#raiden blurb
arttrampbelle · 1 year
A Raiden Blurb.
Have a lord Raiden blurb. For no reason other than he need love,deserves better and gives me comfort.
I apologize in advance if this is self indulgent. But he's comfort character(i self ship with him too but he's mostly comfort character, i find peace with raiden fr. I ask myself sometime wwlrd? Or what wisdom would he give me in this scenario?).So I'm writing this sorta bias. So srry not srry.
Also apologizes if this isn't the best,it's been a bit since i actually wrote. But i hope you enjoy regardless.
Cw:hurt/comfort,angst,fluff,self indulgent. Not an x reader. Also slight mentions of past deaths,not anyone in particular just death in general(dunno if that is important or a tw but i wanted to mention it),mentions of my hcs for shang. If i missed anything let me know plz.
I sat down on my terrace patio of my apartment,listening to the rain,it felt heavy. Some tea in my hands. Warmth of the steam fills my nose upon my face. Somber thoughts race through my mind.
A few years ago i was thrusted into a world,a world of constant danger. Mortal men and women fighting each other to death for some cosmic war i never wanted to be a part of. I was fine being ignorant to it all. Living life as i was...and yet. I wouldn't have met the people i have. Wonderful people. People that have fueled my very soul and shaken my worldview to it's core. Made me grow,learn,see farther than i ever dreamed.
And yet,that looming danger. That hunger. It knaws at me. That voice in the back of my mind.
"Do it,you know you love it. Doesn't it thrill you? Don't you like how it sounds?...how it feels against your knuckles as it's crimson luster flows across your skin. The feel of power and strength. The way that victory tastes. And defeat only makes you crave it more?" This feeling I've never felt. This world that i have been apart of for a good time now. Never truly leaves. Even when peace surrounds me. Even when i am home...am i truly? Who am i truly? What have i become or am becoming? It terrifies me. But not because of the craving for violence. Or the thrill kombat gives me. But because it doesn't bother me,it should. But it doesn't.
What should be an easy task to decide,for any sane moral person. Is difficult.
I sought some answers,and if anything comfort of another.
I finished my tea. Got up. And put on my boots and coat. Grabbed my umbrella. And went to the temple. I lived on the city limits but still was an easy walk to the temple that was near.
The temple of lord raiden. God of thunder,protector of earthrealm. Or as normal people call it....earth. yeah i know,confusing right? It was for me too the first time.
As i approached the temple gates. The torii. They loom with dark red. I can hear the soft sounds of the chimes and temple bells. Prayers of monks. And the serenity of this place.
However,no matter the peace. The welcoming faces and smiles. I still felt like i wasn't even on this planet. Lost in my own realm if that makes any sense. But i chalk that up to my anxiety,as i always tell myself. But im sure lord raiden would see right through that shit.
But i needed to talk to him. If anything just to tell me "you're overthinking,you need rest,something...tell me something."
I don't usually pray,i don't go to temples outside of with any neighbors or out of courtesy. I'm not heavily religious,i do believe in spirits and am open minded. As all things have a merit of truth to it. But this...praying to an actual deity i could touch,feel,talk to,as if they knew me and my soul since birth yet never really knew me. It's terrifying. But more so because of how at ease i felt with him. And how familiar he felt. Like a long lost friend.
His brother is much the same. Lord fujin,god the winds. But he is on a whole nother level of intense. I walked up to the shrine. Paid my tribute. Lit the incense,and bowed deeply once. Clapped my hands together and took a deep breath. In my prayer i asked for lord raiden to come visit me. To give me wisdom and insight. Comfort of my own storm inside my mind. The questions that burned still.
As i prayed. I could sense the incense getting dim in the dark but serene temple shrine.
It went out,smoke loomed and whisped.
Swirls of the smoke formed a face and a flash sparked in front of me. Not a large boom but a quick flash of light. Like the spark of the burning incense ignited in front of me and formed him.
Lord raiden. He stood before me,manifested.
A very tall man. Long white hair trailed down,slight waves of silver glinted in the strands. Eyes that glowed softy. A very silver-blue tint. With flickers of electricity in them,but soft...like the rain. A golden tint to his skin. Otherworldly yet so...human. tattoos of thunderstorms and swirling clouds laces his exposed arms. A sleeveless training gi he wore. White and grey. His presence never ceases to leave me in awe. Even after these many years of my mortal life.
"Lord raiden,i have come to ask of you humbly of your wisdom" i said with a slight shake in my voice as i bowed deep in respects.
He laughed as he crossed his arms and then sighed.
"You don't have to do that,you can just ask me. I told you i dislike formality outside of where it is nessicary. Especially from my former pupils"
*sigh* "but i appreciate it. As this is a temple."
I thanked him. Bowing again out of habit.
"Lord raiden....i wish to ask you some things that have been bothering me."
Raiden then looked at me with a smile.
"Of course,but let us speak about it somewhere more private" he led me to a tea house. The rain around us seeming falling away like we were in a bubble of energy....Still freaks me out.
He opened the shoji screen took off his sandels and so did i. We stepped inside and sat down.
Raiden got two cups,and poured the tea.
"Now,what is it that is bothering you krista?"
"You don't normally come to the temple so formally. In fact. I just hear you call my name and fujin my brother tells me. Our visits aren't this formal."
I sipped the tea,still shaking from nerves.
"L-lord raiden. I am going to be honest. And i apologize if I'm so blunt....but I'm absolutely terrified"
Lord raiden looks at me with concern but speaks with a calming tone.
"I can see that. Remember to breathe. You know i would never bring you harm or discomfort my dear."
"Now,what is it that is terrifying you? Making you so anxious as to call upon a god in an abnormal way for a practical woman such as yourself?"
I sat down the tea cup. Took a deep breath,slightly tearing up as i do. I hate sensory overload of my mind. I could sense he knew this. Hence the more private and quieter place of the teahouse.
"Lord raiden. I have been plagued with feelings. Feelings i am not sure if i should be feeling."
"After the tournament and returning to a swmi normal life. I have been feeling these on and off cravings for kombat. For violence. And i know that i fight for whats right. And to help protect my home. As you,many masters and many of my friends have done. But these feelings. I'm scared that i love kombat too much. That it doesn't bother me as much as it should. I've been told even by that sorcerer,shang tsung i have a nurturing soul. But if that's so? Why do i relish in kombat?"
Raiden sighed. Put down his cup. Took a breath and looked at me.
In the most serious but most insightful words he's ever spoken to me,said.
"Krista. I know of too well of how you feel. Many others have been in your shoes and down the same path as you. These feelings are normal. Everyone has them. Even me"
I looked at him,wiping my tears from the corners of my eyes.
"Even you lord raiden?" I said.
"Yes,even me. I get concerned with these feelings. Cravings as you stated. But i remember why i do what i do. Who i fight for,what i fight for. And truly there is no wrong answer. Only choice. There is no one way in handling your darker half. But you must. *pointing finger* you must accept it. If you are to become enlightened. You will continue to suffer,if you do not."
His words stung. But they are true.
"I feel you are in need of creature comforts. Not formalities."
"I know you krista. You indeed have a sweet soul *mutters: one thing i have to agree with the sorcerer* . *reaches arms out in gestures for a hug.* come,embrace me....you big softie"
I quickly rush to embrace him. Holding him tightly. I burst into tears,crying in his chest. Letting go the many many many months even years of pent up emotions.
"Why raiden?! Why is it so hard?! Why can't i see myself the way you do? Or my friends do. Why do i feel so lost?! It hurts. I hate fighting,but i know i need to. I'm so tired raiden."
I sob pleading for the hurt to stop.
His embrace and arms hold me tightly but gently. He rests his face ontop of my head kissing it gently and ernestly. His breath is warm but soft. Like a summer breeze.
"I know,i know it is. And you're allowed to feel tired. Believe me,I'm tired too. Have been for millennia now. *chuckles* but what we dont do is unpack there. You have such wisdom yourself. And the reason why you can't see yourself as the beautiful soul you are. Is simply because you are scared to. It's unfamiliar. And it's alright to feel this way. You are a natural healer. But you need to give yourself the love,the care,the space and the tenderness you give others. The fire and the inspiration you give my other warriors is incredible. But you,my dear *lifts chin up to look at him eye to eye* need to give yourself the same. Because that beautiful woman inside you,needs it the most."
"It's taken me much loss to see this too. I might be wise but even masters need teaching and refreshment too"
*i wipe my tears*
"Really? Like how?"
Raiden looked at me with his soften eyes. Slight sadness behind them.
"I have seen this before. Liu kang,the champion of earthrealm. Your friend and fellow warrior. Has felt these feelings before. I said very similar things to him. However unlike him. You have something very similar to shang tsung"
I was taken aback. Paused. And asked.
"S-shang tsung?! How so? That seems odd"
Raiden explains
"Ah but it's true. Shang tsung as you know him now. Wasn't always a sorcerer. Let alone the serpent he masquerades as."
"He was a warrior,just like you. A mortal whom wished nothing but to protect those he cared for. But he instead of sitting with his emotions. He gave into rage. Although i did not help him in this time which he needed me the most. I did not give him the comfort he sought. As i am doing with you right now. Even liu kang i struggled with. Though not nearly as much"
"You see my dear,i do not always have an answer. Even if i did,i wouldn't know how to truly give it."
"Shang tsung was also a healing soul. Much like you. He was always trying his best to fight for those he loved. Much like liu kang. But unlike liu kang,he didn't have the same experiences of friendship,closeness,and love as my many other warriors i have trained in my eternal life"
I asked raiden after getting this insight.
"Lord raiden. If shang tsung,did have that do you think he'd be different?"
Raiden sighed
"Perhaps. This knaws at me every day. But then again. Perhaps not. It's hard to say. But this isn't about him. What i am trying to tell you. Is don't let that spark die out. You keep that faith. Please. If not in me,if not in the cause for you realm. Then the principals of you as a warrior and a healing force"
"Never forget krista that there are people that love you. Genuinely. That your friends love you. That i lo..that you are important."
I looked at him,slightly catching that pause.
But smiled and continued sitting and laying against his chest.
"Domo,raiden-sama. I needed this"
Raiden smiled rubbing my back.
"Of course,anytime"
He kissed the top of my head.
We then chatted some more. But i remembered i needed to get home.
Raiden looked at me and said. "I could fly you there. It's not far right?" "I mean it beats walking" raising a brow with a cheeky expression.
"Well yeah i mean. I guess it would" i said. But before i could continue. He picked me up. Scooping me bridal style. And flew out the doors of the teahouse.
Not a single raindrop hit us as we flew down the road in the sky.
We came to my apartment patio. He sat me down.
I said to him
"Thank you raiden,for everything."
He smiled at me and said
"Of course. Oh and next time? Just call my name and I'll be there."
I laughed a bit at that. "Of course lord raiden" smiling as he flew off.
I felt lighter. But i still wondered...why did he feel like he had guilt for shang tsung being how he was. If it was his choice than why feel guilt over something he chose? What happened?" But i guess that was for another visit. But more importantly than that.
"What was that pause when he said that i am loved? Could he have been trying to say that he loves....nah. I'm overthinking it."
But i couldn't help but blush at the thought.
The rain felt more calm now.
I got my cup and brewed some tea.
Sat down. And gave the rain a proper listen this time...it's beautiful. Just like the god that creates it. Like a beautiful haiku,a song,or a painter.
The tea was good too.
My soul was at ease now.
His eyes,Soft...like the rain.
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genesiswrld · 7 months
NSFW Blurb17: Pussydrunk Raiden
Raiden’s cock knocks against everything within your cunt and you both are seeing stars because of it. You because it’s almost overwhelming and him because you clench down on his thick length like a vice, squeezing the life out of him. His arm tightens on your thigh where he has it hooked on his elbow and another rough moan passes his lips from the stimulation. His face presses into your neck from behind you and his cock continues to beat at your insides.
You both are so fucked out as Raiden decided to fuck you like a starved man tonight. You’re both on your third orgasms, the combined mixtures of your releases are a sloppy mess between your legs, it leaking from your cunt and coating your thighs. The filthy squelching from his fat cock pumping into you causes you to whine and clamp down on him tighter and Raiden increases the speed of his thrusting, hips smacking into your ass roughly. He’s tried so hard to remain gentle with you, but the gentleness was long forgotten about at your second orgasms.
His own grunts and groans turn to whines from your slick walls enveloping him so snuggly. His strong grip on your thigh has his fingers digging into the fat, surely leaving behind bruises. He tries to talk, voice shaky and the words are stuttered. “Mm, y-you… feel- ngh! S-so good… hahh… so tight~”. He huffs against your ear, breathy and a few octaves higher. Your gummy walls spasm around him at the sounds that come from him. You thought you were far gone, but Raiden is on cloud nine. He fucks into your soaked pussy with a growl and a hiss of your name.
Your fucked out brain is suddenly becoming a bit coherent as Raiden slips out of you and is switching your positions, laying you flat on your back, his strong arms hooking your legs over his shoulders and his cock nudges back into your cunt desperately. “Ah- Almost done sweetness, j-just… a bit… more”. He leans over you and his lips lock with yours in a heated kiss. You whine into his mouth as his cock starts to jackhammer into you, the sounds coming from your joined bodies is obscene. You almost want to tell him to slow down as you don’t know how much longer you can take his brutal assault on your pussy.
One of his hands is slipping between your legs and his thumb brushes against your twitching clit, causing you to yelp and your legs want to clamp shut but aren’t able to with him holding them open. You’re cumming with a gasped whine of Raiden’s name and you’re squirting around his thrusting cock, adding to the mess that your cunt already is. He’s pushed into his own release from the sounds you make and you squeezing him so tightly, emptying his cum into your pussy for the fourth time. The both of you pant and huff as you come down from your highs. He pulls out eventually and watches his cum leak from you in several pearly streams and suddenly he’s changing his mind about this being the last. “One more, darling, please?” He pleads and you can’t deny him when he begs so sweetly, even though you may not be able to walk tomorrow.
I've been thinking a lot about him lately and I had to write something to fuel my horny brain even more.
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thatjadedhotmess · 2 years
dear genshin drip market; please stop making good characters because im saving for booba sword mommy and her weapon but I really want layla and I don't have candace yet and I sad because they're beautiful thank you
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sorrowfulmuse · 1 year
Hello! I thought that Liu Kang headcannon was adorable <3 Would it be possible to request a blurb of MK1 x mother-nature type reader who’s a gentle soul? They’re overall just calming to be around and always taking care of things, even when they don’t need to. You can use whoever fits.
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♡:: hiii babe! ty for requesting! i may be slow but i’m not sure what a blurb is 😭 im hoping this format will be okay? i wanna try to add many characters here! btw do you guys have any good ideas for a new username?? i need one, i made this user when i was obsessed with spider-man 😩😩
♡:: warnings/mentions: a little angst (?)
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✧ completely in awe of you! in their eyes, there isn’t a single person that can compare to you. seeing the way you handle things so gracefully and tend to anything out of your control to make peace is refreshing to see, considering they are in a world where violence is key to maintain peace between realms. the way it comes so naturally to you to take care of them is so nurturing. you are the light in a endless void, losing you means they lost that little bit of peace in their hearts in a world full of chaos:
liu kang, smoke, reptile, mileena, kitana & raiden
✧ these characters would want you to be a little more stern to people when needed! having your kind nature around is nice to see for a change but they don’t want you to be taken for granted for your kindness. they don’t wanna disturb your calm demeanor with their said feelings especially when you have good intentions behind them. although your calmness and compassion is what draws them to you. which is something they admire about you deeply but would never admit this to you specifically:
sub zero, scorpion, johnny cage, kenshi, tanya & kung lao
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n3ptoonz · 10 months
Can you do hdcs on MK1 men pushing the reader to a wall while kissing them?
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randomly selected mk1 men hcs: how raiden, rain, smoke, shang tsung, reptile, and kung lao go about pushing reader to the wall while kissing them
warnings: suggestive (y'all horny freekie fucs) reader being a monster fucker mentioned 😈
these aren't bullet points. they're like lil blurbs for each character cause the bullets would've been awkwardly placed. otherwise, enjoy! part two here
Raiden's kisses were always so gentle and sweet, like him, but when your moans poured into his mouth as your back hit the wall, a flip switched in his mind. His calloused hands roamed your body so carelessly, yet with such thought. Rough, yet with a soft touch. Fervent, yet patient. His hand was wrapped around the nape of your neck with such care like his lips weren't just at war with yours, but clearly that was no issue the way you pulled him even closer and tried your best to stay quiet. Who knew the Wu Shi Academy was a great spot for lowkey make out sessions?
You always knew Rain was a passionate lover. The same efforts and care he put in his magic and knowledge, ten times more went into you. So when he had you against the wall in his office, surrounded by his own creations and scrolls only you knew about, it was make out city. The way his lips molded to yours should've been illegal with how mesmerizing it was. His hands were no stranger to your hips; you were like a shiny antique on his bookshelf he cherished. If you dare to run your fingers through his hair while you kissed, you can and will get taken on this same wall.
Smoke was always the kind of man to start slow/gentle and gradually become more aggressive in his ways. However, some things just drive him crazy. You drive him crazy. His patience went just like that, and now here you both are groaning and whining into each other's mouths. Your lips just looked so soft, they were calling his name in a taunting manner. Now, he's not so aggressive that you hit the wall harshly, no, the contrasting feathery touch of his hands gliding along your body to the hunger in his kiss was just enough to get both of you to the next level of passion.
Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung is only ever gentle with you. His aura was just so powerful in itself, all he had to do was walk you into the wall. He didn't need to push you against it to assert dominance. His eyes never dared to dart from yours, especially when you looked so cute trying to hold his gaze. If it were a third person point of view they'd think you're under hypnosis. One face caress and your lips locked with his. If you thought he was power hungry individual before? You haven't seen anything yet.
Syzoth is a mystery. On one hand he's a romantic lover and on the other, his Zaterran instincts get the best of him. His abnormal strength always lead to him picking you up in some way shape or form, so here you were on the wall and straddling his waist all because he got excited. Being a monster fucker had its perks since his lizard tongue didn't change with his human form, and that didn't bother you at all. In fact, you welcomed it every time you kissed; once he figured that out he used to his advantage every time.
Kung Lao
Kung Lao is the type of man who was driven by pride, so he was bound to tease you to no end anytime soon. His kisses were usually feverish and slightly aggressive with a touch of a sweet side. Once he gets you on that wall from all that teasing and shit talking it's no different. Only the sound of heavy breaths, lips smacking, and clothes rubbing against each other filled the room every time it happened. He smirks into the kiss every. single. time. He refuses to let you slip away from him even for a moment. His hands have to always be on you, which especially isn't hard to do when you literally have nowhere else to go. But hey, any objections? Didn't think so!
a/n: if y'all want a part 2, you know what to do! (haha that rhymed)
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« Euphoric || Raiden ||
A/n: Mortal Kombat 1 brain rot, and this is just a small little blurb.
Prompt used:
[ euphoric ] for a celebratory kiss
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You hadn’t meant to kiss the man, honestly that thought never crossed your mind.
It’s not like you developed a crush on the man you spent the last few months with and it’s not like Kung Lao’s teasing helped in the matter.
But you swore you never planned on giving him a kiss, you were just excited. His smile was too contagious and he was right in front of you, and god did his lips look good.
You weren’t thinking, that’s what you told yourself when he turned to face you with that bright smile on his face. His lips were so soft, why did his lips have to feel so soft. Kissing him get euphoric, it felt like a high you didn’t want to get rid of.
But that is when reality hit you, you were kissing Raiden.
And once your brain fully processed what you did you could feel all the color drain from your face as you made some excuse quickly rushing off.
“Ha! I knew it!” A loud snort escaped Johnny’s lips though he couldn’t help but give Raiden a large smirk as he clasped the Champion’s shoulder.
Though it took Raiden a moment to finally process what just happened, his heart still pounding from winning the tournament. “Did…they just kiss me?”
Kung Lao tipped his head to his head, he was happy for his friend. He had a inkling that you both liked each other, he just wasn’t so sure who would make the first move. “They did.”
“And I’m just standing here.” Raiden brushed his fingers against his lips, he could still feel the longer touch.
Kenshi cleared out his throat straighten his back eyeing the man, it was hard not to miss the happy yet dazed look in his eyes. “You are.”
“Huh…maybe you should go and I don’t know man, chase after em.” Johnny pipped back in giving him a shove.
“Right.” Shaking his head he tipped his head to the group. “I’ll see you all later.” Calling out your name, Radien quickly rushed off to where he last saw you.
“Y/n! That’s not fair! You gotta give me another kiss. I wasn’t paying attention.”
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vampirzina · 8 months
Hear me out. Mk1 Bi-han and Kung Lao. (separately) With Johnny cages sister! READER. IDK WHY BUT I LOVE THE CONCEPT.
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✮ ┆cage’s sister!reader (w. Bi Han & Kung Lao) hcs
tw: gn pronouns (you only), sfw, mdni, hcs-blurb
notes: i’ve heard of this concept and i actually like it!! also found these dividers that i’ve been just dying to use, they’re perfect for johnny. but im excited to have the chance to give my take on it lol
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Bi Han loathed you, like your brother, as soon as he saw you. It was more of a wrong place at the wrong time—you visited just as Johnny (and Kenshi) were being confronted by Liu Kang and the Lin Kuei, and to add to his increasingly sour mood, you gasped a little too dramatically. However, his intrigue in you started when you started to challenge him yourself and wouldn’t back down. You’re quite lucky to have had Liu Kang and Kuai Liang there, because he was the type back then to do it and not think twice.
Bi Han is not as secretive and mysterious as he thinks he is around you. If you go to the Wu Shi with Johnny, sometimes you’d see him around there or the Fire Temple. Why? He thinks because if you don’t know, nobody does… Johnny stares at Bi Han back from any distance. Liu Kang can’t help but smile to himself when he sees Bi Han watches you train with others (under the guise of watching everyone). Bi Han’s cover is accidentally blown by Liu Kang, who like Kenshi, heard a little too much.
If you decide not to go with Johnny, it really doesn’t matter to Bi Han anyway. Once Bi Han is told that you visit the Wu Shi sometimes, he starts showing up, but a little later than that to avoid suspicion. Johnny notices right away and quite literally complains to anyone who would listen… Including you. That’s how Bi Han’s cover is blown. You’ve never seen a cold man so hot in the collar until that night.
“I yield! Yield…”
You exhaustedly fell back onto your bosom, holding your hand up at Bi Han to shake it at him. You wince with aching arms, chest rising and falling from chase for your breath. You direct your wince up at him from your elbows as he moves to tower over you.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“I am not looking at you like anything.”
“You kind of are. You wear one of two faces at all times,” you eyed him as he moved until your frame was slot between his legs. “Disappointment—and more disappointment.”
“Then you do not know me well enough, [Reader],” Bi Han scoffed, brown hues narrowing a bit down at you. “I had hope otherwise from how much training you’ve received this past few weeks.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve heard enough about you from my own brother. You should’ve told me we’re dating weeks ago,” you carelessly outed, but by the way Bi Han froze where he stood over you—metaphorically, of course—it had your face contorting into something indescribable.
The silence was scaring you.
“Hey, chill out, okay? You look so pale right now, oh man,” you swallowed thickly in the sudden awkwardness and through your sheepish laughter. “It was only a joke... Unless…”
“Shut up,” Bi Han firmly nudged your side with his foot, making you grunt. The amount of sweat on his fingertips could form icicles.
Bi Han hates Johnny’s strain of arrogance a little less now, until it starts to rub off on him.
Kung Lao first met you at the Wu Shi. You were visiting for the day from the city, and passed him when you were looking for your brother Johnny. He thought how awfully similar you looked to Johnny, but knowing Kung Lao, by time he gave it any thought at all he’d seen you around Johnny. You two, along with Kenshi and Raiden, were introduced formally.
The more you kept visiting, the more Kung Lao saw you more than just ‘Johnny’s Sister’. He really found you funny (if not funnier than Johnny himself), and he loved the way you fearlessly challenged your brother, even if you’d lose. There’s a running joke between the four of them that Kung Lao is going to train Johnny’s sister in more than just fighting, but most of them brush it off as a joke. To Kung Lao, it’s rooted in truth.
And because I feel like it’s not talked about enough, Kung Lao doesn’t mind the little press you receive here and there because of who you are. As the sister of a once-famous actor, the nosiness of paparazzi and the public into Johnny’s life was also somewhat commonplace. You don’t receive it anymore, assuming you’re not famous yourself, but to Kung Lao it doesn’t matter. Whenever he gets bored or curious, he looks your name up when he has the time.
Kung Lao doesn’t see it as a competition, but he does start bragging… And a lot. But because you’ve seen a lot of nice things in your life and much more impressive things than a simple farmer because of Johnny, he only tries harder to impress you. It becomes even more difficult when Johnny sees right through him and begins to cockblock his attempts to woo you. It’s rare that he ever fails, but sometimes Kung Lao tries so hard that he fails. Has anyone heard of The Wolf and the Man fairy tale?
The inseparable two sat over breakfast.
“I heard [Reader]’s coming over today,” Raiden didn’t even need to look at Kung Lao as he scooped up the last of his meal into his mouth. “Johnny said.”
This is beside Raiden; so usually humble, he is very much entertained by Kung Lao’s attempts to win Johnny’s sister’s heart over and over again, even though he’s already won.
Perhaps it was Johnny’s flamboyance and nice things that convinced Kung Lao otherwise.
“And we have that milestone check today, too? Why didn’t you say something earlier? I thought we were friends,” Kung Lao couldn’t believe Raiden, but he shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. I hope I get Johnny, ‘cause there’s finally going to be something to laugh about when I finally get him.”
Raiden gave him a look.
It wasn’t too soon after that Kung Lao started to shuffle in place impatiently as he waited to see Johnny come around the corner—a smile rose on his lips when he finally saw him, and then you in tow. He loved to watch you skip up to give him a firm hug; he absolutely craved this.
“Good luck! Johnny keeps putting his legs on me, so beat him up for me, ‘kay?” you nod in encouragement, bright eyes looking up at him in enthusiasm.
“Of course. In fact, let’s make that a promise,” Kung Lao agreed with a knowing smile, watching you give him two thumbs up and practically jig away to the margins to stand beside Liu Kang, who motioned for the respective two.
…Safe to say, Kung Lao’s promise didn’t go as planned somehow. He can’t even believe it himself yet over Johnny’s rejoice, he watches for your reaction—even you’re shocked.
“Hey, don’t think about it too much,” Raiden couldn’t stop his laughing from impounding on his words. He extended a hand to help a pouting Kung Lao up. “Try not to brag about winning next time, you might not jinx it if you do.”
Kung Lao feels much better when you reassure him that he’s more than enough for you.
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crimsonbubble · 11 months
Mortal Kombat Masterlist <3
last updated; 4/28/24
bold- smut, italics- suggestive, normal- fluff
more on my kinktober masterlist <3
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subby!tomas x reader
soft dom!johnny cage x reader | v.2 | v.3
mean dom!johnny cage x reader
older bf!johnny cage x reader
possessive!johnny cage x reader
johnshi x reader
johnny cage x stressed!reader
johnny cage x bratty!reader | v.2
tomas x princess!reader | v.2
johnny cage x reader | v.2
priest!johnny cage x reader
johnshi meeting daughter!reader | v.2
johnny cage x thicker!reader
johnshi x reader
liu kang x reader
johnshi x railao + tomas | v.2 | v.3 | v.4
johnny blurb
bihan x reader
kenshi x princess!reader
kenshi (+ johnny) x reader
syzoth x reader
johnny cage x reader
fem!johnny x reader
raiden/liu kang x reader [seperate]
johnshi x reader
kenshi blurb
johnny x reader
liu kang x reader
liu kang x reader
bihan/scorpion x reader (separate)
kenshi x reader
johnny/kenshi x reader (separate)
kenshi x reader
liu kang/kung lao/raiden x reader (separate)
kenshi x reader
scorpion x reader
mk men x reader
bihan/kenshi x reader (separate)
smoke x reader
kenshi x reader
johnny cage x reader
johnny cage/kung lao x reader (separate)
bihan x reader
johnshi x reader
shang tsung x reader
kung lao x reader
mk men x reader (separate)
kung lao x reader
smoke x reader
johnny cage x reader
johnny cage x reader
kenshi x reader
johnshi x reader
bihan x reader
fem!bihan x reader
kenshi (+ johnny) x reader
smoke x reader
liu kang x reader x kung lao
kenshi x reader | v.2
johnshi x reader
smoke x reader
bihan x reader
johnny cage x reader
kenshi x reader
smoke x reader
kenshi x reader
johnny x reader
kenshi x reader
johnny cage x reader
kenshi x reader
johnshi x reader
kenshi x reader
kenshi x reader
317 notes · View notes
mrstsung · 2 months
Shang tsung imagine/blurb/hcs:
*note: after some kind words from a mutual. And fellow shang fan. I'm making something to cheer me up and if anyone else feels the same. I'm not gonna let my brain be mean to me. And keep doing what i love*
Cw: i guess maybe warnings of anxiety,mental illness,and or just brain being mean? Either way reader is feeling down. So shang tsung is helping reader cheer up. Angst,hurt comfort? Slightly spicy mention
Reader is technically gn
You weren't feeling so well and you're sitting down by shang's island shoreline. You often come down to the beach to meditate or think. But usually you're accompanied by a guard or by shang,your lover, himself. But this time,you're alone. All with your thoughts,they ate at you. Doubt spilled into your mind as tears fell. Why must your brain hate you?
Shang was worried when he didn't see you come into the bed chambers you both shared. Usually you're not out this late. Let alone,outside the main palace. Perhaps you're at the private teahouse? Shang wondered.
*(To put perspective,i hc shang's main palace keep,where he lives and is the living quarters for him,his lover and his personal guards,warriors and servents. All of the others usually stay in a separate area and smaller buildings near the dock port. The palace gardens lead to a pathway leading down a staircase behind the main keep,where a beachside tea house is,shang uses this teahouse as a personal one. Instead of the ones used by kombatants during tournaments. This teahouse is secluded,quiet,and peaceful. It is a mix between Japanese,and Chinese architecture. The reason being is him and raiden often do business when discussing anything related to tournaments. Despite being rivals and sort of enemies. They are respectful of one another and often discuss things as would any master of the martial arts would or even as an emperor or lords of their respective domains. In short. They aint always barking at each others throats,so to have them in petty squabbles all the time is boring and pointless. Anyways. You often might come to this teahouse to get away so to speak.)*
Shang tsung got on his silk red robe. A garment that was decorated by images of dragons and Phoenixes. Etched in gold and yellow. The flame patterns danced along with shades of deep purple and indigo at its base. A fine clothing fit for a man such as he. Simple black slippers he wore as he stepped out the doors to the bed chambers. Into the garden. He followed the stone path through the gardens,enveloped in moonlight. It danced through the trees. The warm summer air,not too hot surprisingly despite being an island. But there had been rain recently,so it was much cooler,but not by much. There was sweet smells of flowers. Tropical hibiscus,Asian lilies,and little lotuses in the pond all filled the night air. Soft sounds of crickets,frogs and other nighttime summer creatures also sang. As shang tsung made his way to the staircase,he heard soft whimpers from below,at the bottom. He swiftly but carefully descended the stairs. As he got closer. He saw you on a large rock. Weeping. The rock was adjacent to the teahouse. He carefully approached you.
"My dear? What are these tears? Why are you out here by yourself this late in the hour? Is something wrong?"
Shang asked softly but in a concerned manner.
As you struggle to make eye contact. And in a small cracked voiced stated
"I just don't understand why you love me? Why would you choose to spare me? I'm not the best warrior,even with your training. I'm constantly worried,i second guess myself,I'm a mess,im not as beautiful/handsome as some people,im just so...meh,i feel like I'm not worthy of anything even kindness. I just don't get it. Besides you could find better I'm sure,a better person than boring,average me."
You lay your head back down on your crossed arms,over your legs you propped them upon. Still crying.
Shang was taken aback. Where did this come from?! His beloved? Doubtful of his love? Who would dare put those thoughts into your head!? But shang tsung thought about it. Perhaps it is not of another,but of a troubled mind. One filled with the anxieties and stresses and struggles of life itself. He walked over to you,first removing the slippers as not to track sand. Barefoot he walked on the warm sand. When he got to you he placed his hand under your head,lifted your chin with his fingers and spoke with the most earnest,soft,and loving voice.
"My dear sweet y/n. Why did i spare you? Simply because i chose to,i could have killed you,taken your soul,and that would be it. But i didn't. But in that choosing i found one of the most kindest of souls. A soul so genuine and true. And you never once tried to be anything but what you are. Your training has served you well,as you are alive aren't you? *chuckles* obviously the woes of kpmbat has not forsaken you yet? Why? Because you're warrior spirit isn't one of physical prowess. It is not of duty of honor. It is simply love. And love is the most powerful energy of all. Love for life,love for being,and the perseverance of it despite of the world around you. You study hard,love hard,and even play hard. You have the soul of a champion,regardless of frivolous titles given by gods. You are a beautiful soul. Inside and out. You worry of others before yourself,you always put others before you. Even when it's hard to. You stuck at my side,even when You had every right to leave. But here,you remain. I'm obviously doing something right my dear. I know that the dark clouds of your mind get to you,but they too will pass. And that beautiful bright glow from you will shine once again. Even now as i look at your tear soaked face,red,and all full of sorrow."
You couldn't help but giggle at that,he always knew exactly what to say.
Shang continues as he sits beside you,comforting you the best way that he could.
"My darling,i simply adore you,all of you. Even the messy parts as you said. Hell I'm messy myself, *chuckles* I'm a sorcerer of soul magic and dark arts after all. But even a devil such as i can appreciate a flower that blooms in adversity. It is the most beautiful,and the most colorful and bright. And no matter what your mind may tell you,your soul never lies. Just as you have been there for me,i will be there for you. And you are deserving just as much as any other. Even more so as I'm concerned. And you are already worthy. Words fail me to truly encapsulate how my heart feels for you. But what i adore the most is your company,simply put. I admire your presence,your existence is enough. But i prefer it more when you're filled with innocent wonder,joyful laughter,and full of life and love. A hunger for knowledge and a pursuit for purpose. Your strive for perfection isn't the way. What is, my love,is the strive to be better than you were yesterday. But if words are not enough to show you i indeed love you. Than perhaps this would suffice..."
Shang tsung then placed his hand upon your cheek,and kissed you passionately. With all the yearning and intensity that ached in his heart to soothe the storm in yours.
All melted away,no more worry,all doubt ceased. All that was. Was you and him. The sounds of the ocean waves crashing softly,the crickets nearby the paths end. All was calm. Your tears of sorrow turned to tears of joy. How silly you felt for doubting your lover shang,let alone yourself.
Of course he loved you. And he loved you in his own way. As did you.
You both sat and talked a few more hours in the teahouse over some tea. Laughing at old stories,on occasion making flirtatious comments,thus leading into a spicier moment. And you both fell asleep soundly in the teahouse.
By morning you awoke to being wrapped only in shangs silk robe.
He with just his silken pants and hair pulled back. Sat at the opening,doors slid open. The warm summer sun outside,hot but ocean air came through the teahouse so it was cool enough.
You just sat there admiring the view. Of both your lover,and the sea. You went over to sit next to him. And layed you head on his shoulder.
He kissed your forehead. And as you both gazed at the ocean. All of your troubles were gone,you were ready to take on anything the day offered you.
Shang helped make you stand proud and firm in who you are. And for shang? Well you get to see his softer side,not many get that chance. How lucky are you?
This was highly self indulgent. Sorry if it's longer than what i originally planned. But i got so sucked in as i was writing it.
Again no matter if others also self ship with shang, i know that my self ship is unique. And i gotta remind myself that and not be discouraged by this. And i love writing for him. And even if its very self indulgent.
I shouldn't be afraid to post my work. Even if one person likes it. Even if it gets zero recognition. I created something,and i need to remind myself. This is how i grow. Both as an artist and person. Those that matter don't mind,and those that mind dont matter,so to speak. And im glad that people do like my work. Even if its super self indulgent and specific at times.
Again sorry for rambles. Ugh.
Admin is in the feels ok?
I feel shang would want me to keep creating. And keep doing what i love. Him. Lol.
Anyways. I hope you like this. And i hope that this could cheer you up too if you're ever feeling down about yourself.
It helped me when writing it. <3
With love as always
🐍💚 -mrstsung
Hope y'all have a nice day/night.
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demontonic · 1 year
You can always make requests!
Key: Angst🩶 Fluff🤍 Smut🖤 TW💜 Upcoming…
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Old Friends🩶🤍
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padame Amidala
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Han Solo
Darth Vader
The apprentice…
Kylo Ren
Would you?🤍
best padawan…
Poe Dameron
Steve Roggers
Bucky Barnes
Silver eyes…
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Mothers Know Best🩶🤍
What a woman…
Wanda Maximoff
Mothers Know Best🩶🤍
Pietro Maximoff
low and slow…
Peter Parker (TASM)
Pretty Boy🤍🖤
Peter Parker (MCU)
Miguel O’Hara
Mortal Kombat
(MK1: 🕷️ 2021 live action: 🕸️)
Liu Kang
God above…
Kung Lao
Bi-Han (Sub-Zero)
Kuai Liang (Scorpion)
Kenshi Takahashi
Shang Tsung
Queen Sindel
Ethan Landry
Perverted 1 - 2 - 3🤍🖤💜
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Charlie Walker
Cillian Murphy
Thomas Shelby
Dave Lizewski (kickass)
Sam Monroe
sweet dreams…
Rory Culkin
Hayden Christensen
The first time pt2🤍
Eddie Munson🤍🖤
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yestrday · 8 months
do u have crumbs of any of your au's to spare? 🤲 it could be au lore, character lore, little random tidbits of info - any teeny weeny little crumb. I am on my deathbed and having yester withdrawal symptoms and the only thing that can save me is your au fanservice blurbs
well! not lore drops but i have been thinking of starting another au which is witch! genshins and their specialized fields. i love funky magic yanderes. i've also thought of a fun character for the mc, who is just absolutely dead and numb to magic that the yandere could be pouring a whole love potion in their cup in front of them that they'll just sit and stare blankly. idk, i'll probably work on it after i finish up my other aus.
anyways! here's some lore drops for the academy au bc i miss those homicidal students!:
most of zhongli's former batchmates (ningguang, beidou, lisa, jean, etc) are quite amused that he used to be the student council president and at how much he's changed. he used to be a big, gruff delinquent, after all. ningguang, in particular, likes to tease him about it whenever they meet.
third year fem students are: candace, dehya, eula, keqing, ganyu, kujou sara, navia, rosaria, faruzan
2nd year students: amber, ayaka, charlotte, hutao. kirara, kokomi, layla, lynette, nilou, sucrose, shenhe, yoimiya, yunjin, yanfei
1st year students: barbara, noelle, xiangling, xinyan, fischl, collei, furina
graduates (zhongli's batch): beidou, jean, ningguang, lisa, nahida (💀), yae miko, yelan, raiden miko and ei.
although venti's the same age as zhongli, he entered school a year later.
neuvillette is the same batch as zhongli and has graduated! the two have a very tense relationship.
the current student council president is keqing. ganyu is the secretary-general. other student council members are: aether (first year representative), navia (second years representative), there is no representative for third years because childe started dissing venti onine and zhongli declined the nomination.
furina's age is around the third years' age but because of her acting career had to stop her education for two years.
the people currently competing for valedictorian is zhongli, keqing, and faruzan. kaveh was once in the running but his grades began to drop halfway through the year. baizhu could be in the running if it wasn't for his abysmal pe grades.
nahida was last years' valedictorian. and no, she has not skipped any grades.
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dantefreakdaaaa · 11 months
So I have this wip I really just don't know how to add to, might make a part two if enough people like this blurb. This has been sitting in my drafts for a while so it's a little old
General! Johnny Cage x Prince/Princess! reader
Gn reader || Romantic
A/N: an AU me and friends talked a little bit about, it's an AU where Johnny is evil and takes General Shao's place, acting as the general of the Edenian army. mk1 spoilers, this takes place during the dinner scene
"Your Majesty." Cage walked towards you, bowing slightly as he gestured to the empty place next to you. "May I?" You stared, looking him up and down. Cringing slightly you opened your mouth to speak, doing your best to be respectful. You were never too fond of the General, his cocky and arrogant attitude combined with his obsession over the throne always gave you a terrible feeling.
"You may, General Cage."
He sat down next to you, armor clinking and shuffling while he got himself comfortable, sitting as close as he could to you. You stayed silent and after only a few moments, the general began to talk your ear off.
"Have you seen the earthrealmers? They all look pretty lame, wouldn't you agree, Your Highness?" He turned to look at you, that grin plastered on his face as always.
"Their champion was able to defeat Li Mei, they're stronger than they look." You looked forward, staring at their champion, Raiden. His elemental powers were nothing to sneeze at.
"Well, Li Mei isn't necessarily the greatest fighter... I'm surprised Sindel has allowed her back into Edenia. If I was king and she allowed my partner to die-"
"But you are not king, are you general?" You snapped your head over to him, a cold gaze on your face as you stared at his slightly surprised face. His mouth was agape before he closed it again, taking his time to choose his next words carefully. Sitting in silence for a few minutes, all you could hear was the faint singing of the entertainers. Sadly the quiet was short-lived before he had to open his mouth again.
"Your majesty, since you're going to rule when your mother dies, have you ever considered having a partner? Someone to rule alongside you?" His words were phrased carefully enough to ask if you're single, while still being respectful. Surprising to see Cage put that much thought into his words.
"No, I haven't, General. How come you're interested?"
"Just uh- making sure that if you're considering someone they'll be right for the kingdom is all. Someone strong who will rule with an iron fist." He quietly mumbled an 'unlike your mother' under his breath, just barely audible.
"Hmm, well I appreciate your concern, General." Mumbling with mock thankfulness, you replied. You could honestly care less about what he had to say, his opinions on the throne didn't mean much considering his role.
"Just looking out for you, Your Majesty. I wouldn't want you ending up with someone like him." Johnny glanced over at Raiden before looking back at you. Just staring.
"And what's wrong with him?"
"Look at him, he's so... small. And he's merely a simple farm boy. What's he got that I-" Immediately he shut his mouth
"Hmm? What were you saying, General?"
"Nothing, your majesty..." He averted his gaze, staring down at his plate of food.
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genesiswrld · 8 months
SFW Blurb4: Kissing Raiden
You’ve been thinking about Raiden all day, how he is so humble and sweet. How you care so much for him, and him caring for you as well. You think about how he handles you with so much love and treats you so well. He makes your heart melt because of how good he is and how good he is to you. Mostly though, you believe you’re thinking about all of his good qualities because you miss him. He’s been gone for a few days doing Champion of Earthrealm things. You don’t know what exactly that entails, but you know he’s been busy.
You think about his physical qualities you like. Like the gentle shape of his warm brown eyes and the contours of his cheekbones, the broadness of his shoulders and his strong hands. But you believe your favorite physical quality of his are his lips. They’re just so full and pretty, with the most delightful color of pink to them. You think about how they feel on your own, so plush and soft when he kisses you. How pouty and swollen they become when the two of you separate.
You’re interrupted from your thoughts pleasantly as the front door opens and in steps Raiden, who you’ve been looking for. It’s almost like you summoned him with your thoughts and you couldn’t be more happy. “I’m home”. Comes his gentle voice, a voice you wanted to hear dearly. You move from your spot on the couch quicker than Raiden’s lightning bolts and you’re jumping into his arms, your own wrapping around his neck as you embrace him.
“What’s this all ab-“ Your lips on his derail his sentence. Raiden’s eyes widen and he’s still for a moment until he comes to his senses and is reciprocating your kiss. The kiss is a soft press of your lips for a few moments before you’re both pulling away. It’s not enough so you lean back in and press harder, the kiss turning firm and passionate. Raiden’s lips are pliant against your own, moving at the pace you set. He becomes eager, tongue prodding at your lower lip, lapping at it to get you to open your mouth and you do, moaning at his greediness, tongue hot on yours. His arms move to hold you against his strong body and you’re glad he does because your legs go weak at the feel of his wet muscle licking into your mouth, tasting you with fervor.
The two of you separate for a moment, you taking his lower lip between your teeth and he groans deeply, foreheads leaning against one another’s and panting heavily into each other. You do this for a few moments before colliding again, this one much more tender than the previous, all traces of the heat from before now a low simmering flame. The kiss is full of the love you feel for the other and it couldn’t be more perfect. When you pull away this time, your eyes take in the way Raiden’s lips are swollen and he parts them to speak. “As I was saying before, what was all of this about?” His dark eyes are questioning. The curve of your lips is sweet as you reply with, “I missed you and was thinking of you”. His own lips curl in a saccharine smile. “I missed you too, my light”.
This one got a little heated, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Raiden’s beautiful luscious lips so I had to make a blurb for kissing him as well.
(Who gave him the permission to have such biteable lips??? Cuz I wanna bite them.)
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thatjadedhotmess · 2 years
@allmetaplayersofgenshin should I pull for nilou I need yalls opinion :">
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sorrowfulmuse · 1 year
Would you write a headcanon or even a blurb on mk1 Liu Kang having a crush on reader or falling in love with reader? I need more content with him so badd 😭 Please and thank you love ❤️
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♡ headcanon :: how liu kang fell in love with gn!reader and their traits
mentions/warnings: none! just stupid writing errors (will be edited later)
babe pls i've been WAITING for someone to request him!! sorry for any typos or anything, i'm waiting on my laptop for the first time since my phone sucks with having music in the background while i write on here but here you go! hope you enjoy!! MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN YALL! & pls reblog thank you! ☺️💓
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liu kang would be conflicted in my opinion, its a new world.. a new era and he is a god compare to you being in his earth realm defense, but nonetheless it did not wary the feelings he had for you.
what was the traits that he favored from you? well, you did easily best kung lao in one of his bets! (lowkey so did the rest favored you cause it shut up kung lao for a bit!)
but mainly, you were ambitious for earth realm's victory when titan!shang tsung had declared war on this timeline.
you had confidence in him despite being told your past lives in different timelines from geras, he had asked why and was met with a answer that tugged at heart in the most blossoming way. "the fates will always find a way and i'm most thankful for this one as i get to be by your side."
was this a confession reader??? 🤓
you would laugh at his jokes even though no one else would get them, (you didn't really find his jokes humorous but you adored enough him enough to put up with it.) he still appreciated it, even if it was the smallest thing from you
in trainings, missions and in other assortments.. being diligent was your main priority. making sure you and your comrades made it back all in one piece, sometimes plans weren't always followed through but you were clever enough to have a backup plan to ensure success.
liu kang would dote on you when both of you are alone, he'll compliment the way you did your hair, how your voice sounded when you sung (lets pretend you know how to sing LOL) this man was down bad i tell ya!!
at madam bo's everything you ate/drink was paid by him, he even would ask madam bo to make you off menu dinings
this made everyone jealous because you were receiving royal treatment on which you would tease them for when his back was turned
"have you tried this tea before? it helps to smooth your throat if you have a cold" "eat this dish, the flavors of the soup can help with the sickness you're going through."
YES liu kang would be that type of person to take care of you even if you show the rarest signs of sickness!
but how did he meet you in this new era? you were trained in combat, martial arts and amongst other things which made you the second best behind raiden to being earth realms champion
although not being chosen not to represent in the tournament, you exceeded his expectations and was humbled enough to not let your pride get the best of you.
to end this, liu kang was in love with you simply because you believed in his vision and strength all those eras ago. you were you, you were his.. in every lifetime.
669 notes · View notes
n3ptoonz · 7 months
Good evening! Can you please write Raiden, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Johnny and Rain when they have sex with their s/o after a high risk mission and their emotions are all high from their almost death please? Like “I almost lost you” sex 🙏
say less 🫡
these will be blurbs
gn reader, some of these are in diff perspectives like almost losing you, them almost dying, or both
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Raiden held you close and tightly as he quickly thrusted his hips into you like you could disappear in his arms at the blink of an eye. The adrenaline post-mission barely left both of your bodies as you almost lost one another. How you ended up arriving to Poundtown™︎ with you on your side and hearing him practically whimper in your ear as he controls his own electricity powers was beyond your knowledge. But did that really matter right now?
Kenshi Takahashi
Who knew that Kenshi almost witnessing your demise would alter his brain chemistry? I mean, he's relatively the same, except when he has you pinned to the wall and making sure you don't look away. The strength this man has when he's stressed was frightening sometimes, because how is he able to hold you up for this long while exerting this much energy? Your breathless audible sounds were only fueling him more, so expect to be here for another 10 minutes.
Liu Kang
Already having thought he lost everyone he knew and love to the timeline reset before, Liu Kang was nearly prepared to lose you, but he's eternally thankful you're able hold your own. He was slow, sensual, and thoughtful as he whispered praises and guiding your movement as you rode him. Sweat was beading on your forehead from your own rush of emotion, almost dying, and the sweet sensation of a fire God melting away all your worries.
Johnny Cage
That was no stunt. Johnny Cage himself didn't expect to be this affected from a high risk mission, but when it involved him nearly losing his life. Contrary to Kenshi, he was softer with you post-craziness. He even kissed you slower than usual, savoring every last bit of this moment. The Missionary Master was in full effect tonight. As long as he can engrave those beautiful faces you make when he's inside of you in his mind, he's set for life.
Rain would die right now if it meant you'd be safe. But you nearly dying for him? Out of the question. He's not upset at you, in fact, he intends to repay you for such a thing. Naturally, that mission was terrifying for the both of you for multiple reasons, and this translated into how he sweetly and huskily he spoke in your ear as you cockwarmed him. Although, that lasted about seven minutes before he picked you up and showed you how truly grateful he was.
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