#ray jenkins the mule
danime25 · 5 months
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ao3 // masterlist
*Summary: Gavin plays a trick on Ray one night after drinks. Ray gets a little bit more than he bargained for.
*Content/Tags: Fluff and Smut, Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Shameless Smut, Sex, PWP, TW: Vomit
*Rating: E for Mature Explicit Content
*Status: Oneshot Drabble/Complete
Author's Note: Never did I think I would be writing for such a small fandom but that's okay! I've got no justification for why I thought Angus Sampson in this movie was hot and needed to write this fic about him. But this is for all (2) other people out there that saw the Mule and were like "oh what a tall and pathetic looking man, I need to sleep with him". Enjoy!
“Come on. Let’s get you to a hotel, mate.” Gavin laughed. He’d never seen Ray so shitfaced in his fucking life. Normally the guy could hold his weight in beers, like it was drinking water but Gavin may have slipped some vodka and a strong Korean liquor in between cans of the cheapest stuff money could buy. He guided his friend into a cab and told the driver just to get them to a place before Ray threw up in the back. The driver seemed pissed by the request, but hurried them to a decent enough place nearby. Gavin shoved Ray out of the cab and into the lobby, wrestling some money out from Ray’s pocket. He made a gesture that equated to ‘Get a load of this bloke’ as Ray hunched over against a wall on the other side of the lobby. There’s no way that the front desk clerk could read this as a hook-up. Just a bro looking out for his mate, right? Ray stifled some vomiting noises behind him before swooped under Ray’s arms and guided him to the room that he had paid for. They barely crossed the threshold of the room when Ray ran as best he could in his inebriated state over to the toilet. He wretched and Gavin stood silently in the entryway. He wasn’t sure if he should ask if Ray was going to be okay, or say something biting about the fact that his friend hasn’t thrown up like this since they were barely teens sneaking a beer from Ray’s stepfather’s stash. When the gagging noises had stopped he stood in the doorway of the bathroom and asked,
“You gonna be alright there?”
“Never better.” Ray responded dryly, wiping the remnants off the side of his mouth. He took the cleaner looking rag and wet it under the sink before cleaning his face off. He looked in the mirror at his sunken in eyes as Gavin slapped his back, bringing up a whole new wave of nausea. He glared at the other man before saying, “I’m never going to another one of your fucking parties, mate.”
“C’mon you’ll be at my next one.” Gavin nudged him again. He shoved back against his friends touch, pushing him out the door, “Right. Get some sleep and in the morning you can get back round to your mum’s house.”
“See you later.” Ray closed the door behind Gavin’s back and flopped onto the bed. His head was swimming still as he laid there, shutting his eyes tight so as to try and focus on something that wasn’t his current state. He took one more deep breath before he was knocked out without his realizing. He jolted up from the bed when he heard the sound of knocking on his door.
“Hello?” The voice asked. It was soft, but it definitely could still be Gavin playing a prank on him.
“Gav, go away.”
“Room service.” The voice called back
“Gav, I’m really not in the fucking mood.” He strode across the room, nearly ripping the door off its hinges as he was about to tear into his fuckhead of a friend for interrupting him while he slept. Only to see a woman standing before him. “Oh. Sorry. Thought you were someone else.”
“You’re Ray?” She asked him, her hand hovering over the center of his chest while she waited for a response. He raised an eyebrow before nodding his head slowly. He was pushed back into his room by her fingertips and shoved onto his bed. She worked her jacket off over her shoulder and let the fabric fall onto the floor. He looked at her absolutely dumbfounded before asking,
“What are you here for?”
“Your friend ordered me. Said you could use a good time.”
Ray just blinked a couple of times before breaking into an apology, “Miss, I’m sorry. Really I am but I’m trying to get over this hangover and my piece of shit friend did this as a prank probably…”
“Then let’s try and enjoy this in spite of him.” She leaned into his personal space before pressing her lips onto his. His lips were still for a moment, thankful he had taken the time to clean his face before passing out. With a slight hesitation he put a hand on her neck and started mashing their lips together. She pulled away from him and ran her thumb over his lips, “No offense, but your friend was right saying you weren’t well practiced.” She smiled, “Almost like I’m taking your virginity.” He kept his mouth shut. He wouldn’t confirm or deny it, or at least he thought he couldn’t. Rather he would change the topic,
“You’ve got a lovely accent.” He looked up at her as her fingers kept toying with the edge of his mouth
“Thank you.” She laughed in earnest, “You might be my easiest lay, but you’re pretty damn sweet.”
“Thank you, I think.” He replied. She eased her hands onto his shoulders and guided him down onto his back, his legs propped up over the side of the bed. She rested on top of his center and pushed herself down into him for some friction. His hands darted to her hips, resting on her soft curves. He bit down on his lip and a finger trailed under his chin, forcing his gaze back up to her. She took his hands and moved them up her back and let his hand hover over the clasps to her bra. He took her cue and unhooked the garment slowly. He slipped a finger underneath the strap and helped to ease it off her body. His hands moved to her front, cupping her breasts between his hands. She leaned in closer to him as she kissed him. It felt chaste. Her hand rested on his chest as she tilted her head the other way. Her hand shifted to the back of his neck. She forced him back down onto his back as they were linked by their lips.
“We can do more than just make-out, you know” she grinned at him
“Yeah. Yeah let’s do that” he nodded, pulling away from her again to lift his shirt off over his head and throwing it to the floor. He brought his fingers down quickly to his belt, fumbling to get the buckle undone. She pressed a kiss onto his cheek and delicately swatted his hands away before unlocking it and pulling it off his body in one long movement. If he weren’t using his hands to keep himself upright enough to look at her, he’d almost clap. He shook that thought immediately out of his head as he dove right in for another kiss from her. She slid his pants and underwear down to his ankles and shimmied down his body. She laid one hand down next to Ray’s outside thigh and used her dominate hand to wrap around his semi-erect dick. After a couple of quick pumps and some kisses as Ray tried to avoid making direct eye contact with the woman servicing him, she got up from the bed. Ray let out a whine that he tried desperately to suck back in as she smirked and reached into her purse. She pulled a tube out and brought it back over to Ray. He made a low whimper as strands from her hair brushed across his bare shoulder. She covered him in the lube and a condom before thrusting herself onto him. His hand darted up across her back as she took him deeper into herself. She thrusted hard into his lap, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. He moaned as he pushed her further down onto him. His grasp was firm on her ass as she slowly started to move. He wanted to please her. He wanted her to cum because of him… he might not be her best lay but he wanted her to be happy. He carefully pushed her down so that she would stop bouncing on him and she gave him a look. Rather than answer with words, he shoved his head in between her breasts. His lips moved across the fat before he latched onto her tit. His tongue lapped at the sensitive skin and she let out a moan from deep within her chest.
“So good…” She whispered. She continued to ride him, speeding up as she felt Ray’s hands squirm across her back. She bit down on his lip ever so slightly while kissing him until he came into the condom. While she rode him until he was spent, her hand slid across his chest. He looked at her with big eyes after she had gotten off his lap and curled up next to him. She held onto his arm for a moment and returned his gaze. He cautiously pressed his lips onto the crown of her head and snaked his fingers through hers, connecting them. “Not too bad…” She started, about to tell him that he could use some more practice but decided against it at the last second.
“I thought it was nice.” Ray shrugged, “You looked lovely.”
“Thank you.” She rolled onto her side and looked at the clock. She let out a sigh and slowly got up from the bed. Ray instinctively reached out to her and held her down. She leaned back into him and gave him a kiss on the lips,
“I have to go, I’m sorry.”
“I know…” He let go of her before she leaned in once more. He pursed his lips expecting another kiss before she said
“Y’know I wouldn’t mind seeing you again… outside of work.”
“Like a date?”
“Yeah. Like a date.” Her whole body’s expression softened. Like she was a woman in that moment and not a worker that Gavin had payed for. “Do you have a pager?”
“No… but I could give you my number.” He got up from the bed and grabbed a piece of toilet paper. He ran back and shoved himself back into his pants before rummaging through the hotel room to find something to write down his number. He found a pen in the bedside counter and scribbled furiously. When he tore through the paper he looked for a more solid piece. He ripped a corner off a page from the hotel directory and handed it to her. She pulled out her wallet and carefully tucked it into a side pocket. “Thank you, y’know. For not throwing it away immediately.”
She frowned a little bit as he said that. “I’d never… could I call you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. You could do that.”
“Alright. I’ll talk to you then.” She smiled and slipped out of the hotel room. After getting his shirt back on he walked out of the hotel room himself and tried to orient where he was. He stepped outside the hotel and looked around, figuring out he was on the way other side of town from his mother’s house. After scrounging up enough money from his pockets he got in a taxi and went back to his home.
“There you are, Ray. Where the hell have you been all night?” His mom asked him out of concern. He brushed it off with a couple of non-committal responses before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and saying that he had to go to bed after the night he had out with Gavin. “Always in trouble that one. His mum would be rolling over in her grave if she could see him.”
“Yeah. Good night, Mum.” Gavin replied and walked off to his room. No sooner was he asleep before he heard the sound of the phone ringing coming from the kitchen.
“Well I don’t know if he’s available right now, love…” He heard his mother’s muffled voice on the other side of his door. He quickly swung the door open and walked quickly to the kitchen, stealing the phone from his mother’s hand. He cleared his throat before talking into the receiver
“Hi, this is Ray?” The familiar voice asked. It sounded fraught with anticipation as she waited to make sure she’d gotten the right number
“Yeah this is.” He smiled into the phone
“Told you I’d call tomorrow.” She laughed quietly, “Anyway, I was calling to see if you’d still like to go on that date… now that you’re probably sober.” Her voice trailed. He didn’t need her to finish whatever it was she was going to say
“Yeah. Yeah I’d like that. I’m pretty free most nights.”
“I’m free on Thursday, if that’s alright with you?”
“I have a football…” He started, “But actually, yeah. I’ll be free.”
“Okay. I’ll see you then.” He could feel the warmth of her smile on the other end
“See you.” He held onto the plastic object in his hand before putting it back onto the wall
“Who was that?” His mother asked
“Wrong number.” He replied. It wasn’t a very convincing lie
“Awfully long for a wrong number.” She replied back. She wasn’t fooled. He shrugged it off and sat at the couch in front of the family TV. He grinned as he thought about taking her out for the night. For once, he’d have something to thank Gavin for the next time they saw each other.
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faulknercore · 26 days
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They make me so sick bye ( you can't tell me that they weren't yearning for each other )
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rayjenkins · 2 months
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was looking through the quick shots in the opening of the party scene and found this one and I'm. they're so goddamn cute I love them so much.
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iamnotarob0t · 10 months
The Mule (2014) textposts
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angusdaily · 3 months
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reanimated-corps3 · 6 months
his nose im going fucking feral
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goatcheesecak3 · 7 months
Maybe a story where the reader helps clean and patch up Gavin after a rough bar fight.
Gavin Ellis X F!reader
Fic type: fluff
Warnings: mention of physical altercation, blood, alcohol
Summary: Your boyfriend, Gavin, comes home drunk out of his mind and it's your job to patch him up.
A/N hello! sorry it took me so long to get around to this, but i hope you enjoy it! if anyone wants the m!reader version just let me know! also, sorry if the formatting is weird, i'm posting this from my laptop lmao
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Midnight. Gavin had gone out for drinks with Ray a few hours ago, and he still wasn’t home. Initially, y/n hadn’t been worried, she knew Gavin wouldn’t risk going anywhere too sleazy with Ray, not after the last time he had roped Ray into that world. Unbelievably, even being used as a drug mule by Gavin wasn’t enough to make Ray give up on him. They needed eachother in certain ways, Ray kept Gavin grounded and sensible, and Gavin made sure Ray actually had fun – y/n was more than grateful that her asshole boyfriend had at least one responsible and kind friend. However, as the minutes ticked on by, she felt herself growing anxious. What if Gav had left Ray to go see some of his old “work associates”? what if he’d gotten himself arrested? Oh god, what if he was dead in a ditch somewhere? What if- *CLUNK * - the front door opened.
“y/n? are you up?” she heard a familiar voice call softly from the hall. It was Ray, with a nearly comatose Gavin slung over his shoulder like a bindle.
“Christ! How much did the silly prick drink?” y/n gasped.
“Enough to get in a punch up with a guy twice his size” Ray answered, his voice shy, but light hearted, as though he was unsure if he was allowed to laugh.
“Just dump him on the sofa, Ray, I’ll take him up to bed after I clean that blood off his face”
Ray obliged.
“You’re a saint for putting up with him,” y/n chuckled, reaching into her purse, “here, get yourself a cab home, your mum must be worried sick by now”
“Agh… what the…” Gavin winced as he came back around
“Shhh, don’t be a baby” y/n teased, dabbing a cut on his lip with an alcohol pad.
“When did I get hom- OW! Can you cut that out?!”
“about ten minutes ago, Ray carried you here”
Gavin’s tired eyes filled with dread.
“did he tell you about…”
“the fistfight? Yeah, it might’ve come up” y/n said, raising her eyebrows and shooting him a pissed off look.
Gavin knew he fucked up, he’d promised y/n he’d stay on the straight and narrow, he knew how much it upset her when he got into fights. He was on thin ice with the law as it was, he should have been keeping his head down and his nose clean- easy as pie in theory, but when some cunt at the bar shouts “Oi Gav, yer new bird dresses like a slag” it gets particularly difficult.
“Babe, it’s not what you think, this dickhead was saying all sorts of horrible shit about you, I was like… defending your honour” Gavin stumbled over his words, desperately trying to explain himself.
Y/n’s expression softened.
“You’re an idiot, Gav. I don’t need you to beat people up for me. That guy probably didn’t even know who I was, more than likely he just wanted to get a rise out of you” She sighed as she applied some ointment – more gently this time – onto a scrape on his cheek.
“C’mon, don’t I get any credit at all for trying to stick up for you? Look at how busted up my lip is!” Gavin whined slightly, a cheeky grin forming on his face.
Y/n attempted to stay serious, but she couldn’t help herself from smiling.
“If I kiss it better will you pack it in?”
She leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss onto Gavin’s still slightly bloody lips.
“much better” Gavin grinned, his eyes droopy and a big dopey smile plastered on his face.
“c’mon you big softie, let’s get you some rest. You’ve got a lovely headache to look forward to tomorrow” Y/N teased, taking Gavin’s hand and kissing his cheek lovingly. God he was an idiot, but a cute idiot.
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cripplestein · 7 months
i had to go and rewatch part of The Mule for a twitter trend i wanted to do and got these screenshots. i feel ill
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cherishedskulls · 4 months
(this edit is mine, and the ac/sc are on instagram,, vulcn.s)
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scuffler · 1 year
the movie will be about a drug mule trying not to shit out heroin for a week and a half and there will still be people on tumblr eccentrically trying to prove how its gay. i wonder how leigh whannell feels about all of his gay little movies
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danime25 · 1 year
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From now on this is where I'll link my fics. If you find something on my ao3 that you want on here, just lmk.
Ken Seeking Barbie: ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
He's just Ken. Looking for his Barbie out there in the real world. Who knew you could find someone on Craigslist? Ken certainly didn't.
Whatta Man: ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
After a year together, Ken has been living happily with his Barbie girl, and nothing was going to change that for Ken.
I'm Just Ken (And That's More Than Enough): ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
Ken had it all. A long term long distance low commitment girlfriend that he adored, and now he was about to be the breadwinner with a degree in his hands!
Cherry Pie: ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
As punishment for Patriarchy©, President Barbie had given him a choice. Either he had to reap what he had sown and become a subservient little thing or leave Barbieland forever.
Sierra Six:
Someone To Watch Over Me: ao3- Sierra Six x Reader- +18
Six had done everything right up until this point. Everything he did was in Claire's best interest. Who would have thought that he'd risk it all for a barista?
You Had Me At Soup: ao3- Sierra Six x Reader- T for Teen
While in the Sierra program, Six never got sick. Now that he was adapting to civilian life with Claire and the woman he roped in to play Claire's mom, he seemed to be down with a bug of some kind.
Holland March:
Sweater: ao3- Holland March x Reader- +18
Holland wanted to spend a night out with his girl. She had other plans.
Break Your Dad's Back: ao3- Holland March x Reader- +18
Chiropractors were becoming the hot thing for the stars in Los Angeles. Not that he was a star. After hearing from Janet about the miracle that was chiropractors, Holland March just had to try it out for himself.
Give Me The Night: ao3- Holland March x Jackson Healy- +18. COLLAB WITH @drivinmeinsane
Like most jobs involving stakeouts, the night is going by slowly. That all takes a turn, however, when March finally pushes his fellow detective too far.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart: ao3- Holland March x Jackson Healy- 18+ COLLAB WITH @drivinmeinsane
Even during the most wonderful time of the year, Holland March can't help but be clumsy. A stressful hospital trip to set the detective's re-fractured arm leads an unfortunate revelation about his relationship with Jackson Healy. Part two of the Butterfly Effect Series. (Can be read as a standalone)
Richard Haywood:
Want You To Want Me: ao3- Richard Haywood x Justin Pendleton- M for Mature
Richard was tired of the girls. Girls at school looking at him, asking for his number at lunch... not when he had his eyes set on only one person. And he only wanted the other's eyes on him too.
Ain't That A Kick: ao3- Ray Jenkins x F!Reader- +18
Gavin plays a trick on Ray one night after drinks. Ray gets a little bit more than he bargained for.
Something So Right: ao3- The Organic Mechanic x F!Reader +18
Both of them knew that their love wasn't allowed, but that didn't stop them.
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adamsworld96 · 8 months
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i watched the mule recently
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cubestrahm · 5 months
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“Yeah. Like a date.” Her whole body’s expression softened. Like she was a woman in that moment and not a worker that Gavin had payed for. “Do you have a pager?” @danime25 (x x)
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rayjenkins · 2 months
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Georgina Haig (along with Angus Sampson and Simon King) on set of The Mule (2014), photographed by Narelle Portanier.
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lesparis83 · 7 months
wow I pounded out a whole fic for the mule in less than 30 minutes that’s actually crazy. come read this and then come cry with me
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angusdaily · 6 months
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