#radio westeros
brando-2187 · 1 year
Thoughts I had while listening to Radio Westeros (CotF)
I had a bunch of thoughts while listening to episode 78 (The Children of the Forest) of the Radio Westeros podcast and I wanted to share them with anyone who cares to read. ☺️
-In the episode, Lady Gwyn and Yolkboy do a really good job of explaining the difference between wargs and skinchangers, how wargs can change into dogs/wolves and skinchangers cannot. They talked about how rare bonding with dogs, wolves and direwolves is among skinchangers and it got me to thinking: were the Starks made kings because they could skin change into direwolves? The direwolf would be the king above dogs and regular wolves, in fact we see this with Nymeria and Summer. Nymeria becomes the head of a great wolf pack and Bran, while inside of Summer, takes control of another wolf pack. 
-On the topic of the Children breaking the Arm of Dorne: I really get the feeling Valyria or whatever it was called before it became an empire actually did have a presence on Westeros much earlier than we’ve been told. If Valyria is supposed to be Rome, they have an earlier history than what we are being told, likely because the maesters a long time ago had something to hide. It seems likely to me that there was a republic version of the Valyrian Empire and the history we have been told is just the empire’s history, not whatever existed before. I also have a working theory that I will expand upon in its own post about the Proto-Valyrians (we’ll call them PVs) presence in Westeros before the breaking of the Arm. In a very brief summary, the idea is that the Amethyst Empress is a parallel to Cleopatra/Egypt and the Bloodstone Emperor is really just Rome, the Bloodstone Empire. I think the black stone that they worshipped is just the oily black stone that they built with. I believe the oily black stone is just basalt that has been infused with some sort of magic, likely bloodmagic, and they oily appearance is just its magical charge. We have evidence there was a culture in Westeros pre-breaking of the Arm that liked to build with sorcery and oily black stone present in some buildings. It seems likely to me that this was the work of the PVs and that they had to pull back to protect the heart of Valyria from the rising threat of the Dothraki from the East. If this is true, it is also possible that they CotF broke the Arm to keep either the Dothraki out (most likely) or even to keep the PVs armies from easily coming back into Westeros. I have essays worth of thoughts on this though so I will save that for another time. 
-The way the Northern Mountain Clans call Ned Stark “The Ned” makes me wonder, was Brandon a title that the Kings of Winter used to adopt when they became king? The Brandon becomes the Bran? Is it like the title of The Merlin where it passes on almost like it is the same person? Is that how Brandon the Builder supposedly did so much? (This one is just kind of a random thought but I figured why not include it.)
-We are told that Brandon the Builder came to the Stormlands to help Durran Godsgrief build Storm's End as a child but what if they actually meant he was a Child of the Forest? I think it’s likely Brandon the Builder was half CotF and this would help explain him possibly living a long time. His father is said to be Brandon of the Bloody Blade, a son of Garth Greenhand, and the moniker he’s given reminds me of how Barbrey Dustin talks about Ned’s older brother Brandon. 
“My father had great ambitions for House Ryswell. He would have served up my maidenhead to any Stark who happened by, but there was no need. Brandon was never shy about taking what he wanted. I am old now, a dried-up thing, too long a widow, but I still remeber the look of my maiden’s blood on his cock the night he claimed me. I think Brandon liked the sight as well. A bloody sword is a beautiful thing, yes. It hurt, but it was a sweet pain.” ADWD, The Turncloak
So is the Bloody Blade in the first Brandon’s name actually about him following in his father’s footsteps and spreading his seed throughout the lands of Westeros? If that is the case, I find it to be highly likely he came across a Child and had a baby with her, possibly Brandon the Builder. 
-The idea of the Dothraki fighting the Ifequevron is really interesting to me. Imagine a battle between the two: the Ifequevron could take over the Dothraki horses and wipe them out almost instantly. The Dothraki definitely would mess with an enemy with that sort of power over their strongest asset. No other real thoughts to add to this point, I just thought it was really interesting. 
-Is it possible the first Valyrian was a child of Garth? Are the ancestors to the Daynes also descendants of Garth? Garth was said to have walked Westeros before any other men; did he learn anything from the CotF? Did the PVs or first Valyrian learn bloodmagic from the CotF?
-The Green Men on the Isle of Faces remind me of the priestesses on the Isle of Avalon from The Mists of Avalon series with the Isle of Faces being Avalon. Could it actually be women on the Isle? Bran sees a priestess of the Old Gods in his vision so we know that there were women leading at least some of the religious ceremonies. The priestesses in both stories also have bronze weapons to use for their rituals, a knife like weapon for Mists and a sickle in ASoiaF. 
-Is Snowylocks a hint that the Valyrians might have had some CotF blood? We actually don’t really know what the CotF want or how Bloodraven came to be in the cave with them with a tree growing through his body. It makes me wonder if he’s maybe been lured there and trapped for some reason like Merlin was trapped. 
These were just my random thoughts that I wanted to share. ☺️
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a-heart-of-kyber · 2 years
I realize I'm years late, but Radio Westeros showing their bias by trying to peg No Featherbed as a Rhaegar and Lyanna song like....what? Yellow Silk?! Played after a puppy love scene between a Stark and a BARATHEON.
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radiowesteros · 3 years
In this installment of our collaboration things really start to fall apart for House Targaryen. We cover the campaigns in the Riverlands, the events at Bitterbridge and Tumbleton, and the situation at King’s Landing, The green army crumbles, while the black hold on power is disintegrating. Join us for this next chapter in the story of the Dance of the Dragons!
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Radio westeros is the BEST podcast if you love ASOIAF !
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davosfingers · 4 years
Episode 98 Show Notes: The Desire to Be Free
Welcome to SHOW NOTES, where we provide you with links and other info regarding some of the ever-important side topics we discussed on the show. Check them out here at davosfingers.com after every episode!
Ice and Fire Con is home to many of us, so how great was it that our diligent, esteemed IaFC organizers brought the Con TO OUR HOMES with a weekend full of digital content that you can find at the Ice and Fire Con YouTube channel. Matt and Scad got to play along for two of the features:
Creators of Ice and Fire Meetup: Wherein ya boyz join host Shadowcat Becks (@Shadowcat_Becks), Aziz ( @WesterosHistory) from History of Westeros, Lady Gwyn (@ladygwynhyfvar) and yolkboy (@theyolkboy) from Radio Westeros, and brilliant artist Sanrixian (@sanrixian), who drew live while we chatted. Remember Mark Mullendore’s monkey? You will after this!
Legends of the Nightfort: Scad is joined by our friends Bword (@b_petersen85), Chace (@GhostChaceKilla), and Lord Travis (@ser_travis) of Planetos Podcast as they discuss the mysterious past and future of the Nightfort.
And let us be clear, friends: IaFC was not cancelled, but POSTPONED to Oct. 29 – Nov. 1. Get details and buy tickets from the Ice and Fire Con website NOW.
Khalasar, there are, like, three things in this world that set my head to spinning: my wife in her workout clothes, Paul Rudd’s smile, and just about anything Steven writes. Hungry for SOMETHING – ANYTHING – of value to talk about during our Volantis segment (seriously, what a horrible place), I came across this essay Steven wrote some years ago for Tower of the Hand. Rife with commentary on the history, culture, and politics of Volantis, as well as parallels to the history of our own world, this one sucked me in like no other treatment of Volantis ever has. Read more of Steven’s work (and find links to buy his books!) at his website.
I was woefully unprepared to summarize a theory on why Valyrians can ride dragons by member chrisdaw that I came across on Westeros.org . And while I’m not completely behind it (those who know me know I’m more of a “meh, I’ll wait and see” type guy when it comes to theories), I applaud the research and creativity that went into crafting it.
While discussing bravos, the scene atop the Cliffs of Insanity from The Princess Bride inevitably came up. Packed with wit, sleight of hand, and acrobatics, how could this not be my favorite sword-fight scene of all time? I demand you love it as well.
And that’ll do it for this episode, Bloodriders! Stay safe, and stay savage!
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wewererogue · 5 years
Radio Westeros Podcast Episode 09: The Brotherhood Without Banners
“Lady Gwyn and yolkboy take on the Brotherhood without Banners. We look at their origins and their parallels with a real world outlaw gang, examine a secret identity theory you may have missed, break down the action in the Riverlands in AFfC and ADwD and wrap it up with a “where are they now?” segment. Readings, a pseudo advert, Lady Gwyn’s musical debut and more!” (3)
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iceandfirecon · 5 years
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@radiowesteros is coming to Ice and Fire Con 2019!
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I was watching game of thrones review videos hosted by AA podcast and radio westeros the other day. They both are known for their indepth analysis and unlike other youtube channels, these people can talk for hours and hours about a single character. Then i stumbled upon this gem,
Lady Gywn( RW): This may not be the most popular opinion but i got a jon + sansa vibe from this show. Their first scene together started with Sansa declaring Jon is a stark to her, offering an apology for not telling him about LF. And it ended with this tender kiss from Jon to her forehead... You know it is pretty much brotherly but it could have been something more i think. Then you get this framing in that scene in the great hall they are sitting at the table and they just looked Ned/Cat reborn . In between we got the reveal that they are not brother and sister after all. Looking at the stark family tree reveals that there was several incestuous stark marriages, the most recent of which was Ned and Lyanna’s parents, who were cousins of the same degree as Jon ans Sansa although a generation removed. so these type of things that happened before in their family seemed to have decided the whole dynasty, I definitely see that happening here.
Azhia: I definitely.. i definitely see that vibe is well between them. I don’t want to see them..... they were raised together. but i get that tension and also in the 1993 manuscripts of GRRm, there was a romance between jon and arya. There are little bits of shades of them. And it would really tie up neatly and for jon and sansa getting together and it would cause an issue when Dany just swooping in and marrying Jon. Another one we don’t like to think about. 
Lady Gywn: Jon and Sansa is choreographed in the books, in sansa chapters where she kind of thinks about him when she is alayne, Well, it just wouldnt surprise me. 
Aziz: ......... that is very interesting and i think it is possible and it would be preferable to Jon/ Dany. 
Here is the link:
Go to 1.13 hrs
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piratetheon · 5 years
I've just listened to an amazing episode of a podcast which focused on Theon Greyjoy's character arc and I feel the need to spread the world ahah. The name of the podcast is Radio Westeros and they talk about all sort of things: from psychological analysis of the characters to fan theories and even some curiosities about the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. I'll leave here the link to Theon's episode, I really suggest you check it out!
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elvisglasses · 6 years
Fantastic podcast episode for Jaime fans. LONG book-centric meta about Jaime, Cersei, their (unraveling) relationship, and the spanner in the works: Brienne of Tarth, who just might be the ‘younger more beautiful’ one of the valonqar prophecy.
J/B shippers should enjoy this in-depth analysis too, along with their episode dedicated to Brienne that focuses even more on Jaime & Brienne’s relationship.
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sandor-clegane-spot · 7 years
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ASOIAF META EXTRAORDINAIRE: 2 1/2 hrs https://youtu.be/nkUlfY4x3kU
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mllekaren · 8 years
Radio Westeros
For those who don’t know, @radiowesteros finished their excellent two part special about Littlefinger (Part.1 & Part.2)
And because I love my Sansan so much don’t forget to listen to these two episodes : 
Episode 02 Sansa— A Song of Innocence
Episode 11 Sandor — A Knight’s Honour
And they have a lot more!
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radiowesteros · 4 years
Bonus: A Quiz of Ice and Fire 23 – Characters VII
Bonus: A Quiz of Ice and Fire 23 – Characters VII
Join Lady Gwyn with special guest Tara from Ice & Fire Con for our latest Quiz of Ice and Fire bonus episode. We pose fifteen questions of ASoIaF trivia. How many can you answer?
Visit our website
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asoiaf-got-spot · 8 years
Great Podcast !
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davosfingers · 4 years
Welcome to SHOW NOTES, where we provide you with links and other info regarding some of the ever-important side topics we discussed on the show. Check them out here at davosfingers.com after every episode!
In E93, We The Fingers give endless accolades to Alysanne, while not quite letting her off the hook in some areas. But don’t you worry, we’re not letting you off the hook either. Read on for more! 
Is it really a Davos’ Fingers episode if we don’t reference THE PRINCESS BRIDE in SOME way, shape, or form? In this case, Buttercup says she died the day she received the news of Wesley’s “death”, just like Jaehaerys claims Rhaenyra “died” the day of Aegon’s demise. What we find, in hindsight, is that Buttercup’s sense of loss is probably what contributed to her indefatigable attitude. And for Rhaenyra, as Scad and I contend, could it be that losing Aegon was just one step in a long process to finding true peace?
Remember the good ol’ days when you just plugged your symptoms into WebMD and it removed any need to even go to a doctor? Yeah, me neither. But NOW, you can visit WebMD and learn about how Arousal Syndrome is no cause for shame! Or how to flatten those abs! Docta Docta give me the news.
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Remember that one time Yours Truly talked up his friends at Radio Westeros on the air about their really great Melisandre theory, but then couldn’t remember the theory well enough to actually expound on it? I remember that time, and the shame was real. But it’s still a really great theory! See for yourself and prepare to believe that Melisandre is the offspring of Bloodraven and Shiera Seastar!
One of my New Years’ resolutions was to put myself out there more in regards to the music I’ve been working on. I mean, what’s better – a perfectly written book that sits in a drawer forever, having only been read by the author; or a book – perhaps not perfect – that can be read by many? So while I know these little songs still need a little bit of refining, I’d like to share them with you in the hope that maybe they can help you feel something, just as they’ve made me feel something. A huge shout out to Scad for being my biggest supporter with this little project/dream of mine. Who has always taken the time to carefully listen and offer nuanced feedback and encouragement. I couldn’t dream up a better friend.
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iceandfirecon · 6 years
We had some great panels at Ice & Fire Con this year, and when we scheduled them we figured there was no better way to kick off the convention than with one about HAPPY things from our beloved series. Check out Aziz & Sean from @historyofwesteros and Lady Gwyn from @radiowesteros on the "Happy Moments in Game of Thrones" panel!
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