walkinroadkillz · 5 months
Janson x Jorge!! :3 @mazerunner-rarepairs
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Old man yaoi save me 🙏 for now I've been calling this ship Jorson for a lack of better name (yes it's pronounced whoreson😔)
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get-the-medjacks · 5 months
@mazerunner-rarepairs some Mary/Ava for day one of posting: three sentence fic
The rocks dig into Mary’s knees as she’s forced to the ground with Vince and the others, the camp erupting into chaos as WCKD storms in.
Mary looks up through the chaos and into Ava’s eyes as a sharp and searing pain blossoms in her chest.
As the world starts to turn hazy, and the colors slowly fade, Mary tries to remember a time when those beautiful green eyes held love instead of hate.
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AO3 link
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its-tea-time-darling · 4 months
[Gally + Teresa] // Don't look at him.
@mazerunner-rarepairs 3 sentence fic
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“Don't look at him, look at me.”
Words he's wanted to say ever since she first arrived at the Glade and gasped his name with her first breath, ever since she let him up the lookout tower (sturdy, safe; Gally built it) and talk her down, while she threw rocks on all the other boys; on Gally.
She's looked to Thomas all her life, for help, for approval, maybe more, maybe love, Gally couldn't say--but he knows one thing: when this is all over, he won't waste his shot at finding out how she feels when she looks at Gally instead.
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ao3 / bingo progress:
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scorchedmazes · 5 months
i posted for rarepair bingo!! (shocker) it was my first time writing minally but its finished!! based on the florence + the machine song: “my boy builds coffins” bc gally just killed their relationship (and he’s a builder so-)
Gally stares at Minho as he stands up, brushing himself off. He hadn’t meant to lose his temper like that. Hadn’t meant to jab at Minho, knowing the boy had a temper himself. Minho’s face is red, burning hot with rage. Fists clutched at his side, heavily breathing as if he had just gotten done with running.. as if he and Gally had just finished a regularly scheduled makeout session. Gally now doubts that they’ll ever have those again.
Calling Gally a hypocrite isn’t the lowest blow Minho could’ve thrown at him, it hurt, but not as much as the look in Minho’s eyes do. Boring into him with so much hatred that Gally thinks he’s going to melt into the council hall flooring. Ironic, he was the one that put this flooring in. Death at the hands of Minho, laying on his craftsmen work. After the boy he wanted to marry threw him on the ground, threatening to break his neck and limbs if he ever so much as looked in his direction.
Gally sees Minho’s eye twitch, a thing that he’s seen before. After Minho’s spent too much time in the maproom, or when he gets done lecturing his runners about something. Gally’s usually the one that soothes it, he wants to soothe it now. He forces himself to stand there, feet away from the Keeper. “You should not have done that, Minho. You should not have done that.” Ignoring the tears that he saw pooling in Minho’s eyes, tears roll down his own cheeks as he marches away from the crumbled building of his relationship.
read it on ao3:
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st4rfvckerr · 4 months
trying to post this AGAIN and if it doesn't work idk
wrote some emotional hurt+comfort Teresa/Rachel for @mazerunner-rarepairs !!<3
Prompt: major character (un)death + write a rating no one has written for a ship before
Teresa breathes out. “Yes, I do. Don't you remember ?”
The last words are a plea, don't hurt me more than you have to, Teresa begging the girl to remember, helplessly hoping that the sound of her voice would trigger something—anything—in the void that are now her memories.
"I don't remember,” Rachel admits. “But I wish I did.”
I wish I did.
In the calm, morbid peace of the Safe Haven, Teresa Agnes reunites with the fiery-haired girl of her childhood, and relearns to love along the way.
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subjecta5newtella · 4 months
some nalby for @mazerunner-rarepairs month - AU square
It’s late evening after a light post-season practice, and Alby and Newt are headed for the dining hall when Minho catches up with them. 
“Alby!” he calls, jogging over and blocking their exit from the soccer fields. 
Alby sighs. “What?”
“Three of the freshmen challenged Thomas and I to a scrimmage, and everyone else has already left.”
“I’ve already cooled down, I’m not going to start running again.”
“Aw, come on. Thomas and I could beat them two-on-three, but that’ll damage their morale.”
“Call someone else back, then. I’m done for the day.”
Technically, he’s done in general. He’s a graduating senior who doesn’t have to come to practice at all anymore, but as the outgoing captain, he still feels a sense of responsibility. And maybe he’s not quite ready to let go, but that’s another thing entirely. Still, he draws the line at getting all sweaty again because of Minho’s pride or whatever. 
In a stunning display of self-restraint, Minho concedes that battle, then turns. “Hey, Newt?”
“If we all promise to go easy on you, do you wanna join?”
Alby catches the exact moment when something sparks to life in Newt’s eyes.
It’s probably a bad idea. Newt can run on his bad leg, but only short distances, and his ankle and hip both have a tendency to hurt the next day. The shift in his balance makes dribbling more challenging than it used to be—he can do it, but it’s not the simple thing it once was. Newt knows all that intimately, of course, but Alby also knows he misses soccer like nothing else, had spent an evening on the bathroom floor in tears between bouts of throwing up vodka on the anniversary of the day he’d been told he’d never play competitively again. He’s a student coach now, and a damn good one in Alby’s (admittedly biased) opinion, but that’s far from the same. 
“You’ll go easy on me, eh?” Newt says, with a smile that looks a little dangerous.
“Well, you know, it’s been a while, we don’t want you to overexert yourself.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to convince me to play against you.”
“Aw, come on. The freshmen are getting way too cocky.”
“Fine. But if you mention anything about going easy on me again, I’m betraying you and joining them.”
He hands his backpack over to Alby, who can’t help but say, “Be careful.”
Newt rolls his eyes. “I’ll be fine.” He jogs out onto the field, managing his limp with relative smoothness.
Thomas does a little bit of a double take when he sees Newt joining them, but he drops back to take up a position on his right. He’d played right midfielder when he’d transferred to their school, before Newt had moved him to the left to cover a skill gap, and that combination of Thomas and Minho on their left flank had scored them the game winning goal in conference championships. 
It’s not just Alby’s biased opinion, really. Newt’s a good coach. He’s already gotten an offer to stay on next year as a paid position, and he’s probably going to take it, which means Alby needs to find a job here, even though neither of them have actually talked about that out loud. It’s the two of them. It’ll always be the two of them. 
A couple minutes into the scrimmage, Newt strips the ball from George and sends it up to Minho to do the rest of the running, and in that fast, fluid movement, Alby remembers the way he used to be. Starting lineup, number five, center forward. Quick. Vicious. Glorious. Other teams complained about facing him, and every time they did, Alby felt a stab of pride. People watched him, people admired him, but there were times when Newt would pull off something impossible and look back with a smile that was sharp and wild and beautiful and Alby had known it was for him.
Alby loves this version of Newt without question and he knows he will for the rest of his life, but sometimes it’s hard not to mourn the way things were supposed to be. It’s selfish, maybe. His life is not the one most affected. Knowing it’s selfish doesn’t stop him from feeling it sometimes, 
Newt’s alive, though, which is something Alby doesn’t take for granted, and in the present moment he’s celebrating Minho’s goal. It’s a little tasteless, maybe, but it’s also their first time playing together since sophomore year and they’ve already scored, so they might be entitled.
The game continues and Alby loses himself in it, watching the way Newt and Minho click back into being a solid offensive unit, how Thomas works well with the two of them even in a position that he hasn’t played in a while. It’s easy to forget that he and Newt have never actually played together. They’re a good team. They could’ve been a great one, but that’s the kind of unproductive reasoning Alby tries to shut down whenever Newt gets caught up in it, so he does his best to close it off within himself as well. 
After about ten minutes, Newt slows, then stops, mimes bowing out. He joins Alby on the sidelines as the others keep messing around, retying his hair as he does. “Can’t keep up with the youth anymore.”
“Nah. Just old. No stamina anymore.”
Alby’s not sure he believes that, because Newt’s barely even breathing hard, but Alby lets it go because he also doesn’t look like he’s in pain, either. He’ll take an excuse over a breaking point any day.
“You looked good out there,” Alby says, handing Newt’s backpack back to him. 
Newt gives him a sarcastic little salute. “Thanks, Captain. I was awaiting your approval.”
“Shut up.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Newt says, then after a moment adds, “Thanks.”
Things will never be what they used to be. It’s a waste of time to pretend otherwise. But he has Newt, and Newt has him, and they’ll get through together. They always do. 
Alby laces his fingers through Newt’s, and they head off for dinner. 
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star--anon · 5 months
This Could Be The Day I Die For You
[MISSING SCENE: Fever Code] why Minho got punished for escaping and Gally didn't
AKA Minho takes the fall for Gally 'cause they're gay like that
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toby-du-coeur · 4 months
minally and sonyariset war au: rarepair bingo 2024
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Rating: Explicit
Minho comes and stands beside him · smoke-smelling · "You good?" he asks, tight Gally already told him he was good, by the fire · Minho shouldn’t be here Gally realises he’s on his feet, arms around Minho, face buried in his shoulder · Minho’s pressing his head into Gally like a cat · They’re both shuddering hard "Fuck off, Min," Gally grits out · holding onto him tighter "What, no gratitude for the shank who saved your life?" The quip lands completely hollow, with a hysteric edge like he’s gonna burst into laughter or tears Gally says, very even, "A thousand thanks" · Minho’s warmth is seeping into him, and his breaths hurt his chest · "I’m fine" · If he doesn’t immerse himself back in the cold night and the silence, he’s gonna fucking snap "And I’m a shuck Griever" · Minho reaches up and cups the back of Gally’s neck, the taped-on gauze, real gentle
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justtorzaplease · 4 months
Wasted Summers
For @mazerunner-rarepairs
Square 3 Prompt: "poetry"
198 words
When his partner dies,
Newt doesn't know how to cope.
Thomas helps him learn.
OR: Newt is told poetry might help clear his head, might help him move through those emotions, and he's willing to try anything. He tries not to get too personal.
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astralpenguin · 5 months
@mazerunner-rarepairs prompt: 3 sentence fic
Attacking another Glader was a banishable offence.
It didn't matter that Ben had been stung; it didn't matter than on any other day he wouldn't so much as hurt a fly; it certainly didn't matter that Gally loved him.
The rules were there for a reason, and there were no exceptions.
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walkinroadkillz · 4 months
It's late and I need to get up early tomorrow but I wanted to post this todayyy 😔 especially after the break I was on
Free space: kissing challange <3
One frame is a bit suggestive<3 -🦡
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Pre editing 😌
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get-the-medjacks · 4 months
@mazerunner-rarepairs Platonic Mary&Vince for canon divergence
~ In which Janson can't shoot, Mary is shot in the leg and not the stomach and that alone changes everything~
AO3 link
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Edit- and bingo for the AO3 board 🥳
Clarifying question: would this count for the AO3 board as no one has written platonic Mary&Vince and thus no ratings exist for the tag?
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its-tea-time-darling · 4 months
Maybe is all we have (Rachel/Thomas)
Rachel and Thomas are starting to realize that a crack goes through the elite subjects. It runs along the lines of what humans are allowed to do to each other, and it leaves Rachel and Thomas on their own to figure out what they think is right.
@mazerunner-rarepairs "missing scene" and "be the first to write a ship"
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scorchedmazes · 5 months
another rarepair creation,, this time i went with a moodboard!!
for the prompt: “alternate universe”
ben and minho would love living on the beach,, so here’s an au where they have a little house on the beach together.
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st4rfvckerr · 4 months
@mazerunner-rarepairs i never planned to write this but benewt !! i just had to
prompt: 3 sentence fic (probably the three longest sentences i ever wrote but three sentences nonetheless !!)
As Newt grips the banishing pole, his uneven nails digging into the sculpted wood, all he can think about is how Ben was the one to make it, his craftsmanship imbedded into the work, adept fingers creating rough indents, yet delicate under Newt’s touch, his scent buried inside the oak wood and defying the promise that Newt won't get to feel him again.
The pole, Ben’s demise, is the last of him Newt gets to take in, the woodwork a final reminder of Newt’s betrayal; they made me do it, I voted against, I swear, I swear, I swear—the irony feels too cruel.
Newt runs his fingers over the curve of the plank and pictures warm, pliant skin, a collarbone, agile hands, a sea of freckles, and attempts to ignore the fact that Ben will feel the pole too, Newt’s last touch harsh and dry rather than the loving way he drives his hands over the carved wood; Ben will never know.
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i promise this is my last event submission (maybe)
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directionerplusgleek · 5 months
Vince and Jorge take a trip to explore the size of the island they've settled on. While Jorge's ready to throw aside the responsibilities of being an adult for a while, Vince is anxious about the camp while they're gone.
But the camp doesn't need them. And maybe that's okay.
Submission for Rarepair Bingo - Based on a song
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