#rating: 3/5 stars
joysofescapism · 6 months
Book Review: Knot Your Damn Omega by Devyn Sinclair
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She’s famous, beautiful, and the one Omega whose name everyone knows. She’s my twin sister. Everyone wants her, and no one wants me.
Being the twin of a movie star isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Eva is glamorous and sweet, and everything I’m not. Believe me, every person in my life has made that crystal clear. The press calls me the Ice Queen, leaving pack after pack broken in my wake.
I wish it were true.
All I’ve ever wanted was a pack—to be loved and cherished the way an Omega was meant to be—but now I’ve given up hope. Every group I meet wants a copy of my sister. Let’s not even mention the ones who called me by her name.
That was before I ran into an Alpha whose scent made me climb him like a tree. And his pack, who smells like heaven, makes me perfume, and claims they want to make me theirs. I want to believe love like this exists, yet the past has taught me it’s too good to be true.
I want to be able to tell the world I’m taken. To scream I’m knot your damn Omega… I’m theirs. But first, I have to believe it myself.
Read my full review below the cut.
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First time reading an omegaverse in such a long time and this was a good one to start.
I loved Esme right after meeting her. I loved that she has a strong character but is also soft and sensitive, she was very human. I can go and say that she was one of my favorite heroines of all time.
However, as for the heroes, I felt like I was mixing some of them and they were not all fully given attention despite having dedicated scenes with Esme. I always mixed Luke and Avery, Rylan was always mentioned but I could not feel him, only Ben and Kade had distinct voices among them. Since this book was character-oriented, I wished the heroes were explored more. Esme’s character background and motivation were explored thoroughly.
Despite that, I still enjoyed it. I loved the story progression and how the pack took care of Esme. It has tooth-rotting fluff and blazing-hot smut!
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tsuchinokoroyale · 3 months
More like rad-b-gone lol
#I love that you can see me back off to dodge his grab before I’m like oh wait I can just bonk him lol#thank you radagon for being the only boss I could see myself doing hitless#except my dodge rate for his stomp/poke combo is like 5%#so it’s only feasible if he doesn’t do that move…#oh and the “nothing personnel kid” teleport and fast smash can also suck it#him the crucible knights and the bell bearing hunter are the only enemies I’ve learned to consistently parry in ER 😮‍💨#I tried learning malenia’s parries but her damage is so overtuned it str8 up was not worth the risk and effort 🥴#radagon definitely isn’t the most fun boss in Elden ring but I think he’s like the most fair out of every single one#which is why it’s gr8 that all my goodwill gets toss out the window with Elden beast 🥴#I had one moment where he did Elden stars chase attack the triple closing rings and then sword swipes#and got absolutely annihilated bc I could not dodge all 3 attacks at once#like attack RNG has always been part of the difficulty in these games but with my limited knowledge this is the first one where#(( outside of gank fights ))#the RNG difficulty slider goes from manageable all the way to full health to death#had one round with malenia where she used waterfowl blade SIX TIMES and I only managed to survive bc I was playing around with a mage build#and was letting bby tiche do most of the damage while I pulled aggro from far away enough that I could dodge WFB comfortably#can you tell I’ve only ever done double godskins with both NPC summons and tears#I’ve heard enough about that fights bullshit that I straight up trivialize it every time I get it to it#Elden ring truly is the most difficult and easiest fromsoft game to date… dialectic 🥳#excited to see how they balance things in the DLC bc honestly outside of WFB malenia really is a fun boss#I don’t mind that her normal attacks are so punishing bc dodging around them or knocking her out of certain attacks feels gr8#so if bosses are malenia level TUNED without WFB level BULLSHIT I can see myself getting really into it 🥳#tsuchi plays games
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7amaspayrollmanager · 4 months
Me randomly: If ramy was alive at the end of babel he would've figured a way out of that ending
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distantwave · 3 months
how’d they let R. L. Stine publish Superstitious that book is genuinely so poorly written wtf???
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remythologise · 6 months
2023 fujoshi wrapped
you got baited 24 times
you debated the difference between queer-coding, queerbaiting and censorship in the comments section 4 times
you revisited fanfiction for 7 hit ships from the 2000s
you got blocked 5 times for tagging paragraphs of old man yaoi ship meta on unrelated text posts
you played 585 hours of video games for a combined total of 10 minutes of gay subtext and/or sex scenes
you judged a BL manga or light novel by its cover 948 times
you told 39 friends to watch 3 gay tv shows that are 'actually really really well written and enjoyable and not just gay' and 0 of them did
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kenobihater · 8 months
hey if anyone has a storygraph and wants to follow me on there i'm tasseomancie!!! storygraph is like goodreads but has more stat breakdowns and isn't owned by amazon! it's a great alternative imho. i just joined so my stats r not very impressive, but i'm looking forward to reading a lot more and hopefully finishing 9 more books by the end of the year!!
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skeilig · 5 months
it doesn't matter how but i found my bf's google reviews and this
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is so charming to me lmaaao
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star-my · 8 months
Vixen ~ Three (Final)
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➼ Pairing: Jimin x OC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 6k
➼ Rating: pg-15
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Vague Threats of Violence; Kidnapping; Non-Graphic Violence (Fight Scene); Minor Discussion of Human Trafficking (not by BTS/SKZ members)| Ara and JK are so sibling-coded; Jimin ships Vixen and JK
➼ Thanks to @moonleeai for betaing! I had this posted at noon and closed tumblr but when I came back now somehow it disappeared into the cloud?? I'm so annoyed ;-;
➼ Taglist: @bangtan-famiglia-net@kookthief@otome-wandering@sarcasticbambi
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter 1 (13/10/23) ➼ Chapter 2 (14/10/23) ➼ Ao3 ➼ Masterlist
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A hand flopped around on the wooden table, finally locating the device making that infernal racket far too early in the morning.
“It’s too early for this,” Ara groaned, sliding the call button on her phone. “Yeoboseyo?”
“Princess? It’s Jimin. Sorry if I woke you…” Ara heard a sharp inhale as her husband realised the time. Still, he pressed on. “Um…you know how Park Wonshik adopted me after I was kidnapped?”
“Ye-ah,” she replied slowly, trying to figure out what was going on. Why was he sounding so awake after helping her break up the trafficking ring early this morning? He probably hadn’t slept yet, she realized. Hence, his too-early call.
“So, the police broke up this ring last night and saved a bunch of kids. They called me and asked if I’d mind talking to them, tell them that things are gonna be okay, y’know?”
Ara made some sort of agreeing noise, heading to the bathroom to gargle some mouthwash and maybe comb her hair and hope that putting her hair in order would simultaneously put her brain cells in order.
“So…one of my dad’s old friends was there and suggested maybe…we could foster one or two of the kids who are in need of a home until they get all the paperwork sorted out. A couple of the kids agreed to testify, so they’ll also need to stay close until the trials are over. What do you think? We have really good security, so they won’t need to worry about a repeat kidnapping, and I know we’ve got space and love. You mentioned wanting to help trafficking victims when I was telling you about my childhood…but…”
The longer her silence stretched out, the more Jimin rambled. He was so cute.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great, practical way to help,” Ara agreed after spitting her mouthwash out. “Just let me know how many you kids you drag back so I know how many rooms to get ready.”
“Thank you, jagiya.” Muffled conversation crackled through the line as Jimin paused to speak with an officer. “Sorry, I have to go. I’ll call later, alright?”
“Okay. Love you!”
“Love you!”
Ara put her phone down on the counter and stared at her reflection in the mirror. 
At 2:33 PM, Jimin arrived home with an eleven-year-old girl in tow. The police officer and Child & Family Services officer quickly checked the premises and living situation, then left, leaving Jimin, Ara, and the girl.
Ara smiled, crouching down to her height. “Hi, I’m Shin Ara. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hello, Mrs. Shin. My name is Kim Nabi,” Nabi bowed politely. “It is nice to meet you as well. Thank you for letting me live with you.”
Her shiny hair teased the tops of her shoulders as she moved. 
“I’ll show you to your room, then,” said Ara, motioning at the stairs. “I know you saw it already during the tour, but you can get settled now. My room is right across the hall, so my bodyguard will be close by if you feel unsafe. Have you met Jungkook yet?”
Nabi shook her head, then gave a small smile full of delight as she really took in her room.
Ara and Jimin’s gazes met as they exchanged smiles at her satisfaction.
The walls were a pale periwinkle reflected in the pale blue duvet, the trim white to contrast the wood furniture.
“I hope you like it,” joked Ara. “There are a couple of outfits in the closet, but I thought maybe you’d like to go shopping for some things your own style while you’re here. Jungkook and I will take you whenever you’re ready.”
Ara pulled the stuffed rabbit from the top shelf of the closet and held it out to Nabi. “I thought you might like a friend to talk to while you decide if you want to talk to me or someone else about what happened. I’ve told quite a few secrets to Cookie here, and he’s kept them all remarkably well. He also gives a pretty nice hug,” she smiled conspiratorially.
“Thank you very much, Mrs Shin, Mr Park,” Nabi bowed again.
“You’re welcome, Nabi. I know things have been tough, but you’re a very brave girl,” said Jimin. “We want you to feel safe and at home here. I remember how I felt after I was brought here by my adoptive father. If you want to scream, cry, maybe hit a couple of things, go for a run– whatever you’re feeling, we’re here for you.”
“Thank you,” Nabi said again.
Jimin kissed Ara’s cheek goodbye and left to finish his assistance at the police station.
Ara looked at Nabi, laid a soft hand on her shoulder, and said, “I think you’d like to be alone right now to settle in, but if you want company, my room is across the hall, and the door’s open. If you need anything, just walk in or give me a shout, ‘kay?”
Nabi nodded, and Ara crossed the hall to call Jungkook and explain the situation.
Ara softly knocked on Nabi’s door for the third time. When there was still no response, she twisted the knob and peered in.
Nabi was sound asleep in her bed, hugging Cookie tightly to her chest.
“Nabi, it’s ten to seven. Jimin-ssi will be home any minute, and supper will be ready. I’m sure you’re pretty hungry by now. Jungkook wants to meet you, too, so can you wake up and get up by seven?” As Ara talked soothingly, Nabi stirred and gradually opened her eyes. Ara opened the door a little wider to let the hallway light shine in, as Nabi had drawn her blackout drapes.
“Hello, Ara-unnie. I’m up now.” Nabi yawned and stretched, then slid off the bed.
“Did you have a good nap? I hope you’ll sleep tonight!” Ara stepped just outside the doorway so she wouldn’t stifle Nabi, who yawned again.
“Yes, I slept well, thank you.”
The two headed to the top of the stairs, where Jungkook awaited. 
“Nabi, this is my bodyguard and best friend, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook, this young lady is Kim Nabi.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss Nabi,” Jungkook’s bunny smile shone through as he grinned at the girl.
“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you as well, Jungkook-oppa.”
Jungkook grinned even wider at Ara. “I’m her oppa already!”
Ara punched his shoulder gently. “Don’t let it go to your head; I told her she could call us that.”
The foyer door opened, signalling Jimin’s return home. He headed to the powder room to wash up, then joined the little group in the living room, brushing a kiss to Ara’s cheek on his way in.
Jungkook pretended to gag, wincing as Ara pinched his arm.
Nabi was quiet during dinner, her gaze bouncing between the three adults talking and laughing around her but not volunteering much. They drew her in when they could, but weren’t surprised that she didn’t immediately become a chatterbox. She’d been through a lot and was probably still deciding how much she could trust them. 
Ara did manage to get her to commit to going clothes shopping the next day, but that was it.
A large yawn cracked Nabi’s face as Jimin asked Jungkook to see him in his office after supper, so Ara said goodnight to the men and followed Nabi upstairs, just in case she forgot where something was or needed help.
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Two nights later, Jimin was back at Vixen’s HQ, meeting with the woman herself. He’d showed up unexpectedly, interrupting her spar with Hyunjin, so she wasn’t in full Vixen gear like all the previous times he’d met her.
She’d donned the mask, but her hair was free, a neat brown-black braid falling down her back, a few wisps curled to her sweaty face and neck. 
“If you tell anyone you’ve seen more of me than my lieutenants, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to break our agreement,” she waved a finger at him.
“I won’t,” promised Jimin. More of her meant arms and feet, since she was only in a black tank top and workout leggings, her jacket having been tossed aside as she heated up.
Jimin noted interestedly that the gold eyes and red mouth was an indispensable part of Vixen’s persona, as they were still visible.
(As two of her most notable character marks, Ara made sure the lipstick and contacts were first in and last out when she switched between Ara and Vixen. He’d just proved her point—though he didn’t know it—that you should always be prepared for the unexpected; you never know when someone would drop in, either ally or foe.)
“So, you took care of the three men?” she asked.
Jimin nodded. “JK and I made sure they won’t be trafficking in the future…or committing any other crimes.”
She nodded approvingly. “Good.”
The tones of Vixen’s cell phone rang and she bent over, fishing the phone out of her pocket. Answering it, she turned around but didn’t move away; Jimin eavesdropped as best he could. “Vixen.”
There was a pause as her contact spoke.
“What? Stall him! Flag him down and tell him I have a visitor! Engage blade if necessary.” With an aggravated sigh, Vixen ended the call and pinched her nose, muttering something about stupid training, then turned with a smile that was clearly false.
“I’m going to need a minute, would you mind waiting in another room?”
Jimin complied, following her to a small room that reminded him of a cabin. She pointed to the twin bed and shut the door behind her. Jimin didn’t feel like a captive since there was a window large enough for him to crawl through, and there didn’t appear to be any bars or lasers to stop him from doing so if he wished. But he didn’t wish to; he was here for a reason, afterall.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway as someone came jogging up to Vixen. The tread was heavy, likely male, and the visitor greeted her in a male’s voice.
“Hey Vix, I found out where he keeps the goods- why are you frown- ouch! VIX-mmph!”
That male voice sounded awfully familiar. Jimin frowned.
“Shh! I’m gagging you because he’s. next. door!” hissed Vixen harshly. “If you’d checked outside before you snuck in, you'd have seen his car!”
Jimin strained his ears as the whispers softened and moved down the hallway. However, he’d managed to drop a bug on Vixen’s back as he followed her, so he pulled out his receiver and shamelessly eavesdropped.
“I came over the roofs tonight so I didn’t see. I’m sorry, VIx, that was careless; I should’ve known better. I’ll check 360 degrees next time, yakseokhae.”
That was definitely JK.
“Good. Yeesh, oppa, you almost gave everything away! I had Han ready to rush you with his knife to slow you down!”
Oppa?! Why was Vixen so close to JK?
“Sorry, Vixen. But I found out where he keeps the goods, and I’m getting mine tomorrow, so I need to make sure the others won’t be visible when it’s done.”
…the blacklight tattoos each member got when they were inducted into Bangtan? He’d thought JK was a reliable asset to Bangtan, so he’d invited him to get it. JK was obviously Vixen’s spy in Bangtan, but why?…most of JK’s time was spent on his bodyguarding duties with Ara.
Unless…Vixen was going to take out Ara to hit Bangtan and Grey? But both of them were allied with her, that didn’t make sense. And he knew JK would never hurt or let anyone or anything hurt Ara.
Clearly, more investigation was required.
“When are you going to tell him, anyways, Vix? Hasn’t it been long enough for you to trust him?”
Vixen sighed. “It’s a big secret–half my life. It takes time to open up.”
“I understand. I’ll be there when you’re ready. I’ll leave now…”
Jimin heard JK discover the bug when he hugged Vixen goodbye. 
There was a pause, crackling as the bug was moved, then a dramatic inhale.
“Vix, what’s this?”
“That’s not one of ours…that’s Jimin’s. I thought I felt his fingers on my back, but I didn’t have time to check.” Vixen cursed, and then all that Jimin heard was static as JK crushed the bug under his boot.
The door swung open, JK standing protectively beside Vixen, who crossed her arms and stared at Jimin.
“Fine. You discovered it. Jungkook is my spy in Bangtan. He helped me start Stray Kids, and he’s an honorary member, since he’s technically affiliated with Gray. I’m not plotting anything against you. Happy?” “Why do you care about Bangtan’s tattoos?” Jimin stared back at her.
“Because Stray Kids have blacklight tattoos too, and I didn’t want to out JK’s and my relationship because you picked a spot close to his previous tattoo to add yours. It’s moot now, I guess.”
“Relationship?” He glanced between the two.
“We’re just friends,” they said in unison, then looked at each other. “What he/she said.”
Jimin sighed. Sure. Just friends. Whatever you say.
“Okay, prove it. Do you have a blacklight around?”
Hyunjin entered with the light and JK unbuttoned his shirt, slipping it off one shoulder. The Stray Kids symbol glowed blue at the joining of his neck and shoulder. Along his left arm were eight small bands of moon phases, as well.
Vixen held the blacklight to her shoulder, and the vivid blue symbol appeared on the front of her left shoulder, slightly larger and thicker than JK’s. “Happy?”
“Alright, I believe you.” Jimin took the light from her and waved it over his left collarbone, showing Bangtan’s symbol in glowing purple-blue. “You can choose where you put it, but somewhere that allows for easy access is a good choice for easy ID,” he told JK before turning to Vixen. “Bangtan’s tattoos are secret for a reason.”
She nodded companionably. “Same with Stray Kids, hence, blacklight. JK and I won’t say anything.”
JK nodded as Jimin looked at him. “ I won’t say a word, boss.”
“You’re affiliated with three families, JK. Which one are you most loyal to?”
JK swallowed, his big eyes a bit rounder than normal at Jimin’s subtly threatening tone. 
“Yeah, JK, tell me who you’re loyal to,” Vixen buffed her nails against her shirt as she leaned against the doorway, the very picture of nonchalance.
“...I am equally loyal to them. My primary loyalty is to your wife.”
After several tense seconds, Jimin smiled approvingly and patted his shoulder. “Good.”
Vixen nodded at him for his diplomatic answer, then left to continue her spar with Hyunjin.
Jimin and Jungkook rejoined, watching the spar just as VIxen put Hyunjin in an armlock. He tapped out and Jungkook danced into the ring. “Still mad at me for my slip up, Vix?”
“No, we’re good. Foxtrot spar?” She added one of her many code words with him, requesting the use of martial arts plus blades.
Jungkook nodded, and the spar began.
Jimin leaned forward, closely following the pair’s movements. Their sheer grace and long practice of martial arts gave them the facade of a deadly dance, clearly used to practicing together.
Silver flashes gleamed as their knives slashed and parried, tucked away the next second for strikes and kicks.
Finally, JK saw an opening as Vixen slowed from fatigue, her previous spar with Hyunjin lowering her endurance. Caught in a chokehold, Vixen tapped out.
Bowing, the pair ended the spar. Jimin clapped, impressed. “You both fight very well.”
“Thank you,” they said in unison, leaning down to grab a water bottle, opening it, and chugging at the same time.
Jimin rolled his eyes. Totally “just friends”.
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Two weeks later, two days before the beginning of the trials, Ara took Nabi to the mall to take her mind off the upcoming event. Nabi now had a varied wardrobe, but Ara was looking for formal dresses for them for a future party..
Nabi had settled in surprisingly quickly, becoming more talkative and outgoing as the days passed, though she was still a quiet child.
She had only been on the street a week since her mom died when she was kidnapped. No one knew who or where her dad was.
Ara had contacted a counsellor for Nabi to see when she was ready to talk about it, and she and Jimin had agreed they’d love to foster with intent to adopt. When Nabi was ready, they’d talk about it. So far, she seemed to love the house, and she often followed Jungkook around like a duckling when he wasn’t with Ara.
Jungkook casually browsed through the men’s section of the formalwear store while he kept an eye on other customers. Ara took Nabi to the womens’ changerooms to try on a couple dresses each. Stepping into the room beside Nabi’s, she froze at the reflection of the man in the mirror with the gun painted at her.
“Follow me quietly and you and the kid won’t get hurt,” he growled.
Tentatively, Ara turned around, hoping Nabi would stay in her changeroom.
Alas, that was not to be, as Nabi stepped out. “Unnie, my zipp-” she stared at the man and Ara calmly, though her eyes were wide with shock. Slowly, she crept behind Ara, keeping an eye on the man.
“Come quietly and you’ll both be fine,” threatened the man. They headed out the back way to the van idling by the door. 
Getting in, Ara felt the dull throb of a needle prick as everything faded to black.
Jungkook headed to the fitting rooms anxiously. Twelve minutes had passed with no sign of either Nabi or Ara. Normally, Ara asked for his opinion on formal fits; while he supposed she may have decided to ask Jimin’s opinion instead, he was still a little worried.
As soon as he saw the silver and jade hairpin Ara had worn that day on the ground, the needle pointing to the back exit, he knew something was up. Pulling out his phone, he began making calls.
Slowly blinking her heavy lids, Ara tried to focus her thoughts and make sense of everything. As she gradually became more clear-headed, her memories returned.
Pretending to still be unconscious, she strained her senses to check her surroundings.
So far, she could tell that she was likely in a warehouse (how original) in the industrial area by the Han River, with the smell of water and the faint industrial noises surrounding her.
Nabi was in the chair behind her, back-to-back, either still out or merely pretending, like herself.
Ara couldn’t sense any hostile presence around–evidently, they were still supposed to be under the drug’s influence for a while longer.
Carefully, she pressed her watch button in and twisted it, sending an emergency GPS ping to both Chan and Jin.
Clearly, the kidnappers didn’t expect much of a chaebol heiress; since she was untouched, her eight knives, two GPSs, and five impromptu weapons were still on her. Well, at least they were respectful. This meant she was likely not going to be harmed, at least at first, and they didn’t know she was Vixen. 
She could work with that.
“Nabi-ah, are you awake?” If she was, Ara would have to wait for her prince(s) in shining armour (unless the kidnappers tried something before then), but if Nabi was still out, Ara could fight her way out and then claim a rescue…
She felt Nabi’s hands brush hers, then– “I know you’re Vixen. Can you get us out of here before oppa comes?”
 How- how did this child– Jimin still didn’t know!
“I’ll try.” She wiggled a knife free and passed it through their bonds to Nabi. “Go for blood if you’re in trouble. Now is not the time for guilt or gentleness. Use your teeth and elbows if you have to. Aim for fleshy parts like eyes, groin, or disabling their arms and hands.”
“Got it,” Nabi whispered back. “You’re so cool, unnie.”
Ara smiled inwardly, then began tugging the knot of the rope around her hands loose.
Once she had undone the ropes, she slyly slid one of her knives from her thigh free, using it to cut Nabi loose. “Sit tight unless you’re attacked, okay? On three, I’m going to get our captors’ attention. I already sent a distress signal, so Jimin and Jungkook will be here soon,” she added to reassure her foster daughter.
On three, she ripped the blindfold off and stood up, sliding the knives tucked into her heels out and kicking them off, choosing to fight barefoot.
A quick slash up the side seam of her skirt, and she was ready to fight.
The kidnappers had noticed that she was awake, and five men dressed in black ran into the room. 
Good, no guns, yet. The illegal weapons left traces very difficult to clean up and explain away.
Silently she charged the row of three, using the first’s momentum to tumble the second and third like dominoes.
While they were still reeling, Ara began slicing at the fourth and fifth, incapacitating them by aiming for their thighs and shoulders.
One, Two, and Three regained their balance, and Ara hurled one of her blades into Two’s shoulder as she danced around Three, hitting pressure points to take him out.
On her way to One, she yanked the knife out of Two’s shoulder, jabbing it at his waist and thigh.
One appeared to be better trained than the others as he aimed for a pressure point on Ara’s neck. Unluckily for him, she grabbed his wrist, forced him to his knees, and kicked him in the groin.
Spinning back to Two, she hit his neck to temporarily paralyse him, watching him slump before repeating the motion on One.
Sighing, she brushed her hair out of her face, wishing she hadn’t dropped her hairpin at the store as a clue for Jungkook. He’d have found her soon enough through the CCTVs, and she could see better without her hair flying around if she’d kept it.
A second batch of five emerged from the hallway she assumed led to the boss’s control room, but this time the group was armed and better prepared.
Ara supposed the first group were the disposable, bottom-tier underlings who underestimated her.
Dropping into a crouch, she grinned ferally. Worked every time.
Two and Three charged her at the same time, so she simply crouched there, then uncoiled at the last second. Using Two’s knee as a springboard, she wrapped her legs around Three’s neck, sending Two sprawling and choking Three out.
On her way to meet One, Four, and Five, she gifted Two a knife to the thigh, dangerously close to the femoral artery. Oops.
Just before she hit One and Four, she dropped to her knees and slid by, taking their legs out. Rather badass a move of her, if she thought so herself.
Five grabbed her by the hair–rude, but smart— thankfully, it was long enough she could twist to face him and swipe at his knees, then grab his wrist and twist him around.
He released her hair, and she swiftly knocked him out, then headed back to the still-conscious Two, Four, and One.
A quick insurance stab to their dominant arms, and all ten opponents were incapacitated, if not unconscious.
Ara spun to the door, dropping into a defensive stance and re-gripping her blades tightly, only to relax in relief when IN and Felix showed up. 
“Oh, good, you’re the first ones here. Nabi knows– I’ll figure out how later– but as of right now, Jimin doesn’t know, so you two took out those assailants, okay? I watched you rescue me when I woke up halfway through the fight,” Ara quickly aligned their cover stories.
Clearly, she should tell Jimin about her…nightly business ventures, but now would not be the time.
“Yes, ma’am,” Vixen’s bodyguards saluted, then began dragging the kidnappers into a row and tying them up.
Ara reclaimed her knife from Nabi and sat back in her chair, holding hands with the girl.
“Jimin-ssi should be here very soon and we can go home, okay? You were so brave; I’m proud of you. It’s okay now, so I understand if you’re a little scared or overwhelmed. Do you want to talk about it?”
Nabi shook her head. “I wasn’t scared; I knew you’d keep us safe, and Jimin-oppa and Jungkook-oppa would come for us.”
‘’How did you know I’m Vixen, Nabi-ah? And I gather you figured Jimin and Jungkook out too.”
Nabi grinned, turning in her chair to face Ara. “Jimin-oppa doesn’t wear a mask. I recognized him from the night when you all rescued us. That pink hair is kind of distinctive. I thought Jungkook-oppa worked for Vixen, but then I saw him with Jimin at the police station. I didn’t know till you woke me up for supper the first night; the way you talked to me and approached me was just like Vixen. And then I saw you with Jungkook-oppa and you were close to him like Vixen was.”
“Is that why you were watching us all so closely?” Ara had a revelation. “I just thought you didn’t trust us yet.”
Nabi nodded proudly. “I was trying to figure out who knew what about who.”
Ara smiled at Nabi and smoothed her hair down. “You are a very clever girl– you’re the first person to figure out that Shin Ara and Vixen are the same person. Everyone else who knows, I told. Have you figured out what everybody knows by now?”
“I think so…you and Jungkook-oppa know each other and Jimin-ssi, and he knows Jungkook-oppa but not you?”
Ara nodded, “Good job, Nabi-ah. Jimin’s family and mine are allies, and Jungkook works for both of them, Gray and Bangtan. He also works for my –Vixen’s– family, Stray Kids. Jimin-ssi and my appa both do not know about me being Vixen, but I think I should tell them now, don’t you?”
Nabi nodded. “Secrets should be kept few and far between.”
“Wise wor-”
Their talk was interrupted by a group of armed men bursting in, guns in hand.
Ara and Nabi blinked back at Jimin’s wide gaze. “You’re safe!”
He holstered his gun and anxiously looked them over. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, pulling Ara into a hug, then Nabi. “What happened?”
“We’re fine, Jimin. Nabi is probably a bit more anxious than she lets on, but we’re fine,” Ara ran her hand down his chest soothingly, feeling the rapid thumping of his heartbeat.
Jimin pulled back to examine Ara's face. “Why is there blood on you?”
“Oh, it's not mine, it’s…theirs…” Ara waved at the neat row of captives guarded by Felix and IN. “They took those guys out and rescued Nabi and me. Jungkook called them, saying we were in trouble.”
Ara had to have some last fun as Vixen, before she unmasked. Unable to resist, she asked in a loud whisper, “Why are there so many of you and why did you have a gun?!”
Jungkook coughed loudly to cover his laughter at Ara’s acting. Felix and IN exchanged grins, turning their backs to ‘guard the prisoners’.
The rest of Jimin’s squad of six looked awkwardly around, invested in the drama and wondering how their boss was going to get out of this jam.
Panic flashed through Jimin’s eyes. “Uh…why don’t we get you home and have a doctor look at you, jagiya. You must have been so scared, Nabi-ah. Let’s go home, hm? I think Mrs Lee was stress-baking up a storm.”
Jungkook slipped out to start the car and told Jimin quietly, but loud enough for Ara to get the message, “I called Dr. Hyunjin– he’ll understand. I have Lady’s men ready to help; I called her guys after you and Jin-hyung.”
“Thanks, JK.” Jimin escorted his girls to the car, leaving Jungkook to drive home while he fussed over them in the backseat.
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Ara waited till Nabi showered and Hyunjin okayed her to do anything, much to her husband’s chagrin.
Nabi went straight to bed, and Hyunjin told Ara and Jimin that she was healthy, with no side effects from the drug used to knock them out, and was only stressed, though less so than he’d expected.
Ara was touched by Nabi’s faith in her and her guys. 
Hyunjin said good night and all the attention was on Ara. She willingly took a shower, conceding to that after adamantly refusing Hyunjin’s checkup.
Finally, so Jimin would stop worrying, she agreed to give him five minutes to reassure himself that she was indeed feeling 100%.
Ara perched on the counter in her ensuite, her towel wrapped around her neatly and another on her head to keep her hair from dripping in her face.
Cupping Jimin’s face in her hands, she looked him in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, yeobo.”
“It’s not your fault, jagi,” Jimin protested immediately.
“Not the kidnapping, no, but the worrying, yes. There’s something I need to tell you. Please don’t freak out, okay?”
Jimin nodded warily, his eyes full of questions.
Ara grimaced, then said. “I know you’re Park Jimin, Head of the Bangtan mafia.”
His face jerked out of her hands. “What? No, I’m not– where did you–”
“Sh, I know, Jimin.” She cupped his face again. “I know Appa is Shin Jungok, head of the Gray mafia. I know my oppas work for you and him as mafiosos. I know your friends aren’t just your friends, they’re also mafia. I know my friend Minho is mafia. The reason I know all this is because…I’m mafia. I’m Lady Vixen.”
Jimin pulled his face away again to stare at her, his jaw slack and his eyes wide.
“I know I was never supposed to know who you all are, but I have since I was twelve. I started planning Vixen then; Kookie helped me. When I was seventeen and Kook was my full-time bodyguard and we could sneak around, I became Vixen.”
“I…don’t believe you.”
Ara hopped off the counter and exited the bathroom, heading for her closet. She changed into jeans and a blouse, then slid her shoes on. “Follow me if you dare.”
Jimin took her hand, confused and curious, as Ara led him to Jungkook’s bike in the garage.
They hopped on, Ara revved, and they sped off, Ara making evasive manoeuvres and pulling over randomly to ensure no one would follow them.
Ara casually strolled up to Vixen’s HQ, D9, and entered her fingerprint, eight-digit code, and eye scan after a moment’s pause.
She headed straight to the back, to Vixen’s room, waving briskly at the sparring members of her mafia gathered in the main room, and pressed on a panel in the wall.
The panel popped out and Ara reached in, removed a small package, and slipped her contacts and fangs in. A small tube of lipstick sat on a shelf, and Ara carefully applied a coat. The mask went on, the jacket was zipped up, and her boots laced up.
Dumbfounded, Jimin watched as his wife did a slow twirl in front of him, a smug smirk on her face. The entire transformation took five minutes.
“You’re really Vixen.”
Hyunjin popped in with the blacklight again and Ara confirmed her SKZ tattoo on her shoulder. “Thanks, Jinnie. Can you ask the others to come see me in a minute, please?”
In the minute they were left alone, Ara sat behind her desk and kicked out a chair for Jimin to sink into. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you know sooner–for worrying you without reason. I was actually the one who knocked out the guys; Innie and Lix got there after. That’s why I was bloody.”
Hyunjin reentered with IN and Felix, handing Jimin a bundle.
He unwrapped it to discover six knives and two stilettos, which caused him to turn to Ara in confusion.
She smirked. “I never go out unarmed. I also have a GPS in each watch and a few of my larger jewellery pieces. I could also have utilized the belt on my skirt and my necklace as weapons, if I so wish. Unfortunately, I had to leave my hairpin behind, but I often wear my hair up in pins because they double as an excellent weapon in a pinch…especially if they’re modified. All this is to say, I’m sorry for worrying you earlier, and I can take care of myself, so please don’t worry if something like this happens again.”
Jimin stared at her, taking in this whole other side of his wife he’d overlooked before. “Wow, you really are a vixen.”
She tossed him a wink, a proper one, as Seungmin, Minho, Chan, Changbin, and Jisung entered. 
“Sup, Vix? Oh…”
“Yep, I told him. Thought he might like to know some of my most trusted men, so he can reassure himself about everything.”
Once her men gave a succinct explanation of their path to Stray Kids and left, the couple were left alone, silence blanketing Vixen’s office.
Jimin leaned back in his chair, exhaling slowly. “You’re really something, jagiya.”
The faint sound of people sparring elsewhere in the building filtered through the air while he collected his thoughts.
“I want to be angry that you hid all this from me, but I can’t really without being a hypocrite. Thank you for telling me now.”
Ara sighed in relief. “Thank you for accepting this part of me. Shall we agree to keep no more secrets?”
The two shook hands solemnly. “No more secrets.”
“Oh, by the way…Nabi figured you out the first night she stayed with us because you don’t wear a mask, and also because of your pink hair. She found me out because Vixen and Ara approached her the same way.”
Jimin sputtered and Ara giggled.
“We have a future menace to society and the underworld on our hands.”
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Park Jimin and Shin Ara exited the courthouse, their bodyguards shielding them and their new daughter from the paparazzi.
Once the trial was over and the traffickers harshly sentenced, Nabi relaxed more and was able to enjoy life.
She’d readily agreed to Jimin and Ara’s proposal and was delighted to become a Park.
Secretly, she was dying to know which Family she’d join when she grew up, but wisely didn’t say anything about it.
Now, the papers were signed, sealed, and filed, and Kim Nabi was officially Park Nabi.
In honour of the occasion, Bangtan and Stray Kids had collaborated again to open Black Swan, a restaurant that would be Nabi’s future, if she so desired.
Bangtan and Gray had also collaborated to open Blue and Grey, the last bar in the Blue string owned by Jungok.
He’d been thoroughly shocked to find out his little girl had known for a long time about his secondary business, and how she had twisted his most trusted men around her little pinky (Jin and Namjoon had been glared at for weeks after Ara spilled the beans), but he was proud of her ambition and success, even though he wished she had stayed on the legal side of things.
Jimin crawled into bed beside Ara and flipped off the light, turning to pull her to him.
“How is everything going? You’ve been pretty busy lately,” she murmured, cuddling into his body heat.
“It’s calming down now, thankfully. The worst part is seeing you less.”
“Flatterer,” she said, but Jimin heard the smile in her voice. “I miss you too, when you’re busy like this.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, enjoying her angelic appearance as the moonlight fell across her face. They lay there, cuddling in silence for a while, until a thought struck Jimin. He’d been getting used to talking to Ara about his mafia issues, knowing that she’d understand him better now.
“Yoongi is looking for a wife.”
“Oh?” Sheets rustled as Ara pulled away a bit, turning to look at him.
“Yeah, for some reason he wants a wife who’s not in a gang. You know anyone?”
Ara made a noise of surprise. “Really? Hm…I might! You know how I’m allying with that gang, Seventeen, temporarily? I might find a way. I’ll look into it.”
TO BE CONTINUED…in Godmother: Tigress
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A/N: Thank you all so much for reading my story! I hope you have a beautiful life<3
Some fun notes about the universe, if you're interested:
-> 22924514 = Vixen in Alpha-numeric code. It's Vixen's code for D9. D9 is a STAY easter egg.
-> Jimin and Jungkook were both part of the same trafficking/rescue situation. They weren’t together, though, and their memories are fuzzy and black out from that time. Eventually, they realise they have a connection and bond over it.
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i looked it up bc i've never heard of it and it looks like dogshit i'll be honest
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ecto-stone · 7 months
:V this is how i imagine what Danny Phantom: Astral Projection game gonna be like. So like unlike normal Gacha game it very much like FGO. With a more refine version commander follower team control System of Astral Chronicle.
You can chose what ever unit you like to be commander and manual control them in battle to lead the back team around. :V there will be no PVP. or Forced Co-Op ( to created a more chill game atmost sphere) The only time Player co-op will be During the World boss Week at the end at everymonth when everyone in Game team up to kill the world boss as many time as humanly possible to get more Concentrated Ectoplasm Cube at the end of the tally up. Or a Stories event like Human Vs Ghost. Where Player pick team and sweep the event stage to get point and resourse. (winner get 50 more skin ticket then losing team) :) cheese strat or just playing the team you want is highly recommended. But what if you bring Max Lv unit to dungeon wouldn't that be wasted. No. The team have what essentially an EXP share or mentor spots. For example my team Have Vlad who is Lv Max. And Dani who is Lv 1. Vlad over flow Exp when he go to dungeon will go to Dani. who is in the Exp Share tag along spots.
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joysofescapism · 5 months
Book Review: Blindly Indicted by Katie May
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I lived my life as a prisoner.
I’ve always been told stories about the real world, but I haven’t seen it for myself. All I have ever known is pain.
And darkness.
They tell me I have been blind since birth.
When I make my escape, I think freedom is finally within my grasp...
Until I’m captured by the paranormal police for a murder I didn’t commit. Apparently, I have powers—powers I have always suspected myself of having. Normal people can’t see through other people’s eyes, right?
Thrust into Nightmare Penitentiary, I meet a group of hard, alpha, psychotic inmates who believe I’m the answer to all their prayers. Me? I’m just trying to survive and figure out what it means to live. My new home isn’t just a prison, but a labyrinth with horrors around every corner.
But what if the cost of my life is my freedom? Am I willing to trade one cage for another?
Welcome to Nightmare Penitentiary, where you come in handcuffs and leave in a body bag.
Read my full review below.
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This book has a great introduction. The first scene really hooked me. It was nerve-wracking and had one of the best introductions. I wish it lived up to the hype.
Nina the heroine of the story is a blind, abused, non-human being. All she ever knew was pain and torture until she escaped. She was falsely accused of murdering an important person (though it was fairly obvious that it was impossible to happen) and got sentenced to imprisonment in Nightmare Penitentiary, a labyrinth-like prison for the most dangerous paranormal criminals.
She was sweet and innocent. I normally did not like heroines like this because most authors make them doormats, but Nina was not like that. Her kindness was her strength and her softness was refreshing to see. Her naivety and innocence were not annoying to me. I loved her.
Now, as for the heroes:
Kai, the dragon shifter, leader of the group, and king of the prison.
Damien, a psychopathic assassin mage, Kai’s right-hand man.
Cain, the sex demon with a whole lot of sexual trauma and PTSD, half of the demon twins, and the one who did not automatically want to jump the heroine.
Abel, the trickster demon and the other half of the twin and the charming one.
Bronson, the big bad shadow wolf who wants to take care of and protect the heroine at all costs.
Rion, the crazy tiger shifter who could also shift into a cat, is even more unhinged than Damien and he talks a lot.
These guys are all Nina’s mates. Yes, it was one of those things. I did not mind the instalust and instalove going on in here because I was focused more on how these guys (ehem they’re criminals) take care of Nina. I had lived vicariously through her.
They don’t have that much to offer, and I cannot judge each of them since there was no character development involved in this one.
While I did love the characters of this book, everything else was meh. I finished this one just to see what will happen to them. And reading the second book did not help in the way that I wished it had.
I have nothing to say about the plot and the ending was even more unsatisfying.
I won’t be reviewing the second book (yes, I read it).
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fadeintoyou1993 · 3 months
if i like a book and it makes me cry i give it 5/5 stars if i dont like a book i give it 4 stars because at least the author tried and we are all just having fun:)
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callilouv · 28 days
yipee season of strike controversy solved ty devs >:)
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marklikely · 9 months
its common on letterboxd for people to say they wish they had a sixth star for some movies well obviously they cant just change to a 6 star rating system but my genius free idea for the website is that every user should get a limited number of extra stars. like if you want you can rate a movie 6 stars but you can only do it a couple times. so its still a 6/5 rating.
if they want to make money they could either make this feature patron only or just give patrons a few more extra stars. i think this will fix the website
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gracerings · 1 month
reading babel and not enjoying it.. week ruined
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vampirerite · 4 months
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aesthetic clash
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