scribblingsim · 5 years
When Photoshop batch editing goes wrong...
Damn it, I just meant to alter one of the options and I accidentally double edited my screenshots, making me lose all my shots from James Goodwin finally getting his dumb ass married and Clayton Nichols getting his first kiss at the event with...I think James’ niece Bethany.
Such an auspicious return to the editing screenshots... :|
(And yes, my batch editing is set to save and close when it’s done, soo....meh. Thankfully I split stuff up into different folders so only most of the screenshots were lost as opposed to all.)
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lapeaudelamemoire · 6 years
Oh fucking hell I'm basically watching two old white Englishmen be absolutely and utterly crude and treating a human being - a lower class woman - like dirt. I don't fucking know why people even bother making films with rich men in it. They're all godawful, badly-bred, disrespectful, irreverent, snobbish, self-inflated, nose in the sky, entitled and oblivious and narrow-minded and such a disgusting repulsive sort.
Can't even treat another person with manners but they think they're all that and they talk about the poor woman like an object and toss her about and no one is kind to her I can't even
I want to stab Higgins. I mean I want to print out a picture of him, stick it on a dummy, or tack it to the wall, and then have at it with knives.
He is the most despicable, unspeakably rude, arrogant - I can't even think with words I'm so incensed - trash trundled into the shape of a sneering leering ugly man I have ever had the misfortune of watching as a character on screen.
I understand Lily Frankenstein much, much better now.
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twas-a-dream · 7 years
jk I lied I just watched the lyric video for slow hands and I have a new ranking. 1. slow hands 1. on the loose 1. this town
ugh everything’s perfect cause it’s niall who am I kidding.
edit: shit there’s another one? or is it a cover? scared to be lonely?? whatever that’s lovely too I’m screeching so much and feel like im gonna have a heart attack and throw up I don’t even wanna know how I’d be if I saw him live ugh. honestly I don’t think im gonna be able to find a guy that will top my love for him… which is sad.
last edit *I hope* it’s a cover ok fine I thought so WHERE IS YOUR ALBUM MY LOVE UGH HARRY CAME OUT WITH ONE WITH LIKE NO WARNING. granted perfection takes time. but you're perfect already so ... omf I need to go to sleep I'm slipping back into directioner fangirl phase .
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corelliaxdreaming · 3 years
I’m about halfway through Siege and Storm and here are my biggest gripes so far:
1. Mal SUCKS. He’s so jealous and possessive and he literally throws a fit when Nikolai suggests Alina wear black? Jesus. He doesn’t really come out looking all that much better than the Darkling.
2. Every male who meets Alina stop trying to assault her in some way challenge. Jfc Nikolai grabbed her and kissed her without her consent and then wants to know why she finds him creepy and why she’s upset.
3. Plot holes. Or like…maybe not exactly that, but things that should come up that don’t. And this is an issue I know I have in my own writing, but this is a professionally published book presumably with a professional editor. It’s been weeks of Alina openly traveling Ravka and the Darkling hasn’t send anyone after her yet? Remember the whole thing about how her powers can destroy the Fold? Why have we completely stopped talking about that as a goal? (Also I just cannot get over “The Darkling can’t cross the Fold without you” like people haven’t been crossing it for years before Alina showed up. And we already know the Volcra won’t kill him, so he could theoretically just walk right across.)
4. We’re pinning a lot of our knowledge and goals on this Sankt Illya without ever being told who he was or what he did that was so saintly.
5. Rantyrantrant.
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atllas · 5 years
idk what the hell happened to this site since the purge, since you’d think that without any nsfw that people would be a lil more chill, but all ive been seeing everywhere is crazy amounts of policing in fandoms about what is or isn’t ‘problematic’, that everything has to stick to canon, or only be soft n pure or w/e else
and that’s totally fine if you want to only create or only indulge in that sort of fandom content. 100% go for it. enjoy it
but when you start saying that that way is the only way you can draw/write characters or scenarios, you start stifling the creative environment that gives fandoms their life. if you impose those beliefs on others, it just kills fellow artists and writers drive to create
people have been making a fuss over every new ‘thing’ that comes around on this site, always saying ‘no! its the onceler all over again!’, like there hasnt already been a new ‘onceler’ every year since 2012. this shit aint new. who cares if it’s like the onceler. let people draw characters how they please. shit’s not hard. if u dont like the content then keep scrollin
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I just wanna sleep forever. I'll never be good enough, and it sucks. I wanna stop breathing, please. I'm sorry.
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beebasktheblumpbod · 9 years
lol @ middle aged people who bash drug users (pot smokers generally), then head home from their 9-5 to a bottle of vodka and a handful of xanax. Drug habits come in many shapes and sizes. I have absolutely nothing against drugs of any sort or if people wish to consume them, but I’ve fucking got a problem with hypocrisy. Whether your vice is cigarettes and caffeine, or cocaine and heroin, you are still a fucking drug user. Don’t act as if your habits are superior to those of others simply because they are more socially acceptable.
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therealnean · 9 years
I am CALLING non-clapping audiences OUT! (It’s a bit sweary)
I have a problem. I’m coming clean, coming to terms with it. It’s time. I CARE. I care about what I do. That sounds fine, doesn’t it? Necessary, in fact. Unfortunately, I also care what other people think of what I do. No, that’s not quite it. I care how they respond to me singing my fucking heart out just for them. That’s the problem.
This is a blog I could have written perhaps a dozen times over the last 19 years of my gigging life; in that respect, surely, I am ENORMOUSLY fortunate to have experienced it so infrequently. What? you say… Well, not to be a snotty douche-bag whinester, but I have from time to time encountered that tiresome beast, the Wilfully Ignorant Audience. It may be in pubs, a club, in restaurants or cafes. They exist. And I’m not alone; I read with resigned sadness about talented, hard-working, rocking friends in similar circumstances. I shake my head and sigh.
My adult life is a continued evolution away from a propensity to complain. Moaning is so deeply unappealing, and being aware that my life is utterly blessed in the grand scheme of things is important. It’s more out of a wish to get past this problem that I’m airing it - a purging process, if you will. Why must this process be public, you say? Well, if someone else can learn something from this blog, it validates my whinge, so there’s that selfish reason. But I also MUST express this, once and for all. Be warned, it’s fairly trivial at first glance. And perhaps on second or third.
Audiences that don’t clap SUCK. And when I say you suck, non-clapping audience member, I mean your action (or lack thereof) causes me to question the efficacy of my chosen profession, and it’s ongoing effect on my mental health...when you don’t clap. That’s crazy, right? Over-react much?!
This problem only occurs (to me) very rarely these days; not because I’m just too awesome not to be applauded, but because I currently gig on such an infrequent basis (due to, amongst other things, financial constraints - the reluctance of many venues to pay fair fees - but that’s another ranty blog for another day) This means that those remaining venues and I have built up long-standing rapports; with the regulars, the staff and the management, which is generally infectious to new punters.
My parents are regular attendees of my gigs, a fact that is both crazy and beautiful. Not many people can boast their Mum and Dad watching them work ever, let alone as frequently as I. But should I require a friend or family member to be in attendance at my gigs to encourage courtesy from the rest of the people present?
‘Cause that’s what we’re talking about here people - courtesy. I’m not talking about adulation - Beatles/Beiber level fan-freaking would probably cause me an aneurism.
I consider my gigs to be a conversation. That may sound pretentious, but let me explain.  One of the more subtle and beautiful powers music holds is to stop us feeling alone. A song can express those parts of ourselves that we cannot access or choose not to confront in any other way, and when this happens, we are moved, we feel alive and we are not alone. I start a dialogue with an audience the moment I begin playing. This is literally done with introductions, banter, a shared goal. It also comes across musically; acoustics, venue shape/space all impact my amplification decisions.
A type of absurdly stoic professionalism, or perhaps a type of cowardice, has impeded me from posting this sort of rant before, but, you know what, fuck it. I’m over it. Not professionalism - I stand by my ability to BRING IT at your pub/party/wedding/sacrificial corporate ‘do. That’s not bragging, or hubris. I will bring it. I’ll turn up early, be super polite and friendly to staff, and clear about my tech requirements. I’ll start on time, and I won’t short-change you. You will never get such INCREDIBLE VALUE FOR MONEY.  And again, not because I’m sooooo amazing. But because I will work my fucking ARSE off at that gig. Every song will get my undivided attention, and I will do everything I can to remain present throughout. I’ll care just as much beforehand... (and clearly afterwards too, as this blog attests).
Dubai really got me into writing set lists I could give a shit about. That this was 15 years into my gigging life may be telling, but let me tell you, I will spend two hours writing that set list. I will consider every frakking angle, I will craft that bastard like a sculptress. I will prepare extras and back-ups, and at the drop of a hat, on the gig, I will bin that set list and play whatever you want me to play from my epic Black Folder of Tunes. ‘Cause I want you to have FUN!
I think we have come to the crux of the problem. I’m trying too hard?! Jesus - how do you strike that balance then? ‘Cause I won’t play Hotel California - and I’m not Sally Field. But I do have a great time when an audience member asks for a song I wasn’t expecting to play.
This lack of autonomy, and the fact that I strive to craft an evening EVERYONE can enjoy - well, the first is problematic - I have to be in charge, actually, and really you want me to, you like it. And the second part is just impossible! You can’t please everybody all the time. Not at my level of success. I’m not playing to paying audiences who know my material and have shelled out to hear it. Sure, I wish I was; don’t we all? I’m over it.
Nooooooo. No, I’m not. Holy Shit-piphany. Ugh. I want to be successful. And by that I mean, more successful than I currently am. What an admission! The sentence makes me cringe. Which is ridiculous really, when I give it any thought. Don’t we all strive? The concept of success and how we measure it - for ourselves and when veiwing the lives of others - is such a meaty issue, it’s nearly impossible to quantify with any degree of objective accuracy. And I have always felt liberated by my lack of ‘desire to be famous’, a difficult burden at best. But is this the heart of the problem? “They just don’t know how good I am!”. Nah. Weirdly enough, that’s not even the issue - I get great feedback on every gig, and am constantly humbled by the kindness of strangers.
So really, my issue is with either of the following RUDENESSES.
1. The audience who totally ignore you, from start to finish. Hey, listen, I don’t expect crowds to clap after every tune. I did when I started out moons and moons ago, but learnt the long, drawn-out way that people are chatting, or ordering a beer or whatever, and certain tunes are gonna hit harder than others. That’s FIIIIINE! It’s the d-bags who don’t deign to acknowledge your existence at any point that I have a problem with. Yes, I sort of want to go and set fire to their table cloths. But I quit smoking, so I don’t have a lighter on me.
2. The odder of the two - the audience that is clearly digging what you’re doing, but STILL DON’T CLAP!! Even on your obviously final song. This I cannot fathom. WTF. Really? You’re dancing about, and even singing along, nodding, tapping, making eye contact, smiling, generally getting a happy earful. Yey! That makes me extremely happy! So WHYYYYYYY can’t you put your fucking glass down for THREE SECONDS and actually respond. Again, not every tune, fine. But I shit you not, I’ve been pulling next level moves up here, and you even give me the big thumbs up on ‘Me and Julio Down By The Schoolyard’ and then COULDN’T GIVE A TOSS when I’m finished. I have ceased to exist. I am the human sodding boombox. (Wow, that dates me)
Ostensibly, I am a temporary member of staff at whatever establishment has employed me for that evening’s entertainment. Would you ignore your wait staff? If the answer to that question is yes, by the way - GET IN THE FUCKING SEA. Lame. Rude. Obnoxious. People are serving you things, bloody well say thank-you, smile, you may even wish to engage them in short, polite conversation! Of course, largely the answer to that is ‘why of course I wouldn’t ignore the staff, I’m not a total tool!’. Ok. Soooo…?
Perhaps this issue stems partly from the lack of presence I generally observe on (horrifyingly) about 50% of tables at many pubs and restaurants. What do I mean by this? Phones. For example, a table of three people at dinner, all on their phones. All shitting evening. Does this make me want to hurl? Yes. Does it worry me enormously that some people (of any age, btw) can no longer spend a pleasant evening eating and drinking in the company of their fellows without insessantly  checking their phone, playing a game on it (REALLY?! I’m insulted on behalf of your mates), texting absent people for minutes at a time (no conversation given during this spell of alt-concentration). Yes. I’m deeply concerned for the future of our species.
But I digress. If someone is not even present in the company of their friends, what chance does the musician stand of claiming ANY percent of their warped attention span. And, again, don’t get me wrong - I don’t want them sat at my feet, cross-legged, in a semi-circle like that weird Led Zeppelin gig from 1969 in Sweden or somewhere. It might be a common presumption that all people in the entertainment industry are attention whores. Not so. But I’m in the room with these people, playing my little socks off, and…what? I might as well not be?!
Other areas have it a little better than the humble local singer. On a visit to the theatre - would you all just get up and smegging leave after the show, applause be damned?! Or worse, just sit in your seats, talking drunkenly amongst yourselves? The traditions of thanking your entertainers with the smacking together of flesh and bone is deeply engrained in that arena, god love it. I love nothing better than clapping. Ok, I like some things better, but few. Very few. Because you are expressing your enthusiastic delight at best, and at worst you are being fucking nice. And what’s wrong with that?
I am a natural born Consumer. I am passionate about things. Being a nerd means applause comes easy to me as an audient. (Is that a noun? It is now.) Does part of this automatic willingness to share my pleasure have something to do with being a performer myself? For sure. I’m on the other side of that line more often than not. So yes, I will champion that person’s effort til the day I die. Passionately. Because it matters. People doing things for other people is important. Serving. Caring for. I am by NO means claiming to be top of the heap of important jobs that do this. For real, I work in Care Homes a lot these days and see regularly the kind of dedication to caring and serving and doing things for others that makes me want to weep.
My experiences in Chicago taught me a lot about the differences between audience attitudes across the pond, and these were some formative years - 21 or thereabouts. Audiences in Chicago were something else, and I was largely audience, but occasionally performer over there. Talk about giving a shit. These people were enthralled. Sure, the audience I was frequently a member of was the Kurt Elling Quartet’s weekly gig at the Green Mill, so, yeah, MIND-BLOWING stuff. But I was also audient (nah, can’t make that work) at many low-key bar gigs. The quality of playing was extraordinary, but that’s not really the point.
Case in point, when I (pant-shittingly) sat in at the legendary Von Freeman’s Tuesday night jam at the New Apartment Lounge with Rob Amster and co. It was at Rob’s comic urging that I, in semi-gin-soaked fashion, got up and did a number. I was not by any means great, nervous as I was, but all the same, Von and the small crowd made me feel so welcome, so appreciated and encouraged. I’ve written about this elsewhere, so won’t go on. But it was a tremendous gift, and taught me a lot about how people can care for a Moment, invest it with their love and joy. The fabulous and wondrously heart-centred singer Gingi Lahera (also a Chicago top cat) taught me this even more profoundly with her winning smile, rapt attention, hands clasped at her heart as I sat in on her gig at Pops for Champagne. That was beyond terrifying for dozens of reasons, but she imbued me with her spirit. Because that is the power the audience has, if they choose to.
Anyway, I’m all ranted out. It feels better to have exhumed the corpse of defeat, ejected the bile of frustration. (Ooh, it’s like the end of I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue.) I do this from time to time, the ranting. You may have noticed. I crave your pardon. If we shadows have offended, an’ all that. Still. If something positive can spring from this, let it simply be…give a shit about the people around you. I’m telling myself this as much as putting it out there. Care about and express thanks to anyone you are with, who serves you - in whatever way. Because you might just make their day.
(sorry about all the f-bombs)
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topazzey · 10 years
So, looking like I'm not even going to get into my local safety net school. Application's been sitting complete in their hands for over a month, and if I don't get admitted in the next few days, I'm going to miss the portfolio deadline for the BFA program. So, you know what?
Fuck 'em.
I'll just get a AAS and take some business and marketing courses at my community college and start my own damn business, then. I was looking forward to seeing what at least one part of a normal education is like, after having dropped out of the 9th grade and done everything the wrong way, and the opportunity to study abroad, and maybe get an internship while i'm at it, but if they're not willing to even let me get to a point where I can explore the opportunity, then fuck them.
I'm so sick of letting other people dictate my self-image, and feeling sorry for myself because they treat me like trash. I'm sick of people wasting my time because they don't think I'm worth theirs. 
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socialjust-ish · 10 years
I also love MovieBob's statement about how "Popularity doesn't mean anything" when TB was discussing ad revenue and the popularity of different mediums for gaming news.
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twas-a-dream · 7 years
heads up my lovelies:
I just changed my blog name! it used to be livingthestunntastiicaldream, but
1. it was from like freshman year in high school (like.. 8 years ago holy shit)
2. it was way too long (that's what she said. but not what I said 😇😇)
still me, just shorter 😊😘
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queenofblending · 10 years
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My response to a rant in a Facebook #makeup group, about kit & application sanitation! Couldn't agree more with the disgust and wanting to know WHY!! It was mentioned especially among overly-praised IG "MUA's" but them I can understand more. They don't work on any other face but their own, so we shouldn't be surprised when they have no idea what they're doing sanitation-wise during their little seminars. Still completely gross, though. But I'm forever wondering about the legit artists out there who have dirty practices. I don't understand. I feel like making a video about this..I'm tired of reading about highly worshiped people who do seminars/demos/classes/WHATEVER double-dipping, no sanitizing spray, not a spatula in sight, blowing on brushes..😪 it's setting a really poor example, setting people up for disaster!! It's irresponsible! #rantyRantRant
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butterscorchd · 10 years
And now my mom won't allow me to drink tea in our cups anymore, because apparently I stained it, so I guess that's it then, no more tea for me in this house. Let's add that to the list of things I am no longer allowed to do, underneath how I can't cook food either, because she came home from work once to find more dishes to wash than normal, and how I can't shower before 6 pm and not after 9 pm because she might have to fetch something in there while I am in the shower, and also how showering in the morning wakes her up because she can hear the shower through the floor of my parents bedroom, and I can't do homework at the dinner table or in the living room because me writing on my laptop and the scratching of pen on paper distracts her, or how I can't leave clothes hanging over my chair in my bedroom or neatly folded on my bed because it looks unkempt and what if we suddenly have guests over and they happen to walk past my bedroom and see the clothes, or how I'm not allowed to wash my own clothes because I might ruin them, which is not her problem, but in this house apparently it is, and how she barely accepts me saying yes to working during the evening because I might miss dinner with the family, but it's totally okay that my sister does, and how it's not acceptable to decline working in the evenings after 8 hours of school because how dare I, as a poor, overworked student, to refuse to work?
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crazycanuckcatlady · 10 years
And on it goes
still feeling majorly down. i just want to sleep. do nothing. well, maybe eat until i puke. 
fuck this feeling.
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lazyandg · 10 years
The fact that I pay $250 for Center Ice and pretty much none of the games are in HD is a freaking crock. I literally bought a 50 inch Smart TV so I could watch hockey, and Center Ice has completely negated that motivation. How much more could it cost to broadcast in HD??? GET. IT. TOGETHER.
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