#realized in the wip i posted their heads were too big now they look better
teabiscs · 1 year
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Idk man. Rei fell or something, but thank god, Sergei was there to break his fall with his big ole boobies.
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subskz · 6 months
hi ms. rin!! long time no see ☺️
i was always reading your works & all your amazing posts but i realize today it was a long time since i sent an ask >< i hope you’re doing great!
i wanted to ask if you’re still writing the childhood friends to lovers with lee know? ever since butterfly bandage i was craving to read another longfic from you cause you write so beautifully :< & with minho being my bias i think i’ll die if you make a story for him..! not to pressure you of course 💕
hello hello omg it really has been a while!! it’s so nice to see you again my dear i hope you’ve been doing well and taking care since we last spoke ♡
you’re too kind thank u so much for your lovely words!! it’s so sweet that u even remember i was writing that lino fic i’m really glad you’re looking forward to it 😭 it’s still very much a wip so i’m not exactly sure when it’ll be out, but i work on it all the time! here’s a few lil sneak peeks just for u hehe
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also please note that a lot of this is subject to change since i’m still working on it 😽 these snippets are still a bit barebones
ᓚᘏᗢ — snippet 1
You stared at the crumpled nest; abandoned, with what was left of it quickly being carried away by the wind. Straw by straw. You felt like crying.
Don’t be so sensitive. You told yourself. It's just a stupid bird.
“Wow,” a familiar voice, soft and brusque and not sounding very wowed at all, came from behind you. “That’s amazing, isn’t it?”
You lifted your head, whipping around to find its source. Not that you really needed to, anyway. You knew that voice better than your own, by now.
“They were just babies, but they already flew away.” Minho crouched down next to you to examine the remains of the fallen nest. His small fingers brushed over it, so delicately that the grass barely shifted under his touch. “Like they know exactly where they’re supposed to go.”
You rested your hands on your knees, unconvinced, refusing to look at him. Your eyes were stinging. You didn’t want him to think you were dramatic. You didn’t want him to make fun of you. He’d put just as much care into looking after them, if not more. He’d stayed with them even longer than you had. How could he be so accepting of it?
“Birds are so cool,” he continued. A gentle breeze ruffled your hair, like it was summoned by his airy lilt. “They can go wherever they want.”
“Why do they have to go?” you muttered.
“Cause the world’s so big, dummy,” he said it like common knowledge, like he’d consulted the birds himself. “And they’re so small. So they gotta start seeing it early before they die.”
You puffed out a half-hearted laugh.
“You’re like a bird,” you decided.
“You do what you wanna and go where you wanna.”
“I can’t be a bird,” Minho sniffed. “They fly too high. I'm more like a cat, ‘cause no matter where they go, they always know how to find their way home.”
“Like Soonie,” you said.
“Like Soonie,” he agreed. “Remember when he was gone for three days? But then he showed up again like nothing happened?”
“You cried a lot,” you giggled.
Minho huffed, looking away. “I knew he’d come back.” 
It had been one of the only times you’d ever seen him cry in your four years of friendship. He might’ve completely denied crying altogether if the subject were anything other than his beloved cat. His little brother.
“So you’ll always come back, too? Like Soonie?”
“Yeah,” he replied. “I'm gonna be here ‘til I'm at least 100, or else someone will take our spot under the maple tree.”
ᓚᘏᗢ — snippet 2
Minho’s hand reached for yours. It was shaking.
“If you're scared, I can stay with you,” he offered. You could tell he was trying to sound casual, but there was an undeniable tremor there. Not breezy, not carefree; thick and heavy with apprehension. It weighed down your conscience. “It’ll be embarrassing if you’re the only one in class left behind, right?”
You remembered how he’d reacted when you traveled up to the mountains last summer, how he’d turned away from the window when the car drove along the edge of the road, with nothing but a flimsy, rusting metal barrier standing between you and several thousand foot fall. You remembered how much trouble he’d had walking straight when you first arrived at the campsite, strangely quiet, muttering to himself about how high up it was. It was too high, the air was too thin, the world was too far away. 
Those were the issues, of course. The issue certainly wasn’t that he was terrified out of his mind. A cat stuck in a tree, longing to accept help without sacrificing his pride. Unsure whether to hiss at whoever came near, or leap into their arms. He’d grabbed your hand the exact same way, back then. 
“Okay,” you replied.
He perked up, features flashing with a hopefulness that was almost enough to break your facade. 
It would’ve been so easy in that moment, to tease him. To call him out, gain the upper hand on him for once in six years. But looking at those eyes—round and bright and gleaming under his glasses with an innocence that effectively wiped away every annoying thing he’d ever done from your memory, you just couldn’t bring yourself to. 
“Let’s skip the rollercoaster,” you said plainly. “I’m scared.”
You weren’t, strangely enough. You wondered if Minho knew that. Of the two of you, he was undoubtedly the risk taker. His mind was too capricious to not explore every possibility there was, to not absorb everything the world had to offer until he found himself in it. It was almost exhilarating for you, to be the adventurous one, for a change. To be the one who didn’t hold yourself back.
You wanted to be bold. You wanted to be fearless. You wanted to impress him. 
But more than any of that, you wanted to stay with him. You didn’t want him to sit alone on the amusement park bench, watching his classmates have fun without him as he fumbled with the wrapping of a snack he couldn’t eat, because the anxiety had made his stomach hurt. 
“Seriously,” his grin was weak, but as he laced your fingers together properly, you could feel the quiver in his hand begin to calm. “What would you do without me?”
You simply grunted, allowing him to tug you along to the bench. You didn’t want to think about it. It was playful, not really seeking a response, but that didn’t stop his question from lingering in the back of your mind. Like a part of you knew that, sooner or later, you’d have no choice but to find the answer.
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sophie1973 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
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Thank you so much to my beloved @stellarm and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tags
Since I posted a big chapter for Bloodstream yesterday (here) I took a break for 24 hrs and focused on my other (small town/lake house) WIP
Story : Henry is a hotelier in London, but his life has become unbearable, so he flees to Texas, where he inherited a house from his aunt (yes I gave Arthur Fox a sister).
I promise I'm working on a better summary. Also, this is a first draft.
The view of the lake is stunning.
Henry puts his messenger bag on the kitchen counter, taking in the inside of the house. There is a spacious cottage-style kitchen with all the modern appliances. A couple of steps lead to a cozy living room with a stonewall fireplace and comfortable couches. There’s a gigantic bookshelf filled to the brim with books, and he smiles for the first time in weeks.
He knows his aunt Marjorie shared the same taste in books as he does, so it’s good to know he’s covered for a while, mainly since most of his own, aside from a few favorites, remained in England. 
And he’s not going back for a long, long while.
He needed to get his suitcase out of the rental car, but his priority was to get David out after the one-hour-and-a-half drive from Austin so he could do his business—directly on the car's tire, no less- and get into the house.
This house left to him by his aunt, who probably saved his life by doing so.
He can still hear Pez’s voice in his head (“Just go, Hazza. Fuck that Wicked Witch of the West. I’ll miss you, but I prefer you alive.) and Bea softly smiling at him because she knows. She understands.
That same smile looks at him from the picture on the kitchen counter, a teenage Bea with her arm around him, always the protective big sister. He stares at his own face, a young boy with a big smile, and wonders how it all went so wrong.
Next to that picture is another one of Marjorie and Arthur. They are in their mid-twenties, looking young and beautiful. She never followed in her brother’s footsteps, choosing a quiet life away from the media, but unlike him, she had the chance to grow old and live a fulfilling life. 
His father remains eternally young, his face and smile frozen in time in family pictures and film pellicles.
A sudden wave of grief grips Henry’s chest, making him stumble, and he sits down on the steps, trying to catch his breath. He hasn’t had one in a while, probably because he was too busy packing his stuff and leaving everything behind.
His job, which he loves, but he can’t bear the toxic environment created by his grandmother anymore.
His family, even though he will only truly miss Bea. They have promised each other to keep in touch several times a week despite the time difference, and she will come to see him soon.
London, where he lived all his life. 
So here he is, 5000 miles from home in Small Town, Texas (otherwise known as Horseshoe Bay), where he doesn’t know anyone and has no idea what the Bloody Hell he will do with his life. 
It is terrifying. Part of him knows he should find it exhilarating, but he is having trouble connecting with his optimistic self right now. 
He doesn’t even know where to start.
Henry feels a wet nudge at his arm. He looks down, sees David looking at him with his big puppy eyes, and laughs through tears he hadn’t realized were falling. The beagle puts its paw on his arm and tries to lick his face, and he pulls the dog against him, pressing a kiss and nuzzling his nose in its soft fur.
“We’ll be alright, my darling. We’ll be alright.”.
No pressure tag, and sorry if you already did it and I missed it : @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @piratefalls@anincompletelist@itsmaybitheway @tintagel-or-cockleshells@orchidscript@happiness-of-the-pursuit@pridepages
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
mid-west monster #1
werewolf!eddie munson x reader
you’ve been with eddie munson for a few months now, and while you knew the boy harbored some secrets — you weren’t aware just how hairy things were about to get
tw: cursing, body horror(? i think?)
a/n: for writeober i’ll be attempting to do (hopefully) daily drabbles, each one a progression of this fic and based around a generated prompt! feel free to send any in as well if you’d like to inspire future installments! happy halloween! LMAO anyway.... i abandoned this wip in early oct. when i realized i should maybe focus on my big move instead of writing, kept getting sad looking at it sitting in my drafts so i decided to slap on a quick sort-of-ending and just post it cause... i love werewolf!eddie so fucking much y'all ;; he'd be the scruffiest stankiest doggo bf and i'm HERE FOR IT. not sure if this'll be continued as past me suggested but if it gets some traction i'd look into progressing the story! hope you enjoy!
Your knuckles are a ghostly white, latched to the steering wheel where your thumb rubs hard into the frayed edge of the wheel cover, anxious and tense. Eddie had been radio silent for the third day now, Hellfire had gathered in the hopes that maybe he’d make some dramatic entrance after working on the materials for this session — but no Dungeon Master had shown his mischievous grin. You’d called and called, stopped by but Wayne had solemnly sent you off each time, assuring you his boy was fine — just going through a rough illness. Maybe it was selfish to think but it made you angry, if he was sick he could still pick up a phone, right? It was the honeymoon stage yet, you’d only started dating a few months back and you could admit you had a tendency to cling to him, but to be fair he seemed to be clinging to you, too. Till now, at least. Had something changed so suddenly?
You let out a heavy breath you just now realize you’d been holding and scold yourself. ‘Your thoughts aren’t always true. Wayne said he was sick so he’s sick. I can at least bring him a treat.’ Looking over at the tote bag of tupperware’d food you encourage yourself to smile and hold it as you pull into the Munson’s drive.
Wayne wasn’t home, but Eddie’s van was here, and so you collect your things and exit your car, hopping up the steps and rapping the door.
No answer.
A neighbor’s dog starts barking a few doors down. You could swear you hear something from inside, rustling and a door slamming shut.
“Eds? You in there? It’s me! I brought you some stuff.”
“W-Wayne said you were super sick, so…” you trail off softly, lowering your arms and heaving a sigh.
“Eddie? I know you’re home I— … I’m worried about you, I just—“ you groan softly and just set everything down on the steps, worried the more you call to him the more annoyed he’s getting.
“I’ll just… I’m setting your stuff down out here for you, okay? Don’t forget about it.” A few more moments leaned against the door, waiting for anything, but nothing comes and you can’t help a slight pang, heading back down the steps.
“…Feel better, Eds.” Glancing back you cant even look inside, the curtains all shut tight. ‘He must really be sick.’
You head home but for the rest of the night your thoughts and worries start to take over a little, unable to sit still as you pace your room and question every last interaction you’d had with him, wonder about every possible illness you knew the name of. If he’d just call, pick up when you rang, just say one word to let you know you didn’t need to worry so much.
As you’re in the middle of that thought the phone does indeed ring, and you nearly trip over yourself to get to it, ripping the receiver from the cradle and holding it tight against your ear.
“… Hello? Someone there?”
“Y/N?” His voice is low, weak, obscured slightly but it’s Eddie. Oh, your heart nearly beats from your chest.
“Eddie?? Babe what the f— I’ve been so worried! Are you okay?”
“… … I- … I’m- I’m fine, promise. I’m fine.” He sounds strained.
“Are you sure? Do you need anything? I-I left you some stuff—“
“Sweetheart I— I can’t… Can’t really talk much, now… Just… Wanted to tell you, I’m okay…” There’s some rustling as though he’s covering the receiver on his end; you swear you hear him whimper.
“Eds?? Eddie please I-“ *click*
You hang onto the phone long enough for the signal to start bleeping at you as if in irritation that you’re still on the line, reminding you to set it back down in its cradle.
The clock tells you it’s close to midnight. Your brain tells you something’s very wrong.
Fifteen minutes later you’re rocking to a sudden halt in your car, once again sat in Eddie’s driveway. Same as before, Wayne isn’t home yet, and Eddie’s van is parked just beside you. The tote bag you’d left still sat on the steps.
You step out, striding up to his door with purpose and this time just trying the knob — locked. Glancing down the length of the trailer, the curtains still seemed to be drawn and there’s no discernible light peeking through, save for Eddie’s bedroom, a soft orange glow from a covered lamp indicating some presence.
Hoping to high heaven that neither Munson would hold trespassing against you, you bend down and lift the mat as you’d seen Eddie do a few times — the hidden spare key glinting at you in the moonlight. Using it on the lock, you turn the knob again and suck in a deep breath as you push the door open into an eerily silent, pitch-black living room.
“…Eddie?” Your voice is soft and hitched, trembling a little, too quiet to get anyone’s attention. Why were you kind of freaking out right now? There’s a rustle down the hall, a gruff, muffled noise and you gasp, jumping in your step. Looking down the hallway, it’s that same lightless black, until your eyes reach Eddie’s bedroom door — that orange light bleeding through the space between the door and the floor.
“E-Eddie?” You find yourself taking slow steps towards his room, eyes locked onto that strip of light. When a shadow runs across it you feel a cold sweat break over you. “Eds, seriously, seriously I’m kind of freaked out right n—“
There’s no time to react as the door slams open and crashes into the wall, a large, shivering figure in the doorway wearing Eddie’s Hellfire t-shirt, but it’s ripped and stained. You can’t make it out exactly, but the light from behind it illuminates its shape — and it’s much bigger than Eddie. Rugged; shoulders heaving. But its breathing is… unnatural. Almost like there’s a growl laced in it. You stumble backwards and to the floor from the initial shock of the door flying open, hastily lifting yourself onto your elbows, and when you behold this figure you gasp a sharp, shuddering breath, trying to croak out a scream but it catches and you find you can only stutter and whimper, struggling to scurry backwards but your movements are shaky and your limbs feel frozen.
It heaves a growl, snarls but it’s eerily soft, and takes a heavy step forward, vibrating through you. Your mind screams at you to move but you’re still just scrambling, arms heavy, trying to inch yourself away as you emit low whimpers, eyes wide and unable to leave the beast before you. Its eyes glow an unnatural yellow and it’s how you know it’s staring right back into yours. You can make it out a little better now, but your mind struggles to comprehend exactly what you’re looking at.
The creature is at least seven feet tall, almost entirely covered in dark, wavy fur. Its limbs don’t fit, however, they’re too human as its fingers reach up to pull at a mane of wild, shaggy hair, and that’s when you really notice the ears. They’re tall, pointed, set back like a dog ready to lunge. Its muzzle just the same, canine and lined with sharp teeth as it snarls. Eddie’s Hellfire tee… why was it wearing that??
“E-E— Ed—die…“ The tears fall freely and you cry. ‘So this is how I’m gonna die,’ you think. ‘This monster must have eaten Eddie and now it’s gonna eat me too.’
At the sound of your voice, however, something changes quickly. The beast spasms as if struck, crouching and curling into itself as it whines. As you watch in horror, you witness the final stage of this creature's transformation. The same dark fur breaks out over rippling arm and leg muscles, as the creature whines again and groans; you gasp, watching fingers lengthen and sharpen into claws. Arms and legs swell with muscle beneath the sheath of fur, and a howl of pain twins with a sob that wracks you. Terror and fear and also... sympathy. How do you know this creature?? Why are you suddenly so sad that it's hurting.
The beast's head snaps up, yellow eyes aglow, and it... calms. It sighs, almost, relieved the worst of it is over and now its attention is locked onto you. But the menace is gone -- if anything, this creature seems worried. Upset. Sad that it's frightened you.
You're still trembling, however, still weeping silently on the floor as you just lock eyes with this hulking being in front of you. The Hellfire tee... You keep scanning, gaze wandering over the wavy fur, and something dangling from this beast's neck makes your heart drop. The shirt should have given it away, but how could you think straight when a literal werewolf was snarling and staring you down. But now, Eddie's pick hanging from it's thick, furry neck...
You take in a shuddering breath, shaking your head in disbelief. The wolf begins to whine, lowering its head, ears lowered and pulled back again but now like a dog ashamed of what it's done. You cant help a bark of a laugh, the tears continuing to spill.
Your werewolf boyfriend barks. You swear you see his tail wag.
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ohmypawsandwhiskers · 3 months
WIP whenever!
Time has no meaning while I'm in between jobs, so I missed Wednesday by a lot... But I want to share a lil snippet of what I have been writing on my attack on titan fanfiction I plan on starting to post soon
Have a flashback snippet!
“What are you doing out here?”
The boy startled at the edge of a lake, not realizing until that moment he was being watched. With the heel of his left palm, he wiped away the rogue tears before looking over his shoulder at the newcomer.
Peering out from behind the trunk of a large sycamore tree was a girl, around his age, studying him with predatory eyes that picked up on every twitch and tick. Accusatory and suspicious eyes that shifted to curiosity as he met her gaze. Her head cocked slightly to the right.
“You’re crying.” It wasn’t a question, and despite the raspy tone, gruff in its use, there was no malice or judgment in the statement. Just a childlike inquisitiveness that provided insight into how his peers must see him. The boy’s face felt hot, being caught in what was meant to be a private moment of grief, vulnerable and raw. He’d come out to the spot his father had taken him to camp a few times- away from prying eyes and ears- for that very reason. 
He snapped his attention back to the lake, its surface rippling in the autumn breeze, swaying the reflection of the forest canopy. His hands balled into fists at his sides as he hiccuped.
“I’m not-”
“Are you okay?” The girl was at his side, staring out at the water. How did she move so silently so quickly?
All protests that licked his tongue faded at the slight shift in her tone. It reminded him of nights spent by the fire, listening to the stories his father would read to him out of old books- ones that weren’t shared with other school children-those were the times his imagination would run wild with possibilities to create his own stories, beyond the walls. Grief came flooding back to him, an anchor tied to his shoulders with the realization those nights were gone. 
“My father. He-” a sniffle and another hiccup caught his speech, “he’s dead.” He tore his attention from their reflection on the lake and towards his shoes, not wanting to see her reaction as the confession seemed to take a life of its own. “He was killed.”
New reality took shape, finally vocalized, and any semblance of control he had was gone. That tether had snapped after hours of tension and force as he went to school in his new normal, where a stranger was at the front of the class, reading verbatim from the textbook. One where he had to use all of his stamina to pretend it was a regular day and not the first on his own. His eyes burned as his vision began to swim. 
Tears broke over the precipice and began flowing freely as a sob left him and he collapsed back to his knees. Sorrow stole the reins from him as words continued to spill out. “I- he- I told my class about his theories- challenged our history. How pieces were missing and how pieces didn’t line up.” Even now, as he yelled internally at himself to shut up, it was impossible to stay quiet. “It was all my fault! I should’ve known better and kept my big mouth shut and let people pretend to believe in some fake narrative designed to keep us contained and happy behind the walls.” The boy cradled his face in his hands, trembling. “I should’ve known better-”
“Well, duh!” The girl was kneeling beside him now, hugging her legs, and despite the glare leveled at her from beet red eyes, she continued, “They forbid old books for a reason, you know. Can’t have people dreaming of what could be and ruin peace behind the walls.”
She drew out an arrow from the quiver slung across her back and began making nonsensical symbols in the dirt at their feet. 
To his surprise, the tears stopped, as if they, too, were shocked not only by her honesty but that she hadn’t mocked him, like the other kids had. Surely, he was dreaming… The world was too cruel to grant him some respite when he had done nothing to earn it. “You know about it too?”
Her laughter jolted him more than the hand she placed on his shoulder, certain to leave a dirt imprint on his white school shirt. He kept his eyes focused on the dirt beneath her fingernails as the girl replied, “Yeah, my entire Circle knows about the lies, and,” that word was so pointed and emphasized it was abrasive, “we also know not to talk about it in public spaces, you idiot.”
When he met the girl’s eyes, there was no malice or pity held there. Just understanding, as though she knew his pain intimately through experience. 
“You didn’t kill your father. Cowards did,” she jumped to her feet, kicking the mud off the tip of the arrow with her shoe as she held his gaze. “If there’s any blame to be placed, it’s on them.” The girl returned the arrow to its home and dusted her hands on her trousers before extending one out to him. “C’mon. It’s going to be dark soon. Let’s find you a place to rest for the night, at least. Can’t have the bears or wolves getting you.”
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avengeclintasha · 2 years
12 & 2
Ahh these are the two that have been in my WIP folder the longest out of everything. It's been AGES since I worked on either of them but they both are still in there in hopes that one day I actually do write them and flesh them out to their full potential.
12. Age of Ultron AU
Okay, I think this is literally the oldest WIP I have, it was SO long ago when I started this one--it's basically age of ultron but with Peggy in it and a few other details changed bc I both loved and hated age of ultron when I first started this fic (now I can say with certainty that it's one of my least favorites, but I don't question my past self and her movie tastes)
It follows the plot of age of Ultron and everything kind of still happens in the same way major plot point wise—I only have the very beginnings of it because I wasn't sure how much I wanted to include of the actual movie/how true I should stay to the dialogue, but there is a part I particularly like that I'll leave below the cut from the first chapter (which is still set before the party scene in the movie but after they fight the first battle, if I'm remembering correctly.
2. ACS3 AU
UGH and this one, this one is an agent Carter season 3 like, what I wished would have been created, and it starts out RIGHT as season 2 ends and it's kind of meant to bridge the gap between the end of agent Carter and endgame, but like idk about years and how long and timelines and stuff got complicated but anyway—
They start out looking into Jack's death and Peggy realizes quickly that he was killed for a file with fake information on her, but just a few short hours after his death and their work at the crime scene, Peggy goes back to the Los Angelous office and though she just reported she was taking more vacation mere hours ago, the head of New York (Jack's old boss) wants her back to run the office by Monday at the latest.
Peggy also gets a call after that from Phillips and Stark about creating SHIELD and making a new organization together and there's supposed to be a whole side plot with her getting offered jobs in the middle of the big extensive plot that's going on
Anyway, Peggy starts combing through old war records and eventually finds out that it's Michael and he's not dead and it has something to do with the Arena Club too, but I didn't plan out all the exact plot of that and eventually after dealing with all of that she takes the job with Phillips and moves to DC and she's only been in her new place for a few days when Steve shows up at her door and that's the end.
It also was meant to kind of have a lot of war flashbacks and flashbacks to childhood with her and Michael, and this is one of my more planned out WIPs I've just never had the time and energy to devote to it to write it, though the first chapter has been edited multiple times I've never posted it, but honestly, it's kind of tempting even though I haven't worked on it in over a year rip. I might post it later on AO3 just because you asked about it.
Thank you so much for asking about these two, they hold such a special place in my heart, and I hope maybe one of them will be posted soon, or at least partially out there for everyone to enjoy :)
More for the Age of Ultron AU for giggles:
"Where is she?" Maria said handing Steve a folder. 
"Who?" He asked taking the folder and opening it. 
"The director!" Steve looked over the room and everyone else was there. Tony and Bruce were sitting next to each other with Thor listening to their discussion. Natasha, Phil, and Clint were sitting opposite them and talking to each other. "Fury's coming too," Hill said looking up and down the hallway. "You'd probably have better luck finding her, Cap. I checked her office and the rest of this floor." 
"I'll be right back," he said. He set his folder and his bag down in the seat beside Clint before leaving to go find Peggy. 
Peggy was very good at hiding inside the intricate hallways and rooms of the SHIELD headquarters, but Steve always knew where she went when she was stressed or needed moments to herself. He checked his office first, then the break room on Natasha's floor, then the training room on that floor. He checked them all with no luck, but then realized where she would be. 
He quickly rode the elevator to the floor with the upper level gyms. Most of the higher ranking agents didn't ever come on this floor because the other gyms were more centrally located on their floors. He knew Peggy liked it here because it was often deserted and he quickly found her punching a sand bag in one of the rooms. 
"Peggy," he said. She instantly jumped at the sound of his voice. She had sweat rolling down her face, and she looked more tired than usual. He walked over to where she was and took her hands in his own. "You alright?" 
"Just needed a few minutes to myself," she said. He began to unwrap her hands, and she relaxed a little because of the familiarity of the situation. This was not the first time this had happened. 
"You're late for the Avengers meeting." He tossed the gauze onto one of the benches near the bag Peggy had brought with her. His gaze came back to her before seeing her face. There was something wrong that she wasn't saying. "Pegs, what's wrong?" 
"Nothing, darling. I'm just tired. It's been a long week," she said. She started to gather up her belongings. She shoved everything into her locker and locked it with her keys. "We'd better get to that meeting." She quickly grabbed her black leather portfolio where she put everything she needed for the day before walking out of the room. Steve quickly followed her to the elevator and got on. 
"Do you have a full plan for the defense conference talks?" He turned to her tying to take her mind away from what was bothering her. 
"Almost. I wanted everyone's approval and input before it became a full plan. The end is a little open," she said opening the portfolio in her hands. She glanced over the content inside before snapping it shut again. "It'll all work out." 
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megamegaturtle · 4 years
in the dumpster fire of 2020, i fell in love with dramione
here’s some fic recs in no particular order of favorites (ao3 edition). this is going to be a long ass post, but a link to all my bookmarks on ao3. again, long post.  you’ve been warned: 
remain nameless by @heyjude19-writing - the coffee shop au that’s 300,000 words that’s friends to lovers and becoming better people (complete)
measure of a man - okay so like. i’m going to explain this story terribly. but like. hermione is a healer, she’s also part farmer. she super heals hard to heal patients. and oh boy. there are the malfoys. we have narcissa as herself. scrop as the cutest baby kid alive, and draco as a poltergeist. JUST. THIS STORY. START READING. IT IS SO GOOD. AND DELCIOS AND ALSJDFJLA you will come away feeling super empowered. (WIP)
subtle perfection  - the ice skating/muggle au that’s is asldkfjsaljf really smoking hot but like the ice hurts my feels (wip)
seven year witch by @thelastlynx- draco and hermione keep meeting up in the summers between school years (WIP)
when midnight comes - TIME LOOP AU. head boy and head girl au. (complete)
 O for Outstanding - hogwarts teacher au. also, draco has a thing for shoes *wink* (WIP)
regrets only - MADE OF HONOR AU. draco realizes a little too late he’s in love with hermione. but now he has to stop but support a wedding! (WIP)
never in heart - the one where where hermione and draco are best friends, but stupidly did an unbreakable vow to get married if they’re not married by 30. time is running out to find a spouse, but like, why take the easy route and marry your best friend? (complete)
nine months - hermione and draco have what is supposed to be a one night stand...several times, but oops. someone is pregrant :D (WIP)
love and other misfortune by @senlinyu - a veela!fic. and in the first few fics i read in the fandom. it made me continue reading more dramione. this is sen’s fault (complete)
living the dream - the one where draco is a high class escort looking for his mate. also a veela!fic. i am here for positive sex work (one shot)
the gloriana set - absolute hilarious perfection with the best little hufflepuffs (complete)
armature cartography - the one where draco somehow ends up as hermione’s boyfriend but she’s not sure how dating works (one shot)
thirteenth night - the one where draco is obliviated to pay for his crimes, but hermione is his caseworker (complete)
traditions - the christmas fic that gets my feels (complete)
everything little thing she does (is magic) - the one were draco and hermione go to parties together as a ruse! (complete)
the preferred hour - the one where scorp and rose start dating and draco is this super nice widower and...asdlfjasdljf JUST READ THIS ONE (one shot)
blood rights - creature!fic. also, draco and hermione have to get married (complete)
precious things - *cue ugly sobbing* the journey of draco’s growing love for his family through many years after he accidently knocks up hermione and....it’s a christmas fic. that hurts my heart, but it’s so good. (one shot)
fight this feeling - the best friend au! but like, unrequited feelings. these two silly gooses (complete)
courting customs most sacred by @heyjude19-writing - pansy thinks she’s doing hermione a favor, but like draco gets how purebloods do etiquette (complete) 
as you wish by @scullymurphy - is this a princess bride ref? yes, yes is it. is it about costumes and movies? yes it is. (oneshot)
all you want by @senlinyu - the first A/B/O fic i’ve ever read. it was good. so i read it. i don’t even like this trope! but it’s worth it! :D (complete)
where we go from here - this hurts. so much. ron dies in a horrible accident leaving hermione alone pregnant with their child. draco is the real bro and helps and alsdjfasldjf family. feels. dad feels. i can’t. (complete)
in search of sunrise - a very cute onesot where draco and hermione stay up all night (oneshot)
tough love - hermione has to date a few bad men to get to the right one (complete)
each day anew - the 50 first dates au. hermione needs help relearning who she is every day (complete) 
with teeth - the one where there are many, many horcruxes (oneshot)
wait and hope by @mightbewriting​ - ugly crying. hermione lost her memories and draco is the best husband. just. take all my love. (complete)
broken by @inadaze22​ - hermione is back from italy. there is a secert. it will wreck you. (complete)
waif and strays - the familiar au! draco becomes hermione’s familiar because she’s a little lost and lonely and he’s a little lost and lonely too (complete) 
apple pies and other amends - the baking!au where i want to eat everything. also. it’s very cute. (complete)
off the cuff - the cinderella au! someone forgot their glass slipper, i mean...cuff (complete) 
universal truth by @scullymurphy​ - the modern wizarding P&P au. ugh. so good. (complete) 
an education - the one where hermione is forced to help draco learn about the muggle world a little bit (complete) 
Inosculation - the one where hermione has to marry draco to save her life because of a stupid curse. they are very cute. (complete)
the calm to her storm - ron passes away and rose and hugo befriend scorp and hermione has to befriend draco and it’s great (complete) 
a boy of hans - hanahaki au. sad ending. 
Dancing with Draco - THIS SERIES IS SO GOOD. okay, so like. draco has to help hermione dance for the yule ball. the sequeal is super good too. 
The Oblivious Ones - a fake marriage story. hermione and draco meet in the pysch ward at st. mungo’s and go off to look for her parents
what you think is right - this story is so painful. one of the best 1st POVs i’ve read. it’s hermione pov. her parents are dying and it’s affecting her marriage with draco and god. just read it. (WIP)
Deine Zauber Binden Wieder - the ochrastra au no one asked for, but it’s like. really fun. (oneshot)
the green girl - hermione is sorted in Slytherin when she’s 11. this story. i still think about it to this day. (complete)
a year in the countryside - hermione wants to escape for the craziness of the big city so she moves to the cute country side. to only find draco malfoy living there too. (complete)
don’t take the sinner - THE MARRIAGE LAW FIC WITH A TWIST. hermione has to marry harry and ginny has to marry draco, but like, no one stays with their spouse. no cheating involved. (complete)
Draco's Baking Dilemmas - the great british bake off au. i don’t need to say anything more. hermione is the judge. draco is the baker. yes. and yes. (complete)
starving - sex is like food. or rather. sex is like pizza. it’s good when it’s cold, but like. it’s better when it’s hot :D (oneshot)
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Hello. I had a question regarding your post about blind characters. I have a character in my WIP that must cover their eyes.. but it’s blind. He may need to tell people he is blind to explain why he covers his eyes though. I was wondering how I might write this character without offending. Thank you :)
I think I want to start by explaining the “covering blind eyes” trope and why it has become a harmful trope. I think understanding why it’s hurtful helps everyone learn how to handle it better.
I would guess that the “blind people wear sunglasses” trope comes from Hollywood for the specific reason of 1. wanting to signal to the audience that the character is obviously blind and 2. avoid breaking the suspension of disbelief by preventing the audience from catching the sighted actor look at visual stimuli (because disabled characters are almost always played by able actors).
But this changed the way the public expects to experience blindness. If watching a sighted actor wear sunglasses and say he’s blind is all the exposure to the blind community a person has had, that’s the only model of blindness they’ll recognize. If they meet a blind person in real life who doesn’t wear sunglasses, it’s going to break this built perception and cause an uncomfortable cognitive dissonance. 
And then there is the common “cloudy-white blank gaze” that pops up in media. It stems from the fact that cataracts is the most common cause of blindness and the appearance of severe cataracts is a cloudy film in the eyes obscuring the iris and pupil. It can also alter what color a person’s eyes appears to be, making them appear paler and grey in the beginning and then as the cataract advances it becomes more yellow/brown and alters a person’s vision to appear more yellow tinted.
There are lots of other eye conditions that makes the eyes look visibly different. Albinism for instance affects the color and structure of the iris. Eyes might be congenitally misshapen. The muscles might be weak or not work and one or both eyes point significantly outward. Someone who was born blind and experienced no visual stimuli might also have weak muscles around their eyes because they never had a reason to focus their eyes on anything.
And unfortunately humans have the habit of feeling uncomfortable when they meet someone who looks very obviously different from the norm, whether that’s a personal style choice (hair color and style, tattoos, clothing choices) or something they can’t help (a visible disability, skin color, scars). 
To the paragraph above, @gothhabiba replied with:  “it's very weird & ahistorical to claim that racism or ableism are some kind of natural "human" trait.. like frankly it's apologia”
You’re right, I wasn’t thinking beyond that generalization or assumption.
Perhaps a better way to put it is: I was raised in a society where I was taught from childhood to think that there was only one kind of human being to be. White, cis, straight, abled, conservative. That’s a very western thing and that’s a thing I’m going to constantly be unlearning.
Racism and ableism and homophobia aren’t innate, that’s a western thing that was forced onto the rest of the world by colonialism. And because western media created this idea that the world is white, abled, cis, straight, and Christian-value leaning, it taught people to think that was the norm so that seeing someone different from that archetype would cause a cognitive dissonance, which causes discomfort.
And instead of working past that cognitive dissonance to learn more and realize there’s so much more to life than media taught you, society encourages you to ignore that cognitive dissonance by sticking your head in the sand-- or TV screen.
So combine these two tropes or common beliefs together and you get something a little dangerous: the idea that blind people cover their eyes because they look obviously different and they’re ashamed (or should be ashamed) of that.
And if you’re someone who’s just gone blind or who was born blind and you have little to no contact with the blind community, then this societal belief that you should be ashamed of how your eyes look becomes detrimental to your self-esteem and further builds internalized ableism.
I’ve lost count of the times I’ve read or watched a blind character cover their eyes with sunglasses because they were ashamed of how their eyes looked. And I distinctly remember a few times where a sighted friend of the character was trying to convince them to stop wearing sunglasses because there’s nothing wrong with looking different--which is true, but it plays into this fantasy of being the perfect abled ally who saves the blind character from being miserable. 
In an ideal world, the character has no reason to believe looking different is a bad thing or diminishes their worth or makes people dislike them. And if they develop this belief, it’s more likely that someone more involved in the disabled community, most likely someone disabled themselves, will set them straight. Or that the character will learn to accept themselves on their own, looks included.
But there are some perfectly valid reasons for any blind person to wear sunglasses. They might have an interest in fashion and sunglasses complete the look they’re going for. They could want to protect their eyes from UV rays while they’re outside. They may experience light sensitivity and sunglasses reduces any discomfort or pain. Those are incredibly common reasons to wear sunglasses whether you’re sighted or blind.
But there are some more complicated situations.
In your words, your character must cover his eyes. You never specified why, so my primary guess is that he has some kind of power that is unpleasant or has devastating affects and the only way to prevent it is to keep his eyes covered. My primary guess stems from this post where an anon and I discussed a retelling of Medusa, a hypothetical blinding of oneself to avoid ever killing anyone ever again, and what I think I would do if I was in that scenario.
So how do you write a blind character who must cover their eyes and avoid some of the complications?
1. Your character must always have the ability to say “fuck off, it’s my business, I don’t have to tell you why I’m blind or why I cover my eyes.”
Most blind people really, really don’t want to get into the nitty-gritty of why they’re blind and how they feel about it and what it’s like being blind with a stranger they’ll never see again or a new acquaintance they don’t know well yet. You have exceptions to that rule where sure, educating the public about blindness is a thing you want to do and you’re committed to helping your community, but I still have days where I don’t want to talk about being blind or disclose my medical crap.
And if someone doesn’t respect their right to their privacy or pushes too much, the blind character is allowed to be angry, is allowed to tell them off and complain without anyone else in the situation vilifying them or saying they’re “overreacting” and “should have just disclosed private information because big deal or whatever.” If they are angry, that’s their right, and it’s not unreasonable, it doesn’t make them a bad person.
2. Your character should not be ashamed of being blind or of covering their eyes. It is a part of their life, they’re used to it by now, even if they weren’t in the beginning.
The shame and internalized ableism is something that should be written about, but that’s for an own-voices story with a blind author. I don’t think an abled person will ever be able to understand how much society expects you to hate yourself and your disability because “being disabled is a tragic thing that ruins your life” and how that does affect your mental health, self esteem, your relationships with others, your medical care, and what kind of accommodations you can get.
3. It wouldn’t hurt to have a few sarcastic lines in response to uncomfortable conversations.
Stranger: so what’s with the...
Blind Character: what’s with what?
S: the... you know
BC: you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific
S: Your eyes?
BC: They’re... eyes
S: but you’re...
BC: Blind?
S: uh...
BC: yeah, I’m blind. *walks away*
Or this conversation:
S: *to some other character* so why are his eyes covered?
(author’s note: which, honestly, that’s fucking rude. At least have the guts to ask me yourself)
BC: If I look anyone in the eye they instantly perish.
*awkward silence*
BC: instantly.
Friend: It’s truly tragic
BC: *melancholic* that’s how I lost my sister. *chokes up* She was so young
Or this conversation:
S: Why are you wearing that?
BC: It’s called fashion Karen!
Or this conversation:
S: are you like... blind?
BC: yes?? why wouldn’t I be?? Wait, are you sighted? Are you one of those sighted people? You poor thing! What caused you to gain your sight? Do you have a car? A bike? Were you born sighted? What’s it like to see color? Do you miss not having to see 
God, I want a chance to try that last one. I haven’t interacted with a stranger in almost a year. One day...
4. Honestly, it’d also be cool if someone’s reaction to your character covering their eyes was like, “cool sunglasses,” or “cool *insert random character, even one you made up* cosplay,” (which is ten times funnier if this character is a notable figure in modern society like an actor who people might cosplay). 
5. You know, if he’s covering his eyes with some kind of blindfold, he should totally have custom blindfolds for his moods. Like, I have a mask that says “suck it up buttercup” and another that says “not today” because sometimes that’s the mood. And sometimes the mood is one of my floral masks, and sometimes the mood is my cat mask.
So, just some thoughts. I hope that helps.
Edit: a commenter said: “op, unless i'm mistaken this kind of reads like anon meant the character ISN'T blind but lies about being blind to explain covering their eyes? it seems like they made a typo on the word "isn't"”
So my original response to the question was based on the assumption that the character is blind. However,
If the character is not blind, then do not under any circumstances have them lie and say they’re blind to escape a mild inconvenience. 
It’s better to have the character actually explain the situation or straight up leave the conversation or invent a more ridiculous lie than to perpetuate the very real stereotype and misconception that there are people who fake being blind and therefore it’s okay to discriminate or harass them if you even suspect they’re faking.
Do not under any circumstances perpetuate that stereotype. Do not harass someone because you don’t think they’re blind enough.
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rywritten · 2 years
how did you get into both dreamnap and dreamnoblade? where is the connect and the appeal, i really want to know.
ive answered a pretty similar question to this before (which you can read here) but since this is asking for both dreamnap and dreamnoblade, ill try to answer as best and as detailed as i can. please note that some parts will be a direct copy of my previous post, but all in all this is pretty much the entirety of my dsmp experience, meaning there's lots of new Ry lore™ to read about lmao
so, without further ado,
here's a real-time recap of my slow decent to madness pt. 2 (aka falling in love with Dreamnap and DNB, then starting a side blog dedicated to these two amazing ships™)
includes reaction memes for funsies and also to provide a visual for all of my recent emotions as i traverse the dsmp fandom firsthand
ok, let's gooooooooo
starting this off with how i got into dsmp in general. so i actually knew about dsmp way back when the fandom was just starting (bc who didn't? this fandom was the talk of the town (derogatory) given the hate most people gave it for being #cringe) ive seen the way other fandoms have clowned dsmp fans (mainly dream stans) and i for one, did not enjoy being clowned at, so yeah i dipped and did not look into the lore too much given the circumstances. at that time, i didn't really know anyone except for c!dream given that he was the one (1) character that piqued my interest, and he stuck to me bc of the smiley face mask and i really liked the fanarts i saw of him back then, even when i had no interest to join the fandom back then.
(narrator voice, ominous: she was in it for a surprise)
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visual image of myself (back in December 2021, ignorant of what's to become of me later on)
so flashforward to the year 2022 where nothing is real except for the eraser shavings on my desk and the half finished wips collecting pixelated dust on my laptop for months and boom i was reintroduced to dsmp but this time there was interest bc this time around, i was reintroduced to c!dream via a really nice animation by sadist and since i had no other fandom to hyperfixate on during these trying time, my lizard brain was all like:
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but as soon as i consumed every sadist dsmp animation known to man, i realized something very quickly, my love for c!dream is all encompassing, but there's still room in my heart for maybe two (2) more characters, which i why i was led to the simple conclusion of finding more characters to love and cherish along with dream, hence why i found sap and techno, my two other beloved.
so my love for dream, sapnap, and techno is rooted on the fact that i personally love all of their character designs, also i just find it quite fascinating how powerful and dangerous their characters are individually, and at that moment, my brain went decided to ask me a question that would change everything:
my brain 🧠: what would they be like together?
me 🤡: you mean like a team, right? platonically??
my brain 🧠, crackling: no.
[cue alarm bells ringing in my head]
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so yeah, the possiblity of shipping c!dream with the two other characters ive come to know and love was now a very big possibility (mainly bc i want my fav boy (c!dream) to be loved and cherished, and who better to love and cherish c!dream than my two other favs???) <- sound logic, me thinks.
so after maybe two hours of looking for fanarts of the characters dubbed as a green teletubby, an arsonist, and the blood god (all in that order) ive found etcetera art's insta and twt account, full of amazing fanarts of all three of them, and i knew i was onto something when i wanted to see all three of them together...
(note that scavenging through twt for a dsmp fanart is a nightmare if you don't really care abt the other characters, bc let me tell you, you will end up finding more fanarts of that character than who you were looking for in the first place)
so a lot more digging around and i found out something very important about sap and techno when it comes to dream:
for sapnap: "And they're childhood friends in the lore. oh man, they're childhood friends in the lore???"
and for techno: "And they're rivals in the lore. oh man, they're rivals in the lore????"
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i zoomed in on these two facts immediately and began my quest to look for more animatics, fanarts, and even fanfiction focusing on two things: dream and sap's dynamic AND dream and techno's dynamic. i looked for content regarding their rivalry and friendship and i even found the tags #rivalstwt / #rivalsduo (for dream and techno, which i initially thought was considered both platonic and romantic, so you could imagine the sheer devastation i felt after finding out on the same day that shipping them is not in fact considered "morally acceptable")
and for sap and dream, i found the tag #dreamnap (which, as it turns out is not as popular or as widely accepted as i thought it would be, surprising given that dreamnap oozes childhood friends to lovers so much, i thought everyone loved childhood friends to lovers???)
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(me, as soon as i realized i was the only one in the c!technodreamnap agenda, i will not be stopped)
initially i was ok with the whole platonic rivalry (for techno and dream) and the friendship (for sap and dream), but the more i was fed this idea that shipping c!dream and c!techno is wrong, the more i felt compelled to like it. and the lack of fan works for dreamnap was getting to me, i was itching to make my own fics for these two ships the moment my two braincells connected and formed a critical thought.
plus, i already knew i was going to fall in love with BOTH dreamnap and dnb (bc dnf is just so boring and this ship never appealed to me even back then plus karlnapity isn't for me, i dont like q and k lmao) the moment i found out that they're the three strongest characters in the dsmp lore + the other canon events in the story like doomsday and the life debt dnb keep owing each other throughout each important event is enough fuel for me to keep this ship sailing, and the fact that despite how they only consider each other as business partners, c!techno still rescued c!dream from prison knowing the risk and c!dream still remembers the mountain where they first met (how am i not going to romanticize this? how??)
and then there's the fall of dremanap in the canon lore, the heavy implications, the angst, and the fact that no matter what happens, they are each other's downfall as much as they love and care for the other (that's some very fucked up trope that we all need in a childhood friends to enemies to lovers dynamic, imho)
so in conclusion, my love for dreamnap and dnb started from curiosity that led to shock and bitterness that fueled my spite and the burning need to consume and create content for the only two (2) ships that i actually find interesting in this entire fandom.
it's a crime that there's so little content for these two ship, a crime i tell you!
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so yes, im BOTH a dreamnap and a dnb shipper and my entire side blog is dedicated to block men: 500k words, slow burn, childhood friends to enemies to lovers as well as rivals to rivals to lovers, pining, angst with a happy ending, doomsday husbands and chaos husbands 😌❤️💚🤍
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this concludes my very long and unawaited part two of my slow decent to madness™ post. i hope my experience (as well as my suffering) was at least entertaining to read! and i hope i managed to answer you question, anon (and maybe get you to consider shipping this with me)
bc spreading the c!technodreamnap agenda is what this entire blog's about. 🎉
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
bands | five
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.2k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, implied nudity/nudity (at the nightclub), teasing, sprinkle of breast touching, alcohol consumption, pole dancing, straddling/lap dances, slight degradation/implied degradation, rough handling, flashback scene
note: took a stab at this jungkook one shot + wips are updated!
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme @min-nicoleee @eggbutnotyolk @ra-mun-e @miinoongi@ephemeralkookie @ppeachyttae @thebeebi @bluesharksandfish @kooafraid @liriaus​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @sunniejinnie​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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'Do better' is exactly what Jungkook does, because he wants you, and he wants you bad. He thought he had you wrapped around his finger, when in fact, you had him wrapped around yours and he was crumbling by the minute. It's a little entertaining to you, seeing his name pop on your phone throughout the day with texts like:
[jungkook]: have a good day today, pretty lady.
[jungkook]: :)
[jungkook]: can't stop thinking about you and how good you looked last night.
[jungkook]: hope you aren't overworking yourself.
[jungkook]: can i call you tonight?
You would chuckle every single time, seeing him weak for you. You weren't gonna lie - you were fucking weak for him too, cause lord, who wouldn't be with Jungkook? The only difference is that you were just the stronger one between the both of you.
Ha, ain't shit but a hairflip. You for sure got this from your mama.
"To the club for Yoongi hyung's birthday!" Taehyung yells after they finish rehearsals for the next set of performances scheduled to happen in the next week and filming some content for Youtube.
"To the club-club!" Namjoon responds, throwing his hat back on.
"Excited to see some pretty girls shaking their ass and titties in my face." Yoongi lets out a cocky laugh.
"No private show?"
"No, hell no. I want 'em all." Yoongi smirks. "Jungkookie is the only one who loves his private shows."
"Yeah, yeah." Jungkook brushes it off with a chuckle.
"Are we finally gonna figure out who she is tonight?"
"Nope. She's not working tonight. Good try." He feels relieved saying that because to be honest, he's feeling completely and utterly selfish with you. He didn't wanna share, not with the guys. Hell no.
Except he's gonna have to tonight and he has yet to learn that.
Jimin had just solidified the plans with Yoongi a couple of hours ago, learning that he wanted to head to the strip club for his birthday. And yeah, everyone has their own favorites. Everyone has their own agenda coming to the club. But, Yoongi says he wants to shut down the club for the evening so all 7 of them can enjoy the general floor together.
So, Jimin makes it a goal to grant Yoongi's wishes, but he also has another thing on his mind.
He had been picking up on Jungkook's little habits lately, even though he was notorious for always being on his phone and for barely paying attention to the environment around him. Jimin just knew he had it bad for you, miss new girl, simply by how his mood would change whenever he looked at his phone. How he was always at the club. How he always got shy and beat around the bush whenever you were brought up.
He just knew.
And to be honest, he was concerned. Moreso for Jungkook and his safety. Jungkook and his feelings. Things didn't sit right for him, and he worried that you were only out for his money. For his fame. For the attention. For all the wrong things. And he didn't like that shit one bit. He wasn't gonna let anyone take advantage of his little brother like that, he wouldn't give anybody the chance.
He wants to figure out who exactly you were. He wants to find out what you're all about. He wants to finally meet you face to face.
"Mr. Park Jimin!" Mr. Bigs says with a loud laugh. Jimin gives him a small smile as he tugs the brim of his hat down and approaches him. "How can I help you?"
"Yoongi's birthday is coming up at the end of the week, is it possible to shut the club down so the rest of the guys can enjoy the general stage together?" He pulls out an envelope and hands it to Mr.Bigs, his smile getting bigger the more he counts all the dollar bills inside.
"Whatever works for my boys." He laughs.
"Thanks." Jimin chuckles. "Uh, one more thing - if it's not too much of a bother, could I request a specific dancer to be out on the floor that night?"
"Yeah, of course you can. Who's the lady we're thinking of?"
"Whoever Jungkook's lady is." Mr. Bigs laughs so more and nods.
"Ah, I'm assuming he wants her there, huh? He really loves watching that young lady, but hey, whatever works and makes ya'll happy right?"
"Yeah, I suppose he does. I'd like to keep the request between us though." Jimin lies.
"Don't you worry about it. I'll make sure Phoenix is there that night. I'll have all of this covered so Mr. Min Yoongi has a fantastic birthday." He winks.
"Thanks, sir. We'll see you then." Jimin nods his head before heading out. Mr. Bigs waits until Jimin is out the door before pulling out his phone to give you a call.
"You need to be here Friday, special request."
"From who? Can't I just take the—"
"Stop questioning me little girl, you hear me? Your ass better be here on Friday or else I'm taking a chunk out of your fucking tips and check." He abruptly ends the call.
And so the infamous Bangtan Sonyeondan boys are dressed, whipping out their cleanest, black attires from their closets. They take a couple of shots back to back before they're loading into their cars to be driven to the strip club. The club is empty, except for a few body guards, bar staff and the dancers.
"Oh shit, we get our own private show? Like actually?" Yoongi says, stepping into the empty club that was more than ready for the boys' arrival. There were topless dancers waiting alongside the stage with trays filled with different drinks and shots.
"Happy birthday, hyung." Jimin says, playfully massaging his shoulder.
"God, this is such a good way to end the day." Namjoon takes a shot from one of the beautiful ladies near the general stage. He smirks at her as he eyes her up and down, licking his lips when he realizes how fucking skimpy the bikini bottom she has on actually is. "Sheesh."
"Boys!" Mr. Bigs' deep voice comes from the other end of the club as he approaches them. "Please, enjoy and help yourself to whatever you like. Happy Birthday, Mr. Min Yoongi." He winks.
"Thank you, sir!" Yoongi yells as he grabs another shot from the tray. The rest of the boys follow suit, taking more drinks and eyeing the ladies around them, but Jungkook helps himself to a seat in the front of the general stage.
"Someone misses his private lady." Hobi jokes, causing him to shake his head.
"Whatever, as long as I don't have to share her with you guys." He spits out. "What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine." Jungkook finishes jokingly with his infamous line. It seems like a full house of dancers tonight, either on the sidelines or now entering the general stage. Jungkook rests his foot on his knee, ready to get the night started so he can enjoy, but also hurry on home afterwards to try and hear your voice.
But you were in the back room of the club.
No one really knew what was going on outside unless you had been outside already. Mr. Bigs gave you all a pep talk saying each and every single one of you needed to be on your best behavior, especially out on the floor. Bigs and his men refused to name the special guests just so none of you would psych yourselves out and mess up. You didn't know you were soon going to be catering to the BTS boys together, and Jungkook didn't know you were going to be one of the main dancers on stage either. His eyes were glazing over the rest of the girls on stage because they weren't you, to be honest. I mean, hell. It's always nice to be around topless, beautiful women. But he had gotten so used to seeing you. Your face. Your body. Touching you. Smelling your strawberry scent.
Jimin situates himself next to Jungkook, the rest of the group aligning themselves along the seats in front of the stage. He eyes Jungkook, taking note of how uninterested and bored he was - so bored that he even caught him trying to hide his yawn. Maybe he was just tired, as with everyone else, but that just meant his special lady friend wasn't out yet.
"You three, up. Now." Bigs says, coming into the backroom from the floor, pointing his finger towards the curtains. "Phoenix, remember. Don't throw no stupid ass attitude out there, playing hard to get like you're some kind of queen." He scoffs in disgust before dismissing the three of you. You roll your eyes, already highly irritated being there since it was originally your day off and no one wanted to give you answers as to why you needed to be there. Mr. Bigs had almost all the dancers out here to tonight, why the fuck would he need you?
The lights are off for a quick second before they dimly shine onto the stage, the music playing loudly in the background. You step onto the stage, your eyes instantly landing on the man front and center.
You swallow the lump in your throat seeing the rest of the boy band around him, already smirking and licking their lips at the sight of you and the two other dancers on the stage. Jungkook adjusts himself in his seat, fixing his jacket as he sits upright to lean forward onto his knees. His eyes are glued onto you, almost like he's confused as to why you're here right now.
Why you're giving him and his boys a show.
Jimin catches Jungkook's slight uneasiness, his gaze following Jungkook's onto the stage. His eyes were set on you, the pretty lady swirling her body around the silver pole in the middle of the stage.
"She's fucking beautiful." Yoongi says, immediately getting up and reaching into the inner breast pocket of his jacket to pull out some bills. He stands in the front, almost blocking Jungkook's view of you. He catches Yoongi placing a couple of hundreds under the bottom portion of your fishnet bodysuit. The bodysuit that captured your curves so perfectly - thighs thick and full, ass cheeks popping out of the thong portion, your titties and pussy very visible through the fishnet material. God, you were a fucking beauty. Jungkook watches as you squat in front of Yoongi, bouncing up and down before you get up scandalously and shake your ass in front of his eyes. "Ohhhh shit." Yoongi bites onto his bottom lip as he laughs and tucks more bills near your thigh.
"It's his birthday!" Hobi yells, causing you to smirk at Yoongi and grab his hand to let him feel up on your breast. Jungkook shifts in his seat, a little envious of how Yoongi was able to touch you in that way before he was able to. Like fuck? Could it be my birthday too? Could it be my birthday everyday? He was never gonna let this one go. He continues to watch as you push Yoongi back onto his chair and give him a birthday lapdance.
"Happy birthday." You say softly in his ear before getting back up on the stage to do some tricks on the pole.
One, two: Turn upside down.
Three, four: Wrap them legs around.
Five, six: Treat the pole like a slip and slide.
Seven, eight: Flip back up and slide back down.
"Damn, it's my birthday over here too." Jin says tapping his lap and tossing a roll of bills near you before looking over at Taehyung. He's also throwing bills onto the stage, but he's focused on the other main lady off to the side. Still doesn't mean he isn't throwing bills your way either, cause he is every chance he gets to look over at you.
"Like what you see?" Jimin jokes with Jungkook.
"Yeah." Is all he says as he's approaching you. He gives you this look, which you don't understand what it means, but you didn't have the time to decipher it right at this moment. You watch Jungkook closely, his mouth pressed tightly together as his eyes are still scanning your entire body before he brings them back up to meet your eyes. You crawl towards him seductively, your fingers lightly brushing down his neck before you gently tug on his jacket. He doesn't say anything as he tucks bills near your titties, giving you one last look before sitting back down in his seat.
The main show comes to an end pretty quickly afterwards, other dancers making their way to the poles if they wanted or kept serving the boys whatever they needed. You hop off the stage, collecting your bills and folding them tightly together, tucking it deep on the side of your breast to keep it hidden. You head outside to get some air because what the fuck just even happened? You weren't expecting that whatsoever, even though you knew better than that. You should have always thought there would be a chance you'd have to do what you just did. You should have always been prepared.
"Lil mama, you looked good dancing up there in that tiny ass suit you got on." One of the men in Bigs' crew said as they lingered outside the backroom door, smoking cigarettes. "What do you say? Wanna come home with me so I can help get that off?" He smirks, approaching you.
"I'm only out here to get some air, please don't come up to me with all that bullshit." You spit out, causing the guy to furrow his brows at you.
"This one's got a little fire in her." He laughs, coming closer to you. "Whatchu gonna do if I don't take no for an answer, miss thang?" He grips your wrist tightly. You try to break free, but after tonight, you were too fucking tired to even deal with his stupid shit. "Oh, she's weak now?" He grips tighter, making you wince as you try to pry him off. He brings you closer, his face inches away from yours - so close you can smell the smoke and alcohol mixed together, coming off of his breath. Suddenly, you hear someone clear their throat behind them, their attention going from you to the individual. "Oh shit, it's Jeon Jungkook." You watch as the man lets you go, Jungkook standing there with his hands in his pockets and jaw clenched. He doesn't say anything besides nod to acknowledge them. "Big fan, dude."
"The fuck? I had my private show scheduled with Phoenix almost 10 minutes ago. You guys have been holding her up?" Jungkook is obviously throwing on an angry act because you didn't have any private shows booked tonight.
"Shit, my bad. I didn't know—"
"You didn't know cause you were too busy being a jackass?"
"Mr. Jeon, no disrespect here. I'm sorry I took time away from your show. Please, take whatever time you need with her - on me." He says, his friends silently standing by as they throw their cigarettes and go back inside.
"Yeah, it should be on you for fucking wasting my time." Jungkook doesn't say anything else, but he does glare at him until he's almost tripping over himself making his way back inside the club. "You okay?" Jungkook asks, coming closer.
"Yeah. Thanks." You rub your hand up and down your arm, the cold air nipping at your skin.
"I thought you said you weren't working tonight."
"I wasn't supposed to. Bigs just told me I was requested to be here tonight." You raise your eyebrow. "Wait, how did you not know? I thought it was—"
"You thought it was me that requested for you?" He chuckles. "Funny that you think I'd share you with the guys."
"I don't know." He shrugs. "Maybe he just wanted his best dancers to be here."
"Hm." You slightly smirk at the compliment. "Best dancers, huh?" He rolls his eyes and playfully sighs.
"Yeah, don't milk it." A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
"You gonna be here all night?"
"Possibly since it's Yoongi's birthday." You nod. He stays silent as he looks at you for a bit, his head slightly cocked to the side.
"So does he get a pass for tonight?" Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head.
"Only cause it's his birthday."
"Mm, not even because he's your senior or anything of the sort?"
"Nah." He smiles a bit. "Not at all. I hope you know I'll never forget it."
"Please, I didn't know Jeon Jungkook was a drama actor, too. What can't he do?" You sarcastically say.
"Okay, say whatever you want." He kicks the dust below his shoes as he lightly chuckles with you. It's silent again, but it's a calming silence. There's no awkward vibes or anything of that matter. You begin to rub your arms again, the cold nipping at your skin harshly. "You should get back inside, it's freezing." He watches you shiver in front of him. He isn't sure if he should hand you his jacket, even if he does want to help you out in the slightest bit, but he figures he shouldn't since you still needed to finish your shift.
"Okay." Your expression softens. "See you in there?" He silently nods, watching your hips sway back and forth until you're deeper in the club. The night doesn't end for everyone until a little bit past 2, close to 3am. You're hauling your tired ass back home, Kai struggling and barely making it alive as soon as you walk through your front door.
"Jesus fuck, thank god." He shuts the TV off and covers his entire body with the blankets.
"Kai, I told you that you didn't have to wait."
"Well until you're out of the club, this is my life now." Why was everyone so dramatic tonight? You chuckle to yourself.
"Okay, if you say so. Night bubba."
"Night." He yawns. In about 2 seconds, he's back to snoring loudly, causing you to laugh to yourself as you get ready for bed.
[jungkook] 3:14am: home?
[y/n] 3:17am: yes. you?
Maybe Kai didn't have to stay up for you after all.
[jungkook] 3:23am: yeah.
[jungkook] 3:24am: i'm assuming you had a really long day today so sleep well, Y/N. can i call you tomorow?
[y/n] 3:20am: you can, i don't know if i'll answer though. :) goodnight jungkook.
And so Jungkook smiles to himself before grabbing a water and heading back to his dorm room. He was slowly getting used to your sarcasm and attitude, being that he has never had to deal with someone being this way towards him. It was fun, and new.
"So was your lady actually there tonight?" Taehyung asks with Jimin sitting next to him.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jungkook scrunches his nose before turning on his heel to walk away.
"Wow, Jungkookie is being selfish. Namjoon hyung go scold him." Namjoon laughs.
"Jungkookie don't be selfish." Joon says nonchalantly just to keep Taehyung happy.
"Yeah, yeah." He shuts himself in his room to get ready for bed. Jimin silently sits next to Taehyung as they relive the night's events before going to bed. He had seen you and Jungkook talking outside, which only solidifies his assumption.
And he was onto you.
i'm good on that pussy shit; i don't want what i can get, i want someone with secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows
track six: gangsta - kehlani
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request: asahi content!! :) 
pairing: asahi azumane x fem!reader 
warnings: all fluff besides asahi being a v nervous boi and daichi and suga teasing him lol
a/n: thank you for the request anon! I’ve been meaning to post some more love for our ace but I keep forgetting to finish the wips haha so thank you for getting me into the groove! big thank you to @satan-ruler-of-hells​ for helping me out with this fic :D
haikyuu masterlist
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Asahi wondered how he should feel, having the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, holding his hand, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Should he feel like his heart was going to burst out of his chest? Should his whole face be burning with embarrassment? Because here she was, smiling up at him and making him forget what his name was and there was really only one issue with this situation.
Asahi had absolutely no clue who this girl was.
“Are you excited for your match, babe?” You asked, seeming to not take notice of the fear and confusion in his eyes.
The team must’ve frozen behind him because no one was saying anything, except for the surprised sounds coming out of Noya and Tanaka’s gaping mouths.
“Oh hey there! You’re Asahi’s girlfriend right?” Daichi asked, grinning as he waved to her. “It’s nice to finally meet you. He talks about you all the time!”
I do? Asahi thought to himself, trying to think about his recent conversations with Daichi.
“Asahi, she’s so much prettier than i would’ve imagined! No wonder you didn’t want to bring her around - I would totally steal her off of you,” Suga laughed.
Asahi’s brow furrowed as you just nodded, introducing yourself to the team. I have a girlfriend? He wondered to himself, his heart beating too fast for his body to keep up. There was no way that this was possible. But his eyes were drawn to her - she was exactly his type. How the hell did he manage that? Besides that, how the hell did he manage to forget her?
Asahi Azumane you IDIOT, he scolded himself internally, just watching her smile and giggle at how excited everyone on the team was.
Hinata and Kageyama were both hiding in the back, whispering amongst themselves because the upperclassmen were acting as if Asahi had mentioned this girl before.... but they had definitely no memory of this.
“Maybe it happened when we were practicing one day?” Hinata whispered, eyes narrowing as he tried to see if he recognized you.
“I dunno, I don’t pay attention to anything they say unless it’s about volleyball,” Kageyama admitted quietly to him and Hinata smacked his arm, scolding him about paying more attention.
Asahi still felt like he was going to faint - this couldn’t possibly be happening. Wait, what was this girl’s name? He should’ve listened to you introduce yourself to the team - maybe your name would’ve sparked a memory for him. What kind of person was he to not even remember his girlfriend? And look at her, she was perfect, she would definitely leave him if he told her that he didn’t remember her. What kind of husband was he going to be if he couldn’t even remember her name?? What if he forgot his children’s names? What if-
You suddenly let out a breath, grinning and glancing up at him, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to come on so strong. But thank you for going along with it!”
Going.... along with it?
“And you guys too! I appreciate it!” You beamed, nodding specifically towards Daichi and Suga.
“No worries, I noticed those guys trying to catch up with you. I figured you were in a bit of trouble,” Daichi admitted, glancing through the crowds to make sure the creepy older guys had left after seeing you with them. “Will you be okay now?”
You nodded and looked over your shoulder, comforted by the fact that they were gone, “Yep! I’m sure once I find my way up on the stands, they’ll leave me be. Sorry again, I just saw a tall kinda scary looking guy and figured he was my best shot,” you laughed, smiling up at Asahi again.
“W-What?” Asahi wasn’t sure he was putting the pieces together fast enough - so... you weren’t his girlfriend?
Daichi rolled his eyes, punching the ace’s arm to shock him back to reality, “She got spooked by some dudes. Pretending you were her boyfriend was probably a way to get them off her back. You know, cause you look like a 30 year old man.”
Asahi frowned tightly at the comment, rubbing his arm, “Hey! I can’t help the way I look!” His eyes turned to Suga who was laughing at how mean Daichi could be. “So you knew too?”
“Oh no way. I’m not as quick as Daichi. But I saw you panicking cause you didn’t seem to recognize her and thought it was hilarious,” Sugawara laughed and Asahi groaned - he should’ve known his friends enjoyed watching him torture himself.
“Thank you for your help! Sorry again,” you apologized, for what felt like the 100th time. “I’d like to make it up to you if I can. I know I made you uncomfortable back there.”
Asahi shook his head quickly, waving his hands in front of him in protest, “N-No not at all! Why would I be uncomfortable at a pretty girl holding my hand?”
You giggled, noting the other teams starting to pile into the gym, “Well, maybe after your game I can find you and take you out for food as a thank you. I appreciate you helping me out there.”
Daichi and Sugawara were still snickering as they helped push the rest of the Karasuno team into the gym, trying to give their Ace some time with his fake girlfriend.
“You really don’t have to thank me, if anything it’s probably Daichi you should thank,” Asahi admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Mm maybe. But I don’t think your captain’s my type. I picked you cause you were kinda scary looking... but also you seemed like my type,” you explained to him with a laugh.
Asahi’s eyes probably popped out of his skull hearing that, stammering out all sorts of noises and making you laugh some more.
“You’re the ace for our team right?” You asked, glancing into the gym in hopes that you weren’t making him late. It was only then Asahi realized you were wearing a Karasuno school uniform. “I’ll be cheering for you up in the stands, boyfriend,” you teased, giving his hand a small squeeze. “And maybe later we can go get food together?”
Asahi felt his face burning with nerves as he nodded shyly, your smile making his stomach do all sorts of flipsjust nodded nervously, you shooting him another one of those gorgeous smiles, “S-Sure.”
“It’s a date!” You beamed, waving a little to him as you went off to find a spot on the bleachers.
The tall third year finally let out a breath he had been holding, wondering if he had dreamt the whole thing. He looked at his hand, reimagining how it had felt with your hand in it.
“Oi! Asahi! Are you coming or what?” Sugawara called from the gym. Asahi blushed some more as he shook off his daydreams, nodded quickly and rushing in to start stretching with everyone else. “I hope you got her number.”
“Y/N! That girl that you were just talking to! Did you get her number?” Sugawara asked, eager for the details. It wasn’t every day that Asahi seemed so head over heels over a girl (especially one he just met).
“N-No but… she wants to get food together,” Asahi admitted shyly, playing with his fingers in front of him.
“Well you better play your best today so she doesn’t back out,” Daichi snickered as he joined the conversation.
Asahi whined as Daichi and Sugawara continued to tease him, both of them hitting his back with some somewhat supportive words, grinning ear to ear, “Go and be the best ace ever!” Suga cheered as the game started.
Asahi took a breath, silently promising himself that he would play his absolute best this game as he caught your eyes up in the stands, smiling softy to himself. “Y/N,” he whispered to himself, repeating the name that you had given Sugawara and the others. He heard you cheering for them with the other Karasuno students as the game went by, points racking up as he felt himself getting more into the game.
After their win, Asahi was happy to find you hanging around as everyone else was disappearing. “So you really are as good of an ace as they say,” you complimented him with a smile. “It was really cool to see you play.”
“T-Thank you,” Asahi blushed, brushing some flyaway hair from his eyes. “I guess I should properly introduce myself. Azumane Asahi, but please, call me Asahi.”
He held his hand out to you and your happily shook it, both of you immediately wondering if it was common to find someone whose hand seemed to fit so perfectly with your own, “Y/L/N Y/N, but call me Y/N. I did say I would treat you to some food, so what kind are you thinking?” You asked boldly, smiling up at him. It wasn’t every day you found a guy like him and if he was interested, you definitely weren’t planning on letting him go.
Asahi spluttered out some more sounds, ones that definitely weren’t words, and you just giggled in response, making him even more nervous because your laugh was just so wonderful. “A-Anything you want,” he finally managed to get out. Was this really happening to him? A perfect girl like you asking him out?
“I’ve been craving ramen if you’re interested!”
“I know this great place that has tonkotsu ramen!” Asahi found himself blurting out excitedly, suddenly also craving ramen.
“Sounds like a pretty good date to me,” you glanced at the clock nearby, quickly tugging your bag off your shoulders and pulling out a pen. “Here. I assume you’ve got to head back with your team, but text me,” you suggested, scribbling your number on his arm. “Sorry if I’m being too bold,” you apologized with a laugh, tossing your pen back into your bag. “You just seem pretty cool.”
Asahi shook his head quickly, insisting there was no need for you to apologize, “I-I like it.” He gave you a wave as you started to head out, looking at the digits written on his skin as if memorizing them just in case they magically disappeared.
“Y/L/N Y/N,” he murmured under his breath. He wouldn’t be forgetting your name anytime soon, he was sure of that.
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haikyuu taglist (lmk if you’d like to be added)
@al0ehas​​ @aurumk​​ @neko-chii1​​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​​ @trashy-simp​​ @jeppiet​​ @tobi-momo​​ @darkvadeeer​​ @haikyuutothetop​​ @livy384​​ @babyshoyo​​ @jesssobs​​ @b-bakana​​ @just4readingfics​​
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340 notes · View notes
magioftheseas · 3 years
A Smile In Fragments
Summary: When Komaeda first woke up, Hinata didn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe he wanted Komaeda to scream, maybe he wanted Komaeda to cry, or maybe... Maybe deep down, he wanted Komaeda to smile at him and accept his situation with that carefree calm he had been stuck on for months now.He got that in the worst possible way.
Rating: T+
Warnings: Suicide attempt which results in copious gore.
Notes: This is another old-ass wip that I finished up and posted, which means it was written pre-dr3. Back in the day, I was curious about Amnesiac Komaeda AUs set post-sdr2, so I tried my hand at it. This is what happened. Yeah. It’s, uh, pretty rusty but I guess I have some amount of fondness for it.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
Just Komaeda smiling at him was enough to make him snap.
“What,” Hinata snarled, stalking forward as the boy in the sheets faltered. That damn smile wilted but Hinata only felt his anger flare burning hot before his eyes. “What the hell were you even thinking?”
Komaeda hesitated to answer and Hinata loomed over him, fists shaking at his sides and glare absolutely poisonous. That the other couldn’t dignify him with some self-righteous answer was even worse. “Do you even understand the shit you’re in right now? Did you honestly think pulling that stunt would make anything better? I was trying, alright? I was trying to help you only for you to just...”
He stopped, trembling with fury and unable to even say it as he shut his eyes. Komaeda made a noise. A familiar sound that has Hinata nearly lose his temper and commit an act he’d regret... But instead, he lets out a heavy sigh and gives Komaeda a look of disgust.
His look drops when he sees how Komaeda’s reacting—how he’d been reacting ever since Hinata started yelling at him.
Komaeda looks terrified—sincerely, purely scared in a way that Hinata had never seen before. He’s back against the wall, knees tucked between them like a barrier and arms pressed close against his chest. His body’s wracked with tremors, his eyes wide like a child’s, and Hinata’s anger utterly dissipates back into worry.
“Komaeda...?” he asks, voice softer with a bit of a waver. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m... I’m sorry...” Komaeda manages just as the nurse bursts in.
“Hinata-san,” she says and Hinata has to tear his sight away. He hears Komaeda stifle a sob, and the seriousness in the nurse’s eyes doesn’t stop him from flinching. “We need to talk.”
When Komaeda first woke up, Hinata didn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe he wanted Komaeda to scream—his plan failed after all, tremendously so because not only were they all still alive, but he was still alive as well...and the only person who really died was never living in the first place—or maybe he wanted Komaeda to cry—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, but how likely was that—or maybe... Maybe deep down, he wanted Komaeda to smile at him and accept his situation with that carefree calm he had been stuck on for months now.
Instead, Komaeda shut down as soon as he woke up. He shut them out.
He was in poor condition upon waking and needed to be nursed, so it didn’t require much effort on his part. The rest of them avoided visiting him, too, except for Hinata who was desperate enough to want something...and maybe a little bit anxious because he remembered the last time they left Komaeda alone to his own devices. Not that it mattered, because even when Hinata tried to be polite, Komaeda seemed content to ignore his existence. Like he really was the Ultimate Nobody.
It made him angry enough to stop trying. But he still worried—that traitorous niggling feeling digging under his skin like a parasitic worm and aggravating him to the point where he felt like he was going to go insane. But there was nothing he could do, right, if Komaeda wasn’t going to acknowledge him—there was nothing he could do...
But, god, desperately and shakily pressing torn bits of fabric to Komaeda’s head in a frenzied attempt to stop the bleeding—if there was really nothing he could have done to prevent this...
“Don’t, please don’t die,” he begged, heart pounding. He already called Naegi in hysteria but Hinata was terrified at the bleak, real possibility that it’d be too late. Komaeda’s eyes were already fluttered shut and blood was still pulsing and slicking his trembling fingers. “Please, Komaeda, stay with me, stay with me... I-I can’t...”
It’s only by the time the others get there that Hinata realizes he’s been crying. He tries to wipe the tears away but ends up smearing Komaeda’s blood on his face instead. In seconds, he’s hyperventilating as Naegi takes his shoulders and murmurs to him: it’ll be fine don’t lose hope Komaeda-kun will be fine, you saved him Hinata-kun it’ll be fine...
In the end, Komaeda is saved. Hinata washes away his blood from his hands. And when Hinata hurries to go visit him, Komaeda turns and gives him a smile.
Komaeda smiled at him again when he entered. But this time the smile was tinier, more fearful—and the more Hinata thought about it, the more the smile from before seemed more for the sake of platitude. And yet he got angry.
This wasn’t the time to feel guilty over it. But he should...
“I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I...” I wasn’t aware of your condition. But I say something like that, and he’ll know I meant it. The yelling part. I did mean it. But I wouldn’t have been like that if I knew... Does that even mean anything? Does apologizing mean anything? What am I supposed to...? “I’m sorry, Komaeda. Do you really not...”
“I forgive you.” Komaeda’s smile was still meek, but also a bit wider, and Hinata didn’t know if that was good or not. He shouldn’t get conceited when Komaeda still seemed so unsure and insecure. “From what I can tell, I think I’m at fault too... You did say you trying to help me, so... Ah, it’s fine. I just ended up startled, because...you know...”
It’s not like you would even know why I’d lose myself like that... You don’t even know who I am anymore... And it’s weird that he’d be so sheepish about it, too, because it’s not like Komaeda chose to conveniently get retrograde amnesia when he did. Hell, the amnesia thing was probably the furthest thing he was aiming for and that was...
Just fine. As far as Hinata was concerned, when things don’t go Komaeda’s way is preferable to otherwise. Komaeda’s way was twisted and distorted and could invariably lead to disaster. Hinata was aware of this from experience, though he was also aware he didn’t fully understand it. It was entirely possible he never would. Still... “Is there anything you want?”
“Huh?” Komaeda looked at him, his head at a bird-like tilt and wide doe eyes. “I’m...sorry? I don’t know if I can answer that question easily...especially when I’m not entirely sure if I can trust you. Yet, at least.” He looks almost apologetic and Hinata really doesn’t get that either. But finally, Komaeda’s looking a bit bright again, and it’s more of a relief than he cares to admit. “So the nurse did explain what’s wrong with me, right? Recently wrong, I mean. There were problems before... Ah, but I don’t know if you know about that so I’ll just stop here. Did she tell you or not?”
“You don’t remember,” Hinata states it bluntly, his throat thick as Komaeda nods in response. “You’ve experienced trauma that resulted in you losing your memories. You... You don’t remember me anymore, do you?”
“No, I don’t,” Komaeda says, his smile sad. “Nor do I remember how I got here. But I’m not completely a blank slate if it means anything! I remember some things that happened to me before—like once, I had a dog? Ha-ha, something like that... There are still holes in the memories, sadly, but at least they’re still there. If it helps, I think one of the last things I remember is getting an acceptance letter.”
“An acceptance letter? For where...?” Hinata was already dreading the answer. Komaeda chewed on his lower lip with a soft hum.
“Some esteemed academy... But I don’t recall the name...”
“Was it Hope’s Peak?” Hinata’s stomach drops. “Y-You...don’t remember Hope’s Peak?”
“Was that the name of the school? That sounds about right.” Komaeda didn’t sound so sure despite his chipper tone. “Sorry, my memory stops there. But since I’ve been diligently explaining my delicate situation, perhaps you could fill me in a bit on the things I don’t know? It’d only be fair, after all...” He holds up his left wrist, tracing the bandages around the stump as he observes it in plain curiosity. “I’m not entirely sure how I got this. The nurses won’t tell me and to be frank, I highly doubt it was from the incident that resulted in my amnesia. It’s a bit healed over and... I think that acceptance letter was a while ago...before this. I’m not sure, but do you know?”
“I-I...” Hinata hesitates, blatantly. “I-I wasn’t there...when you lost it... S-Sorry...”
“So you don’t know? How disappointing.” Komaeda sighed. “Isn’t that so unfortunate? How am I supposed to write? My handwriting’s awful enough as it is and... Oh. Right. Your question. No, I don’t remember going to school at all. I just remember getting accepted.”
“Do you remember anything after that?” Hinata asks. “Like...your classmates? School assignments? F-Field trips?”
“Hm. Those are some generic questions. I get the feeling you’re hiding things from me...” But Komaeda grinned cheekily as Hinata froze for a moment. Komaeda laughed it off like it was no big deal. “Ah, it can’t be helped. But no, sorry. I barely remembered the school’s name after all. Oh, wait, I do remember being on a boat... Actually yeah. I was on some kind of boat.”
“Do you like boats? You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
Hinata blinked hard to dispel the image, but Komaeda turned to him with realization clear in his gaze and face lighting up. “That’s right! You were there, weren’t you? You have the same eyes from earlier, though I see you cut your hair... Funny, didn’t you never want to see me again? You were quite cold, you know...from what I remember. What else were we discussing?”
“It’s not important,” Hinata says, voice quick and thick. “None of those things are important anymore. I didn’t mean anything I said back then. That... That’s not me anymore, so you mustn’t worry.”
“Oh...” Komaeda looks a bit disappointed, but still a bit hopeful. “Um. I don’t remember you introducing yourself...”
That’s because I didn’t. Not back then. I didn’t deem it important.
“What’s your name again?”
Hinata swallows. “Hi...Hinata. Hajime Hinata. I was...” Your classmate? But that’s not true, is it? I was never in that...
“My friend, right?” Komaeda asks, and Hinata’s chest seizes up for a moment. And Komaeda looks bashful too, rubbing at his shoulder with a light blush on his face. “I really am sorry... I must have worried you a lot to make you so angry... Though I don’t know how good my words are when like this. But really, I sincerely appreciate you caring so much. Especially since our first meeting didn’t go so well... But since you’ve changed, I guess... We’re friends now?”
You’ve got that wrong. I didn’t understand you. I don’t even know if I can forgive you. Even though you’re alive now, I feel like things have never been more complicated. I don’t know what we were, but it sure as hell was not...
“Or I’m wrong,” he hums, halting Hinata’s thoughts with a self-effacing sigh. “For all I know I could have just been a troublemaker you got saddled with. Isn’t that more likely?”
Hinata doesn’t answer, but Komaeda gives him another sincere smile that takes his breath away. “But I still like you, Hinata-kun. You must be a really kind person to worry so strongly over someone like me. I don’t have to remember our exact relationship to notice that; especially when you were so fired up earlier. I’ll try and do my best, so don’t fret so much, okay?”
I...I may never understand this person...
“I don’t want to go back.”
The words were simple, clear, and concise. And yet, they didn’t make any sense at all.
“Komaeda,” Hinata groaned, reaching for the other only for him to avoid his hand. Komaeda’s stare remained—those same wide doe eyes and lips pulled into a neutral straight line—but Hinata grew more agitated by the minute.
The wind blew, ocean waves crashing below, and when Hinata’s eyes drifted from Komaeda, they landed immediately on the edge of the cliff not too far behind the two. The idea appeared in his head and soon sank to his gut, and Hinata nearly begged as he attempted to grab Komaeda. “Come on...!”
“If you’re going to take me back,” Komaeda murmured, face unreadable as he continued to evade his swiping hand. “Then I have no choice.”
“Please, please don’t...”
“Hinata-kun.” It was the first time Komaeda had said his name in months, and it sounded raspy. Awful. Hinata hated the way Komaeda said his name. But he still missed it. And that just made it worse. “What do you think will happen? Good luck or bad luck? Make a prediction—just like you did the first time we met. Hopefully, you won’t be wrong like last time.”
Hinata shouted his name, fear breaking through his anger as he launched himself forward towards the other. He missed Komaeda by mere centimeters and he only saw a blur of white and blue before there was only the barren cliff before him.
Whatever shock he would have gone into was shattered when he heard the soft, muted impact from several feet below.
“Oh good morning, Hinata-kun!” Komaeda brightly greeted him, waving his good hand once he saw Hinata standing blankly in his doorway. Hinata wasn’t sure how he looked, and Komaeda gave no comments to it, but there was a slightly concerned way to how Komaeda tilted his head and smiled a bit more. “It’s a bit early... Is something wrong?”
“...Nightmare. I had a nightmare.” With those words out, he stumbled to get close, nearly tripping in his haste to reach out and grasp Komaeda’s still elevated hand. He squeezed it once, briefly, and pulled his hands back to wipe his clammy palms off his pants. “Sorry. I... I just had to make sure for a moment.”
“It’s fine...” Komaeda pulled his hand close, curling it against his chest. His worried smile remained on his face, and Hinata tried not to stare at the bandages wrapped around his head. There were scars there before, from previous hospital trips, and Hinata can only imagine how much worse they’d look now with where his head had bashed on a rock.
“Um... Hinata-kun?”
Hinata’s gaze snapped back.
“I’m sorry,” Komaeda spoke with such ease, and yet, so much regret. “I’m really, really sorry. I just... I feel like I should beg you for forgiveness.”
You should, but I won’t be happy when you’re like this. It’s...
It’s fine.
Even if I won’t ever understand, even if we’re just back at square one again... Even so...
“I should’ve said this earlier,” Hinata said, forcing a smile. “Welcome back.”
Komaeda blinked at him, but he smiled once more. It actually wasn’t half-bad. It might’ve even been a little lovely.
I can keep trying a little while longer.
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Linzin Week 2021: Day 3 - Stargazing (part 3)
WIP Pre-Canon AU Lin x Tenzin Rating: Eventual M To the Linzin week 2021 organizers: Is it fine to post a WIP - a serialized contribution? Will post it in AO3 as well once completed ✌🏽 Read part 1 here.
Lin was looking forward to a quiet soak in the bath. She figured it was late at night enough that Tenzin would have retired to bed.
Upon opening the door, smoke wafted to her face. Something smelled… burned, she thought while coughing.
“Lin, is that you?” Tenzin’s voice came from the balcony.
“What happened?” Lin fanned away the smoke as she to him.
Tenzin was slouched on the outdoor chair, bottle of beer in hand. “I attempted to cook.” Tenzin’s face was pinched.
“Aw, you were supposed to have a dinner date?” She leaned on the doorway. “Scared the poor girl away?”
There was a strange look on the airbender’s face. “No…she didn’t show up.”
“I’m sorry.” She said and realized she was sincere about it. She pointed to him and waved to the still dissipating smoke. “Didn’t think to use airbending?”
“Oh.” Tenzin’s eyebrows furrowed. “To be honest, I wasn’t thinking straight.” Then he took a swig off the beer bottle.
Ah, it was that kind of night.
By all appearances, the airbender was a stickler for air nomad tradition. However, his parents both agreed to raised him and his siblings in a more liberal way. This resulted in the siblings to adapt any practices of their parents’ heritage into the quickly modernizing society.
And that includes the occasional alcoholic drink for this airbending master.
“How was work? A little bit late, isn’t it?”
“Terrible.” Lin slumped into the opposite garden chair and grabbed the bottle off Tenzin’s hand. “One of the detectives mucked up the paperwork. His sergeant and I had to work double time to meet the deadline for the indictment.” She took a gulp from the bottle before giving it back.
There was a relief in his expression that puzzled her.
“That’s grea- terrible indeed.”
She rolled her eyes. “Sarcasm still does not suit you, airhead.”
Tenzin continued to punctuate the otherwise quiet night air with comments about his day and questions about Lin’s.
They took turns from the bottle until Tenzin finished the last swallow. “This is nice.”
“We haven’t had this long a conversation since... I don’t remember when.”
Tenzin gestured to get more beer and she nodded.
She sat back, scratching her arm as she thought.
That was sad, in reality.
But nice. No expectations. Reverting to their old habits, their old patterns to before they became a couple.
She squinted.
That had been so long ago.
“Say, do you want to go up?” Tenzin held two bottles of bear, cold with icy condensation at its surface.
“I don’t see why not.” Lin stretched, took one bottle of beer then followed Tenzin to the rooftop.
There was no actual furniture on the rooftop, but there were some wooden crates that they had fashions into makeshift seats and tables.
Pulling up a crate, Lin remembered why they selected this apartment.
It was not in the more glamorous districts in the city. It was quite close to the suburbs, to be honest. That was something they both liked to have maybe in the future, a quaint quiet home in the suburbs. Until then, this is the closest they could get.
And well, they took it on because the apartment unit was at the top floor with easy access to the rooftop.
Tenzin settled little ways to the side, about two crates away from her.
She popped open both of their bottles.
“There isn’t a lot of stars tonight.”
A glance at Tenzin revealed he was observing the sky.
Lin simply shrugged. She knew him well enough to know that a Tenzin who has had alcohol is a talkative Tenzin.
“We were discussing about oral tradition earlier in class. One of the students shared about the Earth Kingdom superstition that you can actually use the stars to find your soulmate.” Tenzin hunched on his knees, picking at the label of the bottle. “Do you believe any of that?”
“Believe what?” She decided to humor him.
“Soulmates.” He replied quietly, not meeting her gaze.
“Soulmates…” Lin took a gulp of beer first, considering her words. “Can’t say I do.”
The airbender now turned to her. In his haste, his almost full bottle had liquid swished on the floor. “Why not?”
“I mean, look at people we grew up with,” Lin grimaced, using her fingers to count. “Uncle Sokka didn’t really settle down, did he? Was his soulmate the moon spirit? We can never know.” She took a tip and pointed out another finger. “My mom – we don’t even have to explain that further -.”
“But doesn’t the thought of someone out there to be with you sound, well, reassuring?”
“Not really. Sounds like a load of excuses not to put effort into a relationship since you knew from the get-go, you’re for each other.”
“So, you really don’t believe in soulmates?” Tenzin asked slowly.
“Pffft no, of course not. Soulmates? Oh, come on.” Lin decided a change in topic was needed as the current conversation was about to get maudlin.
He tore off the label of the bottle.
But, I do.
As with any of their annual vacations, aside from a day or two spent with the entire group, everyone was pretty much left to their own devices.
This made their farce a bit easier to pull off.
Tenzin decided early on to spend most of the time in their room. Lin was barely there anyway so it work.
“I know you’re in there.”
Knowing that his brother will not leave until he acknowledged him, Tenzin opened the door.
Bumi entered without waiting to be invited in, hands behind his back. He made a face on the papers sprawled on the table and most of the other surfaces in the cabin room. “Come now, Tenzin – there’s a reason why it’s a vacation.”
“I need to get this done.” It was a weak argument, and he knew it.
Bumi knew it.
“We’ve seen more of Lin than you in the past few days. So that means you haven’t had a lot of couple time either.”
“We see each other all the time.” Tenzin prevaricated. Technically, they did occasionally cross paths at work.
Bumi rolled his eyes. “Sure – at work, eh? Well, if I can’t bring you out to the party – I’ll bring it here until to agree to get out.” He brought out his ammunition. “Uncle Sokka’s personal brew!”
Tenzin struggled to catch the tall suspicious (yet unfortunately familiar) bottle.
“I’m not drinking, Bumi.”
“Oh yes, you are.” He swiped the papers off the couch and plunked himself on it.
He did not really have any other agenda other than to get Tenzin relaxed enough to join them for tonight’s excursion.
Bumi grinned as his baby brother finally popped open his bottle.
But, whoo boy, a Tipsy Tenzin was a Talkative Tenzin.
“You’ve broken up for that long?! Spirits, Tenzin! Why didn’t you think to tell me or anyone?
“Look, I knew you were proposing to Izumi this week. We didn’t want to take that away from you.”
“Still.” Bumi pondered a bit. Maybe his brother needs a wingman now? “Do you want me to bring you over with boys, when we’re over at Republic City? We can introduce you or better yet, we can go around town now and -.”
“No, thank you, Bumi.”
“Don’t you still live together?”
Are you stupid? “How is that going for you?”
“It’s fine. We’re now glorified roommates. It still gives me privacy from our parents, you know. And a bit of a sanctuary. And it’s fine. We do our own thing and it’s fine.”
“Bro, you said it’s fine too many times.”
“Lin’s totally fine with it.” A beat. “She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself. It’s not like she’d like to move back to their old house either.”
Bumi frowned but agreed.“To be fair – no one asked us about our relationship so we haven’t been lying.”
“Yes, you’ve been omitting the truth. I see you’re fitting really well in city hall, councilman.” Bumi patted him on the back.
“Oh, I’m sorry – did I wake you?”
The whiff of air that wafted towards him smelt of smoke, sweat, the odd smell of old alcohol, and something distinctly Lin.
“No, I was doing –.” His eyes scanned quickly the bedside table. “Some light reading.” He put up the pamphlet. “You didn’t disturb me.” He saw the clock say it was three in the morning.
“Sorry,” Lin was quickly pulling out clothes from her side of the cabinet. “Don’t worry – I’ll just take a quick shower and try not make a lot of noise. I’ll head on to bed too.”
Tenzin turned to his side of the bed, unwilling to think of what (or who, he thought distastefully) Lin might have been doing.
Not that she wasn’t in the position to do so. Of course, she was well within in her rights to do so.
Maybe telling Bumi wasn’t the smartest idea. True, he promised to keep it to himself.
Rather, Tenzin knew Bumi and the rest had gotten back to their accommodations a couple of hours earlier (judging by the racket when they were trudging nearby).
Usually, Bumi would have insisted to see to it that all of their party would have gone home together. But then again, knowing that Lin was now single, he probably did not mind if Lin had gone off on her own…
The sounds of the shower from the en suite can be heard.
Tenzin pressed his palms to his eyes.
He told Bumi it was fine.
Who was he kidding – it wasn’t fine. He wasn’t fine.
And, unfortunately, he didn’t know what to do about it since only one-half of the broken-up couple did not seem to be fine.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
So you wanted requests? Can I maybe get a breeding kink with Ransom Drysdale? I feel like we don’t see that a lot and dammit we should! And maybe if you have time, Henry Cavill realizing he’s in love with his girlfriend? Like maybe she does something cute or funny and it just hits him that he loves her. Anyway I hope you feel better soon! Toothaches are the worst 🥺
Hey love, sorry for the long wait! Been trying to work more on my WIP’s and my collab. I’m gonna reply to this with the main request you put in with the Ransom breeding kink and then i’ll do a separate post for the Henry Cavill request.
I really hope you love this and i agree, this is something we don’t see enough of. 
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Warnings: Smut, language, fluff, praise kink, daddy kink, breeding kink, oral (male receiving) and spit play (sorta, i guess) 18+
Word Count: 3,225
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @definitelysoftransom go check them out 💙
Knock You Up
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As a woman who firmly believes in romance and all of that mushy stuff, it sure is questionable as to why you’re in a relationship with Ransom Drysdale. He’s everything you should detest and yet you don’t, you adore him. 
He’s the only man you’ve ever been in love with and you cannot see that changing anytime soon. 
You’ve lost count of how many times your loyalty and love for Ransom has been questioned. Friends constantly ask and say
‘but why are you with him?’
‘you deserve better’ 
But you brush them off. Even his family, his own flesh and blood call you out on your apparent terrible choices. You just put it down to them not knowing him the way that you do. They don’t see the other side to him, the side that feels, loves and has a kind heart. 
Of course he isn’t always that way, he has a temper, he loses his cool. He kicks off, throws stuff, shouts and screams. And that’s just the aftermath of one of his family parties. Which you’re at right now.
You’ve been here for an hour with your boyfriend of 2 years and you’ve had just about enough of their digging and sarcastic remarks about your relationship. It’s like they are always mocking you. Making fun of you behind your back and to your face even, they have no shame. No remorse.
“What did you just say about me?” you speak up, after listening in on their conversation for long enough now “i’m sorry” Walt turns to face you, watching as you stand in the doorway, sipping at your drink.
“You heard me. You’re all having a jolly good time mocking my love life, the relationship i’m in with Ransom, why don’t you explain yourself” his smile soon drops, he’s straight faced, staring you down as he scoffs “i’m good thank you” you just chuckle as you walk over to him. 
You kneel down in front of him, your eyes locking on his “if you can’t explain yourself, the jokes you make, the digs. Then i suggest you keep your ugly mouth shut” you mutter, earning gasps from everyone in the room. Including Ransom who is more shocked at your attitude and bravery. You’ve always been the type to just sit pretty and ignore everything whenever you’ve attended a Thrombey party. Not tonight though, no, tonight you’re finally sticking up for yourself and your boyfriend. 
“He’s your family and you all treat him like dirt. You should really take a good look at yourselves in the mirror, because you’re all disgusting” you stand up as you speak, glancing over at Ransom who starts laughing, unable to hold it in, you laugh too.
“God i’ve spent 2 years holding all of that in and i’m so glad to finally say it. Walt, you’re a stuck up, old as fuck, ugly hearted bastard. Joni, you’re a money grabbing, selfish and self centred bitch. And as for you two, Linda, Richard. I’m glad that i don’t have to play nice with you anymore. The pair of you should have never been allowed to be parents. Ransom might be a lot of things but at least deep down he has a kind heart and one of the best personalities i’ve ever had the privilege to see. But you wouldn’t know that would you? Because all you’ve done his whole life is throw money his way and pray for the best results. It’s sad. Tragic even. Come on Ransom, we’re leaving” you strut out, Ransom follows closely behind.
Once you’re in the beamer, he crashes his lips to yours. It’s fiery and passionate.
“Have i ever told you just how much i love you?” he says as he turns the key in the ignition before stepping on the gas to get the fuck away from all of them.
“You might have a couple of times” you giggle, his free hand finds yours as he drives, holding it and intertwining your fingers before lifting it to his mouth so he can press a couple of quick kisses to your hand. He really worships the ground you walk on. 
And that just makes you love him more. He treats you like a princess whilst also fucking you like the whore that you are for him, every day and night. 
He pretty much speeds his way back to your shared place, well it was his place before you moved in and now it’s both of yours. Courtesy of Harlan Thrombey of course. One of the few members of Ransom’s family that you actually have the time of day for.
Ransom pulls up to your house and as soon as the engine stops, he’s rushing out and jogging round to your side to help you out, as he always does. He pulls you from your seat, lifting you up into his arms before kicking the door shut and continuing to carry you bridal style inside.
“Ransom” you squeal as he smacks your ass before putting you down.
He spins you around, making you go dizzy. 
“You were on fire tonight baby, might have to rile you up more often” you smack him playfully on his chest, rolling your eyes as you do so.
“I’m sorry i know they are your family and all and i’m supposed to just keep out of it but they make it so hard to do that when they are constantly bashing you and mocking what we have” you say, you can hear the care in your voice. How much he means to you and how much the relationship means to you. 
“It’s fine baby, really. I know i joke about it and play it off but really it’s fine. It stopped getting to me years ago. All that matters to me is you and our life together. Nothing else can faze me” you stand on your tip toes, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck to pull him down to meet your lips. Which of course he does. 
Your lips fit together so perfectly, it’s almost as if you were made for each other. 
And you believe that you were. You’ve always been a firm believer in soulmates. Someone for everyone, even Ransom Drysdale. A man who most would describe as an asshole. But even he found someone, he found you. The only woman that can bring him to his knees, the only person that knows everything about him that there is to know. 
You know all of his sweet spots, all of his kinks, all of his secrets. It took him a while to get there but when he did, it was so special. When he finally opened up, properly. 
Like the first time he cried in front of you, it broke your heart. It was actually the night you first slept with him. You were a virgin when you first met him so naturally, you made him wait. 
You really weren’t kidding with the whole ‘he’s the only man you’ve ever been in love with’ thing. It’s the truth. 
“I love you so much, you know that right? I never want to lose you, i want to be with you for the rest of my life” you say, cupping his face with your small hands, making sure to give him direct eye contact so he can see you properly. 
“I know. I love you too, i’ve never felt like this about anyone. You’re never getting rid of me now baby, you and me forever” you smile before diving back into the kiss. 
Tongues battle for dominance and teeth nip at bottom lips as you both tug at each others clothes. There’s a strong hunger that’s become very prominent since you left the party. Actually no, the hunger you have for each other is always prominent. You always crave each others touch and kisses.
“I want you so badly” you moan out as you remove his grey cable-knit sweater and he removes your tank top. You jump up, letting him catch you and you wrap your legs around his waist. He starts walking to your shared bedroom, laying you down on the Egyptian cotton sheets. Soft to the touch. Makes it even harder for you to leave the bed every morning.
“Do you have any idea how turned on i am by you?” he starts, removing the rest of his clothes and his boxers before hovering above you “you sticking up for me against my highly dysfunctional family and putting them in their place” you giggle from his open mouthed kisses as they begin at your jawline and trail down to your neck.
“No but i’m sure you can show me just how much” he pulls away, giving you the look. The look that even by now you know means he’s taking you up on that request. And boy will he show you how much he loves you and how hard you make him.
He gets off the bed and stands at the foot of it, signalling for you to join him and when you do he glares at you “do i even need to ask you pretty girl?” you shake your head no as you sink down to your knees, taking his hard cock in your small hand and pumping it a couple times. 
You give the tip a couple of kitten licks to rid it of the pre cum that’s leaked out during the lead up to this moment. He groans as you take him in your mouth for the first time, throwing his head back and letting his mouth fall open slowly “oh god, just like that. Such a good girl” he praises, taking your hair in his hands to hold it up and out of your face, letting you really go for it.
And you do.
Saliva drips from the corners of your mouth and he stills your head so that he can take over “that’s a good little cock slut” he mutters, his thrusting pace picks up, grunting and groaning each time you gag and splutter all over him.
All of a sudden he pulls out. He bends down to pick you up and throw you onto the bed like you weigh nothing.
“You like sucking daddy’s cock, hm? Like causing a big mess all down yourself baby?” you nod, biting your lip “yes daddy” he smirks, as he wipes your chin.
“Open that mouth for me” you do as you’re told, opening nice and wide for him. He hovers over you once again, lowering his head and spitting into your mouth “like that huh? want me to do that to your cunt, spill my cum inside of it after i fuck you senseless?” you can’t help but feel more turned on as the minutes tick by. He’s always been able to get you crumbling so fast. He knows all the tricks.
“Yes. Please cum inside me”
He slowly removes the rest of the clothes that cover you up. The bra that hides your breasts. You arch your back, allowing him room to unhook it before tossing it behind him, setting them free. He leans down to show them love. Pinching the hardened peaks in his fingers before taking one in his mouth. Sucking and biting.
He shows the same amount of love to the other nipple before pulling off with a pop.
Next up are your jeans, he slides them off once undoing the button and pulling the zipper down.
And now you’re left in nothing but your red lacy panties. He licks his lips, growling as his eyes rake over your figure “so sexy”. His fingers hook into the waistband before he removes them in an instant. Like it didn’t even take him a second to do it. 
You spread your legs for him, giving him a good show “look at this” he grazes his knuckles over it before pulling his hand away and tossing your panties. 
Once they are on the floor he kisses his way back up to your sex, starting at your legs. You feel shivers all over your body as he gets higher, the pool in between your legs is growing more and more with each one he presses to your skin.
“Please, hurry. I need you” you beg, gripping onto the strands of his hair. He just tuts “so desperate to be fucked, to get stuffed full of my cum aren’t you?Well not so fast baby, let daddy take his time” you arch your back as your head falls back down to the sheets underneath. 
“I need you now though, i need your cum now” he chuckles, as his face is now inches from your soaked pussy “oh you need it do you? And why’s that sweetheart?” you just hum in response, enjoying the feel of his breath on your clit. 
“I asked you a question baby” you prop yourself up on your elbows “i love how it feels when you spill your cum inside of me” you lie as he licks across your folds briefly before pulling away.
“Let me guess. You want my cum so you can have my baby is that it? Should know by now that you can’t fool me sweetheart” you feel your cheeks heat up at the embarrassment of your broody side coming out, now of all times. 
“Wait, no. That’s not it” you lie again. The thing is, Ransom is a lot of things but one thing you’ve always assumed of him is that he’s not the father type. That kids will never ever be a thing he wants. You don’t want to scare him away with how you feel. Lying is the best option right now. You don’t want to kill the buzz.
“Now now, don’t get all hasty. My woman wants a baby, she’s getting a baby” your mouth hangs open in shock as he moves upwards so that his head is level with yours. He presses a quick kiss to your forehead before lining himself up with your entrance. 
“So wet for me, just the way i like you”
He slams in without warning, not that you expected one. It’s Ransom. You should be used to it by now. You grip onto his biceps, letting him ram into you again and again. With each thrust you move further up the bed. Your legs wrap around him, pulling him in even deeper, you need to feel him deeper.
“Daddy” you moan, your toes curl “you like this? Like me fucking this tight cunt, stretching it out nicely” you nod, biting your lip as you cup his face and pull him down for a kiss. 
The kiss soon turns into a make out session to which you break away from, taking his tongue with you as you suck on it before he licks his fingers and presses them down onto your bundle of nerves.
“SHIT” your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling every nerve in your body going crazy at how good he’s making you feel. All the hairs standing on end, goosebumps appear. 
The tip of his cock pokes at your g-spot and you can quite literally feel him in your stomach at this point.
“Want me to cum inside this pretty little pussy?” he moves his hand from your nub to your stomach “want me to put a baby in here? hm? would you like that sweetheart?” you can’t even muster up a single word to respond to him with. The pleasure is mind blowing and toe curling. You know if things continue like this then you won’t last much longer.
“God i want to knock you up so badly, make me a real daddy” he chuckles “you’re gonna make the best mother. Nothing like mine. You’re gonna care for our child like mine should have” his pace is rendering on animalistic at as the coil twists and twists.
“Gonna watch you glow as you carry our child” 
“Yes. Ransom. Fuck” he keeps going “make you my wife some day huh? would you like that? To marry me, be my wife?” all the words that you never expected are leaving his mouth as he grunts and growls, shocking you to your core. 
You never imagined him to ever want marriage or kids and yet here you are. Discussing it as he fucks you so good. As he pushes you close to a state of pure ecstasy and pleasure. 
“Yes, i want that. I want all of that with you, please, give it to me. Fill me up daddy, give me your cum” he lowers his head, burying it into your neck, kissing and sucking.
“Fuck, i’m gonna cum daddy, make me cum” you whine, reaching your hands around to his back, scratching at it as you let him send you toppling over that cliff for your sweet release. 
Your walls flutter around him deliciously, gripping onto his cock and keeping him from leaving you completely. 
His thrusts go from fast and rough to slow and hard, he’s close now. You pull his head from your neck so you can look into his eyes as you say “give me your cum baby, make me a mommy” and that’s all he needs to fall.
“Gonna fucking knock you up”
“Give you a baby”
“My little fucking whore wants to be a mommy huh? Then she’s gonna be a mommy”
“That’s it. Keep squeezing my cock like that sweetheart, milk me”
“Fuckkkkk, i’m cumming” 
Soon enough you feel him twitch and spasm inside of you before the warmth of his seed spurts inside of you, painting your walls and doing exactly what you both wanted, filling you up.
“god, that was incredible” he pants, falling down onto the bed, beside you. You both just lay there, trying to take in everything that’s just happened. 
Everything you both just said.
“So you want a baby” you speak up, breaking the silence “i do. I never thought i’d ever say that but i do. But i only want one with you, i only want any of that serious shit with you” he turns on his side, you join him. 
His thick digits trace their way down your arm and eventually falling onto your waist and resting there.
“I didn’t think you were after all of that?”
“It’s you Y/N. You do this to me. How have you done this to me? I never wanted any of these things before and yet with you, i want it all and nothing else matters except from you. You’re the only person i care about” 
“I love you so much Ransom”
“And i love you, more than you know”
You kiss him quickly.
“I guess now this means more sex for us, we won’t make a baby doing it twice a day”
You squeal when he picks you up as he gets off the bed. He carries you over to the bathroom and into the shower.
“You gonna let daddy fill you up again baby?”
You just nod as you feel him slide inside of you, his cock still hard. How is that even possible. Once the shower is turned on and the water cascades over your naked bodies, he pushes you up against the wall. Picking his pace up gradually.
You can’t wait to spend forever with him.
General Tag List: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferouss @bradfordmyworld 
Just Chris & His Characters Tag List: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 
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reddie-is-my-life · 3 years
I’m not sure if any of the people that follow me are even active anymore but its been a couple of years since i posted on this account. I’ve written a couple things throughout the time that I actually posted on this account which is what this post is about. I was scrolling through my wips and turns out I have a not completed fic that could really be considered a drabble. Anyways, I wanted to post it just to say i did. You don’t have to read it. Or you can. Its up to you. I wrote this in 2018 so if you do decide to read it don’t be harsh. Thank you.
The thrum of the music under his feet guides him further into the pack of bodies grinding against each other. The smell of sweat, weed and alcohol curls around him making his nose scrunch up from distaste, the further he walks into the house. Someone in the crowd bumps into him slamming their shoulder into him, making him stumble slightly before someone reaches out to steady him. He decides to not acknowledge the hand considering the owner of said hand is the one to blame for his presence at the party. The same hand leads him into the open kitchen where all the liquor is lined up on the counter.   
“Come on Eddie, I know you don’t wanna be here but at least don’t look like a 5 year-old that got their favorite toy taken away from them,” Bill pouts already reaching for the bottle of whiskey.
“Oh, I’m sorry for being so petulant. I should’ve realized that it was hurting your feelings Billy. I also didn’t realize that your favorite toy was a party filled with people that don’t care who sees them wasted and filled with idiocy ,” Eddie snaps back. 
Bill only raises his shot of whiskey in the direction of the other boy before tipping it back. Swallowing he takes a moment before he responds, “You seem snarkier than usual, something up?”  this time he takes a step closer as if it’ll block the dark room, loud music, and the dozens of people surrounding them. 
Even if Eddie wanted to talk about it, he sure as hell would never hold a heart to heart conversation with Bill in front of so many people. Instead he shakes his head and reaches for the cooler filled to the brim with beers. Expertly popping the cap off with his car keys he turns to Bill again finally meeting his expectant eyes, “It’s nothing, I just have a small headache is all,” it wasn’t a complete lie, he did feel the beginning fingers of a migraine graze his head. Ignoring it he decides to change the subject before the other man decided to pry more, “So what’s the deal with this guy? He’s got a pretty nice house to be someone of the middle working class.”
It was true after all, no one with decent money income could afford a sleek looking chandelier hanging in the middle of what looked to be the living room. The couches seemingly pushed next to the walls giving more space for people to grind against each other. The couches were filled with people either shotgunning or just full on making out. The sound system though, playing songs that made him skeptical about the type of music the host listened to, seemed mighty expensive even from his vantage point in the kitchen. The place itself was big, the open kitchen looking out into the living room and what seemed to be a room with a pool table, leading into a hallway Eddie was sure was a couple bedrooms. He wondered if the rest of the place would look just as expensive as the part that was filled with people. Maybe he would sneak away and explore the rest of the house if Bill got caught up with someone else. 
Bill nods his head in agreement, “Yeah, it is a pretty damn good house. The guy that invited me here, Ben,” he takes a second as if remembering the man. And if he’d be damned he thinks Bill is blushing lightly ,”he’s, uh, best friends with the host. Said he was a radio host or something and he had his own show even. He also said he would be here but I haven’t seen him yet,” he looks around the room but it’s no use due to how smokey and dark the whole house is. 
Looking at his friend more closely he realizes that he is indeed blushing like some schoolgirl with her crush instead of a 25 year old man. He wonders when Bill met this so-called Ben and when he had formed his crush. But more importantly he wonders why in the world Bill never even mentioned him to him. Eddie was surely privy to this information, he was his best friend after all. Perhaps Bill finds you annoying now. Maybe Bill doesn’t even want to be friends with you but is too nice to tell you directly so he brought you to the party you didn’t want to go to so you would leave him. Perhaps Bill finally sees you for who you really are. You dirty-, “Hey Bill, do you happen to have a crush on this Ben fellow?” 
“Uh, w-w-why wouldd you say that Ed-d-die?” Bill's stutter comes out clearly, making him flustered and proving his hidden secret. Instead of coming clean he reaches for his third shot. Swallowing it cleanly only slightly wincing he takes a look around the dark room again as if someone will appear and save him any second from the questions Eddie is surely going to press him with. 
Eddie moves to the side when someone comes up behind to get something to drink but pulls Bill right along with him. Deciding to at least ask, without intention of harm he opens his mouth, “Come on, Bill. You don’t need to lie. I am your best friend for a reason. You can tell me these types of things,” he laughs ruefully at that, “actually technically you can tell me anything, that’s what comes with being best friends. A small dumb crush definitely falls in that category.”
Bill winces at that and a sad glint fills his eyes along with disappointment but before he can answer him someone calls his name out. He turns along with Eddie to meet a guy smiling and walking towards them, “What’s up, Big Bill? What are you doing huddling next to the drinks? Don’t you know this is a party?” Eddie watches the man come closer and notices how Bill lit up with excitement as soon as he recognizes him. So this must be Ben. He would let out an appreciative whistle if the man weren’t so close and Bill wasn’t so infatuated with him. The man - Ben - was handsome as hell. His light colored hair was styled to look as if he hadn’t done anything with it but it wasn’t a lazy look, it looked rather sophisticated. The beard that adorned his face looked sharp and regal, complimented even by the small scar that lay on the corner of his top lip. God damn, a scar has never looked so right. His build was leaning towards gruffer and broader. His arms seemed to bulge even from Eddie’s vantage point. It was all on top of legs fit into jeans that seemed to only highlight the fact that his arms weren’t the only thing taken care of. Though the man would look intimidating with a face and a body like that but his eyes were kind and his tone was playful. 
He takes a second to catch on to the nickname and is soon distracted by that rather than the man standing across from him, “Big Bill?” he whispers quietly turning to face Bill.
Before he can say anything about the nickname he receives a hearty laugh from Ben. Facing him again he waits for his answer, “Ah, you haven’t met Richie yet then. He gives everyone a nickname. Or at least everyone he likes. I’m Ben or Haystack,” He says extending a hand to shake. 
Though Eddie finds it strange to shake hands as if in a business setting instead of a raging party he shakes his hand, “Eddie or Eddie.”
Though it wasn’t a joke, Ben still lets out a smile at his response. His brown eyes twinkle before turning to Bill. He goes to touch him before seeming to think better of it and turns to Eddie again, “You wouldn’t mind if I took Bill from you would you? At least for just a little bit.”
Raising his eyebrows he shakes his head, “No, no, not at all. You guys should go dance.”
Bill clears his throat before responding, though Eddie sees right through it. Almost as an afterthought it comes to him that Bill usually clears his throat when he plans on what to say without having to worry about his stuttering. Guess Ben makes him nervous, “You sure Eddie? I can stay if you want,” but from the way he was looking at the other man he doubted that it was something he wanted to do.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll go find something to do. Maybe even find the host to tell him how shit his beer is,” he cracks a smile at that, urging his friend to leave him in the kitchen and dance with the handsome devil that clearly seemed interested in him too.
“Alright, just give me a second,” he tips his head back taking the shot in his hand before turning and taking another one. He shakes his shoulder at it and turns to face the other two, “Alright, let’s go dance.”
Eddie almost expects a high pitched giggle from his friend for a second by the way he grins so widely. He makes no reaction outwards but inwardly he’s utterly confused. Bill wouldn’t be acting this way if it was just a small crush. He wonders when Bill met Ben once again before he notices that his friend has turned his head looking at him briefly making Eddie smile and pumping a fist in the air before he turns around once again saying something in Ben's ear that makes the bigger man face him smiling widely. He lets out a quiet sigh, confused as to when Ben had made an appearance in Bill's life enough that he would look like - funnily enough - he was given his favorite toy. 
Before he figures out what he wants to do while he waits for Bill to come back - if he even comes back - his eye catches on someone walking up to the counter looking more than enough wasted that he feared that the second they got their hands on another drink they would puke all over Eddie’s shoes. Deciding not to even chance the thought of it or at best try to hold a conversation with them he walks towards the pool table. Sidling up to a corner of the pool table he takes into account the people surrounding it. Most seem pretty similar to each other making commentary on the play going on in front of them. Yet, he focuses on one of the players, while most people around the table - hell even the other player - are more drunk than not, he seems perfectly sober. 
His moves are crisper than the other guy who is moving around slowly. He watches as the small bun on the man's head bounces around a little as he jumps up and down from seeming excited on his clear victory. His actions lead to a couple curls coming out and framing his face. Eddie looks at him closer and notices that the man has a shocking color of blue eyes that pair nicely with his sharp cheekbones and jaw. Strangely he remembers Ben and thinks how complete opposites these two are. While this stranger is just as attractive as Ben he falls on the opposite spectrum. Pool table guy has such a pale color of skin he kinda looks like a ghost in the soft lighting hanging above the table. The light casts shadows on his face making him seem sharp and cold, while his electric blue eyes set off a vibe of mysteriousness making him that much more intriguing to Eddie. 
As he finishes off his beer he watches as the handsome stranger takes the final shot landing him the victory that was obvious as soon as Eddie walked over to the table. He watches in something close to amusement as he celebrates around the table before bringing the other player closer and clapping him on the back. The only response he gets from the drunk player is a couple grunts in disdain with the occasional mutter that the game was unfair and he demanded a rematch. Handsome stranger only chuckled in response before letting him go. And suddenly driven by who knows what force Eddie spoke up, “I’ll do the rematch for him, considering it wasn’t a fair match between a drunk man and a sober one.”
Both men turn to look at him but he focuses on the blue eyes of the handsome man. They seem to stare at each other for eternity before the other man breaks the silence by breaking into a smirk, “It wasn’t my idea to play the match. It might actually be an unfair match to me considering I had to drag it out way more due to consideration of this poor drunk man, isn’t that right, Zach?”
The drunk fool- Zach, didn’t let out a reply instead opting to slump further into the chair he had let himself fall into. It seemed to Eddie that he was getting ready to fall asleep in the chair. The host surely must care about the random people falling asleep in his property. He turned his attention back to the other man before cocking an eyebrow. With a small jerk he silently questioned if he would take him up on his offer. Said stranger only seems to smirk even more before heading to one side of the table.
As Eddie grabs his pool stick the stranger talks to him again, “So, cutie what’s the name to the face?”
“Don’t call me that and it's Eddie. And you would be?”
“Richie Tozier at your service. Seriously though, anything you want,” he finishes with a wink. A fucking wink, how cheesy could this guy get? God could only do so much for someone Eddie supposed, good looks, bad personality. 
Eddie scoffed instead of deeming him a response. Setting the balls into place he felt as Richie watched him. Looking up at him he met his gaze allowing only the smallest bit of discomfort set into him before he spoke again, “So, do you not drink?”
If Eddie hadn’t been watching his reaction closely he wouldn’t have noticed how Richie’s smirk faltered for a second before righting itself quickly. Only faint curiosity crossed his mind soon fading away because even though he was intrigued in Richie he didn’t want to actually get involved in anything with him where he would care about him in any way. Richie seemed to ponder the question for a second before answering, “I do drink, just didn’t feel like drinking yet, plus weed is sufficient enough to last until I decide I want a drink,” he shrugs.
Only raising his eyebrows slightly he gestures for Richie to begin the game. He watches as the other walks around the table before setting the white ball down. Just as he’s about to lean down to perfect his shot he looks at Eddie, “What about you Ed’s? I saw you put the beer bottle away but I doubt that you’re drunk.”
He observes as Richie lines up his shot before deciding to respond, “Again, my name is Eddie, if you already forgot. E-d-d-i-e. And secondly, I don’t really enjoy the idea of me passing out on an uncomfortable wooden chair next to a pool table surrounded by people I don’t know,” he pointedly looked at Zach quickly passed out on the chair already.
“Mmm, we’ll have to see about that, won’t we.”
Lining up his shot, Eddie hums low in his throat right before the balls fall into the pocket. The game continues as the silence covers them like a fog. The small clinking of balls against each other along with the loud music playing from the living room do nothing to hide the hot gaze of both men as they move around each other. Brief touches of hands, shoulders and hips go throughout the game with the occasional smirk thrown at each other. Eddie though usually not one to find interest in a random stranger that quickly can’t help but feel curious toward the curly haired man. As the game comes to a close, Eddie sinks the final shot winning but only allowing himself a small humpf of victory before looking at Richie. 
Even though they’ve basically been eye fucking each other the whole entire game Richie places his hand on the small of Eddie’s back steering him towards the drinks, “I think i need a drink,” Richie offers offhandedly. 
Eddie silently watches as Richie makes up a concoction of tequila with orange juice stirring it slightly before tipping it back. Slightly covered in sweat Richie’s neck shines faintly under the faint light filtering from the small light on top of the stovetop. Watching as his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows, Eddie also swallows along with him suddenly hit with a dry throat. He reaches for the whiskey Bill had been drinking earlier before pouring up a shot. Taking it straight, he tries to clear his thoughts so he won’t end up in bed with the man that’s staring at him currently. That’s not how it works dumbass, you should definitely not be drinking alcohol. 
He swallows.
“Holy shit, Ed’s didn’t know you had it in you. I would’ve thought you would go for another weak beer,” Richie smirks.
“Shut up prick, you don’t know shit about me.”
“Maybe so, but by tonight I’m hoping I’ll know a couple more things about you,” and once again he winks but instead of making Eddie's eyes roll it makes his stomach turn in excitement. 
“Sure pal, whatever you say,” he deflects.
Richie only laughs in reply before pouring up four more shots and gestures to two of them looking at Eddie pointedly. Eddie lets out a scoff before stepping closer and taking one into his hand. He makes eye contact as he tips it back and if the eyes aren’t deceiving him Richie’s eyes darken a shade. He smirks before bringing the shot glass back to the countertop, “So?”
Richie lets out a dark chuckle before taking both shots one after another. The only reaction of the burn is a slight twitch in the corner of his eye before he stares at Eddie in amusement. Eddie takes the remaining shot before heading over to the group of bodies grinding against each other. He briefly glances behind his shoulder making sure the other man still has his attention directed towards him.
And that’s it. Thanks.
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wosoimagines · 4 years
No More Promises - Alex Morgan/Reader
prompt: there are too many broken promises for the reader to handle.
warnings: swearing
words: 1545
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I gave a small smile to the defender from across the room and she sent me one back. I knew that she was free for the night considering I had texted Carly to ask what they were up to tonight. I nodded to the door and Millie immediately started to talk to her teammates. 
I was already headed outside once the defender was able to get away from her teammates. I leaned against one of the lamp posts as I waited for the English player. She smiled once she saw me waiting for her outside.
“I’ve missed you,” I smiled as I pulled her into a hug. Millie pulled away and pecked my lips.
“I can’t believe you went back to play in the States,” Millie complained as we started walking down the street. It was one of the only times I knew that the two of us would actually have the same free time during the World Cup. “I’ll get to hardly see you now.”
“Well, it helps to play with and against my own national teammates all the time,” I shrugged. I knew that Millie wasn’t a big fan of me moving back to America. “Besides, I was starting to get homesick.”
“I thought I was your home,” Millie whined. I knew that she was just missing me but it was starting to get to me.
“No, I said I’d like to build a home with you one day,” I sighed. This wasn’t how I wanted us to spend our night together. “As much as I love the friends I made in England, I missed all of my friends in America. Besides, I didn’t get to spend as much time with the girls and we’re family.”
“You could have invited them to come join us in England.”
“Can we not talk about this? Not tonight, please?” I asked. I waited for Millie to nod her head. “Thank you. I just want to take you out to dinner and have a nice night with you.”
We walked in silence for a couple of minutes before it was starting to bother me. 
“Just make me a promise, okay?” I asked catching Millie’s attention. “Just promise me that we’re gonna stay together.”
“I promise.”
I gave Millie a soft smile before I grabbed onto her hand. Millie pulled me closer to her causing my smile to grow even more. We might be going through a rough spot, but I knew that we could get through it.
“Thanks for giving me the key,” I smiled at Carly as she handed her room key. I was lucky that Carly had been roomed with Millie. It meant that I could get Carly’s room key and go see Millie today as a surprise.
“Yeah, of course,” Carly nodded. She patted my shoulder as she started to walk down the hallway. “Millie’s been in a bit of a mood lately. Figured it might help if you got to see her again.”
I shook my head at her as I headed down the opposite way of the hall so I could go see my girlfriend. It didn’t take me long to get to the room or to open the door. But I froze when I saw Millie on top of someone else.
“(Y/N), I-”
“You’re fucking Alex Greenwood? Are you serious?” I scoffed. I shook my head. “You promised. You promised that we would stay together and here you are behind my back fucking your teammate?”
“Don’t act like you’re innocent here.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“You don’t have to pretend like you haven’t been doing the same thing with Morgan.”
“You think I’m sleeping with Morgan? Moe is straight! She has a husband!”
“Not Morgan Brian! Alex Morgan! I’m not a dumbass, (Y/N),” Millie yelled at me. That hurt because even though I did have a crush on Alex, I had never acted on it. “I know how you feel about her! I know she’s the reason why you choose to go to Orlando!”
“You obviously don’t know shit! I have never slept with Alex!” I snapped. Millie didn’t get to act like I was the one to blame when she was the one who was in bed with someone else. “I can’t believe that I thought what we had was real.”
“No, you don’t get to say that,” Millie shook her head. “I don’t get to say that? You’re the one in bed with Greenwood! Just fuck off and leave me alone. Lose my number and have fun with your new girl,” I said. I glanced at Greenwood. “Hope she doesn’t stab you in the back like she has to me.”
Millie grabbed my wrist but I shoved her off of me before leaving. I sent Carly a text letting her know that she could come find me to get her card whenever before I headed upstairs to where the US floor was. I had one place I wanted to be right now.
I stopped in front of the door knowing that the person I wanted to see was behind there. She had tried to convince me to spend the day with her when she found out that I wasn’t going to go out with the others. I wipped at the tears trying to give myself some sense of composure before I raised my fist to knock.
The door was pulled opened before I could even knock. The person in front of me nearly collided into me before she realized I was standing outside her door. The blue eyes were piercing into my own eyes.
“I was gonna knock,” my voice cracked.
The older striker wrapped me in a hug as I broke down. Alex immediately pulled me back into her room as she didn’t let go. I wasn’t sure how long I had sat there crying to Alex before my tears finally stopped. I was just laying there cuddled into Alex’s side.
There was a knock at the door and Alex tried to stand. I only clutched onto Alex tighter so she couldn’t move. Alex ran a hand through my hair.
“Hey, it’s just Carly. She’s here to get her room key,” Alex softly said. 
I nodded my head and let go of her. I moved over so that I had my head on the pillow as I watched Alex get up to go answer the door. I tensed when she disappeared from my line of sight but I could hear her and Carly talking.
It didn’t take long before Carly and Alex both came over to the bed. Alex climbed in the bed behind me while Carly knelt down by the bed. She gave me a sad smile.
“Hey, kid.”
“Hey, Carly. I have your card.”
“Yeah, I know. What happened? You were so excited to get to spend some time with Millie.”
“Yeah, we’re over,” I sighed. Carly furrowed her brow in confusion. “I walked in and she was there with Greenwood. In bed.”
“That dumb bitch.”
“She thought I was having an affair.”
“Listen to me, kid,” Carly placed a hand under my chin causing me to keep my eyes trained on her. “Millie’s an idiot and I’m gonna kick her ass, okay. You are gonna be okay. Your teammates love you and they’ll have your back. You’re going to bounce back from this and show Millie that she should have treated you better.”
Carly placed a kiss on the top of my head before standing up. She looked at Alex.
“You better take care of her, Morgan. I won’t hesitate to kick your ass, too.”
Alex nodded and I watched as Carly left. Alex just held me for a while. I eventually turned over so that I could face her. I knew she had questions.
“So, Telfrod seems over protective of you.”
“Well, when you guys are roommates for two years, it tends to happen.”
Alex nodded and went quiet again. It was killing me now. The fact that she wouldn’t ask me even though I knew what she wanted to ask me.
“Millie and I started dating a little over a year ago,” I started to explain. Alex frowned as she furrowed her brow. “We didn’t tell anyone. Only our teammates at Chelsea knew. At first we wanted to keep it on the downlow in case it didn’t work out because we were at the same club and then we just wanted some time for oursevles. Before we knew it, it was World Cup year and we didn’t want  to stress our teammates out with the news so we decided that we were going to wait until after the World Cup ended.”
“It was going to get rough with you coming back to the US to play,” Alex pointed out.
“Yeah, Millie definitely didn’t like that,” I nodded. It hurt me to even think about the fact that Millie and I were growing apart anyways. “Did you have any other kinds of questions about it?”
“Just don’t leave, Alex.”
“I promise-”
“Don’t promise me you won’t leave. Just don’t leave. I don’t think I can handle another promise right now,” I cut her off. Alex nodded as she placed a kiss on my head before pulling me closer to her.
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