bvannn · 10 months
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Little punk rock elf girl. Possible DnD character for a Ravinca campaign? Idk Ravinca lore other than there’s a punk rock faction
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almostlookedhuman · 4 months
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mallowmaenad · 9 months
im reading up on magic the gathering lore cause my girlfriend might run a ravinca campaign and i think its funny that the wiki basically says "kithkin DO NOT break out into song they DO NOT like gardening or eating sumptuous meals they HATE gossip and they DO NOT SMOKE WEED!!!!!" fucked up and evil hobbits. rancid vibes.
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cheshire-creeper · 1 year
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Hello MTG Lore Community. I have many opinions on the lore of Unstable (this is a normal thing to be interested in, I’m sure) Also, Guilds of Ravinca. but whatever.
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eatmystardustloser · 11 months
One of my friends and I have been developing a world for a D&D campaign setting for awhile, and we're trying to draw a little from nearly all the sourcebooks so that pretty much any canon feature can be used simply.
But I think the mtg/Ravinca and the guilds in particular are going to break me. to be clear i knew next to nothing about anything about mtg prior to this, but every new thing I learn absolutely sends me.
the cult of rakdos is in charge of both manual labor and the entertainment industry, which means their jobs cover everything from catering to assassination. Also they're evil, in an extremely try hard edgy way. They have a guild for cops (Nick Angel variant) and another different guild for cops (Axel Foley variant). The illuminati has a guild?
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charonean · 2 years
Casimir could definitely do with a friend.
Brani, a Loxodon born in Precinct V of Ravinca City, was uncommonly bookish amongst their kind, and they spent most of their childhood reading everything and writing on everything they could get their trunk on, frequenting many of the schools and libraries in Precinct V.
Upon joining the Azorius Senate, they relocated to Precinct II and began working in the Jelenn Column as a librarian and researcher, working with scribes, writers, and lobbyists, in researching and writing the laws of Ravinca. Spending most of their time in the Runes Library, Old Law Library, and the Historical Archives, their towering form was often obscured behind massive stacks of books.
In time, and in service to their constant curiosity, Brani began visiting the Grand Library in Precinct I, spending their time reading books outside of the dusty legal texts and scrolls of precedent contained within the libraries of the Azorius Senate. They began travelling the city, ostensibly seeking more knowledge to better conduct their work for the Senate, however this itinerancy and curiosity drew the attention of the Lyev investigators of the Azorius. After being found in the Ismeri Library, a known communication center for House Dimir more times than could be easily explained away, Brani was judged as unsuitable for continued work with the Azorius and expelled from the guild.
Following their expulsion, and fully embracing their itinerancy, Brani took to wandering Ravinca City, collecting and sharing knowledge with everyone they met, guildfolk and guildless alike. Their quiet, bookish nature, and penchant for sharing stories with children saw them become something of a grandfatherly figure, despite having barely passed their fifth decade, thus still be a child by Loxodon standards.
During their travels through the city, Brani encountered a fog filled passage, and heard a voice, identifying itself as Oghma, the Lord of Knowledge. "Your curiosity and commitment to sharing knowledge pleases me, thus I call you to my service". Finding themselves controlled by an alien force, Brani was pulled down the passage, emerging into a strange land, with Oghma helpfully informing them they were now on the planet Toril, on the continent of Faerûn.
While the opportunity to explore a new world, with the promise of more to come, appeals to their now frankly voracious curiosity, the prospect of serving a deity is irksome at best. However, the skills bestowed by Oghma's favour, and the god's appreciation of their itinerancy and waywardness makes the situation somewhat easier to bear. For the moment, at least.
Brani sounds like a fascinating character! I can say Casimir, a scholar and professor, would be very fond of them.
How did they join the Azorius Senate?
What are they doing now that they're in Faerûn?
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faerie--macabre · 11 months
Dead is the New Alive (Pre-Gatewatch)
I Will Keep Watch (Gatewatch)
Dreadhorde General (War of the Spark)
In the End (Main)
Bolas has been defeated but in the eyes of the Ravinca guild leaders, as well as many other fellow planeswalkers, Liliana Vess' defection came much too late. Now deemed a war criminal, the necromancer starts running across the planes in order to avoid death. But being a hunted fugitive isn't sunshine and rainbows. What's worse is the lingering sorrow and guilt of the War, as well as Gideon's death. While on the run, Liliana takes the opportunity to get a hold on herself and her life once more; however that may be. Yet eventually Kaya, the Orzhov assassin tracks her down.
And the Stars go With You (Strixhaven)
A deal was struck with Kaya which would lead to the faking of Liliana's death. In return for her new found freedom, Lili hands over Bolas' soul gem as well as the Chain Veil. From there she takes up a position as a professor at Strixhaven College of magic. While teaching there, she searches for a way to bring back Gideon. Events occur and she realizes the best she can do to honor his memory is be a more responsible and better person. Her pseudonym is dropped and once more she is Liliana Vess.
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usurper1872 · 1 year
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Artwork Made By: aki; twitter: @akiesque
Tomik: Human law and security mage with the Orzhov Syndicate
Ral: Human Storm Mage. Top tier Izzet League. Planeswalker
Sōsuke: Dragon-blooded elven Sorcerer; Lightning/Electricity specialty. Top tier Izzet League. Planeswalker
Sōsuke was standing on the roof of the Laboratory for Electricity and Weather Control. Watching a man walk down the street. He seemed to have a contemplative… yet sad look on his face. Nala, a bronze scaled ‘desert’ pseudodragon, was hanging comfortably off his shoulder. She chirped at him in a somewhat worried tone.
He’d chuckle slightly and reach a hand up to her and pet her softly. “Yes, it’s for the best Nala and besides Inthink going to Ikora would be fun. They have dinosaurs there.” There was another chirp from Nala. “Yes, people know where I’m going. Both Niv-Mizzit knows...” 
Nala would then just stare at him. “I left Ral a letter.” She continued to stare. “Look I know it isn’t the best way to go around it but I don’t think I could tell him in person.” Sōsuke would sigh. “I don’t think I can do the just friends thing anymore. So I would rather him be happy with Tomik even if that means I’m not.” 
He’d then shake his head and smile at her softly. “But let’s go on this new adventure and see where it takes us!” Nala would give an excited chirp as Sōsuke would say a few words and the spell had her slowly disappear and reappear as an elaborate tattoo on his arm. 
But as he would turn to leave the elf his heel would slip and Sōsuke would lose his balance and fall from the roof. But instead of hitting the pavement below he found him tumbling to his knees on a world that wasn’t Ravinca. 
He’d slowly rise and stand up. He saw a world of machinery.  There was some sort of black liquid on his hand. He’d shake his hand to get it off, eventually just whipping it off on his pants. He’d then shake his head and hold it in his hand. A sudden headache rushed him. 
He then thought it best to continue back to Ravinca then continue on to Ikora. 
The sorcerer shook his head once more before disappearing into a mist of black and spiders as he walked back home to Ravnica.
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swisssadge · 4 years
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Just a sketch of an OC of the Boros Legion. It was a sketch I just scribbled one day when practising a little and now fleshed out a bit more. Not sure what I’m going to do with her yet. Until that time, she’ll have to remain nameless too, unfortunately.
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ajollyfish-head · 4 years
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Some Ravinca character commissions I did for a friend, this is the one he plays! Tomorrow I’ll post another rakdos character from the same campaign!  
WILLA for Giovanni!  ____ I really should use more this site... maybbbe??
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pepperstrawberry · 5 years
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first image for the Month of Ship. I was going to start with some Gruulfriends fun, but I decided to use this week to work on something in image that I’ve been meaning to do in writing: Tell a better story for my two fanwalkers: Prisma and Svolmia.
Here they are, Mia inviting Prisma out into the Ravnican snow. This will be the night Priss learns of her new nature and the place she will call home.
She is a bit shorter, and by far less buff then she would become. But from this moment, she will have a little over a thousand years to get that delightful physique. X3
Yeah, two days late, but this is my image for ‘asking out (I’m going to keep the list around and maybe just do random stuff from the promts even after the month is over for reasons like practicing new techniques and art approaches. Right now, I’ve been working from a black canvas rather then a white one and seeing how that goes.
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nbsilvally · 5 years
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this is a story of a girl
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legendaryedhplays · 6 years
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We have our GRN mechanics.
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Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica Review: prologue
Before anything I'm going to state right now that I have biased. I love Dungeons & Dragons, Isle of Ravnica and I love this book. Let us begin.
But first with every new Dungeons & Dragons release comes with a disclaimer: these are usually tongue in cheek humorous blurbs about what the reader will find in the book. If you are familiar with the setting you will find this quite humorous.
How does it read?
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The book begins with a note Lavinia of the tenth a character from the novels and recurring magic storyline writing a letter to Jace Beleren explaining how dangerous it is for him to keep disappearing as it puts not just the guilds in danger, but the entire world and that he must start taking his job as the living guildpact seriously. Jace response with a note he clearly wrote without reading the letter about how he'll get back to whatever she was talking about after he gets back from a trip. This does an excellent job of setting up the tensions in the book, these two characters and honestly just how much of a jackass Jace can be.
From there we are given a delightful paragraph and a half of a story about a sky Knight going to fight a dragon. This serves as an introduction to the city and a clever way of connecting the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons and Ravnica. The next page explains briefly who the ten guilds are and what they do briefly, giving people who are new to the setting and idea of the world they are entering. The history of the world is given three sections and explained lately as to not bog you down with lore. The next few sections explain what life is like in the big city and different odds and ends you will need to understand for the setting such as the currency and level of Technology. There's also a useful brief section on the languages, the typical speakers and what script the language is written in.
What's neat?
If you are a magic the Gathering vorthos this section will make you smile with Glee. The names of Ravnica months on the calendars are each given names and compared to a real-world month, we are giving an explanation for the currency zibs and Zinos, as well as a price guide for cosmopolitan conveniences such as cups of coffee and newspapers!
From the side of someone who is new to this setting and Only Knows Dungeons & Dragons this serves as a great introduction to the setting. It does not treat you like you're a child who needs her hand held but it explains things that every person needs to know about the setting.  this is also a great section to sit down with a with players and ask them to read through before creating characters to give them an idea of the setting.
Well starting off if you're hoping for a book that explains the history of Ravnica in detail including what's happened in the novels and card sets I'm afraid you're going to be a bit disappointed. As far as I can tell the three short sections and this part of the book are the only sections about history in the entire book. You can find a lot of the stories very easily online, but it would have been nice for a section to include a proper timeline of events.
Although it is nice to have the currency explained and show the three guilds that meant gold the azorius, the boros, and the Orzhov, but unfortunately I don't see the detailed amount of currency they created being used as it can be a bit complex at times. In my home games I am already confused by current saying described in the books so I can't imagine this section being used for more than fluff.
I have some minor petty complaints about this section, but all in all I think it is a magnificent introduction to the book  those familiar with the setting will not feel like they already know this information and those new to the setting won't feel as if they are being talked down to or treated as lesser for not knowing this information already. As mentioned before I plan on showing this section to my players before they create characters.
My online player have finish creating characters and are now working on backstory information while I get the campaign ready. Once we are set I will be keeping this blog updated with information from that game. I am very excited to begin!
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izzetasignet · 7 years
Izzet a Question you need?
Go ahead, I'm all ears. No like seriously, I drank a potion my buddy gave me and now my body is made of ears.
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mtg hyperfixation my beloved...
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