#my daily life
vocalkun123 · 2 months
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When I brought Heket, I was in the process of fasting consciousness with Quest, so I unintentionally left her starving.. I felt sorry as a favorite because I had to watch her starve throughout the fasting.😂
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littleveltyoung · 3 months
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I can't help buying commission
cat rc, sonic style
my version
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吃 & 喝 / Daily life at my studio
俺的平凡小日子 - 電鍋達人 / 我的工作室很小,沒有廚房也沒可以Cooking的流理台,所以就連煮各種麵食我都是用「電鍋」 ;lol 像這樣的晚餐,我從來都不覺得膩,怎樣?非常接地氣唄!任誰都不可能天天吃餐廳的,特別是為一位藝術家住在昂貴的市中心,這樣簡單的"懶人麵",它除了能省錢,讓藝術生涯繼續前進之外,既方便且對身體健康零負擔,不易發胖。(其實,真正會使人發胖的是Beer. 🤣 ) 不過,晚上喝點酒我總感覺自���很"神仙"。😁💋
ps. 通常會留2顆"水煮蛋"當我的宵夜,深夜工作經常會感覺餓。
Indeed can't eat out in restaurants oftenly, especially living in the downtown for an artist, saved money for moving on your art life. I do really a ‘down to earth’ person 😁 about this same dinners I never tired at my studio oftenly. 😏 hahaha (ps. And another two eggs left to my nightfood (宵夜) with milk or tea.)
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ducktracy · 2 months
my life is bizarre in many ways, and one of my favorite instances of that Bizarreness is that i'm related to Johnny Mercer, who was a musical legend of golden age Hollywood BUT. more importantly. his music is heard absolutely everywhere in various LT cartoons. if you've seen a LT cartoon from the '30s or '40s or have been following this blog (which. you're reading this. so you are) you've heard his music. truly i have been destined to be the person i am
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tomochii-chan · 1 year
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I know they’re not drawings, but I just wanted to show off a bunch of pictures I took yesterday during my mini photo shoot with my ginkgo roses and Gavin birthday ring, featuring Egg Gav and his haori 😆✨ I tried to make them aesthetically pleasing as possible LOL
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delivery-diaries · 6 months
At one of the ranches I deliver to, there’s this really cool old building. There’s only a wall and a half left of it, but it still looks really neat!
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andy-skull · 5 days
Living with two senior dogs and a pup twice their size is snacking on a banana at midnight and trying a stupid hack seen on tiktok involving peanut butter just to drop a banana slice to the floor. Then calling the lil fat dog to clean it up, but he's sleeping and slow, so the other senior dog wakes up and alerts the pup. Now there are three dogs plus me in the kitchen and the seniors are so sleepy so none can spot the banana slice next to my foot, but the pup is wide alert, she sneaks between the seniors and gets the banana. There's only one problem, she DOESN'T LIKE banana! She got it just because the other dogs try to steal her snacks and now she took the opportunity but with a snack she doesn't like. So now the pup is whining because she doesn't want to eat but neither wants to give it to the others, and the seniors realizes what happened by now and are bullying the pup to give the banana while I'm prompting her to just swallow it and be done! In her panic, the pup just let go of the banana slice, but she's now hovering over the trash can and the slice slides directly to the bottom of the trash. The four of us are now staring into the trash can where the banana slice can't even be seen.
"Freaking losers," I say as I toss the banana peel in the trash and hush everyone out of the kitchen.
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junicafebaby · 3 months
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Day out :)
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my-daily-life95 · 5 months
November 26. 2023
I really like seeing what other people carry around in their bags. I'm not sure why. I just know that I like seeing what little things they carry and what type of bag one will use. So here I am making another post of what I carry in my bag! I have a good number of bags and today I'm using this mini Vans backpack. It first belonged to my sister and I believe she got it at Ross.
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This small bag carries quite a bit of stuff. I mostly carry a lot of stuff. Do I need most of this? No but I still carry it around. The picture with the pouches is from the bigger pocket and the other is from the one zip pocket in the front.
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I also empty out the little pouches I carry. Most of the items I have I bought at Miniso. That store carries so many cute things!
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I do wish I was able to carry my journal with me but I can't. This little bag doesn't have enough room for it. I think next time I'll show a bit of my journal. I don't think it's weird that most of my items are cute. One of my coworkers asked if I was ashamed that as a woman nearing her 30s carries "kid" stuff. There's no harm in it. All these little things bring me joy. If it brings joy why get rid of it? Im pretty sure that even when I'm 80 ill still carry around cute stuff. Oh well!
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wetphone · 4 months
Going Out again , do you guys wanna see me live blog my day?
I mostly think about justice so it might be fun?
(Well I'm not going out just yet)
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rants-n-chants · 1 year
My Midnight small talk at the shop checkout.
All I can say is what a symphony of awkwardness that was. My stupid face non revealing while I died inside. every word i said was moment that will haunt me and replays in slow motion as I try to sleep. It's a never ending cycle of interaction induced trauma, why cant i just function with some casual flare for conversing, why has god forsaken me.
I was so desperately hoping for a swift and silent transaction, just wnating to be in and out. But oh no, the universe has other plans. The cashier, who was cherful and just being a friendly extravert, decided it was the perfect time for a chitchat extravaganza (can you not see i am avoiding eye contact!) Cue my introverted internal panic as I mentally prepared myself for the impending doom i knew would take place
"Hi, how's your day going?" they ask with unwavering enthusiasm. my brain scrambled to come up with a response that didn't sound like a rehearsed monologue from a socially inept robot(anyone else rehearse interactions they might have to have) "Oh, just fine," I managed, all while internally screaming, "Abort mission! You idiot ! What tf was that!"
But alas, the torture continued they feel the need to inquire about my plans for the weekend, (its Sunday, the weekend is over in like an hour, what do they think ive got planned for those 60 minutes) do I really have to delve into the riveting details of my exciting grocery shoppin trip, I tried to conjure up something remotely interesting, but all I ended up with is a week af, "Not much, just taking it easy". Smooth. Real smooth.
Anyone figure out how i can to reach through the fabric of time, to smother my past self with a plastic carrier bag.
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littleveltyoung · 3 months
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是谁啊,把委托想成 某时间线里阶段互动 了
"get out of my business"→"it's unlike you"→"how are you today"
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sacha1slytherin · 2 months
I just broke my stupid toe again grrrr
I can still walk fine with it so it doesn't matter as much. The chills I'm getting from the area is rather annoying, but yeah I'm used to it, not the first time I've broken my toes and fingers (and other things).
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fridayisbestday · 1 year
My somewhat Lenny moment today
@bekindreblog my friend I did it, I grew a pair and did it…(I’m not even making this shit up, this literally happened today and as I’m writing this it looks more and more like Lenny’s pov in a fanfic)
So…there’s this girl who I ‘kinda dig’ you know.
A bit of context, I’m not a very touchy person (she is) but for some reason she doesn’t make me uncomfortable, it’s quite the opposite really, it calms me and I kinda crave for it.
Today was her birthday, I bought her an umbrella.
Again with context, I kinda made her watch Tmmm and she’s now an addict.
But more importantly, she loves the rain and the smell of rain (similar to Lorelai with snow) but after catching Covid she hasn’t been able to smell properly.
Like I said, it’s her birthday and I gifted her an umbrella.
Yes. I knew what I was doing.
I was confessing to her in my own awkward way.
I gave her a card where I wrote some sappy stuff that may have included, ‘I hope you rely on me as much as I rely on you. Always with an umbrella, (name)’
Now, with the umbrella. It’s a clear umbrella with some pink floral patterns on it.
I hid the umbrella behind my back, so when I revealed it to her. This is what what happened:
“Oh my god, Mrs Maisel!” She exclaimed with excitement. “It’s beautiful…”
“Yes.” I could tell she was happy but slightly confused.
“So the umbrella.” I took a breath, “Ok.” I breathed.
“Before you judge or say anything,” I took another breath, “I know you still don’t have a sense of smell since catching covid and you miss the smell of rain. But.”
“I hope that seeing the droplets of rain and hearing the sound of it hitting the umbrella will compensate for that.”
I was terrified man, just god, I couldn’t look at her properly.
She took a breath in and was about to say something but I held my hand up, “And, I just want you to know that I’ll always be there with an umbrella if you need me, and that even if I’m not there, there’s an umbrella to remind you that I’ll always support you.”
At this point her face just contorted in a way I’ve never seen before, like she relaxed then looked at me funny.
“That’s so…thoughtful…” She voiced.
Then, like when Midge finished her set at the Gaslight after Lenny opened for her, I got jumped. I caught her thankfully, and she just squeezed and crushed me.
I just stopped breathing and didn’t know what to do, so I wrapped my arms gently around her shoulders (well not exactly, I kinda hugged her shoulder blades, kinda like how Lenny reciprocated Midge’s hug at the Gaslight) as she buried her head into my shoulder.
Then, I think the world kinda stopped for a second when she whispered, “I love you.”
After a few moments I just whispered, “love you too.”
That’s so cruel, I almost cried, because I knew she didn’t mean it how I wanted it to mean. At least that’s what I think anyways.
Man I’ve fallen too deep. Please lord help me.
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ruozhuo · 5 months
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