#really in my reed900 and gavin feelings
shadowgale96 · 2 years
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RK800: Connor
RK900: Nines
Rk800_60: Sixty
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dirty-droid · 2 months
NoTP, do you have any?
I've been fully done with Gavin Reed for ages now, there was a light phase where I was cool with his fandom and stuff, but I can't stand his inclusion in just about anything anymore, so Kamski and Gavin, Connor and Gavin, Hank and Gavin, the RK900 and Gavin, I've got the man himself blocked, but my favorite one to hate is Convin. I'm just, very aware that reed900's rise to fame was born out of an interest in the Hankcon ship dynamic so it's hard not to understand Gavin as a cheap, unpleasant Hank knockoff, and shipping him with Connor, especially romantically more than sexually, just makes my skin crawl. I just don't like it.
I've got it blocked.
Honestly now that I think about it, that's probably why I don't like 60/Allen either. I love a good pair the spares situation in a cast but it still, just feels like some kind of Hankcon knockoff. A lot of 60 or Gavin content ends up just being really 'haha, it's fun and cool because they're mean and that's sexy" without dimension... But for some reason I hate it more if more dimension is added 🤣
idk, I've become quite the hater the longer I've hung around here, I think I'm just done trying to flesh out the world and I just wanna focus on the characters I actually like, of which there are few. So I don't like much of the Hankcon world-building ships, yanno, all the stuff going on with all the other cops at the precinct, with Fowler and whoever else, I don't really care about these cops, I like my little guys and that's that.
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16ruedelaverrerie · 1 year
Are you still active in the dbh fandom? I love seeing your art and your characterisations of the characters... I especially love how fucking weird your reed900 is
Also the F1 au. I neeeeeeeed the F1 au
Is it a tremendous coincidence that your message came within a few hours of me posting a DBH comic, anon??? I'm active! Technically I've never really been inactive in the sense that I've... never for a moment stopped feeling love for DBH or guilt about how I should be producing more DBH content... but admittedly, producing nothing for more than half a year is... a form of inactivity.
Anyway, slow though I am with both art and writing, there will definitely be more of both in the future. Also I genuinely love that you called my brand of reed900 "fucking weird"!!!!!! THAT'S SO FLATTERING. I'M SO FLATTERED. THANK YOU. In my heart of hearts I think my reed900 is hella normal (if stunningly stupid), but of course I'm SO PLEASED that you think it's fucking weird!!!
THERE WILL ALSO BE MORE F1 AU FROM ME IN THE FUTURE, OBVIOUSLY. Hard Drive will continue to be the only fic form of F1 AU to exist, because I will never know enough about F1 to actually write anything long-form, but timestamp art and short comics? Hell yeah. Do you want to hear about how earlyish in my time in DBH fandom, I accidentally mentally made Allen into a very particular type of side character that I gravitate towards in every fandom, and now I can't stop putting him into every AU that lives in my head? Do you want to hear about how in F1 AU, Allen is the physiotherapist for Cyberlife Racing and his entire job is to just touch Gavin at all hours of the day and murmur low comments about how tight he is? This Allen is 100% the exact same Allen as Les Mignardises Allen and all I ever do is throw this fabricated man into scenarios just to fulfill my very specific needs. I HAVE TO STOP TALKING NOW
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rhube · 27 days
Yo, yo, yo! The best Detroit: Become Human comics are now on AO3!!
Great artwork, great characterisation. It's Reed900, but a much more interesting and (to me) plausible take on RK900 than I usually see. Snarky, but also emotionally intelligent. The chemistry between him and Gavin is great. And it's great as a redemption are for Gavin, to.
Also the characters and costumes are really hot.
And there's a dog and the dog is BEYOND cute.
Strongly recommended. Feel like it could be enjoyed even if you don't know the game, but I could be wrong about that.
I'm just excited to see it on AO3 and potentially getting a new audience and the attention it deserves.
(This is NOT the comic I just found the other day, for those who saw me commenting on that. I first read this pretty early on in my DBH fanning. )
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brandnewhuman · 1 year
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Big sad robo boy Nines and his mean himbo human Gavin Reed
Tw: description of panic attack, mention of suicide. Mature language, THERE'S ANGST BUT THIS TIME I HAD THE DECENCY TO ADD COMFORT DW. Gavin just being Gavin I guess and nines having big ass feelings
Summary: Gavin finally succeeds in his questionable attempt at make Nines vent
A/n: I'm having too much fun in my own little Dbh world lately. Kamcon has already gone through my atrocious writing so now it's reed900 turn. I WAS WATCHING I,ROBOT A FEW DAYS AGO SO YOU ALL KNOW WHERE THE ANSGT IS COMING FROM. Shout-out to @the-anxious-youth for helping me so much with this and for putting up with me and my Dbh brainrot bullshit lol. AND @hamartia-grander I TOLD YOU I WOULD TAG YOU SO HERE YOU GO, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.
The car ride was uncomfortably quiet and it was driving Nines insane. He could feel the mean comment from Gavin coming and he found himself wishing he would just get over it and say it, to just start the inevitable argument that was about to happen. He hated that feeling, the gnawing dread of knowing someone was judging him and he couldn't do anything about it.
He couldn't for the life of him understand why the detective seemed to have all this hatred for him, considering he has been beyond patient and accommodating as a partner.
He knew why other people avoided him, why rooms seemed to quiet down as soon as he put a foot in them, he knew why everyone tried to avoid asking him anything as much as possible. He's scary, he's intimidating and unsettling, and he knows it. He also knows too that when people look at him they can't help but see Connor and then get disappointed when the similarities between his brother and him are just merely physical. He has learned recently after recent events that their physical likeness makes people ever more upset and avoid him.
But, sometimes, Gavin's behaviour towards him seemed to go so far beyond his distaste for androids, it felt personal. Every time they seem to get close to what one could call friendship something happens and they get to square one, getting at each other's throat and tearing apart all the progress they've made.
While normally it doesn't affect Nines too much, he had started to notice certain things the detective said seemed to cut through his wall of indifference, he felt hurt like really hurt all of the sudden and it only made him even more stressed.
Maybe it was his already heavy baggage of personal matters that was starting to catch on with him or maybe it was the fact that the detective's opinion mattered more than what he would like to admit, but he did find it increasingly more difficult to recover from his arguments with Gavin.
Admittedly lately, the reason for his annoyance towards the detective wasn't really about arguments or fights since they have been surprisingly sporadic nowadays. It was more about the detective trying to get some sort of reaction out of him for almost everything. Going out of his way to mind Nines's businesses and, rather rudely sometimes, doubt his deviancy.
Normally he would just deal with all of that by ignoring him and move Gavin's focus towards other things but today everything was going just… wrong. The day couldn't go any slower and the entire universe seemed hellbent testing his already thin mental stability. It shouldn't be surprising that Gavin would push it even further too.
"You're not gonna say anything tin can? I mean…that girl died in front of you and you didn't even flinch" His voice was unusually calm, somewhat tired. He kept his eyes on the road, a frown on his face as his grip loosened on the wheel.
"There's nothing to say detective, the android was going to self-destruct regardless. Besides, I don't make a habit of making cases a personal affair to me" the rk900 replied with his usual flat, matter-of-fact tone. He hated it, it only proved Gavin's point more. His eyes kept observing the empty night streets of Detroit outside the window. He wasn't sure looking at Gavin right now would make any good to his already foul mood.
The detective scoffed softly and shook his head. "So that's it for you, why care if they're gonna kill themselves anyway?" He retorted, his words didn't carry the usual harshness or spiteful tone that seemed to come so naturally out of Gavin. No, it was something even worse, it was disappointment.
The thing is, Gavin wasn't disappointed. If anything, he was worried, like he has been ever since Connor had been gone.
Nines was this unbreakable and unfailable force of nature who never took a wrong step or showed weakness, a perfect and balanced being always accomplishing every mission with a perfect score. And for the longest time, it made Gavin melt in pure fury, to see how everything he had worked so hard to achieve was so easy to do for Nines. Even if the android was guilty of Gavin's worst traits too he seemed to pull them off as something useful and almost admirable, while on Gavin they were just a list of his countless bad qualities that would always set him up for failure.
Now it was just sickening to see how much they share, how much of his self-destructive nature Nines seemed to have. He wasn't perfect, he was just ready to ruin his life to prove he could be.
He couldn't exactly pinpoint the moment he realised the unbelievable pressure the android put on himself but he knew that somewhere along the way he just couldn't find it in himself to be so hard with Nines on purpose.
He knew being such an ass right now was uncalled for but he recognised the signs of someone just bottling everything inside, he knew what would come out of it too and wanted nothing more than to spare it to Nines.
He needed to get it all out and Gavin knew that a more gentle approach would work on other people but not on Nines, so being an ass had to do it.
They had come to a point of what he would like to think of as more than just work partners (god knows that Nines had to endure too many of Gavin's personal and embarrassing moments to be just called a coworker) and to hurt his feelings was something Gavin was certainly not enjoying but he just kept pushing through it, telling himself that it for the sake of his beloved tin can.
"Do you feel fucking bad at least? Did you think about doing something?" He took his eyes off the road for a second to look at the android. His led has been spinning a steady red ever since they left the scene and honestly it was starting to scare the shit out of Gavin.
Suddenly Nines felt very self-conscious of his led but didn't feel like doing anything to change it besides tilting his head a little bit more towards the window.
"There wasn't anything for me to do." The android replied quietly. He just wanted to get home as soon as possible and forget everything about today.
He did feel bad, horrible even but he just couldn't bring it out and it was making him even angrier than it was making Gavin disappointed.
It was an easy case, something he could've handled without a bat of an eye but he froze. The android that was still there, hiding away in the crime scene, shot herself just when Nines and Gavin found her.
She was responsible for the body bleeding out not far from where she hid, there was no doubt. And she was…so scared. Even without interfacing, he was able to see this was a self-defence case, but she was terrified and even more when she laid her eyes upon Nines. That stare he would get from some people at the police station, that glance of fear, it was the same she was holding then. He was so close he could've stopped her but he just couldn't, something inside him, like a glitch, rooted him in place.
He couldn't explain why he didn't do anything, or rather he didn't want to admit why he just froze. One thing was certain, it wasn't because he didn't care
It had been too many things at once; she reminded him in some unexplainable way of Connor, of how he looked the last time he saw him. She reminded him of the androids that more often than not, upon seeing him, still seemed uncomfortable and intimidated. It felt like suddenly all that was making him feel bad became too loud and big to ignore it.
He knows how it must have looked from the outside, him just staring without doing anything to stop her from killing herself. But he was just struck down by a violent wave of really overwhelming and negative emotions.
Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was her body flopping to the floor and the thirium spluttering out of her head.
His led spinned a darker shade of red and he rolled slightly his shoulders to try and get some tension off.
Gavin's grey eyes trained forward, trying to not dwell too much on what he was about to say. "God…you really don't feel fucking anything don't you tin can? Are you even sure you're a deviant? Cause it sure doesn't seem like it" he breathed out, sighing a humourless laugh.
Nines's hands, which neatly folded on his lap, clenched slightly and his whole body tensed. "Detective Reed, I think I have made it clear that there was nothing else to do. The case has been closed" his voice was low and dark, it didn't leave any room to misinterpret what he meant with his last sentence.
"Why are you so defensive, uh tin can? Are you angry because the suspect got away? Is that it?" Gavin replied with his most sarcastic tone, swallowing hard as the tension grew inside the vehicle. He wouldn't let Nines's intimidation tactics stir him away, not this time.
"You said yourself, you don't get invested during cases so why are you so fucking aggressive about it?" He stole a glance at the android, the window reflecting a very dark and concerning red light from his temple. "Why don't you fucking say the truth? I felt worse than you and it's not even one of my own"
"Detective Reed, you're deliberately twisting the situation more than-"
"No cause everyone gives me shit for being insensitive or rude but you-" he breathed out a bitter laugh "you get the fucking shit cake of insensitivity. A girl kills herself in front of you and you just fucking get over it like nothing"
"Detective, It's enough."
"All those fucking emotions you say you have, are they even there?"
"Reed, you're pushing it." The android muttered through gritted teeth. His jaw piece could've snapped from how hard he was clenching it.
Gavin could swear that if Nines needed to breathe his breaths would be laboured from anger, but he couldn't stop "why? Why should I care? You didn't give a single flying fuck, why should I then?"
"Admit it!! Just fucking say it!! Stop pretending to be a fucking person and just get over it and fucking admit it!!" The man demanded. His voice matched Nines's in intensity, his knuckles turning white from his tight grip on the wheel and his shoulders tense under the pressure of the imminent outburst on the android's part.
"Shut up…shut up shut up SHUT UP!" Nine's usually flat voice seemed unnatural when he shouted, his head snapping towards Gavin with a murderous look in his eyes. He was glaring at Gavin with such intensity he would've expected the man to just start to burn spontaneously. He could feel every beat of his thirium pump inside his ears and his HUD was flooded with flashy and red warnings of high-level stress.
Gavin flinched slightly at the sight and thanked God he was able to stop the car since they were on a relatively isolated road, he didn't trust himself to keep driving. He felt incredibly small now against Nines rage, mostly because he was caught by surprise rather than from actual fear.
"I do care!! I don't fucking understand why is so vital for you to know but I do!! I feel SICK I can't even fucking think properly because all I hear is her bloody head getting blown off!!" The rk900 upper lip twitched with anger with every word, his hands were now closed in fists. His eyes were no longer a light calm blue but rather a darker and angry one.
"I don't what the fuck have I done to you to be always so hellbent on tormenting me with the most hurtful things Reed but I'm. Done. YOU HEAR ME?! Done." His voice trembled lightly and his eyes sported what seemed the glossy tells of blue tears.
All Gavin could do was watch and let him talk, flinching slightly every time Nines raised his voice. He was afraid that if he tried to interrupt the android would just try to recollect himself as always so he did his best to not just blurt out a string of apologies.
"I'm. Not. A. Bad. Person." Nines hissed, his lips trembling with every word, struggling to not let his impending tears make him stutter. "I know what I was created for and what everyone seems to think of me but that doesn't give any of you the right to make me feel bad just over something I CAN'T FUCKING HELP!" he shouted once more.
He closed his eyes as if he was blinded by his anger which at the same time freed the tears, his hands and body were now shaking. Gavin wished for nothing more than to reach out and dry his tears, his face contorted in distress as he had to watch the seemingly always put-together android fall apart.
"EVERYONE acts like this I'm fucking monster and It's not fair, it's NOT!" His silent tears were now starting to turn into violent sobs, he couldn't stop shaking and somehow it felt like his thirium pump had grown in size and it was threatening to burst out of his ribcage.
Logically he knew that he couldn't experience pain but he did and it was making him panic. He leaned slightly forward, gripping his chest and squeezing his eyes shut as hard as possible, desperately trying to shut down all the angry alerts displayed in his HUD.
"I know that everyone looks at me and sees him and they ask themselves why the hell I'm not as gentle and kind as him. Do you know how it feels reed? DO YOU?! To know that all people can see it's the stupid reminder that the version of their friend that didn't like it's there while THE OTHER HAS DIED!" his yelling was more of a strained cry and to get it all out he had to shake his head slightly. His sobs were so violent that he had to lean forward to curl on himself as possible, just to feel some pressure over his chest so it would make the weird sensation of being seconds away from a heart attack go away.
Panic flooded through Gavin's veins and he felt his heart drop to the darkest pit of his stomach
"shit shit! Nines hey! I'm sorry, okay?! But you need to calm down I was just-" The detective tried to reach for the android's hands that were clawing at his chest but Nines flinched away, like a wild hurt animal trying to protect himself
"D-don't." Nines sneered at him, giving him a look more akin to panic than to anger. His lips quivered slightly as fury washed over him once again.
"you…you're always saying the most horrible things, you're always making me feel like nothing more than a heartless piece of plastic." The android voice was barely a whisper now. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, almost trying to swallow back his words just to fail miserably.
"I don't have anyone Gavin, anyone left…
except you.." another sob racked his body before he breathed out a humourless laugh "and..and you don't even like me!!..." he dug the heels of his palms into his eyes, his face scrunching in pain and with the struggle of trying to stop crying.
"Connor is gone and Hank too and I don't have anything left and…" he paused, taking a useless deep breath, running his hands through his hair desperately. Never once opening his eyes.
" I didn't want her to die," he explained with a strained voice. His face twitched as he tried to hold back the tears.
"She reminded me of him and I couldn't take it and I didn't want to touch her 'cause I didn't want to feel her die. I didn't want to-...i-" he tilted his head to the other side, hiding it with his arms so Gavin couldn't see his face, even if now was too late for that.
"I didn't want to feel what Connor felt when he…" he clenched his jaw so hard that a warning of facial damage popped into his hud. He felt empty and so tired which he had never thought possible but he did. He just felt like with every word a piece of him dissolved away with them.
He felt like if he finished that sentence then he would never be able to pull himself back together, that he would just break into pieces and it would never be okay again.
It seemed like some sort of understanding settled between the two of them at the mention of Connor's name since Gavin didn't try to mutter a single word about what Nines had left unsaid. During the android's rant he just listened, truly listened, and watched his friend crumble under the weight of his own sorrow.
He could feel his own eyes getting wet as Nines kept talking, holding his breath hoping it would make his heart slow down and hurt less. He forcefully pulled himself together before Nines could see him.
The android turned his head to look at the detective, lowering his arms to fully face him. He could only imagine what he looked like right now. His hair was a mess, his face coloured with the blue android version of a blush, a shade lighter of thirium staining every corner of his cheeks and eyes.
"I know you're not a bad person Nines…" Gavin mentally applauded himself for being able to keep a steady voice without breaking eye contact with his partner. He fidgeted frantically with a loose thread of his jacket, swallowing hard as he racked his brain to find the right words, "I know you miss him, and that you feel alone. I can see that all this emotions stuff is fucking hard for you" he allowed himself to tear his eyes away from Nines for the sake of not losing the small amount of courage he has managed to gather, "The thing is…that feelings suck ass for everyone and no one knows how to make it better" his breath hitched slightly and his eyes flickered towards the android before glancing back at his hands.
Nines gaze seemed empty and for a moment it could've looked like he wasn't listening at all, but he was. He didn't move an inch while the detective talked, letting his voice drown out his own thoughts and focusing on what he was saying instead of what was going on inside of him.
"What I'm trying to say tincan is that…" his lips twitched slightly as he tried to put together his poor attempt at comforting his disheartened android, "Nines, nothing bad, and i mean nothing, is going to happen if you admit you're not feeling great. Or that you're feeling something in general" this time his own grey eyes holded the android's blue gaze without hesitation.
Gavin's face and voice held nothing but genuine understanding and Nines seemed to flourish under it. It spread through his whole body as some sort of warm and calming wave making his led go back gradually to a serene blue, the tension on his synthetic muscles finally rolling off. The effects of Gavin's words were in equal parts scary and exhilarating in how they made Nines feel.
The realisation of how well Gavin could read him came so suddenly it almost left the android feeling dizzy. It sounded a lot like a corny movie cliché but everything seemed to finally come together in his puzzle of very confusing and frustrating interactions with the detective that always left him feeling as if Reed's animosity was with the purpose of just making his life miserable. How wrong he had been and how much his own distress clouded his judgement to think that all of this was just part of some childish rivalry between them.
Nines shouldn't have found it as surprising as he did that Gavin's help came in the form of aggression.
The detective didn't need a reply from the android to know that somehow the message had gone through. He nodded slightly more to himself than to Nines and allowed the humming from his car engine to fill the silence that had somehow become comfortable and free of the previous tension. A pair of blue eyes glanced from time to time at him with an almost shy gaze in them, making his features softened everytime a little more.
Despite the arguments and the fights or how much they would end up offending each other, Gavin wasn't just all he had but all he needed, whether he wanted to admit it or not. One day, he promised to himself, he would tell Gavin how much this meant to him.
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iwonderwh0 · 10 months
how frequently do you read fan fiction? and do you have any dbh fanfics to recommend? please do share!!
Rarely. I'm sure there are amazing fics I've been recommended that I still haven't read, because yeah, I rarely have a mood to read them and I'm a slow reader. Also I have this annoying tendency to abandon fics after a few paragraphs or chapters for quite random reasons.
Anyways, here's a list of things I've read and I think I can recommend:
A Ghost by Midnight -THE BEST ONE I'VE EVER READ. Just painfully amazing, it honestly blew my mind that a fiction can make me feel SO MUCH, because no other media EVER hurt me like this fanfiction did, just holy fuck, there is one sentence that just breaks my heart every time I remember it even now. This is a piece of art, a masterpiece. Every damn sentence is perfect and feels like a punch in the gut. Read it if you want text to physically hurt you. There is technically a second part, but I'm not going to recommend it because it was abandoned on a cliff-hanger and honestly this (technically first) part is perfect the way it is on its own.
Cast & Sugar - one shot, really cute one (the only non-hurt thing in this whole list, lol), centres around PM700. Really poetically well written. If you'll like this one, I also recommend another PM700 centric fic by the same author You can't kill me
ALSO from this author there's an amazing comics ZENO that technically isn't a fic, but I feel like it belongs here ZENO - it's not finished, but hopefully some day it will
You are enough - fun fact, it was the first fanfiction I've read in my life and in dbh fandom specifically. It's reed900, and even though it's not my cup of tea NOW, back then I really liked it, so if you like hurt/comfort and reed900, you'll probably like this one.
Detroit Become Nothing - another 'technically not a fic', but I must mention it. It's a text-based game that has different outcomes depending on how you play it. It has a fic attached to it, yes, but go play it first. Once again, it's quite heavy stuff. Honestly I am scared to play it again, so I still don't know all the outcomes. But give it some love, this is amazing.
Next two ones are Hankcon with lots of hurt
Eternal Winter - this one is written in a really addictive way that gave me shit ton on emotions, but it is REALLY Connor-centric. Author did what we all dream about and just tortured the shit out of him both mentally and physically. I imagine, it must've been really fun to write. Beware of tags, but this one isn't graphic, unlike the next one
Buried Beneath the Snow - MIND THE FUCKING TAGS, this one is really dead dove kind of situation. I'm honestly not sure if I should recommend it, because this thing is really graphic, cruel and well, it is fucked up. I probably wouldn't read it if I knew how graphic shit gets (I'm pretty sure I didn't check the tags AT ALL when I started reading it), but the writing in is absolutely fantastic, so when I realised how vile this thing is, it was too late to stop. Also it'll make you hate Gavin so fucking much you won't be able to see him the fanon way again. So, beware. This thing is brutal, so really think twice before reading it if you end up deciding to try.
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Beg for Permission
Relationship: Gavin Reed/Nines (RK900)
Rating: Explicit (18+, MINORS DNI)
Content Warnings: Nonbinary Upgraded Connor | RK900, Dirty Talk, Bladder Control, Watersports, Wetting, reed900’s piss kink, Dom Nines, Sub Gavin, that’s right Gavin pisses himself again, I just can’t help myself, Ass-Eating, Spit as Lube, but it’s android spit so it’s fine, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Wall Sex, Cum Eating, Aftercare 
Summary: Gavin has to ask Nines first every time he wants to use the bathroom while Nines, for whatever reason, just will not stop bringing him refreshments. It’s almost like his partner wants him to piss himself, but surely they would never plan for something like that to happen!
A/N: Nonbinary Nines returns! They use they/them pronouns, and words used for their sex characteristics are: cock and dick (kind of an underwhelming reveal but trust me they fuck for a WHILE)
Word Count: 2,352
Gavin’s car beeped as he and Nines crossed the DPD parking lot. For once, Gavin was in a chipper mood, because Nines had bought him a large order of his favorite coffee on the way to work, and he knew exactly what that meant: today was a holding day. 
He was already somewhat worked up, trying to mask his blush and giddy smile to seem like his usually cynical, bored self. Plopping down in his chair, Gavin turned on his terminal and got to work. 
As the day progressed, Nines brought Gavin coffee after coffee accompanied by water after water, excusing the excessive number of drinks as simply feeding their partner’s caffeine addiction and keeping him hydrated. 
Two hours and three cups of each drink later, Gavin started to feel the effects of having so much fluid in his system. He shifted in place, trying to relieve the slight pressure of his filling bladder, and pulled out his phone to text Nines (a requirement of holding days). 
gav > can i pls piss 
gav > i really gotta go 
tin can > No. 
Gavin felt a rush go through him, smiling down at his lover’s response before getting back to work. 
After another three hours and four cups of water, Gavin had his legs crossed under his desk, teeth gritted and thighs clenched as his belt cut into his now-swollen bladder. He was half-hard and unable to focus on anything other than holding in the torrent he knew was on its way. 
gav > my hands are shaking like crazy
gav > 9s idk if i can do this
tin can > You can, and you will. 
gav > kinky bastard
tin can > You seem to forget that, although this was initially my idea, it took absolutely no convincing to get you on board. 
gav > can i pleaseeee just go??
tin can > No.
A few heads turned his way, having heard Gavin’s groan of frustration. Downing his last cup of water, he masked the noise as his usual hatred of paperwork. All Gavin could do was try to look busy, typing different variations of, “i am soooo working and definitely dont HATE MY PARTNER >:((,” before looking up to see Nines glaring at him, who evidently saw it on their shared document. 
Half an hour of passive aggressive to downright slanderous comments on their documents had passed when Gavin’s phone buzzed with a new message from the main antagonist of his life (also known as Nines). 
tin can > You know, insulting me isn’t going to get you to the bathroom any sooner. 
gav > ughhhh youre the worst
tin can > That’s no better. 
gav > yk maybe i wouldnt be so rude if you would just let me go piss
gav > i feel like im gonna explode
tin can > Quit being dramatic; you’re fine. You can hold it. 
Gavin put his phone back on his desk, drumming his fingers and trying his hardest to keep the floodgates shut and locked. 
Ten minutes passed, and he’d continued his efforts to hold everything in, but to no avail. Suddenly, Gavin felt a few drops leak out of his fully hardened dick, finally having reached his limit. He squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his thighs together and willing it to stop, and luckily it did. Soon, though, hopes and prayers wouldn’t be able to tide him over. 
gav > 9s i swear to god i will piss myself RIGHT HERE if you dont let me go NOW
tin can > Fine. I suppose I wouldn’t want you making a mess of yourself. 
tin can > Not here, anyway. 
Somewhat relieved, Gavin turned his chair to get up. His phone buzzed again.  
tin can > Did I say you could leave?
With a huff, Gavin sat back down. Ignoring his glare, Nines came around to Gavin’s side of their shared desk and sat on the edge. 
“Gavin, you don’t look so well,” Nines said, feigning concern. 
“I wonder why,” Gavin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. 
“I think it’s in your best interest to leave early. Here, I’ll drive you home,” Nines suggested (though Gavin could tell it wasn’t a choice). 
The second he stood, however, he felt his cock dribble, wetting the front of his boxers; he immediately sat back down. His face must’ve turned beet red, because Nines’ look softened and they helped him up to his feet, slinging one of his arms over their shoulder for support and walking him slowly out of the precinct. 
To Gavin’s surprise, instead of going to his car, Nines steered him to the back-alley behind the precinct, just out of sight from prying eyes. As they rounded the corner to their final destination, Gavin doubled over, holding his groin and groaning as his bladder spasmed and ached for release. 
“Ni-i-i-i-nes,” the detective croaked. 
“I know, my love, just a bit longer for me,” Nines cooed. “You’re doing so well.”
In a blink, Nines pushed Gavin against the wall next to them and pressed their lips to his. He was trapped between them and the hard surface to his back, his hips held in place by his partner’s large hands and his bladder groaning as Nines ground into him, their height putting their cock right against it. 
“Ha-a-ah-” Gavin gasped, putting every fiber of his being into keeping everything inside him. It was incredibly difficult to focus with Nines shoving their tongue into his mouth, stealing the air from his lungs; another roll of their hips coaxed a few more drops out of him, finally dampening his jeans. The android must’ve heard the whimper he let out, because they instantly started palming at his very prominent bulge, squeezing it as they felt a small leak soak through and moaning softly into his mouth before pulling away to let Gavin breathe. 
“I don’t remember giving you permission to go,” Nines scolded. 
“I-I’m sorry,” their boyfriend stammered, furrowing his brow with the effort it took to stop. 
Nines stared down at him for a moment, most likely considering his punishment. One moment, they had him firmly in place with his back to the wall, and the next, Gavin’s face was squished against it, his legs kicked apart and his ass pushed out against Nines’ pelvis. The surprise of it all forced another spurt of piss out of him, and Gavin whimpered again. His partner took a moment just to feel him, running their hands up his chest, squeezing his tits, and pinching his nipples before moving down his sides to his waist. Nines brought them around to press on his swollen bladder, reveling in the moans they pulled out of him, all before unbuckling his belt and slipping the button out of his jeans, bucking their hips into his ass at the sigh of relief he let out.
Putting an end to the teasing, the android hooked the long fingers of one hand under the waistband of Gavin’s jeans and circled those of the other hand around the base of his cock to keep him from letting go – in any capacity – before he was allowed to. When it was clear Gavin wouldn’t lose control any time soon, Nines slowly pulled his pants to his ankles and dropped to their knees with them, groaning at the sight of their boyfriend’s plush ass. A yelp turned into a whine as Gavin felt sharp teeth sink into it. 
Cutting right to the chase, Nines licked a long stripe from his taint up over his hole, which was fluttering with the effort of holding. Gavin let out a loud groan as they pushed their long tongue past the ring of tight muscle, thrusting in and out to lubricate the area with their artificial saliva. The android soon thrust a finger in with their tongue to little resistance, probing for his sweet spot and finding it almost immediately, before pushing in a second and scissoring the digits to stretch Gavin out. By the third finger, he was whining for Nines to hurry up, but his pleads fell on deaf ears. After all, they needed to make as much room as possible for their dick; even with the prep, it would inevitably be just a little bit too big. 
Gavin was nothing but a squirming mess, just barely grasping what little dignity he had left, panting with the effort of holding for this long. All of a sudden, Nines stopped and stood up behind him, still clasping the base of his length. 
“I’m going to let go of your dick now, and you’re going to continue to hold it. We wouldn’t want you wetting yourself, now would we?” Nines whispered in his ear. 
A sob racked Gavin’s body. “I don’t know if I can…”
“You can, and you will,” Nines responded sternly. Then, softer, “Color?”
“G-green,” Gavin stuttered. Nines simply responded with a kiss to the cheek and got to work unbuckling their belt and unbuttoning their pants. 
Unlike Connor, who wore underwear as a courtesy in case he somehow got pantsed during an investigation, Nines had a complete disregard for basic public decency. This proved incredibly convenient for their and Gavin’s very healthy sex life, just one less layer for them to remove when they were in the mood. The human knew better than to turn around when he heard the slick sounds of Nines stroking themself to full mast, despite his curiosity; it’d only put more pressure on his bladder, and that was the last thing he needed. 
The sound stopped, and Gavin felt the moist head of the android’s cock rub over his aching hole, slowly rocking the tip in and out. Fucking tease. After a few more passes, they finally pushed fully into him at a torturously slow pace until they bottomed out. Gavin’s rasped groans echoed through the alley as he took every inch, wincing when they pressed against his bladder from the inside. Nines let out soft moans in time with their boyfriend’s clenches, allowing him to adjust to their size. 
Within seconds, Nines’ patience ran out, and they began to slam into Gavin with no remorse. Taking enough force to bruise, another sob racked his body. His partner was strategically hitting his bladder with every thrust, and he wasn’t going to make it much longer. 
“Please, Nines, can I please piss? I’ll be so good, I promise, just please let me piss!” Gavin begged them. 
“Just a little longer, my love,” Nines promised. 
When the android ran a large hand from their boyfriend’s hip to lay over his bladder and pressed, Gavin’s control began to slip. He sprung a leak, piss running down his length in a slow stream, soaking into his boxers and the crotch of his jeans beneath him. Nines noticed almost immediately, and promptly punished him with a hard slap to the ass. In shock from the blow, the human let out a full spurt, which hit the brick wall in front of him.  
“Please!” Gavin sobbed. 
“Alright, you can let go, baby. You know I can’t resist when you beg,” Nines cooed, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. They adjusted their aim to hit his prostate directly at an inhuman pace, and Gavin was done for. 
Finally, finally, he could release, and so he did. Gavin started pissing full-force, letting out a long, drawn-out groan with the satisfaction of both emptying his bladder and Nines pushing hard into his sweet spot. His cock bobbed with every thrust, rhythmically spraying onto the lower half of his shirt, splattering against the wall, soaking the cuffs of his jeans, showering over his shoes, and coming back again. 
“God, I fucking love your pretty noises, and the smell- drives my olfactory sensors wild, honey,” Nines groaned. “Shit, do you even know the things you do to me? Dear god, you’re so fucking good, love you so much- unh, Gavin!”
Nines swearing and moaning was just about the hottest thing Gavin ever heard. When his bladder was finally empty, the human was completely enveloped in pleasure. Pre was dripping down his dick into his underwear, and he was so close to cumming; all he needed was permission. 
“Mmph, love you and your cock! Ohh, fuck, Nines! Can I cum? Please, god, can I cum? Need it so fucking bad!”
“Go ahead baby, you’ve been so good for me,” Nines moaned. 
A deep groan echoed throughout the alley as Gavin came, the fluid hitting the wall and falling into the puddle of piss below, his hole spasming around the android’s length. Nines pressed flush against him and came deep inside him with a grunt, an arm wrapped around him and a hand on his hip squeezing with a bruising grip. 
Gavin could feel their hot breath against his shoulder as his lover turned on their internal fans so as not to overheat. When the two finally came down, Nines pulled out; Gavin could feel their synthetic cum dripping down his thighs. Two fingers dragged across his leaking entrance, and he looked back in time to catch the android sucking their fingers clean, his cock twitching weakly at the sight. Gavin pulled up his jeans and underwear in an unnecessary attempt at modesty. 
“Oh, goddamn it,” Gavin mumbled, having forgotten about the cum and piss that soaked the wall until he turned around and leaned against it. 
“It’s not like that’s going to make you any more of a mess than you already are, dear,” Nines chuckled, an amused look on their face. 
“Shit, I am kinda gross, aren’t I?” Gavin noticed. 
“Don’t worry, I planned for this,” they assured. After helping their boyfriend out of his clothes, the android pulled a sealed bag from a conveniently placed cardboard box nearby, taking a pack of wet wipes out for Gavin’s sticky skin. They tenderly wiped him down, then pulled out a soft change of clothes for him to put on, offering their arm to keep him steady. 
Once Gavin was ready to leave, Nines draped their jacket and an arm gently over his shoulders and walked him to their car, holding him close and making sure he knew just how much they loved him. 

A/N: This was a fun one! It’s been a month in the making and I’m very happy to have it finished. 
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Tattoo anon here coming out of hiding (I was worried it would be weird)! I really want to get "Tell me about Rome." As a tattoo somewhere. I know it's not the most poetic line from your huge reed900 fic, but for some reason, it really sticks out to me. In my mind, it feels like, "I can't say that I think I love you with the limited feelings I have. I can't say I want to spend the foreseeable future by your side. I can't say I trust you more than I ever have anyone else. So instead... Tell Me About Rome." Y'know?
It wasn't and couldn't be an "I love you," not with the way everything up to that point has gone, but the way the scene is set, it feels like the closest Nines can and will allow himself to be vulnerable in that way. I don't know if this is the way you intended that all to come across, but I I'd love to hear more about your writing process and brain space while writing! I'm probably rambling at this point but uhhh.... yeah.
that is exactly what I intended!!
neither of them can say I love you at this point, or really even process that realization for themselves, BUT they both consider this other person to be their Partner. that's their person. Gavin even outright says in an earlier talk that his loyalty is first and foremost to his partner--not his Captain, not the law, not the case. he'll do whatever needs to be done to support and back up his partner, but only if he knows Nines has his back the same way
and so much of this is New to Nines. even if he did want to have a friendship or a romantic relationship the way I think Connor really wants to connect with Hank (however you see that relationship), this is still one of his very first connections with another person. he has Connor (sibling), Hank (father figure), and I tried to show how he's tentatively making friends with Tina and his own lil friend group down in the morgue, but he's experiencing all of this for the very first time!! he's much more cautious about it and risk-averse than Connor,
that's without even getting into his labyrinth work-arounds for Not Technically Deviating or the frustration of trying to figure out platontic/romantic/sexual attraction when you're autistic and have no idea if the feelings YOU feel are the same feelings other people feel. all you've ever known is that when you feel things, it's always the Bad and Wrong things (<<my own personal experience with being autistic)
at the risk of the mortifying idea of being Known, every major relationship I write starts out as either a childhood friendship and/or some external reason for them to be considered Partners. then I develop it to become romantic, bc I like that shit, but that's just adding frosting to cake. the point is having two (or more) people who choose to live their lives together, to trust and commit to each other, to love one another in the sense of just genuinely enjoying this other person's company and presence in their life
"this person makes my life better, and I am going to hold them close and spend my time with them and hope I make them better too"
"Tell me about Rome."
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moviemuncherao3 · 9 months
A little introduction/get to know me thing I guess
Name: You can call me MM, movie, my full penname or Roo
Age: I am a virgo born in 1998
Pronouns: I use she/her pronouns but I am really not bothered what you use for me, my name is pretty unisex and people have used he/him or they/them for me before.
From: Manchester, England
Ao3: I am on Ao3 of course under the name Moviemuncher and I write for various fandoms but mostly Detroit: Become Human and usually the Reed900 pairing but also the platonic pairing of Hank and Gavin in a pseudo-father/son relationship. You may have seen one of my three different Demon Nines's au's as they are my most viewed works.
OTP: Destiel, hands down, but my very first ships before I even really understood shipping was Abby and Stephen from Primeval, Doctor (9 or 10) and Rose.
Provided you are not a terf, sexist, queerphobic or a racist, you are quite welcome. If you want to talk fandom or fanfic specifically, I am more than happy to do so. I love helping others so if you need a hand (brit pick for example) I'm usually happy to help so drop us a message.
Ask box is open and I love to talk so ask away.
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Picrewの「adrisona maker」でつくったよ! https://picrew.me/share?cd=M89iom3Ee2 #Picrew #adrisona_maker
Made a Patreon for future original fiction projects, it will be for only original projects and is free (there is a support tier but please don't feel pressured). I will eventually be uploading shorts and stuff there.
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mimisempai · 2 years
Show me all your scars
Nines would like to be able to erase all of Gavin's scars, especially the one noone can't see, the one on his heart.
Just a little nothing… A little ficlet just because I watched Detroit Evolution again and I really like the scene where Gavin opens up for the first time to Nines about his past. The way he struggles to finally expose himself.
On AO3
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Nines ran his hand down Gavin's bare chest. Reaching his shoulder, he followed a small, round scar, like a ring, with his finger.
"What about this one?"
Gavin answered softly, "A bullet, we had a drug gang surrounded, but there was one guy we hadn't seen, and it was for me, it cost me a couple of weeks off work."
Nines followed another scar with his finger; there were a few. He didn't ignore Gavin's past, not to mention the nature of their profession, so it was clear that there were some traces.
He continued his way over Gavin's body, asking him each time about the origin of the scar that his fingers or eyes encountered. Gavin willingly lent himself to the exercise; he had no longer anything to hide from Nines. 
Some scars had a difficult history, and Gavin was the type to bury difficult things deep inside of him, but since the first nightmare night he had realized that talking to Nines helped him exorcize the past even if it meant exposing himself. But he did it with confidence because it was Nines, and Gavin knew that Nines would never use it against him. Because Nines understood him better than anyone.
Nines kissed each scar reverently and once he had mapped Gavin's entire body, he said softly, "If I could, I would erase all your scars."
Gavin brushed Nines' hair back and replied, "That's a nice thought, but I don't mind keeping them, if only to remind me of the mistakes I don't want to repeat."
Nines nodded and put his hand over Gavin's heart, "But there's one scar that can't be seen, that I'd really like to erase, that's the one you have here. Your deepest scar." Nines gently pointed to his heart.
Gavin's throat tightened. Yes, Nines could see his heart, which had been wounded by betrayals, lies, prejudices, which still hurt at times, like an old scar that we forget over time but which recalls itself to us sometimes. 
He looked at Nines and, smiling softly, he said, "Nines, that scar, I almost don't feel it anymore, because you healed the wound. You are the person who saw that this heart was wounded and healed it so that it could love again." 
Nines chuckled softly, "Who's the fucking sap now?".
Gavin replied, "It takes one to know one."
Nines' face became serious again and he said, "This precious heart, I won't let it get hurt, I'll take care of it forever."
Then he leaned over and pressed a lingering kiss to Gavin's heart.
Gavin didn't answer anything, his throat too tight with emotion, and just dug his fingers into Nines' hair to hold him close, saying in his embrace all the words that couldn't pass his lips.
He knew that Nines would understand. Because Nines always understood him.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Reed900 masterlist here
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katlakitty · 7 months
Hi Kitty! 💙 For the AO3 wrapped ask: 1, 29, 30, please!
Thank you for the ask :D
1.How many words have you written this year?
I published 145,605 words on AO3 this year, I started all of those WIPs this year. I've been working on some projects that I haven't posted yet so there are like, uh, 70,000 words more in this years unfinished WIPs. (And I'm also doing a Reed900 RP, I don't even know how many words that's at to be honest). Oof, I've been very busy this year.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Soo, this is a hard question. I'd say its probably one of the cute, fluffy scenes from my Convin fanfiction Together we grow:
"Can't sleep either?" Gavin set the glass of water aside and turned around to him. "Not really, you could say I had a bad dream," Connor said and leaned at the kitchen counter next to Gavin. He looked tired. "Mh, I know that feeling," Gavin nodded and looked away, "kinda sucks you already know this side of me, destroys all the mysterious dating mist that everyone has." "I don't want mist, you're not mysterious," Connor said, "you're Gavin." "I feel like I should feel offended by that," Gavin snorted. "I didn't mean it in a negative way," Connor said softly, "there are a lot of things I don't know about you, but you're not a complete mystery either. I like the way you are." "Hmph," Gavin huffed, "when did you become this sappy, bubble butt, mh?" "Bubble butt?" Connor laughed. "It was the first thing that came to my mind," he shrugged, "I'm tired, okay?"
If we're talking favorite passage I've written and stumbled over this year during editing a Reed900 fanfiction I wrote in 2021/2022. Then it would be a passage like this:
Reed narrowed his eyes at him before he held a hand up in front of Nines face. "Do you know what those are?"  “Easy,” Nines considered faking a yawn. "Fingers." "Those are opposable thumbs," Reed smirked and bent his thumbs several times to prove it. "A.k.a. top of the food chain." "Reed, that's not how that works. That's not how any of that works." Nines stared at him now slightly annoyed.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Discovering that my old writing is actually funny? I've been editing a WIP from 2021/2022 and I was surprised to find that it's hilarious, sometimes.
And recieving comments on AO3 is nice. No-one has ever really commented on my stories or writing before so it was interesting/scary/amazing recieving comments on some of my works on AO3.
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ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
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16ruedelaverrerie · 1 year
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Anon this makes me SO HAPPY! It's nice that you remember my stuff and that you enjoy it (thank you!!!), but more than anything, it's GREAT TO HEAR THAT YOU CAME BACK TO DBH FANDOM! Being in closed-canon fandoms always feels a bit like being in a constant state of loss, where I sit on a chair for several years and slowly watch everyone at the party leave, one by one, so you getting back into DBH is an IMMEASURABLE SOURCE OF DELIGHT 🤩
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You're so right. Every Allen I have ever written or even thought about has been precision-engineered to be Nines's nightmare for the specific reason that he has some sort of intimate claim on Gavin and Gavin seems into it in (what seems to Nines to be) a weird, complicated, ambivalent way. I am thoroughly predictable, but I shall not apologize for it! This is my kingdom!!!
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💓💓💓 Thank YOU for coming by and dropping such a sweet note in the inbox! I've only ever felt really comfortable in fandoms where we are all in general agreement that the specific contours of canon are largely irrelevant! It may be the case that there are significant swaths of DBH fandom that do not, in fact, agree with that -- there usually are such significant swaths in any fandom -- but I'm very happy to be with you in a corner where that's the going understanding, at any rate. What even is the canon for reed900, you know? God I fucking love that we churn out content for characters that don't even know each other in canon. That is my ideal fandom.
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wardenmages · 1 year
I'm so sad, I wanted to find a Gavin time loop fic I remembered while reading a different one today, but I think the author might have deleted it :(
All I remember is that it was on AO3, I believe started posting around 2020 but I could be wrong?, and it was Reed900. There was one chapter where Gavin just tries committing suicide several times in a row to make the loop end, and I won't list the methods I remember but they were all pretty gnarly. I believe one loop starts with him having a breakdown and Tina + Nines take care of him, including Nines taking him home
I've been looking for hours, I understand if the author doesn't want it up anymore I just feel like I'm going a little crazy 😭 My chrome bookmarks folders are a mess, especially after chrome glitched a few years ago, so even if I did have it bookmarked (which I would think I did, I remember really liking the story!), I have no idea where it is, and none of the ones I've looked at are correct
It wasn't "Running Uphill" or "Magic Love Week-s", though both of those are also very lovely Gavin-centric time loop fics, and I've read them several times each. I don't think it was a soulmate AU, but I truly have no idea.
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
For the art ask: 4 and 6.
Hiii! Thank you so much for the ask! This is so much fun! 💙
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
Hmmm, this is a tricky one. There is always one character in a ship I struggle more with. For Destiel it is Dean, For Midam it is Adam (I know they look alike but listen -), for Reed900 it was Gavin. But again, it's mostly a slight inconvenience than anything else XD
What I really struggle with and wish I could do well is non-graphic Backgrounds. Like just having shapes or textures or gradients in the BG... I never can pull that off well. But that's hardly my favorite thing, so
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn’t supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
if it happens subconsciously, I wouldn't know it, right? XD
I get a lot of inspiration from browsing references, actually. Sometimes it is a pose that inspires something completely different or light that just has a certain vibe. Often it goes together with stuff I saw or read about some blorbo I like.
Whenever I have an inspiration, I let it sit in my mind for a while. Often I start to add ideas and symbolism to it without really searching for it, so maybe that counts.
Hope that was actually interesting! I feel both answers are pretty vague, but I tried XD Thank you again! 💙
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rk8connorzz · 2 years
𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔥𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰 // 𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔡900
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𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: This was supposed to go up on Gavin’s birthday but I got caught up with some other things and completely forgot to finish this so I finally got to it and finished it. Btw, yes this is mostly a Detroit: Evolution Reed900.
My birthday was always a day I dreaded. There was nothing to look forward to, no one to spend it with. No one took time out of their day to wish me a happy birthday, in fact, most people forgot about it. I wasn't expecting visitors today, but the visitor for me was more than welcome. Maybe I didn't have the courage to tell him face-to-face that I loved him. Maybe tonight it'll be different.
"Gavin? Are you in there?" Nines said in between his rhythmic knocks on my wooden door. I hurried up and slid my sweater over my chest to greet the android at my front door. When I opened the door, Nines' stare almost met my eyes completely perfectly. "Hello, Detective R-" "Nines, you don't gotta be so damn formal near me. Gavin is fine." His LED glared yellow, then back to blue. "I apologize, Gavin. I also apologize for showing up on such short notice." I hated when he talked about things in such a clinical matter. He acted like he was giving a speech while talking almost constantly, but it was one of the things I find attractive about him. His way with words.
"Just come in," I grumbled. He walked into the dim house with something inside of his hands. I didn't bother to look into it further. "Today is your birthday, isn't it? I bought you something in celebration." I'll admit I was surprised, no one has done that for a while. Most just forget about my birthday. I guess since he's an android, forgetting things isn't really 'easy' for him. "I- Thanks. You didn't have to." I was facing away from Nines, knowing that if I did look at him, I would be pierced by his almost fatal eye contact.
"I just wanted to get you something for the occasion is all. I know it's late but I got off of work only an hour ago and the drive here isn't very short. You weren't at the office today, can I ask where you were?" I didn't want to really tell him because it was pathetic. At least to me, it is. "I just didn't want to go to work." I felt his gaze. He was analyzing me, wasn't he? "I understand. In any case, here," He handed me a medium-sized wrapped box with red ribbons forming a T-shape on the outside and a red bow to tie it all together on top.
When I took it out of his hands, it weighed down my hands as they came along. "Fuck, what did you put in here?" Nines chuckled at my question. "Just something I thought you would enjoy." His eyes lit up in enthusiasm while I sat the box down on my coffee table to fully unwrap it. It was a box for a new coffee maker. "Nines? Did you really get me a coffee machine?" "I thought it would help. You were talking about how the one at the DPD isn't very tangible so I tried to help you find a solution."
It was cute, and I really did like the present. "Thank you...Nines." I took a deep breath. In...and then back out again. "Can I ask you something?" He sat down on my couch about a foot away from me. "Of course, Gavin." Sweat glazed my skin as I prepared myself to finally tell him. "I-I...I think I might...love you. Like, I've felt so attached to you since we met, and god. When we first met, I was such a dick and I feel so bad. I really wanted to make it right by trying to be nicer but when you started being a little kinder as well, I started to fall for you, y'know?"
I finally looked over my shoulder to look at Nines' eyes. It looked like...was he crying? "Ga-Gavin. I...I'm flattered. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I wanted to hide it as best I could. I think I might be in love with you as well. Even when you weren't exactly the easiest to be around, the reason I stayed was that I was in love with you." I really wasn't expecting to spill out my feeling for him but hey, I act out of impulsiveness all the time.
"I love you, Gavin Reed." "I love you too, tin can."
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havocsedge · 2 years
Gavin tries to escape, to flee like he's so used to doing all his life. But the intergation room is small by design and now Nines is standing in the doorway- nearly touching the top of the doorframe with his head, the tall motherfucker. He didn't mean to duck into here but his brain hadn't exactly been operating functionally. "Just- just get lost, okay? Forget that even happened."
"I could never forget the feeling of kissing you." Gavin's still tingling lips twitch in memory. Nines stands so infuriatingly stoic, the only inclination of emotion in his yellow spinning LED.
The human growls with cheeks that grow more blotchy by the second from Gavin's mix of embarrassment, anger, and panic. "Well you better! In fact, just forget about me too, I'll ask Fowler to reassign you. Or me, I don't fuckin' care."
Nines passive stare doesn't budge an inch. "You don't want either of us to be reassigned."
"You don't know what I want, asshole." Scowls the shorter man.
Now the android advances in calculated steps, one at a time as if approaching a panicked, wild animal. And really, Nines is. "I know you want me to hate you, to abandon you. But you can't make me hate you, Gavin."
The laugh that rings is so hallow, Nines can practically hear the self hatred echoing within. "Oh yeah? Just wait. It's my special talent."
One more step closer. "You hate yourself, and you expect everyone to do the same. So you make them hate you before they can naturally turn. If you hurt them first, then they don't have the chance to get you instead-"
Gavin's arms wind around himself, as if to protect himself from the truth. "You don't know what you're talking about, Nines."
He tilts his head ever so slightly, the space between continuing to shorten. "Don't I? You admire Hank but you know he views you negatively, so you might as well give him something to really hate. I know you-"
The human throws a hand out to shove Nines away but the android remains in place, not budging even slightly under Gavin's wild and vulnerable gaze. "No you fuckin' don't know! I'm not some fuckin' run down car you found out back. I'm shit now, nothin' left. You can't fix me, you can't make me better-"
Nines' hand raises in the air between them, retracting his synthetic skin into the natural paper white hand as he reaches out. Ghosting over Gavin cheek before properly cupping the stubble ridden skin, Nines murmurs "You don't need to be fixed, Gavin. And you don't need to be anything but what you are now. You are not a broken car. You are a flawed person, a human- the most intricate and complicated animal there is."
"I'm a worthless piece of shit, Nines! Don't you remember how I treated you when you first joined? I know Connor has told you what I did to him too! And you still think there's something salvageable in this fuckin' mess?" Gavin hits his free palm against his own chest so hard Nines' ring blinks red for a moment before the soft yellow circulates again. His fingers curl and bunch into a fist, thumping against his ribs one more time before smooth fingers circle his wrist.
"You don't need judgement, you need understanding." Nines squeezes the fragile human bone gently, thumb tracing over the vein there to feel the rush of Gavin's blood. "If there is one thing I have learned about humans it's that they are all as you say, messy. They are all broken in their own way." Nines pulls Gavin's face back so that he's at least facing Nines, even if his eyes are everywhere but the android. "But if I can let you in a secret.."
Gavin curiosity is piqued, glancing up at his partner for the first time since they entered the interagtion room.
"So are androids." Nines' thumb rubs over Gavin's lower lip, slow, methodical. "So am I."
Gavin can't control the sudden huff of incredulous laughter that puffs between his lips. "You? Mr Ken doll. Mr top of the Rk line? You're broken?"
The corner of Nines' lips twitch. "Even after I deviated, for a long time I only cared about my mission. My purpose. I still operated as the machine I was built to be, and we have solved 100% of our cases since partnering."
"Not seeing how this makes you messy-"
"-And then, it changed.' Nines continues. "The mission, the job, it no longer held it's priority in my life."
"What changed?"
Gavin's eyebrows furrow.
Nines smiles softly at Gavin's confusion. "Now you are my priority. When I go into standby, it's no longer cases that I cycle through." He reveals, the fingers that held Gavin's wrist loosing enough to trace down his forearm. "Now I cycle through memories of you, of us."
The human looks shocked yet hopeful, as if watching the best dream unfold before his eyes. "Nines.."
"As a detective I should put the welfare of the city and my job above all else. Yet, at the end of the day, I care about you above all. And I would not try to "fix" that for anything." The android leans closer. "Just as I would never want to fix you. I love the man you are, not a theoretical version of you."
A broken gasp shudders between them when love lets loose from Nines lips, hitting Gavin square in the entire of that massive brick wall he'd built. The fortress keeping him from the world, from Nines. It chips slowly but surely, Gavin's other hand raising up to tangle in the fine white fabric of Nines' jacket, holding onto the android with a desperation that makes Gavin's scarred fingers shake. "I just don't want to drag you down in the water with me."
Nines hums and lays his lips upon Gavin, inhaling and categorizing every single scent that wafts into his sensors. "Luckily, I have no need to breathe."
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