#raggedy ann teddy
undergroundbillions · 2 years
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Theodore Arcadius Bearford! Merely well-read, my dear.
Hi I made a silly little bear! Just like canon Teddy, they're made of scraps (these ones picked out from manufacturing remnants at the scrap store) and whatever I had lying around. Their vest is a sock :D
-𝕸𝖔𝖉 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕯.
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muffy-official · 28 days
I feel like I can't seem to make anything proper again, just another little crisis so have those random doodles and whenever I'm there mentally again I keep worrying way too much and trying to not think I'm annoying with my character stuff sorry for the semi vent, but somehow this week's been weird private matter wise😭
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Gabs might also have to make it clear she's no nurse, that she's only capable of basic things+ stitching, but she'd aid grunts and other expop who got friendly fire'd immediately if needed. With primes she's a bit hesitant but gets the job done. One time she wouldn't care about anything is if pulling sleeves or pant legs up too high cuts blood circulation after a while as she refuses to cut the fabric to have it go up better. You gotta endure it once it's done
Also screw yall/j *genderbends the prime asset as a excuse to draw these suit sets*
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who are your favorite characters in any piece of media? if you answered anyone besides baby or teddy, you’re wrong. (/j)
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colorteevy · 7 months
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i liked this lil set of pics from my outfit today
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humannish · 27 days
whimsy/cute stuff i secretly like:
moomintroll, calico critters, cherished teddies, care bears (better than mlp fuck those retarded horses), charlie bears, clowns, vintage dolls, hummel figurines, precious moments, strawberry shortcake, raggedy anne and andy, music boxes
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stpaulofsuburbia · 9 months
Raggedy Andy and the Christmas Time Challenge
Happy Holidays, @strawberryxfieldz ! I hope you enjoy you Andy-stuffed treat! Sorry if it's a tad late...
Synopsis: It's time for Marcella's toys to plan for their Christmas meal! But when Andy wants to take control, time literally stands in his way.
Fandom: Raggedy Ann/Rag Dolly 
Character: Raggedy Andy, Raggedy Ann, Teddy, Camel, Baby, Marcella mention, Poppa mention, General D mention
Dynamics: Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy and Teddy, Raggedy Andy and Camel
Rating: General
“It’s time to plan for Christmas dinner, everyone!” Raggedy Ann proclaimed, a ruler in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other. 
Marcella’s five toys all clapped and hollered at the idea, even Andy, who usually hated planning. It brought out everything he didn’t like about the other toys. Teddy was overattentive and used long words, The Camel with the Wrinkled Knees moped if no one liked his ideas, and Baby would come up with a silly fashion stuffed dance like in the movies (and also moped if no one liked her ideas.) Besides, he was always “spur of the moment”, a firecracker, a whizz kid, and anything else that sounded amazing. He wasn’t for dinner planning, even if presents came after.
“First order of business,” Ann said as she pulled in the kid sized chalkboard, “is who’s gonna plan it. I did the Fourth of July, Teddy did Columbus Day, and Baby did Thanksgiving. This time it will be Andy!”
“Pass,” Andy said, closed his eyes and leaned back. “Toss it over to Teddy. He loves overthinking.”
Teddy grimaced at the remark. “While it’s true I do like to ‘overthink’ on projects, I propose it’s fair to pass it on to Camel, since he hasn’t had the chance to plan a holiday dinner yet.”
Camel’s droopy eyes grew wide. “Me?! Oh thank you so much, friend!” He reached his floppy legs across the table to shake Teddy’s hand. Andy, sitting between them, could see why the wrinkled knees were in the name. Andy folded his arms and closed his eyes with a huff. All he had to do for the next hour was half-listen for the chance to make some wise jokes and jabs.
“First off, we need a brilliant, delicious, green bean casserole!”
Andy’s eyes popped back open.
“Green bean?!” he yelled at the humpbacked horsey. “GREEN BEANS?!?”
“Andy, hush!” Ann demanded, pointing her ruler in his face. Andy pulled it from her hand and pointed it back at her. 
“No, YOU listen! I hate these boring planning sessions for holidays I could spend doing a million other things than cooking, cleaning, or singing, and now…GREEN BEANS?!!?”
“Well, you chose not to plan this dinner, so that’s on you.”
“Well,” Andy said, “I change my mind. I SHOULD plan Christmas dinner. I’m a million times more qualified.”
Ann sat down in her chair. “Okay, then. How are you more qualified?”
“I–” Andy started before realizing he didn’t know. He thought back to all the little lessons Marcella’s old man would always give her to see if there was anything. Then he remembered her at his sewing table showing how to tell time.
“I can tell time!”
Andy gave the surest smile imaginable with a squishy (but tough!) pair of crossed arms to boot. 
The other dolls weren’t convinced. Teddy raised a questioning eyebrow and pulled out a polished, gold painted watch. They opened it and showed the inside to Andy.
“Can you tell me the time on this watch?”
Andy leaned in and squinted. There was a circle of small dashes with squiggles placed around it. What did any of that have to do with time?
“Take your time,” Teddy said with a wink. “I’ll give you thirty seconds.”
Andy could’ve given up, but he didn’t want to look stupid in front of everyone. And he certainly didn’t want green beans.
“Oooooone…” he strained. He looked back at the others. Baby’s head was coked to the side, Camel was biting his teeth, Ann already covered her mouth to hold back a huge laugh, and Teddy stared like General D’s less dreary child.
“Forty-five seconds,” the bear said.
Andy looked over the face for clues. He spotted a line with a tiny diagonal on the top and a little line on the bottom. That must be a “one”.
Then, he remembered something the old man told Marcella.
“This one is also a five.”
The one is a five? How is that possible? Still, a clue was a clue! Andy scanned the clock’s face for some other hint. He looked at the big and little lines coming from the center. Maybe they pointed at numbers? 
“Poppa, do the big hand point at the hours?” Marcella asked her dad in that same conversation.
“No, chick, that’s the little hand’s job!”
“That’s dumb,” Marcella told him.
Andy agreed. But wait…the little line was pointing at the one! He was halfway right! Now the minutes. The big line was pointing at a triangle with a long line, three spots down from the one. Was it four minutes?
“You have fifteen seconds, Andy,” Teddy said, his glass eyes and everyone else’s eyes on him.
The four…four…five…the one is five. Five minutes?
“Yes, chick! The one is five minutes, the two is ten, and on and on.”
Two is ten, Three is fifteen, and four is…
“Twenty!! The time is one twentyyyy!!!”
Andy turned to Teddy so fast, it was a surprise his stitches didn’t rip. Teddy gave the small mouthed look they gave when Poppa was around. They looked down at the watch, then back at Andy.
“That’s correct!”
“YES!!!” Andy yelled as he jumped off the table and ran across the room, his legs propelling him over the bed and table and around the chalkboard. He jumped with the sounds of fireworks. “Boom! Boom!” Baby clapped with her porcelain arms and Camel with his felt covered hooves. Andy landed on top of the table and bowed.
“Now, back to business! The appetizer will be a giant, chocolate–”
“BWAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Ann laughed with an almost stitch ripping smile.
“What’s so funny, sis?” Andy asked with his hands on his hips.
Ann wiped a tear from her eye. 
“It’s just…wait, one second…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” she laughed again, falling over.
“What is it, huh?”
“Spit it out!!!”
Ann went right back to laughing. Andy wouldn’t believe it.
“Gimme that!” he yelled at the nervously smiling bear and yanked the watch back from them. He put the watch by his ear. No ticking. He looked at the face again. The lines and numbers were right there, but the hands weren’t moving. 
“Why did you make me read the wrong time?” Andy demanded.
“Well,” Teddy started, then shrugged, “I didn’t ask for the current time. I wanted to see if you could.”
Ann stopped laughing.
“So…he won?”
“Yeah…I WON!!!”
Once he finished his second celebration, Andy spent the night giving lists of chocolate coated desserts and crunchy salted snacks. However, he couldn’t help but notice Camel seemed a little sadder than usual. Maybe the wrinkled old livestock really did want to plan this dinner. 
Daylight peeped through the windows and Poppa could be heard making coffee. He’d be in any minute.
“Close it up, Andy. Poppa’s gonna come soon,” Camel said surprisingly sadder than usual.
Andy looked over from the chalkboard and noticed Camel looking down with a huge frown. Maybe the wrinkled old livestock really did want to plan this dinner. He looked back at his sweets covered board.
He wrote down one last dish.
“How’s this dish?”
The toys gasped. Camel slowly looked up, then smiled as he read “Two pounds of green bean casserole.”
“But I’m not eating a single bean,” Andy stated, just so he didn’t look too soft.
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wackypostmodern · 9 days
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cherished teddies raggedy ann and andy figure
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i-ate-your-dog-srry · 10 months
I have been awake for two days straight! I'm really paranoid it's really trippy.. anyway through my delusions I have drawn Ann and.. a big teddy bear!! I don't know why this crossed my mind but here it is!
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Wow I'm tripin. I just drank a monster never felt more like toxic waste!!
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incorrect-ragdolly · 2 years
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rag dolly twitter, part 5
teddy pfp by @raggedyannrevivaleffort
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | firefins edition
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ashenlion · 2 years
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my first teddy :) happy boirthday
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undergroundbillions · 8 months
SOOOOO I already know Teddy is the replacement for Panda but what's the difference between Teddy and Panda? (In their goals I mean lol)
Like what's Teddy's main goal in the revival, is it more knowledge, a quest for of trying to become brave, even sticking up for himself? It's a genuine question I'd like to ask if u dont want to answer that's completely fine I understand!!!
Panda doesn't have goals, they were not written as a three-dimensional character.
Also, before we start, this is mostly opinion! I know I am one of the people working on the script, but there are times when my opinions aren't any more canon than other interpretations. If you got a different conclusion from our portrayal of Teddy, then that's just as valid!
Teddy's main goal is to feel appreciated and respected!
That's why they read so much and want to learn everything they can, she feels like people don't understand her or listen to her. But that people would respect her more if she just had smarter things to say! Usually though, those quotes are just more confusing for people, so it doesn't help.
So he's there to see the world, and gain that real-world experience they think they're missing. But the goal isn't really to become smarter themselves, though she does enjoy learning new things always, it's to feel like their knowledge and skills are helpful and find the real-world application of her studies. I don't think she's ever had any issues not being brave, any less than the average person at least, she's just never known what the right place and time is for what response. Turns out, a clever saying isn't always going to make someone feel better, and scary nightmare villains don't listen to reason, no matter what greek philosopher you're quoting.
So he just needs to figure out a little where their skills matter most, and the others could pay more attention and put a little more effort into understanding what they're trying to say.
(Teddy uses he/she/they pronouns. Any and all are correct, personally I like to mix my use of each)
-𝕸𝖔𝖉 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕯.
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dangerouscloudrebel · 9 months
Andy: "You don't know how good I'm feeling after you told me to write a letter of what I feel about them, and let it burn."
Teddy: "Yeah that's good to hear! So how it was the feeling when you burn the letter?"
Andy: "The Letter?"
Teddy: "yeah The letter, that you burn it."
Andy: "No you said to me to 'write a letter about how you feel about them and Burn'"
Teddy: "burn what you wrote!"
Andy: "...The letter?"
Teddy: "The Letter!!!"
Andy 'pulls out a letter': "This one?"
Teddy: "...."
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I have two questions about the creativity behind the revival and redesigning characters!! :))))
1. Are you guys going to use any other Raggedy Ann media for Broadway? Like using the books (the original ones made by John Gruelle) as a sorta of creative inspiration? Or will you be using different media from the Raggedy Ann franchise as creative inspiration?
2. I'm curious about how do you redesign a character like Panda to Teddy, I've been trying my own redesigns on characters and I have been struggling with it, do you have any ideas to make my redesigns of characters be better then their original design/concept?
Thank you for the questions!!!
1. Yes! We all absolutely love early Raggedy Ann media, especially the books. Johnny Gruelle did create Raggedy Ann for the love of the real Marcella, after all, and we are trying to keep that intrinsic to the show, so that, even in fiction, the love between Marcella and her dad can be remembered. We are planning to have Raggedy Ann look more homemade and scrappy, like she would have in real life, and we have also snuck in a few very subtle references to the Gruelle books. Though no design concepts are official or concrete yet, we hope to take some inspiration from the original illustrations or the real life events surrounding the creation of Raggedy Ann.
2. Teddy isn't technically a "redesign" of Panda; they're a completely new character (who also happens to be a bear)! I say this because Panda's spot in the story was a bit of a blank slate; we had to keep the essential dialogue, in some regard, and the same dynamic in the group, but couldn't necessarily keep Panda as a character for obvious reasons. We tried out Babette from the 1977 film, but she didn't fit, both in terms of mood/tone and in terms of how she would move along the story. We ultimately created our own character, who became Teddy! The replacement wasn't just visual; so much thought and work was put into Teddy before their visual appearance was even considered. We had to change all of the dialogue to fit their tone and personality, while still writing with the style and intention that William Gibson had originally wanted for Panda and for the show as a whole. Teddy's personality was developed as we wrote based on the needs of the story, which actually gave us some wonderful opportunities for character development that Panda never received, and, accidentally, an opportunity to fill a long unfilled plot hole in the show. Teddy serves the story in the departments where Panda was lacking, while also supporting the story in the same way Panda did well, and that's their most important aspect in my opinion. They were created for the Raggedy Ann musical, not because of it. (If that makes sense?) Also, they're just super cute, quirky, and loveable.
Thank you so much for the asks, I always love answering these types of questions. :)
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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Lot Of Four Antique Stuffed Dolls And Teddy Bear….Too Cute… 10 In To 16 In. ebay rescueracers
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everythingisround · 2 years
I feel obligated to post this atrocity i brought into existence last night
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(original teddy doll sewn by @number44newseries864962)
I am so, so sorry
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eclipsewarrior101 · 1 year
Miss Lady Rose and the home for forgotten and abandoned toys characters information
Here at The Estate, there are a number of unique residents here. Let’s introduce you to them
Lady Rose. The Mistress and caretaker of the toys. She is mysterious, kind and stern. A strange aura surrounds her. She knows all her children’s wants and needs and will do anything to keep them safe.
Tack. With his long stretched out arms and legs and his kooky smile. Tack is a mix between a clown and a ragdoll. He can communicate but it’s kinda rough. He’s super sweet but he has demons
Andy & Ann. Revamps of the original Raggedy Ann/Andy dolls. While Andy is timid and wary, Ann is tougher and very protective. They always stay together. Fair warning…Never make Ann made or separate them
Odin: quiet. A stitched up teddy bear. Mysterious and seemingly knowing of the unknown. With his crystals and tarot cards he seems to speak to think air?
Cosette: A beautiful, cracked marionette doll. Stern, quiet. Wants perfection. She practices her ballerina dance despite her wobbly legs. She also sews
Toby: A goofy, timid kind hearted scarecrow. A kind hearted guy who wants to help others despite being clumsy. Has a burn scar on his side of his face.
Now that we have introduced you to them all, you are free to ask them questions.
But…be careful how far you want answers. And be careful…sone of my children are not what they seem.
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