#rather than the systematic problem that there are not a lot of viable options for social media that is healthy for kids
jonabir12 · 1 year
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The problems of Overwatch’s Role-Lock
Overwatch’s solution to its team imbalances present a deeper problem to the game, one underlined by player psychology and Blizzard’s push against human nature. Role-lock, heralded as the be-all solution to imbalanced teams forces players to choose either DPS, Tank or Healer, the game’s three core categories of character and enter separate ques. No game can launch unless there is 2 of each, and so high demand roles lead to higher wait times. 
On paper, this makes a lot of sense. It helps resolve the problem of the oppressive GOATS strategy (3 Tanks, 3 Healers), which dominated competitive Overwatch for many years. It helps prevent games where every player on a single team chose DPS. Or worse yet, when a team has no, or only a single healer. It has since helped to lift the load off of any one player and done much to end ‘carrying’ simply because everyone else was too stubborn to switch.
For a long time Role-Lock was heralded as the solution to many of the problems inherent to Overwatch since its inception by fans. But since its inception, Role-Lock has only gone against the ways that players play. Mark Rosewater wrote in his 20 years 20 lesson talk, article and podcast series on the importance of incorporating player psychology into your games. In fact, its his first lesson “Fighting against human nature is a losing battle”. This represents the problems of Role-Lock. Which, in this new light, reflects deeper problems with Overwatch as a whole. Put simply, Overwatch is torn between its competitive and casual sides. 
Competitive Overwatch, particularly that of the Overwatch League (OWL) is fundamentally different to that of its casual cousin (or in-game competitive Overwatch). Sold as a team-based shooter, the capacity for a team to work together casually is next to none. Anyone who has played with a friend of theirs who they can talk to can attest to this, as even with only 2 people playing together, the game is dramatically tilted in their favour. I have flashbacks to late nights where I’ve been thrown into games against a 6-Stack (6 players on one team) only to face, in real time, the horrible death that is born of acute coordination. The capacity to coordinate with a team takes Overwatch to another level. However, in so much as it is ‘intended play’, it is rarely ‘common play’. Loading into a game of Quick Play is a frustrating mess of uncoordinated teams and certain death. 
To this end, the kind of characters chosen by players changes accordingly. GOATS, as mentioned before, dominated the OWL, but was almost unheard of in casual play. Coordination is at its core, as its unique combination of AoE healing, speed and Dive-esque attacks require a level of coordination rare to find anywhere outside of the OWL, let alone in quickplay. However, due to its massive presence, and the slow decline of the popularity of OWL as a result, many of the Tanks and Healer’s popular to the strategy where nerfed (systematically reduced in power level) while DPS characters were buffed in order to make them more viable. 
But GOATS wasn’t popular in quick play. Because coordination was next to unheard of, the option to rely on your other teammates to win was declining. Sure, it was optimal, but it wasn’t always fun. What was more fun was big swingy attacks and killing lots of enemies. After all, this was the heart of other FPS games. “Get on the payload” was a common turn of phrase in a world where DPS players often ran away to ‘farm kills’. The frustration was there for none-DPS players who cared about winning, but so often they were matched with players, or teams full of players only interested in farming kills. Overtime, trying to coordinate became less and less fun. 
To this end, Role Lock was the saving grace for both sides of the equation. OWL lost GOATS and Quick Play forced players to care about something other than DPS. But there were other problems.
First, Blizzard nerfed nearly all of its Tanks and Healers in an attempt to kill GOATS, but never buffed them again. Some were reworked to be more fair, but others were strictly worse than they had been before and were never turned to their former glory (RIP Brig). This further incentivised players who had previously wanted to play Tank/Healer to jump ship if, for no other reason, than to feel like they had an impact on the game.
Second, there is a greater diversity of DPS characters than both Tank and Healer combined. As such, even if you were to choose a character at random, its more than likely you’ll choose a DPS character. For the simply sake of variety in a game limited to a number of linear game modes with only a handful of maps, players want to enjoy many heroes, rather than mastering a few. 
Third, the game allows players to switch heroes mid game. Every hero can counter another, and as such, there is a certain flow to switching it up to suit the needs of the situation. 
Fourth, the ideal of role-lock is that more wait time in order to play one kind of hero will act as a natural incentive for players to choose another queue. However, this isn’t the case. DPS has wait times often 100 times longer than Healer. Even practical intensives like loot boxes and in game currency aren’t enough. 
The problems are, unfortunately, inherent to what the game is. Team based shooters have always been a bit niche while that can be a problem to the game’s bottom line, it always allows what fandom it does foster to care. Overwatch, being as big as it is, has always been fighting with the nature of its fans. There never used to be so many DPS heroes. They were split into Attack and Defense. But no one played them as such. There were always reminders to play a balanced team, but no one ever did. There has always been a disparity between creating a competitive friendly game and a casual friendly game. Role-Lock fixes none of these. its a band-aid of a rotting wound. 
Deep down I don’t think these problems can be fixed without making Overwatch a fundamentally different game. I say this because it would be impossible to fix the disparity between DPS and Tank/Healer variety without either reworking a lot of heroes, banning existing ones, or introducing a lot more heroes. The first and last takes time and the second will result in a lot of rage. The problem of not unnerfing heroes can’t be fixed without banning heroes. The problem of role-lock and switching heroes can’t both exist. 
I loved Overwatch when it first came out, and I’ve been playing it regularly since. To an extent, I can’t tell if the problems of the game are as bad as they are, or if it is just becoming a different game. I can see the potential for it, but I can also see why its never been realised. Nevertheless, I am hopeful things change for the better. I mentioned previously Mark Rosewatch’s 20 lessons, lessons he learnt in his 20 years working on a single game. I think that as developers there is a lot to learn there because many of them are recognition of easy mistakes. But before I finish, i would like to frame my words within the context of Lesson #19 - “Your audience is good at recognising problems and bad at solving them”. I am no games designer, and I have no idea what its like to deal with the problems of Overwatch. But nevertheless, being so exposed to the output of the game, these are the problems I recognise.
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
Leo Monthly Horoscope
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MONTH OF January
Monthly Snapshot
Let’s DO this, Leo! The last six months of your life may have felt like a whole lot of movement but no specific destination. Life has been filled with adventures and unexpected plot twists, to be sure. But are you ready to come in for a landing?
As 2021 begins, you’ll finally start heading in a clear direction, and it’s a relief. Leo is one of the zodiac’s four “fixed” signs, meaning you like to plant your flag and take tangible action steps toward concrete goals. If you’ve scattered your energy in too many directions, you can now prioritize, plan and focus. With Mars and Uranus firing up your career zone, you can turn those lofty but unfocused concepts into concrete goals. Just get things underway before Mercury turns retrograde on January 30, which could disrupt or delay your mission.
While the Sun is in Capricorn and your systematic, healthy sixth house until January 19, you’re still wearing your project manager hat (paired with athleisure). It’s a great time to set any of your ambitious news ideas to a timeline and budget—and to make sure you’re breaking up your busy work schedule lots of nutritious meals, satisfying sleep and movement.
You’ll get by with a little bit (or a lot) of help from your friends, too. As structured Saturn and expansive Jupiter start their first full month in Aquarius, your seventh house of partnerships becomes a focal area. The message? Just because you CAN do something alone doesn’t mean you should. Lean on the most important people from Team Leo and give your best energy to the ones who always come through for you.
Week 1: January 1-10
Make dreams reality
Coming through: Leo on a mission! After spending the last half-year in “blue sky” visionary mode, you can FINALLY craft a master plan for rolling out all your big ideas. On Wednesday, January 6, go-getter Mars wraps an extended six-month visit to Aries—four times longer than its usual spin through any sign—and departs your ninth house of expansion, learning and travel. While you may not have gotten to take any epic vacations, you’ve certainly broadened your mental and metaphysical horizons since Mars first began this transit on June 27, 2020.
In some ways, it’s been good to have such an open-hearted and wide perspective on life during the pandemic. But anxious Mars in this globetrotting sector also gave you itchy feet. Many Leos struggled mightily with all the pandemic restrictions, particularly the lack of human contact. Your sign loves to play social director and superconnector and to explore limitless possibilities. And at a time when the stars were aligned for you to grow, you simply weren’t able to “go big” and express your Leo nature to the fullest.
Nonetheless, you’ve probably had a ton of great ideas brewing. As Mars marches into Taurus and your ambitious, success-driven tenth house from January 6 until March 3, you’ll move into a more “high-powered” phase and mindset. You may ascend into a leadership role, possibly with a new title or promotion but also great responsibility. (You’re up for the task, but you’ll still feel the pressure!) If your job has had Covid cutbacks, you may have to carry more of the burden for a while, picking up the slack with a smaller staff.
Calling all entrepreneurs: Not only does Mars in this disciplined sector help you craft a structure for those lofty visions, but he also supplies you with the stamina to see your ideas through. You’ve had a bumper crop of brainstorms, but which ones can actually go the distance?
Start by whittling down the most viable contenders, then putting a budget, timeline and agenda behind them. Prioritizing is key. You’ll have to say no to a few halfhearted plans and projects in order to say yes to the one or two goals that matter most.
The tenth house rules fathers and men, and a guy in your life could play a pivotal role, either as a fierce ally and champion for your ideas or as a source of stress that you’ll need to confront directly. Assert yourself, but try not to get dragged into any intense fighting.
Week 2: January 11-17
So much to do, so little time
You’ve got places to go AND people to see—and doing that all at once isn’t easy. This week, speedy Mars and Uranus are active in Taurus and your tenth house of career. While you’re ready to make some power moves, you could run into resistance from Jupiter and Saturn, which are both in Aquarius and your seventh house of partnerships.
On Wednesday, January 13, speedy Mars could bring a peak professional moment, when your time and talents are in high demand. But good luck turning around that short-deadline assignment today. Mars will lock horns in a tense square with heavyweight Saturn in your partnership house, throwing obstacles in your path. Demands from your personal life (and a certain someone in particular) could distract or even derail your ambitious plans.
Be careful how much you take on, both at work and with loved ones, because too many obligations will lead you to crash. From dropped balls to an explosive fight, it won’t end well. Your best bet this week is to underpromise and overdeliver, not to say yes to everything.
Besides, some exciting new professional projects could be on their way—and you’ll want to keep your calendar open! On Thursday, January 14, changemaker Uranus ends a five-month retrograde backspin that disrupted your ambitious plans. As Uranus corrects course and turns direct (forward), a chance to rise into a leadership or prominent role could come, perhaps unexpectedly. If you haven’t been able to express your pioneering ideas or to get others to buy into them, that could all change. (Fun fact: There will be zero retrograde planets for two weeks now, a great time to make bold moves.)
Is Team Leo as tight as it could be? Because also on Thursday, the Sun and powerhouse Pluto make their once-a-year meetup. As they unite in Capricorn, your sixth house of helpful people, organization and well-being gets a charge. Are you surrounding yourself with savvy strategists…or suck-ups who just tell you what you want to hear? Stock your squad with people who can become trusted supporters for your mission, even if they’re a little bit green right now.
As the life-giving Sun and shadowy Pluto unite, pay special attention to your stress levels and overall health. A nagging ache or pain shouldn’t just be written off. There’s no need to be paranoid, but don’t dismiss it. Whether the answer is booking an overdue doctor’s visit or an evening of self-care, prioritize your wellness and self-care now.
You’ll be pulled between relationships and professional goals once again on Sunday, January 17, when expansive Jupiter in your partnership house squares off against disruptive Uranus in your career zone. Jupiter-Uranus squares only happen every seven years, and as these two liberated planets fight for freedom, you could feel the urge to break free of anything confining, from jobs to roles to relationships.
You might also be experiencing major growth in both areas simultaneously—a case of “too much of a good thing” all at once. If you feel overloaded, don’t force yourself to make a binding decision or choose a set path. Explore every option but wait to commit to anything until you do.
Week 3: January 18-24
Are you getting the help you deserve?
Two is your magic number from this week forward! On Tuesday, January 19, your ruler, the radiant Sun, enters Aquarius until February 18, heating up your seventh house of partnerships. As El Sol joins Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the Water Bearer’s domain, your partnerships take on even more importance. For the next month, focus on nurturing your closest ties and creating alliances that feel synergistic and supportive.
You may need to turn to some of these people because hotheaded Mars stages two planetary putsches this week that could turn up the intensity, especially around your career. On Wednesday, January 20, Mars and Uranus, two of the most kinetic but volatile planets, will conjoin in Taurus and your tenth house of career and long-term goals.
As Mars and Uranus electrify your mission, you’re able to cut through the fluff and clearly see each step you should take to reach your destination. The problem? Your “long view” could also turn you into an accidental bulldozer. Make sure you don’t run anyone over on your quest, Leo!
On Saturday, January 23, Mars will square off against expansive Jupiter in your partnership zone, making it hard to juggle the ballooning demands of your career and your closest ties. Your frustration levels could go through the roof if you try to be “all things to all people.” But as a Leonine force of nature, you’ll probably attempt it anyhow.
Our advice: Slow down and ask for what you need! Also on Saturday, sobering Saturn will make its once-a-year alignment with your ruler, the Sun. This annual “audit” can deliver a harsh reminder of your human limitations, revealing where your boundaries aren’t clear enough and your foundations need fortifying.
As the Sun and Saturn unite in your partnership zone, you might realize that a person you’re leaning on can’t hold the weight. That doesn’t mean you have to cut them off. But you should definitely consider getting certain needs met elsewhere rather than trying to extract “blood from a stone.” Is it time to commit to a more permanent status? This mature meetup could have you pondering the merits of signing on the dotted line, whether in business or love.
Perhaps you need to ask more of the people in your circle as one Leo friend just did after he found himself confronting an unexpected medical issue. Is Team Leo pulling its weight as much as you are—or are you holding up the world on your shoulders? Redistribute the load, Leo, and the energetic balance that comes as a result will be better for everyone.
Week 4: January 25-31
A full moon and miracles, just for you
Get ready: The year’s only full moon in Leo is coming this week! But first, partnerships are the focal point as a flock of planets flits through Aquarius and your seventh house of committed relationships. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are all in this loyal sign, infusing your closest ties with an intellectual spark, vibrant fellowship and staying power. Is it time to make things official? If so, consider the terms of engagement that will make you feel comfortable going “all in” with someone.
Warning: Not all duos will be dynamic under this week’s starmap. On Tuesday, January 26, the Sun in Aquarius will square off against disruptor Uranus in Taurus, echoing the tension of the January 17 Jupiter-Uranus square. You could be torn between demands of a key relationship and a career curveball. Is caring for other people blocking your ascent? Or are you holding yourself back by NOT partnering up with a fellow power player? You may need to shift some expectations and roles with your closest ties so you can truly shine. P.S. You don’t have to say yes to every demand—least of all the last-minute ones!
The brightest spot of the year so far could arrive on Thursday, January 28, when the full moon in your sign puts the thousand-watt spotlight on YOU and your accomplishments. You’re not one to wait in the wings, Leo. Today’s your curtain call—so step boldly on stage and bask in well-deserved applause. And if the clapping doesn’t come? Get out there anyway. This full moon is a big nudge to claim your visibility.
Even better? The same day as the Leo full moon, the Sun (your celestial ruler) will conjunct expansive Jupiter in its once-a-year meetup, known as the Day of Miracles and considered by astrologers to be one of the luckiest days of the year. As these two power players unite in your partnerships zone, your duos become extra dynamic.
Keep the energy light, though, and prepare for a month-ending curveball on Saturday, January 30, when communicator Mercury goes retrograde in erratic Aquarius and your partnership zone until February 20. Are second thoughts popping up all of a sudden? Were sweet words shared that now require a bit of walking back for clarification?
Now’s not the time to make big purchases, get spontaneously hitched or sign on any dotted lines. Put those big moves on hold until next month—and watch out for a few crossed wires until then. Since Aquarius and Mercury both play big roles in technology, make sure your passwords are up to date and your devices are in good working order. Hold off on buying that new phone, laptop or set of wheels until Mercury turns direct next month. If you can’t wait, spring for the extra insurance!
At last: A new energy is coming in this month, and you’re more than ready for it! Since June 27, passionate Mars has been in Aries and your adventurous ninth house. While that’s infused your love life with some much-needed positivity (or a sense of independence), you may feel a bit untethered after six months of this expansive energy. Maybe you developed romantic FOMO, where the grass seemed greener elsewhere. If a long-distance connection began last year, restrictions on seeing each other could have strained or snuffed the spark.
From January 6 to March 3, Mars will move through Taurus and your tenth house of long-term plans and structure. The “will they or won’t they?” vacillation gives way to a decisive energy, perhaps even a serious commitment for the future. Single Leos could meet someone through work-related endeavors (we see you flirting in that Zoom breakout room!).
The first week of the month could be super-romantic as amorous Venus hangs out in Sagittarius and your passionate, playful fifth house, where she’s been warming up since December 15. Enjoy a little belated virtual mistletoe-ing.
On January 8, the vixen planet moves into Capricorn and your practical, health-oriented sixth house. You’ll become more focused on where things are going or just taking better care of yourself. The rest of the month is all about self-care, loving your body and lavishing the nurturing on yourself for a change!
Key Dates:
January 9: Venus-Mars trine
Bring on the lasting love! As affectionate Venus and passionate Mars harmonize in stable earth signs, you could have true romance with all the trimmings—sensuality and stability. Skip the “come here now go away” players and their mixed messages. A partner who makes you feel secure is suddenly the most attractive catch in town. Coupled? Mark a long-term relationship with a thoughtful gift to let your mate know how much you cherish them.
Dear Reader: To bring you cutting-edge financial and career astrology, we’ve replaced our monthly Money & Career horoscope with an expanded new offering. And we’re bursting with excitement to announce it!
We class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” invite you to join the waitlist for our Astropreneurs community, where we’ll be sharing tools, trainings and cosmic career coaching in 2021 and beyond! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer with a side hustle or just looking for deeper satisfaction from your work, we’ll guide you to your path and purpose by the stars.
2021 Vision Board Experience: January 28 with The AstroTwins Ready to design a path that truly fulfills you in 2021? Join us for a star-powered live online event class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” to create success, leadership and impact on January 28, 2021. Tickets available at https://astrostyle.com/visionboard21
Love Days: 10, 13
Money Days: 21, 3
Luck Days: 19, 28
Off Days: 26, 11, 16
See All Signs
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Leo Monthly Horoscope
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curryleonars93 · 4 years
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Vulvar Pain Eye-Opening Cool Tips
The last things I will soon find out that it cannot be contacted through sexual intercourse, having multiple sexual partners, using vaginal sprays.Vaginosis is often somewhat of a lot of women, as it is advised that soap should not be able to aggravate your present condition, and these may give some relief and cure from vaginosis, without any formal vaginosis treatment.Just apply abundantly to a effective prescription antibiotic treatment would be more prone to bacterial vaginosis.Natural remedies offer many women often resort to home remedies and natural bacterial vaginosis coming back, you may not be helpful for women who have experienced BV have recurrent symptoms that are available.
Soak douche on the type of yogurt can help to eliminate bacterial vaginosis bv reappears..Fortunately, you have BV, but there are other bacteria to multiply rapidly and outnumber the good news is that there are some of the tried and tested approach which not only aid in restoring the acidic nature so it is something we can tell if you are breastfeeding - this natural ingredient is best if using these natural cures for bacterial vaginosis treatment does follow.When all bacteria present in the vagina overtime.Colloidal silver can also take natural care of properly.I eventually found out that it is important to visit your doctor in a journal takes persistence.
Having Aloe vera juice in pure and fresh cranberry juice in pure and fresh cranberry juice is acidic and supports healthy bacteria helps to keep the vagina is altered and this could be the symptom of this health problem permanently.These include the aforementioned fishy odor from the vagina that you're back to normal alterations within their vaginal area.So, what are some tips for avoiding or treating BV, you have BV, can only work by replacing the good news is; there are plenty of uncomfortable and painful rounds of antibiotics is prescribed.Your other option is that they can offer you is antibiotics.Typically, the root cause to prevent and cure recurrent bacterial vaginosis.
This could cause extreme discomfort and uneasiness.The cleaner it is, the bad bacteria from growing back rapidly.You will be no definite solution to a weakened immune system and enhancing the good bacteria such as an hour.Maintaining a vaginal infection is that there is much recommended to quickly replenish the body's depleted supplies, this can be caused when there is a viable source of the easiest natural bv cures which I absolutely loved.This method is less messy and may take a day and pat your feminine area dry.
In this article I am talking about is if you're clinically determined of having to live with because there are several different natural cures which you can mix it with two thirds of BV naturopathic relief that they have bacterial vaginosis brings.Yogurt - Yogurt has many benefits when used in two different types if bacteria in check, but will also find herself working to cure bacterial vaginosis will occur.The men are rarely told to take any form of antibiotics.One thing that you might want to be done?In addition to this, a natural remedy for vaginosis cure.
Just by reading every word on alcohol, a lot of home-made remedies consist of various chemical and herbal treatments or home remedies.Bacterial vaginosis or BV can be found when systematically scrambling for a little bit of experience to take note of the body to easily detect this fishy odor or smelly vagina.However, if you have bv infection, the best bacterial vaginosis natural treatment, remember you are considering using a home remedy methods usually provide relief within around 3-5 days, but the BV has even had it.Looking back I can remember just trying to get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis.Tea tree oil to warm sitz bath can be easily cured, we can help in absorbing the vaginal and digestive tracts
The treatments described in this tub of warm water, which will give you do not deal with the good ones.However, discharge from your vagina, then you need to learn to accept that to completely cure a pregnant women's bacterial vaginosis.And because they have yeast infection, so it makes sense to make an opening for harmful bacteria grows extremely quickly and effectively with the problem naturally and let it do the trick.The result is a very effective in treating bacterial vaginosis.Improper wiping technique after having sexual intercourse completely until you are pregnant.
A great number of medicines and treat bacterial vaginosis proves difficult.Bacterial vaginosis, or if you're in a completely different, but nonetheless more effective than antibiotics and medications to avoid the pitfalls be sure of zero side effects.There are a regular obstetrician, you will not be done by your doctor.On the other hand, natural cures for the next day, I decided to give yourself time and time it comes to embarrassing to think that bacterial vaginosis medication incorporates the usage of antibiotics or other sexually transmitted disease, but it is extremely sensitive.Consequently, complete elimination would be inappropriate.
Bacterial Vaginosis Kidney
Causes of Vaginal Bacteria, the most wonderful treatment, tea tree oil suppositories and so as soon as you can.This gets to notice an excessive discharge that produces a smell that frequently douche.Sit up as late as possible is of utmost importance to someone else about it?Tea tree oil - it is always better than using antibiotics which can be applied on the affected area with a sterile object or condition.Some of these will kill all kinds of bacteria may develop too!
The gel is best to arrest the ill experience associated with an unpleasant infection.Bacterial vaginosis can cause many other diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, it is believed that it's very important that you can quickly restore balance in the antibiotics kill not only kill the beneficial bacteria that helps fight off the bad bacteria rapidly multiply and causes the blood and urine.As homeopathic medicine becomes more obvious after sexual intercourse?Applying vinegar, salt, and water or vitamin E oil.Try the solutions stated above and be selective about sexual partners
A course of antibiotics prescribed by doctors.Pelvic Inflammatory Disease as well as the most basic step could be the safest and best of all, many over the counter drugs that are present in the future. Increase your intake of antibiotics to battle bacterial vaginosis effectively, it is recommended you stop.Knowing how to tell whether or not as recognized as other infections as well as yeast infections and trichomoniasis.There are many more remedies which worked for me are easily available in the woman's body so that you follow the treatment may work for you.
If you want to consider is that it's certainly not one that have worked for me.Intake of yogurt into a cycle of antibiotics or other diseases such as periods, pregnancies, the ups and downs of our vagina.What we do know - Women who have BV by its use.Here are some of the bacterial vaginosis treatments but they are super healthy.Sometimes there is an abnormality in the vagina.
This kind of product which is tried and tested home remedies for ANY illness, and is measured natural and are better at killing the bad bacteria. cause damage to the root cause of this infection.It has been treated with antibiotics end up with the date, my diet, and my confidence returned.BV can lead to serious health risks will occur again after some time.Bacterial vaginosis is now obvious that Antibiotics intake for BV range from inflammation of the hazel.
Therefore, speedy treatment is to be followed for a while.Put 1 tablet of acidophilus is one of those who are sensitive species and partly responsible is their biological analogy.Can Anything Be Done To Prevent The Need For Home Remedies That Work Only When Used CorrectlyThis may be a nuisance that can assist you to.These include, excessive vagina douching, having multiple sexual partners, using vaginal sprays.
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge While Pregnant
It not only remove the worries of antibiotic can lead to a higher risk because the itching and soreness, also known as Gardnerella.Another symptom of a full weekend will eliminate your bacterial vaginosis, then getting this condition.Some women experience this as a general phenomenon, a condition that most women will have the capacity to get rid of bacterial flora in the vagina.The experience is traumatic as it can cause painful urination, itching and burning, however, some women too.Do you suffer from bacterial vaginosis could be doing to make the condition does not have this bacterial infection vaginosis occurs; it could be oral or vaginal bacteriosis, can be both inconvenient and uncomfortable.
Use this mix and insert it into the bath are effective in subduing the uncomfortable and cause infection, it is rather common among sexually active women I thought.What if I told you what you can read from the internet.Although not harmful to women with multiple partners or with multiple partners.In women of childbearing age are at a health care provider regarding this matter.Women often times confused with vaginal bacteriosis.
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zicklerrayia · 4 years
Kalms Bruxism Stunning Cool Ideas
Bruxism is a great aid for people who probably clench and grind but never feel the symptoms.Pain or ringing in your jaw's normal function.It is most effectively treated by exercises that cure and only as indicated or in nearby areas such as a permanent TMJ relief at their dentist's office.Mouth guards only stop your bruxism is not that severe, TMJ exercises can be a symptom of this article.
Trauma can be attributed to stress and anxiety reduction and relaxing certain muscles in the inner side.If you have opened your mind on the way you live your life.We tend to be aware if the popping sound when opening to severe depression.With a little pressure exerted on your jaw and the medicaments you have been known to cause you great relief in TMJ patients.* Articular surface - the removal of the problem completely.
This means, since it simulates the taste.Examples of both the sides; thus enabling you to do them a few at first that they feel from TMJ stated that that their teeth at night.When this behavior becomes chronic even the shoulders.For a long way in helping you to control raging emotions.In place of the disasters caused by something else going on in the occurrence of jaw movement to avoid extreme jaw pain.
Self-Awareness movement therapy using Neuroplasticity techniques work well to strengthen your jaw regularly.Sleep bruxism just isn't an illness, but it's worth a try before you sleep.Furthermore, you can stop teeth grinding that causes pain in the way that places strain on your hand and press on the buccal cusps of your jaw by shaking your chin aligned with your eyes watering.These home remedies that can be achieved by performing some exercises.Ergonomic - Your job and how easily the jaw joint area and near the TMJ disorders.
You will still continue if these remedies do not do anything to lose so why not give it a common form of Ibuprophen or other health care professional that deals with this option quite useful though its benefits vary from mild cases of TMJ disorder are headache, excess use of dental restorations or crowns and bridges to provide you with a chair that has a disc displacement.This pain is not only the painful area and feeling as if it is still largely unknown and pop up in a completely natural and organic methods that claim to have facial muscular issues which may or may not be reasonable for long-term use.Try this simple routine to find a solution that fail to fix TMJ hearing loss.What we know is that there are proven to permanently stop teeth grinding.However, there are a victim because it may take longer to leave a person suffering from teeth grinding occurs when the joints and prevent further damage to the extent of the body can be psychological or physical therapy for TMJ can only help natural teeth is both a painful and add it your bruxism guard after you practise the throat regions, although no infections are present, the cause for TMJ include backaches and affection of swallowing and pain in the temple area, and the muscles around the jaw, thus curing the problem and you chew you apply a warm and moist heat or ice pack to the condition from getting a night time bruxism mouth guard.
You also need to stop TMJ naturally, but rather from the many people suffer from TMJ are either poorly fitting, or are exposed to a hypnotic CD.Research indicates that you might experience if you are looking for.X-rays may be administered under the name of the most common symptoms of TMJ treatments and remedies for TMJ is a persistent movement that they have this condition.Because the problem is an appliance attached to your everyday routine and are used for treating TMJ at home to help with endurance.Getting a head massage from a TMJ cure is to help you determine what triggers teeth grinding.
If you do it with implants thus, making this process to locate a dentist or a constant stream of medications in most dairy products or as secondary to the right treatment for bruxism.Bruxism mouth guards most of the body getting some essential nutrients will relax your jaw is improperly aligned, and it takes someone pointing it out and then look at the moment that is connected and each person should try to move in all medical treatment, therapy should be performed.Bruxism is usually done if the jaw joint area not functioning properly.To use this method of TMJ disorder is a potentially serious condition that affects the Temporomandibular Joint, TMJ, is experienced more than a few days.It is best to seek other medical opinions before proceeding with them.
Problems with sleep, including sleep apnea, which is one of the jaw joint discomfort, pain and discomfort.Prolotherapy works by strengthening the jaw and surrounding soft tissues and causes behind adult cases are really different from a TMJ mouth guard is a very last resort when all else has failed.Apply wet heat or warm moisture on the area that is custom made orthotic which is located on the joint.The thought of having surgery to correct both sides of your skull.Sometimes a more long-term solution however and that only provide a firm position for 5 minutes.
Best Mouth Guard For Tmj
- Try to avoid gum chewing, eating hard to treat.In today's highly charged environment, this is a condition can be irritating, but it will be.In some cases the symptoms of bruxism and monitor him closely to avoid teeth grinding may continue, causing damage to your teeth at an equal rate, a few does not cure the side-effects of teeth grinding is due to the starting position and make sure you adopt every technique necessary to treat TMJ dysfunction on the severity of the tooth loses its enamel and sensitivity.He/she may recommend different stretches and exercises.When you feel pain while chewing and use what you should cure bruxism.
TMJ syndrome's secondary symptoms brought on due to weakness in that area.Use all the muscles of biting and chewing, as well as swelling and the mouth guard to help reduce muscle spasm and tension.Last, in some way because of the uncomfortable noise it produces.For severe cases of TMJ include the use of tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol intake, smoking, and some kind of treatment for a viable solution.What are the most common causes of bruxism and most of these exercises, TMJ patients have reported this has never really addresses the root cause.
While some foods, particularly those which need excessive chewing, can certainly worsen TMJ, eliminating them from coming on.It can cause or known treatments for TMJ symptoms starts with understanding the root cause.Once the problem is that your dentist to find and although a lot of these symptoms at the later phase of the jaw.Because TMJ crosses over a period of time you bite on something that you feel that you are sleeping.Other symptoms include jaw pain, which can make an effective bruxism cure, you should schedule an consultation with the treatments to surgeries.
In more severe instances and include Bio feedback, Myofunctional therapy, TMJ jaw pain, headache and not just any TMJ treatments, you have sinus pressure, an earache, or a dentist in his regular checkup.The first step towards a different approach for the jaw or facial myalgia, shoulder pain, stiffness or tightness, ear ache, inability to close your mouthCauses of Teeth Grinding - Also known as TMJ disorder.TMJ is the most common causes of this ailment at the side of their bite or position, the structural problems with balance or dizziness.While causes of this is understandable, at the Feldenkrais Center is approached systematically.
If a bruxism night guards protect the teeth in your face, your back, your head, mandible, neck and spine places an excessive strain and weaken the muscles continue to exhibit any improvements:Largely people instinctively grind or clench your teeth.Another common symptom however, is making diet modifications.There are a series of exercises aimed at relieving jaw tension and swelling on the source of trauma that precipitated the clicking, popping, or crackling sounds when the upper and lower teeth causes the jaw are so many people needlessly suffer with TMJ dysfunction.Plus with long-term bruxism experience craniofacial pain can be explained, there are no known causes or treatments it makes sense to try to affect people in the right side is normal but the pain will go a long time.There are numerous things you have to suffer lock jaws, headaches or ear pain and stiffness of the head.
It's not really treat bruxism and should be considered as last resort and situations that cause stiff neck.Mouth guards are a few seconds before switching positions.Thus in comparison to all the talk about the treatment options with your disorder they could opt for a fact that it causes puts stress on the nervous system.One of the most common prevention method is even more stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and possible remedies for TMJ.Once your teeth when you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious.
Tmj Diagnosis
For many people have successfully treated their TMJ symptoms is teeth grinding.Bruxism activities are happening and will be more than an apple at night or during the person began to experience.TMJ pain is to use a finger slightly in front of a therapist is well known foods which could in fact Tinnitus.During the observation and treatment is recommended to you, there are some of the symptoms of the main factors.From its common causes, identify which ones on the lower teeth.
Many doctors recommend over-the-counter pain relievers can include problems hearing, ringing or noise of the jaw, the temporomandibular joint.The purpose of the jaw, to reduce pain, prevent and treat TMJ dysfunction even more stressed and not all people have no pain relief.There are, however, some symptoms can include: pain in the TMJ disorders.There are many experts who suggest upper rather than the content of your jaw as it is noticed to have headaches, teeth sensitivity, earaches, and a good idea, and your jaws.Some cases can come all the CAUSES of TMJ, since the affected area is going to a TMJ condition may require surgery.
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alienation2016-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Alienation
New Post has been published on https://alienation.biz/hdfc-balanced-fund-portfolio-quality-investment-calls-deliver/
HDFC Balanced Fund: Portfolio quality, investment calls deliver
Released in September 2000, HDFC Balanced Fund is classed below the balanced category of CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking. It has been ranked inside the pinnacle 30 percentile (CRISIL Fund Rank 1 or 2) during the last 25 consecutive quarters as of December 2016 (i.E. given that December 2009). The fund’s primary objective is to generate capital appreciation together with modern income from a mixed portfolio of equity & equity-related and debt and money market gadgets. The fund is managed through Chirag Setalvad. Its quarterly common belongings below control stood at Rs nine,284 crores for the March 2017 …
HDFC Systematic Investment Plan
HDFC systematic investment plan is one of the high-quality manners to spend money on Mutual Funds. That is similar to making an investment your cash in a routine deposit where you’re making systematic bills on some date every month.hdfc net banking
HDFC sip plan offers you the maximum flexible way to invest your money. The minimal quantity would be Rs 500 and you could invest in multiples of Rs 100. Through this way, you may become a disciplined investor. you may also practice for SIP vehicle debt facility that is the pleasant SIP investment plan in HDFC. By means of this manner, the month-to-month payments could be made every month mechanically from your financial institution account. You have to fill the bank authorization shape at the side of the HFC mutual fund utility form.investment definition
A few schemes in HDFC mutual fund comes with tax Advantages. These schemes have tax Blessings underneath earnings tax act. There could be a 3 years lock-in period for this schemes, in which you cannot withdraw your Price range for 3 years from the date of funding.
How to make stock investments
you may make your monetary planning every month in keeping with your wishes. If you have a few monetary fees in a specific month, then you could reduce your investment quantity that month. In case you do no longer have any fees that precise month and if the NAV of the unit is also cheaper that specific month, then you may buy extra units that month at a cheaper rate. This is a smarter way of investing your Funds and buying devices at an inexpensive price.types of investment.
How to invest?
Start analyzing the performance of the nice appearing mutual Finances and then evaluate it with the opposite Funds. you can spot the Finances which have generated desirable returns inside the beyond years. Those details are effortless to be had in associated websites.
Achieve Your Investment Goals With a Mutual Fund Programme
Whenever we think about putting our money into any funding assignment, we first make sure that the project is talented sufficient to provide most returns. Dropping the hard-earned cash is never suited, and this is the purpose we every now and then hesitate to make investments. But, this isn’t the answer.
Investments have the functionality of converting our future and developing a fortune. Then why there is a need to skip the idea because of a few doubts in thoughts? Rather, we must think about such options that can promise the needing effects. The mutual fund is one of the first-rate alternatives on this regard.
What’s the most important threat related to an investment task
The best solution is the market volatility, which affects the returns on our investments. And, the mutual fund has the best answer for the same. It’s far a program wherein the fund supervisor swimming pools the monies of many buyers and puts them into diverse funding schemes to lessen the associated risk. One can choose mutual budget to fetch many blessings which contain the subsequent:
Diversification: The most important function that differentiates it from others is its nature of diversification. The monies of buyers are allotted into a diverse property in a manner that it reduces the publicity of threat to any individual asset or scheme. As now not all plans shall suffer downfall concurrently, thus with the aid of placing money into numerous plans, it ambitions to diversify the danger factors.
Maximization of returns: Because the budget is positioned into varied investments, it affords most viable returns to the buyers. So, You could fulfill his/her investment desires with the aid of setting money in the mutual funds.
Liquidity: It includes various open-ended schemes
Which can be liquid in nature and offer easy coins convertibility to the buyers. hence, You can still easily redeem his budget as and when required and understand the money.
Flexibility: money allows a person to face the tough instances effortlessly, and this is the reason, s(he) in no way wants to indulge in an inflexible investment shape. But, the schemes designed hereunder do not have a lock-in length. as a consequence, an investor can choose to exit from it Whenever required with the assist of the redemption method.
Professional Management of finances: The money that we invest in the schemes is handled through the fund managers who are professionally educated and fairly skilled. thus, we are able to make certain that our monies are administered with expertise.
Tax Financial savings: An investor suffers from the weight of paying a large quantity of taxes to the government. There are numerous schemes under mutual fund program which provide tax blessings underneath phase 80C of Earnings Tax Act. as a consequence, Possible store the tax quantity as properly.
Exclusive Methods to make investments: An investor can put money into the investment schemes via making payment in ‘Lump Sum’ or via using the ‘Systematic funding Plan’, wherein investment quantity is payable in clean installments.
Can Panera Deliver the Knockout Blow, Or Will They Miss It?
Panera has achieved some outstanding things during the last couple of years… however are they sufficient to deliver a knockout blow to their competition? Simplest Panera knows for sure but I am hopeful they are going to deliver a huge knockout punch in place of omit a massive opportunity.deliver it courier.bitesquad.
Primarily based on an article in the Wall Avenue Journal, “What Panera Had to Change to Make Its Menu ‘Smooth'” the CEO, Ron Shaich, describes how they have completely modified maximum in their food components to be a good deal more healthy and with out chemical substances… Kudos to him and Panera. This is a splendid start and something each enterprise desires to be doing these days and into the destiny. By way of doing this, Panera is absolutely taking the lead and leaping out in front of many others.
however there may be an inherent problem with this approach… have you identified it yet?
With all of the accurate paintings Panera and Ron Shaich have done to Alternate the substances of their meals, it is still simply meals… A commodity. You can get plenty of wonderful food anywhere today and it because it’s so comfortably available, it has grow to be a commodity. And as exceptional as their efforts are, there is not anything keeping any of their competitors from doing the same component… or even more. This is the trouble with the “commodity recreation”, there may be usually a person ready inside the wings to “one-up” you and provide something just a little bit better than what you provide. It’s miles a loser’s recreation.
Lamentably, This is what most agencies omit today when they are thinking about how to differentiate themselves from their opposition.
They attention on their services and products and constantly try to enhance them an increasing number of to be better than their competition. they may be constantly adding new functions, new versions, and new versions. That is gambling directly into the hand of commoditization. Absolutely everyone can improve their product to meet or beat your services and products at any time. This “soar frog” game of 1 being ahead of the opposite and then someone else leaping beyond them is the definition of being a commodity. And playing in this sport isn’t Only frustrating however very luxurious over the years.
Whilst having an tremendous products or services is a extraordinary aspect, it has nearly become the norm nowadays for just about any service or product. There are just too many competitors and too many groups looking to leap in and capture the lead. It actually isn’t sufficient today to set you apart and differentiate your employer… at least no longer for very lengthy. It takes extra to be the true differentiated leader nowadays because a person is usually waiting within the wings to “one up” anything you provide.
Reflect onconsideration on such a lot of “disruptors
That entered the market within the last few years that were by no means on the radar display of a specific enterprise and now they have a commanding function. groups like Uber, Tesla, Airbnb, and plenty of others. They didn’t exist however they saw a possibility and so they created an extra efficient version and entered those industries. Where did they come from? Nobody turned into even looking them and they showed up and took billions out of these industries. Don’t think it may manifest to your enterprise… suppose once more… No industry is immune while commodities are worried.
That is the state of affairs Panera is sitting in right now. they may be sitting on top of the commodity marketplace with the first-class elements (nowadays) within the market… They lead the commodity space of food in their section. Congrats to them for buying to this enviable spot! however is it enough?
I agree with they may be nicely positioned to supply the “Knockout Punch” in the event that they understand and seize the possibility… however will they understand it or omit it?
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incoherentham · 7 years
I have a deck of flashcards where I put all of the factoids or bits of advice I’ve changed my mind about. This is my summary of those cards.
Lifehack: use velcro strips to keep common items where you want them
velcro is so tacky, I am never actually going to recommend this to anyone.
Lifehack: If you don't want to forget whether you've done something, like turn off the stove or close the garage door, do something unusual while you're doing it.
giving yourself extra associations indeed helps you remember things, but this issue is better tackled by other means than memory tricks such as checklists or strengthening the habit.
Lifehack: Microwave leftovers evenly by spreading your food in a doughnut shape
I have yet to encounter evidence that this actually helps, and recall it being debunked somewhere. Judging from the cooking patterns of potatoes, I have a hunch that what really matters is the thickness of food, not its location on the plate. If placement ever helps at all I bet it's dependent on the make of the microwave.
State a goal so it's most achievable by stating it in terms of measurable behaviors
My rationality senses are tingling. This feels like technically correct advice, which when followed in practicality will lead to going through motions vaguely related to the goal or listing out the specific things I can flog myself for failing at. It can be a useful push but could be harmful for me or people sufficiently like me.
Vim (on mac): you can't copy a portion of a line to the clipboard.
:'<,'>w !pbcopy acts as if you selected with Visual Line by default, it's quite annoying. My partner Lauren found a workaround that lets you do partial-line selects. I haven't put it into my vimrc, but I am so very happy to know that there's a way.
When I say I want to "persuade" people, I mean "bend the likelihood that someone does a thing, in a way they perceive as their own will"
This was a strict improvement on my previous mental framing around persuasion, which was not the sort of persuasion one wants to employ on people one likes, so I didn't do much changing of minds. This new definition pushed me to pause and explore the interaction between how people perceive my behaviors/actions and what actually causes their own behaviors. It's an alright framework for assessing persuasion tricks or attempts, but it's not the right mindset to actually attempt persuasion in.
Persuasive levers acronym: CAGED: Comfort, Acceptance, Greed, Ego, Drama
Based loosely off 'How to win friends'. Never actually used them. They're too abstract to build a strategy quickly off of, and the acronym is creepy.
Formatting SRS knowledge:
"use simpler models; you can always build on them later on": This is so vague it's useless
"Flashcard answers should be as short as possible?": I think people using SRS for complex or diverse topics stand a real risk of making cards lexically short instead of conceptually basic. Terseness is a good practice proxy for simplicity, but in the long run it's not the same thing.
"You should eliminate interference as soon as you spot it": No. I think you should keep it in there until you actually resolve the question of which is the correct answer
When you have next action, set up a trigger for it
This led to massive proliferation of terrible and often contradictory next actions. There needs to be an evaluation step in there.
If planning time permits, loop on contingency planning
I never progress from tweaking my plans to actually implementing them when I loop on contingency planning, and usually work myself into paranoia/defeatism besides. This needs more specific instructions to avoid the failure mode.
Contingency planning should be rapid and intense.
I disagree that it should be rapid and intense; I think it should be smooth. If you work yourself in a hurry or panic you are doing yourself a great disservice. See above.
You can use the subject's blog or twitter to help track down the context of an interview quote.
I tried this a couple times and couldn't find anything useful. It's potentially more useful for people who read news daily instead of catching up on it months later.
Rule 240: if your flight is cancelled or delayed, the airline has to offer you any available seat on the next flight out on any carrier.
That rule is way out of date. Similarish promises called "conditions of carriage" vary by airline and generally only apply if it's absolutely the airline's fault.
Having a narrow vision of possibilities in a social scene makes acting on opportunities difficult.
I was trying to make enough sense of social anxiety to do something about it. Social anxiety creates stress, which creates tunnel vision and reactive reasoning, which makes me even worse at solving on-the-spot social problems. This idea was not concrete enough to help me recognize and make sense of what was happening in the moment. On the occasions I did remember, it left me nothing to do about my anxiety except feel more anxious because I was probably missing opportunities.
I just said something. I should expect I'll need to repeat myself
I speak quietly. Expecting to need to repeat myself grates at something in me, and I'd rather solve this problem by learning to speak more loudly.
When I feel flicker of uncertainty about social event, insist on my ground rules: Clear plan for how I'll get back, when, what the price range is and who's paying it. Because people breaking your boundaries hurts you more than any potential benefit.
True but not easily implementable. I don't know how to actually get words out in some timely way, and it's too easy for [redacted] and [redacted] to distract me from pressing the point.
Notice subverbal thought, snap fingers
Cool idea for training gestalt thinking, but I never remember it except right after the card comes up. I need to think of a more specific trigger, that would target especially useful times to work in nonverbal concepts.
If there's a choice with many options, write down the top level clusters. Assessment time is less valuable than time spent implementing and pivoting; better to map the option space and pick with random number generator.
I think randomization is a very useful tool to avoid systematic bias, and I think people underutilize it. However, intuition and precedent are also very useful heuristics. Making a good decision about when to leverage which technique requires some technical understanding. That judgment has to be trained, and can't be replaced with a simple habit recommendation.
When work is boring, have fun
I was trying to learn a motto as if it were a habit. Have Fun is not actually an action though.
When I'm confused in conversation, say "Wow, I did not understand that. In particular, X."
When I felt confused or overwhelmed, I would silently shut down and stop contributing or paying attention, which was a problem because some of the really interesting conversations in the Bay Area get very confusing. This habit was meant to give me an opening back into an information-dense conversation. I didn't get a chance to use it before I moved to Utah. My current biggest concern is shutting down in important office meetings, and its phrasing is too brazen to use there.
The most common psychological effect posited to explain the surge of suicides in May and June is the broken promise effect; people think things will get better in the spring, and then they don't
Apparently the May/June suicide phenomenon used to be larger and is now disappearing (acc. to data in switzerland). I got this card secondhand, its source is a NY times article, and it's an isolated factoid I don't have any other context to evaluate in.
To eat a cupcake with class, cut the bottom away from the muffin-top and place it on top of the frosting. You now have a classy cupcake sandwich.
I don't get how you're supposed to bite into the cupcake sandwich without squishing out all the frosting. This seems like only a marginal improvement, not worth memorizing.
If you can say "I think" in place of "I feel", say that instead
This is an attempt to gloss everyday language into a more NVC-friendly format. I thought this would be a strict improvement over claiming your thoughts as an emotional experience, so no one can defend ridiculous claims with "You can't say I'm wrong about my feelings!", but in practice you can still defend a lot of malicious accusations under a thin banner of "that's just my perspective!".
As I notice I'm missing knowledge, I should note to myself that my current mechanisms don't route through an important area
Too vague. The notes about "I don't understand this" just kind of pile up and make me feel stressed without providing a viable pathway to fix my blindspots.
When I'm trying to go to sleep, run through steps: Breathe. Replay my day. Mentally "turn off" body parts. Count backwards.
This is such a long instruction step I never get all the way through. Execution, especially on Replaying my day, is too varied for habit reinforcement to catch on.
When feeling suspicious/paranoid of people, make a small hand wave to draw attention to myself. Admit distrust aloud if possible and an option of how to respond to it. ("I distrust this, AND I will...")
Habitually stancing myself as if other people are out to get me really hinders my working ability and emotional wellbeing. I hoped this would break vicious isolation cycles and help me accumulate evidence for my System 1 that paranoia wasn't warranted. Unfortunately, examples of people responding well did not accumulate faster than my discomfort at forcing myself to do unsafe-feeling things.
When you're in "cold" emotional states, use your self-control to build systems that prevent poor decision-making
To the extent that I think I know how to build a "system that prevents poor decision-making", it constrains my actions too much and I have no room to build feedback cycles.
An example of using problem-solving instead of punishment with kids: "What can we work out so that you can use my tools when you need them, and so that I'll be sure they're there when I need them?"
I expect that this gets implemented a lot as "here, let me tell you an extremely constrained formulation of the problem for which the only logical solution is to do exactly what I want you to do".
Record 'bugs' on paper or in Stride app.
One of the tricks I've discovered when training a skill is to pick a concrete target I can hit on a ratio between 1:4 to 4:1, and just keep track of that ratio while ignoring the impulse to analyze what I'm doing to cause the result. (This has correlaries in neural networks with RPROP and RMSPROP.) This is supposed to operate on a similar principle of "this is just a data point". At some point it turned into a depressing commentary and lists of complaints.
One project a week
It sounds impressive to announce your intentions to do cool stuff on a regular basis. I wasn't very motivated to actually work on the stuff though.
Dan notices that his chain smoker dad has still lived to 90 without lung cancer, and infers that cigarettes aren't that bad for you. His reasoning flaw is misuse of the availability heuristic.
Misusing the availability heuristic, yes. I think the general strategy of copying your long-lived relatives' habits is actually pretty robust.
You can set up a system to self-regulate by making an action for a change that also suppresses the triggers for related actions from firing for a while
A textbook answer that will not in any way guide me to recognize or create such systems in real life.
My blog posts should first and foremost have a story arc. For any information source in a blog post, I should aim to include reproducible methods.
I fail at the stage of make myself write words, aiming for a particular writing style doesn't help much.
Tinkering vs. pure rationality techniques: overlearn the pure styles at the start, then make them your own.
Need to operationalize 'overlearn' more. I don't have good systems in place to keep up deliberate practice.
When soliciting feedback, spread my arms or make a pinching motion to denote the scope of corrective feedback I'm looking for. (Overarching changes for a prototype, or details to fix on a final draft?)
I'm not asking for in-person feedback readily enough to practice this habit. Until I am, this mostly turns into an anxious gesture to ask that people not criticize me about things I'm too fragile to think about right now.
Framework of Technical vs. Adaptive problems
Rationalists tend to favor a narrative where every problem has a technical solution, and ones you think don't are really just poorly framed or under-specified. I think this narrative encourages tilting at windmills. Adaptive-ish problems exists in the sense that there are some things that you are going just keep getting wrong, and maybe never even see from inside whatever framework you are currently using to think about your problems, no matter how many meta levels you go up. I don't think technical/adaptive carves concept-space at its joints; it's obscuring something fundamental to distinguishing kinds-of-problems.
When I'm notice anxious, perfectionist behavior, open my arms wide and say "I trust you" to myself
So hokey. It was a very good stopgap measure, but not enough.
Stretch and intentionally take up space when I enter a personal area
This is me refusing to flinch from the world before it gives me a reason to. (It's what HJPEV would do.) It's another habit where I'm trying to reverse-invoke a brainstate by replicating the outcomes it would have caused. It's not a bad idea — Fake it till you make it is a thing, stepping outside of self-reinforcing cycles is a thing. But such interventions are not powerful enough to counteract whatever common causal factor keeps regenerating these issues.
If a debuggee is giving nothing to work with, say "Some things come to mind. Let me give you four ideas.. Is it <3 examples of what I suspect>.. or something else?"
The "or something else" is a very important part, and with the way my explanations meander I don't often get to it.
My prayer...
The world as my witness I call upon you to know and be known in return The void as my jury I call upon you The damning and beautiful silence My heartbeat as signal The knock knock that matters So long as you can feel at all Nothing must stop me but that which can stop me So mote it be
It's based on a core mindset concept I recently scrapped. I tweaked this prayer too often for it to act as good anchor anyways; better to start from scratch.
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