#r6s Thatcher
yee-harr · 4 months
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Thatcher wishes you a happy pride
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ruskizzo · 10 months
How I imagine the SAS team would react to finding a white mask child.
Smoke, Mute, Thatcher, Sledge
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They weren’t exactly pleased to find a white mask— specifically a poor child, cowering into a corner with blood smeared over the white suit.
Thatcher instantly called over coms to know what to do about a child white mask, his eyes not once leaving you or the others.
Sledge was the first to talk to you, kneeling and allowing you to trust him at your own pace. He only asked a few questions, “you hurt?”, “there any more of you?”
He mainly made sure you were okay. It tore his heart seeing such a young child standing in a fighting zone with blood all over them, not to mention on a terrorist team.
Thatcher was the second to talk to you, coaxing you to calm down and talking about how they would transport you somewhere safe and cozy.
Mute and Smoke were the ones to stay quiet, not really sure what to do or what was going on. They really only kept guard, looking for any more white masks or any possible threats.
It broke Mutes heart seeing the child so frightened. He mentioned to take the gas masks off. Seeing how you screamed when they first appeared; four humans with guns and a massive hunk carrying a sledge hammer, scary. But overall he kept quiet, not sure what to do or say.
Sledge and Thatcher were the ones talking, Smoke kept close to you. He made sure you completely comfortable with them, smiling at you and attempting to cheer you up with cheesy jokes he made up randomly.
Mute just watched, his grip on his gun not once loosening. He eventually crouched near you and Smoke and ruffled your hair in attempt to make you smile.
Once Ash had commanded them to lead the child towards the medic and truck, Smoke was the first to lead you— a gentle but firm grip on your hand as he slowly led you out. Mute on the side, covering your eyes or attempting to block your view the best he could when you passed a dead white mask.
So sorry it’s not the best, school night and I was just really bored. :(
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swift-sage44 · 4 months
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shegetsburned · 2 years
“No one remembers who comes in second.”
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Tournament of Champions | Interviews
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retrodisaster · 1 year
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Rainbow is Magic 🌈
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rm14hitman · 5 months
Smoke : I think Thatcher was right
Sledge : I'm surprised he hasn't marched in here to say "I told ya so"
Mute : He wouldn't do that
Thatcher : You're right, Chandar. Like often, you're 100% right. I wouldn't do that *He turns around, the shirt he's wearing says "Thatcher fooking told ya so" in the back*
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l3r40l · 1 year
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
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the one british man i don't hate (joke)
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gloombride · 2 years
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I’m an apologist for these two specifically
They’re both so fuckin’ pretty aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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tauruscookie · 2 years
Thought about sharing this to make sure people know I haven’t magically died. My friend Avalon encouraged me to draw Thatcher with some at tattoos and the idea has been clogging up my brain for quite a while 🫡🫡
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
man im starting to see the appeal in thatcher, such a fuckinnnnnn boomer 😔🫶
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yee-harr · 1 year
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I know I haven’t posted in about half a year but shhhhhh, here’s some wing AU sketches because I have nothing better to do in my free-time other than draw military dudes as birds
(Thatcher = osprey, Jäger = eurasian magpie, Kapkan = snowy owl)
(might make more of these sketches? I’ve already got a list of what species each of the pathfinder ops would be lmao)
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sugarbeandude · 2 years
need to see the operators do karaoke night but i specifically want to see what the SAS would do
Thatcher would need to be drunk as hell to even step in, and he'd get booed cause he doesn't even try to ing properly so it's just a big deep voice speaking out lyrics
Smoke would own the karaoke. I know his voice is the ugliest thing on earth, but it's not about voice timbres, it's about how much passion you put into it. The audience definitely screamed Smoke to sing another time
Sledge would be the most acceptable, actually. I think he can control his diaphragm and sing good, even if he's a bit drunk.
Mute would probably need 3 beers to sing in, tho he doesn't know how to sing, he does try to sing ( unlike Thatcher) mainly to impress Smoke, ha
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thatgoblin · 9 months
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Summary: You're at the end of your rope and things come to a head that end in near tragedy.
Warnings: Emotional abuse, near miscarriage, affairs, I will not apologize for putting Mike Baker from Rainbow 6 Siege into this. I do what I want.
“Mum, Dad, what are you doing here?” I asked, keeping my distance from the pair. Moira and Seán MacTavish were in their late 50s, but did their best not to look like it. Mum had her hair dyed a lighter blond as Dad had put black dye in his beard and hair. Johnny looked just like our dad too, dark hair, stormy blue/gray eyes, hell is Johnny had a full head of hair and a beard it would be hard to tell them apart. Mum looked just like Saorsie. Both had the same sandy blond that would glimmer like rays of sun on a warm day with hazel eyes that would swirl into more green some days.
I, however, looked very little like them. My hair didn’t shine like my Mum’s and sister’s or have the same depth of black that Johnny and my dad had and my eyes were dark, with no fleck of blue or green. I had some of my mom’s features, faintly the same nose, but very little in common with my Dad.
“Your brother let us know of your situation,” my Mum, said as she stepped forward to meet me and John with my Dad next to her. “We wanted to see if it was true and see if any help was needed.”
“You want to offer help?” I asked, scoffing at her. “After nearly a decade, after lying about me to the family and friends and anyone who would listen, after blaming me and making sure everyone knew you blamed me for Saorisie’s death, you want to offer help? Fuck off.”
“I knew she would be like this,” Dad said, shaking his head.
“You didn’t know shite,” I snapped. “You washed your hands of me years ago. You don’t get to come back into my life and act like you both are offering some saving grace as I flounder. I’ve been doing fine without you.”
“You got pregnant after getting drunk with a stranger,” Mum hissed. “You don’t have to like it, but we’re here to make sure you don’t ruin your life.”
“Well, I haven’t ruined my life. It’s honestly pretty good. I have friends and I have a partner and I’m having this baby without your help,” I said. “Now, you’ve done what you came here to do, so leave.”
“Do you really think you can raise a baby? That’s a commitment. You can’t go out and party when you want to or take the baby with you. What about when you go to work? Who’s going to watch the baby? Not the baby’s father,” she said.
“We’ll figure it out and it’s none of your business,” I snarled at her. She didn’t flinch though, keeping her stance. “I don’t like you, you don’t like me. Why are you here? What did Johnny say? That I’m drinking or doing drugs or trying to get money from John?”
“He didn’t exactly say that, but he did say that you were pregnant with his captain’s child,” Mum said with a small huff. “Don’t ruin this for him. He’s worked so hard to be where he is. Johnny doesn’t need you to come in and screw it up for him.”
“Oh fuck off,” I spat with a scowl.
“That’s what will happen because that’s what you always do. You ruin things.” I couldn’t answer, swallowing back any retort or else I’d burst into tears. Even after all these years, I was still crippled so easily by her words. “You know that I’m right.”
“Enough of this,” John growled. He had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole time, but when he pulled me by the arm, I noticed my Dad was standing further off to the side. When had he stepped away? “Bugger off, both of you,” he snarled as he walked us inside. His grip was tight, painfully so. I didn’t have time to tell him no or to stop before we were in my place.
“Okay, ow,” I huffed, jerking my arm away. “What was that?” I asked, rubbing my arm where he’d gripped it.
“Sorry, Love,” he said with a soft sigh. “I didn’t think your parents were that bad, but I was quickly proven wrong.”
“You didn’t believe me?” I asked, stepping back. “Are you fucking kidding me? After sticking up for me with Johnny and everyone else, but you didn’t believe me this whole time about my parents?”
“I didn’t say that,” John said, facing me. “I didn’t say that you were lying or that I didn’t believe you.”
“But you did. Just now. You thought I was lying to make my parents sound like monsters!” I cried, shaking my head. “Why would I lie about that!?”
“I don’t know!” John yelled, throwing his hands into the air. “I didn’t think it was as horrible as you made it because sometimes we think the horrible things that happened to us growing up seem much worse than they really were. When you said your parents favored your sister and brother over you, I thought it was because you didn’t have as many activities as them to go to or maybe because you were the youngest, you thought it wasn’t fair that Johnny got to leave so soon after school or your sister got the car instead of you because Johnny wasn’t there.”
“Oh my god,” I said, moving further away from him. My head was feeling hot and fuzzy as my chest began to tighten up. “You were humoring me this whole time and-God! I’m so stupid!”
“No, Love, please-”
“Get out,” I snarled. “Get out of my house! Get out of my life! I’m done! I’m fucking done, John! I have gone above and beyond for you! Letting you into my life because you’re the father of this baby, but you've changed so much of my life and keep trying to change more when I tell you to stop it. I am done being bowled over by people in my life. I was better off alone and I’ll be better off alone. You just bully and push till I give you what you want, saying you care about me, but really it’s just control.”
“Please, let’s just take a moment to calm down-”
“No! I’m not listening to you anymore! You’re not going to bully me into giving you what you want,” I said, pointing at the door.
John stood there, mouth open like he was trying to make words come out, but nothing happened. I stood my ground, keeping my finger pointed at the door. He took a deep breath before nodding. His heavy footsteps followed him out the door, leaving me in silence.
Just when things were seemingly working out, of course it all went to garbage.
‘You ruin everything.’
Johnny had kept to himself mostly after the screaming meltdown he’d had with his sister. He had tried to reason away everything their parents did, that maybe they did it to keep them all safe or were just tired of this out of control child. With a busted ankle, he had nothing but time to mull everything over and really process it. When he first ran into his estranged sister and saw she was obviously pregnant, he wanted to turn around and run. The thought of getting caught up in that drama and getting guilted into helping this poor single mum did not sit well with him.
Then it turned out that she and his Captain had had a fling and it was his baby. After years of listening to what their parents went through while trying to help her only to get spat on, Johnny was not going to let his Captain fall victim to her. It probably wasn’t even his.
Price swore it was and that they hadn't slept with anyone else, but he still didn’t know. Even when they nearly came to blows at his place, it took Simon pointing out the flaws in the lies he’d been fed to get through that maybe his parents were showing favoritism and there was something much deeper going on. Usually he could sniff out a bad situation, but it was his family and he trusted them. Simon didn’t have that luxury growing up and knew that people could be cold and cruel, no matter the kind and caring face they put forward for the world to see. It helped him grasp the possibility that his sister was telling the truth.
Johnny wasn’t ready to believe her 100%, but he wanted to talk to their parents first. He called them up a few days after seeing her again and talking about what had happened. From seeing her pregnant in the grocery store to it being his Captain that was the father. They had some problems with that, automatically calling her several choice words and agreeing that it either wasn’t Price’s baby or she had done it on purpose to get money out of him. There was no mention of them coming to visit, though.
He didn’t speak to them again till after he was screamed at. It was the tipping point in him beginning to believe his sister. When he brought up everything, they always had something to explain why they did what they did, but the more he pushed, the more they began to turn on him. They’re choices sounded insane and the reasoning was flimsy and were done not to combat an unruly child, but punishing someone for the sake of punishing them.
A story from school came to mind as he stewed. The story of the Whipping Boy. The Prince wouldn’t be punished, no matter how awful he was, so The Whipping Boy would take the punishment. No matter how terrible or if the Prince misbehaved on purpose, the Whipping Boy was the one to take every whipping or beating. That was his sister, but worse. Their parents didn’t wait for Saoirse or Johnny to mess up to take out their anger and frustration on their youngest child.
It was too late, though. Johnny had driven the final nail in the coffin of their relationship.
He sat on his sofa, picking his phone up, wanting to call or text his sibling, but dropping the phone each time. Johnny felt the need to fix things between them. He didn’t have any other siblings and neither did she, and with how their parents went about things, the two would be the only family they had left.
Until John came through the front door.
The man looked exhausted, his shoulders limp and stance bowed. His eyes were red and wet while his nose was irritated as he kept sniffling. What had happened?
“Cap?” Johnny said, moving to stand and limp over to the older man.
“I’m going to put this as simply as possible,” John said, his face hardening into a pointed snarl as he faced Johnny. “Do not talk to me. Do not ask me anything. Until I can keep myself from trying to strangle you, fuck off.” His voice was terse, deeper and more gravelly than usually.
“What?” Johnny said, hurt and confused about what was being said. Had his sister told Price he did something wrong?
“Your bloody parents showed up is what,” Price snapped. “I was making things work. We were going to be okay, but then your parents showed up and made sure it was fuckin’ flushed down the drain. Your dad, yeah? Your dad offered me money to leave your sister and my daughter to make sure you weren’t affected by our relationship.”
“I didn’t know they were going to come here and see her or you!” Johnny cried. “They didn’t say anything about it and I certainly didn’t call them to complain or tell them to do that! It’s not my fault our parents did that!”
“It is!” Price snarled. “It is your fault! You were told by me and by her that your parents were fuckin’ abusive and horrible, but you ignored it and ran to them the moment you could!”
“I’m sorry, okay! I thought she were lying! I thought she was trying to get you locked into a relationship for money!” Johnny yelled back.
“You were told by multiple people that your parents were lying! You were told! There was no reason to involve them and now I have to go to a lawyer so I can have rights to see my daughter because her mother doesn’t want anything to do with me!” Price yelled.
“How is that my fault!? How is that my parents fault!? Did you take the money!?” Johnny bellowed, knowing full well he was digging himself a hole as he kept arguing with his superior.
“I didn’t take the money,” Price said, suddenly deflating. “I. . . Told her I didn’t realize they were that bad. She took it as that I didn’t believe her and now she’s kicked me out of her life and the baby’s.” The men were quiet as they stood there. Johnny had thought he’d lost his sister for just a bit, not permanently. With the new development, it looked like he may not have a chance to fix things.
“Oh,” Johnny said softly. He didn’t know what else to say. Johnny did feel bad for Price, but he didn’t have guilt. It needed to be there, but he just didn’t have it.
“Just give me some space, you muppet,” John said softly, inhaling sharply through his nose. “It may not be your fault completely, but you had a hand in it. We’ve got time before our next mission and I need to not go into it with a clouded head.” At the end of the day, no matter how much chaos was happening in his personal life, he needed to not let it into his job. If that meant avoiding Johnny for a few days, so be it.
Johnny wasn’t sure what to do to help anyone, but he knew someone who would. Making a quick call and finding they were in town, he was glad to catch them.
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. All that I could do was sit on my couch and sob. I was overwhelmed with so much anger and fear and sadness. Jesse would have been there in a heartbeat, but I needed to do this alone. This new direction meant I would be on my own with a baby and as much as I was used to doing things myself, I had to accept that not even Jesse could be around when I needed someone. He had his own life and his own problems and joys and events that I couldn’t bear to take from him.
Stress pains began to make me nauseous as I rubbed my belly. It was becoming too much and I couldn’t stop crying. John had left an hour ago already, but it was more like he’d died with how I was reacting. Was I grieving? Maybe. My whole life felt like it was spent grieving for something. My acceptance of my parents not loving me, my brother leaving me, my sister dying, the loss of who I could be if my family wasn’t shite. . . I was cursed. It had to be that. That was the only way that these things could be happening.
By the time night fell, I was able to gather myself enough to practice deep breathing as I kept rubbing over my belly while I laid on my couch. There was still pain, not as bad, but it wasn’t coming and going, just staying. It was starting to get concerning, to the point I was about to call for an ambulance as there was a knock on the door. Continuing to focus on my breathing as I worked to stand up, I was overcome with a sharp pain in my stomach that brought me to my knees with a wail.
“No, no, no, no,” I muttered as I held my belly with one hand and the other held me up as best I could.
“Ducky!” A familiar gruff voice called from the front.
“Mike!” I cried. “Mike, I need you!”
The one who had come through when I was alone and in need, it was always Mike to shuffle along and find me. He was my cousin on my Dad’s side and always kept his distance till he was truly needed.
The front door nearly came off its hinges when he came in, ready to fight anyone and anything he had to to get to me. He barrelled into the living room to kneel next to me.
“I’m here. I’ve got you, Ducks,” he said, helping me stand to pick me up. “We’re going to the hospital.”
“My wallet is by the front door,” I said before a sharp pain came over me again. “Shite!” Mike got me into his truck before running back in. He took a minute to come back, but he had grabbed my pack and was coming back out while stuffing it with my purse while holding a pair of shoes for me to slip on. He handed me my things before rushing around to his side. Once he was in the truck, he took off.
“Keep breathing, Ducks. I know it hurts, but keep breathing,” he said. The man had been a part of SAS for as long as I had been alive, to see him flustered even the slightest was unsettling. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white as he sped to the hospital. I could only nod and continue to breathe.
Screeching to a halt in front of the emergency entrance, Mike was out and yelling for help as he ran around to my side to pick me up from the truck. He blew past the nurses that were rushing out to meet us with a wheelchair and straight into the emergency center. It took two words of ‘pregnancy’ and ‘pain’ to be taken back to a room. I was put into a gown and had an ultrasound pushed into the room so fast I swore that I saw a dust trail behind it. Through the exams and monitoring, Mike held my hand as I was terrified I had lost the baby. If I had, I knew. . . I just knew I would not survive it.
“Want me to call anyone?” Mike asked softly as the nurse reported to the doctor.
“I don’t know. I’m not-” I choked on the words, trying to calm down, but it was feeling impossible. “I’m not talking to anyone right now.”
“No one?” Miked asked, receiving a nod.
“Mum and Dad came by and as usual, I was treated like shit and the baby’s father was with me. So of course he gets caught up in it and suddenly we’re fighting because he never did believe me about how shite my parents are,” I said, rubbing my belly with my free hand.
“Your Mum and Dad are here? They came all the way here to just give you shit?” He asked, sighing heavily.
“Mostly to reprimand me for possibly fucking up Johnny’s military career. His captain is the father,” I said. “It was a drunk one time thing, we’ve been trying to work it out, but Johnny decided he needed to meddle and now Mum and Dad showed up to make sure I hadn’t ruined something else.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Mike groaned. “This is bullshit. Even after all these years, they still find a way to be fuckin’ knobs. I’m so sorry this happened, Ducky.”
“It’s not your fault,” I said. “It’s no one’s fault, it just happened.”
“I know, but I’m still sorry. I should have come sooner,” he said. “Maybe you wouldn’t feel so awful now.”
“How did you know to come by?” I asked, but the doctor came in before he could answer.
He was quick and to the point, I needed to go on bedrest for the next few weeks. My blood pressure had been so low before and now it was sky high, giving me braxton hicks contractions. The baby was fine and would be okay, but it all boiled down to me needing to get as much water as possible (something they always told me) as well as keeping my stress levels as low as possible.
Well, I would have to figure out work again and I am pretty sure they’ll just let me go or put me on maternity leave early. As for needing to lower my stress level, I had been forced to take on so much so quickly that I wasn't sure if I could do anything about it.
I would be kept overnight at least, meaning I would be given some time to get things arranged. At least Mike was there.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to call someone?” Mike asked.
“I don’t know,” I said, rubbing my face. “I basically broke up with John and kicked him out, so I don’t think he’d even want to be here.”
“John? And he’s a captain? You shacked up with John Price?” Mike asked, chuckling.
“Not helping, Mike,” I sighed. “How do you know John?”
“Ducky, I was his CO for his first year in SAS,” Mike said. “I know him. I’m surprised he’s not here trying to sneak in.”
“That’s a big part of our problems, actually. We were going to talk about him bullying me into what he thinks is best for me rather than asking what I want,” I said. “He just came back from a mission and we found out the gender of the baby when my parents were waiting for us at my place. Which, I don’t know how they found it. I haven’t seen or spoken to them in almost a decade. Johnny probably said something,” I said. “That’s the only explanation.”
“Well, despite him having a bit of a runner for a mouth, he did give me a call to come by and see you,” Mike said. “He told me a bit about the row you two had and how you put him in his place, as well as that you and the father were on the outs. Not too much detail, but enough that I came by as soon as I could. I’m on leave for a bit and, if you need me to, I can make it longer.”
“You don’t have to-”
“My Duck,” he said, gently stopping him. “You have no one, according to you, so please let me help you. It’s the least I could do to help make up for not being here sooner.” I was quiet, nodding as I squeezed his bear claw of a hand.
“Why can’t my parents be like you?” I asked softly, looking up at him with watery eyes.
“I wish I had the answers for you, I truly do,” he said. We fell into a comfortable quiet, letting me drift off to sleep for a bit.
What woke me up was the sound of arguing outside my room. I couldn’t see anyone, but I was able to pick out a few voices. Mike was there with Johnny as John’s voice piped in to cut off a very angry Scottish man’s voice. Oh.
“Enough of this shite,” Mike snarled, coming back into the room. “I’m telling her. I’m done letting you control this narrative. I couldn’t be there when she needed me the most when she was younger, but I’m here now and she needs to know the truth.”
“Don’t you fucking dare!” My mum shrieked as she followed Mike closely with my dad, Johnny, John, and a few nurses trying to break the whole group up.
“Ducky,” Mike said, his voice quieting down as he turned to me. “I am so sorry and I want you to understand that I couldn’t be what you needed me to be when you were younger. That was probably when you needed me the most.”
“Mike Baker, shut your fuckin’ mouth!” My dad bellowed.
“Out!” A nurse yelled, while security filed into the room. “Everyone out!”
“Please, let me explain,” Mike said.
“Mike can stay,” I said as the others were forced out. “He can stay.” Johnny helped drag our dad out as well as our mum. Once everyone was gone and the yelling had stopped, Mike let out a tired groan as he took a seat next to my hospital bed. “So, why are you sorry?” I asked, groggy and confused by the sudden appearance of everyone.
“That I wasn’t a better father,” Mike said, going right to the issue. He never was one to dance around the subject. “Specifically to you.” It took a few moments for me to understand as I was still groggy, but when it did this sense of understanding and acceptance washed over me. It made everything click into place, giving me proper balance for the first time.
“You’re my father?” I said slowly. “So, who’s my mum?”
“Moira. She’s your mum,” Mike said with a sigh as he sat down. “Seán and her were having a rough patch after Saoirse was born. It lasted a few years and got to the point that she left everyone for me for a while. She didn’t know she was pregnant till after a few weeks of deciding she didn’t want me after all.”
“That was the same time that you and your ex-wife, Laurie, split up,” I said, putting the puzzle pieces together. He nodded and sighed. “So Mum and. . . Seán, they knew the whole time?”
“Yeah. From the moment she found out she was pregnant, she knew you were mine,” he said.
“And you weren’t around because of your job?”
“Mostly, but also because I didn’t want to make things rough for you. Neither of your parents were happy that I was your father and made sure that I knew they would never let me forget it. It wasn’t until your sister’s death that I was able to see what was going on. I was always away or busy with my own life, add in your parents threatening me if I told you. . .”
“So, it’s all my parents fault,�� I said with a nod. “Not this thing, but in general. I’m gonna blame my parents for it. It always goes back to them. Even if I wasn’t an affair babe, they would have treated me differently still.”
“I still take part of the blame for you having the life you did,” Mike said.
“Don’t. You did what you could and they could have chosen any route to take and they took one of the worst ones,” I said. “Thank you for telling me now though. I’m really tired of people hiding things.”
“You’re welcome, Ducky,” Mike said, giving my hand a squeeze. “Your Jo is outside whenever you’re ready to talk to him.”
“I’m assuming you called him and Johnny and Johnny called our parents,” I said, slowly blinking as I looked at him. Despite the commotion and the news, I was still so tired from being given a small dose of melatonin to calm down and relax. It was one of the few things I could have that would help with my stress other than people leaving me alone.
“I called Johnny, but he told John. The boy called your parents to yell at them and everyone showed up at once,” he said, shaking his head.
“That sounds about right,” I said. “I don’t have the energy to deal with them, but tomorrow I’ll pick one to talk to. Right now it’s resting time.” Mike snickered, nodding. Going back to sleep, I didn’t think about what I was going to say or do till the next morning came with John sitting outside with my favorite breakfast food and flowers and, the thing that told me he was really thinking of me, a set of bracelets made of rose quartz.
Mike looked to me for approval before letting him in.
John looked like a kicked and drowned puppy with how he stood there in the doorway, holding out the food.
“Actions are louder than words and. . . This is very much shouting how sorry you are,” I said. “You can come in and we can talk.”
I could feel the relief as he let out a huge sigh before coming over to hand me the food. After sleeping and having some breakfast, my head was much clearer and not as frazzled or full of rage. “I’m sorry that I screamed at you last night and said we were done,” I said, reaching out for his hand. “I was really hurt by what you had said, but I should not have reacted that way. At most I should have asked for a night off.”
“No, you were in the right,” John said, taking my hand with both of his. “You were stressed and we hadn’t had a chance to talk about us before getting jumped by your parents. I should have kept my mouth shut and let you decompress.”
“Both of us were in a spot and needed to talk about us. It can’t be just one side who’s wrong,” I said. “I think we should go to counseling so we can make this work. The baby needs us to be better than this.”
“Absolutely,” John said, nodding. “Whatever it takes to get us to the good, I’ll do it.”
“Same here,” I said, smiling. Pulling him over to me, I gave him a kiss and a tight hug, before putting his hand to my belly as the baby began to move around. She had started to do that after I ate more and more, which helped with timing as he stared wide eyed in wonder.
“She’s really in there,” he said with a soft chuckle, getting teary eyed. “I know you’re pregnant and never doubted it, but it’s just so different feeling her kick around. It makes it so much more real.”
“I know. I thought it was indigestion at first,” I said, smiling as I stared at his hand on my belly. His calloused and work worn hands were such a stark contrast with my baby blue hospital gown, but it was good. We were two different people coming together when this mish mash of us was created. “Now she’s doing happy dances whenever I eat. She’s a lot like her mummy, happy for food.”
“Well you’re not the only one who likes a good meal,” John chuckled, leaning in to kiss my head. We chit chatted a bit more, getting settled back into our usual rhythm that helped solidify our relationship.
A knock at the door made us go silent. The door opened to show Johnny hanging his head very much in the same way John had. So many mixed feelings shot through me and I wasn’t ready to talk to him.
“I just wanted to stop by and. . .” He trailed off as he looked up at us. “Um, can we talk?”
“Johnny. . . I can’t. Not now,” I said, actively working to keep myself from letting my anger shoot up with my blood pressure. “I don’t know what you want to say, but I can’t. There is too much stress and with you calling our parents? Please just go. If I want to talk in the future, I will come to you.”
It was easy to see his heart break, but he stayed quiet. Johnny nodded, taking a deep breath before leaving.
“You want me to talk to him, don’t you?” I said, looking over at John.
“I don’t want you to do anything unless you want to. This is between you and him,” he said. “If you want to talk to him, I’ll support you. If you never want to see him again, I can do my best as I work with him.”
Shit, that’s right.
“I think some counseling first would be good before I attempt anything,” I said. “You working with him changes things and with what you do, I don’t want our issues spilling over into your work. I need you and the baby needs you. There’s no way that I can risk losing you.”
“I need you, too,” he said, kissing my cheek. “So, I can let him know that things between the two of you will be paused and if anything, encourage him to go to counseling as well. God knows our entire group needs it.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” I said with a nod. “In the mean time, we need to pick your place or mine to live in so we can have a nursery to get ready.”
“Didn’t think that you liked my place,” he said with a snort.
“Eh, it’s not a matter of not liking your place, it’s a matter of comfort. Not having a backup plan makes me nervous,” I said.
“Understood. Let’s get you home first then spin a wheel to decide, hmm?”
“I will spin your wheel, ye daft ninny,” I groaned, rolling my eyes while John snickered. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too, Love.”
One Night Stand Masterlist
COD Masterlist
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @sadslasher13 @0alk0msan @xaestheticalien
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shegetsburned · 2 years
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Mike Baker aka Thatcher | The Hammer
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ghostiex0 · 1 year
Could i request some Thatcher x reader where they're at a bar with the rest of the SAS and Reader asks thatcher to join them in the bathroom where it wnds with thatcher bending the reader over the sink counter and fucking them?
Mike Thatcher x reader smut
First post in a good while lol. Old man Thatchers character is kinda hard, but enjoy! Gender Neutral reader
Warnings: N//SFW below, semi-public sex, no protection (he pulls out). Readers cocky.
“-then the bastard tried to act all smug, the hell else was I supposed to do?” Mike was quick to defend himself.
James had gotten on his case about the reputation he now had in pubs around the area after apparently laying into some ‘bastards’. Hearing about the throw of the pool ball made you cringe. From Mike’s story, it did sound like they deserved it at least. “Could’ve called me up!” Light laughter followed James’s comment. “I don’t blame ya, just think it’s funny.” Maybe he realized how he was getting the older man a little too riled up, backpedaling on his previous statement.
Mike took another swig of his drink, not bothering to give a response. Under the protection of the bar table, your hand slid over to his thigh. His eyes looked down at your hand, then flickered to your face. You had to bite back a little mischievous smile. He let you off the hook for a good few minutes, conversation carrying on around the table. You yourself falling victim to a few bad jokes here and there. After those few minutes though, Mike shifted in his seat, his eyes no longer looking at yours but his body language told you he was all too aware of your hand placement. You wondered if the stiffness in his body was still from his annoyance, or now from how your thumb gently rubbed against his thigh, slightly gravitating towards his crotch.
Your wrist was quickly snatched in his large hand, the tightness not enough to hurt, but enough to tell you to cut it out. Sadly, it only amused you further. His eyes turned to glare at you when even while he gripped your wrist beneath the bar, your fingers angled downwards to rub as much of his thigh as you could reach. It seemed to be enough to set him off.
“We’ll be right back.” Mike announced, suddenly standing up from his stool at the bar, his co-workers seeming stunned at the sudden movement. You didn’t blame them, not as he pulled you out of your seat as well, your heart racing in your chest, your feet barely keeping up as he brought you to the bathroom.
“That was sure bol-“ “Shut it.” The older man cut you off, pushing you into the one person restroom, quickly locking the door behind you both. “You think touching me like that back wouldn’t have any repercussions?” His voice almost as heavy as his steps as he approached you, making you walk backwards until you hit the cold surface of the sink. Your hands grasped behind you, the chill stinging against your hot palms.
Mike was always so easy to rile up. Lightable temper and years of pent up sexual frustration, a perfect target for your needs.
“You even listening to me?”
“Maybe not. But I can tell you’re stressing yourself out more than you need too.” You pointed out bluntly, a small smirk on your face as a sort of flabbergasted look crossed his face. “Let me help you?”
Something inside of him snapped, his lips smashed against yours. The scuff of his facial hair prickling against your skin. With your hot breath mingling he grunted, your lips pulling away from his. Mike’s erection, hard in his jeans, pressed into you, providing your own needy body some sort of relief.
“Turn around.” He was good at commands, you’d give him that. He gave you enough room just to push off of him and shift your body around, your stomach thankfully covered by your top, protecting you from the freezing cold surface of the sink. Your hips were pulled back in a matter of seconds, forcing you to bend down slightly, ass curved up to pressed into Mikes crotch.
“Seems like you want me too, huh?” His words mingled with his heavy breaths, his hands wrapping around your waist. In a second your bare ass was on display for him, his large hands gripping onto your skin, forcing you to arch your back up more.
Your head was foggy, you must have not been able to hear his pants unbuckling with your heavy breathing, but you could clearly hear your own desperate noises as the tip of his cock pushed up against your hole.
“Seems like you’re the one who needs help now, sweetheart.” Thatcher chuckled to himself, purposefully teasing you for a few more seconds. His hands suddenly squeezed your hips tighter before his hips snapped forward, his cock hitting deep inside you.
As his thrusts increased, your legs slowly deteriorated, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip to quiet any noises. Though there was nothing you could do about the distinct sound of his skin hitting yours.
The coil in your stomach snapping, a long drawn out noise leaving your lips as his own thrusts got sloppier. “Fuck…” You heard Mike’s strained grumbles, feeling his cock pulse inside you. He slipped out just in time to cum on you, instead of inside.
A good few minutes passed, your upper body still resting against the sink as you finally caught your breath. He had been kind enough to wipe you up without saying anything. His large fingers hooking into your bottoms and sliding them back up on you.
The silence was almost deafening as you finally let your body relax itself, pushing up on the sink to stand up straight. You turned around him, dazed yet still smug.
“Wasn’t that a good stress reliever?”
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