#rabab abdulhadi
eretzyisrael · 1 year
In March 1941, Nazi theorist and ideologue Alfred Rosenberg launched the Institute for Research on the Jewish Question. Its inaugural conference, “Research in the Struggle against World Jewry,” featured talks by many scholars, including the Institute’s director, historian Wilhelm Grau, who concluded that the only viable solution to the Jewish question was for the Jews to disappear.
Rosenberg’s Institute was one of several established to support the Third Reich’s efforts to provide an empirical basis for their anti-Jewish policies. To that end, the scholars affiliated with these institutes endeavored to put in place a new interdisciplinary field of study that would draw on various academic disciplines to promulgate antisemitic scholarship about the Jews.
According to Alan Steinweis’ book, “Studying the Jew: Scholarly Antisemitism in Nazi Germany,” this new brand of scholarship, which he dubs “Nazi Jewish Studies,” demonstrates its practitioners’ “cynical manipulation of scientific knowledge, historical events, religious texts, and statistical data” in the service of “justifying the disenfranchisement, expropriation, and removal of Jews from German society.”
Fast forward to August 2023. 
Two academic leaders of the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) – San Francisco State University Professor Rabab Abdulhadi and University of Massachusetts Boston Professor Heike Schotten - co-authored an article explaining why they recently established the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ).
Describing ICSZ as “explicitly anti-Zionist” and “strictly committed to abiding by the BDS picket line,” Abdulhadi and Schotten link their new Institute to “the long history of struggle” against efforts “to conflate Zionist politics and ideology with Jews or Jewishness.”  
In October, the Institute will be holding an inaugural conference entitled “Battling the ‘IHRA definition’: Theory & Activism” to provide academics and activists with tools for delegitimizing the most widely accepted definition of antisemitism, which rightly identifies anti-Zionism as a form of antisemitism, but is being portrayed by conference organizers as “a tool of and a shield for repressive state power.”
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palestinegenocide · 4 months
Announcing the launch of the online Popular University for Gaza
San Francisco State University cancelled Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi's Palestine course. It is now available online as part of the Popular University for Gaza.
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theredbloggings · 5 months
"The aforementioned fixation on Palestinian women obfuscates how dehumanized Palestinian women and Palestinian mothers in particular actually are by Zionists and throughout Israeli society. This is evident in how Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaked openly called for the murder of Palestinian women because they give birth to “little snakes.” Bret Stephens similarly targeted Palestinian mothers in a particularly atrocious article, saying that unlike Western mothers who worry their child will get a bad tattoo, Palestinian mothers want their children to die fighting the occupation; he then went on to say that he has yet to meet an Israeli mother who wants to raise a murderer, because in his view state-sanctioned murder vis-a-vis military conscription or having children write messages of racist hate on missiles about to be launched into Lebanon do not count. 
Stephens finally openly states that Palestinian culture is “a culture that openly celebrates murder and is not fit for statehood”, consequently, if Palestinians want a state, they should, like postwar Germany, put themselves “…through a process of moral rehabilitation” and that for Palestine, “this should start with the mothers.” 
Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli military intelligence officer turned academic made public statements regarding ‘raping the wives and mothers of Palestinian combatants’ to deter ‘terrorist attacks’. These comments were defended by his university as “the bitter reality of the Middle East”. This sentiment is widespread throughout Israeli society, as the eminent scholar Rabab Abdulhadi noted in her incredibly valuable article for Feminist Studies; Israel’s bloody 2014 assault on Gaza was gleefully supported with Israeli social media posts that included a sexualized image of a hijabi women with calls on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to rape her. Furthermore, public banners sponsored by an Israeli city’s city council told Israeli soldiers to ‘pound their mothers and come home to your own mothers!’, and a popular t-shirt design amongst Israeli men who served in the army depicted a bullseye pointing at a pregnant Palestinian niqab-wearing woman with the caption “one shot, two kills.” 
Palestinian women are targeted for these kinds of racist and misogynistic attacks because Israel is an ethnocracy, which aims to cement the domination of a certain ethnic group on all spheres of society, a crucial aspect of which is demography. Within this framework, Palestinians are viewed as “demographic threats” [You can read more about this here]. This obsession with demographics necessarily manifests itself, as Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian has written,  in racist and gendered policies to “contain and reduce the Palestinian population” through assaults on Palestinian daily and domestic life, extending to the often fatal denial of essential treatment to pregnant women, as evidenced by two UNHCR reports of checkpoints delaying pregnant Palestinian women’s access to healthcare. These reports state that 68 women had forced roadside births resulting in 34 miscarriages and that inadequate medical care during pregnancy was found to be the third cause of mortality among Palestinian women of reproductive age. 
The aim is to “target the literal biological reproduction of Palestinian life”; these policies have shaped, Shalhoub-Kevorkian argues, a “death zone” for Palestinians and Palestinian women especially, as part of a larger, ongoing process of dispossession congruent with settler colonial practices elsewhere. This death zone is “the space where the biological, material and cultural reproduction of Palestinian social life is put at daily and intimate risk.” According to Shalhoub-Kevorkian, this “sexual violence is central to the larger structure of colonial power, its racialized machinery of domination, and its logic of elimination. Colonialism is itself structured by the logic of sexual violence.” Attacks on Palestinian women’s lives include  rape and other forms of gender-based torture in Israeli prisons, consistent with the UN’s findings that sexual violence as part of overarching violent conflict is “used as a means of inflicting terror upon the population at large” and “can also be part of a genocidal strategy”. 
Furthermore, as reported by the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women Dubravka Šimonović, Israeli settlers also frequently attack little girls going to school, to such an extent that some families have become too afraid to send them. While this is a case of gendered human rights abuses committed by non-State actors, it is ultimately de facto endorsed by the Israeli State through their consistent ‘failure’ to investigate or prosecute perpetrators. Šimonović also reported on the traumatizing effect of Israeli home raids and demolitions, with a woman testifying that she took to sleeping fully covered in anticipation of soldiers’ entering her bedroom during a night raid, as has become all too customary."
-"Purple Washing" Decolonize Palestine
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A faculty panel has unanimously sided with Professor Rabab Abdulhadi at San Francisco State University (SFSU) in a grievance she filed through her union, the SFSU chapter of the California Faculty Association. 
Dr. Abdulhadi’s grievance reiterated her demand for SFSU to fulfill its outstanding commitment to build Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas (AMED) Studies by hiring two additional tenure-track faculty members, institutionally supporting AMED, stopping the attempt to dismantle AMED, and ending the creation of the hostile work environment to which Dr. Abdulhadi has been subjected for at least 13 years for her directorship of AMED and her refusal to abandon it.
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“The university is participating in a very discriminatory, racist, defamatory, smearing campaign by the Zionist bullies and their right-wing, neoliberal and wealthy allies,” Abdulhadi said. She also claimed the talk with Khaled was only canceled because of the university’s desire to retain wealthy Jewish donors, alleging the school’s president told donors she would “crush the Palestinians” and “crush AMED studies.”
That last sentence is only the most obvious lie.
The interview, which was posted on September 22 before the Leila Khaled event was dropped by Zoom, shows that Abdulhadi has no concept of truth. She [13:07] accuses SFSU president Lynn Mahoney of publishing a piece in J Weekly that is “Islamophobic”; you can read it yourself, and see that all Mahoney condemned was terrorism, and that she didn’t use the words Islam or Muslim once.
The interviewer, Steve Zeltzer, directly accused Israel of funding universities through American Jews to further its agenda, comparing it to China and Russia influence campaigns:
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queendeleona · 6 years
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radfemblack · 3 years
The aforementioned fixation on Palestinian women obfuscates how dehumanized Palestinian women and Palestinian mothers in particular actually are by Zionists and throughout Israeli society. This is evident in how Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaked openly called for the murder of Palestinian women because they give birth to “little snakes.” Bret Stephens similarly targeted Palestinian mothers in a particularly atrocious article, saying that unlike Western mothers who worry their child will get a bad tattoo, Palestinian mothers want their children to die fighting the occupation; he then went on to say that he has yet to meet an Israeli mother who wants to raise a murderer, because in his view state-sanctioned murder vis-a-vis military conscription or having children write messages of racist hate on missiles about to be launched into Lebanon do not count.
Stephens finally openly states that Palestinian culture is “a culture that openly celebrates murder and is not fit for statehood”, consequently, if Palestinians want a state, they should, like postwar Germany, put themselves “…through a process of moral rehabilitation” and that for Palestine, “this should start with the mothers.”
Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli military intelligence officer turned academic made public statements regarding ‘raping the wives and mothers of Palestinian combatants’ to deter ‘terrorist attacks’. These comments were defended by his university as “the bitter reality of the Middle East”. This sentiment is widespread throughout Israeli society, as the eminent scholar Rabab Abdulhadi noted in her incredibly valuable article for Feminist Studies; Israel’s bloody 2014 assault on Gaza was gleefully supported with Israeli social media posts that included a sexualized image of a hijabi women with calls on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to rape her. Furthermore, public banners sponsored by an Israeli city’s city council told Israeli soldiers to ‘pound their mothers and come home to your own mothers!’, and a popular t-shirt design amongst Israeli men who served in the army depicted a bullseye pointing at a pregnant Palestinian niqab-wearing woman with the caption “one shot, two kills.”
Palestinian women are targeted for these kinds of racist and misogynistic attacks because Israel is an ethnocracy, which aims to cement the domination of a certain ethnic group on all spheres of society, a crucial aspect of which is demography. Within this framework, Palestinians are viewed as “demographic threats” [You can read more about this here]. This obsession with demographics necessarily manifests itself, as Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian has written, in racist and gendered policies to “contain and reduce the Palestinian population” through assaults on Palestinian daily and domestic life, extending to the often fatal denial of essential treatment to pregnant women, as evidenced by two UNHCR reports of checkpoints delaying pregnant Palestinian women’s access to healthcare. These reports state that 68 women had forced roadside births resulting in 34 miscarriages and that inadequate medical care during pregnancy was found to be the third cause of mortality among Palestinian women of reproductive age.
The aim is to “target the literal biological reproduction of Palestinian life”; these policies have shaped, Shalhoub-Kevorkian argues, a “death zone” for Palestinians and Palestinian women especially, as part of a larger, ongoing process of dispossession congruent with settler colonial practices elsewhere. This death zone is “the space where the biological, material and cultural reproduction of Palestinian social life is put at daily and intimate risk.” According to Shalhoub-Kevorkian, this “sexual violence is central to the larger structure of colonial power, its racialized machinery of domination, and its logic of elimination. Colonialism is itself structured by the logic of sexual violence.” Attacks on Palestinian women’s lives include rape and other forms of gender-based torture in Israeli prisons, consistent with the UN’s findings that sexual violence as part of overarching violent conflict is “used as a means of inflicting terror upon the population at large” and “can also be part of a genocidal strategy”.
Furthermore, as reported by the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women Dubravka Šimonović, Israeli settlers also frequently attack little girls going to school, to such an extent that some families have become too afraid to send them. While this is a case of gendered human rights abuses committed by non-State actors, it is ultimately de facto endorsed by the Israeli State through their consistent ‘failure’ to investigate or prosecute perpetrators. Šimonović also reported on the traumatizing effect of Israeli home raids and demolitions, with a woman testifying that she took to sleeping fully covered in anticipation of soldiers’ entering her bedroom during a night raid, as has become all too customary.
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
At SFSU, Support for Palestinian Terror Continues
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She's baaaack. Yes, that would be San Francisco State University professor Rabab Abdulhadi, the Palestinian woman who washed up on our shores and has brought shame and embarrassment to SFSU for years-as if that institution hasn't had enough of it over its history.
The last we heard of Abdulhadi was in September 2020, when she was attempting to host a Zoom conference featuring Palestinian skyjacker Leila Khaled. It was canceled, but a similar event is on for April 23, featuring Khaled and another character with a shady past named Yaqoub Odeh, among others.
"San Francisco State Associate Professor Rabab Abdulhadi is listed as the moderator for the April 23 event, which is sponsored by the school’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas (AMED) Studies program."
Counter-terrorism expert, Steven Emerson, has a detailed account of this event in Algemeiner, which I am cross-posting.
Make no mistake. This event and so many others held by Abdulhadi are nothing more than the glorification of violence committed against Israelis and Jews by Palestinian terrorists. It may be covered by our Constitutional guarantees of free speech, but we enjoy the right to call it what it is. This is what passes for education in California. SFSU, under the leadership of President Lynn Mahoney and her predecessor, Les Wong, is a joke even by our present-day low standards. It is clear that anti-Semitism thrives at SFSU. Everyone who has had a hand in sponsoring this should be ashamed.
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creepingsharia · 4 years
San Francisco State Univ. to host Muslim terrorist Leila Khaled as part of virtual 'resistance' event
Update 1: 9/23 Zoom canceled the event on their platform for violating ToS
Update 2: 9/23 Facebook canceled the event on their platform for violating ToS
Update 3: 9/23 YouTube started the virtual event, and it began with anti-American sentiment and praise for jihad martyrs. Youtube then canceled the event on their platform for violating ToS
The jihad is relentless.
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San Francisco State University (SFSU) will be hosting Leila Khaled, a prominent member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) and hijacker of the Tel Aviv-bound flight TWA Flight 840 hijacking in 1969 and Dawson Field hijackings in 1970.
Khaled will be participating in a 'resistance' event organized by the Department of Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, according to an Algemeiner report Thursday. Khaled was later released as part of a prisoner exchange, and is expected to speak at the event titled, “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice and Resistance: A Conversation with Leila Khaled,” on September 23, hosted by Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi. The latter has been accused by some, according to Algemeiner, of fostering a climate of hate on campus towards pro-Israel students. Others expected to speak at the event include Ronnie Kasrils, a Jewish member of the South African Communist Party (SACP) and supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign who has also been accused to promoting conspiracy theories. Khaled, who is currently 76 years old and lives in the Jordanian capital of Amman, continues to have ties to the PLFP. The Palestinian organization is classified as a terrorist group by Israel, the US, Canada and the EU. The PLFP was heavily involved in terrorist attacks and suicide bombings during the Second Intifada from 2000-2005. The interconnected nature between the BDS movement and Palestinian terrorism has been reported on multiple times by The Jerusalem Post.
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Tune in NOW to AMED event featuring Leila Khaled.
The event was moved last-minute to Youtube after a relentless Zionist campaign to force Zoom and Facebook to cancel the event.
Speaking now is Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Just one day after the 50th anniversary of the surprise Arab attack on Israel that launched the 1973 Yom Kippur War, jihadists from Gaza's Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations unleashed��another surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7. Amidst rape outrages, at least dozens taken hostage, hundreds dead and thousands wounded in Israel, numerous anti-Israel academics in Middle East studies have opened a second Twitter/X front in the terrorist war against the Jewish state.
While Israeli writer Lazar Berman speculated that "October 7, 2023 saw the most Jews slaughtered in a single day since the Holocaust," San Francisco State University associate professor of ethnic studies Rabab Abdulhadi fell in line behind the genocidal terrorists, tweeting that Hamas members "are merely defending themselves ... against colonial & racist violence."
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On Sept. 23, a series of major Silicon Valley corporations – Zoom, Facebook and YouTube (Google) – joined hands with racist, right-wing, Zionist campaigns in an attempt to silence an academic event, “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice, & Resistance: A conversation with Leila Khaled,” organized by Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi and Prof. Tomomi Kinukawa at San Francisco State University. The event featured Palestinian resistance icon Leila Khaled along with Rula Abu Dahou, Ronnie Kasrils, Sekou Odinga and Laura Whitehorn, all former political prisoners.
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feminism-lesbianart · 6 years
イスラエル政府は過去においてもまた現在も、イスラエル内外のユダヤ人という多様な集団を単独で代表する存在ではありません。けれども、パレスチナ市民社会からの呼びかけを受け世界中で拡大するイスラエル政府のアパルトヘイト体制批判である、BDS (ボイコット、資本撤退、制裁) の運動を「反ユダヤ主義 (antisemitism)」と混同する攻撃は根強くあります。このような混同がBDSへの「批判」として利用される時代的な背景としては、 白人至上主義やイスラモフォビアが問題化されづらい一方で、欧州やアメリカ合衆国での、極右による排外主義的なユダヤ人差別の扇動やユダヤ人を含めたエスニック・マイノリティをターゲットにした憎悪犯罪の増加があります。
参考: "Anti-Semitism on the political left" (11 Jan 2017) https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/upfront/2017/01/anti-semitism-political-left-170111153859304.html "Web extra: Is boycotting Israel anti-Semitic?" (23 Dec 2016) https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/upfront/2016/12/web-extra-boycotting-israel-anti-semitic-161223090003247.html
今回の学習会では、2018年12月に来日を控えた2人の米国在住フェミニストの言葉を通し、対イスラエルBDS (ボイコット、資本撤退、制裁) の運動に対する「反ユダヤ主義」言説がどのように展開されており、それに対してどのような反論がなされているのかを、反植民地主義・反レイシズム・反ヘテロセクシズムの立場から学びます。
■ 日程:2018/11/25(日)午後2時, 12/2(日)午後2時, 12/10(月)午後7時 (各回2時間、全3回、単発参加可)
■ 場所: 東京ウィメンズプラザ 1階交流コーナー 渋谷駅 宮益坂口から徒歩12分 表参道駅 B2出口から徒歩7分 都バス (渋88系統) 渋谷駅から2つ目 (4分) 青山学院前バス停から徒歩2分 東京都渋���区神宮前5-53-67 〒150-0001 http://www1.tokyo-womens-plaza.metro.tokyo.jp/outline/tabid/136/Default.aspx
■ 参加費:資料代実費 (各回50円まで)/予約申込み不要
■ 進め方: この学習会では反植民地主義・反レイシズム・反ヘテロセクシズムの立場から、Judith ButlerとNoura Erakatのスピーチや文章をみんなで読みます。
ディスカッションは日本語です。 12/2と12/10に扱うテキストが手に入りづらい場合はお気軽にお問い合わせください。 janis_cherry(at)selfishprotein.net
■ 参加方法など: - 事前に各回指定のテキストを読み (ビデオを見て) ご参加ください。予約申込みは不要です。各回とも当日直接お越しください。 - 1回だけでも続けての参加もできます。 - 多くて8人くらいの集まりになる予定です (テーブルの大きさ的に)。 - 「見学」 (沈黙) というのはなしです。 (実際は会場の都合で、覗き見&立ち聞きできます。お気軽にどうぞ。) - 性別・性自認・性指向・国籍・学歴・英語力など不問。 - 分からないこと、不安な点があればメールをください。問い合わせはjanisまで。janis_cherry(at)selfishprotein.net
■ スケジュール:
第1回:2018年11月25日(日) 午後2時-4時 テキスト:"Judith Butler’s Remarks to Brooklyn College on BDS" (February 7, 2013) https://www.thenation.com/article/judith-butlers-remarks-brooklyn-college-bds/
2013年2月、米国ニューヨーク市立大学でBDSを支持するJudith Butlerと、BDSキャンペーンの共同創始者であるOmar Barghouti のパネルが企画された際、市の後援を取りやめるよう圧力がかかりました。そうした圧力への抗議を経て開催されたパネルでのButlerによるスピーチです。
第2回:2018年12月2日(日) 午後2時-4時 テキスト:Butler, Judith. "Foreword" In On Antisemitism: Solidarity and the Struggle for Justice, Jewish Voice for Peace, vii-xiii. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2017.  https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1065-on-antisemitism ビデオ:Jewish Voice for Peace. "Judith Butler on BDS and Antisemitism", Filmed [Aug 2017]. Youtube video, Posted [Aug 2017]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9gvj3SvcDQ
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) は1996年にカリフォルニア州立大学バークレー校の学部生たちが自主的に立ち上げたイスラエルとパレスチナの平和運動団体で現在は全米に60以上の支部を持つ草の根団体です。2017年に『反ユダヤ主義について――正義への連帯とたたかい』というアンソロジーを出版しました。今回読むのはメンバーの一人でもあるJudith Butlerが寄せた序文になります。またビデオは同時期にJVPの企画で発表されたものです。
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第3回:2018年12月10日(月) 午後7時-9時 テキスト:Erakat, Noura. "Arabiya Made Invisible: Between Marginalization of Agency and Silencing of Dissent" In Arab and Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence, and Belonging, edited by Rabab Abdulhadi, Evelyn Alsultany, and Nadine Naber, 174-183. First Paperback ed. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 2015. http://www.syracuseuniversitypress.syr.edu/fall-2010/arab-arab.html
アラブ人とアラブ系アメリカ人のフェミニズム(複数形)をテーマに編纂されたアンソロジーから一編を読みます。Noura Erakat によるこの文章はアラブ女性やモスリム女性のアイデンティティについての偏狭なステレオタイプに対抗し、ラディカルな反シオニストとしては退けられるなかで、著者自身がパレスチナ人法学生のアクティヴィストとして行為性を発揮してきたプロセスが描かれています。学習会のタイトルはこの文章の副題から取りました。
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関連のお知らせ:2018年12月15日に、パレスチナBDS民族評議会の「多田謠子反権力人権賞」受賞発表会があり、それと同時に14日(大阪)・16日(東京)にBDS japan発足集会が企画されています。それぞれの会で学習会の3回目で扱う文章を書いた、ヌーラ・エラカート (Noura Erakat) さんのスピーチがあります。https://bdsjapan.wordpress.com/
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fkakidstv · 3 years
Palestinian scholar accuses SFSU of broken contract promise
Palestinian scholar accuses SFSU of broken contract promise
San Francisco State University hired Rabab Abdulhadi away from the University of Michigan at Dearborn, where she’d served as the director of the Center for Arab American Studies, in 2006. Abdulhadi’s memorandum of understanding from SFSU from the time promises, among other things, that the university “will support two additional lines in the areas of Arab-Islamic studies,” to be opened as…
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redress-newsbites · 3 years
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