#real world has human rights
furiousgoldfish · 9 months
abusive parents: in the 'real' world--
me: ah yes, because your house where you force children into submission is an imaginary land, devoid of reality, a fantasy place where nobody has experienced an actual real-life event, and you yourself have transported this place out of reality only for me to be able to experience this imaginary world where you are the god and decide whats real and what isn't, as well as what past events can be revisioned to your liking. Which one of us isn't living in the real world again.
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manglam-marfach · 3 months
dyke!Chilaios has me understanding breeding kink all of a sudden
#chilaios#that's a lie i understand breeding kink very well lmao#HOWEVER IT MUST BE SAID#they finish up a great scene. hot lesbian sex. all going well.#and laios lies back with her eyes closed. still flushed and sweaty. she rests her naked hand on her naked lower stomach and says. 'hah....#'did you know ...that tallmen and halflings can have kids together?' Like its just another fun monster fact.#she's trailing her fingers absentmindedly over her stomach now. tracing idle patterns.#'with our lifespans being so similar it isn't even as big a deal as it is for elves and humans. they're even fertile and that's ...#that's really rare for hybrids.' her eyes are still closed. she swallows hard. She's more red now than she was when they fucked.#'you should talk about that next time you're in me. i'd like it...' and she cracks one eye open a sliver#to see chilchuck . BEET. RED.#because Chilchuck DID NOT. KNOW.#She was already fucked out and now she's dying?? she's dying. Laios still has her huge hand resting on her huge smooth stomach#miles and miles of soft skin...that she wants chilchuck to put a BABY in#she's thought about the hypothetical lifespan and safety of the hypothetical baby! is this just a sex thing? is this a for real thing?#chilchuck does not know and does not know which one she's hoping for now!! cause both sound GREAT#AND OF COURSE THERE'S ALSO#chilchuck remembering that conversaion next time Laios's huge huge fingers are inside her. Laios's hot wet breathing by her ear.#Laios's breathing going ragged even though no one is touching HER she is the one toying with Chilchuck right now. She always does that.#between the breathing and the fingers and the warmth and the smell Laios is all around her and she just thinks -#'Laios is so huge. Laios's baby would be so huge. I'd be so huge. Pregnant with it.' And she cums.#rattles her to her fucking core. Chilchuck who HAS BEEN PREGNANT BEFORE realising. holy shit.#i want this fluffy haired socially awkward 26 year old doggirl to . to fuck a baby into me. in a sexy way.#i think . I think it's hot.#enough to turn you to drink isn't it!#u may ask - hey how come chilchuck has a girlcock and has got pregnant? can laios get chilchuck pregnant?#does anyone even have a womb in this situation? I may answer - don't worry about it#a wizard did it. whatever. its a fantasy world.#whatever is sexiest in the moment i don't care#lesbiance
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no-light-left-on · 1 year
considering the historical influences in the fashion of Dishonored (and the extent of nsfw fanfiction this fandom has) I’ve been thinking about the layers that would be, realistically, part of the daily dress
which means: dishonored seems to honour the importance of a vest in a properly dressed gentleman’s or lady’s wardrobe
vests were, and I cannot stress this enough, a mandatory part of an outfit, to the point of men wearing only vests if they could not afford a fully tailored suit (trousers + vest + jacket) and a new shirt and opting to only wear a fake collar under the vest for the illusion of a full outfit
shirts were underwear, so to speak. there were no occasions in ‘polite society‘ where one could only wear a shirt without a vest on top.
this is something we see mirrored in both dishonored games, though the style of the vests and clothing have somewhat changed, they still follow the same rules of vests worn with every outfit, as far as we can tell. (we could argue that Jessamine is not wearing one, or that some higher class women aren’t wearing vests under their buttoned up jackets, but since we don’t really see underneath we can’t judge.)
we see the vests be worn even by the Whalers in the first game (which in itself brings up many questions. are whalers, the actual whalers that capture and kill whales, held in high enough regard by the society that they made a vest part of their uniform? or is it merely something that is worn by all? something that every citizen of sound mind would don, were they to leave their house?)
there are a few exceptions to this, of course, but this whole thing came to be by asking a simple question
does the Outsider wear a vest under his leather jacket?
now, in the first game, his jacket is unbuttoned just enough for us to get a good enough peek at what lies beneath. which is to say: there is no hint of a vest underneath. judging by the vests in the first game, the fashion was that the vest would go up high, often covering collarbones or even having a standing collar. what we see on the Outsider is just... an unbuttoned shirt
it’s much the same in the second game, even if we examine his final concept art, his outfit consists of a shirt (more or less underwear) with most of the top buttons unbuttoned, and a jacket on top. no hint of a vest underneath
what I’m trying to say is that the Outsider is a slut
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The end of the world has a way of reminding you of all the things you forgot to say do. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#kaidan alenko#sophie shepard#EDI#shenko#fshenko#mass effect#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#OTP: you're real enough for me#i learned i am physically incapable of creating less than like 20 gifs at a time#but shenko stonks are up right now!!#gif’ing my favorite bisexuals gives me joy 🥹#even though ME2 is dry as shit for shenko content like it’s literally the sahara desert#like a whole ass 10 minutes max of cutscenes between shep and kaidan like come on#like 2 minutes in the prologue and like 8 minutes of cutscenes on horizon#and then an email and looking at the picture in your cabin before the suicide mission#i'm so sorry y'all ME2 shenko canon is absolute shit (besides kaidan being rightfully angry on horizon) which is why we ✨ignore it✨ 🥰#but i rant about ME2 VS treatment too much so i will not write another essay about it in the tags#i will say the EDI line isn't the exact quote from the game but i think about it a lot tbf#same with the quote i borrowed from anderson too lmao (which is also a tiny bit paraphrased)#i just love EDI asking shep for relationship advice when you get to follow shep and kaidan's relationship/struggles across 3 games#and anderson's quote about all the things you forgot to do in relation kahlee to is just *chef's kiss* when you think about shenko#like whether it starts in ME1 or ME3 shenko has some really fantastic moments across the series#two characters with strong morals who realize that they're falling in love and literally start to become each other's strength??#their soft place to land?? their support when they need it?? shenko will always have my heart#also the shenko quotes you get are the most fire thing in the world#you're real enough for me?? you make me feel human?? i want to be your strength- your soft place to land?? shenko you will always be famous#I FORGOT IM GONNA FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR THE CHANCE TO HOLD YOU AGAIN TOO LIKE??#but i’ll stop ranting now bc i do that wayyy to much in my tags lol. have a good day wherever you are! <3
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randomnameless · 2 months
Something pretty interesting I missed in my earlier Supreme Bullshit reading.
When Supreme Leader is upset at Lonato, she wonders if going to help him would be feasible, which leads to this convo with Hubert :
You want to save the man, Your Majesty? If I may, we would march all that way for...what, exactly?
Hubert, imo, thinks Lonato as basically already done and dead, Supreme Leader earlier was pissed at Lonato not following their plans, he acted on personal enemity and will most likely have to fight both the KoS and the Kingdom so...
Imagine the consequences of leaving him to die.
Here we have an example of the Supreme Leader who made this route, so interesting : it's not Hubert who has all the dastardry in their duo, Supreme Leader too, participates.
When KT forgets that they gave her a sailor fuku to be "more free", they write her to be in a similar vein as the other red Emperors like Arvis, or, Gustadolph from TS.
It's not "we must save him" or "we can't let him die", but Supreme Leader directly evacuates all that pathos, and thinks, rationally, about the consequences of leaving Lonato reap what he sowed.
We need our vassals to believe the Empire will always come to their aid. Always.
It's PR!
Going to save Lonato is not about Lonato himself, she can't give a fig about the dude, but it's all about public relationships and keeping a façade for her war of conquest : her vassals need to believe the Empire will always come to their aid.
Whether they actually do, or not, is irrelevant - they need to believe Adrestia is "trustworthy enough" to come to their help when called.
And the sheer "we need them to believe" coming from Supreme Leader herself? It's really neat, she's lying/manipulating the events to build a perfect image for her vassals, or the ones who will become her vassals (by choice).
Compare this to the Kingdom/Church "we need to help the ones who need help!" and here, instead, we have "we need to make people believe we're going to help them".
Lonato doesn't act following the plan ? It doesn't matter, Supreme Leader will seize this new opportunity to advance her own goals : aka, making people believe the Empire is "trustworthy" and "reliable".
Good. Now make our plans known to the others. I'm counting on you, Hubert.
What plans? The "we must rescue Lonato because he is our ally" or the true "we must pretend to rescue Lonato to make other nobles join our cause and believe in us"?
And what is intereting is how this exchange, of course, only happens when she is alone with Hubert.
In the following event, where Barney is here and they talk about their powers :
Ah, you should see the look on your face! Did Hubert threaten you? Don't let it get to you. Yes, he's quite good at that kind of thing, but it comes from a place of caution.
Hm... Sure. It's Hubert's way of caring I guess.
But then comes the manifesto :
I want to transform the world into a place where no one has to feel trapped by where they came from.
What's that about the place they come from? Aren't we later in this route trashtalking Annette and the Kingdom peeps because they believe in outdated values like chivalry and sacrifices to protect their loved ones?
When I am done, it won't matter where you are born, whose blood you have, or what powers course through you—everyone will be treated as equals.
When she means equals, she means people will "believe" everyone will be treated as equals, just like Lonato was supposed to "believe" Adrestia was coming to back him up and not just, play minimal part to guarantee their PR but not much more?
That's what we're fighting for, and that is what this war is going to achieve.
But Hubert said this war is a war of conquest ?
So believe me when I say this—I don't care who you are.
And yet Barney is still a nobody commoner, even if pal with the Emperor, when Linhardt is a general?
I only care about what you have done and what you have yet to do.
And what Barney can do with that power you said you don't give a crap about right? But what if Barney's abilities are basically the result of their weird powers, can we still say their power/abilities are irrelevant ?
And, hm, maybe someone can translate this for me ?
人の力に拠る未来を創るため、 すべての犠牲を私は負って立つ!
She says this when she defeats 1k peons, and Googl'd it gives... "To create a future based on the power of people, I will bear all the sacrifices!" - so what this line about not giving figs about "what powers course through you everyone will be treated as an equal"? Could Amelie the lady from Mittelfrank who couldn't end up as a diva be treated like Leopold, or what?
Supreme Leader's words being treated as gospel is always imo hilarious, because Supreme Leader has some instances where, when KT's not busy dressing her up with some "Scarlet Blaze Power! Make Up!", she plays the role Arvis already played before her, the dastardly red emperor who manipulates and seizes every opportunity to reach her goals.
In Tru Piss we got the Javelins - but in Nopes? We get those "heart to heart" moments with Hubert that lampshade even more how much of an unreliable narrator Supreme Leader is - she still maintains care to have a level of PR and only confides to trusted people (yay Hubert!) or, in FE16, when, curiously, she has her mask on (Flamey doesn't need PR).
That's why we still have so many pretzels over Rhea's fate in Tru Piss, yes, Supreme Leader claims she wants to spare her when she adresses her in Firdhiad, in front of her allies and the people she has to lie to about her War.
But when she was with Billy? Nah, she can safely tell them that path lead to the death of Rhea and her people, something she rejoices about in their S support.
Too bad Nopes doubled down on "Sailor Adrestia" instead of giving us more of that "Arvis with a skirt" they teased us with (seriously that power move of betraying Rhea in the third chapter was just, that awesome from her part).
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silvysartfulness · 5 months
Just a week into the US election year of 2024, and I'm already seeing some Takes™ on my dash.
Please. No.
I know you hate your options, guys, but third party will not win. They simply won't, not in 2024, no matter how much you wish they would. Building that kind of voting power takes time, and with the current voting-suppression systems and gerrymandering in place, you're just not there yet.
And you know the people who are tempted to try it anyway are the people on the left and some lost-looking centrists. And you know that taking those votes away from the Democrats while the people on the right turn up to vote en-mass as they always do means that Trump will win.
I cannot overstate how much you can't let that happen. You can't.
You can feel betrayed and be frustrated with the Biden government all you like, but you can't hand that position of power back to Trump and the conservatives. People will suffer. People will die. Within your own country and globally.
If you seriously think Trump in power will mean less genocide and fascism in the world, I'm sorry, but you're straight up delusional.
Please think really hard about what narratives you're buying into, supporting and spreading this year. Not immune to propaganda etc. People who try to cloud your judgment by appealing to your anger and sense of helplessness, telling you not to vote, or vote third party may genuinely believe what say - or they're manipulating you into throwing your vote away. Either way, the end result is the same.
And frankly - the choice is yours, but if you intend to chase the third party pipedream right now and thereby allowing a fascist government to take over and dictate global politics for the next four years at least (provided their next insurrection isn't successful, leaving them in power indefinitely...)
Then kindly unfollow me. Right now.
I have zero patience for the leftist "perfect or nothing" mindset when the alternative is outright open and proud fascism. No fucking dithering. You have one job this year. You can either vote for the lesser evil like a fucking grownup and then work within the system for further change, or get right out of my face.
That's all.
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lordendsavior · 2 years
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bylertruther · 2 years
kinda cool how in season one eleven escapes the lab thinking she's the monster & in season four eleven escapes the lab again knowing she never was and that none of what happened was ever her fault.
and how in season two she goes on a journey to figure out part of her past and is told by another of the lab's victims that she needs to find strength in pain and anger & in season four we saw that it was her mother calling her by her real, human name and telling her that she loved her that gave her enough strength to overpower evil and banish it from their dimension, not the hurt and rage she felt at her being taken away. and that again, she was able to perform a miracle and bring her friend back to life by thinking of the love she showed her and the way she had always treated her like she was a human being.
she and her story are just really cool, methinks.
#being selflessly loved and treated like a human being what gives characters who have never once been shown that before without having to#give something back in return the strength to fight back and reach their final form is something that can be so personal#like. why am i crying in the club right now#terry called her JANE not a number but a NAME a real HUMAN name and told her she loved her!#and max treated her like a PERSON like a GIRL not a weapon or a superhero and she never asked eleven to do anything for her#she just loved her and treated her like a normal girl like a normal friend#and it was THAT which gave eleven the most strength#eleven who has always had to give in order to get eleven who gets punished whenever she steps outside of the box people put her in#eleven who didn't know that people could LIKE things until season three eleven who had never felt like a girl until season 3#eleven who finds her strength to release herself from henry's vines when she looks at max and remembers tht she has to fight#for her the same way that max fought for her then bc she loves her she loves her friend so much#eleven who looks at a man who has never been treated like a person and in her last moments thinks of her mother and the fact that#she was loved and she was given a name that she is still a person despite everything that there is still kindness in this world and#THAT is what gives her the strength to save herself and literally unmake him and tear a fucking hole in time and space like.#are you kidding me bro how do u expect me to realize all of that and NOT cry like 😭#the power of love... and being treated like a human being... to be seen and understood... there is always a light to be found in the dark#i'm . someone sedate me please for the love of god SEDATE ME PUT ME DOWN SHOOT A HORSE TRANQUILIZER AT MY ASS PELA SE
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darewolfcreates · 10 months
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My digimon :]
#some of these are alot older than others. for example i made pekomon in middleschool. meanwhile i made kweemon and the unamed stress ball#like 2 years ago.#my art#artists on tumblr#digimon#aloemon and tikemon are my digimon partners but the others (apart from stress ball) just hang out.#i have alot of notes and ideas for a series around my digimon sona...#I also like the idea of putting me/my sona into the story of a soul journey.#they were sucked into the digiworld alone in a time of non termoil and now they have to survive and make friends along the way!#has all of the charm of the original digimon anime where its all alice in wonderland/ random stuff from our world out of context in the#digital world. and the only real conflict is man vs environment. they dont start with their digital partners and actsholly meet pekomon#first. pekomon just sort of follows dare around and shows up randomly. theres plenty of time for digital dare to travel with the bois so i#didnt want them to be handed to them right off the bat. humans have been to the digital world before and some of the digimon digital dare#mets remeber seeing humans.#story of learning that growing up dosent necessarily have to involve growing up. you can keep injoying the things you injoy as an adult tha#you did as a kid. its also mainly about found family and recovering from the shity times that came before.#in the end digital dare whoudlent want to leave the digital world but need to anyways... in the end credits it whould show digital dare#getting a messege on their computer from their digimon friends.#its implyed they get to keep in touch even when they are oh so far apart.#99% of digital dare's messeges to pekomon are just them sending pekomon cool pictures that they took.
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scattered-winter · 2 years
ok maybe this is controversial but it's always rubbed me the wrong way whenever an actor/celebrity dies and everyone is mourning them but only in relation to the character they played??? like idk if my mom died tomorrow and everyone was mourning her because she couldn't do her job anymore I would probably commit a hatecrime
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ritahayworrth · 10 months
i know i'm in a low place when i think about selling my soul and getting a business degree
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crows-bite · 2 years
I think the bfh survivors had it so rough. Like… obviously they didn’t DIE like good god the things the deadies went though were terrible as well, and there’s a lot to come to worms with in being killed by someone. But they were safe and together and things were calm and they understood a lot more about their situation and had very little to fear.
On the other hand we have the survivors who just. Dude. I don’t even know what to say they spent over a month just watching horrific event after horrific event unfold in front of them and there was NOTHING they could do about it except hope and pray they wouldn’t be next or that they wouldn’t wake up to find the next corpse and have it be wearing the face of a loved one. Just total paranoia and fear keeping them running nonstop even when the constant losses were breaking them down. It was just so visible, the hopelessness on them. And it wasn’t even like some of the other games where there was any hope of escape at all because how do you even escape when you’re on another fucking world? How do you win when your opponents are literal GODS?
And then That Event happened and like. After all those weeks of clinging to survival in any possible way they could they just get hit with the knowledge that it didn’t even matter because they’re all already dead. After all that, they lose their entire world in one day. Families left behind, dreams unfulfilled, whatever it’s all out of their reach now. Like there is No Point, they can never get back to the people or the life that they were surviving for (thinking about November in particular breaks my fucking heart, man). And after all that… THE DEADIES COME BACK? All that grief and the survivors learn that THAT was pointless, too. You can’t properly die on Atheris at all, it’s just a joke to the people who came back. Something to be taken lightly even though these guys have literally spent weeks terrified out of their minds of death and nursing heartbreak for those they’ve lost. I can’t even imagine. Like this just got hard to write, I was literally writing Zephyr ooc the whole last week because otherwise there would be no feasible way he could keep functioning.
IDK!! And then they were told they had to fight to save this world that had done nothing but bring them grief, and like… why would they? Why would they fight when there was absolutely nothing to fight For? Survival didn’t matter, because they’d been putting their all into that for so long only to learn it didn’t matter. Death didn’t matter either, apparently. They would never be able to go home. My heart just aches for these guys, man. Even now that, post-finale where they won the fight and are all just There like. I cannot imagine knowing you can never go home and will forever be trapped at the site of all that grief and fear and tragedy and hurt. And with the people who inflicted it on you, even! I love them all to bits I hope they can find some comfort in each other. I’m not even sure what postgame Zeph does tbh aside from freak the fuck out and have a massive drawn out breakdown lol.
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sonic the hedgehog tumblr dashboard simulator
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💠 extremegayr Follow
got held up in traffic today cause some noob couldnt drive the fucking loop-de-loop. lmfao fucking coward
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🎛 420zone Follow
ok but robotnik's kind of a dilf tho
🌫 wispgender Follow
he's literally a war criminal can we NOT do this tumblr
🎛 420zone Follow
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📰 its-no-use Follow
@wispgender dont u literally simp for nominatus like who is one to talk
🌫 wispgender Follow
🛜 viralsensation-destructorofworlds Follow
that you know of
🌫 wispgender Follow
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🔷 sonicinthewild
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☣️ lineinthesand Follow
saw sonic the hedgehog irl once. he showed up at my village, released 30 feral pickys in the town hall, paid the ice cream vendor roughly a thousand rings for a single chili dog, told me not to waste my life worrying about the little things, and then caused a fucking tornado
🧿 spiralhillspindash Follow
ok and??? you're not special
☣️ lineinthesand Follow
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🌠 chaoinspace2electricboogaloo
sucks that sticks the badger hates all technology you know she would do NUMBERS on here
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☸️ r0u3e Follow
being an islander be like "are those the kind of eggsplosions i should worry about or the kind of eggsplosions that are gonna repair our crops, fix the economy, and bring my dead grandma back to life"
🌁 eggpawnkindathicctho Follow
being a continenter be like "oh great what primordial diety has risen from the grave to block traffic and fight a 15yo today"
🥭 chao-official
being a chao be like "chao chao chao chao chao"
🌁 eggpawnkindathicctho Follow
you said it my mans
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🏵 sprinkles-the-chao Follow
hold on if sonic the hedgehog is jewish then how is he santa claus
🤖 e123-omegaverse Follow
dont question him
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☣️ sparkygoboom Follow
hey guys real question are human/mobian relationships problematic
💠 extremegayr Follow
op is about to start the anthro church schism of the fifteenth year all over again
🛞 mobotropolis Follow
ok but in all seriousness did your mom never teach you that part of history
🎢 marxiobros Follow
someone doesn't know about the united federations public school system
🛞 mobotropolis Follow
what the fuck is a public school
⏭️ drowningmusic Follow
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⚄ paradoxprism Follow
are we gonna talk about op's chaos radiation fetish
💠 extremegayr Follow
🏞 mobiancrossing Follow
ok but am i the only one who thinks that the public school system would be a good idea if handled right? like i know it's traditional to learn from your parents and then experience the world on our own from the ages of 7-13 but like combining all our knowledge and learning together doesnt seem like a bad idea
☠️ fabian-vane-number-1-hater Follow
bitch that's what the internet is for
🌅 s0leanna-apple-barrell
yeah where else am i gonna learn to make infinite chaos emeralds
❇️ freesurge Follow
"infinite chaos emeralds" that's called the phantom ruby
🏳️‍🌈 rainbowwispforgayrights Follow
everybody on this site has brain damage
❇️ freesurge Follow
yeah. from the radiation
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🐸 froggysfriend
caught this today
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🏝 digginginthegroundfortubers
if anything happens to this blog i genuinely hope eggman blows us all up as punishment
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🐊 teamchaotixofficial
Hey guys! Sorry to do this again but rent's a little tight this month :( If we've ever solved a case for you guys or made you guys smile, please consider sending a ko-fi our way! we just need a few rings to get through the month <3
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🖼 give-the-koco-a-gun Follow
do we ever talk about that time the sky turned blood-red and shadow the hedgehog's demon dad descended from on high to murder us all and we only barely survived
❤️‍🔥 songoose4evr Follow
shadow fixed it it's fine
🎮 n0cturnity
yeah that was like twelve apocalypses ago move on
🎆 robotniksbignaturals Follow
kinda wanted to bang black doom tbh
🖼 give-the-koco-a-gun Follow
🎆 robotniksbignaturals Follow
yeah. move over gayboy i'm boutta be shadow's new dad
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🗑️ berrybarry
starting a conspiracy that time hasnt moved since 2006
🗑️ berrybarry
why the fuck was i shadowbanned after posting this
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🤡 clownfinite Follow
tfw you finally save up enough rings for ice cream and you go outside and get hit by swatbot pieces and the rings just go fuckin everywhere
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🔷 sonicinthewild
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🌌 h-o-l-o-l-y-n-x
so did y'all see that genesis wave or was it just me
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🆙 planetsgiantcrack Follow
the virgin tweeter "if you use a bad word in the same tweet as the word 'cream' you get obliterated off the site" vs this chad site of "i want to put knuckles back in a microwave"
💟 presidentyaoi Follow
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⬜️ chao-and-wisps-4-ever-so-cute-2 Follow
ok posting my first fanart to this site pls be nice! <3
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🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
why does tails look like he's always about to say "it fucken WIMDY"
🦊 miles-prower-official
Hello, @emeraldfwuitgummy!
I actually quote that image on a constant basis! Sonic thinks it's hilarious every time. He's quite the fan of memes, and it's nice to get a laugh out of him!
Dr. Miles "Tails" Prower, PHD
🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
🏅 iwishhumanswerereal Follow
do. do you not know he created tailblr. dude it's in the name lmao
🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
🍭 milfwisp Follow
didn't eggman invent this site???
🪫 veganswatbot
🦊 miles-prower-official
Hello, @milfwisp and @veganswatbot!
Very good question! This site was Eggman's until I ate his bones. Thank you for engaging! :D
Dr. Miles "Tails" Prower, PHD
🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
🌭 sonicsays
what's not clicking
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exauhstedsunflower · 2 months
New rule, no one is allowed to make any decisions ever again without taking in outside air first. Go outside. Look at a tree or a tall building depending on where you live. Be a person before making person choices. Anyway goodnight everyone I hope you have interesting dreams.
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nebucat · 3 months
elise critics annoy the fuck out of me tbh
#vent#thinking about this today#'her character is too flat / one dimensional' no it isn't you're just not paying enough attention or considering WHY she is the way she is#'she's selfish she wanted to choose sonic over the world!' and so what if she is selfish? she's a princess of a royal family#who never had a real friend in her life and never got a chance to actually LIVE and be a girl until she met sonic!#and on TOP of that - she's already lost her mother and her father. she's tired of losing people that are important to her!#she's a flawed character who has moments of vulnerability and impulsivity because she never was allowed to HAVE emotions!#and it grinds my freakin' gears when people try to come along and 'fix' her character - as if there was anything that needed to be changed#in the first place#no there isn't! you're misunderstanding her!#having characters - especially female characters - be flawed in media is so important#because 9 times out of 10 they always fall victim to the 'perfect girl who gets it right and is so much better than the male lead at#everything trope and never does anything wrong or selfish or make mistakes' trope and i can't fucking stand it man#its why i didnt really like princess peach all that much in the super mario movie. now THERE'S a one dimensional character imo#anyway i love when fictional women are allowed to be broken and flawed and ugly and be selfish and make mistakes and learn and grow from#said mistakes#i will defend canon elise until the day i die i stg#she's just a human being who was thrusted into an unhappy life and never knew real joy until she got a chance to experience it#and didn't wanna let it go
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genuinelyshallow · 7 months
Now, Palestinians lost their right to even be just numbers.
"Yesterday, Israel achieved one of the main objectives of its war against Gaza's health organisations. The death toll of thousands has been causing a worldwide uprising of anger against Israel, which increases every day as the numbers increase. With the health system collapsing, the health administration can not count the numbers of deaths and injuries. Starting today and to the end of the war, perhaps even years after, we won't know the real death toll. They will be buried in mass graves or be left in the open or under the rubbles for their corpses to rot. We would have liked to say that Palestinians are humans, lives, faces, and names, and not just numbers. Now, Palestinians lost their right to even be just numbers. The world was too cheap to leave them with even just that"
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