pollyna · 8 months
To the idea of Mav telling Bradley that he appreciates how much he values the idea of the perfect marriage Carole and Goose had but, at the same time, how unrealistic is because "kid, they were married four years and they spent together maybe two of them. They didn't had the time to see the other side of everything" in answer to Bradley asking why he continues to stay with Ice if all they do lately is fighting, to which Mav answers "what? Should I leave him because he's having a bad week and he's being a little more sarcastic than usual?" We can only 🥂
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warpedwings · 1 year
Misha Collins • Colors - Blues, Part One
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Continuing the rainbow of Misha.
📸: redteekal [2] MonicaDPhoto [4-5]
Reds Pinks Orange & Yellow White Green Blues 2 Blues 3 Blues 4 Blues 5 Purple Browns Grey Grey 2 Black Black 2 Black 3
There are a lot of amazing pics of him in blue, so there will be multiple blue posts. 😍
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ineffablecrisp · 4 months
Okay so I've recently become hyperfixated on Top Gun and then yesterday I remembered an episode of My Little Pony in which Rainbow Dash is invited to the Wonderbolt Academy where she and another pegasus hit it off until they're told to fly in pairs and Rainbow Dash is all cocky and confident in her skills that she would be picked as the lead pony until she learns that she's the, uh, wingpony instead
I'm sure there's more Im forgetting but I haven't watched it in a hot second
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Hangman was still hurt. He was still really, really hurt. And he wanted Rooster to feel at least a fraction of what he was feeling (if in fact, Rooster could feel any emotion at all, he didn't know anymore).
So one night at the bar, he got in his face.
"...You know why they call you 'Rooster', Bradshaw?" he sneered, his voice low "...because you're full of chicken-shit."
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kayl-the-snails-art · 21 days
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Over the Rainbow - Mini Series
Dragon & Rooster masterlist
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synopsis: Dragon and Rooster's journey towards having their rainbow baby.
warnings: pregnancy, IVF, medical inaccuracies, mentions of miscarriage, PTSD.
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Over the Rainbow | A monarch butterfly, and mourning. The Bradshaws begin the path of moving on and creating a family.
A Lil bit of Science | The Bradshaws decide to take the next step into becoming parents.
Is this Real? | Its the terrifying weeks between doctors appointments that have the Bradshaws on edge, and one wanting Black Licorice
The Littlest Bradshaw | Dragon wants to know more about her late in-laws. The Bradshaws get the confirmation they were dreaming of
A Familial Promotion | Dragon & Rooster's family is growing, and Maverick earns a promotion
Seasick Rendezvous | For the first time, Dragon has to deal with morning sickness. Could this mean the old wives tails are true?
My Side of the Couch | Rooster doesn't quite understand that he can't sit on Dragon's side of the couch.
First Kick | Baby Bradshaw decides to make their presence known and their parents couldn't be happier
Secrets Out | Dragon and Rooster have been waiting for the right moment to tell the squad the good news, but one quiet WSO lets the cat out of the bag
A Letter to My Grandchild | Maverick isn't known for keeping a lot of things from his past, but he did hang on to a beat up old shoe box for the day his best friend's boy would grow up and settle down
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enby-art-creations · 5 months
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Gay rooster
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enbyqrow · 10 months
honestly roosterteeth not tweeting a single thing about bumbleby during pride month, but still promoting merch is really rubbing me the wrong way. Like...rainbow capitalism at its finest. We already knew the company was garbage but they're being super transparent about it now
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breathing-in-waves · 2 years
Uno: Infinite - Michael Stops a war
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dragynkeep · 2 years
this would’ve been better to discuss during pride month & not when it ended lmao but there are a few things that rubbed me the wrong way with the merch promoted for rt’s pride endeavour.
like, why is one of the three pieces zwei & not blake, the bisexual main character? or yang, the apparent sapphic? why are the other two both lesbians when this is supposed to be a pride merch which means far more than just the first letter of the fucking acronym lmao. especially when they just lazily slapped the rainbow behind coco & ilia’s amity arena artwork when the rainbow is for the entire community. if you just wanted to do the lesbians, why not put the lesbian flag behind them?
& the main thing is that only a portion of the proceeds would be donated.
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this just completely rubbed me the wrong way. not only has this company had a history of being incredibly queerphobic in it’s writing & to their queer fans, but this use of rainbow capitalism & vague writing doesn’t tell us how much was actually donated. one would expect all of the proceeds to be donated, considering rooster teeth is now a large company who could certainly swallow the cost if they wanted to help queer youth in their own community. is 10% being donated? 20%? 50%? 70%? we don’t know because there’s no transparent & open communication in just how much is being donated & this article shows just how shady & problematic that can be, especially in charity donations which can also be further compensated for in tax write offs.
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it’s not a major thing in the scope of everything else like their current sexual abuse court case scandal or the confirmed ongoing crunch of their animators, but it shows that even in the scope of their “benevolent” rainbow capitalism; it’s putting their own wallet & reputation first. instead of the queer youth it’s supposed to benefit, who are facing a borderline genocide right now with the state of queer rights in texas.
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roosterforme · 2 years
omg i just wanted to say that i'm a huge fan!! i love you and your work. truly literature in it's best form if i might say so (especially, the smut. that is an A++) i think, the best part is that you help make us readers feel close to rooster. and your writing is super clear.
it is to the point, yet you kinda waltz around the details to give us an insight on what rooster's and y/n's tought process might be like. PLEASE, PLEASE keep writing bc we love rooster AND WE LOVE YOU MUAHH!! wishing love and light for you always ❤
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THANK YOU for making my WHOLE DAY! I'll make sure I post some smut tonight for your reading pleasure. I can't thank you enough for even reading my fics in the first place, but the fact that you enjoy them so much? *sobs uncontrollably*
I have a lot more content coming up! Some random one-shots, some requested stories, and a lot more Bradley/Baby Girl! Rooster is on the way, babe!
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livstarlight · 2 years
The moment an hangster/sereshaw set it up au fic will be finished on ao3, I will NEVER be heard from again
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beneaththetangles · 1 year
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This week’s reviews ask the question: Who’s the king of the roost? Is it the talented but unmotivated boxer, Yu? Kaboku’s high school dance club? Or is it an actual rooster? Plus, we’ve got a fujoshi princess who’s clueless, high school boys palling around, and Hachiken tutoring his crush while avoiding his parents. Read on for our recommendations on this wide variety of manga volumes!
The Boxer (Vol. 1) • The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices (Vol. 1) • Rainbow Days (Vol. 2) • Rooster Fighter (Vol. 3) • Silver Spoon (Vol. 9) • Wandance (Vol. 3)
The Boxer, Manga Vol. 1
I have to laugh because I made a new year’s resolution to read more shojo manga, but shortly after I made that goal, I picked up The Boxer instead! Ha! I absolutely loved this first volume, though! The beginning follows a young man who bullies the main character, Yu, but the story ultimately centers around Yu being approached by a coach of multiple boxing champions and asking him if he wants to become a boxer. However, Yu doesn’t appear to have any joy or purpose in his life, as he never fights back when bullied or shows interest in boxing when asked. Coach K thinks Yu has overwhelming potential to become a boxing legend, but what will push Yu to even think about boxing, let alone start boxing? While I originally was interested in this story after meeting the antagonist in the webcomic on WebToons, I quickly found myself sucked in and wanting to see Yu’s “awakening” and the antagonist get completely thrashed by him. While I won’t comment on whether my expectations were met (because of spoilers), there were many pages with Yu that were extremely impactful. I felt JH did an incredible job of conveying Yu’s emotions in multiple places where you can feel the energy and tension: something is changing inside Yu and that the antagonist better watch out. I am definitely hooked and invested in this series and glad I already preordered volume two before even starting this volume. I must know and see what happens next! I highly recommend The Boxer if you like boxing/fighting, underdogs, and great action! ~ @lauraagrace​
The Boxer is published by IZE Press, an imprint of Yen Press.
The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices, Light Novel Vol. 1
The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices is divided into two tonally disparate pieces which work together to create an unexpectedly engaging read. It begins with a “fujoshi reborn into a BL game” setup, with a “convenient plot device”: as a side character in this story, said fujoshi will eventually be forced into a marriage of convenience; her future children will adopted by her brother and his male wife. I was not loving the series at first. It seemed bland and featured an obnoxious lead character in Octavia (formerly Maki). I eventually warmed up to her, though. When adopting her perspective, the action moves quickly, and Octavia’s thoughts are often funny, particularly when she’s dealing with the problem of being in a kingdom where any possible love interest is only interested in other men. If that were the entirety of the novel, it would be a breezy, if forgettable, read. But Octavia doesn’t realize that her actions and position, along with other machinations, are having serious and dire effects on the kingdom and possibly putting her in danger. Chapters not from the heroine’s point of view read more like A Song of Ice and Fire, full of danger and conspiracy, helping to shape Octavia’s main love interest as a fascinating character whose background is tied to said conspiracies. The more serious material emphasizes how oblivious Octavia is, creating a sense of concern for her; her obnoxiousness begins to rather seem more like innocence, and soon enough, I found myself pulling for rather than being annoyed by her. Ending at a crisp 166 pages, the volume concluded with me wanting more, and that is possibly what I expected least from yet another girl’s novel. What a captivating start! ~ @animepopheart​
The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices is published by Yen Press.
Silver Spoon, Manga Vol. 9
Silver Spoon is a joy. Even when it deals with awful fathers, portrays families making hard sacrifices, and shows the entire process of slaughtering a pig you’ve raised, as this volume does, Silver Spoon does so with humor and optimistic energy. Reading Arakawa’s work is almost like taking a class with a master teacher: you absorb something wondrous (in this case, the wonderful lessons about life learned through Hachiken’s challenges at an agricultural high school) while still having fun. Volume nine is the equal of previous volumes in that regard, while also mining new territory as it nudges Hachiken and Aki closer and closer together. But I love that even though romance is in the air, Silver Spoon isn’t about romance. It’s about growing up. It’s a coming-of-age tale—one of the best that manga has to offer. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to. And if you’ve only watched the anime, this is the volume to jump into, as volume nine covers the end of the animated series and takes the story a bit further along, too. ~ @animepopheart​
Silver Spoon is published by Yen Press.
Rooster Fighter, Manga Vol. 3
Cock-A-Doodle-Do! Volume 3 of this strange but amusing ride with my favorite rooster Keiji and his friends continues, as they hunt giant demons that are devastating the nation of Japan whilst searching for his missing sister. As I mentioned in my review of volume two, the antics started to lose their initial impact because of the lack of progression in the plot, and that holds true for this entry as well. Watching a rooster take down a giant demon is fun, but after a few times the trick starts to get old. This volume gave the heroic poultry more interaction with humans and shared some of their struggles, which was a change in the right direction. Keiji’s personality starts to show some cracks in his tough facade as he loosens up with a new friend, and as he also starts to recognize his need for companions and to not do everything on his own. Character development is something I like to see in media, and Rooster Fighter has potential, but it needs to get the story train moving a little faster and I hope volume four does that! ~ @samuru​
Rooster Fighter is published by VIZ Media
Rainbow Days, Manga Vol. 2
Rainbow Days features an unusual tone. On the one hand, it’s super sweet and cute—and on the other, it’s a little spicy. For instance, volume two goes from Natchan talking about his massive crush on Anna in one panel to Kei pulling out sadistic toys in the next. I’m not always interested in those latter qualities, but I like the series overall because of how well the friendships between the four main boys come together. Volume two finds Kei feeling lonesome and Natchan continuing to get closer to Anna, for instance, but the main focus isn’t on romance or any individual character; it’s on a loving, sweet, boys’ friendship. That said, I do like the pairing of Natchan and Anna, and there’s serious progress in this volume. Anna is becoming a fuller character as well, though my biggest knock on the series is that the girls generally aren’t very captivating. There’s a focus in one particular chapter on the three main girls introduced so far, but spending time with the three can’t make up for Mari’s obnoxiousness or Yukiko��s blandness. I’m hoping for improvement in their characterization in future volumes (and maybe the addition of another female character as a main—Chiba, introduced in volume two in a bit part, is already more interesting than Mari or Yukiko!). But even without that, the peaceful and humorous atmosphere centering on Natchan, Kei, Mattsun, and Tsuyopon makes Rainbow Days worth the read. ~ @animepopheart​
Rainbow Days is published by VIZ Media through its Shojo Beat imprint.
Wandance, Manga Vol. 3
If the inter-high dance competition that kicks off volume three of Wandance creeps up quickly and ends in a surprising way, it’s because managaka Coffee intended it to be. As he subtly expresses (through one of the competition judges bemoaning how some clubs treat dance as sport), Wandance is not a sports anime. The competition isn’t the point. Then what is? That I’m not 100% clear on quite yet. It seems to be about Kabo learning to grow through his passion, but I’m still waiting to see him grow beyond the insecurities he has and to see Hikari develop more as a character as well. In the meantime, I continue to find this manga captivating, in large part because of the amazing artwork. Coffee has honed his style through these first few volumes, to the point where he’s able to convey the movement and power of dance extremely well through a variety of means: different styles of lines and shading, smudging, trailing, and more. There are many incredible panels in this volume, including a wondrous two-page spread later in the work. Taking a hint from our own Marg, who created a playlist for the volume, I listened to the music that the clubs danced to while reading this volume, and it turned Wandance into an even richer work. I highly recommend doing the same and continue to recommend this series, which is more dynamic and creative than simply calling it a “dance manga” might suggest. ~ @animepopheart​
Wandance is published by Kodansha.
“Reader’s Corner” is our way of embracing the wonderful world of manga, light novels, and visual novels, creative works intimately related to anime but with a magic all their own. Each week, our writers provide their thoughts on the works they’re reading—both those recently released as we keep you informed of newly published works, and those older titles that you might find as magical (or in some cases, reprehensible) as we do.
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Infra-Red-Rooster by Holly Fries Acrylic on 8×8 inch canvas panel, 11.75×11.75 inches framed
Opaline Feline by Holly Fries Acrylic on 8×10 inch canvas panel, 12×15 inches framed ***SOLD***
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Rainbow Lorikeets - April 2023 After you had completed your tour of the Ostrich Ranch, the final stop outside was the Lorikeet enclosure. The entry fee included two types of feed. One was grass pellets for the ostriches and goats. There was also a small stick to feed the regular parakeets by pushing it through the wire of their giant cage and a piece of asparagus to feed to the tortoises. That required holding it in a clothespin, just in case the tortoise bit too far up the small stalk. The final food item was a small cup of nectar to feed the Rainbow Lorikeets. To feed the Lorikeets, you held the closed cup of nectar in your hand and let them walk down your arm and open the lid (image 2). I don’t know whether they liked Kathy so much because she was wearing a brightly colored shirt, or because she was seated on her scooter, or because I gave her my cup of nectar so she could repeat the feeding. In any case there were five of them which perched on her or her scooter. One even posed for a photo on her finger. MWM
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crinkled-emotions · 1 year
Ahhhhhh the Jake fic😍😍 poor Hangman 🥺
Loved it❤️
Thank you so much!! 🥰
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