#raph giving donnie a piggy back ride..
nerves-nebula · 1 year
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April has a farm in 2012 and I think the boys deserve a break away from daddy dearest. Only ended up drawing April and Donnie with a cow, though. So context for that. Pokemon on the brain a lot recently, too. Do you have a favorite pokemon? Mine is trubbish.
i dont know enough about pokemon to have a favorite one, so I'm glad you've done that work for me as far as giving them favorites goes, hah. looked up qwilfish tho and its very cute, very round but with SPIKES (like how mikey is soft but full of rage and violence!)
I think april had a farm (or at least a family farm/country house) in a lot of versions, and I really like the idea. it lends itself to them all being in a different setting just kinda chilling and having domestic interactions. it's cute.
the others wouldnt let Shredder kill/hurt Splinter, but Mikey would FOR SURE be like "damn,, you're gonna kill my dad? for real? promise?? OK well no take-backs!"
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goldfish, borzoi, and now snivy... everyone's head has been compared to something at this point other than Raph.
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ri5bi · 6 months
If u say request stuff thennnn
Youre a fan of CAS right? Can i request big biiiig raph giving a ride to tiny raph so that he can experience getting a piggy back ride as well for once :>
Or maybe big leo and small leo having a sword fight or something, with big leo showing off his skills one handed even because thats honestly something i need so badly
Or if you rather like mikey, maybe big and small mikey hanging out and painting together! Or maybr cooking
And lastly, if ur more of a donnie fan, the donnies are doing mischief together, tomfoolery even, teaming up against their common enemy: beach balls
All these are just ideas though and if you feel like doing any of them go ahead and if not just ignore me pfffffff
Have an awesome day!!!!
sorry for the delay, finals week had me down for the count and winter break was stock FULL of errands and adulting and grahh i hate being responsible
anyhoodle, i absolutely LOVE your ideas!! so much so that i spent most of my downtime drawing all of them :') please feel free to send more whenever you'd like <3
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they're definitely headed to the carousel ride
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broke: they would sulk together about their guilt and martyr complexes
woke: they would make insufferable sparring partners /lh
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the only thought in my head with this one was "ratatouille" even though future mikey is probably still good at cooking (and is also teaching present mikey how to be ~magical~)
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this is a panel pulled from a (very rough) comic i've been working on (and is also the other main reason why i haven't been active lol). i won't spoil anything, but it's gonna be a while before i polish it enough to post it (and yes, there will be beachballs i promise)
again, you're ideas are awesome, dude! one of my big new years resolutions is to draw and post more, so thanks for taking the time to reach out :)
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Hello! Can I plz request the ROTTMNT turtles where their s/o (who's shorter than them) loves to snuggle up to them? Like just if they're sitting they love to sit on their lap and just snuggle their face into their chest or if they're laying down then the reader also just gets on top of them and snuggle into their chest/neck. Also if they get scared they subconsciously move closer to their turtle and hide behind them because they naturally feel safe in their presence?
Also I love your writing. 😊
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Raph loves to snuggle just as much as you do.
So you guys are always,
And I mean always holding onto each other.
Sometimes if he's got things to do,
He'll just wrap you up in a blanket and carry you around.
Just like,
"Raph, why are you carrying (Name) around like that?"
"Huh? oh, because, they're my emotion support (Name)."
Also that protector part of him loves that you feel safe when he's around.
It makes him feel accomplished in his role as your Knight in Spiky Shell.
Meanwhile on the topic of your height and stature,
I've said this before,
And I'll say it again,
He is terrified of how much smaller than him you are.
Poor baby just doesn't want to hurt you accidently.
Just help him realize you aren't made of glass,
And you two will be a-ok!
Oh, he loves it.
If you just come over and snuggle into his lap,
He will literally start churring because of how happy he is.
His brothers love to tease him about it,
But he still does it because when his chest vibrates from the sound,
It helps you fall asleep.
And somehow you manage to be even cuter in your sleep.
Sometimes you guys will have mini fights over who gets to lay ontop of who when you cuddle.
Because you wanna lay on his plastron because you like to snuggle into his neck,
But he likes to lay on your tummy because it's just so soft and squishy.
It got to the point where you had to make a chart for everyday of the week to stop the dissagreements.
Leo also loves that your shorter than him,
It means he gets to tease you about it.
It also means that he can pick you up,
With your legs wrapped around him and your face snuggled into his neck while he goes about his buisness.
This is his favorite thing to do, but he'll never tell you that.
Mikey loves it so much when you snuggle up to him.
Literally he will lay down somewhere,
Just because he knows you'll come lay with him.
It works everytime
If you're in a particularly clingy mood,
He'll lay with you for as long as you want,
Just let him know sweety!
He likes to give you piggy back rides,
That way you can go with him everywhere <3.
He also likes that you feel safest with him,
Since usually people see him as less capable than his brother due to his appearence.
It feels nice to have you trust him that much.
Mikey loves to sketch you while you're sleeping,
You just look so peacful and cute,
He can't help it!
At first he was like "Wtf?"
He was so surprised when you asked to sit in his lap while he was working.
And you weren't even blushy about it?
Bro was so confused,
But he agreed that it'd be fine.
Now he enjoys it more than you do.
He likes having you close while he works,
So, he's more than happy to let you have your usual seat.
You'll just have to return the favor if he ever feels like snuggling you.
Donnie also likes how you snuggle into his neck,
It's just comforting to him.
If his brothers tease him for it he'll shrug and say something like,
"What, (Name)'s warm."
He likes to lean on you since you're shorter.
Maybe resting his head on your own,
Or leaning his elbow on your head.
It's more of a teasing thing,
But you don't mind.
It keeps you close to him.
(Clingy mf)
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 11 months
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Besides Ghost Bear, he was always a huge fan of Jake ''The Snake'' Roberts, Mr.Perfect and John Cena.
Raph actually tended to dream to do football, basketball, baseball, boxing and even volleyball.
Once he met Mona (in my AU) she had him join a wrestling group she was apart of along with a boxing group. He visits it every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Him, Franken-Foot and Slash (my AU) often spar together and beat each other. TO THE DEATH. Not really-
Contrary to popular belief, he swears THE MOST out of all of his brothers. Like bro does NOT care if he dropped the worst f bomb ever at all.
He is a massive fan of Hello Kitty and My Little Pony. He own quite a lot of merch. He actually does read the creepypasta's of these two franchises he likes. He never really was a fan though. Not because he found the fanfics gory or something, he just thought they were stupid and overrated. Plus he saw them as edgy and a ''let's make everything so bloody and gross'' cliche kind of thing.
He actually enjoys live-action Disney movies. Though he prefers the original more.
He tried to be friendly with Mayhem multiple times but eventually gave up. Just because he knew he's not gonna force him to like him all of a sudden. Though both managed to stay neutral on each other after a long time.
Raph loves animals, though he has a hard time getting along with them. He is capable of not having animals like cats, hamsters and mice get scared from him.
When he is left alone for way too long, he starts to hear noises and hallucinates that there are people watching him or glaring at him. Which would eventually result in either him having a panic attack or going feral.
He will actively devour anything. (Probably the reason why he never threw up when 2012 Mikey made the most horrendous recipe EVER-)
His favorite source of comfort is just cuddling with someone or something in a warm blanket.
His love language is physical touch, acts of service and quality time. Though mainly physical touch.
Raph would often wear clothes that are stretchable and capable of not getting ruined because of his spikey shell.
Raph often doesn't like his turtle species. He feels as if he is way too big, too spikey and doesn't fit in. His brothers remind him a lot that he is perfect the way he is and he shouldn't feel ashamed of being huge and looking a lot different then all of them. When he met Slash, the insecurity slowly began to fade away. As he enjoyed the company of meeting another alligator snapping turtle. Also Slash is like 10 feet tall so he is able to give Raph all the piggy back rides he wants.
In the future he would get various tattoos because he thinks they look cool. Plus they represent his family.
He almost swallowed his damn fist. Don't ask me how.
He unintentionally murdered a lizard because he thought it was a spider. Yeah so Mona found out about that-
Despite getting ABSOLUTELY flustered regarding flirting or having romantic advances given to him. Oh dear lordy ya'll do not wanna know how much of a rizzer he can genuinely be... Then there are times when he has the worst rizz to the point you question how he could pull anyone.
He loves marshamllows.
He is the 2nd closest to Todd. With Todd often letting Raph come over to play with his puppies and or pet-sit them.
Raph sleeps like a grizzly bear. That's it.
He doesn't mind Leo following him like a small baby duckling.
His Melody plushie (that bunny from Hello Kitty) is his stress toy. He hugs and squeezes it tightly. Splinter and Donnie ended up getting him a big sized one just for him on his 18th birthday.
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turtletimewriting · 1 year
Rise tmnt tickle headcanons: re-do
Okay time to re-do. I know a lot of this is the same but I recently reread my headcanons and it was all just weird. So here we go!
Most ticklish is hands down Leo. The others are pretty equal or hard to determine. But everyone enjoys destroying Leo. Mikey enjoys taking down a big brother. Donnie likes taking him down a peg. Raph enjoys destroying a baby brother.
Mikey’s tickle spots: shell, underarms and palm of his hand. Mikey has the weird tickle spots. They discovered very late in life that the top of his shell is very ticklish. Everyone loves tracing around his markings. 
Raph’s ticklish spots: under his chin, back of knees and sides. Under his chin is such such such a ticklish spot. Drives him nuts instantly. Problem is it’s such an awkward spot to get to so everyone loves randomly attacking there when Raph tries to get all big brother and carries them.
Leo’s tickle spots: legs. Like the whole bottom half of him. Thighs are a killer, knees, tracing along his calf is a big spot. Similar to Raph, those spots are difficult to get to considering he’ll just kick frantically. But they all know to pin him down quick.
Donnie’s tickle spots: upper body. Him and Leo create a yin and yang. His arms, his stomach, under his chin. 
Mikey laugh is nuts. Like a keysmash come to life. He rambles frantically when tickled and cackles and snorts. He’s the sort who makes the most wild insane noises. He sounds like he’s dying. He cannot be normal when being tickled.
Raph’s laugh is either quiet muffled giggling or echoing booming laughter. There’s no inbetween. 
Leo’s laugh is (kinda boring, I know) is exactly in the tickle scene in the series. Loud cackles with the occasional begging.
Donnie’s laugh is a cackle. You can pry this from my cold dead hands. He has a fantastic cackle. Throw your head back clear loud ha ha ha ha. 
Mikey as a tickler is ruthless and immediately going for the kill. He knows that the tables can easily turn and his personas Dr Delicate Touch and Dr Feelings means he goes directly. If he’s tickling you then the fight is already over.
Like Mikey was once able to tickle Raph’s chin so much from when he was being carried that he made him actually fall over. Raph kept trying to tip back but there was no way that Mikey was going for the kill and never let up.
Raph as a tickler is teasy as hell. These are his baby brothers acting cute and helpless and he’s so much bigger and stronger. You bet he’s going gentle and teasing non stop. 
The one time Raph tickled a brother to tears was when he was giving Leo a piggy back ride and used his claws to gently trace up and down Leo’s calves for like ten straight minutes.
Leo as a tickler is like a golden retriever going nuts. He’s throwing his full body weight and attacking frantically. He gets in your face and is also rambling constantly. He’s not as effective as Raph at teasing but he can still humiliate his victim.
Leo truly resembled demon possession when he had his sights on someone. Clinging upside down to Raph’s back as he frantically scribbled down his entire sides. From under his arms to the bottom of his shell. 
Donnie as a tickler is only ever to prove a point. To bring Leo down a peg, to get Mikey to stop being a nuisance, to get Raph to stop mother henning. It’s always a snapping point. If he says he’s going to tickle you then that’s the queue to run. 
Donnie was sat down calmly and holding Leo’s leg like it was guitar and just going nuts across the back of his knee. “Well? Are you gonna apologise? I’m waiting.”
I said previously that Donnie really really likes tickling other people when he’s frustrated with a project or feeling restless. (May or may not be based on me) but he finds himself doing the tickling motion if he’s thinking. Pulling Mikey or Leo to tickle until he reaches a breakthrough. Mikey can last longer while Leo can’t take much but is funner to tickle.
Splinter definitely went through a phase of tickling his sons with his tail under the tail and watching them blame each other.
Bonus apolocalypse:
Future Leo definitely had a whole gimmick where he pretends his prosthetic is malfunctioning and cannot stop tickling. It used to drive baby Casey Jones nuts. Until the day Donnie used his mystic powers to make it actually malfunction and make his own arm tickle himself.
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chiangyorange · 1 year
Big Leo holding Raph and joking around with lil' Leo 🥺💜
RAPHIE!!!! I LOVE MY BIG MAN SM!!!!!! i love him i love him i love him i love him i love himmmmmmm
(v excerpts taken from ch7 v)
Before he responds Leonardo walks into the room. Under his arm is Raph, hanging there limply with a shocked expression. Leo reels at the sight a little bit. It looks like Raph is too as he jolts up. “Wait, you can actually carry me?” “I've been waiting for the perfect moment to!” The older turtle chuckles. “And I can do more than carry you, big brother.” He lets Raph down to the floor and crouches down forward for a piggy back ride. Raph gasps loudly and climbs on his back, locking his ankles together. Leonardo stands up with no struggle and Raph starts to pat excitedly on the older turtle’s shoulders. His older brother was wiggling, and yes, it’s fucking adorable! “Leo, Donnie, look!!” “We see that, bud.”
raph is literally so excited to be picked up, the last time he was picked up was from when april tried and he was like 11. yeah sure hes 17 now but that does NOT make him immune to having an indescribable amount of joy for being carried around like a ragdoll
he kicky his feeties
on the other hand, fleo wanted to return and thank raph in his own way. for protecting him, for taking care of him donnie, and mikey. and also as kind of an apology.
"let me carry the burden you do" is what hes trying to say here. and even to present raph, hes still taking care of fleo. raph cares about his brother so much it doesnt matter if fleo is taller than him now, that hes older with decades on him, that he survived a war.
fleo is his little brother and nothing is going to change that.
onto the leos !!
He sees in his periphery that Leonardo smiles wider. “Awe, you like me.” “Don’t push it.” Leo rolls his eyes. “It’d be shitty to demote you just because you're not from this timeline. If we did that, we’d have to do it to Case– Junior too. It wouldn’t have been fair.” “Whatever you say.” Leo snorts. “That being said, can you stop leering over in the shadows? It's actually terrifying.” “I can only do so many things in the lair before I’m bored again.” “And that means giving me a heart attack every time I go into a room? Put away your scary ass stare man, I swear your eyes turn red.” “I didn’t know you were so faint of heart.” “I should have kept you sedated.” Leo says, knowing he never once put him under sedation.
my dynamic of leos is very hard for me to describe personally. its not hostile, its just complicated, and even then "complicated" has too negative of a connotation.
leo is a person who latches onto family with his entire heart. he accepted karai as gramgram near immediately and we all know how fucked up about her death was on him and to the rest of the boys.
its different when its a version of yourself.
for me i didnt want immediate hostility(look away from the scalpel incident for one sec), because i saw some fics that go too hard into the "leo hates himself" angle and while not unsounded, it can be played straight and have a good payoff, it was NOT the tone i wanted in wmas. it wouldnt match the kind of complication im trying to give across here
pov leo, hes seeing himself as the pinnacle leader, from how casey described him, hes the Hero, this is the ideal of what he should be striving for.
but the person hes seeing in front of him is just a guy. leo saw him injured, resting on bed in the medbay, he saw him start to cry in raph's arms, he sees a father, he sees a confused and lost man in front of him.
in a way its pity. in a way he pities himself. fleo is tired and leo can clearly see that, cause hell, hes fuckin tired too.
“I should have kept you sedated.” Leo says, knowing he never once put him under sedation. “That’s called elderly abuse.” “And you’re how old?” “Do I really- okay I see that face, alright.” Leonardo moves his hand to cover Leo’s face and shoves him back. “You got me. Whatever, you absolute child.” Leo cackles.
and fleo's pov on the matter is, well, i kinda already typed it out all the way in chapter 5
The world of this timeline said that Leo will be able to make up for his mistake with the key. Not him, the world said. 
he looks at leo and feels so much pride, but hes scared that leo thinks less of him. leo managed to save the world and he didnt. and now hes here fucking up a perfectly good happy ending that didnt need to include him.
and on a little more selfish level, "why wasnt i good enough" fleo is thinking.
he doesnt think leo as the superior version of the two of them, but the fact still stands. one of them won. the other didnt. and he sometimes wishes he won too. its complicated.
they dont hate each other, not even a little bit. theyre too good of people to hate each other
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ye-it-is-skeet · 10 months
Aunt Daisy Appreciation💚💚🌸✨
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At least part appreciation and part because I drew this after my friend gave me Daisy brainrot..
Anyways, this is @okumura-senseixxx ‘s character Daisy (or Borealis depending on the year or era of Daisy’s life) 💚
Okumura have given her a very long and very very very… very… very… hard… traumatizing… scarring……. Life.. ….Like any good artist would do when making a life and story for their character✨
Anytime we talk about Daisy it takes me back to when her story with being Aunt Daisy to the turtles bros was my bedtime story💚😂
But I really do love her, she’s a fantastic parental/motherly figure for her nephews, abut on how she became their aunt (as told by Okumura): “Daisy is a god from another dimension in the world of rise, looking around the city one day her eyes landed on a man who "looked strange yet interesting", that man being Lou Jitsu, the two soon become close friends but when he disappears one day she stays in that world to look for him for 6 months, eventually finding him with 5 baby turtles in his arms. The two end up co-parenting together, her taking on the role of an aunt, as they learn to lean on each other more then ever and work to raise the new additions in their lives as best as possible.”
Now what we’ve discussed was it was snowing and Daisy found Gio out in the snow and then found Splinter with more turtles and figured they were his five sons, which is where Daisy calls Gio “Snowflake”, because he was found in the snow and he’s unique.
But this isn’t about Gio, it’s about Aunt Daisy💚✨ All her nephews ADORE her, Leo is the most clingy, heh🌸 Even when Raph is huge she still can lift him for a piggy-back ride, and Mikey’s kisses are her only weakness🌸✨ She is always mindful of Donnie and Gio, and she returns the love they give and Leo gives her a LOT of love🌸💚🌸🌸
There was a story point where Leo watches Daisy’s memories and learns about her past and is just devastated for her because of love and such🥺 But that’s for Okumura to really explain when they feel like it✨
I love Daisy and her role and her whole story🌸✨ She’s really excellent and ye💚🌸🌸✨
The turtle tots followed her like ducklings🌸
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Rottmnt x gn reader
platonic headcanons
Warnings : very short
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Gives out the best hugs
Wouldn't trust you going near his back cuz of the spiks
It doesn't matter how big you are, he will give you piggy back rides(with blankets on his back to protect you)
If your feeling down, he will fight the gods to bring it up
Movie marathons with raph is a must!
A giant teddy bear for you to fall a sleep on
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If you even dare to shed a tear around him, he will go on full dad joke mode
Donnie will never forgive you for that
Snow ball fights in the winter>>>>
If your not the type to rough house with, he will be on fullon jokes until you leave the sewer
Pizza hangouts with the gang>>>>
If your not the type to not "like" pizza, he will act offended but would not really care
If he does stupid stunts and your there to witness it, your driving him to the hospital
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You help him come up with invention ideas
Video game marathon is competition between donnie, you and leo
All ways wins in monopoly
Not a video/board game person? At least help him create sparky remarks for every possible situation
After the purple dragon thing, you two created the "purple tech" club
Only April volunteered to join tho
Fistbump and high-five are a-o-k with donnie
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Too much energy for the gang to handle
Cooking shows end up a mess in the kitchen
Only eats oreange Starbursts
Dance battles
Vine energy the two of you generate....it's to much power
Donnie doesn't know how to shut the two of you up sometimes
Random naps
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enthblaze · 1 year
OH I GOT U!! it hasn't been edited yet but i'll put the edited ver in the fic 😎
"leo, i want a piggy back"
"but why?"
"you're too big."
"one can never be too big for a piggy back."
"and who said i'd be able to carry you?"
"...you're literally as strong as raph."
"remind me why, again?"
"because i want one? is that not answer enough?"
"come on, please? i'll buy you those bathsalts that got discontinued last month?"
"how will you even-"
"don't question it. now with that on the table, are you gonna give me a piggy back or no?"
"...i hate you."
"there's the big brother i know and love!"
"you would've thought mikey would be the one doing this."
"yeah, well as your Other youngest brother, i still get honorary piggy back privileges."
"that's a thing?"
"oh ho, you have no idea. now ride!"
"donnie if you say that again, i swear, i will launch you into tomorrow and then some."
"sheesh, okay short-stack."
"did you and raph switch bodies or something whilst i was sleeping? am i missing something here?"
"i'm not raph and you Know i'm not raph because raph hasn't asked for a piggy back since we were Four."
"people can change."
"raphael is not people."
"okay fair."
"now, are you gonna walk, or?"
"you asked for a piggy back."
"walking comes with the package, dummy. didn't you know?"
"no. no, i didn't."
"well, too bad. walk or i'll scratch you."
"lay off the threats, will ya?"
"you threatened to throw me earlier, this is barely anything."
"i hate being the older brother."
"you love it."
"i love it."
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
lil wholesome hc
i like to think leo used give donnie and mikey constant piggybacks when they were little, raph did it all the time so he probably got it from him, and he still tries to as teens channeling his inner big bro-ness. which doesn't end well considering donnie has extra weight w/ his battle shell n mikey's a growing boy who is stronger than he looks, like he tried to carry donnie once and barely made five steps before falling forward:
donnie, laying on leo's back: ready to admit i'm too big for piggybacks?
leo, laying flat on his face: (muffled) never!
he tries to do it w/ usagi as well only to get the same result, i believe usagi is taller and a bit more buff than him, and it ends w/ usagi giving him piggybacks
boy just wants to give piggybacks n can't get a win rip 🤣
XD just leo as a little kid able to carry his brothers around on his back doing the big bro thing tho I think Mikey he still could at least, seeing how he is able to carry him in his shell and such. BUT the idea of him trying to get Donnie to get on his back for a piggy back ride? You Know has the potential for just general stupidity between the twins XD Cause Donnie don't want a piggy back and somehow it happen only for Leo to fall flat on his face XDD I love the idea of him trying it with usagi and failing as well cause you know hes just tryong to show off XD oh Rip Leo he needs a break but also naaaah uwu End result? Leo getting a piggy back ride from Raph as he sulks about this XDD
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
May I offer a prompt of how the turtles would be with a mom friendTM? you know the type I mean? like.... I think they might benefit from that kind of friend in the group lol (also I love your stories, your such a cool writer keep up the awesome work!)
Rottmnt headcanon: mom friend TM
And thanks so much!
Mom friends are severely underrated XD
-Okay these boys need a mom friend badly
-but that’s where you come in!
-as the mom friend you keep them safe in many ways
-starting with this guy, he never really wanted a mom friend
-when April first brought you over he was cold
-didn’t even bother talking to you
-you were determined to befriend him, even though he left whenever you tried to talk to him
-you became comfortable with the turtles quickly and the others accepted your mom friend nature
-not Donnie though
-he didn’t hate you, sure, but you were too much
-you were too overbearing and too nervous for his safety!
-you’d make him wear a helmet when he used his jet pack 
-you made him put on SUNSCREEN whenever he went outside
-you told him to be careful when rewiring a project even!
-it’s like you wanted to ruin his bad boy image
-he hated it and wanted you to stop being so smothering
-…until he realized that attention and moral support comes with the smothering
-the moment he realizes that he’s all for it
-he’s no longer hiding his inventions from you so you won’t bug him, but he’s seeking you out for your advice and praise
“Hey so I made this and… I don’t know…”
“Wow you built that? It’s awesome!” 
“Really? I mean, I know, I just wanted to show you that it was.”
-praise ain’t something this boy has
-have you SEEN how his brothers react to his ideas?
-he needs this
-with praise comes affection
-I’m talking homemade snacks and questions that his brothers never ask
-you’re there if he needs a cup of coffee or if he hasn’t eaten in a while or taken a nap
-“don, it’s been two days since you slept go to bed.”
-“I’ll make a cup of coffee for you after...?”
-“*hisses but less intense*”
-you may be good at making snacks and everything
-very good in facts
-but the questions are probably his favorite part
“Woah what’s that supposed to do?”
“Well it’s a device that’s meant to fix all the broken McDonald’s ice cream machines.”
“That’s amazing! What did you use to build it? How does it work?”
-you’re actually trying to learn about his work!
-you’re trying to learn about him!
-he loves it
-and he loves that you’re careful to
-it’s a nice change from his brothers
-you’re someone he can depend on
-doesn’t matter if it’s missions or just being a good friend
-and I mean it when I say depend
-you’re there when he needs help rewiring something or just to simply talk about his dumb dumb brothers
-honestly April isn’t even mad that Donnie stole one of her best friends
-she knows he needs this
-Donnie fully learned to trust you after the purple dragons mishap
-you told him they were untrustworthy but his heart was dead set on that satin jacket
-when he came back to the lair, late at night, with no satin jacket and a handful of his missing tech, he found you raising an eyebrow at him from where you had sat to wait for him
-he knew from then on to trust you and your opinions, even though his often got in the way
-you can often be found sitting on Donnies bed while he works, offering your company and comments
-Normally no one else is allowed in while he works but that’s just because they don’t have anything positive to provide
-Raph IS the mom friend
-your mom friend energy and his mom friend energy just work together so well together
-I’m talking planning missions together, figuring new ways to trick his brothers into being responsible, cleaning the dishes, and even making snacks together
-“so the mission is tomorrow right?”
-“yep! Should we bring apples with peanut butter or pretzels with hummus?”
-“well Donnie doesn’t like peanut butter, but Mikey does, so both?”
-“awesome! And you’ve got the water covered?”
-“dude I even have caprisuns packed so we’re ready!”
-the others find it to be too much with the two of you but Raph really appreciates the help
-especially during the pizza puff episode
-oh that part nearly set you on fire with worry
-Raph had never seen you that worked up
-you had a fan for Leo, a bowl for Mikey, and a bag of fruit snacks for Donnie
-Raph has to activate his supreme mom friend energy to get you to stop hovering over them
-that meant literally dragging you away from them so they could figure things out on their own
-he’s seen you be a mom friend to them all the time
-but never once for him
-you two were like... co mom friends working together to stop the younger irresponsible three
-until Raph got separated in the sewer
-oh man you were torn with worry
-you nearly destoryed the place looking for him
-and finding him all savage like that... ack that was enough to practically shatter your heart in two
-once he stopped trying to barbecue villains and destroy his brothers you took him to the lair and helped him calm down
-you even turned on a movie for the two of you so he could relax
-it was nice to have your best friend and partner in stopping crime back
-Raph of course was embarrassed because it’s HIS job to help everyone, not the other way around
-after much assurance you had him convinced that you didn’t mind
-he was grateful to have you and your help
-he just wished you didn’t worry quite so much
Leo 💙:
-this boy is soaking it all up from the start
-someone to compliment him?
-someone to help him out?
-someone to admire his achievements?
-oh he’s all for it
-he’s showing off skateboard stunts, he’s doing flips, and he’s randomly pulling you to him and creating a portal
-usually you end up somewhere sketchy but sometimes it works out
-you always have to be ready though
-one minute you’re walking to the projector room and the next you’re in New Jersey with a sheepish looking red slider
-his only problem is now he has to be more careful with skateboard tricks
-he’s fine with a helmet but when it comes to you hovering next to him while he’s going down the skate ramp...
-eh he’s not so fond of that
-home made gifts and cards?
-always appreciated
-but you constantly trying to protect him from things he knew how to do?
-just no
-now he only feels like he can skate if you’re not there or if he goes to a skate park without telling you
-you figure out quickly and still worry that he’ll mess up a flip
-doesn’t matter if you’re watching or not
-you’re the mom friend
-your job is to worry
-you promised that you’d stop worrying about him if he can back
-you didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable in his own home!
-he agreed and you did your best to keep your promise
-until he actually messed up a flip
-you don’t know WHAT he landed on but it must have been sharp because there was a LOT of blood
-maybe you thought there was a lot because you were so worried but still
-you hadn’t even been in the room but you heard his shout (and crash) and you came running
-oh he was lucky you carried gauze and everything in your bag because other wise they’d have to go buy some
-you chewed him out while patching him up, much to his displeasure
-you’re both sweet and sour about it
-“I’m fine! Look, nothing’s broken!”
-“I TOLD you that you could get hurt! I TOLD you it wasn’t safe! Why did you not listen- I’m sorry does that hurt? I’m sorry!”
-“yeah it does hurt-.”
-“than you should have listened to me!!”
-for a while he’s bitter that you were just waiting for him to mess up
-clearly you thought he was just a big clutz to you
-but after a while of him avoiding you and pouting you brought it up again
-“I’m not just waiting for you to fail you know. I just want you to be okay.”
-“that’s not what it feels like! You clearly don’t trust me!”
-“life happens, Leo! Doesn’t matter how skilled you are! You’re an amazing skater but sometimes mistakes are made!”
-ha that changed his tune quickly
-“you think I’m an amazing and skilled skater?
-you just rolled your eyes and left, not saying anything about his comment
-didn’t matter
-this boy is all smiles for the rest of the day
-he was on board from the very start
-he’s got cuddles, piggy back rides, and his own art fan/critic
-lots of baking and cooking together
-maybe even drawing if he’s lucky
-only problem?
-you don’t trust him to go out on his own
-even if it’s just to grab a video game from the store or pick up pizza
-“I’m just going down the block!”
-“what if someone sees you?”
-“I’ll be careful!”
-“just let me go with you.”
-“no! I can do this on my own!”
-you’re always offering to give him a ride or tag along just because you don’t want anything to happen to him
-that means, of course, sneaking out
-not for a long time, just enough to get some air
-but that also means you’re staying up late waiting for him to come back
-he’s your buddy!
-you can’t let anything happen to him!
-he didn’t know about it until he found you cashed out on the couch with the lamp still on
-normally you gave him an excuse about why you were still up, such as a late night snack or a movie
-but your phone and the tv were both off
-he decided to think nothing of it until he noticed that you were grumpier in the mornings
-he didn’t want his actions to affect you so he started coming back earlier
-even texting you and telling you he was fine
-you two talked and set up a deal
-he could go out by himself and you wouldn’t stay up late waiting for him as long as you had his location on your phone
-it was easier for both you from then on
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I just got really bad news. My dad had a heart attack this morning, and he's going to need heart surgery. We can't be with him right now because he's in another country. I'm worried sick, but I'm keeping it together for my mom. She's been sobbing all morning and making phone calls to the rest of the family, so I know she needs a rock right now. Is there any way I could get some comfort from the turtles?
I’m so so sorry to hear that! Also sorry this has been in my inbox a while, I don’t normally check what the asks say and if I had I would’ve gotten to this one much sooner. I’m really sorry again and I hope your dad is doing well now.
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So Leo is a classic guy
you need a pick me up?
it’s flowers and chocolates all the way
he’s got your fave film on standby and he’ll make you/order you in the best dinner you’ve had in weeks
also he loves your hair
if you have long hair he’ll style and plait it
if it’s short he’ll run his hands through it and give you a nice scalp massage
the most important thing is that he’ll listen to you
whatever you’re going through he’ll be there to comfort and you and you can confide in him
obvs he has his own steam room in his bathroom and lets you use it to unwind a little and feel a bit more yourself
he’ll also read to you
you’ll be tucked up in bed, fresh sheets that he put on just for you and then he’ll read something so you can close your eyes and drift off to the sound of his voice
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So Raph is actually surprisingly attentive and good at comfort
anything to make you feel better
although he normally asks what you need so he can get an idea of what to do
but even just asking what you need of him is a comfort
you need a quiet night?
there’ll be a film on in the background while he rubs your shoulders or feet
need a distraction?
he’ll put on the loudest music and help you do chores while telling you dirty jokes and making you laugh or he’ll fucking bench press you because he can
just want someone to listen?
he can do that, too!
he’s a versatile guy and he’ll do anything for you
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Mikey hears that you need comfort and 2 things go through his mind
1- an insane amount of affection
2- distraction from whatever is on your mind
get ready to be cuddled more than you’ve ever been cuddled in that past
and for a roller coaster of activities that are so whirlwind like it could put a coke binge to shame
games of every kind and he also changes the rules to make it more fun half way through
“So now if you think the person is lying about having a card, you can play the “stand and deliver” thing and they have to show you 3 of their cards!!”
“Mikey, doesn’t that just make go fish a little more pointless?”
he disagrees whole heartedly 
jamming out on the drums with him and he makes up lyrics as he goes
piggy back rides
gymnastics alla Mikey which just means pissing off Leo by running around and yelling “gymnasm!” and doing the odd handstand or two
anything you can think of he will do and put his own spin on it
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You’ve already told Donnie that you need some comfort before you get to the lair
because you guys have the best communication 
so when you get to his room, it’s covered in lit candles and there’s a little fort he’s built waiting for you in there
he’s got all your fave snacks and drinks and such
also a pack of cards in case you wanna play
but mostly he wants you to talk it out with him
you’ll lie with your head in his lap as he strokes your face and hair and tell him what’s wrong
lots of questions to help you both understand what you’re going through
after all is said and done, he’ll to you with a little mischief in his eyes and ask
“you wanna get your mind off of it? Raph’s asleep right now, wanna put his hand in a cup of water?”
of course you do
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theninjasgirl · 5 years
Hi, I wanted to request a stage for the brothers (if it's individual for each one, better), his girlfriend is small and adorable, but she knows karate and can break bones easily, can you make that scenario? Please
LEO: He will absolutely adore her. He will love his girlfriend no matter what. It doesn’t matter how tall or short she might be. Knows how to fight or not. He will love them. But Oh My Goodness. He will be all over her. Watching her how to fight, suggesting and teaching her different techniques of fighting. And to be honest, he loves how he is taller. He likes how small and simply adorable she is. 
RAPH: When he first met her, he would be a little freaked. He would think that she’s so small- he could easily hurt her. He would be very careful around her, careful not to hurt her. But will absolutely lose it once he figures out just how badass she can be. Hell yeah. He will help teach her how to fight certain ways, if she wants. And he will offer to train with her.
DONNIE: FREAKING LOVES IT. She may look small and adorable and just the cutest thang ever- but she can kick some ass. And he loves it. He loves how small and cute she is. And once he finds out that she can do karate- that’s it. He’s head over heels. He will stutter around her, starstruck. 
MIKEY: ADORABLE! He will simply love how short and lovely she is. He will gladly train with her, prank with her, sing horribly to, and absolutely love her. He will even pick her up, with her permission, and carry her now and then. He will give her piggy back rides. And he will definitely try and teach her how to use the weapons.  
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tf-tmnt · 5 years
RAPH NEEDS LOVE. How about a nice night with his S/O, both getting drunk and getting steamy (if you want it to!). Just both of them having fun, loving to be with one another~
-Raph drunk would be AMAZING-literally both the most giggly little shits ever possible-he wants to hold you,give you piggy back rides-hes drinking SoME HARRRRDDD SHITT, like, hes drunk but if you even reach for it he pulls away, slurring his words “nuh uh tiger, you can’t have this, i cant have you puking all night”- you being you, you try to get it anyway, it results in him grabbing and tickling you, regardless of if his brothers or anyone else see, and he gets the biggest fucking grin from hearing your laugh.-I feel like hes like a whiskey man, but i could see him drinking anything really, as long as there's alcohol in it.-Also his CHEEKS ARE SO RED, lIKE literally ITs So FUckING cUte.-”Awww Raphie your cheeks are all red” “no they aint, you’re drunk, ya dont know what you’re talkin about”-Also bOY IS GRABBY- but like doesn't GivE A FUCKING RAts aSS who is around Leo? Hmm,Raph gonna grab him some ass and a titty. Acts like Mikey and Donnie don't even exist, in all honesty if he was drunk enough he’d probably just whip it out in the living room and fuck you right there depending on how horny and drunk he is.-okay but druNK RAPH IS gREat iN bED, fucking, will be oddly gentle. Like really really gentle, like soft warm soft kisses as he holds you close to him, whispering sweet nothings…-Or he's gonna have you face down ass up, fucking drilling that pussy like its the last thing he’s gonna do in life-either way you wake up cuddled in his arms, both of you groaning from hangovers.-you’ll probably have morning shower sex too.
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dark-shells · 5 years
Mikey and his Sheep Dad
Idea where Baron gives Mikey piggy back rides on his shoulders and Baron is a little irritated but he doesn't complain bc..he's actually a softie.
Also Mikey uses his horns like handles and grabs them when Baron runs so it's like a ride.
"Lets go that way sheep dad!" Mikey points to the right, kicking his feet and holding one of Baron's horn with his free hand.
"Ugh..we just went that way!" Baron groans, but proceeds to dash in that direction as Mikey holds onto his horns like handles again.
Headcanon that he uses his giant sheep dad as a battering ram to burst down his brother's bedroom doors when they ate all the pizza and left him none.
"Tear it down Sheep dad!" Mikey orders, a cute but evil grin forming on his face. "They all must pay."
Baron blinks in slight surprise but grabs the door to the lab, ripping it off it's hinges to reveal Leon, Raph and Donnie eating the rest of the pizza.
"Get them sheep dad!" Mikey laughs maniacally, holding onto his dad's horns as he pummeled through his brothers as it they were bowling pins.
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starsforsaturn · 7 years
Never Grow Up
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Song fic, inspired by Avril Lavigne's "Here's to never growing up"
Tmnt Turtles x Reader Fluff
Rated: General
Warnings: Slight song lyric swearing
Singing Radio head at the top of our lungs With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk Singing here's to never growing up Leonardo and Raphael had you pinned while Mikey tickled your side's relentlessly. You laughed and called out for Donnie to save you. He just shook his head and laughed along with you from his leaning position on the door frame. His arms casually crossed over top his carapace. 
"Really Don! REALLY! ahhh! hehehe!" Call up all our friends, go hard this weekend For no damn reason, I don't think we'll ever change Meet you at the spot, half past ten o'clock We don't ever stop, and we're never gonna change Leo and you were watching space heroes while Donnie was working in his lab on the retro mutagen. Raph and Mikey had called April and Casey over and were playing some games, whether it be on the arcade thing or board games. A few hours later after your marathon was over with Leo and it was about 10:30 at night you suggested you all go to a skate park that you had found the day before. They all cheered and headed out with you following your lead. Say, won't you stay forever stay If you stay forever hey We can stay forever young, Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk Singing, here's to never growing up Mikey and you sat on the edge of April's apartment building while the guys did stuff with her, most likely eating all her food. 
"Hey (Name)?"
"Ya Mikey?"
You tilted your head to the side and looked at him with a smile and innocent eyes. Blinking a few times. 
"We are never going to grow up are we?"
He looked down. 
His head snapped up and a sad look crossed his face but was quickly diminished as he saw your smiling face. 
You laughed and tackled him back onto the roof with a huge hug. We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!" I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups Singing, here's to never growing up, Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up You all raised your pop cans in a little toast to how you defeated another one of the kraang's plans and set their world domination back yet again!
"Party time!"
Mikey was out in the living room picking a movie for tonight and Donnie was popping popcorn in the microwave. Raph and Leo pressed you in between them in a bear hug, squishing the life out of you, but you laughed nonetheless. 
"Guys!... can't.... breath..."
They laughed and let you go, Raph ruffling your hair and Leo giving you a small gentle playful push to your shoulder. You laughed along with them, smoothing your hair. Your eyes closed in the bliss of the carefree moment. We live like rock stars, dance on every bar This is who we are, I don't think we'll ever change (hell no!) They say just grow up, but they don't know us We don't give a fuck, and we're never gonna change, Say, won't you stay forever stay If you stay forever hey We can stay forever young You giggled as Donnie and Mikey got on top of the table, dancing to the loud music coming from Mikey's boombox. Raph and Leo watched, chuckling along with you. Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk Singing, here's to never growing up, We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!" I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups Singing, here's to never growing up, Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up "Promise me that you all will never grow up! You'd all be super boring!"
You smiled and clung to Mikey's back, he was giving you a piggy back ride.
"Leo's already super boring, does that mean he loses?"
Raph laughed as Leo pushed him over, smiling, tickling the hell out of his brother. 
"To answer your question (Name), we never plan on it."
Donnie replied, kissing your forehead and continuing your walk back home. Say, won't you stay forever stay If you stay forever hey We can stay forever young "I wanna stay forever with you guys, I don't wanna be an adult!"
"With us around, you never will!"
Mikey smoothed your hair out and rubbed your tummy softly. A favored thing of his, he thought that you might need it as your tummy had been acting up lately. Leo turned from his show and Raph stopped punching his dummy. Donnie was already smiling at you from his seat beside Mike on the couch. 
All four of them replied at the same time. Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love I got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk Singing, here's to never growing up, We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!" I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups Singing, here's to never growing up, Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up Oh whoa, oh whoa, (yeah raise your glass and say) here's to never growing up Oh whoa, oh whoa, (da de da de da) here's to never growing up (no we're never growing up) Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
The five of you enveloped in a huge group hug laying right in the middle of the living room, you were right in the middle of all of it. Leo kissed your hair and Raph snuggled into your neck. You pet Mike's head and Donnie took your other hand in his. This was by far the best family that you could ever think of having. They were never growing up.
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