alectoperdita · 1 year
I HAVE to have a snippet of "Bitching", please and thank you
From WIP Game
Yes, Bitching is my sorta in progress doc for Lure a/b/o-verse bitching, namely alpha!Kaiba bitching alpha!Jounouchi into his personal omega through a series of hormone shots and good-old-fashioned come marking/breeding. I forgot I already posted a decently-sized snippet for it previously. So if that sounds interesting to you, you can check it out here (warning for themes of non-con). Sadly, I haven't found the time/energy to work on it more, but it continues to live rent-free in my head at least.
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emilianadarling · 1 year
For the ask meme: 13, 29, and 35, please!
Continuing to work through the submissions I got for the writer ask meme. :3
Weird Questions for Writers (because writers are weird)
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Oof. I suppose on the 'difficult' front, there's a spectrum between:
'difficult to write about but I still DO write about it', and
'so difficult to write about that I choose not to write about it, period'.
In the former category, we have *wince* things like trauma to hands and fingers, which is very deeply unpleasant to write about but I absolutely WILL and HAVE done it. It's aksjdhajksdhkjsahdj to write about for me personally, but I CAN soldier through.
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For those of you who've read Until My Dying Breath from way back in 2011-2012, I quite literally had to write the 'Vampire!Kurt snaps a guy's wrists backward like twigs' scene with my eyes averted as I typed, my little 21-22 year old self going 'ahh' 'AHHH' out loud at the laptop screen as I did so, then went back and edited out all the typos another day once I'd had a chance to steel myself. I don't LIKE writing it, but I have and will again.
Then there is the 'so difficult to write about that I choose not to write about it, period' end of the spectrum, which is for me a more pernicious kind of difficulty. For me, that's things like partner betrayal, infidelity, certain fundamental betrayals between close family. I can feel out of my skin for days after encountering those elements in stories unexpectedly, and so it's just not a topic I have much desire to feature as central elements of my writing.
Obligatory 'writing battle scenes is also hard' note here lmao, but while it's true and they ARE, I think working through my battle scene anxieties by way of repeated exposure and beta reader/collaborator support.
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
The first thing that came to mind are these passages from On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King:
"... good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowhere, sailing at you right out of the empty sky: two previously unrelated ideas come together and make something new under the sun. Your job isn’t to find these ideas but to recognize them when they show up."[...]
"We are writers, and we never ask one another where we get our ideas; we know we don’t know."
This may not be everyone's experience, but there are elements that certainly echo my own. Sometimes it strikes all at once, a convergence of concepts into a story you want to read so badly you feel compelled to craft it into existence.
The next closest answer I can give is "other people's stories", because everything is a story and the world is a story and we all creatively stand on the shoulders of giants. We build upon the stories that fed us!!!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Perhaps not into smithereens, but I do have a counterpoint to Orwell’s Rule: "never use a long word when a short word will do".
While the underlying sentiment is, for me, often supportable... in practice, my gut preference is to go with the word that describes the thing as precisely, evocatively, and accurately as possible. Often times, that's a shorter one; sometimes, it's a longer one.
There are some words out there that are apt as fuck. 'Load-bearing words', if you will. Describing Din's armor as "a metallurgical second skin" gave me bone-deep satisfaction during revisions. It just felt right, and I knew Caro would LOVE it once they did their beta reading pass... and they DID.
So -- short words are OFTEN better, in my eyes. But not always. Sometimes, a longer word will do.
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sibmakesart · 3 months
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warehouse 13 ? anyone ?
bc @rabidweezul dragged me into watching this show and ive been paying the price (new blorbos)
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c-l-y-d-e · 10 months
the stupendous @sturionic tagged me for this get to know you meme. THANKS DOLL <3
Last Song: Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová - Into The Mystic.
Currently watching: NOTHING. ACTUALLY. I watched Good Omens S2 earlier this month, and am looking forward to Our Flag Means Death S2 in October, but in general I have drastically reduced my screentime outside of my work hours, and even cancelled any/all subscription tv/movie services. I've been spending my time volunteering (with a youth group, and chairing the board of a community organization), hanging out with friends and family, helping neighbours, walking my dog, cooking nice meals for myself, and catching up on a large backlog of to-do's around the house. I didn't use to spend a lot of time watching tv pre-pandemic so this is honestly a bit of a return to my usual vibe.
Currently reading: Half a Yellow Sun, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It's historical fiction (my beloved) about the Biafran war in Nigeria in the 1960s. It's excellent and riveting (and LONG but I honestly look forward to picking it up every night to read a chapter or two).
Current obsession: Tears of the Kingdom, hands down. I'm slowly finding every bubbulfrog and korok and building ever more efficient death machines and having a blast galavanting around Hyrule.
TAG YOU'RE IT: @rabidweezul @sowideasea @shinayashipper @grinsekatze-13 @jamiehascateyes
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lyoneve · 1 year
Aaaa thank you for tagging me @sweet-cherry-bean!!❤️
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below!
*cracks knuckles* here we go!
Last song: according to spotify it's Blue Lips by Regina Spektor! Love that song but i have no recollection of listening to it today..
Three ships: oh man I'm really gonna expose myself by choosing only OFMD ships... I'm a "one fandom at a time" kinda gal, but luckily I am a multishipper and very easily persuaded to start shipping something. Just show me some art or a good fic and I'm sold!
Ed/Stede ofc! No surprise there. Ed/Izzy although I haven't been in the mood for the angst lately. And my most recent obsession is Jim/Izzy👀
First ever ship: Mulder and Scully! They're the first ship I read fics about at least
Currently reading: House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Also listening to the Kninjaknitter podfic version of 'blue as cut sapphires and shining like gold' by suchgreathights (being able to knit and draw WHILE i read a fic?? Peak productivity if you ask me)
Currently watching: TLOU (I haven't watched ep 9 tho so shhhh!!). And the newest season of Dimension 20!
Currently consuming: drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea with milk and honey
Last movie: The Wonder
Currently craving: a trip to go see my friends 500 km away. (OKAY SO today is the day I learn that the unit called "mil" in Norwegian is called a "Scandinavian mile" in English cause it's only commonly used in Norway and Sweden?? Like, I knew it wasn't the same as a mile but I assumed it would be called a metric mile buT NO a metric mile is 5km more than a "mil"???)
Tagging (no pressure tho! just do it if you want)❤️:
@ipomoea-batatas, @gentlebeardschild, @midearthling, @rabidweezul, @greenapricot, @nuhmarika, @myslanka, @shonyadrws, @umulata
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taranorma · 2 months
Male fictional characters that make me go, "My man!"
Thank you @cssnder for the tag, this is a fun one!! All right, let's get weird about some fictional men, and expose myself a little in the process. 😂
1. Edward Teach / Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death
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His eyes. His hair. His arms. His tummy. I desire to see this man on his knees (not with me, but I digress).
2. Suri from Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
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He plays two personas in this movie, but I love him as Suri. My soft sweet potato. I want him to take care of me when I'm not feeling well.
3. Arn from Arn: The Knight Templar (specifically the mini-series and not the movie)
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A man devoted to the woman he loves, stopping at nothing to return to her side? I'll have more of that, yes, please.
4. Westley from The Princess Bride
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I'm so down for him, as basic as that may make me, but. God. As you wish.
This isn't a writing game, so I'm trying to tag folk that I think might have fun with this, please ignore me if my judgment is off: @bookish-karina @coarsely @rabidweezul @ladyred-ms
If I tagged you and you’d rather not be tagged, just drop a note in my inbox and I’ll not do so again! If I didn’t tag you and you wish you were tagged, let me know and I’ll remember to tag you in the future!
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Got Toes and I Can Smile
by RabidWeezul
Damp hair fell in tendrils around his face as Ed leaned in close. Izzy could feel the puff of air on his skin as he spoke.
“Stop crying,” Edward murmured fondly. Was he crying? Was the dampness on his face tears or blood? Ed smiled down at him gently. “It’s just the pinkie.”
Words: 1371, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands
Additional Tags: The Toe Thing, Episode: s01e10 Wherever You Go There You Are, Forced auto-Cannibalism, POV Israel Hands, Izzy Is A Little Fucking Freak
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47784190
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garuye · 3 years
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Who’s really the villain here?  This man deserved SO much better
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alectoperdita · 2 years
For the Spotify Wrapped ask meme! How about 20, 32, 75, 81, and 87?
20. Irresistible by Fall Out Boy feat. Demi Lovato
32. It Will Come Back by Hozier
75. Dangerous Night by Thirty Seconds To Mars
81. Animals by Maroon 5
87. Carnivore by Bear Attack!
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
Hello One Nice Big Per Day!!! Thank you for your amazing work for the betterment of human and bugkind. My absolute favorite buggies are moths! Especially the fuzzy ones. What are some of the fuzziest moths you know?? Thank you for your time!!
Hello! Happy to be of service. I also love fuzzy precious moths. The one that comes to mind immediately is the poodle moth, posted here. Also this post is full of fuzzy fellas.
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sibmakesart · 1 year
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A scene from The Dense and The Desperate by @rabidweezul that FUCKED ME UP
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c-l-y-d-e · 1 year
10 blorbos
Rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
tagged by @brillemos! Thank you!!
In no particular order:
Trigun stampede: Vash
Severance: Helly R.
Heaven Official's Blessing: Hua Cheng
Good Omens: Crowley
The Old Guard: Yusuf al-Kaysani (Joe)
MCU: Bucky Barnes
YGO: Atem
Ted Lasso: Rebecca Welton
OFMD: Stede Bonnet
Stranger Things: Robin Buckley (or Steve Harrington?? how do I chose between a genius and an idiot)
idk why it was so hard to think of ten fandoms? I guess sometimes I love the whole package and it's hard to name just one character.
Tagging: @claraschaos @shinayashipper @rabidweezul @tarteggs @livingthedragonlife @sturionic @duelistkingdom and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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ink-the-artist · 3 years
that's not allowed you're not allowed to be cute and ALSO a fantastically creative and intriguing artist
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typheus · 2 years
That's a really pretty square! Do you have the pattern?
ya! its right here! i was originally going to do a regular granny square pattern but then i saw this video for the sunburst one n knew that was gonna be the one i used instead 💚
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atems-leather-pants · 3 years
For the ask meme: 13, 16, 38, 44!!
Hey hey!! Long time no see, bud! Ty for the asks!
13: Biggest turn on
A great sense of humour is one of my top ones. I love it when people can relax and not take themselves too seriously, so if you get me laughing, you're already making great progress.
16: I'll love you if...
You have a good heart and treat others well ♥
38: My childhood career choice
Well, I remember wanting to be a writer when I was 10 haha! That and a Pokemon Gym Leader. Gosh, I'd love that job if it existed hahaha
44: Random fact about anything
Thunderstorms can happen in December in Canada. I've lived here all my life, but up until a few days ago, I never thought that could realistically happen. I've been proved wrong.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
okay, i realize i sound like a goddamn ancient lameass millenial, but uh... what the FUCK is a vibe check lmfao /good natured and also curious/
ok so the original meaning of “vibe check” was supposed to be just. like. a check in on someones vibes. like yknow good vibes, bad vibes, etc. it eventually got expanded to yelling “vibe check” before doing something super suddenly cause in Internet Joke Kinda Instances its usually smth along the lines of decking someone out of the goddamn blue
when its something like that Usually its because either YOUR vibes are fucking chaotic and you just Gotta Punch OR someone ELSES vibes are what scholars would call “rancid” and they have “failed” the “vibe check”
-mod dave
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