#ravi music video
ebb---andletgo · 2 years
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you must live better than me.
beautiful liar, dir. hwang soo ah, 2015.
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kpopulr · 2 years
I mean, I knew we were getting new Seo In Guk music and I was SO EXCITED the moment I had heard that news, but new music featuring RAVI?!?!?!
It’s 6 in the morning and I just got up (literally still sitting in my bed) but now I gotta’ lie back down. YES! What a great way to start the day!
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filmytune-blog · 2 years
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Tere Siva is a album song. The singer of the song is Mohit Chauhan & Palak Muchhal. Tere Siva lyrics of the song are written by Ravi Basneet.
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Buck & Eddie: Season 7 Ravi's back for a reason
The video includes some of the important things Ravi said and some of his interactions with Buck and Eddie from seasons 5 and 6. Please note: the sound has been removed from the last few seconds of the video because it includes music and if I would have left it in, Tumblr would have given me issues with adding it to the tags. I left it in so everyone could see Buck lay his head on Eddie's shoulder after he picked Ravi up 🙃🤪😉😜.
Last season I believed Ravi returned at a specific time for a specific reason and when he did, I completed a post about how Buck's NO LONGER the KID of the 118 because Ravi is the kid now (linked here). Reminder, Bobby hasn't called Buck kid since Buck's coma dream.
Yesterday, a BTS from Season 7 was posted that includes Eddie, Ravi and Buck and it was intriguing. The look on Ravi's face makes it seem like it's his first time seeing something and Buck looks like "F" not again" and Eddie looks like "Ok... that's interesting but we can handle it" but neither Buck nor Eddie look shocked at all. There's not enough included in the picture to go on but their facial expressions say a lot.
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Today, another BTS was released that included the same three 118 members, Eddie, Buck and Ravi. Please look at the GIF below and notice the doors they exited from. Eddie got out of the captain's seat but please remember in 6x1, he said he appreciated it if Bobby didn't ask him to be interim captain. Has Eddie ever sat there? IIRC he hasn't, unless I missed it.
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After I saw the video, I had several questions.
First, why wasn't Buck sitting in the captain's seat? He always sits there whenever he has the chance. But for some reason, this time he won't be.
Also, where is Hen and Chimney? It's possible they could be in the ambulance (if medical is needed) but if Bobby hasn't returned to work then that really doesn't explain why Hen's not sitting there instead of Eddie.
Where is the rest of the 118?
Are they the only three who will be needed for the call?
Ravi and Buck got out of the back but since Buck got out first, it's possible they were sitting where they sat in 5x18 and 6x16.
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In 5x18, Ravi made the infamous "Isn't that what we all want in a partner..." declaration when Buck was still with TK but he knew (the audience knew too) that she wasn't who Ravi was referring to with regards to Buck. (Pssst... he was talking about EDDIE! 🤪😜🥰)
Later in the same episode, Buck defined what love means to him while him and Maddie were sitting on his balcony (related post linked here). Reminder, he said it AFTER Ravi asked the team, what they all wanted in a partner.
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Enter season 6 and Ravi was absent and couldn't be found with a pair of binoculars because KR (the former showrunner???👀 hopefully she's no longer co-showrunner since TM the OG is back) wouldn't tell the audience where he was but she sure had time to film a FaceTime or whatever the "F" LD ended up talking to Bobby on in 6x1 regarding why she couldn't be interim captain.
I said this in a post earlier this week (linked here) that KR was telling half-truths and these BTS pics of Buck, Eddie and Ravi are kind of proving my point. In season 6 she didn't let Ravi come back until 6B because she was doing something with the characters. I answered an ask from my friend @mattsire a few weeks ago after one of the promos was released (linked here) and I said now that Buck and Eddie will be partners again, I wasn't sure what was going to happen in Season 7 (I'm still not sure and that's why I'm not speculating because I don't want to get blindsided again like I was with 6x18) but seeing Ravi again reminded me of my original theory. He's back for REASONS that have to do with Buck and Eddie.
Reminder, for the majority of Season 6, Eddie and Buck weren't working as partners. Buck mainly responded to calls with the team and Eddie spent most of his time being a medic. They were only partnered together for one call in 6x7 and it was the last Felisa emergency where she got buried in her car. Even though they were partners again in 6x13 for every call, it was strange since KR said they were trying new pairings for the season (I debunked her BS statement in a post I did earlier this week [linked here]. I believe the show was trying to see if the audience would notice and be vocal about Buck and Eddie not working or hanging out together and we were.) But reminder, they weren't working together while Ravi wasn't there. Even after he returned in 6x14, Ravi went into the dumpster fire with Eddie in 6x16 and Buck was kind of still working on his own.
In the latest TCA interview, TM said Ravi will return in Season 7 and since he's the OG showrunner and Buddie's his idea, I believe he has a reason for bringing Ravi back unlike KR who did it to appease the negative feedback she got for splitting Buck and Eddie up in the first place. Then she only included him in the finale so he could hand Buck some tools🙄.
In 6x14, Eddie hugged Ravi first but Buck literally hugged him and picked him up.
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Also, later in the same scene, Buck laid his head on Eddie's shoulder.
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The point of this post is to illustrate how Ravi returning could mean the original plan for season 6 is back in play. Therefore if the narrative that was set forth continues and it remains unchanged, everything that happened in 6x13 between Buck and Eddie and the Buckley-Diaz Family along with Eddie leaning more towards the medic or paramedic side of things and Buck remaining a firefighter then it's possible Ravi's back at the 118 so he can work with Buck. If so then maybe he's there so Buck and Eddie can continue working at the same firehouse after they become a CANON couple.
Please note, I believe Buck and Eddie were supposed to go CANON in season 5 but it got delayed and with everything that happened in season 6, it seemed like they were going to be in a relationship by the end of 6x18 but it got delayed once again. Will it be delayed in season 7 too? I don't know but I'm working on two posts about some things that were said during the TCA interview and I'm debating if I'll post them because I said I wasn't going to speculate but I'll make my decision after I finish the posts and decide then if I'll post them.
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9-1-1-polls · 5 months
Happy New Year everyone!
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t3rraria · 9 months
*118 guessing what buck is listening to*
Hen: I've seen videos when they look innocent but then listening to heavy metal music
Ravi: yeah! I've seen them too
Chimney: maybe it's a mötley crue song?
Eddie, looking at his phone: nah he's listening to picture to burn by Taylor swift
Bobby, walking past: that's a good boyfriend right there
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talknerdytome18 · 3 months
Things I hope to see in the AGGGTM show
Since we now have confirmation that AGGGTM will be released in the Spring (in UK I believe this is March-June; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), here are things I hope to see!
Pip's "Talk Nerdy to Me" shirt - It's in my username! We must see it!
Zach Chen screen time - Since he didn't do much in the book, I hope to see what he'll do in the series. I do worry that they've merged Ant with Zach since Ant isn't anywhere to be seen in the show and I don't think I can handle Zach being mean. Also, I LOVE Raiko Gohara!
Flashbacks from five years ago - Andie and Sal's relationship, the fight with Elliot and Andie, etc.
Pip calling Stanley Forbes a racist intolerant dickhead - Ngl I'm worried that Stanley has been cut since we never got any news about his casting. A part of me thinks that they're saving him for s2 as you literally can't do Good Girl, Bad Blood without him, thus making him an off-screen character that appears briefly.
More Connor Reynolds - This is partly because I'm in love with Jude Morgan-Collie. Also, because Connor is my favourite character (he's just like me ❤️).
Cara and Pip friendship - That little clip we saw in that video from the bbc of Pip and Cara jumping into the lake makes me hope that we'll get more of them in the show.
Mentions of Jamie Reynolds - Since Jamie is a core character in ggbb, I hope we get mentions of him in the first season. It doesn't have to be anything major; it can just be Connor mentioning him in conversation. I JUST WANT JAMIE REYNOLDS ALREADY 😭
Cara and Pip comforting Lauren after her breakup with Tom - This would be so sweet to see. I don't like Lauren because of ggbb but this would be such an adorable scene to include.
Steph/Cara - If Steph isn't in the show, then I'll cry. She makes my girl Cara happy so I love Steph! If we don't get Steph though... I wouldn't mind Lauren x Cara...
Cara outright stating she's a lesbian - this is just to stop the Cara/Connor shippers. Guys, Cara is clearly a lesbian and Connor is in love with Zach Chen. Stop shipping them 🥰
Zach x Connor - this is literally for me y'all. I just think it would be really neat!
Max Hastings slander - EVERY DAMN SECOND I WANNA SEE MAX GET SLANDERED. No hate to Henry Ashton though! Love Henry but not Max (if you like Max then get tf away from me).
No Body No Crime as the theme song - this probably won't happen since Taylor Swift's music is expensive to use, but a girl can dream.
That's all I have so far. What do you want to see in the show? - Em
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signed-sapphire · 1 month
Who do you see as the voice actors of your characters from The Fallen Star au? P.S. The question appeared after reading this post: https://www.tumblr.com/annymation/740501852095905792/the-voices-in-my-wish-rewrite?source=share
OOHHHHHHHHH thank you for asking!
Okay okay so I will be recasting most of the main characters. Like @annymation, Chris Pine is still Magnifico because he’s literally Magnifico, and I don’t really have a problem with any of the seven teens’ voices.
So here we go!
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Asha is voiced by Cynthia Ervo!
I really like Ariana’s voice, it’s very much what someone would associate with the 3D Disney princesses. However, TFS!Asha has a completely different personality than most Disney princesses, and I want her voice to match that. She has a very strong singing conviction, and it’s different voice representation! Plus, Cynthia has HUGE vocal range, it’s seriously amazing, and honestly fits exactly how TFS!Asha is
And as a bonus, Cynthia was in Disney before!
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Cielo is voiced by Anthony Ramos!
I first found out about Anthony because of Hamilton, and I’ve loved him in everything since. Literally every character he plays or voices is similar to Cielo! Particularly his roles in In the Heights and Bad Guys, he sings in both too!
Anthony is just so funny and goofy, and has SUCH STRONG flirtatious vibes EXACTLY how I imagine Cielo to be with Asha
^This is the song I’m imagining when I imagine domestic royalstar. I’m only attaching the song instead of the music video bc it’s a tad suggestive and also, Jasmine (his then girlfriend and fiancée featured in the video) broke up and that makes me sad
But!!! Musical experience, chill personality, Spanish, literally all Cielo.
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Magnus is voiced by Chris Pine!
Seriously, Chris Pine really loved his role, you can tell. “This is the Thanks I Get” didn’t fit his voice in the honeyed way it’s perfect in, and I’ll forever be mad at Disney for that. Chris is good in slow, emotional songs, which is why his villain song in my rewrite will be perfect for him
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Amaya is voiced by Carolina Gaitán
So I’m still not really sure about this one. Amaya in TFS is Egyptian-Hispanic and I didn’t really know a lot of singers outside of Broadway tbh, but Carolina is such a great one! She voices Pepa in Encanto and it’s a shame we didn’t get to hear much of her singing voice (besides that small bit in “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”) because she’s such a great singer! I’m not 100% sure of her voice, but I do think it fits and that it will grow on me. I also haven’t had the chance to draw Amaya as much as I’d like to, so I feel like once I do I’ll be able to picture her more.
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Valentino is voiced by Ravi Cabot-Conyers
Now, Valentino doesn't have any significant singing roles in my AU, but he does still speak. And I love, love Alan and know he has done amazing things for Disney, so I want to find him a voice in The Fallen Star too, but Ravi also voiced this little cutie
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And yes, it's another Encanto voice, but Ravi was so adorable and amazing and it would be funny to have his dichotomy with the deep-voiced Asha
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homomenhommes · 1 month
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 27
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1906 – Friedrich-Paul von Groszheim (d.circa 2003), born in Lübeck, Germany was an ordinary German man who was imprisoned by the Nazis for the (then) crime of homosexuality under Germany's now-repealed Paragraph 175.
Von Groszheim was one of 230 men arrested in Lübeck on suspicion of being gay by the SS in January 1937 under paragraph 175, which outlawed homosexuality. He was imprisoned for ten months, during which he had to wear a badge emblazoned with a capital A, for Arschficker (arse-fucker):
They beat us to a pulp. I couldn't lie down...my whole back (was) bloody. You were beaten until you finally named names.
Von Groszheim was held in a cell with no heating, very little food, and no toilet facilities. Freed, he was rearrested in 1938 and tortured. Von Groszheim was eventually offered the 'alternative' of castration or Sachsenhausen concentration camp. He 'chose' castration. Terrible as it may seem, it was a decision that probably saved his life. He was then released.
Because of the castration, von Groszheim was rejected as physically unfit for military service in 1940. In 1943 he was arrested a third time, this time as a supporter of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II, and imprisoned as a political prisoner at Neuengamme concentration camp.
After the war, he settled in Hamburg.
Von Groszheim was never acknowledged as a victim of the Nazi regime, and due to on-going persecution of homosexuals in Germany, it took nearly half a century before he broke his silence. Eventually he explained why he began to speak out: 'I'm living proof that Hitler didn't win. I'm aware of that every day. If I don't tell my story, who will know the truth?.' He only told his story in 1992, on We Were Marked with a Big "A", a film in German with English subtitles.
In 1995, he was one of eight signers to a declaration given to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. that called for the "memorializing and documenting of Nazi atrocities against homosexuals and others."
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Jack Cole rehearsing Marilyn Monroe
1911 – Jack Cole (d.1974) was an American dancer, choreographer, and theatre director known as the father of theatrical jazz dance. He developed an entirely personal mode of jazz-ethnic-ballet that prevails as the dominant look of and technique for dancing in today's musicals, films, nightclub revues, television commercials and music videos.
Jack Cole, a student of Ravi Shankar's older brother Uday (who popularized East Indian dance in the West), danced with the staid orientalist Denishawn troupe, and invented jazz dance by applying what he knew of Indian dance to jazz music.
He stripped in Broadway's Ziegfield Follies Of 1943, opened New York's Rainbow Room, and formed a troupe that eroticized the Radio City Music Hall, Roxy, Ciro's, and the Fairmont and Dunes hotels.
His Hollywood entrance didn't go well: his specialty number for Fox's Moon Over Miami (1941) was cut as too sexy and he was fired by Arthur Freed from MGM's Ziegfield Follies (1946), for "griping about all the 'queen bees' like Cedric Gibbons and Roger Edens." Minnelli, Gibbons, et al, worked within the MGM closet, but Cole was a rebel and didn't hide his gayness.
At Columbia, then a minor studio, he lasted from 1944 until the McCarthy hearings of 1948, when most of his dancers fled to Europe. His first Columbia film was Cover Girl (1944) with Rita Hayworth, working with Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen, and Felix. He worked with Ann Miller and thrice more with Hayworth, his eroticism transferred almost intact to her in the 'Put the Blame on Mame' number in Gilda (1946), his homoeroticism most pronounced in the satirical 'Greek Ballet' in Down To Earth (1947). When Gilda describing herself stops in midsentence, the next word could be "stripper," for Cole based her movements on striptease.
At Fox, Cole vitalized Gwen Verdon in On The Riviera, revitalized Betty Grable in Meet Me After The Show (both 1951), surrounded Mitzi Gaynor with slinky catmen in The I Don't Care Girl (1953) and became Marilyn Monroe's dance guru from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) until the end of her life, surrounding her with musclemen in There's No Business Like Show Business (1954).
He returned to Metro for Vincente Minnelli's Kismet (1955; he had done the Broadway show and the 1944 film); Designing Woman; and, with Gene Kelly, Les Girls (1957).
Back at Columbia, he gave Betty Grable a male harem in Three For The Show (1955). His gayness was hidden within his Orientalism, suggesting to Shirley McLean that "masculinity and gay identity" are not necessarily antithetical, erasing gender (unlike true oriental dance), and sought after by female dancers.
But "for gay audiences, the classic Cole number" is 'Is There Anyone Here For Love?' in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, featuring Physique Pictorial-type gymnasts oblivious to Jane Russell's charms: they even pump "their buttocks up and down in rhythm, an outrageous simulation of gay sex."
Cole lived openly in a mansion with his lover, David Gray. Their pool parties were "very naughty and very gay," with Gray on a diving board in high heels. At a 1974 memorial for Cole, Jane Russell reminisced about Cole's penchant for gay porn.
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1951 – Luis Zapata Quiroz is Mexico's most prominent gay author. He rose to popularity in the 1970s with books about the youth subculture of Mexico City. His novels examine the connection between daily life and the popular culture of radio, television, and film.
Born into an upper middle-class family in rural Mexico, Zapata escaped the restrictions of his background by losing himself in the cinema. Popular culture, cinema, melodrama and soap opera have all played a significant influence on his writing.
Unusually for a Mexican writer, most of his novels, and stories feature gay and bisexual characters prominently. Where heterosexual characters appear they are usually within the context of the family and there is some element of hypocrisy and concealment, so the happiness of the normal social order is in some way seen as a smokescreen for more interesting goings on beneath the surface - as is the case with much popular drama and soap opera. His style is very heavily reliant on representing convincing dialogue and conversation - often between people of different social classes.
His work includes Hasta en las mejores familias (Even in the Best Families, 1975), Las aventuras, desventuras y sueños de Adonis García, el vampiro de la colonia Roma ( The Aventures, Misadventures, and Dreams of Adonis Garcia, Vampire of the Roman Colony, 1979), Melodrama (1983), En jirones (In Shreds, 1985) and La hermana secreta de Angélica María (The Secret Sister of Angelica María, 1989)
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1953 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs Executive Order 10450 which establishes grounds for investigation and dismissal:  "Any criminal, infamous, dishonest, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct, habitual use of intoxicants to excess, drug addiction, or sexual perversion." Without explicitly referring to homosexuality, the executive order responded to several years of charges that the presence of homosexual employees in the State Department posed blackmail risks. As a result, more than 640 federal employees lose their jobs over the next year and a half.
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1963 – Today's the birthday of Russell T. Davies (born Steven Russell Davies). Davies is a Welsh television producer and writer and the prolific writer best known for controversial drama serials such as Queer as Folk and The Second Coming. He's also garnered major Geek love for spearheading the revival of the popular science-fiction television series Doctor Who, and the spin-off Torchwood. Although Doctor Who always had serious levels of camp, Davies really stretched the series into a much more inclusive and sexually playful character.
Born in Swansea, Davies aspired to work as a comic artist in his adult life, until a careers advisor at his school suggested that he study English literature; he consequently focused on a career of play- and screen-writing. After he graduated from Oxford University, Davies joined the BBC's children's department on a part-time basis in 1985 and worked in varying positions, including writing and producing two series, Dark Season and Century Falls. He left the BBC in the early 1990s to work for Granada Television and later became a freelance writer.
Davies moved into writing adult television dramas in 1994. His early scripts generally explored concepts of religion and sexuality among various backdrops: Revelations was a soap opera about organised religion and featured a lesbian vicar; Springhill was a soap drama about a Catholic family in contemporary Liverpool; The Grand explored society's opinion of subjects such as prostitution, abortion, and homosexuality during the interwar period; and Queer as Folk, his first prolific series, recreated his experiences in the Manchester gay scene. His later series include Bob & Rose, which portrayed a gay man who fell in love with a woman; The Second Coming, which focused on the second coming and deicide of Jesus Christ; Mine All Mine, a comedy about a family who discover they owned the entire city of Swansea; and Casanova, an adaptation of the Venetian lover's complete memoirs.
His most notable achievement is reviving and running the science fiction series Doctor Who after a sixteen year hiatus, with Christopher Eccleston, and later David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Peter Capaldi in the title role of the Doctor. Davies was awarded an OBE in 2008 for services to drama, which coincided with his announcement that he would step down from as the show's executive producer with his final script, The End of Time (2009-10). Davies moved to Los Angeles, California, to oversee production of Torchwood: Miracle Day and, before the death of Elisabeth Sladen, series five of The Sarah Jane Adventures.He has since returned to Manchester.
His latest show, Cucumber, a spiritual successor to Queer as Folk focuses on middle-aged gay men in the Manchester gay scene, and is accompanied with Banana, an E4 anthology series featuring younger characters across the LGBT spectrum on the periphery of the Cucumber narrative, and Tofu, an online documentary series available on 4oD discussing modern sex, sexuality and issues arisen during the show with the cast and public. The three names reference a urological scale categorising the male erection by hardness from tofu to cucumber, and are used to symbolise differences in sexual attitudes and behaviour between the two generations. Although Cucumber is designed as a self-contained serial focusing on the life of one man, Davies envisions Banana as open-ended and believes it could continue after its sister series finishes.
Davies' next project after Cucumber and Banana will be The Boys, a Channel 4 series about the HIV/AIDS crisis during the 1980s. The Boys will be a dramatised retrospective of the crisis which focuses on the men "living in the bedsits" during the 1980s as opposed to films such as Pride which focus on gay activists; Davies notes that the stories regarding the politics of the crisis and the virus itself has been told, but not those regarding the early victims of the virus itself. Davies describes The Boys as a way of "coming to terms" with his own actions during the 1980s, when the shock of the crisis prevented him from properly mourning the deaths of his close friends. After The Boys, Davies plans to write a series about sextortion that draws inspiration from real-life incidents of blackmail that resulted in suicide.
Davies is openly gay and has been with his partner, customs officer Andrew Smith, since 1999.
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1992 – James Duke Mason is an American politician, writer, and political activist. He is the son of singer Belinda Carlisle and film producer Morgan Mason, and the grandson of the late British actor James Mason. In 2010, The Advocate listed Mason as one of the most influential young LGBT Americans in their "Forty Under 40" issue. He was named in OUT magazine's 2011 "Out 100" issue as one of the 100 most influential LGBT people in the world.
Born in Los Angeles, Mason moved to Europe with his parents as a child. In an Attitude Magazine interview, Mason stated that he is openly gay and that he came out to his family and friends at the age of 14 in 2006. After graduating from Mougins School, an international school in the south of France in July 2010, Mason moved back to the U.S. to study Political Science at California Lutheran University. After a year he moved to West Hollywood, California to focus on his efforts in grassroots advocacy.
He was appointed to serve as a Page in the U.S. House of Representatives during the summer of 2008, and also worked as a volunteer for Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic primaries. He has appeared on TV shows such as Dr. Phil, Nancy Grace, and Politicking with Larry King to discuss LGBT issues, has written articles for websites such as The Huffington Post and The Advocate, and did a YouTube video to back the It Gets Better campaign.
In December 2011 it was announced that Mason was appointed to the board of directors of Outfest, making him the youngest member in the organization's 30-year history. He began his term in January 2012.
He served as an official surrogate for the campaign of Barack Obama in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election. He had a small acting role in the film What Happens Next, which screened as part of the Hollywood Film Festival. He was a candidate for the West Hollywood City Council in the March 3, 2015 election.
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1998 – Ghislaine Landry is a Canadian rugby union player. She won a gold medal at the 2015 Pan American Games as a member of the Canadian women's rugby sevens team. During the 2016-17 season, Landry succeeded Jen Kish as captain of the national sevens. On 20 October 2018, Landry became the first woman to hit the 1,000 point milestone in the women's sevens World Series.
In 2016, Landry was named to Canada's first ever women's rugby sevens Olympic team, which won the bronze medal in a match against Great Britain. In 2017, Landry moved into first place all-time in HSBC World Rugby Women's Sevens Series scoring with 706 points. In June 2021, Landry was named to Canada's 2020 Summer Olympics team.
Landry attended Saint Francis Xavier University.
She came out as homosexual in 2006 and married her partner in 2018.
In 2021, she announced her retirement from the sport, hanging up the boots at the age of 33 after an illustrious international career that spanned a decade.
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2009 – Iowa becomes the third state to allow same-sex marriage.
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mounamelanoyi · 10 months
My Go-To Jayam Ravi Simping Vids
Alright, as I promised, here it is - @balladedutempsjadis and @thirst4light, this is dedicated to you.
Yes, Jayam Ravi snatched all of our hearts in PS. This scene - god, this scene in particular - hasn't left my mind in months:
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But it needs to be known that this man is not just serving looks now - in fact, he's been serving looks for basically the past 20 (!) years. So, here, I'm highlighting a few of my fav songs that I always go back to when I'm in simping mode:
Ayyo Ayyo
This movie basically put JR on the map all the way back in 2004, and the songs definitely had a large role in that. These two are both fab dancers and have such good chemistry (and I just think they both look really friggin cute in this song lol).
2. Chennai Senthamizh
Is it cheating to list two songs from the same movie? Probably. But JR and Asin's chemistry is off the charts (again), this song is one of my absolute favorites, and if you end up staring at her dancing instead, you can just put the video on loop like I do 🤗
3. Nenjil Nenjil
Harris Jayaraj ruled South Indian music for a period of my childhood - and this album is one of the prime reasons why. This song is one of my all time favs, and is also from the beginning of what i call JR's snacc era - man really chose to bulk up when he hit 30 (and you can clearly see it lol). Thee Illai from this movie is also a dream, but I like the picturization here more than that one.
4. Senthoora
This song was everywhere when it came out - the vocals are absolutely mesmerizing, but I think JR looks pretty damn fine here too lol. Also, if you're in the mood for something a little more...spicy - Vaarai Vaarai from the same movie might be worth a look hehe.
I have other recs as well, but we can leave it for now - other than one honorable mention: Azhiyilae. I just have memories of my parents throwing a pillow at my face whenever this song came on lol, so it didn't make the actual list, but this is the one romantic song that pissed JR's wife (then girlfriend) off lol, so had to include it!
Curious to hear what you guys think!!
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aislingsurrow · 8 months
♬ Character Themes ♬
Tagged by @archaiclumina to do this!
The original question was about a single instrumental track but I couldn't possibly choose just one track, and I'm not great with instrumentals either. So here! A few songs on Aisling's playlist.
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Changgwi by Ahn Yeeun Aisling has visions, and I imagine the speaker in this song to be her Visions, Fate, and Destiny, personified. The part of her that feels "Isn't it great" when things work out as they should? I first found this song when it was used in an animatic for my favorite webcomic, and as I was in Stormblood going into Shadowbringers at the time. I felt it sooo appropriate. That intense bridge section that starts with "Let me see how long your life thread be," is like a rundown of the primals, leading up to Tsukuyomi (the moon) and the greatest tiger (GUESS WHO)... I have a whole music video in my head.
God Only Knows by The Beach Boys Aisling's visions can make her melancholic. There's a feeling of inevitability she has in so much of her life, and I feel this song captures the Feeling and vibe of it nicely. I also love how dreamy it sounds- something so hopeful and yet so resigned. God only knows what she'd be without those she loves- even she isn't sure, and how that is a blessing and a curse.
Toofan by Ravi Basrur (From KGF Chapter 2) This is Aisling's battle theme! When she's super cool, this is her jam, man! Toofan means "typhoon" or "storm" or "flood"- a lot of that kind of stuff- and as a girl from the sea, I like the imagery of her coming in like a storm to wreck shit. The weather is also just as inevitable as she feels a lot of things are, so it's a nice to have a more positive side of that. Anyway, enjoy looking at Yash for like three minutes.
GUY.EXE by Superfruit WOOO something more fun! Exciting! Outgoing! Aisling isn't all creepy vibes and resignation. This song captures some of her more fun sides. She can be picky and particular, especially in romance, and I like her having fun with that- if you're not tall enough, she won't have time for you! Heehee
I... don't think I have anyone to tag! I'd normally rope Angeline in, but she was tagged at the same time as me! Uh uh uh-- @sunbeasts !! You just followed me, you're the only option I have.
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sadfragilegirl · 8 months
A lot of Wheein fans were blaming THE L1VE and Ravi for not doing their job well. Like what the f*ck is going on?!
First of all, Ravi was in a military service since October 2022 and after what happened to his "scandal", EVERYONE BLAMED HIM! As he became the scapegoat and covered as a BIG CRIMINAL!
Like...the most problematic people are having a short jail time and let them free while the people who didn't do anything wrong are going to have a LONGER JAIL TIME and getting a BIGGER PUNISHMENT!
And for your information, RAVI IS NOT GOING TO JAIL!
Why can't you just simply support Wheein's comeback, listen to her latest music, watch her new MV and buy her albums? But no...you only complaining and obsessing over Ravi.
I know but THE L1VE is a very small company. Thanks to this, Wheein got a chance to have freedom. Ravi is a very good friend to Wheein and you shouldn't blame him for this for heaven's sake.
So why don't you just watch their videos about the REAL TRUTHS AND FACTS about Ravi's military scandal and get this sh*t over with.
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dispatchpodcast · 2 years
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Dispatch's next call is here!
In this episode, meet Rebecca (aka @bibuddie!) and hear about her edits and fanfic (and how much Rachel loves them!), and - of course - her thoughts on the show.
Listen to a preview above, stream the full episode on Anchor.fm, or find it on platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and more.
See the show notes below for timestamps of when specific discussion takes place, and for links to Rebecca and her works, and her recommendations for creators @queerpanikkar @gayeddiaz @gayravi and @thatbuddie and their fanworks.
Episode 4, with Dispatch's next guest, is coming Monday 8th of August.
Show Notes:
Welcome (2:02)
How Rebecca got into 9-1-1 and some of her favourite things about it (2:55)
Discussion of Rebecca's edits and gif making (28:09)
Taylor Swift as a source of inspiration (52:06)
Discussion of Rebecca's fic (55:51), focused on: horrified looks from everyone in the room (i'm only looking at you) (55:51); stood on a cliffside screaming 'give me a reason' (1:23:44); and should've said no (1:31:10)
What Rebecca would like to write and what she is working on right now (1:40:29)
How Rebecca got into fanfiction (1:46:29)
Favourite episode(s) and scene from Season 5 (1:51:11)
Hopes for Season 6 (1:54:31)
Recommendations for creators and fanworks (1:59:17)
Goodbye and outro (2:05:07)
Referred to in episode:
Rebecca's Tumblr and AO3
Edits and gifs discussed: Normal People quote edit and stuck gifset
Fics discussed: horrified looks from everyone in the room (i'm only looking at you); stood on a cliffside screaming 'give me a reason'; and should've said no
Between buddie video edit
buddie (taylor's version) fic fest
buddie au fic fest
The ravi fic
Rebecca's recommendations:
ravi fic by queerpanikkar (archerincombat)
dance, for all that we've been through by gayeddiaz (catchingpapermoons)
gifs and gif-colouring guidance by gayravi (probieravi)
safe as life fic and stares gifset by thatbuddie (thatbuddie (talktothesky))
Contact details:
Dispatch Tumblr: dispatchpodcast.tumblr.com Dispatch email: [email protected] Rachel's Tumblr: burnthatbridge.tumblr.com
Intro and outro music by BrightestAvenue from Pixabay
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galaxymagick · 6 months
231121 realvixx🐦
[📜NEWS] 그럼에도, 역시 빅스(VIXX)…계속될 이야기 'CONTINUUM’ [퇴근길 신곡] ▶️ https://naver.me/G87NazMh ▶️ https://naver.me/xY9qgVMc ▶️ https://naver.me/FnMoTydF #빅스 #VIXX #CONTINUUM #Amnesia
*web translated articles under the cut
📜Nevertheless, VIXX...The story that will continue, "CONTINUUM" [New song on the way home]
VIXX, who has returned after four years of absence, will present BIXX's own journey.
At 6 p.m. on the 21st, VIXX released the full song of its fifth mini album "CONTINUUM" and the music video for its title song "Amnesia" through various music sites.
This new album is the first in four years and two months since the single "PARALLEL," which was named by VIXX in 2019, and the new album was presented by leader N (Chah Hak-yeon) as a trio of Leo, Ken and Hyuk due to his absence at the comeback.VIXX included the meaning of his endless journey as VIXX in this album "CONTINUUM," and variously solved the theme of "continuity," implying the message of individual growth and the endless development of VIXX.
The title song "Amnesia," which was released first, is an R&B-based medium tempo song that combines dreamy vocals and addictive guitar loops, and the vocal is impressive with the electric guitar line of the chorus leading to the bass. In addition to the members' explosive singing and unique charm, they also increased their immersion in the song with an intense melody that gets stuck in their ears once they hear it, showing a high degree of completion.
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In particular, VIXX's strong identity, which is revealed only when each member's individual charms come together, attracted attention, like the lyrics, "We end up attracting each other even in distorted memories."
The music video released together also showed a high degree of completion. A ring object that penetrates the album and encompasses it as one appeared, revealing the value that VIXX pursues with cinematic visual beauty. The ring object that supported VIXX's world is broken, and the members find individual changes, love, dreams, or valuable things they want to protect, and the members who finally find their memories are completed into one VIXX and deliver a heavy message.
In addition to the title track, VIXX's unique tone continues organically in the tracks, emitting brilliant musical light. In addition to the track "Chemical," which Leo participated in the lyrics, and "If You Come Tonight," which compares his heart for his fans to his feelings of drawing a precious lover, it stands out as "LILAC," which Hyuk participated in writing and composing.
The album, which contains the process of completing the true "Bix," will show a stronger authenticity by putting the message that VIXX, the epitome of conceptual idols, wants to convey in the worldview.
📜"Magnet is dragged even if you refuse"...VIXX, the 3rd generation, returned after 4 years of "shocked innocence" concept idol [6 o'clock ★ saloon]
The group VIXX (Ken Leo Enhyuk) returned after four years and two months of military service. VIXX, who previously played as a "concept idol," will show a "pure surprise" this time.
VIXX will release its fifth mini album "CONTINUUM" through various music sites at 6 p.m. on the 21st and make a comeback with its title song "Amnesia" (Amnesia).
This album is the first new album in four years and two months since VIXX's digital single "PARALLEL" released in 2019, and welcomes STARLIGHT (fandom name). VIXX's withdrawal from the military service due to member Ravi's military service and the absence due to N's absence from the activities, only Leo, Ken, and Hyuk will be active this time. That's why VIXX's comeback is more welcoming and affectionate. "Continum" contains an infinite journey that is constantly connected as "Bix." This album, which presents various concepts of the major theme of "Continuous", implies the message that VIXX is steadily growing individually and musically, and this is the constant development of a group called VIXX. The album contains the process of completing it with "Bix," finding out from oblivion what those who had been wandering without forgetting the reason were really trying to protect. VIXX, the epitome of conceptual idols, will present a stronger authenticity by putting the message to the world view.
The title song "Amnesia" (Amnesia) is an R&B-based medium tempo song that harmonizes dreamy vocals with addictive guitar loops, with the electric guitar line of the chorus leading to the bass, and the heightened vocals are impressive.
Na na na na Na na na na na na na Na na na na 네 기억을 감춰 Blur Na na na na Na na na na na na na 내 손에 널 Take it
어떤 너도 Traceable 내겐 Ain't no problems, though 달아난 순간도 넌 오차범위 속
Over again and again 언제든 woo 이 달콤한 낭만 속 나 외의 모든 건 다 Fade
I've got Amnesia, woo 비틀린 채 이어지는 Connect Ya, woo 거부해도 끌려가는 Magnet
VIXX, which has already celebrated its 11th anniversary, gives "continuity" to the journey it will build up again after going through twists and turns and changes, giving a message of confidence that "it will continue." At the same time, the members greet fans and the public with more mature music and attitude.
In the music video, the "Ring Object" that runs through this album will unfold cinematically. The eternal and complete ring object that supported VIXX's world is broken, and the members forget their own important values in different dreams and gradually seek lost memories instinctively afterward. In their memories, there were changes, love, and dreams, and when they finally found their memories, they showed that they were completed as a VIXX with a complete ring object.
📜There was no 'blank' for a group of three, VIXX..."Amnesia" (Jukebox) [Roundup]
VIXX has returned after four years and two months, announcing the return of the "original conceptual" group. 
At 6 p.m. on the 21st, the music and music video of VIXX's fifth mini album "CONTINUUM" were released.
The title song "Amnesia" is an R&B-based medium tempo song that combines dreamy vocals and addictive guitar loops, and it conveys the message that even in distorted memories, we end up attracting each other. 
In addition, a total of five songs were included, including "Chemical," "LILAC," "SAVAGE" and "If You Come Tonight."
Based on the theme of oblivion called "loss of memory," the god "Continuity" tells the story of protecting what those who were wandering tried to truly protect from oblivion and completing it as "Bix." 
VIXX, who is making a comeback for the first time in four years and two months since 2019, has reached out to the entire album, from song work to jacket and music video, and has demonstrated its musical capabilities. In addition, they included not only the affection and gratitude for Starlight (fandom name) who waited for a long time, but also the excitement of being on stage with the members as VIXX. 
The music video shows the ring object, which was eternal and complete, that supported VIXX's world, breaking, and the members isolated in different dreams forgetting their own important values.
Those who walk through time and space that they don't know, are attracted to something and look for memories that have been lost instinctively one by one. The pieces of the memory contain individual changes, love, dreams, or valuable things that each person wants to protect, and when they finally find a memory, they express it as a VIXX through a complete ring object.
VIXX announced the return of conceptual idols by unraveling their image of becoming one even after being engulfed in oblivion with solid storytelling.
Prior to the comeback, VIXX made a noise as leader N (Cha Hak-yeon) did not participate in the group activities due to filming the drama and schedule in the second half of the year. 
At the time, N expressed his regret to the fans who would have been disappointed through the fan club, but Leo, Ken, and Hyuk, who participated in this activity, were also busy preparing for their comeback such as musicals and plays, so they could not avoid criticism. 
He returned as a three-man, but there was no 'blank'. VIXX showed his 11th year of experience since his debut and gave him a nod with his still musicality. 
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internationalnewz · 7 months
Kamal Haasan and Mani Ratnam Reunite for 'Thug Life' – Trisha, Dulquer Salmaan, and Jayam Ravi Join Cast
In a long-anticipated collaboration, legendary actor Kamal Haasan and renowned filmmaker Mani Ratnam are joining forces for a film, marking 35 years since their iconic gangster drama ‘Nayakan.’ The film has been officially titled ‘Thug Life,’ and it promises to be an exciting venture with an ensemble cast that includes Trisha, Dulquer Salmaan, and Jayam Ravi in pivotal roles.
The announcement of ‘Thug Life’ was accompanied by a beautifully shot video that showcases Kamal Haasan as Rangaraya Sakthivel Naicker, a name that holds special significance for fans as it was the character Kamal portrayed in ‘Nayakan.’ The video features Kamal Haasan cloaked in a white robe, engaged in a face-off with a group of henchmen. As the tension builds, Kamal dramatically unveils a unique, white outfit before taking on the henchmen in a stylish brawl. While the connection between ‘Thug Life’ and ‘Nayakan’ remains shrouded in mystery, the teaser has left fans eager for more.
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Produced by Kamal Haasan, Mani Ratnam, R. Mahendran, and Siva Ananth under the banners of Raaj Kamal Films International, Madras Talkies, and Red Giant Movies, the film will reunite the director with his regular collaborators, music composer AR Rahman and editor Sreekar Prasad.
Cinematographer Ravi K. Chandran, known for his work on Mani Ratnam’s earlier films such as ‘Kannathil Muthamittal’ and ‘Aayutha Ezhuthu,’ will be behind the camera for ‘Thug Life.’ The action choreography will be orchestrated by the Anbariv masters, who previously worked with Kamal Haasan on ‘Vikram.’ Sharmishta Roy and Ekha Lakhani have been enlisted as the production designer and costume designer, respectively.
‘Thug Life’ is eagerly anticipated and is slated for a theatrical release in 2024, promising an exciting cinematic experience for audiences.
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swallow-wind · 7 months
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