#rain code chapter 5 spoilers
elina-sakura · 6 months
Hey, wait a minute?!
How did fake!Zilch made it out of Kanai Ward without going berserk?!
It was literally sunny, and he looked absolutely fine?!
Like he has to have touched the sunlight at least a little while he was out murdering the real Zilch?!
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soliro-moonlight · 4 months
Chapter 5 be like:
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shiut · 4 months
I know that a strong argument could be made that Makoto was the one who wrote and planted that note on the criminal's corpse in the meat bun factory. You could even reasonably think that he could've been sprinkling lies during the mystery labyrinth in order to make his arguments seem more sound.
But let's talk under the context of a world that's run by a singular overreaching government that was canonically not above corruption and inhumane experimentation for the military.
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This is a world where the death penalty exists. And Number One/Yuma was the guy in charge of the organization that apparently convicts them.
Even though Makoto was the one giving orders to send criminals to Kanai Ward under the identity of Number One, and was somehow doing it without the real Number One's knowledge, it's clear that Makoto would simply not have the means to leave Kanai Ward and go around capturing criminals himself. He had to have the cooperation of the WDO and law enforcement in some way with capturing them and sending them to him.
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Not only that, but even if he did stealthily pretend to be Number One in order to do all this, that still means that Number One had the power to send criminals straight to a death sentence with no trial. This doesn't necessarily mean that Number One himself actually ever exercised that power or not, but he did have it.
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But maybe with the small pieces of implications that we get about Number One, I think I can kind of guess how he used to feel about this subject. And if we know anything for sure about the former Number One at all, it's the fact that he didn't feel anything outside his end goal.
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alfiely-art · 6 months
Me: I'm taking a break to focus on finals
Also me: (raincode spoilers below)
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rosakuma · 6 months
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Soooo….I caved in one day and made a Kokobolt fanchild. I couldn’t help it, my cringe brain and demons told me to. Regardless, Meet Furia Thunderbolt! A shining new trainee detective who aims to be like her dads of being the best out there and make her own legacy(that is if she can get pass self doubt and expectations her peers and herself gives her).
Info on her:
Personality-Energetic, suave(tries to be), mischievous, secretly self-doubting, reckless, sociable, stubborn, and can be timid when embarrassed or flustered.
Fun fact! She was named after Yakou with her first name.
Small, but big spoiler mention for ch.5, so don’t look further into the background on the picture or the text below if you haven’t finished the game yet 👍
Background: When it comes to those who protect the world and is idolized for it, master detectives comes to Furia’s mind. She aims to become a master detective just like her parents and make her own legacy of becoming a top detective. Only problem is when you’re constantly under pressure to live up to a superstar and the previous number 1 of the World’s Detective Organization by your peers despite having supportive parents…regardless Furia’s too stubborn to not achieve her dream of becoming an hero to all who uncovers the truth!
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cochidinh · 11 months
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Game describes Makoto's meals, and they are doing something here cuz I find this priceless
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sakura-code · 9 months
Physical Descriptions to describe Makoto Kagutsuchi in Dual Swords AU:
has a bit more healthier hair, but still very much messy
Wears a long rain cloak much like the one in-game in the Mystery Labyrinth
When he gets the face mask, he puts it on the top side of his head when not wearing it on his face
He wears his hair in a low ponytail with a purple hair tie (though he prefers his hair loose, but his brother and the detectives make him anyway)
His uniform is the same as Yuma’s, but he wears trousers instead of leggings and shorts
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yakool-foolio · 8 months
Any hot takes about RC?
I generally go with the flow when critiquing Rain Code. I tend to agree with a fair amount of grievances about missed opportunities. There are some plot holes I can't help but feel could've been fixed with relatively simple changes. My main example of this is that instead of concealing sunlight being what keeps the homunculi at bay, it's the humidity caused by the rainy weather. This way, nighttime can still allow the homunculi to remain in their aggravated states as long as they have contact with sunlight first, making the Blank Week fully possible.
With that little tangent outta the way, time for the actual hot take! This one may come as a slight surprise since I haven't discussed her much, but Shinigami really isn't as bad as people say she is in my opinion. She's snobbish and egotistical and degrades others, but I feel like some exaggerate how infuriating she actually is. She's meant to be an annoyance, we're right alongside Yuma in being done with her bs. It's what makes her comeuppance in chapter 4 much more impactful, cause she's not as all-knowing and powerful as she thinks she is. It's possible that she was in even deeper denial than Yuma since she couldn't believe Yakou was the culprit until his phantom was right in her face. Only then does she snap at the phantom in disbelief. She freely shows a much softer side of herself, granting Yakou's soul a peaceful rest (for as short as it lasted) because she genuinely liked the chief. Death is as ruthless as it is merciful.
This shift in attitude is what made chapter 5's mystery labyrinth a lot more palatable; I liked seeing her support Yuma and pull him out of his fears and doubts. Even though I wish the NDA detectives were around in chapter 5 to really encapsulate the overarching theme of 'no one should have to shoulder their problems alone,' Shinigami still showcases it pretty well all things considered. My thoughts about her may move around a bit whenever I do a second playthrough and really pay attention to her dialogue, but for now I'm sticking to my guns.
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snivyartjpeg · 9 months
Someone tells Yuma to love himself and he takes it to mean become a clonefucker and past self fucker
hell yeah baybee‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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loremaster · 2 months
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these drawings were from my first playthrough of rain code chapter 5 back in august last year... i had been enjoying testing out a new pen. i miss this pen.
((more silly spoiler doodles below))
i got fooled by the NDA getting killed off fakeout!!! i thought they had been turned into homunculi somehow... anyway i thought these would be their reactions to dying:
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also. return of the chief
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shinigami: ohh, come on, master! hasn't fuzz head earned a little cannibalism, as a treat? yuma: ABSOLUTELY NOT
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ceyarma · 11 months
SPOILERS for Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE!
Just wanna talk about that amazing Chapter 5 and game for a second.
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Makoto Kagutsuchi is such a breath of fresh air compared to the comically crazy antagonists in the Danganronpa series and the Peacekeepers in this game, I was genuinely blown away. I hope they take notes from this game for a future installment in Dangan or perhaps a new Tookyo IP.
I was absolutely blown away by how good this game, a little jank, slight pacing issues and gameplay annoyances here and there, nothing too egregious or standout compared to Danganronpa or smth though.
The writing is on another level, while the game does stumble in Chapter 1 and Chapter 3, the rest of the chapters are absolutely solid and the characters are GREAT.
The last mystery and the final sword fight was hype as fuck!!! God dammn!!
I can confidently say I like this more than Danganronpa and would actually recommend new players this game first due to its distinct lack of troublesome stuff.
I give RAIN CODE a solid 9/10, it's big, it's overambitious, it's flawed, but it was fucking awesome.
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elina-sakura · 10 months
Master Detective Archives Spoilers
You know what character Yuma/Number One’s personality reminds me of?
Twilight Sparkle.
Both are introverted loners who are rational thinkers and incredibly smart. They are in a high-positioned power while still being young adults (or teenager in Yuma’s case). I believe Number One may even be asocial as it was implied he chose to get amnesia so he could be more approachable and likable towards other people, especially the detectives he would be working with.
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royoko-enthusiast · 14 days
Day 13s prompt was what if! (I can't take my art seriously anymore, not after this)
(Spoilerish warning but too ambiguous for anything really)
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Spoiler warning (for sure) for the ramble down below
I was rewatching the last part of chapter 5, specifically when the op of the playthrough was picking between destroying and staying in the mystery labyrinth to get inspiration, then I watched a play through of a completely different game, it was a "how many people can I kill and mess up with my decisions" and it clicked.
What if Yuma didn't really care about the culprits, about the death, willing to sacrifice everything for the truth, or if Yuma gained the non empathetic traits of Number One. Like I know he shouldn't go on a killing spree and be apathetic,  but he totally should.
Out of every "What if" I could have done (cough cough Chief Yakou/Makoto cough cough) I chose this, definitely disappointed (not really I just really need to know what went through my head)
I might not do tomorrow, if I do it will be a colored sketch, I have to go to one my my family members concerts, super excited. See you all tomorrow!! (Again, thanks for feeding my rain code fixation)
(Hopefully this shows in the tags)
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nixeonn · 17 days
Spoilers for rain code (references most chapters in the game, especially chapter 5 and the epilogue haha).
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Well, this is 2 days late but I wanted to post this before I work on the other days. Long explanation ahead: Dark purple is his past as Number One. Light purple shows chapter 0. Light blue shows the important characters who made a big impact on Yuma from prologue to chapter 5. Most of these are referring to a specific memorable scene.
Makoto is walking away from him but their feet starts at the same place to symbolise how he was created from No.1 but ultimately became his own character. He is seen in all three sections because he was involved with all of them (from the pre-canon to the end of the game).
This Yuma is supposed to be Yuma after the game (I thought it was odd that after everything that happened in the game, he went back to being alone and doing everything by himself) so he's walking in the direction of his past. Meanwhile, Makoto is walking away from Yuma (isn't walking along the line) because he learnt how to trust others and let people to carry his burden (which is why he's heading towards the memories of other characters). Since Makoto is also drawn in two colours, he kinda like a part of Yuma's memory as well.
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alfiely-art · 6 months
With swap aus that have Yuma and Makoto switch, I think that Makoto should still be the homunculus- but he doesn't know, he doesn't remember. When I first played chapter 5 I was pretty sure that Yuma was going to be the non-defective homunculus, and that Makoto was Number 1 or some relative or smth. I was very much wrong but I think swap aus could look at that. Yuma finding out his true identity is number 1 is a big shock and all, but can you imagine??? Finding out that you're a homunculus, the "monsters" you've been trying to find??? And Shinigami would've known. Honestly I think her not telling swap!Makoto what his true nature is might be a bigger blow than her not telling Yuma that he was Number 1
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raincode-archives · 6 months
Loading Screen Trivia: MASTERPOST
(Spoilers for all of Rain Code)
Chapter 0 Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Epilogue
World Detective Organization (WDO) An extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to eradicating the world's unsolved mysteries.
Detective Deed An identification card. These are granted by the World Detective Organization.
Master Detective Among the detectives belonging to the World Detective Organization, this is a detective with a specialized power called Forensic Forte that aids in their investigative activities.
Forensic Forte Those exhibiting innate talent for special powers like clairvoyance or mind-reading are trained by the WDO to develop a supernatural investigative ability called Forensic Forte or simply, Forte.
Amaterasu Corporation Many products are in development, some of which cannot be made public.
Riverbank Due to polluted waters, fish are rarely caught. (Prologue Onwards)
Kanai Station The only train station in Kanai Ward. It's a magnificent building, but seldom has customers because of the city's isolation. (Prologue Onwards)
Kamasaki District Crime generally isn't bad here, unless you venture deeper inside, that is. (Ch1 Onwards)
World Detective Organization (WDO) An extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to eradicating the world's unsolved mysteries.
WDO Examination Alongside an interview, the WDO assigns a once unsolved mystery they've solved as a test, Those who do not meet the standards for character and ability are not accepted into the organization.
Detective Deed An identification card. These are granted by the World Detective Organization.
Master Detective Among the detectives belonging to the World Detective Organization, this is a detective with a specialized power called Forensic Forte that aids in their investigative activities.
Forensic Forte Those exhibiting innate talent for special powers like clairvoyance or mind-reading are trained by the WDO to develop a supernatural investigative ability called Forensic Forte or simply, Forte.
Detective in Training A person currently being trained by the World Detective Organization to become a detective.
Disquieting Disturbances Worldwide Locked-room murders, impossible crimes. military weapon heists, and many more unknown atrocities are occurring across the world. only the World Detective organization can fight back!
Zange's Cane Used to assist with walking, but doubles as a weapon in emergencies, felling opponents with cane fighting techniques.
Pucci's Coat A treasured small panda appliqué is adorned to a shoulder of Pucci's coat.
Aphex's Boots The boots Aphex wears are fitted with metal plates in many places, like safety shoes.
Melami's Ambition Truth is, she's not a fan of the WDO uniforms and plans to submit a new design proposal in hopes of creating a "Design by Melami" line of uniforms.
Zilch's Belongings Most of his belongings are made of fur, and he always carries a brush and oil for upkeep.
Electrowave Detective A Master Detective with a Forte that can intercept and comprehend radio waves. This detective was not summoned to Kanai Ward.
Omen Detective A Master Detective with the Forte to predict the future. However, the range of the prediction is extremely narrow and limited. This detective was not summoned to Kanai Ward.
Swindle Detective A Master Detective who turned their advanced skills of deception and cajolery into a Forte. This detective was not summoned to Kanai Ward.
Invention Detective A Master Detective whose Forte allows for on-the-spot assembly of inventions useful for an investigation. This detective was not summoned to Kanai Ward.
Amazing Physique Number One of the WDO may look wizened, but beneath his robe is a muscle-bound body, compared to that of a youth's. It's littered in scars following encounters with a variety of criminals.
Nocturnal Detective Agency The submarine anchored at the riverbank is home to Kanai Ward's only detective agency, headed by Chief Yakou Furio.
Nocturnal Detective Agency Inside this detective agency are a kitchen and shower. Yakou lives here.
Yakou's Lifestyle A complete night owl, he typically sleeps in until noon, even when there's work to be done. This nocturnal lifestyle was the norm until the Master Detectives arrived.
Halara's Coin Halara attacks with a 1-shien coin. Where it lands is carefully calculated for later retrieval.
Flavor of Halara's Candy Depends on the mood. The worse the mood, the sweeter the taste; the better the mood, the lighter the taste.
Desuhiko's Bangs Desuhiko is particular about how his bangs look; it takes about an hour a day to style.
Desuhiko's Beanie Desuhiko's custom-made, designer beanie is waterproof, and cost him several months' pay.
Fubuki's Accessories Fubuki's necklace has a clock motif. The choker is decorated with video playback control symbols.
Fubuki's Sense of Monetary Value Given her affluent, princess-like upbringing, she rarely went shopping for herself and thusly has a unique sense of monetary value. She thinks an apple costs as much as a car.
Vivia's Garments There are just bandage-like wrappings beneath his coat, so it wouldn't be accurate to call it clothing.
Vivia's Book Catalog Novels, columns, essays, all sorts of things. There's no particular preference for genre; he reads just to pass time.
Shinigami's Secret Depending on Shinigami's emotional state, not only can horns and a tail sprout out, but her entire body can take on a fiery form.
Kurumi's Duffel Coat A gift from her grandfather to celebrate her entrance to junior high school. A strawberry and green apple are depicted on it, her absolute favorites.
Amaterasu Corporation Many products are in development, some of which cannot be made public.
Amaterasu Corporation The megacorporation controlling Kanai Ward. It deals in a wide variety of goods such as industrial products, electronic appliances, as well as pharmaceuticals.
Amaterasu Peacekeepers A department of Amaterasu Corporation. They serve as a sort of police force within Kanai Ward.
Amaterasu Lab Research facilities located in the underground section of the Amaterasu Corporation. Access to the lab is highly restricted, even among Amaterasu personnel.
Amaterasu Security Entry to the premises requires employee IDs, as well as biometric authentication via retinal scans, making it practically impossible for outsiders to infiltrate Amaterasu Corporation.
Makoto's Meals Almost always eaten at restaurants or the Amaterasu Corporation cafeteria. He's terrible at cooking, so he never makes his own food.
Makoto's Masks The mask is different ever morning, depending on his mood. Sometimes it takes him more than 30 minutes to choose, to the chagrin of the people around him.
Swank's Grill Swank wears a silver grill engraved with the word "MONEY" on his upper incisors. A grill made of gold is an order.
Seth's Creed The Burroughs family motto is, "Silence is golden." To this day, Seth mumbles in adherence to that creed.
Guillaume There's a hobby she hasn't told anyone about: recipe development. She's sweet on sweets and has strong opinions on proper jam making technique.
Rumor Surrounding Dominic Once a soldier, he suffered a serious injury in battle and became a cyborg after undergoing surgery at Amaterasu Corp. That's the rumor going around the company, anyway.
Yomi's Cane Yomi's cane transforms into a whip and can be used to strangle people he isn't fond of.
About Dr. Huesca He walks around barefoot in the lab. This isn't for anything health-related, he simply feel the time spent putting on shoes and socks is better used on research.
Robot Researcher Akira is his name. He's poured his whole being into Ama-Pal, his life dedicated to its development. His catchphrase: "When my time comes, I want it to be by Ama-Pal's hand."
Church The priest hears out the residents' worries, offering guidance toward the path of righteousness.
Metal Fox The religion practiced at the church in Kanai Ward. Its symbol is a spear piercing a crescent moon. Its core doctrine is, "Thou shall not bear old prejudices."
Priest's Eyes Few people have seen the priest's eyes because he's always squinting. As a result, there's a rumor among clergy members that anyone who see his eyes will either become blessed or vanish.
Nun's Stockings All of the nun's red stockings have a thickness of 120 denier or higher. Sh's sensitive to the cold and seeks extra warmth.
Servant's Facial Markings The Metal Fox markings are simply makeup, not tattoos. They're painted on every morning.
Worshipper's Pastime He smokes at least once every hour. Gitan is his preferred brand.
Aetheria Academy An all-girls school situated on a mountain summit in Kanai Ward. It is 10 minutes away by bus from Kamasaki District. The students are mostly daughters of Amaterasu employees.
Aetheria Academy The prestigious all-girls school boasts not only a highly advanced educational program, but a weighty investment into club activities.
Aetheria Academy Cafeteria Much thought is put toward the caloric content and nutritional value of the menu, making it very popular among the students. This week's special is the "Hamburg Steak Meal."
What's Trending at the Academy At Aetheria Academy, the students are raving about "Monomitchi," a game in which a bear cub is raised. It can turn into a variety of different bears, depending on its upbringing.
About Aiko Always cheerful and full of energy, she had many friends. She enjoyed transforming into a completely different person through acting and wanted to try many different roles.
Karen's Weakness She dislikes the sounds and flashes of thunder and lightning, and is quick to hide in her room at the mere hint of rumbling.
Yoshiko's Bag The waist bag used in the theater club belongs to Yoshiko. It's designed by a brand from outside Kanai Ward that Pucci also adores.
Waruna's Secret On the way home from Aetheria Academy, she stops by the riverbank to give milk to stray cats, an activity she hasn't told anyone about.
Kurane's Favorite Tunes She's secretly gotten into heavy metal choir and is looking forward to an upcoming death metal choir release.
Aetheria Academy's Teacher Hana is the name of the teacher Desuhiko disguised himself as. An alumnus of Aetheria Academy, she guides her students with a firm yet gentle style of education.
Kurumi's Duffel Coat A gift from her grandfather to celebrate her entrance to junior high school. A strawberry and green apple are depicted on it, her absolute favorites.
The Resistance A movement that has declared its opposition to Amaterasu Corporation. The name of the group is "Anti-Establishment Organization," but they're commonly called the Resistance.
Shachi's Coveralls Shachi's coveralls are made of a water-resistant material, ideal for working outdoors.
Iruka's Tattoo Iruka has a tattoo of dual pistons on the left side of her chest.
Icardi's Boots Made of waterproof material similar to that of wetsuits, the boots have a switch on the heel that turns them into flippers.
Margulaw's Photo Frame The old photo frame inside the shop is not for sale. It was a birthday present from departed family members.
Servan and Gambling A frequent patron of casinos, he prefers games based on probability and theory. His all-time win is currently less than 50%.
The Clockford Family The world-renowned family tasked with managing the world's standard of time. They are also responsible for deciding on standard operating procedures related to time and the calendar.
Nail Man The culprit behind the serial murders occurring in Kanai Ward. The Nail Man's crime scenes area always locked rooms filled with nails.
Boy Kei Colan is his name. When his father has time off work, they always play catch together.
Jiel Colan's Apron A work apron made by camera manufacturer WhiteCross. The pockets are durable enough to hold heavy objects without losing shape.
Owner of the Mansion The owner of the mansion made a sizeable amount of money through real estate dealings. A man around the age of 30, an endless sea of rumours surrounds him.
Fink the Slaughter Artist A hitman predominantly active in Kanai Ward. It's rumored that he'll kill any target, regardless of difficulty, as long as the client can afford it.
Special Autonomous Zone of Kanai Ward Though initially a regional city, all of Kanai Ward fell under the control of Amaterasu Corporation as the company developed it.
Kanai Station The only train station in Kanai Ward. It's a magnificent building, but seldom has customers because of the city's isolation.
Kamasaki District Crime generally isn't bad here, unless you venture deeper inside, that is.
Kamasaki District The liveliest, most bustling area in Kanai Ward. Many people reside here, and a variety of shops and stalls line the streets.
Kamasaki Underground Passages A number of passages form a grid beneath Kamasaki District. First-timers tend to get lost, but with some acclimating, it's easy to get around quickly.
Riverbank Due to polluted waters, fish are rarely caught.
Nocturnal Detective Agency Inside this detective agency are a kitchen and shower. Yakou lives here.
Sun & Moon Hotel A hotel located in Kamasaki District. Since Kanai Ward's isolation from the world three years ago, the number of guests has dramatically decreased.
Sun & Moon Hotel Breakfast is served buffet-style in the adjoining restaurant.
Church The priest hears out the residents' worries, offering guidance toward the path of righteousness.
Secret Club An illegal, members-only casino located in Kamasaki District. One can enjoy slots, roulettes, and card games, but many games have obscene rates and cheating is rampant.
Rumors About the Secret Club Credible rumors suggest there's a behind-the-scenes connection to Amaterasu Corporation.
Ginma District The high-class commercial area of Kanai Ward. There are cafes and restaurants, as well as a large art gallery and clocktower.
Ginma District Security tends to be pretty tight, likely on account of the frequent patronage by Amaterasu Corporation executives and other wealthy individuals.
Clocktower A long-beloved landmark among local residents, many of whom are strongly attached to it.
Clocktower The giant clocktower looming over Ginma District. There are clocks set in all four of its sides, so the time of day can be seen from anywhere.
Art Gallery There were many visitors prior to the isolation of Kanai Ward, but current attendance is not stellar.
Art Gallery The premier art museum in Kanai Ward, located in Ginma District. The space in front of the art gallery is decorated with a giant dinosaur fossil (replica).
Mansion A mansion located in the high-class residential district on Montclair Street.
Cafe A cafe with an open terrace located in Ginma District. It is popular among office workers on break and female students on their way home from school.
Golden Path Cafe Uniforms Many customers flock here simply to ogle the uniformed waitresses.
Aetheria Academy An all-girls school situated on a mountain summit in Kanai Ward. It is 10 minutes away by bus from Kamasaki District. The students are mostly daughters of Amaterasu employees.
Aetheria Academy The prestigious all-girls school boasts not only a highly advanced educational program, but a weighty investment into club activities.
Kanai Tower The tallest building in Kanai Ward. Especially high-ranking people within Amaterasu Corporation and their families live here.
Kanai Tower Lease agreements are available, but the monthly rent costs as much as a luxury car.
Dohya District The so-called "slums" of Kanai Ward, where everything is stagnant and polluted. Most of the district is flooded because rainwater cannot be properly drained.
Dohya District Criminals and others on the run from Peacekeepers occupy the abandoned building here, making the area fairly dangerous.
Marunomon District The business area of Kanai Ward. Rows of office buildings line the street, and Kanai Ward's only bank is also located here.
Marunomon District Being a commercial area, it is relatively crime-free compared to other districts.
Marunomon Bank The only bank in Kanai Ward. All the money circulating through the city begins and ends their journey here. Due to the advanced security, no incidents have ever occured.
Stay Safe at Marunomon Bank! Marunomon Bank uses state-of-the-art safes because the security of your money is our number one concern. Take advantage of our 1% interest rate now, only at Marunomon Bank.
Amaterasu Corporation Many products are in development, some of which cannot be made public.
Amaterasu Corporation The megacorporation controlling Kanai Ward. It deals in a wide variety of goods such as industrial products, electronic appliances, as well as pharmaceuticals.
Amaterasu Lab Research facilities located in the underground section of the Amaterasu Corporation. Access to the lab is highly restricted, even among Amaterasu personnel.
Amaterasu Security Entry to the premises requires employee IDs, as well as biometric authentication via retinal scans, making it practically impossible for outsiders to infiltrate Amaterasu Corporation.
Abandoned Village A quarantined location in the outskirts of Kanai Ward. Toxic gases leaked from a nearby mine, prompting Amaterasu Corporation to designate it a restricted area.
Amaterasu Express A fully automated, unmanned train developed by Amaterasu Corporation. It boasts excellent amenties and a smooth ride. Kanai Ward is not a typical destination. (No, I didn't make a typo)
Amaterasu Express Direct Built with Amaterasu Corporation's cutting-edge technology, this five-car train operates fully autonomously, without a driver or any crew on board.
Gem of the Dining Car Among the liquors lining the bar is a bottle of vintage whisky, though its exorbitant price has left it untouched.
Door Security Each passenger room on the Amaterasu Express features a door that notifies a security company when an designated key is inserted into the keyhole. Consequently, crimes on the train are rare.
Restroom Urban Legend There is an urban legend about a locked door in the restroom on the express train. Knock on the door in a specific rhythm and a phantom in a black cape will appear to kill any person one desires.
Shien The currency used in Kanai Ward. A luxury car can be purchased for five million shien.
Meat Bun A specialty of Kanai Ward and comfort food to the locals. It's loved by children and adults alike.
Kanai Bus System A bus service running throughout Kanai Ward. The bus fee is fixed at 200 shien. Amaterasu Corporation employees ride free.
Kanai Ward Living Condition Perhaps because of the daily rainfall, some people in Kanai Ward don't mind getting wet.
TV Programs Nearly all the TV programs broadcasted in Kanai Ward are sponsored by Amaterasu Corporation.
Popular Sports Parkour is popular among the young men of Kamasaki District. New problems have arisen however, what will all the trespassing and running across the top of food stalls.
Crosswalks The crosswalks in Kanai ward detect pedestrians and stop traffic for them. As such, it's fairly uncommon to see people waiting for the signal to change.
Means of Communication Most communications to people outside of Kanai Ward are tapped and monitored by Amaterasu. The phone at the Nocturnal Detective Agency uses a different type of line to prevent eavesdropping.
Treatment of Criminals Criminals captured by the Peacekeepers are sent to detention facilities where they are interrogated until they admit guilt; that is, if they're not disposed of on the spot.
Pets Because of Kanai Ward's unending rain, indoor pets are popular. At the same time, there is increasing concern of many dogs and cats become feral after being abandoned by irresponsible owners.
Flora in Kanai Ward Because it's difficult to grow plants in the perpetually rainy Kanai Ward, many have been replaced with synthetic counterparts, aside from some roadside trees and flowers in Ginma.
Kanai Ward's Electrical Power Because of the perpetual rain, electrical power is derived predominantly from rainwater.
"Mantou" A popular meat bun shop in Kamasaki District. Operation out of a street stall, the location changes daily. Very reasonably priced at 100 shien apiece.
"29/0" A meat bun shop in Kamasaki District. Relatively new compared to the other shops, they're struggling to attract new customers. The cheese meat buns are most popular, priced at 250 shien apiece.
"Dragon Palace" A popular meat bun shop in Ginma District. They sell at the higher-than-usual price of 500 shien apiece, but the owner insists it's due to superior seasoning.
"Grade A" A meat bun shop in Marunomon District. Though luxuriously priced at 1000 shien apiece nearby office workers have remarked on the bland flavor.
"Waiting for Gokut" One of the popular plays performed by Aetheria's theater club. The story revolves around the friends of someone named Gokut (GO-koo) waiting for him to return.
"The Culprit is Not Among Us" One of the popular plays performed by Aetheria's theater club. A mystery where 15 trapped men and women are drawn into a string of murders. Unique in that the culprit lurks within the audience.
"Faraway at the Bound of the World" One of the popular plays performed by Aetheria Academy's theater club. An adventure set in a fantasy world, revealed in the climax to be a devasted future earth all along. (No, I didn't make a typo)
"Match: The Intersection of Fate" One of the popular plays performed by Aetheria's theater club. A drama featuring an ensemble cast at a crossroads. Eight unique performances from different points of view, depending on the day.
Dronebrella An umbrella developed in the perpetually rainy Kanai Ward. It automatically tracks an authenticated user, shielding them from rain.
Dronebrella Incidents Dronebrellas are handsfree umbrellas, and inter-device collisions as well as incidents involving loss of control due to electromagnetic interference has occurred.
Ama-Pal Different versions of Ama-Pal exist, but among the scarce limited edition releases, there is evidently a bear variant with differently colored left and right sides.
Ama-Pay An electronic payment system courtesy of Amaterasu Corporation. It can be used at almost any shop in Kanai Ward, but rumor has it the company collects personal data from each transaction.
Popular Appliances Indoor dryers are very popular in Kanai Ward. Amaterasu Corporation's new "Kagutsuchi" model is quite excellent, capable of drying any type of laundry in just two hours.
Amaterasu's Latest Products A drone car that will autonomously deliver you from departure...to tomorrow. "Amenotorifune." Coming soon from Amaterasu Corporation.
Amaterasu's Latest Products Fall asleep in an instant.... And slumber for eight hours without waking up...no matter what... "Snoozewell," coming soon from Amaterasu Corporation.
White Smoke The white smoke that knocked out Yuma and the others is a novel, illegal anesthetic developed by Amaterasu Corporation. Fast-acting and quick-dispersing, traces of its usage are rare.
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Item of the Day! For all the Aries out there, big trouble if you don't carry around a used disposable camera exposed to light!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Spot of the Day! For all the Tauruses out there, if you don't repent on the roof of an abandoned building, you'll die!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Place of the Day! For all the Geminis out there, a trip into an alternate dimension will bring you that much closer to achieving your goals!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Life of the Day! For all the Cancers out there, just give up! Better luck next life!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Goods of the Day! For all the Leos out there, wearing some lion fur might be the key to avoiding a tragic fate!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Jewel of the Day! For all the Virgos out there, get your hands on a cursed diamond! Deal with the curse yourself!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Scale of the Day! For all the Libras out there, carry one hundred 100-gram weights around for potential bliss!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Hero of the Day! For all the Scorpios out there, watch your head! Get trampled and become a star!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Gourmet of the Day! For all the Sagittariuses out there, sea turtle soup is the chef's choice! Get to a restaurant and slurp some up later!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Weather of the Day! For all the Capricorns out there, you'll have better luck when the weather clears up! But Kanai Ward is rainy all the time!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Jar of the Day! For all the Aquariuses out there, buy this jar for good luck! It's a steal at five million shien, for a limited time only!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Fight of the Day! For all the Pisces out there, pick a fight with a shop owner, then jump into the sea! A lovely encounter awaits!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Unlucky Human of the Day! Are there still Ophiuchuses around? Shouldn't we go back to just 12 zodiacs?
Homunculus An immortal monster created through research conducted by Amaterasu Corporation.
Blank Week Mystery A phrase considered taboo in Kanai Ward. The meaning of the phrase is unclear
Disquieting Disturbances Worldwide Locked-room murders, impossible crimes. military weapon heists, and many more unknown atrocities are occurring across the world. only the World Detective organization can fight back! (Also appears in Vivia DLC)
Solution Key Obtained while investigating cases. It is materialized from the clues of a case, and capable of destroying mysteries within the Mystery Labyrinth.
The Book of Death An old tome in the World Detective Organization's book vault, in which Shinigami had been sealed away.
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