rainagainstmywindow · 4 years
Forever Cursed
This is my entry for the @pjo-hoo-bigbang! @shelbychild and @wisdomofchase were my lovely betas. TY for saving my tenses I know I’m a mess and for all the sweet messages you sprinkled in there. I see u and I appreciate u!  Please also go check out the collab piece that @officialpjo (lineart) and @wisdomofchase (coloring)  made for this as well as @silima piece and @aquacanis  piece. I was so excited to see how talented you all are! Also, I MIGHT re-visit this and add a more upbeat epilogue but I promise nothing lol.
This was really self-indulgent and fun to work on! I loved my team and I hope y'all enjoy it.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Clarisse La Rue/Chris Rodriguez Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Clarisse La Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Piper McLean, Drew Tanaka, Silena Beauregard Additional Tags: mentions of silena/beckendorf, mentions of silena, Heavy Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Depression, percabeth, this is straight up sad yall Summary: How does one lose the infamous Curse of Achilles? Short answer: you don’t.
It starts with a fever.
It makes the demons inside Percy’s head all that more real. It’s harder to ground himself with the sight of his cabin back at camp. It makes his eyelids heavy, the fog and the heat of Tartarus all-encompassing.
He pulls himself to a sitting position at the edge of his bed, letting his head fall to his hands; his fingers run through his sweat-matted hair. The burning in his skin is real. It presses against his palms, and it makes his brain short-circuit.
I’m not there. I’m not there. I’m not there.
But he’s burning all over, and his blood feels like it’s boiling.
He can feel the sting of the Phlegethon down his throat. The scar on his shoulder aches as if it’s been torn apart all over again, but, unlike other nights, the pain moves all over, and keeps his breath in a choke-hold.
I’m not. I’m not there. I can’t be there.  
The pain blinds him, his cabin disappears, and his thoughts are extinguished to nothing but the pain.
Then, just as suddenly as it came, it subsides. Slowly, Percy can make out his stuttered breathing once again, until it’s just him, his breathing and his trembling hands, alone in his cabin.
He’s used to feeling worn-out after an especially bad nightmare, but the exhaustion that hits him then is different. It’s too heavy. For the first time since the Giant War, he’s pulled into an immediate, dreamless slumber.
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rainagainstmywindow · 4 years
All Shades of You Chpt. 8
Grover was trying to convince himself that Percy wasn’t acting weird, but it was getting harder and harder by the second. He seemed more on edge than usual, almost jumping at the sight of a pile of leaves Mrs. O’Leary had run into, and Grover was sure he’d only heard half of what he’d told him in the past hour.
He’d gotten to Beckendorf’s apartment before Percy had, and he seemed to share his suspicions. Grover chewed his lip anxiously as Beck told him about his grumpiness all weekend. “He has a test coming up,” he told Beckendorf, “he's probably nervous is all.”
Beck shrugged, clearly not convinced. They both were thinking the same thing: Gabe. Percy wasn’t exactly known for brushing things off, but it was the arguments he had with his stepfather especially that got to him. At the end of last year, things had started escalating. Grover had felt the change in his best friend. Percy had finally started sticking up for himself around his stepfather. Grover and Beck alike had encouraged it, but then Gabe walked in on Percy and his mom talking about him.
The fight had been so bad Percy had to stay with Beck for two weeks and he’d ended up taking his frustration out at school, finally earning him the boot from the institution. Percy had barely been allowed back to the apartment when Grover left for camp that summer. When he came back, Percy had gone back to keeping his head down around his stepfather. But it was only a matter of time before things blew up again.
His behavior was slightly different than before, though. There wasn’t as much anger, he just seemed frustrated, confused.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Grover finally asked.
“What?” He leaned down to calm down Mrs. O’Leary as a small chihuahua walked by and barked at her. “What are you talking about?”
“You’ve been acting weird all day.”
“No I haven’t…” He sighed, looking away from Grover. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired, Grover. It’s nothing.”
Grover wasn’t convinced. “You’ve been tired since I met you, Percy. You’re going to have to do better than that.”
Percy rolled his eyes at him but knew better than to try to lie to Grover again. “Fine! If you must know, Annabeth and I got into a stupid fight. I don’t know what’s gotten into her! Now, I’m sure I'm going to flunk that stupid test!”
Annabeth? Grover bit back his smile as Percy went on and on about how impossible she was. He’d had his suspicions since they’d started hanging out more and more without him needing to be there.
“Are you laughing?”
“What? No!” Grover quickly fixed his expression to something more sympathetic. “Annabeth means well, Percy. I’m sure she has a good reason, but she’s not great at expressing her feelings.” Quite like you, he thought to himself. “Just try to talk to her.”
Percy looked slightly panicked at that suggestion. He seemed like he was going to answer but then something behind Grover’s head caught his eye. Grover turned around to see what it was but all he saw was the busy New York skyline being lit by the last rays of sun. He turned back around to ask what all the fuss was about, but Percy appeared hypnotized.
“Seriously, man. What’s going on with you?”
Keep reading in AO3
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
All Shades of You (Chapter 4)
I reached my first 1k a few days ago so, as promised, here’s the next chapter. Prepare for a lot of swimmer!Percy and some throw backs to my own swimming days (this was our actual stretching ritual). I can’t believe I reached 1k! That’s just crazy! Thanks once again to @san-penedo for being my beta and enjoy!
(please search #ramwfics or #ASoY for previous chapters)
of a color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.
Annabeth pinched her nose as she squinted through the brightness of her phone screen. Between green and violet. She guessed that meant that she was moving through the color spectrum. As of the sky. Yeah, she’d almost had a heart attack yesterday when she’d looked up, bracing for the recently bright green leaves of the trees, and was slapped with a clear, blue sky looking back down at her. Was this the color of Luke’s eyes? Was this what Thalia had seen all those years ago?
She sighed as she locked her phone’s screen and settled back down onto her pillow, sparing a quick glance to her roomate to make sure she hadn’t disturbed her. It was now obvious to her that she couldn’t keep ignoring this. Grover had tried to hang out with her more the past couple of weeks but she had guiltily denied in fear of Percy being there. Now she made the colossal effort of putting her pride aside and unlocked her phone once again, sending Grover a text asking if they could meet up tomorrow after school.
Even though it was around 12 am Grover answered right away. Sure! Where?
I dunno ur the new yorker, she answered back.
I know a great enchilada place.
She was about to answer but noticed the ellipses that told her Grover was still typing.
Tell thalia to come?
Sure thing. Annabeth knew that Thalia had been avoiding Grover longer than she had and felt guilty all over again about ghosting Grover for the past couple of weeks. She didn’t know if Thalia would agree, but it was worth asking anyways.
Annabeth walked to the address Grover had texted her this morning, self-conscious of her stupid, plaid school skirt. She spotted Grover right away and walked towards the booth he was at, careful to avoid tripping over the crutches he had propped beside him. “Those new?” Annabeth asked as a form of greeting. She hadn’t seen that particular pair before. Grover had EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) which meant he had pretty bad hips and chronic pain that fluctuated day to day so he didn’t always use his crutches.
He looked up from his menu and smiled at her. “Yep.” Grover looked past her hopefully, but Thalia had politely declined her invitation to come. She’d been acting a bit distant with Annabeth too now that she thought about it, ever since she told her about Percy and brought up Luke.
“So what’s good here?” She asked as a way to keep his spirits up. “I mean besides the enchiladas.”
He took a second to answer but collected himself quickly enough. “The guac isn’t bad,” he told her. “Percy approves of it even though he says his mom’s is way better.”
Annabeth ended up ordering the enchiladas and they fell into an easy conversation about school. She did a lot of the talking. Grover had never had a good time at school. She’d hoped things had gotten better with Percy there. She voiced her concern once she felt his guard go down.
He smiled a little to himself, he wasn’t nearly as proud as Thalia or Annabeth but she could tell the question still made hime bristle a little bit. “It was definitely better with Percy there. He got too worked up when people, you know,” Acted like assholes, Annabeth wanted to say but nodded instead. Her mind focused on the ‘was’. “He could give Thalia a run for her money with the temper he’s got.”
“What do you mean was? I thought you guys went to school together.”
By the way Grover stiffened she could tell it was a touchy subject. “He’s going to a different school this year.”
“How come?”
“It’s not really my place to say.” Grover had always been a sensible person, careful with how he handled his friend’s personal business. Annabeth could respect that, but she still wondered. By the way that Grover referred to it she could only guess that Percy’s departure wasn’t amicable. The mention of Percy’s temper also struck her as odd since he’d seemed pretty friendly when she’d met him. “It wasn’t really his fault,” he added hastily at the sight of Annabeth’s face. “He’s just got pretty rotten luck to be honest.”
Annabeth nodded, understanding that that was as much as Grover was willing to share about that particular matter. It eased her mind a little bit that Grover was quick to defend him though, he’s always been a great judge of character. Mostly.
Percy couldn’t believe he’d let Rachel talk him into trying out for the swim team. He knew that Beckendorf held some of the blame as well, practically guiltying him into doing it. No doubt he’d also spoken with his mother since she just happened to know the date of the try-outs as well and had casually asked him if he was going to go for it. Percy knew that Sally had loved the fact that he’d joined the swim team at his last school. His grades had gotten slightly better and he had a good reason to be out of the apartment. Percy had even started considering the idea of college as an actual possibility for a while. Then people started asking too many questions. It was almost impossible to hide the bruises. It all fell apart pretty quickly after. He hadn’t forgotten the utter look of disappointment his mother had worn as the principal told her he wouldn’t be welcomed back to the school and that the other student’s family was likely to press charges. He couldn’t bare to do that to her again.
What am I doing? He asked himself for the millionth time that day as he walked out of the lockers, cap and goggles in hand. His heart was beating pretty fast, partly from nerves at the memory of what had happened the last time he’d been close to a pool, and partly in excitement at getting back in after so many months.
He was one of the first ones there. The blond guy he’d seen earlier in the week was there with three other freshmen-looking guys. He joined them wordlessly and got a brief nod from the blond captain. After about fifteen minutes, more boys started shuffling in. Percy could see the girls gathering around a tall brunette on the other side of the pool. Both captains signaled their groups to gather into one bigger group in the middle. “Alright! I believe this is everyone because if not you’re late!” Percy would never admit it but he actually set up about five alarms on his phone for particularly that reason. It was hard to keep track of time with his ADHD and he was known for being late. “My name is Lauren!”
“And I’m Cole,” chipped in blondie behind the taller girl.
“Right now we’re going to go through a standard warm up. If you’ve been on a team before you’re going to use the lanes on the right, if not use the ones on the left. The warm up is on the whiteboard behind me.” She pointed back and Percy started reading the routine. 400 free, 400 combined… Nothing fancy. “We’re not going to split you off into boys and girls just now but we will be walking around and rearranging some of you guys.”
“But first,” Cole chipped in once again. He was holding a CD player for some reason. “We stretch.” He hit play and Mulan’s ‘I’ll Make a Man Out of You’ started playing. He didn’t seem to notice the various eye rolls and groans that followed and happily started to lead the stretch. Percy had to bite down on his lip at the sight of Lauren doing windmills to the beat of Shang singing about honor and defeating the Huns with a completely stoic face. Both captains couldn’t be more different from each other.
Percy was moved three times throughout the warm up. By the end he was in a lane with two other guys and girls beside him. He’d always hated packed lanes both because he got kind of claustrophobic and because the constant brushing of his toes and having to slow down because of the person in front of him got on his nerves. One particular guy -he could only tell he was white behind his expensive goggles and cap- insisted on cutting ahead of him even when it was pretty obvious he was going extra hard to keep up with Percy’s pace. Percy forced himself to let it go since this was still only the warm-up.
After about twenty minutes they had them line up behind the diving blocks. “Okay! You’re all going to get two jumps! We only want to see your dives right now!” Lauren yelled over the commotion of about forty teenagers getting out of the pool. “Wait for my whistle!”
Percy waited for the five people in front of him to go. He felt his nerves mounting up in his chest as he got on the block. He almost realized too late that he’d actually failed to put his goggles on and barely had time to adjust them before the whistle went off. He landed smoothly in the water though, his hands touching the surface before anything else and letting himself glide for a couple of seconds before doing a dolphin kick to breach the surface. Braving a peak before ducking under the rail to the other lane, he saw that he’d reached just a little over half of the 25 meters. He swallowed his disappointment, last season he ate up more than three quarters of the pool with his dive.
As he lined up for his second dive, he made sure he had his goggles  were securely fastened, so by the time he was on the block again he felt much more confident. This time he reached his usual length. Things went pretty well from then on. They had them do a lap or two in each style, full speed, in medley order. Butterfly had always been Percy’s favorite style and he noticed some impressed nods as they noted his time of fifty four seconds for his hundred meter. Next came backstroke, followed by breaststroke, both of which Percy performed nicely at 58 and 57 seconds respectively.
They gave them some time to cool down before going for the fifty and one hundred meters freestyle. Percy’s nerves resurfaced as he waited for his turn to go for the fifty meters. He hadn’t missed Cole and Lauren talking to each other while sparing a few glances his way when he completed the hundred meters in 51 seconds. Even though he’s tied his personal best for the hundred everyone knew that the real show was in the fifty.
His heart started beating wildly when the guy in front of him completed his lap in twenty-four seconds. The girl afterwards swam it at twenty-eight earning an actual cheer from Lauren. Percy could tell she was pretty young, maybe even a freshman. His nerves were turning into actual nausea at this point. His arms felt heavy at his sides as he climbed up the block and he gave them a small shake before brushing his fingers against the ledge, toes curled around it. He let out a deep breath, tensed, and was off the block the second Lauren blew the whistle, his nerves vanishing the moment he hit the water. Percy’s only thoughts were faster, harder, keep it up, don’t slack. Before he knew it, his feet were kicking off the wall, his lungs begging him to come up but him waiting so as to not cut off his glide. That extra boost of speed that he always managed in the last couple of seconds kicked in and he was reaching, reaching…
“Nice!” Percy looked up at Cole as he broke the water, breathing heavily but looking expectantly at the chronometer. “Twenty-two point five!”
The co-captain helped him up and patted him on the back, Lauren beamed at him but was already looking at the next set of swimmers on the block. Twenty-two point five. He was five tenths shy of his personal best. That’s an Olympic qualifying time, Jackson. He remembered his last coach telling him. He’d swam it in twenty-two seconds during his last race. He tried not to think about it, but his stomach still churned in regret.
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
All Shades of You (Chapter 1)
This is going to be the first chapter to a percabeth AU based on @ofswordsandpens ‘s  post (she was also nice enough to read it over and discuss ideas with me) This is my first chaptered fic so I hope you enjoy it! 
(please search #ramwfics or #ASoY for previous chapters)
Annabeth saw color for the first time when she was seven. It was before her brothers had come along. Her father had just barely met her stepmother and she’d invited them to her family’s beach house. Annabeth’d been so focused on building the perfect sandcastle that she’d completely neglected the ocean in front of her even though it was her first proper visit to the beach. It wasn’t until her father called her from the water that she looked up. 
It was unlike anything she’d ever seen. From her father’s bedtime stories she knew that the ocean was supposed to be blue or green. She never imagined it could be so many at once though. Deep green tinged with blues looked back at her. The colors were alive. She tried to mask her utter amazement but it must’ve shown on her face. Her father called to her once again, asking if anything was wrong. She forced herself to peel her eyes away and went back to her castle, never once mentioning it to anyone.
Percy had started to give up hope he’d ever see color. He’d spent so long in black and white that he’d started to believe they weren’t real, just something his mother had made up to get him to sleep during thunderstorms.
During one such storm, when Sally Jackson wasn’t there to lull him to sleep over the roar of lightning, he began to hope once again. It was too early for it to be light out but lightning lit the clouds every few seconds anyways. He’d buried his head in his pillow in an attempt to block it all out, but his heart continued  to beat too furiously for him to go back to sleep. Finally, he braved a peek through his curtains and threw them all the way back with a gasp. It wasn’t color, he was sure he’d know the difference right away when he finally saw it, but it was the brightest Percy had ever seen anything be. It shone with fierce life. Maybe he was being too hopeful, but it tugged at his heart anyways.
“This is nice.” Annabeth doubted that Thalia thought her neat, bland dorm room was nice but it was to her. There was also the added bonus of the peace and quiet she’d probably get without her brothers next door. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
Annabeth has been coming to New York since she was seven. During the summers for camp mostly, and that one time her family stayed for a full year. She’d met Thalia at one of her Dad’s charity dinners the first year they’d come to New York. Even though Thalia had been twelve, both girls had taken to each other right away. Thalia’d been there with her mother, whose career as a television actress had just started to fade, so she listened to the little blonde kid go on and on about the history of the Golden Gate Bridge. They had been like sisters ever since.
Thalia was the first person Annabeth called after a particularly nasty argument with her stepmother. She had helped Annabeth finally enroll in the New York boarding school she’d been eyeing for a while as a compromise.
“You’re actually pretty close to Grover’s school.” Thalia told her. They’d been pretty close with Grover Underwood before Luke died. They had all gone to the same summer camp. Annabeth had kept going even after Luke, but Thalia had stopped. She was surprised to hear Thalia still kept tabs of where he lived. She didn’t know if they were still talking. Grover had always changed the subject when she tried to bring it up. 
Her anger at her father rose again with full force when she thought about the summer with Grover she didn’t get to spend. She made a mental note to call Grover up to hang out as soon as she was done moving in. Hopefully he figured out her Dad was acting crazy again and he wasn’t mad at her.
“What about you? How far away are you?” Annabeth asked. She hoped her nerves didn’t seep into her voice, but of course Thalia noticed.
“Close enough, kiddo. Don’t worry.”
“Aren’t you worried that once you see color it’ll look awful?” Percy wasn’t sure if Rachel was paying him any attention. She was glaring at the canvas in front of her, twirling her paintbrush too close to her nose.  
She shrugged. “Maybe I’ll never find out.” She probably thought Percy was talking about the unfinished painting in front of her.
“Don’t you want to?”
Rachel put her brush down, turning towards Percy. “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just know that if I don’t I won’t be too beat up about it.” He didn’t know if he’d made a face, but Rachel seemed to notice something was up. “Why? Would you?”
“No-I mean- I don’t know…” Rachel was cool, but he’d only known her a few months. It felt too personal to talk about with her. He’d wanted to tell someone about the thunderstorm but the more he thought about it the more he convinced himself that he probably imagined it. Maybe he would tell Grover once school started.
Rachel sighed, going back to her painting. “We’re sixteen, Perce. If you really want it to happen, you’ve got time.”
“It’s not like I’m dying for it to happen or anything.”
She chuckled. “Okay, Percy.”
“I’m not!”
Percy really hated the summers sometimes. Sure, having no school was awesome, but it’d always meant he’d have to work. Anything to get out of the house and not be with Smelly Gabe. He realized “Smelly Gabe” was a pretty childish nickname for his disgusting stepfather but he’d been eight when he thought it up, okay?
It also meant Grover was off to his summer camp, with his ‘awesome friends’ that he always went on about. Percy was pretty proud of himself from meeting Rachel this summer. Well, more like crashing into her since he did almost run her over with his skateboard. It’d been quite a sight having a frizzy-hairedm shiny (he imagined she’d been covered in golden paint from the sheen of her skin and his mother’s description of the color) girl yelling at him. She said she’d forgive him if he donated to her cause (“Save Public School Art Programs”) but seeing as he was broke she settled for him giving her his honest opinion about her art. He’d been coming to her apartment each afternoon after his dog-walking job ever since. So far he’d helped her finish two paintings. 
He hadn’t really stuck around for the art though. Percy was pretty confused as to why Rachel valued his opinion when he clearly didn’t know the first thing about painting, but she did. She made him feel smart, and she was pretty smart herself. Rachel was also attending Percy’s new school: Goode High School. They weren’t supposed to start for another week but Grover got back today and Percy was excited to have his two friends meet. He tried to ignore how lame it was that he only had two friends. 
They were meeting at Rachel’s penthouse because it was big enough to fit two of Percy’s apartment in it and because it was always empty. Rachel’s parents tried to make up for leaving her alone all the time by providing her with endless amounts of cheese plates and all the take-out she wanted. Percy was also excited to see Grover’s face when he saw the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Percy’s phone buzzed with a text from Grover.  I’m at the lobby. U sure I got the right address?
Percy smiled to himself and answered:  Yep I’ll buzz u in
Grover’s face when Rachel opened the door for him was definitely worth it. Percy didn’t miss how uncomfortable all the attention seemed to make Rachel though, so he smiled at her and she couldn’t help but laugh along at Grover’s cry of excitement when he saw the enchiladas they’d ordered. “Whoa!” He hesitated but Rachel, clearly embarrassed insisted he’d go ahead. “What a great day. First Annabeth texts me she moved here and now enchiladas!”
“Wait.” Percy said, “Annabeth’s here?”
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
All Shades of You (Chapter 5)
Happy Birthday to Percy Jackson! This is super fluffy so it commemorates the Percabeth anniversary as well too I believe. Thanks as always to my lovely beta @san-penedo and enjoy the small lifeguard!Percy i managed to sprinkle in there! (please search #ramwfics or #ASoY for previous chapters)
Percy groaned as he attempted to read the same passage of his history textbook for what appeared to be the hundredth time. The exhaustion that weighed over him thanks to swim practice two hours prior didn’t help either, nor the fact that he had to wake up early tomorrow for his dog-walking gig. He would have little time the rest of the weekend to catch up on homework since he’d taken on extra shifts at the local pool where he worked as a lifeguard to make up for what he couldn’t work during the weekdays now that he was in the swim team.
He got halfway through the passage once again but it was no use, the words just taunted him from the page, dancing around in weird, curvy waves. Frustrated, he slammed the book shut, immediately flinching at the sound. He hadn’t heard anyone come in but Smelly Gabe would give him hell for making any noise during his precious “TV time.” Percy slowly poked his head out of his room and was relieved to find he was home alone. His stepfather was probably out drinking with his buddies and his mom should’ve been heading home from the candy shop. He felt his phone buzz. It was a text from Sally.
Will probably get there in a few hours. Had to close up late and I stopped to get some groceries. Don’t wait up. Love you
Percy texted back a quick reply, knowing full well she was probably closing up but at a new job. She had not wanted to admit it when he’d asked, too concentrated on congratulating him for making the team, but this definitely put a strain on money. His school tuition had already been too much even when he was working more frequently. He wondered once again if this was worth it, if he was worth it. He knew his mom wanted him to have what she didn’t, to finish high school and make it out of this neighbourhood. But he’d only managed to screw up every chance he’d gotten so far, and college just seemed too out of reach. His stepfather seemed to agree with it all being a waste. I won’t waste a dime on your little delinquent kid, Sally! Percy had heard him and his mother arguing after she’d gotten Percy the interview at Goode. As if Smelly Gabe had ever contributed anything but anxiety to Percy’s life. He’d silently prayed he wouldn’t be allowed into the school, didn’t really see how considering his record and poor grades. But, somehow, he’d made it in.
He made his way into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge. He’d made sure to have an extra large lunch but he had not eaten since practice and he was starving. Percy looked at the clock. 10:32 pm. He figured Beckendorf would be at his apartment, getting back from work himself. Last year he would alternate his time between practice and Beckendorf’s apartment. Most days Grover would join them and they would pass the time bothering Beckendorf about Silena or playing with Mrs. O’Leary. Yet another thing Percy had screwed up when he got himself kicked out. He slammed the fridge door too, this time flinching because he knew he couldn’t afford to break the old thing. It’s not like Beckendorf had stopped inviting him over. He’d even hung out there a few days ago. Percy just couldn’t help but feel guilty whenever he saw him.
In the end, his own boredom and frustration won and he found himself in front of Beckendorf’s door. Mrs. O’Leary must’ve heard him come because Percy could hear her barking through the door. A few seconds later there was Beckendorf staring down at him, still im his mechanic overalls. “Hey! Everything okay?” Percy didn’t miss how his dark eyes scanned his face. There had been a couple of times last year when he’d knocked on his door later at night looking worse for wear.
“Yeah,” he answered casually, “I just got bored. Can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course.” Beckendorf stepped aside, making sure to hold on to Mrs. O’Leary’s colar. The large Rottweiler had started bounding happily at the sight of Percy, who scratched her ears on his way in. Beckendorf knew Percy too well. “You hungry?” He asked as they shuffled into his living room/kitchen.
Percy tried not to look too embarrassed as he admitted: “I’m starving.”
“What?” Percy asked Grover for the second time. He’d been too focused on a scrawny kid flopping around in the pool in front of him to hear what his friend was saying. He’d seen the kid before, not the strongest swimmer but Percy could tell it was more due to lack of confidence than anything else. He’d seen him manage quite well in the shallower parts of the pool. Today it seemed like he’d finally decided to try out the deeper end though. The kid’s parents were nowhere to be seen, and Percy could see the panic starting to creep into his face as he realized the water was too deep to stand in. “I’ll be right back.”
Percy slid into the water. He didn’t want to make a scene since the kid wasn’t actually drowning and he wanted to give him a chance to get out of there by himself. The boy spotted him right away, relief evident in his face. Percy was tall enough to stand in this part of the pool so he made his way slowly towards him. “Hey there.” The kid didn’t make a dash to hold onto him so Percy knew hadn’t gotten too desperate, but the way he was flopping around would tire him out soon enough. “What’s your name?”  
The kid, looking mildly embarrassed, told him it was Trevor. Slowly but surely, Percy got Trevor to paddle to a shallower part of the pool. His parents finally made an appearance not soon after. “Hey ma’am,” Percy called. They were clearly here just to pick him up and they didn’t look too happy about it. The father hadn’t even looked up from his phone. “Is this your kid?” The mother, a woman that appeared to be blonde with unusually dark skin (through his limited color palette Percy assumed it was due to a bad tanning job), looked him up and down but didn’t find it within herself to answer. “I had to help Travis swim away from the deeper end of the pool. He’s not a strong enough swimmer yet for you to leave him on his own like-”
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you complaining about doing your job?” The woman’s tone made Percy’s blood boil but he clenched his fists to keep his temper in check. He didn’t need any complaints going to his supervisor. He tried to apologize but the woman was too busy yanking Trevor out of the water to care. Percy tried to put on a fake smile as he waved goodbye to the kid and sulked back to his chair.
Grover looked distastefully at the spot where the woman had gone. “A plus parenting, huh?”
Percy rolled his eyes in agreement and slumped back into his chair. “What were you saying before?”
“Oh right,” Grover tried to calm his nerves, but he’d never been a good liar and Percy knew him pretty well by now. Grover was hoping to catch Percy in a good mood since he knew he wouldn’t like this next part very much. “Well, you know how you’ve been telling me you’ve been struggling with homework lately?”
That question alone was enough to hit a nerve. “I’m not struggling, Grover. I was just saying that I’m tired and I hate reading.”
“Yeah, well I was talking to Annabeth-” Grover held up a pleading hand before Percy could interrupt him- “She’s really smart, Percy! She could help you out after school!”
“Why did you have to tell her anything? I don’t even know her!”
“I didn’t tell her anything about that!” Grover argued. He knew it was hard for Percy to talk about people about his dyslexia and ADHD; he wouldn’t betray his trust like that. Little did Percy know, however, that Annabeth was in the same boat. “I just told her you needed some help with some subjects because I know she’s really good at all that stuff and she actually volunteered herself to tutor you.” It had taken Grover aback a bit actually. Annabeth was nice and always there to help, but she didn’t take on to new people right away. Grover hadn’t gotten the impression that she disliked Percy, but it usually took her a lot longer to show interest in new people. The only other person he knew she’d gotten along with right away was Thalia. Now that Grover thought about it, Percy and Thalia did have a lot in common, though.
“Tutor me?” Percy was looking thoroughly annoyed, eyes fixed on the water before him.
“She’s not going to charge you or anything,” Grover winced at his own comment. It was hard to manage Percy’s temper around this subject. He hated feeling pitied and wasn’t big on asking for help. “She’s just trying to help and she’s new here. She doesn’t know many people besides me and Thalia.” Percy sighed. “She’s the smartest person I know, Percy. I trust her. You met her. She’s cool.” Grover could tell he was going to give in. He knew Percy was worried about keeping his grades up. His swim coach had let him on the team under the condition that he would get his GPA up enough to get out of probation from the school. Grover was also secretly excited about his two best friends possibly becoming friends themselves.
“Fine,” Percy finally said, bringing his whistle up to his lips at the sight of a group of small girls chasing each other. He gave one firm blow and pointed at the sign that read No Running when they both whipped their heads towards him. “I’ve got some free time on Monday after practice.”
Annabeth tapped her pen impatiently against the table she’d settled in at the library. It didn’t help her temper that today she found out that this same pen, which she’d been using since the beginning of the semester, was bright red. The color of romance, her father had once jokingly told her. And danger, Annabeth now thought. Yeah, that seemed more accurate in her case.
The guy was almost an hour late. She was about to give up when she heard what sounded like a chair being knocked over, a loud hush, and a quick apology. A few seconds later, there was Percy Jackson. His hair was still wet from what she assumed was swim practice and he was holding a battered skateboard under his arm. Annabeth was once again struck by the intense green of his eyes. She thought she’d gotten used to the color after seeing it everywhere for the past couple of weeks, but it still floored her. There was nothing else that was that exact shade of green.
“You’re late.”
He at least managed to look guilty as he pulled a chair out noisily, earning him a death glare from the librarian at the desk. “I know. I’m so sorry. We ended late and the subway broke down or something.”
Annabeth would’ve shrugged that off as a half-assed excuse but every time she’d gotten on the subway that week it had stopped for almost an hour. Percy also had a very sincere way of saying things that kind of put her on edge. She waved her hand dismissively. “It’s fine. Did you bring your book?” He pulled a history textbook from his battered backpack. She tried to ignore the fact he’d dogeared the page. “Fall of Constantinople, right?”
“Yeah.” She could tell this whole ordeal embarrassed him a little. It was becoming harder and harder to remember she was annoyed at him. “I just...can’t seem to understand why this city was so important. From what I managed to extract from the other chapter, it seems like this whole empire was already done for.”
“I mean it was certainly in decline, and the Ottoman Turks had taken the Balkans and Anatolia by this point. So that made Constantinople the last city holding up what used to be this seemingly unbreachable empire.” Annabeth saw Percy nodding along and jutting down some notes. There was no other way to call it, it was cute. “Constantinople also represented Mehmed’s rival religion.”
“Wait, so he tried to take it again? This Meh...however you say his name? He’d already tried before, right?”
“No, that was his dad.” Annabeth leaned closer to the passage Percy was looking at. He pushed the book towards her so she could get a better look. The font was so tiny that Annabeth almost got dizzy. It would’ve taken her almost an hour to decipher just one paragraph. She pushed the book back towards him, hoping he hadn’t noticed. Thankfully, she had always been good at remembering names and they’d gone over this in her school in San Francisco last year. “Murad was the one who failed to take the city and then his son Mehmed tried again and succeeded. He got this Hungarian artillery expert, Urban I think he was called, to build him a cannon powerful enough to take down the walls of the city.”
“Sorry, could you spell that last name?”
Something about the question made Annabeth falter for a second. Percy appeared to understand most of what they were talking about. It was the names that seemed to stump him. It sounded a little familiar. “Sure.” Annabeth spelled the name out for him and she watched him make some new notes. She thought about how Grover never failed to bring up Percy one way or another when she complained about homework assignments. “Once Mehmed seized the city he used the emperor’s famed cathedral as a mosque. I can’t remember the name though. Is it in your book? I don’t know if they’d want you to know it for class.”
Annabeth observed as Percy scanned the page; she could practically feel the frustration oozing off of him. She was absolutely certain her suspicions were correct when she saw him push the book a bit far away, a trick she herself had tried many times. “Hey Percy,” he grunted in response, still absorbed in the textbook, “are you maybe...dyslexic?”
She felt him tense right away. Grover hadn’t told her for a reason, it was clearly a touchy subject for him. Annabeth was grateful that Grover had also clearly failed to tell Percy about her. “I just think that’s why Grover brought all of this up.” He was now looking at her, a complicated look on his face, like he didn’t know whether or not he should be getting offended. “It’s just that,” it had always been hard for her to talk about it too. It was like a cosmic joke for someone that loved reading so much to be made in a way that made it almost impossible to do so. “I am too, dyslexic I mean. Just looking at that book just now made me want to throw up.” His expression immediately softened. Annabeth noted the way he could easily go from one emotion to another. “That font size is awful.”
“I know right. And it’s and older edition so it doesn’t have an audio version.”
“I think I still have one for my textbook last year. I don’t know if it has everything in this one but-”
“No, yeah. That’d be great! I mean if you don’t mind-”
Annabeth chuckled, definitely cute. “I don’t, Percy.”
He thanked her once again and they finally exchanged numbers. They got through the main events of Constantinople. Annabeth remembered everything pretty well and Percy took notes. She felt light as a feather the whole time. She tried to ignore it. It’d never been this way with anyone she liked in the past. Her crush on Luke had been anything but light. Being with Percy was just nice. She didn’t know about the whole ‘soulmate’ ordeal, she didn’t even know if she liked him that way really, but she definitely wanted to hang out with him again.
An hour later he casually checked his phone and almost jumped off his chair, earning him yet another glare from the librarian. Annabeth tried to mask her snort as a cough. “Sorry,” he said quickly. He turned to Annabeth. “I have to go. Are you free Thursday?” She was pretty sure she would be but she’d have to check. She could tell he was in a hurry though so she told Percy she’d text him. “Thanks again! See you then.”
Annabeth smiled silently to herself as Percy hurried out of the library, bumping into several chairs and failing beautifully at making a quiet exit. Her smiled melted when she looked down at the pen she was still holding. Bright red.
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
Fallen Heroes
So...I had to. Obvious SPOILER ALERT for THAT spoiler in TBM. This is the Greeks finding out about Jason. I know the timeline is murky but bear with me.
Percy was having the first normal day at camp in months when the nereids brought everything to a screeching halt. Most campers knew better than to pay much attention to the beautiful women that lived in Camp Half-Blood’s canoe lake. They loved to take advantage of those unfortunate souls who didn’t know about their tendency to flirt until they got you close enough to dump you inside of the lake. The naiads had always paid special attention to Percy, him being the son of the sea god and all, but these weren’t regular water spirits. Nereids lived strictly in salt water, the fact that they were in the lake caught Percy’s attention right away. That and the utter look of devastation in their beautiful faces. They were definitely not there to flirt with him.
Percy didn’t pay much attention to the questions from the Stolls brothers and Clarisse as he deviated from their way to the dining pavilion. He walked up to the nereids, already fearing for the worst. He tried to calm his nerves by reminding himself that Annabeth was probably already waiting for him in the Athena table; he’d seen her not two hours ago. She was fine. “My Lord,” started the nereid. Percy didn’t know her. Something was definitely wrong. “We’ve been looking for you. Something’s happened. My sisters in the Pacific tell me a hero has fallen.” Annabeth is fine. It’s not her. You just saw her. Through his nerves he made sense of what the nereid was saying. Pacific? She probably meant California.
“Is it Camp Jupiter?”
The woman submerged herself for a moment. Through the water Percy could see her consulting another nereid he’d never seen before. She looked younger, shaken. She finally came back up, nodding. “The boy bore the mark of the Romans, but it doesn’t appear to be the other Camp. He wasn’t alone, though.”
Piper. Jason. A hero has fallen. The boy. “What happened? Who else was there?”
“The others are alive but the boy perished. I’m sorry, my Lord. We can’t sustain ourselves in these waters much longer.”
“Wait!” Percy reached out and caught her wrist before she could fully submerge herself again. “Are you certain? Are you sure?”
Her dark blue eyes softened, looking up at him sadly. “Yes, my Lord. My sisters made sure to at least retrieve the body. There was nothing left to do.” Percy’s hand went slack and she swam away quickly.
Maybe it’s not him. It can’t be him. Not Jason.
“Jackson!” Clarisse’s voice zapped him out of his panic. “You done getting your fill of gossip? We’re gonna be late for dinner!” She walked to where he was kneeling and pulled on his arm. Whatever she was going to say died away when she caught his expression. “What happened?”
“Where’s Nico?” The son of Hades had confirmed his fears when Beckendork died. He’d know. Especially if it was Jason. He’d know.
“What? I dunno probably sucking face with Solace. Why-”
“I need to find him.” He got up and started heading towards the cabins but Clarisse caught his arm. He turned towards her. She was looking at his hands, which Percy just now noticed were shaking. He balled them into fist and shrugged her hand away. “I’m fine,” his friends had seen him and Annabeth struggle to more than a couple panic attacks since coming back from Greece. “Something’s happened. Something...I just need to make sure first.”
Clarisse looked like she wanted to say more and now she was definitely getting worried, but Percy’s sense of urgency was obvious and she let him go. She nodded and called for Travis and Connor, who had observed the whole interaction from a few feet away, to follow her back to the dining pavilion.
Percy’s brain felt sluggish. He tried to recall Nico’s schedule but his panic had turned to dread and his heart was beating so loudly it was impossible to listen to his thoughts. His feet instinctively took him back to Nico’s cabin. His eyes fell on his hunched from right away. His back was to Percy and he was sitting on the ledge of the bed. He walked towards him and almost tripped over his sword and shield. Clearly, he’d rushed into the cabin. “Nico.” He didn’t jump at the sound of his name. He’d heard Percy come in.
“He’s gone, Percy. “ He turned the slightest bit towards Percy so only half his face was visible. But Percy could see the shine of tears in his eyes. “Jason’s dead.”
Percy didn’t feel anything. His mind wa still reeling with dread and panic. What Nico was saying just made no sense. Jason couldn’t be dead. He’d killed a Titan with his hands. They’d just won a war. This didn’t happen now.
He didn’t say any of this to Nico, though. Because, through the noise of his thoughts and furious heartbeat, he’d caught the utter devastation in his voice. He rushed to him, seating beside him so he could see his pale, tear-stained face. With a jolt, Percy remembered how he looked when they’d rescued him from Ephialtes. He wore that same empty look in his eyes. Percy couldn’t bear it. “Nico.”
“I felt him go...I wanted to call his- his spirit but,” his voice finally broke. Percy hugged him, something awful hurting his chest at the sound of sobs racking through the younger boy. Percy knew that Jason had managed to connect with Nico in a way that everyone else had failed in the past. He was his friend, a good friend. Percy clung to that feeling of numbness. He couldn’t allow himself to lose it. Nico got to lose it. Nico deserved it.
Percy held him for what felt like an hour. It could’ve been ten minutes. His brain was still sluggish. Eventually, Nico calmed down enough to wipe his face. Percy knew him well enough now to know he’d want to do something erratic. He couldn’t blame him, but Percy also knew he’d just end up hurting himself more. “You can’t go looking for him, Nico. Not now at least.” Percy expected him to be angry, almost welcomed it. He needed to know he’d be okay before he did anything else. “Just let me figure everything out.”
“It doesn’t make sense for me not to look for him, Percy. How else are we supposed to know what happened? If someone else is hurt?”
He wasn’t alone. A new wave of worry for Piper, Reyna, Dakota, all the romans, stirred in Percy. Tyson! Nico made a lot of sense, but Percy didn’t want to let him.
“You’d think the gods would break their radio silence for something like this…”
“Did you try to contact your Dad?” Nico nodded, clearly he hadn’t gotten through to him. “Can you even go to the Underworld right now?”
“Probably not. But I could summon...him.”
Percy shook his head. That would just tangle Nico more and more into whatever was happening. Percy suspected it was probably linked to Apollo and whatever he’d been doing these past months. “You didn’t feel anyone else?” Last time Percy had seen Apollo he’d been with Leo. He was certain Piper wouldn’t have let Jason go on any quests alone, even after whatever had happened between them.
Percy pushed his brain to go into overdrive, grasping at any possible course of action. Their silence was interrupted by someone opening the door. Will looked from Percy to Nico, panic turning into worry. “What happened?” He too rushed towards Nico, who took his hand but said nothing.
Percy looked past Will to the other person that had followed him in. Annabeth was asking him a million questions with her eyes. Are you okay? What happened? It was getting harder and harder for Percy to cling to his initial shock. “Jason’s dead.” Annabeth froze in her tracks, he felt Will do the same besides Nico. “We don’t really know what happened yet. But he’s definitely gone. Nico...felt him go.”
Annabeth’s gray eyes grew wide, still asking him, confused. She turned towards Nico, looked back at Percy. Is it true?
Percy needed to do something. He needed a plan, needed to know what to do, how to fix it. You can’t fix this. He got up, avoiding Annabeth’s pleading stare. Will looked at him. “Stay with Nico,” he told him. Don’t let him do anything rash. Will nodded and Percy moved towards the door, taking Annabeth’s hand and guiding her outside.
Percy tried to think of anything he could do. I’ll just go to California myself. “Percy,” Annabeth said somewhere behind him. He hadn’t let go of her hand, he couldn’t let go. I have to find Apollo and Meg. “Percy.” Annabeth’s voice was firmer this time. She stopped and he was forced to stop as well. He only then realized he was standing right in front of the Zeus cabin. Maybe he’d been heading to his own. Either way, he stepped back when he saw the familiar marble door. Annabeth seemed to share his trepidation and guided them to her own cabin instead. It was thankfully empty since everyone was at dinner. She pushed him down onto her bed. “Tell me what happened.”
Percy recounted everything that had happened in the last hour robotically. Annabeth never interrupted him until he was finished. She looked as shocked as he felt but finally managed to say. “Do we know if the rest are okay? Piper?”
“Nico didn’t feel anyone else go. The nereids didn’t say much either, but I’m sure it has something to do with Apollo and Meg’s quest. Leo might’ve been with them.”
Percy heard Annabeth curse beside him. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. It didn’t feel real. Everytime Percy had a nightmare about losing his friends, he was always there. He’d always been there, one way or another. It was the only way it felt real. Besides, Jason was one of the most powerful demigods he’d ever met. It just didn’t make sense.
Percy. Through his sluggish thoughts he made out the sound of his name. He was sure Annabeth hadn’t said a word in a while. This was something different. Percy.
Grover? He hadn’t heard from his best friend in months, hadn’t used their empathy link since before Hera kidnapped him. Grover is that you? A rush of excitement, immediately accompanied by despair overcame him. Percy saw a brief glimpse of Grover’s dirty high tops as he walked through what looked like a forest.
Percy something awful happened. Jason…
I heard something from a nereid here at camp. Where are you?
I’m in California. He’s really gone, Percy. I’m sorry. Hedge and Mellie went with Piper.
What happened? His vision suddenly flashed with images of a weird assembly of people. They had to be the strangest collection of nymphs he’d ever seen. As he looked closer he noticed Meg McCaffrey’s bruised face, Hedge, Mellie, and of course, the one and only Lester Papadopoulos. He couldn’t catch everything he said and his voice got frailer and frailer as he recounted what happened. But Percy got the gist of it. Another Roman Emperor, Caligula, had surfaced. Medea had helped him. They almost didn’t make it out. Jason sacrificed himself.
Afterwards, I went with Meg and Apollo to the burning maze. Medea was there. We wouldn’t have made it out in time but Piper killed her just in time. They got a new prophecy, Perce. Something about Reyna. Caligula’s on his way to Camp Jupiter.
The words ‘Piper killed her’ rang in Percy’s brain. Are you with them? Are you going to Camp Jupiter?
No. I’m heading home, Percy. Piper left for Oklahoma with Leo and the Hedges.
Good, Percy thought. At least Piper wasn’t alone, he would get to see Grover. How are you getting here? The gods have us on radio silence and none of our communications work.
I’ll try out the labyrinth and find local nymphs or satyrs. I have to go now, whatever’s affecting our communications isn’t doing wonders for our empathy link. I’m sorry about Jason.
Just be safe. Keep in touch.
We need to tell Thalia, Percy. Last I heard, the hunters were in Indianapolis. With that, the connection finally gave out.
This morning his biggest worry had been school, college, his SAT results. He was back to being normal for the briefest of moments. Now, one of his friends was dead and the other Camp was about to be attacked. War never seemed to stop. It followed him everywhere he went. “That was Grover in the empathy link,” he told Annabeth. She immediately perked up. He recounted what he’d told him.
“No.” She shook her head in disbelief, letting go of his hand and pacing around the cabin. “I should’ve been there. Piper-”
“She’s got Leo and Hedge and Mellie. She’s walking away from it, Annabeth.” Angry tears had started running down her face. She didn’t even bother wiping them away, imagining what her friend was going through while she was all the way on the other side of the country, with no way of reaching her. “Annabeth, Thalia doesn’t know.”
That got her to stop pacing. The look she gave him mirrored exactly what he felt. No, not her. She doesn’t deserve this. “Grover said she might be in Indianapolis.”
They had both immediately seemed to have come to the agreement to put everything else on hold. Whatever attempts at not getting involved before were out of the question now. There was always going to be something to be done. They’d both always prefer to do it themselves than to have it fall onto someone else’s shoulders.
Annabeth hadn’t stopped crying, but she steeled her expression, nodding. “We need to call a head counselor meeting. Tell Chiron. Burn his shroud.” Like Percy, she was already grasping for a plan.
They didn’t waste any time delivering the news. Everyone in the rec room of the Big House had lost someone before. Half of the counselors had gotten there because their sibling had died. Percy didn’t fail to notice that half of the faces there were different than the ones a year prior. Beckendorf, Silena, Michael, now Jason. It still stunned everyone into silence. The death of a child of the Big Three, a child of Jupiter, changed everything.
“Nico and I,” said Will after a few moments, “we’ll design the shroud.” No one objected.
“What about my sister?” Whispered Drew. It was all too familiar to her. “She can’t be alone right now.”
“She isn’t,” Percy assured her. She nodded, wiping away at her face, oblivious to her makeup. “Grover also told me Caligula was on his way to Camp Jupiter.”
“We can’t even warn them,” said Clarisse bitterly. “Or send back up. It won’t make it in time.”
“Meg and Apollo are on their way. Besides, Caligula is travelling through water, right?” Chiron was about to protest from his place at the other end of the ping-pong table, but Percy held up a pleading hand, the other was once again secured around Annabeth’s. “Tyson is there, Chiron. We can’t leave the Romans alone” Annabeth had insisted on going with him. They’d have to leave right away, tomorrow at the latest. Percy hoped Grover got to Camp before then. They’d have better intel and he just hadn’t seen him in so long. No one liked it, but the only one that looked like she wanted to object was Clarisse. It was just the only way less people got involved. Percy and Annabeth were the most powerful demigods, their leaders. They were the best backup they could send. “Someone’ll have to tell Thalia too.”
“I’ll go,” said Nico. It was the first time he’d spoken during the whole meeting. “I can move around fast and can get the hunters to Camp Jupiter if I find them in time.”
It was Percy’s turn to protest but Annabeth pulled on his hand. She gave Will a look and he said: “I’ll go with him.”
Percy looked at Nico. Before, he would’ve defied him. I’m not a child! You’re not the boss of me! But he’d grown up so much since then, been through so much. The war chased him as much as it did Percy. He didn’t object, a small agreement passing between him and Nico. Percy trusted him. He knew why he needed to do this. He couldn’t protect him because he knew how to defend himself, could hold his own. “That’s settled then,” he said.
After everyone started shuffling away, Clarisse came up to Percy and Annabeth. “I’ll go with you guys,” her voice sounded strange. “You shouldn’t even be going. I can’t believe Chiron would let you.”
“We didn’t ask him, Clarisse,” Annabeth told her. “We’re not asking you to go either.”
“Just walk away. You’ve earned it, both of you. No one has done more. I get that you want to do something about Jason, but he’s gone. It’s just the way it is. Let someone else...” She was pleading, her brown eyes uncharacteristically tearful. They both knew how much Clarisse didn’t want to go. She finally had a good, stable life. She was only at camp now because her and Chris got some unexpected time off from college in Arizona. They’d just gone through a war, no one deserved to go.
Percy thought back to his first weeks of camp, when Clarisse was ready to zap him with his electrical spear, her anger towards him after defeating her father. Then, that time with her godly brothers, showing her her deepest fears: her friends perishing around her, among them Percy. They’d come a long way, fought wars together. He’d gladly fight another if it meant she got the life she was starting now. “You’re not going with us Clarisse. That’s final.” She immediately bristled at the sound of being given an order from Percy, because she was Clarisse. “You’re going to go back to Arizona with Chris, and you’re going to live your life.” She looked to Annabeth, as if begging her to make him see sense. But her mind was as made up as his. “Go Clarisse. I need you to go.”
She looked like she was going to punch Percy. He braced himself, but instead she hugged him, pulling Annabeth in with her other huge arm. “Damn you! Damn you both!” She squeezed them so hard Percy felt his ribs protest, but he hugged her back just as hard. She’d made it, is all he could think. While some heros fell, sacrificed themselves, others got to see the other side. That’s why he fought, not for the gods, Roman or Greek, but for his family. For those who were good, who deserved the happiness that others sought to tarnish. If he had to, he would fight for the rest of his life for them.
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
All Shades of You (Chapter 2)
Here’s chapter one of this ColorSoulmate! AU! Will probably update weekly from now on. Hope you enjoy!
(please search #ramwfics or #ASoY for later chapters)
Annabeth couldn’t believe Grover had talked her into meeting this Percy kid that he always went on about. She started school tomorrow! She didn’t have time for this, she need to catch up on whatever they’d covered last year. Her private school back in San Francisco wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t even close to the level of The New York Institute of Science. Annabeth had left the summer reading to the last minute because it gave her a migraine. She couldn’t help but think how stupid she’d been as she sat beside Grover at the park. Reading with dyslexia was already hard enough without adding the stress of a time constraint.
“Is he going to take much longer, Grover?” She asked, hoping she didn’t sound rude. “I’ve really got to head back to my dorm soon.”
“Yeah he said he’d be here like five minutes ago, but he’s not answering his phone. Can you try looking around for him while I try to calling him again?”
“Sure. What does he look like?”
“He’s probably walking like five dogs. You should be able to spot him easily.”
Annabeth scanned the park, her eyes fleeting from an old couple to a little kid and his mom and finally to a boy that looked around her age indeed walking a large group of dogs. He was struggling to keep the largest one, a rather large rottweiler, away from a tiny chihuahua that didn’t seem to realize he was much smaller. “There he is,” she told Grover.
“Where? How can you tell?” He scrunched up his dark eyes trying to look at where she was pointing.
“There. With the dark hair right? He’s the one. He must be.”
Grover finally seemed to have spotted him and called over to him. The boy immediately looked up, almost losing his balance when the rottweiler spotted a squirrel and gave a particularly nasty tug. He smiled wide and waved back before walking towards them.
Annabeth stood completely still as he approached them. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath. It had nothing to do with the fact that this Percy guy was kind of cute (of course not!), it was just his eyes. His eyes that she could see were a bright, startling shade of green. Ocean green.
“Hi,” he said, sticking out his hand shyly, “I’m Percy.”
Annabeth stared down at the hand. Then back up at his face. She could feel Grover fidgeting beside her. He’d been nervous about the two of them meeting and not liking each other. She’d promised herself that she would at least give Percy a shot, but right now all she wanted to do was bolt. Get it together.
Annabeth took Percy’s hand, averting her gaze from his eyes. “Annabeth.”
“Right,” said Grover, “so now that you’ve finally met I thought we could go grab something to eat.”
Annabeth was racking her brain for the nicest possible way to ditch but just then Percy cried out: “Yes! I’m starving!”
“What about all these dogs?”
Percy shrugged, kneeling down to scratch the rottweiler, who looked quite intimidating now that she was closer, behind the ears. “Mrs. O’Leary is hungry too.”
Percy had wanted to hate Annabeth. He knew it was pretty unfair and it was just him being jealous of his best friend having another best friend. Still, knowing it didn’t make his feelings go away. But, turns out, that that Annabeth girl was actually pretty cool.
“Cool, but like in a scary way,” he told Grover after she’d left and they’d finished dropping off most of the dogs off. Percy hadn’t forgotten that steely look she gave him when he first offered her his hand. That was another thing as well. She had the most distracting eyes. If he could see color he’d guessed they were probably one of the light colors his mother had described to him, like blue or green, maybe even hazel. To him they just looked that shade between black and white that he sometimes caught, grey he’d been told it was called. He’d never really seen grey look like that though, almost like a storm.
It wasn’t only her eyes that intimidated Percy either. Annabeth Chase was simply the smartest person he’d ever come across. She pointed out buildings as they walked to the hot dog stand, going on and on about their structure. Usually, Percy wouldn’t really care for all of that, but she spoke with so much passion and confidence that he found himself holding on to every word she said. Her eyes just shone with life.
“I get it man,” Grover told him, “she’s like the smartest person I know. It can be pretty overwhelming. But she’s actually pretty nice. If anything, Thalia taught her how to look scary.”
Percy came down from his own confused thoughts for a second to catch that last name. Grover hadn’t mentioned Thalia in a while, not since another one of his camp friends -Luke- died a few years ago. He’d always wanted to ask him more about it, but for some reason it seemed as if Grover blamed himself for whatever it is that happened. Percy didn’t want to push him too far.
Both boys rounded the corner to the last dog owners’ apartment. Mrs. O’Leary was owned by a boy a few years older than them, Charles Beckendorf. Percy met him at the same school he met Grover, one of the many he’d gotten kicked out of over the years. He didn’t live too far from Percy and had even been nice enough to hook him up with the dog walking gig. Percy liked dogs, walking them was definitely one of his favorite jobs, but the real reason that he’d accepted was because he got to spend so much time with Beckendorf’s huge rottweiler. Like him, she seemed big and scary, but was actually pretty docile once you got to know her.
They both stopped a few doors before Beckendor’s apartment when they saw the girl he was talking to. Beckendorf had had the biggest crush on the girl that lived right across the hall from him, Silena Beugarde, ever since Percy met him. He’d never told him, but Percy was sure he could tell what color her eyes were. Now, the tall, dark-haired girl was standing right in front of their friend, who had the goofiest smile Percy had ever seen. He was still wearing his mechanic overalls and had a grease stain on his forehead but she didn’t seem to mind. He was much taller than her. Her delicate features were accentuated by the sharp contrast with his harsher ones, but they still scrunched up in a smile, guided a strand of her behind her ear.
After a couple of minutes she walked away towards where Grover and Percy were standing. Even though she was solid black and white to Percy he still felt a slight blush creep up his cheeks as she waved goodbye to all three of them.
“What was that about?” Percy asked as they finally walked into the apartment.
“What?” Beckendorf hadn’t stopped staring at his door. “Oh, uh, nothing,” he finally said, clearly wanting to change the subject. “How was Mrs. O’Leary today? Didn’t give you too much trouble?”
“You know she never does.”
“So you’re just going to pretend like Silena and you weren’t totally just flirting right now?” Asked Grover.
The older boy’s cheek’s got even darker. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Whatever was going on Beckendorf was obviously going to keep the younger boys guessing. “What about you guys?” He asked, clearly wanted to divert the attention away from him. “You’re starting school next week right? Both of you?”
It’d been quite a feat getting another school to take Percy in given his track record. Beckendorf had offered to help, but it was already embarrassing enough that he knew he’d gotten expelled yet again. He’d vouched so much for Percy in the past.
“Yeah,” Percy said, “Goode High School for me.”
Beckendorf nodded. “That’s a pretty good school. I’ve heard they have a great swim team.”
Percy didn’t think Beckendorf was being as subtle as he thought he was. He’d joined the swim team at his last school, had even swam varsity. He doubted he’d tried again this year though. It’d been hard enough then to hide the evidence of Smelly Gabe’s drunken tantrums. Goode was one of those rich schools where they asked a lot of questions.
“Good for them,” Percy finally said, not missing the look both his friends exchanged.
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rainagainstmywindow · 7 years
Breaking Vows
So here’s my fic for the @wlwpjoexchange ! I got @omegasmileyface I really hope you like it! Sorry I took forever, I got a little carried away because I loved this pairing so much! It’s my first time writing wlw and I loved it and ahhh I just hope you like!
Reyna found the Greeks excitement quite absurd. She didn’t doubt the Huntress’ abilities, she’d seen Thalia Grace in action herself, but she’d also seen her sister and the Amazons. They didn’t stand a chance, especially in such a rudimentary game of capture the flag. Apparently the Greek campers had never beaten the Hunters of Artemis, but they all seemed to be rooting for them. “Sorry,” said Jason as he walked over to her Pegasus. He was wearing a gray shirt that read Hunters Rule!
    Reyna chuckled. “Let the best sister win.” He dipped his head but seemed pretty amused by the whole ordeal. Reyna watched him join Piper and Annabeth who both waved back at her.
    Hylla was more than happy to let her warriors fight while she led from the background, often choosing to come in as a last resort or as a surprise, but she’d been eager to fight Artemis’ Lieutenant herself.
   “This is going to be awesome.” Now it was Percy who spoke beside her. He was already mounted on his own black Pegasus, Blackjack she heard him call him.
  “Yes,” agreed Reyna. “I rather enjoy watching my sister fight.”
    “Yeah I heard she’s deadly. If she’s anything like you, the hunters will have a good fight on their hands.”
     “I’ve seen Thalia in action, the Amazons won‘t be disappointed either.”
 Percy’s smile had a little mischief. “You talk like you already know who’s gonna win.”
   “They hunters will put on a good fight, I expect nothing less from a daughter of Jupiter, but the Amazons are, like you said, deadly.”
   “Zeus,” Percy corrected as he took off into the air, shaking his head with an amused look similar to Jason’s. “She’s a daughter of Zeus.”
 Reyna rolled her eyes. She wasn’t underestimating Thalia. She was just being realistic. Her sister had to fight for her throne and her warriors didn’t have the protection of mortality. Her sister had also been leading the Amazons longer as far as she knew. Plus, and she would never said this aloud from fear of sounding pretentious, she’d taken down Thalia with her hands tied before.
 She kicked off into the air. Below her Greek and Roman campers alike gathered at the entrance of the woods to see the two groups of lethal women burst into action. Reyna hadn’t been allowed to referee due to her relation to Hylla, but had still been granted permission to observe from above,  along with several other skilled Pegasus riders. She’d been surprised to find that Annabeth hadn’t been chosen as the Greek referee, but she’d laughed it off and said that she’d be too biased. Jason had briefly mentioned something about Thalia and her being on the run together when they were younger.
  Chiron looked up at them from the ground. Ready? Dakota nodded and she saw Percy do the same from the corner of her eye. The centaur blew the whistle and they were off. Reyna immediately scanned for Thalia and Hylla, but she figured they were seeking the other out, waiting for the right moment. Meanwhile she observed a young girl make a rather spectacular shot, pinning one of her sister’s warriors to a tree. The campers cheered in the background, Leo had set up a live feed to some screens at the entrance of the woods. Will Solace rushed to the warrior but she simply yanked the arrow, snapped it at her knee and ran after the young girl.
   Reyna looked up at Percy who had flown further to her right. He looked down in concentration, whistle ready at his lips, unable to help himself from smiling every now and again. He kept scanning the woods. Reyna knew that he too was looking for the leaders.
  Finally, after twenty minutes filled with expectation, thunder rumbled followed by the surprised shriek of an Amazon. Reyna urged her pegasus to get closer. She caught a glimpse of celestial bronze knives and smiled as she heard the clink of Hylla’s belt follow. Below her Amazons and Hunters engaged in impressive battle. Celestial bronze hunting knives and arrows against the spears, swords and daggers of the Amazons. The campers were relishing the fighting but Reyna paid no attention. She swept towards the place where she’d heard Thalia’s lightning. She was approaching a clearing. When she saw her sister emerge, knives in hand, she almost growled in anticipation.
She was now almost shoulder to shoulder with Percy, who had dropped any act of referring and was now watching as eagerly as she. “There’s Thalia,” he said, pointing at a dark figure perched atop a tree. She was holding a bow and arrow to her sister’s head. Hylla didn’t even flinch at the threat, her eyes fixed intently on her target. Reyna cursed for not bringing a pair of binoculars, but Percy seemed to be reading her mind and handed her a pair she hadn’t noticed he had around his neck. He was smiling, eyes never once leaving the two girls.
Through the binoculars Reyna got a clearer view of Thalia’s face. She seemed to be weighing out her options. Finally, she smirked and threw her bow aside, making her quiver disappear. She told her sister something that made her grin and pulled out her own hunting knives. Thalia jumped out of the tree and in a split second the daughters of Bellona and Zeus had attacked.
Reyna could admire both styles, Thalia’s clearly Greek but still different from other Greek campers she’d met, and her sister’s an even balance of powerful blows and speed. One such blow was too quick for Thalia, who was almost swept off her feet when Hylla lunged towards her torso, leaving an opening for her sister to kick one of Thalia’s knives away. Thalia retaliated by taking advantage of her free hand and punching the Amazon Queen square in the face. Percy almost laughed beside her but passed it off as a cough when she glared at him.
Below them the fight continued with no acknowledgement of the lack of weapon and bloody nose. Reyna thought it had ended for good when Thalia slid between her sister’s legs, making a nasty gash as she went along, but Hylla simply grabbed her by one of the many chains she wore around her neck and slammed her back on the ground, knife pressed to her throat. The Amazon stood over her just like Reyna had back in Puerto Rico. She recalled the raspiness of Thalia’s voice as she whispered close enough for her lips to feel her breath, but was pulled out of her thoughts when thunder clapped above them, almost hitting her and Percy, and traveled down to where both girls were. Reyna almost swept down to her sister, scared of what a direct lightning strike might do to her but Percy held her back. “C’mon, Reyna,” he told her, “Thalia wouldn’t do that.”
Thankfully, Percy was right. Somehow Thalia had dispersed the full force of the strike, causing the air around her and Hylla to crackle with electricity and her sister’s hair to puff up twice its size. It was enough to get Hylla to loosen her grip and for Thalia to jump back into action. Both girls blurred into a mess of knives and battle cries. Reyna saw another knife fly away, but this time it had been her sister’s. They finally slowed down enough for them to catch a glimpse of their state. Hylla was bleeding for the deep cut Thalia had inflicted on her leg as well as her bloody nose, and Thalia herself had a black eye and a bit of a limp. Reyna focused on their faces and found that they were both smiling. They seemed to be enjoying the show just as much as Reyna and Percy. She caught Thalia’s eyes travelling to her sister’s belt and both girls seemed to come to a sort of silent agreement. They both dropped their remaining knives, her sister unfastening her belt and striking it against the ground menacingly and Thalia pulling out a bracelet that suddenly transformed into a spear. Beside Reyna Percy cursed excitedly in what she guessed was Ancient Greek.
Clearly both girls had been saving the best for last. Each weapon was practically and extension of them. Hylla swung her belt with lighting speed catching one of Thalia’s ankles and tossing her into the air, but the young Lieutenant simply twisted in mid-air and used every last bit of the wider range her spear provided. It was speed and technique like Reyna had rarely ever seen. They seemed to move closer and closer until, “Percy!” called Dakota, “What are you doing?” Percy immediately turned, clearly annoyed by the distraction and looked at where Dakota was pointing. This time he cursed in English, and he didn’t seem as excited as before.
Reyna was trying hard to concentrate, Thalia had the tip of her spear pointed at her sister’s carotid and Hylla had managed to wrap the belt around Thalia’s throat, but just then Percy blew his whistle at them. “Hey!” He called. “You have no idea how much I hate to interrupt, but your girls seem to be having too much fun trying to kill each other!”
Reyna finally tore her gaze from the binoculars and urged her Pegasus to move closer to where Percy had sped off. She was shocked to see the forest decimated. It looked as if a tornado had hit it. Below her trees swayed, trying hard not to fall altogether, and fires seemed to have erupted all over the fields. “Hey!” Percy yelled. “Careful with the nymphs!” When he noticed that neither Amazons nor Hunters reacted to his yells or whistles he directed his voice towards the spectators. “Call the Demeter cabin! Quick!” Dozens of campers ran at his command and then he turned to Reyna. “Get Thalia and Reyna to break them up!”
Reyna nodded as he sped away and swept down to where she’d last seem her sister and Thalia. They were already running towards the commotion. “What happened?” Hylla asked, wiping some blood off her top lip.
“The Amazons and Hunters seemed to have gotten a little carried away. I think they might’ve forgotten the creatures that live inside the forest.”
“What?!” Thalia looked furious, her blue eyes flashed terrifyingly. The look made Reyna’s heart race. Thalia ran towards her Hunters, forgetting about her limp, Hylla followed after her.
      The scene they arrived at was chaos. Several campers were trying to tear Hunters from Amazons and vice versa but they seemed to be in a frenzy. There were several fires erupting around them and Reyna saw several nymphs running around in a panic. Thalia and Hylla stared dumbfounded, but it was Thalia who spoke first. One of her hunters had already spotted her and the mere sight of her lieutenant seemed to be enough to stop her in her tracks.
        “What is the meaning of this?” She wasn’t shouting, but her voice seemed to boom over the clearing. Slowly more and more hunters noticed their leader and stopped. Amazons did the same when they noticed Hylla’s furious look, a look that made Reyna feel sorry for the Amazons once they were alone with her sister. Thalia’s tactics were different though, she wanted the punishment to be public. Reyna once again remembered that she hadn’t been lieutenant for long, not by immortal hunter’s standards, and understood the need to make a show of the situation. “What exactly do you expect me to tell Lady Artemis when she hears of this? Her own hunters damaging that which she swore to protect?” Reyna caught her features turn into a disgusted snarl as she looked around, “you’ve brought me shame!” We’re guests in this Camp!”
    By then all commotion had ceased completely. No Hunter would spare to look a their lieutenant in the eye. The Amazons has dropped their weapons and stood frozen, waiting to hear what their own queen had to say. Hylla said nothing which was possibly worse. Just then a wave swept over the clearing, quickly putting out any fires. Percy dropped down from his Pegasus soon after. He’d spared Reyna, Hylla and Thalia but hadn’t even tried to cover the other girls, they stood soaked and embarrassed. Some even threw him angry looks he ignored. A petite girl charged out from on of the bushes that had been previously on fire. She looked quite odd to Reyna but she couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t until she yanked the whistle from around Percy’s neck and started blowing it furiously did she notice her skin was green. Reyna figured she must be a nymph. “It’s a draw!” She shrieked furiously. “You all lose! You wicked women! The Council will hear of this! My boyfriend-“
      “Yes. Thank you, Juniper!” Percy quickly stepped in, taking the whistle from her hand. “I agree.”
      “The Council?” Reyna heard her sister ask.
      “Yes!” Answered the nymph, Juniper, testily. It was obvious to her that Hylla was one of the leaders. “And you shall all be punished for this abominable conduct!”
        “Agreed.” The nymph seems a bit taken aback by her sister’s instant agreement. “I will meet with your Council at once. I will also like to apologize to you personally for the action of my warriors. Know that this won’t go unnoticed by me either.”
       Juniper lost her rage fast. “Yes yes, thank you! You are forgiven...m’lady.” Apparently she considers a courtesy was necessary since she bowed and scrunched up her soaked dress in a Victorian fashion. She directed her green eyes at Thalia now and some of her fire seemed to come back. “I expect you’ll do the same, Thalia. And don’t think that because Grover-“
     “I know Juniper. I’m really sorry this should’ve never happened.”
      She gave another firm nod, chin up high, and turned around and disappeared into the forest. Reyna turned to look at Thalia just in time to catch her off guard. For a second she looked tired and embarrassed, then she noticed her and quickly went back to yelling at her hunters. Arrangements to meet with the council tomorrow evening were hastily made.
All Reyna could think about as she walked back was the look she’d seen on Thalia’s face and how much it reminded her of herself.
“It was embarrassing that’s what it was!” Thalia told Jason later that day. They were inside their father’s cabin. “And of course Hylla kept her composure the whole time and I just lost it!”
“You have more to prove than she does. I probably would’ve done the same.” He looked quite uncomfortable inside the mostly empty cabin. Thalia noticed how he kept eyeing the huge statue of Zeus in the middle. She couldn’t blame him, it’d always creeped her out. “Couldn’t we meet in your cabin?”
“This is my cabin.”
He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“I can’t bring a guy into Artemis’s cabin, it’s against the rules.” She sighed as she looked around. Jason had left the little corner she’d camped out in untouched. “I got carried away. I don’t know I just wanted to prove something I guess.”
Jason looked confused at her. “You’re freaking Thalia Grace! What is there to prove?”
Thalia immediately thought of her little audience back in the forest. Was she showing off? As soon as the thought entered her mind she found, to her horror, that she was blushing. She quickly turned away, but apparently Jason caught it.
“Okay whoa!” He said. “There’s definitely something you’re not telling me here.”
“Shudup,” she mumbled, absolutely furious at herself. She was an adult for crying out loud! Lady Artemis’s right hand and lieutenant to a small army of deadly hunters! She cleared her throat. “It’s nothing okay.”
But Jason wasn’t about to drop this. He walked around to get a good look at her face. She begrudgingly looked up at him. There was a wickedly mischievous grin forming on his face. “What is up with you, sis?”
She looked back at her hands, afraid she might blush again. This was Jason, she could tell him anything. She was being stupid, right? “I just...remember how I told you about Puerto Rico? Well I might’ve left some details out.”
She sighed, pushing down her ego and ignoring the heat that rose back to her face. “Like maybe your good friend Reyna pretty much kicked my ass with her hands tied. And maybe I noticed her and dumbass Percy watching me and Hylla fighting earlier and wanted to show off okay!”
She looked up at him once again. His face seemed to change from confusion, to understanding, and finally to amusement. “You were showing off for Reyna?”
“What?! No! When you say it like that it sounds weird!”
He laughed. Gods he really annoyed her sometimes. “What then?”
“I just wanted her to see that I wasn’t someone she could just beat every time! She caught me off guard that time! That I deserve the praise-” She cut herself off. Gods she sounded full of herself. “What I mean is-”
“That you wanted to impress her.” Thalia thought he might be making fun of her again but he seemed genuinely determined to understand her. Somehow it made her feel worse.
“Who? Reyna?” Thalia wanted to brush it off, but in all honesty Jason had hit the nail on its head. The realization made Thalia panic. Why would she want to impress her? “Just forget it okay? I gotta go prepare for the stupid meeting tomorrow.”
“I could h-”
“No it’s fine.”
The door slammed shut as Thalia left. Jason stood there, debating whether or not to follow her.
The next morning he still felt guilty about the whole ordeal. He could tell that he’d further embarrassed her sister and that yesterday that was the last thing she needed. Once again he felt like there was so much he didn’t know about his sister, so he went to the person that seemed to know her best.
Annabeth was in the arena, watching closely as two young campers sparred and stepping in every now and again to correct their posture or make a quick note. She nodded  when she saw him but gestured at him to give her a second. Jason stood patiently as a new set of kids sparred. Once they were done Annabeth walked towards him. “Hey! What’s up? I know I haven’t gotten back to you about the temple-”
“Oh no it’s okay. Percy told me you were busy with college applications. I actually wanted to talk to you about something else.”
He walked beside her as she dropped her weapon off at the shed and took a swing of water. “Thalia?”
“Yeah, how did you know?”
“She stopped by my cabin last night. She seemed weird.”
“She’s pretty upset about yesterday.”
Annabeth shook her head. “No. I mean it sucked and everything but she’s dealt with worse. She seemed almost,” she shrugged, “I don’t know frazzled? Which I didn’t really think possible.”
Jason agreed. “She told me something about Puerto Rico and Reyna disarming her or something.”
Annabeth stopped mid-sip. “She never told me that. She didn’t even mention Reyna.”
Jason found that even more odd. Thalia told Annabeth everything. “Apparently she wanted to show off. Show her she wasn’t easy to beat or something.”
Annabeth still didn’t look convinced. “I mean sure that sounds more like her. She had this whole ego battle with Percy years ago, but she got over it. She grew out of it y’know? Did she say that?”
“Those were her words, but in all honesty I think she was trying to impress her.”
Annabeth got that look in her eye, the one that told Jason her thoughts were moving faster than he could comprehend. “I bet it’s nothing,” she said abruptly, “just stress or something. I don’t know.”
It seemed to Jason that in fact it wasn’t nothing and that Annabeth did know, but before he could question her further she mumbled something about needing a shower and rushed off.
Reyna knew it was foolish of her to stay an extra day at Camp Half-Blood. There was too much work to be done and it wasn’t fair for her to leave Frank to do all of it. But she’d stayed anyways. Frank had told her it was fine in the Iris Message she’d sent, she was still getting used to it but Percy was nice enough to set it up for her. He’d understood she didn’t often get to see Hylla and since her stayed had been extended due to yesterday’s fiasco he figured it made sense. In all honesty Reyna hadn’t even thought about her sister. She felt guilty, but all she’d been able to think about since yesterday was Thalia Grace, and how utterly deadly she looked using that spear.
It was just her luck that in that moment, Thalia Grace herself was walking back to her cabin, tired and annoying after getting an earful from an ancient satyr and sheepish looks from Grover during the Council meeting. Reyna was so engrossed in her mental picture of Thalia in battle that she didn’t notice Thalia walking towards her. The daughter of Zeus, in turn, was so busy grumbling and she didn’t notice Reyna, which resulted in both girls running into each other and ending in an almost identical situation as the one months prior. This time, however, Thalia had ended on top. She cursed but stopped mid-sentence once she noticed who’d she’d actually run into. “Reyna! Gods, I’m sorry! I didn’t even see you!”
“Don’t be! I walked right into you-”
“I should’ve looked up or something.”
Had anyone been around, they would’ve been able to comment on how strangely high both their voices had gotten, and how intensely they looked at each other when they both abruptly stopped their rambling. After a couple of seconds Thalia was the one to notice and almost jumped back when Reyna’s shaky breath touched her lips. She got up an offered her hand to Reyna, who in turn accepted, unable to keep a blush from creeping to her cheeks. Both girls stood awkwardly facing each other, neither one used to feeling this nervous. Reyna tried to ease the tension a bit. “So...how was the Council meeting?”
A small flicker of annoyance passed through Thalia’s face. Reyna preferred it over the deer-caught-in-headlights expression she’d worn before. “Awful,” she said, “your sister knows how to handle official business much better than me.”
“Surprisingly diplomatic for someone so aggressive, right?”
Thalia chuckled. “Where you waiting for her?”
Reyna once again failed to hide a blush. In all honesty, she hadn’t been waiting for her sister. She’s subconsciously walked to this clearing, a small part of her expecting her to run into someone, maybe not quite so literally. “Yeah-yes,”she lied, “Did you see where she went?”
“I think she went back to the Amazons. I don’t really know where they’re staying.”
“Hylla likes it that way. She didn’t even tell me.” Reyna felt guilty at not even trying to look. Surely, Hylla expected her to and was probably wondering why she hadn’t already been to see her.
Beside Reyna, Thalia was building up the courage to ask Reyna something. She hadn’t really figured out what she was going to ask but she’d jump that hurdle when she got there. Reyna’s thoughts, however, had stayed on her sister and she’d made up her mind to finally go see her. “I should get going,” she told Thalia, whose mouth was half-way open. She quickly hurried away, leaving Thalia feeling confused and once again embarrassed. Reyna was almost gone when she stopped and faced Thalia once again. “By the way,” she started, a bit of a smile hiding in the corner of her smile, “nice fighting yesterday, quite impressive.”
Thalia’s head buzzes with Reyna’s words all day. As punishment, her hunters and her got assigned to wash the dishes at camp and she’s so distracted she almost plunges her hand into the lava without any gloves. Cara stops her just in time and gives her a weird look. Thalia is reminded of a very similar look given to her by Annabeth earlier. We need to talk. Annabeth sure hadn’t gotten any less bossy. Thalia figured Jason must’ve told her something. Not that there was anything to tell.
That night Thalia entered cabin six to find Annabeth analyzing some blueprints. “What are you working on now?”
“Remodelations, temples, same old.” She waved it away but Thalia still felt a surge of pride. She remembered seven-year-old Annabeth going on and on about all the things she wanted to build. Back then Thalia would nod along but knew deep down that they’d be lucky to get past the week, a future where she became an architect didn’t really seem possible. Yet there she was. “Talked to Jason,” Annabeth said, still looking at the blueprints, “he seems to be under the impression that he upset you.”
“Why would he think that?”
Annabeth fixed her with a look, a look that Thalia herself had taught her, that said cut the bullshit. “What’s going on with you?”
Thalia was tempted to say nothing and keep ignoring the weird ball of nerves in her stomach lately, but this was Annabeth. “I-I don’t know. It’s weird and stupid.” Annabeth rolled the blueprint up and finally looked up at her. Thalia was thankful the cabin was empty and suspected Annabeth had planned it ahead. “I feel stupid.”
“For wanting to impress Reyna?”
A small pang of annoyance hit Thalia but she pushed it down. Annabeth didn’t miss a beat. “Yes, Okay? What the hell is wrong with me?”
“So it’s not an ego thing?”
“What? No!”
Annabeth looked more interested than before. “Good.”
“I mean I wasn’t super pleased with what happened in Puerto Rico but it might have more to do with the fact that I lost Phoebe.”
Annabeth nodded. “She was one hell of a huntress.”
Thalia thought that Phoebe was more than just one hell of a huntress. She’d been her best friend among the hunters and had backed her up since day one. But she knew Annabeth understood. They’d shared loss before. “I don’t know what got into me to be honest. I mean Hylla is a bit intimidating with how she handles all the command stuff but if anything I’m glad she’s there to set an example for me to follow.”
Annabeth chuckled. “Wow, look at Thalia all grown up and mature.”
“Shut up.” She couldn’t even keep the smile from her face. She really missed Annabeth. “I actually ran into her today. Reyna, I mean.”
“And I mean literally ran into her. Knocked her down and everything. As if yesterday wasn’t bad enough!”
Annabeth laughed. “So,” she got closer to Thalia and nudged her in the ribs, “did you ask her out or what?”
Thalia almost jumped straight into the air. Her heart raced. “Wh-”
“C’mon, Thalia. I saw how you looked at her. It’s okay.”
“Of course it isn’t!” Thalia has started whispering. “I made a vow Annabeth and-”
“And what?” Her grey eyes seemed to be challenging Thalia, but she’d seen them before a fight, this wasn’t it. “You’ve given so much Thalia. You deserve this, whatever it is. We don’t owe anything to the gods.” Thalia couldn’t help but be reminded of Luke. Annabeth saw it in her eyes. “He would’ve wanted you to keep trying, to allow yourself-”
“Stop.” It wasn’t only the vow she’d made to Lady Artemis. It was the fact that she’d made a much stronger vow, to herself. She’d promised herself never again the moment she’d pushed Luke off that cliff.
Both girls looked at each other but said nothing. They didn’t have to. Annabeth’s face told Thalia don’t give up and Thalia’s argued right back I already have.
Reyna was only half-surprised to find Jason in the fighting arena. Back in Camp Jupiter they always ended up training at the same times, even before they were praetors. That’s how they’d become friends. No one really spoke to Jason, he was a son of Jupiter from a disgraced cohort, but Reyna had seen him fight before and welcomed the idea of a good training partner. He looked up at her and smiled. “Just like old times.”
“With the minor adjustment of this being an arena in a Greek camp.”
He laughed. “Right.”
The silence that followed was awkward, but Jason seemed determined to pretend like nothing had changed, at least for a little while. He drew his sword and Reyna followed almost on instinct. Before they both knew it they were sparring. Reyna was surprised to find some of the Greek style had seeped into Jason’s technique, but she hadn’t lagged on her trying all these months. Overall it felt good to fight with Jason again. She found herself letting go for the first time in almost a year. She’d missed him, missed this.
Afterwards they both sat, trying to catch their breath and taking turns drinking out of Jason’s canteen. It was almost painful how easy it was to go back to this routine because, at the end of the day, everything had changed. Reyna had to go back to Camp Jupiter and she’d only see Jason every now and then. He had new friends, new responsibilities.
“I missed this, “ he finally said.
“So did I,” she agreed.
He sighed and looked at his hands. She could tell he was nervous. He always bit down on that scar on his lip. “I just wanted to say I was sorry.” She looked away so he rushed to make himself clearer. “What I mean is that I just showed up after nine months like nothing had happened and treated you like a stranger.”
“I know you were still struggling with you memory, Jason.”
Reyna hated talking about things like this. Jason knew it, but he’d already stayed silent on the matter for too long. “No, Reyna. I was scared of going back, scared of how much I changed. But, all those months, they don’t erase the fact that you’re my friend. That you fought beside me and had my back for years.”
Reyna braced herself to look at him. It seemed foolish now that she’d been nervous about talking to him. It was Jason after all. And maybe he had glasses now, and he fought more like Greek and he had a girlfriend and friends she didn’t know, but he was still Jason. “I still have your back Jason. Always.”
“You too, Rey.” Gods she’d missed him. She didn’t have to be put-together for him. Seeing him come back to Camp Jupiter, their home, and treat it like it didn’t matter as much as it does had shattered her, and the worst part was that she’d had to keep her poker face on throughout the whole thing. The fact that he acknowledged it, acknowledged her, was like having a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. “I’m sorry,” he told her again, “and I get if you don’t want to go back to how we were-”
“Of course I want to, Jason!” She cursed herself for raising her voice and felt her face go red with shame as she felt the sting of tears but kept going. If she stopped she would never say what she’d been fearing since she realized he was actually alive. “I just thought that it wasn’t a possibility anymore. You’re finally who we dreamed of being! Who I always saw you pushing down all those years! And I don’t know if I fit into your life now-”
“Reyna,” true to his Roman upbringing it was Jason who felt the shame of the sting of tears now, “you will always fit into my life. You’re my family.”
They let the silence settle in between them after that. It wasn’t uncomfortable. They were both mildly aware of the other wiping a few tears away here and there, but the awkward tension that had been following since Jason came back to Camp Jupiter was mostly gone. It wasn’t exactly like before, Reyna doubted it ever would be, but maybe that wasn’t a bad thing.
After a while Jason asked: “How much longer are you staying? Just until Hylla leaves?”
Reyna had actually come back from talking to her sister when she decided to head to the arena to squeeze in some training. “She’s leaving tonight, actually. She promised the Council to check on some endangered nymphs so they’re heading out.”
“Hylla must share your bargaining skills, because the Hunters have to wash the dishes all week.”
Reyna chuckled along but a small spark on interest flourished in her chest. “So, Th-your sister is staying all week?”
“Seems like it, yeah.” Jason eyed Reyna suspiciously from the corner of his eye. Reyna pretended to ignore it. “She actually mentioned you yesterday.”
“Yeah she noticed you and Percy watching her and Hylla fight.”
“Oh well,” Reyna stalled by taking another swing of water, “they’re both very impressive fighters. I mainly just flew over there to see what was holding up, Percy.” Jason smiled to himself and laughed when Reyna punched his shoulder. “C’mon,” she said as a means to divert the conversation, “let’s go get some food.”
Annabeth had physically forced Thalia to go to the campfire the following night. She’d even had to bring in Percy as reinforcement, for which Thalia had almost accomplished her long-running goal of killing someone with one glare. “C’mon, Grace!” She flinched as the sound of her mother’s last name. “It’s not going to kill you! Jason’ll be there! You could get in some quality sibling bonding time!”
She rolled her eyes and complained the whole walk there, but she finally agreed to go. She had been meaning to talk to Jason again anyways. Thalia had been too busy washing dishes the previous day. When she got there, however, she was surprised to see him seating not only with Piper, but with Reyna as well. “There’s Jason,” Percy stupidly pointed out. He had a dubious grin on. Thalia quickly looked to Annabeth, but of course she’d understood that their conversation, like most of the conversations they had, was very much private. Percy still knew something though. Thalia was once again reminded to never underestimate Percy. He’d been up there watching her and Hylla fight with Reyna during capture the flag after all. This led her to wonder how Reyna had reacted to her. She was already regretting coming to the campfire.
She was formulating a plan on how to run away without Annabeth noticing when Jason saw her. He smiled and beckoned for her to join him where he was sitting. It was just her luck that the only available seat was beside Reyna. They were packed in so snuggly that Thalia’s arm was pressed right besides Reyna. They were both wearing sleeveless shirts, so their bare skin was touching. Thalia felt as her whole arm were on fire. Piper was telling them something about her sister, Lacie, and this strange girl she’d seen at her school, but Thalia could barely concentrate. It was like waging a small war with herself and she kept losing. A small strand of Reyna’s hair had fallen loose from her braid as well, and every time Reyna leaned forward it tickled Thalia’s chin. She rushed up to rub the feeling away and accidentally caught Reyna’s eyes. And, once again, she lost the small war, but this time she didn’t fight back. You’ve given so much, she remembered Annabeth telling her.
Maybe I deserve to try.
Reyna’s eyes were strong and vulnerable all at the same time. When she finally looked away Thalia found that she kept searching for them. She was probably doing a crappy job at keeping up with the conversation, and for a second she felt guilty about not making a bigger effort to listen to her brother. Then she remembered how Jason had moved towards Piper when he’d seen her, opening a space for her to seat beside Reyna. So she sat half-listening to Jason and Piper talk and sing along to cheesy songs. Her other half slowly melted into Reyna’s side. Their hands ended up touching and Thalia felt her heart in her throat as neither one pulled away. Finally, she felt a familiar huff of breath hit the side of her face. “Let’s get out of here,” Reyna said. Thalia grabbed her hand and pulled them into the forest. She knew that if she looked back she’d lose her nerve so she kept going until she found a clearing with enough moonlight. She was forced to look back when she felt Reyna’s hand finally pull away.
Reyna was looking up at the moon, but quickly looked back down at her. Her eyes only stayed momentarily on hers, then they moved down until they rested on her lips. Thalia was out of breath due to the combined factors of almost running to the clearing and of her heart suddenly choosing to beat erratically. She felt like bolting when Reyna moved closer towards her, but found that her body didn’t respond. All she could do was keep her eyes trained on Reyna, and she finally allowed herself to think: gods she’s beautiful. Reyna wasn’t wearing her purple cape, or armor. Thalia realized she’d never seen her without a combination of both. She looked more real with a simple pair of jeans and a purple shirt. She looked achingly human. Thalia’s hand moved of its own accord to cup her face. She could feel Reyna’s equally fast heartbeat, could tell she was just as nervous. But they both seemed resolved to stay.
Reyna felt more like herself than she had in years. She was scared, terrified actually, but she wasn’t thinking about anything in particular when she looked at Thalia. She caught sight of her lips, felt her hand -rough with callouses from years of wielding a weapon- on her face, and let go.
Thalia thought Reyna’s lips tasted like glory.
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rainagainstmywindow · 7 years
...We’re Together
This is my small fic for the @pjosecretsanta2k17 and I got @dotshiiki ! Merry Christmas! I hope you like it! I’d also like to thank @rosyredlipstick for betaying the fic and suggesting a great song!
I also made a small playlist to go along with it! 
Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shouder) - The Beach Boys/ Somewhere Only We Know - Keane/ The About Time Theme - Nick Laird Clowes/ Silenced By The Night - Keane/ Long Live - Taylor Swift
Annabeth liked to watch Percy sleep. They were in his cabin, and she’d woken up first. He was laying on his stomach, arm cascading down the bed and drool as ever present. She watched him and absentmindedly started memorizing every single detail of his face in that moment. She’d done the same at the stables back in the Argo II and even when they were in Rome, watching him talk through dinner. She’d only been able to catch half of what he’d said because she was so terrified that he’d vanish. She couldn’t afford to look away. And then Tartarus. He was dying and she kept looking back at Bob and Percy just looked so frail and small. They were only sixteen at the end of the day.
       She liked to look at him because she was so scared of blinking and finding that he was gone.
He’s here. We’re here. It didn’t feel real.
      Percy started to wake under her gaze. He stretched and quickly wiped the drool of his chin. Then he finally noticed her, staring intently at him, and paused. She looked almost frozen in her spot on the bed across from him. “Hey,” he said, “how long have you been awake?”
      Annabeth didn’t answer which made Percy worry. She was looking at him weird. He threw the blankets off him and walked towards her. “Hey,” he tried again. Sitting beside her, “You okay?” She nodded but didn’t look away. He smiled shyly in return because he wasn’t used to her staring at him like this. “What’s wrong?”
       She tried to tell him she was fine but she found that there was a knot in her throat. He’s here he’s here he’s here. Annabeth reached out to cup his face, to trace his dark eyebrows, ease the little crease in between them that formed when he worried. He’s here he’s here he’s here. He was so familiar. He was so new.
        When you miss someone you exhaust any memories you have of them. You revisit your favorite ones so much that, in time, the details become hazy. Annabeth liked to remember one particular moment in the beach, back when they were fourteen or maybe barely fifteen, during those months Percy had been missing. She would try to drown out the panicked voices in her head with his laughter. She remembered Grover had said something that had made them both laugh, but she didn’t remember what. She remembered that was the first time she’d noticed how much deeper his voice had gotten. She remembered how he’d said her name. She remembered because that was the first time that terrifying thought had first popped in her head: I love him.
When she finally got to see him again, he said her name different. It wasn’t bad, it just surprised her. All this time she’d been remembering the feeling instead of the actual sound of his voice, she’d made up the cadence of it because it had become a hazy detail. But it was still so familiar to her that she couldn’t imagine why she’d thought it sounded anything but the way it did in the first place.
“Annabeth?” She still couldn’t tell him, couldn’t explain, why this simple moment had floored her. He kept searching her face for any clue as to what was wrong. Nightmares? Panic attack? She didn’t know herself. Annabeth hadn’t taken her hand from his face, she pulled him closer. He was all around her, beneath her touch, against her forehead, pressed to her leg. He’s here he’s here he’s here.
He was right there, so why was she so scared?
Percy touched her hand, the one resting against his face. She could tell the intensity of her eyes had made him nervous. And she laughed. She saw his eyes widen in shock and confusion and laughed harder. Percy tried to rub the last of sleep out of his eyes, totally confused by what was happening “What the hell, Annabeth?” He grinned, a bit relieved, but when he looked closer he noticed she was crying.
Finally she said: “You’re here.”
Annabeth shook her head. “No, Percy,” she told him, “you are here.” Not in Rome or in Athens, or in Tartarus. He was home and he was going to live and she was there too.
His face softened. He seemed to finally understand. Percy pulled Annabeth into a hug and allowed himself to believe what she’d said. He held her tightly against him, probably too tight, but found that he couldn’t loosen his grip in case she slipped away. “I know. I missed you.”
“You didn’t even remember me, Seaweed Brain.”
“I did. How do you think I survived?”
She laughed because he was cheesy, as always, and he kissed her because he’d promised himself he’d never miss a chance to ever since that day in the lake. “I thought I’d made you up,” she confessed, pulling away just for a moment, “I thought I was crazy and that you weren’t real.”
“I’m real,” he promised, “are you?”
It might’ve seemed foolish to anyone else, but they’d been in survival mode too long. The number one thought in their heads had been war and surviving and when it got too bad they reached for one another. There was no time for contemplation. Worst of all was the almost absolute certainty that they wouldn’t make it. Then all they could do was comfort and reach for the other when they ran out of bravery. Annabeth had convinced herself they would die in Tartarus, she’d even prepared her mind. She wasn’t thinking about his laughter then or the way he said her name. She was forcing the air in and out of her lungs and anticipating when she wouldn’t be able to anymore, and they were squeezing their hands in order to brace themselves for when the time came. To be brave enough to see him perish if it came to it, but comforted by the knowledge that she would soon follow. Together, that was enough to survive for just a little bit longer, as long as necessary but not more.
Percy pulled them back into his bed, no longer worried after understanding what her mind was doing. He let her look at him as he dozed off again. Annabeth noticed how he never let go of her, and how every now and then he’d squeeze her hand or run his fingers through her hair. His own way of making sure she was still there.
Annabeth wondered what twelve-year-old Percy and twelve-year-old Annabeth would think of them now. If they’d like their future. But she was that little girl still, taller and battle-scarred and Gods knew ten times as angry, and she knew she’d choose this messed-up future anyways because it led back to this moment. Right there in cabin three, fifteen minutes away from Katie Gardner interrupting them while she was making her rounds for cabin inspections, barely faced by Annabeth holding a finger to her mouth and nodding her head slightly to the right, simultaneously telling her Percy was sleeping and to keep her presence there a secret. Little Annabeth would be terrified of facing all the monsters and losing all those friends just as present Annabeth had been and still was. Maybe that would never change, but all the courage she needed and didn’t know she had was in there. And, if she ever needed more, that’s what her best friend was for.
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rainagainstmywindow · 7 years
I wrote this a while back for the @pjohoominibang and they were nice enough to post it for me but, in lieu of reaching 900 followers, I thought I’d finally post it here. Check out the art that @katslittlestar did for this! I hope you enjoy! I did some editing. I know someone had pointed out a few mistakes. 
In his dream, Percy was twelve again. He was standing just outside his front door, about to face his mother’s look of disappointment as she’d say, Another school? Worst of all there was Gabe, bound to mock him. The stench of his cigar drifted through the door and Percy got the sudden urge to kick something. Why was his mother with him? Because of you, a voice seemed to remind him.
Finally, he came in, dragging his bag behind him. “You’re not supposed to be here,” Gabe told him. Percy ignored him and his friends seated at the poker table. 
 "Hey!“ His voice grew louder, “I’m talking to you!”
 Percy clenched his fists and lied to himself, I’m stopping myself from hurting him. In reality, he was scared. He had felt his stepfather’s anger before. He shouted again, ignoring what the other two dirtbags at his poker table were saying. Suddenly, Gabe was there, right next to Percy. The boy had to look up to meet those beady little eyes that always seem to be suspicious of something.
 "I’ve got no cash,“ he heard himself say, and it was true, he kept digging and digging into his pockets. Although he found nothing, he could’ve sworn he had a five.
 "Don’t lie to me, boy,” Gabe warned. He was so close now that his stench had momentarily drowned out all of Percy’s other thoughts, save the money. He kept digging through his pockets, becoming more and more desperate with each passing second.
 Gabe could always sniff the money out of you, and the older man could’ve sworn he’s smelled something on the boy. He was losing his patience too. Percy knew that look. He was a skinny kid compared to this tall, stinking man. 
 "You must’ve gotten a cab to get here,“ his stepfather stated, “paid him fifteen for the ride with a twenty.” That’s what scared Percy the most, Gabe was smart when it came to these kinds of things. “That leaves you with a five.”
 He kept digging but his pockets seemed to shrink, mocking him. “I’ve got n-”
 He only felt the blow after he stopped seeing stars. Then, all Percy felt was rage. He picked himself off of the floor and spotted Gabe a few feet away, laughing. He was about to run to him when the world gave away beneath him. 
Suddenly he wasn’t at his old apartment anymore. 
 The air was painful to breathe. He felt faint, like standing up would be too much of an effort. Facing him was Tartarus himself.
The sheer magnitude of being told him he would never beat him came rushing back to him. Percy would die. Worst of all was feeling Annabeth’s ragged breath beside him. She was waiting on him; they were a team. How could he possibly let her know he couldn’t do it? He was terrified and small. He was a skinny kid to the tall stinking monster before him and he was too frantic to even move. His limbs didn’t tremble but just barely. Riptide’s familiar weight in his hand had never been heavier. Percy just couldn’t carry the sword anymore. With a newly racing heartbeat he let the sword drop. 
There was relief in giving up. 
 Tartarus and every single monster he’d ever killed seemed to smile down at him. 
 At last.
 Percy woke up then. He didn’t wake with a jolt, he didn’t thrash. He just felt the scream at the back of his throat and his heart beat in time with his headache. He lay there, paralyzed with fear. This fear tasted so bitter because giving up was so tempting, so easy. It was always like that for him.
 Then came the trembling, his body telling him to run, everything screaming: Danger! It was all he could do to stop himself from obeying and taking off.
 He shuffled into the kitchen, stealing a quick glance to his mom’s and Paul’s room. He never woke them up, even when all he wanted was to break down and tell his mother everything. He never did. She’d tried many times to coerce it out of him but his mouth would get so dry when he’d remember; it was like trying to talk through sandpaper. It was too much, too real, too terrifying, too hard to put into words. So he simply did what he always did: clench his trembling fists and pour himself a glass of water, knowing that he wasn’t going to get much sleep that night.
He glanced at the clock. It was 3:45 am. It’d have to do. No matter how tired he was, it was better than going back to sleep. He sighed and sipped his water, growing annoyed at his racing heartbeat. It was hard to catch his breath when he got like this. It was as if his ADHD didn’t exist because it was hard not to concentrate. Every little sound grew so loud. 
 He checked again to see if his parents had heard his loud breathing. He rested his elbows on the counter, his fingers running furiously through his hair, ignoring how damp the sweat had made it. Maybe if he rubbed his knuckles hard enough against his skull, he would scrub away the nightmare.
 "Percy?“ Paul’s voice interrupted his thoughts like a zap of electricity. 
 If everything had been loud before, now it was catastrophic. He could feel the screams of Tartarus roaring in his ears accompanied by the constant ring that had always been his cue to run.
 "Percy! Calm down!” His stepfather walked towards him.
 Percy tried to tell him to step away, clutching the counter between them, but he couldn’t breathe. The air was acid. His lungs burned with every inhale. Paul walked around the counter and tried to put a hand on his stepson’s shoulder, but the movement only sounded more alarms in the boy’s head. Percy tried telling him, stepping away. The sweet and harmless gesture only felt like a claw piercing back.
 He defended himself in the only way he knew. He was fast, much too fast for the older man. In no time he had Paul pinned to the floor, his hands roughly gripping his neck. Paul’s eyes pleaded for Percy to stop, but the boy didn’t see him, all he saw was a monster. He saw all the wretched creatures he’d fought in Paul, but why kill them? Why was he always killing something? 
With a gasp, Percy’s hand let go of his stepdad’s throat. He jumped away from him as his vision cleared. They stayed sitting across from each other, both trying to catch their breath, Percy failing to do so. 
 Paul only looked at him. “Percy, please, calm down.“ 
 He was so tired.
 "Percy! Listen to me, you’re having a panic attack. Control your breathing!”
He tried but couldn’t, he looked at his stepfather for help. This wasn’t real. He tried to concentrate on anything but the memories. The floor beneath his sweaty palms, the wall against his back. It wasn’t real. Finally, he held his breath. At first everything was worse to the point where his chest hurt and he had to release the air. But when he did, it seemed to come back easier. His heartbeat slowed down. 
 "There you go.“ Paul got up and Percy listened as he poured him another glass of water. He came back and handed it to him, but he was still shaking too hard. He just shook his head.
 "I could’ve killed you-" 
 "Don’t do that Percy.”
 He didn’t understand. It would’ve been so simple to rip his throat out. To get his heart to stop beating. Was it any different than all of the other times he’d done it? “Paul,” he made sure he was looking at him, “I could’ve killed you.”
Paul seemed to force himself to look at his stepson. Percy recognized fear in his eyes. “I know.”
 "Hey!“ Rachel’s chirpy tone greeted Percy as the two came into school grounds. "You look like hell.”
 "Didn’t sleep much,” Percy confessed. 
 "That seems to be becoming a bit of a routine, huh?“ She tried to down play it, but Percy could tell she was worried, as well as half of the people around him seemed to be nowadays.
 "It’s fine,” he lied. It was always annoying to lie to Rachel, after all, she’d been the Oracle. It was hard lying to someone that practically found everything out in the end. The spirit of Delphi might’ve gone silent but she still had that weird presence that had always creeped him out. She knew too much.
 "At least we’ve got Paul today, right?“
 He tried to force last night’s events to the back of his head but they were begging him to remember as he walked to class. The way he’d looked at Percy… There was only one other person that had ever looked at him with that type of fear…
 "Are you sure you’re okay?“ 
 Getting through Paul’s class, Percy soon found out, wasn’t as hard as he’d initially thought it might have been. As a matter of fact, he soon found himself drifting into his old habit of dozing off. Slowly, he felt himself start to fall. Percy. He was beginning to wonder why he didn’t hit the floor. Percy. He just kept falling, the wind making it hard to distinguish the whispering. Percy. He was suddenly aware he wouldn’t survive the fall.
 "PERCY!” He woke up just as he was about to hit the floor, thrusting his hands in front of him. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him but didn’t look at them. He needed to run, to get out of there. All his instincts told him to do so; the way they did when he found himself facing a monster.
“Let’s have a word outside, Mr. Jackson.“ Percy took his chance and left right behind Paul, leaving Rachel with her mouth half opened and a worried expression on her face, a trail of whispering from the other students behind him.
 Paul was waiting outside the classroom, his back to Percy. "You can’t go on like this,” he told Percy. “You need help." 
 His tone was dead serious. It made Percy’s palms itch with anxiety. He’d waited all morning for something like this to come up but his stepfather hadn’t said a word to him the whole ride to school. He kept glancing at Percy nervously, trying to come up with something to say but clearly giving up once he noticed Percy wasn’t that interested in talking either. You need help. The words made Percy feel like a crazy person. He avoided looking at Paul by staring at the window.
 "About what happened last night… this… you can’t pretend it’s okay, Percy. Your mother and I are worried about you.”
 Percy was ready to apologize when something caught his eye outside. He stopped himself just as he was about to talk and focused on what appeared to be a gleaming golden object in the sky. As he looked closer he realized it wasn’t just an object but a person, and it was coming straight at him. Was it… Jason?
 "Percy? Are you listening to me?“ Paul turned to look at him as he tore his gaze from the window, he was starting to really hate that worried look everyone seemed to be giving him. "I’m serious about this.” Jason was right outside the window now, an urgent look on his face. He pointed at the door as if to say: Meet you outside. 
 For a second he looked back and forth between Jason, who clearly didn’t recognize Paul, and his stepfather. 
 "I’m sorry,“ he finally managed, "I need to go." 
 Paul stared at him, defeated. He looked behind him, trying to understand, but Jason was already gone. He’d never gotten used to Percy running off quite as much as he’d led him and his mother to believe. But now he didn’t even try to put up a front. Percy started to walk away. He thought of a million things to tell him. He kept coming back to ‘I’m sorry’, but that just didn’t cut it anymore.
 I’m sorry for interrupting your class and then leaving without an explanation.
 I’m sorry for being the kid you have to stand for the woman you love.
 I’m sorry I make everything complicated. 
 I’m sorry I tried to kill you. 
I’m sorry you’re afraid in your own home.
 Percy finally started towards the door, but not before taking a quick glance back. There was a terrible feeling of determination in his stride, as if he were walking away for good.
 New York hadn’t exactly given Jason the welcome he’d expected. After going a full month without visiting his other camp he’d thought that maybe The Fates would take pity on him and let him make the whole journey without being attacked. This wasn’t only naive but stupid, as he soon found out. 
 The minute he’d stepped out of the plane he’s spotted a gryphon and had had mere seconds to get out of there and lead the creature away from the multitude of mortals that surrounded him. Turns out he was being lured into a trap where two of the ugliest cyclops he’d seen were waiting for him. Brutally reminded of his first quest with Piper and Leo, he’d made the embarrassing, yet still good, call of retreating and seeking back up.
 He had remembered Percy went to school not far from there and had flown off hoping that the pair of cyclops hadn’t seen him and that the blow he’d awarded the gryphon was enough to delay the message.
 He landed in a rock right outside the school and waited for Percy to come out. The fact that he’d made him leave when he’d clearly gotten in trouble with a teacher made him feel worse. 
 "Hey!” Jason was about to dive into his story when he saw how terrible his friend looked. He could tell right away that he hadn’t been sleeping, the bags beneath his eyes deeper than they’d ever been, and his eyes just looked empty. He was instantly reminded of an instance months ago when Percy had been trapped beneath the ocean, when he’d given up. “Hey, what happened?”
 Percy looked up but didn’t meet Jason’s eyes. “We’ve got more pressing matters on our hands.” Jason wanted to pry him a little bit more but, unfortunately, Percy was right. 
 "Why’d you think they’re looking for me?“ Jason wondered out loud to Percy, hoping to distract him from whatever it was that had been bothering him since they started towards the cyclops’ camp. 
 "I don’t think they’re looking for you. They’re probably just hungry and sent their pet to find whatever smelled the best.”
 "I didn’t know I smelled that good.“
 Both boys stopped in their tracks as they heard the whoosh of a powerful set of wings. They exchanged looks. If the gryphon tipped them off now they would lose the element of surprise. Percy uncapped Riptide at the same time that Jason took out his sword. He nudged Percy and pointed towards a boulder near them. Percy hunched behind it. Jason reached for the air around him, a small tug at his gut as he searched for the gryphon. A bird that size wasn’t hard to find. He reached out his hand and forced the wind to pull it down and crash against a tree.
 Percy tightened his grip on his sword as the creature went down. He was there in a flash of celestial bronze. Before Jason could react, the blade made contact with the gryphon’s throat and with a crude, sharp sound he’d finished it off. 
 The attack had been so quick and effective Jason couldn’t help but admire Percy’s skill. But, at the same time, he noticed how he hadn’t even flinched. He didn’t think twice about killing the monster. He hadn’t been the only one to notice this. The look of emptiness Percy had worn before seemed to have worsened.
 "We should keep going,” Jason whispered as Percy brushed the yellow dust off him. Percy nodded but didn’t cap his sword back. 
 Percy followed Jason as he hid behind a tree above a clearing. His heart wouldn’t stop pounding. He didn’t have to think about attacking, it was like breathing. He knew Jason had seen it as well, how instinctively he’d done it. “There,” Jason said pointing at a campfire where two large creatures seemed to be waiting.
 Percy tightened the grip on his sword. “There are only two?” He asked Jason, who confirmed it. “One each.”
 "Okay,“ there was excitement in Jason’s eyes. He didn’t see what Percy did. "I’ll draw their attention to me so you have time to sneak up on them.” Percy started towards the two monsters before Jason was even done speaking.
 He tried to concentrate on the battle up ahead but he couldn’t get the gryphon’s shriek out of his head. He was almost to the fire when Jason’s lightning cut across the sky. He was thankful for the diversion; he wasn’t even thinking about stealth. The cyclops had probably already heard him. 
He tried to make up for his clumsiness by slashing at the closer one as he turned to face him. The attack threw the cyclops off balance leaving the other monster with an opening to lunge at Percy. As if on cue, Jason dropped from the sky, landing on the cyclop’s back. Percy heard them wrestle as the cyclops Percy stunned started to regain his bearings. He realized that it was the second time Jason saved his neck that day. The sounds of battle would usually make Percy’s blood pump with adrenaline, but in that moment, he felt nothing. Everything seemed disturbingly in focus.
 He was so out of it that he barely had time to duck as the cyclops, back on his feet and wielding a nasty looking club, threw a punch at him. As he started to bring the club down on Percy, his adrenaline finally kicked in and he stabbed the ground with his sword. 
 There was a painful tug at his gut as the ground around Riptide started to shift, forming cracks that seemed to travel towards the monster. They reached him just as Percy urged the vibrations that seem to be rippling off his feet and sword to stop.
 This time when the cyclops was thrown off his feet, he landed hard enough to get the wind knocked out of him. Percy crossed the distance between them in two strides and was about to bring Riptide into a fatal blow when he made eye contact with the creature.
 His eye was wide with terror and milky brown, like Tyson’s. He had never paused long enough to hear his enemies last words but now he did. “Please!” He lowered his arm a quarter of a fraction. He remembered Tartarus and the curses that had rained down upon him. The dying wishes of everyone he’d ever killed. Did they all start as a plea?
 "Percy, watch out!“ The hair on the back of his head stood and he turned just in time to see the second cyclops inches away from him. His arms were already poised for a fatal strike, so it was with little effort that he brought down his sword, turning the monster to dust. He froze then, his heart pounding willing him to kill the other, but he forced himself to stay in place.
 Jason struck the last cyclops with lightning when he realized Percy wouldn’t move. "Percy?” His voice was cautious. Maybe it was the pity that made him run, maybe it was the way the yellow dust made his skin crawl, either way Percy ran. He ran away. “Percy!”
 Rachel tried not to panic when Percy didn’t return with Paul. All her efforts of searching for him around campus were thrown out the window when Paul told her that he had left. She was used to him running off to do his son of Poseidon business, but this felt different. No matter what Percy had always told her she knew he wasn’t alright. Over the past few months, she had been watching him silently hide his feelings, making them get worse and worse. The frustrating part was she didn’t know what they were. 
 She did what any smart person would do. She called Annabeth.
 Rachel didn’t have to look hard to find Annabeth amid the churning mass of Goode students. She could feel her stare for miles. No matter what her friend was feeling, her stormy eyes always radiated power. The redhead rushed towards her, the day’s events spilling from her mouth in an incoherent mess.
 "Start from the top,“ Annabeth told her, pulling them away from the other students. 
 When she was finally done re-telling the day’s events she was surprised to find Annabeth didn’t seem fazed. It was almost like she expected it. "It’s Percy, Rachel, you can’t expect him to check in every time he comes across a monster." 
 Rachel wasn’t convinced. "He was acting weird all morning. Something happened between him and Paul." 
 That caught Annabeth’s attention. "What makes you say that?”
 "I don’t know? I could just feel this tension between them.“ 
 Annabeth seemed to finally be getting the severity of the situation. Rachel didn’t know if that was better or worse. "You said he was talking in his sleep?” Annabeth asked. “And that he looked like he hadn’t gotten any last night?”
 This was bad, Annabeth’s expression confirmed it. "We need to find him.”
 "We should just call Chiron. Or Sally. Annabeth-“ 
 "We’ll find him, Rachel!" 
Annabeth sighed. She didn’t mean to raise her voice but Rachel had been pestering her with the suggestion for the last hour and she was already on edge. "He’s never gone for long.”
 "Wait,“ Rachel pulled Annabeth to a stop, making the busy New York crowd annoyed at the obstacle in its path. "He’s done this before?”
 Annabeth cursed herself. “Yeah. Look, Rachel, it’s nothing to worry about-”
 "Nothing to worry about? Do you even hear yourself?!“ Rachel searched her face. She kept looking for something. Annabeth knew what it was. She was looking for her friend, the logical friend who would take care of things the smart way, the friend who wasn’t a mess and could convince herself that everything was going to be fine. She wanted to yell at Rachel that the girl she was looking for was gone. 
But before she could change the subject, her cellphone rang. "Jason?”
 "How did you find him?“ Annabeth asked Jason once the two girls arrived at the rusty old building.
 "Hi,” both Rachel and Annabeth jumped as Nico stepped from behind Jason. “Figured you knew this certain spot by now, Annabeth.”
 Annabeth felt both Jason’s and Rachel’s eyes on her and Nico. It was obvious they weren’t telling them something. Annabeth intended on keeping it like that, but Nico seemed to finally be cracking. “Why would I?”
 "Cut it out, Annabeth. He needs help.“ She wanted to scream out as the painful truth of Nico’s words hit her. She knew it. She’d known it for months now. But she’d kept quiet like Percy had begged her to, about the nightmares, the panic attacks, the shaking, the memories. She didn’t want to admit it. "I called Chiron and filled him in. We’re taking him to camp.”
 "What’s going on?“ Jason asked. 
 Maybe before she would’ve been able to beat Nico at the staring contest he was challenging her to, but deep down, she knew he was right. He was only doing this because he cared about him and both Annabeth and Percy had to stop running away from it. 
 "Fine,” Nico seemed to let out a breath when Annabeth finally replied, “You should go up with me. Jason and Rachel, you should head back to camp. We’ll catch up with you later." 
 Jason looked like he wanted to protest but Rachel put a hand on his shoulder. She understood that the situation was hard enough as it was. "We’ll meet you there." 
 "Are you finally going to tell me what happened down there?” NIco asked once they were both gone.
 Annabeth ignored Nico as she walked up the stairs to the building’s roof. She tried to act like she didn’t know what down there meant. “We should find him first, Nico,” was she ever going to be ready to talk about what happened? “Let him tell you." 
She felt him stop behind her. She was forced to look back at him. "He won’t tell me, Annabeth. I know that you think that just because I was down there too he’ll talk to me about it but he won’t.” He looked defeated, as if he’d said the same thing a million times with the same result: silence. He probably had. Annabeth knew that. “It’s not me that should be talking to him.”
 Stop, Percy! Please!
 She deserved worse.
 We’re your friends, Bob.
 "Let’s just find him.“ 
 Percy was never far from home. Annabeth learned that soon enough. Sometimes it was the ocean, sometimes a far out place in the woods. Sometimes, like today, the roof of his apartment building. "That didn’t take long." 
 "Percy, they’re really worried about you this time?” He was sitting close to the ledge, his back to her. Annabeth was thankful for Blackjack grazing in the corner. “Rachel called me." 
 That got his attention. "What for?”
 "You didn’t go back to school. She was worried about you, she thought something happened between you and Paul.“ She cursed herself as she said that last part. She knew she’d hit a nerve. "She wanted to help.”
 "Did she?“ 
 "Yes,” Nico said behind her, “we all do.”
 Annabeth knew Nico didn’t see it, the way his shoulders rose, taking a long breath. He was collecting himself. Percy had his back to the son of Hades. Annabeth doubted he’d turn to face the younger boy, and if he did, he’d be gone by the time he faced them. She almost yelled in frustration. 
 "I don’t need help, Nico. There’s nothing for you to help with.“ 
 Percy stood up from his place on a rusty bench and made his way towards the ledge. Annabeth’s stomach lurched as he swung one leg over the ledge then the other taking a seat on it. He pulled a smile onto his face, hiding behind it like a mask. It’s wasn’t his troublemaker smile, or her smile, the one only she knew; It was a whole new one. It was one that she detested because it only worked as a shield for whatever he was feeling. "I’m fine, I just needed some air." 
 That didn’t fool Nico, so he pressed on, "What happened with the Cyclops earlier?”
 "Jason and I took care of it.“
 "He said you almost got yourself killed!” the son of Hades persisted.
 Percy’s front wavered for a millisecond before he continued, "I’m here now, so why does it matter?”
 "You can talk to me, Percy.“
 "About what?” He shot, throwing his arms in the air. “Did it ever occur to you that the reason I keep pushing you back is because you’re suffocating me?” Annabeth looked away, she knew how this ended. They’d been arguing like this for so long. “Why don’t you ever ask Annabeth to talk-”
 "Because she doesn’t run around acting like an unstable idiot!“
 Percy laughed humorlessly. "So now I’m unstable? Is that what everyone is so worried about?”
 "Don’t victimize yourself, Percy. C'mon!“
 "I don’t victimize myself. All of you do!" 
 Annabeth had had enough. She was supposed to bring Percy back to camp. She stepped in and started, "Percy-”
 "Don’t, Annabeth!“ He turned to face her, his eyes staring daggers into hers. They used to be so soft. They used to reassure her. Now she couldn’t help but remember how dark they could get, how painfully vengeful.
 She looked away. 
 "You can’t even look at me anymore.”
 "Let’s go, Nico!“ Annabeth ordered, cutting over whatever Percy was trying to say. She steeled her expression, shoving down her emotions. How could he know? She felt Nico’s cold hand wrap around hers as her vision faded to darkness and reached for the back of Percy’s shirt before he could pull away.
 She reoriented herself as they appeared back in the camp’s forest.
 She quickly let go of Nico’s hand. "Go with Chiron, Percy. He’s worried.” She was already storming off.
 Percy wanted to follow Annabeth. He wanted to not have snapped at her, to apologize. But he did neither one of those. The fact that she’d once again brought Nico into this irritated him. The fact that she took him to camp was worse. If there was something they had in common was that they were both too proud for their own good. It was hard for them to budge and accept they were wrong, especially when it came to this.
 The whole ordeal seemed so personal. It was his problem.
 "She’s right,“ Nico said behind him, "I spoke with Chiron earlier.”
 "Of course you did.“ Percy whirred his head at Nico, his annoyance growing into anger. "Just like you pulled Jason into all of this.”
 "I’m trying to help!“
 "No one’s asking you to!”
 The son of Hades sighed, keeping his anger in check. “I didn’t ask you for your help either, but you still saved my ass when I was acting like an idiot.”
 "This is different.“
 "How?" Nico’s patience seemed to be waning. "Something horrible happened to you and instead of confronting it, you run away and deal with it the worse way possible." 
 Percy said nothing.
 "How is it any different?”
 Percy walked away.
 He couldn’t shake Nico’s words off as he strode through camp. He barely noticed the weird looks he got as he made his way to his cabin. Percy hadn’t set foot at camp in a long time. He hoped that people would figure he was too busy with his life in the mortal world, but everyone seemed to sense something was wrong. He usually wasn’t so serious.
 "Percy.“ He heard someone call behind him. He figured if he kept walking they probably would think he hadn’t heard them. He wasn’t in the mood to talk. "Percy!” This time he recognized the voice and froze in place, not facing him.
 "What is it, Grover?“ They hadn’t talked in ages, not once since Percy had gotten back from Greece.
 "I… I just wanted to see how you were doing.” Percy could tell he was trying hard to act casual, not cause a scene. He could almost picture him fiddling with his hands nervously. Good old Grover. “Talk or something? Catch up.”
 Percy wanted to, so badly it hurt. He wanted his best friend. He wanted his old life back, but there was something that kept him from all of it, from turning around and pouring everything out to the one person who first taught him what a friend was. “I’ve got to-" 
 Percy’s words were cut short by a panicked scream. Before anyone could react, a horn went off signaling that somehow a monster had gotten in. Everyone around Percy scrambled for a weapon, not bothering to look for armor. Percy uncapped Riptide and searched for their unwanted visitor. He caught sight of one of the Stolls, Connor, running down Thalia’s hill. "It’s a goddess!” He warned. “She brought some sort of demon-like ladies.”
 Will’s head popped from behind Connor. “Don’t let their talons get you! They’re poisonous!”
 Percy’s shoulder ached at the memory of the demon-like ladies. He’d fought this goddess before. “Melione? How did she get in here?”
 "No time to think about that now,“ Grover answered, his eyes trained on something ahead of them. "Look.”
 Percy’s eyes traveled up ahead to the strawberry fields were a swirling mist seemed to be forming. The mist traveled down towards the group of confused demigods, carrying with it a sort of chill that seemed to dim the brightness of the sunny day. A burst of whispering made some of them spring out in blind lunges, some even let a few arrows loose. When the first of the familiar batty beings stepped out of the mist they heard a voice. “What a lovely welcoming party.” Percy didn’t know what voice everyone heard, but several gasps were audible. Percy tried to focus on what he knew the goddess could do. Last time he’d been able to keep his own against her. Last time he’d had no ghosts for her to taunt him with. 
 More and more demon-bat ladies started crawling out of the mist. They were all eerily still until a shrieking laugh brought them out of their trance, and they attacked. 
 Chaos burst around Percy and suddenly Grover was at his side fighting off Melione’s servants. The creatures were fast and had deadly poisonous talons; they were proving hard to beat. The swirling mist just grew thicker and thicker making it hard to see them coming. The goddess herself hadn’t shown her face but she was slowing them down by whispering in their ears, her voice disguised as that of fallen friends and family. Percy’s sword arm was almost shredded to pieces when Beckendorf’s voice came out of nowhere, accusing him of being a coward. 
 “You ran away and left me there!” Percy stepped back just in time, but was losing focus fast.
 Pale mist people popped up in front of his friends making them hesitate, sudden panic overtook him as he saw some even putting their weapons down. Soon it was only a few of them, including Grover, fending off the ghosts. They weren’t even trying to beat them anymore; their priority was for them not to get touched by those talons. Percy had been lucky when he had gotten hit, but there weren’t many friendly Titans hanging around now. He felt Grover’s shoulder press against his. He’d armed himself with a wooden staff that made him look very Lord of the Wild-y. Percy almost smiled at the change, almost.
 Right in the middle of the clearing, where they usually lit a fire for their offerings to the gods, the mist was getting thicker. It swirled violently until it formed the silhouette of a man. As it morphed into someone tall and fat it made its way to Percy. He braced himself for whatever the goddess was about to show him, felt his hands get clammy and breathing get shallow. 
 Then the man came into focus. And Percy almost growled in rage. “How dare you!?” After all the friends he’d lost she thought that he regretted losing him?
His blood pumped so furiously against his ears he couldn’t even hear anything else. He was outraged. He could only zero in on that sneer, on the beady eyes. The man had made him feel so utterly worthless was brought back to taunt him once again. The anger in him flowed, he could feel it the way sometimes he could sense a current. He caught sight of him, her, IT, opening its mouth to speak and in one swirling cloud of red the anger just swept out of him, crashing into his old stepfather. He reached out his hand urging the ichor to travel to its throat. Not a single word, he wouldn’t let him utter a single word. 
 He didn’t even feel when he dropped his sword. He didn’t feel his body at all. All he knew in that moment was that water was all around him, his gut hurt, and he was going to kill Gabe Ugliano. As if on cue, the goddess’ features started fighting against those of Smelly Gabe. Blonde-white hair sprouted from her scalp revealing a strange face: one side ghostly pale, the other gruesome. “Please,” she mouthed. “Mercy!" 
 "There is none!” Another flare of anger overtook him, making his gut explode with pain and taking with it the last grip on control Percy had. Power, his power, was everywhere. He felt the poison in the demon’s talons and commanded it to crush its owner. A small part of him was terrified at what he felt. It wasn’t just the demons or the goddess, all his friends were within his grasp as well. The grass at his feet, the moisture in the air, there was barely any difference with this and the blood flowing through their veins.
 Stop, Percy. Please, never do that again. 
 He needed to stop, now. He tried to recede the ichor that had accumulated in the goddess’ neck. She couldn’t breathe, hideous wheezing noises trembled out of her pale lips. The effort made him shake all over. He focused all his energy in the ichor, tried to control it like he’d done before. But now he felt the strain, his hand shook violently in front of him. The tremors raced down his body to the ground. He felt fissures sprouting around his feet, vaguely heard people calling out to him. 
 He felt lost in a limbo where only him and his power existed. It threatened to consume him and his fight was killing him, sending him even more out of control. He tried to hold everything in, push it back to the place where it had resided inside him. He wanted to destroy that part of him that destroyed everything, everyone, around him. 
He couldn’t. Control didn’t exist. 
 Something else pushed its way past his spiraling thoughts, a connection he’d forgotten, one he hadn’t used in so long. Let go, it told him. He knew the voice but was in too much pain to match a face to it. You have to, Percy. You have to let go. 
 He couldn’t, they’d die. With one last painful effort he pulled his hand into a closed fist. White hot, blazing pain shot through him, ripping his throat out in a scream. He wasn’t even a person anymore. He was a hurricane, he was the violent crash of waves, the deadly tide. 
 He trusted that voice blindly. He let go. 
 Percy woke up to the protest of every one of his muscles, feeling as if someone had shoved a vacuum cleaner down his throat and sucked out all his insides. His aching head was resting atop a comfortable pillow and he was covered by a soft blanket, but he was sure he wasn’t in the infirmary. He’d woken up there enough times to know the difference. There was also someone sitting at the edge of his bed. 
 Begrudgingly, he opened his eyes. The first thing he saw were the glittering hippocampi Tyson had hung on the ceiling of Cabin 3. 
 "Percy?“ He inched his head sideways. "Oh Gods! Thank goodness you’re okay!" 
 He groaned as Annabeth inched close to him but didn’t protest when she buried her face in his chest. His stomach twisted in guilty knots as he felt tears stain his shirt. Flashes of what happened came back to him and he was about to ask what had happened, how much damage he’d caused, when Annabeth beat him to it. 
 "No one’s badly hurt. I don’t know how but Grover managed to get through you just in time,” of course that voice had belonged to Grover, Percy thought, “Melione and her cronies vanished as soon as you passed out. Nico went to talk to his dad right away. He’s there now actually.”
 Annabeth sat upright, wiping away the few tears she had let escape. She was back to being all business. They actually hadn’t had a moment like this in the longest time. He felt incredibly self-conscious as she looked away, like she so often did now, and he lay there weak after his meltdown. 
What the hell was wrong with him? How could he lose control like that? He’d could’ve gotten everyone killed. 
 "I’m sorry,“ he blurted, Annabeth’s tired grey eyes meeting his for the first time in what seemed like forever. His heart ached, he missed her too badly to put into words, yet, it had been him who had started pushing her away in the first place. 
 He wanted to say more but just then Will walked through the door. "Good,” he stated, “you’re up." 
 "I’m fine,” Percy said before he went full on Dr. Solace on him. 
 "No,“ he assured, "you’re not.”
 He pushed Percy unto the bed when he tried to get out, not like he could’ve stood anyway,  and made Annabeth retreat to the corner. “I just need to do a quick check up. Chiron told me to leave you alone anyway.” Will glanced at Annabeth. She made it clear she wasn’t going anywhere. Annabeth stared intently as Will worked. 
“There,” he finally huffed, “all done. You won’t die.”
Percy was tempted to thank him as he walked away but he stayed quiet. Except, Will didn’t leave, he turned on his heel and faced Percy. With the look he was giving him he expected a full blown scolding. Percy knew he deserved it too.
 "We’ve all gone through war here, Percy,“ this was unexpected. "I think we’ve lost enough people to realize it’s not exciting or heroic.” He stumbled through his words, Percy could tell it was hard for him to talk about this. “Leadership is not something anyone wants. Not when it means guiding your family to their deaths. I of all people know that, Percy. My point is, we are, or at least I’m, not ignorant to the toll it has. Just because you’re Percy Jackson doesn’t mean you don’t suffer from it either. It’s for that same reason that you’ve suffered it worse than most of us.” He stared at the floor, losing the sudden burst of confidence he’d gotten. “We’re all broken, Percy, one way or another. But we can’t mend ourselves by ignoring the broken parts.” With that the head counselor of the Apollo cabin walked out of the room. 
 Annabeth waited until he’d left to say: “He’s right, you know.” She was staring straight at Percy now. He held her gaze. “You keep pushing everything that happened away. It’s not doing you any good. It’s-" 
 "Spinning me out of control?” They’d had this conversation before. 
 "Yes,“ Annabeth said, she wasn’t yelling she just sounded tired. "It’s not only hurting you.”
 "I didn’t mean to freak out like that. I’m sorry anyone got hurt-“ 
 "That’s not what I mean.” This time she didn’t stop her tears. Gods, he missed those eyes. 
 "Is that why you won’t look at me?“ He’d been ashamed of it so long that he felt his throat closing up. "I’m hurting you?”
 "Not you Percy. It’s not you that hurts me.“
 "Then what?!” He didn’t mean to raise his voice. He was just so frustrated. “Why won’t you talk to me?" 
 "Because I can’t look,” she was sobbing now. “I can’t look at what I did to you!” Her body was shaking as she sank to the floor, never once looking away from Percy. 
 He was out of his bed and on the floor cradling her in seconds. He didn’t care about every single one of his cells screaming in pain. Nothing hurt more than seeing her like this. “What are you talking about?" 
 "You fell because of me! I should’ve just let go! I let you fall with me!”
 He took her face in his hands, not believing what he was hearing. “It would’ve gone against everything that makes me, me, to not have fallen with you. You hear me?” He wiped away some tears with his thumb. “I don’t risk anything to be with you. I HAVE to be with you. It’s something that needs to happen in order for me to live. No matter how hard you would’ve tried to do it alone, I wouldn’t have let you." 
 "I’M not worth all of this! I can’t see you like this and know it’s my fault!" 
 Percy felt his heart crumble. He’d been so selfish. They took care of each other, that’s what they did. They had each other’s backs, at least she had his.
 "I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He pressed his forehead against hers, feeling some tears of his own wet his cheeks. “It’s no one’s fault but mine, Annabeth. I caught you and I fell with you. And I would do it now if it meant I got to be with you. I’m sorry I’m a bit slow. I had to vent for a while I guess. I had to be stupid for a while." 
 "You’re not stupid,” Annabeth managed. “And you’re not okay." 
 "No,” he was letting go. He couldn’t hold on to the anger anymore. What had happened, happened. There was no going back. But he meant what he’d said. Annabeth was worth it. His life was worth it. “I’m not okay. And neither are you. And that’s not our fault." 
 Annabeth grabbed Percy’s wrist, trying to pry him off. He could see the fear at the prospect of not being okay. But if there was one thing he was going to hold on to, it was her. He pulled her face closer and kissed her. Her attempts at pulling him away were abandoned, as she pulled him even closer. 
 With everything he’d ever seen, all the myths he’d known to be true, Percy should’ve picture him and Annabeth as two strings that had morphed into one and that were destined to end by the same cut. But he didn’t see any of that. He saw two lost kids sharing some Oreos, in a quest they didn’t fully understand, knowing somehow that the only thing that would make sense for the rest of their lives was to stick together no matter what.
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
I’ve actually already posted the second chapter if you search the tag ASoY in my blog u should find it. I also tag all my fics #ramwfics I’m planning on posting the third chapter later today. Thank you for reading!
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
In lieu of the current Tumblr mess, I’ll be transferring all my fics to AO3 where you can find me as RainySteve. All my works will remain here but since it’s hard to find them atm check there. I still don’t have everything up there but I’m working on in. 
As far as I know all my fics can still be found through the My Fics link on my blog and I tag everything #ramwfics
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
All Shades of You (Chapter 3)
So I missed my target of posting weekly (sorry) but here’s the next chapter! Edits by the lovely @san-penedo
(please search #ramwfics or #ASoY for previous chapters)
“You nervous?” Asked Percy’s mother as she fixed his tie. Percy had had some pretty awful uniforms in his academic past -military school had held the top spot until now- but Goode High School’s combo of a tie, blazer and slacks took the cake. His mother had even had to spend a big chunk of her salary on real shoes (as the dean had so nicely pointed out during their last visit to her office) since he wouldn’t be allowed to use his usual beat-up converse or Reeboks.
And yes, maybe he was nervous, but he wasn’t about to show it and make his mother even more upset. “I’m fine, Mom.” Percy had heard her and Smelly Gabe arguing last night. He could see some of the argument on her arm today which made his blood boil. He tighten his wrist at the sight but bit back his anger. Sally Jackson had made her son promise not to confront her husband ever since Smelly Gabe had punched Percy’s lights out a couple of years ago. The only thing he could do was act as upbeat around her as possible, even if he was a little terrified of his new school. The dean has made it very clear to him that he was already starting on probation due to his record. He’d have no second chances.
“Are you having any classes with your new friend? Rachel right? She’s pretty.”  Sally had caught a brief glimpse of her when they were hanging around the park once. Percy had found it utterly embarrassing that she was checking in on him
Sally tried to act innocent as her son blushed red and she finished tying his tie. After a quick breakfast, they both walked the few blocks to Sally’s work. He dropped her off at Sweet on America, the candy shop she worked at, but not before she kissed him on the cheek and fussed about his tie for another five minutes. He rode the subway the rest of the way to Goode once his mother finally released him. He was surprised to find Rachel already waiting for him at the steps of the brick building.
“Thought I’d give you a tour,” she told him with a dazzling smile. Rachel definitely wore the uniform better than he did, looking great in her skirt instead of his slacks. He’d been scared of her completely ignoring him once they finally started school, choosing to hang out with her real friends instead, so he graciously accepted her proposal. She asked for his schedule which he handed over. “Hmm you’ve got Dodds for Math. I’ve heard she can be a bit of a demon. But Blofis is pretty cool.”
“Blofis, Percy. He teaches English. I had him freshman year.”
Great, Percy thought. Being dyslexic English had always been one of his least favorite subjects. Thankfully they had homeroom together, so Percy followed Rachel to a classroom past a music room and through a couple trophy cases. Percy didn’t miss the fact that many of them were for swimming. It was even harder for him to avoid the sport when the Captain, a lean guy a couple of inches taller than Percy and with an unfortunate blonde quiff, and coach decided to barge in to his very first class and announce that they were having tryouts next Friday after school. “Isn’t the swim season like months away?” He asked Rachel, annoyed.
“Private schools have meets starting in November since most of them have heated, indoor pools.” Great. “Why? You swim?”
“Not really.”
Annabeth Chase was not freaking out because Annabeth Chase simply did not freak out. She’d tried to concentrate on her classes all week but she was soon figuring out that it was hard to run away from the color green. Annabeth had once read in a book that her father had given her that green was somtimes associated with harmony. She felt like hitting whoever wrote that upside the head since it could not be further from the truth. Annabeth had been able to see just that very specific shade that the ocean took at times since she was seven, but, since meeting Percy, her color palette had marginally expanded. Now, she saw dozens of shades of green wherever she went and, rather than harmonious, it made her feel like bolting in the opposite direction. She could see the dark green of her school’s banner’s, the lighter tone of the kale as she watched the barista blend her a smoothie in the morning, her own notebook!
She wondered how people lived in a world full of color. How they managed to focus on anything when inanimate objects just screamed at you from all directions. She also felt a strong sense of indignation. She still didn’t even know who Percy was! Sure he’d seemed nice enough, a bit goofy, but definitely smarter than he looked. Still, she’d only known him for a day. No way this whole “soulmate” thing worked so fast. Was he also in her same situation? She stopped midway through her spiralling thoughts: what color are my eyes? What if he wasn’t seeing any colors? Percy had seemed fidgety sure, but she thought that had more to do with his seemingly general susceptibility for hyperactivity than anything else.
When the bell finally rang and she realized that the whole hour had passed with her barely jotting down any notes, she decided to consult the one person she was certain could see color, or at least could at one point in her life.
“Well that took no time at all,” Thalia said as she graciously opened the door to her apartment. Annabeth practically stomped in after noticing that her door was, in fact, green. “How was school?”
Annabeth waved her hand dismissively as she plopped herself down onto Thalia’s ratty couch. “School’s fine! Schools is school!”
“Okay then, what’s up?”
All of the annoyance that had helped Annabeth refrain from properly freaking out started to wane under the older girl’s steely, almost mocking stare (which, thankfully, stayed colorless). She lost all her build up and opened her mouth just to close it back up at the feel of the dryness in her throat. Thalia making fun of her was a given, but she hadn’t really given herself room to figure how she really felt about it, about the fact that this was a pretty permanent change.
“Whoa, that serious, huh?” Thalia softened her look and went to sit beside Annabeth. “Did something happen with your Dad?”
Annabeth shook her head. “No. It’s-it’s not that.” She sighed, searching for the words to explain this. She’d never even told anyone about the ocean. “I think I might have found him.” She rolled her eyes when Thalia looked back at her blankly. Her mouth felt like it would reject saying the word soulmate out loud. This was ridiculous. “My soulmate, Thalia! There, you happy? You made me say it!”
Whatever Thalia was expecting her to say, it probably wasn’t that. “When...who?” Annabeth knew Thalia always felt awkward talking about these types of things. She was getting that look she got when kids starting to her, half concern and half panic.
“This kid named Percy, Grover’s friend.” Annabeth said quickly. “I barely even know him.”
“Do you want to? Get to know him, I mean.”
Annabeth thought that an odd question. “Well shouldn’t I?”
“You’re sixteen, kid. And it’s your choice.”
Annabeth built up the courage to ask what she’d wanted to know for a while and what had been eating at her even more since meeting Percy. “What did you do? When you met Luke? Did you tell him?”
Thalia looked down at her hands, a sad smile on her face. “Nah. I was too busy freaking out about it. I think Grover always knew, but it took Luke a while to figure it out.”
“That was when you finally got together, right?”
Thalia shook her head. “It wasn’t because of that. When I first started seeing color I barely knew him. We chose each other. That’s why it meant anything. I could’ve kept seeing black and white for all I cared.”
“What color were his eyes?”
She looked up but quickly turned away. Annabeth didn’t fail to notice a small tear sliding down her cheek though. “Blue.”
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