#rara travel
raratraveltour · 2 months
Travel Jember Surabaya Harga Tiket Murah Via Toll Cuman Rp 120 Ribuan
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Jasa Travel Jember Surabaya tepercaya, harga tiket murah, jadwal perjalanan tiap hari, menggunakan armada terbaru dengan fasilitas memadai hanya bisa anda peroleh via rara travel. Ambil HP anda sekarang dan hubungi bagian reservasi tiket kami telpon atau whastapp ke nomer 0812 2509 3894.
Mungkin besok atau lusa anda akan bepergian dari Jember ke Surabaya menggunakan kendaraan sendiri. pastikan semua persiapan sudah dilakukan secara matang. Bila memilih memanfaatkan kendaran publik, layanan kereta api kelas premium serta bus AKAP dengan ongkos yang lebih hemat bisa menjadi alternatif pilihan.
Jika dulu sarana transportasi umum untuk perjalanan dari Jember ke Surabaya memiliki banyak keterbatasan, kondisi seperti itu sekarang ini tak lagi kita temui, Namun demikian anda wajib tetap cermat memilih yang paling tepat dengan situasi dan kondisi. Banyak hal yang harus menjadi dasar pertimbangan demi keamanan dan kenyamanan ketika melakukan perjalanan tersebut.
Untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan bepergian pulang kampung, cobalah menggunakan jasa Travel Jember Surabaya dari kami, anda cukup melakukan booking tiket melalui telfon atau aplikasi whatsapp maka mobil travel yang akan mengantarkan anda langsung bergerak sesuai jadwal yang telah ditetapkan.
Prosedur Booking Tiket Travel Jember Surabaya
Nama Agen
Rara Travel & Tour
Alamat Lengkap
Jl. Perumahan Bumi Tegal Besar. Kec. Kaliwates. Kab. Jember
No Telp
☏ 081225093894
✆ 081225093894
Innova Grand, Hiace, Innova Reborn, New Avanza, New Xenia, Elf Short, Elf Long, Xpander, Calya, Sigra, Pregio
Full AC, Reaclaning Seat, Door to Door Service
Jember Surabaya PP
Harga Tiket
Mulai Dari Rp. 100.000 – Rp 200.000 / Orang 1 X Jalan
Pagi: 09.00, Siang: 12.00, Sore: 15.00, Malam: 21.00
Demi memberikan layanan yang mudah di akses, kami menyediakan nomer kontak yang online 24 jam. Customer support yang bertugas siap memberikan informasi detail tentang jasa Travel Jember Surabaya door to door anti repot. Nikmati bepergian aman,nyaman dan menyenangkan bersama rara travel
Disamping menghubungi customer service kami, anda bisa memperoleh tiket travel dengan mengisi formulir booking yang tersedia pada bagian bawah halaman ini.
Rara Travel adalah penyedia layanan angkutan penumpang profesional yang didukung oleh unit mobil terbaik, driver profesional, harga tiket murah dan kepastian keberangkatan sesuai rencana.
Agen Travel Jember Surabaya
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Saat mendapat perintah untuk menyelesaikan keperluan dinas, sudah barang tentu butuh kendaraan yang aman dan nyaman. Bila perjalanan tersebut dilakukan dengan kendaraan umum cobalah menghubungi penyedia jasa travel door to door dari perusahahan terpercaya.
Selama ini layanan travel terbukti dapat memenuhi keinginan sebagain besar orang yang hendak melakukan perjalanan jarak jauh dengan nyaman. Model perjalanan yang disediakan oleh pebisnis jasa travel ini semakin digemari lantaran memberikan banyak manfaat bila dikomparasikan tipe kendaraan umum lainya. Armada kendaraan yang digunakan senantiasa dalam kondisi prima dan supir yang mengemban tanggung jawab akan sepenuh hati melayani semua pelanggan.
Travel mampu menghindarkan anda dari banyak resiko seperti tertipu calo tiket, terburu buru mengejar jam keberangkatan bus di terminal serta repot dengan koper atau tas barang. Ditambah saat libur panjang, anda harus bertemu dengan banyak orang yang memiliki kepentingan sama. Oleh sebab itu travel adalah alternatif pilihan paling tepat untuk keperluan perjalanan keluar kota tujuan Surabaya.
Tipe Mobil Travel
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Keselamatan perjalanan dari mulai berangkat hingga sampai alamat tujuan adalah tanggung jawab yang harus terpenuhi, karenanya diperlukan mobil travel yang telah dibekali fitur safety kekinian serta tersedianya fasilitas tambahan untuk kenyamanan selama menempuh perjalanan.
Beberapa mobil travel yang sesuai kualifikasi kami adalah Toyota Hiace, Isuzu Elf Long, Luxio, Avanza, Toyota Innova dan Toyota Innova Reborn. Model kendaraan diatas sejauh ini konsisten menjadi pilihan utama karena mampu menghadirkan rasa nyaman bagi semua penumpang.
Jadwal Travel Jember Surabaya
Berikut adalah jadwal travel jember surabaya:WaktuJadwalPagi06:00 WIBSiang09:00 WIBSore15:00 WIBMalam21:00 WIB
Mobil penjemputan kami akan keluar garasi mulai dari jam 2 siang menuju alamat konsumen yang sudah melakukan pemesanan tiket perjalanan. Adapun jadwal travel Jember Surabaya sesuai dengan kebiasaan, setiap armada mobil tujuan Surabaya akan memulai perjalanan selambat lambatnya pada jam 8 malam dengan catatan seluruh konsumen sudah tiba dikantor dan telah menyelesaikan administrasi.
Info akurat tentang alamat jemput yang diberikan konsumen merupakan salah satu faktor penting bagi supir kami. Karenanya kami senantiasa menekankan agar ponsel yang digunakan untuk komunikasi dengan staf kami dalam keadaan standby guna mempermudah proses perjalanan.
Informasi yang valid perihal lokasi jemput yang diberikan calon penumpang merupakan salah satu faktor penting bagi pengemudi kami. Oleh sebab itu kami selalu mengigatkan agar nomer kontak yang digunakan saat menghubungi staf kami dalam posisi standby guna memperlancar proses perjalanan.
Layanan antar sampai ke pekarangan rumah beserta kepadatan kendaraan, membuat perkiraan perjalanan dari Jember ke Surabaya susah ditentukan secara akurat. Namun demikian, konsumen bisa menanyakan estimasi waktu yang dibutuhkan kepada pengemudi kami.
Harga Tiket Travel Jember Surabaya
Berapa Harga Tiket Jember Surabaya? Harga Tiket Mulai 175rb / orang
Harga-harga ini dapat berubah tergantung pada alamat jemput dari Jember dan juga pada jadwal keberangkatan. Jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut atau memiliki pertanyaan lainnya, silakan ditanyakan.
Begitu banyak keuntungan dan kemudahan yang didapatkan oleh semua calon penumpang, travel kami menetapkan harga tiket travel Jember Surabaya mulai dari Rp. 175.000.
Harga tiket travel tujuan Surabaya include layanan jemput penumpang dari wilayah Jember dan sekitarnya. Akan tetapi harga yang kami tertera diatas bisa saja lebih mahal yang dipengaruhi oleh lokasi penjemputan, tujuan akhir perjalanan, tingginya permintaan penumpang dan banyak faktor lainya.
Harga tiket tujuan Surabaya sudah termasuk jasa jemput penumpang semua area Jember dan sekitarnya. Namun demikian harga yang kami tertera diatas bisa saja lebih mahal bergantung pada lokasi jemput, tujuan akhir pengantaran, tingginya permintaan penumpang dan lain lain.
Terkadang terdapat informasi yang kurang akurat tentang harga tiket travel yang ditulis pada artikel ini. Untuk validasi, setiap konsumen disarankan untuk menghubungi bagian admin kami atau bisa juga melihat posting pricelist harga travel terbaru yang baru saja kami revisi.
Jasa Titip Barang ke Surabaya dari Jember
Manakala anda sedang membutuhkan jasa pengiriman barang dengan garansi sehari sampai, jangan ragu menghubungi nomer kontak yang tersedia. Kami menjamin paket yang anda kirim aman dan cepat sampai.
Ketentuan harga kirim barang ke Surabaya berdasarkan pada berat, ukuran dan tipe paket yang akan dikirimkan. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mohon menghubungi manajemen rara travel.
Tak usah cemas perihal ongkos kirim yang harus anda bayarkan. Karena, semua harga dan penawaran tertera diwebsite ini bisa dinegosiasikan..
Travel Surabaya Jember Eksekutif
Saat anda ingin bepergian ke Surabaya menggunakan layanan transportasi umum yang memberikan banyak keunggulan, rara travel menghadirkan jasa travel kelas eksekutif. Sistem perjalanan layanan ini untuk mengakomodir permintaan calon penumpang yang akan bepergian dengan privasi yang lebih mumpuni.
Lazimnya layanan travel eksekutif biasanya memberikan kelonggaran bagi semua calon penumpang dalam menentukan jam memulai perjalanan sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Boleh jadi, pengguna layanan ini tak lagi harus mengikuti jadwal travel yang biasa kami lakukan. Faktor inilah yang menjadi dasar mengapa layanan ini diminati oleh rombongan dinas instansi pemerintah maupun swasta.
Tipe armada mobil yang dapat anda pilih untuk travel eksekutif antara lain Suzuki ertiga, Honda Mobilio, Luxio dan Avanza dengan jumlah penumpang paling banyak enam orang dewasa. Ongkos tiket akan terasa lebih murah bila ditanggung oleh setiap peserta dalam rombongan perjalanan. Sebagai tambahan informasi, travel eksekutif hanya melayani satu lokasi jemput untuk tujuan yang sama.
Rute Perjalanan Jember Surabaya
Titik Jemput Travel dari JemberTitik Antar Travel ke SurabayaAmbuluGentengKencongTegalsariWuluhanBubutanTanggulSimokertoSumbersariGubengPatrangRungkutKaliwatesTambaksariPakusariMulyorejoArjasaTenggilis MejoyoAjungGunung AnyarBangsalsariWonokromoRambipujiWonocoloSukorambiGayunganJenggawahSukoliloPantiITSMayangKota SidoarjoSemboroSawahanBalungAsemrowoKalisatSemampir SelatanGumukmasPasar TuriSukowonoKarang PilangSempolanJambanganSukomanunggalKrembanganBandara JuandaDukuh PakisPakuwon CityTandesPabean CantikanKenjeranTanjung PerakAmpelLebakWiyungKebraonLontarManukanLidahSambikerepCitraland
Rute perjalanan travel dari Jember ke Surabaya melalui jalur selatan meliputi beberapa daerah yang akan dilalui. Perjalanan dimulai dengan penjemputan di wilayah Jember, dengan penumpang dari daerah paling jauh dijemput terlebih dahulu. Rute penjemputan meliputi Kencong, Ambulu, Gumukmas, Wuluhan, Balung, dan wilayah lain sebelum menuju Surabaya.
Setelah penjemputan di Jember selesai, perjalanan akan dilanjutkan ke beberapa daerah lainnya.
Penjemputan dilakukan secara door to door di wilayah yang tercakup. Jadi, jika Anda berada di jalan utama daerah-daerah yang disebutkan di atas, Anda juga dapat memanfaatkan jasa travel ini untuk perjalanan ke Surabaya.
Keuntungan Menggunakan Jasa Travel Surabaya
- Gratis Antar Jemput
Salah satu poin positif dari penggunaan jasa travel door to door. Anda akan dijemput dari tempat yang dipilih dan diantar sampai alamat tujuan. Cukup #dirumahaja dan biarkan driver kami yang mendatangi ke tempat Anda. Ini adalah realisasi prinsip dasar dari sebuah kenyamanan perjalanan yang praktis.
- Mobil yang Nyaman
Perjalanan ke kampung halaman yang anda lakukan sudah barang tentu dapat menimbulkan rasa lelah. Oleh karena itu moda transportasi yang anda pilih seharusnya memiliki banyak fasilitas pendukung kenyamanan yang lengkap. Khusus untuk jasa travel ke Surabaya rara travel hanya menggunakan mobil yang dapat diandalkan hingga mampu menghadirkan ketenangan diperjalanan.
- Supir Berpengalaman
Kami adalah penyedia jasa angkutan penumpang dengan standar safety tinggi, oleh karena itu semua dirver yang membawa penumpang merupakan person berpengalaman mengendarai armada khusus travel. Penerapan standar tinggi Ketika proses rekrutmen calon driver dan pembekalan pengetahuan rutin selalu di evaluasi secara terus menerus untuk memeriksa kondisi mental dan kepribadian supaya terus dapat memberikan layanan yang optimal.
- Lebih Hemat Ongkos
Dengan beragam manfaat yang didapat oleh konsumen, harga tiket travel yang kami tetapkan cukup murah. Karena alasan tersebut, Harga tiket akan terus dievaluasi menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan di lapangan guna menjangkau semua lapisan masyarakat yang ingin mencoba menggunakan perjalanan dengan jasa travel.
Syarat dan Ketentuan Layanan
Yuk, kita bahas syarat dan ketentuan layanan travel dari Jember ke Surabaya dengan gaya bahasa yang santai:
Tarif yang Berlaku:
Harganya paling murah, tapi sesuai dengan alamat penjemputan dari Jember dan tujuan ke Surabaya.
Ada biaya tambahan untuk penjemputan dan antar ke alamat di wilayah tertentu.
Anak usia 5 tahun ke atas harus bayar seperti penumpang dewasa.
Tarifnya nggak berlaku pas lagi hari besar, tahun baru, atau high season lainnya.
Pemesanan dan Pembayaran:
Tiket bisa dipesan online atau langsung ke kantor kita.
Kasih data yang jelas supaya penjemputan lancar.
Kalau pesan untuk 3 orang atau lebih, harus DP dulu dan datanya diinput setelah DP masuk.
Keberangkatan dan Penjemputan:
Jadwal travel sesuai info yang kita kasih. Jam itu adalah waktu mulai penjemputan dari garasi.
Penjemputan dilakukan bergilir dari alamat ke alamat di Jember.
Waktunya bisa berubah-ubah tergantung lalu lintas dan alamat penjemputan penumpang lainnya.
Penumpang harus siap 1 jam sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.
Perubahan dan Pembatalan:
Kalau mau ganti jadwal atau batalin, harus sebelum 3 jam sebelum jam berangkat.
Kalau lewat waktu itu, ada cancelation fee 100% dari total harga tiket.
Pembatalan berlaku kalau kita nggak bisa hubungi saat penjemputan.
Pembatalan juga berlaku kalau kita nggak ada di tempat saat penjemputan.
Bagasi dan Barang Bawaan:
Boleh bawa barang maksimal 1 tas atau koper kecil atau sedang, atau 1 dus ukuran aqua.
Kalau kelebihan barang, ada biaya tambahan sesuai dengan jumlah seat yang digunakan.
Tanggung jawab atas barang bawaan ada di penumpang sendiri.
Kita nggak bertanggung jawab kalau ada kehilangan, barang tertukar, atau rusak.
Jadi, itulah syarat dan ketentuan layanan travel dari Jember ke Surabaya.
FAQ Travel Jember Surabaya
Berapakah Harga Travel Jember Surabaya? Harga tiket travel dari Jember ke Surabaya mulai dari Rp 150.000, rentang harga tiket dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal, antara lain lokasi penjemputan, banyaknya penumpang dan lain lain.
Bagaimana Cara Pesan Tiket Travel Jember Surabaya? Setiap konsumen dapat memesan tiket via online, bisa melalui sambungan telfon, chat whatsapp dan juga mengisi formulir booking. Disamping itu bisa juga memesan langsung di kantor kami.
Apakah tersedia travel Jember Surabaya untuk Rombongan? Layanan travel door to door ke Travel Jember Surabaya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perjalanan rombongan dan pribadi. Anda bisa juga memilih paket travel eksekutif yang lebih menyenangkan untuk rombongan dengan harga yang sedikit lebih tinggi.
Jam Berapa mobil Travel diberangkatkan ke Surabaya? Rutinitas untuk semua perjalanan travel secara umum dimulai pada jam 2 siang. Pengemudi yang bertugas menjemput akan mendatangi satu persatu alamat calon penumpang sesuai data pemesanan tiket, bila sudah terjemput seluruhnya, selambat lambatnya pukul 20:00 wib perjalanan ke Surabaya akan dimulai.
Mengapa memilih Rara Travel? Kami adalah satu diantara perusahaan layanan transportasi umum khusus angkutan penumpang profesional dan berpengalaman. Disamping menyediakan jasa travel ke luar kota, tersedia juga paket sewa mobil wisata dengan pilihan armada isuzu elf 19 seat, hiace commuter dan juga bus pariwisata.
Dimana dan jam berapa saya dijemput? Selama masih dalam daerah jangkauan layanan travel kami, anda boleh menentukan sendiri tempat penjemputan seperti dari rumah, kos, kontrakan, kantor ataupun lokasi tertentu yang anda pilih.
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berserkerbarbie · 7 months
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Partial Time Travel: To the End of Space-Time by Cosmos Troupe 2017
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glorioushimalaya · 2 years
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To Endeavour Rara Lake Trekking is to discover what lies in the far western region of Nepal, which is home to the highest and biggest lake in Nepal, which showcases nestled snow-capped mountains and that leads you through an accessible forest. If you want to read more about the Rara lake trek visit the link: https://www.glorioushimalaya.com/trekking-and-hiking/rara-lake-trekking/
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nepalenfieldersblog · 5 months
"Riding into Tranquility: A Motorbike Tour to Rara Lake"
Nestled amidst the remote corners of northwestern Nepal lies a gem of unparalleled beauty – Rara Lake. Embarking on a motorbike tour to Rara Lake is not just a journey; it's a thrilling adventure through rugged terrains, picturesque landscapes, and a rendezvous with tranquility. Join us as we rev our engines and navigate the winding roads that lead to the pristine shores of Rara Lake, an oasis of serenity in the Himalayas.
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Section 1: The Road Less Traveled The journey to Rara Lake begins with the road less traveled. Departing from Kathmandu, riders weave through the bustling city, gradually leaving behind the chaos for the tranquility of the open road. The motorbike tour takes a dramatic turn as the asphalt transforms into challenging dirt trails, offering a taste of adventure that sets the tone for the entire expedition.
Section 2: Into the Heart of the Himalayas As the motorbikes ascend into the Himalayan foothills, riders are treated to awe-inspiring vistas of terraced fields, charming villages, and cascading waterfalls. The air becomes crisper, and the scent of pine forests accompanies the rhythmic hum of the engines. The Himalayan backdrop becomes a constant companion, promising an ever-changing canvas of majestic peaks as the tour progresses.
Section 3: Enchanting Villages and Local Encounters The motorbike tour to Rara Lake is not just about the destination; it's about the enchanting villages and warm encounters with the locals along the way. Riders pause in remote settlements, sharing smiles and stories with villagers who have called these mountains home for generations. The authentic cultural experiences add depth to the journey, making each stop a cherished memory.
Section 4: Navigating Challenging Terrain The route to Rara Lake demands both skill and resilience from the riders. Challenging terrain, river crossings, and undulating paths become a test of both man and machine. The motorbikes, with their rugged capabilities, tackle the obstacles with grace, and riders find themselves exhilarated by the challenges that pave the way to the hidden jewel of Rara Lake.
Section 5: Rara Lake - Jewel of the Himalayas Arriving at the shores of Rara Lake is a moment of sheer awe. The pristine waters mirror the surrounding peaks, creating a breathtaking panorama. Motorbikes parked against the backdrop of the turquoise lake, riders take a moment to absorb the serenity that envelopes the area. Camping by the lake under the starlit Himalayan sky becomes a soul-soothing experience, far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Section 6: Exploring Rara National Park The tour extends beyond the lake, venturing into the realms of Rara National Park. Riders explore dense forests, encounter diverse wildlife, and savor the rare opportunity to witness nature untouched by modernity. The park, with its unique flora and fauna, adds an ecological dimension to the motorbike expedition.
Section 7: Reflections and Departure As the motorbike tour to Rara Lake concludes, riders find themselves reflecting on the profound experiences and indelible memories created along the journey. Departing from Rara, the return ride offers a different perspective, with riders carrying the spirit of adventure and the tranquility of Rara Lake in their hearts.
Conclusion: A motorbike tour to Rara Lake is a testament to the indomitable spirit of adventure seekers. It's a journey through the heart of the Himalayas, a communion with nature, and a celebration of the freedom that comes with the open road. For those seeking an escape into the arms of serenity, Rara Lake beckons, and the motorbike tour becomes an odyssey of a lifetime. Saddle up, fellow riders, and let the Himalayan winds guide you to the tranquility that awaits at Rara Lake.
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nepalenfielders · 5 months
Riding the Wind: A Thrilling Motorcycle Tour around Rara Lake
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The Journey Begins:
The journey to Rara Lake kicks off with an adrenaline-pumping ride through picturesque mountain trails. As I revved up my trusty motorcycle, the crisp air filled my lungs, and the majestic mountains stood tall on either side. The winding roads provided the perfect blend of excitement and tranquility, setting the stage for an epic adventure.
Villages and Friendly Faces:
As I traversed through quaint villages along the way, the locals greeted me with warm smiles and curious glances. The simplicity of life in these remote villages is truly humbling, and interacting with the friendly locals added a unique charm to my journey. Their stories and hospitality made every pit stop a memorable experience.
Nature’s Canvas:
Rara Lake, the jewel of the journey, is a sight to behold. Surrounded by lush forests and snow-capped peaks, the lake reflects the ever-changing colors of the sky. Riding along its shores, I couldn’t help but be captivated by the sheer beauty of nature’s canvas. The crystal-clear waters and the serenity of the surroundings made it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Campfires and Starlit Nights:
Camping by the lakeside under a blanket of stars was a highlight of the trip. The crackling sound of the campfire, the aroma of freshly cooked meals, and the camaraderie of fellow travelers created a sense of belonging. As we shared stories under the vast night sky, I felt a connection with both nature and the amazing people I met along the way.
Challenges and Triumphs:
Of course, no adventure is complete without its share of challenges. The rugged terrain tested both my riding skills and the durability of my motorcycle. Yet, each hurdle conquered brought a sense of triumph and added to the overall thrill of the journey. The sense of accomplishment as I reached the highest points and conquered the winding roads made every twist and turn worthwhile.
As I conclude this recount of my motorcycle tour around Rara Lake, I can’t help but urge fellow enthusiasts to embark on their two-wheeled adventure. The blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and the thrill of the ride make Rara Lake a must-visit destination for any avid motorcyclist. So, gear up, hit the road, and let the wind guide you to this hidden Himalayan paradise — an experience that promises to stay etched in your memory forever. Safe travels, fellow riders!
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krizon1 · 1 year
Car rental in Pokhara is a website which offer to rent different types of vehicle in Pokhara.
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girlsdressingrooms · 4 months
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Iris Barrel Apfel, Decorator and Fashion Stylist
(August 29, 1921 – March 1, 2024) 
Ms. Apfel was one of the most vivacious personalities in the worlds of fashion, textiles, and interior design, she has cultivated a personal style that is both witty and exuberantly idiosyncratic.
Her originality was typically revealed in her mixing of high and low fashions—Dior haute couture with flea market finds, nineteenth-century ecclesiastical vestments with Dolce & Gabbana lizard trousers.
With remarkable panache and discernment, she combines colors, textures, and patterns without regard to period, provenance, and, ultimately, aesthetic conventions. Paradoxically, her richly layered combinations—even at their most extreme and baroque—project a boldly graphic modernity.
Iris Barrel was born on Aug. 29, 1921, in Astoria, Queens, the only child of Samuel Barrel, who owned a glass and mirror business, and his Russian-born wife, Sadye, who owned a fashion boutique.
She studied art history at New York University, then qualified to teach and did so briefly in Wisconsin before fleeing back to New York to work on Women's Wear Daily, and for interior designer Elinor Johnson, decorating apartments for resale and honing her talent for sourcing rare items before opening her own design firm. She was also an assistant to illustrator Robert Goodman.
As a distinguished collector and authority on antique fabrics, Iris Apfel has consulted on numerous restoration projects that include work at the White House that spanned nine presidencies from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton.
Along with her husband, Carl, she founded Old World Weavers, an international textile manufacturing company and ran it until they retired in 1992. The Apfels specialized in the reproduction of fabrics from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and traveled to Europe twice a year in search of textiles they could not source in the United States.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute assembled 82 ensembles and 300 accessories from her personal collection in 2005 in a show about her called “Rara Avis”.
Almost overnight, Ms. Apfel became an international celebrity of pop fashion.
Ms. Apfel was seen in a television commercial for the French car DS 3, became the face of the Australian fashion brand Blue Illusion, and began a collaboration with the start-up WiseWear. A year later, Mattel created a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll in her image. Last year, she appeared in a beauty campaign for makeup with Ciaté London.
Six years after the Met show she started her fashion line "Rara Avis" with the Home Shopping Network.
She was cover girl of Dazed and Confused, among many other publications, window display artist at Bergdorf Goodman, designer and design consultant, then signed to IMG in 2019 as a model at age 97.
Ms. Iris Apfel became a visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin in its Division of Textiles and Apparel, teaching about imagination, craft and tangible pleasures in a world of images.
 In 2018, she published “Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon,” an autobiographical collection of musings, anecdotes and observations on life and style. 
Ms. Apfel’s apartments in New York and Palm Beach were full of furnishings and tchotchkes that might have come from a Luis Buñuel film: porcelain cats, plush toys, statuary, ornate vases, gilt mirrors, fake fruit, stuffed parrots, paintings by Velázquez and Jean-Baptiste Greuze, a mannequin on an ostrich.
The Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History in Boynton Beach, Florida, is designing a building that will house a dedicated gallery of Ms. Apfel's clothes, accessories, and furnishings.
Ms. Apfel’s work had a universal quality, It’s was a trend.
Rest in Power !
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solkatt-arts · 3 months
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Introducing some of my nextgen ponies! I made them back in 2018 and these were drawn back in 2022. Newer art is in progress ^^
Turning Gear: Inventor with some impressive magical abilities. He is intelligent but the most awkward guy you'll ever meet. He is curious and together with Time Twister he often get into trouble. Starlight has tried and failed to tame his bird's nest of a mane but to no avail.
Classic Remix: A radio host on the shyer side. She feels safe sitting behind a mic but is more withdrawn in public. She likes to dye her mane to add a splash of color to her otherwise gray appearance. Remix has a great singing voice but is too shy to sing for a crowd. She got her cm for specializing on remixing classical music, something she came to love due to her moms' frequent collabs. She shares her music on her radio show.
Lightshow: Expert at creating light shows with her magic. She works as a light “technician” of sorts on live performances. Lately she has been helping Honeycrisp Melody out on her tour. Lightshow is enthusiastic, determined and competitive. One of her favorite things to do is play hoofball with her best friend Fastlegs.
Fastlegs: Sports coach for foals of all ages. Advocates for inclusion and love to teach. He lost his left wing to cancer and had a hard time coming to terms with his new life being flightless. He is the kindest most genuine stallion around. To feel more at ease Fastlegs moved to Ponyville to be closer to his best friend Lightshow and get away from all the expectations he felt back in Cloudsdale.
Honeycrisp Melody: Country singer with a heart of gold. She is a true Apple and loves to help around the farm whenever she can. She is optimistic, excitable and social. She loves to brawl with her cousin Candid Apple and guest star on Classic Remix's radio show. Melody is rather short and unlike most Apples, not as sturdy in her build. She inherited her pegasi traits from Rara's side of the family.
Blazing Hooves: Dedicated firefighter. He is highly empathic and takes his job very seriously. Blaze can be somewhat of a party pooper due to his dedication but his baby sister can usually make him ease up a bit. He wanted to become a firefighter as a colt after his family home burned down and his sister lost one of her legs in the fire.
Time Twister: Time traveler…?👀 She is sassy and confident, as well as dramatic and a smartass. She loves to create just enough of a chaos to stay entertained in her day to day life. One of her favorite pastimes is giving magical items to Gear to tinker with. The occasional explosion is the highlight of her day.
Princess Theory: An elegant and dutiful draconequus with a knack for getting into wacky situations. She loves to pull pranks and be generally annoying. Theory has a pretty dark sense of humor but just like her father she is very charming in her ways. Her parents have passed some impressive magical abilities down to her but her favorite trick is to teleport. She has ADHD.
Candid Apple: Works on Apple Acres. He is talkative, kind, family orientated and has a severe sweet tooth. Candid loves to bake apple treats when he isn’t working the land. His favorite cousin is Melody whom he grew up with on the farm.
Zerina: Librarian for the royal family. She is kind of messy and forgetful outside of work but she's incredibly sweet. She’s humble and generous. Zerina is autistic and her special interest is Equestrian history. Due to her expertise she got the job as the head librarian in the royal library where she can study all the archived materials as she pleases. She is a close friend of princess Theory whom happens to be neurodivergent herself.
Rockslide Pie: Rodeo performer. He is clumsy, silly and tends to fumble on his words. He is bold in his performances.. There is nothing he likes more than to entertain and make others laugh, something he got to discover through his aunty Pinkie.
Not pictured:
Snow Quartz: Artist specializing on ice sculptures. She is the younger sister of Blazing Hooves but unlike her big brother she is calm and relaxed most of the time. She is spontaneous and easygoing. She's witty around her brother and likes to joke with him (on his expense). Her missing leg doesn’t bother her at all.
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dangermousie · 7 months
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Cdramas this year are WILD!!!!
Also, the girl keeps and updates a book of all the hot guys she meets on her travels. I love her!
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A cdrama FL with a libido? Quite a rara avis indeed!
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Chapter 4. Environment
What about global environmental problems, like climate change?
Anarchists do not yet have experience dealing with global problems because our successes so far have only been local and temporary. Stateless, anarchic societies once covered the world, but this was long before the existence of global environmental problems like those created by capitalism. Today, members of many of these indigenous societies are at the forefront of global resistance to the ecological destruction caused by governments and corporations.
Anarchists also coordinate resistance globally. They organize international protests against major polluters and their state backers, such as the mobilizations during the G8 summits that have convened hundreds of thousands of people from dozens of countries to demonstrate against the states most responsible for global warming and other problems. In response to the global activity of transnational corporations, ecologically-minded anarchists share information globally. In this manner, activists around the world can coordinate simultaneous actions against corporations, targeting a polluting factory or mine on one continent, retail stores on another continent, and an international headquarters or shareholders’ meeting on another continent.
For example, major protests, boycotts, and acts of sabotage against Shell Oil were coordinated among people in Nigeria, Europe, and the North America throughout the 1980s and ’90s. In 1986, autonomists in Denmark carried out multiple simultaneous fire bombings of Shell stations across the country during a worldwide boycott to punish Shell for supporting the government responsible for apartheid in South Africa. In the Netherlands, the clandestine anti-authoritarian group RARA (Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action) carried out a campaign of nonlethal bombings against Shell Oil, playing a crucial role in forcing Shell to pull out of South Africa. In 1995, when Shell wanted to dump an old oil rig in the North Sea, it was forced to abandon its plans by protests in Denmark and the UK, an occupation of the oil rig by Greenpeace activists, and a fire bombing and a shooting attack against Shell stations in two different cities in Germany as well as a boycott that lowered sales by ten percent in that country.[67] Efforts such as these prefigure the decentralized global networks that could protect the environment in an anarchist future. If we succeed in abolishing capitalism and the state, we will have removed the greatest systemic ravagers of the environment as well as the structural barriers that currently impede popular action in defense of nature.
There are historical examples of stateless societies responding to large scale, collective environmental problems through decentralized networks. Though the problems were not global, the relative distances they faced — with information traveling at a pedestrian’s pace — were perhaps greater than the distances that mark today’s world, in which people can communicate instantaneously even if they live on opposite sides of the planet.
Tonga is a Pacific archipelago settled by Polynesian peoples. Before colonization, it had a centralized political system with a hereditary leader, but the system was far less centralized than a state, and the leader’s coercive powers were limited. For 3,200 years, the people of Tonga were able to maintain sustainable practices over an archipelago of 288 square miles with tens of thousands of inhabitants.[68] There was no communications technology, so information travelled slowly. Tonga is too large for a single farmer to have knowledge of all the islands or even all of any of its large islands. The leader was traditionally able to guide and ensure sustainable practices not through recourse to force, but because he had access to information from the entire territory, just as a federation or general assembly would if the islanders organized themselves in that way. It was up to the individuals who made up the society to implement particular practices and support the idea of sustainability.
The fact that a large population can protect the environment in a diffuse or decentralized manner, without leadership, is amply demonstrated by the aforementioned New Guinea highlanders. Agriculture usually leads to deforestation as land is cleared for fields, and deforestation can kill the soil. Many societies respond by clearing more land to compensate for lower soil productivity, thus aggravating the problem. Numerous civilizations have collapsed because they destroyed their soil through deforestation. The danger of soil erosion is accentuated in mountainous terrain, such as the New Guinea highlands, where heavy rains can wash away denuded soil en masse. A more intelligent practice, which the farmers in New Guinea perfected, is silvaculture: integrating trees with the other crops, combining orchard, field, and forest to protect the soil and create symbiotic chemical cycles between the various cultivated plants.
The people of the highlands developed special anti-erosion techniques to keep from losing the soil of their steep mountain valleys. Any particular farmer might have gained a quick advantage by taking shortcuts that would eventually cause erosion and rob future generations of healthy soil, yet sustainable techniques were used universally at the time of colonization. Anti-erosion techniques were spread and reinforced using exclusively collective and decentralized means. The highlanders did not need experts to come up with these environmental and gardening technologies and they did not need bureaucrats to ensure that everyone was using them. Instead, they relied on a culture that valued experimentation, individual freedom, social responsibility, collective stewardship of the land, and free communication. Effective innovations developed in one area spread quickly and freely from valley to valley. Lacking telephones, radio, or internet, and separated by steep mountains, each valley community was like a country unto itself. Hundreds of languages are spoken within the New Guinea highlands, changing from one community to the next. Within this miniature world, no one community could make sure that other communities were not destroying their environment — yet their decentralized approach to protecting the environment worked. Over thousands of years, they protected their soil and supported a population of millions of people living at such a high population density that the first Europeans to fly overhead saw a country they likened to the Netherlands.
Water management in that lowland northern country in the 12th and 13th centuries provides another example of bottom-up solutions to environmental problems. Since much of the Netherlands is below sea level and nearly all of it is in danger of flooding, farmers had to work constantly to maintain and improve the water management system. The protections against flooding were a common infrastructure that benefited everybody, yet they also required everyone to invest in the good of the collective to maintain them: an individual farmer stood to gain by shirking water management duties, but the entire society would lose if there were a flood. This example is especially significant because Dutch society lacked the anarchistic values common in indigenous societies. The area had long been converted to Christianity and indoctrinated in its ecocidal, hierarchical values; for hundreds of years it had been under the control of a state, though the empire had fallen apart and in the 12th and 13th centuries the Netherlands were effectively stateless. Central authority in the form of church officials, feudal lords, and guilds remained strong in Holland and Zeeland, where capitalism would eventually originate, but in northern regions such as Friesland society was largely decentralized and horizontal.
At that time, contact between towns dozens of miles apart — several days’ travel — could be more challenging than global communication in the present day. Despite this difficulty, farming communities, towns, and villages managed to build and maintain extensive infrastructure to reclaim land from the sea and protect against flooding amid fluctuating sea levels. Neighborhood councils, by organizing cooperative work bands or dividing duties between communities, built and maintained the dykes, canals, sluices, and drainage systems necessary to protect the entire society; it was “a joint approach from the bottom-up, from the local communities, that found their protection through organizing themselves in such a way.”[69] Spontaneous horizontal organizing even played a major role in the feudal areas such as Holland and Zeeland, and it is doubtful that the weak authorities who did exist in those parts could have managed the necessary water works by themselves, given their limited power. Though the authorities always take credit for the creativity of the masses, spontaneous self-organization persists even in the shadow of the state.
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nintendouniverse2023 · 4 months
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Resently, I really enjoyed playing The Remake of Mario vs DK, So here that I thought that I decided to be generous for @theshiningprincess and have Oswald the Lucky Rabbit giving her a Mini DK while Mickey got a Mini Mario.
My Headcanon Facts
1: In my Disney Headcanon, Mickey and Oswald are long time childhood friends to a different home before once reached adulthood when Mickey decided to travel to spread magic and joy to the world with new friends and a new world to make dimensional travels with magic. They still keep in contact with each other and sometimes visits one another.
2: In my Super Mario Rebirth Series Headcanon: If the Mini Mario and Friends Toy Company were the case, It could take place after Mario Sr/Jumpman and Cranky Kong finally went on good terms back at The Real Worlds New Donk City during Christmas. This would send the opportunity that Gill Koopa got an idea based on resent adventures of his friends and despite his old boss of the Koopa Empire. This would eventually lead to Gill Koopa inventions of the toys became a success and came the events of “Mini Mario and Friends Challenge arc” including Mara, Amatory, Wario, Waluigi, Daisy, Dixie Kong, WaPeach, Rara, Toadette along with Mario Sr and Cranky Kong, both younger and older. Gill would make more in the future. “Mario vs Donkey Kong Arc” would take place to but it would be Mara teams up with Esther and Lexie to defeat Scar Kong.
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raratraveltour · 2 months
Reviews Puncak Ciloto Bogor Terbaru
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Puncak Bogor ialah sebuah teritori wisata yang berada di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Populer dengan udara sejuknya dan panorama alam yang mempesona, Puncak Bogor jadi tujuan bagus untuk berlibur Anda. Dengan beragam pertunjukan wisata dan keelokan alamnya, Puncak Bogor tawarkan pengalaman tidak terlewatkan untuk pengunjungnya.
Tempat Wisata Puncak Bogor Tipe wisata Puncak Bogor tawarkan beragam tipe wisata yang bisa dicicipi oleh pengunjung. Teritori ini populer dengan keelokan alamnya, hingga wisata alam menjadi satu diantara pertunjukan intinya. Pengunjung bisa nikmati kebun teh yang asri, menelusuri rimba hujan tropis yang eksotik, atau jalan-jalan di taman bunga yang cantik. Disamping itu, Puncak Bogor tawarkan wisata keluarga seperti taman safari yang memikat dan taman wisata yang melipur.
Harga ticket masuk Harga ticket masuk beberapa tempat wisata di Puncak Bogor bervariatif bergantung pada tipe pertunjukan dan peraturan masing-masing tempat. Agar wisata alam seperti kebun teh dan rimba hujan, umumnya akan dikenai ticket masuk yang dapat dijangkau. Dalam pada itu, untuk pertunjukan wisata keluarga seperti taman safari dan taman wisata, harga ticket masuk mungkin sedikit semakin tinggi. Pengunjung dianjurkan untuk memeriksa harga ticket masuk lebih dulu saat sebelum bertandang.
Jam membuka Waktu operasional beberapa tempat wisata di Puncak Bogor bervariatif. Sejumlah tempat wisata membuka selama seharian, sedangkan sejumlah yang lain mempunyai jam operasional terbatas. Untuk contoh, kebun teh umumnya membuka selama seharian, dan taman safari dan taman wisata biasanya membuka mulai pagi sampai sore. Pengunjung dianjurkan untuk mengecek jam membuka tempat wisata yang ingin didatangi agar berencana lawatan secara baik.
Fasilitas Puncak Bogor Puncak Bogor sediakan beragam opsi fasilitas yang sesuai keperluan beberapa pengunjung. Dari hotel bintang lima yang eksklusif sampai vila individu yang terbatas, Anda bisa pilih pemondokan yang sesuai opsi dan bujet Anda.
Hotel di Puncak Bogor tawarkan sarana dan kenyamanan yang ideal untuk penuhi keperluan pengunjung. Dengan beragam type kamar dan service yang berkualitas, beberapa hotel ini jadi lokasi yang prima untuk istirahat sesudah sepanjang hari menelusuri keelokan Puncak Bogor.
Villa-villa di Puncak Bogor adalah pilihan fasilitas yang terkenal. Tawarkan privacy dan kenyamanan lebih, villa-villa ini pas untuk keluarga atau group yang ingin rasakan berlibur lebih terbatas. Dengan sarana komplet dan lokasi yang cantik, villa-villa ini akan membuat Anda merasakan seperti ada di rumah sendiri.
Maka apapun itu type fasilitas yang Anda tentukan, baik itu hotel eksklusif atau villa individu, Puncak Bogor akan memberi pengalaman bermalam yang mengagumkan untuk Anda yang liburan atau cari ketenangan di tengah-tengah alam.
Hotel Di Puncak Bogor terdapat beragam hotel yang bisa diputuskan oleh pengunjung. Sejumlah nama hotel yang terkenal di Puncak Bogor diantaranya Hotel Rafflesia, Hotel Novotel, dan Hotel Aston.
Nama Hotel Hotel Rafflesia, Hotel Novotel, dan Hotel Aston ialah sejumlah hotel populer di Puncak Bogor.
Lokasi Hotel Hotel Rafflesia berada di Puncak Ciloto, Hotel Novotel ada di teritori Puncak Pass, dan Hotel Aston berada di Puncak Cantik Resor. Tiap hotel mempunyai lokasi yang tidak sama, tetapi semuanya ada di dekat pusat keramaian dan pertunjukan wisata di Puncak Bogor.
Harga Hotel Harga-harga hotel di Puncak Bogor bervariatif bergantung pada kelas dan sarana yang dijajakan. Hotel Rafflesia mempunyai harga dimulai dari Rp500,000 per malam, Hotel Novotel pada harga dimulai dari Rp800,000 per malam, dan Hotel Aston pada harga dimulai dari Rp1,000,000 per malam.
Ulasan Hotel Saat sebelum memilih untuk bermalam pada sebuah hotel, penting untuk membaca ulasan hotel ini lebih dulu untuk pastikan kepuasan pengunjung sebelumnya. Hotel Rafflesia memperoleh pembahasan positif dengan service yang sangat ramah dan kamar yang bersih. Hotel Novotel mempunyai pembahasan yang bagus dengan sarana yang komplet dan panorama yang cantik. Dalam pada itu, Hotel Aston kerap mendapatkan sanjungan atas situasi yang tenang dan makanan yang sedap. Memerhatikan pembahasan pengunjung awalnya akan menolong saat pilih hotel yang sesuai opsi Anda.
Nama Hotel Lokasi Harga (per malam) Review Hotel Rafflesia Puncak Ciloto Rp500,000 ★★★★☆ Hotel Novotel Puncak Pass Rp800,000 ★★★★★ Hotel Aston Puncak Cantik Resort Rp1,000,000 ★★★☆☆ Villa Nama Villa Di Puncak Bogor, ada banyak villa terkenal sebagai opsi pengunjung. Sejumlah nama villa populer di Puncak Bogor diantaranya Villa Istana Bunga, Villa Bukit Pinus, dan Villa Cempaka Putih. Tiap villa mempunyai kekhasan dan sarana yang berbeda, memberi pengalaman bermalam yang tidak sama juga.
Lokasi Villa Villa Istana Bunga berada di teritori bukit-bukit Puncak Pass yang tawarkan panorama alam yang cantik. Villa Bukit Pinus berada di tengah-tengah perkebunan teh, memberi pengalaman yang damai dan tenang. Dalam pada itu, Villa Cempaka Putih berada dekat sama pertunjukan wisata seperti taman safari dan taman wisata, menjadikan lokasi yang vital.
Harga Villa Harga villa di Puncak Bogor bervariatif bergantung pada kelas villa dan sarana yang dijajakan. Villa dengan sarana eksklusif dan kolam renang individu umumnya mempunyai harga lebih tinggi. Tetapi, ada villa pada harga lebih dapat dijangkau namun masih tetap memberi kenyamanan yang ideal.
Ulasan Villa Penting untuk membaca ulasan villa saat sebelum memilih untuk bermalam. Ulasan villa memberi pandangan dan pengalaman secara langsung dari tamu awalnya, menolong calon pengunjung saat memutuskan. Ulasan villa yang positif memperlihatkan kualitas dan servis yang bagus, sedangkan ulasan yang negatif memperlihatkan kekurangan yang penting jadi perhatian.
Nama Villa Lokasi Harga Review Villa Istana Bunga Kawasan bukit-bukit Puncak Pass Varies Positive Villa Bukit Pinus Tengah perkebunan teh Varies Mixed Villa Cempaka Putih Daerah dekat pertunjukan wisata Varies Positive Resor Puncak Bogor sediakan beragam opsi fasilitas, termasuk resort-resort yang tawarkan pengalaman bermalam yang sangat nyaman dan sarana komplet. Sejumlah nama resor populer di Puncak Bogor diantaranya The Highland Park Resor, Daya tarik Alam Resor, dan The Jayakarta Cisarua Resor. Resort-resort ini berada di lokasi yang vital, tawarkan panorama alam yang mempesona, dan pastikan kenyamanan pengunjung sepanjang bermalam.
Nama Resor Berikut sejumlah resor populer di Puncak Bogor:
The Highland Park Resor Daya tarik Alam Resor The Jayakarta Cisarua Resor Harga Resor Harga-harga resor di Puncak Bogor bervariatif bergantung pada kelas dan sarana yang dijajakan. Untuk contoh, biaya per malam di The Highland Park Resor sekitar di antara Rp 1.500.000 sampai Rp 3.000.000, sedangkan Daya tarik Alam Resor mempunyai harga dimulai dari Rp 800.000 sampai Rp 1.500.000 per malam.
Lokasi Resor Resort-resort di Puncak Bogor berada di lokasi yang vital dan tawarkan akses gampang ke pertunjukan wisata disekelilingnya. The Highland Park Resor berada di Jalan Raya Puncak, Daya tarik Alam Resor ada di Jalan Raya Puncak Cisarua KM 8, dan The Jayakarta Cisarua Resor berada di Jalan Raya Puncak KM 84.
Ulasan Resor Penting untuk membaca ulasan resor saat sebelum memilih untuk bermalam. Untuk pengunjung yang cari ketenangan dan sarana eksklusif, The Highland Park Resor adalah opsi yang direferensikan. Resor ini memperoleh ulasan positif atas servis yang sangat ramah dan sarana komplet yang disiapkan.
Dalam pada itu, Daya tarik Alam Resor memperoleh pembahasan positif dari pengunjungnya. Resor ini dikenali keelokan alam disekelilingnya dan situasi yang tenang.
The Jayakarta Cisarua Resor banyak juga memperoleh pembahasan positif, khususnya dengan sarana yang komplet dan panorama alam yang mempesona.
Resort Harga Lokasi Review The Highland Park Resort Rp 1.500.000 - Rp 3.000.000 Jalan Raya Pucuk ★★★★☆ - Servis ramah dan sarana komplet Daya tarik Alam Resort Rp 800.000 - Rp 1.500.000 Jalan Raya Puncak Cisarua KM 8 ★★★★☆ - Keelokan alam dan situasi yang tenang The Jayakarta Cisarua Resort Varies Jalan Raya Puncak KM 84 ★★★★☆ - Sarana komplet dan panorama alam yang mempesona Aktivitas Wisata Puncak Bogor Menaiki Gunung Puncak Bogor tawarkan pengalaman menaiki gunung yang memikat untuk beberapa pencinta alam. Salah satunya opsi terkenal ialah Gunung Besar Pangrango, yang mempunyai panorama alam yang cantik dan beragam lajur pendakian yang melawan. Beberapa pendaki bisa nikmati keelokan alam Puncak Bogor, angin segar, dan pengalaman menggentarkan saat menelusuri gunung ini.
Naik sepeda Naik sepeda di Puncak Bogor ialah aktivitas yang hebat dan menggembirakan untuk pengunjung. Dengan udara sejuk dan panorama cantik, Puncak Bogor tawarkan jalur-jalur sepeda yang melawan dan menggembirakan. Pengunjung bisa nikmati keelokan alam Puncak Bogor sekalian olahraga dan rasakan angin segar yang beri kesegaran.
Kemping Kemping di Puncak Bogor ialah langkah yang baik untuk habiskan waktu bersama keluarga atau beberapa teman. Ada camping ground yang tawarkan sarana komplet dan panorama alam yang cantik. Dengan kemping, pengunjung dapat rasakan kehidupan di alam terbuka, membuat api unggun, mengolah bersama, dan nikmati peristiwa bersama yang tidak terlewatkan di bawah langit malam Puncak Bogor.
Aktivitas Wisata Keterangan Menaiki Gunung Pilihan terkenal: Gunung Besar Pangrango Bersepeda Jalur sepeda melawan dan cantik di Puncak Bogor Berkemah Fasilitas camping ground dan panorama alam yang cantik Tempat Kulineran Puncak Bogor Tipe Makan Puncak Bogor adalah surganya kulineran secara berbagai ragam makanan ciri khas yang bisa menggoyang lidah Anda. Beberapa macam makanan yang terkenal di Puncak Bogor diantaranya:
Nasi Liwet: Sebuah sajian nasi secara beragam lauk yang dihidangkan memakai daun pisang. Nasi liwet ciri khas Puncak Bogor mempunyai cita-rasa yang renyah dan wewangiantik. Sate Kelinci: Masakan daging kelinci yang diolah jadi sate dengan bumbu ciri khas. Sate kelinci di Puncak Bogor populer dengan kehalusan dan kesedapannya. Sup Ikan: Sup berbahan khusus ikan fresh yang diproses rempah-rempah dan sayur. Sup ikan Puncak Bogor mempunyai wewangian dan rasa yang fresh dan sedap. Harga Makanan Harga makanan di Puncak Bogor bervariatif bergantung pada tipe makanan dan tempat makan yang Anda tentukan. Anda bisa temukan makanan pada harga yang dapat dijangkau di beberapa warung dan pedagang kaki lima di sepanjang Puncak Bogor. Dalam pada itu, restaurant dan pemondokan lebih eksklusif mungkin tawarkan makanan pada harga lebih tinggi.
Lokasi Kulineran Puncak Bogor banyak memiliki warung dan restaurant yang menyuguhkan beragam sajian sedap. Anda bisa temukan tempat kulineran di sepanjang teritori wisata Puncak Bogor. Sejumlah tempat kulineran yang terkenal ialah:
Teritori Wisata Taman Safari: Di sini, Anda bisa temukan restaurant yang menyuguhkan sajian Asia dan barat dengan panorama yang cantik. Pasar Cisarua: Pasar tradisionil ini menyuguhkan beragam makanan lokal seperti nasi liwet, bakso, dan sate kelinci. Teritori Kebun Teh Rancabali: Anda bisa nikmati satu gelas teh fresh sekalian nikmati panorama perkebunan teh yang cantik. Sejumlah kebun teh sediakan camilan dan sajian ciri khas wilayah. Jalur dan Map Puncak Bogor
Untuk capai Puncak Bogor, ada banyak lajur yang bisa di ikuti. Jalur khusus ialah lewat Jalan Nasional Jalur 8 dan bisa dijangkau lewat Jalan Tol Jagorawi dan Jalan Tol Bocimi. Jalur-jalur ini memberi akses yang gampang dan nyaman ke Puncak Bogor. Tetapi, penting diingat jika Puncak Bogor sering kemacetan pada akhir minggu dan berlibur panjang.
Saat hadapi kemacetan di lajur khusus, ada jalur-jalur alternative yang bisa dipakai. Lajur alternative ini kerap kali lebih sepi dan bisa kurangi waktu perjalanan. Sejumlah lajur alternative yang mempunyai panorama yang cantik ialah lewat Kota Bantar Gebang dan Lajur Sukabumi. Memakai program peta atau mengecek map akan menolong dalam navigasi ke arah Puncak Bogor.
Untuk menyaksikan jalur dan map Puncak Bogor selengkapnya, pengunjung bisa terhubung beragam situs peta online atau memakai program peta yang ada di piranti mereka. Informasi jalur dan map ini akan mempermudah pengunjung saat berencana perjalanan mereka ke Puncak Bogor dan menghindar dari kemacetan yang mungkin terjadi.
FAQ Apa yang membuat Puncak Bogor jadi tujuan wisata yang terkenal? Puncak Bogor populer dengan udara sejuknya dan panorama alam yang mempesona. Tempat ini tawarkan pengalaman wisata yang tidak terlewatkan secara beragam pertunjukan wisata dan keelokan alamnya.
Apa tipe wisata yang dapat dicicipi di Puncak Bogor? Puncak Bogor tawarkan beragam tipe wisata, dimulai dari wisata alam seperti kebun teh dan rimba hujan, sampai wisata keluarga seperti taman safari dan taman wisata.
Berapakah harga ticket masuk dan jam membuka tempat wisata di Puncak Bogor? Harga ticket masuk dan jam membuka tempat wisata di Puncak Bogor bervariatif bergantung pada tipe pertunjukan dan peraturan masing-masing tempat. Harus dipahami informasi terkini dari tiap-tiap tempat wisata saat sebelum mendatanginya.
Apa opsi fasilitas yang ada di Puncak Bogor? Puncak Bogor sediakan beragam opsi fasilitas seperti hotel, villa, dan resor untuk pengunjung yang ingin bermalam. Sarana dan harga fasilitas bervariatif bergantung pada tipe dan kelasnya.
Apa beberapa nama hotel terkenal di Puncak Bogor? Sejumlah nama hotel terkenal di Puncak Bogor diantaranya Hotel Rafflesia, Hotel Novotel, dan Hotel Aston.
Apa beberapa nama villa terkenal di Puncak Bogor? Sejumlah nama villa terkenal di Puncak Bogor diantaranya Villa Istana Bunga, Villa Bukit Pinus, dan Villa Cempaka Putih.
Apa beberapa nama resor populer di Puncak Bogor? Sejumlah nama resor populer di Puncak Bogor diantaranya The Highland Park Resor, Daya tarik Alam Resor, dan The Jayakarta Cisarua Resor.
Apa aktivitas wisata yang dapat dilaksanakan di Puncak Bogor? Di Puncak Bogor, pengunjung bisa menaiki gunung, naik sepeda, dan kemping. Ada jalur-jalur yang pas untuk aktivitas itu.
Apa makanan ciri khas yang dapat dicicipi di Puncak Bogor? Sejumlah makanan ciri khas Puncak Bogor diantaranya nasi liwet, sate kelinci, dan sup ikan. Ada beberapa warung dan restaurant yang menyuguhkannya.
Bagaimana jalur dan map untuk capai Puncak Bogor? Puncak Bogor bisa diraih lewat Jalan Nasional Jalur 8 atau lewat Jalan Tol Jagorawi dan Jalan Tol Bocimi. Tetapi, penting diingat jika Puncak Bogor sering kemacetan pada akhir minggu dan berlibur panjang. Ada jalur-jalur alternative yang bisa dipakai untuk menghindar dari kemacetan.
#wisata #travel #puncakciloto #bogor #puncakbogor #puncakcilotobogor #raratravel
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tmntforeverinmyheart · 10 months
“Tmnt interdimensional vacation crossover”designs for the boys + cursed desriptions I found from scouring Pinterest
If you have any questions about Raph or Rara, please feel free to ask me :)
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Proper info below:
Raph has always been a fighting spirit. Determined to beat his brothers in training, sparring and everything else. He was competitive, always up for a challenge, no matter how dangerous. He was and is at times still full of anger and has a short fuse that could easily be lit by simple teasing. His brother Mikey was the primary instigator that baited him into fights, Raph didn’t always hold back. He felt resentment towards Lee for his position as leader, feeling that he was stronger and better equipped for the job, until the moment where Lee left after an argument and Raph had to step up. The burden was heavy, heavier than Raph could’ve expected, but he was forced to carry it being the second oldest. He realized how much it hurt to see his brothers injured and that he didn’t know how to help. He didn’t have a plan, in a moment of need he froze. The team couldn’t be without Lee, he was their leader, even if he made mistakes. The one thing Raph wants in the whole world, is happiness.
Raph always felt disconnected from the world. Knowing that the most he’d see of it was the city of New York, pretty much only at night. Then the team had to retreat to Aprils family farmhouse upstate, after Lee was injured and New York had been turned into a playground for the kraang. Being so far out, with no humans around gave Raph the ability to explore his new surroundings. He would spend his days deep in the woods, sitting by the creek, jumping from tree to tree and chopping wood for the fireplace. It was a truly freeing experience, and honestly he felt a bit of regret returning to their home in the sewers. After the kraang invasion was dealt with, Raph craved that freedom of being outside during the day, sitting by that creek within the woods was calming, he felt at peace, he could relax and let his troubles drift away. The sewers were dark and grimy, there was no sunlight and he stated to feel his anger creep up again. He vowed that one day, he would travel the world, not caring if he was accepted by society or not. And then he met Mona Lisa, the love of his life. And he realized his dream of happiness and freedom no longer just included himself, his heart was opened to two special people, his girlfriend Mona Lisa and his adopted son Chompy Picasso.
Being in the presence of his counterparts caused him a great deal of stress, as the last time they traveled dimensions, they had to deal with shredder and kraang again. This time however, there was no special reason for their arrival and instead was just a mishap with Dees and Leon’s experiment. The self dubbed disaster twins were immediately enamored with the older and more scarred Raph, and proceeded to ask him a myriad of questions. If Raph was being honest, he loved kids, they were so curious and easily excitable. And even though Dee and Leon were only 4 years younger than him, he still saw them as kids.
Leon was fun, always up for a challenge. He constantly bounced around Raph trying to bait him into a fight to show off his skills. Raph declined, mostly afraid of hurting the kid if he were to go all out. Until Raph was bear witness to a spar orchestrated by Lee of Leon and Rara. He was honestly shocked at how ferocious the two younger turtles were, both going all out or as all out as they could in such a small place. Raph watches in fascination thinking it would end immediately due to Raras size and strength, but Leon is fast, able to anticipate Raras movements eventually beating them. Raph had to do a double take, realizing that he wasn’t as quick or smart as he had been at Leon’s age. Raph could see the similarities between Leon and his own blue banded brother. Next time Leon baits him into a fight, Raph will accept.
Dee and Raph were pretty much opposites. After the initial meeting, Dee mostly stayed in his lab working on a battle shell for Lee. This remind Raph of his own Donnie, and even though him and Dee didn’t have much in common he still made sure to check up on the kid and force him out of his lab if he needed to to get Dee to eat something.
Michael and Raph were instant besties, both having a love of the arts and mostly spent time drawing together. Lee told them an idea he had, about them collaborating on an art project to brighten up their home, he brought them to a wall and told them to go crazy. It was freedom to be creative, it was the perfect challenge. Other than art, Micheal also introduced Raph to the hidden city, a place to explore where only mutants roamed. Pulling him around to all the trinket shops and even saying hi to Baron Draxum.
Raph and Rara bonded over their shared protectiveness over their family, they’d spend hours just talking about their life, struggles, hopes and dreams. It was very relaxing compared to the activities Raph did with his other brothers.
Raph struggled at first with getting to know splinter, having lost his own father barely a year ago, until he saw how much splinter reminded him of his late father, the way he loved his sons, and gave them advice and worried for them. They were a family, big and beautiful and full of love. He wanted to join in, but worried he would ruin everything for them, so he stayed away on family movie nights when they all piled on top of each other and watched a Lou jitsu movie, until one night Micheal pulled him in and stated that him and his brothers were family too.
Physical attributes:
Raph continues to be quite short for his age, even after having a growth spurt that caused him to grow 2 inches taller than Lee, compared to his younger counterparts height, he is much smaller.
Raph suffered a serious infection to his eye, after the brainworm burrowed through it. The look of his eye is worse than the actual state of it, and he wears a patch to conceal it.
His knee and elbow pads have an extra layer of protection underneath, to lessen the amount of injury to his knee caps, and elbows.
He has a large crevice of skin exposed in his plastron, years ago it was a tiny lightning shaped crack through the very top, and over time the crack grew bigger from new injuries he obtained to that area.
Raph has undiagnosed temporal lobe ADD
Raph has undiagnosed IED
Raph has entomophobia
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
the miraculous mr. sunday -
(the magician)
(rarae aves’s slasher oc)
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“You know, when I got my name, everyone in town was glad when Sunday rolled in. Nowadays I’m wondering if I need to rebrand. You, though - you can call me Seth. All my friends do.”
age: finally stopped aging somewhere in his mid-40s (5/22/1901)(taurus-gemini cusp) birthplace: A town that doesn’t exist anymore in Western Kansas, USA. height: 6’0” current location: ominously close to the parish line near Greymoon, Louisiana. favorite book: says it’s the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald (it’s really the wonderful wizard of oz by l. frank baum) hobbies: travel (anywhere the wind blows, really), oddities and miracles, old-fashioned circus/sideshows, magic, and their history (especially in the US tradition), parties (mostly attending, never hosts much himself for such a gregarious fellow), and any and all forms of theater and performance. being with as many people as possible, far from the empty fields and endless wind. occupation: former stage magician, now fixer for They Who Provide. Aspiring Necromancer.
(what he’d pick as his own walk-on music: I put a spell on you - screamin’ jay hawkins what it actually would be: when the circus came to town — aurelio voltaire fc: david dastmalchian, underrated horror darling of my heart.)
“You wouldn’t believe the kind of opportunities people just… throw away.” Seth Sunday flicks a vintage lighter open and closed as he speaks, almost without realizing it. He hasn’t needed it for decades now - no point in smoking when you don’t always need to breathe. it’s mostly there for him to fidget with, truthfully. “It’s not every day Destiny prostrates itself at your door, you know. You’d have to be awful conceited to act like it’s just going to hang around while you get your shoes on.” He laughs, and it’s a cold, hard little sound like something stunted from a lack of sun despite the warmth of his smile. “Me, I came up the old fashioned way.” The lighter flicks closed. “I saw my moment, and I didn’t wait for ‘my turn.’ I found my own way in. I gave everything I ever knew for just one chance. And now look at me.” He pulls another hand from the pocket of his long, oddly patterned black coat, but there’s something… unfamiliar about it. The fingertips are dark, as though they’ve lost blood and then been dipped in ash. The nails look like they’ll snag on any ephemeral trace of you they can reach. “You know the secret to getting everything you ever wanted?” he says, gazing almost admiringly at his warped digits. 
The longer you look, the more you’d swear the air over his fingertips starts to ripple. As if something is stroking the very fabric of the space around you, toying with the individual threads. 
When his eyes find yours, you feel like you’ve been shoved down a flight of stairs in the face of all that bottomless blackness. His smile isn’t so warm now. “I do.”
a history, of sorts:
Seth says he doesn’t remember his birth name. The one written in a mildewed family Bible in the middle of godforsaken nowhere, Kansas, on an overcast spring day in 1901. He doesn’t need to remember it. That child - later, that man - is dead. Has been for more than a century now.
He’d seen to that himself.
Seth’s parents were immigrants, would-be homesteaders in a countryside drenched in blood they were willing to overlook for the cheap promises of a government looking for labor. Then they were farmers. Farmers with shit luck in multiple regards: first in their curse of an eldest child, a sickly daydreamer with no stomach for the grisly aspects of tending livestock and no fortitude for planting crops, who spent good money on books and useless picture show tickets when it could have gone to food. Then in the fact that his mother got pregnant, again, far too late to save his parents’ marriage or for their struggling household to support more mouths.
But for a few years, the scrappy little family seemed to catch a break. For one blissful bubble after Isaac and Ezekiel were born healthy and hale, and there was a wheat boom in the wake of the first World War (the ‘Great War’, the war to end all wars, it had been called. So much for that.), it seemed like everything might just turn around. Father was strong, Mother was healthy, and Seth was set to inherit a thriving farm when it was his time. Seth hated every minute of it.
He wanted more. He was meant for more. He wanted to be one of the people from his childhood in the center of the three rings on his one and only visit to a circus, or someone in the glow of stage lights, on his brief ventures into the city for errands, or one of the ghostly faces on the giant shimmering screen in the lone little theater three towns over. The farm was the handcuffs he couldn’t manage to unlock, as easy as the traveling magicians made it look. He didn’t want younger brothers, or aging parents that clearly preferred them and not him, or the responsibilities of the supposedly cherished oldest son. He didn’t want to be born and die on the same plot of land, buried somewhere the cows could graze over for the rest of eternity, his name only ever meaning wasted potential. He’d tried to enlist for the Great War, tried to get sent abroad like other boys he knew. He was a little young, but he was tall for his age even then, and he almost - almost - got away to see the world.
But his father, a cheap bastard if he’d ever known one, had somehow scraped together enough money and their best cow to bribe the recruiters who came to town looking to look the other way. He wouldn’t dignify pretending it was done out of love, either. His father was a pragmatic man. He’d known that it was only ever about keeping enough labor for the farm, especially with his mother newly pregnant at the time.
His life as he knew it was only ever in service to those around him. Their choices defined his. It was enough to make any man see red, after so many years.
Then came what would be known to later generations as the Dust Bowl, and Seth’s world turned black.
The crops withered up, and so did the cows. Dirt swept through the skies in curtains so thick it blocked out the sun. There was no surface in the little ramshackle house that wasn’t covered in it by nightfall, no matter how much one swept or wiped or screamed. For years, it felt like his every breath was studded with grit. He had nightmares of being buried alive in the miserable barren plot that used to be the pasture.
Just when he thought he’d choke to death on it, his father beat him to the grave, leaving him and his fragile mother alone with his two boisterous brothers. He was the man of the house, now, and it made him want to claw off his own skin.
So much so, he thought it was worth trading someone else’s to escape. It’s no surprise that certain folklore has a habit of dispersing itself, even through a country as vast as this one was already. Tales whispered in half fear, half hope by the desperate circulate like much-needed storms, especially when those storms refuse to materialize.
It was Seth’s idea to go to the crossroads, but he let his mother think it was hers — a half-remembered story from the old country, rather than something strange he’d found in a book long forgotten under his bed. The little family trekked there together, walking the miles in shoes close to worn through, and only just reaching the nearest junction when his father’s cracked pocket watch read midnight.
Seth had been chosen to ask for the family’s salvation, for the ability to carry them all on for another year — he had the best English of the family, and what else would a demon speak in a land like this? But when something emerged from the darkness like it was a curtain, asking in a voice like smoke what he wanted…
Seth spoke up for himself, for the first time in his life.
He only felt a little bad when he saw what the demon did to his mother. But he couldn’t deny his own glee when he saw what happened to her precious twins. Before a quarter of an hour had passed, Seth could make fire appear at the tips of his fingers, could make coins appear from thin air. The things he could do would have caused his idol, Harry Houdini, to break into a nervous sweat. Everything he’d ever dreamed of as a lonely boy in the fields, he could do at his own merest whim.
Seth ditched his human name, and at the demon’s suggestion, adopted the surname of Sunday. “The Miraculous” had been his own touch. It was finally his turn to be the miracle he never was to his folks. And for decades, he was. He was beloved in the small towns he stopped in, his own traveling show, with a rotation of beautiful assistants at his beck and call over the years. Nothing was ever too good for him, he could dazzle his way into anywhere he wanted.
As long as he kept things square with They Who Provide, he was living the good life.
…But times have a habit of changing. As the world grew, magic - both real and sleight of hand - shank in its influence. For all his caustic nature, Seth Sunday was ill-equipped for a world that finally matched his inward cynicism. And what did They Who Provide need with some little nobody from the middle of nowhere, when they had entire established families, generations of magic, at their beck and call?
After decades of earning his keep by tying up his benefactors’ loose ends, Seth finally heard something very interesting: A whisper of a family down south that was refusing to hold up their end of their contract.
A family with power over Death itself.
…Well. If there was an open spot to fill, and no one there to fill it, Seth saw no reason he couldn’t throw his own metaphorical hat in the ring. After all, he has plenty of experience keeping demons satisfied. What’s three more names to add to his list of sacrifices?
There was always something to be said for reinventing oneself when your act was getting stale. He could see himself growing into “The Miraculous Master Lazarus” just fine.
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nepalenfieldersblog · 5 months
"Rara Reverie: A Motorbike Tour to Nepal's Gem"
Embark on an extraordinary journey as we rev our engines for a Motorbike Tour to the hidden jewel of Nepal—Rara Lake. Nestled in the remote corners of the Himalayas, this adventure promises not just a ride, but an immersive experience surrounded by pristine landscapes and the serenity of one of Nepal's largest lakes.
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Section 1: The Call of the Wilderness Introduce the allure of Rara Lake, set against the backdrop of the remote northwestern regions of Nepal. Explore the magnetic pull of this untouched destination and the anticipation it sparks in intrepid riders.
Section 2: Crafting the Route Through Unexplored Trails Delve into the intricacies of crafting a route to Rara Lake, navigating unexplored trails that wind through picturesque landscapes and quaint villages. Discuss the planning required for a seamless journey into the heart of wilderness.
Section 3: Gearing Up for the Himalayan Escape Provide insights into gearing up for the Himalayan escape, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right motorcycle for the varied terrains. Highlight preparation tips to ensure a comfortable and safe ride to Rara Lake.
Section 4: Cultural Encounters in the Remote Villages Explore the cultural richness of the remote villages en route to Rara Lake. Share encounters with local communities, showcasing the unique traditions and warm hospitality that define life in these secluded regions.
Section 5: The Tranquil Majesty of Rara Lake Paint a vivid picture of Rara Lake's tranquil majesty as riders approach its shores. Discuss the breathtaking views, the reflective beauty of the lake, and the sense of serenity that envelops this hidden gem.
Section 6: Challenges and Triumphs on the Himalayan Trails Detail the challenges riders may face while traversing the Himalayan trails leading to Rara Lake. Highlight the triumphs that come with overcoming steep inclines, river crossings, and unpredictable weather.
Section 7: Gastronomic Delights Amidst the Himalayan Wilderness Celebrate the gastronomic adventure amidst the Himalayan wilderness. From local delicacies in remote teahouses to the warmth of traditional meals, riders indulge in the flavors that complement the natural beauty.
Section 8: Capturing the Essence Through Photography Guide riders on capturing the essence of the Rara Lake journey through their lens. Provide photography tips to immortalize the pristine landscapes, cultural encounters, and the unique charm of the journey.
Conclusion: As the motorbikes come to a halt by the shores of Rara Lake, the journey concludes not just as a tour but as a spiritual communion with nature. Riders carry back memories of a Himalayan escape, where the roar of engines blended harmoniously with the serene whispers of Rara Lake—a testament to the allure of undiscovered beauty.
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fiercynn · 8 months
palestinian poets: nathalie handal
poet, playwright, translator, nonfiction writer, and literary travel writer nathalie handal is originally of a palestinian family from bethlehem, and was raised in latin america, france and the middle east, and educated in asia, the united states, and the united kingdom. her recently published collections include life in a country album, winner of the palestine book award and a foreword indies book award finalist; the flash collection the republics; the bilingual collection la estrella invisible / the invisible star; the critically acclaimed poet in andalucía; love and strange horses, winner of the gold medal independent publisher book award; and more.
handal’s poetry draws on her experiences of dislocation, home, travel, and exile. she has taught at new york university, columbia university, and at the low-residency MFA program at sierra nevada college. she also writes the literary travel column "the city and the writer" for words without borders.
Talhamiyeh at voyages: journal of contemporary humanism
:3 at cordite
Cara Aceitunada at poetry magazine
Europa Nostra at the irish times
Others Are Us at poetry magazine
Counting in Venetian
Clouds in Porto Alegre Train Station at musa rara
Freedom at revista zunai
The Act of Counting at poetry magazine
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