yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 9 January 1978  
Ethnicity: White - Spanish
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, drag artist
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mytownishaunted · 5 months
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Another bunch of drawings I made lately.
My designs for adult El and Max.
Me not realizing that Harrow were wearing ribs, not having her own out all the time.
My OC, Falete Gaskin escaping a creepy bird.
It's hard to be a lonely lesbian in dungeon.
Jodie Holmes and his brother
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mr-gentlemann · 1 month
Hey, pash sot blogun tend. Ti paske perjetuar ate qe perjetova dhe une, vecse une jam goce.
E kuptoj kete humbjen e besimit duke thene qe te gjithe jane njesoj.
Pse kur paska djem si ty qe duan ne kete menyre, me paska takuar fati me nje qe......
Nejse long story short, i kam dhene aq shume, i jam gjendur etj etj dhe vec flirteve te vazhdueshme me ka tradhtuar per disa muaj me nje kryesore por me shume nga pas jam e bindur.
Jam ende me te se e dua se me thot qe me do po nuk kam besim dhe jam lenduar.
Dua te te them qe mos u merzit hape zemren prape sepse ka goca me te njejten pasterti si ty. Uroj te gjesh dashurine dhe lumturine serish
Kisha koh qe nuk pergjigjesha ne ask , por me lejo te them dicka !
Kurr nuk kam then qe jan te gjithe njello , por jam shum i bindur qe kush e ben njeher do e bej perseri !
Njesoj si ty i jam gjendur afer , folur cdo kohe dhe cdo gje me te pa i mbajt sekrete etj etj
Isha nje periudh kohe ku kisha dhe fatin tim kunder , asgje nuk po ecte mir me disa gjera ne pune ne jet dhe nuk e di si ta them por cdo gje ishte keq me mua , dhe mendoja se kisha te pakten ate afer !
Ndodhi e kunderta , pervec cdo gjeje te keqe qe po kaloja ajo ishte goditja me e keqe qe mora
Nuk e di kisha nevoj per te , isha mesuar me te , ishte si pjes e jetes time dhe e vetmja gje qe me bente te ndihesh mir kur cdo gje shkonte keq ishte te kisha ate dhe e fala . “Vendimi me i keq qe mund te kem marr ndonjeher”
Kur e fala dhe mendoja se cdo gje do kalonte , ateher cdo gje perkeqesohesh sepse nga situata e keqe nuk po dilja , por thellohesh cdo gje me shume duke menduar sesi e beri gjithe ate gje pa menduar per personin qe ajo thoshte qe donte , qe e mbeshteste etj etj !
Nuk mundem te them qe ndonjeher nuk me mer malli per te , ose qe nuk dua ta perqafoj , ose nuk mund te them qe nuk me shfaqet ne enderr ndonjeher , por prap nuk mund ta imagjinoj dot sesi do te isha nese akoma do isha person i dyt qe mund te zvenesohesha aq leht !
Bera shum sakrifica per te , edhe pse nuk isha i detyruar ose realisht te mi kerkonte ajo , por e ndjeja qe per te te ja vlente , dhe ajo per mua nuk qendroj as besnike ose te me “ndihmonte” te dilja nga stresi qe me kishte kapur !
Shkurt , tradhetia nuk falet , kush e ben njeher do e perserisi !
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ellavaday · 1 year
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Hello! We're back to Sandra talking too much about DRES3.
I promised myself to make these shorter unless something truly horrific happens in the subtitles lol (which is, thankfully, not usually the first episode, so this is relatively short and sweet)
Here's the reference post for the first episode.
I have a drinking game for you. Take a shot each time someone mentions Torremolinos. (Disclaimer you might die of alcohol poisoning). Think of Torremolinos as the equivalent of Palm Springs. Where all of the gays go on holiday and where all the drag queens go to die retire.
Pinkchadora makes a joke of Supremme's pictures in the work room bc her name is also the name of a McDonald's burger here (yes, the entire name, Supreme Deluxe, hence the bbq sauce comment). People Pinkchadora mentioned as inspiration/references for her drag: Lola Flores (flamenco singer); Sonia and Selena (one hit wonder duo of the early 00s)
Pakita's intro line in the work room is a pun 'i whisked my milk so much' (de tanto batir la leche) ((yes yes masturbation joke)) 'i ended up whipped' (he terminado montada) we call the act of getting/being in drag as montarse/estar montada in Spain
Pakita said she's what happens when you put a Furby and Falete in a cocktail shaker. Falete is a nb flamenco singer.
Bestiah says she comes from the cultural capital of the province... Leganés. Which is a joke but we love Madrid working class neighborhood pride in this blog (sidenote there's a lesbian and a nonbinary flag in their entrance look and they're my comfort punky this season)
Pitita's name comes from Pitita Ridruejo, a socialité (that reported seeing various Marian apparitions when she was alive for which it's safe to say she was not only filthy rich she was also more than a little insane)
María Edilia came dressed like the logo of Harina Pan (the Venezuelan precooked maize corn flour used to make arepas) and in the colors of the Venezuelan flag
When Chuchi entered they talk about how they won the Canarian drag gala of 2019. There's nothing to compare Canarian drag to and it's like saying you won the most ferocious drag competition @supremmedeluxe did a post about Canarian drag if you wish to know more but like. Suffice to say it really is a league of their own
Chanel's intro line in the work room is a pun with badmouthing ("turning someone green") ((she's the one in green skin ofc))
In the mini challenge Pitita says her rat is named Obregón and it's a ref to Ana Obregón, an actress that is better known for the 'sexy sexy sexy' bit Pitita mentions (it's from the romcom Ana and the 7, in which she's a stripper that gets a job as the nanny of the seven children of a widow man, a raunchier version of The Nanny lol)
A bonus fact about how insanely talented Clover is (bc I'm in love and they talk about people thinking cis girls can't do drag): Last year there was an official viewing party hosted by Pupi in which there were also local drag performers and there were mini contests w the audience (think butch queen realness, dance offs, lipsyncs, all that, it was amazing). Clover won that thing when she was like 3 months into drag, she's really that bitch
I don't think there's much to explain for the talent shows but just in case...
Vania Vainilla mentions an app called To Good to Go that I don't know if it exists outside of Europe so we'll just mention it, it's for restaurants to sell a bit more cheaply the food that is still perfectly good but might get thrown away
Spain is Different. Alright. Welcome to my history class. So you might be familiar with how Spain was in a dictatorship for about 40 years. After WW2 Franco realized he needed to get friendlier with the US government if he wanted to keep in power bc money ((Spain was neutral in WW2 so it didn't qualify for the Marshall Plan in the beginning but it got in basically bc Franco was a massive prick that hated anything remotely Communist leaning and the USA gov... Is what it is))
Pitita's was my favorite talent show but I do realize it was the hardest to understand without references. The women in the wheel she was spinning are pop culture icons here, and she was imitating stuff that represents them. The first one was Manuela Trasobares (a mezzo-soprano trans activist) who got famous for getting very angry when discussing LGBT rights on tv on an interview and breaking a glass. Then Carmen Lomana who is a filthy rich woman that made an ad for BK that went viral bc seeing such an elegant woman in that ad was kind of camp. Then there's Terelu, there was a reality tv about how was her life and her mother's (a well known newswoman) called Las Campos (they tried to make it something akin to The Kardashians) and she famously told her mother to go fuck herself bc she asked her if she wanted a churro which became a meme so her eating churros became viral. Ana María Aldon however is a little less clear to me (the time she got COVID maybe? The fact that her disgusting ex who is the one that was actually in the wheel is one of those super macho man and famously said in an interview his sperm was still strong and wanted another kid w her??? Eh still insanely funny)
Part of said efforts was making a very strong tourist campaign under the slogan "Spain is Different" which was used to promote... Literally every single stereotype you know about the country. Toros. Flamenco. All that. So that's how you get Bestiah dressed like jamón serrano, Macarena as a comment against bullfighting (which *chef's kiss*), Hornella in a Goya/locomia inspired fan look, Maria Edilia as a flamenco souvenir doll, Vania and Kelly as homages to Sara Montiel (la Violetera and Sandra Montiel the official Sara Montiel impersonator and an icon of Torremolinos), Chuchi as a disco ball representing the party scene (very Paco Rabane too), Chanel as the dumb tourist shirts, Clover as the 12 grapes tradition on NYE, Visa as La Sagrera and then the Parc Güell in BCN
But we also now use it as a very sarcastic way to talk about things that suck but of fucking course happen in Spain. Like Pitita making a commentary on corrupt politicians (listen people trying to get away w illegal money in trash bags is a surprisingly common occurrence I'm not even going to mention a case there's a dozen), Pinkchadora talking about the Spanish cinema dedicated specifically to juvenile delinquency and in a very heartwarming example, Pakita and her homage to Ocaña (LGBT icon from the 80s that we love and adore thank you very much)
María Edilia's exit line was for me and me alone (and every other Venezuelan bc no one else would have understood it lmao). The national beauty pageant is a huge deal in my country and she sang the hymn song of the contest. It's extremely catchy and I'm now humming it lol.
I think that's all for this episode 😊 if you made it this far, thanks 💖 lmk what you thought about the episode
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highlifeboat · 10 months
Falete: Don't you think you had enough, man?
Max: Eh. Don't worry, I have a system, to know when I had too much.
Falete: You do?
Max: Yeah. The moment I start finding you attractive, means I had enough.
*Both laugh*
Falete: Hah! You Minge hauller! You sure know how to make compliments.
Max will say shit like this and then be like "I think I might gouge my eyes out for real" and ruin the mood like a minute later.
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horror-lady00 · 1 year
Clearer design of animatronic Falete encountered.
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
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“"I can't smoke with clothes on," Eva declared.
She got up and slid her dress over her head. Then she pulled off her slip, her garter belt, her stockings. She was completely naked, a magnificent, bloodless plaster body.
Alain emitted a long sardonic laugh. Never had he had so exact a sense of his own impotence. For him, the world was peopled only with empty forms. It was enough to make you scream, it was enough to make you die.
Little Falet, preparing a pipe, tried to catch Alain's eye. Eva, who had no more belief in other people's desires than in her own, wrapped herself in the blanket without even looking at Alain, he turned to Falet.
The little creature's expectant grin suddenly relaxed; he pointed to a cupboard.
Drugs were everything, there was no use trying to get away from them, the world was drugs.
Alain opened the cupboard and took out a vial. Then he removed from his pocket the syringe he had brought from Doctor de la Barbinais's. He filled it with heroin, rolled up his sleeve, and stuck the needle into his arm.
He kept his back to them for a moment, staring at the wall. Then he was done, it wasn't difficult. Acts are fast, life is over quickly; soon comes the time of consequences, the time of the irreparable.
Already his immediate past seemed incredible. Had he really dreamed of curing himself? Had he really shut himself up in those abominable sanitariums? Had he sent Dorothy a telegram? Had he held Lydia in his arms?
He turned around to take a good look at Eva Canning: beauty, life were made of plaster. Everything was simple; everything was finished. Or rather, there had been no beginning, there would be no end. There was only this moment, eternity. There was nothing else, absolutely nothing else. There was nothingness.
Eva sucked on the pipe Falet had prepared for her; then she rolled over in the blanket, exhaling a little smoke. One of her hard, polished shoulders shone gold in the light from the little lamp. This fragment of a broken statue rolled across a desert, lay in the bosom of a warm and soothing abyss.
The waves multiplied and broke one over the other: Alain was not returning to drugs; he had never left them. That's all it was, but it was that. It was of absolutely no interest, but neither was life. Drugs were only life, but they were life. Intensity destroying itself proves that everything is the same as everything else. There is no intelligence because there is nothing to understand, there is only certainty.
Suicide? Why bother, life and death are the same thing. From the point of view of eternity where I am now, where I've always been, where I'll always be.
The proof that life and death are the same thing is that I'm walking up and down in this room and that I'm going to telephone Praline, because I go on as if nothing had happened, while in fact nothing has happened.” (p. 111 - 113)
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papapupi · 2 years
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(vía Super Falete 🩲 en Twitter: "Nueve veces la velocidad de la luz, como el Halcón Milenario. https://t.co/AmmBFRRs66" / Twitter)
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stephanedugast · 2 months
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📌[FEUILLETON] Prenez la bonne échappée chaque jour à 15 heures 🕒 avec la série 🌸 « La Pédale Joyeuse ». Pendant le Tour de France 🌻, je vous raconte le vélo 🚲 autrement...
🚲 Le Tour de France 🇫🇷 MARDI 16 JUILLET ÉTAPE n°16 💛 Gruissan > Nîmes (196 kilomètres). Les Pyrénées étant derrière le peloton, les hommes rapides vont avoir à Nîmes une dernière occasion de s’exprimer sur ce Tour, la traditionnelle arrivée sur les Champs-Élysées étant abandonnée le temps d’une année, Jeux olympiques obligent.
🔎 UN LIVRE « J’aime le vélo. Comme dans pas mal d’histoires d’amour, il ne me le rend pas beaucoup. Ce n’est pas grave. Ce n’est qu’une femme, une jolie femme, ce beau vélo de creux et de bosses. Capricieux et brillant. De soleil et de pluie. De larmes et de joie. Avec lui, s’il y mettait un peu du sien, j’irais jusqu’au bout du monde ».
Caustique, fantasque, provocateur, avec une sensibilité toujours à fleur de peau, René Fallet rend un hommage appuyé à la bécane, au biclou, à la bicyclette, le vélo et à sa Petite Reine finalement.
Culte évidemment !
Stéphane Dugast
À LIRE 🔖 Le vélo de René Falet, Éditions Denoël, 1992. Réed.
💬 Histoire extraite de mon livre « VÉLO ! sport, ville, nature, culture & aventure » paru aux Éditions Glénat Livres.
🛒 À COMMANDER ⬇️ https://urlr.me/dqmFc
Photographies © DR
Top Vélo I Vera Cycling I ravito I La Bicicleta Ravito I Culture Bicyclette I Fédération Française de Cyclisme (FFC) I FFVélo I Radio Cyclo I Franck Ferrand I France tv I GEO France I Dans le sillage des écrivains voyageurs - le groupe I Dans la Musette I Bike Café France I BikePacking France I Genesis Bikes I The Bikeriders
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law334-blog · 2 months
ANOHNI and The Johnsons
Lately, because of really annoying IP addresses and zones I have been locked out of my streaming music and I only have with me some of the actually physical CD’s that I burnt into my computer and exported to my phone a long time ago.
Is nice because I have a lot of Prince, Björk, Gazelle Twin, Paul Simon, Falete, my humble beginnings on Philip Glass’ wonderworld, and funnily enough, one Cindytalk album: In This World.
Because of different reasons, this time coming back to Berlin did not feel as exciting as other times, so I boarded a plane to this city I really adore not so full of beans, as I would have usually done.
B. U. T.
When I was on the Sbahn from the airport, a friend of someone I know from London shared on a story about one spare ticket for ANOHNI and The Johnsons. I replied straight away asking if it was still available, and happily for me it was!
The reason why came across the artist formerly known as Antony and The Johnsons in the first place was through Björk’s Dull Flame of Desire. I found her voice to be so intoxicating and beautiful, as if the ocean’s foam was made of carpet-thick velvet.
I cannot take pride in having dwelled extensively on their discography back then, other than just enjoying the odd song here and there. Regardless of this, when I saw that they were playing I could not resist attending a show lead by one of the seldom voices that is able to show you the depth of emotions within just one note.
When I found out that the last time they toured was 14 years ago in 2010 it already started to look very good but I was not ready for what was to overcome.
During my years living in London, while at a festival in Portugal I got to meet Cinder Sharp, the lead musician and vocalist from the legendary industrial / post-punk band Cindytalk. She couldn’t believe she met two bassoonists at the same time, (this story for another time), so when back to the concrete jungle we both called home, she invited me over for a music session. We were both living in the same area so this made it even more special: not many people in my world lived SW.
After a beautiful evening, she invited me to join Cindytalk with my bassoon. This thrilled me to the bones as I was on the look for another band; the one before didn’t go too well because of a not-as-lovely-as-she-seemed drummer. Sadly, Cinder moved back to Scotland before this got to become a reality.
Following Mamma Chadd’s advise: NATO (Not Attached To Outcome), I still can proudly say the fact that I, wif ma bassoon m8, was a good enough musician to be invited to join Cindytalk, a band formed 12 years before I was born.
The concert started with a performance executed by someone that seemed familiar, and after its conclusion, ANOHNI came on to the stage, looking stunning and really embracing herself after 14 years of not touring with this one project of hers.
She started singing and, like a kid in a candy store, I just couldn’t take my eyes of her. Her beautiful voice, accompanied by one of the tightest bands I have ever heard, sailed through some of their old material as well as new.
One third or so into the the full piece, an old recording reproduced the voice of a NY hooker who after exposing her struggles and the difficulties of just existing as she had to exist, called for a revolution and to do something about the situation which her and many others in the community suffered from.
Then, You Are My Sister happened, and she beautifully advocated to embrace the unity of women as the saving tool in the toolbox that we still have not used. The one that most likely will work in order to help society move forward in a healthier way. Because advocating for the unity of women means embracing the love, care and compassion of mothers, daughters; of sisters.
As the concert was getting closer to the end, Anohni told the audience that the recording that had played earlier was from the voice of Marsha P. Johnson, the trans icon that together with Sylvia Rivera started the riot that we today know as Pride. She told us her was the reason why she named the band the way she did. In line with her statements before, she mentioned though, that we should always act out of kindness, and to have as a mentality a concept that I can only recall as the ‘debt of kindness’ that we should all owe one another. Known or unknown.
I think this was beautiful because even though we needed Marsha and Sylvia to throw that first brick so we, as queer people, can just exist, we are now in 2024 and there are other ways to get around problems and seeking solutions. She also advocated for the power that Berlin has in order to change things for the good, being closer to the source, so to speak.
After a second performance from the same familiar artist, she then introduced the band. Believe me, I have not heard such a tight and amazing band in a very, very long time. Even at top-tier classical performances. Not only in terms of sound, timbre, timing and complex layered polyrhythms, but the tuning was spectacular. But we are talking espectacular like swaying in and out of microtonal harmonies with extreme accuracy. I thought they maybe were tired or something and that’s why things suddenly got a bit out, but no, the fact that then they got back to traditional tuning and back into microtonal was quite something. I want to follow my instinct and believe this was premeditated as it felt extremely accurate and in the right moments portraying exactly the right moods - we’re talking about highly skilled musicians after all.
Before heading to the concert, while reading more about Anohni, I learnt that she had transitioned and was publicly out since 2015. My ignorant ass had only learnt about her and her musicianship during the early albums era under the previous name and had no idea of the journey she had undergone.
Seeing her embracing her true identity and exploring the topics of womanhood through songs like You Are My Sister and the cover of Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child felt really special and also brought me back to the first time I met, and performed (at someone else’s piece) with Cinder back in Portugal. It was so inspiring to see this pure beauty take shape in front of our eyes.
I guess, attending Madrid’s pride for the first time after I left the city 12 years ago had given me the extra queer oomph that I didn’t know I needed to tap into this deep feeling of queer sisterhood, brotherhood, the hood, siblinghood? and let my feelings take over me as if I was standing at the bottom of a waterfall*.
The concert concluded, but not without me noticing that during the show, there were certain characteristics in the performative movements of Anohni’s arms that definitely reminded me to some of the ceremonial practices I learnt back in the day in Treadwells, which gave this interesting aspect to the overall piece, as if a ritual was being carried on stage. The reason why I also bring this up (not just to give context of the way I see the world and interpret things around me) is because one of the reasons why I got interested in occultism in the first place was because of KAOS and it’s magick approach to a club setting. When Anon introduced the band, she also did introduced the performer, who had started the band with back in the day in New York. No wonder she seemed familiar, as she was Johanna Constantine, a close friend to the people in London I consider my chosen family, who very much are behind KAOS and its origins.
Seeing all of this come together into one 2 hour long performance, and be able to enjoy all of that washing over me was a spectacular experience that will always cherish and that will always remind me of the importance of music as social glue and being one of the driving forces of what I like to call social engineering (for some reason this term has really bad connotations, but I disagree. My thoughts on that for another day).
In the end Berlin welcomed me with open arms and made me feel right at home. Did some music here too (which was the main reason of my visit), and now waiting for a Sunday boogie at the big old power plant before heading back to Madrid.
Till next time.
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mytownishaunted · 6 months
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Here's a clump of latest drawings I made with some lazely made excuses for background :p
 Asuka Kuraku from Hana no Asuka-gumi! She beats peoplr up with a coin.
Falete Gaskin finds something from his forgotten past.
Sayaka Kanamori from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! Better pay your animators or she's comming to collect.
Another quick drawing of Heather Dean
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nigesakis · 4 months
Hi! For the Things It Would be Fun to Be Asked, can I please have:
3 Films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
3 Things that make you happy?
3 Things about someone you love?
Hope you're having a great day!
hi thank u!❤️
the post
3 films i could watch for the rest of my life and not get bored of:
sweet smell of success 1957, the defiant ones 1958 and shrek 🤞
3 things that make me happy:
my dog falete, comedy shows/movies and the girl reading this ❤️
3 things about somoene i love:
he is a chihuahua-pitbull mix, he cant eat grain, bisexual
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dylbianews · 1 year
“Dua që një ditë të zgjohem burrë”/ Dea Mishel: Kur një grua gabon, është k*rvë, shtrigë, e ligë...
Dea Mishel Hoxha ka publikuar një shkrim për veten dhe të gjitha vajzat dhe gratë që paragjykohen në shoqëri. Përmes një postimi të gjatë në rrjetin social “Instagram”, finalistja e “Big Brother VIP 2”, ka rrëfyer për vështirësitë në jetën e karrierën e saj, për arsyen e thjeshtë se “është vajzë”. Kur një mashkull gabon, i falet, por kur gabon një vajzë është shtrigë, shkruan Dea. “Arritjet e mia…
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astudyinbeemovie · 2 years
"Throat Coat contains a very large amount of licorice root (760 mg per tea bag) plus another 60 mg of a 6:1 licorice root extract and these ingredients are likely to be the cause of your issues. Licorice root provides great flavor, but you need to exercise caution and moderation with it because it contains a compound that can, through an effect on the kidneys to cause loss of potassium, fluid retention, increased blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, and lethargy. Throat Coat has a warning on its box regarding these issues, although the warning does not identify the causative agent — licorice root. See our article about licorice root for more details about its side effects, as well as the findings of clinical studies of its proposed uses.
Be aware that the FDA has warned that eating 2 ounces of black licorice a day for at least two weeks can cause similar problems.
Homemade licorice tea has been reported to cause similar problems. An 84-year-old man (with hypertension controlled by medication) developed extremely high blood pressure, headache, photophobia, chest pain (due to pulmonary edema) and fatigue, as well as low potassium after two weeks of drinking 1 to 2 glasses daily of homemade licorice root extract called "erk sous" (Falet, CMAJ 2019). A 57-year old man in Turkey with no prior history of cardiovascular disease experienced atrial fibrillation (a rapid, irregular heartbeat) likely caused by low potassium levels after consuming four glasses of "licorice root syrup" daily for one month (Erkus, Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars 2016).
Dietary supplements containing licorice root can also be problematic. A 68-year-old Chinese-American woman developed dangerously high blood pressure (219/123 mm Hg) resulting in a stroke (with symptoms including difficulty speaking and paralysis on one side of the body) after taking Chinese herbal supplement pills providing 800 mg of licorice root daily for two weeks to treat indigestion. The supplement contained several other ingredients, such as ginger root and cinnamon bark, but the reporting physicians noted the woman could have been consuming 8 times the maximum dose recommended by the European Commission Scientific Committee on Food of glycyrrhizin, the compound in licorice known to increase blood pressure (Shin, Neurohospitalist 2019)."
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highlifeboat · 10 months
Falete is very fem presenting, so drunk Max becoming attracted to him is a possibility.
Not when he's sober tho :p
Yeah but if Max knows his pronouns are he/him, and knows he's a dude, it's increadibly unlikely.
Straight guys don't usually just make out with other guys because they're shit faced.
Plus, Max doesn't drink for fun, so there's a very low chance he'd be looking to make out with anybody in the first place. Man is depressed as fuck, he's not a fun drunk.
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horror-lady00 · 1 year
An OC I came up with.
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He has Engeneering degree, but best job he could afford is animatronic supervisor in small children entertainment company.
They were in buisness for a long time and have extensive list of robots, they sent to cold storage. Last of them had a very unique self-repair feature, that wasn't turned off, before sending them away.
It falls to Falete to go and fully turn machines off, before things might get ugly.
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