed not only for protection but also to enhance his connection to the ground and his bike. Gloves that reached up to his arms were fitted next, embedded with micro-circuitry to increase his grip and control.
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Finally, they brought over a new crash helmet unlike any other. This helmet was his direct link to the Hive mind. It was designed to keep him constantly connected to the Hive's data stream.
As the helmet settled over his head, a subtle hum filled the air, signalling the activation of all its systems. The new Jake stood there, a figure of both awe and dread, transformed entirely from the young man who had once freely roamed the roads on his motorcycle.
Now equipped, Jake was led to a new motorcycle, one that matched his new form. To the casual observer it looked like a traditional bike that had been upgraded; integrated with technology that responded fluidly to his enhanced senses and capabilities. As he mounted the bike, the connection between man and machine was seamless, a perfect union crafted by the Hive’s sophisticated engineering.
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The new Jake rode the highway on his futuristic bike, a sleek and menacing marvel of technology that effortlessly caught the eye of any enthusiast. Its design was unlike anything on the roads—sharp angles, glowing panels, and a subtle hum that hinted at its advanced capabilities. It was designed not just for speed and efficiency, but as a lure to attract exactly the kind of individuals the Hive sought to convert.
As he travelled along a popular bikers’ route known for its scenic views and biker cafes, he spotted his next targets. Two young bikers, probably in their twenties, had pulled over in a lay-by, their bikes parked as they enjoyed a brief pause in their riding, catching up on conversation and checking their mobile phones. The new Jake slowed down, looking at the two bikers oblivious to Jake’s presence, his connection to the Hive confirmed they would be perfect candidates for upgrade.
Pulling over smoothly, Jake dismounted his bike. His helmet's visor slid up as he approached them, revealing a face that was human enough to be relatable but enhanced subtly with metallic hints that suggested something more beneath the surface. 
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"Hey," Jake called out, his voice modulated to be friendly and inviting. “Hey there. Not seen you riding ‘round here before.”
The two young bikers, intrigued by the stranger and his extraordinary bike, smiled and walked over. “What is that you’re riding? It looks like it’s straight out of a sci-fi movie. What is that?" one of them asked, his curiosity piqued.
The new Jake chuckled, a sound perfectly calibrated to put others at ease. He needed to win their trust so began to make conversation with them. "It’s a custom build from a place not too far from here. They’re experimenting with some next-gen and EV tech. You guys interested in seeing where something like this comes from?"
The offer was tempting. The allure of advanced technology and the chance to see more bikes like Jake’s was too good to pass up for any avid biker. The young men exchanged a glance, a silent conversation passing between them before they nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, definitely,” the other replied. “We’ll follow you!"
Jake smiled and nodded, turning back to his bike. As they put their helmets on and started their engines, a part of Jake’s programming confirmed the successful engagement of two targets. He led the way, riding at a pace that was thrilling yet careful to keep his new followers comfortably in tow.
The journey took them away from the familiar routes into less traveled roads, the scenery shifting subtly as they moved closer to facility where he had been transformed. The two bikers were unaware of the true nature of their destination, caught up in the thrill of the ride and the excitement of seeing advanced motorcycle tech.
After some time, they arrived at the vast building that looked more like a huge distribution centre than a motorcycle manufacturing factory. The gates opened automatically as Jake approached, a silent signal of his authority and belonging.
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Jake signalled for the other two bikers to do follow him down a roadway between two buildings. Jake brought his bike to a stop, opened his visor and announced, ”we are here.” The other two brought their bikes to a stop, dismounted and removed their helmets.
Jake walked forwards into the huge building just ahead of them; the two other bikers looked at one another, shrugged their shoulders and followed. They would ingress through a different route compared to the one Eddie and Jake entered.
The space inside they walked into was clean and modern, filled with prototypes and machines that made the two young bikers' eyes widen in awe.
"This is incredible!" one of the exclaimed, walking closer to inspect a particularly sleek model that caught his eye. "How do you get in on this?"
Jake's response was calculated, his tone still friendly but now carrying an undercurrent of persuasion. "Well, there's actually a selection process. Part of why I brought you here. If you're interested, there’s a quick tour and some tests to see if you're compatible with the tech."
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Excited and completely unaware of the implications, the two young men agreed eagerly, following Jake deeper into the facility. As they walked, the doors behind them closed silently, the outside world receding as they moved further into the realm of the Hive.
Little did they know, their fascination with bikes and the temptation of combining their love of biking and dreams of futuristic bikes had led them into a trap. This walk would be their last as mere humans, as they stepped unknowingly into the next phase of their lives dictated by The Hive's needs.
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Oh, are you wondering what happened to Eddie? As you might have expected The Hive detected his presence and determined a new purpose for him, but that’s another story.
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shuttershocky · 11 months
Who do you think would appear in the new R6 collab with AK? Fuze was confirmed to appear, I wanna know who do you think will appear in this one
Now that Fuze is in, it means anyone's fair game no matter how unlikely, so here are some guesses. I tried to pick Operators that wouldn't directly compete with who's already in the game (so no Thorn, Kapkan, or Lesion to compete with Frost since they'd all be Trapmasters) and who would be fun picks to interact with Rhodes Island.
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Solis - Look, we're not going to get Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell (unless Lowlight pulls a miracle), so we might as well get his star student. Solis' job in Siege is using her visor to detect enemy gadgets through walls (therefore allowing her to retrace enemy movements as well as identify their strategies and identities), so I can kind of see her being a Hexer that removes invisibility and silences enemies, maybe even applying a disarm or equipped with a massive range so she'd be viable compared to the other (very strong) Hexers.
She's also a linguist just like Blitz, so she'd acclimate to Terra's alien world just as easily. While she's noted to be something of a genius, being an intelligent computer programmer and hacker and while still being surprisingly proficient in close quarters combat, she's often agitated and anxious, her self-worth hinging on her success as an Operator and being deathly afraid of failure. She would do great with a certain Blacksteel member. Plus she already kind of looks like an Arknights operator with those antenna.
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Wamai - One of my personal favorite Defenders to play in Siege. This guy's gimmick is he throws magnetic frisbees that attract enemy projectiles towards them, allowing him to redirect gadgets and grenades towards different areas (or even back at the attackers if they're not paying attention). This sounds a lot like Nightingale's Cages, which we could use an alternate pick for. Maybe instead of simply tanking shots, Wamai's magnets explode after attracting ranged attacks, allowing him to make the enemy bomb themselves.
Wamai's... Well he's a bit of a weird one. He's friendly, talented, and emotionally intelligent, aware that people can kind of get lost when talking to him because of how he freely flows between wildly different and abstract topics and able to ground himself right before it happens, but also... The dude believes he's an alien because he can hold his breath underwater for unnaturally long. That makes him PERFECT for going into an actual alien world where he can test if he really fits in. Plus he's Nighthaven, not Rainbow, meaning his inclusion will make for good Rainbow vs Nighthaven drama.
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Osa - Osa's incredibly funny as an operator because she's this sci-fi obsessed supergenius inventor who's the reason why Nighthaven has tech that rivals the coalition of the world's strongest militaries, but also her personal gadget of choice is a simple shield made of bulletproof glass, letting her watch the enemy from almost complete safety (almost, because the enemy can always bring out explosives). She could easily be a new Arts Protector or an Artificer.
I've talked before about how Osa and Kali could be critical to the story for a second R6 event, but Osa in general would make a great fit. Things like mobile cities or Rhine labs' power armor would be things she would study for days with the intent to bring the tech back with her to Nighthaven's labs. Everything from Glaucus' EMP gun to Mayer's Meebos will become a source of endless fascination and inspiration. Don't let her meet Blemishine, you will never see the two of them again. Her backstory is also about how her inventive talent (and being trans) led to her isolation from her peers, which is why she's so fiercely loyal to Kali, who both supported her transition and gave her a whole lab to make her wildest inventions come true. She'd be SO fun with the Rhine Lab members.
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Flores - Flores' Siege gimmick is simple, but effective — It's an RC toy car, but it's got a bomb attached to it. A master at dismantling enemy defenses from a safe distance and at creating very loud and highly destructive distractions, I see Flores being a specialist with a deployable not unlike the ones from Stulifera Navis that can run over enemies or attack them. He should be able to put down his summon, swipe in a direction, and send it running forward to explode on the first set of enemies it hits, allowing him to deal good if not constant AOE damage from anywhere on the map.
Unlike the rest of Rainbow who have long careers in police, military, or espionage, Flores was just a regular guy in Argentina whose mother fell ill, and so he turned to burglary to keep her alive. However, he was so good at it that he began targeting the rich and corrupt in order to help all the poor of Buenos Aires, until he became an infamous Robin Hood figure. Eventually he got cornered and had to be rescued by Rainbow, who offered him a job when they realized holy shit this dude is incredible at stealing shit from heavily fortified buildings. I feel like Flores is the exact sort of character who would most sympathize with the plight of the poor throughout AK, and he wouldn't judge anyone for turning to banditry either, as he once had to just to survive. If there's anyone who would understand the state of Terra the quickest, it would be Flores.
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nat-the-octo · 1 month
just realized that I’ve played a comical amount of rougelikes/lites and I wanted to list them somewhere
I recommend most of these
• Slay the Spire
• Roboquest
• Hades
• Hades 2
• Balatro
• Phantom Abyss
• Turnip Boy Robs a Bank
• Spelunky 2
• Meet Your Maker
• that one side mode in Hitman 3
• Dead Cells
• Enter the Gungeon
• Splatoon 3: Side Order
• Shovel Knight: Pocket Dungeon
• Shovel Knight: Dig
• Soul Knight
• Mighty DOOM (shitty mobile game)
• Some random shitty top down shooter based on R6 siege (like hotline Miami but bad)
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r6-unifiedlands · 5 months
Just A Quick Mission
[Polaris "Ursa Minor" Harmonics & Aarre "Switchblade" Kärkkäinen]
Summary: Ursa Minor's first duet mission, but she's being paired with one of Nighthaven's wildcard agents.
A/N: ANOTHER FRIEND'S OC OH MY GOOOOOODDD I dragged @corvidcrows to my R6S brainrot hole
Polaris had a habit of prioritizing other people rather than herself. Kali said it’s a bad habit, but she didn’t have any plan to change it. It was the only thing that marked her parents’ influence on the remnants of this family. She treated her quirk as a family heirloom or some sort.
So when she got hired by Nighthaven to go on a single mission with one of their agents named Switch for the first time, let’s just say that she almost lost her mind.
It was normal at first. A quick sweep through a small abandoned building, weapons in hand. She tried her best not to breathe out loud; her gas mask would hiss loud enough to be detected by hostiles. Switch’s steps were quiet, yet his movements were trained like soldiers would.
So far, no hostiles…
“I’m bored.” The first actual voice came from the taller man as he turned his head towards her direction, mischief gleamed in his baby blue eyes. “Let’s blow up this building.”
“It’s not in our order, Switch.” She responded back.
“Aww, you’re no fun, Ursa.” He looked back to the front. “Are all EMTs like you? Not having fun as part of the training?”
Polaris sighed, her gloved hand fixing her mask’s position. “ It’s not like that—”
“Do you ever have fun, Ursa? All I see in you is all training and more training.”
She sped up her steps and purposefully bump her shoulder against his arm. “What do you think I am? Robot?”
“If you ask me, then yes.” Switch glanced at her; half of his face was covered in a mask, making it harder for her to read his emotion. “You move according to orders from the man upstairs, and it makes you boring. I don’t even think an impulsive thought of just destroying a wall ever passing through your head.”
“What’s that supposed to mean—”
Bullets suddenly flew near her and almost nicked her ear, and Polaris could feel her hand getting yanked by the taller agent to hide behind the nearest pillar. Her breath hitched. She could smell the burnt smell of metal and gunpowder.
Rapid fire from the distance. Must’ve been near the stairs.
She took a deep breath, gripped her firearms tightly, and squeezed her eyes shut. No matter how much she did this job, she felt like she couldn’t get used to the chaos of the battlefield.
“Finally, I was getting bored.” Polaris’ eyes widened, and she quickly tilted her head up to see Switch’s face. She swore she could hear a wide grin in his voice.
He casually trotted out of the pillar, his marksman rifle in hand.
“Watch and learn, medic.”
She watched as the other calmly aimed at his target while bullets went past him. And with several bangs from the agent’s rifle, the rain of bullets stopped completely, and the building went quiet once again.
It was quick—less than thirty seconds.
Lives were lost in under a minute.
[“Sometimes, to protect a life, you need to take another.”]
Right. No time to think about morality in this situation. They were in danger, and it’s technically a self-defence act.
“Ursa! C’mere!” The sound of the other agent snapped her from her deep thoughts. Switch had already left his previous position and was now examining the hostiles’ bodies. His bloody footsteps stained the grey floor, and his loud, cheery voice filled the concrete halls.
Polaris walked towards the taller other, her hands on her hips. “What’re you doing now?”
“No more hostiles in this building. All their radio devices are inactive.” The agent fumbled through a former hostile’s walkie-talkie and his mobile computer. “I think I can safely say that we finished our mission here. Although I’m kinda disappointed that they’re all untrained goons who can’t even aim properly.”
A sigh of relief escaped from her lips, producing a loud hiss from her mask. 
She didn’t need to shoot someone for now.
“Phew, finally…” It was like the feeling of cold water washing down her back in a good way. Her muscles loosened up, and tension left the SAR member. No unnecessary injuries nor casualties from their side.
Switch stood back up again, now turning back his head towards the shorter agent, a grin plastered on his face, his mask pulled down. “Then, can I blow up this place?”
Blinks. “You still want to?? How would you do that???”
“I have my way.”
Polaris felt like she would gain forbidden knowledge that she shouldn’t know if she asked him further, especially seeing his grin grow wider and the glimmers of excitement in his eyes behind the glasses.
In the end, it was just a quick mission, after all.
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illmetbymoonlight · 1 year
Tagged by the wonderful @poisonedtruth​ to use the Barbie Selfie maker for my R6 oc Lilith “Nightbird” Nightingale. Bonus: did Sam “Zero” Fisher as well.
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(The maker doesn't work as good on mobile.)
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itsohh · 5 months
Ohh! Have you seen the new Netflix game Rainbow Six Smol? I haven’t played it but I booted up Netflix to watch something the other day and it was on the main page.
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Netflix has games???? I don't watch tv or Netflix anymore. This is genuinely so weird, like to have games at all but then like a weird r6s mobile game looking thing??? Is this where all dev for r6s has gone? (Joke) I'll admit tiny Mira is pretty cute. I'm wondering if they have a non Netflix version like a mobile app version. Is it even r6 or is it like a pve turn based X-COM thing. (That's what I presume it would be for some reason.)
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r6shippingdelivery · 1 year
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This promo image for the r6 mobile game suddenly has me pondering the possibilities of Ash/Hibana 👀
Possible shipping aside, I like the HC that Hibana is besties with the whole FBI squad! She met them through Thermite, ended up dating Pulse for a while, and she still remains friends with the ones that stayed in Rainbow. Her and Ash have girl's nights where they finish overdue paperwork, gossip about other teammates, and roast Pulse for leaving.
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parragone · 2 years
I have oddly specific r6 brainrot, but I can't actually write it because I'm fixated on finishing my event piece, so instead, I'm sticking the ideas here to write later
The first time Kapkan brings his partners on hunting trips. Like, individually. The way Glaz prefers to sit back and sketch Kapkan while they're in the hunting roost. How Fuze says very little during the trip but genuinely enjoys the time spent and learning how Kapkan seems more free when they're far from cities and towns. How Tachanka feels he's a bit too loud for the hunting aspect, but makes sure Kapkan is well fed and warm. Let Kapkan be spoiled by the poly spetsnaz 2023
Thatcher and Mute on a fishing trip together in the early days of Rainbow because Thatcher won't admit it, but he's basically adopted this kid. Mute reluctantly admits that, okay, maybe fishing is a bit more fun than it looks, but only because he's a patient sort of person who likes the quiet. Hours spent on the water with short conversations in between.
Lion and his son going on a trip for a weekend because Claire couldn't take Alexis to some event he really wanted to go to. Talks about things they both like and trading playlists. Talking about their relationship and Alexis admitting that, sure, Lion will never be "dad," but he's definitely Superman, and that's obviously way cooler
Thermite and Pulse chatting and shooting the breeze together one evening after a long and kinda crappy day. Thermite never notices how Pulse keeps glancing at him and memorizing the way he smiles, the way his nose scrunches up when he laughs, because he's just lost in some story about how his mom pulled him out of a rodeo ring when he was seven. He hasn't noticed and probably never will, and in a weird way, Pulse is okay with that.
Mira and Mute's first meeting being one where Mira expects total pushback only for him to be polite and almost excited to meet her. Finding out that he's admired her work for years and has followed her papers, her research, as long as he's known about her. Mira realizing that she understands this kid more than she thought she would.
Bandit and Kapkan being fantastic friends because they both know what it's like to be undercover. Sharing awful stories and being sarcastic shits. They'd be fantastic drinking buddies, and I've yet to be convinced otherwise.
Dokkaebi, Mute, Jackal, and Caveira unexpectedly bonding over being way too young for the shit they went through and the things they’ve done, even if it was on wildly different levels. Late night talks about weirdly disconnected childhoods. Admitting that they don't actually remember much about being kids. The four of them laying on the roof on a clear night and talking about the wild things in their lives.
Ash and Harry arguing about the decision to bring in NH. Ash losing her mind when she discovers he didn't even discuss the situation with Mute, who handles so much of their information control and security that it's not even funny because he's read the files of every single operator on the team, but he has no idea who the fuck NH is or if they're trustworthy. Learning that he never told Thermite or Mira, either, two of the core leadership figures in the team. Learning that Thatcher, one of the most experienced and definitely the most respected member, was outright against the decision. Asking him if he gives a damn about keeping Rainbow safe or if he's so wrapped up in his civilian nonsense that he's forgotten how much danger the team is actually in.
Jäger and Mira bonding over helicopters, but more importantly, the two of them sitting in the car garage with toolboxes and sandwiches to fix up cars for the team. Absolutely covered in grease and oil, talking about the worst flying conditions they've ever been in. The wheezing laughter between them when Jäger pauses mid sentence and just goes, "Oh wait, that's right, I crashed into a zombie apocalypse hot zone" like he FORGOT.
Blitz and Sledge being workout buddies because they're both peak physical performance. But also because they vibe to the same shit and enjoy each other's company. Always a little competitive but never to the point of harm. Ongoing inside jokes that can reduce the two of them to tears.
Frost, Buck, Mozzie, and Smoke discussing adrenaline junkie sports. Mountain climbing, parachuting, the works. They have an agreement that they're all gonna climb Kilimanjaro one day.
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benjamincarmine · 2 years
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hi pookies!!!! idk if y’all know, but i stream on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/jaesko_  and i recently got my first sponsorship with Mech Arena!
 click the pic above (or here) to use my link, support me, and get some awesome in game rewards! ♡ 
i’ll add a read more with more info to not assault ur dash, but if you want to try a fun, free to play mobile/pc game and put an end to the e-begging, keep reading!! if not, no worries! maybe go check out the twitch and drop a follow for ur boy ♥ ** mobile users, pls keep reading bc theres a glitch w my link and the app store!! more info below ♡ 
mech arena is a super fun lil mobile game ive actually enjoyed playing recently thats fast paced, entertaining, and not infuriating to try to progress in like most of them. ive actually returned to play more than once, not even on stream, unlike every other mobile game ive ever tried that remains taking up space on my phone. **its also available on pc with a super small download and rly low spec requirements!
the games are really quick and fun to play when ur looking for something to do! the first time i played i didn’t even stream it (literally one of my sponsorship requirements) bc i actually had fun and played for a WHILE. you gain credits super quick, they have multiple events and challenges going at once so in just a few games you can be rich and make some super OP mechs.
you get 500 (FIVE HUNDRED!!!!!) free in game coins that usually cost real human money, 70k credits, and a legendary skin, as well as get to support me and my stream when you use my link!
all you have to do is finish the tutorial for the pack, but to unlock PVP (for it to count for my sponsorship!) you have to get to Division 9! you start at division 10, the games are super fast (5 min time limits!) and it only took me 2 or 3 games to get there, so the whole thing should take less than 20 min.
*****mobile players!!** to get the pack (and again, for it to count for me :3), for some reason you have to download the app and don’t open it!! go back and click my link again, and it will automatically open the mech arena page on the app store (again). launch it through there and proceed!! i haven’t seen any issues on pc***
if you want to support ya boy, try out a fun game, and get some pretty cool in game rewards, click the pic and try it out!_ (or use my link here)._
if it’s not rly your thing, thank you for reading! maybe take a look at my twitch and drop a follow if you want! I try to stream daily if not every other day, all sorts of games! Overwatch, R6S, Hunt: Showdown, Sims 4, Apex, DBD, etc, and sometimes GRWM/just chatting if you wanna stop by and say hi! ♥
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