#ray×therapy otp
onlybomika · 2 years
ray: fuck therapy! why do that when you can traumatize a bunch of 13 year old kids and make them fight for a town that can never be saved?
his therapist: yeah, this man is hopeless we're done here.
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cryptidanathema · 3 months
Why I like them: He's that guy that you THINK'S gonna be a total douche but is actually a really great guy once you get past first impressions. Liable to do something stupid trying to impress you. Dragon in human form. Canon fang haver. Brags about himself in the third person and should not be trusted with tapestries. Babygirl you need so much therapy /aff
Why I don’t: That hat that can't decide weather it's a sweatband or a beany. Seriously what is that thing on your head man
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Haven't watched any of his anime scenes tbh, kind of scared to after how dirty they did Leon. So I'll just use this section to show some love to the bit in Pokespe where he tries to take on Eternatus... himself. Not using a Pokemon. 
Favorite season/movie: See above 
Favorite line: ...I'm just gonna put "Especially you, Piers! The way you battled me in the Champion Cup... You really had my Dynamax Pokémon up against the wall!" and apologize profusely. Yes for ship reasons but also the fact that the guy starts hitting on a new rival in the middle of a Dynamax Pokemon rampage just feels weirdly on-brand? 
Favorite outfit: Shout out to that slightly douchey waistcoat ensemble with the Flygon shades from Masters...which he has a matching stupid, stupid hat for. 
OTP: Raihan/Leon/Piers and Raihan/Piers both qualify. Leon just straight up hits the "you don't even have to Ship It, some characters having had sex is just objective truth" threshold and they're often really sweet together, I just have to throw an alt boy in there too to get into it because my brain craves them like a body craves air. And Piers...they get tragically few scenes together but the ones they do get are so weirdly charged? Like someone else said there's a certain "should we be watching this?" energy to them lol 
Brotp: Leon also goes here, mostly because coming up for platonic explanations for the sheer depth of Raihan's brain rot in regards to that man leads to some FASCINATING relationship dynamics. I'm a big believer that romantic vs platonic indicates a relationship type rather than inherently implying a hierarchy of importance and these two are a great outlet for mentally rotating those themes. Also he and Gordie are fun in Masters, I like to think that they became friends while having shared sadboy time in the locker room. 
Head Canon: Probably my biggest is that with the way there's some pretty depressing shit left unsaid about the way he views himself, the occasional signs of anger issues he shows, and how he's the only member of The Rivalcule you don't meet the family of, the guy did NOT have a good childhood. On a lighter note, the guy has absolutely dogshit music taste. Like we're talking Skrillex and below here. The fact Piers doesn't strangle him over it is testament to the depth of his affection. 
Unpopular opinion: Don't really have one? 
A wish: Gigantamax Archaludon whenever the Galar remakes come out in 10-15 years, he deserves to just summon a wholeass suspension bridge (that notably has a weather-related signature move at that). And, well, just more of him in general. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Same as Piers, please don't throw this man into spacetime GameFreak 🤞
5 words to best describe them: Selfie boy kinda worries me 😔
My nickname for them: Rai, Rai-Rai...💖🐉
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Make sure to like or reblog if you vote. It helps make
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coverteyes · 1 year
Escaflowne Voice Meme Part 1
Encouraged by @fayrinferno, here I am, six years late for @drkstars-art's Escaflowne Voice Meme. I'm a newer fan, though, so you'll have to forgive me. I'd love for anyone else new to this or the fandom to join in!
Introduce yourself! When did you first watch Escaflowne? What brought you into the fold? 
I'm afraid to answer because...gatekeeping, but here goes.
My husband watched it on Fox back in '96. He heard about the kickstarter and bought the Funimation Blu-ray set and forced me to watch it, quite against my will, in July 2020. I didn't start liking it until the episode Van pushes Merle's head down. Even then I didn't pay much attention until the moment Van catches Hitomi near the drag-energist mine, then I died hard and reawakened a new woman. (Wish I were joking. Totally not.)
I'm now familiar with both the original English and the Japanese dubs. I like them all.
Who is your favorite character and why? Was it love at first sight?  Has any of their qualities or quirks swayed you on characters in other series? 
I relate hard to Hitomi. I was a green-eyed, annoyingly energetic, average-looking, and very boy-crazy teenager. I ran in track, dabbled in tarot reading, and crushed on many a tall boy with blue eyes. I even had a crush on the cute, tall track star (more on that later).
So, that said, who's my favorite character?
Van, obviously. There's something I just get about him. Perhaps because I was raised by a very manly, very stoic man. He just resonates with me.
Which side are you on? What do you think happens Post-Hitomi when she leaves? Who do you think will be the next opposing power? 
I'm on Van's side. I hope he keeps Basram in check.
Least favorite plot point? Was there something you think should have changed? What do you think would have made it better. 
Varie. I loved her and her black-green hair and also hated how she totally emotionally ruined Hitomi, blaming her for all the bad things that happened to Van and Gaea. Hitomi's going to need years of therapy to undo the damage she did with one conversation. We want to know what's with that green energist that Van gets?
Also, in spite of the fact that the scene where Van catches Hitomi changed my whole heart, I do not, in fact, fangirl over his wings.
OTP? What kind of art and fiction would you like to see? What are some head canons you have for them? What is you NoTP
Van and Hitomi. All the SFW art and fiction. All the head canons. Every iteration. I love AUs the most. I've read almost all the complete AUs out there.
I'd love to see more Dryden and Millerna stuff. And Gaddess with any other lady in the series. Also, I would totally read Hitomi and Folken.
NoTP? Allen and anyone else. He's so EWWWW.
Anyone with Celena/Dilandau, unless it's an AU. You have to really convince me that they've had a lot of therapy before they're healthy enough to have a relationship.
Merle and Van, obvs.
Lastly, Hitomi and Amano.
Storytime. When I was 15, I was in track, I was in love with the popular track star, and I wanted him to be my first kiss. BUT when we got close enough for that, he had a super greasy face that grossed me out. Also, he rejected a gift I gave him.
What did I try to give him?
A stone pendant.
Here's part 2
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brw · 1 year
and BenReed while we're at it actually
Which one is more fond of scary movies: Ben probably, Reed absolutely hates them for all reasons he airs as being more moral or ethical (ableism, racism, Christianity as being most pure, etc) but secretly it's because he's absolutely terrified of them and can't get over it and it really pisses him off.
Which one gets the most excited about Halloween: Obligatory "only time of year Ben doesn't feel like a monster so much" answer but I do think he enjoys seeing all the kids dressed up and stuff. Reed also likes spending time with the family but doesn't feel majorly strongly about it, but he will make himself feel sick eating too many leftover sweets in the days after
Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse: like physically Reed but similar to my Hank answer I'd imagine he'd ultimately last longer staying in his lab and trying to think up a solution, however Ben is very sturdy and unless Reed was the cause of the apocalypse would not leave Reed alone.
Which one would literally kill for the other: Absolutely Ben he has a much quicker temper and is more physically capable, almost Bones-Spock esque gets angry every time someone badmouths the guy only he's allowed to badmouth. Reed is very willing to do so also if they seriously hurt Ben and would do it in a much more torturous manner I think.
Which one likes to scare or startle the other: Ben I think, because I have such a strong vision of Reed just melting or exploding into Silly Goo in fear when startled and Ben thinks it's so funny
Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked: Like honestly Ben because so little scares him these days so when something does it really emotionally impacts him and he needs a moment, while I think Reed is better at pushing his emotions to the side and carrying on.
Which one always puts on a brave face: Both of them in equal measure in different ways.
Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent: In terms of actual destruction Ben, but I do think a seriously destructive, violent Reed would get real evil with it real quick and would be absolutely terrifying, using science in cruel and unusual ways to cause Pain
Which one would be more likely to commit a crime: Both of them but Ben is like accidentally stepping on a post box. Reed is actively breaking the Geneva Convention.
Which one believes in ghosts: Ben but Reed is more scared by ghostly activity.
Which one likes to watch spooky show on television: Ben :)
Which one would propose the idea of holding a seance: Ben again, Reed thinks it's absolutely ridiculous and hates the whole thing but goes along with it bc Ben asked.
Which one has nightmares more often: Both of them they refuse to go to therapy or talk about their feelings memory and it shows up in the same nightmare of the cosmic rays
Which one would want to explore a real haunted house: Honestly if they came across one I think Reed would be more interested in exploring while Ben is very 😬😬😬 cause the vibes are OFF but as like something you pay to go for definitely Ben.
Scary OTP Meme
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You may think because of my username my Favorite Henry Danger ship is Henry X Jasper, but no.
My otp is Ray X Therapy
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
for the character ask: Penny Garcia?
Favourite Thing About Them:
The human embodiment of a ray of sunshine. Just everything about her is so beautiful and happy, she is the light of this serial killer crime drama. Kirsten is just like that which is why PG comes off as so genuine, versus sometimes when shows have the 'perky' character and it feels really forced.
Least Favourite Thing About Them:
She (the writers) have the perpensity to pair her with the WORST dudes. Like Kevin???????? Tyler????? Y I K E. I hate how when she has a romantic interest the showrunners really make it seem like THE ALL KNOWING PENELOPE GARCIA would be naïve and trust people too easily and shit. I don't buy it for a second.
I also HATE how they pulled her back into the BAU in CME. I LOVE that we have her as a character still, but the WAY they brought her in was shit. They did her dirty by being like 'I'm so happy away from that place. I'm thriving! I go to therapy! My mental health is great!' then just like..... emotionally manipulated her back to the BAU.
Favourite Line:
Literally everything she says is ICONIC. All of her nicknames and quirky quips are so delightful. Here's some timeless PG quotes:
(To Emily) 'You are so going in my Top 8' (Canonically she had myspace and SO does Emily)
'You, my fine furry friends are welcome!'
(Garcia, you're on speaker, behave) 'Or what? You'll spank me?!'
(to Rossi) 'You do not get to talk to me like that!' (YOU GO BB GIRL!!!!!!)
Garcia x Luke. They're very cute and flirty but I don't ship them romantically tbrh. I love their banter though.
Garcia x Tara, Garcia x Derek
Garcia x Reid. Look I will not go into further detail about why I very much want to punch something just thinking about this one.
Garcia x Hotch, Garcia x Rossi. No thanks!
Random Headcanon:
Penny G is an Aquarius sun, nonbinary and pansexual. They started the 'Queervengers' BAU group chat and are a sweet angel bean who accepts and loves everyone. Also, they have slept with all the other women of the BAU at least once because PG is amazing in bed and everyone knows and loves this about her.
Unpopular Opinion:
I guess the fact I don't ship Garvez is pretty unpopular?
Song I Associate With Them:
Girls Just Want to Have Fun (Cyndi Lauper)
Hideaway (Kiesza)
Juice (Lizzo)
Favourite Picture of Them:
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[Send Me a Character]
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biperhart · 2 years
Ray X Therapy
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
Thoughts on poly crownkeepers or exu trio?
Well, this is as good a time as any to reiterate my general shipping rule, which is: Romance And Dating Are A Complicated Clusterfuck, I Just Want These Fools To Be Happy. And from that rule: The More The Better! :D Joking aside, yeah! Sure! I love their interconnected dynamic for both these groups, and it would be really nice for them :) (ofc I think negotiating it from what it is currently into like, a formal relationship would probably require logistics and effort and etc.)
But on a fun, vibes-only, I Just Want All These Fools To Be Happy And Give And Receive Love And Affection, fuck yeah!!!! hell yeah!!
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writhingcreature · 3 years
Ask game, Bobby/Trevor?
Based off this pos
1. Favorite thing about him
How much he seems to care about the boys and everything they had together, despite how it all ended up. He seems to have some genuine trauma, and even changed his name and got into therapy to get away from it. I hope they do season two and explore more into what happened.
2. Least favorite thing about them
He’s a terrible dad. He genuinely neglects Carrie an overwhelming amount and it makes me really anxious. Carrie deserves better and I want her to be happy. He has no awareness of her or her life or feelings or ANYTHING and it’s the worst. He’s her dad and he treats her like they’re roommates. Ugh.
3. Favorite line
I couldn’t find a single Trevor or bobby line in ten minutes straight of scowering the internet. I know he has a few but idk. Anyway the line he says to Rose when he flirts with her? About being vegan or something? And Luke tells her Bobby are a burger? That line is my favorite
4. BroTP
For Bobby: Alex. For Trevor: Ray
5. Notp
Trevor with Caleb or Ray
6. Otp
I actually loved Luke/Bobby so much? Obviously stealing songs ruined that but I always hella loved it. I also love Reggie/Bobby. Shut slaps HARD.
7. Random headcannon
Once saw a theory that what happened with Bobby stealing Luke’s songs was actually a record label scooping Bobby up when he was vulnerable and pressuring him to come up with songs and because he was young he kind of just caved and then loved to regret it forever? I think it’s my FAVORITE headcannon in the entire fandom I love it so much.
8. Unpopular opinion
The only actual thing Trevor/Bobby did wrong is how he raised Carrie and how he parents and treats her. As someone who started out coming up with some wild theories about villain Bobby for fun when I first watched this show, I have since learned that actually there’s probably a really good explanation for what happened. However, Luke doesn’t have to forgive him in the LEAST no matter what the reason is. Argue with me I don’t care. I will ignore you.
9. Song I associate them with
“If Walls Could Talk” by 5SOS
10. Favorite picture of them
10/10 would die for this fit
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maurine07 · 3 years
So today is fanfic writers’ appreciation day (thank you to @openheartfanfics for reminding us of that) and I just wanted to log in for a bit to show some writers my love because y’all are the backbone of our society. Without you, we would’ve all been miserable. So I’m just going to tag some of the writers that come to mind and while I would love to tag each and every single one of you but I’ll probably forget someone so I’m really sorry for that. You are all super talented and I’m in awe of each one of you beautiful people.
@terrm9 Terr, darling, I could write an entire book about how amazing your writing is and how much I love it. You’re an incredible writer and person. The writing style is so beautiful and unique and simply ethereal and I’m so in love with it. Every single time I read a fic of yours, no matter how many times I did, I always marvel at how one can possess so much talent. There is not one trope that you cannot write. How you write the characters, their emotions, you always know the characters and how they think, they would act so well, it’s insane, how you describe everything, the surroundings, what the person is doing, everything is always so perfect. Your mimi series The Couple & The Others is one of my favorites and it's comforting to me, it makes me feel at home. Cieli di Toscana is also a favorite of mine. I love everything about that fic so much. I also love your ch. 11 rewrite with the prompts "There are people who love you" and "Give me a hug, please". I adore the hurt/comfort in those two. The angst is just ugh- it's so good, way too good and it destroys me. As well as A thousand moons, a thousand waves, goodness that fic is just pure and utter perfection, I have no words to describe it. And How much mystery, this love of mine...wow. Seriously wow, I still haven't recovered from how amazing it was. It's so beautiful, they say they're so soft and tender with each other, it's perfect, so perfect. And of course, your you give it to me anyway series is one of the best things I've ever read and I have reread it so many times to the point where I'm not even sure it's healthy. I love it, I love it, I love it, more than words can say. And your OCs, Chiara, Lina, the Ray family, you always know how to make them feel so real. You are truly so magnificent and I just love you and everything you do<3333
@jamespotterthefirst Bree! God, where do I even start? Everything you do is out of this world. Other than the fact that you're extremely kind and funny, you're so wonderfully talented and I love you. The dynamics between Lilac and Ethan are everything, EVERYTHING I TELL YOU. I love how you include the gang as much as you do and how you write them. And while I absolutely love every single fic you write, For A Long Time Now and Most Beautiful will always have a special place in my heart. And I don't think I have to tell you how much I love Lilac. I adore that woman with my entire heart. She's amazing and I would do anything she asks me to. Thank you for creating her and just got being such an incredible part of this fandom❤
@writer-ish Kat, your writing is so stunning. Like, everything about it is so amazing. The way you write Brooke and Ethan, their banter, Brooke's sass, your smut, just everything is pure perfection. I love everything you write but makai is just something else. I especially love B&E in it for some reason, just them being so in love and soft with each other. And you know how much I love Brooke. I would choose her over Ethan any day. She's just incredible and Ethan should worship her like the goddess she is, period😌
@the-pale-goddess Hilde, my angst and smut Queen, there are no words, absolutely none, to describe how much I love your writing. Ma'am, is there anything you can't do? (Other than not break our heart further, of course. One of these days you're gonna need to pay for my therapy. I cannot count the amount of times I was like: I'm feeling pretty happy today. Let me go to Hilde's masterlist and break my own heart. I actually do that so many times, it's pretty concerning.) I'm so in awe of everything you do, your angst? Unmatched. Your smut? So freaking hot. Your fluff? Makes my heart melt. Running to the Edge of the World and (as much as I shouldn't be admitting this in public but) Cabin Fever are just amazing, AMAZING. Puncture Wound is also one of my favorites of yours, the angst, the longing. God, it's so perfect. Conquest is superior to anything, everything and everyone. And of course, Contaminated. That fic breaks my heart yet I read so often that I almost know it by heart. I love LOVE Ethan and Tiffany's relationship even if I am a bit jealous of Ethan. They're the OTP, period. And um... Can I please have Miss Addams' hand in marriage? Like, you can call me Pietro mf Maximoff because I will take a bullet for her. I may also have some unresolved trauma and mommy issues but I promise, I will not make her wait two years just to commit or run to the Amazon and sleep with a coworker. She's my Virgo Queen and I'm so in love with her. The point is, your writing is perfect and I love it so much❤❤❤
@monsoonblooms12 Manamee, you beautiful soul, we don't deserve you and your mind blowing talent. Everything you write is just beautiful and my mind cannot process how you do it. Your fics, your edits, your moodboards, there is nothing you're not good at. And you're such a wonderful person and it makes me want to cry sometimes. I love you, darling❤❤
@blossomanarchy I read your meet my MC posts (and I will get to reblogging those later. I have them in my drafts. I just don't really have any energy at the moment.) and I love Amelia so much. She's already one of absolute favorite MCs. I truly look forward to your fic (if you ever decide to post it, I will be eagerly waiting for it and I have no doubt it will be magnificent) And your moodboards are absolutely stunning. I could stare at them for hours, hell, even the rest of my life. They're so freaking pretty!!💗💗
@takemyopenheart Avy, you're so freaking talented and I love your writing super much. Luz is amazing and I love her more than words can say. I adore her relationship with Ethan so much. Your fluff is god-tier and your smut is just *chef's kiss* as well as your angst. Yours were some of the first fics I read for OH and I still love them just as much as the first time I read them if not more.💕💕
@mvalentine Mal, goodness, you are a godsend to this fandom. I cannot, for the life of me, find the words to properly describe how freaking amazing your writing is. Lana is a Queen and I'm in love with everything about her. Like, I need her to reject me so I can move on already. I love the way you write L&E. They're such an amazing couple and they have my whole heart (also, ngl, I miss them like crazy). Hold On To Me makes me sob every time I read it and it was heaven a moment ago is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read in my life, the sheer beauty of it, it's poetry. You're incredible, my dear and your writing is so beautiful.<333
@genevievemd Sara, from the minute I read your first fic, I knew you were an incredible writer and I was so right. I love everything about your writing, everything. G&E are couple goals and I love them so much. Your angst kills me every single time. Like, you seriously need to stop hurting me so much, I can't take it anymore. But seriously, you're extremely talented and I love you❤❤
@stygianflood Hiya, I just spent a good five minutes trying to come up with any words to describe how freaking beautiful and otherworldly your writing is and I couldn't find any because it's truly undescribable, in the best way possible. Like the Shoreline and the Sea and Bridge over Troubled Water always bring me an immense amount of comfort. They feel like a warm hug even though they hurt. I've binged your masterlist so many times and I still can't process how you're so talented.❤❤❤
@anntoldst0ries Ann, my love, I don't know how to put into words how much I adore you and your writing. It's freaking poetry. It's so smooth. Like I could be reading one of your fics and I come across a line that is just so utterly beautiful and I'm just like: how?? How can one be so talented and come up with such beautiful lines? Lost in Translation is one of those fics that I cannot process because it's so incredible, it's so unbelievable how you manage to capture Ethan's character and thoughts and emotions so well. Coda is just perfection, girl, your smut is so good. And as much as I love all your fics, Shinrin-Yoku will always be my favorite. I love how you write about Noelle's metal health. It makes her feel so real and I really do appreciate that fic so much. You're incredible and your writing is just so magical and I will forever be so in awe of you.💗💗💗
@gryffindordaughterofathena Dri, god, I have no clue how you do it but you always manage to leave speechless and awestruck by your writing. It's so poetic and beautiful and I love everything about it. The way you write the characters and their emotional will always make me so damn emotional. You're just so brilliant and I love all your work so much.❤❤
@starrystarrytrouble All hail Queen Ruby, our savior from the nightmare that was OH3 canon. I know you're not here these days but I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you and all the work you've put into this fandom so much. You're so so incredibly talented. E&E are god-tier and I love them so much, more than I can put into words. Secret is one of my favorites mainly because I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers but also because I love E&E in that fic so much. Also, Anonymous! That fic is everything, I love it so much. And Eve is just amazing. I love everything you create and I miss you💕💕💕
@writinghereandthere Ana, I know we haven’t interacted before and that I haven’t reblogged any of your fics before but I seriously love your writing so so much. I’ve read and reread your masterlist more times than I could count and every single time, I was left more in awe of you than the last. Your writing style is just so beautiful and so magnetic. Like, if anyone interrupts me while I’m reading one of your fics, they can say bye bye to the world. Your do you fear death? series is just something else. It’s so out of this world. Fourteen Hours is amazing, it was the first fic I read of yours and it made me fall in love with your writing, the first I read it, I immediately loved it so much. I love how you write Mariana and Ethan so much, they’re everything. And I'm so in love with Mariana. God, she's so perfect! And Two Days breaks my heart every time I read it but it’s one of my comfort fics. More Than A Drawer is also a favorite of mine. I love the domesticity of it so much. And Golden! God, that fic! How the hell did you write that?? It’s so fucking brilliant and I don’t have the right words to describe it. Also!! Finer Things is one of the best things I have ever read. I am an absolute whore for Harper Emery and that masterpiece just increased that. It’s so magnificent! You’re just so freaking incredible and I will always wonder how you’re so so talented❤️❤️
I'm pretty sure I forgot some amazingly talented people and I'm so sorry for that, truly. Your fics have always been a source of comfort to me. During some of the worst times in my life, I would always find happiness and comfort in your beautiful creations. Hope all of you are having a great day and I hope you know how truly appreciated you are💕💕💕💕
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Sylvie, for the ask game!! (I was tempted to go for the two other most obvious characters to send you...but I thought I'd be slightly less predictable)
Slightly less! Oh Sylvie.
How I feel about this character
She is actually human ray of sunshine Sylvie Brett. I adore her so much.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Matt. Obviously. But I’ve been rewatching S3 and early s4, and there’s DEFINITELY vibes there with Kelly. Like it could have gone that way if Stella hadn’t turned up I think.
Also (and this is ridiculous I’m aware) but like...I get vibes between her and Adam Ruzek??? If Kim wasn’t around they’d have something (and she could see what decent sex with a cop is like sorry not sorry)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Sylvie, Stella and Violet are my platonic OT3. Also I think her and Kim would be really good friends. Maybe girls night with the two of them and Natalie Manning?
My unpopular opinion about this character
Idk if I have any? The only vaguely unpopular opinion I have is I really wish she’d open up about her feelings and her past relationships. I think she holds so much guilt around her breakups that she doesn’t need to! (Also get her therapy, but I feel that way about basically all the OneChicago cast)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Brettsey to be real??? But apart from that, I wish she was there when Otis’ memorial was revealed. She deserved to be there. Or we got a scene of her with it.
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fandom: umbrella academy??
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: FIVE
Least Favorite character: leanard, of course
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): where’s that one post that’s like “welcome to the umbrella academy, where your ship options include a 13-year-old’s concerning attachment to a mannequin, psuedo-incest, creep attempts to woo sad lesbian, etc. etc.” anyway i’ll say the only good options, which are allison/ray diego/lila diego/patch dave/klaus and vanya/sissy
Character I find most attractive: diego
Character I would marry: ben
Character I would be best friends with: also ben
a random thought: the idea of luther getting high is exquisitely hilarious and oddly heartwarming to me, i think he gets very giggly high and would just lean on his siblings a bunch and invade their personal space
An unpopular opinion: we’re just gonna steer clear of this one lmao
My Canon OTP: allison/ray
My Non-canon OTP: five/therapy
Most Badass Character: i mean. it’s five, objectively
Most Epic Villain: THE HANDLER
Pairing I am not a fan of: any of the siblings, man. i’m not about that
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): BEN
Favourite Friendship: luther and diego :)
Character I most identify with: oh gosh. probably diego tbh
Character I wish I could be: oh god none of them sjdjhfjhdfjkhkj
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
Laser Tag, Some Feelings, and a Total Mess
laser tag, some feelings, and a total mess by your friendly neighborhood mothman
This fic actually was inspired by this tumblr post that was kinda famous a while back by halleydoedog: take me laser tagging and then push me into a corner and kiss me. then shoot me and walk away
Words: 2933, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff without Plot, Eventual Smut, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Pining Kirishima Eijirou, Cute Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Needs Therapy, Bakugou Katsuki Needs Help, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Kirishima Eijirou Needs a Hug, Bakusquad, Supportive Bakusquad, Bakusquad Shenanigans, Mentioned Bakusquad & Dekusquad, How Do I Tag, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, I Made Myself Cry, I Ship It, I Will Go Down With This Ship, OTP Feels, Imagine your OTP, 30 Day OTP Challenge, 10 Days of OTP Challenge
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29278305
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mangomango87 · 4 years
who are your top ten favorite black clover characters & ships? talk about them!
Oooh had to really think about these. But I need a break from my pre-calc and cardiac rehab homework so here we go. Procrastination? Me? Never. 
It got long so I’m putting it under a read more
Top 10 Favorite Black Clover Characters (no particular order...really just the first 10 I thought of): 
1. Gordon Agrippa--I relate to Gordon so much--he just wants to make friends but he’s all socially awkward and unintentionally creeps people out. I feel that. I hope he makes more friends. 
2. William Vangeance--You know you start looking into an anime and you just know you’re gonna like a character before you even watch the anime? William was that. I love his sweet soul and I understand his struggle with Patri/Patry. 
3. Henry Legolant--sweet man, actual Disney princess. I hope they can find a cure for his curse/condition or find a way he can interact with the Black Bulls more. 
4. Jack the Ripper--He was an unexpected favorite for me. I normally don’t care that much for this kind of character but he’s grown on me. I especially love when he and Yami are together and you can just tell they have maybe one collective brain cell between them. 
5. Mereoleona Vermillion-- *just gestures at Mereoleona as her explanation* 
6. Julius Novachrono--big magic nerd. Just... *chef’s kiss*. If I were in the series, I’d go nerd out over magic with him. His time magic is AMAZING and I would’ve loved to see just what else he can do with it besides what we’ve seen in the series. 
7. Noelle Silva--I’m loving her character development and hope for good things for her. Also I’m adopting her and giving her the love and support she deserves. 
8. Asta--fricking ray of sunshine who will kick your ass. I love how he doesn’t just forgive enemies like a lot of shonen protagonists or just kills them. He’s all “YOU FEEL BAD? PROVE IT!” To which I’m like YES because I’m all about redemption and stuff but you gotta work for it. 
9. Marx Francois--Marx is the guy who gets stuck doing all the work in a group project and I feel that. I’ve been Marx. Also his memory magic is fricking rad. Give Marx a vacation though. 
10. Yami Sukehiro--How can you not like Yami? I’m always a sucker for gruff guys that are actually softies deep down and just end up adopting a ragtag group of kids/people. (Looking at you, Shouta Aizawa from My Hero Academia) 
Top 10 Favorite Ships
(Okay, I don’t have a ton of ships for Black Clover but here we go) 
1. Yami x Charlotte--My friend showed me a clip of them before I even got into Black Clover and I’ve shipped them ever since. 
2. Noelle x Asta--tsundere girl with clueless boy. Overused trope: yeah. Will I ever stop loving it?: nah. 
3. Magna x Luck-- Yeah. I could just see this relationship happening. 
4. Gauche x Grey--I was kinda ambivalent about this pairing but it’s really growing on me, especially due to the recent manga chapters. I’d love to see Gauche care for anyone else but his sister Marie (Gauche, seriously, get some therapy) 
5. Finral x Finesse-- it’s cute. Finral deserves good things. 
(And here’s where I couldn’t think of anymore ships...) 
6. Gordon x Making friends--give this soft goth boy some friends dammit! 
7. Yami x Normal bowel movements-- Yami needs some fiber or something for how long it takes for him to take a shit. I’m concerned for his bowel health. 
8. Marx x Vacation--Marx deserves a nice long vacation where he doesn’t have to worry about Julius. Or hell, even just get him a massage. 
9. Julius x Magic--one of the true OTPs, let’s be real lol 
10. Charmy x Food--another OTP, let’s be real lol. 
This was fun to do. Feel free to send me more asks about my fandoms. 
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Asked by Anonymous. Thank you so much, I really wanted to do her!!!!!
Favorite thing about her: How she subverts many female stereotypes! She's strong and unfeminine, ruthless and apathetic. She has many flaws: out of the Minerva squad, she's probably the most chaotic, violent, rage-inclined one; she's doesn't behave well and she has anger issues. Now, every character has their flaws, but I like how hers are very rarely assigned to female characters- and really, it's always nice to see variety of representation.
Least favorite thing about her: I mean, as the whole Minerva squad - Norman included -, she's done many horrible things I condemn*; but I also believe all of her past errors makes the character all the more complex, so it's not like it's something I dislike about her; it makes her realistic and human, and I think (or hope) she will get over them.
*(I condemn the things she did, but I'd never condemn her– she's just a 16 y/o child.)
Favorite line: I probably like the delivering of the line more than the line itself but this panel gets me very emotional:
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She just looks so defenseless and upset and lost, I love it. Even better (or worse), she looks so young in it, which makes it all the more impactful.
brOTP: Ok we don't know much about Cislo, but taken the idea I have of him I think they would have a very nice sibling-like relationship! I like how they seemed to be very close since Goodwill Ridge, and went through so much together. I like to think they're the only ones to really understand each other. Also Barbara / Zazie, Barbara / the younger GF children...
OTP: None really. Also I think she would need therapy first.
nOTP: On the other hand, pretty much everyone? I really can't easily see her with anyone, now that I think about it it could fit her to be aromantic.
Random headcanon: Once in the human world, she starts hanging out with the GP girls and they bond really fast. Gillian compliments her hair a lot and they soon become best friends.
Unpopular opinion: Uh I'm not sure...
Song i associate with her: OK the song I associate with her is again definitely Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper BUT O-o-h Child by the Five Stairsteps also makes me think a lot about her. I can see her singing it both to the children she so desperately wants to save, or to herself:
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Some day, yeah
We'll put it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
(Just found out the writer and producer of this song is called Stan Vincent pfft)
AND I can totally see her singing Mr. Blue Sky by the Electric Light Orchestra while slaying demons:
Running down the Avenue
See how the sun shines brightly
In the city, on the streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, hey
Hey, you with the pretty face
Welcome to the human race
A celebration, Mr. Blue Sky's up there waiting
And today is the day we've waited for
Favorite picture of her: I really like the already mentioned one, it's a beautiful, powerful image. Besides from that...
I went through every Barbara scene to answer this, but my favorite ended up being the little one at the very end:
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I remember when I first saw it being so glad and relieved to apprehend that she and the rest of the Lambda squad were getting their happy ending- Barbara looks genuinely happy, and I'm glad she found something she likes doing, and hopefully an healthy coping mechanism to let out her rage. I hope all her and everyone else is getting therapy.
Also excited puppy:
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Send me a character and I’ll list
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