#rain code AU
cochidinh · 7 months
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highoncatfood · 5 months
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more teen yomiakou sorry theyre my ocs now.Sorry. uh anyway close ups below >_>
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wist-eri · 8 months
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the #death knight yakou au brainrot took over
(original au idea by @yakool-foolio! they’re the source of 99.99% of my brainrot. i can’t stop. help)
more under cut 👇
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michimiart-blog · 8 months
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Vivia using Spectral Projection meeting Yuma using Past Projection be like:
This is mostly a doodle that I did, pardon me the weird anatomy and lack of shadows, they are kinda traslucid so that's why.
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pantherxdrawz · 8 months
May or may not have made some edits for Yakou for my Rain Code swap au-
I was originally gonna do more characters (that had designs, because not all of them are designed yet) but then thought “nah I’ll just do ones for Yakou for now then do other Sprite edits if anyone actually likes this set)
(Also putting under the cut if you’re someone who doesn’t like Sprite edits, which honestly that’s your cup of tea I don’t judge I just personally find them neat to see and make)
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Death smoke cloud Alt of those two above:
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(Come on man Yakou is a smoker and do you really think I’mma change that in the au? Way too perfect of an opportunity to use it)
Also normal eyes (for the human form) alts for Yakou:
(The ones with dead/zombie eyes are the canon version, I’d just thought it’d be fun to make alts with normal eyes)
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sakura-code · 3 months
Twin CEOs AU
Welp, thanks to a friend from the Makoyuma server, the brain rot I had for months now has become a new Makoto and Yuma AU, and that is the Twin CEOs AU where, you guess it, Makoto and Yuma are both the CEOs of Amaterasu. Mainly because I want to create an anti-villain/villain duo of Yuma and Makoto with a side of fluff, angst, found family, and redemption arc.
Premise: After Yuma was orphaned at a young age, the UG Research Facility took him in to use as a blueprint to create their Perfect Homunculus, and succeed in doing so. However, the Perfect Homunculus, naming himself Makoto, escapes the Lab and takes Yuma with him to Kanai Ward. Where they would both save the Homunculi and become the CEOs of Amaterasu to protect Kanai Ward, the Homunculi citizens, and each other.
At any costs.
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jellyfish-grave · 4 months
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(alt versions under cut)
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cupideya1314 · 5 months
KokoBolt/YumaHiko La La Land AU
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Hello, I was able to write down my ideas for this AU and finally got a good grasp as to what I want it to be So please enjoy hahaha
"Kanai Ward, the city of unending rain and unending stardom. Desuhiko is an ambitious musician wanting to be the city’s next big superstar, a dream he only realized during his time as the security guard of the popular Sun & Moon Hotel. After work hours is when he gets to actually feel the sense of being the musician he ought to be. With his trusty guitar on hand and charismatic aura, he sets his stage at Ginma District where plenty of aspiring artists perform.
Not only is Kanai Ward raining with stars, but it’s also drenched in criminal activity. Yuma Kokohead, a determined detective in training under Kanai Ward’s WDO division, strives to graduate from training to be an official WDO Detective. However, that dream is out of reach now after an incident with one of the cases he handled, caused him to get held back on his licensing. Now having to repeat his training process, Yuma works day and night to compensate the incident with the smaller-scale cases he’s been given. The only solace within his messy career life is writing and getting gigs at the Sun & Moon Hotel as a pianist.
Yuma and Desuhiko first crossed paths when Desuhiko was covering for his co-worker for the evening shift. Desuhiko sees an anxious Yuma and helped with overcome the nervousness of performing for that night. The two met again at a stakeout, where Yuma spotted Desuhiko singing near a bar, but never saw him again. Those chance encounters left both of them mesmerized with one another, but sadly never got the chance to connect.
When a suspected crime happened at the Sun & Moon Hotel, Yuma and Desuhiko saw each other again and became friends as the investigation goes on. After the investigation, Yuma invites Desuhiko to play alongside him during his gigs at the Hotel.
They both start to have feelings for each other but when a talent agent recruits Yuma to work for music sessions, their relationship starts to slip. Yuma quits his detective training to work as a pianist for different artists just so he can get connections for Desuhiko. Even when Desuhiko is getting more gigs at performance houses, he struggles with insecurities about being compared to Yuma."
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Commentary: I really wanted to stick with the plotline of La La Land, I even had to watch the movie again. And man I just fell in love all over again and made screencap fanart out of watching it. But to not spoil too much. The story is about Mia and Sebastian, two people with big dreams who fell in love with each other. During their relationship they both struggling to achieve those dreams. That's what clicked for me to make this AU and how the songs mostly fits with Desuhiko's character or my interpretation of his character. In my head, Desuhiko is taking after Mia's character from the movie and Yuma as Sebastian. Though, I stick by them as being detectives, mostly for Yuma since being a detective is part of his character as a whole. Like I see how passionate he is to be a Detetctive even when it's a hard job. As much as I want Desuhiko to be a detective too, I thought he can be a security guard instead since he mentioned something similar to his Gumshoe Gab. And on the side, he go busking (I'm really making him be that aspiring artist trope thing). So it felt right I mostly focused on YumaHiko, so the other characters (as much as I love them) will be incorporate to the AU another time, I already have a role for Shinigami as Yuma's big sister that he calls since he's living on his own in Kanai Ward (which i find really really cute for their dynamic). I have a role for Halara and Fubuki too but it's not as established yet. But yeah, this AU is just for shipping purposes and my own indulgence hahah
Ofc, like the other people that like Desuhiko, I wanna add in his underlying insecurities here HAHAH. That's the Cherry on top for me of this AU, I just want them to have that angst. I feel Desuhiko is pretty out of character here, cuz he's mostly know as the perverted character but like, this is my AU, I'm gonna pretend that he doesn't have that lol. Yuma on the other hand is pretty much the same, but I made him have the talent of playing the piano and writing poetry. I didn't elaborate it as much yet but I have this picture of them. Desuhiko plays the tune of "City of Stars" and Yuma is the one who wrote the lyrics of that tune for Desuhiko as a means to sing that song someday. AAAAAAA I CANTTTTT So anyways, I followed the storyline of La La Land but added in some stuff from Raincode, like how it always rains, there's still mysterious crimes, the Aetheria Academy and its theatre, the Ametarasu corp and etc. I'm also refraining on revealing all I did for their story in this AU cuz I do plan on making this as a written work someday. So for now, I'm sharing the ideas I had about it That's all for now. Expect more cuz I'm making this my own project for this year heheh. I hope I get this finished because It's really driving my brain to do more and all I wanna do is make this a reality for myself. So thanks for even considering reading this big ramble of my obsession over them fldjfdjf please enjoy the fanart because thats the best part for me. will be posting the ones without the screenshots later on.
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markeronacomputer · 2 months
Thinking of writing a Rain Code Peggy Sue/Swap AU. As in, at the end of the final Labyrinth, something happens that resets the timeline to the beginning of Chapter 0 as well as swaps everyone’s roles, and Yuma and Shinigami are the only ones who remember the original timeline.
A few fun ideas for this:
“Human” name is Shini Requiem (as borrowed from another trainee detective that’s never mentioned in the true story, so the real Yuma never appears here)
The other detectives just assume the reason why she’s… like that is because the supposed amnesia just made her weird
Still doesn’t stop her from being fairly competent at times, though, so they don’t really complain (if only they knew 60% of her competence is just advice given to her by a reluctant death god…)
REALLY having a bad time figuring out how to do human things like eating, and sleeping, and breathing
As a result has absolutely no internal clock, either staying awake when she wants to fall asleep or falling asleep when she needs to stay awake
She also has to do things like breathe and blink manually until her subconscious figures out it has to do those things itself, which takes about like a day
She’s an absolute MASTER in Mystery Labyrinths, though, for understandable reasons
(which is even more impressive given the fact that personality swapping means that the mysteries are fairly different now, and even if they weren’t, it’s not like she can remember all the details of all the cases)
Is still brooding over the fact that her tits mysteriously disappeared when she became a human: combine that with the height difference, and she basically looks like an overly sassy little girl
Has no problem walking but can’t really run since she’s used to just floating
Actually isn’t as mean to other people as she is in the main game
(which is absolutely NOT because her usual personality is just a defense mechanism since anyone in their right mind would be terrified of a goddess of death, and even her masters would probably despise her because no god should be that incompetent: so if they’re going to hate her, it should at least be because of something she can control, right?)
Ghost form just looks like Shinigami’s but slimmer, blue, and with curved horns
Human form is a fancier version of his typical outfit except a foot or so taller with a crown, the aforementioned horns, and two demonic wings that he still hasn’t figured out how to retract into his body like Shinigami does for hers
As a result, whenever he transforms, the sequence consists of him flailing about trying to balance himself with the gigantic flapping monstrosities now on his back as his clothing just magically materialises onto him
“Arise, Mystery LabyriiiIIIIIIIIINNNTH-“
His confidence pretty much took a terminal nosedive as soon as the last Labyrinth made it finally start to get better
Is especially not doing very well coping with the mental changes that come with being a death god, which starts out as just being attracted to the scent of blood, but gets… worse, over time.
”Shini, you have to hurry! If you don’t, Zange will boom-kill… I did not just say that.”
(note: still called her Shinigami at first but transitioned over to Shini rather quickly. He is still Iiving in denial of the fact that it may subconsciously be a pet name)
His version of Shinigami’s scythe is his blade, and naturally its new counterpart is the Solution Scythe
(summoning animation now consists of them doing a short little waltz before Shinigami rips off one of his wings, which turns into the scythe, and a new wing grows back painlessly)
Really doesn’t want to stab Shinigami in the back all the time even though it’s necessary to proceed in the Labyrinths: between this, Crime Scene Recreation, GOD Shinigami, and all the other situations that require him to be forceful in any sense, he makes a terrible guide
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cochidinh · 7 months
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One eye trio
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geodraws04 · 4 days
Okay Raincode Nation.
Hear me out.
Swap AU.
Yuma, Shinigami, and the NDA as the Peacekeepers aka the villains, and then Yomi, Martina, and Peacekeepers and Makoto as the detectives aka the protags/heros.
Yomi in Yuma’s role and Martina in Shinigami’s role.
Then vice versa: Yuma in Yomi’s role and Shinigami in Martina’s role.
Personalities don’t change though it’s literally just these lads in the exact opposite scenario they were originally-
What shenanigans would issue.
Ideas. Hand them over.
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belladazeblog916 · 10 months
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Quick sketch collection! Here is @kumoridistrict ‘s Oprhan Yuma au! I’ve gotten into Raincode recently so- thought I’d draw the au that helped me get into this wonderful game more! I’ll post some more sketch collections I don’t post on insta often and maybe sneak peaks! That’ll be fun!
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michimiart-blog · 7 months
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Greetings fellow Rain Code fans, today I am bringing Yuma making a pact with Death God!Vivia
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Oh, by the way, Miss Furio is the Chief of the Nocturnal Detective Agency.
Does that mean that Yakou is dead? Or does that mean that Yakou takes Vivia's role? Ehh, I am not sure tbh, both options are good but I am debating on it, at the same time, I am having the same questions regarding Shinigami's new role, making her either be Tenko's sister who died or taking Vivia's place.
I know that I selected Melami, Shachi, Iruka, Karen, Desuhiko, Fubuki and Icardi as the Master Detectives; Guillamine as the Director of the Peacekeepers, Yomi being the Hitman, Fake Zilch replacing Huesca and Huesca replacing Dominic.
Still unsure about some, as you can see.
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pantherxdrawz · 8 months
*Holds out Rain Code swap au*
So, I’ve seen a post on spin the wheel/wheel of fate for Rain Code, and a couple of swap au’s where it’s just someone taking Yuma and/or Shinigami’s place
But I’ve got a full swap au I’ve had for a long while (about like, not too long since after I’ve discovered the game existed, a few months after it’s release) But NOW I’m actually talking about it so let’s get into it
(Also side note: Forte’s also swap in this au, and personalities won’t really change unless it was tied heavily to their original role)
So our swaps are, Vivia swaps with Yuma
Yakou swaps with Shinigami
Fubuki swaps with Zilch
Halara swaps with Aphex
Desuhiko swaps with Pucci
Fake Number One swaps with Zange
Martina swaps with Melami
Yomi swaps with Makoto (Hahaha get swapped with the guy you hate the most redhead bubblegum bitch)
Seth swaps with Guillaume, then swapped Guillaume swaps with Dominic (if that makes sense)
And that’s really all the swaps but that’s subject to change
Anyways onto explanations/aimless rambles/thoughts:
So Vivia makes the pact with Yakou the death god, but when he does, instead of a Full memory wipe, he loses his memories on why he made the pact, and anything related to it, he knows who he is, he knows his new swapped forte, but he doesn’t know why he made the pact, the original plan was full wipe but I thought that wouldn’t work
Yakou is the death god now, also he wouldn’t call Viva “Master” that’s for sure, being alone for so long but is ironically very anxious (So essentially same old same old Yakou except he was never married, and is now a death god)
Also Vivia and Yakou may or may not become canonically gay in this au just saying…
Shinigami also runs an entire detective agency, can’t tell if that’s girlbossing for her or if I’ve placed a death sentence on everyone (actually it’d still be her girlbossing if it was the latter ngl-)
Oh yeah in this au also instead of it being the “Nocturnal Detective Agency” it’s now the “Detective Death Agency”
For the Detectives in the Nocturnal detective agency swapped with the toxic gossip train detective group I’m sorry but also not sorry
I don’t really have much for them sorry, but for one,
The random hitwoman/fake Fubuki in zombie mode is gay af for Melami, evil gays but they’re lesbibs this time
And also, Yuma still has a full memory wipe, but it’s normal amnesia, however this is subjective to change, and he’s mainly about the same from the main game just without the entire number one and Shinigami thing going on
As for Yomi and Makoto: I’ve had two ideas that I don’t know which one is the canon one yet
So the first/original one, Yomi is the homunculus of Viva, however he hated this so much he desperately did anything he possibly could to look different, including a mask, and Makoto ether gets a new design or is now just the normal twin of Yuma
The other idea is Makoto is now Vivia’s homunculus rather than Yuma’s, and Yomi remains physically unchanged
Ether way Both Makoto and Yomi are ending up in masks
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sakura-code · 4 months
Peacekeeper Yuma AU
So I’m going to make an official AU post on Peacekeeper Yuma so people can ask me questions and see the official premise I got now.
In one universe, Number One was able to sneak into Kanai Ward and trick everyone, including himself, into believing he is the trainee Yuma Kokohead. In another universe, that plan falls apart and the amnesiac is left wondering who he is and what is the God of Death’s deal (who is just as freaked out that her Master’s plan has fallen apart). The Peacekeepers take advantage of his amnesiac state and his mysterious power of death to make him a powerful Peacekeeper (under Yomi’s thumb) that executes the culprits of many mysteries.
Now Yuma is left in the hands of the Peacekeepers, Makoto and Shinigami needs to figure out how to get the plans back into place, and the Nocturnal Detective Agency are wondering why does ‘Number One’ care so much about this imposter?
Based off this old post
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elina-sakura · 10 months
Out of the many AUs I hope to come to life in the Master Detective Archives fanfic community, there is one I hope someone is making or that I hope to kickstart when I finally finish the fic (and I’m almost done).
And that is…
Yakou Furio Lives AU!
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