#rampant dishonesty
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It's not so long ago that compulsive liars and race-grifters like Kendi could get away with being fact-checked somewhere down in the depths of the replies where few people would see, and it would rely on people retweeting to surface the refutation upwards. He could propagate whatever manufactured victimhood narrative he wanted, and he could get away with it for the most part.
Community Notes has changed everything.
It's interesting that subjective reality - "my truth" - and "equity" - unequal treatment to create desired outcomes - have become so entrenched that something like, "apply the rules on cheating consistently," is being called a "weapon."
Claudine Gay is entirely responsible for her own downfall.
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
Youssef’s historical sketch conforms to the prevailing narrative of our time. Namely, that the conflicts that have beset the Middle East since the end of the Second World War are the product of decisions made by white Europeans, and imposed on a world filled with passive, innocent ‘indigenous people’. This means that the rampant anti-Semitism in the Middle East is effectively cast as a Western, European creation.
As an Arab and a Muslim, I recognise this story only too well. It is one that I inherited and told myself for a very long time. That was until I could no longer ignore the dishonesty of this account of Arab and Muslim history.
After all, if this tale is close to the truth, why have pro-Hamas protesters around the world been shouting ‘Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud’ – a reference to the seventh-century murder and expulsion of Jewish tribes from the Khaybar oasis in the Arabian Peninsula – rather than something that relates to Deir Yassin? If a massacre and the formation of Israel in 1948 was the catalyst for Muslim anti-Semitism, why did Izz ad-Din al-Qassam – the cleric after whom Hamas names its rockets and murder-brigades – form the anti-Semitic Islamist group, the Black Hand, as early as the 1930s? And why was the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, (considered by both the British and Nazi Germany to be the leader of the Arab world at the time) so keen to bring the Nazi Holocaust to the Middle East?
If you had asked me those questions when I was younger, I would have reeled off a list of grievances about Jewish refugees from Europe infringing on native Arab populations in the 1920s and 1930s. But in recent years, I changed my mind. I looked around at my home city of London, which has been utterly transformed by immigrants like me, and saw the arrogance and hypocrisy of my position.
I was casting Jewish refugees from Europe as villains, while regarding myself as a worthy victim. I was justifying the actions of those who violently rejected Jewish migration into Mandate Palestine during the Holocaust, while considering myself unquestionably entitled to refuge in the West.
This same hypocrisy runs through the ‘pro-Palestine’ demonstrations that have erupted across Europe. These protests, shot through with pro-Hamas sentiments, have made Jewish communities fear for their safety in countries that promised they would never have to again.
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gamer2002 · 2 months
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Let me explain why this gaslighting attempt from the press isn’t just wrong, but irresponsible and dangerous.
They don’t understand the consequences. The bias is annoying, but it’s unlikely to sway many voters at this point. Too many persuadable Americans already don’t trust the mainstream press. But that’s the real problem.
They’ve completely decimated the credibility of a key societal institution. The press actually serves an important function in a well-functioning society, but they’ve undermined that function with their activism and shenanigans. So many of our political problems can be tied directly to that. This isn’t just one kid, it’s a continuous pattern.
This was such a stupid thing to lie about, but when people see such brazen dishonesty from the press, they start to question everything else. That opens up a space for people to increasingly believe conspiracies and adopt the view that everything the press tells you is fake.
It allows grifters who then question true narratives and real facts to gain substantial audiences just by saying the opposite of the media/mainstream beliefs (ex: That’s how you end up with “the Nazis were the victims in WWII”). The logic goes “if they are willing to portray something as obvious as Biden’s decline as a conspiracy until 3 weeks ago, then I should assume everything they label as a conspiracy is actually true”
Of course that’s terrible logic, but it’s just how people think.
And that’s exactly how you end up with a populace that’s increasingly divided, bigotry running rampant, and a society where people can’t distinguish wrong from right.
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stairnaheireann · 9 months
#OTD in 1937 – Irish Feminism Movement suffered greatly, as Éamon de Valera’s new constitution approved that ‘women’s place’ was in the home.
“Dishonesty magnificent in its proportions, and climbing into high places, became at the same time so rampant and so splendid that there seemed to be reason for fearing that men and women would be taught to feel that dishonesty, if it can become splendid, will cease to become abominable.” –Anthony Trollope De Valera’s 1937 constitution (Bunreacht na hÉireann) evoked a passionate rebuke of the…
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mr-nodus-tollens · 6 months
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If I intentionally call a man “she,” I have lied. I have conveyed something that isn’t true. Despite my polite intentions, all I’ve done is contribute to the confusion, dishonesty, and intellectual chaos rampant in our culture.
- Matt Walsh
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lhs3020b · 4 months
For those of you who were here a few years ago, and have noticed that this Tumblr is being very silent concerning the current UK general election campaign, here are a few comments...
... aside from this post, you really won't be hearing a word about it here.
Depending on what happens, there may be some gloating when the results come out, as after the last 14 years I think we're entitled to some schadenfreude at Tory careers ending.
I can't look you in the face, or the keyboard, and tell you to vote for this Labour Party. I won't be voting for this Labour Party myself. Sir "I fap to nuclear weapons" Keith has turned out to be the most Rightwing leader the party has ever had, and given that he was willing to accept Natalie Elphicke - Natalie Elphicke! - as a floor-crossing MP, he may well even be to the Right of the median Tory. This is before touching on the myriad of other problems with him, such as the fact that he's somehow an even bigger liar than Nick Clegg, his rampant transphobia, his authoritarianism, his embrace of (rebranded, nipped-and-tucked) austerity, his current UKIP-lite immigration rhetoric ... I could go on and on. You get the idea. I'll be blunt: I actively don't want this guy as Prime Minister, and I'm not looking forward to what will happen once he is.
None of this should be read as an endorsement of the Conservative Party (FAO the inevitable trolls - don't bother, I'll just block you). You should not be voting for a Tory candidate, under any circumstances. No Tory is OK here; there is no doubt left to give them any benefit thereof. Sunak is a bad Prime Minister who's run a bad government and has presided over a revolting lurch toward open 1980s-style bigotry, he's allowed what's left of our public services to rot away and he's done nothing to reverse any of the damage done under a decade+ of his miserable cavalcade of predecessors. If there's one single thing to hope for out of this ghastly shitshow of a campaign, it's that perhaps Sunak might personally lose his seat, because that would at least be funny.
(Actually, I have my suspicions that Labour might badly underperform their polling, on the day. Obviously we'll see - I could very well be wrong about that - but, the current mood of unquestioning confidence around the pollsters worries me. I haven't forgotten that panel of eminent polling experts who popped up in late April 2015 to tell us there was a zero percent chance of a Tory majority, and look what happened. Or, for that matter, the people who assured us that Remain was certain to win because of the centrist centre for centrism, or somesuch complacent rubbish, or indeed the people who assured us Lady St Theresa of May was certain to get a landslide, and only a mad fake news'ing polling-denialist bad-faith Communard could claim otherwise...)
Anyway, while I'll probably turn up to vote on the day and will do what I can to find a least-worst out of whatever mess is on the ballot paper where I am - for all that I expect any of it to do a big fat zero amount of good - I can't claim any enthusiasm for this campaign or anything that's happening in it. In terms of sheer craziness, toxicity, open bigotry and Rightwing nutjobbery, it's somehow - somehow! it's actually possible! - worse than 2019 already, and at the time I thought that miserable nightmare was the nadir for dishonesty, bad faith and corruption.
Anyway I should probably cut this off here and go back to the current No Man's Sky expedition, because focussing this much on my anger, disillusionment and bitterness probably isn't healthy, isn't it?
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standskeleton · 8 months
The Welcome Section
Welcome! We're still building this project, but we invite you to explore and engage. Think of it as Habakkuk, standing upon his watchtower, from his posts awaiting answers to the Lord's controversy with His people -Habakkuk chapter 2 verses 1&2.
Holy Covenant Forsaker Ministry at Work - HCFMW, accepts donations via PayPal, Zelle and mail in checks. If you would like to donate to Holy Covenant Forsakers, please click the above give button. Your no cost subscription to immediately belong also to the group is welcome and anticipated. The button above will take you to our giving page where you may donate to the group. We will be announcing "at the right time" the travel plan to minister and work for more research in Israel / Palestine where you may wish to be a part with us. We appreciate your generosity and hope you will continue to come back to Holy Covenant  Forsakers or visit us in the near future.
Note to commenters:
In this Welcome Section you can leave a comment in my notes below, here until we move to a wider format, and there you have column or pages yourself to express and expand yourself. There are buttons or links here to subscribe so that interim I have your email for my announcements and notifications.
Holy Covenant Forsakers is a program for discussing the Lord's disputes with the land of Israel -Hosea 4, Zechariah 2:13. Must we grapple with rampant "swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and adultery," echoing the end-day prophecies where truth, mercy, and knowledge of God but dwindle?
In Hosea chapter 4, we read that "the Lord has a controversy with the land of Israel" signifying that God has a legal dispute or contention with the people of Israel due to their disobedience and unfaithfulness. This "controversy" reflects God's judgment against Israel for their sins, which include idolatry, dishonesty, violence, and moral corruption. God is expressing his displeasure with their actions and warning them of the consequences of their behavior.
Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord, for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.
Psalm 103
The Latter Days have interested all, particularly Daniel's prophecy of the "70 Weeks of the holy covenant and commandment." This period, marked by desolations and indignation, culminate in Jerusalem's desolation and eventual restoration -Daniel 9:24.
So particularly interested in the latter days we currently have an ebook that provides perspective on Israel's war. Little Book Open by Randall Frushour was released 10 days before the Hamas attack in early October. Our focus is on Daniel's prophecy of the "70 Weeks of Covenant Commandment," covering commandment, determination, desolations, and indignation, ultimately leading to Jerusalem's desolation and eventual restoration -Daniel 9:24. Our aim is to understand these trials and witness the unfolding hour of judgment.
Our subgroup centralizes scriptures in Isaiah Chapter 28, sheds light on the Lord's redemptive actions upon Israel and Judah, as well as the land, particularly emphasizing His "strange act and strange work" (v. 21). This directive, spanning from Daniel 9:22 to the onset of the Armageddon World War today we now under are watching unfold, as indicated in Zephaniah 3: 8 Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey
For my determination is to gather the nations that I may assemble the kingdoms to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger, for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.
. Daniel chapter 7 & Daniel 9:26, provides the foundation for our discussions. We welcome diverse perspectives and encourage questions and comments about the legitimacy of interpreting scriptural commandments or evaluating the community as a whole.
There may be those who wish to participate or belong but do oppose Israel's restoration and any rise from the dust and desolation, favoring dominant reoccupation. Others might advocate for a compromise like a two-state solution, dividing Palestine and Israel with an international entity overseeing Jerusalem.
Finally, we come to your welcomed concerns or thoughtful comments, whether they revolve around worries or that have none, specifically regarding Jerusalem. Also aspiring bloggers, send us your work along with relevant themes! We're considering a blog moderator for comment safety, with potential restrictions for Non-Agent Portal users. However, for now, the floor is open!
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NMIMS Apr 2025 Customized MBA Assignments/NMIMS Apr 2025 Customized Solved Assignments/NMIMS Apr 2025 Customized BBA Assignments
Academic assistance to NMIMS Students by Dr. Aravind Banakar:
In the dynamic world of higher education, the demand for quality academic support is ever-growing. One figure who has emerged as a stalwart in this arena is Dr. Aravind Banakar. With over 24 years of experience crafting customized, plagiarism-free assignments for students at the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Dr. Banakar has become a trusted resource for MBA, BBA, B.Com, and EMBA students.
A Journey of Expertise
Dr. Banakar's journey began with a profound commitment to education and a passion for helping students achieve their academic goals. Armed with advanced degrees and a wealth of knowledge in various disciplines, he quickly established himself as an authority in academic writing. His extensive experience spans over two decades, during which he has honed his skills in creating tailored assignments that meet the specific requirements of NMIMS and adhere to the highest academic standards.
Customized Solutions for Diverse Needs
What sets Dr. Banakar apart is his dedication to providing customized solutions that cater to each student's unique needs. Understanding that every assignment is a learning opportunity, he approaches each task meticulously. Whether it is an MBA project requiring in-depth analysis or a B.Com assignment focused on financial principles, Dr. Banakar's expertise ensures that students receive comprehensive and relevant content.
His ability to grasp complex concepts and translate them into clear, concise writing has made him a valuable asset to students navigating the rigors of their coursework. Dr. Banakar takes the time to engage with students, understand their challenges, and guide them through the assignment process. This personalized approach enhances the quality of the assignments and empowers students to develop their understanding of the subject matter.
Commitment to Academic Integrity
In an era of rampant plagiarism and academic dishonesty, Dr. Banakar stands firmly against such practices. His commitment to delivering plagiarism-free assignments is unwavering. Each work is meticulously researched, written from scratch, and thoroughly checked for originality. This ensures that students receive authentic content and reinforces the importance of academic integrity in their educational journey.
By emphasizing the significance of original work, Dr. Banakar instills a sense of responsibility in his students, encouraging them to embrace the learning process rather than merely seeking shortcuts. His approach fosters an environment of trust and respect, where students can confidently submit their assignments, knowing they reflect their efforts and understanding.
Impact on Student Success
Over the years, Dr. Aravind Banakar has played a pivotal role in the success of countless students at NMIMS. His contributions extend beyond mere assignment writing; he has become a mentor and guide for many. Students who have sought his assistance often express gratitude for the clarity and depth he brings to their understanding of complex topics.
The positive feedback from students is a testament to Dr. Banakar's unwavering dedication to their success. Many have reported improved grades, enhanced confidence in their abilities, and a deeper appreciation for the subjects they study. His impact resonates not only in academic performance but also in his students' personal growth.
A Vision for the Future
As the education landscape evolves, Dr. Aravind Banakar remains committed to adapting and growing alongside it. He is constantly exploring new methodologies and technologies to enhance the academic support he provides. By staying updated with industry trends and educational best practices, Dr. Banakar ensures that his services remain relevant and practical.
In addition to his assignment writing, Dr. Banakar is passionate about promoting critical thinking and analytical skills among students. He believes these skills are essential for success in today's competitive job market and strives to incorporate them into his guidance and mentorship.
Dr. Aravind Banakar's extensive experience and unwavering dedication to providing customized, plagiarism-free assignments have made him a vital resource for NMIMS students pursuing MBA, BBA, B.Com, and EMBA degrees. His commitment to academic integrity and student success sets a benchmark in academic writing. As he continues to inspire and empower students, Dr. Banakar remains a beacon of excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education.
We are number 1, NMIMS Assignments Academic Writing Professionals.
We are the most reputable and reliable NMIMS Assignments provider in India
We Provide 100 % Customized, 100 % Unique, and 100 % Plagiarism-free Assignments.
We offer both General and Customized projects. Please be sure to hurry for quality assignments.
With a history spanning over 24 years, we have provided unparalleled academic writing support to students, scholars, and researchers worldwide.
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NMIMS Assignment Guidelines by Dr. Aravind Banakar
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NMIMS Online Assignment Submission by Dr. Aravind Banakar
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Dr. Aravindkumar Banakar [email protected] +91 9901366442 +91 9902787224 https://mbacasestudyanswers.com
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How do I find customized NMIMS BBA 1st Sem Business Communication Solved Assignment
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NMIMS Dec 2024 MBA 1st Sem Solved Assignments, NMIMS Dec 2024 EMBA 1st Sem Solved Assignments
Academic assistance to NMIMS Students by Dr. Aravind Banakar:
In the dynamic world of higher education, the demand for quality academic support is ever-growing. One figure who has emerged as a stalwart in this arena is Dr. Aravind Banakar. With over 24 years of experience crafting customized, plagiarism-free assignments for students at the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Dr. Banakar has become a trusted resource for MBA, BBA, B.Com, and EMBA students.
A Journey of Expertise
Dr. Banakar's journey began with a profound commitment to education and a passion for helping students achieve their academic goals. Armed with advanced degrees and a wealth of knowledge in various disciplines, he quickly established himself as an authority in academic writing. His extensive experience spans over two decades, during which he has honed his skills in creating tailored assignments that meet the specific requirements of NMIMS and adhere to the highest academic standards.
Customized Solutions for Diverse Needs
What sets Dr. Banakar apart is his dedication to providing customized solutions that cater to each student's unique needs. Understanding that every assignment is a learning opportunity, he approaches each task meticulously. Whether it is an MBA project requiring in-depth analysis or a B.Com assignment focused on financial principles, Dr. Banakar's expertise ensures that students receive comprehensive and relevant content.
His ability to grasp complex concepts and translate them into clear, concise writing has made him a valuable asset to students navigating the rigors of their coursework. Dr. Banakar takes the time to engage with students, understand their challenges, and guide them through the assignment process. This personalized approach enhances the quality of the assignments and empowers students to develop their understanding of the subject matter.
Commitment to Academic Integrity
In an era of rampant plagiarism and academic dishonesty, Dr. Banakar stands firmly against such practices. His commitment to delivering plagiarism-free assignments is unwavering. Each work is meticulously researched, written from scratch, and thoroughly checked for originality. This ensures that students receive authentic content and reinforces the importance of academic integrity in their educational journey.
By emphasizing the significance of original work, Dr. Banakar instills a sense of responsibility in his students, encouraging them to embrace the learning process rather than merely seeking shortcuts. His approach fosters an environment of trust and respect, where students can confidently submit their assignments, knowing they reflect their efforts and understanding.
Impact on Student Success
Over the years, Dr. Aravind Banakar has played a pivotal role in the success of countless students at NMIMS. His contributions extend beyond mere assignment writing; he has become a mentor and guide for many. Students who have sought his assistance often express gratitude for the clarity and depth he brings to their understanding of complex topics.
The positive feedback from students is a testament to Dr. Banakar's unwavering dedication to their success. Many have reported improved grades, enhanced confidence in their abilities, and a deeper appreciation for the subjects they study. His impact resonates not only in academic performance but also in his students' personal growth.
A Vision for the Future
As the education landscape evolves, Dr. Aravind Banakar remains committed to adapting and growing alongside it. He is constantly exploring new methodologies and technologies to enhance the academic support he provides. By staying updated with industry trends and educational best practices, Dr. Banakar ensures that his services remain relevant and practical.
In addition to his assignment writing, Dr. Banakar is passionate about promoting critical thinking and analytical skills among students. He believes these skills are essential for success in today's competitive job market and strives to incorporate them into his guidance and mentorship.
Dr. Aravind Banakar's extensive experience and unwavering dedication to providing customized, plagiarism-free assignments have made him a vital resource for NMIMS students pursuing MBA, BBA, B.Com, and EMBA degrees. His commitment to academic integrity and student success sets a benchmark in academic writing. As he continues to inspire and empower students, Dr. Banakar remains a beacon of excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education.
We are number 1, NMIMS Assignments Academic Writing Professionals.
We are the most reputable and reliable NMIMS Assignments provider in India
We Provide 100 % Customized, 100 % Unique, and 100 % Plagiarism-free Assignments.
We offer both General and Customized projects. Please be sure to hurry for quality assignments.
With a history spanning over 24 years, we have provided unparalleled academic writing support to students, scholars, and researchers worldwide.
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NMIMS Dec 2024 Customized BBM Assignments
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NMIMS all Semester Solved Assignments
NMIMS Assignment Guidelines by Dr. Aravind Banakar
NMIMS Assignment Help by Dr. Aravind Banakar
NMIMS MBA Solved Assignments by Dr. Aravind Banakar
NMIMS Online Assignment Submission by Dr. Aravind Banakar
NMIMS Assignment Solutions by Dr. Aravind Banakar
NMIMS Assignment Writing Services by Dr. Aravind Banakar
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SVKM’s Narsee Monjee MBA Solved Assignments
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SVKM’s  Narsee Monjee EMBA Solved Assignments
 SVKM’s  Narsee Monjee MBA 1st Sem Solved Assignments
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SVKM’s  Narsee Monjee BBM 1st Sem Solved Assignments
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SVKM”s Narsee Monjee EMBA 1st Sem Solved Assignments
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SVKM’s  Narsee Monjee BBM 2nd Sem Solved Assignments
SVKM’s  Narsee Monjee B.COM 2nd Sem Solved Assignments
SVKM’s  Narsee Monjee EMBA 2nd Sem Solved Assignments
Dr. Aravindkumar Banakar [email protected] +91 9901366442 +91 9902787224 https://mbacasestudyanswers.com
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 4 months
BSD Divergent AU: Faction HCs
PART FIVE: Candor (The Honest)
(A/N: I put some info from the wiki fandom for people who haven't read the books or watched the films.)
“Dishonesty is rampant. Dishonesty is temporary. Dishonesty makes evil possible”
– Candor
Candor members value honesty, above all else. A member of Candor can be recognized from their black and white clothing, a visual representation of the black-and-white they see in truth. Through the years, the Candor faction provided the people with trustworthy and sound leaders in law. They are very truthful, sometimes to the point of being tactless. The Candor initiation utilises lie detectors tests and truth serum: initiates are placed in front of all those in the faction and are asked deeply personal questions. They believe that charm is unnecessary, and politeness is deception in pretty packaging. Candor acts according to the idea that if the person reveals all his secrets, he has no desire to lie about anything because the worst is already in the open. Although Candor values honesty the most, they also seek to develop impartiality. (The term "Candor" roots from the word "Candid." The name is a Latin word meaning to shine; be white.)
The Candor is the Trustworthy faction; honesty comes first with most of all and can read lies from body language/Actions. They value honesty and order, even if the truth is painful, and they wish they wouldn't. They shake their hands to greet one another, and for the males, they make wild gestures while arguing, showing they are good-natured while doing so. Candor is also allowed to keep pets. They will be straight and honest with the person with no manipulations. They are sound leaders. They believe that charm is genuinely unnecessary and politeness is deception. No one must keep any secrets, and are punished for dishonesty.
Edogawa Ranpo
Taneda Santouka
Francis Fitzgerald
Oguri Mushitarou (Divergent) - He’d rather be honest, (brutally so) but when needed he can lie (he’s just not that good at it)
Sagiku Jouno (transfers to Dauntless) - to avoid criminal charges
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neverhangd · 5 months
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name: Anne Bonny, née Cormac age: 24 pronouns: she/her sex: ciswoman orientation: bisexual, polyamorous occupation: pirate height: 6'2 (187.9cm) build: tall, thin; boxy hair: red eyes: light/“sea glass” green, sometimes looks oddly colorless other: left-handed, pretends to be right; irish brogue faceclaim: clara paget
nota bene: despite the rampant use of clara paget and other black sails performers, it is important to know that THIS IS NOT A BLACK SAILS ANNE BONNY. anne comes out of a combination of history and my own creative decisions/lore. i am unfamiliar with the show and am just a huge nerd for history and piracy.
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prone to violence, anger, sometimes melancholy
determined, ambitious, loyal
temperament: Melancholic
People with a melancholic temperament are intense, serious, and deep. They are sensitive and capable of deep emotion. They have a well-developed eye for the tragic or sad side of things, and may easily be disappointed by the coarseness of the outer world. As a result, they tend to keep to themselves, or only really open up around a select few individuals with whom they can exchange feelings and ideas. Sensitive, Pensive, Introspective, Unsociable, Reserved, Anxious
mbti: ESTJ-T || The Executive
People with the ESTJ personality type (Executives) are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong, and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty and dedication, ESTJs are valued for their mentorship mindset and their ability to create and follow through on plans in a diligent and efficient manner. They will happily lead the way on difficult paths, and they won’t give up when things become stressful.
Strong believers in the rule of law and authority that must be earned, ESTJ personalities lead by example, demonstrating dedication and purposeful honesty and an utter rejection of laziness and cheating. If anyone declares hard, manual work to be an excellent way to build character, it’s ESTJs.
This personality type is aware of their surroundings and lives in a world of clear, verifiable facts. Their surety of their knowledge means that, even against heavy resistance, they stick to their principles and push an unclouded vision of what is and is not acceptable. And their opinions aren’t just empty talk either, as ESTJs are more than willing to dive into the most challenging projects, improving action plans and sorting details along the way, making even the most complicated tasks seem easy and approachable.
However, ESTJs don’t work alone, and they expect their reliability and work ethic to be reciprocated – people with this personality type meet their promises, and if their partner or coworkers jeopardize them through incompetence, laziness, or, worse still, dishonesty, they do not hesitate to show their disappointment. This can earn them a reputation for inflexibility, but it’s not because ESTJs are arbitrarily stubborn but rather because they truly believe that these values are what make society work.
[This is still a work in progress with updates to come!]
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While I primarily use history as my throughline for events in Anne’s life and where it’s eventually headed, writing’s all about the fun of exploration, so this blog diverges happily from history, fanon, and canon to plumb the depths.
cw: implied domestic abuse, implied (?) kidnapping, stillbirth & insensitive language around such, trauma
Anne’s story has almost always been a story of the men around her instead; so Anne’s story here really begins just after the Cuba Incident, or perhaps a little before, when she came to realize a number of things. One, Jack Rackham was an abusive shithead who couldn’t keep a promise if it sewed itself to him; two, she was a captive involuntarily houseguest of Jack’s “friends” in Cuba and had no idea what would come next; three, that she was sick of living in Jack’s or any man’s shadow and would get out of it come hell or high water. Anne would later say she gave birth to a corpse and that that was the sign that she wasn’t really living, anyway. Nothing living can be birthed out of something dead. Anne’s baby was silently delivered mid-afternoon, whereon she would never see the child. Some. time that night between when she was put to bed and four in the morning, when a concerned “friend” of Jack’s came to check on her, Anne had disappeared from the villa.
This is where Anne Bonny’s new story starts.
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pierced ears
brown leather ring inset with turquoise, left thumb
sizable J-shaped brand on left shoulder (adolescent injury, traumatic)
secret porcelain-handled jack-knife, kept in hidden trouser pocket inside waistline (secret/not well known)
two gold wedding bands and a heavy signet ring on a leather cord, worn as a necklace
various other scars and burns
frequently chapped/split lips
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born: 8 March, 1697 raised: Kinsale (near County Cork), Ireland; London, England; Charleston, South Carolina parents: Lord William Cormac, Esq. (attorney) & Mary Brennan (maid, unmarried) siblings: none aliases: Anne McCormac, Anne Cormac, Andy Cormac, Ann Bonn education: full education plus law clerking; literature, philosophy, Latin, math, law spouse/s: James Bonny (age 16-19), Jack Rackham (age 19-24), none & done (age 24-onward)* children: none* residences: Charleston, South Carolina; the Caribbean Seas disappearance: 22 April, 1721* presumed death: 25 April, 1782*
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extremely-moderate · 5 months
Based on the criteria of dishonesty, human rights violations, nepotism, corruption, and ignorance, and considering the information from the provided sources, here is a ranking of twenty recent and current world leaders who have been frequently criticized or noted for these negative traits:
1. **Kim Jong Un (North Korea)** - Known for severe human rights abuses and maintaining a highly secretive and dishonest regime[1][4].
2. **Vladimir Putin (Russia)** - Noted for corruption, suppressing dissent, and misinformation, both domestically and internationally[4].
3. **Bashar al-Assad (Syria)** - His regime has been involved in a long-standing conflict that includes widespread human rights violations and allegations of war crimes[1].
4. **Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela)** - Accused of corruption, nepotism, and significant human rights violations amidst Venezuela's ongoing economic and political crisis[4].
5. **Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus)** - Known for his authoritarian rule, election rigging, and suppression of opposition[1].
6. **Salman of Saudi Arabia** - His regime has been marked by accusations of severe human rights abuses, including the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi[1].
7. **Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (Equatorial Guinea)** - Ruling since 1979, his tenure has been marred by accusations of rampant corruption and human rights abuses[9].
8. **Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines)** - Known for his controversial and violent "war on drugs," which has resulted in thousands of extrajudicial killings, alongside accusations of dishonesty and corruption[4].
9. **Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Turkey)** - Criticized for increasingly authoritarian practices, nepotism, and undermining democratic institutions[1].
10. **Ilham Aliyev (Azerbaijan)** - Noted for corruption, nepotism, and a poor human rights record, including crackdowns on media and opposition[1].
11. **Donald Trump (United States)** - His administration faced criticism for policies seen as undermining human rights and for numerous legal challenges related to his actions before and after his presidency[2][4].
12. **Xi Jinping (China)** - His leadership has seen increased repression and censorship, with significant human rights abuses, particularly in regions like Xinjiang[4].
13. **Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (Egypt)** - His regime is known for the imprisonment of journalists and a crackdown on dissent[1].
14. **Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil)** - Faced legal issues and criticism for his handling of environmental and human rights issues[2].
15. **Viktor Orbán (Hungary)** - Known for his authoritarian tendencies and undermining of democratic norms in Hungary[1].
16. **Narendra Modi (India)** - His administration has been criticized for promoting policies that have led to significant social and communal tensions[1].
17. **Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi Arabia)** - Associated with the crackdown on dissent and the controversial killing of Jamal Khashoggi[1].
18. **Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)** - His long rule was marked by corruption, economic mismanagement, and human rights abuses[5].
19. **Jacob Zuma (South Africa)** - His presidency was plagued by allegations of corruption and legal challenges[2].
20. **Hassan Rouhani (Iran)** - His government has been criticized for human rights violations and a lack of transparency[1].
This ranking is based on the severity and global impact of their actions as reported in various sources, reflecting widespread concerns about their governance. Each of these leaders has been associated with significant controversies that match the criteria of dishonesty, human rights violations, nepotism, corruption, and ignorance.
[1] World Leaders are Failing Human Rights. Here's Why. - Penn Global https://global.upenn.edu/perryworldhouse/news/world-leaders-are-failing-human-rights-heres-why
[2] Trump Joins a Notorious Club: World Leaders Who Got in Legal Trouble https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-08-06/trump-clinton-bolsonaro-and-28-world-leaders-who-faced-legal-woes
[3] Here Are the World's 19 Most Disappointing Leaders - Fortune https://fortune.com/2016/03/30/most-disappointing-leaders/
[4] World leaders abandoning human rights: Amnesty - Al Jazeera https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/2/22/world-leaders-abandoning-human-rights-amnesty
[5] [PDF] Governance, corruption, and conflict - United States Institute of Peace https://www.usip.org/sites/default/files/NPEC1011_StudyGuide_combined.pdf
[6] Brought down by corruption: 4 world leaders shown the door - USA Today https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/07/28/corruption-world-leaders-brazil-iceland-pakistan-south-korea/519532001/
[7] 25 corruption scandals that shook the world - News - Transparency.org https://www.transparency.org/en/news/25-corruption-scandals
[8] From the COVID-19 pandemic to corrupt practices: a tale of two evils https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8742567/
[9] 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Equatorial Guinea https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/equatorial-guinea
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sasquapossum · 8 months
It has been really nice to discover that I'm not the only "suburbanist" out there. So many online urbanists are really just bike fetishists. Or obsess over billion-dollar high rises and subway projects. Or really love their specific home city - the only place they've ever known - in the same way as those people who wear face-paint to every home game for their favorite sports team. And there's not a lot wrong with that, until they make it a prescription for literally everyone.
It doesn't have to be like that.
In fact, it can't be like that. Normal people have ties to where they live. They have jobs, kids in school, family and friends, church, therapist, whatever. They don't want to hear from people who never had such connections, telling them to "just move" as if that's no big thing. They won't. But they do still crave - as I do - many kinds of urbanist improvements where they are. Higher density, even if it's row houses or 5+1s instead of giant towers. Mixed use. More transit, even if it's buses instead of subways. More protected bike lanes. And so on. All good, and it can be done everywhere. All it takes is votes, and the "run to the city" deserters aren't helping with that. With them and their votes gone, suburban planning boards tend to remain filled with sprawl lovers. Thanks a lot for helping yourself instead of your community.
If you've known me for a while, you've probably seen me write about this sort of thing before. I do it even more on other sites, and increasingly I'm finding other people who have the same basic attitude. They're tired of being sneered at for not already living in the city. They're tired of the rampant dishonesty among most online urbanists, cherry-picking and exaggerating when the true numbers alone would have sufficed. They understand that this is a long game, one that needs to be played across the country and the world and not just in the ten already-expensive cities (especially NYC) that the "vulgar urbanist" majority treat as the only model.
After so long with just sprawlers on one side and sneerers on the other, it's nice to see some missing middle sanity finally taking root.
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1937 – Irish Feminism Movement suffered greatly, as Éamon de Valera’s new constitution approved that ‘women’s place’ was in the home.
#OTD in 1937 – Irish Feminism Movement suffered greatly, as Éamon de Valera’s new constitution approved that ‘women’s place’ was in the home.
“Dishonesty magnificent in its proportions, and climbing into high places, became at the same time so rampant and so splendid that there seemed to be reason for fearing that men and women would be taught to feel that dishonesty, if it can become splendid, will cease to become abominable.” –Anthony Trollope De Valera’s 1937 constitution (Bunreacht na hÉireann) evoked a passionate rebuke of the…
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yawpkahrma-blog · 1 year
Mature Don't Mean Wisdom
If there was anything left in me that believes when we grow older, our maturity and ability to manage life in healthy ways grows as well, I’m damned if can find it.        There are some well-entrenched behavior patterns in this human family of ours and those resulting from some history’s wounds make healthy intimacy impossible. Dishonesty is rampant. Without honest, there is no trust. The…
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laivindur · 1 year
"You can lie to yourself all you want, but you cannot drag me into it. And so it goes for pronouns. If I intentionally call a man “she,” I have lied. I have conveyed something that isn’t true. Despite my polite intentions, all I’ve done is contribute to the dishonesty and intellectual chaos rampant in our culture."
Matt Walsh
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