#ramiris x reader
a-weird-writer · 2 years
Which Demon lords have the most Tsundere potential?
I feel most people say Clayman.
However, I deem Ramiris!
You've seen the way she acts right?
Everyone that knows her not even personally tells she is a gentle pleasantness, a kind person to boot but smug to a fault, who turns extremely emotional in the second she feels threatened; Ramiris may come off annoying, it stems from her childish nature, but she is very morally persistent despite how difficult she can be to deal with.
Often persistent in her findings and pursuits, attached to new souls, heroes and shiny things. Beings like her admire and are attracted to beauty and changes in nature. Ramiris is naturally cautious of bigger things and a little distrustful of humans. Being so tiny makes Ramiris seem like easy prey, but she can be brave when she really wants to be.
She truly means well on the inside, her heart is a non-malicious one, contrary to her Demon Lord title; her friendships and kin are deeply valued, close and protective with a generosity to gift potential heroes her blessings and aid, worthy of a Hero's Guide.
She's really a sheep coated in steel wool, definitely no wolf, but is something else alright. She is smaller now, energy shrunk. It seems easy enough to cut off her wings, but you will quickly find the contrary. Even in a much weaker fairy form, Ramiris knows how to survive; she of all people can recite the world's laws by heart, word for word, definition by definition. Knowledge large enough to overrun the neighboring nation's biggest libraries worldwide, being alive so long. Her hardheadedness and high intellect make her an annoying but furious fighter, determined to give the best shot possible. Her foes do well in remembering to never underestimate her; the moment she pounces, she pounces hard, a brave ram standing up to almost anything.
As soon as you reveal to her a threat, she will take you down!
(Well. She lets her friends try first, out of the kindness of her heart! Not because she is weak, she can take down almost anyone as easily as the other Demon Lords! Honest!)
Ramiris is willful, quick to act and devise solutions. Defensive and heartful, calling out anyone she thinks is unfair and spilling bullshit, to the degree where she will give Guy Crimson a piece of her mind once deemed necessary. Her lover is no exception.
Is demanding of her S/O, but in a considerate way. Ramiris just wants you near, wishes for nothing less than for you to take great care and travel with caution. This world is a dirty one, it hunts and kills. You and Beretta calm a majority of her stress on her bad days, she can be a mess, but you hardly mind helping her get a hold of herself to stop choking. You are a wonder, a marvel to the eyes, but confusing. A home apart from the Labyrinth, bringing novelty gifts and happy talks. You come by often, putting Ramiris in a pouty stutter. She doesn't have many visitors you will realize, even less ones that come by like you. Much to her surprise, you want nothing then to sit down and start a peaceful conversation. Like you're an old friend, waiting to catch up with their companion. She gets used to you faster than she would expect, much to Beretta's suspicion.
Fairies and Demon Lords don't ponder feelings-emotions can be such fragile things, especially with how lovely she finds you. She is enthusiastic, happy to share with you how powerful and ancient she is. This is where she expects you to leave, bored of her knowledge and antics. Left astray, a subject of mockery for the arrogant. But you never judged her for it. If anything, you want to be closer than ever; a humane curiosity long lost to her kin.
Ramiris wonders if she's funny to you, is she some center of a joke to you?! She hates being laughed at you know!
It's all in good faith of course, good times and laughter. Fun and games, friendship.
You read her like an open book, like you predicted the plot long before she did, cherishing every word on every page. She lets you in, though hesitantly, your presence is thoroughly enjoyed to the fullest, as she cares less to treat you with cruelty.
You practically have a free pass to see her, isn’t she so generous? Feeling closer to her each time you come together, drinking tea and eating tasty pastries baked by her loyal servant. Her nature is endearing, her smugness attractive even if most people don't agree. Even as Ramiris ends it in yet another brag, stuffing her face in sweet breads and pastries, you humble her smug nature, partaking in stories of old tales and times of the ancient past.
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luxthestrange · 2 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#64 VIP only-
You Invited your Favorite People who aren't from the federation to a tea party with bakery goods you made, from your life back on earth
Frey*Holding a thing called "Banana bread" and sniffing it curiously*So...It's bread made from Bananas
Y/n*Smiles and nods*It is
Frey: YOU made this bread
Y/n: I did!
Frey: You can put stuff on it?
Y/n: I meaaan i wouldn't recommend making a sandwich with it but knock yourself out!~
Gazel*Is happily chewing at a bread but he is confused by the taste*...This one doesnt taste like bananas...
Y/n*Gleams seeing him eating it* That one has Oreos on it
Gazel*Stares at the bread and spots the white n black thing you called "Oreo Cookies" that you shared with him once...and that he found very delicious, pupils dilating, and gives you a smile*...I like Oreos...
Y/n:Me too!
Carrion*Looking at his own bread that is different from Frey's and Gazel's*...What's in this one?
Y/n: Chocolate chips!
Carrion*On brooding stare at you*...why?
Y/n*Shrugs, looking back at him with a derpy grin*Why not?
Carrion*Stares longer at you*Your invited to my birthday party...
Y/n*Gleams knowingly but spots the Ramiris*??
Ramiris*Putting slices of meat and cheese...and making a sandwich with the banana bread*Y/n When you say you wouldn't recommend making a sandwich out of it, this is a suggestion, correct?
Y/n: It's not illegal-
Ramiris*Putting the things you call Chips into it and closing it,drooling*Good...Imma need more of this, okay?
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just the idea of big-shot rulers ...eating cute pastries and drinking tea from heart-shaped teacups with you-
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master-muffinn · 1 year
That time i got reincarnated as a slime
When their s/o sitting on their lap in public.
The first time you sit on their lap they get extremely nervous and blushing. They look around them to see peoples reactions “What will they think? Is this really ok?” are their thoughts. Poor souls aren’t used to this kind of thing. They probably tell you it is inappropriate but they don’t have the heart to push you away, they love you too much for that. Where are they going to put their hands? On your shoulders? On your thighs? Around your belly? Or should they first ask for your permission to even touch you? Help them s/o!! Try not to do it around too many people or even in front of their friends/leader, they might die of embarrassment!
Even when you have done this a couple of times they are still blushing and are a little nervous, but now they can put their arms around you and be a little more confident.
^ Benimaru, Souka, Geld? ^
These people LOVE it when you sit on their lap! You can do it whenever you want! When they sit and talk with their friends? Yes! While they are working? Of course! During the meetings? No problem! They will basically drag you to their lap and hold you with such pride and happiness. If you decide not to sit on their lap they might even look a little hurt and pout, but it gets over quickly.
If anyone questions it, they will be greatly offended. Like “How DARE you question us?” Is pretty much their reaction. (They might even start a fight, depending on who it is). They will continue to hold you anyway, it’s none of other people's business, they do as they want. 
^ Veldora, Milim, Shion, Rimuru, Ranga, Rigurd ^
They get surprised at first and blushing, but they adapt pretty quickly. They don't mind at all, in fact they think it’s cute and nice that their s/o want to sit on their lap. It makes them feel happy that you trust them enough and want to protect you even more. It’s fine anytime, as long as it’s not in the way of work or during meetings. These people are pretty confident so they don't care what people think and say, what are they gonna do? Push you off? Then they must be very brave. However if their leader (if they have one) would tell them it’s inappropriate then they would simply tell s/o so, but if not then they would continue holding their s/o and looking at them with that loving and found smile of theirs. 
^ Souei, Diablo, Shuna, Treyni, Guy, Kaijin, Shizu, Rigur, Carrion ^
“No dear s/o! No PDA, all cuddles and lap sitting is only for privacy!” They probably told you already from the start. If you decide to do it anyway, they will push you off and give you a glare that pretty much says “Not now. Later”. Teasing won't work either, sorry. BUT when it is finally just the two of you, they go all out! They hold you while they work, giving you a little peck sometimes. Putting you on their lap and might even feed you little sweets <3. If anyone disturb them while they have their bellowed alone time with s/o they will glare at however disturb them, still holding on tightly around their s/o. “Is it very important? Someone dying or what? No? If so, please leave”. 
^ Leon, Gazel, Luminous, Hinata ^
These people are most likely the ones who are sitting on YOUR lap. Don’t get me wrong, they LOVE it when you sit on their lap, but they prefer to be the little spoon and getting ALL their s/o attention. They don’t care if people stare, in fact they get a little cocky and get a confident/ego boost. “Yes this is my s/o, aren’t they amazing?! And only I get their attention. It’s fully understandable if you get jealous”. They would most likely be a little jealous if you pay your attention to someone else but them.
^ Gobta, Milim, Gabiru, Ramiris, Rimuru? ^
Thank you for reading! If liked, reblogs are very appreciated! :) 
I do not take requests.
Post made by @master-muffinn
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#15 Put the D
Rimuru: I put the pun in punishment!
Y/n: I put the top in unstoppable!
Milim: I put the cute in execute!~
Veldora: I put the sexy in dyslexia!
Gobta: I put the ass in class!
Guy: I put the D in Y/n & Rimuru~
Ramiris: There is no ‘D’ in Y/n or Rimuru tho….
Guy*smirks* Not yet…
Rimuru & Veldora*Slowly turning their heads showing their animosity at guy's comment*...
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*Watching the fight about to go down*....Its about to go down-
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