#rainier of almithara
shipwreck-letters · 2 years
Move With Me! (Monster Manor)
It's the end of a long work day, and the most recently renovated room is particularly empty for once. But it's no mistake--This room is meant for exercise! It's a perfect way to bond, break shells, and wind down after a day (or years) of built up energy.
Characters: Rainier, Casimir
Reblogs/Comments appreciated! 💌
I was so worried that this was gonna be mid, but that's because it was in my notes--The first draft. I revised it and changed the POV to second person, which made it flow SO much better!
I think this is my first Monster Manor fic in this perspective, so let me know what you think!
Thank you to my dear friend @taptrialmegamix for this wonderful idea! I hope you enjoy, and everyone else reading this too!
Finally, you could take a deep breath, and inhale fresh, clean air--No dust or debris to be seen. The walls rippled and new wallpaper smoothed out flush to the frames of the house, light and airy in color, a dark brown floor going still--No cracks or holes to fall through. 
It was the most recent room you had finished renovating, on your “day-off”. You just couldn’t help working on the last bit of repairs, and as light poured in from the expansive, open window, it was already turning out to be a high reward. 
Although, one thing was a little strange; Through other transformations, the House provided nothing short of new appliances, furniture and miscellaneous things to make the room feel comfortable. You walked the perimeter of the room, arms open at the vast space. Only a few potted plants reached towards the sunlight, coiled in their ceramic pots. 
“Am I missing something?” You asked aloud, glancing around at the floor, the closet and the door. “It’s…Too big to be a bedroom. A living room? But it’s still quite…Vacant.”
In reply, a rustling came from the double-door closet. It unfolded on its own, and brightly colored, rolled up mats tumbled out, a giant yoga ball rolling away in bliss. 
“...Oh!” It finally clicked as you stuck out a leg to catch the ball. “That makes so much sense! What a great idea!”
The House settled back, a satisfaction apparent in its creaks. 
Each mat was a different color and pattern; You chose your own favorite color, and gazed at the others. The fourth one, in particular. 
After meeting Casimir, Rainier only showed up a few days later. And it was a few weeks after you discovered a fourth seat at the dinner table. Strangely enough…No one had shown up, yet. 
“Four of us, won’t that be something? Will there be more after that?” You glanced up at the ceiling, but the House was quiet. 
“Huh…Guess it’s not the right time.” You shrugged, and started to pick up the strewn exercise materials. 
A shadow passed across the room, a shadow with particular horns. “Good afternoon, MC! Woah!"
Rainier peeked around the doorframe, and his eyes lit up. "It's so much nicer here! I can unfold my wings! I could even transform if I needed to!"
“Do you exercise in your bigger form?” You wondered, pausing. Rainier shook his head. 
“That would make it trickier. But I do like exercising! Is that what this room is for?”
“Seems so!” You considered it, and then dropped two mats. What fun is it if you don’t try out some exercises at least once?
“Care to join me?”
The faint ache in your shoulders seemed to say otherwise, but Rainier nodded eagerly, setting his belongings in a cubby before joining you in the middle of the floor. 
“So…What are we doing?”
"Good question. Maybe we shouldn't overdo it, but...Have you ever heard of Yoga?"
"Yoga...Nope. What is that? It sounds like...Yogurt."
"It's a series of stretches, they help you in balance as well! Some of it can get pretty complex, but that's way too much for today."
"Balancing is essential for flying, I'm great at that! Can we try it now?"
You began to nod, but suddenly remembered that renovation clothes were made for moving--Moving furniture and repairing broken appliances. Trying to do yoga in your patched overalls and worn shirt would be very uncomfortable in a tree pose. 
So you would need to change, and Rainier might find something suitable for aerobics, too. “Let’s change, and meet back here. Ten-ish minutes sound good enough?”
“Sure, MC!” Rainier said, and his shoulders lifted as a light bulb went off. “What if Casimir joins us, too? We can both learn from you!”
It definitely wasn’t a bad idea, and you couldn’t argue against it. “I’d love that.” You grinned, and winced slightly as you rose to your knees, then feet, and you parted ways with the dragon. 
In your own room, the House was already prepared, with new clothes for the occasion, warm from the laundry room with a smell of fresh linen and lavender. They fit your shape, and it was nothing less than impressive to try a few lunges in, stretching your arms over your head. 
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all! 
The only thing to do was to unroll your mat, and wait for Rainier and Casimir to return. You couldn’t help but wonder if Casimir would show up in his noble attire…A small part of you was eager to see the both of them flex the muscles that one showed off quite often, and the other hardly mentioned. 
Voices and footsteps grew louder, and you perked up to listen better. 
“I still can’t move past this…It’s so…Fitting! There’s no sleeves, nor even breeches! ”
“Isn’t that part of it? Though, I guess you are kinda used to puffiness. Maybe you can ask MC if they make those kinds of things in their town!”
“It’s-” You could hear Casimir’s flustered state through the wall. “It’s not puffy, it’s just-! Ah, nevermind. I feel quite out of my element, is all.” 
The level of curiosity skyrocketed, waiting on bated breath for the door to open. Rainier popped his head in again, never failing to stay on the bright, unabashed side of things. “We’re ready!”
Rainier had no problem showing off his outfit, wearing a tanktop that definitely would not have made it onto Casimir’s chest- The shoulder straps were thin, and the color a dark blue, but it fit him as well as anything could, and hid no muscles of his abs or arms. 
You gave a small applause, smiling. “Looks great! Casimir?”
Blushing to his ears, Casimir’s arms were folded over his chest, taking glances at his bare legs. He was only wearing a regular fitness shirt and long shorts to his knees, but it was more natural skin showing than he probably ever wore in his life. 
You could still see the build of his upper arms, and the form of his chest, and you couldn’t help but grin; Although, for his sake, you gave him a warm smile, nodding approvingly. 
“I think you look very handsome, the both of you. It’ll help you breathe more comfortably, I promise. And if you still want something different, I have no doubt we can find something better for you. 
You glanced over him again, frowning slightly. “Are you comfortable, Casimir?”
He sighed quietly, slowly lowering his arms. “It’s…Just very different, is all. Yes, I’m fine.” He passed back a small smile, taking a deep breath to soothe his nerves.
“I promise we won’t go overboard today. I’m not exactly a yoga trainer myself…” You mumbled the last part. “But it’s not so bad! It goes kind of like this…”
It didn’t take long to roll everyone into the hang of the movement. Good stretching was the first step, and you explained each part, trying your best to remember a particular Trainer’s soothing voice as she repeated her poses in simplicity, effectiveness. 
The only hard part was trying not to smile at how determined Casimir was at following; How Rainier seemed already very skilled and flexible, and was just happy to put it to a different use. 
Your thoughts trailed off quickly--Maybe we should do this more often. Casimir looks really good in that shirt--No wonder he could pick you up so easily--What kind of exercises did Rainier do in his homeland? How does dragon-exercising work? Are there Olympics-
"MC." Rainier opened one eye and grinned. "You're leaning."
Your thoughts came to a careening halt, and you laughed airily, readjusting your arms. “I’m getting a little tired.” 
“Don’t worry, you both should take a break, anyway. I’m still good to keep going! Do you want to sit on my back as I do some push-ups? The extra weight is good for me.”
Rainier changed forms entirely, swooping low to do push-ups instead. His hair fell down from behind his neck,  long white strands among his golden eyes, sparkling as he met your gaze from below. “What do you say, MC?”
Your face--You couldn’t tell whether it was red from exercise, or from Rainier. You cleared your throat, giving a flustered smile. “You bet! You’ll have to teach me how to do proper push-ups next!”
Casimir had held up the pose as long as he could, a good few moments before slowly drooping, frowning as he struggled to stay in balance. “I think I’ll pass for now…”
You turned your eyes to Casimir, and reached out to gently squeeze his hands, bringing his arms back down to his sides with a laugh. "You can relax for now. You did great for the first day."
Like a mirror, Casimir’s face lit up in bright red, but he squeezed your hands back, before letting go to rub the back of his neck. You could still feel the tingle of contact like the ghost of warm stars. 
Pride was something you couldn’t hold back, looking at both of them fondly as you made yourself comfortable on Rainier’s back. 
“I hope this made you both feel better. Being able to move freely, I mean.” 
"It was a wonderful first class." Casimir returned the warm smile. "I look forward to many more with you both."
Rainier nodded in agreement, and even the House seemed to enjoy the space; Its frame was particularly silent, but a relief washed over you, a feeling that was more than just a passing thought, but a certainty. 
It was meant to be. Happiness shared, no hostility or lingering grief, but a peaceful space in a House that was, day by day, becoming more and more peaceful.
And whoever that fourth mat was built for, the empty room, the seat at the kitchen table, well--You could only wait eagerly for their arrival to the found family. 
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shipwreck-letters · 2 years
Cooking with Rainier 🥘🥪
This was such a fun prompt, I really liked this! I hope you enjoy! <3
Reblogs/Comments appreciated 💌
-Rainier would be so happy that you're learning with him! He spends all night looking for human-safe recipes that he wants your opinion on; He takes your word very seriously. 
-Since Rainier comes from a world that seems more hobbit-ish/Middle Earth-like (Going by the magic, the dragons, the Magister) the dishes he'd be familiar with would most likely be very meat heavy, savory and with earthy vegetables like potatoes, turnips, and gourds (squash, pumpkin, etc) 
-To be honest, though, I think he'd be alright eating raw meat, but it is nice to learn how humans use fire to make such delicious smelling and tasting things! 
-In the kitchen is Rainier's specialty. It seems like it was there he was unbothered, and he could experiment with different things to his liking. (At least things he wouldn't have to feed the Magister) 
-If you're not very kitchen-savvy, it's a learning-teaching process together! Although Rainier is familiar with some ingredients, it's not in the Scorching Summit; It's on Earth. And yet, modern stoves and ovens are so amazing and convenient!
-"It cooks that fast? We don't have to wait all day for it?"  :O It’s a game changer. 
-If you're very good at cooking, Rainier is eager to learn alongside you directly! He wants to know how to make the softest bread, the best steaks, he wants you to show him how so that he can do it for you later! 
-It's very adorable when you guide his hands, he's focusing on the task so hard, but also wants to flirt with you- So he does both! 
-"This is amazing!" He says, taking a bite of a treat you made. "It's sweet, and pretty. Just like you." He grins.
-"I can't imagine doing all of this without you. It wouldn't be the same, it definitely wouldn't taste as amazing."
-If you accidentally spilled something, flour or icing on your face, he'd absolutely kiss you to get it off. "You've got something on your face, MC." smooch "Got it!"
-Do it back to him, he'll be caught off guard but it'll be cute. It may or may not turn into "a battle afterwards, leaving you with 1/4 less batter than you needed. 
-On tough days, whether it's housework or something else, he doesn't mind cooking dinner for everyone. But he always appreciates it when you join him, to cook or to just be there with him. 
-shaking and sweating Dorian/Fictif, someone on tumblr, post Rainier's bio that tells his favorite food I'm begging you, please- What do you need from me? What do you want? 
-Until that day, he loves to make his own spiced mead, it warms the soul. It's good for your soul. 
-Having a meal with the one you love and then getting to curl up and drink cider and mead...Perfection. Nothing like it. He loves those days. 
-Rainier will always be your taste-tester, and give feedback if something’s missing or too much. He usually has a good idea what to add or balance out, but sometimes he just likes to eat what you make, and won’t complain when you pass over another spoon. 
-I think he would also stress bake. He might not eat any of it, just making dozens of dozens of simple treats until he doesn’t feel so down anymore. The only potential problem is…Will you eat 56 cookies with him? 
-For some foods, here's a few I picked out that I think would work well! These are medieval dishes by Max Miller, a super entertaining channel with history and amazing recipes all in one! 
-Sambocade Cheesecake 
-Aztec Chocolate - Blood and Spice
-Quesadillas Cernidas
These are some that look good to me! But any culture or nation you come from, Rainier would no doubt love to try everything! Anything you make, he’ll eat. So get cooking!
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shipwreck-letters · 2 years
SFW Alphabet + Rainier
This is Rainier's version! All letters, good heavens! I had a lot of fun with this one! I did the best I could, and I hope you enjoy!
@taptrialmegamix @neutrino-dragons Come get yall's dragon man!
Reblogs/Comments appreciated 💌
Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?); Rainier isn't afraid of showing his feelings. The positive ones, at least. He loves giving affection, to you especially! This includes the tightest hugs, easily swooping you off your feet into his arms. Kissing you on the cheek, lips, anytime it comes to mind. He'll dial it back if you ask, but if you like that, he loves to be able to show you how much he loves you!
If you do it back, he gets very blushy, but all grins and tail wags, and he makes note to shower you in the same gestures again. 
Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?); Like Casimir, Rainier would be a valuable friend, casual or strong relationship! He'd be down for any midnight snacks, self-care nights, staying up all night long. I think he'd be able to tell if your mood is down, and gently ask if you need to talk about anything, or be distracted for a while. Being able to hug Rainier is a great stress reliever, and he knows that. That's why he's been working extra hard to be able to be there for you! 
Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?); Rainier lives for cuddling, but he's always a little worried because he's made up of horns, claws and teeth, and not even the House can dragon-proof you. So even though he loves to give kisses and hugs, that's short contact. It's when he's lying down that he's a little more conscious of his stature, and the first few times he's very slow and stiff because he doesn't want any blood, or "ouch!" being the final thing. 
Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?); It's implied that Rainier was always the one to keep his home very tidy and clean, and it's no different being with you. He likes having a lot of stuff, but he's very articulate about how its presented, (because he likes having space, and not getting scorned for mess) 
It doesn't hit right away that he's spending the next few years at the House, but wherever you are, he's pretty happy to be there too.
Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?); Oh...That's gonna be harder than Casimir. Rainier wouldn't even realize something was wrong. He's used to those words, those gestures, so he wouldn't even challenge it after the first few times. It's harsh, but going back into that negative cycle, he'd do anything to keep things from escalating. Even if that means sacrificing his happiness for yours. 
Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?); He'd be a little confused, because what's the difference? You'll still be together, and nothing will change? Why does he have to call you something different, and vice versa? He's perfectly fine being unmarried, married, it's no different to him. 
 Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?); Rainier can be a little blunt sometimes, saying things on his mind because it’s a genuine question/concern, but he’s never cruel or mean. Sometimes it even brings another point of view when he pitches in after listening for a long time. Physically, of course, he tries to be as gentle as possible. Sometimes he gets too excited and can accidentally break something, but the House seems to be very dragon-proofed, again. Just make sure your phone is backed with the strongest case possible.
Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?); Of course he does! He can also forget that you’re in his arms, perfectly fine to just hold you for a long time. He likes being strong, and supporting in that way. He also loves receiving hugs back! It makes him feel all fuzzy inside.
I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?); I think he would say it very quickly, it just slips out. In his mind, love is doing whatever you can for the other person, without fear or regret for them. And he loves you! He’s going to say it!! If it bothers you, he won’t say it, but he’ll try to show that through other ways, trying very hard to be useful and helpful around you. If you say it back, that’s the most he’ll get blushy, and he won't stop smiling the entire day. 
Jealous (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?); I think Rainier is pretty confident in himself overall, and he won’t get jealous easily. He too will probably see the best in the other person, too much to be distracted by subconscious feelings. As long as you’re still around him at the end of the day, he trusts you, and he’s happy.
Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?); Rainier has very sharp teeth, used for biting and tearing and maiming. It’s not very good for kissing, so Rainier instead gives you forehead touches, gentle nuzzling, etc. If you kiss him, kiss him on his face. It’s cute to see his reaction!
Little Ones (How are they around children?); I think Rainier would treat kids with the same caution of anything else; As much as they want to climb on him, be carried and ask questions, there’s still a huge risk of them being hurt. He’s still eager to answer their questions, and try to be a good friend and guardian. He can’t say no, especially if they ask sweetly and give big eyes. He just can’t! They’re too cute!
Morning (How are mornings spent with them?); Rainier is awake at strange hours, and still put together, not an ounce of exhaustion. He’ll have breakfast going, and make sure you’re feeling alright before helping you in any other way he can. You’ll have to be ready to coax him back to bed if you want a sleep-in, but he still gets a little fidgety. 
Night (How are nights spent with them?); Again, he sleeps at odd hours, with no sign of tiredness. He’ll still be wary of the time, and make sure you get a good sleep, but he can’t really say no if you’re eager to do something, and he’ll join in no matter what. All nighters are easy for him! If you fall asleep, though, he’ll always carry you and tuck you in, no questions asked. 
Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?); Rainier seems to be easy to talk to, but he’ll be watching your reaction on each topic, and back down if it’s getting too much. He doesn’t mind talking about the Magister at first, but the more time seems to go on, and he’s not around, Rainier finds it increasingly hard to speak about it. He misses his home, and the familiarity. But maybe it’s not good…It makes his head and heart hurt to think about, so…He tries not to. Rainier will change the topic to something else entirely, trying to bring back happiness and peace.
Patience (How easily angered are they?); Unless you actively push his buttons, prying on topics he doesn’t want to talk about, I don’t think he gets angry. He can keep his emotions under check for the most part, and has more patience than it seems. He seems to go with the flow, and doesn’t really sweat things unless he thinks about it too much, or he’s forced to think about it.
Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?); With such a difference between your world and his, he’s similar to Casimir in that he might not be able to remember everything, but he tries his best! He’ll cook your favorite foods, and take notice of the things you don’t like. He doesn’t ask very often, letting things speak for themselves, but he’ll keep it in mind!
Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?); The first time he was able to have a proper room, and watch it transform. You’re still there, all of your help and determination to help him, even though he never imagined he could deserve this…It makes him warmer than normal when he thinks about it, and he cherishes that so much.
Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?); Rainier believes in you as a capable person, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to wrap you up in his wings and keep you protected from anything and everything. He doesn’t really protect, more like attack, but he’s still fully willing to fight to keep you safe. 
If you protect him, he’s startled- Look at him! He’s never had anyone advocate for his safety, and he’ll probably rub it off, but he’s still smiling despite it. He likes knowing that he’s safe, too. That someone really cares for him, too. 
Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?); Oh, he’s not leaving this kitchen until he’s made a meal that would put a king’s feast to shame. That is to say, he shoots for the stars and ends up on the planet Jupiter. He wants everything to be so perfect, that even when it’s spotless and fantastic, Rainier still worries it’s not good enough. 
Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?); I think he can accidentally be very scary; It’s not just his strength, but when he gets frustrated or upset, his wings make him look even larger; His claws are very real, and…He calms down quickly, but it’s still a reminder; Rainier is a dragon, and dragons are well…Scary.
Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?); In the story, he says he likes to work out for fun! So, although not on Casimir’s level of expression, Rainier definitely likes having muscle, and prides himself on his dragon heritage. That alone is enough to make him stay on top of things. I think if you asked, he’d let you brush and braid his hair too! He would show it off with pride, and ask you to do it again and again. I think I could write a whole thing about the boys and hair! (would you like to read about that?) 
Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?); He definitely feels different when you’re not around, and he can’t show you new things he’s learned, or spend time with you. He doesn’t feel incomplete, he’s still Rainier- But he misses you dearly, and loves when you return, and the feeling of familiarity returns.
Xtra (A random headcanon for them.); He loves watching game shows like American Ninja Warrior. That shit’s so cool! He gets inspired immediately to try those fancy swings and climbs the next time he’s working out, and puts his own spin on it! He wants you to try it, too! He’ll even catch you if you fall! So what’s stopping you?
Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?); He doesn’t like lying, in general. He tries to avoid it at all costs, and gets a little disappointed when others do it, or are caught lying. It’s just…A strange concept to him.
Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?); Once he has a proper bed to sleep in, he loves to sleep chaotically; Wings unfurled, arms spread out, complete tranquility. If he’s sleeping with you, he’ll be much more conscious of your space, and instead sleep curled up, his tail and arms wrapped around you, his wings settled down like a warm, heavy blanket. His head rests on top of yours, and he’s completely at ease.
Abzu's Note: I can't thank you all enough for reading and liking/reblogging, it means so much! I will carry the Monster Manor writing fandom on my shoulders if I must 😤Seriously, though, if you have an idea, don't hesitate to reach out to me! As long as it's in good spirit, and not too graphic, I'd love to do what I can!
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shipwreck-letters · 2 years
Rainier + Bard!MC
'Bard' is a term I'm using loosely. Basically a singing MC, they may or may not use an instrument based on your preference!
These are general headcanons for Rainier, and my first official set! I hope you enjoy them!
Reblogs/Comments appreciated 💌
+ @neutrino-dragons for your favorite dragon man <3
-• Rainier -• 
-It just happens on a boring, uneventful day. Work is long and dragging on, no matter how excited Rainier seems that morning. Time carries on, and there's still tons of things left to do.
-Without much thought behind it, your hands steadying wood and screws, you begin to hum a tune that's stuck in your mind. A folk song, a chorus, a melody. 
-"🎶🎶🎶" Your voice fills the empty room and carries an echo, and the sounds of the house (And it's present resident) come to a pause. 
-When you finally notice, Rainier is watching, his body completely still, as if any sound or movement would scare the moment away. 
-When you finally pause for breath, clearing your throat and chuckling, he finally blinks, smiling and giving an applause. 
-"That was wonderful, MC. How many songs do you know? Do you know the Ballad of Almithara? Oh wait, you probably don't. It's a really good song!" He continues on. "I think I miss that the most."
-"Could you teach me?" You ask. "I'm a fast learner."
-Rainier grins, and it's not long before you learn of a song from an entirely different world! 
-Going forward, Rainier loves to hear the songs you sing up close. He doesn't have to sneak out, he doesn't have to hide. 
-All of his favorite things combine into one; Stories, experiences, flowing through limericks and ballads. And you, of course. 
-His favorite songs are the ones that you sing. 
-And what fun would it be if you didn't have a duet? Songs become choirs whenever Rainier's around, adding his voice to yours. All of the laughs and smiles, tail-wagging and dancing. 
-Along with watching different anime/shows, times for listening to new music is a must! Show him all of your favorite bands and artists- No matter how strange, there's always something Rainier finds fascinating about them! 
-(I think he would really like folk songs, maybe even shanties. The Longest Johns guys, group singing about sailing and living on the seas is peak experience and my hyperfixation) 
-The halls of the House quickly become filled with singing and pleasant memories, and Rainier can't be happier for it.
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shipwreck-letters · 2 years
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Rainier of Almithara Masterlist 🐉💜
Created// 8/30/22
Updated// 10/19/2022
💕 Bard! MC (Headcanon)
💕 SFW Alphabet (Headcanon)
💕Cooking! (Headcanon)
💕Move With Me! (Ficlet)
💕Jeepers Creepers (Headcanon + Ficlet)
💕Birthday Fic (Special Request Ficlet)
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shipwreck-letters · 3 years
Letters from "The Courage"
You find a treasure unlike silver or gold chains, off the banks of the Atlantic. In a chest once lost, nestled in the heart of a once-strong sailing ship, rested several stories and information all folded up and only barely rustled from the few hours of stormy roughhousing. When found, they sat patiently, beneath sand and salt and rotting wood.
The handwriting seems fairly similar, written from one person named Abzu. There's quite a few stories here, coming from many lands, and features many different characters and scenarios.
It goes something like this.
Right now, Finch is my main focus, but I have more related to Pokemon and the Legend of Zelda. Feel free to ask any questions about them!
Requests and Rules:
I'll write for Monster Manor, Last Legacy, and Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity (Now including Tears of the Kingdom! I have played/seen the game's story, so I don't mind spoilers)
I Do Not Write:
Intense Graphic Scenes (Blood and hurt/comfort is fine, but graphic gore is not- When in doubt, just ask me!)
Cheating, Domestic Abuse in any way (No slapping, hitting, violent arguments, etc- When in doubt...)
MASTERLIST (Full of Masterlists)
Casimir Gevaudan
Rainier of Almithara
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