slut-jpeg · 3 months
tiger moths are so cool
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arctia virginalis (the ranchman’s tiger moth)
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arctia caja (the garden tiger moth)
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apantesis phalerata (harnessed tiger moth)
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apantesis nais (the nais tiger moth)
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callimorpha dominula (the scarlet tiger moth)
I just think they’re neat!!
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 10 months
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back to drawing moth horses. this one's based on ranchman's tiger moth
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victorianpining · 2 years
Hi! I'm a big fan of your blog and I'm looking for some advice on a fanfiction I'm writing. It's based on the original ACD stories. Basically what I'm trying to figure out is, why does Holmes fall for Watson? What initially attracts him to Watson, and why does he eventually fall in love? I feel like this isn't revealed in much depth in the original stories--it's clear to me that he DOES love him, it's just that Watson doesn't show why he does in his narration explicitly. Thank you!
Hello! Haha, that's the trick of it, Watson wouldn't really focus on himself would he? But I do think he includes a version of that answer in his description of Jefferson Hope's backstory, the tragic tale of the young lovers who could not be together because of the way the society around them viewed their relationship.
The way Watson describes the younger Hope is very similar to how Holmes describes him earlier on.
“Nothing of the sort. I knew you came from Afghanistan... Here is a gentleman of a medical type, but with the air of a military man. Clearly an army doctor, then. He has just come from the tropics, for his face is dark, and that is not the natural tint of his skin, for his wrists are fair."
“You’re not hurt, I hope, miss,” said her preserver, respectfully. She looked up at his dark, fierce face, and laughed saucily. “I’m awful frightened,” she said, naively; “whoever would have thought that Poncho would have been so scared by a lot of cows?” “Thank God you kept your seat,” the other said earnestly. He was a tall, savage-looking young fellow, mounted on a powerful roan horse, and clad in the rough dress of a hunter, with a long rifle slung over his shoulders.
Watson describes it as being love at first sight on Hope's (his own) part.
When she had vanished from his sight, he realized that a crisis had come in his life.... The love which had sprung up in his heart was not the sudden, changeable fancy of a boy, but rather the wild, fierce passion of a man of strong will and imperious temper. He had been accustomed to succeed in all that he undertook. He swore in his heart that he would not fail in this if human effort and human perseverance could render him successful.
Very similar to Watson after first meeting Holmes:
My companion smiled an enigmatical smile. “That’s just his little peculiarity,” he said. “A good many people have wanted to know how he finds things out.” “Oh! a mystery is it?” I cried, rubbing my hands. “This is very piquant. I am much obliged to you for bringing us together. ‘The proper study of mankind is man,’ you know." “You must study him, then,” Stamford said, as he bade me good-bye. “You’ll find him a knotty problem, though. I’ll wager he learns more about you than you about him. Good-bye.” "Good-bye,” I answered, and strolled on to my hotel, considerably interested in my new acquaintance.
Even with this mirror though, this paragraph is about all the explanation Watson gives for why Holmes liked him:
He had been a pioneer in California, and could narrate many a strange tale of fortunes made and fortunes lost in those wild, halcyon days. He had been a scout too, and a trapper, a silver explorer, and a ranchman. Wherever stirring adventures were to be had, Jefferson Hope had been there in search of them. He soon became a favourite with the old farmer, who spoke eloquently of his virtues. On such occasions, Lucy was silent, but her blushing cheek and her bright, happy eyes, showed only too clearly that her young heart was no longer her own. Her honest father may not have observed these symptoms, but they were assuredly not thrown away upon the man who had won her affections.
So similar to what you get in the most interesting reading of BBC Sherlock, Holmes falls for Watson because he's a handsome, loyal, brave, adventure loving man who swoops in and saves his life (for Lucy and BBC Sherlock this is literal, for Holmes maybe more metaphorical). And despite all Holmes' protests about Watson's writing, if we're taking Lucy to be a stand-in for Holmes, he does also genuinely like his storytelling.
I think you can pick up from the meeting scene that Holmes was instantly interested in Watson, he is very excited about moving in with him, very quickly.
His eyes fairly glittered as he spoke, and he put his hand over his heart and bowed as if to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination. “You are to be congratulated,” I remarked, considerably surprised at his enthusiasm... “We came here on business,” said Stamford, sitting down on a high three-legged stool, and pushing another one in my direction with his foot. “My friend here wants to take diggings, and as you were complaining that you could get no one to go halves with you, I thought that I had better bring you together.” Sherlock Holmes seemed delighted at the idea of sharing his rooms with me. 
But the beauty of writing your take on it is that you get to make those calls for yourself!
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quiltedthunder · 18 days
DJ Dave I missed you at ranchmans tonight. DJ Niko did not play enough line dances for a Thursday
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ocean-anchored · 7 months
November 13, 23 continued...
I've been hanging out with Shane more, I definitely need to keep my boundaries up with him. He's super genuine and sweet, really does show that he cares and actively keeps an interest which is really nice but sometimes just a little too much for me. We've got a couple plans over the months but I definitely need to keep those boundaries in place. I've hung out with Connor a few times now, we went for a nice bike ride for the first time after my birthday. I connected with him on FB dating like two ish years ago but we never met up or really continued talking and then we went for a bike ride & had a nice chat. He came out with Amber & I for halloween too, which he was a champ about coming out with someone he's never met, me who he met once, going to a random persons house haha, but it was pretty fun and as much as he can be a bit quieter, he's been opening up a lot more. I went over last week to watch a hockey game & hot tub with him and that was a nice evening, we talked a lot about exes and narcissistic issues we've dealt with too, he can definitely be a talker which is nice, he's definitely opening up a lot more. He really seems like a nice guy, again just keeping it casual getting to know each other. Jeremiah has been weird lately. I thought it was because Zack made things uncomfortable which im sure is a big contributing factor, but still idk. We were hanging out a lot and connected a lot over the summer and then when Zack joined the Ranchmans dance night I definitely think he rubbed everyone wrong, then I think I had a games night a few days later which again wasn't great, and then a few weeks later when Amber did my surprise birthday gathering he definitely didn't jive with Zack which again I totally get, I apologized to Jer after but it hasn't been the same. He hasn't asked to hang out like once... & I think Amanda kind of initiated the last movie night that just happened last friday which was good but yah idk, just back to feeling like I'm just his dog watcher friend which sucks. He had asked about christmas holiday and I got back to him and he texted again this morning about this week and it's like ok it would be nice to actually hang out and not just feel like I'm a free dog watcher ya know? Kinda just went back to like the earlier start of our friendship again so idk, I guess we'll see. Daniel - whom was Jer's friend we met at Jers birthday gathering this summer, we've been chatting back & forth for some months and then it was his birthday last month or some weeks ago & Amber & I stopped by which was nice, Troy was there whom i've met once before, would love to meet him again haha... anyways, had some good chats with Daniel and then I ended up going with him to his church the weekend prior which was really good. He's super nice and very extraverted so it's nice to chat with him, though I do feel very young to him, hes 9 years older, just turned 38 so I feel a bit kid-ish but we're going to get together & hang out sometime soon which should be nice, he's a genuine dude and christian which is very nice. Trying to think what else. Relationship with Steven & amanda is still great obviously, though still haven't reconnected with Melissa. It's been like 4 months now which is painful. Drama free but painful. I was really triggered and hurt when she gave me cold response after sending her photos from NYC and just felt super hypocritical. Just that whole situation honest rubs me so wrong and gives me the ick of what happened and how s he handled everything, like makes me just not want to be around her but idk. Her birthday is this week & of course as I'm always the bigger person, I'll say happy birthday even though she didn't to me, again just another jab. Idk it's still a fresh wound.
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nothingtowear05 · 10 months
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Shirt: 갠소 체크벌룬박시남방(3차 재입고) (29,900₩) | Jeans: AGOLDE Jeans (€ 70) | Boots: Filles à Papa DALLAS HIGH NATURAL (€990.00) | Handbag: Dorothy Perkins Tan Whipstitch Cross Body Bag (£25.00) | Hat: Tecovas The Ranchman ($295) | Necklace: REGGIE Mini Snake Coated Gold Pendant Necklace ($135)
This week's Disney hotel is the Disney Hotel Cheyenne in Disneyland Paris. The hotel's theme is the Wild West, so I created a look that fits the ambiance of an Old West town. The outfit captures the essence of the Wild West and would be perfect for a day exploring the hotel and its surroundings.
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ceeobsessed · 11 months
YAHOO. I fuckin love this city so much 🇨🇦🤠🐴
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STUDIO CITY, CA – May 1, 2023 – Isabel (Nancy Travis, “Last Man Standing”) has to answer to the town in “Ride or Die” this week’s all-new episode of “Ride” premiering Sunday, May 7 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel. Travis, Tiera Skovbye (“Riverdale”), Beau Mirchoff (“Good Trouble”), Sara Garcia (“The Flash”), Jake Foy (“Designated Survivor”) and Tyler Jacob Moore (“Shameless”) star.
After successfully selling the Booker family on investing in a stadium in Canyon, Isabel and Hank (Greg Lawson, “Wynonna Earp”) learn about rumblings around town that could shut it down before it gets started. They decide to use an event at Ranchman’s to alleviate the community’s concerns – but Isabel finds herself questioning her new partner’s motives. After riding through his injury and continuing to take risks, Cash (Mirchoff) goes to the doctor and gets some unwelcome news. This puts him on the outs with Missy (Skovbye), who is doubting her abilities as his coach. Frustrated with Cash and spiraling from her recent discoveries about Austin (Marcus Rosner, “Arrow”), Missy accepts an offer from Frontier Jeans to judge their pageant in Denver. Being there, Missy reflects on her time on the pageant circuit and takes a new step in her burgeoning romance with Gus (Moore). But the truth about Austin threatens to emerge and change everything.
Ride” is a Blink49 Studios/Seven24 Films Production. Executive producers are Rebecca Boss, Chris Masi, Sherri Cooper, Alexandra Zarowny, Paolo Barzman, Greg Gugliotta, FJ Denny, John Morayniss, Carolyn Newman, Virginia Rankin, Elana Barry, Josh Adler, Jordy Randall and Tom Cox. Mark Haroun and Alejandro Alcoba are co-executive producers. The series is produced by Brian Dennis. Lesley Grant is supervising producer. Bruce McDonald directed from a script by Sherri Cooper & Jennifer Levin.
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rattkachuk · 1 year
the video of marky singing ring of fire at ranchmans is livin in my head rent free
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toby1knows · 1 year
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One day I’ll learn how to two step… Not 😂😂 Noce to see these ladies I have not see for way too long… thank you for telling me to come Tannis 🥍🍻😎🇨🇦 (at Ranchman's Cookhouse and Dancehall) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn_Y0QFO2SS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wealthyspy · 1 year
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rjhamster · 2 years
SHOP NOWNEW ARRIVALSSALE We have always been your world for All Things Western. To expand our service to you, we felt that it is important to keep the heritage and tradition of land ownership going for generations to come. We couldn’t have found a better partner that has the same values and beliefs in the western world than we do! The Ranchman Properties Team specializes in farm and ranch and…
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diataragmenos · 7 years
friendly callout post to a lot of cool people
mostly friends but also cool youtube/twitch community folx, kinda a follow-forever but not really??? i feel sappy anyway let’s do this
hey @avidaddy i love talking with you about random shit and you being my mom friend and thigh touchin buddy and fellow odonovan-support mod and everything. you’re the best and getting to know you has been such a wonderful feeling. i love reading your posts about fall out boy and mkdm and grump things and twrp things and dallon weekes (even tho i have no clue who he is) and everything else and just going through your blog.
hey @spaceraytrash thanks for putting up with my bullshit for the last few years, i dunno how i’d get by without you. i don’t thank you enough. you’re also a great fucking mom friend and i can’t forget about all the times you helped me crawl out of dangerous headspaces so many times. it’s strange how we met through amber but man i dunno where i’d be emotionally and mentally without you.
hey @kannibalizmus you’re so so fucking important to me. you’re an awesome friend and you do a lot of great shit, you got this man. be in love with rafe adler and nathan break and all of them fictional boys. they all good. you are the dad friend and i appreciate you a lot. you fucking go man. it’s crazy to think (at least for me) that i was simply a fan of your work and i thought you were amazing. you still are. if you ever feel like no one cares about you or think you’re a worthwhile person i do. i always feel like you are.
hey @ranchman thanks for being my friend through all the the years, sometimes its weird to think that we’ve known each other for so long i sometimes forget we knew each other irl. thanks for being super supportive and i wouldn’t know what i’d do without our friendship. you’re the cool gay/bi friend and you rock that fuckin binder man. you go do the art and go to pride and be a fucking awesome person.
hey @godclear you’re an amazing person and fellow mod. thanks for letting me be a mod on darkmlm-suggestion. thank you for helping me make sense of my median system and kin/id stuff. you mean a lot to me too and i hope whatever good or bad things/feelings that go on in your life that you have people (and your kitties) with you to help you through thick and thin. you’re a great friend. (sorry about not making any posts recently, life’s being a little busy and dumb)
hey @tomokotrainer i know we don’t talk much but damn thank you for being there. just on my dash. you’re a wonderful person and thank you for being a friend. thanks for sending me those good feelings when i felt like shit about the us election. thanks for drawing me that one time, it’s super sweet and i still love it and think about it a lot.
hey @guy-kai thanks again for those kind words on that shitokayimgay post a while back. i know we don’t talk much either but god i hope you’re doing great. you’re a cool as fuck friend too. i don’t have much to say but man, you’re fucking cool.
hey @eshapples you’re cool as all hell, like honestly thanks for making me feel welcome to the chiliofdestiny community. you’re an amazing person and artist and i hope you and mitch are doing well. definitely you, kit, zappy, core, forout, ikke, retro, @leafpad, @annesqf, @ikarimonster, @thehumansentry, and everyone else made the codfam feel open and welcome and you’re all cool as shit. but especially you eshap. also those old codiscord videos will always be classics i go back to when i need a laugh.
hey @23-v you are cool as shit. you introduced me to amber if i remember correctly and thanks for making me feel welcome into your little circle of birbcorps. you’re an amazing artist and i love your species and mtt dergs. thank you for introducing me to fr (even though i’m basically dead there now, it was definitely fun). you, pup, shade, ethan, wash, bloodi, quail, kazul, @alxias-ch, @silly-skdaffle, @alyaludi. all of you. (i can’t remember who has tumblr and who doesn’t)
hey @paxtongrump, @zombieslayerswagg, @burtersnerch, @ross-o-rossism, @scoutnerd, @keenveins, @ghostigoo, @time-for-a-nap (and @avidaddy again) thank y’all for making me feel welcome in the grumps community honestly, i don’t talk to most of y’all but just following me makes me feel appreciated, even though i rarely ever post my own stuff of the grumps.thank you for letting me exist among you and appreciating these grumpy game friends. also thanks cassie for lowkey making stout train 2017 a glorious thing that exists; thanks for being jack walsh’s mom.
hey @ro-sea, @ooshimadeafunny, @skellyscoo, @ughmarkiplier, @lum1natrix, @mamataco, and all the big markiplier/jacksepticeye blogs out there, thank you for making these communities feel welcoming and loving. i know i don’t post much of my own stuff about them but thank you for letting me exist among y’all.
hey @dawn-of-the-third-nate, @natewantstotumbler, @the-weaver-of-worlds thank you guys for also making me feel welcome in appreciating nate. i know we don’t talk either but just following you guys gives me that warm fuzzy feeling i get from the markiplier, jacksepticeye, and game grumps communities. thanks for letting me exist among you.
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six-of-ravens · 3 years
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@robotlesbianjavert this tweet gives me hope
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ocean-anchored · 8 months
Dear future self... October 6, 2023
This week back has been interesting. I blame a majority of my emotional-ness on that I finally got my period again, but it really has been an emotional week. Going through timehop last night I read my post from last year and I forgot how emotional I was. I had forgotten how and where I was last year, I gave a good update though I was pretty emotional. I always get a little funny around this time of year and I acknowledge that. I find I get a little depressed, I feel like I just want this week to hurry up and get over with. I try really hard not to have any expectations even though I find deep down I just want the people I care about around me to care about me and make it special. My mom and brother have always been just about the only people that truly try to make my birthday important, I feel like my mom tries too hard though. I try not to put any expectations on any friends because I'm just tired of being let down. I barley recall a birthday that I've enjoyed. Like when I think back on birthdays, I might recall a short few hours that maybe were good and then something else happens that day that outweighs the good and turns it out to be a bad memory or experience. I don't recall a birthday that I've ever felt appreciated or special apart from my mom and brother. Even last year as I read my update, I recall going for breakfast with meliss, dustin and dillon at diner delux and then going to Danny's for thanksgiving which was fine but Richardt had started a fight, I remember him being gone to visit his parents and started issues about something rather. Little recap and update. Sept 7 we had gone to Ranchmans (Jeremiah, Amanda, Shane, and Zack) which was ok and then friday had games night where Jeremiah, Amber, Naythan and zack were over, Shane ditched out with bad communication as usual. After everyone left, Zack was upset and jealous which I might have talked about before, then saturday he went to work for the morning and when he came back he brought flowers and apologized, we went to launchpad with amber and naythan which again i think I talked about this before and how that was another fight with Zack which turn into another fight on sunday but then he came over sunday night so sunday night/monday morning of Sept 11th was the last time I got to see Zack before I left. It will be 4 weeks by the time I get to see him again. My US trip which I'll have posted updates on those separately, ended up being better than I thought. I really wasn't sure how we were going to end up but to my surprise, it was a good run. Since coming home it's been harder. I get it, he's been on this US delivery trip for 2 weeks now, I can imagine how exhausted he is and on edge he is, I do get that. I've felt that he's been on edge the last few days which I've had a stressful couple days too and have felt pretty disconnected from him. I feel like a lot of our FT's lately have just been him frustrated and tired and silence as we continue our own days just being on FT. I don't feel there's a lot of space for me to talk and I guess I haven't felt like I can talk about anything more because he doesn't have the mental space, which is fine, I get it. I honestly do understand and I'm not upset about it. I've known and understand that's how it goes when he's on the road and I don't have an issue with that.
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toddjurgess · 3 years
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So many shots of our lonely hero wandering around with his sheep  “Ranchman’s Vengeance” (1911, Allan Dwan)
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