#randy's commissions
randomwords247 · 2 years
Commissions. Any interest?
Wanna see if theres any interest in opening commissions again sometime soon - It’ll be a bit different to last time, no comic pages and a better method of going about the planning stage, and likely a price change, but I’m thinking about opening them up again
So, if I was to, would anyone be interested?
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littleveltyoung · 9 months
commission I bought
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metastatiic · 5 months
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doodlez :P
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mrmushroom1031 · 2 months
My love for him is borderline obsessed (pt1)
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nemmet · 4 months
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❤️🕹️ bust commission for the absolutely wonderful @iqqiq / @ferhu of the man, the myth, the legend — his fnaf movie oc randy!! thank you so much for entrusting me with him, he was a delight to draw! 🫶
my commissions are open, please see my ko-fi for more details!! :D
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okkennymay · 2 years
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Commission for @riverclanning + A lil bonus sketch
I struggled with consistency with ‘ol Randy here, I do hope I did your Older!Randy Cunningham justice River! 😤 (and if I didn’t here’s a bonus sketch! UvO””)
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juls-art · 1 year
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[3/4] commission for @huntergonerogue of her & @pejntboks OCs; Rose and Randi
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dirtywrestling · 2 months
Hotel Secrets - Randy Orton (18+)
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Commission: @thesimonkshow
Pairing: Randy Orton x Simon
Summary: After winning the WWE Championship Randy and Simon have hot celebration sex in the hotel they’re staying at. 
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Cussing, Cheating/Affairs, Porn with plot, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,338
Parts: One / Three
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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Work has been ten times better ever since Randy and I have been together. We both travel together, eat together and even get hotel rooms together. People have noticed a change in Randy, in a good way. He’s more caring, friendlier and nicer not only to the other workers at the Wwe but also towards fans.
While doing a quick workout fans will come up to Randy and ask for an autograph. Usually he’d blow them off, even yell at them for interrupting his workout time but now he gives autographs and takes photos to anyone who asks. 
Randy became a humble person, he didn’t care about fame anymore. He went to work, wrestled and left. He didn’t start drama with any of the other superstars, mostly if any green wrestler came up to him he’d give them a bit of advice and wish them luck. Randy has also cut back on drinking, doing so he’s lost a few pounds.
I was very proud of him and all of this because I give him pleasure a few nights a week. We both could never keep our hands off of each other so being out in public was difficult. We’d sneak kisses, soft glances and touches to the thighs or shoulders. We of course couldn’t come out to people with Randy being married and I was just some extra worker behind the cameras. The fans would think wrongly of it. 
I did feel guilty having sex with Randy nearly nightly while his nonsexually active wife sat at home wondering when her husband will be back. 
Walking around the arena I headed down the hallway. Approaching a closed door I knocked on it softly only to open it. Walking in I closed the door, turning around I saw Randy sitting on the sofa watching the television. “Hey.” I smiled, having his attention on me I tossed him a water bottle. 
“Hey.” He smiled back. “Thanks.” Catching the cold bottle with one hand he opened it and took a small sip and poured the water over his short hair. 
“Hey, you’re getting the sofa wet.” I laughed, watching as his olive skin now became shiny and smooth.
“Sorry.” He wiped his hand over his face, getting the water out of his eyes. “I’m just nervous.”
“You’ve been doing this for nearly twenty years and you’re nervous?” I laughed.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He huffed softly, leaning back into the leather sofa. “Everything is different now.” He frowned. “There’s no crowd still, everyone is watching from home. How will I know they like it?” 
“I mean, that’s what social media is for.” I teased, scooting closer to him. 
Randy grunted softly in agreement. It wasn’t all paper anymore where you could read the results in a magazine or hear it from a friend. Everything was recorded, played and rewind. People will see his and Drew’s match on phones, youtube and the network so nobody would miss a thing. 
“I just don’t like seeing people in the seats.”
“Yeah, well neither does Vince.” I chuckled, knowing that man was losing money this year due to the conditions. 
“Luckily my paycheck isn’t decreasing.” Randy informed, his blue eyes watching the women’s match that was going on. I wrapped my arm around Randy, laying my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his other hand around my waist. We stayed like this for a moment.
“Any plans after the pay per view?” I asked, wondering if he was going to hang out with some of the coworkers. 
“I think I’d rather head back to the hotel, order room service and we can watch a movie.” Randy smiled, kissing the top of my head. 
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.” I hummed, looking at Randy he leaned down towards me and planted a kiss on my lip. Kissing back, I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss slowly became hotter as Randy licked the bottom of my lip. Slightly opening my mouth, I moaned as his hot tongue danced against mine. Feeling myself slowly become hard, I placed my hand on his chest and broke the fierce kiss. 
“What?” Randy pouted, his blue eyes sparkling.
“I gotta go. I only stopped by to wish you luck and give you your water.” 
“And some tongue?” Randy winked.
Heat approached my cheeks. “Shut up.” I stood up from the sofa and made my way towards the door. “And don’t forget to stretch.”
“I should be telling you that.” Randy purred.
The blush still not leaving my face, I quickly left the room, leaving Randy to think of his match later tonight. 
As the night went on, I ran around backstage. Pay per views were terrible for backstage crews. Everyone was tripping over their feet, gathering wires, checking sound and making sure the lenses on the cameras were clean before any interviews or segments. Huffing, I wiped the sweat off of my forehead as I was running around so much.
The headset over my ears was making me sweat, the building alone was hot too with everything running. Stopping in my tracks, I looked at the television. Randy was walking down the ramp. I made sure that the crew cleaned the lenses before Randy walked out and placed the lighting on his ‘good side’. Even though all of Randy was good looking and I made sure to remind him every time he didn’t think so. 
My eyes wandered all over Randy’s body, he walked down the ramp so confidently, his blue eyes shining as the light hit down onto him, his beard was cleaned up nicely and tights holding his large bulge in place. That man was sex on legs and everyone in the back knew it. 
Ignoring whatever was being called onto the headset, I stood there watching the match. I flinched at every rough move, covering my eyes with my hands only to peak out of my fingers to make sure Randy was okay. Drew and Randy didn’t hold back, tossing one another against the cage, throwing punches to the face. I couldn’t help but to squeal as Randy hit his head onto the turnbuckle. 
I could never understand how Randy never grew tired in the ring with all the running around and moves he did. I could never be a wrestler, I’d be gassed out before the bell rang since the ramp was so long. Watching Randy’s muscles flex every movement he did made my cock slightly ache in my pants. I bit my lip, hoping he’d win this championship match but I wasn’t so sure since the writers of the company were giving Drew a big push. 
“Here’s your winner and NEW WWE champion, Randy Orton!” I blinked, not even seeing the quick pin Randy snaked on Drew. Too busy in my mind, daydreaming about Randy and his sexy body. Seeing Randy snatch the championship out of the ref’s hand, raising the title high above his head he walked towards the turnbuckles, climbing them and showing the camera his pride and joy. 
“And that was one hell of a match, Randy Orton is our new Wwe Champion! Goodnight everybody!” Michael Cole said over my headset. Walking away from the television as it turned black I made my way to the gorilla table. Seeing everyone surround Randy once he made his way past the curtains I moved side to side to see Randy before anyone else could. Too eager not showing how excited I was for him. 
Randy drank in the compliments as everyone patted his shoulder, shook his hand and even took a few pictures where Randy held the title up and had a cocky smirk on his face while sweat rolled down his forehead and side of his face. Looking away from the camera once done, his eyes connected with mine. His cocky smirk quickly became a large smile. Walking away from the people that were chatting, he made his way to me. “Hey.” His voice was gruff and he slightly panted.
“Hey.” I smiled. “Congratulations on winning.” 
Randy wrapped his arms around me in an unexpected hug. His sweaty skin clinging onto my clothes. I was surprised that he hugged me in front of everyone. His musk was stronger than ever, his cologne seeping into my nose as I inhaled his scent deeply. I wrapped my arms around his sweaty shoulders, enjoying the hug he gave me.
“Hotel room, 306 tonight. Don’t be late.” He growled lowly in my ear. “Meet me soon as possible.” With that Randy pulled away from the hug, his icy blue eyes stared down at me as I looked up at him. My face heated up from his words. 
“Randy, let’s get a drink!” Someone from the crowd hollered. Hearing the accent it was Drew, his slightly hairy chest huffing and puffing from the intense match they put on. I licked my lips at the sweaty Scottish man, I would never cheat on Randy but something about Drew drove me a little wild. Maybe it was because of his thick beard, slightly hairier body or the long hair that flowed over his shoulders, it was something. 
Randy chuckled deeply as he noticed me staring at Drew. “Maybe another time, Drew I have plans tonight.” With that Randy walked away from everyone back to his locker room to celebrate ‘alone’. 
Putting everything away backstage couldn’t be slower. Everyone was becoming tired and slowing down their work as they put things away. I quickly wrapped wires, cleaned camera lenses and put them in their boxes while everyone was slowly doing one job. “Woah, Simon what’s the rush? We get paid by the hour and we’re all in over time right now, time in a half man slow down.” Amy spoke as she was leaning against a crate full of equipment. 
“Listen, I’d love to be slow and earn 55 an hour right now but I have plans.” I huffed, pushing a crate up a ramp into a semi. 
“What plans do you have?” Amy asked.
“None of your business, those are my plans.” I grumbled, not wanting anyone knowing that I sneak off and fuck a superstar. Even if Randy wasn’t married I still didn’t want anyone knowing and having them think I get special treatment because I’m fucking the WWE champion. 
“Whatever you say. Just go, the rest of the crew and I got it.” Amy popped her knuckles as she stretched her arms.
“You sure?” I asked, walking out of the semi truck. 
“Yeah, have fun with your plans.” She teased. 
I quickly left on that note before she saw the small tint of pink on my cheeks. Quickly placing an uber, I waited outside the arena with my bag. Traffic was light, the lights on the buildings lit up the sky. It was nearly breathtaking. Waiting a few minutes later a car pulled up beside me. The window rolled down showing a woman in her mid thirties. “Uber for Simon?” She looked back at me. 
“That’s me.” I smiled, opening the back door and slid in. As the woman drove, I started to check my phone. Reading some messages from friends, I quickly replied and went on facebook. Checking people’s statuses until I arrived at my destination. 
“Here we are.” The woman said as she pulled into the parking lot. 
“Thank you.” I opened the door, grabbed my bag and climbed out of the SUV. I couldn’t ever understand why Randy always had to pick the big fancy hotels. I was always grateful that he’d give me this experience. Staying at five star hotels, room service, free bar down stairs and all you can eat breakfast buffet in the morning. Randy truly did spoil me. 
Entering the hotel I heard loud laughing coming from the lounge. Seeing some superstars sitting at sofas, cups of alcohol in their hands. Some stopped talking and looked in my direction, watching me head to the elevator while others didn’t mind or pay attention to me. Pressing the up button to the elevator I waited, biting my lip as I felt the eyes of wrestlers on me. Quickly stepping in once the lift doors opened and closed behind me I exhaled a breath, no longer in their sight.
Clicking the floor Randy was staying on I clenched the strap on my bag, excited yet nervous to see Randy. I had no idea what he had planned for tonight. I don’t even know if he wanted to celebrate after winning the title in a match like that he must have been tired. 
Hearing the elevator ding and the doors sliding open I exited out of the lift. Looking up and down the hallway to make sure no other superstar was around. I walked towards room 306. Knocking a few times it immediately opened. Slipping in and shutting the door quickly I was embraced in a warm hug. “Fuck I missed you.” Randy grunted.
“We saw each other like two hours ago.” I laughed.
“Too long.” 
“Yeah, sorry. The crew members didn’t want to pick up the pace and put things away. So I did most of the work and they told me I can leave because they wanted to get time and a half.” I shook my head. 
Randy pulled away from the hug and made a face. “Well, that’s not fair.” 
“What do you mean?”
“They want to work slower so they can get paid more. I should tell Vince.” 
“No, no Randy please don’t tell Vince. We don’t get paid like you guys do.” I frowned. “I’ll admit it when I first started, that’s what I did so I could have extra money for gas or food when I was on the road.” I pouted.
Randy exhaled through his nose, thinking. He knew I was right about that. Doing more work and getting paid less. “Fine, I won’t tell Vince.” He grumbled. 
“Thank’s Randy.” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed his scruffy cheek. He smelt like shampoo and soap, notifying me that he showered before I came. “Hmm, you smell nice.” I mumbled, resting my head against his chest.
“I taste even better.” He smirked.
“Are you hinting that you want me to suck you off, champ?” I purred, looking up at him. 
“And maybe with the title on?” Randy blushed, his teeth gnawing on his bottom lip. 
“Anything for the champion.” I hummed, my hand placed on his chest. Randy smirked, walking towards his bag and pulled out the championship title. Randy took off his shirt, tossing it somewhere in the room. His hand rubbing his cock through his jeans. A low hum left his throat from the friction. Grabbing at the zipper he tugged it down along with unbuttoning his pants. Withdrawing from his pants and boxers, he wrapped the title around his waist. 
His hard erection sticking up, resting against the title. Getting on my knees, I crawled towards Randy. “Such a good boy.” Randy grunted softly as I wrapped my hand around his throbbing erection. 
“So hard already.” I giggled, licking my tongue up his veiny cock. Randy shuttered as my hot tongue ran over his aching cock. Darting my tongue across his tip, I moaned at the taste of his pre-come. Wasting no time, I wrapped my lips around his cock, sinking down on his shaft. His tip hitting the back of my throat, I slightly gagged. I started to bob my head up and down his cock, suckling and hollowing my cheeks. It’s been awhile since I sucked Randy off that I nearly forgot what he tasted like.
“Fuck, Simon.” Randy’s hand threaded through my hair and gripped it tightly, pulling me closer and forced his cock deeper down my throat. Slowly breathing out of my nose, I let Randy pull back and push his hips into me, fucking my throat. “Your throat is so fucking tight.” Randy growled, his grip on my hair becoming tighter. Randy’s thrust became faster. Drool collected around my lips as I choked on Randy’s cock. “Fuck, I’m close.” Randy pulled out his wet cock from my mouth, panting. 
As Randy started to jerk his wet cock off, he used his free hand working to get the championship title off around his waist. He quickly placed it on the floor, aiming his cock towards it. Randy grunted loudly, squirting his load on the gold title plates with Drew’s logo and name on it. 
I couldn’t believe Randy had the balls to come all over WWE’s property let alone on Drew’s gold plates knowing he had to return them.
“Isn’t that kind of mean?” 
“Oh please, I saw the way you were staring at that man.” Randy smirked, noticing my cheeks turning pink. “Drooling all over him in front of me.”
My cock twitched at the sight of Randy standing tall. His skin slightly covered in sweat, his chest heaving with every breath he took and his cock hardened and covered in spit. Randy’s grip loosened up in my hair but helped me on my feet. “I think you should do all the work tonight, as champion I used up all my energy to get the win and the belt.” Randy backed up, falling on the bed. Reaching for the pillows he threw one behind him, resting his head against it and arms folded behind his head as well. “You know where the lube is at.”
Going to Randy’s bag I looked through it, pushing clothes and bathroom products out of the way until I found the bottle of lube. Grabbing it, I stood up and made my way to the bed. Randy laid there, sprawled out. Straddling Randy’s lap, I opened the lid to the bottle and squirted some of the liquid into my hands. Wrapping my hand around Randy’s cock I hummed at the feeling of his slickness dripping down to his balls. “Opes, a little too much.” I blushed, watching the lube roll down his sac and landing on the bed sheets.
“Don’t worry, the maids will clean the sheets once we’re gone.” 
“But I don’t want them to know you had sex tonight.” I gushed.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be dried by the morning.” Randy sounded so sure of himself. Nodding in agreement, I forgot about the lube stained sheets and raised my hips up, my hand still wrapped around his cock as I slowly pushed myself down his raging member. Exhaling a soft sigh as his tip slid in slowly, stretching me. 
“Fuck.” I whimpered, resting my hands on Randy’s shoulders. “I swear your cock has gotten bigger.” I bit my bottom lip, taking more of him as I went down.
“That’s just my ego.” Randy smirked, his hand coming down on my ass making me yelp loudly. “There we go baby, nice and slow.” Randy purred, his hand resting against my waist now he was fully inside of me. 
Rolling my hips slowly, Randy groaned out and tossed his head back. “Yes.” He hissed, his nails digging into my flesh and bucked his hips upwards. “That’s it, fuck Simon you take my cock so well.” 
Feeling Randy deep inside of me made me nearly collapse. Slowly bouncing on his cock, I ran my fingers through my hair trying to get it out of my face. Feeling sweat already forming on my forehead as I started to move. “God damn, Randy.” Tossing my head back I moaned, my cock bouncing against my lower toned stomach.
“A- Ah fucking Christ!” I cried out at the feeling of Randy’s hand wrapping around my sensitive dick. His motions were swift as he started to jerk me. My knees dug deeper into the mattress as I slammed down on his cock faster. My thighs slowly started to ache with each movement. 
Randy slapped my ass hard. “I didn’t tell you to slow down, keep riding me.” 
Moaning loudly as Randy gave my ass a few more spankings I kept moving up and down, the bed creaking with each thrust. “Randy I- I’m going to come.” I mewed. 
“You’re not going to fucking come unless I tell you to.” Randy bucked his hips up roughly making me collapse onto his chest, panting. “Awe, is the little slut tired already?” Randy planted his feet on the mattress and started to pound up into my tight ass, his hand never letting go of my cock.
Hiding my face into the nape of Randy’s neck, panting heavily. I kept up with his pace, slamming down on his cock each time he thrust upwards. 
“Randy- please!” I choked out as he kept hitting my g-spot. 
“Hold it.” He snarled. His thrusts were so intense that his balls were slapping against my skin making it echo throughout the room. We were being so loud that I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a noise complaint. 
My stomach tightening and balls clenching, I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes trying my best to hold back my orgasm. With Randy fucking up into my ass and his hand wrapped around my cock I was seeing stars. “Daddy please.” I whined.
Feeling Randy’s cock throb from the word ‘daddy’ had me moaning. “Fuck, dirty whore. You want daddy’s come?” He snarled. “You think you deserve the champions come?” 
Placing my hand on Randy’s chest, I held myself up as I started to bounce on his cock, taking control again. “Yes, please.” I heaved. My lungs burned from the high cardio sex we were having, I was nearly in tears as I held back my orgasm. I wanted to please Randy, make him proud that I listened to each and every word he spoke to me.
“Then come Simon, come for your champion.” Randy demanded.
My eyes fluttered shut as I released my load onto Randy’s hand, stomach and chest. My walls tighten around Randy’s cock even more as I ride my orgasm out. “Fuck right there, right there- don’t stop!” I screamed, never ending ropes of come exited out the tip of my cock. 
Randy never stopped his movements, his cock pounding in and out of me at a fast motion made me cry out once more. His hot come exploding inside of my tight walls had me arching my back and kept bouncing to milk all the come from his sac. “Fuck, Simon just like that baby.” Randy let go of my cock, tossing his head back against the pillows. 
Once everything settled down, I slowly rolled off of Randy, collapsing right next to him. My face resting against his sweaty chest, we both breathing heavily. “You never fail to amaze me.” Randy chuckled lowly, kissing my forehead. Humming softly, I nuzzled against Randy even more, ignoring the body heat coming off from both of us. 
I jumped slightly as I heard a loud knock on the door. Looking at the door and up at Randy as he looked at me with an arched eyebrow. “Did you order room service?” He asked. 
I shook my head ‘no’. “No, did you?” I asked. 
Randy shook his head. “Did anyone follow you?” Randy sat up, grabbing a pair of shorts. 
“I- I don’t think so.” I gulped, hoping no crazed fan followed me to the hotel. “No, no, why would they follow me? I’m nobody, a camera crew member.” I tried to settle myself down. 
“You’ll be surprised.” Randy mumbled. 
As he made his way towards the door, I quickly grabbed my boxers and slid them on. “Oh fuck.” Randy whispered loudly as he looked through the peephole. 
“Who is it?” I frowned, noticing Randy’s nervousness. 
Randy turned the knob and pulled the door open revealing his wife, Rachel. My heart dropped at the sight of the woman in front of me. I swallowed thickly, noticing our clothes were scattered around the floor and the room smelt of sex.
“Hi baby!” She exclaimed, throwing herself onto Randy in a tight embrace hug.
“R- Rachel, what are you doing here?” Randy asked, his arms in the air, not too sure if she should hug her.
“I’m here to see you silly, my flight was late, that’s why I didn’t get in to see your match.” She pulled away from Randy only to pushed herself into the room and stopped to see me half naked. 
I stood there, frozen. 
“Oh, Rachel, this is my tag team partner, Simon. Simon, this is my wife.” Randy quickly spoke, covering everything up.
My eyes widened to ‘tag team partner!?’ Randy knew damn well I never set foot in a wrestling ring before. 
“Why haven’t I ever seen you two in the ring together?” 
“I’m injured-” I said.
“He’s still training-” Randy over lapped my words. “He’s uh injured but still in training.” Randy swallowed.
I exhaled a soft breath, my heart thumping against my ribs. 
“Well, then. Simon it was nice to meet you.” She turned to Randy. “How about you and I have some alone time.” She smirked.
Randy looked over at me. “Baby, I- I would love to but Simon is my roommate tonight, I can’t just kick him out.” 
Rachel huffed. “Fine.”
As the married couple spoke, I was quickly gathering my clothes and putting them on. “Well, I’m going to call it a night.” I bit my cheek, looking over at Randy. “If you need me, I’ll be on the sofa.” I gave a weak nervous smile over at Randy and made my way to the couch in the living room.
Nothing was more awkward than having Randy’s wife coming unannounced after we fucked. 
“Why are you so sweaty?” I heard Rachel ask Randy.
“Well, I had a match a few hours ago, I’m still hot. Let’s just go to bed.” Randy immediately said. I could tell in the tone of his voice he too was awkward out about this whole thing. 
I laid flat on my back, staring at the ceiling. Things were certainly not going to be looking up from here. 
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Randy Orton's Masterlist
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sqirtle · 2 years
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SO! I've decided to OPEN COMMISSIONS !! (ignore they were already open im desperate now /lh)
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pleeeaseee DM me if youre interested!!! as you can see here they're very cheap and i work really fast!!! considering im a college student at least!!!! here's my do's and don't's list:
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here: is my art tag in both my old main and this blog so u can browse to ur hearts content!! PLEASE do consider commissioning me if you like my art im so broke fr fr fr
im also ....... open to.. donatiosns.................... /hj
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nightwingshero · 1 year
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"We love you and we will take you."
I had the absolute pleasure and honor to commission @delicateweapon to do the church scene with my respective FC5 babes. You got the vibes perfectly, and that contrast between Wren and Whitney is so spot on too! Its so good to see Rowan and Randy, and Rowan taking Jacob's spot is just...I can't stop staring at this piece. And Whitney as the Mother...I'd follow her anywhere. This was one of the big pieces that I have waited years to get and I'm so glad that I entrusted this to you. You've brought this to life in the most beautiful way and I'm trying not to cry because I'm so happy to finally see this happen. Nika, you're so talented and I'm so thankful to you for doing this for me. I honestly can't thank you enough, words are failing me, and as a writer, it means a lot. If anyone is looking to commission her, absolutely do it if you get the opportunity. You will not be disappointed. Super talented and an absolute sweetheart.
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sugarmasonmearii · 1 year
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[C] Rudolf
A commission for @imadumdumjewel of her OC.
If you're interested in a commission from me, [do check here] for details. Or you can check my [Carrd art commissions.] Or you can DM me too.
You can support me via [Ko-fi] and/or [Patreon] too!
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randomwords247 · 3 months
Commissions are now open!!!
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If you want to commission me, please contact me and specify you're asking for a commission! Discord: Randomwords247 Email: [email protected]
The prices are per character in British Pound Sterling BPS. Once we work out your commission, I'll draw a VERY rough thumbnail sketch which can be tweaked until you're happy with it. Once you are, I'll send you a Paypal invoice with the agreed upon price, and once I recieve your payment I'll start on your commission properly! I will also keep you updated along the process, particularly in the sketch phase where any changes can be ironed out.
Please make sure you ask for any changes during the sketch phase, as major changes cannot be made later in the process!
Please also keep in mind that commissions, depending on complexity, may take upwards of a few weeks! I'm still a University student so I may not always have time, but I'll be sure to keep you updated on the progress of your commission as I work on it!
If you can't afford a commission but still want to support me, please consider checking out my [Youtube channel] or reblogging this commission sheet! Thank you :D!
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littleveltyoung · 4 months
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I can't help buying commission
cat rc, sonic style
my version
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metastatiic · 3 days
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routines in the night
wanted 2 doodle something for a little thing i wrote
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mrmushroom1031 · 2 months
More to the page(pt3)🤸‍♂️
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butchdykenormallen · 2 years
art dump, come get it.
idk man
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some of em re commissions (loafofcats, shooty), ones a school project (dragon), three are just an au of mine (god!norm), one of em is my friend smooching randy, two of em are me testing plus sized body drawing to get better at art, and the sketchbook one is basically me trying to draw in a @nan0-r0t inspired artstyle, feel free to go follow them their art js so fucknf pretty
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