#rayman kart 8
kolplayone · 2 years
rayman kart 8 deluxe full game lets play rayman kart 8 deluxe for nintendo switch rayman kart 8 deluxe full game with kolplayone
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shinigami-striker · 2 years
Wii U - 2022 Throwback! | Friday, 11.18.2022
Today's the day that the Wii U home console was released by Nintendo 10 years ago for the holiday season! Despite the console's lack of commercial success at the time, the console still had a handful of recommended gaming software for players to play alone or with their buds locally and online!
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zelenbug · 8 months
i did the height thing again but for rayman 2, specifically the pc version (minus the ending uglette and polokus, got them from dreamcast bc the pc ending map didnt load but this shouldnt affect anything). and i didnt leave anyone out this time ! (EDIT: actually i forgot one guy but theres a separate comparison at the end of hte post)
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full image uncropped (21.8 mb, 36506x3438) and also halved again because its A Lot (7.6 mb, 18253x1719)
and condensed. a bunch of guys have been cut from here for being WAY TOO TALL!!!
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also full image (5 mb?, 11015x1560)
notes below read more again
this time i didnt let them be at their original y positions (relative to rayman with the same y coordinates) for convenience
otherwise i got the images the same way as with the rayman 3 height thing more or less, but was more lenient with y rotation for the ending cutscene and didnt relocate them to the same y coordinates every time bc rayman 2 maps are weird. i also let the upscales/downscales for some things still be a thing, both axel and foutch are at 2x scale (thats why theres a bonus tiny foutch) and jano during the boss fight is 5x
i didnt get everything from the dreamcast version because ive never played it but i did get specifically this image for bias reasons
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these are all the same exact height unsurprisingly. all from dreamcast btw lmao i dont have an explanation for globu's hands
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the babies are in hte order of their actual object instances so enjoy the fact that theres 8 of them (the lower poly one doesnt count thats a diff object technically) but oktette is not the eighth one. also enjoy these random tiny fish
the caterpillar thingy (that they used to represent black lums in rayman kart for some reason) is confusing so i made its height the approximate height of its segments here
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now the important question? Whos taller ???!!!! ok yeah its reflux no competition
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you see why i didnt include any of the much taller guys in the rayman 3 height chart ! i had way too much trouble with the r2 ones already!!!
and it turns out my sheets are cross compatible bc rayman ended up the same height on both of them minus ONE pixel. the r2 one is taller but its such a negligible difference im not even counting it
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using this knowledge you can just directly copy paste and compare whatever you want!!! heres a bunch of comparisons idk its kinda interesting
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i have to go stand next to a tiny angry robot to showcase how much taller i am
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2024.02.29 edit i forgot about this guy sorry
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would be around here
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wfagamerants · 1 year
A bit late because lol, rl, but as a blog about my Mario opinions, I can’t resist rambling a bit about my opinions of stuff in a direct full of Mario stuff.
Ordering them in how excited I am for each of them, though in the end I am happy about all of these, it’s just a way to decide how to order them.
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Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon Switch
I genuinely like Dark Moon and honestly don’t think it's rep as the lesser of the three games in some circles is earned, so seeing a Switch version is welcome in my book.
That said, I do have some concerns with how choppy the game looks in places. The original had a few moments like this too, but in a HD re-release…yeah you gotta clean that up. Odds are that may even happen, given the game isn’t due until next year.
Besides that, yeah, Dark Moon on Switch. I like the game and will gladly get this and use it as an excuse to replay it, but odds are there isn’t gonna be much new here. Not a bad thing, just makes me struggle to put this higher up here.
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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC
It looks good, I’ll play it and that is honestly it.
This may be worth a discussion of its own, but while I like Sparks of Hope and even prefer some aspects of it over the original, it didn’t stick with me in the long run like the first game and it seems many feel the same way.
Hard to say what it is, but I am sure I will enjoy this, it’s just that at this point, I am really mostly interested in Rayman when it comes to this game,
The mechanical King Bob-omb’s pretty sick though.
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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Wave 5
Fun idea for a new racetrack and a very solid selection of new characters. Good first impressions.
We still don’t know the other 7 tracks, but I do genuinely think every new wave so far has been better than the last, so I am in good spirits about it and Mario Kart 8 is something I can keep coming back to for another round very easily.
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New Peach Game
This is easily the most surprising one in its mere existence.
With how little has been shown so far, it’s hard to really have a strong opinion on things, but the stage play theme does make one wonder what could be and little details like Peach not having her crown really are curious.
Above all else though, I am just excited this is a thing. Spin-offs focusing on other characters are always among the most interesting new releases. They allow for experimentation with ideas that may be seen as not fitting Mario himself and after the 2000s, the well of new ones dried up really substantially.
Peach is also still a very unexplored character for this, even her first game is still heavily grounded in regular Mario stuff, while this is looking to be more of a Luigi’s Mansion kind of spin-off, so I am very intrigued.
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Super Mario Wonder
Quite frankly, this game, in everything we have seen, feels like an outright apology for how static and safe 2D Marios have been in the NSMB era.
With this is one, it really feels like there was a desire to just get weird and I can vibe with that. The sections for collecting Wonder Seeds seem really creative and out there, with a lot of variety at that and the trippy nature of the first one in particular is a stand-out.
Besides that we got a surprising roster of characters, with the most out there choice being Daisy. Nintendo actually using their characters? Crazy talk.
In all seriousness, I appreciate them expanding beyond Mario and Luigi on a more regular basis now and what helps charm me even more is how expressive and alive the characters are.
Everyone around on social media has likely seen these comparison shots already:
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But even beyond that you have little things like the characters reacting to the spiked boulder about to chase them:
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I just adore stuff like this and hope the game is full of that.
Beyond that there are still a lot of little things, like the not-Toad NPC, the elephant power-up, that wild looking Bowser Jr, etc. Loads to see and I can’t wait for more info.
My only gripe is that they are still passing up Toad in favor of colorful generics. It’s not gonna make me less excited for the game, even though I feel cheated out of one of my favs, but I wish Nintendo would finally stop doing that.
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Super Mario RPG Remake
I won’t lie, when leakers mentioned this one, I wasn’t all that thrilled.
Not because I don’t like RPG or the idea of a remake, but because I expected it to be butchered. Part of its charm is that it is a time capsule to an era where Mario’s now known visual identity and several concepts didn’t exist yet. I fully expected that to be done away with, for the sake of brand consistency, on top of some of the more undesirable changes from the Mario & Luigi remakes.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Genuinely, I was so caught off-guard by everything shown here. Mario, Peach and Bowser are updated to their modern looks, which is perfectly fine, but beyond that, it is genuinely amazing how much they retained the original.
All the original characters are still present which, granted, wasn't unlikely, but still lovely to see.
They retained a more chibi proportioned look, in-line with the original’s renders and sprites.
The environments still look as they did back then, no NSMB colorful hills in the grassland area or anything. They even resisted the temptation to update Peach’s castle to its standard look.
Most shocking of all, the old Toad NPC designs, my favorites in all Mario games, are left intact:
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And as an extra bone as a Toad fan, after Wonder disappointed, they even gave him dibs on the blue vest, to further distinguish him from the rest of his species.
Everything just looks so nice. The models and environments, the music, the cutscenes, it’s a charmer across the board.
Much like with Luigi’s Mansion, it’s up in the air how much new there will be content-wise, but honestly, I am fine regardless what direction it takes.
I’m just happy to have a reminder of what Mario RPGs used to be and I will gladly support it to show I miss that kinda stuff, on top of my adoration for the original.
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WarioWare Move It!
The Wario fan is most excited for the Wario game, say what?
In all seriousness of course this makes me incredibly happy. Smooth Moves was my favorite WarioWare before the big revival with Gold and GiT and a follow-up with the joycon as the main focus always made sense.
This is very much a traditional WarioWare to its core and frankly, that is amazing, it even embraces the low quality, cursed 3D models from Smooth Moves that I love with all my heart. I would have also liked a GiT follow-up, but this always made the most sense for a second Switch entry and I am happy they aren’t sleeping on it.
The extra stuff like the board game mode also adds some intrigue, not enough to see what this will be like yet, but I am always glad to get some extra offerings beyond the regular stages.
That aside you got the fun vacation theme, 13-Amp possibly being a host now, some lovely Smooth Moves callbacks like the return of forms and so on. I am nothing but excited.
And this is yet another one I am happy just exists. This is the first time since the Wii that Wario has gotten more than one new game on a system and so soon after GiT no less. WarioWare is in a healthy state again and that is huge.
So yeah, banger after banger and a nice uptick after the 2022 Mario output was on the lacking side. I’ll always defend Battle League in many aspects, but it still sucks content-wise and Sparks of Hope, while good, is pretty lacking in the Mario aspect.
Between the 2023 releases out of these and the movie though, we truly have a banger year for anything Mario.
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dandelionsprout42 · 15 hours
Quick summary of Apple Arcade games I've played thus far
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All games were played on the Apple TV 4K 128GB model, most with Dualsense, while games that support Siri Remote used the remote instead.
Sonic Dream Team: The maingame (except the contrived red-coin system) is a masterpiece, and the first Sonic platformer I've ever completed. The postgame(s) got weary on me, however.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure: The game is much more like Zelda and other breathlikes (The term I use for games that resemble BotW) than Animal Crossing. I'm mighty impressed by this game and then some.
Easy Come Easy Golf: Plays pretty good for a non-motion-controlled golf game. Could need to have far more courses far earlier in the game, as meaningful variation is practically none even at rank 8.
Way of the Turtle: Very good from the 25〜90% marks of the game, where it's a better Crash Bandicoot game than a lot of actual Crash Bandicoot games. But the endgame levels are brutal to the point of feeling like they weren't worth it.
Alto's Adventure: Honestly a fairly good game. I recommend it to people who've just bought an Apple TV and who are learning how the remote control works.
Amazing Bomberman: Complete rubbish. I could count the framerate on one hand, and that's on the newest Apple TV model.
Gear.Club Stradale: Kept crashing to desktop all the time. And I mean all the time. I was only able to complete 1 race on 5 attempts at starting the game.
Rayman Mini: Severely outdated. No one wants autorunners anymore, and certainly not autorunners that mangle the Rayman Legends timed missions.
Taiko no Tatsujin Pop Tap Beat: Safe to assume that Apple told the devs to make the game less weeb than most other TnT games, which is a good thing. The Power of Love is a nice touch, and the evergreen Cruel Angel's Thesis, the Touhou Song (Night of Knights), and Funiculi Funicula (a.k.a. the Spider-Man 2 pizza song).
Tetris Beat: Weeb stuff. Gave up after 10min because I hadn't heard of any of the songs.
Samba de Amigo Party-to-Go: On the entirely opposite end of the scale, and in fact has too many dance-pop songs. I do give positive shoutout to that its version of Macarena use the actual lyrics, and not the ones with the teenage girls chatting.
Riptide GP Renegade: Practically unplayable with Siri Remote, so I never tested it with Dualsense out of spite. Never got past the tutorial.
Pocket Card Jockey: Tested to see how far I could bruteforce my way through the intro with a Siri Remote, far past the alleged "Connect a controller" prompts. I miraculously managed to get to the first main level, at which point I felt that I had done my duty and never played it afterwards.
Frogger and the Rumbling Ruins: Managed to be less controllable than Pocket Card Jockey even with a Dualsense. Couldn't get past the very first section.
My Little Pony Mane Merge: The "Merge" genre is by itself the worst new game genre in several decades, but Gameloft clearly can't possibly have played even one puzzle console game in their lives, judging by how they mangled the controls beyond recognition.
Kimono Cats: Hardly has any activities in it that count as a game, and the few small remnances that are there are either weeb or Daily Challenges.
Disney SpellStruck: A good concept and is fun to play early on, but dear lords does it get repetitive. Not to mention the word validation system rejecting a lot of common words while accepting nonsense. The cameo of Tinker Bell's house from her titular movies is a nice touch, but a very short touch.
Warped Kart Racers: "We already have Sonic Racing Transformed at home" vibes. Additionally, the battle mode system is the worst in the history of car games. Yes, worse than that of FlatOut 3.
Squiggle Drop: Incomprehensible career progression, not helped by puzzles that start to make no sense after the circa 25th one.
JellyCar Worlds: If you've played 10 levels or so, you've essentially played them all.
Marble It Up Mayhem: Roughly half of the point-to-point levels were reasonably good. The "Collect spheres in a zone" levels were pretty boring.
Beyond Blue: I refuse to believe that any professional livestreamer scuba diver would willingly want to use a suit she described as itchy.
Ballistic Baseball: Seemingly impossible to hit the ball, and the English commentator has the least enthusiastic voice I've ever heard in my life.
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gamerbulten · 9 months
Bu Black Friday Nintendo Switch anlaşması size bir konsol, Mario Kart 8 ve sadece 269 £ karşılığında başka bir oyun sunuyor Bu Kara Cuma anlaşması sayesinde Ninten...
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svenerd · 10 months
Games zu Weihnachten - Geschenke-Ratgeber von 0 - 18 Jahren
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Photo by Michelle_Raponi on Pixabay
Spiele für Kinder - Die perfekten Spiele bis 12 Jahre
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Photo by ShortSword on Pixabay Passend zur anstehenden Zeit, in der Geschenke für Weihnachten gesucht werden, stellen wir euch die perfekten Gaming-Geschenke für Kinder bis 12 Jahren für Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox und PC vor. In den Videos am Ende jedes Abschnittes werden alle Spiele kurz vorgestellt. Den Inhalt der jeweiligen Videos findet ihr hier, inklusive Zeitstempel in den Videos. 00:00 Intro 00:48 Mario-Spiele Super Mario Odyssey New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Super Mario Bros. Wonder 02:42 Bauen und Spaß haben Minecraft Minecraft Legends Minecraft Dungeons Super Mario Maker 2 Dragon Quest Builders 2 05:29 Lego Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker-Saga Lego Marvel Superhelden 2 Lego Harry Potter Collection 07:16 Sport und Spaß Nintendo Switch Sports Ring Fit Adventure Mario Tennis Aces Mario Golf: Super Rush Mario Strikers: Battle League Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen: Tokyo 2020 11:07 Lebenssimulationen Disney Dreamlight Valley Fae Farm Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life My Time At Portia Landwirtschafts-Simulator Animal Crossing: New Horizons 14:48 Hüpfspaß Kirby und das vergessene Land Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe Disney Illusion Island 16:26 Abenteuer Stray The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening 17:32 Rennspiele Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged Team Sonic Racing Lego 2K Drive 20:09 Pokémon Pokémon Karmesin und Pokémon Purpur Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! Und Pokémon Let’s Go, Evoli! New Pokémon Snap Meisterdetektiv Pikachu kehrt zurück 23:14 Action/Shooter Splatoon 3 Powerwash Simulator
Spiele für Jugendliche - Die perfekten Spiele von 12 bis 18 Jahre
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Photo by wal_172619 on Pixabay 00:00 Intro 01:03 Was sollte man beachten 02:05 Fantasy-Spiele The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Tales of Arise Kena: Bridge of Spirits Elden Ring 04:08 Weltraum-Spiele No Man’s Sky Starfield 05:07 Fahren und Fliegen Forza Horizon 5 Forza Motorsport Gran Turismo 7 Wreckfest Microsoft Flight Simulator 07:31 Playstation-Spiele Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete Edition Horizon: Forbidden West Complete Edition Marvel’s Spider-Man Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 09:24 Lizenzspiele Hogwarts Legacy Mittelerde: Mordors Schatten Mittelerde: Schatten des Krieges Lego Der Hobbit Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker Saga Guardians of the Galaxy Batman: Return to Arkham Batman Arkham Trilogy Lego Batman 3 - Jenseits von Gotham Lego DC Super-Villains 11:20 Hüpfen Super Mario Bros. Wonder Rayman Legends Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart 12:38 Cozy-Games Animal Crossing: New Horizons Stardew Valley Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22/23 14:18 Sport EA Sports FC 24 NBA 2K24 NHL 24 Madden NFL 24 16:27 Strategie Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope Anno 1800 Civilization 6 17:58 Puzzle Portal 2 / Portal Begleiterkollektion It Takes Two Untitled Goose Game 20:13 Spiele digital verschenken
Spiele für Erwachsene - Die perfekten Spiele für volljährige Zocker
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Photo by chriswanders on Pixabay 00:00 Intro 01:01 Für Rollenspiel-Fans Baldur‘s Gate 3 The Witcher 3 Divinity Original Sin 2 Disco Elysium – The Final Cut 05:31 Für Filmliebhaber und Nostalgiker Robocop: Rogue City Starship Troopers: Terran Command Aliens: Dark Descent Alien: Isolation 08:13 Für Strategen Crusader Kings 3 Stellaris Total War: Three Kingdoms 11:20 Für Gesellschaftsspieler The-Jackbox-Party-Pack-Reihe Party Animals 13:55 Für Horrorfans Resident Evil 4 Dead Space Remake 15:58 Große Hits zum kleinen Preis Yakuza 0 Immortals: Fenyx Rising Far Cry 6 Death‘s Door Vampire Survivors 18:21 Die absoluten Mainstream-Blockbuster The Last of Us Part 1 Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 2 God of War Ragnarök Diablo 4 21:18 Für beste Freunde und Partner A Way Out Remnant 2 We Were Here Forever 24:16 Für Leseratten Slay the Princess 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical 26:15 Geheimtipps für die, die schon alles haben Pizza Tower Warhammer 40K: Boltgun Cassette Beasts 28:11 Worauf ihr beim Kauf achten solltet Read the full article
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stick-zac · 3 years
I am a happy-go-lucky guy who enjoys reblogging anything that brings me an atom of joy. So be prepared for a few posts to 50+ a day for the foreseeable future. I also don't mind if you spam like / spam reblog from so go right ahead.
Find me on Twitter @ SocialZac101
Here is a list of media / content I absolutely love! (Beware it is a LONG list)
Fallout 3 // Fallout New Vegas // Fallout 4 // Fallout 76
Bioshock // Bioshock 2 // Bioshock Infinite
Heavy Rain
Beyond: Two Souls
Detroit Become Human
Little Big Planet // Little Big Planet 2 // Little Big Planet 3
Little Big Planet Karting
Sackboy: A Big Adventure
Minecraft: Story Mode
Minecraft Dungeons
Borderlands // Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel // Borderlands 2 // Borderlands 3
Tales from the Borderlands
Five Nights at Freddy's // Five Nights at Freddy's 2 // Five Nights at Freddy's 3 // Five Nights at Freddy's 4 // Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location
Life is Strange
TellTale's The Walking Dead
TellTale's The Wolf Among Us
Portal // Portal 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Call of Duty: Black Ops // Call of Duty: Black Ops II // Call of Duty: Black Ops III // Call of Duty: Cold War // Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) // Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare // Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare // Call of Duty: Vanguard // Call of Duty: Ghost // Call of Duty: WW2
Grand Theft Auto V
Red Dead Redemption // Red Dead Redemption 2
Doom // Doom 3 // Doom 64 // Doom (2016) // Doom Eternal
FarCry 5 // FarCry New Dawn // FarCry 6
God of War // God of War 2 // God of War 3 // God of War (2018)
Marvel's Spider-Man
Resident Evil 7 // Resident Evil 8
The Last of Us // The Last of Us Part 2
ION Fury
Rayman Legends
The Evil Within // The Evil Within 2
Super Mario 64 // Super Mario Galaxy // Super Mario Galaxy 2
Hotline Miami // Hotline Miami 2
Nuclear Throne
Westerado Double Barreled
Halloween Forever
Nightmare Reaper
Faith: The Unholy Trinity
Mr. Shifty
Little Nightmares // Little Nightmares 2
Layers of Fear // Layers of Fear 2
World of Goo
Little Inferno
Alien Hominid
Castle Crashers
Battleblock Theatre
Pit People
Retro City Rampage
Shakedown Hawaii
Enter the Gungeon
My Name is Mayo // My Name is Mayo 2 // My Name is Mayo 3
Crossing Souls
Dynamite Jack
EMMA: Lost in memories
Epic Loon
Fancy Pants // Fancy Pants World 2 // Fancy Pants Adventures
Hero Seige
Move or Die
Party Hard
Lucius Demake
Plants vs Zombies
Shovel Knight
Stick RPG2
Super Meat Boy // The End is Nigh // The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth // TIME FCUK
The Darkside Detective // The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark
Thomas Was Alone
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Your Doodles are Bugged
Owl City
Imagine Dragons
Panic! At The Disco
Fall Out Boy
My Chemical Romance
Carly Rae Jepsen
Avril Lavigne
twenty one pilots
Flo Rida
Tessa Violet
Pale Waves
The All-American Rejects
American Authors
The Veronicas
Fitz and the Tantrums
Neon Trees
Take That
Robbie Williams
Fickle Friends
Short Stack
Stand Atlantic
JT Music
Cash Cash
Against the Current
First to Eleven
Peking Duk
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badgraph1csghost · 3 years
Now that we're emulating game consoles this year instead of paying giant corporations for the privilege, here's 15 games each for the major consoles throughout time that you can use as a starting point.
Atari 2600. The Atari Video Computer System (more commonly, Atari 2600) is the system that both began and almost destroyed the videogame industry. "ET the Extraterrestrial" will not be on this list for obvious reasons. Also, remember; this is your grandpa's game console, so don't expect much from the graphics or sounds. But, standing as a testament to the staying power of gameplay over visuals, each of these games have uncommonly high replay value.
1. Adventure 2. Asteroids 3. Bank Heist 4. Beamrider 5. Centipede 6. Chopper Command 7. Dragonfire 8. Fatal Run 9. Frogger 10. Galaxian 11. Gangster Alley 12. H.E.R.O. 13. Laser Gates 14. Pitfall 15. Yars' Revenge.
NES. Nintendo is the worst offender when it comes to making people buy their old games several different times. So this, in combination with the fact Nintendo have the most game consoles of any of the hardware makers, means we're going to focus a lot of our time with them. Let's begin at the beginning, then, shall we?
1. The Battle for Olympus 2. Blaster Master 3. Castlevania 4. Contra 5. Donkey Kong 6. Earthbound Beginnings 7. Final Fantasy 8. The Legend of Zelda 9. Mario Bros. 10. Metroid 11. Pac-Man 12. Paperboy 13. Pinball 14. Rad Racer II 15. Tetris.
There were three versions of Tetris released for the NES (well, one for Famicom, two for NES); the first was for Famicom by Bullet Proof Software, the second was for NES by Tengen (alternate name for Atari), the third was the officially-licensed version by Nintendo for NES. The Tengen version is better than the Nintendo version and whatever BPS was trying to do.
Super NES. My personal favourite game console, most of the best games for this platform are stuck in Copyright Hell and aren't likely to be officially re-released anywhere again.
1. Aero the AcroBat 2 2. Asterix & Obelix 3. Blackthorne 4. Donkey Kong Country 5. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kongquest 6. Earthbound 7. Earthworm Jim 8. Final Fantasy IV 9. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 10. Prince of Persia 11. Soul Blazer 12. Super Castlevania IV 13. Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World 14. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 15. Super Tetris 3.
Nintendo 64. There really aren't all that many good games for this platform that weren't made by Nintendo or one of their second-party developers because the hardware was really sketchy and no one really knew what Nintendo meant when they said "Make us some new and groundbreaking games please." So, the list is unfairly skewed toward Nintendo and Rare for that reason.
1. 007 The World is Not Enough 2. Banjo Kazooie 3. Banjo Tooie 4. Cruis'n World 5. Doom 64 6. GoldenEye 007 7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 8. Mario Kart 64 9. Paper Mario< 10. Perfect Dark 11. Quake 64 12. Rayman 2: The Great Escape 13. StarFox 64/Lylat Wars 14. Super Mario 64 15. Yoshi's Story.
GameCube. Now we're getting into "gaming computer" territory. If your computer doesn't have a video card from at least 2013 in it, don't expect these to run acceptably. The plus side is, this is as new as we're going to get, release date wise.
1. 007 Everything or Nothing 2. Animal Crossing 3. Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex 4. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody 5. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 6. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 7. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 8. Mario Kart Double Dash 9. The Sims 2 10. Sonic Adventure DX 11. Soul Calibur II 12. Super Mario Sunshine 13. Super Monkey Ball 14. Super Smash Bros. Melee 15. Tomb Raider Legend.
I have a bit of a dilemma here-- "do I recommend any Harry Potter games?" On one hand, Chamber of Secrets on GCN was my favourite game as a kid and JoKeR was not involved in its production in any way except for inventing the canon upon which it was based; but on the other hand, it's still JoKeR's intellectual real-estate in your own brain. I mean, it IS piracy, and it benefits no one except the player, and believe me when I say that the visuals, sounds, and gameplay of the 6th-Gen HP games was absolutely high-art, and you can literally just wander around Hogwarts for hours not doing anything but raiding desks for jellybeans and stink pellets. I'm going to leave it up to you.
Wii. The Wii is a little problematic because of its motion controls. Since connecting a Wii Remote to your computer can be time consuming and may not work at all, this list only contains games that can be played with a gamepad, either the GCN controller or a Classic Controller attachment. Obviously, some enterprising spud with a compiler can probably hack the more popular Wii games to use traditional control, but we won't be counting on that here.
1. Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth 2. Cave Story 3. Contra ReBirth 4. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn 5. GoldenEye 007 6. Gradius ReBirth 7. Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility 8. Klonoa 9. Mario Kart Wii 10. Nights: Journey of Dreams 11. Pitfall: The Big Adventure 12. Rayman Origins 13. Sonic Colors 14. Sonic Unleashed 15. Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Game Boy & Game Boy Color. Nintendo is pretty much the last holdout against mobile phones when it comes to portable gaming systems mostly because of the Game Boy line. I recommend playing GB and GBC games on phones (ironically) because the pixels will be less the size of canned hams as opposed to a large gaming monitor.
1. Alleyway 2. Batman: The Video Game 3. Castlevania: The Adventure 4. Contra III: Alien Wars 5. Donkey Kong 6. Game & Watch Gallery 2 (GB Color)<br> 7. Kirby's Dream Land 8. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (GB Color) 9. Pokemon Gold/Silver (GB Color) 10. Shantae (GB Color) 11. Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (GB Color) 12. Super Mario Land 13. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins 14. Tetris 15. Wario Land.
Game Boy Advance. Everything the 32-bit consoles of the '90s should have been, the GBA has an impressive roster of excellent games, and choosing just 15 of them was really hard, actually. Critics tended to be overly-critical of GBA games, mostly because they were adult men and the GBA was seen as a toy.
1. Action Man: Robot Atak 2. Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge 3. Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure 4. Dark Arena 5. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town 6. Inspector Gadget Advance Mission 7. Iridion 3D 8. Klonoa: Empire of Dreams 9. Lady Sia 10. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap 11. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga 12. Mario Kart Super Circuit 13. Mario vs. Donkey Kong 14. The Sims: Bustin' Out 15. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3.
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. Unlike Nintendo's attempts to horn in on Sega's profits with overpriced emulations with crappy button mapping, this list contains primarily diamonds-in-the-rough and victims of Copyright Hell.
1. BOB 2. Castlevania: Bloodlines 3. Contra Hard Corps 4. Double Dragon 5. Earthworm Jim 2 6. Golden Axe 7. The Incredible Crash Dummies 8. James Bond 007: The Duel 9. Outlander 10. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Stimpy's Invention 11. Ristar 12. Shadow of the Beast 13. Sonic the Hedgehog 14. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 15. Toejam & Earl.
Sega Master System & Game Gear. Technically, the Master System came before the Mega Drive, with the Game Gear happening afterwards. However, a little-known fact about the Game Gear is that it uses the exact same hardware as the Master System; therefore, Master System emulators can also play Game Gear games.
1. Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2. Asterix 3. Batman Returns 4. Ghost House 5. Impossible Mission 6. Kenseiden 7. King's Quest 8. Maze Hunter 3D 9. Montezuma's Revenge 10. Phantasy Star 11. Quest for the Shaven Yak starring Ren & Stimpy (GG) 12. Rastan (GG) 13. Rygar 14. Sonic Chaos 15. Wonder Boy.
Sony PlayStation. The result of an aborted partnership with Nintendo, the only thing Sony has in common with them anymore is a liking for users to buy the same games several times.
1. Crash Bandicoot 2. Danger Girl 3. Doom 4. Duke Nukem: Time to Kill 5. Gex: Enter the Gecko 6. Glover 7. Klonoa 8. Lucky Luke 9. PowerSlave 10. Ray Tracers 11. Rayman 12. Spyro the Dragon 13. Tomb Raider 2 14. Tomorrow Never Dies 15. V-Rally '97.
Sega Saturn. As anyone with a Saturn knew at the time, their console wasn't being very well-received and even intense crunch-time couldn't save Sonic X-Treme from cancellation. In general, most of the games released on Saturn were also released on other systems, where they tended to perform better. This list is only here for nostalgic purposes, and, with a few exceptions, all of these games can be played with better results on other systems.
1. Bug! 2. Bug Too! 3. Clockwork Knight 2 4. Daytona USA 5. Doom 6. Earthworm Jim 2 7. Gex 8. The Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norse-West 9. Nights into Dreams 10. Rayman 11. Scud: The Disposable Assassin 12. SimCity 2000 13. Sonic 3D Blast 14. Sonic R 15. Virtua Racing.
While you should always use a VPN (Mozilla VPN is $5 a month), you don't need to worry about antivirus software here, because you can get literally all of these games from the Software Capsules Collection on Archive.org.
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ekamy · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I’m going to be moving out in a little over a month so I would like to try to sell these off so that I won’t have to transport them!
Prices are in CAD, and I offer international shipping. All prices are listed without shipping (whic is calculated later) and if you are interested in anything, please message me on Tumblr! 
Anime/manga items I am selling are here.
Payments accepted in Paypal. Prices are as follows:
1. Mario Kart 8 WiiU - $15
2. Super Mario 3D World WiiU - $15
3. Nintendoland WiiU - $5
4. Rayman Raving Rabbids 1 and 2 Wii - $4 each, or both for $6
Please spread the word!
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kolplayone · 2 years
rayman kart 8 deluxe dlc wave 3 lets play rayman kart 8 deluxe for nintendo switch rayman kart 8 deluxe dlc wave 3 with kolplayone
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bloodxbat · 3 years
What games you got for the Switch?
barely any coz i just got it
Mario Kart 8
Bioshock remastered
rayman legends (but thats up at my dads at the minute)
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hybbat · 4 years
Do you actually enjoy any games?
Yes, many? I don't really know what tone this is supposed to be in so I'm going to interpret this the nicer way, but I've played and adore video games since I was 3 years old playing with my mum and dad. I'm not very good at lot of them but that's partly why I usually prefer single player games where it doesnt matter as much and I can go at my own pace.
If you're just curious what games in particular I enjoy then last night I thoroughly enjoyed genshin impact's new update, and while I haven't been playing it much in the last few weeks, I love final fantasy XIV. I also love almost all pokemon games right up to SuMo and most story of seasons games. I've been playing the Pokemon online TCG lately in particular due to winding up with several booster packs a few weeks ago.
For PS my favourite game series are spyro and digimon, and for console nintendo I love rayman legends, mario kart especially double dash and 8, all gamecube harvest moons, and pokemon channel. I like a lot of side okemon games like the stadium series also. Wii didn't have many games I enjoyed on their own but it was fun to play videogames with my grandma and keep her active somewhat by playing party games. For the computer I like spore, catz 5, minecraft, the sims franchise, binding of isaac, my time at portia, civ city rome, and overcooked. I don't play a lot of mobile games but I enjoyed magikarp jump, pokemon go, cheeky chooks, and mahjong.
I would say in no particular order my top 5 favourite games are Pokemon RSE or BW, Grand Theft Auto 5, The Last of Us, Age of Empires III, and Zoo Tycoon 2.
The pokemon franchise is by far my favourite games if it isn't obvious from the above lists, it's almost always the reason I buy my consoles. I got a N64 after the gamecube came out because it had stadium 2 even though now I would say gamecube was my favourite console of all time. I also remember my dad getting mad at me for changing my mind on the gameboy advance after RS came out because he rented it for me to see if I wanted it for christmas and I decided I didn't care about it until then. The only reason I even currently own a switch was to play pokemon games even though I ended up hating both of them. I think on my main 3DS alone I've sunk around 2500 hours into pokemon games.
There are games in the past I played a lot despite not enjoying myself such as LOL and siege but even those I did enjoy something about them to where I miss them since I decided to stop playing games that upset me. Primarily their issue is their communities, the games themselves are fun.
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ng123456789 · 5 years
What games do you play except for Splatoon?
so i’ve currently played splatoon for 600+ hours, meaning it’s my most played game. but i also played zelda: breath of the wild for 100 hours and plan on replaying it soon to complete all the shrines and side missions. i also play a lot of minecraft. i’ve also played rayman legends for 40 hours, and pokemon let’s go pickachu for 35 (i also play a lot of pokemon games on my 3ds). and other games i have and occasionally play are mario kart 8, attack on titan 2, donkey kong country: tropical freeze, super mario odyssey, super smash bros, super mario bros deluxe, xenoblade chronicles, celeste, stardew valley etc,, also i play spyro and crash bandicoot on my ps4. i’m a gamer gorl
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my-km-me · 5 years
My Top Video Games of 2010s
Bolded = My GoTY
999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Alpha Protocol
Atelier Rorona
Castle Crashers
Chaos Rings
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition
Dragon Quest IX
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City
Fairy Wars
Fallout: New Vegas
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley
Infinite Space
Knights in the Nightmare
Mass Effect 2
Mega Man 10
Mega Man Zero Collection
Monster Hunter Tri
No More Heroes 2
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
Persona 3 PSP
Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Xenoblade Chronicles
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy
Dark Souls
Deathsmiles II
Dragon Quest VI
Hard Corps: Uprising
Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns
Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Pokémon Black
Rayman Origins
Saints Row: The Third
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
Sonic Generations  (HD)
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Ten Desires
The Witcher 2
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Valkyria Chronicles III
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Chaos Rings II
Dodonpachi Maximum
Dragon’s Dogma
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
Hatoful Boyfriend
Long Live the Queen
New Super Mario Bros. 2′s coin rush mode
New Super Mario Bros. U
Pokémon Black 2
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Puzzle & Dragons
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2
Sumioni: Demon Arts
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Twisted Metal
Way of the Samurai 4
Xenoblade Chronicles
Zombi U
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate
Deus Ex: Human Revolution-Director’s Cut
Double Dealing Character
Dragon's Crown
Dungeon & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Dynasty Warriors 8
Papers, Please
Rayman Legends
Rogue Legacy
Rune Factory 4
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Tales of Xillia
The  Cave
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The Stanley Parable
Atelier Escha & Logy
Broken Age
Divinity: Original Sin
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Dragon Quest IV (iOS)
Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
Mario Kart 8
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Phoenix Wright trilogy
Pokémon ORAS
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Super Smash Bros. 4 3DS
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Tales of Xillia 2
The Last of Us Remastered
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy
Broken Age: The Complete Adventure
Dariusburst Chronicle Saviors
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Pillars of Eternity
Rare Replay
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
Shovel Knight  [Xbox One]
Story of Seasons
Super Mario Maker
The Age of Decadence
The Witcher 3
Until Dawn
Way of the Samurai 4
Yakuza 5
Yoshi's Woolly World
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Dishonored 2
Killer Instinct: Supreme Edition
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2
Pokémon Sun/Moon + Special Demo
Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Moon Dwellers
The Witcher 3: Game of the Year Edition
Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Divinity: Original Sin II
Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Horizon Zero Dawn
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Night in the Woods
Romancing SaGa 2
Sonic Mania
Star Fox 2
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
Super Mario Odyssey
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
428: Shibuya Scramble
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Dead Cells
God of War
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
Sonic Mania Plus
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
Super Robot Wars X
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Yakuza 0
Wario Ware Gold
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Collection of Mana
Darius Cozmic Collection (International/Special Edition)
Disco Elysium
Dragon Quest XI S
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Pathologic 2
Romancing SaGa 3
SaGa: Scarlet Grace
Shovel Knight: Showdown
Six Ages
Space Invaders Invincible Collection
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Star Ocean: First Departure R
Super Mario Maker 2
Super Robot Wars T
Tetris 99
Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Any Super Robot Wars game translated (official or fan)
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wielderofbreidablik · 4 years
//So as everyone knows, there’s a “certain contagion” going around right now and its keeping a lot of people from leaving their house in order to avoid getting and/or spreading the said contagion.  So like myself, I imagine you all must be enjoying all of the comforts of home life: writing, sleeping, reading, watching your prefered streaming service, endless hours on social media, and of course, gaming.
Now to be completely straight with you, gaming is how I’ve been spending MOST of my time so far. Some friends I don’t get to play with enough have been stuck inside too, which means that now is the perfect time for us to make up for lost opportunities, but being on my PlayStation means that I can’t be on tumblr - even though I DO want to be more active on here right now. So that got me thinking that maybe I should enable my mutuals to join me in my gaming shenanigans. That way I might reach some sort of compromise on the situation while also getting to know some of you in a way I might not have previously.
So! As of now (at least until the “social distancing” ends) mutuals are free to ask me for my PlayStation Network ID, my Nintendo Online ID, or any other relevant gaming info so that we can hook up and have a good time!  If you do, I’ll either hit you up on tumblr or Discord (whichever you prefer!) and I’ll privately send you the info. I’d do it on the dash, but I don’t want my personal account to get flooded with random messages and spam.
“Ah, but wait! We might could play games together Aster, but what games in particular might we play?” you may be asking. Well, that would be a fair point regardless, so for your convenience, here is a list of game consoles I have and what multiplayer games I have for them:
PlayStation 4
Dead by Daylight
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
Devil May Cry 5
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Friday the 13th the Game
Apex Legends
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer: Comrades
RWBY Grimm Eclipse
Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Titanfall 2
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist
Soul Calibur VI
Payday 2: Crimewave Edition
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Dead Rising 2
Read Rising
God Eater Resurrection
Overcooked! (I can’t remember if this one has online multiplayer or not tbh)
Rayman Legends (This one as well actually)
7 Days to Die
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy
Grand Theft Auto V
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
PlayStation Vita
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Fire Emblem Heroes (obviously)
RWBY Amity Arena
Fate/Grand Order
Kingdom Hearts Union Cross
Nintendo Switch
Fire Emblem Warrirors
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Human Fall Flat
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Cross Play (these games can be played on and with multiple different consoles)
Most F2P games with a “battle pass” subscription service.
...And that’s about it. I think? I don’t know, if I missed any I’ll add them later. And no, I unfortunately don’t have a PC or an Xbox of any sort.  But I do have everything, you see above! I haven’t played some as much as others, and some of the ones with offline play haven’t played online at all, but I’d be open to trying anything! The same goes if you know of a game that I could be playing, but is not listed. Also, I’d be glad to take recommendations too! But regardless, this all depends on you gathering up your courage and sliding into my DMs to message me about it. Though of course, nobody has to slide into my DMs at all, because like I said, this is really just a nice thing I thought I could be doing with my mutuals while we’re all holed up in our homes.
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