miroslava5 · 5 months
Well, I begin my aria as a fan of Goultard. I believe that this man is worthy of much more love, for he is the wonderful god of the Iops. And yes, there will be an OC Wakfu (maybe I’ll draw it and talk about it). Happy reading!💕
Tw:the death of the main character, blood, post-traumatic syndrome, unhealed injuries, love for the dead.
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Goultard lay behind his bed and snored loudly, after another adventure he was very tired and was now in his bed, enjoying the warm and soft sheets. Iop enjoyed this, because he was lying in bed with his beloved girl. He pressed his cheek to her small but very soft breast. With one hand, Goultard gently squeezed her right breast, and with the other he pulled her towards him and gently squeezed her ass. God of the Iops felt the gentle and soft hands of his lady love, caressing his long and soft hair, massaging his scalp.
«Goultard...» said Ranet, giggling, feeling how her god of the Iops was pressing against her. Her brown eyes looked at Goultard with love and tenderness, and her heart couldn’t help but pound with excitement. Enutrof felt like a pillow in the arms of an iop.
"Mmm... What is it, my love?" - asked the god of the Iops in a gentle and hoarse voice, raising his head. His light brown hair looked at Ranet with kindness and sincere love, and his body pressed against the girl’s body. Goultard lived for many years, but he had not felt such strong love as now for a long time. As if Iop’s entire existence, all his love, lived and will live only for her sake. His favorite enutrof.
"Goulti... You need to wake up." - Ranet said in a soft and gentle voice, lifting the iopa from herself. She pulled away from him slightly and stroked his cheek, gently scratching his beard. Her brown eyes looked with sincere love and kindness, but something was wrong about it all. The touches were no longer so soft and warm, and a chill ran through his entire body. Iop's eyes looked at the enutrof with panic and fear, and his heart beat even stronger with excitement.
"Wake up? But... But I'm not sleeping! You and I are in bed and you are with me—” the red-haired man began to speak in a hurry, actively gesticulating and looking at his beloved. But Goultard did not have time to finish, as Ranet pressed her finger to his lips. The expression on her face did not change for a second, but her eyes remained the same.
“Oh, Goulti... Apparently you didn’t understand something!” - said the giggling brown-haired girl, after which she leaned towards the god of Iops and pressed her forehead to his forehead. Brown eyes Ranet's continued to gaze lovingly into Goultard's light brown eyes. “I died, Goulti. A long time ago." - Ranet said in the same sweet and melodious voice, stroking down.
Her words sent a chill and fear down the back of the God of the Iops. He followed her and looked down. Having done this, Goultard let out a frightened cry, full of pain and horror: he saw how in the stomach of his beloved enutrof there was a huge hole that was bleeding. It was a terrible sight and the redhead began to panic.
"No! No! No! This is not there! This is not there!" the Iop shouted, trying to close the hole in her stomach with his hands. Tears began to flow feverishly from Goultard's eyes, and quiet sighs of sadness and panic escaped from his chest. Ranet, on the contrary, sat absolutely calmly and giggled, looking at how her beloved tried to save her.
“But we both know that it’s useless. Dark Vlad." - His lover said in a cold voice and giggled at the end.This name again sent a current of fear through his body. He raised his eyes to Ranet, wanting to understand what was happening. But, instead of her sweet face, he saw his second personality. Dark Vlad. A skeleton whose head was burning with bright fire, and his hands were smeared with blood.
"Remember me, Goultard?" - asked the skeleton in his terrible and at the same time cheerful voice, starting to laugh hysterically. Their entire nice room began to turn into a desert filled with ruins and skeletons. All of this caused Goultard to scream in horror and fall to his knees as his dark self continued to laugh.A couple of moments later, Goultard woke up. He saw that he was in his bed in the house of Eva and Tristepin. There was no desert, there were no skeletons, there was no Dark Vlad, there was no her.
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Character list for the Heaven is in Your Arms series
Original Characters
(That I've been forced to create for the plot.)
Man Suang Characters
Suriya - a Thai dancer. He formally played female roles exclusively for Khon but once he joined man suang he also played female roles for Lakhon Nok and Lakhon nai. The self appointed leader of the Thai dance performers.
Sakda - a Thai dancer who plays female roles in Khon, Lakhon Nok and Lakhon Nai and is Suriya's rival for the lead roles.
Phichit - a Thai dancer who plays the role of the heroes in Khon, Lakhon Nok and Lakhon Nai. He is resentful of Khem who he feels is taking his roles away from him.
Lalita - a Thai dancer, she formally played the masculine hero roles in Lakhon Nai but since joining man suang she has also played hero roles for Khon and Lakhon Nok performances. She came from the palace after dance dramas were banned from court.
Kanchana - a Thai dancer, she plays principal heroine roles in Lakhon Nai, Lakhon Nok and Khon. In a not so secret relationship with Lalita.
Suda - a female Thai dancer who plays minor heroine roles.
Cheng Dieyi - a Chinese opera performer who plays female lead roles and is having an affair with Suriya.
Aadi - Indian, plays klong khaek tua aka Indian drum
Aahan - Indian, plays klong khaek tua mia and ching
Thep - Thai, plays ranet ek (Thai xylophone)
Amon - Thai, plays ranet thum (larger xylophone) and clappers
Feng - part Chinese, plays pi nai (Thai oboe)
Bun - Thai, plays klong that aka a pair of large drums
Poeu - Cambodian, plays ching (cymbals) and khong wong yai (going circle)
Vinod - Indian, plays tabla and harmonium
Malai - Khem's dresser, she takes care of his dance costumes and sews him into them for performances.
Kulap - a maid.
Fon - a maid
Chachoensao Characters
Chao Somchai - the local lord
Laksanara - Somchai's principal wife
Jaran - Somchai's son, former playmate of Wan
Saeng - overseer who worked for Somchai and controlled Khem and Wan
Bua - cook who works for Somchai and saved Khem
Nin - Wan's sweetheart
Kannika - girl who had a crush on Khem but was forced to marry Somchai.
Father Mikael - an English missionary
Historical Characters
(Names of real historical figures fictionalised for the story.)
Chetsadabodin - King of Siam
Mongkut - Chetsadabodin's half brother, a monk
Chuthamani - Mongkut's brother, a prince
Anand - a prince, Chetsadabodin's son
Bunnag - a very influential nobleman
Tish - Bunnag's son, Hong's friend in my story
That - Tish's brother
Sunthorn Phu - a famous poet
Luang Aphaiwanit - a rich chinese man who owns Ho Seng Tai manor and loves Thai dance.
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guylty · 1 year
My Top 3 Romantic ChaRActers
… or should I say “rAmantic”? Bad pun, sorry. But anyway, it’s time for a new post, and today I am taking inspiration from the daily WordPress prompt. Before I do so, I would quickly like to say a big thank you for all the kind support of the RAnet hosting costs via Buymeacoffee. You have been very generous! Thank you also to Servetus and Esther for signal-boosting the appeal – there was a small…
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sag-dab-sar · 1 year
My Religious Name
-repost written long ago but with significant editing and additions-
I've decided on a religious name for myself: IzkurEreškigal.
Written in cuneiform as:
In Mesopotamia theophoric names were standard, and usually it was just shoving the whole name with something else for example, Ur-Nammu which means “Servant of Nammu.”
I worked hard to find a name, there were many options. With the help of personal meaning, prayer, and setting up an altar to Ereškigal I discovered this name was best.
In various sources I have found the name ‘Izkur[Deity Name].” Based on those sources it translates to “[Deity Name] has called.”
Experience with Ereškigal
It's not very common to experience UPG with Ereškigal compared to some other Diĝir/Theos but when I do experience it... it is very loud. Ereškigal is the reason I am a Sumerian Revivalist. (I worshiped Inana in eclectic pagan / polytheist days but it never led me to Sumerian Polytheism)
Thus there is symbolism in terms of callings. “Ereshkigal has called.” She didn't call in the sense that she "called me to worship her" or that she "chose me". I chose to give her honor one night on my own. When I approached her and asked for her help she gave it to me and after the first time I honored her she called to me to continue doing so. Figuratively inviting me to worship this pantheon along side her. She gave me the loudest "god phone" I've ever experienced with very intense melam and full of ni. Shes why I worship the Diĝirene, and via some UPG she is my "personal Goddess" in the Sumerian context.
Name Sources
Side note: while I am Sumerian in practice the name comes from the Akkadian language.
“List of Persona Names From The Temple School of Nippur: A Syllabary of Personal Names" by Edward Chiera. University of Pennsylvania: The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian Section. Volume 11, no. 3. 1916.
This gives 3 different examples of "Deity has called" as a name:
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From “Personal Names from Cuneiform Inscriptions of the Cassite Period" by Albert Tobias Clay. Volume 41, Yale University Press, 1912.
The second source gives “Iz-kur” with many other deity names. It doesn't translate it, it just shows that it was a name:
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Early Babylonian Names: The Published Tablets of the So Called Hammurabi Dynasty by Hermann Ranet. University of Pennsylvania 1905.
Izkur is translated as "he called by name" and the example Izkur-Ea is given:
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anderslindberg · 3 months
Att köpa en Magnum är som ett förnedringsrån
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from periodic table elements, Roman emperors' forenames, and musical instruments, excluding the letter combination "Um".
Accone Acconius Actic Airhos Airopho Albass Alexan Alibine Aliforn Alius Allieno Amanaxion Ameine Ameinus Amerus Amervalt Amery Andios Anius Antac Anthan Arcon Arconiold Arcus Arinian Asilius Assflus Audius Auran Auric Aurius Auton Avibel Avinus Aviolos Avion Avios Avitinus Avitne...
Bagne Balet Ballianax Baltein Basiangon Basions Bassgus Bastan Baster Bastine Belian Berian Berinian Berony Bervalt Boarp Bonikos Bonius Boniustan Brapsture Bulfur Buliforn Cadius Cadmil Cadosmute Cadouba Calbas Caleac Caleborus Caleony Calin Callit Calucite Canus Carcar Carcon Carebon Cargon Carian Carpsios Casdos Cerbista Chadomba Chnet Chneth Cholanos Chorn Chpit Chros Clagne Clatinius Claugens Clawre Clius Cobas Cobelhar Cobugus Conese Congan Conian Conius Copho Cophock Cophona Copianian Coppipes Corine Crius Curius Custastan Dinikos Domius Doron Douba Dricele Dromer Drommon Dronino Drustanos Drutelhan Dyspan Einastino Elenc Elhad Elines Elluth Elpano Erine Erius Eupho Euphorn Eupipet Ferbius Fertinus Flocla Flone Fluronery Fluste Flutheo Fluther Flutios Flutitas Flutono Fraklo Franass Frandel Gadius Gadon Galbinus Galebohn Galenius Galipe Galla Ganiusta Genus Gleableon Glybderus Golan Golius Gorgius Gorian Gorntin Gradoran Guliel Hados Haeler Hafnian Hafnius Hanuelho Harcian Harcur Harian Haric Harius Heninad Henus Heodold Heodony Heodos Herbono Herian Honax Horaklon Horan Horus Hydro Irectina Irhon Irhordius Irhornton Irimius Irinet Irone Istet Istleba Joarp Johne Johrick Jordius Jovius Julfur Julibrius Justinus Keptinus Lagne Latick Lawrer Lebons Lethemian Lexano Liguitne Ligus Luorianus Lutelius Luthass Lutohn Luton Lybon Lycer Maclagnes Maclavios Magne Majan Manos Mantan Mantimine Marcury Marian Maxhon Maxophos Meitac Mender Merbius Mermichn Mervan Metitus Monerbius Monton Neodymic Neptus Nerianc Nesiantin Nestus Netromius Niold Niustanus Niuste Noradian Olius Osilvet Osphos Otarmodos Otarpsil Othord Oubalus Oudius Oxygeno Oxyget Oxyllipet Palba Palbard Peromius Philinius Phiscus Phocarp Phonios Phonius Phord Piellute Pientin Pipet Pipetian Pipetin Pippet Pluteno Polmius Polon Pothorian Potron Potrotan Praklo Proarp Progen Progenus Promerius Prongord Prota Psilic Psion Pstan Pstlens Pupian Quinetass Quita Quitacale Quitus Ranet Ratian Relius Rheelad Rhord Rhorine Rhorn Romba Rominus Romius Romulian Ronorius Rothos Saaca Saacius Salus Samacrian Samanthen Saxenden Saxeno Saximius Saximony Saxio Saxion Saxoppet Saxotarp Saxtubius Saxtus Scalibery Scarian Scasiold Scura Scure Scuste Seaba Seadian Seves Seviold Silian Silves Sodold Sodomenus Sodos Sodouba Sodus Staboar Staca Starenet Stasta Statiosic Stius Stleac Sulfurine Sulitnet Sullit Sulus Tabas Tantasick Tantheono Teelipet Teitas Telius Tenicks Tenobine Terajan Terbius Termin Tharan Tharius Theodord Theodos Theon Therian Thermit Thery Thius Thoraklos Thorian Thorn Thullron Tianth Timius Tinaxtus Tindius Tines Tinius Tintinius Trajohn Traklon Trelenon Trerylo Trian Troan Trobulian Troget Tromba Tromein Tromeno Tromutel Troneon Tubleonet Tungan Uranus Uraphon Ureno Urntin Valebo Valiana Vallic Vannerius Verinus Vetros Viane Viberian Vineadius Viodymius Vitablo Vitano Vitne Vitrius Vitromer Vitus Whenus Wherimius Whius Wobaganc Wobble Wobela Wobon Wobonste Wobus Woodone Woodyspan Xenobble Xentian Xygeno Xygentony Xyget Xygeth Xylonions Zendius Zenes Zinassgus Zinian Zinus Zircurac Zirenus Zirhon Ziricgus
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jcnnewswire · 1 year
TD Mobile, in which DENSO and Toyota Tsusho have invested, announcing transfer of cell phone sales and agency business to newly established subsidiary of ranet
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
2012 Michelangelo - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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Mikey! I am pretty biased on 2012 mikey personally I will say blame it on his VA who is one of my favorites have even gotten to meet them uwu I just love him. I feel they didn't always give him the spot light he should but I do appreciate the show many times showing how competent Mikey is often shocking his brothers like the gang on how to figure out where Casey is using Cell phone signals simply cause its how he tracks the pizza delivery boy.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"Micheal at your service,"
In an episode while flirting with Renet Mikey states his name is Michael middle name Angelo which is why I did it like this and misspelled Michael cause I can see him forgetting the a there XD
Of course, Mikey also uses big letter because he is by far the most out going of all his brothers. Due to Mikeys more empathic nature he dose write with a much more softer pressure due to his confidence his signature can be read pretty easy even if Mikey sort of decided Angelo is his middle name likey due to the fact he is more often called Mikey anyway. Micheal when hes in serious trouble Michelangelo when worse trouble. Mikeys enthusiasm can also be shown thanks to how he crosses his t's making them looped and near like a cross. And well Mikey may not be able to hold the title of artist in the family he is creative and his more rounded letting shows this.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Aw man thanks to Ranet we've been all over tha place!"
As mentioned in Raph's The turtles have traveled to a lot of places in truth going to space, other worlds and even time periods. Of course, Mikey apparently has done more time traveling than his brothers claiming he and renet have hung out with them knowing.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"I've never been in the wild much I don't even know like what all turtles can do? I mean I been to Jersey before and the farm house we hid out at." Mikey is a tad inbetween I would say he is far more a city turtle loving the convince of it even if he lives in a sewer. He likes having better access to things like internet and tv after all. He liked the farm house because of the chickens though and he did enjoy camping with his brothers. Mikey was able to connect to nature pretty decently but he is far more in tune at times. HEck Mikey is more willing to rough it when him and his brothers are stuck in time eating a mub and berry bark pizza.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"First uh? hmmm man I guess when Splinter told us about how we got our home and when he gave me mu nunchucks?"
Im sure Mikey remembers a bit further back maybe not so much when he was a baby outside some vague things maybe, mostly he remembers when they were presented with thier weapons as one if thier passing stages for thier training under splinter. Sure Mikey dosent get much of a reason it speech behind why he got his nunchucks but Splinter well not always understanding Mikey dose seem to note his potential and ability and nunchucks require a lot of focus to be used and to Mikey this was a way of splinter stating Mikey could handle such a weapon.
He takes great care of his weapons and learned to work them in with his more unorthodox style and arcobact way of maneuvering when he fights.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"P I to the doublr Z-a duh bruh it's pizza!"
of course it's Pizza mikeys real ture love is Pizza clearly this boy has stated he can eat two all by himself and often keeps boxes of pizza in his bed room to eat ot stashes slices in his shell so clearly he'll eat it stale but were gonna gloss over this fact I feel xD cause boys disgusting loves to experiment and trying different sorts of toppings and he has no limit of what he'll put on it from the usual toppings to jelly beans. Funny enough he hate pineapple but if he wants to piss of raph he'll throw some on.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Ehh long as it ain't polka I'm pretty chill with an tune long as I can bust a move."
I would say mikey more into music like tencho. Pop and electric pop wven something works well when he dances or even fights since he since he has displayed the ability to fight well not thinking the best working purely off instinct. Mikey also have a decent singing voice seeing as he dose the vocals for the ice cream kitty MV. Yeah not cannon but he dose sing in the show here and there as well.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
" sensie would say gotta learn from but don't ley it control ya."
Mikeys more just tries to let things go because he feels something just are not worth it. It's kond of why he let's alot of his brothers remarks go he knows in part its a brotherly thing but sometimes he can't help but hold on to what they say about him.
Because he is the youngest he sometimes feels his brothers only see him as a screw up even running away from.the farm house when feel loke thst didn't want him around anymore. He's snapped at Raphael on the angry planet showing he dose in fact get pretty hurt over Raphaels comments as well.
Byt he feels sometimes it's better to let things go because even if his brothers can be harsh on him he also knows those three would do anything to any one if he got hurt. They will chase him down to find him if he gose missing and well they are in thier own ways looking out for him so he tries to focus on that instead.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Hmm I sleep fine actually now when I was younger though I sort of struggled sleeping alone when we got our own rooms think I just got used to be near my bros."
mikey dosent really snuggle with sleep head hits a pillow and he's out. When they were far younger though? Mikey often would sneak to sleep with one of his brothers due to frequent nightmares he dealt with.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
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"Raphs a great artis but I loke to dabble in the arts myself."
Mikey draws like a five year old and I love it. Definitely tries to draw loke Raph can he admires his older brother skill and tries to improve often drew a lot with raph when they were younger but cause raph is better he tended to opt for having them just so it for him instead. He loves to draw it just a fun hobby for him though she he's nit all the versed in it himself. But his favorite artis is Raphael his brother for sure.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Thibk I'm about on everything? I lpvr meeting people online! Just don't tell Don that I've meet a few of them in person."
As mikey has stated hes pretty much on about every platform Facebook Twitter forums ect some he uses more than others anything that allows for mkre interactions tends to be what he uses more in that day. He has a few mutual across platforms mainly from fandoms. Just as he is in personal mikey very social online and has decent followings.
He has run the risk and met a few of his online in person donnir tries to stop him anf at first it worked but once donnie got with the von of this verse Mikeu decided to be a rebeal and went to the next meet up. He is also friends with one of the pizza guys often getting free pizza because of this.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I like meeting people."
Miekys a social butterfly he shoild be a bit more reserved but he can't help it hes a people person he loves social interaction and will hang out with kind of anyone who will give him attetion and yes this has been in fact a bad thing time to time
But at the same time work for the team over all since he befriend many people who started off being possible villians lole Leatherhead, Monday and that frog dude even. Unknown to his brothers mikey actually gets around and talks to a fee humans and such often flying under the radar they don't seem to be fully aware of all he dose when they aren't watching him. Sometimes it betters he's not left bored cause he will find a way to get into trouble.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I mean ninaj school I'm a master at it clearly"
Mikeys stated to have the most raw talent of course but he's also generally pretty smart even able to understand donnie when others can't even if sometimes he just joking and going along with Don's enthusiasm he by extension has learned because of this.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"Aww I love them they are soo cute!"
Mikey dose like animals he took in the stray cat April found after all and felt horrible when he cause her to.mutate into ice cream kitty who he talks great care of even making sure she has a safe way to be relocates to the Fram house and back to New York after.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"I love getting gifts!"
he's the youngest what can I say can kind of saw the t pod don made is sort of a gift for mokeu since he uses the most and openly volunteered to test it out and lokely dose often for donnie experiments xD
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"Family I'm all about my famillia."
I feel it can be safe to say Mikey looks up to each brother and they show it prettt well. He dosent tend to be annoyed by how they sort of baby him at times or discredit him made worse when in the 12 verse they are all the same age. But often Mikey feels his brothers forget this fact and it can greatly annoy him time to time because he's gone through a lot of the stuff they all have and then some but they tend to not always acknowledge this stuff he knkws in part its because they are older and there's a is a bit of lookong out for thier brother here.
Mikey of course dose experience a bit jealous when it comes to knew people coming into to his brothers lives April the least but they saved her so she was always an expection to Mikey. Casey and Von though both are subjects of jealously but mostly due to Mikey feeling lonely and feeling he lost a brother in a way. Because he is pretty damn close to Raph and Donnie. Not so much going against Leo because he feels he's not a good leader but more hey they are doing so I will too. Seeing how Mikey often plays the baby bro card on Leo the most and gets away with it with alot.
Raph may pick and bully Mikey a bit but Raphs also the one who jumps to protect mikeys first not to mention Mikey sort of learns smack talk from raph wanting to come off just about as tough.
Donnie is often group up with in the team B of the team later called the A- minis team. You can tell mokey seems to have an intrest in sicene and often messes in Don's lab but donnie makes seem cool and exciting but he also dosent always let mikey in the lab sooo yeah he over steps and and mess stuff pretty often but it's also be the result if accidently achievements. And it why he was able to make the antidote for the wasps.
Leo I feel mikeu got closer with over time since theu both can bind over being mega fans for a TV series.
Mikeys is always the one needing protection physically but Mikey is also the one who protects his brothers emotionally. He often step up when thier emotions lead to bad choices or making mistakes and he can sort of meet them head on when it comes to over stressing themselfs or lashing out he knows sometimes his brother can't handle thier emotions or don't want to so he sort of gives them that outlet they need so badly
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authorshen · 2 years
Short Story: The Milkman
Content Warning: blood, pandemic, cabin fever, peeping
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Howard Ranet Peabody was a Milkman. You may think this is an odd profession for the 2020s, but it’s a pandemic, what are you gonna do? Howard had to work, and delivering milk around the deceptively small town he resided in was the best he could hope for. The town was filled with two kinds of people, the retiree boomers who had more money than sense and helped make the gap, and the struggling younger generation, trying desperately to bridge it. Howard was lucky to have this job or he would have been struggling just like his peers.
His job was simple. In the morning he drove to the bottling plant, picked up the shipment in the company-owned refrigerated truck and delivered it to where the GPS on his phone sent him. Often this was the same 250 houses on varying days of the week. He couldn’t say he loved his job, in fact, it was dreadfully boring. So boring that he had found a hobby of peeking in the windows of the homes he delivered milk to. Just a few minutes a day, for entertainment.
Most of the time the houses were empty, or quiet. Older people watching tv, or working in a home office. In either case, frequently neglecting to wear pants. Parents would be in the kitchen, kids sitting on their phones, eyes glossed over and lost to the world. For the first few months, things were still pretty boring, as boring as the job, and as boring as he was. Things didn’t start to heat up until around July. In the summer people weren’t allowed outside. Everyone saw the sun through their windows and blamed each other for not being allowed out in it. Stuck in close quarters with someone, even someone you love, can eventually drive you to do things you otherwise wouldn’t. Most of the time it was just screaming at each other, other times it was more.
One hot sunny morning, which would have been a perfect day for the beach, Howard pulled into the driveway of the Bonnet residence. The Bonnets seemed like nice people, a traditional couple, retirees. Either they had never had children or their children had moved out. What they did have was a dog. A large black dog of an unknown breed with long curly hair and a friendly demeanour.
The Bonnets had been regulars on his route since his first day. The house was tall and as dated as its owners. It was a grey brick, three-story colonial home covered in purple ivy. It was surrounded by a large hedge that had become immaculate during the pandemic. The work, no doubt, of Mrs. Bonnet. Mr. Bonnet, Howard had noticed, didn’t do much of anything but watch tv. Howard had often seen Mrs. Bonnet yelling at him from the front window.
Howard stepped out of his truck and pulled his delivery out of the back. He opened the front gate and walked into the garden, instantly cooled by the shadows of the greenery that surrounded him. He placed the carton on the front step and before he rang the doorbell, peeked in the front window. After visiting a residence almost every day for months, you either make friends with the animals or become overly cautious of them. Howard had always attempted to make friends. Usually, by this time, the large black Bonnet dog would have barked at him in its excitement. It had not, and this was suspicious. The large black dog was nowhere, not seen, nor heard. In his boredom, he decided to investigate. The front window only showed shadows. Mr. Bonnet was not watching tv. Maybe Mrs. Bonnet had finally succeeded in getting him off of his behind.
Howard went around to the side of the residence. A cast-iron gate separated the front and the back. Cautiously he opened it. The resulting creak should have roused the dog wherever it may be, but not a sound could be heard from the beast.
He ventured onward. There was an in-ground pool and a doghouse in the corner of the yard. Large glass sliding doors separated the inside of the home from the outside. Howard peeked in. The lights were off, which was normal for the middle of the day. What was not normal was the red puddle on the floor, or Mr. Bonnet laying on top of it. Howard knocked frantically on the glass. “Hello? Is anyone there? Someone’s in trouble!” He tried the door, which would not budge. He called 911 and told them what he saw.
“Can you get in there?” Asked the operator.
“Hold on one second.” Howard, in his panic, tried to shove the phone into his pocket. It fell to the ground with a crash. He told himself he would worry about it later and grabbed a lawn chair. He swung at the door. It did not break, but the foot of the chair had put a large crack in it. He tried again. The door broke this time. Large pieces of glass fell to the ground. He stepped through the glass, a jagged piece cutting his arm in the process. The shards of glass crunched beneath his feet as he stepped into the white and steel kitchen. Mr. Bonnet was on the floor, covered in red, with a knife stuck in the center of his chest and a look of fear frozen on his face. The man was dead. Howard, in the realization, felt nauseous. He swallowed to keep from throwing up.
A small woman, Mrs. Bonnet, was standing in the shadows on the far side of the kitchen. She carried a mop and a look of rage. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WINDOW?!” She screamed, her shrill voice piercing Howard’s shocked stupor.
She ran at Howard who stepped back over the door frame. He dodged her swing and took another step back.
Another swing, and another step.
It seemed that for her, the third time was the charm. Howard fell backwards trying to dodge again. She clipped him in the temple with the mop’s heavy metal handle. He splashed into the pool.
As a red cloud of blood surrounded him, water and chlorine burned his lungs as he fought to stay conscious. She said something to him, but as he was underwater he heard nothing but a muffled voice, almost indistinguishable from the water in his ears. He looked around and saw the large black dog was there with him, unmoving and floating just above the bottom. “I should have found a better hobby,” he thought, just as everything faded to black.
The End
If you enjoyed this story you can read more short fiction in Coffee and Summoning Circles.
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miroslava5 · 5 months
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Ranet and her Pharoah Pimi. It's a sketch for now, but then I'll draw it in color.
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benshir · 4 years
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guylty · 5 years
#RAnetRescue - Step by Step We Are Getting There
#RAnetRescue – Step by Step We Are Getting There
It’s a horrible wet day here today. Definitely not the best day to set out and choose a Christmas tree today. It’s slightly fraught, anyway, because I always insist on doing Christmas the German way. While in Ireland the Christmas trees are set up at the beginning of December, I follow the old tradition of only putting it up and decorating it on the morning of Christmas Eve. By the time we get…
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What is OLAP analysis
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OlAP analysis is a growing in popularity technology that allows business to analyze and evaluate all the data collected throughout its existence. Proper data analysis is essential for making decisions, choose right behavior, create accurate reports, finding what affects business the most.
OLAP analysis tool functionality
First OLAP analysis tool needs a data source which can be a relational table, a database or something else. The data collected from a data source then needs to be converted into a special data form - a multidimensional cube. Data stored in a cube is the most convenient for fast analysis and representation.
For data processing OLAP has special tools to work with in a cube. You can:
Pick values to create smaller cubes, which eases analysis;
Navigate through data and find both the detailed and the summarized ones;
Rotate cube to see all of it's dimensions;
Summarize data to compute it.
Furthermore OLAP analysis tool expands the scope of opportunities you are given. With OLAP analysis tool you can not only just analyze or calculate data but also create rich reports and update them in real time, visualize data to understand and explain it to others and more.
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Random Lucas North pics
(mix of my screencaps and images from RANet)
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ayyponine · 5 years
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me: aggressively trying to remember how this diff alphabet works before just giving up completely and switching to the "correct solution" which i know wont fuckin work either duolingo: you idiot. you complete buffoon. ill deadass just keep asking you until u get it right. fuck you
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adito-lang · 2 years
100 Happy Days Langblr (Days 6-9)
🫖 Bittersøte siste dager i Gambia 🙏🏽
Kollega min ankom fra Tyskland den 18, og neste kveld tok jeg henne med til en restaurant jeg liker i Senegambia. Det viste seg å bli den siste kvelden jeg gikk ut, og jeg husker at jeg kom til å tenke tilbake på de første gangene jeg gikk ut der to måneder før, på hvor redd jeg hadde vært for å gå meg bort, og på hvordan det glødende grønne korset foran apoteket og minareten til moskeen etter hvert kom til å symbolisere “hjem.”
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Siste helgen i Gambia tilbrakte jeg på stranden. Dessverre, under en av strandturene ble kollega min angrepet og ranet. Mannen kom bakfra. Hvorfor han valgte å rane kollegaen min og ikke meg som gikk rett ved siden av henne, det får jeg aldri vite, men jeg har fremdeles skyldfølelse for ikke å “beskytte” henne, selv om jeg vet at det ikke var min feil. Dritt skjer.
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På siste dagen, den 21, organiserte studentene, lærene og jeg en tur sammen til stranden. Vi drakk ataya, spilte fotball og løp i sanden, og tok mange bilder. Og deres vennlighet og drømmer for fremtiden, samtalene vi hadde - for meg vil det alltid være Gambia.
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