#randomized y run
Forrest’s jirachi has a history with the Voices
[February 4, 2023]
This post came across my dash, and remind me to ramble about Jirachi :HYPERRACC:
But the long of it is we have a history with Jirachi that makes me wonder what it even IS in the TPP verse
revo :WutFace:
Oh yeah, including Dev powers if we include Revo :Keepo:
So if Forrest was given form or freedom or whatever with Jirachi's help, it's... Possibly plotting something
See, in my hc, Jirachi really doesn't like us. And by Us, I mean Voices because it has worked with Hosts before, it's just that it seems 9/10 Jirachi only ever comes with us under weird circumstances so it's a matter of the host getting its trust.
Unfortunately, only one host I think has managed to not break that trust, which again is why this thing doesn't like us :tppWowee:
(that host being Petra btw. Still under weird circumstances, but Petra is a girl who gets it because Glitchmancy)
I'm not sure what the relationship is with Marina, but I'm not so familiar with later Metro Sapphire lore
The point is, in my lore Jirachi itself is The Wish Maker, a shapeshifting Glitch of the highest rank (because in my lore the Glitches have a hierarchy. This goes all the way back to S2 lore when someone coined the term for the level of glitch possessing XD was a Corporal) maybe even up there with Phancero, possibly just below it
...this gives me a new way of looking at the whole Forrest-Jirachi dynamic, ngl
Yeah which is why rereading that conversation on the archive post made me go "wait... AHHHHHH :HYPERRACC: "
The shapeshifting idea came up in RandY when we rescued "Yveltal" but it was randomized to Jirachi. We failed to catch it and when we tried again, the cutscene and battle apparently counted separately so it got re-randomized to Registeel. Most of us joked Jirachi was pissed and summoned a mech to come after Venus and she's just running around the corner chamber screaming while throwing Pokeballs behind her. Because it's a scripted battle, so if we ran away from it, the game was like "Yveltal wants you to fight!" And just starts the battle again so no escape, had to catch 😂
Then we had Wooper 1 where the lore was Santa's Delibird can make all your wishes come true because it's bag is apparently a void you can draw anything from. Then it turned out to be a glitch and we teased that's the source of Santa's magic because he glitched several times too like frozen flying animation, going invisible, opening holes in the wall ect. Rocket Boss Shawn said he wanted to use Delibird to summon endless Master Balls, which is more of a Missingno trait but whatever
And then Petra got her Jirachi through debug menu. Like I said, she kinda gets this thing in the way Santa did. Fun Glitchmancy to do (relative?) good in the world unlike what happened with Goomtha, Shawn, Lysander, and Venus shoved it in the box (because while Yveltal is scripted to join the party, somehow the randomizer broke that part I guess since we failed the cutscene battle. So there was no prompt to add it to the team). Auguste probably falls into that category too now since he was bffs with this thing and then it got killed and he got cursed so.... :KEKWhands:
And I laughed to imagine the Registeel Mars found when looking for Cobalion is actually Jirachi using it's mech again to tell the Voices to fuck off as the old man in the cave told us the legendary hiding there has a deep hatred of humans after all it's been through
Which... Not wrong. Even if the Voices would like to befriend it at some point this history cuts deep
i seem to recall reading about an encounter with jirachi in storm silver and how chat ended up choosing to wish for money instead of a battle to catch it :Kappa:
This would not surprise me 😅
So yeah, Jirachi trying to help Forrest is interesting to me. Whether as a fellow glitch and it feels pity for the little one facing the cruel reality of how humans treat Glitches or it's because it feels a deeper connection with him and genuinely grants him a wish because he's deserving of it, this is... Well... Interesting for me to analyze further
also I need to see the new Pinocchio since I hear the depiction of Blue Fairy has an interesting interpretation
But what are your thoughts? :BegWan:
i mean, i put a lot of my thoughts in the fic i wrote. Forrest -- before he's Forrest -- is the glitch that sprang out from Quotes's bag and nearly killed her in Hoenn, the Voices lash out and toss him into the sea, Jirachi finds this glitch with remnant Voice-energy clinging to it and is like... "if this is an ally, the last thing i want is to abandon it. but if this is an enemy, i should probably have a countermeasure in place". so they turn Forrest into a human (defenseless, powerless on its own, the alternative was a Pokemon that could possibly run amok) and are like "ok, if you can prove you aren't dangerous, i can make you not a glitch. you've got x amount of time until that new body falls apart" and then dumps him in Unova
I remember this :Burrito1:
jirachi shows up early in redux and replaces the bianca tutorial, so it like... seemed appropriate that it would be involved somehow
the fact that it took two separate attempts to catch jirachi gives me some Thoughts about forrest's whole potential-revenge arc. especially with the idea of glitches as corrupted casualties to destroyed worlds.
"you have too much anger in you," the wishmaker says, eyes critical.
forrest balls his fists. the Voices murmur uneasily in his head. "don't you think i have a right to be angry?"
"you do."
"then what's the issue?"
"i said you needed to prove yourself benign." jirachi coils its ribbons around its body, gaze still placid and bored. "you have yet to do that."
"you have three months left until that body gives out on you. it seems you have your work cut out for you, host. until then."
there is a brilliant flash of light, bright as burning stardust. when forrest blinks the dots from his eyes, jirachi is gone, and the dreamyard is nothing but mist and empty space and stone walls that echo with the aftermath of an unrealized miracle
something like that, is how i imagine it going :RaccAttack:
I have no idea why but I just had the random image of
~Three years earlier~
Hughr: [Making a wish on the wishing star. He's going through a bad time right now] Send me a friend who won't run away. Maybe you could send me an angel! The nicest angel you have...
~Cut to later with Quotes getting fucking murdered over here~
Uh.... He'll get there eventually :Keepo:
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the other idea i'm now having is that Jirachi actually encouraged this and is trying to stoke a conflict between the hosts or something. maybe it thinks the Voices and their allies are getting too much power or something 🤔
That I could definitely see
Like I said, this thing has NO reason to like us
oh shit, would that explain the PWT and why Forrest has to fight everyone?
jirachi teleports people who specifically have info on glitches and reality fuckery and drops them in forrest's path to stoke the fire
and then holds the whole "you're on a timer" thing over his head for even longer 🤔
Forrest befriends them all, both confusing Jirachi and making it go "Well I guess that works too" because of the benign thing :tppLUL:
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quibbs126 · 24 days
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Okay but it’s kind of funny how out of all the Ancients, from day one Dark Cacao was just designed to be Dark Choco’s dad
Like his original beta designs have the Oreo pads, but with a different design, he has the same star shape, they have the same eye colors, and like the Wiki says, I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason his design changed is because he looked too similar to Dark Choco, which would cause potential confusion
Like even with Hollyberry, who is the other Ancient to have had a pre-existing character be related to them, she doesn’t look identical to Princess and it’s not immediately obvious they’re related. Heck if anything, her beta design looks even less like they’re related, at least a little and at least to me
So like, why was this specifically a thing with Dark Cacao? Did one of the designers just really like Dark Choco or something? What’s going on?
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aseaofyoongi · 9 months
where feelings bloom | kth
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kim taehyung x reader (f)
genre: fluff | smut | bffs to lovers
rating: mature audiences only (strictly 18+)
summary: vacations are the time of self reflections and revelations. so, what happens when your last day in paradise involves you trying to decipher the feelings that you’ve had blooming for your best friend kim taehyung.
warnings: where do i begin lol; post college universe; suppressed feelings; overthinking; crush culture; foul language; vag fingering; overstimulation; clitoral stimulation; pentrative sex; protected sex (wrap it up friends); non-idol au; praise; dirty talk; tae is focused on oc’s pleasure only; unlabeled relationships; no plans for a part two; out of season au (happy beginning of fall) ; not edited
word count: ~ 5.6 thousand words
posted: tuesday october 4, 2023
notable songs: ivy - frank ocean | are we still friends - tyler, the creator | todo cambio - camila | a drop in the ocean - ron pope
Mornings were your favorite part of the day. Although, not many people agree with that ideology you couldn’t help but be enamored by the way day the birds chirped their peaceful melody awakening you right up from your slumber, the glare of the beaming sun highlighting its waves of heat right into your face, the song of the crashing of waves against the shore. . but most of all you loved that for the last eight nights you have been waking up in an island paradise and you got to share it with your absolute favorite person in the entire world. Your best friend, Taehyung. 
Your soulmate, well platonic soulmate; your other half; your light in the darkest of tunnels. That’s who he was and honestly you couldn’t even recall a minute or even a second in the course of your life when Taehyung hadn’t been there with you. 
You met Taehyung long ago. Twenty-one years ago to be precise—marking the very moment you came out of your mother’s womb. Your mother’s had been best friends for years (still are), so your birth marked the day when you would meet your mother and father; but it also marked the day when you met Taehyung. He was already a couple of weeks older than you but your mother’s paired you up and built a friendship among the two of you long before you ran around in diapers together, bathed in kiddie pools with your favorite toys, before you took your first steps or even uttered your very first words. 
By definition, you were meant to be in Taehyung’s life and Taehyung was meant to be in yours. There was no re-writing that bit of history and besides you’d never do it even if you could. The constellations of your stars align and are guided right into each other’s path. 
Truly. He is going to be your person today, tomorrow and hopefully an eternity after that. You’ll always be there for him even after the sun dims and the oceans dry. There is no one you’d rather call your best friend and no one else who you would rather have invading every inch of your life. 
The door to the connecting room swung open and surely enough there he was leaning against the door frame. The blonde streaks of his wet hair fell past his dark brown eyes and thick eyebrows covering their entirety. On the same note you finally registered that he only wore a pair of gray sweat shorts that hung low on his hips; all while he remained bare on the top half of his body showing off his lean physique and although Taehyung didn’t have abs he was still fit—very awe striking. 
“Whatever happened to ceasing the day?” he exclaimed, his eyes turned to fiery pits as he likely replayed whatever crazy scenario he had planned for the day back in his head, “it’s nine in the morning. What are you still doing in bed. .  Why are you still in your pajamas?” 
“I was too lazy to get up,” you looked at the digital clock on the night stand beside you blinking its bright red numbers back at your sleep-riddled eyes. 
“Tonight is our last night on this slice of paradise heaven so get your ass up and let’s go let’s go let’s go,” he snapped his fingers before ripping the covers off of your body. 
“We have over twenty-four hours before we gotta head back home,” you patted the empty spot on the bed next to you and he jumped right in, cozying up under the covers, “just let me lay here for like ten more more. Is that okay with you, mom?” 
He groaned, “Fine but we better be up in ten minutes or I plan to carry you right down to the beach, pajamas and all.” 
“Yeah, sure,” you pulled the white duvet over your head signaling you were ready to drift back into the remnant of tiredness that lingered behind from all the activities you had partook in for the past week, “just ten more minutes. Just ten,” you mumbled, your eyes felt heavy as you drifted back into a deep slumber. 
“Just ten,” you heard his voice from a distance, so far away. Yet his body heat lingered close by and the apricity was easily welcomed against the skin of your back. 
Ten minutes turned into four hours and by the time your eyes fluttered open it was just after four in the afternoon. The sun still beamed bright through the drawn blinds heating up your body as the rays met your skin. You stretched carefully and rubbed sleep off your eyes before turning around to face Taehyung. He remained sound asleep—eyes shut tightly, mouth slightly ajar, and soft snores sounding like the steady, peaceful melody of lullabies.
Taehyung is truly beautiful. So beautiful, in-fact that it kind of made you stop in your tracks every so often and you couldn’t help but just look at him. Drinking in his striking features; his big brown eyes, his hair soft like silk, and his raucous voice so deep and soothing. 
Taehyung is truly a work of art. So much so that every candid moment captured behind the pixels of his pictures belonged in art galleries around the world. 
You noticed you were attracted to your best friend the summer after your sophomore year of high school. The two of you had spent the entire summer together—inseparable as usual. But towards the end of the summer as the first day of school approached, you and Taehyung engaged in a short adventure to the lake on the outskirts of town. You’d had truly an amazing time and you ended up inside a small diner having greasy food and chocolate shakes. You hadn’t processed it back then but looking back now you remember the way your heart was pounding, the way your palms were sweaty and the way all of your butterflies flapped their wings against the pit of your stomach. 
It’s so obvious looking back now—how much you truly liked him while you sat in that booth in the back of that diner. There, it felt like no one else inhabited the establishment. Just the two of you and the secret that took root in your heart. 
A secret so taboo you buried it somewhere deep in the back of your mind, but every time your eyes caught a glimpse of him there it all was. Everything, all over again, causing a daze in your mind and making your chest ache. 
“Wake up, Tae Tae,” you shook him slightly, pushing all of those thoughts aside. 
“Huh?” he groaned, twisting and turning mindlessly in the ocean of sheets. 
“We have gone against your beloved schedule for the day and I’m afraid I was the culprit,” you sat up against the headboard and he followed along laying his head on your shoulder. 
“We didn’t just sleep for ten minutes did we?” 
You shook my head, “it’s around four o’clock right now.” 
“That chopped off half of my itinerary,” his voice was soothing—gruff with hints of exhaustion lingering behind. 
“Oh, come one,” you cooed, “what’s left?” 
“The beach is just across the street, the pool’s downstairs or we can go out to get something to eat.” 
“What do you really wanna do?” you asked. 
He yawned widely mimicking a cub; so cute.
“Maybe we can lounge around by the pool for a bit and come back up here to order food,” he suggests, “I know I had hours planned of things to do for the day but I’m kind of exhausted.” 
“It’s not like you to skip out on the beach. . are you sure you wanna just go to the pool?” 
“Actually. .” he continued in his smooth voice, “I don’t even think I have the energy for that.” 
“Impossible!” you exclaimed, “you don’t get to be lazy, that’s my thing.” 
“It’s contagious,” Taehyung whined, snuggling closer to your side.  His cheeks felt like fire on your shoulder and you swore having him that close caused your breath to hitch at your throat. 
“So what—what, uh,” you cleared your throat, “what do you wanna do instead? Do we stay in for our last day here?” 
He nodded, “I think so. I mean, we’ve done a lot of things for the past few days.” 
“Do you wanna pick the movie or the food for us tonight?” 
“I refuse to watch a horror movie tonight so I’m in charge of picking the movie,” he reached for the remote control on the table next to his side of the bed. 
You rolled your eyes, picking up the phone and looking through the booklet the hotel provided with a number of different restaurant chains and their menus. After a bit of back and forth between you and Tae as you tried to settle on things, you decided on pizza and a random rom-com on one of the dozen streaming apps provided on the television. 
Fifteen minutes later, the food had arrived and Taehyung sat beside you once again, your elbows dangerously close. Your mind, barely on the movie that’s been playing for approximately thirty minutes now, your pizza sat cold on your plastic plate and your thoughts assimilate a busy intersection. 
There are so many things you could do but every single one also sat dangerously close to being the end of your friendship with Kim Taehyung. 
“Are you okay?” Taehyung closed the pizza box sitting in front of his crossed legs. 
You reeled yourself back from your thoughts, “yeah, I’m okay.” 
“You’ve been mindlessly staring at your slice of pizza for the past thirty minutes,” he added, placing his hand on your shoulder, “are you sure you’re okay?” 
This is how it’s been for some time now. Taehyung remained as soon as ever engaging in the sweetest gestures of comfort a best friend could engage in while your stupid, stupid mind developed its own reality of translating his platonic touches into something more—something it’ll never be. 
“I’m okay really. I guess I’m just uh, not that hungry,” you forced a smile on your lips, it actually hurt, “I’m gonna get some fresh air.” 
You opened the glass sliding door and walked out onto the balcony, the briny aroma from cerulean waves just ahead became your aromatherapy—easing your nerves. Allowing you to bury every insipid thought you’d birthed as a cause of your delusions. 
Your stupid mind and its delusions. 
Your hands landed on the black metal railing, closing your eyes and you began softly inhaling through your nose and then out your mouth. You did that over and over until you imagined yourself alone, somewhere peaceful where Taehyung was a long way from invading your thoughts in the best and worst way possible. 
“I know being here for so long has made us both homesick but I didn’t think you’d be the one most affected by all of this,” his voice sounded dangerously close. God, all you wanted was a moment alone—a moment to yourself. . To halt all your thoughts. All of them. 
“Yeah, I guess I’ve been pretty homesick,” but you weren’t homesick at all. 
“Don’t worry, tomorrow we’ll set foot back home and you’ll be back on your bed relaxing,” you hadn’t looked at him just yet but you could tell he was smiling. 
“Yeah, I suppose that’s all I’ve wanted.” 
“I knew it,” his hand landed on yours on top of the railing, his thumb rubbed circles on your wrist, “I know you, you know. You’re like the only person on earth who can’t seem to enjoy a vacation.” 
He was wrong—you have enjoyed this vacation; his company. It’s only solidified everything you’ve ever felt for him and that was the problem. But how could you say that without actually saying that? 
You chuckled, “I have enjoyed this vacation. It’s been quite reflective. . Eye opening.” 
“Hopefully, the fun kind of eye opening,” he began, “you need to learn to have fun. Let loose.” 
“Your party ways have definitely been contagious,” you looked into his eyes, the way you never have before and for a minute you became lost in their darkness—but surprisingly, you were at ease, “I’ve definitely learned all the ropes to having fun.” 
“After years of trying I’m glad you’ve finally learned something from your best friend. I’m proud,” Taehyung walked towards one of the lounge chairs and sat. 
“Yeah, I guess I’ve learned everything from you these past couple days,” you mumbled. 
“See? You could’ve just skipped college just as I did.” 
“That,” you sat on the chair beside his, “my parents would’ve killed me for.” 
He scoffed, “that’s another thing I gotta teach you now that we’re twenty-one. Bravery is crucial. Learn to speak your mind unapologetically.” 
Easier said than fucking done when your mind, heart and body scream out for him. His attention, his touch and his love. 
“Exactly,” he encouraged, “bravery is a passage so securing everything you want in life. Hold on to that; embrace it. Thread towards everything head on.” 
“Well, in that case I hated college. I really really did. And I don’t even fucking like science I don’t know why I majored in Biology. I miss high school and the days we used to chill on the rooftop of the abandoned bowling alley after school when we had nothing better to do.” 
He laughed, likely reminiscing on the good time, “I miss that too and nobody said we had to stop. We’re adults but our customs shouldn’t have to die, right?” 
“So, we have a date on top of the abandoned bowling alley as soon as we get back.” 
“A date,” you mumbled, the word causing your skin to prickle up with goosebumps. 
“A date. That’s right.” 
Surely, Taehyung didn’t know the effect. . The implication that the word had on you and your emotions. He couldn’t know about the way your hands began to sweat and the way your heart beat erratically as he kept referring to your late afternoon escapes in that exact way. A date. 
“A date with you,” you began, your tongue did all the work while your mind ceased all control, “you don’t even know what those words do to me.” 
His voice was low, “what does it do to you?” 
Your eyes steered in his direction and Taehyung was still sitting right beside you, but closer. His eyebrows were furrowed together inquisitively, his intent gaze was set on your figure disregarding all of his surroundings entirely—as if he didn’t want to overlook a single detail about you ever again. 
You shook your head feeling like maybe you’d said a little too much already, “just. . Forget it.” 
“Impossible,” he said, “bravery, remember? Penny for your thoughts.” 
“Trust me, Tae. You don’t wanna know.”
“I do.” 
You exhaled softly, “please don’t make me say it.” 
“Say it,” his voice grew deeper and still it felt as softest as velvet would against your skin. 
You closed your eyes trying to unscramble the words in your mind, to unravel your mangled feelings and decipher exactly how much of yourself you wanted to strip bare in front of him. 
“I—“ it was so hard to let it out. To just say it. 
“Taehyung,” you breathed, “I just have these feelings I just can’t seem to ever shake off.” 
“Are they good feelings or bad feelings?” he asked. 
“I’m not too sure,” you shrugged looking off into the clear sky dusted off in orange tones as the sun began migrating down towards the horizon, “—but they’re definitely confusing feelings if I had to say for sure.” 
“Confusing,” well not so much confusing but rather—hard to decipher, impossible to act on, forbidden, off limits, what else? 
It’s you.  
“Come on,” he scoffed, “I’m your best friend. Surely, you can tell me what’s gotten into your head.” 
But that’s the problem. . You’re my best friend and you’ll only ever be my best friend. It’s both the twist between a blessing and a curse. 
It’s you. It’s you. It’s you. 
You’ve gotten into my head. 
It’s you. It’s you. It’s you. 
It’s you. It’s you. It’s you. 
The voice kept on and on no matter how hard you worked to block it out. It was a reminder that he navigated your thoughts and made you giddy in love, one you didn’t need or want. It’s you. It’s you. It’s you, “it’s you.” 
“What?” He asked. Did you say something? You hadn’t said anything. You hadn’t. 
“What?” you repeated. 
“You said it’s me. .” His stare was blank; hard to read but his eyes were golden under the rays of the departing sun. 
You stared back at him without saying a single word. 
“You said it was me,” he stuttered, “You you said. . What do you mean, it’s me?” 
In that moment you stood before a crossroad unbeknownst to the righteous path to take. Jungling the implications of your two options and how they would affect your relationship with Taehyung from that day. Of course, on one side you had the lie, your very own cloak of invisibility. The same one you’d been hiding behind for years and the same one you’d continue to hide behind—down that road your feelings would be stomped on and you’d watch Taehyung behind a soundproof glass always dwelling on what ifs and what could’ve beens. 
On the other side, there was the truth, the road where you would be stripping yourself bare with every step forward you took. Taehyung would finally be aware of your deepest secret—the one where he occupied your thoughts from the earliest hours of the morning to the latest hours of the night. He would know that your mind often lingered off into vivid daydreams where your imagination ran wild creating scenarios where he was finally yours; he would know the way your balms grew balmy and your heartbeat every time he came near. There would be no more hiding, but here you ran the risk of rejection and the destruction of your friendship. 
So you stood in front of the two avenues unsure of which direction to head towards in order to begin your journey. But Taehyung waited for an answer while you made a safe haven at your pit stop cocooned by fear and indecisiveness. 
The late afternoon breeze rustled the palm tree fronds, swaying them back and forth lightly. You and Taehyung were twenty stories up so that swishing sound was the only thing filling the silence between the two of you. Still, you swallowed your words hoping that he would somehow forget that you said anything. 
“Hey!” he rested his warm hand on your thigh calling out for your attention and finally you looked at him. There was no longer a blank gaze lingering in his eyes, now, he seemed worried, “did I do something?” 
Oh, this is spiraling out of control so fast. All because you couldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut. 
Say something. . ANYTHING! 
“No—“ you cleared your throat, “no it’s not that at all, trust me.” 
“Then, what is it?” 
“It’s not important.” 
He shook his head, “whatever it is, it seems to be bothering you a lot so it is important.” 
There was no getting out of this. Not anymore. 
“I guess I just don’t know how to say it,” you jumped over a million hurdles in your mind trying to decipher the best way to just say it. Finally, you took a deep breath allowing your lips to move at their own leisure, “I like you.” 
You were so dizzy and enveloped within your own scrambled thoughts. Even though you tried to keep your eyes off of him you couldn’t help but glance at him from the corner of your eyes.  And Taehyung just sat there with wide eyes and his mouth slightly parted. 
“You like me?” he asked, pausing in-between each word, “like you like me or you like like me?” 
You closed your eyes, “I like like you.” 
“Like more than just best friends?” 
Did you really have to spell it out? Admitting your feelings out loud had you in a state of intense bashfulness, “yes, Taehyung. I like you as more than just a best friend. I have for some time now but it’s okay if you don’t think of me that way. I didn’t even really want to tell you because I was always too scared to ruin our friendship.” 
“Come over here,” Taehyung patted the spot right beside him and you moved to sit next to him. He stared deep into your eyes before continuing, “nothing can ever come in between us or our friendship, okay?” 
“Okay. .” You felt like a massive weight had been lifted off your chest allowing you to inhale and exhale once again. 
“Beside,” Taehyung caressed your cheek softly using the pads of his tender fingers. Quickly, you began feeling at ease as a result of his touch. Then, his fingers migrated lower tracing the outline of your round cheeks until they reached your chin and slowly he began guiding your face towards his so much so that his lips sat just inches away from yours, “I never said I didn’t feel the same way.” 
“You can’t just say things like that,” you placed your hands over his as they still held you close. 
“I’m not just saying it,” he argued. 
“You are,” you shook your head, “you’re just saying it to spare my feelings but I’ll be okay, Tarhyung. I’m a big girl. I can take a little rejection.” 
“We’ve been friends long enough for you to know that I wouldn’t just say something like that.” 
That was true, “but why didn’t you say anything before?”
“Same as you, I suppose,” he shrugged as his eyes remained intently on yours, “I feared that you wouldn’t feel the same and I didn’t want that to drive you away.” 
It’s astonishing how the only thing standing between the two of you and your happiness—and love was yourselves. Doubt and the fear of rejection steered your lives in opposite directions although the gravitational forces stringing your hearts together worked diligently to drive the two of you towards each other despite your cowardice. 
“I wouldn’t leave you.” 
Taehyung flashed his signature boxy smile, so warm and comforting you felt like he wrapped around you in a warm hug. 
“I wouldn’t leave you either,” his eyes focused on your mouth tracing every line and crevice before he met your eyes once again. 
The lingering doubt gnawed at your already splintered confidence so despite your treasurous thoughts screamed that he wanted to kiss you in that very moment, your body remained frozen in place—incapable of emitting an appropriate response, too nervous to react in any way and way too scared to make the wrong move. 
“Can—” he looked at your lips once again, “can I confess something else?” 
“What?” he leaned closer, your nose brushed against his and you couldn’t help closing your eyes. You were feeling too much at once. 
“I really want to kiss you right now.” 
“So kiss me,” you whispered. 
Taehyung laid back on the chair before pulling you onto his lap as your legs straddled his lap. His hands traveled mindlessly along your body until they finally found their destination on your neck—his method of saying you were simply too far because immediately he began pushing you towards him. Your heart was erratic, your hands were sweating and there were about a million scenarios playing in your head depicting every single way you could probably fuck this up. 
But all of that flew right out of your head as soon as your lips met his. Kissing you so passionately you felt grounded, as if he was your home and this is exactly where you were meant to be; where you belonged. 
Noone had kissed you like that before and you liked how his kisses were the words on endless pages of his love confession while his tongue sealed the envelope before sending you off into daydreams depicting scenes such as this one and so much more. 
Taehyung pulled away; heaving; attempting to catch his breath, “I think—I think we should move inside. It’s getting late.” 
Before you knew it your back crashed against the ocean of bed sheets and Taehyung followed right behind picking up where he left off. While his kisses worked to leave you breathless, his hand raked down the fabric of your top before stopping at the waistband of your sweat shorts. 
“Can I?” 
You nodded frantically anticipating all of the lustrous desires that had sparked up in your mind in the latest hours of the night, “yes.” 
Taehyung moved past the waistband and lower down where only the thin layer of your panties stood between his fingers and your cunt but he did not touch you—not yet, you shuddered in anticipation, wondering how he’d render his concupiscent touch. You grew stupefied and your thoughts came to a halt as his teeth tucked at your lower lip, sweeping into your mouth. Everything he did worked to satiate the hunger growing within you, the very one crying out for him to devour you entirely once and for all. 
He pulled away from your lips you felt his hands move under the fabric of your shorts, moving your panties to the side lining up two fingers at your entrance, you gasped once before Taehyung slated his mouth over yours swallowing every whimper and every moan to escape your lips as he pumped into you slowly. 
It was a vicious repetition that already had you soaked, you uttered low whimpers but it seems he was only fueled by your sensitivity moving quicker and quicker by the second. 
He parted away from your lips, whispering in your ear, “you're so wet and warm baby. Fuck, you feel so good, so tight around my fingers. So fucking good.”  
“Ah, fuck. Oh, Taehyung please, please don’t stop. Okay? Don’t stop,” you whimpered as you moved to meet his quicken movements fucking yourself on his fingers so sweetly. 
“I won’t stop. I promise you I won’t,” his voice was hoarse as he continued, the lewd promises he whispered sent glacial shivers down your spine and you felt the way your legs began shaving. 
“Taehyung,” you moaned. 
“Say my name like that again,” he groaned. 
You snaked your hand around your neck twisting the blonde locs draped on the back of his neck before whispering his name once again he smirked going on and on. There was a flame igniting in the pit of your stomach and there was nothing more potent; nothing you could devote your attention to. The only thing you crave was to put that fire out. So you moved quicker against him until your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you reached that high and finally the fire ceased. 
Taehyung left a peck on your cheek before aiding you in removing all of the pesky fabrics standing between him and the vulnerability of your nude body, then, he took off his own leaving only his briefs on. He kneeled in front of your stretched out legs and his finger burned streaks on your skin as they caressed your inner thigh, continuing to devote his attention everywhere but where you actually needed him most. 
“Please. .” you begged. 
“Please,” you said sternly. 
“What do you want?” he questioned with a smug look painted on his features, the little bitch was teasing you. 
“You know what I want.” 
“I want to hear you say it,” you gasped as he grazed your enterance coating his digits in the combination of your juices and cum before shoving them in his mouth, licking them clean, “you taste so good, you know.” 
“Eat me out Taehyung, please,” you cried out. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
He sunk deeper in his place until his face was no longer in your line of vision, beads of sweat rolled down your temples and you ached with fervidity. His breath fanned against your core and at that moment you knew he was near but it wasn’t until he wrapped his hands around your thighs pulling you closer to his face that you truly felt exposed. Taehyung brushed his lips over your slit leaving a trail of gentle kisses behind. 
Using his tongue he separated his lips before gravitating towards your clit. He enveloped the sensitive bud between his lips quickly beginning his attack in the form of ravenous sucks and licks.  
You gasped clutching onto the sheets to release the tension building within you. Everything you wanted to say out loud died in the back of your throat but you didn’t care about the words you couldn’t say. Your mind was too focused on the way your legs shuddered and your pelvis lifted into the air. 
“I’m—“ you cried out, “I’m so so close.” 
His fingers found themselves pushing past your entrance once again, pumping into you at a quickened pace. It was almost too much but you focused on the overstimulation of his tongue and touch. That inferno you felt once before burned brightly, this time you couldn’t map out a way to extinguish in its entirety. It would always burn and Kim Taehyung would always be the cause of it. 
Whoever said playing with fire was a bad thing was a fucking liar because these flames warmed you up so good like an addiction you just would not want to ever shake off. 
You reached down, raking your fingers through his blonde strands pushing him closer to you, doing so until trembled uncontrollably, spilling over on his fingers. 
Taehyung emerged with swollen lips, his disheveled hair and his spit mixed with your juices on his chin. His fucked-out look was one that would live in your mind like an art work hung in a gallery. 
“Unbeknownst to you, I’ve been yours for a while now,” he stopped to catch his breath, “but after tonight I want you to know that I am yours.” 
Your eyes remained shut but you grinned nevertheless, “I believe that’s the post sex bliss talking.” 
“I’m not the type to just say anything because of the moment at hand. I mean everything I say.” 
“Okay,” you smiled, “can you say you’ll fuck me then or do I have to wish for it when I spot a shooting star for it to come true.” 
He chuckled, it was low and thunderous so soothing and calming. It was always peaceful and eased your nerves even now as you laid completely naked. 
“I’m sorry, were you planning to fuck someone on a vacation?” you asked ogling, as he fetched a golden packet from his discarded pant pocket, removed his briefs and slipped the condom around his cock. 
“Only you,” he said, pressing the tip against your entrance far enough to have your mouth agape as a result but never enough to satisfy your craving to have him fucking you against the mattress, “I promise.” 
“Taehyung, if you don’t fuck me right now I might actually loose my mind.” 
He didn’t say anything else, you just felt him sliding in slowly giving you the time to adjust before he began moving in and out of you gradually. The air circulating the gray walls around the two of you became humid, hot enough to coat your body in a thin layer of sweat. You didn’t care though, you were enraptured in the feeling of him inside of you, in the echoing sounds of his skin slapping against your skin and his guttural grunts every time he drove into you. 
Reality was you’d imagined this moment many many times in your head before but nothing, none of your dreams or your wildest fantasies could’ve prepared you for how much better this felt in person.  
There were goosebumps running rampant on your arms, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your moans and whimpers only increased in volume but you couldn’t help it. 
“Harder—harder, please,” your nails drug into his back leaving bright red scratches behind. 
“Harder,” he repeated that very word over and over, quickly moving to execute your request. 
You felt all of the air being punched out of you everytime he buried himself deep in you, “Oh, yes, like that.” 
Taehyung hugged your waist listing your lower half up from the mattress and continued slamming into you. 
“I’m,”  he thrust into you.  
“—to take,” again.
“Use me,” and again. 
“Use me.” 
You clenched around him continuously, your vision blurred and you felt waves of the scorching heat in the pit of your stomach burning brighter and hotter than they ever had that night until finally you let go. 
Taehyung collapsed beside you, the two of you heaved in attempts to catch your breath. 
“Fuck,” was all you said. 
“Fuck, is right,” he laughed, “I’ll get a warm bath started for us.” 
He placed a kiss on your forehead then one on your lips before disappearing into the bathroom. 
Taehyung is your best friend but he is also the man who’s taken over your heart in a way that exceeds your platonic bond. 
There were no labels attached to what the two of you were but you didn’t need them for now because you knew that Taehyung would always be there for you no matter what the situation looked like. 
“Hey, are you ready to clean up?” he kneeled down next to the bed looking into your eyes.
“Of course.” 
a/n: out of season au cause im a slow writter but i hope everyone had a good summer and is looking forward to the fall 🍂🍁🍃
what will you miss most about summer?
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thinking about how carmen told gray that she was taught by a revolving door of nannies. and it's like. what does that imply? nannies are typically hired to stick around for several years. did the faculty keep changing them up to culture her? did they change them up for security? were the nannies other vile operatives? did she keep running them off? was she just that much of a menace to society? imagine you're trying to run a top secret organization but your bitch child won't stop running off her nannies and you have to keep hiring more people to come to your super secret island. i support her.
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random-twst-things · 2 years
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Okay, although you did try to k!ll me and my boys I will say that revenge is not a very kind thing to do in my world
Rollo: oh, well that's a good thing to hear
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: but we're not in my world...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: *grabs rollo by the collar* ...are we?
(I just finished watching Toy Story again and this scene inspired me got me thinking who I could use these one)
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qqtxt · 2 years
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✿ texts.txt_random texts with bf!beomgyu [1/?] ✿ [masterlist 🌸] / [texts with txt tag] / 📍@kflixnet
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hauntedfoxhut · 1 year
Royal Margarine Cookie Headcanon
Pure fluff ❤️
I just dowloaded the new update of cookie run kingdom and I’M IN LOVE!!❤️
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Look at him!!❤️❤️🔥
And I just imagined a random headcanon, cuz we all know he’s a gentleman, that’s obvious!
- When he first meet you, he would definitely kiss your hand, because he is a gentleman!
- he have the rizz (😉😉), his flirt blink would make you blush, and don’t try to deny it
- he would call you for a date, probably he planned a ride with you on his cute dragon (can you imagine that? Because I can, and it is so romantic and cute 🥰 ).
- probably he lives inside a pretty vintage mansion, with beige and off-white walls, with a huuuuge garden, because his little dragon need space.
- He is the man that will buy you expensive gifts, like jewels or designer clothes made just for you.
- He pass the vibe of cute kisses on the hill watching the sunset, or a picnic around the lake, drinking whine and eating strawberries.
- The best season to enjoy with him is the winter, cuddles at night, cooking the breakfast together, matching socks, cute sweaters, reading a book on the couch warm by the fireplace drinking warm milk with chocolate.
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a1tie · 1 year
Tiny Thought…
Let’s honestly give it up for mfs who write these Shinobu x fem!reader fics. Honestly, what are yall on?😭🙏🏾
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optiwashere · 7 months
Needed to lay down and try to sleep for longer than an hour today, and in doing so I blearily looked at general fandom tags because I wanted to see silly fanart.
Instead I got hit full-force with reality of so much drama over the wildest little shit. I've been cursed with sight.
I have also never been happier to stay in my own bubble away from... all of that.
All that to say, I'm keeping this blog free of more stuff like this but holy fuck it hit me like a freight train. All this drama exhausts me and I don't know how anyone keeps up with it. I prefer to think of this place as the equivalent of a cabin in the woods, one where I emerge every few days with a few thousand words for people to devour with their eyes.
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mqonlighting · 4 months
real talk in the tags for a second because i have a crush on a girl and i. a hehe. ahehehe.
will be burying this in reblogs and never touching on it again
#so random disclaimer this girl is like a year older than me and in high school it’s like a nono for older and younger batch to like be#a thing so i know i generally have no chance but i like to live in my own insanity and the progression of my crush on her has been absolute#ly cuckoo bananas. so like it started out as ‘i wanna be your friend’ and progressed into ‘shit they’re really pretty’ to ‘wow ur so??’ to#‘fuck i like them’ and then it died down and then by all golly it came back but more of a hallway crush now which is bearable bc i’m#not really a part of their life?? like we know each other but we don’t wave and shit and we don’t like ever interact that much so i was lik#ok this is fine bc they literally never think of me so i’m just admiring from afar. and the FIRST inciting incident was i request them onig#and i expect to not get accepted because according to their friends they onyl accept close friends and i’m like k this is a bad idea probs#but the worst that could happen is i get left in their follow requests right?? RIGHT?? but then within like two hours of reqing. lord.#i got. ACCEPTED. and they requested back. and suddenly it’s +1 tangibility like ok?? maybe we’re not as strangers as i thought we were#i later discovered i was not that special for this but also?? cool?? anyways for a while it kind of laid dead and we never spoke at all eve#tho i was in their acc now (at this time they barely posted but whenever they did it was so?? funny like they would slap the randomest shit#on that acc) and it was still a hallway crush altho my friends r awful (/pos) people who would always make me pass their hallway and i#would run into them so often but at this point we only ever like exchanged glances and they would walk right past me like i wasnt even ther#but THEN the second incident happened which was basically we had to play instruments for this christmas event thing and bc they’re literall#y amazing they played for it and i was roped into it and. i was so gay the whole time. bc who wears a leather jacket to school and gets the#prettiest haircut ever right on the last day before a long break?? and the worst part is whenevr something confusing happened they would#turn to me and this one other person and we’d b laughing together. like we r friends. and they’re so fucking nice they were checking up on#us the whole time i was literally dying i kept dropping my pick and stealing looks AURURUGH and they’re so gen funny and interesting i just#and the first few days of holiday break i just couldn’t stop thinking abt them it was so bad? like that was the moment where i was genuinel#like is this more than a hallway crush… eventually it died back down until the next event we had to play together where they were being SO#SO much more comf w me? like exchanging knowing looks when smt funny happens and that stuff.. at this point i didnt even know what to like#think of my crush on them so i just let it be yk. atp they’re not even waving at me in the hallways at all still so maybe they’re just bein#nice! BUT NO. THAT IS UNTIL I AUDITIONED FOR A BAND (theyr in charge of accepting) AND THEY ACCEPTED ME WHICH COOL BUT LIKE A DAY LATER I#HEARD FROM OUR MUTUAL FRIEND THAT THEY SAID ‘yeaa im so happy i got (my name)’ AS IN IN THE BAND. LIKE. HELLO?? HI U THIUGHT ABT ME?? and#during the first band mtg where everyone’s all awk they kept making eye contact w me and asking if i was good and making sure i got to say#smt before anyone made a decision and it. murdered. me. i’m sorry maybe it’s the fanfic writer in me or this shit is literally nothing and#think they’re just nice to everyone but who cares bc it means they’re nice to ME too. and then last week happened. which was like the nail#in the coffin. INTERACTION ACTIVITY. I IMPULSIVELY ASK IF THEY WANNA B GROUPMATES AND THEY SAY YES. THEY ONLY TALK TO ME AND THEIR FRIENDS.#I ACT STUPID. THEY ALUGH AND TOUCH MY SHOULDER. I ASK ABT THEIR CAMERA AND THEY GO ON A LONG-ISH (cute) RANT ABT SMTH. THEY ASK WHY I HAVE#BIG ASS STACK OF POST ITS. WE TALK. THEY LAUGH AT MY JOKES. SUDDENLY. THEY SAY A FULL HELLO IN THE HALLS. THEY WAVE AT ME A DAY LATER. FUCK
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yo9urt · 25 days
minecraft soooooo scary
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shoechoe · 2 months
I only lurked on the Internet for a long time and still do not post on most websites I visit but it really is nice to have a place where I can talk about things like animated shows and music and other assorted interests without being judged
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steakout-05 · 3 months
eeuuaghh i would like everyone to know that i apologise if i have not responded to your reblogs/mentions/posts on tumblr, i have really terrible social anxiety and for some reason people talking to me makes my nervous system think i'm being hunted for sport by a resident evil boss. sorry if i havent responded i'm not being rude i'm just having a panic attack :P
additionally: social anxiety is actually the reason why a lot of my old posts from late 2022 had weird spacing and spelling mistakes. i was too anxious to type properly
#sorry this seems like a random thing to post but it has been bugging me for a little bit now and i want to post it#and by a little bit i mean the entire time i've been on this website#as for the reason i have social anxiety: i went to a really terrible high school full of dangerous people-#-who were literally like. the worst most bigoted people ever. not everyone there was bad of course but 90% of them were-#-and that stunted by social development by 5-6 years and now every time someone talks to me i feel like i'm about to get murdered#also primary school was. bad. the other kids could sniff out the autism in me and didn't like me for it#this post isn't directed towards anyone specifically but also it kinda is because there's a DM from someone-#-that i haven't responded to in literally 8 months and every time i think about it i get anxious#i'm sorry!!! i'm not trying to ignore you on purpose and i want to say something but my brain literally will not let me out of fear :(#i'm not used to getting talked to directly so every time i do my entire nervous system starts screaming and running in circles#it's kinda ridiculous because it's like. come on. why are you having a panic attack over a message on tumblr it's LITERALLY just words on-#-a screen what are you freaking out about. but also it's like hhhhh unfamiliar social situation scary. help.#unrelated to that but i am very worried about what people will think of me and like i know i really shouldn't worry about that-#-because i can't control what other people think of me and it really shouldn't be any of my or their business. but also-#-i have legitimate trauma that backs my fears up and every time someone is even slightly critical towards me my brain just goes-#-''see? it happened again i TOLD you it would happen again. idiot. you shouldn't have said anything''#and then i hide and cry and lay in bed thinking about how i'm going to die until i suddenly snap out of it and think-#-''wait hang on why should i care. i love being a weirdo on the internet why should i let my anxieties stop me''#and then it happens AGAIN and it's just a viscous cycle at that point#be silly on the internet -> detect slight criticism -> think everyone hates you again -> go back on your bullshit after 3 days of crying#and it makes sense because that exact same pattern happened to me countless times as a child.#be silly in school -> get made fun of for it -> get hated for it -> rinse and repeat until you think everyone is dangerous and they hate yo#if i could put it in a metaphor it would be like me being a little rabbit who thinks everyone is a scary wolf because of their big shadows-#-even though they're all also rabbits and i'm just paying attention to the scariest parts of them because i only know what wolves look like#trauma does fucked up things to your psyche lemmie tell you#social anxiety#anxiety disorder#i'm literally the ''too scared to order food'' stereotype except it's not a stereotype because it's real and every time i look at the 7/11-#-at my campus i go ''hm but what if they hate me for the food i buy there'' even though they're LITERALLY SELLING IT what is WRONG with me#anyway um. social anxiety sucks and i don't mean to not reply ro everyone who talks to me i am sorr y
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quatregats · 7 months
Concept for a hilarious and extremely chaotic but also excellent 2024 language goal: Watch Goenkale and Pobol y Cwm simultaneously
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braisedhoney · 2 years
if i were to try and think of a name for this spaceship and crew would you guys prefer to be "the hive", "the roost" or something else?
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How old are these S9 kids anyway?
[January 31 - February 1, 2023]
@Krizste psst since Stars has kind of become your boy, how old would say he is / was during the run? :RaccAttack:
he was always my boy, who do you think gave him that goofy hair? :Kappa:
I currently have him at 17 just guessing his "real" counterpart to be at the older end of the host spectrum but Host Stars is usually so cute and nervous, I wondered if he's actually younger
i have no
i guess around 14-15?
Alrighty, that works too
hacker is def older in existence, but his appearance is a dice roll, lol
after having written for Hacker Stars a bit, i wanna place him as appearing in his early twenties at the oldest and being Frozen In Time thanks to hacker magic or whatever :Kappa:
That's kind of what I'm thinking too.
But I wasn't sure about the host version
he sure acts like a jaded old man :Kappa:
he's Seen Some Shit :Kappa:
i love stars :Kappa: its a combo deal of trauma and depression and its lovely
Okay, now for Quotes and Yuu
age? yus gotta be 17+
Yeah ages
I'm so close like down to the last 6 :BegWan:
I think Yuu is about 17. That's Wes's canonical age according to Word of God
pjixdhfc i was judt giving him joker p5 age
I mean, not wrong
Quotes has a flashback with her and Alex celebrating her 15th birthday in the past so she is at least 15 during RTHE
I personally place her at 16-17
Good to know :SeemsGood:
She and Alex are implied to be around the same age and by the run's end he was talking about college
I put RTHE like a year before GrandCol so that would make her either the same age as or a year older than Yuu in my timeline :RaccAttack:
Thanks :tppAYAYA:
haji making host dex?
Just using the tentative timeline to plot out ages for my current "arc"
There's smaller arcs within it, but damn I realized everything being interconnected means it's from Ultra Sun on down
If you need ages for the other season9 hosts, I can't sleep rn :Kappa:
So I'm like... open to distraction
alright, the charitydual two, go
my brain is saying ness age
whatever ness age is
Ehhhh I'm breaking from the mold and making them like... 18? They're med students that got roped into the charity fundraiser as part of their program
Maybe 16 at the youngest if we go child geniuses :Kappa:
That's me anyway
maybe they do assistant nursing / apprenticeing
Could be, yeah
not a med genious job
Then again this is pokemon world where 10-year-olds venture out into the world without adult supervision so like
I was about to say. Since when does Kanto seem to care about child labor? 😂
14 at the youngest, 18 at the oldest
Is my gut instinct
I feel like Barbie is older
speaking of that, i place forrest/hugh vw2r combo as some years older than 10 (dunno how many), as forrest specifically gets fucked over on the day of what was meant to be his pokemon journey starting
and spends an undefined ammount of time being hunted/etc in kanto, then moving, and then spening more time just being in school, then starting his poke journey
hugh would also be in the bucket of 'start poke journey late' due to fun family deaths and stolen pokemon! no wonder he was happy when startying with forrest
I think Forrest appears like 14 in human years. Glitch time? Heh. Glitches aren't bound by arbitrary laws of physics, much less temporality
I still go with the "he became a human" interpretation so age is uh. how does one track that exactly
When you are a pile of broken reality
ah cool cool
idk what im doin for forrest, he’s half half. his human side is whatever, 14? but glitch side is whatever. so- ohh ohh ohh.....
Oh really? TPP doesn't matter but I thought he'd be closer to 15/16 like they are in game
I don't think there's an official age for Rosa or Nate in-game. Hilda/Hilbert are implied to be 14 in BW1 according to Word of God but that's it
tempraraly, forrest is both, yet neither 'glitch become human' / 'human become glitch'. human forrest lived human like life, basic temperarily forward and aging, at pokemon journey age, he got capowed top half glitch. but glitch forrest always existed , bc as u did say glitches do b outside the scope of temporality. glitch mode forrest is both very very young in human forward years if we count from the capow event, from that event, but is also incredibly ancient, as the worlds code itself
so its like lil 
human>>> ya boi <<<glitch
glitch>> half glitch 
human>> half human, etc
So... fusion dance
a getting smooshed in a collapsement of plasmic spacetime
Steven Universe, glitch style
Two beings coalesce into one
reverse Stars, if you will
that actully feels like the most glitch thing to be
bc glitches need Stuff and Thinggs to make them be
they need Events, they need Items, they need Environment,
I still maintain Jirachi's involvement in Forrest's predicament... but you've given me a brain worm about Xavier now...
fuck! my xavier comic
Dammit I'm about to head back into XG Remix brainrot
As for the others... I peg Xavier at 13, Tulio at like 11, and Terra roughly at 15(?) maybe :RaccAttack:
I'm still undecided about Terra
Run was too recent
Timeline still settling
Haji you now have ages for the season9 kids
Oh shit I forgot gigi
...I wanna say like 12? 13?
She and Lillie are the same age and Star is one year after SM, during which Lillie is 11, so like
12-13 seems safe
tulio so tiny
what if this is homestuck scratch
scarlet tulio is 15
scratch happens
vio+ tulio is 10 and terra is 15
I personally subscribe to the idea that Tulio has graduated by now and is in another region. Maybe looking into how to help stop whatever the fuck is going wrong in Paldea
Or blissfully ignorant
Either works
All I'll say at the moment is some of these ages are going to be ~approximate~ because I rounded everything to years and half years and the 6 months may have thrown me off. Also some are just going to look weird because of character circumstances 🤣
So like Xavier being a machine doesn't really age??? So I laugh at the idea of just 13s across the board
Aaaaaaanyway. The X-Factor, the creation of the artificial Subject XG000... I have Thoughts™️ and I still need to go to bed
I view him less as a machine and more an artificially-created human
Technically organic in genetic makeup... origins, not so much
...and now I'm thinking along the lines of glitch-fusion enhancement
Gotta make this hard for me, huh? :Kappa:
Hey, my interpretation doesn't have to dictate your thingy
Whatever the word is
That's a word right
forrest is just a teen
his age is teen (not 10) :Kappa:
I guess with ScVi still fresh in my mind, I kind of thought he'd be more like the professor AI. A sort of animatronic made to fight but gained a level of sentience enough to say he doesn't want to do that. Really kind of funny because that's what I imagined in the first place, just now we might have some weird explanation to how such a machine could be made. He's much more primitive than the ScVi AI though, since they're made from technology not possible yet, but Cipher has always been super dubious in the TPP lore for pushing what's possible :HYPERRACC:
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