#re-randomize CAS challenge
someone-elsa · 29 days
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Re-randomize CAS Challenge
1. Open CAS to create a new sim. 2. Select physical frame (fem/masc) and age of your liking (don't change them later!) 3. This is where the fun begins! Hit Randomize (and take a picture of the sim). 4. Open the Randomizing options and uncheck one of the attributes (one you want to keep). 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have no attributes to uncheck. 6. Your sim is almost ready! You may now do some tweaks (even change hairstyle or clothes, but preserve the original vibe.) 7. Give him/her/them a name, traits, etc. 8. Congrats, your sim is now ready for an adventure! 9. If you make a post, use tag #re-randomize CAS challenge and tag @/someone-elsa for a reblog ♥
Results of course depend on the mods/packs you have (for example, I have a mod that disallows all makeup for randomized sims 🙃) Since voice doesn't change sim's appearance, you can uncheck it when you don't want to keep the other available attributes. This is a gamble, so be careful of what you uncheck 😆
My test sim is Loretta. She's a socialite who spends her days shopping and travelling. She would like to be a luxury influencer but is too lazy to succeed.
So try randomizing and creating sims, post pictures (at least of end result), and tag other simmers to take the challenge (if you don't know who to tag, check this post) I tag: @cherisim @daedriyth @alelelesimz @efflorescencesims @capptrash @condensedcoffee @enniewritesathing @xlkdx @glitchedsins @sadslothsims @junimoosims @limeysims @simvilae @mrssnail (obligatory: feel free to ignore)
Happy simming! 💗🌼
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ssspringroll · 5 months
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A himbo, as promised
This look is what happens when you try to be Y2K but youve only ever seen Earth in vintage tourism brochures
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birdietrait · 11 months
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🎲birdie's random cas challenge🎲
✿ This challenge is all about mixing different prompts together to get interesting results! 
✿ Sometimes rolls can be redundant or conflict with each other, so if that's the case, just re-roll!
✿ If you don’t roll an occult type in The Main Theme, you are free to choose! I didn’t include human because it’s the default. 
✿ Use the tag #birdie.rcc and tag me so I can see your sims!
Use this to create a new sim, make over a townie, or make over one of your own sims!
Here is a random number generator that may come in handy
Rolls under the cut 🕺
The Main Theme 1-58 (Roll 1-3 times)
Your favorite movie
The forest
Your favorite decade
The ocean
The first song in your favorite playlist
A myth/fairy tale
Your favorite TV series
Plant Sim
Your favorite video game (other than the sims)
Your favorite book
Your star sign
The moon
Your favorite flower
Your birthstone
Your favorite cryptid
Dark academia
The sun
Your favorite color
Primary colors
An iconic townie (from any sims game)
Details 1-40 (Roll as many times as you like)
Buzz cut
Short hair
Medium length hair
Long hair
Black hair
Brown hair
Blonde hair
Red hair
White hair
Grey hair
Colorful hair
Warm skin tone 
Neutral skin tone
Cool skin tone
Fantasy skin tone
Blue eyes
Brown eyes
Green eyes
Black eyes
White eyes
Grey eyes
Hazel eyes
Colorful/Fantasy eyes
Eye bags
Body hair
A hat
No makeup 
Minimal/Neutral makeup
Colorful makeup
No eyebrows
Gap teeth
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eisforeidolon · 10 months
(This is gonna sound random because I was reading old posts, sorry!)
What makes me bitter about Season 12 is that they had the perfect opportunity for a reset and even seemed to set it up several times, so I actually dared to hope they might go that route, but they didn't.
The MoL after the Amara storyline seemed like a way to make it smaller again when they could not possibly go bigger, but still present a new challenge because Sam and Dean are experts on fighting MONSTERS, but what do they do when the villains are human? They could have blown up the Bunker when they were trapped inside, eliminating that stagnation. Mary could have sacrificed herself after her redemption during the raid. Cas could have stayed dead with Crowley. Lucifer could have been locked away for good. The Jack storyline should never have happened. They even got the Colt back! It could have been two brothers on the road with their magic gun again, instead of *gestures disgustedly at everything*
No need to apologize, anon! I'm generally up for discussion, even from old posts.
Yes, exactly, it was just so frustrating! There were a couple of things they did around season 11-12 where it felt like they actually sat down and realized the show was stagnating and came up with a few things that might have actually worked to fix that ... and then it felt like they basically just sloppily threw it all away.
When they introduced Billie and The Empty, it could have reintroduced real stakes in terms of physical peril. Sure, nobody with any sense believed Sam or Dean would die permanently before the end of the show. But at a point when heaven/hell/purgatory basically had a revolving door for the Winchesters? It brought back the idea getting resurrected might actually be hard/complicated and shouldn't just be taken for granted. Except instead of actually utilizing that, they threw it away on one of the most pointless Castiel deaths & resurrections in the entire series (which is really saying something) to show just how overpowered their latest absurdly overpowered character was. Can't exactly take it serious as a threat when the first time they bring somebody back from the place "no one comes back from" it was barely even on purpose.
Resurrecting Mary could have helped to re-center the show in terms of emotional stakes. At that point, Sam and Dean had been subjected to so much trauma that the writers just brushed under the rug when it wasn't convenient to deal with that it didn't even feel important. Of course the show wasn't going to deal with it 100% realistically, but when it starts to feel like the characters don't even get to care, why should we? But they could have reexamined all kinds of things from the way they grew up to the latest disaster through Mary's new and concerned eyes. Except the Mary they brought back could barely be bothered to give a single solitary fuck about her sons at all, because she was too busy being an embarrassing caricature of a Strong Female Character who is actually just an asshole with informed awesome abilities.
Introducing the BMoL could have helped stop the problem of ever-escalating enemies and bogging down in heaven/hell bureaucracy bullshit. Where do you go after you have your protagonists fight God's Sister? Well, if you don't want to make up yet more random deities or have them fight God himself (sigh), you find a different kind of challenge to give them, a new angle they have to work they aren't already experts at. The BMoL were human, so Dean and Sam should have needed to find new ways to deal with them. They couldn't just straight up murder humans, right? They should have needed to actually learn how to be subtle, maneuver, compromise, organize, do something they had reason to be challenged by. Something that wasn't just searching fruitlessly for the next McGuffin until the script said it was time to find it and win. Except the BMoL were absurdly competent and incompetent in turns and then just cartoonishly evil for reasons, until in the end? The Winchesters just got together a group of hunters and murdered them all as if they were literal monsters. So we could go back to yet more heaven/hell bullshit that they also half-assed on all fronts.
So, so much of the Dabbernatural seasons felt to me like the writers over and over choosing the laziest and least interesting paths.
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softietrait · 1 year
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a love island challenge coming to you all soon! for now, here's all of the info for how i'm doing this before i introduce sims to you!
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the villa that'll be used is the Modern Beach Villa by xXSarina_27xX on the gallery. i've done nothing to it whatsoever! so all credits to them.
for rules and what not, i'm using colourfullsims rules with a few tweaks of my own.
MOST of the information is under a read more because it's a LOT! you've been warned lol, i made a small black divider to break things up , hopefully that helps with reading!
if anything makes no sense or you're confused/have questions, send over an ask!! <3 next post will be introducing the round 1 sims.
30 sims in total, 10 sims each round! all sims will be from YOU GUYS but from sims you've uploaded to the gallery and will be chosen at random by me. most likely there'll be a different sim of yours EACH round if you have enough sims & there will be 3 rounds (so three winners either couple or single sim winners)
all sexualities are welcome on love island! and there is no special mechanics for how couplings work out - i will not put a sim who are into the same sex in a heterosexual pairing lol. all sims sexualities will be either what you've put them as in cas OR just randomly rolled. if everyone is straight then that's just how it is lol.
i will be going by a strike system when it comes to things not allowed. we love a lil drama eh? sims won't be disqualified if they get into a fight BUT they will receive a strike. they get TWO strikes before being disqualified. !!!!!!
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-- each sim will have first impressions and all of that done and then based on highest level of friendship & romance bars the sims themselves will "choose who they wanna couple up with" -- then you guys will vote on which two sims you want coupled up as a final say. there will be 5 (FIVE) couples and will be based on the highest number of votes. if an islander is choosing between sims they have no romance level with yet, they must choose the sim with the highest friendship level. -- once a sim is chosen to couple up with, they are no longer an option to be chosen. couplings remain until eliminations and recoupling's. choice of who gets to choose first is by a generator / roller because i don't want to do a girls choose then boys choose, etc. RECOUPLING: -- happens as soon as new sims enter the villa! and they get first choice of who to couple with. also determined by your votes as well of who the newcomer gets paired with.
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ELIMINATIONS: ( i basically just am doing this as colourfullsims has it because it's so much eaasier)
single eliminations are for when there's an odd number of sims in the house. if this is on recoupling, anyone not picking will be at risk for eliminations. these are all determined by your votes
couple eliminations are to be able to get sims out of the villa and for others to re-enter so we can get to the end of the challenge. these are determined by your guys' votes and will happen at re-coupling ceremonies. if a couple have wants of marriage or anything on that level they are the ones to go home without any votes.
bottom eliminations are eliminations of two sims that are the 'least popular' or are not getting any type of friendship OR relationship points with other sims (aka: their meters aren't raising much and they refuse any type of interactions to raise them basically being difficult LOL) OR a couple may be eliminated if they have the lowest relationship scores ( those will be follower voted. so they MAY stay in the game if you want to see them try and get to know each other more)
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challenges are for couples to be able to win solo dates with each other. they're skill based and i will use a generator to choose which one day skill they will need to earn and how many levels they much achieve before the day is over. these are individual, so only one sim in a pair needs to win for their couple to be able to get the solo date!
speed dates are for day one of the challenge and for sims to get their first impressions and what not. this determines the idea of which sims want to pair up with each other and help you in voting on who you think should be coupled!
solo dates are the only times sims get to leave the villa and are based on challenges and also on votes by you guys on who you want to see on a solo date. this is not limited to couples already made - but if you want two sims to be on a solo date but are in different pairs…that can happen. as well is if a sim rolls a want for a date with a sim in another pairing (not sure this makes sense but you get me!) i'll be using jazzytraits date generator for this!
the hideaway is ONLY for coupled up sims and are based on both challenges & follower votes. hideaway dates will only have 3 times a round. it's a suite within the villa that is locked for those other than the winning couple & said couple are allowed to do whatever they wish for 24 sim hours in order to strengthen their relationship.
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you guys will be able to influence what happens at love island! you get to vote for first picks, couplings, re-couplings, solo dates and the hideaway couple each 3 times it comes about. votes also determine who you want to see leave the game or stay in despite any type of relationship score!
votes for who wins happen when there are six (6) sims - aka, three (3) couples!
at this point, there will be a top winner based on relationship score and follower votes. 1st place winner will get 100,000 simoleons. this is for BOTH sims within the couple. one sim in the pairing will get the 100,000 simoleons, the other will not. and the sim with the money can decide to keep the money for themselves or decide to share with their partner and continue a life together outside of love island.
this is determined by me by calculating their mutual relationship score in total as well as their scores regarding each other (if that makes sense lol) and so this will be a surprise to all of you!
the 2nd place couple will get 50,000 simoleons each & the 3rd place couple will get 25,000 simoleons each. it's up to viewers whether or not they split ways with their money or stay together and build a life with the totaled 100,000/50,000 simoleons! you will vote on this!
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spacesuitsims · 2 years
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It’s official!! Gen 2 heir is Ashton (Libra Rising based on my Virgo Gen 1)
This is for my new Ascendant Legacy Challenge! 
(my new astrology-based challenge following the Rising signs and Houses - totally customizable and re-playable. You’ll choose your own heirs and complete the challenges along the way)
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Libra Rising Zodiacal Challenges 
Cheerful, Romantic
Aspiration:   Serial Romantic or Villainous Valentine, and Super Parent
Career:  Law or Detective or Secret Agent    
Modality: Cardinal Air, Planetary Ruler: Venus
Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of desire and harmony. They are the social butterfly of the zodiac with a magnetizing energy.  Libras are the only sign ruled by an object, the scales which represent balance and justice. As a result, Libras Risings have the ability to adapt and see neutrality and nuance in situations, which makes them a great investigator.  Opposites attract is a common theme as the birth chart is the opposite of the natural order. Libras Risings can often struggle with emotions, feeling overly emotional reacting to mundane aspects of life and detached during tragedies or joyful events.
Your Libra is leaning a bit too far to one side of the scales, do you choose good, or do you choose chaos?
Choose the Super Parent aspiration after the aspiration in note 1
Fall for a telemarketing scam / investment scam should it present itself
Perform comedy routines one night of the week
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This is going to be fun, Libra Rising is a heart-breaker sim - chaotic in their personal lives and serious at work... trying to “re-balance the scales” and not doing a great jobs of it. Ashton is absolutely the drama
The kid has already gotten really far in his skills and is working on breaking some hearts. 
He’s Libra Rising, INTP and Type 5 Enneagram so you know he is doing the most at all time while being chill af.  
His sister Eila and little bro Emilio are still very involved and of course Aspen (Gen 1 heir Virgo) needs to finish her scientist career and currently is at  level 7. 
I added some new mods into my game including the LGBTQIA+ mod by lumpinou. I’m still trying to figure it out but I set Ash (based on randomizing his WW preferences in CAS) Bisexual and Biromantic (although it might be blocking some interactions?) and gave him the traits to match the LGBT Mod. So far this mod is really cool, I’m still testing how it works with the WW mod and if it actually follows the preferences in CAS. Lumpinou is a g.o.a.t of modding so I highly recommend you check them out!!
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samanthamosher · 1 year
I had an idea to re-work the Snatched by the Fae challenge. We don't have Fairies in the Sims 4 so it would be cool to do with Vampires instead. Here is a link to the original challenge all credit goes to the original creator
Snatched by the Vampire
So basically a Vampire kidnaps a human to be their queen, wife, or consort.
The Objective:
To keep the human girl as satisfied and happy as possible to ensure the next generation of Vampires are born and raised well.
The Trick:
You cannot control the human girl! She must be cared for by those around her.
The (Suggested) Characters:
1. Create a Vampire male in CAS. He can have any traits/looks/aspirations. Basically, he is yours to play with!
2. Create a human female in CAS. She may have one trait that you choose. This will be the trait that essentially attracted him to her. Is she a virtuoso? Is she a hopeless romantic? Pick whatever trait you like. However, the rest of her traits must be completely random. After all, our Vampire man was so enamored with her, he really didn't bother to get to know her, did he?
3. Create another Vampire, preferably a female. She can be related to the male, or not, but she can also have whatever looks/traits/etc that you like. She is going to be the human girl's companion, and when the children are born, she will also play the nursemaid (after all, it can't be left to a human to raise Vampire children!).
4. Create a human of any gender/looks/traits/etc. This human is essentially a slave to the family. It is responsible for all cooking, cleaning, and housekeeping (what Vampire would dirty their hands?). Choose its traits wisely.
Start your Vampire male and human girl as married. The others can have any relationships.
You can add other characters if you wish, but remember, you will have to add children as well. Try to keep your house uncluttered! Any other Sims you add cannot take care of the human girl. They can interact with her as housemates, but they must have no bearing on anything else (no suggesting/encouraging, for example). Once the children are born, they can fully interact with them, as long as these characters are Vampires.
The Homestead:
Use whatever money cheats you so desire in order to create a lavish abode for the family. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when building.
-The human girl cannot leave the house unaccompanied by her husband. Whatever doors you have to lock to keep her inside, could you do so? You can add a fenced-in backyard for her comfort if you wish. If you're in a cage, it may as well be gilded.
-Arrange the house artfully so that the Nursemaid has a room near where the children will be, as well as a way to get out of the house herself. You can keep her door locked to all but her so that the girl does not escape.
-The slave should have a "room" near the kitchen. Keep your Sims close to what they will be doing! Also, if a room is locked to the slave, (s)he may or may not be responsible for cleaning it.
The Starting Point:
You will need to use the testingcheatsenabled true cheat in order to modify the relationships of the characters at the very beginning.
-The married couple needs to be returned to "Acquaintance" stage, if not the "Enemy" stage. Remember, they don't know each other, and he took her from her normal life. Is she grateful or resentful?
-The Nursemaid needs to have a negative score with the human girl. She does not like having to cater to a lowly human, no matter how much the male likes his little bride.
(Feel free to erase the negative moodlets that will result, like "lost a friend". Just ctrl-click on them.)
Move the human female into her portion of the house (you can control her for this), then lock the doors and say goodbye to controlling her! From now on, everything must be done by her companions or through free will. You cannot even check her stats. Do not click on her square! (Unless you need to swipe something from her inventory. Sims like to steal things they shouldn't.)
The male Vampire needs to have a job (he can't just spend all his time doting on her, can he?). It can be whatever you like, but he must have something to preoccupy himself with. If he had tons of free time to spend wooing her, it would be too easy.
From this point out, just make sure that your human girl doesn't die or get too depressed. After all, you want her to have children and continue the Fae line.
Other Rules and Rewards:
-The lot cannot have the on the ley line lot trait or on a dark ley line lot trait.
-Max out the Vampires Abilities.
-The Vampire cannot offer to turn or turn the human Sim into a Vampire until the two Vampire Sims are born.
-Vampires my feed off of the human servant if needed, but not the consort she's sacred.
-The two Vampires can leave the lot whenever they choose; the slave can leave the lot in order to complete chores (shopping, etc.). However, the human girl cannot leave the lot until she is best friends with her husband and he has confidence that
she won't run away. Then she may only leave the lot if he accompanies her.
-Other than basic cleaning and cooking, the slave can have no contact with the family. (S)he cannot eat meals with them or socialize with them. ((S)he can ask how the sim slept or other "slavery" actions.) The slave most certainly CAN NOT interact
with the children!
-All toddlers must be taught to walk, talk, and use the potty. YOU CANNOT INSTRUCT THE MOTHER TO DO THIS. Your nursemaid will really come in handy now!
-Vampire children must be on the honor roll and grow up well. Any children who take after their human mother will not be required to uphold such standards. They will become Consorts like their mother when they grow up.
-Following this thought, all human children should become close friends with a Vampire of the opposite gender during their teen years. Once they are young adults, they will move in and become their Consort.
-Vampire teens have no constraints on what they do other than that they must stay honor roll.
-You may click on the human girl's portrait once a week in order to see how many satisfactions points she has acquired and spend them.
-You must birth one Vampire boy and one Vampire girl. You may eat fruits to affect the gender. You must keep having children until this requirement is met.
-If your human girl and your Nursemaid become best friends, you will be allowed to instruct the human girl to do only ONE ACTION for up to three hours per day, and it must be a skill-building one (not "go to the bathroom"). You will also be able to cancel the action once the time is up or the sim pitches a tantrum.
-If ALL your children are Vampires (no humans are born) and your human girl remains best friends with her husband, then the human girl may leave the house whenever she wants as long as she has a companion (housemate, husband, kid, etc.). She has proven her worth to the Vampires.
-If the husband reaches his Aspiration, he may retire from work and stay home.
-If the human girl reaches her Aspiration, she becomes a controllable character. She has learned to find fulfillment in her situation.
The challenge is basically over whenever the human girl dies, she reaches her Aspiration, or the children grow up. This is not a challenge to be played for points (though I will add them if you are interested), but rather a storytelling opportunity.
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atwistoftales · 2 years
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Hello fellow simmers and welcome to our first Sims 4 Love Island Challenge! Before we introduce the lovely villa and gorgeous contestants, let me tell you how this challenge works.
Single Challenge:
The group of eight will be split into two teams, boys and girls. The girls or boys will compete with each other on a certain challenge and whoever wins that challenge will win a private night with a special someone in the suite room. 2) a date outside of the villa with their partner. Or sometimes whoever wins gets the opportunity to pick first for the coupling or next recoupling.
Couples Challenge:
Each couple competes with the other and whoever wins will get a date outside of the villa.
Whoever wins the single challenge may sometimes get first pick for the (re)coupling. And after that I use my very useful dice generator and leave it to chance on who gets to pick next. As for who picks who, I use MC Command Center Mod to see who has the highest relationship with.
Private Night:
The winner gets to pick a special someone to enjoy a private night to do whatever they want. Each gets 3 friendly interactions, 3 romance interactions, and later on through the season, 3 funny interactions. As for the rest of the night...that’s up to them.
Date Night:
The winners get to leave the villa and are taken someplace random for a special date. Each gets 3 friendly interactions, 3 romance interactions, and later on through the season, 3 funny interactions. As for the rest of the night...that’s up to them.
Up to the dice, I will pick two random sims to interview asking them questions at the end of the day. Questions will be about that current day and their answers will be up to the dice, how high/low relationship is with the other sims, or reflects on their CAS traits.
Some days I will give the sims a break, let them roam free on the villa and let them interact with one another.
Couple Evictions:
A couple will be asked to leave the island based on how low their relationship is together.
Single Evictions:
If a girl or boy isn’t partnered up, they will be asked to leave the villa.
Special Guests:
Through out the Love Island Challenge, random sims will be introduced to spice things up a bit and see if a couple is as strong as they seem.
Allow me to list out all the mods I used for this gameplay. Without them this whole challenge wouldn’t have been possible. So thank you so much for being able to add more depth to the gameplay of Sims 4.
MC Command Center, Wicked Whims, NisaWickedPerversions, KiaraSims, Chingyu1023, LittleMsSam, Scumbumbo, Sims_Lover, TonicMole, Weerbesu, Pancake1, Basemental, Ksuihuh’s Corner. 
@deaderpoolmc @chingyu1023vick @littlemssam 
The following Sims 4 gameplay/challenge is purely fictional. I don’t mean any offense by the story that plays out. This is for entertainment purposes only. There will be nudity so I will post a WARNING to let you know.
Now enough chatting about the rules! Let’s show off the villa and our fellow sim contestants!
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mumplaysthesims · 3 years
Sims 4 Legacy Challenge ROYAL EDITION
Adapted from “The Legacy Challenge Lite”
Welcome to the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge - Royal Edition!
I could never seem to find a challenge that I could use to play out a Royal-themed challenge to my liking. The original Legacy Challenge provided the best guidelines with enough restrictions to make it challenging, not so many that it was overly complicated, and enough relevance that it could be adapted for Royalty.
There are actually two versions of this challenge. I decided to use the “Lite” version, as I was not interested in Scoring (but the link to that, if that’s something that interests you, is below.)
The rules of the original Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Lite follow after the Royal Perks I’ve added to this challenge. I’ve struck out anything I felt like didn’t add to the challenge or made it hard to keep Royal-themed. 
If you like this challenge and play along, I’d love to read your stories! Tag your posts with #Sims 4 Royal Legacy #Royal Legacy Challenge or #Keep Calm and Sim On so we can see what everyone’s Royal Families are up to!
Now, the fun part…
Royal Perks
Your founders may begin their lives in a palace as elaborate as you wish! Create the Royal home of your dreams - no budget is necessary! You may only use ‘motherlode’ while building your palace; once the challenge begins, this cheat is no longer allowed. You may use any Lot Traits you like, but think about which would best suit this challenge. The palace may be in any neighbourhood (ie. the Kingdom), and your Royal Family may interact with anyone in the game (ie. all worlds.)
You may create, download and/or move-in commoners, Nobility, other Royal families into your Kingdom but you MUST NOT PLAY THEM. You may only play a Sim once they are moved into your palace (ie. when they are married into the family.)
The challenge begins once your founder(s) move in to the Palace. You must set their money to §50,000. This is the last time you may adjust Simoleons. 
Your founder may be male or female (or X, for that matter) and single or married. They must not have any children. (Laws regarding Succession are below.) You may title them appropriately (King/Queen, Duke/Duchess, Prince/Princess.)
You may have as many children as you like! (Keep in mind your home’s capacity of 8. You may not be able to move through the generations as quickly if you have a lot of children.) Butlers and Nannies are allowed - in fact, they are encouraged! This is your chance to live an extravagant life!
Children and teens must attend school as normal. Heirs/spares may also attend University, if they choose. They must pay their tuition in full, without taking a student loan. It can be completed full- or part-time. The heir MAY NOT move into student housing, as they must always remain on the lot. The spares may go away for University, but must return to the Palace. 
When your Sim is the head of the family (ie. King/Queen) they MAY NOT hold a job. Their only job is to reign over their land. The heir (and spares) may hold a job while they are in line-to-the-throne, but once they ascend, they must quit. The jobs your Royals may have are limited to:
Freelancer Writer
Charity Organizer
Internet Personality 
Environmental Manager
During their lives, each generation must host the following three social events*:
Coronation - the Official crowning of the King/Queen. Plan this as a “Black and White Bash.” A solemn event - may take place on or off Palace grounds (typically, in a cathedral or the like.) The dress code is White Tie. Children are typically not invited. 
Royal Wedding - must take place in a church/religious establishment/civic building and have a full reception of 20 guests. Plan this as a “Wedding.” The dress code is Black Tie. You must be engaged first and may not elope. Children may be invited. 
State Dinner - this is an occasion for the Royal Family to show off their kingdom! This event must take place at the Palace. Plan this as a “Dinner Party.” The dress code is Black or White tie. The guest list must be full, however, it is limited to other Royals, Nobility and Celebrities. No children allowed. 
*Other than your founders, who are only responsible for one State Dinner, and one wedding if they begin unmarried. They have technically already been crowned, and thus do not need to have a Coronation. 
The guest list must always be set at the maximum (so make lots of friends quickly!) and you must hire a caterer, mixologist and entertainer. You must achieve at minimum Bronze level to count the party. If it was unsuccessful, you must throw another.
These events may occur in any order - it will depend on your storyline - however, the State Dinner must be thrown by the King/Queen when they are reigning. 
Well, that’s all for the Royal Perks! Below are the rest of the rules for the standard Legacy Challenge. 
Keep Calm and Sim On!
Legacy Challenge Official Website
Getting Started
Your challenge begins in Create-A-Sim (CAS.) There, you must design your founder. Your founder can be just about anything you want (they can even be an alien!) You can pick whatever aspiration you want for them and give them whatever traits you want. Pick out their gender, wardrobe, body shape and color, and even incorporate any custom content or mods. The ONLY two rules are that they must be of the Young Adult age, and they must be the only person in the household.
Take extra care when giving them their name, especially their last name, as many future Sims will have that as part of their name, so make it a good one!
Gender Law
The first component is Gender. You must pick one of the following options:
Matriarchy: The Founder must be female. Only girls are eligible to be named heir unless there are no female children, at which point boys become eligible for that generation.
Strict Matriarchy: The Founder must be female. Only girls are eligible to be named heir. Male children cannot, under any circumstance, ever be the heir to the next generation.
Patriarchy: The Founder must be male. Only boys are eligible to be named heir unless there are no male children, at which point girls become eligible for that generation.
Strict Patriarchy: The Founder must be male. Only boys are eligible to be named heir. Female children cannot, under any circumstance, ever be the heir to the next generation.
Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.
Strict Equality: The founder may be of either gender. However, only children of the opposite gender to the founder are eligible to be named heir. This repeats itself for the next generation (the next heir must be a different gender than the previous heir) so that each generation will have alternating-genders as heirs.
Bloodline Law
The Second Component is Bloodline law. You must pick from one of these options:
Strict Traditional: To be eligible to be named heir, a child must be naturally born from their previous-generation parents and be able to trace an unbroken bloodline back to the founder. Adopted children may never be named heir.
Traditional: Children who are naturally born from the previous generation are eligible to be named heir. Adopted children are ineligible to be named heir unless there are no naturally born children, at which point they become eligible for that generation.
Modern: Both Naturally born and adopted children are eligible to be named heir.
Foster: Children who are adopted are eligible to be named heir. Naturally born children are not eligible to be named heir unless there are no adopted children, at which point they become eligible for that generation.
Strict Foster: Only Children who are adopted are eligible for the title of heir. Naturally born children may never be heir.
The Gender Law and Bloodline Law serve as a sort of ‘qualifying’ round. If either law names a child as ineligible, then they cannot gain the title of heir. However, just because a child is eligible to be named heir according to Gender and Bloodline laws, doesn’t mean they WILL be the heir. The third category actually picks the heir.
Heir Law
The third Category is the Heir Selection Law. You must choose from the following options:
First Born: The oldest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir.
Last Born: The youngest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir.
Living Will: The eligible child with the highest friendly relationship score with their previous-generation’s parent will be named heir.
Merit: The child with the most fully completed aspirations will be named heir. If there is a tie, the child with the highest level in a single skill will become heir from among the children who are tied.
Strength: The first born eligible child becomes heir by default… but the tile can be forcefully taken from them if an eligible sibling beats them in a fight. That sibling may have their title taken (or taken back) if they lose a fight to another eligible sibling.
Random: The title of heir is randomly selected from the pool of all eligible children. Every time the eligible pool changes size, the heir must be re-rolled using the new pool.
Exemplar: At the beginning of the challenge, name a single trait. This trait must be one of your founder’s three traits. Any eligible heir that has this trait will gain the title of heir. If a single generation has no children with this trait follow the First Born rule. If more than one child has the Exemplar trait then the oldest child WITH the trait will be the heir.
Democracy: This rule may be used if you are displaying your Legacy Challenge in some public way. Either via Let’s Play, Livestream, blog or other format where people can leave comment. The heir is chosen by your viewers/readers from among the pool of eligible heirs.
Magical Bloodline: Choose the heir by whoever has the strongest magical bloodline trait. If there is no magical bloodline trait (ie in the earlier generations) then the law defaults to first born until magic is introduced to the family. If multiple potential heirs have the same level of magical trait, choose the oldest one.
Magical Strength: Similar to the Strength law above, this one requires two or more potential heirs to have a magical duel. Whoever wins the duel, is the new heir.
Regardless of your succession law, you may always introduce children into your family via pregnancy or adoption. Bloodline law will determine which are eligible to be heirs. (With the addition of The Sims 4 Get to Work alien babies can also be brought into the family via abduction.) Children may only be adopted as infants. You may not adopt if there are any infants (natural born or adopted) living in the house at the time and must wait for them to grow to toddlers before adopting a new one. You may rename the baby, and it is recommended (but not required) that you change their last name to the Legacy Family’s name.
Regardless of their status, when an infant ages up into a toddler, you must roll for their toddler trait (and later their aspiration and their first trait using the calculator found here when they become a child.) Be sure to put the traits of the two parents (even for adopted children) in the calculator because the algorithm it uses factors those in when generating random traits for the children. When the child grows into a teenager, you consult the calculator again for their adult aspiration and their second trait. Finally the calculator will be used to generate the third trait upon reaching young adulthood.
There is an option here to generate both aspirations and all three traits for a sim at once, though the proper method is to wait until the Sim ages up. And remember- No re-rolling! One of the hallmarks of this challenge is getting randomly generated children so you should keep the good with the bad. Since the traits of the parents have an influence on the traits of their children, you can try to engineer children by selecting spouses with desirable traits, but this is no guarantee.
You are allowed to use fruit and/or music to influence the gender of an unborn child, should you choose to do so.
Gameplay Rules
No cheats/hacks/mods that give you an advantage in the challenge over someone that does not use them (ie. no “motherlode” or “kaching” to get more money.)
No restarting the game after bad events. You must let them play out.
You may not move or merge in other Sims into the Legacy Family with the exception of partners/spouses. 
The Legacy Family must remain on the same lot for the duration of the challenge (this does not include vacations.) They are free (and encouraged) to develop their house but they may not move into a new house. Rooms may be imported into the house from the exchange as long as the family pays full price for the construction and items contained within.
A Sim may utilize an anti-aging item ONCE in their lifetime.
You may not change a Sim’s current aspiration. The exception is when they fully complete an aspiration. When that happens, you may choose their new aspiration, as long as it is not one they’ve already completed.
You may not bring a Sim back from the dead once the reaper has taken them. You MAY plead with the reaper in order to save a recently dead Sim.
You may not move/marry out the sim who currently holds the title of “Heir.” All of the other children in that generation (known as ‘spares’) may move or marry out. Once a sim moves out, they are ineligible to be heir, even if conditions change that might make them the rightful heir.
When playing a Legacy Challenge, your legacy family is the ONLY family you may play in that saved game. You MAY move in new families into the neighbourhood during your challenge (keeping in mind that they can be used for friends, but not spouses) but you may not play them.
You must use the Random Trait Generator to get traits and aspirations for all children born/adopted into the family.
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babineni · 3 years
Shelter - Chapter 1: Aloth
Shelter is a collection of prompt replies, centering around the theme of "comfort kisses", featuring my Watcher, Gaura. Some of the relationships featured here are romantic, others are not. Overall this is an exploration of different dynamics expressed through similar acts of intimacy. (originally posted on ao3, now backed up here)
Roughly 1.3k words
Gaura was half-asleep when she heard knocking on her cabin's door. She yawned as she sat up and tried to rub the drowsiness from her eyes. She noticed that she rubbed them to rythm of the sea shanties sung above by her crew. The realization made her smile. The Watcher quickly made her way to the door to let Aloth in - she could recognize his soft, considerate but still insistent knocking anywhere.
The wizard was only half-dressed: he only had his trousers and his sleeveless undershirt on. The Watcher noticed the marks of crumpled sheets on his skin as soon as she laid eyes on him. Aloth shot her a quick, tired smile but he couldn't hide the anguish in his eyes.
'I'm sorry, did I wake you up?' He asked.
'Only sort of,' Gaura stepped aside so he could come in. 'You know, this could be avoided, if you just moved your things in here.'
Aloth let out a nervous chuckle as he stepped past her. 'Forgive me for saying this, but your presence is... a little overwhelming. As of now, I mean.'
The Watcher's heart sank. 'Am I too much?' She asked as she closed the door behind the wizard and let out a sigh.
'No! No, that is... not what I meant,' Aloth reached for her hand gingerly, prompting her to turn towards him. 'It's just... when I'm by your side, I find it all the easier to let you occupy my every thought,' a blush spread on his face. 'I... often have to re-read the books I read in your presence,' he let out a short, awkward laugh.
Gaura softly chuckled at the admission and left a peck on his lips. 'So you're saying, I'm distracting you.'
'That might have been a better way to put it,' Aloth's blush took a deeper shade. The Watcher laughed again, her voice ringing louder and clearer, and she pulled him into her embrace.
'Relax. I'm the one who needs to apologize,' she said as she caressed the elf's hair. 'I did promise I wouldn't make demands of you, didn't I?' She pulled away slightly and ran her hands down Aloth's chest. She played with the hem of his shirt as she continued. 'I guess I get overwhelmed by my feelings for you too.'
Gaura glimpsed the wizard's lips curving up ever so slightly before he pressed them against hers. She kissed back, slowly, casually, lazily, hoping that Aloth could read the safety and warmth he filled her with from the movement of her tongue and taste of her mouth. She grasped his shirt and stepped back, pulling him along until her back hit the cabin door.
'You didn't come here to discuss semantics, I hope,' the Watcher whispered, her face not even an inch away from the elf's.
'Indeed,' Aloth sighed and pulled away. He gave her a pained and apologetic look. 'However I didn't come for the reasons you assume either,' he turned his gaze upwards to the ceiling, and the music coming from abovedeck. 'I know that singing is a sign of a happy crew, but...' he closed his eyes, his face was distorted by anguish for a moment before he looked at the Watcher again, 'it makes sleeping a particularly challenging ordeal.'
'You don't need to tell me about that,' Gaura replied as she made her way back to her bed. She sat down and patted a spot beside her. 'Tell me then: how would you like me to help?'
Aloth followed her to her bed, but instead of sitting down, he stood a step away, in front of the Watcher, and nervously wringed his fingers. 'I just... I would like to listen to you instead of them.'
Gaura smiled at the request, even if she didn't quite understand Aloth's anxiety over it. She lied down, making sure that he had enough space to lie beside her. Aloth, however, leaned over her once he climbed on the bed.
'Would you mind?' He asked, his fingers brushing against Gaura's thigh gently. She gave him a nod and the two shuffled around until Aloth got to rest between her legs, and he could lay down his head on her chest, right above her heart.
Gaura smoothed down a flame that fluttered as her heart started racing. She sung the first tune that came to her mind, hoping that she could distract the wizard from her rapid heartbeat.
 'It's a fine three-master, thin like a bird...'
Aloth sat up immediately and turned to her, frowning. The Watcher burst out laughing and sat up as well to leave a kiss on the scar above his brow. His expression softened at the touch of her lips and a moment later, he was laughing as well. Gaura gave him a kiss on the lips then, which was turned shallow by their smiles.
When they laid back down, Aloth moved a little higher - he rested his head on her collarbones this time, close enough for the Watcher to feel the scent of his hair.
'What do you want me to sing then?' She asked, tracing each long strand of his hair with a finger.
There was a pause. Gaura was almost convinced that Aloth fell asleep.
'I remember a melody I heard in Brighthollow,' he spoke quietly and cautiously as if his reminiscence was both an old story and heavy cofession weighing on his heart. 'During particularly sleepless nights, if I opened the window and listened intently, I could hear a song played on a violin.' He chuckled a little joylessly, somewhat overcome by nostalgia and seemingly unaware that the Watcher's hand stopped.
Distant memories surfaced in Gaura's mind. There were nights at Caed Nua, when the spirits where particularly restless, too restless for her ignore. On these nights she would pick up her violin and venture into the hedge maze behind Brighthollow. She would play. Just play. Each note left the strings at random, or so she thought. She didn't think anyone was listening. And she didn't think the mere mention of it would... That it would...
'I'm not even entirely certain I truly heard it. Maybe my exhaustion used to played tricks on me,' Aloth continued. 'But right now... That would be the song I'd like to hear most. Isn't that silly?'
Gaura blinked, trying to supress the prickling sensation in her eyes and pressed her lips on Aloth's hair. She took a moment to calm herself before she answered.
'Those were improvisations, Aloth. I never recorded them.'
Her reply prompted the wizard to push himself up and look at her. The Watcher shrugged and deep down she hoped, she could stand his gaze without bursting into tears.
'They're gone,' she said. 'Along with my violin and Brighthollow.'
Aloth nodded as he processed her words. Gaura could see her flames reflected in his eyes while he watched her.
'I miss Caed Nua, too. Even with the ghosts and the monsters swarming up from the Endless Paths... It was a place that felt like home. Moreso than anywhere else I've ever been.'
The Watcher sighed. 'I suppose much of what made Caed Nua feel the way it did,' she cupped Aloth's face, 'is right here.'
The wizard blew a kiss on her palm and the warmth of his gesture spread all over the Watcher body in an instant.
'That truly means a lot,' he said before he leaned in for another kiss on her cheek. 'I'm certain Neketaka has a music shop somewhere, I'd be happy to help you find a new violin next time we go there.'
'And I'm certain I can think of a lullaby for you,' Gaura smiled at him.
'If you feel inclined,' Aloth laid back down, 'but it's no longer necessary.'
The Watcher listened. She couldn't hear anything but the ocean beyond her window.
'Typical,' she muttered, making Aloth snicker quietly.
In a few minutes, they drifted off into a deep sleep, surrounded by no sounds other than those of the crashing waves and their own breathing.
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Saw you've been sucked into the MMO life in the form of FFXIV and I was wondering if you had any input into the debate I've been having about what class archetypes tfw would play. I think Sam would be most likely to tank because it requires a reasonable amount of leadership and is also more of a quiet, backbone type role compared to dps. Dean seems more the type to be singularly focused on the big damage hits tbh. He also tends to take more of the charging in and fighting role in their normal life with Sam being the one reading up on everything more carefully and being his backup. Which leaves Cas as healer which may just be me projecting because I play healer/support at every opportunity but literal angel healing aside I think that sorta fits too, he cares a lot for them and tries to keep them safe and shield them as best he can in their adventures? Idk half formed thoughts please completely contradict me if you want I'm genuinely curious about other people's opinions here
Heyooo :D It is less sucked into and more like I’ve returned to the warm cushiony nest of MMOs lol
If you’d asked me back when I was a WoW player I’d have fully agreed because you could only have one class per character and these are definitely the snap decisions that the fam would make when on the character screen. Dean would grab the sexiest DPS, Sam the stoutest tank especially as he’s the one who has read into the classes and strats beforehand, and Cas would ask what to do and be given the healer role because the other two in this scenario would know better about the game and sort of lump it onto him like, oh, we need a healer and you can do this.
(In my own gaming journey, this is what my friends and brother did to me, as they needed a healer to round out their party... I took druid because it was spoopy, and discovered in WoW that while you can’t change classes you can pay gold to respec your character’s role within that class... Promptly re-specced to a melee dps/tank feral druid instead of the healer one, and had a lot more fun :D)  
In FFXIV you can take all the classes on your character (which I have done, natch) and it’s a much more interesting levelling approach, especially seeing how my friends playing the game have gone when it comes to taking classes as they level and why they claim to have tried and then rejected others. It’s an enormous personality test, even for peeps like me and my brother who have all the classes up at max level, which ones we prioritised and which ones we sort of struggled with or found a bit meh. 
Hm so in the scenario that Charlie comes bursting into the Bunker demanding that she needs some friends for dungeons and raids and they’re all sitting on their asses scrolling the internet between a case, they can bloody well play final fantasy with her for a bit, let’s go for some headcanons :D Long because FFXIV has become my current obsession and I have the same in-depth feels about it as I do about SPN but I just never get to write about them with anyone... 
First off, Sam of course has deep nerdery about it and will ask Charlie a ton of questions about what the right class to play is and do the same thing as we’ve already discussed and go for Paladin (which starts as gladiator), and also take all the crafting and gathering side classes because he’s a nerd and you learn nonsense lore while doing it. He’s also in the same starting zone as Thaumaturge which transitions to Black Mage and I BET he’d be tempted to have a little safe witch!Sam emotional release on the most un-Sam class. It’s the big unwieldy spell caster whose literal class quests and stuff make fun of how you’re small and squishy and will be standing in a very bad spot debating whether to finish a long-cast spell and get hit or stop DPS and run for safety. I think he could do with the perspective and learning to be selfish either way to blow off steam from tanking and also learn to prioritise himself IRL :’D Also the paladin quest is WEIRDLY pro-cop from 30 onwards for some reason until the writers saw sense and just. stopped. doing paladin stuff and went back to the Gladiator storyline for the class quests, so idk if he’d enjoy that or start to question other things. Whatever it is he’s getting challenged XD
At 60 he grabs Gunbreaker because it sounds more cool and is thankfully way less emotionally stressful tanking as it’s entirely about being a badass bodyguard and sick flips. This is far more aspirational for Sam, especially as he could just tie a knife to a sawn off shotgun and do these moves for real in his day job. He won’t, but like with black mage, the thought that he COULD is very emotionally satisfying to him.
He might also have decided to check out scholar to see how healing is but idk if he would be able to handle Dean teasing him for having a fairy follow him around so he’d only dabble with the nerd class on the side :P  
Now, Dean can’t take ninja until level 10 or machinist (gun shooty DPS class) until 50, so his start point as DPS would either be pugilist (eeeey brass knuckle class!) or the other DPS classes to start with are Thaumaturge/Black Mage, Arcanist/Summoner, Archer or Lancer. Now. He’d probably think the first two are sissy because magic is for girls/arcanists literally only have a book as a weapon. Archer becomes bard and I think is ultimately a place he’d be very happy as it is a very supportive class to the whole party and basically the mom friend class. But I would love if he went lancer/dragoon because the level 50 class weapon is (folklore inspired name) “Gae Bolg” and every time I equip it I can’t help giggling at the name even though I know it’s a real thing and I shouldn’t. But. Like. It’s the class about waving enormous lances around. It’s got Implications, and Dean is drawn to those. 
He’d probably, however, take rogue/ninja as soon as he could because stabbing things with knives, and the class trainer is the kinda guy who’d have wild gay tension with him while they both try to boast about women to each other, were they to meet irl. Ironically, the rogue trainer (a womanising charmer) and the ninja trainer (an intense, honourable guy bad at social cues even among his own people who ends up falling from grace and choosing to stay in the vicinity of said rogue trainer) are an interesting pair of NPCs to teach Dean about where to stick knives. :) 
He’d go back and power-level dragoon once he starts Heavensward though, because Aymeric is also super intense with messy dark hair and big blue eyes that see right through you. :D He’s getting that gae bolg for him, you know? 
If they’re going to bully Cas to be their healer, he’d probably get really dedicated to the discipline especially as he can stay up all night to play and doesn’t need to take breaks to pee so he’d probably level conjurer/white mage (nature healing) and scholar (ancient book lore with a class quest which mixes ancient curses on a whole people, family drama and a bit of interspeciesish love) and then also pick up astrologian, which is good because it’s spooky star and making your own fate magic. The storyline for that is garbage in the sense that it’s really weakly written, but my favourite character randomly picks up AST in the latest expansion, and has an absolutely fucking wild subtextual romance with another character, including SPN level adopting of a random child who matches Jack in many respects, with said character. And in many respects emotionally they’re Cas and Dean but without any of the personal baggage between them specifically so they really are just chill and married, whatever else they’re stressed about (I say, dreading the next patch is going to finally bring up some questions about what is going on with them as it’s getting weirdly conspicuous while still utterly unsaid). So I would hope if Cas started projecting onto an astrologian character it would be him :P 
Cas also would get into summoner as the other branch of scholar because honestly those two classes are about as close to the random sigil drawing and reading things from books etc analogy to his own occult magic, except you can summon cool dragons and elementals to fight for you. 
they’d buy Jack a boost to 60 and he’d pick up dark knight and white mage probably just to subtly fuck with Dean 
(I am still not over Dean trying to test him to see if he was evil or not by whether he chose devil or angel cake) 
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hawkland · 3 years
Destiel fic recs/what I’ve been reading (round #1)
Since some folks seemed interested in me starting this, here’s a round-up of what I’ve enjoyed reading in the last...two weeks or so. Not sure how much of a schedule I’ll keep up with these posts, but I’ll try whenever I have a bunch to share before they get too cluttered in my bookmarks.
Some are new(ish), some are older stories, it’s just whatever I’ve stumbled upon via searching tags for particular cravings, recent exchanges, or other recs in the wild. Sixteen fics in total for this round, all below the cut. Basically stories I liked enough that I didn’t just bookmark but I downloaded, so I could re-read without fear of disappearing forever.
Season 15.18—15.20 Fix-its - because we cannot have enough of these ever, right?
One does not simply walk into the Empty by TheSilverQueen  (7.7k) I was practically screaming while reading this one. Because if you are Dean Winchester, that is EXACTLY what you do - walk straight into the Empty to get Cas back and pick a fight with the Shadow about it until you get your way. Inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice yet wonderfully in character. Might be my favorite fix-it to date because it just felt like...yes, I can see this happening. Exactly like this.
the noise of stars by depugnare (2.9k) - I love this for the look inside Cas’s thoughts and mind—going back to the dawn of creation and leading to his rescue from the Empty. Seems like a lot to cram into under 3k words but it’s very poetic and beautifully written, something that feels very angelic (also, I love the handling of Dean’s soul actually being quite broken after his time in Hell, something I feel isn’t dealt with nearly enough...?)
Enhanced Extraction Techniques by goldenraeofsun (5.8k) This one hurts so good. The Empty torments Cas with visions of Dean coming to rescue him over and over again. How can he know what’s real versus a dream? Bonus points for a nifty Law & Order reference (dun dun).
Occursus by PallasPerilous (4k). Heaven!fic, so read at your own risk. This one I loved for angel weirdness and strange biology at its finest. Dean’s soul basically gave Cas an angelic STD when he raised him from perdition. IDEK but it works and I loved it and if you like fic that skirts on the strange with lovely language, humor, and banter, this is for you.
These Old Bones by Destina (3.2k). Always a delight to share a fandom (once again!) with an author whose style and works I know I’ll enjoy. Wherein Dean and Cas straddle a unique line between Heaven and Earth in order to build the life-and home-together that they deserve. Loving and comforting and with just a touch of the bitter to the sweet.
Command Me to Be Well by prosopopeya (28k). This one hurts a lot before it gets better because they’re both emotional idiots in their own ways. It doesn’t matter in this story exactly how Cas got back; the real challenge is Dean (and Cas) figuring out how to deal with what comes next in the aftermath of Cas’s love confession. Dean acts like sex will be enough (and is all he can handle); Cas wants/needs far more than that, and it’s a long, long road to get there. If you want a story where they don’t just immediately work out great, happily-ever-after after fixing Cas’s death, this is one I’ll rec.
Nothing Equals the Splendor by RurouniHime (7.8k) I know I already mentioned loving this one but I have to put it on my official rec list. Kind of a contrast to the previous rec, here they don’t waste much time at all getting it on, once Cas is back. Delicious first-time fix-it sex with wings and so hot/explosive they practically trash the bunker. I really like smutty fic that doesn’t forget that Cas isn’t human so there are some...unique kinks in how they get it on.
surely heaven wants for you by cenotaphy (3.7k) Heaven fic with steamy first time sex outside. Just...a yummy read with enough angst and feelings to balance things out nicely.
Human!Cas in Season 9 (canon-divergent AUs or Not) - This is where I was recently at on my complete watch-through, so I have a serious craving for human!Cas missing scenes, or AUs where he stays in the bunker with Dean, Sam and Kevin. Hence a lot of reading to scratch that itch.
La cucina. by orange_crushed (3.9k). Total food-porn delight. Dean enjoys bringing new foods for Cas to taste now that he is human and Dean is in the bunker kitchen cooking like the total domestic goddess housewife he is meant to be. This one is yummy in more ways than one and satisfies my craving for pleasure seeking!Cas as well as protective-mama hen!Dean. 
Bibliophile by tiamatv (4k). Human!Cas loves books, on a tactile level and on a story-telling level, too. Dean likes to cuddle. Cas tries to figure out how to read AND cuddle at the same time. Just a happy comforting read that’s like a warm and fuzzy blanket of squee.
A Room of His Own (or not) by Valinde (Valyria) (3k). This fandom is very, very good to this fan of delicious frottage and bedsharing and this is no exception. Especially when it features greedy-for-pleasure!Cas just totally hungry for new experiences and awkward about them at the same time.
Under the sun by orange_crushed (1k). Episode tag for 9x06. Bitchy Human!Cas hurt/comfort wound-care with bedsharing and just...electric with possibilities.
My Wing!Kink let me show you it.
The Care and Feeding of Castiel by MalMuses (24k) Soft. So, so very deliciously soft. Soft!Dean nesting (in more than one ways) in the bunker. Unique and delightful angel-lore relating angels to birdlike-behavior including nesting urges/molting/even flight-or-fight instincts that explains so much of how Cas acts. This is a great AU with Cas starting to regain his wings as things calm down (in an alternative late season setting) and he starts to feel more at home in the bunker. Wing-grooming as he’s molting and regrowing damaged wings acts as a metaphor for Dean & Cas “grooming” and healing their relationship by finally talking about the hurt and miscommunication between them through the years. Much love. Such happy. A+ rec especially when there is @lizleeships art to go with it.
The Care and Keeping of Wings by nekosmuse (2.9k) Crackfic! Pure crack in the absolute best way possible! Cas comes back from Purgatory with.... something different about him. His wings are manifest and everyone can see them. Dean seems strangely proud of showing off his winged angel!babe...even when Cas has them pull over Baby for the perfect dust bath. Poor Sam must suffer both of these idjits and try to keep onlookers away.  IDEK but I loved it.
Random other recs
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger by pollutedstar (3.6k) Character study of Dean and dark reasons behind some of his weird issues with food, relating back to 5.14 (My Bloody Valentine). I might caution that if you have any eating disorder triggers you might want to tread carefully, but otherwise this is a painfully good look at the things Dean will do to protect and care for those he loves.
Mary Winchester, Working On It by alittleduck (9.6k) Saw this one recced on fail_fandomanon and I had to check it out. Mary is trying to figure out Dean & Cas’s relationship. Dean thinks Mary is trying to come out as gay herself. Lots of great/hilarious TFW 2.0 dialog and family banter, and somehow it manages to skirt hitting my embarrassment squick despite the set-up and a lot of awkward situations.
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chipper9906 · 4 years
If The World Was Ending
Pairings: Castiel/ Dean Winchester
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 7,888
Status: One Shot - Complete
“So,” Dean gets out once he slams his glass back down on the table. “Last night on earth. Any plans?”
Castiel smiled fondly at the familiar words, tracing random designs on the side of his glass with his fingertip. “This one right here. If I only have a short time left here before… I like quiet moments like these. With you. Whatever time is left, I’d like to share it with you. If you’ll have me.”
They both liked to play this game. Throwing out words that could have entirely different meanings. Nervous looks exchanged between the two of them, wondering if the other is going to take up the offer that’s hidden, no, intertwined within words that are balancing on the line between “brothers” or “lovers”.
* * *
Inspired by the song "If The World Was Ending" by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels. Castiel and Dean share a moment in the bunkers kitchen, in which Castiel reveals something he's been hiding from the brothers.
‘But if the world was ending,
You’d come over, right?
You’d come over and you’d stay the night,
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All out fears would be irrelevant,
If the world was ending,
You’d come over, right?
The sky’d be falling and I’d hold you tight,
No, there wouldn’t be a reason why,
We would even have to say goodbye’
  - ‘If The World Was Ending’ by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels
* * *
The world was ending.
It was strange that such a thought didn’t instill Dean with an urgent sense of panic. At this point, it was a common occurrence in their lives. Some incident that could potentially wipe out most if not all life on Earth. Lucifer rising, the apocalypse, hunting down God’s first creations -which would happily eat the world, talking down Amara from plunging the world into darkness. Now…this; God. It seems… unfathomable. It’s not just the world ending, it’s all of them. Every version of Earth to have ever existed, every possible universe out there, an infinite amount of Sam and Dean’s… and God – or, Chuck – personally had it out for them.
They were ‘his favorite show’. Their entire lives, all of the lives of the other Sam’s and Dean’s - they were just Chuck’s playthings. A source of entertainment to keep him happy when he got bored of playing the father of creation. He and Sam… they had always tried to do what’s right. And sure, it didn’t always work out that way. More often than not, such catastrophic events would both be directly and indirectly caused by them in one way or another, usually in some desperate bid to save the other.  It’s a guilt that hangs over Dean’s head every day of his life – and he’s sure it does for Sam, too. But no matter what, they would do all they could to fix it. Now, he just thinks ‘what was the point?’ The whole time, through every struggle, every heartbreak, Chuck had been sat back with his feet up, probably a goddamn bucket of butter popcorn in his lap whilst he watched their misery, and he didn’t do a thing.
He’s God. He could have stepped in whenever, snapped his fingers, and fixed the world's problems. But no. Instead, he hid behind this ‘tired father’ façade, crafting a story about how it was best to stand back and let humanity figure itself out. It’s all bullshit. He wasn’t tired, he was bored. His playthings had lost their appeal when there wasn’t any evil in the world to challenge them, so he threw every shitty situation he could their way and watched it unfold. But now he’s bored of that, too. They weren’t following Chuck’s script anymore, and so their usefulness has come to an end.
Dean doesn’t know how far away the end is. It’s coming, he knows that. It’s not that he wants to follow Chuck’s script, but it feels like every move he makes, every action he thinks is rebelling from the plan set out for him only proves to be exactly what Chuck wants him to do. Hell, maybe there’s a script sat somewhere on whatever computer Chuck uses to write on now, flipped open to reveal a page where Dean is sat right where he is right now, hunched over the kitchen table with a glass of whiskey in hand and a half-empty bottle of whiskey opposite being his only company. Though, he’s sure it won’t be half-empty for much longer. It’s not like he has to care about liver failure anymore, right?
Soft footsteps pad down the bunker’s hallway, the muted sound bouncing off the walls and echoing down to the kitchen. Dean glances down to the black-coated watch sat snugly on his wrist, the two hands pointing to 2:34 AM. There was no way Sam would be up at this hour- unless he had gotten significantly better at quietening his deafening footsteps. Dean’s first guess was Jack. It wouldn’t surprise him if the kid was sneaking out of his room at early ass o’clock to down some of that cereal that Sam doesn’t want him eating (which is funny, since it’s always Sam who throws the box in their cart whenever they take a trip to the store.)
Dean catches a figure at the doorway out of the corner of his eye, only partly illuminated by the buzzing kitchen lights that spilled out into the dark hallways. Dean’s guess is proven wrong as his eyes land on a familiar tan trench coat, solemn eyes flicking up from the whiskey bottle to meet Castiel’s disheartened face.
“Good of you to join the party.” Dean rumbled, vaguely gesturing at the seat opposite the table for Cas to sit in.
“It’s late.” Castiel stated the obvious, not moving from the entrance of the kitchen. “Or, early, I suppose is more accurate.”
Dean hummed low in his throat in acknowledgment, tipping his nearly finished glass back and draining the last of its contents. Castiel’s eyes followed the movement of his hands as Dean let his glass drop back down to the table, pulling the whiskey bottle closer with his other hand and pouring himself a fresh glass. Castiel’s sigh was barely audible, but Dean could still pick it up. He was pretty good at stuff like that with Cas. Castiel shuffled closer to the table, gently lowering himself down into the seat Dean had offered like an old man with stiff bones would. Which, technically, Dean guessed he was. Cas was, what, a few billion years old? Explains why he treats Dean like a little kid sometimes. From his perspective, that’s probably what Dean is.
“Want some?” Dean offered, shaking the bottle in Castiel’s direction.  
Castiel hesitated for a moment, the word ‘no’ already forming on his tongue when he instead reached out a hand and took the bottle from Dean. Castiel pushed himself out of the chair, making his way over to one of the cabinets in the corner of the kitchen. Dean fixated on a random spot on Castiel’s back, listening to the clinking of glass and dishware as Castiel searched through the cabinet. He re-appeared back in the chair a few seconds later, an identical tumbler to Dean’s in his hand. Cas was quick to pour himself his own drink, sliding the bottle across the table back to Dean once he was finished. Cas was practically mirrored with Dean, slumped over the table as he nursed his own glass of whiskey, taking the occasional sip as the two sat in companionable silence.
It was deathly quiet. In some sort of typical drama movie, they’d hear the irritating ticking of a clock from somewhere within the bunker. There wasn’t even that. Well, if Dean strained his hearing enough, he might be able to hear the hands in his watch move with each passing second. Cas probably could – scratch that, definitely could. Dean’s not entirely sure how hearing all those little sounds doesn’t drive Cas crazy, but then again, Cas has probably had to deal with countless desperate prayers before. He’s probably learned to filter it out by now.
Dean shook his head sadly, the minute movement catching Castiel’s attention. “Aren’t you tired of this, Cas?”
“Of what?” Castiel’s voice grated out.
“Everything.” Dean responded, tapping a random rhythm against the side of his glass with his pointer finger. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up, man. This half-baked plan where we juice Jack up and just… just fucking throw him at Chuck. I can’t keep pretending like I believe it’s going to work. That it’s all going to be okay.”
“Of course I am. Dean, I’m very tired.” Cas even sounded it. “And it probably won’t ‘all be okay’.”
Castiel’s honesty caught Dean off guard. Dean’s eyes met Cas’s briefly, finding nothing but the honesty his voice had displayed. Dean’s eyes dropped back down to his glass, letting out a breathy sigh before taking another sip of whiskey.
“ ‘S weird hearing you say that.” Dean said once the burn of the liquor subsided.
“Sorry,” The corner of Castiel’s lips barely hitched as he apologized. “I’m just having trouble picture a scenario where we win and come out completely unscathed.”
Dean nearly snorted into his drink. “Yeah, you can say that again.”
A thought crossed Dean’s mind, though it’s one that he had frequently thought of recently. He had been about to take another sip, the glass of whiskey raised to his lips as the thought passed over his mind. He placed the whiskey back down as he asked Castiel what was on his mind. “How are you okay with all this, Cas? I mean me, I… I’ll admit, I haven’t always treated the kid right. Even knowing what he did to… to mom, everything else, even what I nearly did to him, yet none of this sits right with me. You though… every step of the way, ever since Jack talked to you in Kelly’s freakin’ womb, you’ve done everything you can to keep him alive.”
“I don’t have much of a say in the matter.” It sounded like it pained Castiel to say that. “I don’t have much hope for us defeating God. If there’s anyone that has even a small chance, any being that might be able to take him down… Jack’s the only option we have.”
Dean smiled sadly at Castiel across the table. “Man… if five years ago you told me someday our only hope against God would be the devil's kid, then…” Dean paused for a moment. “Actually, I probably would believe it. Maybe ten years ago I wouldn’t.”
“And what if I had told you that we had the son of Lucifer living with us?” Castiel’s lips had curled into a subtle smile.
“I’d probably have to trap you in a ring of holy fire and check you haven’t gone crazy again.” Dean joked. “If you had also told me that I had come to care for the kid and seen him as one of our own, I would probably just have to stab you on principle.”
Castiel’s subtle smile had turned all soft and warm, which is kind of odd considering Dean was talking about stabbing him; but then when Dean remembered the way they met, it’s not all that weird.
“It’s been a strange journey, hasn’t it?” Castiel asked.
Dean chuckled dryly. “Bet you never thought you’d fall quite so far from grace, huh? One second you’re a soldier of God parading around a bunch of white hallways, and the next you’re sat in a dingy kitchen in a hidden bunker, sharing a glass of whiskey with me.”
“It’s certainly not something I would have envisioned back then.” Castiel admitted. “But I wouldn’t swap what I have now to get that back. There’s nowhere else I want to be than right here.  Perhaps under better circumstances, and perhaps with a little less weight on our shoulders.”
“Yeah, well – we probably wouldn’t be here if that was the case, would we?”
“No. No, I suppose not.”
Dean hesitated as he looked to the defeated expression plastered on Castiel’s face, something almost akin to disappointment hiding behind hazy blue eyes as they stared down drearily at the worn wooden table. This happened a lot with them. Words he wants to say, impulsive thoughts that make it to the tip of his tongue. And every time, they get pushed back. Second thoughts, fears of pushing things too far and changing things that he’s not ready for, and then the words never make their way out. Too many times where he’s lost Cas, always certain that ‘this time, it’s it. No more do-overs.’ He’ll agonize over the ‘what-if’s’, of all he wanted to say to Cas, but never could. And every time that realization will set in that he’ll never get to say those words to him, because he was too much of a coward. Because it was easier to stay as what they were, because he couldn’t handle the change. He’ll think about all the things he would say if he were still alive, and when Cas finds his way back to them to him, he chickens out once more. It’s a vicious cycle he wishes he could break.
“I hope you know it’s the same for me too, Cas.”
There. He got them out. Cas glanced up from the table at him, eyebrows furrowing until they were slanted towards the center. “What’s the same?”
“I mean…” Dean nearly choked on his words, filtering his mind so that what he said wasn’t too embarrassing. “This is where I want to be. I know I don’t say it enough to you, Cas. In fact, most of what I say is… it’s shit I don’t mean. Not really. I let my anger take over, and sometimes it takes me a while to see things how they really are.”
“I know, Dean.” Castiel interrupted gently. “You don’t have to tell me it again. I won’t forget that prayer.”
Dean coughed awkwardly, taking another sip of his whiskey to hide the flush he could feel creeping up his neck onto his face. “Good. I just… I don’t want you to think we don’t want you here.” We. We, We, We. Why cant he say it? ‘I.’ ‘I want you here. I need you here.’ “I don’t want to think about losing you again, Cas. When Jack was born and we lost you, I… They weren’t fun times, Cas. I couldn’t cope then, and if it happened again… it would break me, Cas.”
“You’ll find a way.” Castiels word dredged up an awful lump in his chest. Something about what he said just not sitting right. “You and Sam managed without me before. You’ll find a way to move on.”
“What?” Dean spluttered, straightening up from his slanted position. “Cas, what the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m just… being realistic.” Cas said, taking a moment to settle on his words. “There’s a chance we may not win this fight at all, and there’s an even greater chance that some of us aren’t going to make it out. I know it’s not really something in any of our control, but if it comes down to it, I’m ready for the end, Dean. All I had to live for was my mission. To watch over humanity. I’m still trying to uphold that mission. But you need to remember that I was given another mission, once - To save Dean Winchester. I’m still trying to do that. I’ll never stop trying to do that, Dean.”
“Then we have a problem, Cas.” Dean told him calmly. “Because I’m sure as hell not letting you throw yourself in the firing line again. Not for me. And you can bet damn sure that I’m throwing myself in the way if I see you try and pull that shit.”
“No, Cas.” Dean said sharply. “I can’t do it anymore. I’m not losing you… not again.”
Castiel’s jaw shifted ever so subtly, a shiny sheen to his eyes that Dean isn’t used to seeing. Dean was doing his best to catch Castiel’s eyes, but they were fixated on the glass in his hands. Castiel’s grip was so tight that his knuckles had begun to turn a milky white, and Dean wondered how close the glass was to shattering. Yet, Castiel didn’t seem angry. This was something else, and there was nothing Dean could do but wait for Castiel to say something.
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
There it was. The world ending? Dean didn’t panic. Just those few words from Cas? It was like someone had poured ice-cold water over him, nothing but dread sinking down and spreading to every inch of his body. Those words never meant anything good. Dean let the silence between them stretch on for a moment more, knocking his drink back and swallowing down every last drop. It still wasn’t enough. There wasn’t enough alcohol in this bunker, hell, there wasn’t enough in all of existence that would numb what was about to come.
“Tell me.”
Dean didn’t mean to bark the words as sharply as he did, but it was enough for Castiel to shrink in on himself and for a muscle under his eye to twitch as he cringed away from Dean’s harsh tone. “I didn’t want to worry you or Sam. We had a lot to deal with at the time, and things just kept getting worse after that. There never seemed to be a good time to tell you.”
‘At the time…’ Those were the keywords Dean picked out. This meant that whatever it was, Cas had been keeping it a secret for a while. At least, enough time to warrant those words. Dean didn’t say anything in response, waiting quietly for Castiel to continue.
“I thought it would be a kindness to hide it from you. Maybe it would make it easier… Now, I’m not too sure.”
“Cas.” Dean said as calmly as he could, considering the situation. “What did you do?”
“I made a deal.”
Dean closed his eyes, an odd mixture of a sigh and a groan escaping his throat. He tilted his head back until his neck couldn’t crane back any further. “What kind of deal?”
“To save Jack.” Of course. Of course, he would. “I did find Jack in heaven. I didn’t lie about that. Except… the Empty didn’t agree with the decision of Jack’s placement. It believed that, since Jack was part angel, he belongs to the Empty.”
“Couldn’t, y’know, the angels stop it?”
“No.” Castiel stated sadly. “Dean, there aren’t many angels left. I saw to that myself. We as a species are near extinction. I doubt the last few alive would be willing to risk their lives, to risk heavens destruction, to keep a Nephilim up there with them.”
“…Why would it risk heaven?”
“Heaven cannot exist without angels, Dean. We as beings are made from divine energy. We serve as Heaven’s batteries. Without us… it can no longer function. The destruction it would wreak on Earth would be catastrophic. Billions of souls would be cast back out to Earth with no way back. If that were to happen, the reapers may just have to place souls in the Empty anyway.”
“Alright…” Dean said tiredly, trying to massage away a throbbing headache he could feel building, rubbing across the pressure underneath his forehead.
“I couldn’t let that happen, Dean. I couldn’t let Jack be taken like that. So I offered myself to it, instead.”
If Dean clenched his jaw any tighter, he would probably crack a few of his teeth. But it was all he could do to stop himself from punching his fist through the wooden table, so it would have to do. “How long?” Dean croaked out, opening his eyes and feeling the harsh burn of tears building, fighting to speak past the lump that had appeared in his throat.
“I don’t know.” Castiel’s answer sent a new wave of iciness down Dean’s back. “It didn’t want me right away. The deal was… it said it would only take me once I allowed myself to feel happy. I don’t know what it means by that, but that’s when it said it would take me. So truthfully Dean, I don’t know.”
Dean didn’t say anything. Not that there’s really anything to say. At least, nothing that isn't a slew of curses and hate-filled words towards the universe. He’s already fighting against the impulse to take the glass in his hands and throw it against the concrete walls of the bunker as hard as he could and listen to it shatter into a million pieces. Just as the anger inside of him feels like it’s about to simmer over, it all seems to drain out of him as quickly as it had come.
Things are different now. It feels like there’s no time for anger. Especially not towards Cas, and especially not now. Something mystic was looming over Castiel, ticking away his seconds until it snatches him away. Only when Castiel finds himself out of the misery Chuck had forced upon them will the Empty take Cas away from him.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair, and it’s not even him it’s happening to. How selfish is he for that? Cas is the one that should be moping. Cas is the one who has more than one powerful being planning his demise, and all Dean can think about is how this is going to affect him. Because it will. It will absolutely destroy him, just as it did before.
“We’ll find a way.” Dean croaked out. “We’ll get you out of this, Cas. We always do.”
“No, Dean.” Castiel shook his head woefully. “This isn’t something you can fix. Please, Dean. If… when it comes, don’t try and stop it. You can't fight the Empty.”
“You know I can't do that, Cas.”
“You’ll have to.” Castiel’s tone left no room for arguments. Not that it would stop Dean from trying. “Dean, the Empty isn’t something you can fight.”
“Me and Sam said the same thing about demons over ten years ago.” Dean pointed out firmly. “We found a way, didn’t we? Every being has its weakness, we just gotta find it.”
“Not this. Not the Empty. It’s… it’s not even in existence, really. Something that sits in between. The Empty was here before God, before Amara, before… everything.”
“How is that possible?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know. It’s hard to wrap my head around it.”
“So what’s it been doing all this time?”
“Sleeping.” Castiel answered.
“It does just as every other being in the Empty does – sleep for eternity.”
“Okay…” Dean said slowly. “Okay, then… why is it awake now?”
“Jack.” Castiel responded. “After Lucifer stabbed me through my heart, it was just… blackness. Nothingness. Then I heard Jack calling my name, and when I awoke, I was surrounded by it. Jack hadn’t just woken up me, but the Empty too. And the Empty does not like being awake.”
“Jack woke it up, then?”
“Not purposefully. At least, I don’t think so. All I know is that the Empty could not return to sleep whilst I was awake. After I… proved I was not going to lay down and fall back asleep, the Empty decided the best course of action would be to throw me back out. I think the Empty may have held a grudge against me after that. It certainly wasn’t happy to see me again when I was searching for Ruby.”
Dean sighed heavily at the reminder of that day. “That was a stupid fucking risk you took, Cas.”
“I did what I had to.” Castiel defended himself.
“And what if the Empty decided to take you early, huh? What then?”
Castiel went suspiciously quiet after Dean said this, dropping his gaze back down to the whiskey bottle. Dean gave him a few seconds to pick at the corner of the label on the bottle before his patience ran thin.
“It tried.” Castiel let his eyelids flutter shut as he answered. Perhaps to block out Dean’s reaction to his answer. “It seems that whilst Jack was in the Empty, a discussion was had between Jack, the Empty and Billy – or, I suppose Death now. From what the Empty and Billy know; you, Jack, and Sam are needed to help bring down Chuck and keep the universe functioning. Apparently… I am not needed in that regard. I am not a part of the plan, so… the Empty didn’t see any harm in keeping me there.”
“Jesus, Cas.” Dean cursed sharply. “If we hadn’t got back when we did - if Jack hadn’t returned your grace to you when he did…”
“It was fortunate timing.”
Dean knocked his glass out of the way with the back of his hand, letting it slide across the table until it bumped against the wall. Dean leaned further forward against the table, his arms crossed underneath him as he stared directly into Cas’s eyes. “The Empty’s wrong. You are needed.”
“No, Dean. I’m not.”
“Yes, you damn are.” Dean stated resolutely. “If I’m needed for this plan, then I need you here with me, too. That’s just how it works, Cas. So don’t you dare tell me you’re not needed. Because I need you.”
Castiel could really give Sam a run for his money with his puppy-dog eyes, especially with those damn baby blues of his. They were way too effective in conversations like these- they usually sucked all the arguments Dean had formed right out of his head. If he wasn’t as strong of a man as he was, looking at them for more than five seconds would probably reduce him to a puddle on the floor. “I’m sorry for causing you this grievance, Dean. But I’m not sorry for making the deal. It was the only option I had at the time.”
“I know, Cas” Dean reached out a hand to pat Castiel’s arm. “I want to be pissed at you for it, but I can’t. Me and Sam have made more deals that upset the other than I can count… It just… it sucks.”
“Yes, it does indeed ‘suck’,” Castiel raised two fingers to put quotation marks over the word. It was enough to get Dean to snort quietly to himself, the sound eliciting a rare, soft smile from Cas; with crow’s feet crinkling at the corners of his eyes and all.
“You never change, Cas.” Dean murmured into the whiskey glass he held to his lips.
“I tried not to.” Castiel replied. “You told me not to, remember? If the person I turned out to be was enough to see you smile that day, I didn’t want to change into anyone else.”
It hurt Dean- knowing he might not hear Castiel say those words again. Such kind words that made his chest feel funny and light, something he hasn’t felt in… in a long, long time. Though now, peering at Cas over his glass, he wonders if that feeling has been there this whole time. Dean wouldn’t put it past himself… Something like that would quickly be filed into the “don’t touch with a ten feet pole” file in his brain… which, now he thinks about it, is filled with interactions with Cas. The first time he saw him smile, the first time his gravelly laughter caught him off guard… The memory of his arm thrown over Cas’ shoulder, the absolutely baffled look on his face as they walked out of that brothel. Even then, Cas had no clue what was going on, but he was smiling – because Dean was.
How about that fact that Cas was willing to lead those crazy toothed leviathan freaks on a never-ending goose chase just to keep him safe in purgatory? Or, the time Castiel gave up everything he knew to help a pair of idiot brothers stop the Apocalypse? Or, perhaps the time he gave up his entire army, all for him? Or how Cas never stopped to help Sam find a way to get the mark of Cain off his arm?
Those were just scratching the surface of the stack of files stores safely away in his mind… When it comes down to it, Castiel has been there. Even when it’s led him to more pain than seems worth it, Cas has stayed by his side. And now, to think in the miracle he, Sam, and Jack make it through all this bullshit, he might not have Castiel there anymore? It’s unthinkable, is what it is. But he’s thinking about it. It’s why he finds himself reaching for the amber bottle in front of him once more.
“So,” Dean gets out once he slams his glass back down on the table. “Last night on earth. Any plans?”
Castiel smiled fondly at the familiar words, tracing random designs on the side of his glass with his fingertip. “This one right here. If I only have a short time left here before… I like quiet moments like these. With you. Whatever time is left, I’d like to share it with you. If you’ll have me.”
They both liked to play this game. Throwing out words that could have entirely different meanings. Nervous looks exchanged between the two of them, wondering if the other is going to take up the offer that’s hidden, no, intertwined within words that are balancing on the line between “brothers” or “lovers”.
Well, you know what? He doesn’t know how much time he has left with Cas.
The world was ending.
He’s gonna make the most of it, dammit.
Dean turned over his glass, already well aware he’s going to be cleaning off the ring of whiskey from the rim of the glass that’ll be stuck to the table. “I don’t know about you Cas, but I think I’m about ready to settle down for the night.”
 Castiel’s eyes followed him curiously as Dean stood from the table, kicking the stool back into its place and patting Castiel’s shoulder for good measure as he makes his way around the table. Castiel has to crane his neck to follow him, eventually having to twist his body around as he watches Dean make his way to the doorway to the kitchen. Dean stops as his foot hits the top stair leading into the hallway, casting Castiel an inquisitive look over his shoulder.
“I said I’m heading in for the night.” Dean repeated, that overwhelming fondness threatening to burst through his chest at the inquiring head tilt Cas gives him in response. “You coming, or what?”
Watching the change of expression on Cas’s face was always something to behold to Dean. Usually such small changes, but at this point, Dean could read Cas like a book. This time? He’s not too sure. The curious look dissolves away, eyebrows straightening back from their furrowed position. He recognizes the wide-eyed look though- that’s the tell-tale sign that Castiel is feeling nervous. He doesn’t know what for, though. Well, maybe he does know why Cas is feeling nervous, if the pounding in his chest has any say… Above all else though, Castiel has his warrior face on. The look before he goes into battle. The look that tries to hide what he’s really feeling, and Dean hopes that he can do something similar, because he’s not sure how much his face is going to give away before he’s ready to say. Maybe that’s a good thing…
Then, Castiel stands from the table. It’s agonizingly slow, the stool screeching as it’s pushed back against the concrete floor of the kitchen. Dean’s heart is in his throat as Castiel picks up the glasses and the whiskey bottle, wandering over to the kitchen sink and delicately placing the glasses inside. Dean didn’t think his mouth could get any drier, watching Cas as he cleans up and places the bottle back inside the cabinet Dean had got it from. He doesn’t know what to expect once Castiel is finished with these chores that, quite frankly, seem like they can wait. But when Castiel is coming at him – and fast- with that blank angel of the lord face, Dean briefly wonders if Cas is about to sucker punch him for the offer. Castiel doesn’t stop though. He crashes straight into Dean, the impact enough for Dean to stagger back a step. Castiel’s hands are wrapped tightly around his back, his fingers scrunched tightly in a death-grip around the back of Dean’s flannel shirt. Dean wraps his own arms around Cas, hands ready to do his usual friendly pat on the shoulder when he instead lets his fingers dig into Cas’s trench coat and pull him even closer. Castiel’s face is burrowed into the crook of his neck, warm breath fanning against Dean’s skin, with his eyes scrunched tight to fight back the tears Castiel can feel burning in the corners of his eyes, threatening to slip free at any moment. Dean let his head fall to rest at Castiel’s shoulder, his breath hitching as he takes in a smell that could only belong to Cas. That weird, otherworldly yet Earthly smell that somehow reminded him that Castiel wasn’t human, yet made Dean feel like he was home. Truthfully, Dean doesn’t know how long they stood there. What he can tell you, is that it wasn’t long enough. It’s never long enough.
“Come on…” Dean mumbled softly under his breath into Cas’s ear. He mourns the loss of Cas’s warmth wrapped around him the second Cas pulls away. Dean lets his hand trail down Cas’s arm as Cas releases him from their embrace, gently grabbing hold of Cas’s wrist and giving it a squeeze, tugging Castiel in the direction of his room. “Let’s go.”
Castiel lets Dean pull him down the hallway, guiding him towards Dean’s room as if Cas didn’t already know. It was more of a sign of permission, Dean thought. A gentle squeeze around Cas’s wrist to say “It’s okay. I want you here with me.” The many rich brown doors to the bunker slowly move across his vision as they amble through the dreary concrete hallways of the bunker, his fingers tightening their grip around Cas’s wrist with every step Dean gets closer to his room. His eyes dart to the side as he passes Sam’s room, and then Jacks. Another day, another situation, he would momentarily panic at the thought of either of them finding Cas in his room. Now? He couldn’t care less. Let them see him and Cas. Let them think what they’re going to think. Dean’s going to let himself be happy, just this once. And deep down he knows that they know Cas makes him happy - so they won’t care. They were all trying to find their little sources of happiness at the moment. That’s all there is, isn’t there? Especially in the lives they lead. When those rare moments pass, you’ve gotta hold on to them. And Dean sure as hell isn’t going to let Cas go until he’s ripped away from him.
The door to his bedroom never seemed so foreboding as it did right now. Dean only pauses for a split-second outside of his door before he gathers up the courage he needs and swings the door open. When he steps inside, he’s immediately met with resistance. Cas was standing as still as a statue, no longer giving in to Dean’s guiding tugs. His eyes were scanning the room like it was the first time he had truly laid eyes on it, and Dean could immediately spot the way his forehead had began to crease with worry. He gives Cas time to work through whatever it is that’s going through his mind right now, only raising a brow in question once Castiel’s searching gaze lands on him.
“Are you sure?” Castiel asks apprehensively. The second Dean starts to feel Cas trying to tug his wrist out of Dean’s grasp, Dean rubs his thumb softly over the surface of his skin. Cas hand immediately relaxes once more, a shudder running through his body as Dean’s thumb swipes across the pulse point on his wrist.
“You’ve gotta stop questioning this, Cas. Otherwise, you’re never gonna get through this door.” Dean replies with a small, comforting smile. “See, this is your problem, Cas. You don’t have faith.”
It doesn’t get the laugh out of Cas like he wanted, but it does at least get him a curl of the lips as the tension that Castiel was holding melted away. Castiel follows willingly now, stepping through the doorframe and into the room. Dean nudges the door closed with his free hand, and just like that, the world outside the door ceased to exist. This was all he knew to be real, right now: The guns hanging on his wall, the picture of him and mom sat atop his desk next to the typewriter, his collection of classic records, the much too comfortable memory foam mattress of his bed. The only irregularity in the room was Cas, stood in front of him with that searching gaze of his, and suddenly everything seemed like it was going to be okay. Because he has Cas, he’s right here. Because surely so long as he keeps a hold on him, nothing can ever take him away.
Dean sits down on the edge of his bed with a heavy sigh, wincing as he pulled his boots off his sore feet and throwing them somewhere out of sight. He pushed himself further up the bed until his back hits the headboard, twisting around to grab the pillow behind him and place it behind his back. When he turns back to face the front, he has to stifle a bark of laughter at the sight of Cas sat uneasily on the chair by his desk, turned to face Dean with his hands in his lap.
“Cas… What are you doing?”
“I assumed you had invited me in to watch over you.” Castiel replied like the answer was obvious.
Dean did snort this time. “No, you dumbass.” Dean insulted him fondly, patting at the empty space he had left next to him on the bed. “Your space is here.”
A look of what could only be described as “Oh” passed briefly over Castiel’s face as his eyes darted between Dean and the spot he was gesturing to. Castiel stood awkwardly from the chair, gingerly making his way across the room and lowering himself down onto Dean’s bed.
“Your mattress is much more comfortable than mine.” Castiel notes, placing a hand down on the mattress and pushing down to test its springiness.
“Memory Foam.” Dean answered proudly. “I got the only one in the bunker. I didn’t think the quality of a mattress bothered you anymore with your grace back?”
“I can still feel physical touches on my body, Dean. I may not need to sleep or eat, or the other often tedious human requirement, but I still enjoy some of them and are plenty capable.” Castiel said.
“Good.” Dean grunted, reaching out to his bedside cabinet and pulling out his trusty tape player. “That means you’re not gonna be a creep and watch me sleep tonight, right?”
“I can enjoy sleep.” Castiel said in answer. “But I enjoy making sure you’re safe more.”
“I’m safe, Cas.” Dean assured him, briefly turning from the cabinet to face Cas. “Let’s just… I don’t know, be like normal people for a night.”
“But… we aren’t.” Castiel’s voice was laced with confusion. “And I’m not even ‘people’.”
“You’re what you are.” Dean shrugged his shoulders. “And I wouldn’t want you any other way, Cas.”
Dean unplugged his bulky headphone from the player, grabbing the tangled-up earphones he had stuffed in the corner of his drawer. Castiel watches him amusedly as Dean meticulously untangles the mess of wires in his hands, occasionally having to hide his smile whenever Dean cursed in frustration under his breath. When he finally sorts the earphones out and plugs them into the player, he pops open the lid only to reveal there was no tape inside – either he had moved it to Baby or Sam, even possible Jack, had stolen borrowed it.
“Dammit,” Dean mutters, flipping the lid back closed and placing it back on the bedside table. “Give me a second Cas, I’ve gotta go get-“
Dean had begun to push himself up and off the bed when Castiel had placed a hand on his chest to stop him. Dean fell back onto the bed at Castiel’s gentle push, mouth open to ask Cas what he was doing. Castiel slid his other hand into the pocket of his trench coat, pulling out a tape of all things and holding it out to Dean, held between his index and middle finger. Dean’s eyes were immediately drawn to the white sticky tape placed on the side of the cassette; his own handwriting scribbled across in black sharpie.
‘Deans top 13 Zepp TRA XX’
“You know, you’re supposed to have this in your car, not your pocket.” Dean tells him as he takes the offered tape from Cas’s hands.
“I know.” Castiel replied, letting his hand drop back down to his lap. “I do keep it in the car when I’m listening to it. If not, I keep it on me.”
Dean shot Cas a confused frown as he pushed the tape into the slot. “Why?”
“So that I can have a little piece of you wherever I go.”
The cassette clicked and whirred as the tape began to spin inside the player. Dean held out the left earbud for Cas to take, waiting for Cas to pinch the small bud between his fingers before he popped the right earbud into his ear. The wire was a bit too short, meaning one jerk of the head and the earbud would probably pop out. Castiel solved the problem by scooching closer to Dean until his leg brushed up against Dean’s, the warmth from Dean’s skin tangible even through the thick layer of jeans covering him.
For a moment, all that came from the earbuds was a rough, distorted crackling sound. Then, the beautiful melody of ‘Thank You’ poured from the earbuds. Dean felt the muscles in his body relax as the familiar music surrounded him. It reminded him of long road trips with John in the Impala, when his dad would inevitably pop his Led Zeppelin tape into baby’s cassette player and drive for miles and miles, classic rock and baby’s purring engine as their soundtrack. Dean could almost hear the rhythmic tapping of John’s fingers against the worn leather of baby’s steering wheel, finding his own fingers tapping along with the music against his thigh.
Dean let his head fall back to the headboard, his eyelids drifting shut as the back of his head met the old and sturdy wood. Castiel peered at Dean from the side at the movement, smiling tenderly to himself at the sight of Dean so at peace. It was no surprise that this is where the tape picked up from - Castiel often rewound the tape to this song over and over again whenever he could take the time to sit down and listen to it.
Castiel’s gaze was drawn down to Dean’s tapping fingers – or, more specifically, his fingers that had now stilled. Dean’s hand twitched, and Castiel wondered for a moment if Dean had managed to fall asleep in the short amount of time they had been listening to the tape. Castiel takes a risk, reaching down hesitantly and letting his fingertips trail over the roughened skin of Dean’s hand. It’s not until he lets his fingers rest over the back of his hand that he feels Dean’s tense up under his touch – apparently, Dean had not fallen asleep. Castiel had already pulled his hand away, an apology on the tip of his tongue when Dean does the unexpected. He flips his hand over, palm facing up as it rested on his right leg. Castiel’s eyes flicker up to Dean’s face, but he still has his eyes shut – though, they aren’t screwed shut, which Castiel takes as a good sign. Dean didn’t look uncomfortable. In fact, he looked quite the opposite. It might have been the most relaxed he had ever seen Dean; apart from when he’s unconscious, but he isn’t too sure if that counts.
Timidly, Castiel places his hand back into Dean’s. Dean’s palm is warm and calloused from years of wielding weapons capable of taking down nearly every known creature, to years of running his hands over the well-loved steering wheel of the Impala. These were hunter's hands, and Castiel could barely believe he had the privilege to hold them in his own. Castiel’s breath hitched when he felt Dean’s fingers curl between his own, his thumb wrapping around the side of Cas’s palm and squeezing his hand tenderly.
The last of ‘Thank You’ faded away, soon to be replaced with ‘Rain Song’ - another particular favorite of Castiel’s (though truth be told, he loved all of them.) For a moment, he could almost pretend all of his problems no longer existed. He could pretend this was a different world, a different life. He wasn’t a disgraced angel of the lord that rebelled against God’s plan. He wasn’t the unexpected father who gave up the rest of his life so that their son could escape the Empty’s wrath. He was just… himself. He was Castiel, sat next to the one man who did what was supposed to be impossible; he made an angel feel.
Castiel didn’t know the words to use. He didn’t know if he could get them out, or if Dean would even listen to him. Dean was stubborn in that way, pretending that his death wouldn’t be coming so long as Castiel didn’t say his last goodbyes. He supposed it made it official when said out loud like that. The words ‘Thank You’ don’t seem good enough to explain his appreciation to Dean. Billions of years on this earth, and somehow this one man made twelve years of them the most important. All of this, the man he’s become, would never have happened if he hadn’t been chosen to dive into the depths of hell and rescue the gleaming soul that was falling asleep next to him.
He could still remember the flames. The burning. The screams of the innocent all around him. The stench of sulfur as he plummeted down. He lost many good soldiers that day, all willingly sacrificed for a mission they truly believed in. He hadn’t known, then. Of the effect Dean Winchester would have on his life. And yet, as he held a broken Dean to his chest, holding on so tight that he seared his handprint into Dean’s shoulder, he still yelled to the heavens in his joy.
Dean Winchester Is Saved
It had been a yell powerful enough to awaken a fallen angel. A yell that pierced through the minds of every angel, blocking out the multiple other voices on the angel radio with his own. It was the only message that mattered, at least in his own mind. Now, there aren’t many angels left. Soon, there will be one less. Again, he wants to scream to the heavens. He wants to shout to the universe of the wonderful man he has fallen completely and utterly in love with, he wants to yell to a caring God to please, protect him. Let him live the happy life he deserves.
But God isn’t listening. God doesn’t want good things for them.
So, he won’t think about all that. He’ll peel his trench coat from his arms and lay it over Dean’s slumbering form. He’ll pull off his suit jacket, neatly and carefully fold it so he doesn’t tug on the earphones, and place it on the foot of the bed. He’ll let himself sink into the memory foam mattress until it wraps itself around his body. He’ll let the corner of his lips lift when Dean’s head drops down to rest on his shoulder. He’ll rest his head against the top of Dean’s, and he’ll let his eyes droop, and he’ll let himself be pulled under into a gentle slumber with Dean’s hand still held securely in his own.
Because he doesn’t know if this is the last night they’ll ever get together. He doesn’t know if this is the end. If the world was ending.
He thinks he’s allowed to be selfish.
Just this once.
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animeboycorner · 4 years
Could I request some NSFW and fluff headcannons for kirishima and denki maybe ??! I absolutely loved the ones you did for bakugo and tendo 💕💕
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Pairings: Kirishima Eijirou x f! reader / Denki Kaminari x f! reader
Warnings: it´s a healthy mix between NSFW and fluff
Word count: 1.6 K
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Kirishima Eijirou x Chubby F! reader
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o   He´s a surfer
-       I remember seeing this picture (inserted above) on Pinterest without context and it makes total sense. This man loves weekend road trips to the beach with you. You can catch a tan or sleep peacefully under an umbrella while he goes surfing. If you know how to surf you can totally join him or he´ll teach you but watching him surf is just great too. He looks really happy and really toned too under the sun. I feel like he´d catch a nice tan easily.
-       There´s a lot of stuff to do at the beach with Kiri like buying matching jewelry made of shells from local artisans, buying snow cones, going scuba diving, crab spotting on the rocks, going fishing. You can go for long walks together barefoot on the sand and spot a sunset together. Just the two of you sharing the intimacy of a holiday together. At night you guys could join a bonfire, you know park the car in front of the beach and using the headlights for extra light, he could play an ukelele to entertain people and sing some Forrest songs or maybe add in a little Khai Dreams.
o   You guys usually have people over
-       I just know he invites Fatgum over for dinner, sometimes he might bring along shy Tamaki. They both eat a lot so you guys team up for cooking outrageous things like a giant pizza the size of the table or a 30 pound burger just for the sake of a challenge and something fun to do together. Your home is very cozy and you guys are such a happy couple your friends can´t help but to visit often. You host dinners, parties and just casual get together with whoever wants to join, expect mina coming over with her famous Chilly or Sero bringing artisan beers to try.
-       It´s a genuinely happy atmosphere always at home and imagine all the random stuff you find in your fridge always from leftovers to foreign candy you can´t even identify.
o   He´s a human sleeping aid
-       To start off he loves it when you sleep on his chest, you listen to his breathing, feel his warmth and it´s honestly your safe place. He´s so gentle to you, he runs his fingers through your hair when you have trouble falling asleep and he keeps you warm and cozy all night in his arms.
 o   He´s obsessed with your softness
-       Because of his hardening quirk his skins grows callous over time and he´s also very lean himself so your softness is just wonderful to him. When he´s the big spoon holds your belly with his big callous hands and it feels so nice. He is also constantly touching your thighs, when cuddling he loves to rest his head on your thighs or belly, he slides his hand in between your thighs for comfort or when you sit next to him. When he´s driving he always rests his hand on your leg. He adores your skin.
o   Even rough sex is safe with him
-       Don´t get me wrong he´s fucking you good and leaving you fast asleep after. When he´s in between your thighs with his whole dick deep inside your guts he leans on top of you and protects the crown of your head with either his hand or a pillow to avoid you hitting your head against the bed frame or a wall or anything near.
-       He is also extra careful with his quirk to avoid leaving you any scars on that precious skin he loves so much. He might use it to harden his dick even more though. A little more stiffness never hurt anybody. This is also very useful for the daring poses he enjoys so much putting you into.
o   Bite marks
-       He loves your skin a lot but he´s still going to bite you and leave his shark marks on you because he enjoys you so much.  He bites you everywhere specially on your upper arms and your thighs.
o   Hair pulling
-       He likes having his hair pulled when he eats you out, he likes pulling your hair during sex and also grabs your face and slides a finger in your mouth to keep it open and force you to moan out loud for him.
o   He loves anal
-       His favorite position is when you have your face pressed against a pillow, your ass up and your back really arched and if he´s feeling extra naughty he´ll pull your thighs together for extra tightness. He spreads your ass with his hands to put his dick in and pulls you from your hips so that you take it all in like a good girl.
-       His second fav is having you lay down on your side and penetrating you slowly. This way he can cup your breast in his hand and massage you. It´s very intimate and very gentle you guys love it
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Denki Kaminari x F! reader
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o   He sleeps late
-       Your boo sleeps really late every night, his sleeping schedule is basically messed up because he stays up playing games. Actually he´s exceptionally good at video games because since he has ADHD he is only able to accomplish simple consecutive tasks and this is really useful for video games but on the other hand it keeps him hooked so you can listen to him talking on his headset from the living with Sero most nights. You don´t mind him playing most of the time unless he skips meals so you usually leave him healthy snacks like fruit slices.
-       Because of this he takes naps during the day sometimes if he becomes too tired and you join him from time to time.
o   Hugs
-       He grew taller, his hands grew bigger and now his hugs are superior. He loves it when you hug him from behind like when he´s cooking or doing whatever it is that he´s doing. Your attention is always great he will always open his arms for you and it´s really comforting. His long quiet hugs always calm you down when you´re upset. He can cheer you up easily just being himself you know; sometimes he says dumb funny stuff without realizing.
o   Deep conversations
-       You guys like to talk to each other a lot, just like best friends do and it isn´t always sentimental or smart, most of the time you´re talking about whatever and it´s great because he´s a really talkative guy with lots of ideas. He comes up with interesting stuff on the spot and debates are common also. Just debates about random stuff like what´s the right way to eat a bowl of spaghetti.
-       He used to be really self-conscious about his intellect because he was always teased a lot about this but when you met him you didn´t notice anything off, to you he´s just a spontaneous guy, he´s great, really funny and really attractive. You just rolled with the stuff he said naturally and he got comfortable fairly quickly because you just accept him for him no questions asked. (aw)
-       He asks really interesting questions, he is actively investigating and looking things up on google. He is asking all the entertaining questions no one else seems to ask like how they calculate the amount of calories it says on the back of his cookies or how do those noise canceling headsets they give you on the plane work. His mind is all over the place it´s amazing.
o   His personal style
-       We know he loves hats and accessories to the point of hoarding them. He has all sorts of stuff from that one hideous fedora that he has never worn to mismatched earrings he keeps in a drawer because he lost the other. He is just really colorful, you´ll catch him wearing leather bracelets with color beads, handmade necklaces and lots of rings.
-       He is actually really crafty but no one addresses it. He rips his jeans, adds chains, he has painted on shoes before out of curiosity but it came out cool, he likes to make stuff so he gave you a necklace with your name on it but he spelled it with those letter beads, he added his initials on it too. Also when you buy fruit loops he makes necklaces of cereal to eat while playing games or just to carry a snack with him around the house.
-       He grew his hair out a bit more and now he ca put it in a ponytail or a bun and you find it really attractive.
o   Big Ole freak
I will now list some of the stuff he is into:
·         Chocking
·         Electro stimulation (he is going to use his quirk.)
·         You sitting on his face
·         Bondage or being restrained somehow
·         He wants to be suffocated between your thighs
·         Having sex in moderately public places for example parking the car on the side of the highway and getting it on and expect random quickies in public restrooms, changing rooms or even the pool.
·         He´s into butt stuff
·         He likes sex toys and he powers them himself with his quirk to control the intensity.
·         He likes pain (nothing insane but little things like you stimulating his dick with no breaks until it starts to hurt)
·         He´s a fucking switch.
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I will elaborate more on his kinks (denki) in a future blog because this one became too long. I have a lot of things to say about Denki especially let´s talk about him more : )
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aloha-cowgirl · 4 years
Building Home
This was written for the SPN Stay-at-Home Challenge. @bend-me-shape-me @helianthus21 @pray4jensen  
Monday 1: Gentleman(Read it on AO3)
[1221 words - Nesting]
Sam paused with his spoonful of cereal halfway to his mouth at the sound of Dean’s bellow echoing through the bunker. Sure enough, a moment later he was storming into the kitchen, still wearing the sweatpants and t-shirt he’d slept in.
“You took it. I know you took it,” Dean accused, pointing a finger at his brother angrily. “I want it back!”
Sam set down his spoon. “What the hell are you—”
“No! Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about! Where is it?”
“Dean—I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Sam said, stressing each word.
“First my Batman mug, then my shirt, my soap, my holster, my friggin’ pillow…! And now—” He cut himself short and scrubbed a hand down his face trying to calm himself.
“Your what?” Sam asked carefully. “What’s missing?”
Dean ignored the question and turned on his heel, stomping out of the kitchen and down the hall. If Sam didn’t know, then there was only one other person to ask…
Cas pulled his bedroom door shut behind him and tested the lock for good measure. He’d heard Dean shouting and figured it was better to lock up than to risk Dean tearing apart his room in search of his missing possessions. He was halfway to the library when Dean came stalking down the hall like a tiger hunting it’s next meal. He hoped to pass by safely, but his hopes were quickly crushed.
When Dean reached him, he immediately turned, pinning Castiel to the wall.
“Where is it?” Dean questioned, leaning all his weight against the angel. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Cas.”
“Where is it?” Dean repeated. His eyes were a dangerously dark shade of green and Cas had to swallow hard.
It was his own eyes that gave him away. He broke eye contact, looking guiltily down at the floor, but Dean pushed his chin back up and wouldn’t let him look away.
“Cas…,” he said with an eerie calm, “I need to know where it is. It’s important to me.”
With a sigh, Castiel pushed Dean off of himself and he turned back toward his bedroom. Dean followed quietly, but Cas could feel his eyes on his back.
“Dean, I can explain,” he tried when they reached the door, but Dean only shook his head.
Cas fished the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Instead of opening it, he took a step back and turned to Dean. When Dean huffed out a breath and turned the knob, Cas could only follow, mortified.
Castiel’s bed had been shoved aside. In the center of the room, blankets, sheets, and a variety of things that Dean recognized from around the bunker were arranged in a circle on the floor. He could see his missing pillow and his favorite red flannel that had gone missing last week in the centermost part of the circle. Along the outside, there were random objects lining the perimeter: his Batman mug, Sam’s headphones, candles and assorted bottles…
He stepped forward toward the nest—because it was clearly a nest, Dean realized. Castiel’s head was ducked in shame near the door as Dean leaned down and picked up a small, faded stuffed giraffe. He didn’t touch anything else, just tucked the toy to his chest.
“This is the only thing I have left from my mom,” he said. “It’s the only thing that survived the fire.”
With that, he turned and left the room.
Castiel sighed.
Nesting was supposed to be a pleasant phase for an angel, making a home for oneself with their mate. Castiel, however, had missed out on a few steps, having never found a mate himself. But if it meant leaving Earth—leaving the Winchesters, leaving Dean—he didn’t care.
He and Dean had always had a profound bond, although he didn’t think that Dean understood just how much that bond really meant to him. He’d convinced himself that as long as they were together in this world, he would be satisfied. Living a life alongside the person you love, being a part of a family, had to be better than any existence without Dean Winchester in his life.
When he started nesting, he hadn’t even realized it was happening. Things around the bunker suddenly seemed more interesting, more meaningful. He’d collected a handful of innocuous items that hadn’t really meant much to anyone else, but to Castiel, they felt like home. The scent of Dean’s shampoo. An old leather book that Sam had read a thousand times. The hoodie he’d worn when he was homeless. The apron Dean wore when he taught Castiel how to make pancakes.
Before he knew it, his collection had gotten a bit out of hand.
He climbed into the center of the nest and fell down to his knees, wondering whether Dean had gone to tell Sam what he’d discovered. That question was answered a moment later when the door re-opened.
Dean strode, alone, toward the nest with an armful of blankets and pillows. Castiel tilted his head in question.
“What? It’s a nest, right?” There still wasn’t a smile on Dean’s face, but there seemed to be understanding beneath his serious gaze.
Castiel nodded.
“Well… here.” He kneeled down beside Cas and began arranging the bedding in the center of the circle. He didn’t look up as he continued. “You know, you could’ve said something, Cas.”
Castiel was still in shock as he watched Dean’s contribution to the nest. “Dean—you don’t have to—I didn’t think—”
Dean stopped arranging the blankets to lock his eyes on Cas.
“I’ve read the books, Cas. I know what this is, okay? I get it... You don’t get to do the whole—,” he gestured upward, “—the whole Heaven thing.” He paused to take a deep breath and turned back to the blanket. “I want to help.”
Castiel stared, watching as Dean carefully placed each pillow.
“Dean, typically… typically a nest is built by an angel and his mate.”
Dean reached within the pile of blankets and pulled out the stuffed giraffe, placing it safely on the edge of the circle.
“I know.”
After Dean's meltdown that morning, Sam had decided to go for a run. He figured whatever was about to go down, he didn't want any part of it. But it had been a few hours since he'd been back now, and all was quiet and peaceful in the bunker.
He wandered down the hallway, listening for trouble. When he didn't find any, he knocked twice on Dean's door before opening it.
He was starting to get worried, so he crossed the hall to knock on Castiel's door. He knocked twice again, but still no answer. He opened the door a crack and his jaw fell.
Inside the room, Dean and Cas were shirtless, curled together under a blanket in a... Is that a nest?? he wondered.
Castiel's back was tucked into Dean whose arms were wrapped around him, nuzzling into the back of the angel's neck. They were surrounded by pillows and blankets, clothing, and knick-knacks, and at their feet lay a precious faded stuffed giraffe.
Sam picked his jaw up from the floor then carefully closed the door before retreating to the normalcy of his own room.
@rauko-is-a-free-elf @petrichoravellichor @crack--attack @katekarnage7 @ladygotsoul @all-or-nothing-baby @moderatelypanickedbiromantic @dammitsammy
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autisim · 4 years
Rules For Random Legacy Challenges
These are a simplified version of the updated Random Legacy Challenge rules that I’ll be using for the Castelli Legacy, modified to fit my playstyle. A lot of the wording is taken directly from that post so credit to Skyegal19 for updating the rules and also to Tigger89 as the original creator of the challenge. 
The challenge runs for 10 generations and ends when the children of the 10th generation become Young Adults. If no eligible heirs are left (as defined by gender, ancestry and species laws), the legacy is over.
Create your founder in CAS. They must be at least a young adult. Randomly roll to determine your Sim’s appearance and your Sim’s traits, hobby and career(s). Aspirations can be freely chosen.
Roll to determine starting neighbourhood and funds. Set household funds to the starting fund amount with the cheat “money [x]”. Move your founder into whatever lot they can afford.
When moving spouses or helpers into the family, you cannot keep any funds they bring in with them.
Roll on the career table for every heir, spouse and helper. They can only make money from the career(s) rolled for them, though they may begin doing so as early as childhood.
Roll an event on the gameplay events table every Sunday. This event must be completed before the next Sunday. If the event isn’t applicable for any household Sims, a new random event must be rolled.
Sims may not be aged up early. You must wait until you get a birthday announcement before celebrating. Spares must be moved out of the house within 24 hours of aging to YA.
Children of helpers raised in the household count towards the total number of children for the generation but can’t become heir.
The next generation’s heir comes of age when they age up to YA. Once a generation is complete, sims of that generation can move out. All sims in a generation must have either died or moved out by the time their grandchildren have come of age.
If you roll the same career for multiple sims in a generation, or roll the same career in two consecutive generations, you may re-roll.
Edit: This bit is more of a guideline than a rule, but I’ll also be trying to follow my sims’ whims as much as possible and allowing them to do things autonomously (as opposed to my typical authoritarian playstyle where my sims only do what I tell them haha). And lastly, anything I’ve randomly generated will be bolded + italicized. 
See you all at 08:00 GMT for my first Castelli legacy post! 
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