#rap line fanfiction
hjh-ceilo-monster · 1 year
BTS Song drabble : D - day (MYG)
Summary : In this chasing game, one was at the top, another was at the bottom. To break the hierarchy, there should only be one winner.
The law’s hand 
The outlaw
Who would win?
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Photos : All copyright reserved to the owners.
Gif. : Special thanks to @sugajimin​ for further inspo. There’re tiny subtitle that I put to create further engagement and imagination.(I hope so🤞🏽)
Plot : Special thanks to Psych-Hunter(iQIYI) and (Su)R-chwita ep.9😹
Ambience :  1930's Ambient City Soundscape, Vintage City Sounds 
Trigger warning : (quite) detailed violent scene, self-harm, death of characters
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This fanfiction is for entertaining purposes. The story has entirely written up from the writer’s imagination from different inspiration. None of this should be taken seriously.
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Switch over, time tickin' and over.
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Author POV.
The water drips periodically, acting as an ambience inside the dusty room. 
The owner has been laying on his favourite couch for hours, diving deep into his thought. 
His door suddenly bangs open by someone. One of his crewmates runs inside with something in his hand. 
“We...found him...here.” The new comer hands a file, trying his best to get the message through while panting hard.
The owner flutters his eyes open. A stir comes out of his mouth before he finally becomes awake and accepts the paper.
The dark orbs skim through the file, catching the main idea out of the long paragraphs in the contract. At last, his eyes land on the bottom. Seeing familiar names with the signatures under neath them make him annoy.
“Huh? Seems like we need to give him a visit again.”
He found out.
The end of a letter makes the man stops his footsteps. The feeling of frustration rises up, however, he can’t act out of his character here. Getting out of the building, he got into his car.
“Head back to the mansion.” He tells the driver.
“And about the case?” 
“I need to get another ‘case’.” 
Understanding what to do, he asks nothing more and leave immediately.
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“ 1 beef rice noodle pottage soup, beef pork.” 
Finishing his order, he take a seat near the glass window of the cooking station. Not so long after, his order serves.
“A tough day again, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, ma’am.”
“Quit calling me ma’am, boy. Your my vip customer here. You have been here since 10th grade.”
“Or you want me to call you ajuma?” He asks jokingly.
“Aish, call me what ever you want.” The old lady move back to her station.
Minutes later, his crewmates enter the shop, filling the entire floor. Seeing their boss enjoy his meal, no one dares to utter anything that is work-related. 
“ell e beore I et pis... Ou ares ar oo obious.” *Tell me before I get piss. Your stares are too obvious.* The boss speaks while munching his favourite noodle.
“They’re round the corner, hyung.” Someone finally speaks. 
The man taps his finger as if he applaud himself. Coming here today makes his plans flow. 
“Ma’am, I will come back later.” The man slips his money under the bowl. 
Everyone starts the operation. His crewmates head out of the place and prepare the vehicle for their boss. Some of them go ahead to clear their destination.
“And...I need your chopstick with me. I’ll buy a new pack in return.” He smiles at the owner who say nothing, but sighs and wave a hand as a sign to not do what he purposes.
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Phone calls have been hitting on the office’s phone none stop. The police try their best to accept every call and write down the reports, running back and forth.
“People were complaining the same case...I don’t think it’s  a usual case anymore.”
“We need them to handle it.” The cheif tell his subordinates.
Speaks of the devil, the figure appears in the office as if he knows someone call him. The guy in his black suit enters the room. His height is average. However, his aura and the M brooch on his right chest can make everyone who stand in front of him always feels as if they are getting towered by him. 
He is the supreme in this place, if not the supreme in the town.
A walking law.
“Seems like you guys get in some trouble, eh?”  The room falls into a silence, having only phone calls as a background ambience.
“Sir, we got a...” The cheif gathers his courage to explain the situation, but get interrupt by the walkie talkie.
“We found him, sir. Need more people.”
Paying no attention to the cheif, the leader of special crime force says nothing. His natural poker face let no one be able to read the situation. 
“Loud and clear, right? Get your ass up and do your job.” He then heads out.
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A smoke comes out from an end of ivory-white cigarettes. He inhales the thin grey fog into his lungs, hoping it will calms his racing mind down a bit.
*Get everything ready.* He orders his right hand man back with his walkie talkie.
A grey breath leaves his mouth along with his sighs.
“Seems like the almighty D is also a human.” A bicker from nowhere brakes his thoughts. D lifts his head up to finds the sound source.
“Shut it, Kim. Don’t piss me off even more.”
“Your brother, isn’t it?” Knowing no limit, Kim asks for more information. The man still stays silence.
“Alright, suite yourself.” 
D is by himself again in the silence. His minds is cumalating with plans. 
Shhsshhh...shhhshhh.... “Sir.”
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Half and hour ago : @ WNK building
“Where is it?” 
The loud crash echos inside the building. His subordinates are busy taking down their enemy with some help from his buddy.
“Speak wisely.” Min grits his teeth as a warning. 
Despite the size different, Min manages to pin down his huge enemy and threat his like a little prey. 
The police siren comes from afar. His enemy smirks in victory.
“Who knows the genius Min will fall into my trap like a little rat too. Game over, Min.” Now the guy has a guts to speak casually.
“Now your brother will find out. Your big brother will find you.” The guy continues mocking Min, pushing him around emotionally.
“You will...ack.” Giving no chance to speak further, Min uses his chopsticks and stucks it onto the side of his neck. 
He pushes it deep as the red liquid gushing out like juice. IThe harder he push, the more it errupts out like a fountain. His other hand squeeze the neck tightly as if he is quenching an orange.
Bloody orange.
Min keeps tighten his grip onto the guy’s neck. The fountain is slowing down. Slowly and slowly, it turns into a stream of liquid.  
His shirt now paints with red splashes and spots. The paint leave its marks everywhere even on his face, creating some red blossom tattoos on his skin.
“Oh, you're so artsy.”
“No time for it, Jack.”
“I know, buddy. I get what you want. Let’s head out, yeah?”
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The two finally arrive the rooftop. Looking down the building, the see bunch of police enter in with commotion.
“Look how desperate they want to catch us.” 
Min sweep his eyes from the top view. His gaze then land on a familiar black grand mercedes among the cop cars. His mouth lifts into a smirk at the sight, knowing exactly whose it belongs.
“Not really. Someone is more desperate.”
Min replies and climbe down the stairs at the side. 
“Eh, eh, wanna get caught? Eh, man.” Jack yells from a far, but Min has already gone half way through.
“Let’s tease you a bit.”
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“No one inside.”
I stares at my subordinate. The young man stands there like statue, uttering nothing more.
“Where is the case?” I ask.
I don’t care much about the destruction of the building or the death of people inside. Fuck it, that isn’t my problem.
What I wants is the bag and a thing inside it.
I was planning to not invovle police. Moving around from the inside without making their suspicion was quite hard. It took me a few years I was to hold the power. 
A rat out of nowhere managed to get the case was out of my plan.
And now my brother get it.
I jumps into driver seat and drift his car out of the parking slot. Frustration fills me up, urging to explode. I roar the engine, filling its sound in the empty street.
“Brother, you won’t be free much longer.”
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Min POV.
“That bastard. He really bet his life on this plan.” I drop the bag onto the coffee table.
“Chill. At least, you get it.” Jack speaks nonchantly and lit his cigarrete. He sways his head from side to side while humming.
“Uh, I hate it. Why do you still wear that silly hat? Those bells irritates me.”
I point at the tips of his knitting hat with two spike at each end. The man sways his head even faster.
“This. You know it’s my lucky charm. So what’s next?”
Jack changes his position. Sitting with his feets cross on my coffee table, he cocks his head to the side. I stare back at him, replying nothing. I let the silence grows and engulps our conversation.
“Hyung. We...sorry, sir.” My right hand, who bangs the door open as his habit, enters the room with another file.
“I think I might need to speed things up. Now I get the case. He will soon make his move.”
“You mean...kill you?” Jack smiles. 
“Not yet. He still needs it.” I pat the stuff on a wooden table. 
As my eyes meets him Jack’s smile gets wider. 
“Then I shall act my part.”
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Author POV.
Min sleeps soundly in his favourite place. The tiring day drains him a lot of energy, leaving the man a few muscles sourness. 
Bang! Bang!
The guy wide awakes from the sound. The screams and shouts are getting louder. He is about to stand up, however the ropes around his hands prevent him to do so.
A revolver taps behind his neck. He can feel the cold metal rubs gently against his skin before it forecfully press back onto the spot.
“Have a sweat dream?” A chill voice comes from behind.
“Should I be glad that we finally meet again?” Min answers back with a little cockiness.
“You sure want your head to be blown off.”
“And you are talkative, not like a usual you.” Min turns himself and grab a gun near him, but he meets with empty pocket.
“Oh, I borrow your rovolver by the way. I know if you die, at least you will love to die with this cutie.”
D walks around the tub for a moment, searching his eyes through the room. 
“So this is where you live. So shabby and poor...like you.” 
D grabs a plastic chair from the corner of the room and take a seat. He stares down his brother with the eyes of disgusted. 
“Rustic and cozy, isn’t it?”
Crossing his leg, D takes out his cigarrete and lit it. He wraps his lips and inhales a bitter scent from it a few times before he continues.
“Now, let’s make a deal. Those stacks of money are all yours. Just give me the case and leave this place. I’ll handle everything. You can live you life far away from here and me in...”
Min lift his hands, interrupting his brother’s talk. Despite the bond around his wrists, he reaches out and grab onto the white stick. He watches the little flame in silence, the sentences after turns muted as he pays no attention to them. 
He throws the stick toward the shelf. The flame lits in a blink of an eye. Min give no care at those ‘valuable’ papers in front of him. Now they are burning bright red and blue. 
He thinks this is more beautiful.
“You...bastard....” D grits his teeth in anger. Now he grabs onto Min’s neck firmly.
“Tell me where’s the case.” He demand. Min keeps his poker face and answers nothing, pissing his brother further more.
“What you gonna do? Kill me?” Min smiles delightfully.
Running out of patient, D uses the revolver and knockes him off.
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??? POV.
“Hyung, wake up. Hyungie...don’t be like this.”
The voice comes from somewhere far away. However, the tone sounds familiar to me. 
The loud noise that rings in my ears is so annoying. 
What is going on here?
I try to open my eyes, but something stop me. I don’t know whether it is me or literally someone who stop me to do so. My body gets heavier and heavier.
I am drowning or so I thought.
My body sink down into the ocean, deeper and deeper. I feel a force strangle me around my neck, suffocating me alive.
No...am I even alive?
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I have been waiting for my brother’s news for a day.
That little rascal was strong enough to go through ‘drowning’, but he hasn’t woke up yet since yesterday.
“Ah...I want to kill you so bad.” I mumble.
The dagger in my hand trails up and down in motion. I make it nice and clean this time, no defect mark on its pure silver skin.
“Master, He’s awake.”
“Nice. It’s getting boring here.” I pluck my beauty onto the table.
Sadly, I can’t use her. Like I said before, to send him back home, the least I can do is to use his pretty revolver.
I am trying to be considerated, am I not?
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Min POV.
The fire lits around the corner. In front of me is a barrel full of water, reflecting my face. There are a few scratch with the blood seeping through.
I squint my eyes to focus the scenarios around me. The place look oddly like somewhere in my memory, but in a dusty and old version. My brain storms some idea to form an answer.
Soon, I get the answer, but from him.
“Look like my little boy didn’t remember this place.” I look up and meet his brown orbs, the scar on his right eyes fades a bit, but still visible.
“You give me the scar and try to kill me once here, remember?”
A flashback runs inside my head like a reel. The man with exact looks except his hair that was longer and blond-color. The scene is overlaping each other. 
There’s me.
There’s is him. 
In a different timeline...
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The palace that used to be vibrant with colors now became dull, towering my body with it shadow.
His men pin me down to the cold muddy floor, letting him look at me with those arrogant gaze. 
Smile in victory, the man finally got up from his seat and approached the balcony. 
The man was in a traditional robes. His light blond hair sparked under the moonlight. The fire around him and me make him more visible to my eyes.
“I am the owner of this place, engrave it into your skull, peasant.” 
His hand waved down, motioning his assassin to do the job. 
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Author POV.
“I cut heads of people for a reason, you know. That’s how I can make sure they died...painlessly.” 
D steps onto the circle. Grabbing tight onto Min’s hair, he force the man to sink down into a barrel again.
“Wah...that sounds so satisfying.” He forcefully raises the head up from the water.
“How was it?”
The man who calm and collect is nowhere to be found. The true color finally comes out,. D laugh out in madness, satisfying with the scene in front of him.
“When I offered you, I’ve already got what I want. You were a fool to not accept my offer, brother.” 
D stepps back and walks up to another circle, preparing to watch Min’s final moment. Waving his hand down, the assassin get ready to do his job.   
“Now, execution.”
The man forces Min’s head back into dirty liquid again, wanting to drown him to death. Min’s body stuggle as his hands try to get out of the knot. 
“Sink deep and fake your death. The revolver is at the bottom.”
“a..ack?” *Jack?*
“I can only help you this much, buddy. I even take off my lucky charm for you.”
Min does according to Jack’s plan. Sinking himself deep into the cylinder and stopped moving, he successfully fakes his death. 
“Oh, faster than I expect.” 
With the revolver in his hand, D steps down from his circle to come and onspect Min’s body. Seeing the guy freezes in his place, D laughs again with contentment. 
He takes out a ruby human-heart.
Bang! Cling!
The glass shatters.
D crashes down the fire barrels, letting the oil slatter all over the place while the fire chase down the thick black liquid. He throws his lighter, adding more fire.
“Switch over, time tickin'...”
“but not over.” 
Just then Min raises his head up with the revolver in his hand. Aiming at the head of his brother, D does nothing, but smirk.
“Agust, you shouldn’t underestimate me.” 
“If you kill me without the hear, it will be the same result like last time.”
“Let’s bet then.” Min pulls the trigger.
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The ruckus at the back of them appears, however Jack’s men are faster. Doing everything according to their bosses’ plan, his men has already mixed in the group from the beginning. Agust’s people soon end up laying lifeless on the floor.
Agust dashes to Min in anger, but someone lock him from behind. His own right hand man lock tight onto the master before revealing himself.
“I told you, didn’t I...suite yourself.”
Jack takes out the real heart and shatters it with his dagger.
Agust doesn’t last long.
“Switch over, time tickin' and over.”
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“Dr.Kim, when will he wake up?” Hoseok asks the doctor. It has been a year since Yoongi fell into a coma.  
“His personality disorder is critical, now they are inflicting themselves.”
He have hidden his mental condition so well that not even Hoseok, his best friend, knew about it. When he knew everything, it was nearly too late. 
The man nearly cut himself...in his own eyes.
Hoseok took him to hospital. Thankfully, Kim Namjoon, the doctor of his case, was still working. If not because of him, Yoongi would be gone by now.
A little stir makes both of them look at the body. It is the first time that the lifeless figure makes a move or a noise. 
Hoseok’s eyes brims with tears of hope, looking back and forth between Yoongi and Namjoon. 
“Hyung...” Hoseok calls softly.
Namjoon walks to the monitor and checks the screen. 
Like a miracle, everything comes back to the normal rate. Namjoon notes down everything onto his metal clipboard before he calls nurses inside. 
Surfacing from the bottom of the darkness, Yoongi finally gains his conscious.
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A/n note : And that’s it everyone. I hope you enjoy the story. I finally have a little vacation so here is the tribute for you guys. 
This is the first time I write my story with y/n. Hope you guys not disappointed.
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Before ending this, I want to give a few explanation to the story.
After listening to the interview, what I comprehended from the music videos was that Yoongi were fighting with his own personas. Like Namjoon said, he was the only one so far with 3 names. And, the fact that Yoongi devided his personalities accordingly to them made it sometimes difficult for himself to make music.  “If I make it, will this represent suga bts, agust d or me as Yoongi?”
Sum up events : Yoongi faced personality disorder to the point he went into the coma due to self-infliction. His personas, D (The dark past with anger and agressiveness) and Min (The real yoongi), fought over to control the body during Yoongi unconscious inside his mind. The ruby human-heart like that made out of glass was the core, the conscious. Destroying it mean you kill the consious of that persona. Different timelines, I came up with this idea from daechwita, thinking what if he failed to mute (killed) the tyrant king back then. Looking it in that aspect, personally, I think it somehow fit the explanation of Yoongi’s triology. Letting the strong and fury persona control you to handle hate and prejudice, but at the same time, you were the one who deepen your own scars. What if it is getting out of control?
I wrote this story with a retro vibe because of the Haegeum’s settings. From the research I’ve read, the location was age around 1930 - 1960. Starting in 30s, the market hit its peaks around 40s - 50s before the fire incident in 60s. If I was wrong, I sincerely apologized for the mistakes.
Jack and Kim in the story, I used the image of Hoseok from Jack in the box album and Namjoon from Sexy Numkin. I saw a twitter about what if the three cross path. I didn’t capture the account nor remembered the name. If the idea owner come and see this, I apologize for not crediting you on the top of my ff🙇🏽‍♀️
I think that’s all. Thank you for your attentive reading, see you next session.
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biaswreckme · 2 years
if we live fast | namgiseok
Summary: Namjoon liked to think he was someone who excelled at exerting self-control. or Namjoon's reaction to Yoongi and Hoseok in the Run BTS dance practice.
Pairing: Namjoon/Yoongi/Hoseok
Member: Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok
Length: 500 words
Genre: smut
Rating: 18+
Triggers/Warnings: threesome, smut is not exactly explicit but it's there, Doms Hoseok and Yoongi, Sub Namjoon, implied aftercare
You can read it on: AO3
Namjoon liked to think he was someone who excelled at exerting self-control. Sometimes he could not truly hide his emotions and would clench his jaw, visibly reacting in some more extreme situations.
The first time he had truly lost himself had been after their online concert, Yoongi and Hoseok caging him in reaction to their performance in the made up boxing ring, all the pushing around and the intensity of the lyrics being too hot, too sweaty, too much.
And then that day happened. That day he had to exert the most of his self-control. 
It started with Jimin showing up for the dance practice filming with wait was that a sweatshirt, riding up and showing his torso in certain movements, and there was not a single person in the room not hypnotized by it. 
Hoseok with his ferocity and seriousness as a dance leader almost always messed with Namjoon, especially when they’d had a moment alone earlier, only teases and promises of more. Namjoon had already been on the edge for a while when he showed up like that. How dare you show up with a bun and looking like that. There was something about the way Yoongi carried himself for that practice, and when Namjoon caught a subtle smirk between him and Hoseok, he knew he was in for a treat later.
He tried to focus, but could feel his mind slipping at times, getting distracted by his thoughts, wanting to be pressed between their bodies, to feel their passion.
At a certain point he didn’t care anymore if the others knew how he was feeling.
As soon as they stopped filming and were happy with the content, he let himself be led away from the room, out into the cars and into one of their apartments. The ride had never seemed shorter yet at the same time longer; it was paradoxical yet in his mind it made complete sense.
They were in a hush and he didn’t really care where he was in space and time, the only thing he cared about was being sandwiched between their two hot bodies, both Hoseok and Yoongi tugging at his hair, making him kneel before them, his mouth open and eyes closed, just letting himself feel and be wrecked. At one point he lost his clothes, maybe they were still at the company, maybe they were scattered in the room they were in. At another point his hips were being hoisted up, his face down on a soft cushion, his mouth being gently open. Himself being split open, stretched, gaped, maneuvered to their pleasure. 
Hazily he looked up and Yoongi’s hair was falling out of the bun, sweat covering his temples, some of it dropping down on him, Hoseok’s body behind him making him feel oh so small. There was nothing but them and their kind words being whispered in contrast with their mean actions that later turned into loving affirmations and caresses to slowly bring him back to himself.
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vvynia · 9 months
my internal struggle, as a black woman, writing black reader-specific fanfiction: a reflection
sometimes i catch myself feeling bad for having many of my works be specifically geared and shaped around black readers. and this is because the last thing i believe will drive out harmful discrimination and exclusion is more segregation, but then i remember that there are a plethora of other works out there tagged with “white character’s sister!reader” that will simultaneously boast lines such as “you tried to hide the growing redness on your cheeks.”
my first contact with reader-insert fanfiction was when i was around twelve. they were written for various fandoms i’d lightly dabbled in. as i read them, i made myself feel better when i saw white or fair skin-coded lines by psyching myself into believing i just wasn’t the norm; that it was okay for me to not feel seen by others. after all, i could just pretend those lines didn’t exist, right?
but it sucked and, especially as a black girl growing up in one of the most poverty-striken states in the US, i felt weird for liking what i liked. all my peers were watching bad girls club or listening to solely rap and r&b, but i was getting into fairy tail and how to train your dragon and visiting barnes and noble almost twice a week. i liked vocaloid and MMOs and had the radio set to my local pop station for hours a day.
so when i catch myself feeling some type of way because i’m not feeling inclusive enough or like i’m perpetuating centuries-long issues just in reverse, i imagine little v right next to me in her school uniform, relaxed hair in a high pony, and ballet flats. i imagine her on her kindle fire scrolling through silk browser. she finds my—her—black reader fanfiction. she’s so excited that she has to inhale sharply just to catch her breath. she smiles cheek to cheek as she taps the link.
her seeing my work tells her that there are black girls out there who aren’t weird for liking what she likes, and they write too!
so i implore anyone with doubts to undersrand that “x black reader” fanfiction isn’t an act of segregation, but rather, an act of healing.
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paperclipped-mongoose · 10 months
Convincing Enough For You?
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Pairing: Angus Macgyver x F! Reader
Summary: An important mission came up, and during the briefing it became clear that Mac didn't think you were the right fit for the flirtatious role.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Use of Y/N (not excessive), First Person, Fight Flirting, Arguing, A malfunctioning MacGyver, A villain who likes to take advantage of women, Couple Arguments. Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Hey Guys! This my first MacGyver Fanfiction, I love writing the series and characters so let me know if you guys like it! Comments and messages mean the world to me! If you've got any ideas for future fic's my idea box is open! ENJOY!
“I’m not sure if this is the best idea, Matty. You know how they feel about each other.” Riley trailed after her boss as they made their way down the hall to the war room. She had been let in on the game plan for the next mission early because Matty needed her input.
“They’re adults. They can put their feelings, undefined they are, away in order to do their job professionally.” Matty could hope. Ever since you joined the Phoenix Foundation there had been a certain animosity between you and a certain human encyclopedia. You were never sure if it was flirting or trying to get on each other’s nerves. 
Matty could hear the sounds of shouting from the war room down the hall. “Oh, get your head out of the clouds! You know all too well that if it wasn’t for Bozer and Jack you would have blown yourself up, gotten shot, or made some kinda poisonous gas to kill yourself. You think you’re way more aware than you are. But newsflash: you’re not!” You paused to take a breath, you had made sure to choose your words carefully, they were nothing if not the truth. Mac could make a plane out of a recycling bin and some potatoes, but he routinely got his ass saved by Jack in the field, and Bozer in his own home. 
Mac stood in front of the coffee table, his arms crossed tight across his chest. “At least I actually do things to save our asses on missions. Or were you the one who made infrared glasses so we could see the cameras when Riley couldn’t access the system?”
Something about Mac’s defensiveness made you want to egg him on continually. Maybe it was because you liked to hear him talk, even when it wasn’t in a positive way. There were days where the two of you were civil and even friendly, but those days were boring. No conversations would be had, and the day inevitably turned into awkward silence and stares. 
Neither you nor Mac liked it that way. 
So you picked on each other. It was clear there were never any ill intentions, but sometimes it rode the line and, you were sure, made your coworkers wonder if you and Mac were actually mad. To be fair, it was a question that rarely had a simple answer. But that was just the way the two of you were. Complicated. And you wouldn’t have taken it any other way. 
“Can we go one meeting without you two saying something distasteful to each other? One meeting. That’s all I’m asking.” Matty pulled up her screen on the wall before shooting a pointed look at those who stood around the room. Jack observed the screens as they came up, and Riley sat on one of the chairs doing her best to ignore you and Mac, knowing how this would go, and something told her Matty wouldn’t get her wish for peace.
“This is Bryan Snyder.” A rather unpleasant-looking man was pulled up on the full screen along with his Phoenix records. “Hacker extraordinaire with a rap sheet a mile long of gambling offenses.” Matty flashed a couple photos across the screen of Bryan surrounded by presumable winnings and women. 
Riley finally took a cue from Matty and spoke up. "He's had incidents filed with multiple casinos, all stemming from his pension for picking up women who've just fought with their partners, while the partner is around."
Jack scoffed as he found his way to the empty seat next to Riley. “Sounds like he's made a game out of picking up girls on the rebound."
Jack’s comment earned a grin from Riley, who added: "At least he looks like he tips well."
Your leg bounced involuntarily as you fiddled with the few paperclips in your hand—not bending them, just linking them together one after the other to make a chain. It drove Mac mad, and you knew it. He was one who did things with purpose, so idly fiddling with some paperclips without reshaping or bending them clawed at him internally. “So what is our position in this?” you finally spoke up. “I didn’t know the Phoenix Foundation did personal vendetta work for ex-girlfriends.” 
Matty shook her head watching Mac who silently but unsubtly stared you down as you wrapped the paperclip chain around your wrist to make a bracelet. “Not a vendetta. A prevention service for the Parisian government. Snyder holds a virus on his laptop that, if released onto the broadband servers of France, would cause nationwide blackouts and hold millions of people’s information hostage.”
Jack’s face soured at the thought. “Oooh, okay, yeah, so not an angry ex-girlfriend. Got it.”
“We’ve had Riley coding a USB drive that, once plugged in, can give her access to the computer’s system. That way she can corrupt the virus so that when he tries to open it, none of the code will be salvageable. The only thing our team needs to worry about is getting that drive plugged into Snyder’s computer for 8 minutes without him noticing.” 
Another scoff came from Jack. “No offense, Matty, but this guy seems like the kinda nerd to be obsessed with his computer. He’s probably one of those weirdos who treats it like his baby or something.” He immediately turned to Riley who had her computer in her lap. He pressed his lips together and stood up, walking towards the other wall to get as far away from Riley as possible. “I’m just gonna shut up now.”
“Yeah, smart choice.”
“The plan, if you guys will ever let me get to it, is this: Is to send in (Y/N) with a partner to pose as our unhappy couple, Bryan has a stay booked with a casino in Monaco this weekend. It’s his last stop on the way into France. A messy breakup in the middle of the casino should be enough to pique Snyder’s interest, and from there all (Y/N) has to do is get him to take her to his hotel room so she can connect the USB to his laptop, which shouldn’t be so hard given his M.O. After 8 minutes, once Riley’s USB has done its job, (Y/N) will take it out and destroy it so it’s not traceable.” Matty pressed her lips together firmly when she noticed Mac shifting his stance and uncrossing his arms, which normally meant that he had something to say. “Can I help you Blondie?”
Mac took the opportunity and stepped forward. “Why don’t we just send in Riley? If the USB doesn’t work, she’ll be able to disable the virus manually. Plus,” a strong look of disdain settled on his face, “I don’t think (Y/N) can flirt convincingly enough to get him to take her back to his room. It’s dangerous to put the weight of a mission on it without a backup.” 
That got you mad. You stood and eyed Mac in his stupid power stance. His hands on his hips while he stared at the screen as if he was avoiding eye contact with you. You wondered where all of his confidence had suddenly gone.
“Oh? You don’t think I can handle it?” You took a confident couple steps towards Mac. A well-placed hand on his forearm brought his big blue eyes back to you, somewhat confused as to what you were doing but it didn’t seem as if he was going to stop you. 
You took his silence as permission to continue and slid your hand down his arm, bringing your free hand up to play with the suede lapel of his jacket near his chest. You lifted your eyes to meet his for a single, shy moment and couldn’t help the way your cheeks flushed. Who thought it was a good idea to give a man with such a perfect face those baby blues? Fuck.
Mac was malfunctioning, his jaw slack as he tried to focus on anything other than how close you were to him. Or the fact he could feel your breath on his neck, or the way your hands held him. Tantalizing and unobtainable. He was sure if either of you did anything in the oncoming moments he’d find himself too deep to back out. 
You slid the fingers fiddling with his jacket past his chest to his abdomen, felt the shiver run up his spine even though he tried his best to hide it. Your fingers reached his beltline with more confidence than you felt, and…there was a undeniable tension. One that left you wondering if perhaps you should excuse yourself and drag Mac into some unoccupied office down the hall. 
A quick smack below the belt and Mac was half-keeled over, gasping for air as you stepped aside with a prideful smirk. “That convincing enough for you?” 
The rest of the team broke into laughter, the sexual and uncalled for tension that was in the room had gone.
“The Macbook needed to reboot there for a moment huh,” Jack said patting your shoulder. “You’ll do just fine, and your mission partner will be there as your backup, you can trust them 
Matty just pulled on that subtle smirk she wore when she knew something was bound to be entertaining. “Well, glad you’re working on your chemistry, because Mac is your mission partner. Try not to cause a scene before the target gets there, though. Wheels up in 2 hours.”
Mac had finally been able to gather himself and recover from the unexpected tap. “Let’s just hope you’re ready for 2 to be playing that game.”
A/N: Thank You guys for reading! I am thinking about making another part about the actual mission or what the aftermath would look like for your and Mac's relationship.
A/N: Remember I'm always open to talk to people (18+) about MacGyver! I love the fandom and want to interact as much as possible. If your interested don't be afraid to shoot me a message!
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thepaladinstrait · 27 days
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✮  ALEX  /  FINN  ━━━ they/he/xe/it ⋆ non binary ⋆ demisexual ⋆ pansexual ⋆ minor ⋆ infp-t ⋆ type 2w1 ⋆ south aus ⋆ dog person ⋆ black cat ⋆ depressed but sometimes i'm funny ⋆ fanfiction reader and writer ⋆ purple is my favourite colour ever ⋆ permanently dehydrated ⋆ sleep deprived ⋆ hot chocolate addict ⋆ music is everything to me ⋆ angst writer ⋆ headphones on 24/7 ⋆ i live here ⋆ spotify loml ⋆ clikkie ⋆ theatre nerd ⋆ amethysts are my favourite ⋆ crystal queer ⋆ grammar nerd but i type in only lowercase ⋆ green belt in karate ⋆ slytherin ⋆ pinterest whore ⋆ i leave unhinged tags on your posts ⋆ i can rap the entirety of hamilton ⋆ fnaf obsessed ⋆ mentally ill ⋆ #1 leave the city fan ⋆ rpf writer ⋆ autistic ⋆ i infodump way too much ⋆ professional oversharer ⋆ otter lover ⋆ reputation and ttpd stan ⋆ winning at the game of dyscalculia ⋆ poet (in theory) ⋆ perpetually curious ⋆ dreamer ⋆ stargazer ⋆ high schooler ⋆ i vent a bit too often ⋆ choker and necklace wearer ⋆ procrastinator ⋆ an absolute loser ⋆ horror movie lover ⋆ true crime podcast listener ⋆ asmr defender ⋆ victim of the spelling curse ⋆ black jewellery is superior ⋆ dark chocolate defender ⋆ uno bully ⋆ i overuse exclamation marks ⋆ scaled and icy defender ⋆ i hyperfixate way too easily ⋆ sleeps with stuffed animals ⋆ free palestine
✮  MUSIC ━━━ twenty one pilots ⋆ my chemical romance ⋆ sleep token ⋆ billie eilish ⋆ lyn lapid ⋆ ed sheeran ⋆ bmike ⋆ alec benjamin ⋆ maddie zahm ⋆ taylor swift ⋆ sabrina carpenter ⋆ we three ⋆ olivia rodrigo ⋆ xana ⋆ kelsea ballerini ⋆ conan gray ⋆ finneas ⋆ lewis capaldi ⋆ boygenius ⋆ harry styles ⋆ cavetown ⋆ gracie abrams ⋆ waterparks ⋆ dove cameron ⋆ semler ⋆ paramore ⋆ chappell roan ⋆ birdy ⋆ anson seabra ⋆ mxmtoon
✮  MY SONGS ━━━ achilles come down (gang of youths) ⋆ leave the city (twenty one pilots) ⋆ oldies station (twenty one pilots) ⋆ matilda (harry styles) ⋆ family line (conan gray) ⋆ illicit affairs (taylor swift) ⋆ the anonymous ones (dear evan hansen) ⋆ hurricane (hamilton) ⋆ slipping through my fingers (abba) ⋆ hope ur ok (olivia rodrigo) ⋆ another love (tom odell) ⋆ photograph (ed sheeran) ⋆ that's on me (ed sheeran) ⋆ the light behind your eyes (my chemical romance) ⋆ astronomy (conan gray) ⋆ love in the dark (adele)
✮  BOOKS ━━━ the song of achilles ⋆ nevermoor ⋆ keeper of the lost cities ⋆ the dictionary of lost words ⋆ if he had been with me ⋆ the help ⋆ girl in pieces ⋆ a good girls guide to murder ⋆ hunger games ⋆ divergent ⋆ the dead poets society
✮  MUSICALS ━━━ hamilton ⋆ dear evan hansen ⋆ six ⋆ mean girls ⋆ wicked ⋆ the addams family ⋆ in the heights ⋆ the greatest showman ⋆ jesus christ superstar ⋆ legally blonde ⋆ mamma mia ⋆ mary poppins ⋆ newsies ⋆ matilda
✮  MY CHARACTERS ━━━ charlie spring ⋆ patroclus ⋆ alexander hamilton ⋆ katniss everdeen ⋆ pippa fitz amobi ⋆ tao xu ⋆ remus lupin
@emailsicantfuckingsend - poetry blog
discord - conjectureandgloom
dm for personal instagram if we are close
me :) - random posts about me and my life
personal - personal vents. will be tagged appropriately with triggers if necessary. format for triggers will be '#tw ___'. common tw's will be self harm (tagged as sh), discussion of suicide (tagged as both sui and suicide), eating disorders (tagged as ed), and panic attacks (tagged as panic attacks)
finncore - posts that are mecore
alex /pos - daily positivity posts (currently not being done)
arch 🐾 - my dog and loml and baby, archie
five nights at finn's - fnaf posting
tag games - self explanatory
asks - self explanatory. tagged with url of asker or anon dearest
little guy clancy - my beloved little guy, catboy clancy <33
crop top ty - tyler joseph in the tulip crop top
the chronicles of crop top ty - visit this post for explanation
finn irl - photos of me :)
✮  NOTE ━━━ dms and discord are always open!! i love talking to new people, and i love getting new mutuals!!!! my ask box is always open to random vents or for advice, or if anyone just wants to pop in to say hey, by inbox is here!!!!! i might come off as slightly awkward though, and this is my formal apology for that. i also tend to forget that i have things in my inbox? so i'm so sorry for that too
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credit to @svnflowermoon for the intro post format
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enteringdullsville · 9 months
Underrated Real Time Fandub Lines: Sonic Adventure 2
“Za Warudo!”
“I’ll make you eat those words!”
Sonic trades barbs faster than his mind can process them.
“THAT’S RIGHT, SONIC! I’M TAKING IT FROM THE oh wait, Sonic isn’t here. Knuckles, I’m taking your emerald.”
Eggman fails to account for the Master Emerald’s guardian.
“Thanks, I forgot who this was! Did we ever establish our names? Hi, I’m Sonic!”
All said in the same angry tone of voice.
“F*** you, moon! You never had the cheese I wanted!”
Doctor Ivo Robotnik, IQ of 300.
“I’m sorry, did you not consent to me saving your life? I’ll put you back down, I’m sorry!”
Knuckles knows not to push his boundaries.
“And now I will control the universe! AND EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO WATCH splatoon2letsplays BY EGGMAN! NOW GET IN THE F***ING ROOM!”
I feel like it would’ve been easier to put it on the news while you were taking everyone’s Best Buys, but you do you, buddy.
Knuckles and the big man upstairs go way back.
“You know I’ve seen my fair share of piss rocks~”
“…You said that really sensually!”
I quote Sonic’s response constantly.
“What you see is what you get! Just a guy who loves piss rocks…and adventure. I’m gonna run now.”
“What the f***.”
From Shadow, that kinda hurts.
“It’s been seventeen days…”
Cut to later…
How much time passed between those fades?
“Please stop, Ivo.”
This can go one of three ways. Either Eggman’s lying to cover his tracks, his full name is Ivo Ivo Robotnik (his actual name is pronounced “Eee-Voh”), or he’s just named “Doctor”.
“I put hot sauce on everything-”
Alfred immediately catches on to what Ryan’s going for.
“That rap! It reminds me of her!”
I really want to know what the heck crimes Maria committed.
“I’m here to show you what Ninten can do…and what Za WaruDON’T!”
“That doesn’t even make any sense.”
Shadow as he prepares his epic Earthbound Beginnings/Jojo crossover fanfiction.
“My follower base!”
“And yet they still can’t figure out how to get nazis off their site.”
In which Shadow utterly scorches the entire platform.
“As long as I get my weed back, I don’t really care.”
“I don’t have a character motive.”
The best part is that since Shadow’s been shot down to Earth for reasons completely unrelated to G.U.N., he really doesn’t have a character motive other than being a troll.
“Are you my mom?”
“No? What? The f***?”
Amy the Hedgehog to Tails, who is a boy, a fox, and far younger than her.
“Yes, Rouge. Thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about peeing in a Hot Topic.”
You can just hear the realization hit him.
Odd as it may be to put a line from the moon rant in an “underrated lines” compilation, nobody talks about how brilliant a conclusion this is.
“I can’t believe he came to his intervention drunk.”
Really? Because it sounds just like him.
DJ Inexplicable Talking Gemstone’s new hit rock song.
“Wait, I know you! I saw your dick on Twitter!”
That’s one heck of a way to introduce yourself, Amy.
“When I see you, it is ON SIGHT! IT IS ON! SIGHT-”
“Yeah, piss off.”
The Ultimate Life Form cares not for your threats.
“What the f***, you Hot Topic hot sauce motherf***er, why would you even say anything!?”
“There’s nothing hotter than hot sauce, Rouge.”
That’s not even remotely an answer to the question she asked you!
“But I wanted the last thing I breathe to be pot!”
I always used to mishear it as “pie”.
“That’s not really a surprise!”
Amy’s line was golden as is. Tails’ barely audible snapback is just icing.
“And that is why I! Am the true owner of the world! That’s right! All that you see before you? Everything the piss touches? That is your kingdom! And you, my son, shall go forth and inherit it!”
Yes, thank you, Knuckles.
“Ah gave birth.”
Another great throwaway line.
“As we know, my dick is on my hand.”
This guy’s about to jack off…
“If I gave Shadow fifteen apples…and then Amy gave Shadow another sixTEEEN…and then Tails took away three…my question is…what is the total mass of the sun?”
“As Obama told me, it’s THREE!”
“Why does it sound like he’s getting further away-this is stupid.”
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful binge watch.
“Wait, that’s no moon, that’s a space station!”
“Nice reference. I also love Star Trek.”
Oh, Shadow.
“Shadow didn’t deserve to die for his piss-”
“Yeah he did!”
“-but here we are.”
She’s not wrong.
“My shoes-my shoes in my reflection are opaque, bye!”
Again, she’s not wrong.
“I’m not understanding any of this, but here’s a gloog.”
We all need a gloog in our life.
“So if we were to all drink piss, does that make you or me?”
“It makes us both avid piss drinkers.”
This explains so much.
“Can I ask you, um-”
“No. Make sure to like, comment and subs-”
No is one of the greatest words in the English language.
“This is a Big McIntosh…”
It took me years to catch that reference.
“This is wagyu steak. Named after the dog, because wagyu tail?”
…I got hit by a “deez nuts” joke.
“I’m gonna get a paper towel.” (Grabs a jar of pickles)
Eh, close enough.
“Don’t worry, this one literally has gold on it, so you will die if you eat it.”
“Good, that was the goal.”
Talk about a rich flavor.
“You hit me in my nose! That’s the spot where I don’t like being hit!”
“Well then that’s where I’ll hit you on repeated instances!”
Sonic being a menace to society.
“Hey, that’s some good bars man, y’know I’m coming to kill you right now.”
“…Can you not do that?”
“Uhhh, for how long?”
“Give me at least…y’know fifteen, sixteen…years.”
Followed shortly by Eggman trying to gaslight Sonic into thinking he destroyed the world.
“If they did make a prune juice cocktail, like half prune juice, half vodka, that would be called the ‘factory reset’.”
I have no idea how they started talking about prune juice, but whatever.
The Dark Story version of Rouge and Knuckles’ encounter is…strange to say the least.
“Hey that’s…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Hey, that’s!”
I think Shadow’s the fake hedgehog around here.
“I’m gonna kill you, and I’m sober now, ‘cause I went to my own intervention!”
Sometimes it just be like that.
“That was completely unnecessary. My back hurts now.”
Screaming for three consecutive years finally caught up with him.
“I diagnose you with DEAD, Wazowski!”
The entire Roz sequence came out of nowhere, and I love it for that.
Not pictured: the epilogue to the Piss Saga.
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sageistri · 4 months
I think a lot of armys are going to use the fandom doesn't care about this music genre excuse again when rpwp doesn't do great the same way they've been using that excuse for rapline about hiphop and also for Tae about blues / jazz. That might be true to some extent but I'm going to say though, I'm an alt girl. I love Tyler the creator, Mitski, Gnarls Barkley, Blue Scholars and many more amazing artists. I don't like this album. It's ok - it's not awful but it's nothing special. Armys are a huge fandom - a lot of people (like me) check out these releases when we normally wouldn't just because it's from someone in BTS. You're telling me that in this global fandom whose numbers they keep bragging about, nobody likes alt hip hop or jazz? Armys don't care for rap but they bring up ugh and ddaeng every other week.
Armys will make excuses as they will but if any of the members are going to grow from this, I hope they don't reach these kinds of conclusions. They're young guys and being a part of BTS gives them the privilege of continuing to be able to put out solo releases even if they actually totally tank (which none of them have done even if some of their numbers are less impressive compared to other groups). The reason RM sometimes rubs me the wrong way is because he'll say something like I see other people achieving that and I want it too or something like that but the intention of self growth is unsaid. Maybe it's implied but it's also unseen. Yoongi too has an ego the size of a hot air balloon. Of course they should hold pride in being a part of a band as path breaking as BTS, but RM and Yoongi have both put themselves on a pedestal in their own minds in my opinion. Just because you've done good work doesn't mean every idea or song you make is genius. Just because you have a fanbase of sychophants doesn't mean you've achieved the pinnacle of artistry and now you only have to wait for the accolades for your work to come rushing in.
I might be projecting - I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into what the two of them say in the past. I just feel like their ego from all the success they've achieved as BTS is really holding them back from breaking down why their solo releases may not be charting as they want it to. And again this might be a projection because of what armys say all the time but rapline does seem treated like they're more "responsible" for being the architects of BTS compared to vocal line. Yeah vocal line is handsome and popular and the dance line means we can take it easy in the back but in terms of music - of the thing that really matters in our legacy - it's us rapline and esp us RM and Yoongi that have built it.
I think if that's the kind of mentality they have then growth as solo artists is going to be very difficult. I'm not sure if this is an astute analysis or some fanfiction I just wrote but I hope my points made sense
But at the same time, we all have different artists we go to for different genres of music. Armys do not have to like namjoons version of alt music if he doesn't do it as well as the other artists they listen.
Also the question about rapline not doing as well as vocal line or maknae line is pretty simple. Il
First of all rapline just arent as popular as vocal line, and Armys are first and foremost lovers of singing before rap, and even if rapline attempts to sing, it's not going to work because they are not singers. Not even hobi, doesn't matter how much armys try to push the "hobi vocalist" schtick because he can sing only in small doses and he can't sing a full vocal heavy song.
At this point they just need to wait for a time when they finally release a song that the fandom and the GP resonates with. Because not even taehyung as popular as he is has found any worthwhile solo success that isn't pushed by Thai fans streaming.
And they are capable of it, they just need to find that one song. I think some members of BTS have almost gotten huge solo songs but they/the company fumbled.
Daechwita, it would have been a hit especially on kcharts if it was promoted and available on kcharts at the time of release.
Super tuna as silly as it was would have probably gotten Jin something close to a pak and good Spotify numbers if it wasn't just released on YouTube.
Filter would have been way bigger than it was and would probably have gotten Jimin a pak if it wasn't just a bside on a BTS album, if Jimin had been allowed to promote it.
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corpocyborg · 3 months
Secure Your Soul: A Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfiction
This fic was previously published under the title “Before the Event Horizon.”
Summary: Six months ago, V’s boss at Arasaka ordered her to assassinate his rival. Instead, with the reluctant but invaluable help of her old friend Jackie Welles, she pushed them both off their thrones and claimed one for herself. Now the new Director of Arasaka Counter Intel has a problem. She’s uncovered information that indicates that Yorinobu Arasaka, the heir apparent to the Arasaka dynasty, is a traitor. But without solid proof, she’s forced to take matters into her own hands.
An AU in which Corpo!V never leaves Arasaka.
[read on ao3]
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V sat in a parked car and discreetly watched the windows of the hotel across the street through her Kiroshi. Assuming the rookie techie they’d partnered her with had done his job properly, this was the place where she’d find her mark. 
Not that V wasn’t technically a rookie herself. She’d only been working for Arasaka for a few months. But she came from a legacy family—both her parents had been Arasaka employees—and she’d attended Arasaka Academy for the last four years and transferred directly into Counter Intel post-graduation. The job fit her like it was made for her. Or, more accurately, it fit her because she had been made for it. 
On the other hand, Carter Smith, the techie in question… he was a smart guy, but too squeamish by far. V didn't understand reluctant corpos—if working for Arasaka hadn’t struck her as the best thing she could be doing with her life, she wouldn’t have done it.
But if he had successfully tracked the target, he was worth something. She’d give him the benefit of the doubt. For now. 
As she watched the hotel, V mentally reviewed the details of her case. Stephen Blackburn—a former Arasaka employee, pissed off that he hadn't been able to cut it in the corpo world—had made off with a datafile full of dirt on his former bosses. She knew the type. Jaded risk-takers with nothing left to lose. Dangerous because they were desperate, but predictable too. 
Blackburn wasn't her direct opponent here, though. She knew from Smith’s interception of his messages that he'd hired a merc to transport a laptop with the data on it for him. A merc whose identity was still unknown. V didn't like that. She planned better when she could analyze her enemy. So she waited outside the hotel, hoping to catch a glimpse of him long enough to ascertain his identity. 
Her patience paid off. Forty minutes into her stake-out, a curtain moved in the top floor window of the building—in exactly the room that Smith had claimed was occupied by her target. She quickly zoomed in that direction. There. A face glancing furtively out at the street. Gone almost as soon as she’d spotted it, but her optics had been fast enough to grab a scan. If he had an NCPD record… and, as it turned out, he did. The relevant file popped up in the side of her vision. A surprisingly short rap sheet, starting with a carjacking when he was fifteen. The record identified him as Jackie Welles.
Hmm. An interesting coincidence. She recognized the name. The associated image, too, though of course he was older now. After her parents had died in the line of duty, but before Arasaka had offered her a spot at the Academy, she’d been forced to spend a couple of miserable years at a public junior high. He’d been one of her classmates there.
She even recalled attending his birthday party in eighth grade. One of those patronizing "everyone is invited" affairs. Truthfully, she’d only shown up to observe her classmates. Ever since she’d first arrived at the junior high from her high-end private elementary school, the other kids had baffled her. They’d spent far more time focused on the latest braindances and lazrpop songs than on their grades or futures. She’d figured that couldn’t be all they cared about, and she’d made a point of attending every social event she could score an invitation to until she figured out what truly motivated them. 
She’d learned a lot of useful information. Most scrawny thirteen-year-olds in Heywood, with no cyberware but a pair of Kiroshi, had to worry about potential abuse leveled at them from their classmates. Not V. It was amusing how easily bullies could be managed when you knew all the dirty family secrets that drove them to pick on those they assumed were weaker than them.  
She’d even used her Kiroshi to record all those social events she’d attended. She still had the recordings in her personal archive. V was in the habit of never deleting any of her data, no matter how old. Her experiences, even the ones she’d loathed living through, had shaped her into who she was today. Those memories were hers, and she wanted them kept safe.  
So then… what could they help her recall about Jackie Welles? She pulled up her archive and set the date range to May of ‘63. She located the recording of the party on the 26th of that month and clicked play. Suddenly, she was thirteen again, looking out at the past through her own eyes.
She sat in a bright red plastic chair in the corner of a crowded living room. It was abuzz with the sounds of children—laughing, talking, shouting, and eating. She watched as teenage V zoomed her Kiroshi towards her priority targets and lingered there one by one. She waited until teenage V focused on Jackie. He’d never been a problem for her, but considering it was his party, she’d still taken the chance to learn what she could about him.
There he was, surrounded by his family—a deeply affectionate mother and more brothers than was reasonable. No father. He’d been admitted to the hospital the year prior and had never returned to the Welles household. V had suspected that either Jackie or one of his brothers were responsible for that. She hadn’t missed the improvement in the Welles boys’ temperament after their father was gone. She’d bet he probably deserved it. He’d been a Valentino of the old-school variant, the kind who believed his word was law when it came to his family and liked to take on the role of the judge, the jury, and the executioner. Say what you will about modern Valentinos, but at least they’d left that mentality behind for the most part. 
It occurred to V that she’d seen a mention of the Valentinos in Jackie’s NCPD file. Originally, he’d been known to take on solo mercenary work, but he’d recently been flagged for involvement in gang activities. Had he decided to follow in the old man’s footsteps? Odds were his mother was sick with worry. A weak point if she'd ever seen one. 
An idea began to formulate in her mind.
She pulled up her optics' phonebook through the appropriate series of eye flicks, and called her techie. "Hey, Carter," she said when she received an answer. "Can you create a vocal modulator for me? Want to imitate a particular voice." 
"Sure thing. As long as you've got a sufficient sample."
"Think I should…" V began, pulling up the birthday video in her personal archives again. She identified a portion featuring a brief speech by Jackie's mother. Should be just long enough for her purposes. She forwarded it to Smith. "Will that work?"
"That's perfect," he said. "Give me a minute…" The voice on the line shifted. “All right, Jackie, time to blow out the candles, mijo.”
“Not bad, not bad. You sound just like her. In fact…” V grinned conspiratorially. “Feel like doing some role-playing?”
Getting into the building wasn’t difficult. V simply walked in and booked a room for herself. She asked for a room on the top floor, citing fear of a break-in as her excuse, in case the elevator was programmed to only allow access to the floor a guest was actually staying on. 
As she stepped out of the elevator on the top floor, she spoke quietly to Smith, whom she’d kept on the call, “Almost there. You clear on the plan?”
“Yep. I call his personal line, use the vocal modulator, and distract him long enough for you to grab the data and get out. No bloodshed for once.”
“That's the idea,” V confirmed. “No need for this to get messy.”
V turned the corner into the hallway that contained Jackie’s room and scanned the area for security cameras. There was just one, and it was situated in an obvious position near the top of the wall. Her optics were able to trace its trajectory in mere milliseconds, and they lit up its field of view for her so that she could pass by without being caught on video. 
“Almost there,” she told Smith. “And remember—don’t be afraid to scare him. If he’s not scared enough to get out of our way, we’ll have to take him down the old-fashioned way.”
“Good. Make the call in three minutes. I’m going silent.”
She was just outside the room now. She set her Kiroshi to thermal mode and spotted Jackie almost at once. He appeared to be sitting in a chair on the far side of the room.
V crouched and activated her optical camo. Her body vanished from sight, though of course, she was very much still detectable through a myriad of alternative methods. The thermal scanning she was using to keep track of Jackie, for one. But she didn’t plan to rely solely on the camo. 
Exactly three minutes later, she heard Jackie’s anxious, slightly muffled voice from the other side of the door. He was speaking Spanish. Interesting. Either Smith knew Spanish, or he’d set up a program that could translate his speech fast enough to sound natural. Generally, it was easier to translate for the listener, so most translation software didn’t bother with the other way around. She was pleasantly surprised that he’d exceeded her expectations. 
“Okay, okay, mamá,” Jackie was saying, as V’s cyberware translated. “I don’t understand. What’s going on?”
While Jackie was talking, V unlocked the door. It wasn’t difficult. The defenses were woefully outdated, and Jackie was making enough noise that it was unlikely he could hear the lock click.   
“Please, you have to calm down.” Jackie stood up and moved to the right side of the room, away from the desk. That was exactly what V had been waiting for. While he continued his increasingly impassioned pleas, V quietly pushed open the door.  
She immediately spotted the laptop on the desk on the left side of the room. Jackie himself was near the window where V had seen him the first time. His back was to the door. Perfect. 
She dashed toward the desk and stopped before the laptop, gazing at the screen. She considered grabbing it and getting out, but she needed to confirm that it had the data she was looking for or she might miss her best opportunity. So, despite the increased risk, she took the time to breach the laptop’s defenses.
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Jackie was explaining. “They wouldn’t do that. It must have been someone else.”
After a few agonizing seconds, V successfully accessed the data. It was all there. Everything she needed. Excellent.
Behind her, she heard the click of a trigger pressed partway down. An acidic voice filled the room. “What kinda sick fuck uses the sound of a man’s own mamá's voice against him?” 
V froze. Too slow. Bile-flavored dread rose in her throat, but she swallowed, pushing it down where it belonged. He hadn’t shot her yet. She still had a chance to talk her way out of this. She deactivated her optical camo. Slowly, she raised her hands in surrender. “Okay, you've got me,” she admitted. “Don't do anything rash. Let's talk. May I turn around?”
“Fine,” he growled softly.
Cautiously, avoiding any possible sign of aggression, V turned. The man she remembered as a constant optimist had clearly found some hidden stores of rage to draw from. He looked at her with open hatred, his gun pointed directly at the center of her forehead. 
“Now,” began Jackie Welles. “Do you have her? Do you have my mom?”
That explained the level of anger. For a second, V was torn. It could be useful to let him believe that, but it was likely more prudent to calm him down.
“I asked you a question, demoña.”
“No,” V stated clearly. “Nothing like that. I’m sure your mom is just fine. We don't have her. It’s just a vocal modulator.”
“You think I don’t fuckin’ know that?” He was nearly shouting now. “Can tell the difference between her and a stranger, even one that sounds just like her. But I know how that tech works. You need a voice sample to set one up. So how’d you know what she sounds like?” 
V felt a slight tremor of fear, mingled with excitement and appreciation. He'd been onto her all along. He was more astute that she’d given him credit for. This might actually be a fair match. “You and I, we went to middle school together. Eighth grade. I was at your thirteenth birthday party. Still happened to have the recording.”
“Eighth grade?” he said uncertainly. “I don't remember you.”
“That doesn't surprise me. I mostly kept to myself.”
“More like thought you were better than everyone else.”
“Ah.” V smiled slightly. “So you do remember me.”
“You trying to make me angry?” He moved slightly closer, still keeping his gun aimed steadily. A good sign. If he was trying to intimidate her, it was because her casual manner unnerved him. 
“No. The opposite, actually,” she said emphatically. “I’m trying to make you realize that we have a valuable and fleeting opportunity here.”
“There you go,” Jackie scoffed. “Always trying to make a deal. This isn't your office, demoña. I'm not your coworker.”
That much is obvious, V thought. She carried on regardless. “In about five minutes, my backup from Arasaka’s going to come through that door. Yes, you could kill me before then, but could you make it out in time? Could you hide the evidence that would allow them to find you again?”
“And what's your offer? Turn myself in? Surrender and maybe my punishment won't be that bad?”
“My offer is to let you go free.”
His shock made her smile again. No one could ever claim that she didn’t make reasonable deals.
“Let me go free? Just like that?”
“Indeed. With a guarantee of future protection from Arasaka’s wrath, assuming you don't antagonize us too badly. That's for letting me live.”
“A guarantee, huh?” He mocked her sales-pitch tone. “So I'm meant to, what, take your word for it?”
“No. I’d never ask anyone to take me on faith,” she explained. “That data you've got, it's very valuable. Could ruin any number of my superiors. I'll have to take it back to Arasaka, of course. However, I'm willing to let you hold on to a copy.”
“You'd leave evidence behind? If your superiors find out, they'd kill you.” He emphasized the word ‘superiors’ with the same mocking tone.
“Exactly,” V stated proudly. 
He looked at her like she’d sprouted a second head. 
"If I try to betray you," V continued patiently, "all you need to do is leak enough data to make Arasaka realize I let you keep a copy. They'll zero me, but they'll come for you too. And if you betray me, I can initiate the same events in reverse order. Continued loyalty would be the safest, most logical choice for each of us."
"That your foundation for an alliance?" Jackie cried in exasperation, his gun never straying from its mark in the center of her forehead. "Mutually assured destruction?"
V kept her hands held up, but she dared to lift her chin. "Yes." She looked him steadily in the eyes. "Because it works.”
A loaded silence followed. 
“And that's for letting you live?”
“That's for letting me live,” V confirmed.
He was silent again. Then, slowly, he lowered his gun. “Okay. Deal.”
“Excellent.” V lowered her hands just as slowly. “I’ll copy the data right now.” 
She turned back to the laptop, plugged in one of her extra empty datashards, and began the duplication process. She noted Jackie watching her movements closely. She kept her hands open and within his field of view, so he’d know she wasn’t trying to sabotage anything. As the loading screen appeared, she said to him, “There's more we can offer each other, if you’re interested.” 
“More? This ain’t enough for you?” His initial answer came quickly. But after a second, he sighed and added, “Like what?”
“You’re new to the Valentinos, right? Got contacts there. Could pull some strings. Keep you safe, help you rise.”
“Valentinos wouldn't make deals with ‘Saka.”
“Are you sure about that?” 
“Yes,” he insisted. “Honor means something to 'em.”
“Honor means something to us too, Jackie.”
“Right.” His voice was heavy with sarcasm.
The loading screen reached a hundred percent. She unplugged the datashard and handed it to him, then closed the laptop and placed it under her arm. “Think about it,” she told him as she pulled out one of her business cards. “Here's my contact info.”
He took the datashard from her and plugged it into the port in his head, confirming that everything he needed was on it. Then he took her business card. “Okay. I'll think about it.” He started to turn away, but then he paused and asked her, “What about Blackburn?”
It took her a second to place the name. “The guy who hired you? He's a dead man. But you don't care about him.”
“How would you know?” 
She chuckled slightly. “If you did, you'd have brought him up way earlier.” 
Jackie scoffed. “Sheesh. Cinco minutos we’ve been talking and you think you know me already.”
V didn’t respond. He hadn’t denied it. 
“What would you want?” he asked bluntly, dropping the thread of the previous conversation. “For the protection?”
V smiled. She’d guessed he’d be interested in that offer. He was a man driven by competing goals—he wanted to stay safe for his mother, but he also wanted his chance at becoming a Night City legend. He’d probably agonized for years over which path to follow. And she’d just offered him a way to do both. “That’s easy. I’d want you to keep that data safe. In case I have a misunderstanding with a superior some day and need to settle the matter properly. But that’s an issue for the future. Right now, you should leave. They’ll be here soon. Go on. I’ll make sure they don’t come after you.”
He nodded at her and walked out. V let out a breath and leaned her back against the wall, allowing herself a brief moment of celebration. Nothing like a brush with death to make you remember you’re alive.
“That was kind of you, V,” said a soft voice in her ear. “Protecting him like that. Instead of solving all your problems with violence.”
“Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. Someone’s gotta keep our bosses on their toes, don’t you think? Over and out.” 
He disconnected the call. V smiled to herself in amusement. He’d called her kind. It was strange the way people's minds worked. But she didn't have time to dwell on that now. She gripped the laptop tightly and left the room, already planning what she'd say when she brought in the data but not the merc that should have gone with it. 
Letting him go hadn’t been her original plan, but she had to admit she’d wanted a copy of that data since she’d found out about it. It was far too dangerous to keep on her person, or leave unguarded in any of her safehouses, or entrust to any ally that could be traced back to her. But Jackie Welles… who would ever guess the two of them were working together? As long as she could keep him in line—and she believed she could—she could even send him updates as she collected new intel, growing his database of Arasaka’s dirty secrets but making sure they were used only when she wanted them used.
She smiled to herself again. This might be the start of a lucrative partnership.
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top 5 musicals?
Okay so, from lowest to highest, so far, my favorite musicals are:
5. Tick, Tick, Boom!
Especially as an artist, I absolutely LOVED this film. It's like a love letter to all artists. Of course non-artists can love and relate to this musical, but there's just something special it has for artists specifically. Plus the CINEMATOGRAPHY?? the PERFORMANCES?? ANDREW GARFIELD???? THE SONGS???? UGH. PHENOMENAL
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4. Hamilton: An American Musical
This is the only musical I've ever been blessed enough to actually see LIVE! And it was literally one of the greatest experiences of my life and made my desire to see musicals live EVEN MORE PAINFUL. BECAUSE THIS WAS WHAT I WAS MISSING OUT ON!! But yeah even if it's not at the top of this list I clearly still love this musical so much. This was one of my most powerful and longest-lasting hyper-fixations ever, and also the musical that actually really got me into writing fanfiction! So on top of the amazing music (my go to hip-hop and rap songs fr LOLLL most of my rapping ability comes from singing and rapping Hamilton with my siblings and cousins), performances, themes of LEGACY and FORGIVENESS??? AUGGHHH, i am also really grateful to it for awakening the writer in me.
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3. Les Miserables
I remember when I first started listening to this I was like. How is there not a single MEH song in this musical??? It was literally banger after banger after banger LIKE BRUH. I also remember when I finally finished listening to the musical, it was when my family and I lined up all night for some basketball tickets. And I finished listening to the musical when I woke up really early in the morning for my turn in waiting in line, and I was screaming at myself not to cry because I was literally surrounded by people. But anyway yeah I love this musical so much and while it's not as deeply personal as Hamilton (at least not yet), I think it definitely belongs in this spot. Listen specifically the THEMES AND MOTIFS ARE WHAT MAKE ME SO FERAL OVER THIS. BUT ESPECIALLY THE THEME OF FAITH??? BYE I CANT HANDLE IT ASJDFHJLDAD
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2. Newsies
While I think Les Mis is probably a better musical in general, THIS one is very personal. This is the first broadway musical i ever listened to, the one that got me into theatre musicals for the first time. IT ALL BEGAN HERE. This was also the first pro-shot I ever watched!!! And absolutely LOVE the songs DEARLY to this very day and still jam out to them every time I hear them, plus I LOVE the story and find it to be very relevant to people my age in particular. It's just so FUN and with AN INCREDIBLE story and soundtrack and the PERFORMANCES and DANCING AUGHHH and i love it so much i cant put it into words so here have Jack flipping someone instead
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1. The Phantom of the Opera
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Send me Top Five Anythings and I'll answer!!
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thatonebirdwrites · 8 months
24 & 28
24: Do you let your story evolve as you write or do you meticulously plan everything prior to writing the first draft?
I am what Brandon Sanderson calls a pantser writer. I often will get an idea in my head, and then I'll write out that scene. This scene then evolves into another and another until I have either a short story or a full chapter that's several thousand words. I will then go back over what I've written to see if it makes sense, if there's a plot to it, and if there's a character arc evolving in it.
It's then that I map out a possible plot line. However, this is a loose outline, where I have what I call Fixed Point scenes that must happen. Everything else evolves around those Fixed Points.
Often times the characters will evolve the story to the point where I need to rethink my loose outline, and at that point, I'll re-examine the Fixed Points and see if they need adjusted to fit the new narrative arc.
Once I finish the story -- if it's an original story I'll do this but I don't do it as often for fanfiction unless it's a series -- I'll go back through the entire story and map an outline based on what's already written. Doing it this way allows me to find plot holes, check for consistency errors, make sure its coherent, and verify if the arcs are either tied up neatly or prepared to be tied up neatly in the sequel.
28: Do you need background noise to write? If so, what do you listen to?
I have to have something in the background when I write. Silence is too loud, mostly because of my tinnitus, so it can distract me far too much.
I have very eclectic music tastes and will listen to just about everything -- unless it's rap or country (I struggle with both genres for reasons unknown; however, if the rap song has a really good rhythm that sounds tantalizing or soothing to the ear, then I'll listen to it. I will also allow certain country artists to exist on my playlists such as Dolly Parton and Kelly Clarkson). I do lean heavily toward metal such as gothic metal, symphonic metal, etc (Oceans of Slumber, Ad Infinitum, Kamelot, Within Temptation, and Nightwish are good examples). I will include artists from countries all across the world, and especially enjoy artists whose music displays their heritage. I also have a soft spot for Eurovision songs, which is likely the romantic in me.
When I craft my playlist, I think about the theme of my story, the characters involved, and the plot. I will then select songs that have an atmosphere, lyrics, or general feel that fits those parameters. This keeps me focused, and helps my brain slip into the right mood for the particular story I'm writing.
Thank you for asking! :D
Click here for the questions for Unique Writing Asks.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
i am a mischa bachinski has the most fucked up algorithm on all the social medias truther. facebook? bunch of slime and paint videos. instagram? calligraphy, infographics, aita posts, rappers he follows, and pretty men AND women for some reason or other. tiktok? rap videos, short-form comedy, pranks, and somehow he's on gay/queer tiktok. he thinks this is just bc he's a Great Ally To Noel (it's not). youtube? a macklemore music video, hunger games fanfiction, minecraft build, video essay on the history of bisexuality (For Some Reason), analysis of a couple lines of cicero, a smosh video from 2006, the 8 hour victorious video (he hasn't seen any others from the series), a eurovision ranking video, pewdiepie, a doll review, one of those ones where they voice act tumblr posts, and a video complaining about youtube (possibly via the path of criticising 5 minute crafts). man has the messiest recommendations known to humanity.
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longstoryoongi · 2 years
lost in paradise? ✧・゚:*
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welcome to romy’s bts fanfiction reading blog.
below you’ll find my chaotic library. feel free to browse through fics by member, pairing, reader type, genre, alternate universes and tropes. after you’ve read a fic, make sure to reblog it in order to support the writer. happy browsing, dear visitor!
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➳ by member.
kim namjoon kim seokjin min yoongi jung hoseok park jimin kim taehyung jeon jungkook
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➳ by tropes.
friends to lovers • rivals to lovers • enemies to lovers lovers to enemies • established relationship arranged marriage • fake dating • mutual pining
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➳ romy’s fic reviews.
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want me to read your fic? use the tag #useromy on your writing & i’ll be sure to check your creations out.
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© longstoryoongi / romy, 2023. — last updated: april 3rd, 2023
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 11 months
Fear of the Dark
RttE Fanfiction | Viggo Grimborn
CW: Spiders, Dead Animals, Canibalism, Eye horror
Fic under the cut
Viggo had developed a fear of the dark.
He'd never been afraid of such trivial things before, not even as a child. He'd never been plagued by monsters under his bed or creatures rapping at the shutters. He didn't have any irrational phobias or any particular anxieties. He had to admit, he did have an intense adversion to a few larger varieties of spiders, but honestly, was that not unjustifiable? And that was about it. Until now at least.
Viggo struggled to get to sleep. That was nothing new. He'd always had insomnia, ever since he was young. But recently, due to an ongoing war with a particular dragon rider, he'd been overworking himself as well, and doing such had left him utterly exhausted. He could barely stay awake, but he just couldn't get to sleep. He was clocking perhaps three hours a night at best. It was torturous.
This lethargy had affected his psyche rather horribly. As of late, whenever he closed his eyes, hs minds eye began to play tricks on him. Visions would suddenly flash into existence in his mind, and they were always gruesome, unsettling and distressing visions, visions that startled him so much that he'd physically jumped a few times upon being exposed to them. Once he'd seen a dirty, feral old man staring at him, and he'd immediately known that the figure was sizing him up, preparing to kill him and feed on his remains. Another time he'd seen a horse as black as night towering above him, dead and rotting, about to topple onto his body. There was the time he'd seen a great, hairy spider crawling out from underneath someone's eyelid, resembling mangled eyelashes. These visions were pervasive as anything, and he saw them just about every time he closed his eyes for more than a few moments. Sleep became utterly impossible.
Then things got even worse. The further lack of sleep brought about by these visions had only caused more visions to appear, and now they were appearing when his eyes were wide open. All it took was a bit of darkness and suddenly Viggo's mind was engulfed by terrible imagery. He'd taken to sleeping with a night light, leaving a lantern burning by his bedding, but the shadows the light created were just as horrible. No matter what he did, the visions just didn't go away.
Viggo finally cracked when the line between reality, visions and nightmares began to blur. Was he awake? Was he dreaming? Was he having visions? Was he having nightmares? He couldn't tell anymore. He needed outside intervention. He'd gone to the first person he'd thought of: Ryker. And... Ryker was willing to help him, though Odin knew why. Viggo had never expected that from him, but he appreciated it nonetheless. Though, what exactly Ryker had done to ease him back to normal, he couldn't remember. Memory of those weeks was blurry. It took some time before Viggo was able to get to sleep, and each time he'd drifted off he'd been startled awake by nightmares again, but the visions soon began to take their leave, little by little. He'd slept on and off for a few days, trying to regain some lost energy, and as he slept, nightmares became dreams and visions became nonexistent. It was like they'd never existed in the first place.
Viggo was still afraid of the dark, though. That was something that all the sleep in the world couldn't fix.
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marimayscarlett · 11 months
i've read that you read fanfiction about a German rapper 👀 Would you mind sharing who said fave rapper is? Trying to get into German rap and hip-hop a bit more and I'm searching for some suggestions
OH BOY, MY DEAR ANON. You might just have opened such a huge can of worms, I am so sorry for my Rammstein mutuals, but...but I just need a moment to absolutely go nuts about this group and this guy, so here we go:
My favourite rap group since I was 14 years old (more than half of my life I just realised) is K.I.Z, a Berlin based group which have the absolute best, most eloquent and smart lyrics/rhymes/lines in the german rap scene in my opinion. A lot of their songs deal with political/violent/sexual/disturbing/critical social themes in an ironic, sometimes very dark and denunciatory manner, to provoke and rouse the public. And of course they have some typical rapper songs, but always with heavily sarcastic undertones.
They often have a rather shocking and daunting effect on conservatives and right winged people (a right wing politician here in Germany even complained about them in the Bundestag) which is just chef's kiss.
My favourite rapper is part of this group, Nico Seyfrid (the other two are Maxim Drüner and Tarek Ebene). His voice is like so incredibly smooth (like melted chocolate) and yet so powerful and he's just... I love this man and his talent now for 15 years. Absolute teen crush and still kind of is. He's pretty straight forward, funny, has a wonderful Berlin accent and also looks rather beautiful in woman's clothing (K.I.Z sometimes host concerts only for women and dress up as really beautiful ladies on stage, it's just iconic). And now please look at my beautiful cuties, making legendary tracks since the year 2000:
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And my rap baby in particular:
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Plus they ALSO sometimes kiss on stage:
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Maybe they're not something for everyone's taste, but next to Rammstein (of course always my number 1), Led Zeppelin and MJ, these wonderful idiots are in my favourite top 4 music acts ❤
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bgc-592 · 1 year
What is Chronicles?
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I've had folks ask me, 'BG what the heck is this Chronicles thing you've spent the past five or so years writing'?
Well, to that the best answer I have is:
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Chronicles is an Evangelion multi-crossover MST3K with approximately 7 or 8 layers of Kingdom-Heartianesque lore alongside it (don't ask how it got that bad, I just roll with it now!), originally spun off from the absolutely wonderful Advice and Trust from Strypgia. So if you ever wanted to know:
How the characters of Evangelion react to watching their own show (NGE, the Rebuilds...) and their own fanworks (The Second Try, Re:Take, Mobile Fighter Evangelion...),
How they react to other non-Evangelion works (Darling in the Franxx, Half-Life 2, Kill la Kill...)
How many other universes and lore I can cram into a single fanwork while still maintaining a semi-cohesive narrative (cause there's like thirty something-),
Various slice-of-life fluff and drama tidbits starring all your favourite characters from Evangelion (and other universes, and some originals as well!),
Then boy do I have the work for you!
As of writing, there are currently 22 mainline Chronicles entries, plus various other omake and sidestory. Check out the individual arc posts for more information!
Check out the series on AO3 here! Story updates will be posted here, on my AO3, and on Sufficient Velocity under the A&T thread!
I also have asks open, if you ever wanted to know something about the Chronicles universe, drop me a line! You may even have someone from the Chronicles universe answer!
Few other details as an FYI:
Chronicles is broadly PG-13/M rated, there's sexual references abounds and things get violent in parts. If we cover sensitive subjects or things are more violent or sexual than usual, it will be disclaimed in the fic or the chapter.
Ships are mostly inherited from A&T, so Asushin, Kaworei, etc, though I am flexible with this and it may change and develop as the story goes on (yes this includes that triad Kensuke developed with Sayaka and Kyoko from PMMM). Ships outside of the NGE cast are also broadly untagged, so don't be surprised if something springs up in some of the other characters that you didn't expect!
The lore of Chronicles is more or less flexible as well (look there's been 1.8 million words over five years, I've done my best to keep it all together but I'm only one bloke!). If there's anything contradictory within it, the latest fic in the series takes priority.
Yes I know the generally poor rap the MST3K genre has, believe me I have taken steps to mitigate this. Permission will always be sought from the original author for any fanfiction covered, and I do my damndest to write it from how the characters would view it. The MST3K portion is generally written in script fic style unless something big happens within it.
Chronicles is a democratic series. Everything covered outside of the first four entries and Thrice Upon a Time have been suggested by the people. Any suggestions made for works to cover in the MST3K potion are added to a list and polled, the winners of said poll get covered in subsequent entries. Active polls will be noted here, on SV, and on AO3 when the time comes. Feel free to ask suggestions to cover!
@wixelt does all the logos for Chronicles (and is a longtime collaborator for Chronicles, it wouldn't be nearly as good without them so go chuck them a follow!)
Hope you enjoy!
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flashes-of-cold · 7 months
Looking for a fanfiction!
Hi, I am desperately looking for a fanfiction where Yoongi is an omega who takes care of omega maknae line who he views as his pups. I will list down everything I still know about it.
Omegas are treated like children who can't do anything by themselves. Even adult omegas. They should either live in centers or within a pack.
Jin, Namjoon and Hobi are an established pack and I believe that especially Jin longs to have an omega in their pack.
Yoongi is in hiding together with underage maknae line. They go from motel room to motel room. As Jimin is the oldest after Yoongi, he knows a lot more than Tae and Kook about what Yoongi has to do to get by.
Yoongi pretends to be a beta in order to get jobs to survive and he meets Namjoon and Hoseok at a rap competition. They become friends.
He has two other friends too. Colleagues from one of his jobs I think. But after seeing then with their new omega, he avoids them.
Jin is a doctor and gets into contact with Taehyung. Can't remember how. After a while he starts suspecting he's an omega. But he's mostly just concerned about him.
Jimin takes dance classes with Hobi but at some point tells him he can't come anymore. He feels like he has to do more to help Yoongi. He decides to do something sexual for money... I think he only did that once.
Namjoon and Hobi figure out that Yoongi is an omega. I think Jin tells them to invite Yoongi to their home one evening. And that evening all hell breaks loose. I believe it was thanks to Namjoon that Yoongi still got to leave.
One evening however Yoongi has an accident and he has no choice but to call Jin. At some point Yoongi slips into some kind of subspace and unwittingly reveals that there are pups too. I don't know anymore how they manage to find maknae line but they do and take them with them.
Yoongi is horrified and furious and does everything he can to escape with his pups. They have a room to themselves and Yoongi demands that they be left alone. Jin reluctantly goes along with it but finds it unreasonable. Somehow there's also counsilor Jennie but I don't remember too much about her.
The last escape plan gets Yoongi spanked and put in timeout and he breaks down. Namjoon isn't happy. Jin realizes that he went too far and proposes a compromise. He will write down what he expects from them and Yoongi is allowed to make changes within reason. Meanwhile Joon and Hobi go out shopping with the pups for collars. Jimin and Namjoon have a heart to heart after Jimin chooses a really heavy and intense black collar for himself. He changes it after the talk.
I want to stress that Jin, Hobi and Joon really have no bad intentions. They have nothing sexual in mind at all especially not with maknae line since they are considered pups. And even the interest in Yoongi seemed more platonic. Their way of thinking is just warped into believing that omegas can't take care of themselves alone. Namjoon doesn't really believe that at all but it's not like he can change it. I think Jin was convinced of it the most but he was slowly changing in the last chapters.
That was all I read. It was a work in progress at the time.
I hope someone can help me find it. Even if it hasn't been continued, I would still love to read it again!
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