#re-reblogging this bc uh this is the one that started it all and I think we should have
noctfury · 2 years
Just saw your reblog about HTTYD through environmentalist lens. What are your HTTYD takes??
Thank you for asking! Buckle up bc I have a few and I know not all of them are gonna be popular.
I'll start on my problems, chronologically in a way.
So, riders/defenders of berk is a great series that I had a blast watching. I think it added some wonderful worldbuilding to the franchise. We got fun dragons, more people in the world than just berk, and of course more of our favorite characters interacting. Really fantastic!
But! (And this really is a nit pick tbh, like my issues with Wagner based vikings and the scottish accents)
There is one episode that I think doesn't do Gobber justice.
The second episode, Viking for Hire, I think makes dear Gobber out as a bit of an idiot. Like, an oblivious idiot. Elsewhere he's characterized as skilled and the right hand man of the chief, but this episode is rather unflattering for him.
And I don't think the issue of "weapons to fight dragons aren't in demand anymore" would put the only full-time blacksmith out of work. He still makes all the prosthetics and buckets and nails and other metal crafts. Stuff still breaks and need repars, at this point dragons are still responsible for more property damage than the twins.
It's basically the weakest episode for ne.
Ok so, Race to the Edge! Started out great, I was hooked fully fir the first two seasons. I was put off a bit when they started reusing bits of existing dragons in the designs, bit that's really just another nit pick bc the series was sort of known for its fantastic and original dragon designs.
And then we got the fuckin shadow wing and singetails.
These are just awful frankly. These feel like some kind of joke.
The shadow wing is so clearly an air plame that it takes me right out of whatever is happening on screen. It doesn't look like it belongs in the world of httyd! It feels like some cartoon toy exec clawed his way out of the 80s to demand that rtte have more toy selling dragon designs. It also doesn't look like it should be able to fly at all, an offense that I have forgiven many a (much cooler looking) dragon for.
And the fucking singetails! This one also suffers from looking like a cheap toy. And re-using dragon parts. Not to mention that the thing that makes this dragon such a threat to our protagonists? It shoots more fire.
That's it, it just has more places it can shoot fire from. Silly places too, like it's armpits!
It's not faster, or smarter, or tougher, or has some other ability that other dragons lack, just... more fire!
Singetails should not have been a big issue for the riders. It made the riders look kind of stupid frankly.
Aaaaannd speaking of making the riders look stupid!
Hiccup, my boy, how could you fall for the first counter espionage trick in the book? I know third graders that wouldn't have fallen for the old 'information leak to one single person' trick. (This is also kind of on Heather ngl, all she had to do was mention the plan to another dragon hunter and Viggo wouldn't be able to know who the leak was smh)
The final couple of seasons I think don't really do hiccup justice. It feels like, in order to make Viggo seem like some sort of excellent strategist, they chose to have hiccup make some dumb choices instead of actually trying to make Viggo clever. (This will come back to shoot the writing time in the foot in the second movie)
And the king of dragons resolution, while fun in theory, uh, resolved in a way that doesn't make much sense? (What are we supposed to conclude happened to that egg? Like yeah Valka took it. But does that mean that the beweilderbeast from the second movie is from that egg? making it only like 3 years old which makes zero sense bc that thing was implied to have been around a lot longer than that. Or was it supposed to be drago's? Which also makes no sense bc last we saw it Valka had it. And again, only about 3 years between the end of rtte and httyd2. Or do they just have the egg somewhere and it never came up again???)
I wasn't really happy with how this show ended.
On to my issues with the second movie!
First half of this movie is golden and perfect, you can't change my mind. The second half however...
My issue starts with mind-controlled Toothless and Stoic's death. Bc that's where things in this franchise really start to lose the themes for me.
I don't have a problem, really, with the idea that Toothless gets mind-controlled and kills Stoic before coming out of it thank to Hiccup. No, the problem is that it's inconsistent. Hiccups efforts didn't work the first time, but doing the same thing the second time did? Make it make sense. It doesn't, and not only that! But it also makes Stoics death feel cheap, pointless, tragic, and avoidable. He clearly didn't need to jump in, Hiccup could after all clearly talk Toothless down, so doing so only caused more death than standing back would have.
I also don't think Hiccup should have been Chief. Not that he isn't a good leader. The whole series Hiccup has been chaffing under the idea that he'd have to fill that role, and none of his objections or concerns were really addressed. He kind of activly hates the responibilities and limitations of the position. In fact! While actively avoiding the expectations he's improved things for vikings and dragons! And, if you'll recall my issues with rtte and Hiccup, when they had him trying to look after the welfare of people, he failed more than ever had since before the first movie. Hiccup is not built for hard choices, he's built for optimism.
Astrid should have taken up the role of Viking Chief. She has demonstrated an aptitude and desire to lead vikings. Astrid has a wonderfully strong sense of duty and is a pretty great problem solver to boot. Even when she makes mistakes, she is resolved to them and quickly focuses on how to move forward. She's also Hiccups love interest and it's a foregone conclusion she'd be added to the family so Hiccups family would still be in charge, as if that mattered.
Hiccup would be the chiefs husband, master of dragons, and Berks ambassador. I think those titles suit him much better than Chief.
Also like, where were berks allies from rtte during all of this??? (I get the rtte was made after this movie, I understand the doyist reason for them not being here I promise. It bugs me nonetheless)
And finally, let's dig into the mess that is the third movie.
Right of the bat? I really dislike the Lightfury. It's not her fault her design is a horrible decision, I would honestly love her if my standards for dragon designs weren't so damn high for this series. But she doesn't fit here and frankly I'm annoyed by the heteronormitivity of it all. She's also like the 3rd dragon with invisibility and hers is less effective than the other two despite all her hype.
The plot of this movie is also dumb. Grimmel is not a more intimidating villain than Drago, why are you running and not fighting? (And again, what about the beserkers and defenders of the wing and the wing maidens? This movie does not have the excuse the last movie had for not at least mentioning them.)
Also I was right hiccup does kind of suck at being chief.
Sealing all the dragons away! And not even going with them!! Not only is this logistically improbable, (the world is big.) But its also a betrayal of the optimism and messages of the series! The environmentalist take honestly sums it up pretty well.
In conclusion: the third movie was pretty but fundamentally flawed.
Okay, now onto the fun bits that aren't me talking about problems!
Most dragons are actually omnivores, see sage fruit. (Which are totally mangoes)
Most Tidal class dragons are sea serpents, not dragons. (Only found in the sea, cannot fly)
I think the people of berk are decended from vikings who got indefinitely held up by dragons and accidentally settled where they did because of it.
I think Hiccup and Jack Frost should kiss
Rescue riders and Nine Realms don't exist.
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starsmuserainbow · 7 months
I need to start adding some "queued" tag to my queued posts again. At least to those things I reblog again simply because of, well, mostly I'd say because of timezone, aka to have it appear on the dash while I sleep which is when I think more of you are around.
Tagging these posts is kinda a challenge. I don't wanna have them appear double in my usual character-tags (aka ic of someone, headcanons of someone, the likes) and so far I mostly just attached the general fitting tags to it, but, when I think of someone that wouldn't wanna see these re-reblogs and wanna filter them out - that is pretty much impossible then. Also for memes if I attach a tag I could hint at a "meme blog to reblog from" being in the pre-previous reblog bc the rereblog is always one I reblogged from myself, maybe? Bc I've recently had some random blogs reblog memes from me directly and I think that might be why (and I always kinda hate it when they do bc I go all ":D notification!!!" and then "D: rando reblog D:" immediately afterwards so uh) and perhaps that way I could fix that - but then I'd already need two different tags for the queued stuff again bc one for everything that isn't a meme and one for the rereblogs of memes and like
why am I always making everything so complicated for myself!
0 notes
iamanartichoke · 3 years
Natalie Holt implying that Loki slept with Sif before cutting off her hair honestly makes my blood boil. The first Thor movie showed us a sympathetic character that was an outcast in Asgard, and a scapegoat in his family. Everything now just seems like Marvel trying to take all of that away. So many people are saying, "Well, now I know why Sif doesn't like him, lol!" And that is exactly as intended. We are supposed to see Loki as an ass and everyone else as a saint for putting up with him. :(
I'm just really baffled at how it's either a) supposed to make sense, or b) explain anything about their dynamic?
Like, okay, let's assume that they do hate each other bc they slept together. Why would that be? Even if you catch feelings and get rejected, that's not really justification to hate someone. Ideally you'd just go your own separate ways but since Loki and Sif shared a social circle, that probably wasn't an option, in which case the next best thing is to just be civil while you move on/get over the feelings. No hatred necessary, and certainly not for centuries.
I don't believe that either of them is stubborn enough to harbor a grudge over being rejected. Sif bc I wouldn't believe that she caught feelings for Loki anyway, and Loki bc while he would certainly be hurt, and his pride would be wounded, I just don't see him holding onto that for longer than it would take for him to move past it.
And where is the hair-cutting supposed to come in? Are we implying here that Loki is so childish and petty that he cut off Sif's hair in retaliation for her not returning his feelings? (Seeing it written down like that, I am guessing this is exactly the implication, bc of course it is, smh.) Was he 12 when they fucked, or ??
So here's the thing, though. You pointed out that the first Thor movie showed us a sympathetic character who was an outcast and a scapegoat but no, actually, it didn't. Thor 1 showed us a jealous, vindictive loner turned villain. That's the problem - the MCU isn't taking anything away as much as they're trying to re-establish the characterization they intended for him to have all along.
Thor 1 left things out that would provide more context to Loki's motivations. Thor 1 actively deleted scenes that showed Loki as sympathetic. Thor 1 set up a "good brother vs evil brother" black-and-white dichotomy between Thor and Loki, in which the narrative and the supporting characters all behaved as though Loki was innately the evil brother and there wasn't even a question about that. Thor 1 was Thor's movie, and while I obviously have no problem with that, it being Thor's movie means that to a lot of the audience, Loki was never going to be perceived as sympathetic. In order to make Thor the hero of his story, Loki has to be the villain and most people just accept that at face-value.
Is Loki sympathetic? Yes. Was he an outcast in his society and a scapegoat in his family? Yes. Was he evil at heart? No. Did he do bad things? Yes. Did he intend for them to turn out as terribly as they did? No. Etc.
These are all things that a lot of us know because we've taken the time to know them. One needs to be interested/invested enough in Loki to make the effort of interpreting his motivations and his characterization but, that said, having a vested enough interest in Loki to be an active fan doesn't necessarily mean interpreting him sympathetically. There's this weird divide and things that seem obvious in hindsight, such as Loki's sympathy as a character or the nuances of what he was really trying to achieve in Thor 1, are things that a lot of the audience + his fandom either don't pick up on or don't care to see.
There's a reason 2011-13 Loki isn't as popular as Ragnarok Loki. There's a reason there are so. many. posts. in this fandom that start off with "I love Loki, but -" and then proceed to drag him. There's a reason why a lot of his fans are like "lol I mean he did murder all those people though?" or why the "you just like Loki/apologize for Loki bc you want to fuck Tom" argument is so prevalent. There's a reason why headcanons like "Loki just fucked his way into the GM's inner circle" are treated as canon, or why nobody questions whether or not it actually made sense for Loki to randomly betray Thor right before the obedience disk scene.
The reason is that Thor 1 didn't show us who Loki really was, and because of his portrayal in that movie and in Avengers (subtext and word-of-god confirmation is clearly insufficient for the wider audience to realize that Loki wasn't acting of his own accord - no, he's just evil), there are very many fans who are just never going to see him as anything besides villainous at worst or "a fun but greasy little shit" at best, who causes trouble and does shitty things for the lulz.
"Loki cut Sif's hair for no other reason than to be a dick after they fucked" falls perfectly in line with that characterization, and the result is that you get tons of fans who are like "LOL that's SO Loki!" or "No wonder Sif hates him!" etc. And if, in 2021, ten years after Loki was introduced into the MCU, people are still coming away from his narrative arc + his own series believing that he is, or ever was, just a rotten little shit who caused trouble for the lulz? Then that is clearly the Loki that they see, that they stan, and that means whatever he means to them, and regardless of how our portion of the fandom may object and cry foul, there's honestly just nothing we can do about it.
So, I mean, there we are. People can feel however they want about Loki. It is what it is. And I think I'm just tired of getting upset about it. Re Loki/Sif, I will share my opinion that it's a trash headcanon and laugh at it, but I'm tired of allowing myself to get genuinely upset about how other people perceive this character, especially when there's nothing I can do about it and the only person who ends up suffering is me when my mental health spirals downward (bc I care way too much about fiction and I have no problem admitting it).
I didn't intend for this to be so long, and obviously this is not any kind of rebuttal against you or your ask personally, anon. It just gave me an opportunity to put into words what I've been feeling for quite awhile. It is what it is.
I also feel it's worth mentioning, again, that I think Natalie's soundtrack is absolute fire and I have nothing but respect for her as the composer in this series, but I do not think that earns her any merit in how she perceives these characters. Loki/Sif is her headcanon, and she also said that Loki looks at Sylvie the way he looks at his mother, which is like, and how do you think he's looking at his mother, Nat? Cause uh. I don't think they are the same. I know most people won't agree, but I feel like her words need to be taken with a grain of salt and not accepted as canon based on nothing more than her position of being someone who worked on the show.
I should put this behind a cut, but meh. Also, I know a lot of people reblogged/added onto my Loki/Sif post from last night and I was going to engage but I just don't have time, so please accept this as my general response + stance on the entire clusterfuck.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
I was tagged by @neonponders, thank you so much, love! 🔅🔅🔅💓💓
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have a few accounts? xD I’ve got 23 in the one I’m using now, but it's all very tiny.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Game of Thrones
Teen Wolf
Harry potter
Pacific rim
Stranger Things
And a few minor fandoms
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
‘That’s how you close an open wound’ | ‘Kinda wanna make us happen’ | ‘It burns in my tongue’ | ‘The Buckley-Hargrove dilemma’ | ‘Forget the paths written in the palm of your hand’
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always, always try to. Sometimes It might take me a little while to get to things but I try to never forget to answer. I honestly appreciate the effort it takes to leave a comment or a note or tags in a reblog, and I also try to always answer to those. I think it’s important to show to that person how much it means to you that they’ve taken the time to reach out. Because it is so important to the writer. So important it can even be determinant for us to keep on writing.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uff. It was a Ned/Robert, for Game of Thrones (more like Asoiaf). And I basically cried the whole time. I still do, when I re-read it. I managed to actually capture something, in that one.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Sometimes? I wrote a Supernatural/Lost Boys thing back in the day that’s still 2? 3? Chapters from being finished? Hopefully one day. And I have not as much a crossover as an ‘inspired on’ the Goonies universe Teen Wolf fic where Derek and Stiles go to Stiles’ mom natal town to investigate a polish ghost pirate ship while falling in love. And a tiny harringrove /Men in Black au where Agent S and Agent B end up paired with a demo-puppy.
Wich one's the craziest, I honestly don't know. All of them feel pretty ??? to me! xD
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeh, a few times. Basically just bc of writing m|m, of bc my 'awful writing' or for catboy!Steve xD.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep. I’ve always considered myself more smut writer than anything else. Now I guess I’m a smut writer with pretensions xD. (Truth be told, when I started writing I didn't imagine I would be capable of writing anything more than that). So I wasn’t actyally writing that much smut when I landed on harringrove. I was more focused on the pretensions (aka the gosh pirate ship fic). But harringrove and their chemistry hit me hard, I literally put aside everything else and started writing them like crazy, including lots of smut bc hfahfsafhfhsifhs. Another reason is that it’s hard for me to keep other kinds of stories short, but smut not that much (I get an idea for an slightly emotionally charged scene I like and I suddenly feel the need to write 10k for it minimum). So I focused more on smutty stuff when I jumped into this language, as a way to have something finished on my hands, feel like I was making some kind of progress (BUT ALSO: THE CHEMISTRY).
And I guess my smut comes in diametric opposites, or at least that’s how I perceive it. Plain, straightforward smut, or heavily (in my head, at least) emotional smut. I’M IN LOVE WITH the way we can use touch and slow pace and physical sensations and glances to enhance what we’re saying about emotions in a sexual scene.
Also, and contradictorily, smut is so hard to write sometimes for me! So another good thing is that when I finish one smutty story I suddenly feel like a can write anything! Haha.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeh. A few times. Both Sterek oneshots :(.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yess! <3<3<3< To Chinese and Russian and English and I <3<3<3<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Was about two once, with a friend. But sadly both out lives became real busy, so didn’t. To be honest, I don’t think I’ll be cut for it, but I wanted to test it.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
The last ship I land on always feels like my fav to me. But it might be true in this case. Bc yeah, harringrove.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Ufff, too many.
What are your writing strengths?
Uh. Eh. Well. I hopeguess sometimes it sounds good? I can’t control that in eng as much as i do in spa bc I don’t have any real knowledge of the phonology but, well. I try. And that’s one of the aspects I put more thought/work into because I LOVE that.
Sometimes I like my dialogue and sometimes I like my pacing/rhythm. Sometimes I feel like I’ve managed to convey/describe one feeling the way I wanted to.
I dunno. I try to keep my head in a the ‘get the work done’ space not as much as in the ‘is good’. Not easy but, again, try is the key word in here.
I rely a lot in the editing process but I think I’m actually good at that. At least, when I finish, I like the prettified version way more than the ‘raw’ one.
What are your writing weaknesses?
My writing reads the same way my brain works: in a cluttered, messy way. And I don’t like it but. I feel like I can’t change it. Can control it, sometimes. I manage to keep the ‘too much’ at bay but other times it just wins me. I also keep rolling my eyes at how sticky-sweet I can get and despise the way I keep repeating formulas and sentence structures (I feel you @neonponders ) but. Ugh. They just. Happen? Gah.
But! I actually feel more at peace with all that than it might look like xD. ‘Cause the alternatives is not writing and that I cannot do so 🤷���♂️
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Ahhh, I LOVE IT! Started doing it with the kegboys, basically to treat myself XD, and I’ve got it in a few wips and also in this dumb thing I wrote. I think it’s fun, and it also adds certain feeling of expansion to the world the characters live in, helps us remember there’s more (people, places, types of lives and ways of communicating and meanings) aside from the ones represented in the scene/wholeness of the story. I’m aware that too much can be confusing and tiring for the reader, but not more than a bit is needed, really. Also, can be used to induce some fun misunderstandings xD.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Some fantasy book series I was reading at the moment, during my ‘epic fantasy’ phase xD.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably one supernatural fic I wrote ages ago. It isn’t particularly well written or anything. But was one of the first longer-ish things I wrote. And I still feel proud about that one. And I always felt so happy writing Theon Greyjoy, so I really love the things I wrote for him. And the ship fic, again, if I ever finish it! Except I feel like I can’t stop writing harringrove.
I’m tagging! @memes-saved-me @edith-moonshadow @disdaidal @dyingontheharringrovehill @wherearetheplums @c0bblenygma @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger @pretty-bratty @ghostofjellyfishforgotten
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imbellarosa · 3 years
my check in tagggg
my absolute love @evilovesyou tagged me in this game and it has been a while, but maybe i'm gonna be on a bit more in the next two weeks - lets hope so!!
1. Why did you choose your url?
Okay so I was a TA for this french class when I was in high school, and this kid kept calling me Rosie (yeah yeah @dependsonwhospitching laugh it up) and i COULD NOT figure out why he called me that, and eventually the teacher asked him, and he was like "oh it's bc her name is Bella and she's a Bella Rosa. I'm italian." and like. idk. It's not that I wanted to date the kid or anything, but I didn't feel particularly beautiful then, and I liked knowing that someone thought I was. so as a reminder, my url is "I'm Bella Rosa" haha
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
None that I am using regularly right now! An old magicians one that is no longer in use.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
uhhhh....5 years? or 4??? around that long
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Absolutely not im not that organized! I don't even have a queue I'm a MESS
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because i wanted to be a merlin blog lmaoooo. i still like the fandom but now this is just my personal blog
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i like choosing cartoon versions of me!! they look cool and you know who you're talking to that. way.
7. Why did you choose your header?
my header used to be a sunflower, but then i re-vamped my blog and i thought of a convo i had with someone, where they said that if their life was hard, they liked to go see the sea, because it was so vast and free, and i feel the same way, so it's a good reminder that even if life is rough there's a whole world out there lmao
8. Whats your post with the most notes?
You know I actually have no clue? Probably one of my analysis posts though i wish my art had more notes!
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Uh. Is there an actual way to check this? Does this website have a feature I don’t know about?
10. How many followers do you have?
uh around 700 i think. all very cool people, OBVIOUSLY
11. How many people do you follow?
literally thousands. I just click follow if i maybe MIGHT like your content, so my dash is a bit of everything always
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean...yes probably. yes.
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
i used to be at home doing school in a pandemic so ALL THE TIME lmao. now my life is a bit more hectic, so like, once a day? but i'm always in my dms if someone texts me
14. Did you once have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Uh...defo with anons but i've learned to not really engage but idk about another blog i probably have but i don't like to do it a lot.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
Useless. Stupid. Makes me want to do the exact opposite.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes!! But I’ve been terrible at keeping up! (stealing evis answer hereeee)
17. Do you like ask games?
Yeah! Especially the writing ones! But honestly any of them are fun! (also stealing evi's answer hereeeee)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
ummmm...i think i have quite a few? I would count evi defo, but also some other people in various different fandoms and circles but i love them lots as humans not "tumblr famous people" does that make sense??
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
@dependsonwhospitching of COURSE
20. Tags?
@foreverfanficaddict @whatagreatproblemtohave @stoptakingmyusernamebro (i ADORE this blog and their username) @queenlokibeth
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thatsparrow · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,796 times in 2021
84 posts created (3%)
2712 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 32.3 posts.
I added 696 tags in 2021
#art - 167 posts
#video - 111 posts
#dimension 20 - 85 posts
#ted lasso - 70 posts
#lotr - 54 posts
#cats - 47 posts
#article - 43 posts
#quotes - 43 posts
#whew - 41 posts
#critical role - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#one isn't necessarily better than the other in terms of personal enjoyment but i do think the d20 method is better suited to entertainment
My Top Posts in 2021
just got back from the theater, post-let there be carnage thoughts
shit fuck man I missed going to the movies so much I missed going to the movies SO MUCH I know this isn’t specific to let there be carnage but genuinely movie theaters dark rooms overpriced popcorn overwhelming sound levels my beloveds
truly an incredible amount of romance in the movie. fully leans into the premise that these two are in a relationship together in a way that is jokey at the surface but is clearly working from a genuine emotional place
the end scene...the beach...the toes in the sand...”did you say you love me?” like!!!
for a movie called ‘let there be carnage’ there was. shockingly little actual carnage
I get that’s what happens with a pg13 rating (is that what explains the uh very vivid ‘carnage suffocates a man by literally shoving his tongue into his lungs’ scene bc there wasn’t as much visual gore involved?) but it did feel odd that we only got hints/promises of carnage’s violent potential without really exploring it (even him just going on a violent rampage for the fun of it. like all of his superpower uses were very goal-oriented as opposed to carnage for carnage’s sake)
absolutely a+ usage of their one allotted ‘fuck’
the hinting-at notion of carnage also applies to cletus when he’s just in his woody harrelson form, too. yes, they give details about the violence in his youth, but for a first act that leans so heavily into cletus’ past as a serial killer to set up the chain of events, we hear/learn very very little about what he actually did
the sequence where venom goes on his break-up spiral though...bedecked in glow sticks...gets up on stage to prove how much better he is without eddie...the very mournful “I wish eddie could see me”...truly boyfriends in love with terrible communication skills
I would have happily seen SO much more of venom!michelle williams
don’t get me wrong, I like a movie that can tell its story in 100min, but the actual plot did feel pretty thin
buck WILD to introduce shriek—a character whose abilities are fundamentally at odds with a symbiote’s existence—and not have her introduce any consequences to cletus/carnage beyond hinting at the divide between the two of them
that said, the scene where venom’s like ‘we need sound’ then looks at shriek meaningfully before. fucking bodyslamming her into grace cathedral’s bell to start it ringing KILLED me
I like that they gave dan something to do! I’m a fan of the trend (also see ant man and the wasp) of our male hero recognizing his ex has a healthy relationship with someone else and not resenting her new partner
although.....fucking speaking of the cathedral scene.......”they’re not symbiotic, we are” let there be carnage really said “eddie and venom are soulmates” like!!!
sonny and cher my beloveds
of course I’m annoyed with the post-credits scene but I think the thing that annoys me the most is trying to make the hard pivot into venom being a villain for holland!spider-man
like he looks at peter and instantly goes “gotta eat that boy” inexplicably! absolutely nothing prompts this except wanting to adhere to the comics!!
you could have extended the ‘venom on his own’ storyline and fleshed out the plot a little further by having venom (while possessing random san franciscans) actually eat somebody now that eddie isn’t keeping him in check, foreshadowing that those impulses are just as present and just as powerful
BUT it’s so much more meaningful to have venom—away from eddie, able to act out and go full praying mantis re: head biting—to curb that impulse! even when eddie isn’t around, his voice is in venom’s head! at some level, venom doesn’t want to disappoint eddie even when eddie would never know!!
which is sort of the whole problem with introducing hardy!venom into the holland!spider-man storyline (excepting the much larger, disney is consuming everything please make it stop problem) which is you can’t spend two movies setting up venom as a heroic character (imperfect, admittedly, but still driven by heroic-ish impulses) only to then have him go into some sort of rabid villainous state when he sees holland!spider-man because??? he hates spiders or something I don’t know
i want to end on a high note so woody harrelson’s hawaiian shirt/blazer combination was an absolute look
143 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 03:54:57 GMT
look you cannot introduce lars as the bodyperson/roommate for sylvester and not immediately expect me to get ideas
186 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 00:52:41 GMT
the sleeveless turtleneck and coat….the boots….the slicked-back undercut….jacob drawfee really said “hot york rights” and I love that both for him and me
282 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 17:59:34 GMT
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305 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 16:32:10 GMT
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main takeaway from cr3e02
748 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 06:45:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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petersasteria · 4 years
Internet Friends - Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Requested? Nah. I thought of this while washing the dishes the other day lmao
Peter Parker Masterlist || Ultimate Masterlist
Tagging @tommysparker bc they said dO iT cOwArD HAHAHA lmao
* * * *
How do you feel every time you make friends on the internet? Do you feel happy? Do you feel scared? Do you feel accomplished, because you finally and successfully made a friend even though it's not in a face to face interaction?
Peter Parker felt all of those things when he made friends with you on Tumblr. He felt excited and scared, but the good outweighed the bad and now both of you are good friends.
He has a Star Wars fan account called "yoda-one-that-i-dream-abt-leia" and he's really proud of his username. He has a couple hundred of followers and he posts random video edits that he makes on his free time. He sees your account when one of his mutuals reblog your post about Spider-Man. It's not anything bad, but as soon as he sees it, he smiles. He knew he had to see what else is on your account.
"webmeupspiderdaddy" Peter reads your username. He chuckles at the username and stalks your account. He sees all of your Spider-Man edits and memes and he finds it entertaining. He even finds your fanfiction and he didn't know what to feel.
He saw every fanfiction that you wrote. Angst, fluff, and even smut. Peter blushes after reading one smutty one shot of yours. "This is insane." he mutters under his breath. He didn't know that people out there are writing about his alter ego. He didn't know they were fantasizing about Spider-Man; fantasizing about Spider-Man having sex with them.
Sure, Spider-Man gets girls by just swinging around and stuff, but he didn't expect some fans. Judging by your videos, you seem to be around Spider-Man a lot. So, Peter follows you and sends you a DM.
To: webmeupspiderdaddy Hey!! I love ur acc. I'm a fan of Spidey too and I  was just wondering where u got ur videos of him?? u know, from ur edits?
Peter sends the message and he's surprised when you reply immediately.
To: yoda-one-i-dream-abt-leia
Hello! Thank you <3 I'm from Queens and he's around a lot and he coincidentally swings near me whenever I'm out. I'm convinced that we're meant to be lmao
Peter giggles and blushes. No one has ever said that tom him before. Well, technically, this is about Spider-Man. But him and Spider-Man are the same.
From that moment on, you and Peter have been talking non stop. You talk after school, during the weekends, after his Stark internship, and sometimes during class hours.
One night, you're talking about Queens and you immediately had a thought that you just had to absolutely share.
Peter reads your message and thinks about it. There's a possibility that you two might have ran into each other. You could be anyone.
To: webmeupspiderdaddy
MAYBE WE HAVE. MAYBE WE HAVEN'T. Where do you go to school? Lmao we've been talking for like months now. We could at least know that. We both know each other's nicknames. Your nickname is Mickey as in like Mickey Mouse because you love hotdogs and that's Mickey Mouse's catchphrase.
Peter knew it was a long shot, but hey, if it fails at least he tried.
To: yoda-one-i-dream-abt-leia
I go to Midtown :)) wbu
Peter's heart stopped beating for a second and he could've sworn he could've died right there and then. Then there IS  a big chance that you guys have bumped into each other or maybe sharing a class.
To: webmeupspiderdaddy
To: yoda-one-i-dream-abt-leia
To: webmeupspiderdaddy
To: yoda-one-i-dream-abt-leia
Peter smiles at his phone and sends you a 'good night x' before yawning and going to sleep himself. The next day, he does his morning routine and catches the train to school. After a few minutes, he arrives at school and walks to his locker to get his things. He pulls out his phone and checks out your DMs from last night. He really likes you.
Just as he re-reads the part of you telling him that you're from Midtown, he bumps into, well, he bumps into you. Both of your phones on the floor.
"Ugh, watch where you're going, Parker!" you hiss. Peter rolls his eyes at you, "Good morning to you too, Y/N."
Both of you don't know that the other is your internet friend from Tumblr. However, you know each other at school. For some reason, you and Peter hated each other's guts. You were popular, a cheerleader, pretty, and smart. He was just smart.
Peter hated that you were perfect. You were basically a female version of him except that you're more popular and more attractive.
You hated that Peter was loved by the teachers and you hated that he had real friends. You envied that the most.
The mutual hate started years ago, but your ever growing love for the other's alter ego is present. Both of you just didn't know that you're standing in front of each other.
You glare at each other and both of you kneel down to pick up your phones. You take a peek of his screen and your eyes widen. He takes a peek of your phone too only to see his Tumblr account there. His eyes widen in shock.
You both stand up and stare at each other.
"Am I seeing things or is that my DMs with yoda-one-i-dream-abt-leia?" you whisper.
"Depends." Peter whispers. "Is that my account you're checking out?"
"Depends." you mock. Pete rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Prove you're webmeupspideyrdaddy."
You stare at him intently and sigh, "My nickname is Mickey because I love hotdogs. Prove you're yoda-one-i-dream-abt-leia."
"Mr. Harrington is a sad man." Peter says softly.
Your features soften and crack a small smile, "It is you."
"All this time, we've been in one place." you chuckle and he chuckles too. The hate on each other beginning to disappear.
"C-Can we start over, then? In real life this time?" Peter asks shyly. You giggle and nod, "Hi, I'm Y/N."
"Hey, I'm Peter." he smiles, the crinkles of his eyes, showing. It was then that you notice that Peter Parker is actually really cute.
"Quit staring." Peter blushes. You smirk at him, "Make me."
As if on cue, the bell rings and you just remain in the hallway as everyone scrambles to their classroom.
"So, uh, I'll see you later or talk to you later or something." Peter says nervously.
"Sure!" you grin before walking to your classroom. Peter just stands there with a stupid grin on his face before walking to his class.
* * * *
yuh yeet
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yeenybeanies · 4 years
ok so aftermath was Kinda Dumb but i got to see johnny’s stupid face some more & i just reblogged a whole lotta gifs of him onto my main account lmao so here we are also i haven’t proofread this yet bc it’s 1am  i’m tired
mortal kombat | johnny cage & gray brooks ( oc )
1,471 words
strong language warning
reblogs > likes !! thanks for reading !!
What can she say? She’s starstruck. 
Well––she’s partially starstruck, and partially terrified. It’s not every day that Gray gets to see her favorite actor, the one and only Johnny Cage.
“ Woah. You’re . . . seriously tiny. ”  His voice booms high above her, louder and richer in person that she’s ever heard it on the big screen.  “ You’re, like, smaller-than-my-action-figure tiny. ”
Yeah. That’s where the terrified aspect comes in. Johnny Cage, of course, is human. And Miss Gray Brooks? She is a borrower. She is a grand four inches tall, staring, starstruck/terrified, at Johnny F. Cage. ( The F stands for Fucking. Or maybe it doesn’t. She doesn’t know what his middle name is, or if it even starts with F. ) 
“ Uhm–– . . .! ”  Shit. She should probably run. Borrowers are supposed to run and hide when there are humans around. But her legs––they feel like jelly. They feel like jelly that’s cemented itself to the ground, feeling like they’re about to give out under her at any moment, while not letting her move from this very exposed spot on the floor.
For a long moment, neither of them, human nor borrower, move. Gray can’t hear anything but the blood roaring in her ears. Is she still breathing? Oh, Gods, she must be the worst borrower ever.
It’s Johnny that does eventually break his statue act first. He bends at the waist, looming over her diminutive person, and lowers his sunglasses to look at her without any barriers before his eyes.
“ Hunh. Y’know, if I didn’t just see you walking, I’d think you actually are an action figure. ”  Whether it’s intentional or just a natural quirk of his, Johnny flashes a trademarked Johnny Cage Smirk. ( Gods, Gray thinks she might just swoon. )  “ You gonna say somethin’, sweetums? Can you even talk? ” 
He lowers himself to a crouch and reaches forward, index finger extended. He means to poke. That’s enough to snap the little being from her stupor and skitter backwards. Johnny’s smile only widens.
“ See? I knew you were real. ”  His hand retreats, coming to rest on the bend on his knee.
“ Y-yeah, I should, um––I should go . . .! ”  She manages to squeak out. Perhaps later she’ll kick herself over how meek she sounds, but that will have to wait.
“ Hah! ”  Gray flinches. He’s loud.  “ Knew you could talk too! ”  His outburst has Gray covering her ears and flinching. The starstruck-ness is quickly wearing off.
“ Mr. Cage . . . you’re yelling . . .! ”  She takes another step back, hands pressed firmly to either side of her head. His voice is booming, shaking her very bones. ( Or maybe she’s just started shivering in her surging fright. ) 
“ Oh––shit, sorry, I––wait, you know my name? ”  The human puts his hands to the floor, steps his legs out behind him, and lowers his chest and belly to the floor. With his chin resting atop his folded forearms, he’s only a few inches above Gray’s eye level, and close enough now that she can feel the gusts from each breath he takes.
He’s . . . so much bigger up close.
Gray couldn’t stifle her shaking if she tried. Oh, she should run. She really should run, but, under those big, brown eyes, she’s frozen yet again.
“ Aw, c’mon now. Don’t go quiet on me. You were just talking. ”  He watches her expectantly. It’s reminiscent of a cat toying with a mouse––at least, that’s what comes to Gray’s mind.
“ Um . . . if I talk . . . will you let me go? ”  Much like the rest of her body, her voice quivers. It’s rather pathetic, she thinks––yet another thing to berate herself over later. That’s assuming she sees a  “ later. ”
Something looking like an epiphany crosses the human’s features. He clears his throat and shimmies back, giving Gray a bit more room.  “ Well––yeah. I mean, I’m not gonna hold you hostage or anything. I’ve just never seen a–a living doll before. ”  He lifts two fingers to gesture to her for emphasis.
Gray’s cheeks heat up.  “ I’m––I’m not a doll. ”  She swallows thickly, trying to choke down some of the fear.  “ And, um, yes. I know your name. I’ve . . . seen a lot of your movies . . .. ” 
“ Really? ”  His grin widens, nearly splitting his face in two. Gray is experiencing a myriad of conflicting emotions right now. Terror? Embarrassment? Elation? Perhaps a little indignation at being called a doll?  “ How? Are there, like, little TVs? “ 
“ No, I–I used to live in a, uh––in a movie theater, ”  she admits, eyes askance. It’s hard to look Johnny in the eye at all, let alone meet his gaze when he’s ( still ) so close.
Gray was in that theater for years. It was one of the best places to live. She could scurry around in the darkness, collecting fallen scraps of popcorn, candy, and various other concession snacks. Best of all, she could catch every Johnny Cage film that came out during her residency––along with several re-showings of older films. It was a tragic day when that theater closed down, forcing the borrower to move elsewhere.
She’s loathe to admit to his face, but she’d found herself with a little ( or a rather sizeable ) crush on the human before her. Never in a thousand years did she ever think she’d actually meet him, though. Up close like this, he’s . . . well, he’s still handsome, but self preservation is hindering those giddy feelings.
“ Okay, so, I’m just coming up with more questions here. A teeny tiny person one: exists; two: is a fan of my movies; and three: managed to make it all the way onto a secure special forces base. I might think to accuse you of spying, but you’ve broken into the food stores, as opposed to anything with sensitive information. Never mind that you’re . . . I  mean . . .. ” 
She knows what he means. It brings some red to her cheeks. Yes, she’s small. She gets it. Gray fidgets with her hands and chews on the insides of her cheeks.  “ Yeah . . . so, can I, uh, go now? ” 
“ What? We haven’t even covered the basics yet! Like what are you? What’s your name? What was your favorite Johnny Cage movie? ”  He looks less like a predatory cat now and more like a child that’s found a new toy. That’s a bit scarier, Gray decides.
“ Mr. Cage, I–I really should be leaving . . .. You’re not supposed to see me . . .. ”  She tries to backpedal some more. Johnny shifts, head lifted and one hand moving towards her, but he stops himself when she squeaks and cowers.
“ Um. Hey, Thumbelina? No need to act so scared. Hey, c’mon, I’m not gonna hurt you. ”  Gently he prods at her shoulder with his index finger, rocking her on her feet once. She shakes under his touch.  “ Ooookay, ��  he says, pulling his hand back again.  “ Alright. I’m scaring you. Listen, you can go, and I won’t mention to anyone that I saw you on two conditions, okay? ” 
Gray peeks up at him through her arms. His smile looks like it should be reassuring, but it definitely isn’t. Conditions means coercion.
“ Condition one: you tell me your name. Con––– ” 
“ Gray. Gray Brooks, ”  she interrupts. He can have her name. There’s nothing he can do with it anyway.
“ Alllright. That’s kinda a cool name. You sound like a hollywood star. ”  He winks, though it does little to calm the borrower.  “ Okay, condition two: you, little Miss Gray, have to promise me another conversation. ” 
A what?
Gray feels her heart drop, feels her blood run cold. He’s blackmailing her into seeing him again? 
She must really look scared, because Johnny quickly waves a placating hand. He clears his throat, the sound making her wince.  “ Okay, okay––I’m not gonna tell anyone about you regardless. But . . . you can’t blame me for being curious. It’s not every day you meet a tiny person that watches your movies! C’mon, darlin’, how about you meet me here again tomorrow and I’ll crack open an MRE for us to munch on while we chat. ” 
Food. Food is always a powerful persuasion tool.
Gray swallows, and nods awkwardly, if only to appease the human. Whether or not she intends to actually meet him here tomorrow, she’s not so sure. As of right now, it’s leaning towards a big NO. 
“ Great! ”  Johnny pushes up quickly, clapping his hands mid-pushup, and jumps to his feet. The combination of the rapid movement and the loud noise startle Gray enough to get her moving. She bolts, slipping under one of the food storage shelves and vanishing from his sight. Johnny blinks, a little taken aback by how quick she is, but he shrugs.  “ See ya tomorrow then. ” 
As his heavy footsteps retreat from the room, Gray slowly releases a breath she’d been holding. She bows her head, catching it in her hands.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could she let herself get caught like that? 
But also . . ..
Holy shit, she just met JOHNNY F. CAGE.
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svtskneecaps · 4 years
Rules: answer questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
so @kwonthefire tagged me thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about myself you KNOW i will jump on that shit with absolutely no hesitation you’re incredible
Name/nickname: vic
Gender: woman babey
Star sign: cancer
Time: 5:50 am don’t tell my friends i’m going to bed when i post this i swear
Birthday: july
Favourite bands: seventeen, and i vibe to like, panic!, twice, does the cast of newsies count as a band?
Favourite soloists: listen i’ll vibe to anybody with solid lyrics or a good melody so like, halsey, carrie underwood, taylor swift has been a big one recently, anna nalik, miranda lambert, yknow. all the shit i listened to like six years ago has returned to my playlist cause i’m Stressed tm (ngl the house that built me came on and i actually started crying in the middle of making enchiladas w my entire family like i went straight from DOUBLE BUBBLE DISCO QUEEN to sobbing in the sauce)
i mean not actually the sauce you know what i mean
Last show: shit uhh i think it was like. the three caballeros yknow that animated series with donald duck it’s on disney+. unless we count my mom’s episodes of criminal minds that she watches in the room next to me
Song stuck in my head: an absolutely bizarre combination of that “she’s a wh*re” song clip from tik tok, “the world will know” from newsies, the rock violin cover of the phantom of the opera from the umbrella academy, and like. the twelve days of christmas as sung by straight no chaser, specifically the section where they start doing africa. i don’t know what’s going on either.
When I created this blog: idk a while ago. like three years? four years?
Last thing I googled: ah shit. probably something for premiere pro, adobe software sucks it’s the least intuitive shit i have ever used literally the program i used to write in java worked easier than fucking premiere pro
Other blogs: @ismyreadinglistgoodenoughforyou and i have a couple more but those are classified by order of [redacted]. i can reblog onto @tctwriters but that’s not technically mine it’s OURS anyway follow tctwriters
Do I get asks: nah dude which sux cause my favorite thing to talk about is me l m a o
Why I chose my url: dude i don’t remember i wanted to rebrand from the god awful ‘ismycapsloudenoughforyou’ so i think we went, ok, so seventeen. svt. and my discord status was probably “stop bullying jeonghan’s knee >:(” so they were like, ok knees. and i went ah SHIT, KNEECAPS and then i just. did that.
Following : my guy do you think i know
Followers : like a graduating class worth
Lucky numbers: idk like 12 and 7 and maybe 32
Avg hours of sleep: o jesus well uh. anywhere between 4 and 12 it depends on if i have something to do the next day
Instruments: i can play viola and some flute, i’ve briefly dabbled in piano, ukulele, harmonica, and accordion
What I’m wearing right now: haha state football merch and socks that clash very drastically bc it’s goddamn cold in my house fuck
Dream trip: honestly any trip is my dream trip as long as a couple specific people come. like literally a trip to the grocery store could be my dream trip as long as these specific people are there yknow. people make the trip more than the actual places, for me
Favourite food: o i forgot to answer this one uhhh dr pepper isn’t a food but i don’t eat and my veins run with the stuff
Nationality: american ahaha
Favourite song: ah shit dude it depends on my mood i can’t answer this rn i literally just got “WILL WE LET EM STUFF THIS CROCK O’ GARBAGE DOWN OUR THROATS” stuck in my head and now i can’t actually remember any other songs anyway it’s Home Run stream Home Run by Seventeen guys stream Home Run it’s a fucking bop and the music video is absolute quality i literally didn’t listen to another song for a week and a half after it dropped and i’m not kidding in the slightest stream Home Run by Seventeen guys.
Top three Fictional Universe: it has been so long since i’ve experienced anything that’s original fiction i mean like, jowling kowling rowling is a fucking terf and we hate her LMAO so the only harry potter universe i can vibe with is one that’s thoroughly headcanoned to squeeze all the bullshit out of it, but i vibe with those kinds (i’ve written those kinds, or tried anyway lmao).
also i couldn’t actually read the Lord of the Rings series bc Tolkien’s prose was just way too dense for me to enjoy without it feeling like i was reading a textbook, but i read the Hobbit and i talk to my dad about it sometimes cause he listens to a podcast where they analyze it, and literally the absolute care and time he put into making every section of that world feel alive is absolutely buck fuckin wild to me i mean fuck it up Tolkien that’s fucking incredible. that is batshit insane you incredible man, godspeed.
and doctor who is lit as fuck, tbh i vibe hard with the rtd era shit, they kind of lost me at eleven and also took that shit off amazon prime before i was done watching shitheads but like you have to admit that’s a giant fictional universe and it feels Alive as hell and i vibe with that hard like i vibed so hard i fuckin started writing my own goddamn season just bc i wanted to play around in that lovely lovely sandbox so kudos to them i guess
not in that order
anyway idk who to tag so if you’re seeing this from tctwriters and actually have notifs on for that blog, you’re up dummy i love you. i’d say anyone who wants to take it but nobody ever does so this is for the tctwriters i’m calling you out SPECIFICALLY.
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rattusrattus3 · 4 years
hey!! I've been reading some stuff about Goblincore having some very anti-Semitic parts. do you have an opinion on that ? and if so, would an aesthetic like Gremlincore be a better fit ? - sincerely, a friend
Hi I’m not Jewish so not the best person to ask
I don’t know why ur asking me but in all my interactions with people who have been “goblincore” online they have been pretty strictly about self acceptance /positivity / rejection of norms ; if I saw anti Semitism in the community that would be fucked up but so far I haven’t , just posts going around that the word “goblin” is anti Semitic
I have seen the posts go around (I probably reblogged one or two also) which is why I changed my header to say “gremlin” instead of goblin (it used to say pastel punk goblin now it says “pastel punk gremlin”)
My outfit posts are still tagged “goblin ootd” bc well... that’s the tag I started using when I started posting fashion posts and I don’t know how to mass re tag all the posts, and re posting them all bc they have a tag that is potentially problematic feels kind of ... I mean maybe this makes me a bad person but it feels like a lot of effort for a relatively minor thing (primarily cause tags don’t get attached to posts like the actual description does)
Basically I am trying to not use the word in posts I make now , and uh, yea, I don’t think I should be the spokesperson for this so I encourage u to pls research opinions from people who actually know what they’re talking abt n make ur own mind up about that! 💕.
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nxtritething · 4 years
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name  /  alias : caro / care / carebear gender  /  pronouns : female / she&her where  ya  from  ? : u s of a .  orig n y c. the  current  time :  9 pm ( when i started? ) , 1 pm ( when i finished ) job  or  major :  i majored in mechanical engineering and math. no, i canno favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  i have some good one-liners.
why  you  joined  hqclouds :  ... i helped make it. also its felt like a long while since i got to play some of my favorite babes, and i just missed them, so i obviously had to jump at an opportunity to bring them back !!!
meaning  behind  url :  it’s uh...... next right thing ,  as in anna’s big song in frozen 2. and i just felt it like, FIT. 
last  thing  you  googled :  zac efron high school musical gif icons, bc i wanted to use for this, but then that account was flagged as adult content and i guess those beloved gifs are lost to the void now...
zodiac :  pisces in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : yes. i am a crying fish. also i’m a pisces venus. it makes a LOT of sense. myers  -  briggs :  istj ??? i think?? moral  alignment :  i can be chaotic good, but mostly neutral neutral i think hogwarts  house : i used to be a slytherin, now i’m a hufflepuff. idk what happened to me.
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  uhhhh... 1) bubbles from powerpuff girls. because i am baby. 2) juliet o’hara from psych. i’ve just been rewatching a lot of psych and i love how she’s such a serious yet funny / soft and idk why i just relate to that. 3) john mulaney in mulaney. because this is a cop-out to say i relate to anything / everything john edmund mulaney every does.
i  started  roleplaying : i first started on some fourms ??? on an app on my itouch ??? but my first tumblr rp group was percy jackson and everyone though i was this all knowing pjo fan... when really i was just fast to look shit up on the wikia. i had never read a single page of the series. types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  fandoms, typically ! i used to be exclusively love animated roleplays? like cartoons? but then i transitioned to musicals? like, exclusively playing musical characters??? at this point, tara is like the one exception nowadays... favorite  fcs  to  use :  um... olivia holt is a recent fave? joshua basset, also. my old faves are mary kate wiles and hunter parrish tho. real old. otherwise, i don’t know if i’d say i get attached to fc’s? fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : i kinda wanna go back to some of my cartoon roots, maybe? i really haven’t deviated from the same 8 - 9 mostly musical characters in literally years...  fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  um... the raven cycle ,  miraculous ladybug  , uh..... everything else. i’m so randomly interested in everything.
share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  my favorite is when i was in a youtuber rpf / oc rp, and this girl... made an oc... and made the fc... herself. she made a literal self-insert oc. with herself as the face. like low-res gifs of herself. why, you ask? i think she was trying to ship herself with dan howell. that didn’t age well, did it?
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : do i just list all the characters i’ve been playing for literal years? my recent faves are katherine plumber from newsies and princess anna. favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : i had a hunter parrish oc. he was in both the pjo and youtube rp. he was obsessed with hanging out with trees and pranks. don’t ask me why. canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  kristoff / anna , jack kelly / katherine plumber , jake peralta / amy santiago , orpheus / eurydice , && donny novitski / julia trojan. yes, most of these are musicals. who doesn’t love a good love ballad? trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : uhh... adorkable, one of the boys, badass adorable
i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  i am a massive sucker for fluff, but i’m so guilty of angst... i love pain. i don’t really do smut tho. sorry. long  or  short  replies :  i generally prefer short replies, unless we’ve somehow developed a thread into something long. or i’m feeling particularly inspired. pre  plotting  or  chemistry : i love chemistry with all my heart, but sometimes it’s fun to plot past connections that can reignite? idk. mostly chemistry sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : headcanon memes, because im never creative to turn a sentence starter into something that makes sense, esp between two characters who don’t know each other. single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multimuse, because i spent too many years reblogging replies to the wrong sideblog and those days are over !!! gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : i prefer gif icons for shorter replies and medium gifs for longer ones... or whatever my partner is using. i like some sort of consistency.
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : ‘ what’s the rush? ’ repeat this phase when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. ask yourself whether somethings really needs doing immediately. are you ignoring your needs in order to do it?  - the little book of sloth philosophy. 
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : “ did you fall? or did you let go? ”  -  connor murphy to evan hansen, dear evan hansen. ( idk why this immediately jump to mind but... )
top  current  celebrity  crushes :  jeremy jordan, corey cott, jordan fisher, claire saffitz, brian david gilbert. last  movie  you  watched :  bridal boot camp did  you  like  it  ? :  yes. i loved it. it’s absolute garbage and i loved it. favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : idk but i can always rewatch prince of egypt. godspell favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : uhh.... i keep rewatching psych.   favorite  tv  show  (  s  ) that  hasn’t  ended : brooklyn nine-nine, zoey’s extraordinary playlist. sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : uh... grew up in a yankee / mets household. favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : pokemon, animal crossing  favorite  youtube  channels : drew gooden, danny gonzalez, jenna marbles.
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? :
greased lightin’ from grease live ; oh mother by hunter parrish ; nerds by bo burnham ; a miracle would happen / when you come home to me from the last five years ; just another day from next to normal ; who tells your story from hamilton mixtape. 
i haven’t listened to any of these in forever, but i am still, indeed, musical theater trash.
personal  aesthetic : demin overalls, scrunchies, the color teal, big stuffed animals. dream  vacation  ? : somewhere beautiful with people i love. dream  job  ? : perhaps like designing custom 3D prosthetics dream  car  ? :  i hate driving, but a big ol’ truck. like suv. big one. favorite  musical : gospell, dear evan hansen, bandstand, newsies, shrek the musical, mamma mia, i could go on... unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  sailor moon crystal, crash landing on you, locke & key, all the bright places, the half of it, younger, meteor, hello my twenties ...
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : musicals. so many musicals. i know both know too much and not enough.
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7-wonders · 5 years
Thinking of Sin
Summary: Michael, having fully embraced his title as Antichrist and heir to the throne of Hell, invites you to join him as his father’s church, the Church of Night, celebrates one of their most sacred holidays: Lupercalia, the festival of passion. (a Chilling Adventures of Sabrina au!)
Word Count: 6374
A/N: (hello this is a re-upload bc it wasn’t showing up in the tags last time. if it continues to do this I think I’m gonna throw my computer out a window) This is, by far, the longest thing I’ve written for this blog. I’ve been very excited to write this, and I hope that you enjoy this take on Michael Langdon and Lupercalia! Reader is a human in this one, but I’ve got another version in the works where reader is a witch! Feedback is greatly appreciated, and if you liked this, I’d love if you left a like, comment, reblog, or note in my inbox! Enjoy!
Warnings: Sex, Satanism, mentions of Pagan rituals, oral (female receiving), fandom crossovers, blood mentions.
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The small, 50’s-style diner is decorated with all varieties of traditional Valentine’s Day symbols: hearts and Cupids and bows and arrows, all in hues ranging from the blushiest of pinks to the deepest of reds. The fluorescent lighting, which normally washes patrons out, only serves to make the man sitting across from you look even more sculpted. He smirks when he catches you staring again, hooking his foot around your calf playfully from under the table.
Although a roadside diner might not be an obvious choice for a date, anything is better than yet another date spent on the grounds of the Hawthorne School, where Michael currently studies magic. The teachers are all extremely strict about their star pupil, which means that Michael usually sneaks you in in order to spend time with you. Today is different, however, with a prelude for some magical holiday warranting an early weekend for the students. While you don’t possess any magical abilities, it’s not at all difficult to skip a couple of classes on a Friday, allowing you a last-minute date with Michael.
“It’s so easy to tell when you’re not listening to me.” Michael teases, long fingers drumming on the table. “If you’re not staring at me, then it’s the far-away look in your eyes.”
“Who can blame me for not being able to focus when I have someone as beautiful as you sitting across from me?” You relish in the light blush that paints his cheeks, Michael obviously not being used to you turning the tables and complimenting him suddenly.
“Anyways, where did you zone out at?”
“Hmm, right after you started explaining why you get an early weekend. Lupus column or something?” Michael snickers, sipping his strawberry milkshake to avoid laughing loudly in the quiet diner.
“Lupercalia.” He corrects.
“Lupercalia, then. What exactly is Lupercalia?”
“Well, it’s an ancient festival, originally started by Roman witches and warlocks. It was instituted as a way to purify Rome and bring about health and fertility. It’s a very sacred holiday for us-”
“Even though you’re not just an average warlock.” You interrupt, winking conspiratorially.
You figured out Michael’s ‘secret’ pretty quickly after you saw Ms. Mead convulsing in the driveway next to yours. Not knowing that she was now a robot and was shorting out, you had assumed the woman was having a heart attack. When Michael had opened the door to your incessant knocking and you had barged in with the unconscious woman, the pentagram and vague smell of sulfur made you a little extremely suspicious. It was the sight of Michael being covered in blood that made you demand for him to tell you what was going on, or else you would call the police and have them investigate.
“Yes, even though I’m not an ‘average warlock,’” he agrees, “it’s still a sacred holiday for the witches and warlocks who worship my father.”
Being the Antichrist guarantees that Michael is treated like a prince at Hawthorne, which is directly ruled by the Church of Night. Michael’s treated like a prince at most of the ‘witchy’ places he takes you to, something that you’re still getting used to.
“I’m guessing it’s not like Valentine’s Day, though?”
“Not exactly. The Church, as you know, directly follows my father’s teachings. These include giving into your wants and desires, especially those of the…carnal nature.”
“The carnal nature? Oh! Ohhh…” Heat quickly rises to your cheeks, avoiding eye contact while Michael chuckles. “So it’s like a sex festival?” Your voice drops at the word ‘sex,’ even though there’s nobody within hearing range.
“Well nobody calls it that, but sort of.”
“What do you, uh, do to celebrate?”
“The festival’s made up of three different events. There’s the Matching, where witches dance with ribbons around what’s basically a Maypole and are paired with a random warlock once the music stops. After that is the Courting, where the couples participate in a ritual to ensure health and wellness. The last event is called the Hunt, where the witches hunt their warlocks. Once caught, they…” Michael’s voice breaks as he grimaces, making your eyes widen as you quickly realize what he means.
“Is this a mandatory holiday? Like, the underage witches and warlocks do it too?”
“No! No, it’s not mandatory, and nobody under the age of sixteen can participate.”
“So…you’ve participated in it before?” Although Michael’s always been deliberately vague on how old he truly is, you know that he’s at least 20, if not older. That means, considering he’s the heir to the throne of Hell, he’s probably been involved in his father’s festivals and holidays. It makes you mildly jealous to imagine him participating in something like this with a pretty, powerful witch.
“I haven’t. Last year was my first at Hawthorne, and I was still just trying to get the hang of being at a new school. I wasn’t sure if I would participate this year, which is why I wanted to ask you.”
“Michael, I’m not your mom. If you want my permission to be a part of Lupercalia, you really don’t need it.” You grumble, snatching a stray french fry from your plate and eating it to avoid showing that this bugs you. Since it’s Michael you’re sitting across from, though, he automatically knows.
“I was going to ask if you’d participate in Lupercalia with me, (Y/N).”
“Oh.” You avert your eyes, embarrassed at how blatantly jealous you got. “I thought you said the pairing-up of the witches and warlocks was random?”
“Leave that to me.” His eyes twinkle, and you just know that he’s going to use some sort of magic to rig the festival if you agree.
“Well, what about the fact that I’m a ‘mortal?’ I thought that the Church didn’t like mortals intermingling with you guys.”
“One, you’re not just a regular mortal, you’re my mortal.” To increase the sentiment, he reaches across the table and grips your hand in his. “And two, I’m not just a regular warlock. They sort of have to let me do what I want.”
“Bullying your teachers into letting you bring your mortal girlfriend to a dirty magical festival? You truly are your father’s son.” You joke.
“You’re stalling.” It’s not a question; you and he both know that you’re stalling. It’s not like you and Michael haven’t had sex before, but encroaching on this sacred festival that’s also extremely intimate makes you feel very hesitant.
“Promise we’ll get paired up?”
“Of course. Does that mean you’ll do it?”
Sighing, you nod. “Yes, I’ll do it.”
You defeatedly sit back in your seat, grabbing your own milkshake and taking a hearty drink while Michael grins. Even though you’re pouting, you can’t deny the tiny butterflies of excitement starting to spring up in your stomach. You’re jumping headfirst into a world that’s dark, supernatural, and a little sexy. Who couldn’t be slightly excited for that?
The Matching
The Matching, which you assumed would be at Hawthorne, is actually at Hawthorne’s ‘sister school,’ the Academy of Unseen Arts. Michael had easily transmuted both of you to what had first appeared to be an abandoned train depot. Apparently, the old adage of “never judge a book by its’ cover” applies to buildings as well. The moment you stepped foot inside, you were taken aback by the large, gothic-style school. The walls are all a rich red, with a golden railing encircling the second level that overlooks the entryway. A giant statue of what you’re assuming is Satan is pushed to the back, a large Maypole with red, black, and white ribbons taking center stage. Witches and warlocks mill about, all bowing their heads respectfully whenever they pass Michael and speaking in hushed tones while sneaking glances at him.
You cling tightly to Michael, free hand tightly grasping the hem of your black dress that’s accented with white flowers. All of these witches are so dark and beautiful, looking at Michael from under their heavily-painted lids. You can practically feel the power oozing off of them, sending chills down your spine. Michael has a protective arm around your waist, sensing how nervous you are. In an effort to distract yourself while the host school gets everything set up, you glance up towards the ceiling.
The stained glass windows that act as a sun-roof are beautiful, but the longer you look at them, the more you can see the Satanic imagery that makes up a larger story. There’s flames, stakes, the goat-headed figure of Satan, and magic. There’s also a man with bright blue eyes and golden curls, standing amongst one set of flames while someone who looks almost like you (if you’re squinting hard enough, you try to convince yourself) stands at the man’s side. Casting your eyes slightly downwards, the teachers from the various schools and academies stand on the second floor. Michael’s professors were not exactly pleased that he was bringing his mortal girlfriend, but Father Blackwood, the so-called ‘High Priest’ of the Church, was more than welcoming.
“He has to be,” Michael had explained to you, “or else I’ll report back to my father. Blackwood’s on thin-enough ice as it is.”
When Michael stiffens beside you, you look away from the teachers and towards him.
“What’s wrong?” You’ve been with Michael long enough to know that something has to be extremely wrong for him to even have a reaction like this.
“Sabrina Spellman is what’s wrong.” You look in the direction that Michael’s glowering, only to see a small blonde girl chatting with her friends.
“She doesn’t look very threatening.” You tease, hoping to diffuse the situation.
“Sabrina fled her dark baptism and abandoned the Church, while still trying to keep her powers. She fights Satan at every turn and is convinced that she’ll ‘take him down,’ whatever that means.” Michael says lowly, clenching his jaw.
“So, not your friend, got it.” You mutter.
You’re both startled by someone yelling for the men to take their places. A ring of chairs has been placed around the Maypole, backs facing the ribbons. Michael grabs the ribbon attached to the chair closest to him, unlooping it and handing the white fabric to you before he takes a seat. Your hands are still interlocked, and he smiles reassuringly at you while the same person starts giving directions.
“Alright ladies, you know the rules! When the music stops, take a seat on the warlock…or Antichrist…” he stops as everyone giggles, making you look at Michael with panicked eyes, “closest to you.”
“I’ve got it all under control, remember? Enjoy yourself.” He reminds you one last time, rubbing his thumb over the ring on your right index finger; an onyx band with blue and white stones forming starry constellations, given to you by Michael for your birthday.
The music starts up, the violinist playing a folksy tune. Michael grins at you one last time before you start moving in the same direction as the rest of the women. You don’t know this dance, and even if you did, there’s no way you’d look nearly as graceful as everyone else. Still, you try your hardest to copy the moves of the witch next to you, a redhead that has her eyes dead-set on Sabrina Spellman. Michael turns his head to watch you dance, smiling the entire time as you start to get the hang of things. It’s not that long of a song, you realize as the violinist plays one last, long note, and your heart thunders when you see that you’re all the way across the room from Michael.
He can sense your trepidation, winking at you before coughing into the crook of his elbow. The note continues to echo through the room, much to the confusion of the man no longer playing the instrument. The same tone continues to play until you’re right in front of Michael, stopping the moment he coughs again. You nearly fall into his lap, laying your forehead against his gratefully.
“Told you I had it all under control.” You giggle at his cocky statement, relishing in the feeling of his lips on yours.
“I didn’t doubt you for one second.”
“Yeah right, I could practically taste your fear when you thought the last note was being played.”
“Because I didn’t know what you were planning on doing!” You argue playfully, not able to fight the large smile working onto your face.
“Was this as terrible as you thought it would be?” Michael asks, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Considering I ended up with you as my match, I’d say yes.”
“You brat!” Michael’s eyes gleam as he grabs your lower lip between his teeth and pulls, eliciting a squeal from you.
You’re not sure if it’s the sensuality of the festival itself, the intoxication that happens whenever you’re around someone whom you share feelings for, or if there was an actual spell being performed during that dance, but every couple in the room is currently engaged in various levels of PDA. And really, you can’t complain, since your gorgeous Antichrist is right under you.
The Courting
Silver light from the near-full moon peeks out between the gnarled tree branches forming a canopy above your head, bathing the group of teens and young adults in a soft light. It’s chilly out, a fog floating low towards the ground the only remaining sign that there was previously rain. You can still smell it, a fresh scent mixed in with the earthy smell that’s so prevalent in a forest. Breathing out through your mouth, you watch as your breath forms visibly in front of you. Michael’s arm is wrapped around your shoulder, the sight of his red leather gloves coupled with his black leather trench coat sending your heart racing. Your overcoat isn’t nearly as nice, but then again you didn’t expect to be making a fashion statement in the middle of the woods.
When Michael had told you that ‘the Courting’ was a ritual for health and wellness, you didn’t envision it taking place in a dark forest. That’s really your own fault, though, since nothing can ever just be normal when it comes to witches and warlocks (and a stray Antichrist).
“Witches, warlocks, Antichrist, and mortal,” the same man who played the violin at the Matching says, not even bothering to hide his smirk, “congratulations, you have been matched.”
Michael glances at you the same time that you look at him, both of you rolling your eyes at how clever this man thinks that he is.
“Tonight, you and your paramour shall go into the woods and re-enact the Courting. What that means is that each couple shall go into the woods and disrobe and anoint themselves and lie under this blessed Lupercalian moon, absorbing the potency of the Goddess Selene herself.”
Although Michael had explained to you that participants still kept their undergarments on, the idea of taking off any layer of clothing in this weather is not too appealing.
“Anoint ourselves with what?” You whisper to Michael.
“Patience is a virtuous skill, (Y/N).”
“And you’re one to lecture me on virtues.” You fire back, snickering when Michael lightly pinches your arm.
“Abstinence is encouraged….” The warlock emcee is interrupted by a chorus of boos from the people surrounding you, “…in anticipation of the powerful release that concludes Lupercalia.”
Michael looks at you when you stifle a laugh, winking at the innuendo.
“However, should couples be moved to unite, well, I’m sure the Dark Lord would not oppose.”
“Glad we have your dad’s unholy blessing to get it on tonight.” You mutter, making Michael bite his lip to keep from laughing.
“Like that’s ever stopped us before.” He retorts, burying his face in your hair to hide his blush.
A beautiful dark-skinned girl with bleached, cropped hair produces baskets from behind a tree. You can’t see what’s under the blanket that tops each basket, but you can hear something clanking around inside.
“The milk and blood are for the purification, the oysters and figs are for fertility and virility. The cherries are for…popping.” The girl says, leaning in close to Sabrina Spellman in what you assume is a way to tease her.
“A word or two of caution.” Father Blackwood steps forward. “Each couple must stay together the entire night, and, above all, do not stray from the path. All manner of lust-filled creatures stalk the woods during the Lupercalia. Now, with the Dark Lord’s blessing, let the Courting begin.”
A long, low note sounds from a horn, spurring the couples to all start moving down the path. Michael grabs your hand in his, and you can feel the chill of the cool leather through your own knitted glove.
“I can’t believe that this is how I die. From knowingly and willingly going into a scene that’s the beginning of a horror movie.” You lament, letting Michael lead you behind all of the others.
“We’re not going to die, (Y/N), don’t be so dramatic.”
“Are you kidding me? Imagine this as the synopsis: ‘A group of young adults jaunt off into various parts of the forest in order to participate in a carnal ritual, that is, if they can get past all of the hungry beasts that lurk just out of their eyesight.’” You say dramatically.
“How did you manage to successfully make a festival of passion into a horror movie?”
“It’s pretty easy when the material’s right in front of me.”
The deeper Michael leads you into the woods, the warmer it gets. Soon, you’re tugging off your gloves and unbuttoning your coat in an attempt to cool down.
“How is it suddenly so warm?” You wonder.
“The magic of the Lupercalian moon. The further into nature we get, the more potent the moon is.” He finds a clearing among the trees just off of the path, deeming it acceptable enough to set the basket down.
“So if you don’t want to have sex, the ever-rising temperature is still gonna force you to take your clothes off.” You grab the blanket out of the picnic basket, the bottles and other items knocking against each other. Unfolding it, you lay it on top of the earth, Michael straightening the other end out.
“It’s just a way for everybody to be able to fully enjoy Lupercalia, even if it is in the middle of February.” Michael unpacks the bottles, as well as two knives.
“What are the knives for?”
“We don’t actually cut ourselves, it’s just an easy way to get the anointing oils onto ourselves. You use the flat edge of the blade.” He explains, standing up once he’s satisfied.
The red gloves come off first, Michael removing them one finger at a time. After shrugging off his coat, he looks at you expectantly.
“Are you going to take your clothes off as well?”
“Oh, right!” You blush, letting your coat fall to the forest floor as Michael looks on with a wide grin.
After taking your clothes off, you’re left standing in your matching bra and panties (black, of course, just like everything when it involves witches and warlocks), and Michael in only his boxers. Although this is definitely not the first time that Michael’s seen you like this, you still avert your eyes and cross your arms over your chest in shyness. Michael’s skin almost glows under the light of the moon, his eyes looking nearly luminous while he reaches down to grab the first part of the ritual. Dipping a knife in the bottle of blood, he hands it to you before repeating the action for his own knife.
“Do you remember what to say?” He asks, not at all shocked when you shake your head. “‘By Lilith’s blood,’ okay?”
Twirling the knife in your hand, you grip the cool, ridged handle of the weapon that you’re supposed to use to sensually drag blood across your boyfriend’s forehead. You glance at him, waiting for him to nod before lifting the knife.
“By Lilith’s blood.” You recite, Michael breathing in deeply as the blood makes contact with his skin.
“By Lucifer’s love.” Michael lifts his own knife, and you wrinkle your nose as blood is applied to your forehead.
“Can I ask you a question?” You and Michael both sink to your knees, Michael dabbing a cloth with the provided milk.
“Of course.”
“Is the Lilith in the myths real? Like…Satan’s concubine and all that? The mother of demons?” Michael grimaces, rolling his eyes quickly.
“Basically, yes.”
“So is she sort of like your step-mom?”
“My father and Lilith aren’t married, (Y/N).” You giggle as Michael wipes the wet cloth across your forehead. “Good, keep laughing. We’re supposed to laugh during this part of the ritual.”
“I honestly have no clue.” You can’t stop laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation and the conversation, Michael handing you the cloth once he’s done. “But yes, you could say that she’s technically my stepmother.”
“But you’ve never met her.”
“No, not at all. Not that I’m complaining, though. I’d rather meet my father.” Michael laughs when you cross your eyes and stick your tongue out at him, taking the opportunity to wipe the blood off of him.
“Do you think you’ll get to meet him one day?” He’s never really talked about his ‘true’ family before, and the only time he’s ever mentioned the parents who were a part of his infernal conception was when you got him so drunk on Mike’s Hard Lemonades (who would have thought so-called ‘bitch beers’ would make the Antichrist a weepy drunk?) that he ended up setting his own hair on fire.
“I hope so. Here, eat.” He holds a fig up to your mouth, and you grimace while taking a bite of it.
“Eugh, that’s probably the grossest part of this whole thing.”
“But wait, there’s oysters too.” Michael eats the rest of the fig, winking while you shoot him a horrified look.
You just want to get eating an oyster over with, so you reach over and grab one. Taking a deep breath, you plug your nose before tossing your head back and swallowing it down like a shot. Shuddering, you stick your tongue out as the slimy texture forces you to choke back a gag. Michael knocks back the oyster far easier than you did, only slightly grimacing and pulling a face.
“So what do we do now?” You ask.
“We lay next to each other and soak up the light of the moon.”
“Now that’s something I can get behind.” Michael grips your hand, tugging you down on top of him easily.
You roll off of Michael, still not letting go of his hand. Looking up at the moon, your eyes widen at just how big and bright it is. You’ve never quite seen anything like it, and if it weren’t for Michael’s laughter you wouldn’t tear yourself away from the sight.
“I’m just…extremely lucky to have you.” You let your head fall to the side, grinning at Michael.
“I’m lucky to have you, too.” He leans over and kisses you softly, the sounds of wind rustling through the trees and owls calling out to one another forming a symphony above your heads.
Sleep claims both of you before you can even think about progressing to anything beyond lazy kissing. When you wake up, the gray light of dawn paints the forest in a new light, one that’s much colder than it was last night. At some point during the night, Michael draped his large coat over your bodies, which is greatly appreciated right now. Michael sits up and runs a hand through his hair, cringing at the tangles.
“I’ve never seen your hair so out of place before.” You tease.
“This will be the last time you see it like this.” He warns, standing up and finding his clothes from where they were thrown last night.
“Sorry we fell asleep before either of us were ‘moved’ to unite.” You quote, catching the sweater Michael tosses your way with ease.
“That just means tonight is going to be even better.” Your heart jumps at the reminder, causing Michael to look up when he hears. “Are you nervous?”
“No, I just don’t know what to expect!  Seeing as how each ritual has just gotten more and more strange, I’m assuming that this one’s is going to be wild.” Michael smirks, helping you stand and wrapping you in your coat.
“Hmm, guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”
“I guess so.”
The Hunt
Your earlier suspicions were dead-on; not only are you back in the same area of the woods that are now lit with a bunch of torches, but you’re also wearing nothing but a white satin slip and a pair of black stockings under a red cape that makes you look like Little Red Riding Hood. A bright red lip completes the look, as it does for all the witches around you. For the first time since Lupercalia started, you don’t feel entirely out of place surrounded by all these mystical women. You’re all dressed the same, and you’re all here to participate in Lupercalia. Tonight, you have far more important things to worry about than judgemental witches.
When you first found Michael, your knees nearly gave out on the spot. He’s shirtless, wearing only a pair of black jeans and a wolf’s pelt. The head of the pelt hangs over his forehead, acting as a sort of hat. He looks wild, uninhibited, and utterly happy; it makes your heart melt to see him so carefree. He couldn’t even stifle his grin when he had grabbed you to kiss you in greeting, too excited for the events to come to worry about keeping up the stern Antichrist demeanor.
“Welcome to the final night of the Lupercalia!” Ambrose (yes, you’ve finally learned his name) yells. “Hoods hunt wolves, witches hunt warlocks. The outcome of the Hunt shall determine the year ahead. Will it be bountiful or barren? Fruitful or fallow? Tonight, we hunt and are hunted, releasing our blessed magicks into the night. Warlocks, are you ready?”
The warlocks all howl and cheer in response, Michael included. The closer it gets to the start of the Hunt, the more excited you find yourself. Maybe the rituals of Lupercalia actually work, or maybe it’s just the fact that you haven’t slept with Michael in days and he looks particularly delicious in a wolf’s pelt.
Ambrose plays a long note on the same horn as last night, sending the warlocks running into the woods. You giggle as Michael darts off, pushing past the other men in an attempt to get as much of a head start as possible. Although it may not be a formal competition, Michael will always find a way to make some aspect of what he’s doing competitive.
“And witches, are you ready?” The women all around you yell, and you join them. When Ambrose plays another note, you dart off.
The woods are more disorienting than you remember them being last night. The fog makes it impossible for you to see more than thirty feet ahead of you, and the wolf heads all look the same from the back. Witches and warlocks sprint all around you, finding their partner and tackling them to the ground. You’re mildly impressed at how voracious some of these people are, going at it right on the ground and in the open. Your lungs burn as you continue to run further into the forest, hoping that soon the pack will thin out and you’ll be able to find Michael by the process of elimination.
You only stop when a stitch in your side forms, bending over and placing your hands on your knees while you try to catch a breath. There’s nobody around, everybody having already been reunited, and you can’t stop the disappointment that you feel. If you were a witch, surely this would have been much easier, you think to yourself. Standing up straight again, you start to walk back in the direction that you came from when a force grabs you by the shoulders and slams you back against a tree.
You shriek breathlessly, panic gripping you until the eyes staring at you register as Michael’s. His eyes glimmer with lust and excitement, and he bites his lip while smiling widely. You roll your eyes and lightly slap his chest, hand lingering on the firm pec.
“Did I scare you?” His voice comes out raspy, and you have to stop yourself from letting your eyes roll back in your head.
“I thought I was supposed to be the one who found you.”
“Hmm, I got bored waiting around.”
Leaning the weight of his body against yours, Michael traps you in place while he kisses you deeply. You throw your arms around his shoulders, the fur of the wolf pelt tickling your arms. His large, calloused hand grabs the cool skin of your upper thigh, hiking your leg up around his waist. You’re sure that the rough bark of the tree is leaving scratches even through the thick material of the cloak you’re wearing, but that’s honestly the last thing on your mind right now.
“You look so sexy tonight.” Michael gasps out, only removing his lips far enough to be able to breathe. “You look sexy all the time, but you know what I mean. The red lipstick is a really good look on you.”
“Yeah? You think so?” Your heart skips a beat; Michael compliments you all the time, but usually on the emotional traits you possess: how smart you are, how strong, how funny. He often compliments your physical appearance too, but with sweet words like ‘beautiful’ and ‘gorgeous’ and ‘stunning.’ If any other person were to refer to you as ‘sexy,’ you’d knock their teeth in. Michael’s use of the word, however, has your heart racing and blood pumping.
Michael nods eagerly, head falling to your collarbone as he sucks and bites the skin there.
“Absolutely. I always knew you’d look dangerous in a cloak, but this is beyond my wildest fantasies.”
“On that note, you should consider keeping the wolf’s pelt.” Michael raises an eyebrow at you before growling playfully, making you giggle loudly.
Those giggles quickly turn to a groan when Michael rips open your white slip, the soft fabric tearing easily under his grip. Your nipples immediately harden from the cool night air while you lift your hips away from the tree, allowing the now-ruined lingerie to pool around your ankles. The thin panties you’re wearing do nothing to hide your arousal, and Michael’s nostrils flare as his supernatural senses pick up on the heady scent.
The powers of this Lupercalian moon were hardly exaggerated. You can practically feel the magic of the light that you and Michael are being bathed in. It heightens everything you’re feeling, as well as acting as an aphrodisiac of sorts. In this moment, you’ve never wanted Michael more than you do now, and your legs are almost sticky with the arousal that’s starting to track down your thighs. He looks to be in the same state right now, eyes blown wide with lust and prominent bulge digging against your lower stomach.
Your hands go up to the silver clasps on your cloak, stopped when one of Michael’s large hands grips both of your wrists.
“Leave the rest on.” He says lowly, causing you to gasp as intense want curls in your stomach.
“Michael, I need you.”
Michael sinks to his knees in front of you, ghosting his lips down your body the entire way before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties and tugging them down your legs. He can’t stop himself from licking his lips at the sight of your pussy, swollen and glistening right in front of him. The moment his hot breath hits your core, your hands lock into his hair in an attempt to stay upright as your knees buckle.
He immediately dives in, sucking and licking at your cunt like it’s his last meal. The sensation immediately sends shockwaves through your body that not even the jolt of pain from throwing your head back and smacking it against the tree bark can diminish. Michael wraps his hands around your thighs, hoisting you further up with preternatural strength. The heels you’re wearing dig into Michael’s shoulders, but if it bothers him he isn’t showing it.
Michael’s nails digging into your skin is the only thing keeping you grounded as his tongue draws shapes against your clit, stopping every so often so Michael can suck harshly on it. You’re a whimpering mess above him, legs shaking from the exertion of being held up off of the ground. He pulls away from you momentarily, licking your arousal off of his face while he surveys you to see just how close you are.
“What do you want, baby? Wanna cum in my mouth first, or do you want me inside you?”
You think for a moment. Although the idea of a near-instant release and gratification is tempting, you can’t deny the throbbing from your pussy that makes you want to be completely and utterly filled to the brim with Michael. The man in question, who has been listening to your inner dialogue the entire time, smirks when your lust-drunk brain comes to a decision. He keeps his grip on your legs as he stands again, wrapping them around his waist for you. Your ankles cross over one another, locking him in your grip. Michael doesn’t even bother to get undressed all of the way, pulling down his trousers and underwear just enough to free his cock.
You swoon at the sight of it, thick and veiny, already flushed red and dripping precum at the tip. His cock is one of your favorite things, and if both of you weren’t so desperate you’d fall to your knees and return the favor. He enters you as quickly as he can without hurting you, groaning loudly as your walls flutter around him while you adjust to his familiar size. Your hands, needing to find purchase on something, snake their way under Michael’s pelt and dig into the skin on his back.
He kisses you deeply, tongues tangling together while he starts slowly thrusting in and out of you. Your body rocks up and down against the tree, working your hair into knots and wearing down parts of the cloak that you’re still wearing. You pull away from his lips only to fill your burning lungs with air, but by then Michael’s moved on to the smooth expanse of your neck, sucking bruises onto the clean canvas of your skin.
Michael is truly a sight to behold as his thrusts increase in speed, hitting deep right where you need him. His hair sticks damply to his forehead, the golden curls only looking more like a halo as they’re backlit by the moon. When his eyes focus on you again after being rolled in the back of his head, there’s only a thin blue ring surrounding the blown-out pupils. His lips are fuller than normal, swollen and red from the constant pressure being placed there by your own lips. His muscles ripple under the skin, trying to keep up with the brutal pace that he’s set. The sheer beauty of Michael Langdon would have Greek gods and goddesses weeping in both envy and want; Donatello and Michelangelo could only dream of sculpting something as perfect as him.
You cry out, hips snapping up in an attempt to match Michael’s thrusts. Your legs, which are already wrapped tightly around his torso, attempt to pull him in even closer. If that was even possible, you’re not sure there’s enough of you for him to fill. You can hear yourself speaking broken sentences, but you’re not sure if the words don’t make sense because your brain is too clouded or if you’re just so far gone that you can’t form actual words.
“Michael, I–please-” Your uneven breathing cuts you off, but Michael nods in understanding. He’s close too, thrusts becoming shaky and more erratic as he nears the edge of his own peak.
Your cunt clenches around him, making him groan lowly as he attempts to thrust deeper. The attempt works, and you can feel the fat head of his cock brushing against the the innermost, spongy part of your walls that has you releasing a sound that’s a cross between a moan and a scream. Michael doesn’t stop there, reaching a hand in between your connected bodies so he can rub harsh circles on your clit. There’s enough lubrication there, whether it be sweat or arousal, that your clit is already slick enough for him to easily manipulate.
It’s only a matter of time before you’re cumming with a shout, limbs seizing as the electricity of your orgasm runs through you. Your head swims, eyesight blurred from the intense pleasure as you try to watch Michael. You can feel him throbbing inside of you, eyebrows furrowed together and mouth shaped like an ‘O’ while he teeters on the verge of his own orgasm. You regain control of your body just enough to moan his name, purposefully clenching around him and allowing him to fall over the edge of ecstasy.
The sensation of his warm release coating your walls sends aftershocks through you, tightening your arms around Michael while he continues to ride out his orgasm with his head buried against your chest. When you’re both completely spent he pulls out of you, wrapping his arms under your ass while he lowers you both to the ground. The beautiful red cloak spreads out underneath you enough for both of you to lay on, neither of you caring about getting dirty.
“Y’know,” Michael says breathlessly, still spent from your previous activities, “I do believe that this is the best holiday I’ve ever participated in.”
“Ambrose was right when he said this was a blessed Lupercalian moon.” Michael hums from beside you, neither of you bothering to put any effort into actually moving your heads to look at each other.
“A blessed Lupercalia, indeed.”
Tag List: @sammythankyou @queencocoakimmie @let-me-try-mom@pastel-cloudz @sebastianshoe@nana15774@lichellaw@ultragibbycentralworld @grim-adventures58@dandycandy75@trimbooohgodplsnoooo@alexcornerblog@everything-is-awesomesauce @ccodyfern@jimmlangdon@langdonsdemon@langdonslove @kahhlo@omgsuperstarg 
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daniellesimagines · 5 years
Shot of Truth (Ashton Irwin) - Part 1
word count: 1395 requested by: none pronouns: she/her warnings: none fandom: 5 seconds of summer au type: exes, bad boy summary: ashton thinks you don’t care anymore, so you decide to tell him exactly how you feel inspired by: @bxdlvckcharm (x) authors notes: happy annual birthday imagine!!!!!! i will accept gifts in the form of reblogging this imagine and sharing it with ur ashton stan friends!!!!!!! u cant tell but im posting this at 7:12 bc thats the time i was born and im extra as hell lmao  other parts: part 1 / part 2
"Hey, uh... Y/N...?" the voice behind you made you freeze, and you really didn't want to turn around – you knew who that voice belonged to. 
You slowly finished pushing the book in your hand onto the shelf, giving yourself a mental pep talk while doing so. You then took a subtle, deep breath and turned to face the man wanting your attention.
"Hi, Ashton," you managed to get out without tripping over your words – something you were grateful for considering this was your ex-boyfriend.
"I noticed you work here now... Been meaning to stop in..." he said, "Wanted to...talk..."
"Oh..." you trailed off, "About what...?"
"Well..." he cleared his throat, "I know you remember my...reputation...around town..."
"Hard to forget a rep like yours, Ashton," you reminded him as you went back to re-shelving books, making him let out a breathy chuckle.
"Yeah... Well, I've been thinking for a while... And I've only had the time to come in and ask about it now, but... You know you've got two years worth of dirt on me..."
"Okay..." you furrowed your eyebrows, "What do you mean?"
"Well, I would have thought you'd parade around town, telling everyone all the embarrassing stuff about me, I guess," Ashton mentioned.
"Why would I do that?" you returned, glancing up at him briefly.
"To ruin my reputation?" he said with a questioning tone as if you should already know.
"What do I gain from that?" you wondered.
"Knowing no one would ever take me seriously again?"
"Doesn't sound like much of a gain to me," you shrugged. Ashton simply stared at you in awe.
You had all this information on him – all these secrets that could be used to absolutely ruin him and cause him to be the laughing stock of the whole city – but you weren't using it against him; You weren't telling everyone he liked watching Spongebob while eating cereal in the mornings or that he enjoyed playing Pokemon while lying in bed or that he whined to go out for ice cream after he'd just been to the doctor or that he blushed whenever you complimented him in some way...
No, you weren't doing any of that... You were just living your life the way you had been before he came into it, going through each day with the same amount of reckless optimism you always had.
And he didn't understand it at all.
He didn't understand how you could be so positive in life. He didn't understand how you were always smiling and laughing and in such a good mood whenever he passed the store. And he certainly didn't understand how you could be so content without him when all he did was think about you.
"Well, I... Uh..." Ashton cleared his throat lightly, "Thanks for...you know...not doing that to me or whatever..."
You nodded in response, moving on to the next stack of books that needed to be put in their spots. He looked at you for a moment before sighing and walking back out of the store.
"I miss you too, Y/N," he grumbled to himself, not even realizing you'd heard it and looked over your shoulder to watch him leave.
Three months later
Ashton started coming into the shop more regularly after that. Sometimes he would browse through the shelves and sometimes he could be found at one of the tables reading, but one thing always remained the same: the two of you would never speak. Ashton would nod at you whenever he came through the door and left the shop, but he would never speak to you.
That wasn't to say he didn't want to though.
You would catch him open and close his mouth several times as you walked by him, but he never gained enough courage to actually say anything. You never knew Ashton to be one to be scared of saying what was on his mind, so whenever he acted like this, it understandably confused you.
Although, when he came in with one of his friends one day, you finally put the pieces together.
You were sure he hadn't meant for you to overhear his conversation, but you did. Ashton and his friend were looking at the CD section and you happened to be stocking a shelf nearby. You hadn't really been listening, to be honest, but you started to when you heard your name.
Ashton told his friend that he missed you and, even if it didn't lead back to something serious, he just wanted to at least be friends with you again. He said he just didn't know how to ask since you seemed so happy without him. You blanked out from their conversation after that, quickly finishing with your job before going somewhere else so they wouldn't know you'd heard.
Of all the scenarios in your head that had played out about Ashton, you never imagined that he'd want to get back together – especially since he'd been the one to break up with you. And you didn't understand how it seemed like he thought you were happy either. You felt like you were always sulking around the store, and even more so after he started coming into the store regularly, just because it reminded you of what used to be with him. But now that you knew he missed you and all you'd been doing was thinking about him, you knew you had to come up with something to prove him wrong.
You had to come up with something to show him you still cared.
One week later
After a week of brainstorming, you finally came up with the perfect solution.
You were never good with talking about your feelings, and to be honest, neither was Ashton. You obviously knew he loved music more than almost everything else in his life, so you decided you'd communicate your thoughts to him via songs. You spent the entire previous night going through your music library to find songs that reminded you of how you currently felt about Ashton, then narrowed it down to six and burned them onto a blank CD.
The next morning, you made sure the CD was in your bag – you checked about 50 times before walking out the door – and just waited, hoping and praying, Ashton would come in that day. And he did.
He stayed at the store for his usual time of an hour. This time, he decided to actually buy a book though, and that was when you decided to execute your plan.
As Ashton made his way to the checkout counter, you quickly scurried to the back room. You came back out with a CD and a piece of masking tape, sneaking to the front door and taping it above the handle so Ashton would see it as he was leaving.
By the time Ashton was finished checking out, you had already disappeared to some other part of the store. His expression fell slightly when he couldn't find you, and he sluggishly walked toward the exit.
He obviously immediately noticed the CD case, but didn't think much of it at first. What finally caught his eye about it, however, was the fact that the piece of paper stuck in where the booklet was meant to go was in your handwriting and he knew by what was written on it that it was meant for him.
This is everything I didn't say
Ashton looked over his shoulder for you again but didn't find you. He hummed to himself as he took the CD off of the glass and exited the store, heading home.
The second he closed his front door behind him, Ashton was hurrying into his bedroom and grabbing his old CD player from the back of his closet. You hadn't left a list of songs, so he didn't know what to expect as he hit the play button. Though, he wasn't sure he would have expected these songs at all.
Thunder- Boys Like Girls Back to December- Taylor Swift Into Your Arms- The Maine Medicate- Gabbie Hanna A Little Too Not Over You- David Archuleta
As the outro of the 5th song played, Ashton realized he was struggling to hold himself together, but the last song – his song... That was what broke him.
Ghost of You- 5 Seconds of Summer
other parts: part 1 / part 2
songs mentioned: thunder / back to december / into your arms / medicate / a little too not over you / ghost of you
master list / master list for mobile users
you can also check out my last imagine here, my to do list to see what’s coming up, and click here to go to the page for my calum fic :)
Other bad boy AUs: Ashton / Calum / Marshall / Luke / Ashton / Calum / Michael / Calum / Luke / Luke / Ashton
Other exes AUs: Ryan / Nash / Ryan / Alex / Jack / Cody / Ashton / Luke / Alex / Calum / Marshall / Ashton / Ashton / Ashton / Michael / Luke / Michael / Marshall / Luke / Luke / Calum / Marshall / Luke / Cody / Cody / Ashton / Maxx / Marshall / Trevor / Luke / Ashton
taglist: @calumhoodslays @vendylewin @lunalove25 @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @maurine5sos @rachellwrites@itkindajusthappenedreally @breathinginthevapor @double-tap-to-edit @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you@silverchainbee@disastrxlogy@softboycal@5saucewho@mycollectionofnuts@sunnysidesblog
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, let me know!
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btsvt-adventures · 5 years
hey so,,,,,, i was looking through your blog and uh remember that university au you wrote? you wrote a lil gyuhao/reader thing and i was wondering if you'd, mayhaps, write a lil jicheol/reader uni au for your resident jicheol slut? uwu
A/n: Oh wow this is one hell of a throwback rip ahahaha I legit had to go back and re-read my thing and figure out what majors the boys were doing welp but here you go!! Thanks for making me write thing bby~ Also I’m sorry this is so shitty T^T 
Want more of this AU? Ask me here!
University AU: Introduction | Fashion | Not Enough Caffeine
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Exam week, (or Hell Week, rather), and the weeks leading up to it are the cafe’s best money-making weeks
You also happen to always be the “lucky” barista that scored graveyard shifts, all because you told your manager once, that your project-based course usually ended before the study cram weeks began
You can’t really complain; the pay is good, and the cafe was usually pretty empty by 2am, but there was always one table that stayed almost your entire shift
The boy is cute, reaaalllly cute, and you know his name is Seungcheol, and he studies Sports Science, and that he’s a final year student, hence the mad crazy studying
He always comes in just as your shifts start, ordering the same thing every hour and a half – a large Dark Mocha frappucino with extra whip
Seungcheol is also a massive flirt (Duh, how else do you know so much about him?)
He’s caught you staring a few times, and instead of looking confused, he winks at you over his textbook, like, what the fuck? Gross flirt aside, he’s nice, and funny, and it makes you feel special, and –
Okay so maybe he’s part of the reason why you keep accepting midnight shifts okay?????
You’re pretty sure he has a boyfriend though, and the thought makes you sulk behind the coffee machine every time you watch Seungcheol and the small pretty blonde boy together at their table
One night, you spot Seungcheol walking towards the cafe, and decide to prep his coffee because well… why not? It’s a nice thing to do for regulars... right???
Seungcheol’s amused that you already have his coffee made, taking a sip overdramatically, and you can’t help but laugh at his antics
He leans against the counter, winking at you knowingly. “I must be your favourite customer if you’ve memorized my order by heart hm?”
You scoff, pushing his shoulder playfully and rolling your eyes at him, retorting that the only reason you know his order is because you’re always the only one on shift when he’s here
“Where’s your boyfriend?” You ask, turning away to grab him a cookie because he looks really tired (no shit, he’s been here till 4am every day the last week)
 “What boyfriend?” he blankly, and for a second you wonder if he’s been studying too hard. “I’m single?”
Wait what??? Then who’s the small pretty blonde boy?
Seungcheol laughs, nearly snorting drink, while you stare at him confusedly. “That’s –oh man he’s gonna kill you when he heard you called him small – that’s Jihoonie, he’s my best friend.”
Oh my god I said that out loud. He had to be kidding. There was no way in hell him and JIhoon were just friends??? What friends cuddled like they were madly in love?
As if on cue, Jihoon walks in, grumpily poking Seungcheol so he moves away from the counter. “Triple shot large Iced Americano please,” he mumbles, voice hoarse, and you feel your heart ache a little
“You’re early today,” you comment, not really expecting an answer because he looks exhausted, even more than usual. His hair’s a mess, he has eyebags to his knees, and he’s in a hoodie that looks like it’s about to drown him
“Working too hard again, hoonie?” Seungcheol asks mildly, and Jihoon just huffs, handing you the money with a quiet “thank you.”
You end up putting in two extra shots (although... should you really be putting 5 shots into an Americano?), leaning against the counter as Jihoon stands there and gulps down half of it gratefully
“Hey, do you have the time to play hooky this once? You both look so stressed all the time it’s actually worrying to watch,” you blurt, and you’re momentarily mortified because oh mY GOD WHY DID YOU SAY THAT
Seungcheol regards you intently, then glances at Jihoon, who’s already emptied his cup. “Hey, hoonie, the cute barista thinks we should take a break.”
Jihoon: but exams
Seungcheol: but cute barista
You: eXCuSE ?? cUTE BARiSTA?
Jihoon looks at you expectantly. “Yeah, we come here all the time because you’re here, and it’s a nice enough place to study I guess, but mainly because you’re here”
bitch u think he smooth but his ears are liTERALLY SO RED, and you’re staring at the both of them like a fish because whAT iS HAPpeNInG
Seungcheol looks like he’s proud of Jihoon, and turns to you hopefully. “So whaddaya say? You take your hour (or two) break and we make it a little date right here?”
Your brain is still trying to catch up, and the first thing that leaves your mouth is “Does it mean I have to prep the date food myself?”
Jihoon laughs, grinning impishly at you, having recovered from his sudden confession. “Only if you use your employee discount~”
“... Shut up and go sit down I can see your eyebags dragging behind you,” you grumble, trying to hide how red you are bc OMG THEY WANT A DATE WITH YOU????!!!!
A thought suddenly occurs and you call out to both of them. Seungcheol turns to you curiously, and you frown. “Does it mean you were lying when you said you and Jihoon were just friends?”
Seungcheol freezes, and JIhoon glares up at his boyfriend, punching him on the arm before huffily sitting at their table, and you nearly drop the cake you’re holding because you’re laughing too hard
Please like and reblog
If you’d like more of this AU, or your own lil thing, of if you just wanna yell at me, you can do so here~
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spnfanficpond · 6 years
February 2019 Pond LiveChat Recap
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We had a great time chatting today with @impala-dreamer!! Thank you so much, Beka, for joining us!
We talked about self-publishing through Amazon, how to do it, what the benefits are, and the challenges to making a finished product. A rundown of the chat, as well as some general Pond news, is below the cut!
Q: What sort of music do you listen to when you write?
Beka: Oh, uh... Well, Actually, I have a lot of playlists on youtube. So it depends. I have a hardcore smut list that is just music that gets my hips moving... then a romance thing which is feely stuff. A "Deanspiration" list that oddly has zero Zepplin in it, just stuff that reminds me of him or gives me ideas. Sometimes I hear a song and it instantly snaps an idea. I write to music a lot.
Q: For everyone, do you reblog everything you read or do you think likes have the same “power” behind them?
Beka: No. If I read it, I reblog, unless it’s iffy. Iffy means, I read it, but wasn’t up my alley or I think it would be too triggering for people. I avoid those types of fics, anyway.
@mrswhozeewhatsis: There is a very small percentage of things I read that I won't reblog, but then, I haven't really read them, I've noped out for one reason or another. Usually grammar/formatting or content, not writing style, to be clear.
@girl-with-a-fandom-fettish: I guess one reason I suck at reblogging is a lot of the stuff I read has nothing to do with what is currently reblogged on my blog and that just doesn't match in my very matchy brain...is that just me?
@mrswhozeewhatsis: I believe that everyone should be able to put on their blog what they want. Some folks see their blog as a collection like in a museum. Some folks, like me, see it as more of a news feed. Collectors are less likely to reblog because they're carefully curating their blog. My advice to collectors is to then make a side blog where you can reblog the things you don't want to collect.
Q: What’s the biggest challenge you find in writing?
Beka: I think the biggest challenge for me is writing in the moment. I can't write if it's not flowing, and sometimes I try to force myself just to get the story out bc i fear i'm letting people down by not posting enough? But it’s not good when I do that, so I have to let myself go with the story that's with me at the moment. Sometimes it's two at once, like today. lol. Also, Sam is hard. (heheh no really, he is. also he is. but pg13)
Q: There are so many questions to about this process!
Beka: I do really get asked about it a lot, and it's really not that hard once you do it. It's annoying to navigate and decide what you want to do, but it really is awesome and not too frustrating. Amazon is really great because they do have an extensive help section AND message boards so you can ask and talk to other self publishers so it's like having someone with you.
Q: You said you chose to publish through Amazon. Out of curiosity, were there any other ways you heard about or considered before you settled on Amazon, and if so, was there a specific reason you didn't use them?
Beka:  I'm basically a Google fanatic, so when I decided to do this, I had no idea what I was doing so basically I goggled "How to self publish a book" and there were THOUSANDS of sites thrown at me. I honestly can't remember the other sites I looked at, but it basically came down to amazon was a company name I knew, I trusted, and had the best help and resources. And I have a kindle, so I figured that was easiest. I think I only looked into one or two others but I can't remember what they were. Amazon just stood out.  I did read up on like actually doing it yourself like through a book binder and all that and it was SOOOO much work this was just the easiest and most cost effective.
Q: Okay, but with Amazon, do they, like, own part of your content if you publish through them?
Beka: NOPE. I hold copyright to all my works. they just are the people who produce the actual physical book.
Q: What was the time frame, like from start to finish, I guess? Or the process if you don't mind. What did you have to do to get set up with Amazon?
Beka: Ok- so getting set up was easy. if you have an amazon account, you're good. Or you just make one. then there is a website- kdp.amazon.com -and they literally walk you through the entire process.  Someone up there asked how long it took -  I rushed it. my novel started as fanfic, which I wrote in about 2 months, then I took 2 weeks re-editing and changing to non-fanfic, then about a week editing again and formatting and then i had my hard copy. So, all in- maybe 3 months, but the actual amazon stuff takes a few days to get you a book in hand.
@kittenofdoomage: One thing I will say about Amazon, it's very convenient but I struggled with the covers and formatting.
Q: Did you have to use special software to submit your work?
Beka: I write in google docs, but amazon no likey- so I had to move everything over to Microsoft Word. and from there it gets updated. HOWEVER, there is now in beta testing an amazon program which I downloaded for my 3rd book but was too frustrated to figure out so I never used it. it's specifically for Kindle, but kindle didn't like my poetry format so I couldn’t do it.
@kittenofdoomage: They have step by step guides. And I use Google Docs, too, but you can download into a PDF or .doc file from there.
Q: So it's not a copy-paste thing, you upload the completed file then reformat it for amazon?
Beka: well... it's two different things for paperback and kindle. There are specific formatting guidelines for paperback such as margin sizes and gutters and such so when you turn a page it's not all wonky. Kindle formatting is MUCH easier to do. you just upload and it does it for you. The files for paperback need to be formatted with specific things. it's not hard... just annoying.
Q: You mentioned changing your fanfic into non-fanfic. Does that mean you can't have any fan elements in a story to publish it?
Beka: Well... my novel was basically a J2 x Reader BDSM fanfic, and so I changed J2 to original characters, I changed the show, the car, the everything. If you know that I write SPN fic, and you read it, you can see it's clearly SPN, but those who don't know SPN don't know that, because I've asked. lol. Also- someone read it recently and thought the Jared character was Jensen, so I guess I changed it enough.  I personally would not publish anything that actually said SPN or J2 or anything because those are copy-written characters and not mine so it does seem illegal to make money off of them, ya know? 
@mrswhozeewhatsis: It is actually illegal to make money off of fan fiction. The WB owns the characters and the show. If anyone else tries to make money off the characters or identifiable elements of the show, the WB can sue and win.
@kittenofdoomage: Those who use Patreon are covered under fair usage only because Patreon is a donation site.
Q: Were there any parts of the process that surprised you?
Beka:  Honestly, the entire thing surprised me. I went into it like just to see if it was possible and then i realized- I CAN’T publish my work. they WILL sell it. People WILL buy it. and it was all very shocking. It was scary, and I know people are intimidated by it, but it really was simple in the end, and if you want to do it- do it. It's awesome to look over at my bookshelf and see my name on actual, physical books ya know?
@kittenofdoomage: I was the same, Beka. I procrastinated for months. And okay, it wasn't a huge success but I learned from the first time, bettered myself the second time, and now.... I'm procrastinating again but that's not the point lol
Q: How much money do you make per sale?
Beka: It depends on the format and the cost you put. Like, for my short story and poetry book I make PROBABLY a few cents on it. My novel I make around $2 depending on the price I set. You set the selling price, and you can do sales and freebies. 
@kittenofdoomage: You can choose everything. They tell you how much you'll make from each copy sold.
Q: Do they tell you how much other authors sell similar works for, to give you an idea what others think is reasonable?
Beka: Yeah, you can look it up, too. They have a chart that's like, "This is your sale price. This is how much we take to make it. This is how much you get," and you can fiddle with it.
Q: Is there any kind of marketing happening on Amazon’s side, or is it all you?
Beka: They can do promotions, but you have to pay them to promote it.
Q: Did you look into promotion costs through Amazon? What kind of money are we talking, here?
Beka: Honestly, I don’t remember. When I see a fee of any kind I run for the hills because I'm cheap like that. lol. It's prob not too cheap BUT they also have this thing you can sign up for that's like a library kinda deal where your book can go on the free book a month kindle deal- i didn't do it bc you don't get royalties for it. but more people read it? idk what's best. It's all very over my head marketing.
@mrswhozeewhatsis: I guess if you're looking to become a popular selling author, and you have the cash to pay to promote it, then after a few books, it would pay off when you develop an audience.
Q: Do you think self publishing is the way to go long term, or maybe a better in terms of testing the waters? I realize you are still in the latter stage but I'm curious about your opinion...
Beka: Here's my thoughts: I used to be a singer/songwriter. I played in Manhattan. I had paying gigs. I recorded an album. I thought I could make it work. But I didn't go for it. No one handed me a record contract. I let it all go to have my kids and family.  I want to write. I realize no one's gonna stick their hand out and hand me a publishing deal. BUT I might be able to pay some bills with my books. I might be able to write enough, well enough to sell some books. and if i sell enough books, maybe a publisher WILL see me and then I can attempt the next stage.  I think self publishing is great. Why not? Do it if you want to do it. If you want to write, write. If you want to share it, share it. Who's to stop you? And if you can share it through self publishing with people all over the world?? freaking do it, man. 
Q: What is your best piece of writing advice?
Beka: OK, my best writing advice is... See it, feel it, write it. If you don't feel what you're writing, I'm not gonna feel it reading it. I think i'm more of an emotional writer than a descriptive. I can't tell you what the room looks like that they're in, but I can tell you how it feels that Dean just stepped on that Lego. ya know? Idk. Write what you see and feel, and put yourself into it, and it'll be amazing. 
Q: Are you a planner or a pantser?
Beka: Planner? SOMETIMES. It depends. I have plans for series, but shorter things I just go with the flow. I'm constantly messaging Ashley like "DEAN JUST DID X. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!" lol
Q: Do you outline at all, or just have a general goal in mind?
Beka: I do outline series. but not... strictly or drastically. Like, right now i'm working on a series for my kink bingo that's alternates between the brothers. I have a general plot line over all to follow, but i've also set it up like c1- flogging. c2- spanking, etc. 
Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew before you published?
Beka: I think I'd tell myself to not worry and just freaking write what I want.
Q: Do you have a writing schedule or something that keeps you productive?
Beka: No. I try very hard to have a schedule, but I'm a little... slightly... bipolar I think and my writing follows my moods. I can write 20K in a weekend and then nothing for a week. I just literally ride the wave of ideas. Like, currently I'm in a slump. but I wrote 10K this week before the slump hit. It's quite annoying.
Except for some general conversation about the stupid places and times we all get ideas and the incomprehensible notes we’ve all left for ourselves, the chat ended. A good time was had by all, I think!! Thanks to everyone who was there! @littlegreenplasticsoldier @kittenofdoomage @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @because-imma-lady-assface @canadianspnhunter (And two folks whose URLs I never got: Cassie and Shaila)
General Pond Updates and Reminders
Angel Fish Award nominations are due soon! Click the link for the list of raffle prizes! Remember, every nomination is an entry! So far, we’ve only received three or four nominations. If you have sent in a nomination, but have not received a private message confirming we received it, we didn’t get it. Send it in again! Be sure to use Submit instead of Ask!
Don’t forget to submit your stories to be posted to the blog! When your stories are on the blog, then they are easier to nominate for Angel Fish Awards!
SPNFanFicPond Season 14 Weekly Episode Writing Challenge - New prompts go up after every new episode, and there’s no deadline! Check out the prompts and rules at the link!
Say hi to February’s New Members!
Check the Pond CALENDAR to see when Big Fish will be in the chat room and other Pond and SPN events are happening! Know of something that’s not on the calendar, send us an ask or submission with the deets info details!  The calendar offers a lot of features, such as showing you when things are in your own timezone! Since we’re an international group, that’s a definite plus!!
Next month’s LiveChat details will be published as soon as we know them! Hope to see you there!
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