#raihans mom is mentioned
alolanrain · 1 year
Can we have more Aurafangshipping pleasee Also would they ever have kids and is the timeline the anime one or Ta!ash one?
those are just general Hc, they fluctuate between au's where I have Ash and Raihan together. the kids will be under the cut.
Oldest are fraternal twins; Cadenza Kasumi Alexander-Ketchum and Lunala “Luna” Takashi Alexander-Ketchum 
Cadenza is five minutes older than Luna and takes more of Ash’s personality and height wise, even though she’s three inches taller than her Papa. She isn’t Pokemon battle inclined like her Athair (Father in Scottish Gaelic) and Papa. She’s more artistic than book smart like her sister. Later on in life she makes a seperate much smaller business to the way bigger one her Grandmama, Raihan’s mother Celeste, she makes formal clothing and has commissions open for other kinds as well. She’s very good at making affordable dresses of all kinds that have pockets and a lot of women's suits that fit better than the ones already out there. Even though Cadenza takes after Ash height and emotion wise, she really does physically take after Raihan and Celeste. She has long curly hair that is ombré from yellow to a deep bright red at the bottom. Her eyes are just as blue as Raihan’s and her Grandmama Celeste. Her skin is a bit lighter then both of theirs but much darker still to Ash’s and Luna’s much paler tone. 
Luna follows her Grandmama’s foot prints and is now being mentored to take over the multi billion trainer wear/Pokémon necessity company that’s even bigger than Devon Corporation. She’s the logical, book smart, edgier, shark tooth side of the coin to Cadenza’s Sun rays, sweet tooth, artistic side. Luna is extremely smart and both Raihan and Ash struggled a bit to find the right course of school to put her through that would keep her focused and entertained while also keeping her on track and not let Luna consume it all in one sitting like she wants to. She’s absolutely perfect for the role of CEO of the company. It gets handed down to her when she reaches twenty three and she is recorded as the youngest CEO in the world. She has fluffy black hair like her Papa’s that is cut just a little below her ears. She’s two inches shorter than her Athair and is just as skinny as he is. Her eyes are the same whiskey brown as her Sobo’s (Grandmother is Japanese) and Ash’s. She’s a bit paler then Ash like when he first started out traveling in Kanto and she can not get a tan for the life of her, unlike her sister who tan’s pretty easily. 
It was actually Raihan who pushed for Misty and Brock’s Kantonian name’s to be their girls' middle names. Ash had actually wanted to propose the same idea earlier but was too afraid Raihan wouldn’t like the idea. When both girls were born, and after Raihan, Delia, and Celeste were able to hold the twins, Misty and Brock were able to hold them. Both definitely cried.
The girls are about four years old when Ash brings in a batch of triplet boys; Dace Celeste Alexander-Ketchum, Dimitri Kukui Alexander-Ketchum, and Dante Hanako Alexander-Ketchum. Raihan and Ash didn’t mean to name their boys all with names starting with ‘D’s… it just kinda happened. 
Dace grows up more Pokemon oriented than his sister’s and fellow brothers. Much more like Ash was at the beginning of his journey and his personality leans more towards the soft yet very strong type of person. After his third Pokemon journey he goes through Unova and defeats Champion Trip soundlessly and takes the man's place as the new Unova Champion. He’s very kind like Alder was, but a lot more attentive then both past Champions were. He now has to constantly deal with Iris trying to challenge him every time they meet though since “She was supposed to be Unova’s new Champion!” He and the rest of his siblings have brown hair like their Sobo and not as tight of curls like Cadenza, Athair, and Grandmama have. It’s more loosely curled and almost just as fluffy as their Papa’s. His eyes are just like Luna, Papa, and Sobo have, though there are big flecks of bright blue throughout his eyes. It’s kinda hard on Dace because he’s blue-yellow color blind, but his Pokémon helps him and so does his family who’s extra supportive of him. 
Dimitri is more books and study base like Raihan kinda is. Explores more in the hidden scriptures, scrolls, and learning about dead languages. He and Raihan bond over poetry and Galar’s old myths, Dimitri bonds with Ash by going through his Papa’s much more friendly memories with Legendaires in the world. He becomes a world renowned architecture, researcher, and digger. Dimitri was also mentored under Roark and Byron for three years and a half before finding a whole lost city in Sinnoh that was just barely mentioned in some very, very old scriptures he and everyone else couldn’t really make out. The city was all built in a very large cave that was bigger than the Lumiose tower. Dimitri’s personality swings more towards Raihan easy going attitude but he also picks up a strict nature from both his Grandmama and big sister Luna since Dimitri had wanted to hang around Luna and Grandmama at any moment he can when Papa wasn’t off traveling for his two Champion titles and Raihan wasn’t teaching Gloria (the female MC of SwSh) into taking over his gym. The only difference physically is that Dimitri has bright green eyes like his Grandfather Rose. Mew has also actually taken a liking to Dimitri since the boy is so far the most respectful digger/researcher there is in the world so far. 
Dante grows into the love of cooking and baking. He ended up becoming one of the top culinary chef’s in the world and was personally taught by Brock, Cilan, Mallow, and his Sobo Delia before she passed away from old age. He starts up a few different kinds of cooking shows and is also kinda like the Gordon Ramsay for the Pokémon world. He’s brash with older adults and very sweet and understanding with young trainers and young kids. He loves his parents a lot and Dante’s favorite memory was his Papa showing all kinds of holiday recipes to Dante when he was a young boy and all his siblings and Athair were in the living room watching Tv or doing something else. He has more blue then brown in his eyes then Dace and he takes pride in what he’s accomplished in life so far.
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year
hiya! May I req a raihan x reader where reader is a actress with a primarina she acts with? <33!! Take ur time with this!, I don’t mind how long I have to wait 🫶
Of course. I didn't know if you wanted it to be fluff or not. I just made fluff. I will be using she/her pronouns for this fic. Italics= Thoughts, Y/N= Your Name, L= Leon, R= Raihan, and H= Hop for when they are speaking.
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Rahain x Actress Fem! Reader
The Dragon Tamer and The Actress
Raihan's POV:
I don't know why Leon invited me out to lunch today. Maybe he felt bad for beating me in the championship. But whatever I'm just hungry and that is all I can think about.
I was waiting for Leon at our usual spot when I saw him with a beautiful woman. The woman had a Pokémon that I'd never seen before. It looks like a seal mermaid. Too late to over think that thought they’re already here.
L: Hey Raihan. This is Y/N. Y/N this is Raihan.
He gestures between myself and the woman.
Y/N: It is nice to meet you, Raihan. I’ve heard so much about you.
She smiles and reaches out her. Which I take and shake it.
R: It’s nice to meet you as well, Y/N. So, what kind of Pokémon is this?
I let go of her hand and gesture to the Pokémon beside her
Y/N: Oh they are a Primarina. They are native to the Alolan Islands. The majority of them are male, but this one here is female.
R: That’s fascinating. I’ve never seen one before. She’s beautiful.
The Primarina squeals with delight at my compliment. We sit down for lunch and talk for a bit to get to know each other. Apparently, Y/N is an actress hoping to look for some work here Galar. She’s beautiful so it will be easy for her to find something.
~One year later~
Y/N’s POV:
I was busy getting ready for an audition and I was talking to my partner Primarina.
Y/N: I like Raihan as a friend, alright? I do think he is handsome, but he might be in a relationship and I do not want to ruin that.
Primarina just shakes her head. Then there was a knock at the door.
Y/N: Who is it?!?!
R: It’s Raihan. I was sent to escort you to your audition.
I blush at the thought that the company sent Raihan. I thought that they would send Leon, but in all honesty he probably got lost on his way here which is why they probably sent Raihan.
Y/N: One moment! I’m almost done!
Fixing the last piece of hair and straightening out my clothes I was finally ready. I call my Pokémon back to her ball, grab my bag that has my keys, and I head out the door to meet Raihan. Once I turn around after locking my front door I see Raihan in a nice outfit.
Oh no he hot
R: Ready to go?
I nod and we head off to the audition. We talk about random things from what we do when we are’t working to the traditions from where we are from. All I remember is that he mentioned something about an Applin and that was about it. We reached the company building and he said that he will be waiting outside until I am finished.
~20 minutes later~
I walk outside to where I had left Raihan, but I couldn’t find him.
Does he not like me? Did I do or say something wrong? Where did he go?
All of these thoughts were running through my head at light speed that I didn’t even notice Raihan walking over to me. All I felt was a hand on my shoulder and I looked over to see his concerned expression.
R: Are you alright?
Y/N: Yes. I just thought that you left me here because you don’t like me or that I did or said something wrong.
I don’t know why I didn’t just lie to him. But I couldn’t do that.
R: I would never leave you no matter what you do or say.
We smile at each other and we go to lunch.
~One more year later~
Raihan’s POV:
I cannot wait to see if Y/N won the award for best actress. I know she will win for sure.
Award Show Announcer: Up next is Best Actress. The nominees are Clara Herth, Daphne Coleman, Clover Watters, and Y/N
I was watching the awards show with Leon, Hop, and their mom. We were impatiently waiting for the winner to be announced. They come back from the commercial break and repeat the category name and nominees names.
Show Announcer: And the winner for Best Actress is.....
I hold my breath.
Announcer: Y/N!!!!
R: Yes!!!! I knew it!!
Y/n walks onto the stage to receive her award and give her speech.
Wow. She looks stunning. I wish I was there to kiss her. Except she only likes me as friend.
Y/N: Thank you for this opportunity. I would like thank my parents, my partner Primarina who is watching at home...
Her primarina squeaks with excitement for her trainer knowing that she helped.
Y/N: I’d also like to thank Leon and Hop for being supportive of me and being like the brothers I’ve never had...
We all laugh
R: You two were just brother zoned.
L & H: Shut up!
Their mom told us to shush and we did because then we wouldn’t get a piece of the cake she made for Y/N.
Y/N: Finally, I would like to thank Raihan for always being by my side and for being my wonderful dragon tamer. Thank you so much everyone!
Did she just call me her wonderful dragon tamer? Just like that?
Leon, Hop, and their mom all look at me. I feel their stares and I look back at them.
R: What?
H: You do know that the press is now going to be asking both of you if you two are dating now, right?
R: Yeah, so what?
Their mom: Well are you two dating?
My face turns a deeper shade of red.
R: No, not yet. I just haven’t found the right time to ask.
Y/N: Ask what?
We all jump in surprise.
L: When did you get back? And how did you get back so quickly?
Y/N: I took one of the flying cabs back here because I’m starving and I want cake.
L: Ah. Okay. Mom can we have the cake now since she’s back?
She nods and we eat the cake with Y/N getting the first slice.
Y/N: This is my favorite flavor. How did you know?
Mom: Raihan told me. He remembers everything about everyone he cares about.
I am now as red as Leon Charizards flames.
Y/N: Thank you Raihan.
~15 minutes later to when everyone else is asleep except Y/N and Raihan~
Y/N and I were cuddling on the couch just talking about the award show and random things.
Y/N: Hey Raihan?
I hum in response.
Y/N: What did you mean by that you haven’t found the right time to ask?
R: Oh um... You see I umm...
We both sit up facing each other. I take out the Pokéball that contained the Applin I had caught for confessing my feelings to Y/N.
R: Y/N, remember when I told you that in Galar we give an Applin to the one we love?
Y/N: Yes, of course.
I hold out the Pokéball to her.
R: Well I caught you one and I want you to know that I am deeply in love with you.
Silence filled the air as I waited for her to reject me. I felt the Pokéball with Applin leave my hand and felt a kiss on my cheek.
Y/N: I am deeply in love with you as well, my wonderful dragon tamer.
                            ~The End~
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echantedtoon · 7 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch23 Battle Gym Leader Raihan
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Safe to say you were not in a good mood at all. Any good feelings you previously had coming to Hammerlocke thanks to Mr. Orange Bandanna. Still holding onto Silver you entered the girls tent and inside found Gloria already inside laying on her sleeping bag and watching something on her phone. But she looked up when you came on in cradling Silver in your arms, not that the water type was complaining. He seemed more confused than annoyed as you set him down before plopping yourself on your side of the tent and groaned tiredly. A sigh of relief escaping you as you could finally relax.....For now at least.
"What happened to ye?," Gloria asked noticing your tired look, "An' what took ya so long?"
You took your time taking off your pack and placing it somewhere before replying, "Sorry. I ran into a ....'problem' I had to work a way out of, but everything's good....For now at least." You pointed at her to change the subject. "Did you get all the supplies?"
"If by supplies ya mean clearin' out the entire vending machine again, then ya!,'' she nodded and you smiled.
"What about the stadium? Get a date for a battle yet?"
She shrugged. "Not sure. Hop said he wasn't in town when he asked so I guess we'll have ta wait."
"Oh he's here alright," you mumbled scowl coming back onto your face as you laid down on the tent floor. Gloria rose a brow at your reaction. The gears turning in her head before it dawned on her.
"Ya saw 'em?"
You huffed crossing your arms as you laid on your side scowling off at nothing as Silver crawled him way over to your backpack without you noticing. "Oh I did MORE than just 'saw him'." You rolled your eyes as gloria set down her phone, turning towards you with an arm supporting her head. "The guy actually tried to score a dumb date out of me!!"
Her brown eyes widened at your words. "NO!"
"YES!!" You flipped onto your back as your hands flew up to rub your face. "He had the nerve to walk up to the stupid table and sit next to me too!" You shivered. "I felt like the canary the cat caught!"
"....The what that caught a what?" You groaned and flopped back down onto the ground. You didn't want to mention the rest as it was embarrassing but Gloria seemed very interested. "What did ya say?"
"NO of course!! He's not my type! Like....At all! I've only met him two times but I already dislike him!"
Gloria seemed gobsmacked. "What? What's there not to like about him?" She asked listing off qualities. "He's strong. He cares about people so much and does so many charity events. Leon speaks very highly of 'em!" Her face blushed a little as she continued but you kinda expected that like a fan gushing about their favorite movie actor. "He's handsome! And...And...And a whole bunch of other stuff!!"
"Well...For one he comes off WAY too strong, and yeah it can be 'confident' but to me it's just too pushy!" You held up fingers as you talked. "He didn't seem to take a hint, I felt like a small sobble under the doofus, and he just....I dunno. Comes off WAY too flashy. Like the whole 'I take selfies a lot' is....not really something I would've looked for in a partner. Not that I am looking for one." You sighed rolling a hand. "I'm a bit focused on traveling at the moment. But even if I was it probably wouldn't be someone so...different. The whole 'opposites attract' thing isn't true for me? I mean there's more to it than just looks and fame."
Gloria had stared off in thought listening to you and a pause of silence followed before she nodded. "I guess yer right." She shrugged. "Not everyone wants a ton o' eyes on 'em. ...But out of curiosity what would ya want in someone?"
That made you pause. ....And the question bounced around in your mind. What...would you want in someone? You had never thought about that before. Most of your time was consumed by either studies or work with some spare time for hobbies in the middle when your mom wasn't looking. You supposed that might've came up sometime in the future but you had been too consumed to think about something like that....You shrugged it off. Well it's not like you would worry about that anytime soon anyways being trapped in a video game world.
"Hmm...I dunno. Never thought about it much." Your brows furrowed. ".....But if I would have to say what I'd want...Someone who's understanding. And patient. Oh! And maybe someone who'd have the same hobbies! That'd be fun." Gloria nodded as you went along thinking hard. You'd want to be around someone who...wasn't your mother- You scowled again. "Someone who'd be easy to talk to, and chill most of the time. Someone positive and strong..yeah." Someone oppoeite of your mother. "That's who I'd like." You looked to her. "What about you? Any crushes?"
Gloria huffed. "Yeah right! As if....But I think I'd want someone like that too! But they'd have to keep up with me if they can!"
You laughed, possibly for the first time that day, and sighed. "I bet you'll find someone like that one day."
"Yeah....Oh hey. That reminds me. I wanted ta ask ye somethin'." You hummed turning back to her. "Can I borrow Dri-...I mean Silver 'gain?"
You blinked. "Silver? You mean you want to use him to battle again?" She nodded. "Why?"
Her hand pointed up. "Hammerlocke's stadium is way different from any other. It's the only gym without any audience seats cuz the entire place is filled with pounds n' pounds of sand and completely encased in a dome."
....You blinked. "Say what now?"
"Yeah. He uses the environment to create these giant sandstorms to blind his challenger, so no audience is allowed in for safety reasons. Hop n' I have been thinkin' 'bout what pokemon we can use to get past him. Steel type can ignore sandstorms so me corviknight is an obvious match being part steel 'n all. But I've seen the way Silver battles and the bloke's got some good skill I'd really appreciate using again........." She blinked as you stared. "Uh....Y/n?"
You had heard what she said but it hit you like a ton of bricks as. You. ....REMEMBERED!! YOU REMEMBERED RAIHAN'S GAMEPLAY FROM BACK IN THE GAME!! YOU REMEMBERED A SANDSTORM COVERED BATTLE BUT YOU DIDN'T PIECE IT TOGETHER UNTIL NOW!! .....An evil smirk spread across your face as you chuckled, making Gloria raise a brow wondering what was so funny. OH!! This was great! You may not have experience actually battling in real life despite having Silver, but thanks to your outsider's experience as you remembered more and more including his Gym's Challenge for the trainer...You realized something. You all had the upper hand here. You now remembered like a smack to the face Raihan's entire gameplay. Which meant you could avoid him trying to make a bet to go out on a date!! With a bright and cheery smile you sat up and turned to Gloria. About to give her the ultimate advantage!
"Hey. Would you like to know what the gym's challenge this time's gonna be? I found out what it was while in Hammerlocke." Which wasn't a lie. You DID found out what the challenge was when you were in Hammerlocke in the game. So this truth wasn't meaning you were lying at all while not drawing unwanted attention to yourself. And you also remembered while in Hammerlocke too, so there's that.
Gloria immediately perked up and sat up as well with a bright smile on her face. "HECK YEAH!! That'd help out loads to prepare me!"
You paused...moving to get up and out towards the entrance. A thought crossing across your mind too. "Let's go tell Hop an' my bro too. I'm sure they'll be able to come up with all kinds of strategies too."
Gloria didn't complain about that and merely followed you outside where you found the boys still out. Only this time Victor seemed to be making a safe fire pit, and Hop seemed to be letting his wooloo run around to get some fresh air. But you called them over and when they heard what you had to say....Well they didn't need much convincing to agree to listen to what you had to say. In fact they seemed completely ecstatic to learn what you had to say.
"Alright you three. Listen up now!" You placed your hands on your hips and looked down on them determined like you were your old gym teacher at the football game. But you weren't doing this to sabotage Raihan. While you disliked the guy, you didn't want to deliberately sabotage him either. And you still didn't want to mess with the game's events as so far everything's been going exactly as in game with the exceptions being the obvious real world wrench tossed in with it! You were doing this to get home. That was your goal and if Raihan being one of the top leaders was the obstacle then you were going to do what you could to help them get through. "Ok. Do you three remember Ms. Opal's challenge back in Bellonlea?" They nodded. "Raihan does the same thing. But instead you're all going to have to battle three trainers he personally trained in double teamed battles."
"WHAT?!," Hop asked eyes going wide as Gloria's jaw dropped.
"There's more," you cut him off before his shocked self could speak again, "Luckily for us I found out what pokemon they use so you guys can figure out the best way to beat them." Having their full attention you held up a finger. "The first guy's gonna have a pelipper and sliggoo." A second finger was put up. "The second guy's gonna have a ninetales and a turtonator." And you held up a third finger. "And the last guy's packing an abomasnow and a hakamo-o." You looked at them and were pleased to see that the gears in their heads were already turning. Especially Hop no doubt with that big brain of his as he held one hand to his chin.
"Hmm.......That must be a deciding factor in how he scores so many wins," Hop mumbled, "Battling three trainers and then enduring himself and the sandstorm the gym's environment provides both wears down the trainer and their pokemon as well as blinds them."
You nodded. You didn't doubt that was probably a deciding factor in how he won, but by how much Raihan battled Leon by himself and everyone else, he must've still been strong enough to stand his own ground. Which lead to round two of explaining. "That's probably a factor but I also noticed a pattern with Raihan's battling." They looked at you and you continued. "His battling is just basically two rounds. His starts out with two pokemon in a tag team battle. Usually his gigalith and flygon but if one of them faints he sends out his sandaconda. From there you have to take down both pokemon and then dynamax against his duraludon. Doesn't sound easy having to focus on two pokemon at once during a sandstorm."
".......That's exactly why it's so hard!!" All three of you turned to Hop as his golden eyes widened. "From all the videos I've seen of Raihan battling Leon he was always focused on his one pokemon he used to battle....But he never ever battled Lee in a double team match despite it being his specialty and what he's known for. Only one at a time....I wonder why that is?"
You paused too thinking. ...Hop was right. Even in your dream with Raihan and Leon battling it only ever showed them each using one pokemon per round. Maybe those rules concerning double team battles only applied to his gym? "I'm...Not sure. Haven't they ever done it outside battling for the Champion title?"
Hop shook his head. "Lee tells me about every battle they've had and not one was a tag team battle..Hm. Come to think of it, that is a bit strange for him not to do that outside his gym. Wonder why?"
"You know...,"you all perked up as Victor spoke, "From the blurry camera's they use to record his battles it's hard ta tell but....I don't think he ever does combo moves with his pokemon."
And it was then it was like the bulb in Hop's brain was smacked to light up brightly. "OF COURSE!! He's always giving orders to both his pokemon during the double battles, but he does so in a way that's like he's doing two individual battles at once!" Hop snapped up to Victor with a smile. "VIC MATE!! YOU'RE BRILLIANT!!''
....Victor blinked. "I am?"
Hop made a fist with one hand and slammed it into his palm with his other. "Of course! That's his weak point! He rarely ever if he does at all use combined attacks with both pokemon. Raihan's pokemon are both powerhouses so they can hold their own. Especially against already tired pokemon in the cover of a sandstorm! But if say two pokemon work on one of his while defensing against the other-"
"We could have a chance of beating him with that opening!," Gloria piped up pointing at them, "Especially if the type advantages and fighting styles are played against him."
"And don't forget," Hop added pointing to her, "While the sandstorm blinds us it also blinds him as well. Hmm...That could also be the very reason why he doesn't do combined attacks! After all if you can barely see your opponents yourself, it just might be easier for him to divide and conquer using his brute strength to power through instead of combined skilled attacks unless he's battling one on one."
"If that's the case," You added Hop now having you thinking, "That might be why he doesn't usually battle people in tag team battles! Because he's not used to actually coming up with combo attacks on the fly without the shield of a sandstorm to cover his tracks. After all you two battled Kabu who's also super strong using your brains against his strength and won." You pointed. "And I bet you if he personally trained those trainers then he might've taught them the same thing unintentionally! We just need to use our brains to our advantage again and figure out what it takes to water down that dragon's flame!"
Then with the chess board laid out. You all played your first piece. Now it was just a matter of time, thinking, and seeing how Raihan would play against your moves. Hop and Gloria began discussing ideas among themselves and while they were doing that Victor pulled you to the side and handed you your share of the food supplies. Which you gladly accepted and brought back into the tent with you to put away. Finding Silver already passed out asleep on the ground. Which you followed. After all tomorrow was going to be a big day for all of you. Might as well prepare for it by getting a good night's sleep. And that's exactly what you did. Falling asleep with a smile on your face just imagining what tomorrow was going to be like for you. Sometime after Gloria fell asleep as well and your camp fell silent retiring for the night. When you awoke the next morning it was to Silver helping himself to some of your food rations Victor had given you the night before. Safe to say that you spooked him into stopping. By the time you had gotten dressed and out of the tent yourself, you found yourself faced with Victor and both gym challengers dressed in their white uniforms. ....And it was blinking at them that gave you the bright idea that would pay off later.
"Y/n!," Gloria greeted waving at you while holding a half eaten jerky bar in her hand. "You're up early."
You gestured to Silver who slunk around yourself dragging your backpack behind him. "Well I was kinda forced up by Mr. I'm Always Hungry here." Silver gave you a frown but you ignored him in favor of them. "What about you guys? Eat already?" They nodded and Gloria gestured to the jerky still in her hands. You nodded. "Good. You'll both be needing that energy for the match...But there's one important detail you guys should know." You pointed at them. "Whatever you do, don't let Raihan know that you both have been traveling buddies."
They looked confused for a moment, and before you could explain that it was because you had the idea that Raihan might take on two battles if he thought they were both seperate parties (therefore you could leave Hammerlocke faster-) but Victor interrupted your thoughts. "She has a point." You blinked towards him. "Since you two came up with similar strategies it might be better to not let him catch on that you two know each other so he doesn't suspect anything."
Oh....Well that works too. But Gloria spoke up. "But he already knows that both Hop n' I are both endorsed by Lee."
"But that doesn't mean he knows you're both travel buddies?," you explained with a sly grin. "Trust me. This'll be worth the effort. And isn't Victor going to battle him as well?"
They looked hesitant but with Victor agreeing with you they agreed. "Alright. But we'll still need Driz- I mean Silver."
"An' I'm plannin' on battlin' the bloke after both of 'em. Got me own plan in mind, and it'll be good experience to watch them first and see how he battles."
You nodded. "I got him in his pokeball. Then we'll need to head to the Vault."
"The Vault? Dontcha mean the stadium?"
"Nah. You'll see once we go there."
The three looked confused but you didn't elaborate more returning to your tent to retrieve Silver inside his pokeball. Wasn't too hard to convince him to get into his pokeball this time and give him to Gloria who held out her hand expectantly. You weren't sure what their plan was but were excited to see what it was. It was a good thing you were camped right outside the Vault, of course having to show their badges again to get in with that Hammerlocke rule, before procceeding to that double door entrance you remember Raihan opening. Stopping before the two doors where you were SURE Raihan was waiting for you all (more specifically Hop and Gloria-) before gaining enough confidence to push open the doors and waltz in. If you had a problem then you had to deal with it head on just like you were doing with all your other current problems. No flirty dragon boy was about to get between you and your only way home at the moment. Walking down the hallway with the others following you, you ended up in the same trophy room and the same woman sitting behind the computer gazed up at you as you much more confidentially than you felt, put your hands on the counter with a determined look in your eyes.
"My friend is here to challenge, Mr. Raihan," you politely told her gesturing to Gloria and then to Hop, "And this other challenger wants to battle him too." You told truthfully but in a way that wouldn't allow the woman to connect the dots. "Where is he?"
The woman blinked but soon recovered and looked back to her computer screen typing something down......before nodding with a hum. "Oh yes. Someone asked about him yesterday." She must've meant when Hop went to the stadium the other day. "Mr. Raihan's been expecting you..But I'm afraid he can only take one trainer at a time. One of you will have to wait another day-"
"Oh that won't be necessary," a voice purred out. You yelped, jumping up and spinning around....only to then scowl at who it was standing in the doorway to the stairs leading up to the Vault's tapestries. Well speak of the devil eh? Raihan was standing there not even looking up from his phone as he leaned against the wall coolly. "I'm sure I have time in my schedule for two gym battles today...Considering that they both got all the other badges and can defeat my challenge up stairs-...." Raihan paused. Looking up and suddenly seeing you. After an awkward moment of silence you crossed your arms and frowned and he calmly smiled. "Oh....Well now things have gotten really interesting today huh?"
"Dude. Just don't," you groaned out.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here, Sassy," he happily stated pointing his phone at you, "Did you change your mind about my offer?~"
"HA! You wish! I wouldn't go on a date with you if you were the only guy left in Galar! And there's still no way I agree to that ridiculous bet so don't get any crazy ideas!" You pointed to Gloria's amused expression at you as Hop and Victor watched in a mixture of confusion and surprise. "She's gonna be walking away with your gym badge anyways. So is the other challenger here for you too!"
He hummed finally looking to both the challengers by you. "Ah. Your friend again, and another lil guy I haven't seen." He nodded. "Sure. I'd be happy to take them on. But I can only take on one at a time. So who's going to take on my challenge first?"
Gloria stepped up. "I am!"
Raihan nodded and gestured to the stairs behind him. "We'll Lil Miss, why don't you just follow me and we'll get this challenge started? The other challenger of mine can wait here while she competes." He paused looking over you again. "You can come watch your friend if you want, but you'd have to stand off at a safe distance with me-"
"I can wait right here in the waiting room, Mr. Raihan," you stated firmly but politely making it a point to walk on over to the nearest chair and sit yourself down in it. Oh you would remain nice for now. Wouldn't want to make any gym leader angry, and he seemed to find your anger more amusing than irritating, but you'd play it safe for now. "But thank you for the offer. It was very....nice of you."
He smiled amused at your annoyed form but shrugged. Turning around as his hands returned to his pockets. "Alright then. Your call. Whelp! Let's get this show on the road shall we?"
Gloria blinked but jogged after him both disappearing up the stairs towards the Vault. After a moment of silence Victor and Hop both joined you sitting down in the waiting chairs until Hop spoke up. "SO....When did you talk to Raihan? It seems you get to talk with all the gym leaders."
You groaned. "Do I have to tell you?"
"I mean...We don't have anything else to do while we wait for Glory do we?"
".......Fine I guess."
And you did albeit reluctantly and you shot Victor a scowl when he laughed at some parts, but Hop thankfully seemed more intrigued about how your interactions went. From somewhere above you can the faint sounds of someone battling, muffled by all the walls. You briefly wondered why anyone would allow Raihan to even use the Vault for his gym challenge. Weren't the tapestries in danger of being destroyed if that happened? Oh well. It wasn't any of your business since you weren't going be back here anyways after you leave at the end of the year after the Championship match. You three sat there for what seemed like forever when in reality it was only maybe an hour and a half before Gloria reappeared. Walking down the stairs looking slightly winded was Gloria and right behind her looking just as he did when they left.
"Hey!," you smiled at her perking up, "How'd it go?" You already knew the answer but felt smug seeing her smile.
"I passed 'em so fast they're still tryin' ta wipe the dust from their eyes!," she stated proudly.
Raihan nodded as he smiled. "Your friend here's not lying. Not gonna lie I'm pretty excited to take her on in battle. But I think there's one other person who's here to take on my challenge first?" He turned his gaze to Hop who stood up and what looked like a flash of realization came over him. Hm. You supposed he might've recognized Hop since he and Leon looked a lot a like. "Hmm....Well well. A very surprising day it is." He turned to you as you stood up to meet Gloria. "If you want, the both of you can head on over to the stadium to wait for me there. Or you're welcome to come watch-"
"Thank you, but I think we'll head on out and wait for you to come to the stadium instead," you strained a smile, "But it was very nice of you to offer."
He huffed a chuckled and barely gave you a glance as he turned to Hop. "Well, Kid. I dont suppose you're ready are you?" Hop nodded a determined look on his face. "Alright. That's the spirit. My team's taking a small break but it won't be too long until you can fight. Follow me, Challenger."
He turned and like previously walked away with Hop in tow, Hop and Gloria exchanging a knowing smile and you watched them go...before turning to Gloria and crossing your arms. "So how'd it go?"
"It was jus' like you said it would be!," she confirmed smiling, "None o' 'em made any combo attacks and it was like any other battle."
You nodded. "Come on. We should go wait at the stadium like Raihan said." You turned to go but paused when an idea hit you. "...Let's stop by the pokemon center first though. It wouldn't hurt to let Nurse Joy patch up your pals before the big show."
Bidding good bye to Victor who opted to wait for Hop, you two left the Vault and went on your way towards the pokemon center. You should have plenty of time to sneak a heal at the pokemon center before Raihan noticed anything. Cheating?..Hm. Maybe, but then again, no one said it was against the rules anywhere. Someone would've said something by now.
"Hey...Do ya think we shoulda said somethin' 'bout the trainers of Raihan's bein' too tired for another battle so soon?," Gloria asked as you reached the pink building and walked in.
You hummed for a moment walking up to where Nurse Joy was smiling at you both before shaking your head. "Nah. If Raihan says they could battle again after a break we should trust his judgement." You can't believe you said that, but you didn't really want to be a jerk and prevent Hop from battling too. ...And you might've wanted to go home sooner so this would help. "Besides. It gives you a moment to go over your battle plans....What were you planning anyways?"
Gloria smiled slyly as she handed Nurse Joy her pokeballs to heal. "You'll see! Since we got Silver we should head on out of Hammerlocke for a bit while we still got time."
You really weren't sure what Gloria's plan was but followed her anyways once Nurse Joy was finished with her pokemon and out the pokemon center you all went. But to your surprise instead of going to the stadium Gloria instead went to the nearest exit. Still confused you followed her to the outside of Hammerlocke and silently watched as she took out her six pokemon plus Silver, and you still were confused even as she made Silver use water gun.....On her own pokemon....Gently. Obviously with the intent of just getting them all drenched like they went swimming in Hammerlocke's moats. When you asked Gloria why she was using Silver's water gun move to soak her pokemon more than a sponge, she simply chuckled and told you you would see soon. Poor Silver looked even more tired than usual by the time he was done and Gloria put all of the pokemon back into their pokeballs. All soaked and wet like you were when the rain hit you back in Spikemuth. After Gloria reshown one of the workers her badges (dumb rule) and you two were allowed back inside, you both finally headed back over towards the stadium and powerplant. Walking up to the woman behind the counter once you got inside, the two of you were gestured to a small door over to the counter which seemed to be yet another waiting room. But unlike the Vault's waiting room this one looked even more like an actual waiting room, like at a doctor's office. White walls, a few comfy couches, a painting here and there, a small coffee table with complimentary water to drink, and a big TV secured to the wall. You both sat down and waited. But you didn't have to wait for long, as about ten minutes after you all sat down they arrived. The door opened and you both looked over to Victor and Hop waltzing right in and Raihan right behind him but he stopped in the doorway unlike them. You would've greeted the boys if it didn't risk blowing your cover of you not knowing one another. But Raihan made the first greeting upon seeing you and Gloria.
"Oh there you both are!," he greeted with a wide smile and a wave one hand still in his pocket, "Seeing this little dude defeat my trainers like that really pumped me up for some action myself!" He pointed to Gloria. "So. Whatcha say? Are you ready to take on the great and powerful Dragon Type Gym Leader?"
Gloria immediately stood up and nodded. "You bet!"
"Then follow me and we'll see how this'll go!" He gestured to the big TV on the walls. "Your friend and the others can wait here and watch the action safely since only the two of us and the ref is allowed in the stadium during battles." Gloria nodded and he glanced a moment to you who rose a brow before turning. "I'll be sure to put on a good show for all the audience.~"
Raihan turned his back to all you and left with Gloria behind him, and while his back was turned Gloria held out her hand with Silver's pokeball in it and dropped it into Hop awaiting hand as they passed. And both exchanged a knowing smile with one another. What the world were those two even planning? As soon as the door closed behind Gloria you took your chance to raise your brow at Hop who smiled at Silver's pokeball.
"So are you going to make my poor Silver Veil hose down your pokemon too?"
Hop blinked over at you but smiled. "Ah Y/n. You got me, Mate! But how'd ya figure it out?"
"Gloria had him do it before we came to the stadium. But would someone please explain to me what exactly you two are planning?"
"Simple really!," Hop explained holding up a hand. "Camouflage."
".....Camouflage?," you asked confused.
Hop nodded. "Raihan uses the sandstorm to blind his challengers. But everyone knows that sand would stick to any damp surface! Like the sand from a beach if you were done swimming in the ocean! So we figured if we could just make the sand stick to our pokemon since it's already hard to see anyways-"
"You could practically become invisible and use the environment!," you perked up everything finally clicking.
"Exactly! From all of Raihan's previous battles I hadn't ever seen anyone try this tactic before so I don't think he would expect it. Let alone two people in a row using it!" Hop pointed to the door behind him. "I just need to pop outside real quick so I can put my plan into motion!"
You nodded before pausing. "Oh. Hop."
"Stop by the pokemon center first and have Nurse Joy look over your team real quick. It wouldn't hurt to have them looked over before you take him on. Y'know. To make the odds better in your favor."
Smiling Hop agreed. "Yeah! That's a great idea! Thanks Y/n!"
"Hurry back before their match is over!'', Victor called after Hop's retreating form, "Or else Raihan might consider your absence forfeit from the battle!"
You were sure Hop would be back before their match was over. It hadn't even started yet. Well guess what happened five minutes after Hop left? Yep! The TV popped on courtesy of Victor turning it on and the first thing that popped up on screen was the inside of the stadium. And HOLY MOLY!! They weren't kidding when they said the entire place was full of sand! There was uneven piles of it all scattered about and barely any bare floor left to see. This must mean that the battle must be about to start any moment now. And you weren't wrong either. From one side of the stadium came Gloria and from the other came Raihan and another man who looked to be wearing a gym uniform of some kind and eye protection goggles. AH. He must've been the referee for the gym. Both came to meet at the middle of gym, Raihan exchanging a few words with her you couldn't hear exactly, before all three turned and took their places.
"WELCOME TO TODAY'S BATTLE!," said a voice that wasn't Raihan or Gloria. Must've come from the ref. He must've been using some kind of Mic to be heard over the TV. "This battle will take place between the Gym Challenger Gloria and the Gym Leader Raihan! There will be three rounds as per the standard gym! If the gym challenger succeeds in winning two or more matches then they shall walk away victorious! If they end within a tie it will up to the gym leader to decide if they have earned the right to the badge. Round one of the battle shall begin! To your places please! Both ready your pokemon!" Gloria held up both hands. In each one a pokeball, and Raihan held up two in one hand striking some pose with his other hand on his hip. An orange blur suddenly zooming from his pocket and you blinked from your chair realizing it was his rotom. "BATTLE BEGIN!!"
Raihan did some kind of roar pose and you recognized that as his signature pose from his gameplay. Before leaning back and TOSSING both pokeballs out like a baseball. And in a spark of light out came the flygon and gigalith. Gloria doing the same and out of her pokeballs came her corviknight and raboot. Which confused you as you thought she was saving her corviknight for the dynamax battle as he was understandably her heaviest hitter out of her team. Raihan taking that famous stance from his gameplay as you watched..and your eyes widened as a light buzzing noise picked up and ..and...the sand started to blow. The screen instantly starting to blur within a few seconds to the point you and Victor could barely see the blurs of humans and pokemon despite watching it intently.
"Let the winds blow! Stream forward sandstorm!," Raihan yelled out pointing a finger in Gloria's blurry direction. She had reached a hand up to her eyes as her hair whipped around her wildly. "GIGALITH!! LET'S HAVE THEM BLOCKED IN USING YOUR STEALTH ROCK!!" The blurry thing roared out and you barely made out a bunch of tiny blurs out of it's top. A move that surrounded the opposing team with pointed rocks. Causing them damage if they moved. A pretty handy trick for their sandstorm cover. But you had a feeling with whatever was gonna use would be more effective. "FLYGON USE BREAKING SWIPE ON THE TRAPPED TEAM!!" There was a brief but fast blur and you heard the familiar sound of Gloria's pokemon cry out. ....That guy must've used his flygon's swipe to launch it's teammates floating rocks at them. Hmm. So he must've known a few combos after all. "Gigalith! Use your Sand Stream! Let's add a little more smoke cover to our fire!"
"C'mon Glory!", Victor said hands clenched into fists as the screen clouded even more due to the gigalith's sand attack. "Do something!"
"Corviknight! Fly up and away now!" There was a loud roar-caw sound that could've only been from the corviknight as it took off, Gloria pointing forward! "RABOOT USE QUICK ATTACK TOWARDS THAT GIGALITH LIKE HOW I TOLD YOU!!" Fighting against the wind the raboot who was weighed down slightly with the amount of dust clinging to it's fur darted out towards the Gigalith as Raihan smirked pointing towards the raboot as well!
"Hope you know that won't work! USE BODY PRESS TO CRUSH YOUR WAY TO VICTORY!!" With impressive speed and strength you didn't know that thing had, the Gigalith roared out and JUMPED!! High into the air it jumped heading right towards the wide eyed raboot. It's life flashing before it's eyes as the thing slammed down on it...Or it would have. If a sandy-tan blur hadn't grabbed it first. From the sand and wind rose a monster of red eyes and predatory bird. Flapping it's mighty wings and claws outstretched towards it's prey like some unholy eagle.And it's prey it caught. With the gigalith entrapped within it's talons the corviknight TOOK OFF like a bat outta heck and kicked up wind and sand in it's hurry! The trapped gigalith roaring out like a hurt elephant from the suspention in air. Raihan had to throw his arms over his face and close his eyes from the sudden wind and sand thrown to his face as his gigalith was carried off.
"USE TACKLE!!" Raihan finally opened his eyes. Snapping them open when the unmistakable pained yells of his flygon was heard. Choking a wail when the tiny but mighty raboot managed to ram itself square into flygon's stomach successfully tackling the thing to the ground where it would be helpless from the air. "HOLD ON TO IT'S WING TIGHTLY AND DON'T LET GO TIL I SAY SO!!" Just like when raboot had battled against Kabu's arcanine, raboot had latched using his teeth and tiny paws onto the downed flygon's wing, rendering it useless as it couldn't fly if it couldn't use both wings.
"USE BREAKING SWIPE ON IT TO KNOCK IT AWAY!! THEN USE STEEL WING ON THAT CORVIKNIGHT!!" The flygon instantly snapped it's snarl to the fairly scared looking raboot considering it was inches away from a dragon type's jaws. Clearly remembering the skuntank's and arcanine's large fangs. As it didn't look to the flygon's tail lifting back only to quickly swipe-
"NOW!!" raboot let go, instantly dropping as something fast and hard swung just grazing over his nose and instead right into the snarling flygon's snarling face. A sickening W H A C K sound went off as it hit the pokemon square in the head, and from your spot on the chair you couldn't help but cringe. That swing was strong enough to knock out Mr. Rose's copperajah. And while you felt bad for the poor pokemon, you were glad it didn't hit Gloria's much smaller raboot. The flygon instantly went down with another hard slam to the ground throwing up said in it's wake......and there it laid for an agonizingly ten seconds as nothing but the wind filled the silence. Until someone spoke.
"YES!!," you yelled. You couldn't help jumping up and pointing at the screen in excitement at what just transpired. "TAKE THAT DRAGON BOY!!"
The sandstorm around them both settled down to where surprisingly you could semi see kinda clearly and saw that Raihan was pointing his two pokeballs in different areas returning both pokemon too him as Gloria's corvinknight returned to her side all covered in tan dust from the sand sticking onto his dampened body courtesy of Silver. Made sense how it could've carried that giant gigalith considering Corviknights were used to lugging around literal metal cages filled with people. But now with two of his four pokemon out you wondered if he'd send just his sandaconda out second round or both sandaconda and his duraludon too. To your surprise Gloria returned her corviknight, probably wanting to save all the energy he could spare for the final battle. Understandable. But why not return the poor raboot too as he crawled his way over to Gloria winded from the sight of snarling fangs.
"SECOND ROUND FIGHT IS ABOUT TO COMENSE!! PLEASE BRING OUT YOUR POKEMON!!", the ref shouted although you weren't paying much attention to him as Victor attempted to peer around your standing form. "SECOND ROUND BEGINS NOW!!"
And the two of them sent out their pokemon. Raihan his sandaconda and Gloria her roselia and raboot who by now was now standing at full attention awaiting Gloria's orders. But you were confused even as Gloria ordered both her pokemon forward. "Wait. How come she still has two pokemon out?"
"That's the rules of the gym," Victor explained, "Both people are allowed to have two pokemon out during the battles." Oh well that was helpful.
"RABOOT USE QUICK ATTACK AND TACKLE ON IT'S FACE!! BURN YOUR IMPRESSION ON IT!!" With the same speed and agility you've seen the raboot use time and time again darted right at the sandaconda's face. Flames sparking with the sand that also kicked up from his feet, the Raboot still tan from the sand clinging to his fur and you doubted you would've been able to see him if it wasn't his literal dust trail being kicked up behind him...and you could barely make out the blur of some much slower but running non the less running right behind his path.
"USE GLARE TO INTIMIDATE!!" the sandaconda made some kind of hissing noise and a pair of bright light manifested a giant pair of red eyes out for the whole world to see as the raboot still ran forward. You guessed it must've had some kind of fear effect on raboot because all of a sudden a look of pure terror came over him and he tripped. Landing rather hard onto his face into the sand and continuing to role head over heels from the sheer momentum of the speed he had been traveling. Kicking up more sand as the snake pokemon reared it's head back with a hiss as Raihan gave him another order. "NOW USE-"
"STUN SPORE!!" Like the wind blowing a wild leaf, and a flash of green skin covered by sand, Gloria's Roselia struck. Having run up directly behind Raboot to use his dust trail as a cover for what was about to happen. Lunging itself into the air both rose shaped hands sparking with electricity, thrown forward and with a bright sparking light through the blur of sand. Out the sparks shot towards the sandaconda. An unholy hiss-shriek noise bellowed out of the poor thing's throat as it's body sparked alive with that bright lightning strike. "GIGA DRAIN!!" Still shaking the sandaconda shrieked again when a brighter green light surrounded it and then outward towards the roselia's outstretched hands. The sandaconda continuing to shake before falling over onto it's side when the last of the light left it's body and into the roselia's outstretched rose hands. And it was also just after the sandaconda collasped Hop walked back into the room holding Silver's pokeball. 
......."SECOND MATCH OVER!!", the referee shouted out after a moment of the sandaconda not getting up despite Raihan's yelling, "SANDACONDA IS UNABLE TO CONTINUE BATTLE!! THEREFORE SECOND MATCH VICTORY AGAIN GOES TO THE CHALLENGER!!" You and Victor both shared a cheer and high five as Hop smiled, not as excited since he just now returned. This was great! That meant even if Gloria lost against him in the third match she'd still be able to walk away with that badge! And be qualified to go onto the Championship Match at the end of the year! You could practically feel the old covers of your bed back home already. The battlers returned all their pokemon before the referee spoke again. "THE FINAL ROUND OF THE BATTLE BETWEEN GYM CHALLENGER GLORIA AND GYM LEADER RAIHAN SHALL NOW BEGIN!! BATTLERS CHOSE YOUR FINAL POKEMON TO DYNAMAX!!" There is was! The Final match!
Both took out a pokeball and Raihan now with narrowed eyes and a determined face thrusted it out towards her with one hand in one of his most iconic gameplay poses. "It might be impossible to pull off a combo going solo, but it's not impossible for me to still win!"
The sandstorm was slowly dying down to let the lot of you watch the action without a sandstorm finally, as both beheld red energy around there hands. Gloria nearly dropped her pokeball when it suddenly tripled in size managing to catch it just in time. You guessed she still had trouble lifting the heavy ball over her head as her face showed the strain she felt when she heaved it over her shoulders and tossed as hard as she could. It flew through the air and you all watched as it popped open and out came the GIGANTIC corviknight you have come to know as her heaviest hitter within her team. In a flurry of red light and sand covered furry it spread it's wings out flapping them causing more sand to blow around with each flap of it's mighty wings.
"BRING THE STORM!! MY PARTNER WILL SEND EVERYONE IN THE STADIUM FLYING!!" With one hand Raihan held up his pokeball as it grew to the size of a big bowling ball, pausing to smirk with his other hand on his hip so his rotom could snap a picture of him. Before turning and with one hand YEETING it into the atmosphere. You had to admit he had a good throw at least. It soared through the air and in the same fashion the corviknight appeared, Raihan's Duraludon made it's appearance. Soaring upwards to look like a sky scraper...No seriously. The giant Dragon-Steel Type's Dynamax form was literally looking like a sky scraper. It landed on a ground with a giant thud and even where you stood outside the stadium you felt the floor shaking from it's giant form roaring into the sky. "LET THE HEAVENS HEAR OUR VICTORIOUS ROAR!! USE MAX ROCKFALL!!" It roared out and the ground rumbled beneath your feet again. The furniture shaking slightly and the paintings on the wall swinging, as a giant rectangular rock arose from the ground sand falling off it and fell right towards Gloria and her corviknight-
A loud sound that could only be described as a rock being slowly scraped across metal in a high picthed ear hurting wail (Quite literally as you, and the boys literally slammed your hands over your ears) coming straight from the unholy underworld rang out from the corviknight as it suddenly slammed itself down on it's feet letting the entire rock slam it head on in another loud wail leaving it's now gigantic form. More dust absolutely shot out from it's giant feet hitting the cocrete form, The rocking almost making you all fall down, the rock breaking off into pieces as it shattered over the steel-flying type's head. The Corviknight shook his head shaking the rock off himself and locked eyes onto the duraludon letting out another unholy shriek come out from it's throat. An orange light coming out from body wings flared out and sent out an attack in the form of Brave Bird. The Duraludon sent out a roar as the orange light hit him, causing him to take a step back. What was happening!?
"DURALUDON!! USE MAX STEELSPIKE QUICKLY!!" The corviknight roared in fury and pain as an unholy amount of giant steel spikes ran across the field and hit the corviknight dead on with a flap of his wings sending more sand over to Raihan's side of the field. ...But he did end up doubling over in pain caw-hissing in some unknown fury at them for some reason. "AGAIN! MAX STEELSPIKE TO THE EXTREME!!"
The same move of shiny giant metalic steel spikes happened over again but instead of just roaring again, the corviknight made a giant high pitched squeal of pain at it hit...and in bright red light flashes started decreasing in size. Down, down, down the bird pokemon went until it disappeared from sight. And the only sounds left were the sounds of like static from the tv for a good solid ten seconds...before the same shrinking effect happened to the duraludon as Raihan returned him. The dust cloud slowly settling enough to show everyone at the field. Duraludon at it's normal height by Raihan's side, and Gloria on her knees holding her obviously unconscious corviknight's head in her arms. The silence continued on before Raihan did something you three weren't expecting. Raihan practically ran over to Gloria who looked up at his form jogging up her. Once he got close enough to her he kneeled down and one of his hands came out to grab her shoulder. You three could only watch frozen and in shocked confusion over what was happening as it looked like they exchanged a few words. Eventually the gym leader stood up and the corviknight disappeared a moment later obviously returned to his pokeball. The man offered a hand to her and after a moment of sitting on her knees, reached a hand out to Raihan who nicely pulled her up to her feet. As Gloria dusted herself off Raihan turned to the ref and waved an arm. And the referee spoke.
Relief flooded over you, body deflating into the nearest chair, and releasing a breath you didn't know you had been holding. Man..the things you went through this year. The two turned to one another and looked like they exchanged a few more words before it looked like he handed her something and the two shook hands. 
"SHE DID IT!!," Victor cheered watching the TV intently as she began walking off the battle grounds and Raihan returned his pokemon. "That means she gets to go onto the final rounds in the Championship matches this year!"
"Alright!," Hop agreed smiling as widely as one of his best friends. "All that's left is just for me to catch up and be on our way to the championship matches together!"
"Don't you think you should slow down and focus on one thing at a time first?"
As the two spoke, you got up. Turning and walking towards the door. Might as well meet Gloria at the door...Only you were sorta beat to it yet again. As you opened the door and turned your head towards the stadium's entrance. Only to catch Gloria, all dirtied up now with her uniform full of sand stains speaking to a young boy around her age.
"You've collected all the gym badges? Then at last it's time for the Chamion Cup," the boy complimented her, "I look forward to seeing how you all do in battle."
Gloria smiled at the boy. "Thanks, Sebastian! You n' your sisters put up a great fight too! Raihan must've been a real good teacher eh?"
The black haired boy with glasses and light grey eyes smiled slightly and nodded. Sebastian?..OH! He was one of the trainers Raihan personally trained. Gloria and Hop battled him as a part of Raihan's challenge. He didn't look much older than Gloria. "Yes. Mr. Raihan may look like a cheeky and vain man, but he's actually very caring and an amazing teacher as he is a strong gym leader."
Gloria chuckled and nodded. "I can certainly see how! Ya were a real challenge fer me ta get through!"
Sebastian blinked surprised. "R-Really? You....think so?"
Uh oh- Gloria smiled brightly full of happiness and enthusiasm and Sebastian blinked. "Of course! I neva' knew someone who could make a sliggoo attack so fast! If it's true Raihan's trainin' ya to take over the gym one day then ya would make a great one!"
Sebastian blinked for a moment at her before he turned clearing his throat a small pink hue on his face- OH NO!! "Gloria!" You called to stop her obliviousness nature before yet another member was added to the 'Gloria Is My Crush' Club and she perked up seeing you waving her over.
"Y/n!" She happily turned and bounded up to you which you were relieved to see. She didn't look too shaken up over what happened on the field and she proudly held up a small golden-bronze gym badge in her hands with the symbol of the dragon gym's logo. "I DID IT!! I mean it was kinda scary when I slipped up on the end there but I can finally go to the finals!"
You smiled genuinely proud of her. "That's fantastic! I knew you could do it.." You paused looking her over. "But are you alright? Nothing hurt?"
She waved a hand. "Nah. Just a bit of dust, but the stadium's locker rooms have a shower I can use to clean up!"
You nodded. Opening your mouth to speak- "Hey Gloria!" A male voice called out and you both looked behind her. Blinking in surprise when Raihan of all people walked towards you both with something felt-y under one of his arms. he held up a hand as he approached. "Sorry to hold you up, but there was something I forgot. First off as a sign of my respect. Here." Reaching his free hand back into his pocket, he pulled out what you could only recognize as his League Card. Gloria gasping and accepting it with starry wonder in her eyes as he handed it to her with a fanged smile. "Signed by yours truly as well. And secondly, here's the dragon type gym uniform." He took the clothes from under his arm and Gloria's eyes widened more. Ah. So that's what he was holding. "The mark of true strength."
"NO WAY!!" Gloria happily accepted it as well with him chuckling as she hugged it to her with a smile. "THANK YE SO MUCH!!"
Raihan chuckled more returning his hands into his pockets with a smile. "Number Four Challenger Gloria." Gloria blinked back up at him. "You've completed the Gym Challenge." he nodded. "Good on you, Kid. Now prove your strength to the whole region at the Champion Cup."
You blinked at his genuine compliment but yet again you were interrupted before you could even talk. "Raihan!" You three turned and Hop was standing in the doorway to the waiting room with a determined smile. "I'm here to see just how good you are!"
Again Raihan chuckled in a nice way. "Ah. There you are, Leon's Little Brother. Don't worry. I'll give you a battle that'll make you want to quit the Gym Challenge all together."
"I've tried out lots of different strategies, and I've made up my mind about how I want to battle. I'm not gonna lose! I'm gonna beat you, and Gloria, and even Lee!!" Victor groaned behind him.
Raihan smiled. "Certainly! But it'll have to wait until later today."
Hop's expression immediately dropped. "Huh!?"
"My team needs a small break after the battle I just had. But come back around six and I'll have a battle with you then. Ok?" Hop nodded politely and Raihan smiled. "Good. I'll see you later today then. "I'll be seeing you, Gloria. Let's have another epic battle someday! If you're feeling up to it, you might want to go train hard in the Wild Area!"
With that he turned and to your surprise just walked off without even a word or glance towards you. Not that you were relieved cuz you were absolutely. Just that you weren't expecting it. Maybe your disinterest finally made it through that thick head of his. You were thinking you'd have to use Silver to beat the guy off with his water gun......Your eyes widened. OH RIGHT!! SILVER!! HOP STILL HAD HIM!!
You snapped to Hop and he blinked when you held your hand out to him. "Hey. Can I have Silver back now?"
"Oh. Sure!" He happily dropped the pokeball into your hand.
You didn't hesitate to throw open the pokemon and in a flash of bright sparkly white he came back out. The Drizzle at first acted normal when he shook himself out and squeaked looking around for a moment. Eyes landing on you....before he walked on over...and literally faceplanted himself onto the floor. Arms, legs, and tail sprawled all about....The four of you exchanged confused glances before you blinked back down to Silver slapping the floor by your foot over and over again. It took you a good moment to realize what he wanted but scowled.
"Oh for the love of mike!" you said annoyed before bending down and literally lifting the lazy water type into your arms. Silver lazily flopped onto your shoulder. "I swear you're more spoiled than a baby.''
"He might be tired," Hop suggested, "He did use water gun a whole lot for us. It wouldn't hurt for you to swing by the pokemon center to have him looked at."
You nodded. "Not really a bad idea. I'm pretty hungry myself too." You looked over at them. "Anyone wanna go back to the cafe with me?"
Hop shook his face. "I'm not hungry right now. I think I'll hang around here until it's time for my battle and go back over my strategy plans. I'll probably catch up with Glory's battle too to get more ideas."
"I'm gonna stay with Hop," Victor answered. "I've still gotta talk with Raihan after and scheduale my own battle with him."
"I'll meet up with ye there!," Gloria confirmed. "But I think I'll stop by the locker room first and the center afterwards."
You nodded. The four of you once again split ways with the boys returning to the waiting room, Gloria heading off towards the stadium's women's locker rooms, and you carrying Silver all tired and lazy like out of the building and towards the center. Nurse Joy was a little surprised when you just carried Silver into the center and plopped him down on the table in front of her. But when she checked him over, the only things wrong with him was that he was tired and his throat was a little sore, but it would've been cleared up in a couple days. Great! At least you didn't have to buy any medicine or try to get him to eat it. And you left back to the cafe you all ate at yesterday, carrying Silver under your arm all the way back to the cafe and walked right in. ..And sighed. It was the same peaceful quiet as yesterday, the scents of sweet cakes and spicy curries wafting from the back kitchen and on display in the glass cases by the counter were lots of sweets on display. The small bell over the door jingled alerting the cafe owner to your presence as he looked up, and smiled at you.
"Hi there, Young Lady!," he greeted happily, "What can I do for you this fine day?"
"Nothing really. I'm just gonna wait for a friend."
He nodded. "Alright. Feel free to call me for anything if you change your mind."
You opted to sick at a table near the register with a few magazines you could look through on it placing Silver in the chair next to you and he splayed his arms out on the table placing his head on it. Obviously bored but you let it slide as he was tired. You grabbed the first magazine closest to you and opened it to a flurry of pokemon fashions and make up products for sell. Makes sense sense since it was a fashion magazine. With Silver practically almost falling asleep and you half way just flipping through the magazine neither of you noticed Raihan walking in, but just like yesterday he noticed you almost right off the bat. And smiled at you. Only you didn't look up until Silver hand tugged on your hand and gave a curious noise, pointing a pink hand over to the counter.
"Hungry again? Well I guess you would be hungry after all you went through," you hummed putting down the magazine. "Y'know we're supposed to wait for Gloria...But I can get you a bunch of water." He chirped lifting his head up from the table. "You used a lot of water so it's only fair you get some more-" You froze as the chair on your other side was pulled out as someone sat there....and you turned your head. .....And frowned. "Again? Really Dude?"
Raihan chuckled in his chair as he held his head in one hand and smiled that fanged grin at your deadpanned totally not interested please leave me alone frown channeling your inner bored drizzle face. "Yeah. Well you were sitting here by yourself-"
"Silver. Stand by with water gun."
Raihan's face dawned the same small eyed and open mouth frozen smile look when Silver immediately stood on the chair and narrowed his eyes at Raihan, giving an intimidating warning chirp. He immediately held up his hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa there, Champ! I come in peace!" You crossed your arms eyes narrowed. "No! Really I do! Peace! Peace!"
"Give me one good reason not to have my baby soak you to the bone?"
"Because.....You don't want to make a scene in a nice place like this and get kicked out?," Raihan asked nervously.
And you paused for a moment...and nodded deciding he had a point. "Ok. Silver stand down. But keep on stand by just in case." Silver looked to you..then to Raihan with narrow eyes before slowly sitting back down. "Ok. You have one minute and don't get any ideas. Silver's pretty protective of me and can spot things before me."
Raihan chuckled nervously looking between yours and Silver's glares before clearing his throat and speaking normally. "I just w-wanted to say Hi!"
"Uh huh." You really believed him. "Aren't you supposed to be taking care of your pokemon after the battle?....What even happened out there anyways?"
"Oh. Camilla's doing that."
"One of my personal trainers. She helps take care of the pokemon I have when I don't have them with me. Oh you must mean with your friend's corviknight right?" You nodded. Yeah. What even happened out there? "Oh. She accidentally slipped on the field and got in the pathway of the rockfall. I think her giant friend took initiative of what happened and stepped in to make sure she wouldn't get hurt."
"Oh." Thinking back on it now, that would explain why she was all covered in sand and was clutching onto her bird pokemon when the dust settled. "Well that explains that." And you pointed with a suspicious look to you. "But then why are you here now?"
"I always stop by this cafe when I'm here," he said casually with a shrug, "They make my favorite cakes and cappuccinos! Besides, they're the only ones in town who makes pokemon friendly donuts. My team loves 'em. After a rough battle like that they deserve a small reward for a good job don't they?" You didn't answer at first thinking it over. ...Well it's not like Raihan could've read your mind and known you were here, and you doubted he followed you. So you guessed he was telling the truth. "Hey. Why don't I buy you lunch while I'm here?" ....AAAAnd you were back to your deep scowl and narrowed eyes at him. "As a peace offering!" He clarified as Silver stood up seeing your scowl. "As a peace offering and an apology to show there's no hard feelings."
Your stomach grumbled at the mention of food. And Silver WAS hungry after all.....And free food was tempting. Plus it meant you wouldn't have to pay any money for your own meal. BBuuutt- "You DO realize if I agree to let you buy me food...It does NOT. NOOOTTT!! N. O. T. " You stressed pointing at his blinking face. "It does NOT mean I'm going 'out to lunch' with you! It doesn't mean I'm accepting any dates. I will accept it as a peace offering and nothing else. Not a date or anything of the like. And I wouldn't owe you anything since you're the one who offered to buy it."
"I fully realize that," he casually said smiling normally instead of that flirty or smug way. "I really meant it when I said I wanted to apologize." He held out his hand. "So...How about we start over? Hi. I'm Raihan, and I'd like to pay for your meal!" He smiled wider. "What's your name?"
You rose a brow a moment ....but you decided to be the bigger person and attempt to bury the hatchet. If not just for your sake, but for Gloria and Hop's. After all just like with Piers and Mr. Rose, you didn't want any bad blood between the officials and challengers. So after a silent moment you reached over to shake his hand. "Hello Mr. Raihan." You greeted professional as if you were in a job interview. "My name is Y/n L/n. And I hope you're ready to pay for two meals."
He blinked. "Two?"
You answered by pointing to Silver still eyeing him down. "He'll be less likely to hose you down if he's fed and watered."
"Ah." he nodded. "I see." Smiling he turned and waved a hand to the store owner. "Hey. I have two more things to add to my order!"
The owner blinked but smiled and nodded. "Sure! You want them to go too like the other three?"
"Three?," you asked raising a brow and he nodded.
"Yeah. For the triplets. Gotta keep the kids under my care fed." At this your eyes widened in surprise. He chuckled at your response and rose a brow. "Surprised?"
"...Yyyeah. Kinda." You blinked pointing at him. "I didn't know you were a...Dad?" That certainly wasn't in game or any other media you knew. Was it because this was a different world than yours? Did you just forgot and not remember?! To your surprise raihan laughed. Not like Piers smooth laughs, his was more boisterous and loud like that of a dragon. But it didn't seem bad.
"Nah! I'm not their dad," he clarified looking back to you chuckling, "But I guess you can call me that." He shook his head. "Nah...The triplets just happened to be some kids who were down on their luck and let's be honest. I'll need someone to take over the gym when I decide to retire one day in the distant future."
"Are their parents alright with it?"
He shrugged. "I wouldn't know really."
"They were arrested for stealing shiny pokemon from a nature reserve a long time ago," he said casually chuckling at your shocked expression. "Hey. You did ask. Besides, I didn't like the thought of any of my hometown's kids being sent to the orphanage." He went oddly quiet for a moment looking at his hand...before smiling again and shrugging. "But hey. It works out for all of us in the end then. What did you want to eat, Ms. Sassy?"
You stared at him for a long moment and only really snapped back to reality when Silver smacked your arm making you flinch. "Huh?! OH! R-Right? .....You know what? How about just an instant noodle curry for me and a Sweet Boiled egg one for Silver?..And some water for him too."
He smiled and pointed at you. "Sure thing, Sassy!~ Hey! About those orders!"
It wasn't too long that both you and Silver were chowing down on the respective curries. You came to like the instant noodle curry you had eaten back in Circhester and Silver was real happy to be getting an entire curry dish and pitcher of water to himself as he shoved food down his throat. Raihan had long sense grabbed his orders and just left after you had thanked him. Hopefully that'll be the last time you got flirted with and were able to smooth things over with him. But you couldn't help but think over what you learnt. Raihan...the guy who acted like he would be the party not actually do anything important college room mate that'd annoy you...But instead he had taken three siblings under his wing and was practically raising them after their parents were arrested for essentially shiny hunting illegally. ...That was a very noble thing. Like how Mr. Rose took in Bede but...You scowled. A lot more better handled in your opinion. And it wasn't long until Gloria showed back up too. Walking in through the door all cleaned up and cheery seeing you and walking right over.
"Y/n! Hey! ," she greeted coming over. "Sorry it took so long. I ran into Sonia and Professor Magnolia on the way here!"
You hummed. "Oh really?"
She nodded. "Professor Magnolia gave Sonia her lab coat n' everythin'!"
"Well why don't I buy you some food and you can tell me everything that happened?"
The rest of the day went by pretty much...normal. You and Gloria ate and caught up before you paid for her food and left another tip, before the two of you decided to return to the camp grounds noticing the sun had started to go down. Which meant Hop was most likely having his battle right now, so you two opted to wait for them there. Maybe an hour passed from the both of you waiting and watching videos on Gloria's phone before they did show. All smiles and Hop proudly presenting a brand new shiny gym badge to add to his badge circle. You were pretty proud of him and so was Gloria giving him a hug overjoyed they would both going to the finals. Turns out the battle between him and Raihan had ended up within a tie but Raihan was impressed enough with Hop's camouflage and combo tactics to deem him worthy of the badge. Worked for all of you. The camp was filled with chatter amongst the four of you until the sun went all the way down and it was deemed to be bed time. The four of you retired to your sleeping bags and slept til morning. A few more days went by and by that time Victor had also managed to get his last badge by then and you went to sleep that night proud of them all. By the time you woke the next morning and got out of the test, the boys were already packing away your things and Gloria was safely taking apart the fire pit.
"Hey. Morning, "you greeted with a yawn and tired blink. "Whatcha all doing?"
"Getting ready to start traveling again," Victor explained in the middle of taking one of the tent pegs from the ground.
"The Champion Matches aren't until the end of the year. So we're headin' back to Postwick for now," Hop chimed in. "There ain't anything else to do til then."
Back to Postwick huh? You guessed that made good sense. If the final matches weren't until the end of the year then it would be the most logical thing to do for now in this situation. And it's not like you had anything better to do until then after. Gathering your thing's and helping to pack away your own tent with Gloria, the four of you made your way back into Hammerlocke after showing the official at the entrance their badges. You didn't see Raihan again as you four traveled all the way to Hammerlocke's train station. It was there you four waited for the afternoon train since you had missed the morning one. Buying Lunch at the small cafe like corner the station had and chatting. Hop even pulled out his phone and let you and Gloria watch his battle with Raihan that you congratulated him on. Until the afternoon train arrived and you all left to get on it. You slipping past sneakily when Gloria used her pass to pay her way into the train. And then you were there. On the train back to where you first began this journey at the beginning of the year and would have to wait until the very end of the year.
Back to Postwick.
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calypso-finale · 8 months
Hundred Thirty Three. Part 2
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I sometimes think to myself why bother, why even make all this effort to see her but really I feel it’s more because maybe we did let her down in some sense “mom!” Tianna shouted just as I was getting into my own thoughts “yes dear” looking up at her “please be good tonight, please control dad. I uhm, I haven’t told her that you are both going to be there, but I think they aren’t really running anymore, it’s them coming out more now, I think it’s Oakley more so then anything. He is sick of the situation and hiding really but I haven’t told her a thing because what is the point, she will not want to go but please do this right. She did mention you actually, she said I am shocked mom hasn’t sniffed me out and I said well you have learnt the art of hiding now, you wanted peace and you got that but yeah. One shot, make it right. Dad has to come correct, that is her husband now” nodding my head “what is she like? Has she changed or still the same with a little selfish part of her” I don’t even know her anymore “she is different, she has honestly gone calmer. She doesn’t want the fame, she is happy as she is in Fendi and yet like you saw that time they wanted to push her forward but no. I think she is calm, she is better really. That stint in Ireland was a lot too, she did miss home, she has missed home. When speaking to her she has said how much she does miss everyone, but she can’t have herself and her husband be disrespected. She is very much my husband so yeah; you both need to just be careful. I think it could be a redemption but if dad kicks off then it’s going to be a fucking problem” I need to make sure “Aziel and Kylian are both here, Obviously Damson hasn’t come yet and Aziel come up to me and he said TT why hasn’t nana and papa seen me. He is very well spoken now; he knows proper English. I mean he is well spoken; he is weird enough well-spoken but struggling with spelling so he has this tutor that helps but he is grown, you will get emotional seeing him I think, but he did ask. Because he is here he knows that you both are here” I feel choked up “his cheeky little face” I need to see him “he is what you say if Rylee was a boy, in a weird sense they both look like brothers, but they don’t at the same time, but nothing as cute as my Nova” I chuckled “that diva and her little attitude, I have had it” I pointed as we both laughed “how come you’re being so open now? Because you was dead against us even knowing anything?” I am confused “it’s time, maybe. It’s been two years, and I am sure dad can contain himself” she shrugged.
Chris has been in deep thought, like since he knows that she is here and we can see her there he has been quiet which is better than his anger, his emotions are always on edge with him, but he has been so heartbroken by knowing he never got to do it “may I come into the boys corner?” I asked laughing, Junior is playing game with his dad, well they are gaming “yes but don’t get dad mad” he said “oh be quiet, where is Raihan? Not joining” he is usually with them “he wanted to game in his room, Roblox. I wanted to play this new NBA with dad” letting out an oh, sitting down “that is cute, how are you?” I asked Chris “good why?” he smiled “we need to get ready for tonight” he nodded his head “I know” he mumbled “we have this moment where we can try and coax her in, let’s not act stupid. Tianna just told me that Aziel asked about us, he is here. I want to see him so much, please be on your best behaviour” I pleaded “Aziel it tall now” Junior said, “how do you know that?” I asked “I was looking on Tianna phone, she made me hold it when Damson was on the phone and she was getting the bags out, I just looked at her photo. You know like on the phone and you have picture on the background, it was on there. it’s a picture of Aziel on there with Nova and a baby and Aziel looks taller and I asked, and she called me nosey” he laughed “Chris, please” he nodded his head “he asked where his papa is, he calls you that still. Don’t you want to see him?” he got up from the couch “don’t do this to me” he walked off; I don’t need him to fuck this up for us.
My glam team being here, and I am in deep thoughts, I am just thinking on what do I say to her, I think I will just hug her. She is my daughter; she is my first born and forever will be. I will always have her back, I just want to hug her first I think that is what I want from her “must be nerve wracking for you” Mel said to me because she can see it on my face “there is no other way of getting to her other than this, by seeing them at an event. They closed us off and left it as that. And I just, maybe we did act stupid I don’t know. But during that time we got this, well Fenty got this email from Ybeez which is Central manager, he put along the lines of court order, and I was confused but then it’s the money he made from the campaign, now I know I discussed this with Oakley. He said keep it” Mel side eyed me “did he though?” I laughed “but he did so I emailed back saying let’s meet, that got ended. Everything I tried got ended but they kept me in the following to show us, they are alive and really I think it’s to show publicly we are ok because not once as blogs said a thing? I mean when those pictures came out it was hit and miss but they posted themselves, so I don’t know. There is a lot of factors to the behaviour” Mel is laughing “imagine having half Chris and half Rihanna blood in you, that is like a bomb” I sniggered “and she did, I mean I should have known when she fucking ran off to London to begin with, are we that stupid” I laughed, it’s just laughable at this point “no we really should have, that is so funny” Mel giggled “my niece is on a different wave length because when she gave that money back that was a stance on what she wanted and tried to say, she said your bloodline is enough but I am free from your chains, Robyn you need to stop being awful” I sighed out, I don’t even know what I do.
We rarely go to events of this sort anymore; we have bought Junior with us. Raihan wanted to go to his friends home, he wasn’t interested in this even thought that boy wants to be a rapper, I am not sure. But Raihan said there is a new update on the game he has got and he really wants to play that instead, but we did ask if he wanted to go but he didn’t want too and Emi, she is a terror so I can’t be dealing with that publicly really “what will you be like when you see them?” Chris asked me, something I was going to ask him “properly watch them for a little while, I don’t know. I don’t really know what to say” I shrugged “Is Rylee here?” Junior asked “she should. Or will be really” he let out an oh “she will be shocked seeing me now, I am tall” smiling at him “she will be, we are shocked seeing you sometimes” I don’t even know what to say to her really “same really, I am going to scope out the vibe, but I know my daughter, I know she will be emotional seeing us, she does love us. I know she does, but you know, I am going to be calm. I will be” I sighed out “yes you will be, Tianna said that Aziel asked about us to her, and asked where is papa so I want to see him, please don’t fuck this up for us. I am asking you to not, but I feel like Tianna has told her that we are going to be there, this is why she was open to speak about them. I feel she knows” I just have this feeling because Tianna has been so closed off and now she is speaking on it.
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Did I miss LA, I did. I can’t lie to myself and say I didn’t, but I did, I missed this. This place will always feel like home because that is all I have known but it’s life, I am happy in London. It has been drama free more so then anything in my life that has happened, maybe the drama has ended but for whatever has happened I am happy, so I did it for me “so if you win against all them rappers, these American rappers, that would fucking sick bro” Wadz said “imagine it though, like shit would be wild. I mean whatever, I don’t care for awards, so it is what it is” Oakley shrugged “this guy didn’t even want to leave to come here, I said two nominations, you better get your ass out of that house and let’s go. I can’t even lie but I am amped. America has been hard to poke at, and then to get that for the hip hop awards. I think I have completed the circle for you, not this lazy guy” YB pointed at him “I ain’t lazy ok, I just don’t care” he really doesn’t either “and this is why we go to the wife” Wadz and YB laughed “I was lowkey mad you know, like I declined the whole thing, I come home, and Rylee said oh we are, I was like Lee just ignore pagans, they are dumb. She goes no, we are. It’s time just let’s do it so yeah, but you are right though. America is full circle now, to get this” Oakley is ready to retire, he has a few more albums out of him yet, he is content. I have been away from this place for so long but being back, it’s just like nothing has changed besides me I guess. I am happier in life, I am happy. I mean a slight miss of my family, my family is Oakley now but to cut them all off besides Tianna wasn’t easy for me, I was upset but I had to do it for me, I couldn’t have that hold over me, the sly moves and Rachel has been so good, living in Ireland was amazing, I enjoyed but reality is here, and I am ok with that.
I always let Oakley take the lead, letting him lead me as we walk the red carpet because that is my man, and even though within me I want to lead but I ain’t going to be my mom, she is a boss, that is her but me I don’t want to be that when my dad suffered from it “one interview” YB said, and he pointed at E insider which out of them all had to be them, I am not mad but it’s just whatever “Central Cee, jus a few questions” letting his hand go and stepping back “hectic isn’t it” YB said to me “I know, it’s weird to be back with people that sound like me” he chuckled “you happy to be back home” I shrugged “bitter sweet I would say, yes and no to be honest” I sighed out “I don’t know, you will need to ask her” looking at Oakley “what is it” I said confused, stepping forward “I asked him what is it like to be married” letting out an oh “and I said it’s alright” I chuckled “I feel like nothing has changed with us, just I took his name” I shrugged “you both look so beautiful together, you think your husband has a chance in category” looking at him “he does, the sound coming out of the UK right now is amazing. But for him to be nominated in a category that is mostly just filled with only American rap artists, I think he has the biggest chance here. I am not being biased at all, but he is the hardest working out of them all, like every other person there sound the same, I don’t care” I will say it how it is “oh you go girl, you better ride for your husband” I grinned “and I will” Oakley is so quiet, he hates interviews “parents of you two boys now, congratulations. How is it now?” I pointed at Oakley “he can answer that” it’s not my time to be doing it all.
To see my parents just sitting on the other side, I felt a slight hint of sadness, to see them both. We did look but I looked away, I knew of them coming but didn’t know they would be as close. To see my dad, he keeps looking over “Chris shook my hand” YB said to me “he did?” I frowned “yeah, I was walking, and he was there, and he come to me, we shook hands, that was it. But he seems calm I don’t know, what if he comes over” taking in a deep breath but then I stopped talking because Oakley category right now “I hate this shit man” he said “stop it, forever complaining” I mumbled “I know but it’s a waste of time, like yeah. Your dumb uncle will win it” I shook my head smiling, he needs to stop now. It would be nice if he did win it, be different really actually “and the winner is” Drake said “this is my guy, I love his sound. We been in the studio together. Central Cee, where you at boy” my eyes widened in shock looking at him “what?” he just said confused “you won!” I spat getting up, he hid his face in embarrassment “oh no” he got up, hugging him “I am so proud of you” pressing a kiss to his lips as Wadz and YB hugged him, I feel emotional for him, he actually won it. Sitting back down but then I got yanked back up, I am being dragged down the aisle “oh god” I said, I was not prepared to go up here with him, walking up the steps “best guy won, you won!” Drake said to Oakley, I didn’t want to be here, let me hide behind YB but then Drake hugged me “congratulations, oh man I remember when you was so tiny and now look” I laughed, I just want to hide right now “erm yeah, thank you. I wasn’t really expecting to win, it’s just a shock to me right now. Thank you to everyone that believed in me, to be in this position. I am just a regular guy from West London, and I am here, my wife. My team, my sons, my biggest supporter Aziel, you home watching. I love you and yeah, my wife. I love you, I am grateful, thank you” clapping my hands, he is so cute and now is red. He held my hand as we walked off “was that shit?” he said to me which made me laugh “nah, you did well” for him, he did well because he doesn’t like this.
Me and Wadz just looked at each other laughing, he won the second award “thank you, oh man. I just, it’s a lot for me. Erm yeah, my fans, I didn’t mention that at first. You all have been loyal to me so thank you. Pops you not here, but I made it more then you ever envisioned, my mom this one for you, put it up next to the school picture of me” Oakley laughed.  he hates this so much; I am giggling as he walked off in a huff. Following behind him “social battery dead now” Wadz said to me “he done now” he gave the award back and looked at me “you did so well, two fucking awards!” I spat “thank you” he said “thank you Wadz, like I know I can be a lot” I shook my head “you did well, we need to celebrate now” which we do “we do now” my parents are backstage, I swallowed hard as they walked over to us. Oakley looked to where I am staring, he turned around to face them and Tion then stood in front of Oakley because if my dad starts “Rylee” my dad said, staring into my dad’ eyes “no place to start anything” Tion said “let’s just be civil, it’s public” my dad is looking at Oakley “you really the man of the house now, but you finally got a family. A home, peace. I am happy for you, and Rylee. Please give us the chance to see you again, I am not starting anything, we aren’t. I just want to hug you, but I can’t here, too many eyes. Just let us have this with you. I promise you I am not touching him or anyone” he says that but switches “Rylee life is too short, please. Think about it” my mom added but they both walked off “I thought Oakley head was about to be rolling there” Wadz said, I assumed so too “nah but you puffed your chest out, look at this guy” Wadz laughed at Oakley “I tried you know” shaking my head at Oakley, he is so dumb sometimes “I think I will go there alone, you just stay here” I said to him “you sure? I said this is on you, I am not holding you back at all, if you want to see them then you can, let me come” I shook my head “let me just see them alone, I will be back” he pressed a kiss to my lips “alright, Tion go with her. Let’s go and sit with her” I just need to test it out. Following behind them and my dad did look back, it’s like he knew my footsteps “my twin” my dad just came at me so quick like he just ran into me and hugged me “dad” I said and choked out, I don’t want to cry because of my makeup “oh my god” my dad said in my ear, wrapping my arms around him “you know how much I love you; you know this. Why” he said to me “dad, you didn’t love me enough to stop. Everyone never stopped, everything was a game. My future wasn’t that, we didn’t know peace and always on edge, dad I was never at peace, you didn’t stop, the both of you” he never did stop.
I didn’t want to cry backstage but here we are “my makeup” I said to Tion “oh just a little black stuff here, I mean it’s ok for now” I laughed “thanks” men are useless “we didn’t think you would see us now” my mom said “I rather do it alone, without him there because then it’s me feeling uncomfortable that he is going to be attacked, I am always the one having to be between it, and if anything is said it can be at me. Because it was all me, I stopped all communication, I did it. He just went with what I wanted because it’s to make me happy and honestly I have been very happy, I miss you all. I do. I mean you all are crazy, but I miss it, but I didn’t want to enter my marriage and my wedding knowing that mom could bring up she did it, that dad brings up he slept with me young, that he took me away and he feels this disdain towards him. When mom, you didn’t pay my fiancé his money, you may claim to slip of mind, but you knew, he didn’t say anything, but he knew. And then the thing happened with dad, and then more so the fact he will do it when he wants, I had to choose. And I assumed you would have all done it for me, but you didn’t. So if you are going to blame anyone, then it’s me. And I am sure you both already knew that” my dad nodded his head “when I found out, I knew it would be you, but you took two years away from us, and Aziel” nodding my head slowly “I know and he asks about you all nearly every day, even more now we are in LA, he thinks you both going to come in. I know, he suffered” my dad put his head down “come and see us, just us. Please” my mom said “I will speak to Oakley, I better go now” I need to fix my makeup, I bet I look crazy “I am happy that you look happy, you look like have you grown up” my mom said “I am a mother and a wife now, I think I needed to change” I laughed, I think I have changed, I am not sure but we have to grow up at some point.
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zephy010 · 1 year
Daddy's little "Monster" Part 2/?
(Tw: Mentions of bad past, gore, weapon)
(Kaida's POV)
        Papa Raihan and I were in a new Place called Wyndon, buying me comfy clothes. I saw a cosy bow and ran towards it. "Kaida, you find something you like?" Makua asked, to which i nodded, showing him the bow. "Awe! it's your colour too dear" he said, lifting me up onto his shoulders as we went to check out. The workers knew i was a hybrid and made me feel as comfortable as i could be. After Papa payed and left the mall, he let me off his shoulders and I held his hand. "Wanna get changed into your new clothes? or do you want to meet my friends?" He asked, kneeling to my level. "C-change" I said, snuggling into his arms. He chuckled and took me to his stadium.
(Raihan's POV)
        I walked with Kaida back to the stadium to get dressed up in the new clothes i bought with them. "Makua, Who are your friends? Are they mean, or kind?" Their shy voice asked, a bit of worry in their voice. "Kaida, they're really sweet, some of them can be quiet but otherwise they will adore you" I replied, now opening the stadium's doors. "Go get dressed hon, you can keep the hoodie." I said, letting their hand go. After five minutes, they returned wearing the bow around their neck, a white sweatshirt, my hoodie, light blue jeans, black socks, and white tennis shoes. "I'm back, Makua" They exclaimed, hugging my leg. I was texting the gym leaders to meet in Turffield stadium along with leon, my dad Ryuko, Avery and Klara, hop, victor, and gloria when i looked down and saw their adorable face. "My friends will absolutely adore you, you are way too cute" I said, holding them in my arms(Note: Kaida's short for an Eleven year old). "Yay! Where are we gonna see them?" They asked, looking into my eyes. "Turffield, it's not far in flying taxi, i already called one" i said, ruffling their hair. "W-wheres turffield?" They asked, scared. "Don't worry, its not near your old fathers house, you'll be safe." I replied, now walking towards the flying taxi.
(Kaida's POV)
        Makua and I landed in yet another new place called Turffield, where there was a gym at the bottom of the hill. we both walked down and near the gym, walking in. "Hey guys!" Makua said, waving at the many people. "Awe, that child is just precious!" A man with pink hair and a farm hat said, crouching to meet my level. "Hi cute thing! My name's milo, im the gym leader here"the man said, making me comfortable. "H-hello....m-mr. Milo" I stuttered, letting him touch my feathers(Another note: Kaida lets people they are comfortable with touch her wings, but while one of their wings are in recovery, its mainly the right wing). "Kaida's never much of a talker when meeting new people, wow milo!" makua said, Milo smiling. "well i've rescued an injured articuno before, hence why its Bede's ace for his team" He said, staring at an older man who was dressed in a towel, a soft brown turtleneck, black jeans, and tennis shoes. The man came over, sat on his knees, fluffing my hair. "My name's kabu, child. You're perfect for a cute eleven year old." He said, hugging me. "Careful kabu, they were hurt at their old home...that's how i found them in the wild area" makua said, kabu letting me go. "May I ask how it happened, if it's not too personal is all dear" The male asked, looking into my eyes. "H-his name was Colress, i was born like this from makuahine's makuahine, which means mom's mom, my grandma. She was a hybrid of an articuno like me, and he killed mama in front of me, he stabbed my wing where there are bandages, i ran away after that, that's how makua found me" I said, hugging milo and kabu, who were shocked, along with the others, even makua. "H-he always called me a monster, even though i was born this way..." I added, now crying. "Shhh...Kaida, its ok!" I heard makua say, hugging me tight. "Rai's right, dear. Your perfect in your own way, no one can say otherwise, not even that idiot named Colress, we all know him alright, and he's not fit to be your father, raihan on the other hand, he's an amazing person" someone with a female voice said, sitting on her knees. another male came next to her, sitting on the soft grass. "My mom's right, Rai is a perfect fit for a father, not Colress" The person said, ruffling my hair. "Are you more calm now sweetie?" Papa said, looking into my tear stained eyes. "Mhm..." i nodded my head, now looking at the two new people. "Awe! Raihan shes so adorable!" the female said, snuggling me. "Mom be careful! their wing is injured" her son said, trying to grab me.
(Raihan POV)
        Gordie and Melony were fighting to hold kaida and i was laughing along with Milo. "Gordie! Melony! Stop fighting over them, let them choose who they want to see" Milo exclaimed as Kaida covered their ears. "Thank you. Kaida, choose between ms melony and mr gordie ok?" I said, Kaida looking at the two. "They seem more focused on Gordie, that's just so cute" Kabu said as Kaida crawled to Gordie, staring into his sapphire eyes. "We have the same eyes!" They said, giggling. "We do indeed, Kaida, my name is Gordie." He said, holding Kaida like they are his child. "Gordie they may be a bit drowsy, so if you feel them lay against you, let them, they haven't slept in a while i guarantee" I said, rubbing Kaida's back. "Ok raihan, can we let our ace pokemon out? I wanna see if they have a pokemon, if not, i've seen galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres flying around as of lately, as if they're protecting Kaida" Gordie requested, to which i nodded. Milo's Eldegoss, Nessa's Drednaw, Kabu's Centiskorch, Opal's Alcremie, Bea's Machamp, Allister's Gengar, Melony's Lapras, Gordie's Coalossal, Piers's Obstagoon, my Duraludon, Leon's charizard, Avery's Galarian Slowking, and Klara's slowbro all came out, but no pokemon for Kaida. "Which one does Kaida like Raihan? So i can catch it" Gordie asked, grabbing a master ball. "Kaida? Which of the three birds do you like?" I whispered, they looked at me with a sleepy look. "M-Moltres is nice...B-but zapdos too...I can't decide between those two..."They whispered back, snuggling closer to gordie as they drifted off. "Well they like both moltres and zapdos, i believe i have extra master balls, here, take this one, that way you can get both" I repeated to gordie. He nodded, gently put Kaida in my arms, and walked to the wild area. "I think they're sleeping now." Piers said, sitting in front of me. "Yea, they may need this nap, i haven't seen them sleep since...well, ever!" Hop said. Kaida and hop had a big friendship when growing up was all i knew, he helped her throughout her old life in galar and alola, as he was there researching about different forms of pokemon. "It's been a while since ive seen them all cozy in soft clothes! that bow on their neck is from wooloo wool" He said, sitting next to milo and Piers. "Can i hold Kaida?" Piers asked, to which i nodded and handed them over.
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klonoadreams · 2 years
I can imagine Raihan collecting them like pokemons, style:
This is my Piers, he is a dark type but don't worry, as long as you don't touch his kid/little sister everything will be fine, he likes music and being alone in dark places, so if you see him in an isolated corner don't bother him.
This is my Gordie, rock type, he shares territory with his mother, please don't touch his glasses or bother him, I don't know what will be the worst that can happen to you, that his mother grabs you or that Brie grabs you.
The one who tries to find the door from the patio is my Leon, he is the strongest but the sweetest, just like my Piers, do not touch his little brother, I am not responsible for what happens, if he is lost for a long time, do not worry Brie will bring him back.
And this here is my Brie, be careful she's a bit territorial, she can see in the dark so if you hear something at night it must be her playing with other pokemon, she's a fairy type but you have to be careful she's the most protective, both of adults as the smallest.
I don't know how it would be with Sonia, something like "this is Sonia, Leon's partner" and I even arrived.
Sonia got dragged into this polycule, kicking and screaming, and is disappointed in herself because she feels like her standards dropped.
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(source: X and Y Adventures, by Artist Black who has done Black Adventures and has otherwise shaped my entire being towards Pokemon humor and shenanigans since 2010, when Black and White had only just released in Japan - it's intended for mature audiences in a "references Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt" kind of way - you'll know it when you see it :V)
Anyways rip to Sonia. She had some semblance of "normalcy" when she and Nessa dated briefly, but it didn't last long since the two realized they were better off as friends (not to mention, Nessa's lingering mess of a rivalry/crush on Milo is VERY distracting lmaoo)
Raihan's Pokedex, except it's the Polydex, and it's just random snaps of his polycule doing cute stuff and/or wacky shenanigans.
Gordie posing in front of the mirror to check out how his new accessories go with his uniform. He is very stylish and cute. He is embarrassed about being caught tho lmao
Piers passing out on the couch, with Leon draping a blanket over him before promptly getting lost by going outside, down a straight path.
Leon brushing out the leaves and tangles in Brie's hair after she dragged his ass out of the woods he got lost in by straying from the path (which, may I mention, WAS A STRAIGHT LINE)
And then there's Piers and Brie trading uniforms, with Leon trying to do the same with Gordie, but Gordie refuses to let ANYONE near his clothes. He's a very picky boy.
And of course, you have the final pic that Raihan treasures dearly (and later updates to include Sonia), with him taking a selfie with the polycule while they sleep on a pile of pillows. It gives him the fuzzies when he looks at it.
(obviously, he's shared this photo with Gordie's mom, and she just so happy that her son is popular, even though they often bump heads because of ice and rock, but shhhh, don't tell Gordie)
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
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Being on the road was hard for me because I was away from my family for a long time I would say, this was the longest I have ever been away from Robyn myself; I know she did it but me I haven’t done it at all. I really got to feel how Robyn would feel being away and I kind of get it now, it isn’t how I thought it would be, including the fact I had after parties, it looked on photo that I am having a good time, but I really was tired and missing home, so I actually did understand and feel what Robyn felt, and it wasn’t good. I am happy to be home, I made my money now, I just want to reap the benefits and spend time with my kids. I still have people wanting to do events, I am over it. I need a few months with my family, I need to prepare myself for this nigga wedding, I can’t even get out of it. At one point I tried to get the tour to overrun, it didn’t happen. I just think it’s whatever, I am not happy still. Things have been awkward ever since and I know Robyn tries, she does these little things and it’s not working, it’s because of them two that we don’t have family at the house because I don’t want him under my roof, he can go. I just can’t let go, he will always see Curtis his favourite son, and I am just Joyce’ son, I haven’t really ever told my mom what he is doing but with him actually getting married but I will be now “I didn’t know you was awake” Robyn said as she walked out of the bathroom “yeah, I just woke up now. I was thinking, did you tell your mom to do a prenup?” Robyn side eyed me “Chris” she said “I am being dead serious too” I said “I know you are, but I am not getting involved, I did say it. Well kind of mentioned it and she said Robbie we are just living the end of our lives, I was like ok that is so dramatic, you didn’t need to say that. I am just going to the wedding Chris, just like you, and you need to speak to your dad” I laughed “not exactly, I don’t need too either. He has Curtis there, why does he need me there” Robyn huffed out as she walked into the walk in closet, I am stubborn still.
Resting my head in Raihan’ lap “daddy is going back to sleep” I smiled, he giggled “not sleep, you wake up dad” he placed his hand on my head “I wake up huh, but I am tired son. I will wake up soon, not yet though” closing my eyes “hey Chris, I still haven’t spoken to Rylee. She did try and speak to me, and I shrugged it off, so she knows and now isn’t making the effort to speak to me. Tianna then asked, have you fallen out with Rylee, I said she knows what she has done. She clearly doesn’t respect me and yeah” opening my eyes “she is you, but erm. When she comes back from school I will catch up with her, I will take them out for some food, just the eldest two. I will leave Imani out of it because she is innocent in it. She spoke to me Rylee, but I think she is testing the waters, she has been hiding, I have noticed it. But then just yesterday she came up to me and asked how was the tour, I felt like saying I came back a week ago, the fuck you asking now but I just kept it normal. I will catch up with her though. You know what it is, if you just forget it, and then act like it was ok she will do it again, but she is very wary of me. When I say I am taking her out she will be even more wary. I think it’s more because we haven’t spoke on anything, I am going to be real. I don’t know how to deal with teenagers, it’s like trying to deal with myself at that age and look how that went” I laughed “it’s like we don’t want them to make the mistakes, but they are going to make them, protecting them doesn’t work” nodding my head agreeing, it’s so hard.
Watching the guy cleaning my cars, I am only outside because the kids are coming back from school. I would have picked them up but I needed my cars cleaning so they can be picked up “hey, go inside. Don’t play with his stuff” Raihan is being stupid “Raihan!” Junior shouted, looking behind me seeing the kids are back from school “welcome home” Rylee is dragging her feet as she does “I like that you are home dad” hugging Imani “I am happy to be back, I missed your little face” Rylee is actually walking over to me “why is mom not speaking to me?” she asked, “how would I know?” I said to her, she laughed “because you know everything, and you both talk” resting my arm on Imani looking at Rylee “did you do something?” Rylee shrugged “I don’t know, she hasn’t looked my way since, I have cleaned my room so if it’s that, I did it” clenching my jaw “tell Tianna, we will go out for some food” Rylee cringed “me too!?” Imani said “no, just these two. I will take you out next time promise” Rylee really cringed “ok, just you and mom then?” shaking my head “just me, seeing as you and mom don’t speak, why would she need to come?” she shrugged “I didn’t do anything, it was just harmless” I shrugged “seems like a Rylee problem, your mouth has consequences and I am not going to help you with making mom speak to you, I wouldn’t either” Rylee pouted her lips “so you know then” I shrugged “be ready for six” leaning down and picking Imani up “you’re still baby” she laughed “dad I am grown now! Stop it” pressing a kiss to her cheek “you’re not grown, Junior! Why did you push Raihan into the water, what is wrong with you?” Junior laughed and threw his backpack onto the floor “he smells” he ran off “why is he so naughty” Raihan picked his backpack up “hey” he ran after him ”boys are bad” nodding my head “you have a point” they are a pain.
Putting my Rolex on, I am ready to go out now with my daughters, but it depends if they are ready. Women, they are never ready on time “what is funny?” I asked Robyn “they are waiting for you; I think you made more effort than them” I pulled a face “really?” I said confused “honestly, but you know why? They didn’t wear any make up, I walked by, and Tianna said to me, not Rylee. She said dad is taking forever” I snorted laughing “I took time because they take time” she shrugged “oh they wasn’t about to annoy you Chris, they have been playing in makeup when you wasn’t here but now look but have fun and don’t let them play at your heartstrings” I blew out air “I won’t” Robyn knows my heart falls for my kids “have fun though, it will be nice for you. It’s nice that they get to spend time with you also because they feel you don’t want to be near them, but I think it’s not true” nodded my head “well I better go then, love you” pecking her lip “I wish it was me actually, you look so handsome” looking behind me smirking “you fancy me don’t you” she side eyed me, she loves me so much and I love that for me. Jogging down the steps “girls!” I shouted them, smiling at Amerie “do I look good?” I asked her “my nose hurts from the aftershave yes” I laughed at her “sorry, I need to look good you know” seeing the girls walking over to me “the twins that came from my twin” Rylee pulled a face “funny dad” they are so boring at times “let’s go then” I am excited to go on a date with my daughters, I do love them both.
Waving at some girls that got their phone out “love you Breezy! Love you” I grinned “I love you too thank you” walking into Craig’s, Rylee and Tianna walked ahead of me inside “thank you” I said to D, my new bodyguard, he is much better and younger than Pat too “please follow me to the corner table” the car ride here was quiet, so I just put music on and drove here, the girls know I am not happy with them, it isn’t a meal to praise them anyways. Sitting down across from the girls, shuffling my seat in “I will be back to ask what drinks” the waiter walked off “y’all paying for this?” I asked “me?” Tianna asked “who else? How about you girls treat dad huh? What about it?” Rylee hasn’t flinched, she hasn’t laughed at all “we aren’t rich, also you made money on tour” I laughed, how cheeky of her “whatever, so how is school? Y’all doing good?” they are both quiet “Tianna” I said “yeah good, just hard work” chewing on my bottom lip “right, so if I ask them will they say the same? Or will they say that my daughters are just playing around?” Tianna shrugged “private school, mhmmm. You think it’s just something to throw off, so you haven’t missed class or anything?” Tianna shook her head “you know the thing is, these private schools tell you a lot, so you just not telling me is pissing me off, you did miss school. Where did you go?” Tianna looked at Rylee “I am speaking to you” Tianna face has turned red “sorry” she mumbled “answer me then, so if I ask Rylee will she know?” I pointed “dad, it’s not like that at all, ok I missed school with friends” nodding my head “this one doesn’t miss school, she just runs the school, mhmm miss popular” Rylee put her head down “girls, I know everything. Your mom and I get informed. We pay so much money for you kids and we expect results so when I see your grades and I don’t see what I want, there is going to be hell. Don’t come to me and ask for a big sixteen party” I like they do respect me, but I hate I have to be like this with them.
Wiping my hands on the napkin “why isn’t mom speaking to you?” I asked Rylee “I don’t know” she was quick to say, “so mom just stopped speaking to you for the fun of it, do you help mom around the house, with your siblings?” they both love looking at each other “we have a cleaner so there isn’t much to do, and we pick Junior up from school, so yeah. Mom is always doing work and yeah” Rylee explained “so you both do nothing? So when I left the house you didn’t change shit? So I ask again why is mom not speaking to you Rylee? Because being real, I know why” I admitted, I feel like Sade right now. But I have learnt a lot from her “I didn’t like to be mean to her, I didn’t dad” oh Rylee is getting emotional “why are you getting upset? You did it, you hold that, and you take it. This is on you” I said “Rylee is having hard time dad” Tianna is taking up for her “hard time? I have a hard time accepting a rich kid has issues, it’s been years and you still don’t respect your mom like that and me, that hurts me. To see my wife struggle with you two, crying to me because you both want to bring up what she did, then how you speak to her. If you both so much look into your mom then you should know by now you ain’t met badgalriri. She loves you kids, and she has a soft spot, so she doesn’t be that way, I just don’t understand” shaking my head “my best friend, wow. You two don’t know what you both have, and I am really not going to even tell Robyn to speak to you Rylee, you can figure that up on your own” I laughed “this is on you, how dare you even say the word slut. Is that what you think of my wife? Huh? You think that of her” Tianna’ mouth hung open; I don’t think she knew “who said slut?” Tianna said “how dare you, and you think you can roam around my house and disrespect my wife, she asks you to clean you do it next time. You go to school and back, and you give me your phone” Rylee’ face softened “I ain’t forget what you posted, seeing as you both don’t know how to learn in school either, I will have yours Tianna so pass me the phone” sitting back in the chair, the girls aren’t loud now.
The fact these girls are so quiet “I want to know why you made your mom upset? Both of you not listen to her, like seeing you both now all quiet. You think mom is a push over” I laughed “not, she is just annoying at times” shaking my head “dad is not home so play up, that’s what it seems like to me, I am so disappointed in you both and Rylee, you just really fuck me over with how you are. How you speak to my wife? Who are you to speak to her like that, I will be picking you up from school and taking you, I am home now. Things are going to get boring now until my wife is happy, until you both know how to act because it’s fucked up, and don’t ever say that to my youngest daughter again. You know why I don’t want you on stage, because niggas are dumb. Some situations ain’t for my grown daughters. You know what, if I hear you both ever speak on my wife’ past again there is going to be trouble. And also your MacBooks or whatever you got, school work only. Used downstairs, you can give them up too, I think you both need to start reading books. I would ban you from Barbados but you got to be there I guess” Rylee and Tianna looks so upset, I feel like the person that ruined their whole fun but it needed to happen “y’all are so spoilt and it was really out of love, and I know that Rylee has so much to do to piss us off” moody ass teenagers “I didn’t mean to upset mom” rubbing my chin “but you did, why is it I am seeing this quiet and respectful side to you both?” Tianna shrugged “because you ain’t fun anymore, you suck now” I laughed “that cost you your after school activities now” I smiled at Rylee, she huffed out. We can keep doing this, I got time.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
What is your overall opinion of the sword and shield characters? Gym leaders, the professors, the villains, the rivals, etc. Any that you seen worth mentioning.
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Prof. Magnolia, we didn't see enough of her, she didn't pop in as much and I kinda forgot that she EXISTED. But I do always love female older proffessor.
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Sonia was more consistent. I like her style, I like the idea that she is basically the new professor in training and she ended up writing a book by the end of the game. She's very cute and stylish and I love her boots.
Okay time for Gym leaders-over all I like the idea that the fucking pokemon league is a competitive sponsored event like NASCAR or soccer. It gives more of a competitive sense to it and the end game where you just battle tree with all the other gym leaders gives a stronger sense that these are the reigning top trainers of this country and they compete among themselves yearly to try and knock each other off the champion pedestal. I liked it a lot, it was a new fun take.
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Milo, I didn't much care for. A know a lot of people went bananas for him but something about his fucking TODDLER FACE on his MAN BODY kept throwing me off.
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I thought Nessa's design was cute and fun. We don't usually see a whole lot of black characters in Pokemon so she was a refreshing cool design to have.
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Kabu is just a dilf. He's a Dilf. Look at that tired old man, he's ready to retire. Fucking hang that shit up on the WALL, my man.
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Allister was the ENTIRE reason I got Sheild instead of Sword cause I love GHOST types. And I love his design, I love how his dialogue makes it sound like he has a little cockney accent, he is my SON, he is my BOY, I would do ANYTHING for Allister.
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Opal is another character who I liked a lot? I liked the whole thing where she's like this aging theater star, an old Opera Queen. Her design also reminds me of the Triplettes from Bellville. She was just so fun and zany and out there for an old lady. Love a crazy kooky old woman. I also like how she just fucking Abducted/adopted Bede mid game against his will.
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Melony was a DREAM. She looks so warm and soft like she gives good warm hugs. I also like how she's the MOM of another gym leader (Gordie)
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Okay Ya'll known my stance on Piers. He is the BFB, the 6ft tall musician who I would wear PLATFORM BOOTS to get a kiss from. I would sit thru a HEAVY METAL SHOW for him and I don't LIKE loud live music. His overall character is interesting as a sort of individual who is a gym leader out of duty and not because he likes it, the shit he does is to try to keep his dying small home town alive and afloat and he just wants to be a musician.
That being said; I didn't much care for Team Yell. Low tier team, I wasn't impressed by them. I mean. Maybe it's different over in England with your Soccer fans but just. I didn't feel like they had a GOOD motivation as a 'villainous' team even if they're more of a red herring team. Team Skull was a better villainous team than Yell. I would completely tear down the team and revamp it design wise and goal wise. Their goal is to make sure Marnie wins, the goal should more along the lines be 'make sure people know where SPIKEMUTH is' I would honestly love to see a team made completely up of punks whose actual goal is to try and save their home town
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....instead of.....whatever this was.
And Raihan was just okay. TBH He's cute, and all but everyone is just ALL over him, I feel the market is oversaturated.
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allaquapetal1 · 2 years
Just finished Pokemon Shields storyline so I'm just gonna talk about what I think the Sexualitys are of all the gym leaders:
Milo: he himself is questioning, whenever someone asks his response is something along the lines of, "not straight."
Nessa: lesbian, everything her and Sonia were mentioned as friends "History Hates Lovers" played in my head.
Kabu, was originally has internalized homophobia. Though with some help from the other leaders he has gotten over it and is nowdays openly bisexual.
Opal: She is an ally. Never had troubles with it really. However she is a bit of a control freak in this regard. Trying to have a variety of trainers in her gym that are part of the community.
Bede: this dude is gay. However he was a bit homophobic at the start of his journey because of Rose's assistant. Rose himself helped him stop being homophobic.
Alister: demiboy asexual. It took them a while to realize that he wasn't completely a boy. However they always knew that his sexuality wasn't their it just took him a while to find the word for it.
Melody: ally, she herself is straight however she has never seen a real problem with what others want to be. She helps straighten out gym challengers when needed. Since she is a mom she is really good at scolding them when they are openly herbs.
Peirs: gay man, look at the dude and tell me he isn't gay. He over exaggerates and sings. Also for some reason my brain keeps shipping him with Milo, except he is 100% just gay.
Marnie: bisexual, honestly part of my brain thinks she's just full on lesbian but to me bi just fits her slightly better. We love her.
Raihan: gay, if Melody doesn't get to a homophobic challenger first. He is there and it's not gonna be a gentle scolding he will yell at them for up to a hour if they are mean enough.
I think that's all of them, I'll probably do a separate post for other characters in the game.
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drakrite · 3 years
thikning about how raihan’s aunt, and the former gym leader wasn’t able to conceive kids and throughout their time together, raihan p much became like a son to her and she was able to experience what it was like to be a parental figure and watch raihan grow up to be the man he is now before she passed away when he was 26.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #291: Gordie the Rocking Heart Breaker (Pokemon Sword and Shield)
Raihan: (Looking Through Gordie's phone to see a bunch of phone numbers popping up) Geez, Gordie.....How many phone numbers do you even have here?
Leon: (A bit Surprised as well) Yeah... That does look like quite a lot....
Gordie: (Sat on his chair in a smug like manner) Not to brag or anything but let's just say that I've met some very interesting ladies who were all kind enough to give me each of their numbers individually.
Leon: Jasmine...... Roxanne...... Candice....wait a minute.... Is it me or are these names sounding a bit familiar here?
Raihan: Yeah.....Those girls are Gym Leaders just like us. (Turns to Gordie) How the hell were you able to get all these numbers knowing that they're from completely different regions?
Gordie: I didn't. Oddly enough, I met each separate of them in a town close from here. I've talked with Candice first, then with Jasmine next, and finally with Roxanne. Three nice conversations later and load and behold, they gave me each of their numbers. They seemed to be pretty interested in me given how much they've started blushing and look away during our chat.
Leon: (Smiles Softly) Well that sounds pretty cool.
Raihan: (Rolled his eyes while mumbling) Yeah....For a rock boy.
Leon: (Nudge on Raihan's Shoulder as he continues his conversation with Gordie) So tell us, Gordie. Which these ladies you wanted ask out?
Gordie: Neither.
Leon: (Surprised) Neither?!
Raihan: Boy, what you talking about?
Gordie: I'm just saying that I might not choose from these three. They're all very sweet, sure, but I doubt I'll have a chance with either of them. So....I might as well let them down easy.
Leon: So basically.... You're going to reject them just because you don't think you'll have a shot with either of them? Even when they've clearly shown their interest in you?
Gordie: Yep. Pretty much.
Raihan: Damn, Gordie.....You really are a Heartbreaker.
Gordie was about to say something when suddenly.....
???: ('GASPS') You are a Heartbreaker?!
Gordie: ('Sigh') I am not a Heartbreaker- (Turns Around.....only for his eyes to begin Widened once he see his very Shocked Mother standing right behind him) Oh no.....
Raihan: (Begins to Smirk a bit Wickedly) And it begins......
Gordie: Oh! Uh....Mom! (Chuckles Awkwardly) What are you doing here?......
Melony: I was making sure if you made it here okay. (Place her hands on her hips and gave her son a Motherly glare) Now what is this I hear about my baby being a Heartbreaker?
Gordie: (Starting to Sweat Bullet) That's my........... nickname? (Shrugged with a panicked like smile)
Melony: (Sighed as she turn towards Raihan and Leon) Boys, could you please tell me what's going on here?
Leon: Your son was given three phone numbers from three girls before he got here. And now he's decided to reject all of them with no problem just because he somehow thinks he has no chances with either of them.
Melony: ('GASPS') Oh my.....
Gordie: Leon!
Raihan: Said it once and I'll say it again....(Smirks) Your son is a certified Heartbreaker, ma'am.
Gordie: (Gritting his teeth at Raihan) Raihan, you little-
Melony: Gordison!
Gordie: (Whimpering) Y-Yes, mommy?....
Melony: I did not raise you to openly break women's hearts like this.
Gordie: (Sigh as he lower his head in shame) I know.....But even if I do have to choose from all three of them, I'm still not sure if I'll have a honestly shot with any of them.
Melony: (Gently Rub Both of her baby's shoulders) Oh honey....I know being in an actual relationship can be scary at first glance, but you'll never know what it'll actually be like if you don't give this a chance.
Gordie: Yeah...... You're right. (Took A Deep Breath) I got a lot of thinking to do, don't I?
Melony: I believe so, dear. Would you like me to help you?
Gordie: (Shook his head) Nah. Don't worry, mom. I think I got this from here. (Smiles a little) Thanks for the advice though, mom. I kind of needed that.
Melony: (Smiles Sweetly) You're always welcome, Gordie honey. (Gave Gordie a big kiss on the cheek much to his distaste)
Gordie: (Blushes Heavily) M-Mom!! Not in public!!!!
Melony: (Giggles Softly) Sorry, sweetheart. Mommy couldn't resist.
Gordie: ('Groans in Embarrassment')
Raihan: (Snickering at Gordie's Dispense.....that is until Leon Nudge on his elbow just to get him to stop)
Melony: As much as I love to spend more time with you and your friends today, I have to pickup your siblings from school in a few minutes. (Hugs Gordie) Meet me at my house for a family dinner later on today?
Gordie: Sounds good.
Melony: Goodie! (Gave Gordie a small peck on the cheek before walking) Bye, sweetie!~ I love you!~
Gordie: (Sigh as he quickly starts wiping his mother's kisses off his cheeks) Honestly.......
Raihan: Looks like Momma Melony strikes again.
Gordie: (Rolled his eyes) Don't remind me....But at the very least, she was able help me from making a fool out of myself....
Raihan: ('Ahem')
Gordie: (Gave one look at his two friends before Chuckling Awkwardly) A-And of course, you guys helped too... somewhat. Thanks for that by the way.
Leon: (Smiles Softly) No problem, man. What are friends for.
Raihan: (Smirks) Yeah? Especially when that said friend is a Momma's boy.
Gordie: Alright....I think that's quite enough about me and my love life for one day. (Begins to Smirk himself) Let's talk about you two now.....
Raihan: (Eyes Widened) Uhhhhhhhhh.....
Leon: Sure. What's there to talk about?
Gordie: Oh it's simple really. Like....Oh I don't know.....Are you two dating?
Raihan/Leon: NO!/Yes.
Raihan: (Slowly Turn Towards Leon)
Leon: (Shrugged) What? It's true, isn't it?
Raihan: (Facepalms)
Gordie: Knew it.
*Cellphone Rang*
Roxanne: (Answer the call) Hello?
Gordie: (On the other line) I-Is this Roxanne of Rustboro's City Gym?
Roxanne: That's correct. May I ask who is calling?
Gordie: It's Gordie...The Gym Leader Circhester's Gym-
Roxanne: Oh my gosh! Gordie?!......(Immediately Starts Blushing) I ummm...('Ahem') Mr. Gordie.....What a surprise.
Gordie: (Chuckles Very Lightly) Yeah...
Roxanne: So.....I-Is there anything I could help you with?
Gordie Oh umm...Okay. Soooo.....are you still at a town nearby from here?
Roxanne: At the moment, yes. I'm supposed to leave here in a couple of days. Is there a particular reason why you're asking?
Gordie: Oh! Uh yes! Uhh...I mean...('Ahem') I just wondered if.... you want to....hangout again sometime.......W-Whenever you're not busy on those couple of days, of course.....
Roxanne: Oh my....(Begins to Blush again) I do need to check on my schedule for the those couple of days since I do have a few meetings I have to attend to.....(Smiles Softly) But I would love to spend time with you during my freetime.... I-If that's okay with you, of course!
Gordie: Yeah....(Smiles Softly) I would like that.
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solarwindswriting · 2 years
Wayfaring Stranger p.2
Pairing: Raihan x GN!Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 2415
Summary: A flying-type gym leader from Unova shows up in Galar and causes quite a stir in the trainer community. Raihan overhears a conversation he probably shouldn’t have. He invites Y/n to Leon’s mom house for a weekend getaway.
Warnings: description of what reader wears, mention of a missing Unova gym leader (Definitely not Ingo 👀)
A/N: The song mentioned in this is actually called Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn? by Evelyn Evelyn! Let me know if I should continue this one or not!
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Y/n’s bomber jacket and hair fluttered behind them as their Togekiss sent off the strongest Air Slash to the enemy Garchomp Raihan had ever seen. A crazed smile filled Y/n’s face that could only be describe as excitement. Raihan found himself on the edge of the bench he sat on, waiting for what Y/n would do next.
Raihan hadn’t noticed how long he had been there until Y/n announced the last battle of the day had just taken place and the tent was closing. Y/n hadn’t taken one proper break, the longest they took as to heal and feed their pokemon, not eating themself.
As people filed out of the tent, Raihan found himself once again swimming up stream towards Y/n who was talking on the phone.
“You still haven’t heard from Ingo? I’m really starting to get worried, Emmet… No, there hasn’t been any sightings of him in this region… Of course, I’m asking around!… Yeah, yeah I know.” Y/n’s once fiery eyes were now much darker as they spoke on the phone. A deep sigh came from them as they listened to whoever they were on the phone with. “Have you asked that kid, what was his name? Ash? That kid travels a lot too. He might know something… Oh,yeah. I was able to catch the local Zapdos varient. It might be able to help us. I’ll let you know if anything come from it.”
Turning around, Y/n finds Raihan standing not to far away and pretending to not be listening in on their conversation. Raihan’s face failed him, the shock of hearing they caught Galarian Zapdos evident on his face.
“Sorry, Emmet, I have to go. That dragon trainer I was telling you about is here… No, I’m not going to ask him if he thinks air or train travel is superior. That’s fucking weird. I’ll call you back later. Bye.”
Y/n hung up the phone, walking up to Raihan and speaking, “you’re not going to insist I come with you to dinner right?”
“Well, you have a party to set up for right? You wouldn’t have the time for that.” Raihan riffs back.
“No party tonight. Sunday and Monday are my days off and I like to start that on Saturday nights.” Y/n explains, walking to the back office of the tent.
Raihan follows them as he speaks, “so you are free for dinner.”
“Unfortunately, no. Not sure how much of that conversation you heard, but I’m busy even on my days off.” Y/n begins placing their pokeballs in a portable incubator and humming out, “I’ve got a missing friend, an irate legendary pokemon in a master ball, and about about four hours of sleep in me. So, I’ve got more pressing matters to attend to than having a fancy dinner with an attractive guy.”
“Thanks?” Raihan couldn’t figure out if he should be sad at the dismissal or flattered at the compliment. “I was just going to suggest some food cart curry though. Who’s your friend? Maybe I’ve heard something. Were you close? It sounded more that just a friend when you were talking about him on the phone.”
Y/n paused for a second before slowly turning towards the tall man, a disgruntled frown on their lips, “We are close. Closer than close. He’s a gym leader with his twin brother in Unova. And frankly, our relationship is none of your business.” Y/n’s arms crossed infront of them, weight shifting to one leg, scowl dropping to the ground, becoming something sadder as they continued, “But no, we aren’t together. Those two are like older brothers to me. His name is Ingo.”
Raihan took another step forward, left hand raising to gently hold Y/n’s right elbow. Y/n’s gaze lifted, looking Raihan in the eyes again. They watched as Raihan’s face flipped between emotions; sadness, and pity is what he settled on before something flashed behind his eyes, a smirk finding his lips exposing a small fang.
“Hey, I know just the thing you need. Leon’s mom makes some of the best curry in Galar, and Leon invited me to his mothers for the weekend. I’m sure I can get you an invite; his mom loves me.” Raihan’s voice slowly filled with excitment.
His face reminded Y/n of how the twins would always insist they come over and have dinner after long work days at the station and airport. And just like then, Y/n found themselves following this practical stranger out of their tent after packing an overnight bag and up onto their Dragonite, following Raihan’s Flygon across Galar. Y/n had not had the time to explore more of Galar other than the surrounding area of Hammerlocke and the subway station, so this was a perfect excuse to venture out further.
The two trainers would try to fly the distance in one go, taking about 3 hours to get to the bottom of the region typically. What Raihan hadn’t accounted for was his own flygon not used to traveling longer than 30 minutes at a time. He watched Y/n’s Dragonite deftly ride wind gusts and creating it’s own when needed, while Flygon struggled to keep up speed. Halfway into their trip, Raihan signaled for them to land. Shifting on Dragonite, Y/n follows Raihan to the outskirts of another large town.
“Sorry! I don’t think Flygon will be able to fly me any further. It’s not used to flying this long with someone on it.” Raihan calls over to Y/n as he hopes off Flygon and calling it to its pokeball.
Reaching around and into their bag that was slung across their bag, Y/n pulled out their trainer belt. Unlatching a pokeball from the brown belt, Y/n threw the ball out towards Raihan. Catching it, he looks up to Y/n who is jumping down from their Dragonite.
“What’s this for?” Raihan questions.
“Give it here. You can ride Dragonite the rest of the way.” Y/n took the ball from Raihan, throwing it and revealing Galarian Zapdos. “This’ll slow us down a bit since we’re not as familiar with each other, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Raihan stands there shocked, watching Y/n mount the regions legendary bird, a pokemon he only had rare sightings of in wild areas. Y/n pet it’s neck before getting it to take flight up into the air. They struggle of a few moments, but Y/n is able to find a rhythm with the pokemon. Looking down, Y/n sees Raihan looking towards them, a child-like wonder filling his eyes.
“You coming or not?” Y/n called down to him.
Raihan quickly climbed onto Dragonite, the pokemon giving him nearly no time to adjust before taking off into the sky. The sun was setting when the pair finally land in Postwick, the home town of the Galar Champion. Both dismounted the pokemon, Y/n calling both back to their pokeballs.
“Now, I have to warn you,” Raihan started, walking up to the front door and gently knocking on it. “This family is loud, loving, and not afraid to point out every one of your flaws.”
Y/n laughed as the door swung open. A young boy stood in the doorway with a wide smile on his face.
“Raihan!” The kid jumped forward, hugging tight around Raihan’s waist.
Raihan hugged the boy back, “Hey, Hop. Is your older brother here yet?”
“He was. Mom made him run into town to pick up more MooMoo Milk.” Hop spoke quickly as he led the two inside.
“Oh, good. You’re here, Raihan.” An older greying woman catches sight of him, crossing the kitchen to hand him a knife. “Go finish cutting the chicken for me. It’s the part I hate the most.”
“Hello, Marie. This is Y/n, they’re a gym leader from Unova. They know Isis. Thank you for letting them join us this weekend. Y/n, this is Marie, Leon and Hop’s mom.” Raihan spoke politely as he followed the woman into the kitchen, washing his hands after her and starting to cut the chicken.
Marie crossed back over to Y/n who stood near the couch and holding out her hand, “of course! Any partner of Raihan’s is welcome in this house.”
Y/n reached out, taking Marie’s hand in their own. “Sorry, there must have been some kind of confusion. Raihan and I aren’t together.”
“Oh! My apologies. I just assumed you were with how he spoke of you over the phone.” Marie voice full of skepticism.
“Oh?” It was Y/n’s turn to be confused.
They hadn’t heard Raihan and Marie’s conversation since he stepped out of the battle tent to make the call. Y/n couldn’t think of how he made her think such a thing since they barely knew each other. Y/n’s thoughts were cut short by a Wooloo running between them and Marie.
“HOP!” Marie called over her shoulder towards the front door.
In the entrance stood two guilty look boys, Hop and Leon putting on unconvincing smiles towards their mother.
“I swear to Arceus! Get that Wollo out of my house, or you won’t have any dinner. Neither of you!” Marie called to her boys, crossing now to stand infront of them and point in the direction the Wooloo ran.
Both sons went running past their mom, Leon quickly handing their mother a jug of milk. Y/n laughs at the motion.
“I’m done cutting the chicken,” Raihan reentered the conversation.
“Oh, perfect. Go show Y/n how to satee it. I have to go make sure that pokemon doesn’t distroy anything.” Marie waved Raihan off, handing Y/n the jug of milk and disappearing after her sons.
Raihan and Y/n stare at each other for a moment before Raihan turns and speaks over his shoulder, “she’s going to find more ways to get me to cook so she doesn’t have to. It’s best not to fight it.”
Y/n walked into the kitchen, putting the milk in the fridge. They settled to the side of Raihan, leaning against the counter and watching him cook in silence for a few moments. The silence was accentuated by the occasional reprimanding coming from another room.
“Sooo, why does the Galar Champion’s mother think we’re dating?” Y/n smirks in a playful taunt, looking up to meet Raihan’s eyes that were already on them.
Raihan chuckles, looking back down to the pot infront of him quickly, “since I don’t tell her about a lot of people in my life, she assumes every new person I mention is my partner.”
“You talk to your friends mom on the phone often?” Y/n’s eyebrows knit together.
“She calls me when Leon doesn’t answers her calls. I don’t have it in me to ignore the kind woman.” Raihan sighs, turning the stove low to simmer.
Fast footsteps coming from the room pulls the the pairs attention as Hop comes flying into the kitchen.
“You have an Archeops??” Hops eyes were as wide as his smile.
“Yeah,” Y/n chuckles at the boy, “I do.”
“And you just mention this now? Come on, you have to show me.” Hop pretended to be offended before grabbing Y/n’s hand and pulling them you through the front door.
Raihan watches Hop and Y/n disappear out the door and Marie and Leon, Wooloo under his arm enter the kitchen. Leon follows the other two out, Marie coming up to Raihan.
“Leon was just telling me how Y/n runs an airport in Unova. They apparently are close with the subway masters there and even sings with them to raise money for the public transit there.” Marie spoke casually, looking up at Raihan for his reaction.
“Y/n sings?” Raihan turns to Marie with a confused look on their face.
Marie smiles, getting the exact reaction she wanted. “Yes! Leon showed me a video from Isis of them at their last performance! Here, I’ll show you!”
Marie pulled her Rotom out, pulling up the video and handing it to Raihan. The title of the song scroll along the top of the screen, ‘Have You Seen My Brother Emmet?’, as a jaunty station piano begin to play. He watches as Y/n and a man jump down some subway stairs and begin to sing. Their movements were perfectly in sync as they danced around each other and interacted with the audience.
Y/n wore what Raihan assumed was their normal gym uniform; a pair of beige pants, an off white buttonup tucked neatly and held in place with their belt that held their pokeballs, their same bomber jacket but with less patches it has now, and a pair of pilot’s goggles atop their head. The man they sang with wore a long black trench coat with thick brown stripes. He wore a train conductor hat with the same colors, and a purple tie and white gloves. Sudden realization hits Raihan. If they were singing about Emmet, that must be Ingo in the video with Y/n.
The two were pulled from watching the video by Y/n singing along to the video as they walked back into the house, Hop close on their tail.
“Is it possible that he could be in Timbuktu or Katmandu or Vegas or Uzbekistan? He learning how to do-do The Chattanooga Choo Choo? Oh golly where could that boy be?” Y/n finished singing, turning and grabbing hop by the hands and swinging around the front room for the rest of the song.
Raihan couldn’t help but smile watching them having fun. Leon came in before the song ended, closing the door behind him and walking over to the his mother and friend in the kitchen.
Marie tugs on Raihan’s jacket sleeve, pulling him down so she could whisper in his ear, “they’re nice. You should keep them around.”
Raihan’s heart tugged at his chest. He hadn’t felt this happy in a long time, but it stung all the same. Y/n hadn’t moved here, they were just passing through. They’d be gone in a month, onto another town looking for their missing friend. He’d probably never see them again. How’d this obnoxious traveling gym leader weasel their way into his heart so quickly? And what’s stopping him from just dropping everything and following them on this journey?
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epicspheal · 2 years
Pokespe Chapter 26
This was a really good chapter as far as showing us what could've been the plot of SwSh in the games. Like the entire time reading this I was like "Man, why couldn't the game plot resemble this" I really loved how the chapter opened up with Raihan and Leon teaming up to take down the dynamaxed Pokemon. Seeing them work together and then take selfies together was really cool and cute to see. I've been wanting to see them team up but also just show off that they have a friendship outside of their rivalry, something we really haven't seen portrayed outside of promotional anipoke posters. Not to mention just seeing Raihan, Leon, Nessa, and Sonia all chasing after the Royal twins and trying to get to Rose But the real kicker for me in this chapter (and honestly most of this Pokespe arc) was professor Magnolia. I am probably like one of 5 people on this planet who actually cares about old Magnolia but I was honestly super interested in the possibility of having an older female professor being involved in the plot of Galar...and unfortunately, as we know that did not turn out to be the case at all. So seeing her go wild on trying to drive the group to Hammerlocke, and even hinting that she did something like that in the past was a real treat to see. The other real kicker was the (scripted) emergency broadcast. I've mentioned before that I've always seen the royal twins as being better main antagonists for the main SwSh plot. I feel like the way Pokespe has been presenting them (them and Rose working together) really helps drive home the potential of Sordward and Shieldbert having a greater role in the Galar story. Them using their "celebrity status" (however meager it is) to try to sway Galar into letting them handle the crisis they just so happened to have a hand in is really cool. Couple that with them teaming up with Rose, someone who does have more social capital than them lowkey speaks to how in real life, a handful of connected people can really screw things over for the rest of us. While I was hoping to see a huge gym leader showing in Hammerlocke, it did make sense to see the gym leaders go back to defend their respective cities and towns. It was nice to see Bea and Allister both be frightened at the prospect, showing that even though they're strong trainers they're still kids. And not every kid is going to be this plucky little person ready to dive head first into danger. So it was nice to see that represented in two of our young gym leaders. Also seeing the subtle tension between Gordie and Melony in this chapter with Gordie pointedly doing the opposite of what his mom is doing was fantastic. Sou and Bede were also standouts in this chapter with Sou being uncharacteristically bold and rash dashing through the ticket gate in an attempt to get to the royal twins. We know he has an interest in the rusted sword and shield and judging by how incensed he was upon seeing the TV broadcast with the Royal twins brandishing them it'll be cool to see that final confrontation. And Bede is the responsible one for paying the fare, calling Oleana and instructing ticketmaster on charging Magnolia. It's nice to see the growth he's undergone since training under Opal The little part where everyone met up with each other is was super cute with everyone talking over each other leading to information getting lost (and Hop and Leon being more focused on saying hey to each other than anything else) I'm excited to see chapter 27 as we finally get the big audience with Rose who is more than thrilled at seeing his plan a success!
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calypso-finale · 10 months
Hundred Fourteen. Part 3
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I moved seats, Tianna said it’s best I do because I am ready to fucking snap on this stupid bitch, she think she is being fucking clever by brining that useless bastard here, he is useless. All that boy wants is a free ride and of course that is what Imani is going to give so I swapped seats with Raihan so I don’t need to sit across from them, both of them think they can be smug with me. Tianna is right, why should I ruin this meal, even though I am deep inside dying to just shout that this bitch is fucking dumb, I know him longer then she has “lot on your mind” I jumped at my dad saying that and then laughed “oh yeah, sorry. Just tired, also just thinking about Aziel, I miss his little face too” my dad cooed out “I wish you wasn’t so strict on his school thing” I frowned at my dad “what you mean dad? I just want him to know that he has stability, I don’t want to be taking Aziel just here and there and everywhere, it was hard on us. But I promise to bring him to Vegas to see you all, I promise” I know my parents miss him “promise? You can stay with us too, bring Oakley” I chuckled “bring Oakley? Why?” waving him off “he can stay at home, ruining my vibe in Vegas” my dad sat back “but I thought you both are together and all that?” I shrugged “I mean yeah, I don’t know. We are just there and around each other; I think it’s like there but you know. I don’t know, he is scaring me” I laughed “awww what, why?” my dad asked, I huffed out “just being very intense and deep, I don’t know dad. He is just being very weird with me” my dad grinned “in a bad way?” shaking my head “no never, just like being. I don’t know” I laughed “he is just being different, and very loving I say. He is just being very in depth with things. And he asked question like tattoo CC on my ring finger, I think he is joking but like. I don’t want to mention it because you’re my dad but like he makes love to me” my dad laughed “that boy in love then isn’t he, don’t be freaked out by it” I scoffed “I don’t know how to be a wife, and dad that means more kids. And I don’t want that either, I just don’t know” I jumped at the hand on my shoulder “mom, you scared me” I laughed “I went to the bathroom, come to the house tomorrow. I want to see you ok” letting out an oh “sure, I will” my mom wrapped her arms around me and cooed out, my eyes bulged out “mom!?” I spat “twin” my dad laughed shaking his head “I miss my daughter ok!” she spat.
I grabbed Imani and yanked her towards me “you know how hard it is to not fucking beat you up?” she think she can leave without me saying a word, Imani stared at me “you ignorant little bitch, you speak on me and Tianna and say these things and think there won’t be a backlash, you should be so thankful that I love and adore my dad, that I don’t want him to be upset going to Vegas because his baby has done the deed with a boy that is using you” she snatched her arm back “you and Ti are always in my business, I want space. That is why I said those things!” she spat “we care about you, that is fucking why. You know how hard it is to not say it!?” I spat, we both stared at each other “I know that boy, I lived with him. You do not know him; nobody is like Oakley. Not even fucking him, because if you up and left to go to London he would have you on the streets!” I spat “then that is my problem” she mumbled “if I hear one word about me and my life come out of your mouth, I will fucking beat you so hard and this is a threat. You don’t speak on Oakley to have that bastard in the family” I shouted “hey, what is happening here?” my dad asked “sorry, she just didn’t announce that Juke is her boyfriend, that is all” her face dropped, looking at my dad “what? You’re dating Juke Imani” my dad asked, “you dating my daughter?” my dad asked Juke “why lie?” oh Imani is not happy “exactly, why lie?” Juke is scared now “I only let him come because you said you wouldn’t, but he is your boyfriend, this was a family meal?” my dad is pissed, he ain’t happy about it “right” Imani is silent now “bitch” Imani said to me “I will leave you to Rihanna, she don’t play. She is already plotting” I sniggered walking off.
My dad is not happy about that, just a simple they are dating “smoking still?” I said stepping outside “bullshit” he just said “why?” I asked him “I have known Oakley for far too long to know that his brother is bad news did you get them together?” shaking my head “I didn’t, I told Oakley to keep them apart on tour, and then they started speaking. I don’t know after that” I shrugged “Juke has done some fucked up shit to Oakley, I can’t have that” he shook his head “I also think dad, you should take Imani to Vegas with you, do not let her be home alone, say her options are my house or Vegas. I recommend that, she needs guidance. She don’t know men” my dad is soaking in every word I am saying, he just stared me down “you right” he breathed out, nodding my head “Robyn is not happy, what happened to the football guy?” I shrugged “you tell me what goes on in that head of hers” my dad sighed out “she is sensitive, you know” my dad is sad “dad, Imani isn’t a young child anymore, you need to treat her like the bitch she is” my dad gasped “she has been talking shit because I don’t agree to it, I have lived with that boy, I know” I shrugged “mhmmm fuck, she has been off. Like she refused to come and then she said I will come with a friend and that is the only reason I will come, and I said what about dad and she said stop it, like why is she trying to be grown” I cooed out “dad, come on now. She is growing up that is all but still, she needs protecting too” he nodded his head “I have been too busy for her I think” now he is blaming himself “dad, this is not your fault, she is going to move on, stop it” my dad nodded his head slowly.
Walking into the family home, my dad has two separate family pictures, one with us three and another with the younger ones. We haven’t really taken professional family pictures like that together really, I don’t know why but it hasn’t happened, but I do miss that time of life, but I guess life moves on and waits for nobody “hi Rylee” Raihan said as he made his way down “hey little one, excited?” he nodded his head “yeah because my bedroom is bigger there” I cooed out wrapping my arm around him as we walked into the home “don’t worry I will snatch that from you” I joked “hey!” I have the second biggest, Junior has first” I knew that “he is the new eldest of the house” I grinned “you old” I gasped “shut up, cheeky!” I pushed him away, he is so cheeky “I was summoned” seeing my mother “well you did text me, so I had to come” my mother chuckled “I was concerned you wasn’t going to come, how is my baby girl” my mom is too happy “I am ok mom” she hugged me “you miss me that much?” I said, she sighed out “I do miss you a lot, Raihan make yourself busy. I just wanted to see you that is all, my grown girl. I am proud of you Rylee, I know with everything that went on I think you have grown into a fine woman, and I am the luckiest mom to have you” I chuckled “mom, stop it” I laughed out “what you mean stop it, come let’s talk” she is being so weird right now, I was not expecting her to be this weird.
I have mocktails really, I just don’t drink but my mother made me a whole cocktail and Tianna has joined us, this is cute so I am happy for this, I am glad I didn’t ruin the vibe yesterday “oh your dad is not happy, he told me to make a plan but then he told me” my mom froze “he told me that he is upset but my mind just went, I am just happy” I laughed “I can tell you’re happy mom, it’s nice to see really” she sighed out “I am the most happiest” Ti eyeballed me “I think Rylee has things she wants to say” Ti said on my behalf, I laughed “bitch, shut up!” I spat “ok, so like things are getting deep with Oakley. I don’t know what has happened to him, but he has been a lot with me, he is loving. I mean he, like we was having sex of course. But the sex was so intense like he only came when he saw me do it first, but he was holding my hand and it was just like what, then he is just throwing me off with things, he just looking at me with love. Then he just mentioning things, then I was telling Ti. I can’t be a wife; I am not that. What if he does?” my mom eyes lit up “mom!? Why are you emotional” Tianna laughed out “oh my god, she is so weird” I hid my face “I am sorry” she laughed while still half crying “oh girls” she sniffled, me and Tianna are flabbergasted because what is her problem right now “mom you’re so embarrassing” I mumbled laughing, what is wrong with her “just you know, my girls are growing up. I am just emotional that is all” my mother is on something “but I am here asking you advice and you’re here just crying” my mother just laughed, I know she feels stupid because why is she even crying “I love you Rylee” I laughed out, she is so stupid.
My mother is supposed to give me advice and she is busy wiping her tears “Rylee, I think you’re more than capable of being a wife. I know my daughters and I know they are going to be different from what I did, and you’re going to be better than me. Rylee you’re already halfway there with being one so I do not understand why you think you cannot be someone’s wife, you are already better then I. Rylee if that was me I wouldn’t have moved myself to London, maybe I would have to get him where I want but I wouldn’t, I would have had him come to me, so at the first point you’re already better then I. You already know to make time, to nurture him, men are needy, and you know that because you seen it all with your dad. Rylee you are already in your heart his wife, you’re his and you just are getting a little scared that it may be a reality but honestly when you get a man that is your best friend, also your partner. It’s a breeze, I married my best friend and ok yes we were a mess, but it’s always been fun with us, I get it we have had the worst time at times but it’s life, you know. We can speak on the fact we made it but Rylee, I am so positive about you, even you Tianna. I know my daughters seen my wrongs and you will be both right, you both already better then me. Find your best friends girls because then it never feels like a chore. What makes you scared? You tell me because I am not seeing it” she turned the question on me and I shrugged “I just, I don’t know. I tend to always self-destruct or do something, but I think I just want to do right by him, well both” I laughed “and you already are, Rylee you know it’s a big thing what you did, to move what you know to go there? I would have moved him, because he can technically live without his family, and see them now and then but you want his happiness, not saying you aren’t happy, but I know you miss us a lot” nodding my head “you already are doing that, you are wife material. Any man that said otherwise and I know how it feels when men want to degrade you to break you down, they don’t mean shit when that one man loves you” I smiled “see, just take it as it comes baby. You will be ok; I know you will. If I can still remain married then you both can” my mom is funny “I was saying it to Chris how much I miss my grandchild, we don’t see much of him. I mean ok we see him on facetime, but I still don’t feel we have him, I miss that part so Tianna you aren’t moving! You are having kids here” my mother doesn’t know she has another British man, me and Ti just smiled at each other “dad is calm about Imani and Juke?” I asked “well Oakley brother really, he loves that boy a lot” my mom rolled her eyes, this is what I didn’t want.
It really annoys me that it’s Oakley brother and he trusts that, I am angry at it but I will leave it “I also feel like you know, marriage and then more kids? Like Oakley mentioned it, and he feels like we shouldn’t leave big age gaps and I said look no. Then if I wasn’t taking anything, I would be pregnant right now, he is making love to me mom and it’s the best feeling ever but then I said you’re trying to get me pregnant and he said no, so he denied it” my mom is laughing “you know men can be devious too with what they want, he probably could be but what is scaring you the most? I know of course but why” my mom laughed “I didn’t stop, I mean Emi was the biggest bonus, even Raihan. Junior was it; I think that was it for me. Wanted that boy for Chris. I think yeah maybe it was me, I ended up wanting Emi because I missed it all with you kids and now I am like did I really want that but it’s fine” now my mother is telling the truth “pregnancy, is hard, it’s scary, it’s life changing. I think with you Rylee. You was so young, you was hidden, you wasn’t loved throughout, you had a hard one and” my mom paused “you was new, you had nobody, and I wasn’t there for you, you wanted me, and I had to make your dad happy too” her voice broke “I fucked up, I am sorry. You should have never been hidden; you did that for us. Seeing Aziel now I wouldn’t change him for the world, and I regret it. But you was stressed out, being stressed makes difficult pregnancies and it does, you end up going through hell and I don’t want to sit here and sugarcoat it but you do Rylee” she sniffled “but I don’t think you had the chance to have a good one and I personally think you should give yourself that chance because why not. But this is your decision, and it’s right. Don’t leave big gaps, I think it’s the right time. Aziel may one day read the fact he was a secret, see the baby shower that wasn’t as good as his siblings and I regret that because he is my first grandchild and I love him with all my heart, any other will never amount because he is the first, Chris thinks the same too. I am so sorry that we added to that” I don’t like to think about my pregnancy I was scarred “and I want to be with my sister when she is” looking at Tianna “bitch you need to be next” looking at me “shut up!” she spat.
My mom has a stupid smile on her face “what if he isn’t proposing to you? Then what” Ti snorted laughing “at this point Rylee needs to propose to herself” I grinned “I don’t know, but it freaked me out. Are you ready for the Vegas move? I can’t believe you’re going there, and mom you know like you spied on us, can you start using those on Imani?” I am being dead ass “why? What is Imani doing” I shrugged “I am not going to say a word, but I am telling you, you need to watch her, you need to put your skills to use. I am so serious right now” my mom is so confused “but why?” I am not even saying a word “I am just letting you know mom; I am telling you to keep your eye on her, and Juke. Just because he is Oakley brother doesn’t mean shit, he is a bum. And mom he lives off Oakley, I mean literally. I have seen Oakley account and he physically gives him an allowance a week” oh my mom is soaking this in “speaking of Oakley” he is calling me “he sensed you was saying his name” I laughed answering the call “hey” the line is so silent, like nobody is there “Oakley?” maybe he called by mistake then, he sniffled “Lee” he strained out, is he crying “what happened?” my heart instantly dropped, has something happened to my son “Oakley what has happened?” I asked, he is actually “oh my god, speak to me!” I shouted, he choked out “my dad, he is in hospital. It’s not good” he is not even speaking right “I will come back, just text me where you are. I will be there” I said “Oakley, please just text me I am coming back” disconnecting the call “I need to go” my mom is so confused “what is it?” she asked “his dad, that’s all he said. He is crying, he never cries about anything, this is serious. I need to go now!” I spat, Ti got up also “I will come with you, oh god. What you think has happened” I just shrugged not knowing at all, but I know I need to go back to him, Oakley crying means it’s a big thing because he doesn’t cry for anything.
I caught a private jet and got back home as soon as I could, I am so stressed just thinking, Oakley hasn’t called again but he has told me where he is and he is still at the hospital, he just put yeah that was all but what could have happened, what exactly could have made him cry the way he did on the phone. It wasn’t the thing I wanted to hear when he called “I thought it was something to do with Aziel, I was so scared” I said to Ti “I know, I know you wouldn’t come back like this for nothing and leaving everything behind” I shrugged “I have my phone, that is all that matters. Thank you, and I will contact when to come back” getting out of the car “I just thought I would come to support you, that is all. Not anything else” Ti is nice, it wad kind of her to come with me. Oakley said he is around the intensive care unit, and I am like why, but he didn’t mention why, he is just closed off but he did cry, he was crying on the phone to me. Following the signs in a rush, I just need to see him, my heart is not resting until I see him, he needs me, and I know it, I feel it in my heart that he needs me. Seeing Rimz and some other guys outside “where is he?” I asked “in there” he pointed, I nodded my head just making my way in without a care, I just want to see him. Aziel is stood next to Oakley holding onto his leg, he looks so sad “Oakley” I said, he turned his head “I just come as soon as I heard” I said but seeing his face, he is so distraught “what happened?” I asked walking over to him and I just hugged him as I did, Oakley sobbed out and I held him close “what happened? It’s ok” he is really crying “Aziel, come to TT” Tianna said to Aziel “he tried to take himself out, I found him” he managed to say, Neil didn’t try and do that “oh my god, I am so sorry” but to hear Oakley cry like this “thank you for coming” he said to me “stop it” I am in shock.
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d0ughy · 2 years
Do you do matchups? If you do can a get a pokemon sw&sh matchup?
I'm about 5'6, kinda chubby, got short fluffy half pink half blue hair and I wear big square glasses. I mostly wear stuff like black ripped skinny jeans and oversized pink or black hoodies. My love language is touch and gift giving. I like when my partner is taller than me as I'm insecure about my height and wish I was shorter. I am very cuddly and clingy. I get jealous easily and I'm very short tempered. My pokemon team would be a mix of ghost types and fairy types. Oh and I'm genderfluid
I match you with... Gordie, the Rock-type Gym Leader!
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Notes: So I was debating between Gordie and Raihan and ultimately went with the former. I know he’s not much taller (like... 5″8ft?) but hear me out! I feel Gordie wouldn’t tease you about your insecurities like Raihan would (he wouldn’t do it maliciously, but still.)    Also, tysm for the request! My first match-up, I hope I did it right and that you enjoy! ;3;  Sorry if anyone is OOC.... Warnings: Mentions of self-doubt/insecurity. Not proof-read. _______________________________________________________ ✦ Gordie would be into your style, you both sort of match but have your own twist on it. He wears the darker colors of his gym and sunglasses, you wear hoodies and square glasses. Plus, he also has two-toned hair! Together, you two never feel out of place. ✦ I see Gordie as someone who likes PDA and, despite his cool-guy reputation, is a bit of cuddle bug. So physical touch is a HUGE plus. He melts into your touches and can’t help but give you some of his own. His hands are on the larger side and slightly calloused, but they’re warm and they’re strong. He enjoys holding your hands and feeling the differences between yours and his; running his thumb over your knuckles, feeling the softer texture of your skin against his. Don’t get me started on the hugs-- Much like his favored type, Gordie is strong and sturdy. So, his hugs are too! Bear hugs and reassuring squeezes whenever your insecurities flair up.   ✦ On the topic of insecurities... Jealousy might be a little bit of an issue, but it’s definitely not a major deal breaker for Gordie. He has his fan club, whom he adores and adores him. Before you, they were his ease of insecurity. Never feeling good enough and always in his mom’s shadow, it felt nice to have people there cheering for him for a change, y’know? Anywho... If his fans make you jealous, I don’t see him willing to drop them or stop holding meet-and-greets, but he will definitely set boundaries with them. (Since his fans ship you two together, I don’t see there being any issues hee-hee.)  He loves you the most, you are his biggest cheerleader and he is yours in turn. He will compromise as much as he can for you. ✦ As for the height thing, Gordie will hype you up all the time. He knows the sour stomach feeling of insecurity and knows how fragile the ego can be. So, UNLIKE RAIHAN, he will not tease you about your height. I can definitely see Gordie wearing shoe-inserts to make himself taller while out of the house, so if that’s something that’ll help then he’ll do it! If not, well, there’s not much he can do other than comfort you. He’ll wrap his strong arms around you, pull you against his chest and whisper to you how much he adores you, how beautiful of a soul you are, and how perfect you are the way that you are. He’ll even offer some of his tips like; pep-talking yourself in a mirror and offer tips on general self-love. He wishes you’d love yourself as much as he loves you, because he loves you a whoooole lot. ✦ Gordie will definitely show you off and try to spoil, too. I definitely see gift giving as a love language of his as well. He tries to give you expensive, flashy gifts, while you tend give him more heartfelt ones. No matter how far along you two are in your relationship and no matter how many gifts you’ve given him, he will always be red in the face when receiving anything from you. A small part of him feels undeserving and a big part of him just thinks it’s too sweet! He may feel like his gifts he gives you aren’t as meaningful as the ones you get him, so he’ll take you out shopping and let you pick out things you like to “Make up for it.” He tries his best. ✦ When it comes to Pokemon, ghost and fairy are very different than rock types. But, he loves the aesthetic of your choice! It’s a good fit! Circhester is surrounded by ice and water types, so it’s a refreshing change to see your pokemon floating about whenever you two hang out. Gordie is an ambitious one, so he’ll definitely want to try training with you. You inspire him to look into branching out his own Pokemon team, settling on Carbink. (Since the little fairy/rock type reminds him of you, it definitely becomes a favorite Pokemon of his. Don’t tell his Coalossal though!) ✦ All in all, you and Gordie would have a strong relationship. It’s a lot of learning and understanding each other at first, then compromise and comfort. You both build each other up and rely on one another when dark thoughts get too tough to handle on their own. Gordie will be your rock!   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehe
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
If Wallace is the friendly -rival to Steven, then I suppose Raihan is the same to Leon could I ask about Raihan having to baby sit Leon kid please? ( just like someone else requested about Wallace) , I just have this idea that if Raihan were to baby sit he would probably take a bunch of selfies about it while Leon says not to do so lol.
Uncle Raihan Mini HCs let's gooooooooo!
Also I've mentioned this before but I imagine Leon having like five kids.... so Raihan is gonna have his hands full
Definitely more hands-on than Wallace
The kind of little shit that deliberately gives the kiddos lots of sweets and loud toys just to drive Leon bonkers
Because of his sharp teeth, the littlest ones are scared of him, but the older ones love him so much
Mario kart parties woot-woot
I like to imagine whenever Raihan sees the kids, they get in line and he gives them high-fives in descending order
Would totally take loads of selfies, but he wouldn't post them on social media, just bombard you, Leon's mom and Hop with them (but not Leon lol0
I have this very distinct image of Leon coming over to collect his kiddos and Raihan's gotten them all matching dragon-gym jerseys
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