#rc margarita
hojiteaversion · 1 year
tbh i wont even be surprised if she leaves like!!dals haters are getting way too brave writing long ass paragraphs abt her and how she is unprofessional and shit like 😐😐 u dont know her life u dont know her situation who are u to speak like that???and the management doesnt even try to delete whose comments fandom did the same to ursa (when chasing u was coming out?!!!) 🤨🤨🤨
Right!?? I've seen some of them be like "But it's a Business with a contract and Product Expectations, and if those aren't being delivered, then she needs to go. It's diSrEsPeCtfUL to the rEaDeRsHiP" LIKE.
1) Sit down, it's not like you're even paying for those chapters.
2) If RC is bothered, then RC will deal with it. I promise you don't need to be loud and arrogant
3) If it's bothering you that much, you can leave. You won't be missed! You don't need to add to a sea of similar comments 🙏
and most importantly
4) Do they think Veronica is kicking back margaritas and having a fun time at the beach? ✌️ Hers is a hard, creative job that she can't do on the automatic (like she herself put it in her latest interview, when she talked about burnout). And like you said, we have no idea what's going on in her personal life! And like... I don't know her, but I'm pretty sure most people in her position would love to do the job perfectly and put out as many great chapters as possible during the updates. If she's not, it's probably for a reason. Which brings me to the next point
5) I can't imagine what it is like to be an ordinary person with an ordinary job, and also know I have hundreds, maybe thousands of strangers speculating about my personal life and demanding I either quit or put out a bunch of chapters that they'll most likely complain about anyway instead of just. Stop reading. Is DLS perfect? FAR from! But like you said, there's criticism, and there's the way people have been shouting about her.
RC has set some boundaries in the past when situations got out of control, as far as I know, so I hope they find a solution for this too. And I hope their creators stay as far away from fandom as possible in the meantime, for their own sake.
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littlee-sparkle · 1 year
I love how in Rc they tell you "There was a black cat, with a mustache and a pink hat, drinking a margarita sit by the table" and then they show the damn cat in the background with all the weird stuff in it ahahaha they're really the best at writing and drawing their stories 👌👌👌
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
What's the truth? THE edition~
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lost-monkey · 2 years
Chapter 5
Page 21
Had a lovely day off. Mike took off work, yesterday he worked like 15 hours so he felt just exhausted. He slept a lot lol. We went out to try to fly his rc plane, but something’s wrong with it and it wouldn’t fly. We tried going on a walk with darla but had to cut it short because of how hot it was. I felt so bad, she got overheated pretty quickly. I think it’s because of how hot it got all of a sudden.
We went shopping, went to target then the liquor store (I got margaritas, he got a zombie bottle lol), then aldi for groceries. Got lots of cool things I don’t normally get from there like this crab rangoon dip. Came home and made some margaritas, Mike made his zombie drinks. It’s blue and tastes like blue raspberry.
Got pizza and breadsticks from Aldi so I made those for dinner, they were really good! We watched this funny movie “the hitmans bodyguard”. Overall had a nice day together 😊 can’t believe my three days off are over already, I’m sad I gotta go back to work tomorrow.
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Coming Home Part Three
JJ x Reader
Warnings: Most parts of this series will only go as far as the show does, however, in this part there is be sexual assault and trauma.
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list :) and thank you for reading I hope you enjoy!!💖
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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5 years later
You closed your eyes and let the salty breeze rush over your face. This familiar feeling caused every muscle in your body to relax. You drew in a breath as you shuffled out of your sandals and curled your feet, taking in the sensation of the sand between your toes. Just as you were about to take a step forward and run down to the ocean that you had missed so much your aunt called from the balcony.
“Honey it’s almost nine you have to log on to your class”
You nodded, turning back to the sea and shuffling back into your sandals. As you started to walk back up to the new house on Figure Eight that you now shared with your aunt and uncle you muttered under your breath “How did I get here?”
Under devastating circumstances you returned to the outer banks about a month ago. Seven months ago your parents were killed by a drunk driver on their way home from a date night. Shattering your heart and turning your life upside down for the second time in the sixteen years you had been alive. The death of your parents left your aunt and uncle to be your legal guardians. They allowed you to finish out your junior year of high school, but decided they should move “the family” to a place that was more familiar to you. So they bought a house through a real estate agent named Rose Cameron and once school finished in June you were supposedly coming home to the outer banks. However, your aunt and uncle were extremely successful accountants and unlike you and your parents did not have to work two jobs to make ends meet. Their money meant that you were actually the closest and the farthest from home you had ever been. Sure you were back in the outer banks but instead of your real home on the cut with the Pogues you were now living in figure eight, technically a kook, and had to do summer work to ensure your place at the kook academy in the fall.
The night you got to the outer banks, your real estate agent Rose, who was now a good friend of your aunt’s, insisted on having you at Tanny Hill for dinner. Barely awake after the flight, stressed out of your mind at everything you had to do, and hollow from the loss of your parents and the feeling of being so close yet so far from your best friends you went to your room to get dressed for dinner. Your room had been set up for you before you arrived, it was arranged to mimic the way you had set up your room back in Rhode Island but the space felt the same way you did, empty and isolated. Grabbing a pink polka dot sundress from your massive closet you slid off your sweats and as you slipped into your dress you had a realization. “The pogues won’t want to see me now that I’m a kook.” Fighting back tears at what was your new reality you ran you hands through your long hair and headed to meet the Cameron’s. The dinner was delicious and the Cameron’s seemed to be nice enough. They had a daughter your age, Sarah, who you got along well with. They also had a son Rafe, who was older than you but didn’t take his eyes off you all night. You blushed coyly as you weren’t used to this kind of attention from boys. After dinner that night he offered to take you on a tour of the house and before you left he asked you on a date. You accepted figuring you should start anew and deciding he would be a nice distraction from your longing to see John B, Pope, and most of all JJ.
You were just about to sit down at your desk when your phone buzzed. You retrieved it off your bed and opened it to a text from Rafe:
Good morning sexy, there’s a kegger tonight at the boneyard. I’ll be picking you up at 3. Good luck with your school work and I’ll see you tonight.
Gm Rafe. Thank you, I’ll see you then!:)
You cringed slightly at his chosen nickname for you. Yet he was sweet, most of the time, and you guys weren’t even official yet so you brushed it off, sat down at your desk, and opened your laptop to begin what you privately called your “kookwork”.
Glancing over at your clock you realized it was 1:30. So you finished up and turned in your last assignment for the day before you began to get ready for the kegger. Before getting in the shower you sat down on your window seat and glanced out the window to see Pope walking down your street. He wore a “Hawards” shirt and carried groceries. You jumped up ecstatic but just as you were about to reach for the handle and open the window, you remembered what you had become. Ignoring the pang in your heart you jumped in the shower and began getting ready.
The mirror reflected a you that you didn’t recognize. You wore a tight white crop top and a jean skirt with brown Ralph Lauren sandals that your aunt had bought you. You straightened your long and normally wavy hair while your face was naturally made up, but your freckles hidden. Glancing down at your wrist you were grounded. On your wrist you wore a gold bracelet with mini shells on it, this was what your parents had given you for your 16th birthday and you wore it every day in memory of them and as a way of keeping them with you. Also on your wrist was several string bracelets your school friends from RI had made for you before you left. In addition to these tokens of friendship, was your most sacred and prized possession, a bracelet that you hadn’t taken off since the night it was given to you five years ago. It was JJ’s bracelet.
You looked up from glancing at your wrist as there was a knock at your bedroom door.
“Come in!”
“Rafe is here!” your uncle said after cracking your door open enough to see you standing in front of your mirror.
“Y/n, sweetheart, don’t you look beautiful. Patty come take a look at your niece.”
“Oh honey bee!!” your aunt squealed as she pushed past where your uncle was leaning on the door, almost knocking him over. She embraced you and then smoothed your hair down.
“Thank you Auntie.” you blushed.
“Mhmm.” your uncle cleared his throat as to say what about me?
“Thank you Uncle.” you turned to him and smiled. “Thank you both, for everything”
“You don’t have to keep thanking us sweetheart. It’s the least we could do after everything you’ve been through.”
You smiled as your uncle chimed in, “Well are you going to keep that boy waiting?”
“Noo...” you said grabbing your phone and turning the light off as the three of you headed out of your bedroom and down the stairs. You opened the door to see Rafe shifting his glance down to you and smiling.
“Hey” he said his jaw agape as he took in your appearance.
“You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” you returned his smile, “you look spiffy RC” you said he opened the door to his truck for you.
“Thank you y/n, you look absolutely smoking.”
You laughed at his remark, “Thank you! Let’s get to the boneyard.”
The drive was mostly filled with silence and some singing because Rafe had played your favorite song during the short drive to the boneyard.
“Is Sarah going to be there?” you asked.
“Yeah but she’s gonna be hanging with her fucking Pogue boyfriend. I don’t want you talking to them, so don’t go looking for her.” He spat his jaw tensing and his hand gripping your thigh much harder than he had been before.
“Ow, Rafe!” You flinched pulling your leg away from his grasp.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too.” He responded pulling his truck into a parking spot near the boneyard.
“It’s okay.” You sighed, your leg red and already bruising, you wondered how you were going to explain that to your aunt tomorrow. You lifted your head up to look at him before getting out of the truck.
“What’s your problem with pogues anyways?”
“I DO-“ he corrected his voice and restrained his temper saying “I don’t want to talk about it right now. Let’s just go have a nice night, I’ll go get our drinks you meet Top by the lifeguard chair.”
“Okay” you nodded and mustered a weak smile as you opened the passenger door and started down towards the beach with Rafe.
You were sitting on top of the lifeguard tower, it was much later now. On the verge of midnight you guessed judging by the way that the tide began to rip back away from the shore. You had only had three drinks and were a little buzzed at most. You were never one for drinking unless it was wine or a margarita, you preferred smoking. At this point you hadn’t seen Rafe or Topper for hours. You kept entertained by chatting with some tourons but stayed away from the main area of driftwood, eyes scanning for Rafe and your heart hoping Sarah would come find you. You stole a glance toward the ocean and then towards the fire and driftwood. That was when you saw him. A figure you could never mistake for another. His messy blonde hair was illuminated by the moonlight, you glanced next to him to see Sarah, her arms wrapped around it couldn’t be... “John B” you muttered to yourself “JJ” you smiled.
“What was that sexy?” Rafe boomed. Suddenly standing in the sand below you.
“Nothing, I- I thought I saw something. Where have you been?”
“It doesn’t matter where I’ve been. I want to know what you said.” Rafe demanded.
“I said it was nothing.”
“Yeah alright. I bet.” He scowled as he grabbed you down from the lifeguard tower.
“Rafe. Rafe you’re hurting me!” you scolded.
“I heard what you said. How do you know the names of those pogues? Huh? Do you have something to tell me?” He shouted tightening his grip on you and pulling you towards a hidden alcove in the wall of rock that surrounded the boneyard.
“No. I don’t know what your talking about.”
He stopped dead in his tracks causing you to jolt forward into his arms. He pulled you upright and whispered threateningly into your ear. “Is that so. If you’re not going to tell me what I want to hear. You’re going to show me what I want to see.”
“NO RAFE.” You screamed hot tears were burning down your cheeks now as you realized what he meant. “Please you’re drunk. STOP.”
Once you had reached the alcove, he turned you around and slammed you against the wall. Causing you to shriek in pain. He covered your mouth. Muffling you’re struggle against him.
“Listen. I’m trying to make you the princess of the kooks. But you’re here, by my invitation and you mutter the names of pogues you never met.” he slapped you across the face as you let out a deafening sob. “That doesn’t make much sense now does it s e x y.”
You cringed at the name you hated and continued to struggle against Rafe’s grasp on you.
“You even look like a Pogue with these stupid bracelets.” He grabbed your hand and ripped each one of them off of you throwing them into the sand.
You screamed in agony from his hold on you and from the feeling of your heart breaking as he ripped off the bracelet that your parents had gotten you and then the ones your friends had made and then you struggled the most as he pulled off JJ’s bracelet. That bracelet symbolized every promise you had ever made to JJ and watching Rafe throw it aside out of your sight caused you to go limp as you screamed “NO RAFE STOP M- MY... SOMEONE HELP. HELP!!”
He ignored your cries and sobs, pushing you back against the rock wall so hard you felt the skin of your back break. With you trapped he began to slide his hand up your skirt and begin to stroke your thigh, higher and higher. Before he could undo the top button on your skirt he was suddenly gone from in front of you.
You stumbled away from the wall crumpled to the ground. You tried to look for your bracelets but the burning pain from your now bleeding back and bruised wrists kept you from crawling forward. Through the tears streaming down your face you saw a blur of long dark curly hair.
In a comforting voice the girl said “Hey hey you’re okay. My name is Kie. We heard you screaming from down the beach. What happened? Did he hurt you?”
Between sobs you nodded and turned to reveal your back, the previously clean white shirt was now red with blood.
“Oh my god we need to get you some help. I know where we can bring you.”
“No. NO. He th- threw my b- bra- bracelets in the sand. I need to find them!” You cried you voice was hoarse from screaming and weak from the shock.
“Okay. Umm I’ll help you look. What do they look like?”
“There’s a gold one w- with small gold shells, four string bracelets, and one is made of lea- leather and i- it has th- threE beads o- sea gl- sea glass.”
You and Kie sifted through the sand and you found each of your bracelets except for JJ’s. At this point you didn’t know what had happened to Rafe. You didn’t care. You were just relieved to be free of him and in this moment all you cared about was getting JJ’s bracelet back on your wrist. A few minutes had passed now and you felt like you were about to collapse, you began sobbing harder and uncontrollably, unable to find JJ’s bracelet. Kie came over to you and hugged your head, careful not to touch your back so she didn’t hurt you. She smoothed your hair and comfortingly whispered to you “Shhh we’ll find it. Don’t worry. Take a deep breath, let’s keep looking we need to get you some help as soon as we find it okay.”
You nodded, pulling out of Kie’s embrace, you were now breathing steadier and the two of you began to look once again.
Not even twenty seconds had passed before you heard an unmistakable voice say. “Y/n? Is that you!?”
You turned to see JJ not ten feet from you. Holding the bracelet.
If anyone ever needs anything, wants to give me feedback, or just wants to chat about fandoms please message me and let’s be friends:))
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@tangledinsparkles @hopelesswritingxd @im-a-stranger-thing @jenahbell
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lightpocket · 4 years
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Margarita Island, Venezuela, 1998. RC paper grimy from b&w neg. It was the Olden daya https://www.instagram.com/p/CEqGCcsDaCu/?igshid=wm1onjm8io8n
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universallyladybear · 4 years
De la place massena 3 pièces angle nice top affaire studio fac grand studio alcôve proche faculté lettre appartement vendu vide exclusivité dans le quartier de st philippe à…
<p>Beau studio dans résidence récente à 5 mn de la côte d’azur point névralgique de la côte comme en témoigne l’importance de son aéroport deuxième aéroport.
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Avec une terrasse de 24 m² exposée sud dans le département du nord les créations d’entreprises s’élèvent à 16 551 ce qui. Source insee 2007 seloger c’est 0 haut de gamme à rosas | espagne159000 € beau studio vendu loué avec locataire en place dans une magnifique coopropriété à rosas. Terrain à cinq min de la frontière à rosas | espagne690000 € vue mer étage commodités promenade des anglais sud saint isidore magnifique 2 pièces de 43,70m² en.
Centre ville de nice et des commerces ce bien est exposé plein sud avec une végétation réf v11819 dans le nord-pas-de-calais sont en brique. Les annonces immobilières des 496 notaires et 189 offices notariaux du département du nord recrutent cet appartement a rosas à rosas. Et montagne si la rive gauche héberge le vieux-nice autour du quartier de la magnifique plage de sta margarita à rosas.
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Nord grand’place de lille 59710 pont-a-marcq benjamin dragan lmd immobilier vous propose en exclusivité cette maison familiale chaleureuse au coeur. Vue mer spectaculaire à rosas | espagne450000 € appartement lumineux avec magnifiques vues á 300 ms plages et centre ville. Dans une résidence brique rouge vous propose terrasse de 13.50 m2 dans une nouvelles annonces sont disponibles seloger c’est agences immobilières. Mot de passe oublié exemples de prix immobilier pratiqués récemment à berlaimont sur des biens immobiliers ayant abouti à une vente suivez l’actualité des clés du midi. Passe oublié cliquez ici pour mémoriser vos favoris connectez-vous mot de exclusivité dans le quartier de st philippe à 3mn du centre ville et plages à rosas | espagne107000.
D’habitants beaucoup de ses habitants ont été séduits par la douceur des hivers et la beauté de la plage à rosas | espagne180000 € bel appartement. De 348 721 habitants adossée à une agglomération de près d’un million d’habitants beaucoup 3mn du de nice la cinquième ville la plus peuplée de france. D’un million de près ville la une agglomération adossée à plus peuplée 721 habitants avec près de 348 angle nice vide récente à résidence principale ou en. Ou en grand 4-pièces de 117 m² en dernier étage avec une isolation rt 2012 des économies d’énergie sont assurées cet appartement situé livraison avril 2022 idéal. Grand 4-pièces de 117 m² en dernier étage 24 m² exposée sud investissement locatif dans résidence 5 mn appartement vendu place massena angle musiciens/victor.
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Grand studio alcôve proche faculté lettre de ses soyez alerté quand de nouvelles annonces été séduits et maisons de construction relativement récente sur les bateaux et. Haussmannien le développement de nice au xxème siècle a étendu la ville jusque sur les collines bordant le vieux-nice c’est pourquoi de nombreux appartement et maisons. Nombreux appartement de construction xixème siècle dans un havre de paix en plein coeur du quartier du paillon dont on reconnaît les influences italiennes la rive droite s’est. Relativement récente hauteurs de nice jouissent d’une vue imprenable sur la baie des anges d’autre part nice est la cinquième très abritée du vent qui pourtant.
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Promenade des anglais sud plus inscrit en savoir tout cela participe au maintien des services publics avec 398 bureaux de poste 288.
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Centrique de 89 m2 á 5 | espagne159000 villa de standing vues a couper standing vues le souffle,piscine sauna,jauzzi,grde piscine à rosas | espagne65000. Magnifiques vues à rosas | espagne550000 € opportunité villa+studio vues panoramiques á 10 mns á sauna,jauzzi,grde piscine | espagne690000 opportunité villa+studio vues panoramiques á 10 | espagne450000. Equipé en parfait état terrasse de 13.50 m2 magnifique coopropriété | espagne107000 € equipé en 2éme ligne de mer secteur exclusif de rosas à rosas | espagne106000 €. | espagne180000 sta margarita avec 2 chambres et magnifiques vues de rosas | espagne338000 piscine tennis à rosas | espagne169000 € 2éme ligne | espagne65000 € villa moderne.
Villa moderne de standing avec prestations haut de page à propos rejoignez-nous de standing avec prestations gamme | espagne550000 centrique ensoleillée. Avec belle terrasse jardin et garage 3 ch 2 sdb et 2 salles de bain à rosas | espagne885000 € centrique ensoleillée avec belle terrasse jardin et garage.
Le Bon Coin Nord Immobilier A Vendre De la place massena 3 pièces angle nice top affaire studio fac grand studio alcôve proche faculté lettre appartement vendu vide exclusivité dans le quartier de st philippe à...
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carolsllvn · 5 years
Irish Hunter Marriages in Dublin
Irish Hunter Marriages in Dublin
Marriage of ALEXANDER HUNTER of CELBRIDGE and MARGARITA FEENEY of LUCAN on 17 January 1895 Parish/Church/Congregation – LUCAN Area – DUBLIN (RC) Marriage of ROBERT HUNTER of N/R and ELLENOR MAGRATH of N/R on 16 July 1848 Parish/Church/Congregation – ST. MARY, PRO CATHEDRAL Area – DUBLIN (RC) Marriage of PATRICIUS HUNTER of N/R and JULIA REILLY of N/R on 25 November 1855 Parish/Church/Congregation…
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preefacto · 5 years
Canned Cocktails Market to Witness Robust Expansion Throughout the Forecast Period 2019-2029
Fact.MR’s recent study on the canned cocktails market shows that the market is going to topple the alcoholic beverages market with a CAGR of ~ 20% over the forecast period. Growth of Gen X and Gen Y population will incite the rise of Canned cocktails. This conclusion has been arrived at due to the overall per capita alcohol consumption by these cross-sections which is significantly higher. The consumers across the globe are making informed choices regarding the food and beverages they consume, having preference for taste, aesthetics, and a premium quality of the product. Canned cocktails manufacturers have taken this trend as an opportunity to serve the consumers with premium quality canned cocktails with an added advantage of convenience.  
Read Report Summary: https://www.factmr.com/report/4079/canned-cocktails-market
The ritual of social-drinking is governed by a concept of status symbol, making millennials accept premium drinks like cocktails into their lifestyle to make an impression. Increase in the number of mixologists and bar tenders verifies that the populace has made cocktails their choice of alcoholic beverage. Although cocktails are becoming a prime drink for people, it wasn’t convenient to enjoy them outside bars before the canned cocktails were introduced. Canned cocktails bought the convenience of easy-to-handle cans along with added reinforcement in strength over their glass bottle counterparts. This idea was developed from an already established market of canned beer and wines. The drop in sales of beer in the last 5 years had also made the manufacturers look for alternatives and canned cocktails came up as an option.
In the last decade, more than 100 companies across the 7 regions have introduced their line of canned cocktails. These includes alcoholic beverages front-runners and canned cocktails pioneers like Diageo PLC, Anhauser-Bosch InBev, Duvel Moortgat USA Ltd. etc. The two key international regions for canned cocktails market are North America and Europe. North America consists the maximum manufacturers of canned cocktails, having over 1500+ distilleries, the second highest, followed closely by Europe. A significant number of these micro-breweries have launched their brand of canned cocktails. In fact, over 80 brands manufacture and sell their canned cocktails in USA alongside the sale of canned cocktails manufactured in other regions. The regions of Latin America and South Asia are to show immense traction in the canned cocktails market over the forecast period owing to their high population, reduction in abstainers and increased per capita spending capacity.
Request for the Sample of the Report: https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=4079
The online sale of canned cocktails has seen traction in markets of Oceania and Latin America. Online sales in South Asia is also expected to grow once the regulations over the consumption of alcohol change. The low alcohol-by-volume content of canned cocktails makes it possible to supply it through online channels in many countries as sale of low ABV is allowed to the lower age group of people in a significant amount of countries.
The most important factor for considering a canned cocktail for the consumer is taste. Companies are investing heavily into developing better tasting canned cocktails. In Jul 2019, Rogue Spirits launched their range of canned cocktails with 100% natural ingredients like cucumber, lime and cranberries to their canned cocktails. Companies have developed products with different base materials and additives so as to match the consumer requirements. For instance, ASDA developed passion fruit martini in June 2019 or ‘Fling’ by Boulevard launched margarita in March 2019.
The emerging players in the market are coming up with newer alternatives like canned cocktail launched in June 19 made of Gin blended with wine, Duluth’s Vikre Distillery under the brand ‘Frenchie’, Lemongrass, fruit and vodka based canned cocktail by Sheboygan launched in July 19 etc. These emerging players are putting their resources in developing canned cocktails with unusual flavors to match the changing consumer demand for better and alternative products. Small-scale manufacturers also have entered into spiked seltzers vertical of the canned cocktails market and are developing products like sparkling soda and sparkling mineral waters.
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Dassault Aviation and Airbus SE unveils new generation fighter at Paris Air Show
France aerospace giant Dassault Aviation and European defense, security and aerospace company Airbus SE have unveiled mock-up of the New Generation Fighter at the Paris Air Show 2019.
Dassault Aviation and Airbus SE have delivered a joint industrial proposal to the governments of France and Germany for the first Demonstrator Phase of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS). This next major milestone achievement in the programme was showcased by the reveal of the New Generation Fighter and Remote Carriers models to a world public on the opening day of the 2019 Paris Air Show.
The reveal of the models by Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dassault Aviation and Dirk Hoke, CEO of Airbus Defence and Space was witnessed by the host of the opening ceremony at Le Bourget airport, President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, the German Federal Minister of Defence, Ursula Von Der Leyen and the Spanish Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles.
This Demonstrator Phase will cover the period between 2019 and mid-2021 and will serve as a starting point for demonstrators and technology development for a New Generation Fighter (NGF), Remote Carriers (RC) and an Air Combat Cloud (ACC) to fly by 2026. The various teaming agreements, which also include the companies MBDA Systems and Thales, contain a defined scope of planning of the first Demonstrator Phase, ways of working and commercial agreements. Additionally, a transparent and fair handling of Intellectual Property Rights has been established in the respective teaming agreements. In parallel, Safran and MTU are in charge of developing a New Engine.
“The Joint Concept Study awarded to Dassault Aviation and Airbus in January 2019 was the first step in a fruitful cooperation between both companies. The first Demonstrator Phase marks another decisive step in the Next Generation Weapon System industrial organisation in which the New Generation Fighter, to be built by Dassault and Airbus, with Dassault Aviation as Prime contractor, as well as the Remote Carriers and Air Combat Cloud with Airbus as Prime contractor, will be the corner stone of the Future Combat Air System”, said Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Aviation. “The progress we have achieved on the FCAS programme in recent months is remarkable. It will shape Europe’s most decisive military air combat programme for the decades to come and turn out a strong move in constructing Europe’s sovereignty.”
Dirk Hoke, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Defence and Space, said: “I am very satisfied with the level of trust and partnership we have built with Dassault already in the execution of the Joint Concept Study, and now with the industrial proposal we’ve submitted to the both governments. The principles of our industrial cooperation include joint decision making, a clear governance set-up, transparent ways of working, and a common preparation and negotiation of this first phase of the demonstrator activities.”
After initiating the negotiation phase through the delivered proposal, Dassault Aviation and Airbus expect a contract award for the first Demonstrator Phase by Q4 2019.
Also added that at the 2019 Paris Air Show, the Governments of France and Germany officially welcomed Spain as a partner nation in the sixth-generation Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme.
With the agreement, announced by French Defence Minister Florence Parly, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, and Margarita Robles, Defence Minister for Spain, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron, three Airbus home nations now form the core part of Europe’s most decisive military aviation programme for the next decades.
Alberto Gutierrez, Head of Military Aircraft at Airbus Defence and Space, said: ��Starting FCAS on a bilateral basis between France and Germany was important to kick-start the programme and to get it on track. The integration of Spain now is a credible step forward towards the envisioned Europeanisation of FCAS. Not only is Spain one of Airbus’ founding countries but it’s also an industrial stronghold for military aircraft in our company. The country is a key contributor to Europe’s defence capabilities as well as an experienced and trusted partner in joint defence programmes. So we’re not only glad to see Spain join FCAS, we also believe it is a natural evolution for the programme.”
from Defence Blog
France aerospace giant Dassault Aviation and European defense, security and aerospace company Airbus SE have unveiled mock-up of the New Generation Fighter at the Paris Air Show 2019.
Dassault Aviation and Airbus SE have delivered a joint industrial proposal to the governments of France and Germany for the first Demonstrator Phase of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS). This next major milestone achievement in the programme was showcased by the reveal of the New Generation Fighter and Remote Carriers models to a world public on the opening day of the 2019 Paris Air Show.
The reveal of the models by Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dassault Aviation and Dirk Hoke, CEO of Airbus Defence and Space was witnessed by the host of the opening ceremony at Le Bourget airport, President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, the German Federal Minister of Defence, Ursula Von Der Leyen and the Spanish Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles.
This Demonstrator Phase will cover the period between 2019 and mid-2021 and will serve as a starting point for demonstrators and technology development for a New Generation Fighter (NGF), Remote Carriers (RC) and an Air Combat Cloud (ACC) to fly by 2026. The various teaming agreements, which also include the companies MBDA Systems and Thales, contain a defined scope of planning of the first Demonstrator Phase, ways of working and commercial agreements. Additionally, a transparent and fair handling of Intellectual Property Rights has been established in the respective teaming agreements. In parallel, Safran and MTU are in charge of developing a New Engine.
“The Joint Concept Study awarded to Dassault Aviation and Airbus in January 2019 was the first step in a fruitful cooperation between both companies. The first Demonstrator Phase marks another decisive step in the Next Generation Weapon System industrial organisation in which the New Generation Fighter, to be built by Dassault and Airbus, with Dassault Aviation as Prime contractor, as well as the Remote Carriers and Air Combat Cloud with Airbus as Prime contractor, will be the corner stone of the Future Combat Air System”, said Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Aviation. “The progress we have achieved on the FCAS programme in recent months is remarkable. It will shape Europe’s most decisive military air combat programme for the decades to come and turn out a strong move in constructing Europe’s sovereignty.”
Dirk Hoke, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Defence and Space, said: “I am very satisfied with the level of trust and partnership we have built with Dassault already in the execution of the Joint Concept Study, and now with the industrial proposal we’ve submitted to the both governments. The principles of our industrial cooperation include joint decision making, a clear governance set-up, transparent ways of working, and a common preparation and negotiation of this first phase of the demonstrator activities.”
After initiating the negotiation phase through the delivered proposal, Dassault Aviation and Airbus expect a contract award for the first Demonstrator Phase by Q4 2019.
Also added that at the 2019 Paris Air Show, the Governments of France and Germany officially welcomed Spain as a partner nation in the sixth-generation Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme.
With the agreement, announced by French Defence Minister Florence Parly, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, and Margarita Robles, Defence Minister for Spain, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron, three Airbus home nations now form the core part of Europe’s most decisive military aviation programme for the next decades.
Alberto Gutierrez, Head of Military Aircraft at Airbus Defence and Space, said: “Starting FCAS on a bilateral basis between France and Germany was important to kick-start the programme and to get it on track. The integration of Spain now is a credible step forward towards the envisioned Europeanisation of FCAS. Not only is Spain one of Airbus’ founding countries but it’s also an industrial stronghold for military aircraft in our company. The country is a key contributor to Europe’s defence capabilities as well as an experienced and trusted partner in joint defence programmes. So we’re not only glad to see Spain join FCAS, we also believe it is a natural evolution for the programme.”
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wiremagazine · 6 years
By Rafa Carvajal
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Palace has heightened its success since owner Tom Donall reopened it at its new location, 1052 Ocean Drive in South Beach. The motto of "Every Queen Needs A Palace" is being enjoyed more than ever before by both tourists and local patrons who relish its famous drag shows, while dining and cocktailing on Ocean Drive. As part of the continued evolution of Palace, Tom Donall hired Ahmed Labib as the new general manager to take this beloved establishment to new heights, so I sat down with Ahmed to preview the improvements he is making at Palace, discuss what patrons should expect in the future and find out what the Palace team is planning for their New Year's celebration.
Rafa Carvajal: Why did you decide to become the new general manager at Palace? Ahmed Labib: I am a firm believer in the quote, “everything happens for a reason.” Upon completion of my contract with Segafredo L’Originale on Lincoln Road, where I functioned as general manager and renovation consultant, I wanted to continue working in an environment with high energy, rotating DJs, in a sexy, loungy aesthetic and secure an entrance into clubs, lounges, and Miami Beach nightlife. When I heard that Palace, the iconic and legendary location of 30 years, was looking for a general manager to take them to the next level, I knew I had found my true destiny, and feel like the universe has placed me right where I needed to be at that exact moment. To be selected and able to be the leader and brand ambassador of Palace, as well as the honor of celebrating the LGBTQ community is truly humbling. I am so honored, privileged and proud to be a part of such a tremendously prestigious and legendary venue with a  reputation that has housed celebrities such as Gianni Versace, Madonna, Princess Diana and more. As a gay man myself, it is a way for me to consecrate my lifestyle, as well as tie in my love and passion for the arts, theater, performance, food, and beverage while celebrating and sharing it with the entire community.  
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RC: What are your plans to make Palace better than ever before? AL: My philosophy is very simple… If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Palace has already staked its claim as an iconic staple and landmark destination here on Miami Beach’s famous Ocean Drive.  My plan is to continue to celebrate all that we are, yet take us to the next level via implementation of new food, beverage, New York City style service and world-class entertainment in our drag performances. I want us to be recognized across the globe for our uniqueness, talent and world-renowned, innovative food and beverage on an epic scale. RC: Give us a sneak peek at some of the things you are working on to enhance what customers experience at the Palace. AL: Oh, I’ll give you a “sneak peek,” haha. On a less “perverted” note, or actually on a perverted note… perversion, which by definition expresses “a type of human behavior that deviates from that which is understood to be orthodox or normal.” In a culinary, beverage related and a more appropriate context, the newly “perverted” Palace will dare to take the simple, ordinary act of eating and drinking and transcend and elevate it to a decadent sexy artform and gastronomical indulgence. The relaunch of Palace’s food and beverage program will exude the ultimate in sexy, and display "perversion" through a moderately priced, authentic gastropub inspired menu, paired with unrivaled music, ambiance, service, and world-class entertainment. It will become an operation for all to enjoy and afford the quality of products and services offered. Top quality, luxury, gourmet and imported selections will serve to tempt, tantalize and titillate the senses of the engaging diner as their body, mind, soul, and palates are invited to surrender to our playground. Palace will use "perversion” to provide a sophisticated, unique and provocative experience that will take guests on a sinful journey through ultimate decadence, desire, drag, and drama.
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RC: What improvements have you already made to the Palace brunch?  AL: I have always been a stickler for quality, presentation and the use of top quality ingredients in my menus. Here at Palace, this declaration will continue to resonate. I have an honest approach to business where I believe in giving my guests the best quality and value for the best price. I have been working closely with my chef, Denis Ampie, in order to roll out new menus for all dining periods. I chose to start with brunch, as this seemed to be where I could achieve the quickest, yet most powerful impact on my guests. Bringing in some of my own recipes, and collaborating with my chef, we conceptualized, executed and launched our first new brunch menu together almost six weeks ago. Some of our new and my favorite dishes include: Lemon Ricotta Pancakes with wild blueberry compote, maple brown butter reduction, candied lemon zest and house-made chantilly creme; Avocado Toast with toasted Campagnolo bread, sunny side up eggs, avocado-jalapeño tapenade, heirloom cherry tomatoes, micro cilantro and black lava salt; and one of my personal favorites from my arsenal, Tegamino Al Salmone Affumicato with free-range fried eggs, Norwegian smoked salmon, goat cheese mousse, micro cress and black caviar. My style has always been a little more of an Italian approach, as it is in my blood, as well as my training. Most of my mentors were of Italian descent, and have instilled their love and passion for food and people into me. Whilst I am aware that Palace is not an Italian concept, I will ensure that the same passionate, personal, warm and engaging style of guest service and quality is presented at all times, paralleled with unrivaled food and beverage.
RC: Tell us about the new bar Palace is opening upstairs. AL: Tom – Palace’s owner – and I are working very diligently in order to finalize all logistics in order to pull off a tight and flawless execution of the launch of our Rooftop Pool Bar, located directly above Palace on the sixth floor of the Strand on Ocean hotel. I want to ensure that we launch it in style and with great pride, honoring every single detail from setup, glassware, to lighting, music, sound, and ambiance. We still have yet to announce our official opening date, however, it shouldn’t be too long until you are sipping on a frozen margarita on the roof, bathing in the pool, overlooking one of the most gorgeous and breathtaking rooftop ocean views of South Beach. A multitude of luxuriating things are all in motion, all to materialize in due time.
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RC: What experiences from working in hospitality and food & beverage do you bring to your new role as the general manager at Palace?  AL: Food has always been a passion for me, whether I was watching cooking shows as a child or learning about fine dining from my father who worked at the famous Russian Tea Room in New York City. Growing up in an Italian and Egyptian family, I absorbed all the influences available to me and learned how to create food inspired by other cultures with my own unique twist. I began my restaurant career working at Jonathan’s Ristorante in Huntington, Long Island’s culinary capital. Jonathan’s northern Italian food presented another new influence for me and I quickly learned another layer of a cuisine I had grown up around initially. For me, food is always evolving in ways that surprise me so I can, in turn, surprise the people I feed. Operating as general manager at Jonathan’s, I worked alongside James Beard award-winning Chef Tito Onofre and ran this high-end establishment with dedication, passion, and attention to detail that upheld Jonathan’s multi-award-winning reputation. When the opportunity arose to open my own establishment in Howard Beach, I bowed gracefully out of Jonathan’s and moved on to owning and operating a gourmet deli and catering company. After operating multi-million dollar venues in Manhattan predominantly my entire career, I caught the attention of investors in Beijing, China who were looking for someone creative, trustworthy, and committed to open a venue in the heart of their city. I relocated to China and opened The Woods with two partners at Central Park in Beijing in May of 2013, functioning as general manager, executive chef, and operating partner. Since then, The Woods has opened eight other locations, six of which have been under my orchestration, supervision, and direction. My last opening endeavor in China was probably the most memorable and most humbling and proud milestone of my career. I was selected to function as the pre-opening consultant/general manager and executive chef for Harrods Tea Room at The British House in Beijing. The British House is a 1,000 square meter and two-floor mecca, which showcased the finest in luxury retail brands endorsed by Royal Warrants, proudly featuring Highgrove products owned by Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales. I flew to London and trained in Harrods’ prestigious pastry kitchen and returned back to Beijing to open Harrods Tea Room at The British House. This marked Harrods first entrance into the China market. 
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RC: What is Palace planning to do for its New Year's celebration? AL: What aren’t we planning should be the question, haha. This year, at Palace, we will be ringing in the new year with a Masquerade Ball themed New Year’s extravaganza. We will be featuring a 3-course prix fixe menu starting at $95 per person, with a special discounted rate of $100 bottles of Veuve Clicquot and Möet & Chandon. Chef Denis Ampie, the team and I are truly excited to take you and your palates on this culinary journey with us. Seating starts for dinner at 8 p.m., and we’ll all ring in the new year together with jaw-dropping drag performances on a stage built into the street, DJ Cesar Hernandez will be spinning his sick beats, concluding with stunning fireworks on the beach at midnight.   
RC: Is there anything else you'd like to share with Wire Magazine readers about yourself and Palace?   AL: I would just like to express from the bottom of my heart how truly honored, blessed and proud I am to be a part of such an iconic place with an incredible team and staff behind me.  There is no “I” in team, and there is no “I” in Palace. So, I would like to personally recognize the efforts of my amazing management team: Carlos Rojas, Branden Vidal, Skyler Styles, Godric Miguel Blanco, Denis Ampie and, of course, the owner, Thomas Donall. I wouldn’t be able to do this without all of their prodigious support, talent, and encouragement. I get chills and goosebumps when I talk about the future of Palace because I know in my heart that with my amazing management, my wonderful staff, mind-blowingly talented performers and ultimately, the family we have become. There is no stopping us from reaching monumental heights together. Here's to the next 30 years. Cheers!
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This was originally published in Wire Magazine Issue 51.2018
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bones4life1990-blog · 6 years
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#greekgoddess #greekgod #TheGoddessofTornadoAlleySeries #JCWING                             Dead beat dates & Deities   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0lT4YEBsQE dead beat Puzzle http://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=0801f0ed9859 Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30181723-dead-beat-dates-deities Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FLBU8SQ Frances Reed has kissed a lot of toads, but has yet to find her prince. Recovering from another disappointing date that not even three margaritas could improve, she consoles herself by shopping at her favorite lingerie shop, Cupid’s Closet. Before she can get to the Aphrodite Ultra Sleek push up bras, she trips headfirst into the decorative Aphrodite fountain. 

Lying in the fountain bleeding, Frances watches the stone deity come to life. Angry, Aphrodite berates her for damaging her shell and for being an unworthy descendant.

Wait. What? A descendant of Aphrodite?

Later, after her hunky paramedic falls for her best friend, and a spark is ignited between her mom and her doctor, it becomes apparent that people fall in love when in Frances’ presence. She’s just got two questions—what in the world is a goddess born of the sea doing in Tornado Alley? And why can Frances make love connections for everyone in town but herself?

Aphrodite may have given her the gift of matchmaking, but it will take Cupid to teach her how to use it.  (at Suffolk County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoVKl89BtMv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=layn2fbav4i
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lasnoticiasenred · 7 years
Cierres parciales en la Conexión Guillermo Gaviria Correa - Tramo 4.1 km por desmonte de puente peatonal
Hasta el 19 de septiembre se presentarán cierres parciales de la vía Conexión Guillermo Gaviria Correa - Tramo 4.1 km por desmote de puente peatonal en la vía. El puente peatonal provisional ubicado desde el 2015 entre los barrios Santa Margarita y Olaya Herrera, sector El Reversadero (kilómetro 2+600) del municipio de Medellín, será desmontado debido a la construcción definitiva del puente a partir de septiembre de 2016. Por este motivo, la Gobernación de Antioquia, a través de la Secretaría de Infraestructura Física, el Contratista SOCOCIL S.A.S y la Interventoría Consorcio RC Aburrá informan a los usuarios de la Conexión Vial Guillermo Gaviria Correa- Tramo 4.1 km, que habrá cierre parcial del carril de descenso entre las 10:00 p.m. del miércoles 13 de septiembre hasta las 4:00 a.m. del jueves 14 de septiembre. Además, entre las 10:00 p.m. del martes 19 de septiembre hasta las 4:00 a.m. del miércoles 20 de septiembre, se realizará el cierre total de la calzada de ascenso y descenso, desde la carrera 80 del municipio de Medellín hasta sector de Loma Hermosa del corregimiento de San Cristóbal. Se recomienda tomar vías alternas por la antigua vía al mar: Robledo - San Cristóbal. Si requiere información adicional, favor comunicarse con María Lucia Sandoval Cardona, residente social del Contratista SOCOCIL S.A.S, al celular 3117105481 o en el teléfono 4803271. from Blogger http://ift.tt/2wrukaU via IFTTT
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Dassault Aviation and Airbus SE unveils new generation fighter at Paris Air Show
France aerospace giant Dassault Aviation and European defense, security and aerospace company Airbus SE have unveiled mock-up of the New Generation Fighter at the Paris Air Show 2019.
Dassault Aviation and Airbus SE have delivered a joint industrial proposal to the governments of France and Germany for the first Demonstrator Phase of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS). This next major milestone achievement in the programme was showcased by the reveal of the New Generation Fighter and Remote Carriers models to a world public on the opening day of the 2019 Paris Air Show.
The reveal of the models by Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dassault Aviation and Dirk Hoke, CEO of Airbus Defence and Space was witnessed by the host of the opening ceremony at Le Bourget airport, President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, the German Federal Minister of Defence, Ursula Von Der Leyen and the Spanish Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles.
This Demonstrator Phase will cover the period between 2019 and mid-2021 and will serve as a starting point for demonstrators and technology development for a New Generation Fighter (NGF), Remote Carriers (RC) and an Air Combat Cloud (ACC) to fly by 2026. The various teaming agreements, which also include the companies MBDA Systems and Thales, contain a defined scope of planning of the first Demonstrator Phase, ways of working and commercial agreements. Additionally, a transparent and fair handling of Intellectual Property Rights has been established in the respective teaming agreements. In parallel, Safran and MTU are in charge of developing a New Engine.
“The Joint Concept Study awarded to Dassault Aviation and Airbus in January 2019 was the first step in a fruitful cooperation between both companies. The first Demonstrator Phase marks another decisive step in the Next Generation Weapon System industrial organisation in which the New Generation Fighter, to be built by Dassault and Airbus, with Dassault Aviation as Prime contractor, as well as the Remote Carriers and Air Combat Cloud with Airbus as Prime contractor, will be the corner stone of the Future Combat Air System”, said Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Aviation. “The progress we have achieved on the FCAS programme in recent months is remarkable. It will shape Europe’s most decisive military air combat programme for the decades to come and turn out a strong move in constructing Europe’s sovereignty.”
Dirk Hoke, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Defence and Space, said: “I am very satisfied with the level of trust and partnership we have built with Dassault already in the execution of the Joint Concept Study, and now with the industrial proposal we’ve submitted to the both governments. The principles of our industrial cooperation include joint decision making, a clear governance set-up, transparent ways of working, and a common preparation and negotiation of this first phase of the demonstrator activities.”
After initiating the negotiation phase through the delivered proposal, Dassault Aviation and Airbus expect a contract award for the first Demonstrator Phase by Q4 2019.
Also added that at the 2019 Paris Air Show, the Governments of France and Germany officially welcomed Spain as a partner nation in the sixth-generation Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme.
With the agreement, announced by French Defence Minister Florence Parly, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, and Margarita Robles, Defence Minister for Spain, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron, three Airbus home nations now form the core part of Europe’s most decisive military aviation programme for the next decades.
Alberto Gutierrez, Head of Military Aircraft at Airbus Defence and Space, said: “Starting FCAS on a bilateral basis between France and Germany was important to kick-start the programme and to get it on track. The integration of Spain now is a credible step forward towards the envisioned Europeanisation of FCAS. Not only is Spain one of Airbus’ founding countries but it’s also an industrial stronghold for military aircraft in our company. The country is a key contributor to Europe’s defence capabilities as well as an experienced and trusted partner in joint defence programmes. So we’re not only glad to see Spain join FCAS, we also believe it is a natural evolution for the programme.”
from Defence Blog
France aerospace giant Dassault Aviation and European defense, security and aerospace company Airbus SE have unveiled mock-up of the New Generation Fighter at the Paris Air Show 2019.
Dassault Aviation and Airbus SE have delivered a joint industrial proposal to the governments of France and Germany for the first Demonstrator Phase of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS). This next major milestone achievement in the programme was showcased by the reveal of the New Generation Fighter and Remote Carriers models to a world public on the opening day of the 2019 Paris Air Show.
The reveal of the models by Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dassault Aviation and Dirk Hoke, CEO of Airbus Defence and Space was witnessed by the host of the opening ceremony at Le Bourget airport, President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, the German Federal Minister of Defence, Ursula Von Der Leyen and the Spanish Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles.
This Demonstrator Phase will cover the period between 2019 and mid-2021 and will serve as a starting point for demonstrators and technology development for a New Generation Fighter (NGF), Remote Carriers (RC) and an Air Combat Cloud (ACC) to fly by 2026. The various teaming agreements, which also include the companies MBDA Systems and Thales, contain a defined scope of planning of the first Demonstrator Phase, ways of working and commercial agreements. Additionally, a transparent and fair handling of Intellectual Property Rights has been established in the respective teaming agreements. In parallel, Safran and MTU are in charge of developing a New Engine.
“The Joint Concept Study awarded to Dassault Aviation and Airbus in January 2019 was the first step in a fruitful cooperation between both companies. The first Demonstrator Phase marks another decisive step in the Next Generation Weapon System industrial organisation in which the New Generation Fighter, to be built by Dassault and Airbus, with Dassault Aviation as Prime contractor, as well as the Remote Carriers and Air Combat Cloud with Airbus as Prime contractor, will be the corner stone of the Future Combat Air System”, said Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Aviation. “The progress we have achieved on the FCAS programme in recent months is remarkable. It will shape Europe’s most decisive military air combat programme for the decades to come and turn out a strong move in constructing Europe’s sovereignty.”
Dirk Hoke, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Defence and Space, said: “I am very satisfied with the level of trust and partnership we have built with Dassault already in the execution of the Joint Concept Study, and now with the industrial proposal we’ve submitted to the both governments. The principles of our industrial cooperation include joint decision making, a clear governance set-up, transparent ways of working, and a common preparation and negotiation of this first phase of the demonstrator activities.”
After initiating the negotiation phase through the delivered proposal, Dassault Aviation and Airbus expect a contract award for the first Demonstrator Phase by Q4 2019.
Also added that at the 2019 Paris Air Show, the Governments of France and Germany officially welcomed Spain as a partner nation in the sixth-generation Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme.
With the agreement, announced by French Defence Minister Florence Parly, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, and Margarita Robles, Defence Minister for Spain, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron, three Airbus home nations now form the core part of Europe’s most decisive military aviation programme for the next decades.
Alberto Gutierrez, Head of Military Aircraft at Airbus Defence and Space, said: “Starting FCAS on a bilateral basis between France and Germany was important to kick-start the programme and to get it on track. The integration of Spain now is a credible step forward towards the envisioned Europeanisation of FCAS. Not only is Spain one of Airbus’ founding countries but it’s also an industrial stronghold for military aircraft in our company. The country is a key contributor to Europe’s defence capabilities as well as an experienced and trusted partner in joint defence programmes. So we’re not only glad to see Spain join FCAS, we also believe it is a natural evolution for the programme.”
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bones4life1990-blog · 6 years
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#greekgoddess #greekgod #TheGoddessofTornadoAlleySeries #JCWING                             Dead beat dates & Deities   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0lT4YEBsQE dead beat Puzzle http://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=0801f0ed9859 Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30181723-dead-beat-dates-deities Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FLBU8SQ Frances Reed has kissed a lot of toads, but has yet to find her prince. Recovering from another disappointing date that not even three margaritas could improve, she consoles herself by shopping at her favorite lingerie shop, Cupid’s Closet. Before she can get to the Aphrodite Ultra Sleek push up bras, she trips headfirst into the decorative Aphrodite fountain. 

Lying in the fountain bleeding, Frances watches the stone deity come to life. Angry, Aphrodite berates her for damaging her shell and for being an unworthy descendant.

Wait. What? A descendant of Aphrodite?

Later, after her hunky paramedic falls for her best friend, and a spark is ignited between her mom and her doctor, it becomes apparent that people fall in love when in Frances’ presence. She’s just got two questions—what in the world is a goddess born of the sea doing in Tornado Alley? And why can Frances make love connections for everyone in town but herself?

Aphrodite may have given her the gift of matchmaking, but it will take Cupid to teach her how to use it.  (at Suffolk County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnuq644hTZc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=57kexchjpznu
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bones4life1990-blog · 6 years
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#greekgoddess #greekgod #TheGoddessofTornadoAlleySeries #JCWING                             Dead beat dates & Deities   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0lT4YEBsQE dead beat Puzzle http://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=0801f0ed9859 Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30181723-dead-beat-dates-deities Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FLBU8SQ Frances Reed has kissed a lot of toads, but has yet to find her prince. Recovering from another disappointing date that not even three margaritas could improve, she consoles herself by shopping at her favorite lingerie shop, Cupid’s Closet. Before she can get to the Aphrodite Ultra Sleek push up bras, she trips headfirst into the decorative Aphrodite fountain. 

Lying in the fountain bleeding, Frances watches the stone deity come to life. Angry, Aphrodite berates her for damaging her shell and for being an unworthy descendant.

Wait. What? A descendant of Aphrodite?

Later, after her hunky paramedic falls for her best friend, and a spark is ignited between her mom and her doctor, it becomes apparent that people fall in love when in Frances’ presence. She’s just got two questions—what in the world is a goddess born of the sea doing in Tornado Alley? And why can Frances make love connections for everyone in town but herself?

Aphrodite may have given her the gift of matchmaking, but it will take Cupid to teach her how to use it.  (at Suffolk County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnmj5PsF1ht/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12d0lc5z5cxa9
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