#reader x macaque
jjaydazo · 7 months
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Osp inspired.
run bitch run.
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theweepingegg · 1 year
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LMK TRIAD AU by @skittlescripts
After they make up, both Wukong and Macaque are in a closed poly relationship with Reader. However, Reader likes kissing Macaque more than Wukong cause Macaque's a great kisser
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sleepwrites · 2 years
Hi! This is kind of my first time requesting, I already red the rules so um can I request headcanons of SWK, Macaque and MK with the reader who is part of the East Sea's Dragon Clan? Or you could say the reader is somewhat Ao Guang's daughter? Would their father's reaction be on them dating? Would he aprrove?
I hope this isn't too much! ^.^
Aw its never too much dear nonnie! I used the first option since I dont have that good of a grasp on Au Guang lol. Apologies if its short this was pretty on the nose!
Macaque, MK and SWK with a s/o who’s part of the east sea dragon clan
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When you came to visit Mei on orders of Au Guang, to make sure that his greatx1M niece is doing alright after dealing with the samedi fire.
You were around her age and shared interests (swordplay) so he figured you’d be nice to each other.
What he didn’t know was that you also got particular close to a certain Monkie Kid.
Once MK first met you, he already though you were really cool!
Since you lived in the east sea clan most your life he and Mei loved showing you around.
It took a while for him to fall but once he did he fell HARD.
MK is a naturally affectionate person but once he realises he’s absolutely smitten with you he becomes much more touchy, not in a bad way though!
After a couple nudges from Tang and Mei you two started dating!
He loves your scales! Will kiss your cheeks to feel the scales!
My dude will be drawing you allllll the time, especially pre-dating, thats just how he pines.
You two train together! Who doesn’t love fight-flirting.
He also helped you pick a new wardrobe as your current clothes just didn’t make the cut.
Use your dragon powers during a fight or just for fun, MK will freeze bcs u look so cool.
‘Heck yeah baby! Thats MY girlfriend guys!’
Sun Wukong
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You had met Wukong and the others while they were in jail, well met is a strong word, more like walked past them and gave them a weird look.
After the battle with the lady bone demon you went to see Mei, on orders of Au Guang to make sure she was alright.
Thats how you met Wukong again.
At first you two didn’t like each other much. Wukong was a bit salty because of the look you gave him in the hail cell. You thought he was a big trouble maker.
Only when you saw him interact with Mei did you see that, hey maybe he isn’t so bad at all.
For him it was the same but with MK, as long as you and the kiddies got along you were alright in his book.
Fast forward to when you two got together, Wukong made sure it was a spectacle, he is the Monkey King after all.
Expect him to be clingy af, you CANNOT tell me he isn’t touch starved even just a teeny bit.
He’ll always be grabbing your hand or something, maybe putting his head on your shoulder.
Love LOVES the way your scales feel against his fur, especially during summers and hot days.
Tries to use ‘scaly peaches’ as your nick name. Yeah he’ll just stick to peaches.
Likes watching you help MK train, is practically drooling over you.
Cheers you on during actual fights.
‘Heck yeah peaches! Kick their butts!”
Six-eared Macaque
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You and Mei had become fast friends in the east sea palace, she gad even invited you to come help them in defeating lbd.
You of course accepted. After all was said and done you decided to stay with Mei for awhile, get to know the surface world.
What you didn’t expect was that you would fall for a certain shadow.
Macaque had begun by admiring you from afar, watching you through shadow portals.
You could sense that someone was watching you, so you obviously tried to attack him.
You know those slo-mo, love at first fight things, yeah thats what happened between you two.
After Mei explained their truce with Macaque, you still didn’t trust him but went along with it as Mei seemed genuine.
In no time at all you both realised you have burning crushes on eachother.
You confessed first, one day showing up at his house and saying you liked him a lot.
Thats how you two started dating.
Macaque once licked your scales after you started dating to tease you.
You got him back by grabbing his tail and twirling it around you hand.
No, you two are a POWER COUPLE. Seriously imagine a GIANT SHADOW MOKEY KAIJU and a DRAGON charging towards you.
I’d surrender by then.
He likes how well you get along with lbd’s host (she was adopted by everyone I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL-)
Less touchy then Wukong and MK, prefers quality time with you rather than physical touch.
He’ll totally add a dragon character to his shadow plays for you.
“Aw Moonlight, you wanna watch my plays?~’
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frostedclock · 1 year
Shadows Under the Peach Tree
Warnings: Female Reader, Reincarnated Reader, Yandere Behavior (in later chapters) , Past life relationships, manipulative tactics
Chapter One: Peach Thief
You never really thought you were special, you had a quiet childhood on a peach orchard your family owned outside of Megapoilis. You only went in town to sell your fruits and herbs you gathered yourself. That's what your life was for a long time.
Gather peaches and herbs in the morning.
Walk to town before the market opened.
Sell what you could to pay for food and the little bit of bills you had.
Go home. Well and occasionally stop by the noodle shop to break the monotonous routine.
It had started to bore you to be honest.
It seemed like it would be another boring day to you when you woke up.
You put on your black and jade green plaid skirt and slid on your black tshirt that had faded from wear to more of a grey instead of black, your usual jade pendent carved into a small monkey around your neck. You had this pendent ever since you were a kid, your mom had said it was passed down through the family for generations.
It was the only real thing your family had besides the orchard
You served yourself some tea, Sandy had basically shoved into your hands and looked at you with those big blue face and sparkling eyes. You took with a smile and drank it in the mornings instead of your usual sweetened milk. This morning you ate leftover noodles -from your usual haunt Pigsy's Noodles, you reheated for breakfast, a break from toast and peach jam at least.
You had slid on your shoes like you always did, a pair of jade sandals that were dirty from walking the dirt road that lead from your home to Megapoilis.
You picked herds from the center of your small siheyuan-style cottage, a very small courtyard that you decided to fill with herbs and green onions when you had them. With a basket full of herbs set waiting you headed out to what remained of a family orchard. It was only about ten trees now, but your mother said it used to be hundreds.
You reached the tree you normally started, and instead of birds that usually flutter away at the sound of your footsteps you find someone eating peaches and laying in one of the branches. It felt so different then. But also. For some reason felt so familiar to you.
Words came to you before you even thought to speak them.
" I've never seen someone like you before. "
The person. No monkey? Both? Turned their head in your direction with their cheeks puffed out and filled with what you assumed was a peach. They looked at you with golden eyes and swallowed the fruit down in loud gulp. The monkey person -man? - wore what looked like traditional Chinese garments and their tail was waving around in a wild manner. He slid off the branch and gracefully landed on his feet in front of you.
Man some serious deja-vu.
" Oh! Crap were these your peaches? " He said, wiping the juices from his chin and lips, tossing the other fruit he hand around in his hand like a ball. "My bad, they just looked so good. "
His eyes finally looked at you fully and the fruit missed the mark of his hand by a few inches and it tumbled across the grass and wild flowers beneath your feet. You put your hand on your hip before bending over and picking up the fruit.
" Well, I guess I don't mind. As long as you actually eat them. I don't like seeing rotten peaches laying around you know. " You said with a slight huff as you place the peach back in his hands, looking up to what seemed to be a searching look.
His fingers wrapped around the peach almost tightly. His eyes lever leaving you and your face. It was starting to be a bit weird. What was he even thinking? Who was this guy?
He looks so familiar. But I would remember a monkey man. Right? Right. So he's just some mischievous spirit that wondered his way into my orchard. That's all. Yeah.
You sigh gently and cross your arms, " So who are you anyway? It's a little rude to just stare. "
He looked like he had been shaken out of a trance and he cracked a big and almost goofy looking grin. " Oh right!" He then took the peach in his hand and tossed it in the air and caught it before posing like a hero might on a cartoon. You held in a laugh finding it a little endearing.
" I am Sun Wukong! Monkey King! Equal to Heaven!" He looked at you expecting something as he introduced himself in way to excessive of a manner.
" The Monkey King huh? " You say, kinda not believing him but not wanting to be completely rude to a spiritual being.
Wukong sighed as he stood back normally, seemingly disappointed about something. But right after, his chipper tone and playful grin was back. " Yep! You better believe it. So what is a maiden like you doing here?"
You make a snort of a laugh and your tension you were carrying in your shoulders releases. " I'm not a maiden. Who even calls a lady that anymore? Just call me Y/N. " You tell him with a laugh.
His gold eyes seemed to gleam for a moment, but you think it must just be the morning light reflecting in them. " Yeah that suits you! "
You tilt your head. That was something odd to say about someone's name. But you guessed Wukong was just. Odd. You were about to ask him what he was even doing here in your peach trees when there was a sudden rumble in the ground. You made a startled noise as you brace yourself on the nearby peach tree, the ripe fruit fruit tumbling out of the trees and hitting the ground. You look over to Wukong, he had his eyes on the city just a few miles away, the whole town look like it was shaking.
But you don't get many earthquakes here.
" Whoops looks like I'm running late! Sorry maybe I'll see ya around y/n!" He said before he hopped into the air.
Your cover your eyes just in time for a golden flash to blind the surrounding wildlife. When you looked back to where Wukong had been, there was a golden bird flying off into the sky. You stood there wondering what the hell just happened before another sudden quake nearly brought you to your knees. Your eyes go up as what looked like a golden wave of energy get released in a boom across what was a beautiful sky.
It was kinda beautiful.
That was when the Demon Bull King was released back into the world. That small meeting with Wukong seems to have been a mark of a new kind of normal in your city and the friends you had in the city. When you returned to the city, and more specifically the noodle shop you spent most of your afternoons, you were greeted by quite a scene.
Almost pure chaos was what might have come to mind. There was a table broken in half with a red pole staff crushing it and MK, the lovable guy who you watched grow up was holding the other end of it with a cheeky grin on his face. Pigsy looked like he was going to have a stroke right then and there, his hand clutching at the area around his heart and his eyes were glaring stubbornly at MK. Mei was laughing and banging on a non-damaged table, saying something incoherent through her fits of laughter. Your eyes finally settle on Tang. Unsurprisingly eating noodles.
Ah . The universal constant.
"So.... What happened to you guys?" You manage to ask, setting the basket of peaches and herbs you didn't sell from the day on the counter for Pigsy.
They all spoke at once. Some angry and worried - Pigsy- others excited and so much that it was like hearing a pack of dogs when their master got home. You hold up your hand and try to shout over their collective noise.
" Alright ! Hey! Not all at once damn. " You hold in a laugh and try to keep a Stern face. " Now. MK it's obvious you will explode if you don't tell me so go ahead." You cracked a teasing smile.
Then he went into a long and sometimes reinacted bits of his fight with Demon Bull King and how he got the staff. His eyes got so full of excitement when he said that he had met the Monkey King. " I mean THE Monkey King! Sun Wukong himself! He said he was going to train me to use the powers and how to be a real hero! Isn't that awesome!?"
So the spirit from earlier hadn't been lying. Not that you really believed it was a lie. Somewhere inside you, you knew it had been true.
" Really kid, you should be more worried. I mean come on, some random monkey guy said he was the Monkey King but what if he's just like the other demons that you had to fight. " Pigsy had said, using the ladle in his hand to punctuate his sentence toward MK. " I just want you to be careful. An do your damn job!" He added the last part quickly and in angry tone.
Tang sat his bowl of noodles down and pushed up his glasses. " Well from what I can tell from the staffs properties and the examples of powers MK is displaying," he pulled out his big 'diary' as Pigsy had called it several times, " See here! "
He pointed out the Monkey King and his companions, the staff depicted inside was a near exact to the one MK was swinging around. You look over the drawings and you stare a long time at Wukong, almost not hearing Tang's long lecture on the seventy-two transformations and other powers he was known for.
MK bounced excited and he started to twirl the staff around. " Yeah! So I'm basically invincible. Well kinda. " He laughed and then looked at you with bright shining brown eyes.
" Well I guess if you ever need help you can let me know. " You tell him with a small laugh. " I can't do much but I'd hate for you and your friends to be jumping into this alone. " You made the excuse easier then you thought you would.
You really just wanted to change up your boring life and this was the perfect chance.
"Of course! Mei and the others are helping too! I can't do it without my friends." MK said it with such conviction and determination. " And you're one of my friends too!"
You let out a laugh and a smile as the other ones chimed in that he was right. " Alright alright. I guess I'll be hanging around more then just for noodles now. "
Yeah. Life is about to get very interesting.
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riuhere · 3 months
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They are constantly on my mind 24/7. I literally can't get them OuT of my hEad-
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...Yup... I'm screwed-
Triad Au belongs to @novelcain
Vault Hunters AU & Eternal Servants AU belongs to @emelinstriker
Twice As Bad AU & Monster Boyfriend belongs to @semisolidmind
Bone King Au belongs to @ninjasmudge
Cross belongs to @jakei95
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semisolidmind · 2 months
Can we please have some doodles of Peaches and the monkie bros cuddling or sharing kisses after the events of season 5 or any big event 👀
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if no one’s gonna check up on this guy, reader will
(ouuugh characters that never feel needed or noticed being cared for by the one person who always notices them ooof)
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marcu-bug · 3 months
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full artwork
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sleighhethereal · 8 months
Before that mountain fight scene in the MACAQUE episode:
[Y/N], yelling at Macaque: you lied to MK!
Macaque: yep.
[Y/N]: you used him!
Macaque: that is also true.
Macaque, eyes half-lidded: she is really pretty
Wukong, punching Macaque's face sending him across mountains: i know, right??
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luxthestrange · 5 months
LMK Memes #7
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mintiicinnamonii · 3 months
monkey men romantic headcanons!!!!
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Sun Wukong
okay im not even gonna say what he calls you because WE ALL KNOW
he whines when he doesnt get attention
flirts with you a TONNN. not as much as macaque though. one of 3 options can happen. either he makes you flustered beyond comprehension, fails miserably and makes you laugh/flirt with him back, or you make a snarky remark back and the both of you laugh
you are a MONKEY MAGNET. the monkeys of Flower Fruit Mountain are attached to you, they climb all over you and its honestly rlly goofy
sometimes you feel like he doesnt rlly love you bc hes so busy with other things (relationships arent all peaches and cream, there can be problems in the healthiest of relationships)
he gives you surprise visits when you least expect it
overly affectionate, needs to be close to you at all times
”wukong its 5 in the morning why are you mak8ng chocolate pudding”
”cause i’ve lost control of my life”
bro is rlly stupid im sorry
yes he can read and write but unlike macaque, he wasnt always humanly sentient so he needs help with stuff like that
the KING OF FLIRTING. you know, i know, we all know.
BUTTT when YOU flirt with him hes GONE
like.. you make a suggestive comment, hes fine
but kiss his knuckles and tell him you love him??
passed out on the floor.
he struggles with abandonment issues so he’s always worried about your relationship
stargazing together <33
like hes the stereotypical ‘charming emo boy’ BUT HES ALSO AN AWKWARD MESS
you watch his shows in the theatre all the time for support. bonus if you’re also a performer
he calls you prince/princess, starlight, sweetheart, hermosa (beautiful in spanish), lotus, carino (honey in spanish) and mi corazon (heart/love in spanish)
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emelinstriker · 2 months
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The ESAU Summer 2024 Backgrounds are finally done! :D
Your champions are happy to spend the summer with you and have fun at the beach... Also the first background ended up so much better than the second one fhgfnghfnghfg
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jjaydazo · 7 months
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I was thinking of some sort of reader self-insert that I ended up making a full on OC on this woman to the point she has a name already.
Anyways Her name is Jing Xu, she's a wanderer who tells stories, tales with her instrument Pipa. she can sing with it too.
Sun Wukong met her after JTTW events and she was ran into her when Wukong was doing Monky high jinks in disguise and happened to hear short stories with an instrument playing. He looked over and saw a few people crowded around her listening to her tales.
After she was done and there's no one else around her Wukong tries to walk up and mess with her, like stealing her instrument, playing it himself (in which he played it badly) and runs around expecting the woman to be annoyed.
she is in fact not annoyed.
instead, she is smiling all the time and shows no negative emotions towards the little impulsive monkey. she even offers the small creature a snack. She's more amused than annoyed thinking it's probably just a curious of her instrument.
She even enjoys the small creature's company, tells small stories to it and bits of her thoughts, even if it doesn't understand it. nope, he understand everything of it, Ma'am
Wukong falling hard on this woman who is very patient with his playful high jinks and just happens to get pets and kisses from her all the time he now sticks with her and listens to her all of her tales and stories to the point he acted out some of her stories too. Macaque happens see what Sun Wukong is up to, he tries to shape ship one seeing what makes this mortal human catches his interested.
Macaque certainly finds Jing pleasant to listen to as she talks so sweetly and sings like a gentle petal flowing through her voice. When she saw a new creature up to her she thought it was probably friends of her little monkey friend. She treated the small creature the same. (theres another story I have in mind of Macaque fallen hard)
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theweepingegg · 6 months
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Got this idea after I video called my brother, who showed me our cat who got spayed recently and was wearing the flower thing around her neck.
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crispywaffles2 · 6 months
hii, may I request macaque, wukong, and MK (seperately) x reader who likes to put ribbon bows on their tails? Thought it would be a cute idea ^_^
Hii!! Thank you so much for the request, this is such a cute thing to think about! I hope you enjoy! EDIT: I FORGOT TO WRITE MK IN THIS AS WELL, IM SO SORRY 😭
Macaque, Mk & Wukong With an S/O who likes to decorate their tails!
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Wukong is most certainly confused by your strange habit
If you were to ask him to put a ribbon or bow on his tail, he'd give you a strange look
"A bow? Well... uh, sure bud!"
It doesn't really match his whole "Great Sage Equal to Heaven" schtick in his opinion
What would formidable enemies think if he went into battle with a cutesy bow on his tail??
His monkeys most certainly make fun of him for it, much to his dismay
He wouldn't wear it if he was about to go into battle or leave his mountain at first, because if his monkeys make fun of it who knows who else will do the same?
Eventually he'll warm up to it
If you tie a little orange ribbon at the end of his tail trust and believe he will be working it with pride
"Oooh, I like this color! Goes well with my fur,"
He'd start longingly staring at the sweet ribbons you tie on his tail whenever you're not around and he misses you because they remind him of you
He'll start wearing them out in public with a bit less shame, happily flicking his tail in peoples faces
"Look! My partner gave it to me, isn't it so cute?"
And he'll start wearing them in battles too!
Having a little piece of you there with him gives him just a little bit of an extra boost and reminds him of all of the things he's fighting for
Now he likes to think they go well with his personality
"Great Sage Equal to Heaven" whos not afraid to have a bit of a cutesy accessory while he kicks butt
If you're more sneaky with their placement though, that's a whole other story
He's out enjoying a nice bowl of noodles with his favorite mentor, only mentor honestly, and he hears them chuckle and point at his tail while uttering the words "Nice bow Monkey Princess,"
His face goes bright red and he quickly curls his tail around his leg to hide the thoughtfully tied ribbon from view
"Yeah, so what?! Maybe I was just feelin' a bit more elegant today, you ever think about that?"
But as soon as he bids Mk adieu he's right at your doorstep with his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face
An embarrassed scolding is in order for you, that's for sure
"Hun, you know I love you, but you can't just tie ribbons on my tail like that! Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was when my mentor called me a princess?!"
Eventually he relents and you two end up in a hug, his go-to when reassuring you that he's not mad or he's sorry
"Just don't do it without telling me. Next time I could be faced with Macaque, and you know how he is."
All in all it takes him a bit of time to warm up to it, but after that he'll flaunt them, and you, with confidence
Macaque is a lot more reluctant than his sunny counterpart
He has a tough bad boy image to uphold, why on Earth would he let you bedazzle him with your silly ribbons and bows?
"A bow? No thanks darlin'."
It takes lots of begging and whining before he caves in, and even then he refuses to go out in them
You couldn't waterboard the information out of him, but when you finish carefully tying up the little red ribbon on the end of his tail he's in love
It goes well with his cape and adds a sort of air of sophistication onto his overall demeanor
It's probably just the inner drama queen in him speaking but it makes him feel weirdly fancy and extravagant
But again, he's not going to tell you that
He won't protest as much when you tie them on
Will suggest different colors and ways to tie the ribbons
"Why don't we try purple this time? No it's not because I care about what it looks like- it was just a suggestion!"
Sometimes he tries to put them on himself because he's embarrassed to ask you, but he quickly figured out that he cannot tie bows for the life of him
And even if he learns, they're just not the same as yours
He will eventually come around to the idea of wearing them in public
He keeps his ribbon clad tail hidden beneath his cape most of the time unless he's feeling particularly confident or he wants to show it off on purpose
If anyone has the gall to try and make fun of it he's quick to shoot them down
"Yeah I have a bow on my tail, my partner gave it to me. Aww, don't tell me you don't have a partner of your own? Is that why you think you're funny? Because you don't have anyone at home to tell you you're not?"
He warms up to the idea so much that he begins to regularly ask you to decorate his tail with multiple bows and ribbons
One time, as a silly joke, you tied a particularly big red bow at the base of his tail and jokingly told him he looked like a show cat
It was a funny joke, but Macaque really really liked it
So much so that he wore it regularly, asking you to tie it on for him every time he went out
If you were to be sneaky and tie it on his tail without him knowing well..
He's actually not that upset
He's hanging out with Mei, probably the one he likes and relates to the most out of everyone, when she giggles and points at his tail, calling him 'coquette' or something
He's not sure what that term means, but he does find the fact that a little pink bow being tied on his tail without his knowledge to be amusing
Just for funsies he keeps it on all day
If and when he decides to go visit the culprit, which he knows is you, he playfully chides you
"Alright sugarplum, you know I have an image to uphold! You can't just slip little pretty pink bows on my tail without my permission!"
Once you two have had a good laugh he just chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead
All in all he really likes the bows that you decorate him with and takes it as a sign of affection, but it takes a long time for him to be open about it
Mk in his monkey form is certainly.. something
He can't quite control himself in that form yet, but that isn't to say that he's constantly violent
He just doesn't know his own strength
With his monkey form more stern and serious, he doesn't hold back, he's blunt
And, completely unrelated, his voice is like two octaves deeper
He's scared he might hurt you, or the people he cares about, so he rarely ever uses it unless he's in battle or training
In hopes of making him more comfortable and as a way of letting him know that you're okay with this side of himself, you began tying bows on the end of his tail
He's not sure how to feel about the idea at first
"Tying.. bows? Sure, I guess.."
He doesn't know if you don't take him seriously or if you're just trying to be sweet
He's still getting used to having a tail, so sometimes it gets caught on things, which will occasionally lead to your ribbons getting torn
It makes him feel horrible for some reason, and he's always presenting the torn fabric to you like it's the remains of a dead soldier or something
"I'm so sorry. It was an accident, I promise,"
He's not against wearing them out in public (not that he ever goes in public with his monkey form)
If it's after a battle and someone were to say anything about his bow he'd hardly care
"Looks like we got a funny guy over here everyone!"
And everyone in the vicinity glares at them
Much like his mentor, he slowly starts seeing the bows less as just some silly accessory on his tail and more as a subtle reminder of you
Whenever he's in his monkey form he makes sure to come to you for a bow
"I'm feeling kinda red-ish today, what do you think?"
Your plan works, and he starts feeling better about his over powered simian side
You love him no matter what, freakishly strong or just a silly delivery boy, and the bows are just a testament to that
All in all, he finds them adorable, and what they represent fuel him to fully embrace this side of himself in order to protect the people he cares about
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frostedclock · 1 year
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miffysrambles · 1 year
Hello! I love your headcannons! What are your headcannons for when S/O is gravely injured? Like, the S/O is fighting against some demons along with MK, Wukong and Macaque and they get very seriously injured, to the point of passing out. What would their reactions be?
Wukong, Macaque, and MK With a Gravely Injured S/O
(This one took a bit, sorry about that!)
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Oh, he is livid.
He shouts at MK to take you somewhere safe, as far away from his location as the boy could go.
“Get them out of here kid, get them help! I’ll handle this!”
He needs to beat some sense into this bastard, right here and right now.
Uses almost every single one of his powers to strike the demon, soon enough scaring them off into never hurting you or even going near you again.
Grabs them by the collar as they fall to the ground, bearing his fangs as speaks through his teeth. 
“If I see you even stand close to that mortal ever again, I will not hesitate to kill you next time…”
Eventually travels back to you and MK on his cloud, finding the both of you in your apartment as the noodle boy patches you up.
He sends MK home, ensuring you’ll be ok.
“Don’t worry bud, they’ll be fine. Get some rest, ya earned it.”
He sits down next to you on the couch as he lays your head in his lap.
His fingers intertwine with your hair, his other hand caressing your face as you rest from the intensity of your wounds.
He stays like this for quite some time, maybe even hours as he does not dare to move a muscle.
His heart skips a beat as you shift awake, smiling up at him as you regain consciousness.
He smiles back at you, it might have been the fact you were still a bit tired but you swear you could see small tears in his eyes.
“Peaches, oh thank Gods! It’s ok! You’re ok, you’re safe…”
He wants nothing more than to scoop you up in his arms and cover your gorgeous face in kisses but does not want to move you when you’re in pain.
Soon enough when you’re ready to move he does just that, laying you on his chest as he presses soft kisses all over your face.
He holds you close as if you were about to disappear any second, you’re guessing he really was scared today -which is super rare.-
“I love you, oh I love you so much. I’m so glad you’re ok.”
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His first instinct is to get you the hell out of there. 
As soon as his six ears hear your breath falter, he pulls you through into the shadows and gets you both out of the fight.
“Damnit, damnit, damnit! You're going to be okay sweet cheeks, don’t close your eyes on me. Keep those gorgeous eyes open.”
He falls into his living room with you in his arms, frantically kissing your forehead as he sets you down on the couch. 
He’s scrambling through his dojo to find stuff to patch up your wounds, he doesn’t have much because, well, he’s immortal.
After patching you up, –which is sloppily done by his shaking fingers–, he leaves you alone to rest.
“Gods damnit!” He punches a hole through the wall of the dojo, taking his rage out on the crumbling drywall. 
He needs to direct his anger towards something else before the entire building falls.
And luckily for him, he has just the target.
Oh, the demon didn’t win like they thought they did, not even close.
As soon as Macaque sees they let their guard down, he emerges from the shadows to summon his smoke monster.
It grabs the demon within its giant grasp as it forces them into the gravel below, crushing them with its sheer force.
“So! Do you really think you got away with hurting that mortal? Big mistake on your part…”
After beating the demon to a pulp, he travels back to you through the shadows.
You open your eyes to see him land on the living room floor, his ears perking up from the sound of your breath hitching as he rushes to your side. 
You smile up at him through your pain, your bandages wrapped a little too tight.
“Macaque? I love you and appreciate it so much but you tied these a little too tight…”
He blinks in surprise as he reapplies the white strips on your wounds, smiling as he kisses your nose.
“Heh, sorry about that starshine. Glad you’re ok…”
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You don’t think you’ve ever seen your bright bubbly boyfriend so angry.
In fact, he is beyond furious.
To the point, he turns into his monkey form and beats the demon into a pulp. 
Pigsy and Sandy were helping you stand as you stared at the sight in front of you, MK glowing a bright gold color as the two flew through the sky so fast you couldn’t keep your eyes up with them.
At one point, the demon tried to teleport away but MK was two steps ahead as he reached his arm out and grabbed them by the collar.
“Hey! Who– Said– I– Was– Done with you yet!”
He was throwing the demon around the mountains in between his words, finally, the demon was defeated as Mk ran up to you.
“(Name)! Oh, please be ok!” He wraps his arms around you, earning a gasp of pain from you.
“Careful kid, they’re hurt bad…” Pigsy put his hands up to warn your worried boyfriend.
“Right, right. Come on, let’s get them home.”
MK scooped you up in his arms as he carried you to your apartment, using the key that you gave him to set you down on the couch.
“Stay here, I’ll get you some bandages.”
He kissed your forehead as he left the room, coming back with white gauze and a waterproof marker.
You raised your eyebrow at the marker, earning a small smile from him as he slightly laughed.
“I was gonna draw on your bandages, add a little happy touch to the sadness!”
You laughed softly, nodding at the idea.
“Sounds fun, let's do it.”
He beamed as he applied the white strips, drawing various doodles on your bandages such as a doodle of the two of you kissing, one of the Monkey King (of course), and little hearts and stars everywhere.
You smiled as he held up his phone camera to you so you could see, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you babes, I look so colorful!’
His cheeks flushed red as he kissed your cheeks several times in return, “Of course, I think you look goood! I’m so glad you’re feeling better sweetie”
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