#rat catcher 2 headcanons
kyberphilosopher · 3 years
Ratcatcher 2 Headcanons
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Personal headcanons for Cleo Cazo- Ratcatcher 2.
Doesn’t mind astrology, tarot cards, or crystal balls. Anything of that sort, she’ll take what resonates gladly and get excited at the notion. Though she doesn’t necessarily know a lot herself. 
Pretty accepting of all identities. Good with respecting pronouns and sexualities and religions. Also finds drag queens fascinating and will hype them up at any given opportunity. 
If Cleo had an instagram, her feed would be pictures of places she’s traveled, Sebastian and other rats, and old pictures of when she was in Belle Reeve with the caption, “I miss this place sometimes.” And it’s like a picture of her bed or notches she kept on the wall or something. 
Kind of a messy eater. She eats fast. 
Cleo gets attached to a lot of pets at pet stores. Cats, dogs, fish, birds, lizards- doesn’t matter. Though she’s not a big fan of snakes since they eat mice and rats. 
Cleo watches anime. 
We didn’t see much of the Peacemaker-Ratcatcher 2 relationship, but I imagine she trusted him. Sort of like in an older brother, or protective relationship. Different from the one she had with Bloodsport though. 
Thinks the flower crown snapchat filter is really pretty. She’d have the time of her life with it if she had snapchat. 
Probably allergic to bees. I don’t know. I feel like she has those seasonal allergies. 
When moths are active, they’ll come and land on her when she’s still. 
Her favorite parts of ice cream sundaes are the cherries that come with. Those bright, red sugary ones. 
Enjoys watching makeup videos on youtube in the morning or with friends. Would like to see her trying to follow a tutorial while putting makeup on her partner. 
Cleo is a good cook and will ask Sebastian to fetch ingredients or taste test while she makes food. 
Speaking of food, Cleo is not a picky eater. 
On Cleo’s cell wall in the beginning of the movie, you can see her artwork. It’s mostly rats, but she also enjoys landscapes.
*These headcanons can be expanded on and added to over time. Headcanons can be left in comments to be added to the list. These headcanons will be used in kyber’s fanfictions for this character. All headcanons can be used to inspire a fanfiction request. All headcanons discussed in comments must be discussed politely and are welcomed.
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
abner probably paints rocks in his free time, him, harley and cleo all hang out and paint rocks
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freecandykidnapper · 3 years
There’s like no RatCatcher 2 content and I’m desperate to see more content for this literal goddess
Here’s some rat catcher 2 head cannons 😩✋
• She sometimes gets little shirts or collars for Sebastian
• has a personal hatred for the “rats love cheese” stereotype
• has definitely stopped/killed/destroyed rodent extermination business’/employees
• Has definitely watched Star Trek
• probably really loved the movie “The Rescuers” as a kid
• Once saw people’s online rat cults and thought it was weird and refused to look at anything on the internet for like 2 days after that
• if she had access to the internet as a kid I think she’d probably have a LPS or MLP phase
• Is canonically fairly good at sketching so she had a small sketch book at one point with either pencils or charcoal sticks
• learned to solve a rubix cube in under a minute while in prison
• Really loves seeing those giant New York subway rats, either in person on tv/internet
• I feel like if given the chance she’d get REALLY into the FNAF lore
• She considers King Shark And Harley friends no I won’t take criticism
• She’d probably have an animal skull collection/ be fascinated by road kill
• if she had/has a phone she’d probably have Sebastian as the home/Lock Screen
• Being the successor of the original rat catcher she probably feels like she has to do better to live up to the rat catcher title
That it I can’t make really good headcannons because the movies not out yet so we don’t know much about the character
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Ducktales 17 Darkwing Headcanon idea 2: gosalyn meets Jim sterling
it was another day of saint canard, gosalyn just finished school, she was waiting for drake to come pick her up.
Then as she waited she saw his purple car pulled in, she grabbed her bag and hopped in the backseat.
Gosalyn: hey
But that it wasn’t drake that picked her up.
drake: hey honey how was school
Gosalyn made a weird face when she heard how strange his voice was.
Gosalyn: good, are you okay your voice sounds different
Drake: oh yeah (fake coughs) sore throat
fortunately gosalyn felt for the imposters lie.
Gosalyn: oh well that’s nothing but a little tea and honey won’t fix
She then noticed he wasn’t wearing his regular purple shirt like he usually those.
Instead he was wearing a blue turtleneck and a purple jacket.
Gosalyn: hey i see you got a new outfit, I like it it’s way better then that same old boring shirt you wear everyday (chuckles) no offense
Drake: oh please my outfit is way better that what that HACK wears
Gosalyn: Huh?
He then pulls up a orange pip and hands it to her.
Drake: here I got you a drink
Gosalyn: oh hey thanks (gulp)
As she drinks it, the imposter adjusted the rear view mirror to reveal to be non other then Jim sterling A. K. A. Negaduck.
But for now he was Negaduck, looking at her with his crazy eyes.
Jim: no problem sweetie (evil snickering)
He was still angry at drake for stealing everything away from him, for years he’s been watching drake from underneath the sewers and when he found out that he has a daughter he knew how he was going to get his revenge….by kidnapping gosalyn.
Later drake and Launchpad came to pick gosalyn up after having to go on patrol cause a certain someone turned on the security alarm at a bank.
But when they got there, they found gosalyn nowhere to be found.
Drake: gosalyn?
He then saw a female dog teacher, he went to ask about gosalyn.
Drake: excuse but where’s gosalyn
Female Teacher: huh what do you mean, you just picked her up a minute ago
Drake: what?
Female teacher: speaking of which I like that suit you weee wearing before, that purple jacket and bule turtleneck sweater was a nice combination
He then realized who she was talking about.
Drake: ok now I remember sorry about the confusion
She nods then he marches to the car where Launchpad was leaning against, he saw how serious drake was.
Launchpad: what happened
Drake: gosalyn has been kidnapped
Launchpad was terrified when he jumped off the car.
Launchpad: what? by who
Drake: I know exactly who, get the rat catcher ready
Launchpad: ok
Launchpad dove off as drake took the secret entrance to Darkwing’s hideout.
He knew exactly who took her.
Meanwhile with gosalyn, she finished the soda but then started feeling sleepy.
Gosalyn: (yawns) hey where are we going, it feels like we been driving for hours and (yawn) I’m starting to feel sleepy
Jim: oh gee why don’t you get some sleep
And just like that she was out like a light, Jim turns around and smiles sinisterly at her.
Jim: (evil chuckles)
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Jim: that’s right sleep now my little puppet cause when you wake up, you’ll never wake up again (evil laughter)
While back with drake, he climbed into the sewers and when he got to his hideout, he ran upstairs to change only to find by his surprise.
Drake: (gasp)
Gosalyn asleep on the bed and sitting next besides, rubbing her back was Jim sterling as Negaduck.
Jim: shh, you don’t want to wake up the precious duckling now do ya
He turns around to face him, drake glared at him but made a worried face when he saw Jim next to gosalyn, the way he taught her boiled drake’s blood.
Jim: (evil chuckles) how does it feel to have something so important taken from you
Drake: leave her out of this, she didn’t do anything to you, this is between you and me
Jim: true…but she will pay for your mistakes
Drake then became angry, he clutches his fist and charges at Jim and attacks him.
Drake/Jim: AH
as the two fight for a couple of minutes, it woke gosalyn up.
Gosalyn: (groans)
Drake/Jim: (gasp)
They look both looked at her, making the same look.
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Drake/Jim: uh oh
She rubbed her eyes and still feeling sleepiness, she saw the two mallards.
Gosalyn: Darkwing is that you, you have a twin brother?
Drake: it’s just me honey go back to sleep
She then crawls back in the blankets.
Gosalyn: ok dad goodnight dad
Hearing her called him dad, had him feel a strange feeling inside, he didn’t he had.
Then him got up to her.
Jim: aw isn’t that sweet, you two must be very close (evil chuckles) it would be ashame if something would’ve happen to her
Jim was taught drake, it made him furious but he wasn’t going to let him win, then he saw Jim stroking his finger against gosalyn’s cheek, she had a distraught look and it made him snapped when he heard Jim laugh.
Gosalyn: (groaning)
Jim: (evil laughter)
Drake: (grunts) don’t you dare hurt her
He then ran to Jim and attacked him restlessly.
Jim: AH
drake: (grunts)
He wouldn’t stop until he was out or he wouldn’t hurt gosalyn anymore.
Then he finally stopped when Launchpad came in, he fist were bruised and covered in blood.
Launchpad: hey DW I-whoa what happened
He then turns around to face Launchpad.
Drake: Launchpad he him to the saint canard penitentiary
He rushes to pick up Jim while drsje washes his hands, he didn’t wanted to scar gosalyn when she wakes up.
Launchpad: what about you
Drake: I need to stay with gosalyn, she needs me
He gave Launchpad a concern and serious look, Launchpad then smiled at him.
He headed downstairs, while drake looks back at gosalyn, sleeping peacefully, he crawls into bed next to her, holding her tight.
Drake: don’t worry gosalyn, (he kisses her forehead) I won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again
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rosemoonweaver · 7 years
FanFic Writer Appreciation Meme
I was tagged by @purgatoan to do a fic rec meme, created by @frozen-delight, in honor of Fic Writer Appreciation Day. Thanks so much!
Tagging: @maliciouslycreative @mrsgabrieltrickster @braezenkitty @trisscar368 @destielonfire @jemariel @wanderingcas @deadlykittenkay @intotheruins @pherryt
Under the cut, because it’s really long.
Broadway Musical by Griftings (destiel)
This is one of my favorite fics of all time. It’s got a lot of kudos so I don’t rec it a lot, but it kills me every single time. What I really love is the way that the voices of the angels, God, and Jimmy Novak are presented in the fic. The form of the story is a big part of what sells the fic for me. And it’s funny as hell, so that’s a bonus. 
Why Does It Have to Be (Wrong or Right) by @samanddeaninpanties (winjimstiel + benny) 
Cas and Jimmy are sexy tattoo artists, Sam gets off on pain and Dean is having a really hard time dealing with it. Need I say more? Seriously, it’s an awesome fic and I adore it. There will never be enough winjimstiel for my needs, but this one hits a lot of great notes. 
Feed Your Eldritch Monsters Regularly, Kids by @trisscar368 (WIP) (Gen)
This is my new favorite headcanon about the bunker. Apparently, it’s alive and hungry and creates lots of inconveniences for Sam and Dean and confuses poor Cas. Check it out, it’s funny as hell. 
Made Manifest by @schmerzerling
This fic made me cry, okay! Like a little weepy baby! It’s painful but happy and it hurts but it’s great and I just wanna wrap myself up in it. It’s ftm!Dean and it literally does kill me because it’s just too good for its own good. 
if your mom doesn’t teach you by 8sword (Claire/Emma) 
I had never considered Claire and Emma as a pairing before this but I really love it. Claire’s kind of an asshole but it fits her character and Emma actually has a character and personality. It’s a really good little femslash fic. 
Changes in Lattitudes by @winjennster (wincestiel)
Not so much a change in perspective for me but more of a “huh, I really like Sam and Cas together”. Like, I really appreciate that Cas doesn’t give a rats ass about social taboos, that Sam is a total sneaky bastard, and that Dean is....Dean. (You know what I mean.) But yeah, I think this one was the first fic that gave me a chance to see Sam and Cas teaming up and being awesome and wicked and I freaking loved it. 
Pitchers and Catchers by @unforth-ninawaters (deanjimstiel)
Not only did this fic make me ship a thing, it threw me into this wild tailspin of multishipping. (Deanjimstiel is a gateway ship, I’m tellin’ ya.) I think this has probably been most people’s introduction to Dean/Cas/Jimmy and for good reason. The conflict is amazing, the baseball is a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed how the characters grew. There was only one thing I ever was like “yeah, sure, never gonna happen” about it, but then I was proven completely wrong and I should eat my hat. (I’m not spoiling it, but you’ll know it when you see it.) Read it. It’s been highly influential in the DCJ fandom and is also a damn good fic. 
(Also, it took me forever to realize the title was a gay sex joke...shut up.) 
Tell Me the One by wallmakerrelict (dean/cas/inias) 
This one really makes me want to write an endverse fic but I know I won’t be able to do it with the atmosphere this one has. The way the word is presented is just tragic and beautiful and oppressive and sad and I love it. I’d like to be able to write something like this (and I’ve tried with dean/cas/inias/sam) but this one just... idk, it sticks with me. 
Put Up Your Dukes by saltyfeathers (destiel)
“Okay,” he announces. “I’ve figured it out. Cas, are you ready to witness the reading comprehension my teachers in school never thought I had?”
“Those teachers obviously didn’t give you the chance you des-”
“Okay here we go. So, it’s a metaphor. Like the bath tub.”
“The bath tub is a metaphor?” Cas asks. “When did that happen?”
“A while ago, don’t worry about it. Anyway, about the hidebehinds. Well, what do they do?”
Cas just looks at him.
“Hide,” Dean prompts, raising his brows pointedly. “And what did I do after the- uh-” he glances at Sam, who he did ask not to listen, but still. There are some things he’s still maybe not ready to talk about when in mixed company, and The Thing That Happened In The Gym is one of them. “The thing?” he finishes. “I hid. Like, literally. Behind walls and everything. Even at the time I knew how pathetic it was.”
“So… you’re the hidebehinds in this metaphor?” Cas asks.
That’s all I’m gonna say because it just gets worse/funnier from there and I don’t want to spoil it. 
I’m gonna use this as an opportunity to give a shout out to @pherryt and @deadlykittenkay . @pherryt is currently writing a work called Order of Protection that’s marvelous and you should check it out and @deadlykittenkay wrote a fic called What Happens in Hawaii that painted a beautiful picture of the island and provided a wonderful dose of fluff. 
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
i’m telling you now that abner 100% didn’t swim to that island after being dropped out of the plane Nanaue and cleo had to drag his ass out of the water or he would have drowned because no way in hell can he swim
i’m also sure he was home schooled
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