#ravenhearst series
sampungmgadaliri · 5 months
Escape From Ravenhearst provides an elaborate -- and disturbing -- walk through Charles Dalimar's life.
Mystery Case Files is probably among the most popular low-maintenance games released in the last decade. The series popularized a simple gameplay: finding hidden items, hence classifying it as a Hidden Object Game (HOG). These items will serve as clues as you, assuming the role of a detective, try to solve the case. The Mystery Case Files series probably gained household name or mainstream…
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mwagneto · 1 year
welcome to post about franchise noone knows about but the fucking.... trajectory of the mystery files games is truly insane to me and this trailer for the newest game that absolutely feels like a parody but is 100% real made me think about them again, like with the first 4 you have an extremely simple "look at an image find the items" click and point which is the entire appeal of the game and then they upgrade to walkable maps for SOME REASON which somehow make my laptop lag even now so i can't imagine what they did to stuff 15 years ago but anyway not only do they lose the entire format they also for some reason attempt to connect all the games and introduce the detective while trying to keep them universally relatable so now by game 57 you're a sometimes-man sometimes-woman who's forcibly gay married to the villain from the third game walking through random empty maps with a rare badly voice acted npc every now and then and you don't understand anything and your computer is about to burn down trying to play all the bouncy room transition animations at the same time and all you wanted was get a list of 10 items and stare at a screenshot until you find all of them
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olliedollie1204 · 9 months
i started escape from ravenhearst and it's sooooo much harder than return to ravenhearst. i really like all the callbacks to rtr in this game (all the locations being the same but dilapidated, seeing destroyed remnants of the puzzles you had to solve in rtr) but honestly the whole "moving object" thing is really fucking hard and not as enjoyable as the find-and-click i spy puzzles that were the basis of rtr. like it's just visually difficult to see which objects are changing, i have to look REALLY closely at stuff that not even interesting, whereas in the second game when i had to look really closely there was a bunch of weird interesting stuff to look at at least. like i'm v into the lore and the other puzzles are still really good, it's just every time i see those sparkles i get a sense of "ugh i have to do this again", whereas in rtr i was sooooo excited everytime i got to play i spy again
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artsydon · 5 months
The Ravenhearst Experience YouTube Channel Banner Artwork
Before I get started to go through my main art caption, I would like you the MCF fans to subscribe to the Channel made by the Ravenhearst Wiki Community called "The Ravenhearst Experience" (Hosted by InquisitorZylon)
Here is the link to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheRavenhearstExperience
What will be the content of the Ravenhearst Experience?
The channel will content about discussing the MCF LORE and THEORIES and DISCUSSIONS and EXPLANATIONS about the Mystery Case Files games by people on the Ravenhearst Wiki Community (Finally! Cannot believe something like this is happening!) so expect that.
So yeah the channel is here now and I will not reveal any more info, but if you want to be part of the Ravenhearst Wiki Community, feel free to join the Ravenhearst Wiki Discord (Be sure to follow the rules and be civil with people btw and enjoy! :DDD)
Here is the link invitation to Ravenhearst Wiki Discord:
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As you can see I used Return to Ravenhearst as a reference. Also Master Detective's Car of 1950 Pontiac Silver Streak from BFG Studio's design. I also put in the TV head Automation lying on the road XD.
By the way, this is not an edited image from games it is FULLY DIGITALLY DRAWN BY HANDS. This is the version without the text, and also, I used multiple references of the Ravenhearst Manor images to develop an original rendition of the art (again, the manor is fully drawn digitally as well by hand).
Thanks to Jeff Haynie for the inspiration, concept art, and the designers of Eipix's Ravenhearst Manor!
I intentionally lowered the manor grounds so that it fits in the view of the YT banner
Channel Banner with a name of the Channel:
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Here is another one with the name of the channel that is centered so that it fits in the view of the YouTube Channel Banner (nothing much has changed)
So here is what the YouTube channel looks like with the banner on:
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Oh and by the way, please feel free to see the Channel Trailer Edited by InquisitorZylon with the help of the YT Team
Here is the Channel Trailer of The Ravenhearst Experience:
This trailer was edited by InquisitorZylon :DDD
Here is the Profile Picture of The YouTube Channel:
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Also here are the layers of the artwork in Photoshop
Hope you like it hehe :DDDD
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dalimarisdaddy1967 · 1 year
Since I Haven't Posted Any Drawings In A Bit, I Figured I'd Post This...
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I Drew Emma Ravenhearst's Locket. I Didn't Have A Better Reference Picture Than This But I Think I Did Pretty Alright.
Top Picture Is My Drawing.
Bottom Picture Is The Reference. The Locket Itself Is In The Bottom Right. That's What I Drew LOL.
Also, That's Not A Picture From My Gameplay. I Haven't Gotten That Far Yet. Not This Playthrough Of The Series Anyway LOL. It's Just A Picture I Found Online. I Really Need To Get On The Ball With Playing The Series Again. Anyway...
What Do You Guys Think? How Did I Do?
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cherryfinolahobbes · 2 years
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game?
What’s my favorite part of an RP? Shenanigans and feels. I love that satisfying moment where shit is going down and it’s amazing. Those moments that for all reasons should NOT work, but do, or those unexpected moments of “holy shit are we doing this?” Whether it’s drama, stupid fluff moments, or an unexpected crack ship. I love muses getting together and creating their own stories and worlds together.
Omggggg. There’s so many RPers I look up to.
There’s @doctorottooctavius and @thexgangsxallxhere who are my original RP squad and I don’t feel Cherry would be as fleshed out as she is now without them. They got her trial run before tumblr did XD
Of course my Stephens @strxngemxgick and @supremestrangeness. You two really helped me learn and understand the world of Stephen Strange. Before RPing with you both, I honestly didn’t care for the character. You both breath such life into different aspects of him and because of your care for our beloved trash wizard it has only helped me develop my Wong muse more.
I can’t forget @shieldagentnatasharomanoff who is a lovely, patient and kind Mun who also had helped me enjoy Natasha so much. She is another MCU character I never thought of much until I got to interact with your muse. I love her and all the love you put into her. Thanks for keeping all us weirdos from drifting too far apart because of jobs and time zones <3
Also throwing @sorcerer-wong in here because while I know muses are fickle I adore your Wong whenever he’s around and of course, @heavyweighthappy because again, muses are fickle, but your Happy got me back into Rping. I always look forward to interacting with him when you’ve got him!!
My favorite video game is kinda hard. I used to be a rabid FF7 and Kingdom Hearts fan (but I lost track of KH when it started splintering off into tons of little games). I don’t know if it qualifies as a “video game” but I love playing “The Room” series on my IPad and I had all of the Mystery Case Files in the Ravenhearst series. It’s been a couple years, I need to go and see if they’ve released anymore lol.
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september172013 · 2 years
I don’t know how often I think about how disappointed I am that as far as I know, Shadow Lake is the one main Mystery Case Files game that didn’t get an in-series sequel like Ravenhearst or Madame Fate or 13th Skull.
I know they won’t get the original actors back if they do, but I still wanna see what happened to the Ghost Patrol crew other than the occasional name drop Easter egg, especially after that cliffhanger of an end credits scene.
On a related note, the Ghost Patrol crew is an obvious parody of Ghost Adventures, but the longer Ghost Adventures goes on, the more it feels like that show is the parody instead…
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nevalizona · 11 months
So I started playing the second Ravenhearst hidden object game and... :( they have odd live action bits now and the game feels entirely different from the rest of the games so far. Like the placed where stuff is hidden is similar I guess bit it's just missing that normal M*stery C*se F*les feeling I love so much. I'm assuming the feeling will come back bc MillionHeir is much later in the series than this one and it's my favorite game from my childhood. It feels like a good ol' MCF games but still this one feels so odd. Part of me is really wanting to skip to Fate's Carnival but I must wait. Anyways super bummed out about this. I love the art of this series and I hope they bring it back to some extent.
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fallenidol-453 · 2 years
👱🏻🌎💎 ?
Thanks! I can only answer about three of these though, my browser doesn't show all of the emojis. 🌍fave type of au to write?
... I don't think I've actually written one, unless an abandoned oneshot collection about the 30th anniversary István, a király counts.
I mean, it is stylistically staged like a modern AU... even though some things about that version are best left. unsaid and unwatched.
💎 fave trope to write?
*radio static noises*
🧑 favorite character to write? (I think this one was sent?)
I haven't explored either of these too much in anything big beyond one-shots, but Reka from István, a király and Rose Somerset from the Mysery Case Files Ravenhearst series.
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nightlightdragon1 · 4 years
me: oh hey wonder what’s on steam 
*sees mystery case files* 
my inner child* YEEEESSSSSS!!!!!
*proceeds to buy 13th skull* let’s gooo!!
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 years
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I've been replaying the Mystery Case Files series for over a week now. My favorites are Return to Ravenhearst, The 13st Skull, Escape from Ravenhearst and Fate's Carnival ^^ The newer games look kinda... off, and the series is pretty obscure, but it's still lots of fun! This guy is the detective protagonist of the series, his face is never shown, so leave it to your imagination
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minhoghaven · 3 years
Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Date: November 26, 2008
Series: Mystery Case Files (5/22)
I have mixed feelings about Return to Ravenhearst.  It marks a change in the Mystery Case Files gameplay from finding clues at different locations to an actual continuing storyline with more environmental puzzles and hidden object scenes, which is a plus.  On the other hand, it is also where the Ravenhearst storyline gets a little cracked.  Each subsequent Ravenhearst game seems to try and be a little weirder and more unexpected than the last and it goes off the rails pretty quickly. 
Plot: 3/5 You return to Ravenhearst Manor to free more of the victims of Charles Dalimar, the antagonist from the original Ravenhearst game.  You must descend deep into the manor at the behest of some poorly acted ghosts.
Mechanics:  4/5 This game does not present you a static collection of locations that are only hidden object scenes.  Instead you actually move through the manor, finding hidden object locations and helpful items throughout the world.  I consider this a step up for the series in terms of immersion in the games (for what it’s worth).  
Art:  3/5  The scenes in this game are very nice, well rendered 2d artwork which is my preference.  The downfall comes in the form of the characters which are videos of actual human actors but are not very well portrayed.  Some of the actors overdo it, some underdo it and the poor child actress clearly doesn’t have any idea what she’s doing.
Sound/Music/Voice Acting: 3/5 The sounds are fine and the music ranges from quiet enjoyable with a slightly creepy air (I’m looking at you, piano piece) to trying really hard to build suspense and bordering on annoying.  For voice acting, see my complaints about the human actors.
Overall: 4/5 The game deserves credit because it sort of sets the standard for what future MCF games will be and it’s storyline hasn’t reached the ridiculously over-the-top weirdness that future Ravenhearst stories will become.  It introduces us to characters that will reappear frequently and is generally enjoyable and worth a play.
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Some very pretty scenes and some very well drawn scenes, even when they’re not so pretty.
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dalimarisdaddy1967 · 1 year
Another MCF Story? Yes Indeed!
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Another MCF story idea came to me, though I have yet to do anything with my previous original idea and the idea of making the games a story series.
I haven't fleshed out this idea for this story very much cuz my creativity kinda flew the coop a while ago but I wanted to post this regardless.
So, since I have a very obvious crush on Charles, another story idea including him came to me. The idea is this:Charles meets a woman that is the spitting image of Emma. I have yet to flesh out any more details than that except the woman is either the descendant of Emma or Emma's reincarnation. The picture I used for the look alike was actually a picture of Emma ran through an AI.
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I used the picture above of Emma from Escape From Ravenhearst, ran it through an AI, & got the look alike. That's the woman on the left. The one in the middle is my AI interpretation of the Detective as stated in a previous post.
Idk when these stories will see the light of day, hopefully soon, but it's fun to share regardless.
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iamfatetouched · 2 years
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I'm live! 🖥️
Streaming: Mystery Case Files 3: Ravenhearst (2006)
[ID: On a fine-grained wood tabletop sit a series of photos and plans. On the left are two large format photos of the hidden object games. On the right are two diagrams of intricate locks taped to backing board. In between them is a crinkled piece of paper with the words: Let's Play. Above everything is the logo for Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst. The MCF logo is written in white, thin typewriter font and in its center is the MCF silver badge. Ravenhearst is written in scrawled sickly green lettering just below it.]
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
YEAH!!! me and my mother use to play the free trial of Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst a lot and would always try to finish the game before the time limit was up, just so we didn't have to buy it. we use to do that with a lot of games, like I-Spy Haunted Mansion and a bunch of games from Popcap or Bigfish games. fucking loved finding those funky hidden items. ravenhearst was also cool because of those little puzzle you had to do.
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mwagneto · 4 years
so my sisters used to play this game series called mystery case files (there's a plot but the main element is you get a list of objects and you have to find them) up until i was like. 10 years old (I know coz the last one we played was dire grove which came out when I was 8)
and obviously I didn't speak a word of English so i mostly just watched or helped them look for the stuff they translated and anyway i FINALLY got around to it and started playing the entire series,
im on the 9th rn and MAN its so nostalgic, we mostly played the first, third, fourth and fifth ones (huntsville, ravenhearst, madame fate and return to ravenhearst) so i remembered a lot from those but obviously it's been years so it was just So nice to revisit all of these and finally Finally being able to play them on my own (and also like, understanding the plot and the dialogue jdfjdjdn),
and ofc to discover what all the new games are like (i think we only played dire grove aka the 6th once or twice so i barely remembered that one and didnt remember the rest at ALL) so yeah that's where i am rn, i just started the 9th game aka shadow lake but even after all these years madame fate is still the best one
(added enters for easier reading coz it got long skfnd im just rly excited to discover these games again they were literally like, my SHIT as a 5-10 year old)
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