#really liked them?? and thought they worked on historia really well
jjkeremika · 4 months
description: AoT men and women asking you to on a valentine's date <3
pairing: Levi; Armin; Jean; Erwin; Eren & Mikasa; Historia; Zeke; Reiner x reader
Levi stood at your apartment door with flowers and concert tickets to your favorite band. He shifted his weight between his heels and toes as he nervously wondered if he should turn back before you realized he had arrived.
Two solid knocks and a light pause later, you opened the door to his stoic demeanor, his lips relaxing into a smile at the sight of you in comfy clothes. He briefly glanced down to his ratty jeans and aged leather jacket. “Hey,” he greeted after clearing his throat, regretting his appearance. He felt he should've dressed up for you.
“Levi, hey!” you returned excitedly, about to pull him in for a hug when you noticed the flowers in his hand. You didn’t comment on them. “What are you doing here? Oh! Come on in!”
You dragged him by his forearm inside, closing the door behind you. “Oh, I was just,” he said quietly, shrugging, “around. And,” Levi lifted the flowers, shifted the weight between his feet. “I saw these and thought of you.”
“Awh, Levi, they’re beautiful!” You eagerly took the flowers from him, brought them to your nose for a long sniff. “Thank you.” You hugged him with one arm before pulling away and rushing to your kitchenette. “Let me just get a vase. Make yourself comfortable as always.”
He followed you to the kitchen, stood awkwardly in the doorway and tried to not blatantly gawk at your figure as you bent over to search the cabinets for the vase.
“I, uh, also saw that Linked Horizon are coming on the fourteenth. Did you s—?”
“Oh my god, yeah!” you exclaimed, hopping up from your position in the cabinet, the ornate glass in your palms. “I saw that!” You filled the glass with water and a spoon of sugar. “But I never bought tickets and now it’s sold out.”
Levi rubbed the papery tickets against each other in his pocket. He watched as you used shears to cut the bottoms off the stems. He pulled his hand out of his jacket pocket.
“Well, if you’re not busy that day…” You carefully dropped each stem in the water, rearranging the flowers and tossing the fallen leaves and petals. He stepped into the room, drawing your attention, and held the two tickets openly. “I’d like to go with you.”
Working at the library was honestly one of your favorite parts of the day. It was slow, mindless, relaxing, and quiet. The ambiance was kind, and any sour moods evaporated instantly once you entered those archaic arched doors.
Since it was a library, you didn’t really speak with your coworkers beyond necessity, but the blond boy who spent his time at the admin desk always caught your attention—and he was always already looking to you.
The two of you spoke in an unintelligible morse code, an unspoken language of wordless greetings and longing thoughts and lingering stares.
When you both started speaking, it was by bonding over a love of puzzles and logic traps. Armin and you shared stories of writing and interpreting ciphers and tricks, discussed possibilities of work-related games for entertainment.
On the twelfth, you started your shift with the return cart, and a large note in black ink stopped you from starting the task. For Y/N, please review the following, it read, proceeded by four rows each with four columns containing a decimal value and three numbers.
You recognized the decimal shorthand and spotted the books already on the return cart. You picked up the first one and reviewed the set of numbers, eventually determining it as indicators for the desired page number, line, and word.
Once you deciphered the message, you smiled and felt the warm flutter in your belly. You dragged the cart upstairs to the main entrance, stopped outside the administration room to see the familiar fluffy blond hair poking over the computer screen.
Wordlessly you entered and sauntered over to his desk, dropped the sheet of paper with the decoded message and your answer on his desk and left with a wink, leaving him with amazed wide eyes and an open jaw as you left the room.
Will you be my valentine?
—Yes x
Connie told him the traditional approach was stupid and uninteresting. “It’s y/n! They’re cool and fun and hilarious and awesome! You can’t do something unbelievably lame like you always do,” Connie had rambled in an eccentric voice that now haunted Jean’s thoughts.
“Fucking Connie,” Jean cursed to himself as he fixed his hair in the reflection of the window, trying to maintain his balance as the train rushed over unsteady tracks. He nervously glanced down at his watch, frantically grabbed the handlebar when the tram lurched to a stop.
Jean hopped off and rushed to the bar at which the two of you had decided to meet. He spotted you instantly, in the tight red fuzzy sweater vest and still perfectly fitting baggy jeans. He regretted his overly dressed up appearance with his matching suit and pink tie for somehow still lacking.
“Y/n,” Jean leisurely greeted with an eager grin and sparkling eyes, feeling his body warm up at the quick embrace you gave, “thank you for meeting me here.”
You gestured to the free seat next to you; he sat down. “Oh, Jean, it’s my pleasure,” you said with a smile, “thank you for asking me here.”
The conversation flowed naturally, and Jean felt himself warming up from your attention, the drink, or the room. He slid his jacket off and tugged on his necktie in a failed attempt to cool off.
You noticed the pink tint on his skin and the faint hitch in his breath. You noticed the awkward tugging on his necktie, that he was wearing a necktie at all. You noticed the smile he hid when you touched his arm with your long fingernails, when your thigh brushed against his.
As the night neared its end and he still hadn’t asked, the adrenaline rushed through his veins and he heard Connie’s cynical voice echo in his brain. He felt his stomach drop with each glance towards you, because he was convincing himself he couldn’t ask, couldn’t be worth more than nothing to you.
“I’d really like to see you again,” you hinted while you both stood on the pavement, “soon.” You felt the heat burning into your skull. The shocked expression on his face was tortuous. Maybe it was all in your head. Maybe that was too far.
Maybe it was far enough. “Y/n… would you maybe like to spend Valentine’s day with me?”
You had visited the older instructor’s office to ask some questions on the class content, to seek some extra support on upcoming assignments.
Connie had told you Smith was the most helpful of the instructors, but you neglected to factor in the biceps the size of your head, the voice that was smooth like margarine, the eyes that stranded you alone at sea. His help was marginalized by his distracting features, by the concerned expression when he asks if you understand contrasting his brilliant smile and demeanor when you say yes.
And did it really matter if you only understood when it came from him?
His elbow bumped into yours as he leaned to the side, closer to you, to view your page. "Y/n," he started, his leg brushing against yours as he uncrossed his thighs and leaned back in the chair, the skin tingling in his touch's memory, "would it help to meet regularly?"
The question alone caught you by surprise, but paired with his heavy tone, thick with uninterpretable layers, and a curious expression with a piercing blue, watchful gaze. You barely heard him tap his foot over the blood roaring in your ears.
"We can start with an additional meeting on the..." Erwin trailed off, clicking through his online tabs to find the calendar. "The fourteenth." He punctuated his sentence with a click on the date, your eye catching the empty schedule as it appeared on the screen. He turned to you. "We can start then and take it from there."
"O-Okay," you agreed, nodding in sync with the faint throb in your pelvis as your brain reeled with the improbable. "Thank you." Your voice was quiet, and you barely heard yourself speak.
"Absolutely," he breathed out, "more than happy to help." He glanced you up and down, rested his chin between his thumb and fingers to hide his lips, his light blue eyes darkening. "I'll order us something to eat too."
Eren & Mikasa
Mikasa was scribbling your and her names in the corner of her notebook page, actively drawing the small heart around it, when Eren suddenly and loudly slid into the seat next to her, causing her to jump and draw a line through the doodle. She hid it with her palm.
Eren looked at her with a bold desperation in his eyes. “Mikasa, I’ve been thinking about asking y/n out for Valentine’s…” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked to the side sheepishly. “Do you have any ideas?”
Mikasa’s eyes widened. “O-oh,” she stuttered out, taking a half-breath to quell the unsettling feeling in her gut, “I, um.” She glanced to the palm covering the doodle. “I’ve been wondering the exact same thing actually…” She swallowed dryly. “With y/n, too…”
It’s not that she expected him to be upset, but she was surprised when his eyes lit up in a mix of excitement and relief. He perked up, straightened his spine and leaned towards Mikasa. “Let’s ask together! We can do, like, a three-person date.” He shrugged, tried to contain his eagerness. “I’m not against it. But I still have no fucking clue how to ask.”
You entered the room mid-sentence, both of their eyes focusing to you as you crossed the room to a desk. You glanced up from your phone to see both of them already looking at you, both smiling and waving immediately.
“Hey, babes,” you greeted the two of them, affectionately fixing the out-of-place strand of hair near Mikasa’s forehead. You turned to Eren and smiled wider at his eager anticipation. “I was addressing you too,” you clarified, rubbing his shoulder.
Eren leaned into your touch. “Do you have any Valentine’s plans?” Mikasa asked, playing with her pen. You spotted the heart near her hand.
You started to feel warm, flattened your lips to try to suppress the growing grin but eventually bit your bottom lip. “Not currently. Sounds like I might in a minute, though,” you responded with a wink, smiled wider at the light pink stretching across her nose.
Eren’s voice caught your attention, and you suddenly became aware of the arm he snaked around your waist under your backpack, noticed that your arm had slid along his shoulders, “Would you... want to spend it with us?” he asked nervously, before rushing out, “It doesn’t have to be a date, but, well—”
The heat settled in your stomach, and you felt your pulse in each body part. Your smile twitched at the question—at the implication.
“Yes,” you interrupted Eren’s rambling with a confident answer to a question you’ve never considered before, but now will never forget, “I’d love to spend it with you two. As a date.”
Ymir had the largest scowl on her face when Historia shyly walked over to you, a pink blush on her cheeks and a sweaty hairline. You shifted uncomfortably under Ymir’s gaze when your eyes flicked to the blonde girl standing in front of you, looking at the floor.
“Hey, y/n,” she started quietly, her cute, high-pitched voice singing in your ear, “how’s your day going?” She had a sickeningly sweet smile, one that made your stomach flip and turn with nerves. You felt your inhale cut short as she stared at you with big, rounded blue eyes.
"Good, thanks," you answered with a smile, “how’s yours?” You continued to pack your bag with your notebooks, ignoring the uncomfortable heat of Ymir’s bold glare.
“Better now,” she answered, a light rouge appearing on her cheekbones. The giddy feeling erupted in your gut and bubbled into a doey smile. “Do you have Valentine’s plans yet?”
You shook your head, tugging on the last zipper. “Nope,” you answered casually, unbothered by the notion of being single on the love holiday, “i’ll probably watch a movie at home.”
“Oh, good idea! I love movies!” Historia added, the grin taking up her face. “I..." The tips of her ears tinted pink. "I don’t have plans either." She rocked back and forth on her heels, clutched her notebook a little closer to her chest. "Would you want to watch a movie together?”
You corrected your posture and returned her soft gaze. "Yeah," you answered with an exhale, started to put your backpack on. "I'd really like that."
Zeke haphazardly handed you the blunt, the leaflet threatening to slip from your fingertips and fall from the third story window. “Ze, careful,” you told the older man, rolling your eyes despite the smile lingering on your pursed lips, “you’re gonna’ make me drop it.”
He snorted, settling with an open mouthed smile. You watched the faint red appear around his cerulean eyes. “I can’t make you do anything.” He stretched his hand out, silently requesting the roll back.
You crossed your legs, took a long huff, then passed it over. Your fingers brushed against his, the light sensation tickling the skin for moments after. “If you hand it off wrong and I drop it, that’s your fault,” you explained simplistically, shrugging to emphasize the easiness of it all.
The smoke curled around his beard, followed the lines of the glasses resting on top of his head. He flicked the wrap, spent ash falling to the windowsill. “But I didn’t make you drop it,” Zeke retorted, blowing some residual smoke into your face. He chuckled as you closed your eyes and swatted the contaminant away.
“But you played a direct role!” You reached over and stole the blunt from him before he brought it between his lips; the blond man laughed as he let you take it, watched intently as you brought it to your own. “Wouldn’t have happened without you,” you mumbled with a long exhale, the picturesque smoke rolling off your tongue.
Zeke leaned against the wall, let his wrist rest against his knee, and tilted his head. His smile softened the longer he stared at you directing smoke and ash out the window. “I also play a direct role in asking if you want to have dinner with me on the fourteenth, but I can’t make you say yes.”
You looked out the window, suppressing the blushing grin by biting your lip. You affectionately rolled your eyes at his redirection. Not the same thing—like at all. “It’s different when you know I will,” you retorted, taking a hit and holding it until it burned, still avoiding eye contact.
“So… you will?” He eyed you carefully, handed the rest of the blunt to you and dropped his glasses onto his nose. “Say yes, I mean?” Zeke nudged your foot with his.
The roll slipped from your fingers as you focused on hiding your red cheeks and toothy grin behind your palm. “Well, obviously, yeah,” you answered sheepishly. You spotted the wrap on the wooden floor. “And see! You made me drop it!”
You patted into the kitchen to find Reiner in front of the stove, steam rising from the pans as he shifted between items. You admired his bare back, the smooth, silky-looking skin intimately caressing tight, bulky muscles interrupted only by the thin linen apron straps.
The sudden noise of the espresso machine caused you to jump and squeal, which brought Reiner's attention to you. He hurried over, gave you a quick kiss to the cheek. "You weren't supposed to wake up yet," he murmured between more kisses, eventually pressing his lips to yours for a lingering lock.
"I can smell everything from the next room," you responded, lightly tapping his firm chest and kissing his lips again. He pulled away to attend to the aromatic contents on the stove. You sat on a bar stool. “Smells delicious, by the way.”
You saw the way his thin lips morphed into a pleased smile. “Should taste so, too,” he hummed his agreement, turned his back towards you for five more minutes. You indulged in the sight, feeling your own pupils dilate to take in more of his broad shoulders and tailored back.
Then he was making a lot of ruckus, rapidly opening drawers to find utensils and rushing to and from the fridge for toppings and ingredients. He was tossing food onto one plate and carefully aligning it on another.
You slipped off the stool to peak over, smiled at his concentrated brows and peaking tongue as he drizzled chocolate onto the dish.
You were right behind him when he turned around with the dish ostentatiously in his hands, his kind blue eyes sparkling with pride and excitement and anticipation.
You audibly gasped and brought your hands to your open smile. “Reiner! Wow!” you said astonished, hearing and feeling your stomach rumble with hunger at the sight of the heart-shaped pancakes with a chocolate lace drizzle, at the bacon and eggs and toast arranged on the side.
He waited for you to read the hidden message, the note written in jam on the toast. You giggled, took the plate from him to put on the counter, and embraced him. “I’d love to be your valentine,” you said with a long kiss.
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dilfl0v3rss · 11 months
this was the eren and reiner fic with a the different ending. i felt like it wasn’t what y’all wanted so i changed it, but if you’re interested in reading it here it is🤷🏽‍♀️
caller blocked
“ian ready for no relationship.” the excuse of excuses. the words that were always thrown your way after you’d try to convince your little “fling” that you wanted to be more. eren stood up, zipping his pants before grabbing his hoodie and heading out your dorm room. your situation was…complicated. well not really. you grew very attached to this man, looking for him at parties, going to every single one of his games, giving him your notes so he wouldn’t fail and get kicked off the team, and letting him fuck you whenever he wanted.
you were practically dating. or that’s what you thought. eren seen you as just another pretty little thing to keep his grades up and his dick wet. using you constantly while labeling it at love to keep you coming back for more. “b-but why ren?” eren dropped his shoulders, sighing before he walked back to you and raised your chin with his fingers. “you know the rules pretty. cant be tied down worrying about a girl during the season. when all of this craziness is over then we can work sum out.”
a smile bloomed on your face as you looked at eren in complete adoration. you couldn’t wait for the season to end so you could finally be with the man you love. your friends seen you as a complete idiot, and they had no problem trying to shut down your delusions. “girl what don’t you get? as soon as the season ends he gon drop you like a bad habit.” “yea he’s lying to you baby.”
you shook your friend as your friends annie and sasha tried to speak some sense into you. “he wouldn’t do that to me. h-he lo-” “he doesn’t love you and m’gonna prove it.” before you could reply annie pulls out her phone, clicking historias instagram story to show you what she posted in her close friends. there eren was, laying his head on her stomach with his arms wrapped around her as the rest of his body laid snug between her legs. the caption reading ‘pussy put his ass to sleep🤣’.
your eyes instantly welled with tears as you watched eren, your eren be with someone else the same way he’d be with you. annie was contemplating telling you for awhile. hoping that you’d come to your senses on your own without having to get hurt, but she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “why would he-” “because historias dumber than a bag of rocks and she doesn’t mind sucking and fucking a dick that’s been in half the campus.” sasha spit.
annie wiped your tears with a napkin from her purse before standing up with you on the quad bench. “fuck him furreal. there’s so many guys that have been tryna get at you, but you’ve been oblivious to them because of eren.” you nodded your head, acting as if you were agreeing but you were really heartbroken. the three of you said your goodbyes and you went back to your room. tears flooded your pillowcase as you thought about what you had just witnessed.
you were being played, but you weren’t about to just let it go. deciding that one day you’ll get your revenge, but right now you wanted nothing to do with him. weeks went by since you’ve last talked to eren. he wasn’t suspicious of it since he’d usually only talk to you when he needed something anyways. covering up his actions with “practice” to keep you from pestering him.
as annie said, a lot of guys have tried to get at you and instead of shooting them down like you usually did, you gave one a chance. you and reiner have gotten pretty close over the last few weeks. texting almost everyday, eating lunch together, and sharing your favorite books with each other in the library as you studied. he was sweet and charming.
always paying for your lunch no matter how many times you’ve tried to return the favor, walking you all the way to your dorm after a particularly late study sesh, and holding your hand when the two of you would cross the street. he mostly did that for his enjoyment, but you didn’t mind.
the two of you weren’t dating, but many people thought you were, given that one was barely seen without the other. “where’s your boo suge.” sasha would say when you finally hung out with your girls after three long weeks. “hush uppp. we just talking.” annie, sasha, and pieck busted out laughing before pieck leaked some information to you.
“girl you know we seen you getting your back blown out in the back of his jeep right?” your hands flew to your mouth as you gasped in shock. “yupp. saw him pulling your hair and allat right in our dorm parking lot.” sasha said as you covered your face in embarrassment before mumbling into your hands. “ooouuu yall so nosey i could strangle all three of you right now.” annie scoffed as she pulled your arms from your face.
“you think we’re dumb? you’ve been ditching us every chance you got. and when you do decide to finally hang out with us for a little, you come with a bunch hickies and a pimp walk.” all of you laughed at her last comment. rolling your eyes before checking your phone. speak of the devil.
‘got everything ready for movie night!’
‘waiting on you now mama💛’
you looked up from your phone, instantly getting pissed looks from your friends. “don’t even say nun. go be wit your man. enjoy it too because this weekend you all OURS. you hear me?” you giggled as you stood from your spot on sasha’s beanbag chair. “i hear youuu. love yallll!!” each of your friends replied with “love you toos” before you left to go spend time with reiner.
“aight i got nightmare on elm street and i got fri-” “princess and the frog” reiner chuckled as you looked up at him. sitting on his bed in nothing but his t shirt that you changed into as soon as you got there. “we watched that last time princess. you said you’d let me switch it up.” pink lip jutting out in a pout at he looked at you with sad eyes.
you laughed, watching this huge man with black ink dancing around his arms and chest being such a softy for you. his sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he situated himself under you on the bed. “okay then coco. i love un poco locoooo” a groan flew from his lips as he rolled his eyes at your choices. “no more disney. if i hear another song ima rip my ears off.”
the two of you ended up settling on john wick, but that didn’t really matter since it was thirty minutes into the movie where you found yourself plopping up and down on his thick dick. big veiny hand holding the back of your neck while his other arm was squeezing your ass. “how ya feeling princess.”
your moans flew directly into reiners ear as your hands gripped the pillow next to his head. “s-so good papa. real good.” his pace slowed as he started putting more of his inches into you. your hands flew to his hair, stroking and pulling his blonde crown with your eyes closed tightly. “that’s what i like to hear. love making my pretty girl feel good.” you were so out of it you didn’t even notice that reiners hand was no longer on your ass. instead he was texting your ex fling on your phone.
ren ren💚
‘yo. you up?’
he seen the name pop up and instantly got heated, knowing what he’s done to you. he grabbed the device without thinking as he made quick work to delete his number before replying.
‘yea what’s up?’
‘miss you mama🤧’
‘let me pull up on you’
‘the nerve of this guy’ reiner thought as a quick idea came up into his head. he quickened his strokes, laying the phone on the bed as the phone dialed erens number. “o-o-ooouuu rei you feel so good.” a smirk crept onto his face. “i feel good pretty girl?” you nodded your head, whining after you felt a hard slap to your ass. the sound bouncing off the walls as his one hand took up lots of space on your asscheek.
“use those words mama. like when you talk t’me.”
“y-you feel so g-good daddyyyy” reiner looked up at you in adoration before connecting his lips with yours in a sloppy kiss. smacking sounds ringing loud in the air as he practically devoured you. reiner glanced back at the phone to see that eren had hung up, a bunch of texts popping up as he scrolled through each of them.
‘wyd y/n?’
‘man you so lame for that fr’
‘how you just gon give my pussy away like that?’
‘he never gon be able to fuck you like i do’
‘cmon baby don’t pass up a relationship with me for braun…’
‘i swear i’ll never text historia again’
‘she could never amount to you ong baby’
‘text me back y/n :(‘
‘at least still study with me…historia’s so dumb i’ll get kicked off the team fasho’
*caller blocked*
reiner threw your phone to the side before laying you on you your back. pulling out of you before moving his head towards your pussy. his pink lips wrapped around your clit before licking up and down your middle. “all mine right baby?” his green eyes met your brown ones. the two of you staring deeply into each other before you nodded you head slowly.
“all yours”
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bloompompom · 1 year
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Trending Now! Beloved, international pop sensation was spotted getting hot and heavy with the lead vocalist of Devil's Paradise, Eren Jaeger, at an after-party, sparking rumors of a secret fling. The unlikely couple has yet to comment publicly on the status of their relationship, but their scandal-worthy PDA alone implies they must know each other very well. 
Ha! That couldn’t be any further from the truth.
♡ pairings: rockstar!eren jaeger x popstar!female reader, eren jaeger x historia reiss ♡ content: ~7.1k word count. enemies-to-lovers, sexual themes, explicit language, alcohol, dubcon elements (drunken kissing), slut shaming. reader discretion advised. ♡ next chapter | series masterlist
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★ Chapter One ★
You learn the hard way that what happens at the after-party doesn’t stay at the after-party.
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Much to your dismay, the sun shone much brighter up on the twelfth floor. A beam hit the glass table just right, casting a near-blinding glare straight into your eyes. You’d think they’d try and tint the windows or something, at least.
If this morning wasn’t such a tizzy—if you hadn’t been rushed from your apartment without so much as a 'good morning'—perhaps you would’ve thought to grab your sunglasses. You could have really used them now, even in the middle of this meeting. But no, you were forced to decide between burning your retinas or facing the patronizing set of eyes opposite you.
You found the former was less torturous despite aggravating the pounding in your head.
You didn’t know the last time you had a hangover. It was worse than you remembered, but if there was ever a time to get plastered, you supposed last night’s after-party was it.
It was the Monday following a weekend-long music festival, one of the largest—no, the largest of the year. As Saturday’s headliner, the last few months of your life were rightfully grueling, bouncing from one rehearsal to the next. Finally, you could celebrate that your hard work had paid off and come to an end—hence, the after-party. 
Last night was well-deserved. It was a break from your meticulously and artificially crafted life. Where everything on-stage and off, even down to when you could pee, was choreographed. Your manager, Pieck, tried to convince you to stay in last night—said you needed the rest. But you blew her off. There was no chance in hell you were going to miss that party.
And that was exactly how you ended up here, hungover, swallowing the bitter taste pooling on the back of your tongue, awaiting your slap on the wrist for letting the tiniest bit loose. 
In hindsight, you should have listened to Pieck. Of course, you’d never admit that to her, considering she was the one who had dragged you from bed and plopped you right into the lion’s pit. 
Not long ago, you woke up to the midday sun. You didn’t have to open your eyes to know. It was warm behind your eyelids and gave your temples their own heartbeat.
You flopped around your bed in your best attempt at getting comfortable again. Only for a few more minutes, then the room started spinning. With palms pressed into the mattress, you threw your achy body out of bed. In just your underwear, you wore your duvet like a cape. You followed the trail of last night’s clothes and waddled like a sleepy toddler to your kitchen. 
The clock on your oven read 1:34 p.m. While it was surprising that no one had come to bother you yet, you were grateful, and you certainly didn't question it. 
Now, you were sure it was that exact thought that jinxed your day.
Not even an hour later, there was a pounding at your door. It was like someone wanted to beat the damn thing down. There was only one person who’d come knocking like that. 
What made it worse was that you had just dipped into the tub. You had even brought a bagel along with you. Plain and untoasted because you were too lazy to wait on it, but it was breakfast nonetheless.
You slid around on the porcelain. When you were out of the bath, fumbling with your robe, you nearly slipped on the tile, feet wet and pattering as you scampered to the door. The pounding continued. You swore your head was close to imploding. Or exploding—whichever was worse.
You swung the door open and found Pieck’s fist in the air, ready to strike again. She did not look happy.
If you were to be brutally honest, Pieck had a horrendous case of resting bitch face. It was okay for you to say that because it was something she’d say about herself. You only mentioned it now because the RBF was much more intense than usual.
She let herself inside. “Impromptu meeting. I need you ready in fifteen.”
“Can’t this wait?” You closed the door behind her. “I’m, like, violently hungover right now.”
“I thought you might be.”
You didn’t care for her tone. You hugged your robe to your chest as you asked, “What’s this about?”
She waved you off. “Just go get ready. You only have fourteen minutes now.” 
You were too groggy to argue. With your head hung like a sad puppy, you sauntered off to drain the hot, sudsy bath calling your name. You threw on a comfortable outfit—a matching set of shorts and a sweatshirt you’d wear to grab a coffee—and tried to make yourself slightly presentable. Pieck shouted for you to hurry while you were brushing your teeth. You yelled back at her as you rinsed and spat. Nothing out of the ordinary.
The car ride was awkward. Pieck sat in the back with you like always, but she was across from you rather than at your side. You couldn’t tear your eyes from her tapping foot as she asked you, “You seriously have no idea what this is about?”
“No, but you’re freaking me out,” you admitted.
If she was going to keep up the cryptic schtick, then you’d have to take matters into your own hand. You reached for your phone only to realize you didn’t have pockets, let alone a single clue as to where your phone was. Truthfully, you weren’t even sure how you made it home last night.
Pieck asked, “You remember going to the after-party, right?”
“Obviously.” You extended an open hand to her. “Give me your phone.”
She swatted you away. “Did you meet anyone?”
She clearly wasn’t going to lay off the subject, nor was she about to let you use her phone. What was once nausea had turned into a gnawing in your stomach. You wondered what you’d find if she gave it to you.
Pieck repeated the question as if you didn’t hear her the first time. You chose to humor her, staring up at the roof as if the answer lived there. But outside of the first few rounds of drinks, everything else was a blur to you, like someone had smudged a grubby finger across the memory.
“I don’t know.” You were muttering now. “Probably? It was a party.”
The longer you thought about last night, the sicker you felt. You could smell the vodka like someone had blown their boozy breath right in your face. That, and something reminiscent of vanilla were stuck in your nose. What a strange jump. Perhaps you enjoyed your fair share of vanilla vodka last night. That would explain the hangover, wouldn’t it?
Pieck pressed further. “Anyone from Devil’s Paradise?”
The car started to feel suffocating. Pieck’s interrogation only made it worse, like a smothering hand around your throat. You hadn’t thrown up yet, as far as you knew, and you weren’t about to now. 
You rested your forehead against the cool glass of the window. “Devil’s Paradise? I don’t even know what that is. It sounds like a bad b-horror movie or something.”
When you glanced over to her, she was staring at you as though you were some lost cause. She topped it off with her signature eye twitch. That always happened whenever she held back from tearing into you.
She eventually sighed. “I’ll just wait and have them tell you.”
You didn’t pay attention during the drive; you were occupied with trying to swallow down the few bites of bagel you managed. You didn’t notice when the car took a left instead of its usual right or which highway the driver merged onto. You thought it was a mistake when you stepped out of the car. This wasn’t your record label’s building.
Pieck slammed the car door behind her, dashing right on by to the front doors.
Nope, there was no mistake. You had the right place. 
You nearly had to jog to catch the elevator before it left without you. Pieck’s foot started tapping in there, too. You counted every anxious beat as you rode to the twelfth floor. With the ding of the elevator, you stepped into the silent hallway.
With just as much intention as before, Pieck marched down the halls and led you to a large room. It was filled with more people than you had anticipated, crowded around a conference table. The gnawing in your stomach only worsened.
You felt Pieck’s hand on your back. You wanted to think it was her subtle way of checking in with you, but you knew she was asking you to take a seat.
Your eyes went to the faces you recognized first, two representatives from your record label that you shamefully couldn’t name right now. Everyone wore the same resting bitch face that Pieck had on; you must have missed the memo. You scanned over the rest of them, all unfamiliar, until your eyes fell on the tight-lipped expression of the only other person seated. 
Then it came back to you. In bits and pieces, of course.
♡ ♡ ♡
Pieck warned you to be on your best behavior before you left for the night. She always did that, though, in hopes you’d listen. Most of the time, you did, but tonight was an exception.
You had just two intentions for the night, and you made her aware of them. The first, to enjoy all the alcohol you had to skip out on over the last few months. The second, to wake up in someone else’s bed. Preferably someone with long hair. You liked having something to tug on.
As expected, Pieck didn’t love the plan, but thankfully, the TMI bomb grossed her out enough to lay off. 
Though she assured you otherwise, that was the real reason Pieck didn’t want you to go out. She had instructed you to treat every event—even the very exclusive and very overrated ones—as if it were any other public appearance. Your stylist only echoed the statement, which also explained why you were stuffed into a dress you had to tug down every other minute. 
While it wasn’t a dress you would have chosen for yourself, objectively, it was a gorgeous dress. Flattering, too, shaping your ass into that picturesque, squeezable heart shape. It was slinky and silver and glimmered with every step, drawing attention to you like you were a dolled-up disco ball. You even said those very words to your stylist. She didn’t find it as funny as you did. 
In fact, the dress was so gorgeous, especially under the fluorescent bathroom lights, that it caught the attention of Mikasa—
Shit. You couldn’t remember her last name. 
Anyway, Mikasa fawned over your dress as you washed your hands, introducing herself as you made your way back to the bar. You asked tons of questions you wouldn’t have if you were sober—every one pertaining to her being a bassist, which you found incredibly fascinating, drunk or not. You shared a drink together, then a shot, and talked all about it. 
No, talked wasn’t the best word for it. It was more like you listened to her, googly-eyed, entirely swept up in how she carried herself. She was graceful despite the liquor and already less reserved than the version of her you met in the bathroom. You wondered if she, like you, needed an excuse to let loose for once. 
You were sure Pieck would have also advised against the margarita Mikasa ordered for you, but how could you say no? The two of you had called each other bestie at least five times in the last thirty minutes. And while you planned on sticking to vodka tonight, you needed the liquid courage to complete your mission of ending the night underneath (or on top of) someone. 
Mikasa clinked her glass to yours for the umpteenth time that night—a toast to nothing in particular. Her tongue poked past her plum-painted lips, blindly searching for her straw. She snagged a sip as she told you that she and ‘the guys’ had a bungalow outside, over by the pool—said you should totally come and crash. 
Once again, how were you supposed to say no?
She led you there, your hand in hers, like a couple of schoolgirls out at recess. She smelt nice—jasmine and something warm, maybe vanilla. You found it intoxicating as you kept close behind.
The event was held at a rooftop lounge. It was a scene hidden behind stained glass, obscured by a mix of colors and lights. The pale glow of the moon against the starless city sky. The crystal blue of the pool—so clear that you knew it only served as decoration. Numbingly-pink neon lights reflected from your dress and sparkled onto Mikasa.
The bungalows were on the far side of the pool. They were reserved for those that needed to kick their feet up after performing earlier in the day, much like ‘the guys’ seemed to be doing. In the center was a firepit, marbled and sleek, lined with empty glasses—more than plenty of them, too, between the three men on the L-shaped couch. They looked at you, varying levels of interest on their faces, like you were something to eat.
Tonight’s mission just got a whole lot easier. 
“Who’s your friend?”
The one in the middle posed the question. Sat in the corner of the L, he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, his drink lightly swirling in his hand. His ash-brown hair was styled into a mullet—if styled was still applicable since it was now falling into his inquiring eyes. He kept them on you even though he was talking to Mikasa.
“Ha-ha, Jean. Don’t be rude,” she answered before you could. She introduced you the same way everyone did, as if to say, ‘You don’t know who this is? Have you been living under a rock?’ She looped an arm around yours, still as best of besties as ever. “She’s our guest.”
“I thought we told you to stop taking strays,” the one to Jean’s left said. His smile captured his entire face when he laughed, louder than you expected. But then again, based on the number of glasses surrounding the trio, you assumed anything would make him double over. 
“You guys are such dicks,” Mikasa sneered. 
Her hold on your arm tightened to a lock. She tugged you to the couch, sitting you between her and the last of ‘the guys.’ The one who hadn’t spoken up yet.
Jean grinned. “I’m not being a dick. I’m just wondering why she’d want to hang out with you.”
Mikasa’s face soured. Before she could bark back, Mr. Quiet finally spoke up, his voice deep and uninterested. “Leave her alone.”
“C’mon, man. We’re just messing around. Besides, it was Shit on Connie Day all fucking day. She deserves it,” the guy who referred to you as Mikasa’s stray said. Based on his tone, it was safe to assume he was Connie.
“It’s Shit on Connie Day every day,” Jean snickered.
“That’s what I’m trying to say! Now let me shit on Mikasa!” Connie’s eyes went wide right after he said it. Jean threw his head back in wild, drunken laughter. Connie could hardly contain his own, even as he slapped Jean’s arm and said, “No! Not like—you know what I meant!”
Your attention was stolen once Mr. Quiet leaned in close. He placed his arm on the back of the couch, behind you, like he wanted to wrap it around your shoulder. Quiet, but he certainly wasn’t shy, was he?
“Don’t listen to them. They’re fucking idiots around hot girls.” His voice was now deep and interested. 
It was forward, but you appreciated it. You had drunk just enough for some shameless flirting. You ran through the basics—smiling at him, coyly biting at your bottom lip to draw his eye. It worked, as expected, and he was bold enough to let his gaze linger there, on your mouth. 
You inched closer to him, your drink hanging heavy in your fingertips. “Oh, so you think I'm hot?”
He didn’t break eye contact. The flame’s light speckled in the green of his eyes. There was a playfulness in them, past the sulky and lascivious thing he had going on. “Like you don’t know it.”
You gifted him a giggle, soft but still enough to crack him. You could tell he had a flashy smile just by the hint she showed you, playing at the corner of his lips. It sent a jolt through you, that smile, like a zap right to your chest. 
“Eren,” he introduced. “Eren Jaeger.” He said it like it was supposed to mean something to you. It didn’t, and your expression remained just as placid as before. He shrugged. “Fair enough.”
When you gave him your name, he only replied, “I know.”
Mikasa was too drunk to pick up on this—whatever it was that was happening between you and Eren. The tension between you was thick enough for Jean and Connie to ‘grab a drink,’ but Mikasa didn’t get the hint. Even after Eren slipped his arm around you, for real this time, his fingers grazing over your shoulder before giving you a light squeeze. 
You were practically beaming at Eren because you were drunk and found him gorgeous, and not in the way that you needed alcohol to find him gorgeous. His precise features matched the night so well that you wondered if he’d look out of place during the day. The bridge of his nose and the crests of his cheeks were dusted pink, most likely from the alcohol and a day spent on a sun-hot stage.
He had nice hair, too, just like you wanted. Dark and long enough to brush over his sculpted shoulders. It went without saying he was confident, but he wore it well. Like the type of guy who got laid a lot but actually might know what he was doing because he got laid a lot. Lucky you.
Mikasa was oblivious to this, blabbering on and on. It was probably for the best, or else you would have found it a tad embarrassing—how unabashedly you were making eyes at Eren, just how closely he sat beside you.
You missed her reason behind it, but suddenly, she jumped to her feet and skipped off. She must have seen someone she knew, flinging her arms around them for a hug. She seemed to make friends easily. She was the reason you were here, after all, drunk and carelessly draping your legs over her bandmate’s lap. You liked that he wasn’t afraid to touch you while you talked.
Both of Eren’s hands were on you now, one still resting on your shoulder, the other smoothing over your calf. His fingers were rough, but his touch was gentle enough that you wouldn’t have noticed it if not for the kindling trail he left behind, somehow burning hotter than the fire. Your legs, properly lotioned hours earlier, felt balmy even in the crisp night air. 
It wasn’t hard for Eren to admit he found you unbearingly sexy. It was undeniable at this point, what with the whole recently-bedded, yesterday’s makeup sort of thing you had going on after a long night. Your eyeliner, dark as soot, had smudged at the corner of your eyes. Your lipstick had long worn off—something he didn’t have to worry about when he’d inevitably kiss you later. 
Eren knew that you knew what you were doing, drawing him in. You were an expert at batting those lovely lashes of yours, making sure to do it as you swiped your tongue past your lips, taking kittenish licks at the salted rim of your margarita. 
“So, that band of yours,” you started. You walked your fingers up the length of his arm, mindfully stepping along each tattoo. You studied his forearm, toned and ungiving under your nails, before asking, “Do you play guitar?”
“I sing.”
You were still just as excited by his answer, chirping back. “Oh, me too!”
“I know,” he said again. His hand roamed to your knee. “But I can play the guitar, too.”
You smirked; you thought he had the arms of a guitarist. The detail piqued your interest for lots of reasons.
You admired every groove of his hand as he continued up your leg, palming over your thigh. He watched the rise and fall of your chest, heightened at his touch. Or he was simply staring at your tits. Not that you minded, of course. You weren’t shy about pushing them together, just a little.
Eren’s eyes, though lidded, had an intensity behind them. It burned at you, and you were getting tired of just looking. You wanted to touch.
You had him at this moment, you were well aware of it, which was why you were bold enough to purr, “You must be good with your hands then.”
It wasn’t subtle, but he didn’t seem to mind. Not that you thought he would, considering he started this. The hem of your dress was already dangerously high on your thigh as he toyed with it.
“How about I let you be the judge of that?” His voice was suggestive, matching the smile curving his lips, one you wanted to taste.
And he let you.
With nothing greater than the tilt of your head, your mouth was on Eren’s. And he kissed you back more than willingly. He moved thoughtfully, his lips soft against yours while maintaining a certain strength. Eagerness. Both in how he kissed you and how his hold around your thigh tightened before dragging up your hip. 
It was an intoxicating feeling—being wanted. Desired in every sense of the word. The arm he had around your shoulder pulled you in closer. The taste of him and some distinct flavor of alcohol—probably a concoction of many—swirled on your tongue. You kissed him like you could get drunker off him.
There was a fleeting second, no longer than a few blinks of the eye, in which you had forgotten where you were. And in that delicious moment, you cherished how his hand continued higher until it was at your cheek, his thumb smushing up against it. It pulled a small breath from you, something you wouldn’t dare call a moan. Whatever it was, it was swallowed by Eren as though it belonged to him.
You only broke the kiss once you felt his tongue. It wasn’t that you wanted to stop—you would have straddled him right there, even if it meant you would have split the seam of your dress. You wanted to keep kissing him. It was just that you couldn’t. Not here. 
Eren’s thumb remained on your cheek, brushing languidly. You were sure he could feel the heat of your skin, growing even warmer under the greedy look in his eyes.
“You want to get out of here?” he asked.
You knocked back the rest of your drink.
You lifted your legs from his lap like you were granting him permission to stand. He did and offered you his hand, large enough to close enclose yours and strong enough to bring you to your feet. He did it all with this everpresent calmness, as if to confirm your suspicion and say, ‘Yes, I can and will make you come tonight.’
You walked together as though you were each other’s prizes for the night. A goody-bag on your way out, if you will. 
Eren kissed you again while waiting for the elevator. He spun you around until your back was pressed to the wall with your face between his hands, fingers curving behind your ears. You felt dizzy from your last drink and him. He was a deep kisser. Commanding, too. It fit him well. 
You didn’t notice when the elevator opened its door, nor did you hear it when it closed again. You were more concerned with how good his hands felt on your skin, how good his tongue felt in your mouth, finally. You were lost in the groan—that beautiful and barely audible groan—he let escape after you yanked him in by the shirt.
It was everything a drunken kiss (and what was about to become a drunken hookup) should be. It was sloppy and desperate and not the sort of kiss your dress was meant for. You didn’t think it was possible, but the fabric was somehow even tighter with Eren’s grabbing and groping, riding up your thigh until it couldn’t anymore, even with his stubborn hand reaching for your ass.
The only pause was when he tapped the button to call the elevator again. Before its door even closed behind you, you had him backed into the far corner, your lips on his like they had never left. You started at the corner of his mouth before kissing down his neck.
Eren’s breath bordered a chuckle. He spoke so quietly that when he said, “And here I thought you’d be boring,” it was as though he was talking to himself.
You stopped to look up at him. “What was that?”
“Nothing,” he hummed. The elevator opened. “Let’s go.”
You dodged him when he went to take your hand again. Still, you followed him out because, well, you didn’t really have another choice. You had to leave the elevator somehow. You tried your best not to sound pointed when you said, “No, I want to hear why you thought I’d be boring.”
You were attracted to him, that was beyond question, but it was getting difficult to look past his sanctimonious attitude. It was the classic scenario of choosing between the devil and the angel sitting on each of your shoulders. One told you to ignore the comment for the sake of the mission, while the other waved a red flag above its little head. You didn’t know which was which. Truthfully, they could both become devils depending on what Eren said next.
He neared you in a stride, scooping your chin between his fingers. His thumb was cold this time as he caressed your cheek. There was a likeness between that and the way he said the disparaging words, “You know, considering your music.” He kept his voice sweet, like he could keep you there and pliant for him while he jabbed at you. “That’s all.”
You jerked your head back to shake off his hand. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, come on.” He spoke as if it was all self-explanatory. Like he was annoyed with you for not getting it. 
“No, please. Continue.”
“I mean, nothing about your music is very prolific. It’s about as generic as it gets.”
It was what you expected to hear but still, there was a pathetically-painful thud of embarrassment pitting deep in your stomach. 
You hissed, “You’re a fucking asshole.”
“More like the asshole you were about to fuck.”
He looked at you like you had walked right into that, smug and satisfactory. You glowered up at him, readjusting your dress as you started to shove past him. 
“Yeah, well, it was great to meet you Eren whatever your last name is, from whatever shitty band you’re in.” 
“Good one.”
You left with the tip of your chin and huff. It wasn’t as elegant as you intended; your strappy heels were too thin to support you after your last drink. But that was that, and fuck that guy.
♡ ♡ ♡
He still had that stupid smirk on his face—Eren What’s-His-Face.
You didn’t think you’d ever see him again, or at least you hoped you wouldn’t. But there he was, sitting just across from you.
What an asshole. 
Someone spoke your thoughts into existence, snapping, “Wipe that grin off your face, punk.”
The owner of the contemptuous voice was the man standing to Eren’s right. He was short, not much taller than Eren who was slumped in his seat. He had sharp-looking features that matched his dagger of a voice. Still, his eyes were bored, flitting between you and Eren like you were a couple of kids in detention. 
Pieck leaned into you and whispered, “That’s Levi Ackerman. Manager of Devil’s Paradise.”
Ackerman. That was Mikasa’s last name. Were they related? They shared some resemblances, what with their fair skin and midnight-black hair. 
You didn’t outwardly acknowledge Pieck because Levi was still glaring at you. He said, “I have a feeling I don’t need to remind you what this is about.”
As always, Pieck answered for you. “She doesn’t remember—and I haven’t told her yet.”
You actually remembered now, but it wasn’t the time to correct her.
Levi’s face didn’t light up, even as he scoffed to Eren, “Damn, Jaeger. You’re that forgettable of a kisser, huh?”
Eren rolled his eyes but stayed silent. You preferred him like that.
Levi grabbed his phone, bitterly swiping at the screen. “Maybe this will jog your memory.”
The room’s attention was brought to the television on the wall. On it, Levi had screencast an article from some high-profile gossip blog. Your heart sank before you even read the headline. Not that you needed it, anyway. They were considerate enough to include a photo that told you everything you needed to know.
You wanted to slam your head against the table.
Listen, you knew you were drunk, but were you really that drunk? Drunk enough to literally suck the face—oh my God, do you really kiss like that?—of a stranger?
Then again, you did vow to get laid last night. It wasn’t your fault you so happened to choose the wrong guy. You should have one with the one with the mullet.
The blogger at least had the courtesy to censor your ass, though there wasn’t any mistaking that Eren was pawing at it.
You were deep breathing through it, reminding yourself to be grateful that the quality was grainy and the lighting was poor. Then Levi made the picture big enough to fill the screen.
“Don’t zoom in on it!” You held your hand up like a shield. “God, my tongue is halfway down his throat.”
Eren started to laugh, but Levi cut it short with a stiff elbow to his head. You wished you thought to do that last night.
Then, in a flurry, everyone started talking. Not just talking, but talking at you. After years of it, you learned to drone it out.
Through tense flitters of eye contact with Eren, his expression as steadfast as ever, you studied him. It was a shame, really. He could have been attractive if he wasn’t like that. You struggled to remember what you saw in him last night. Whatever was there was ruined the moment he started running his mouth instead of using it to kiss you.
You were right about one thing: he did look out of place during the day. You could still make out the same features behind his sullen hangover eyes and day-old scruff—sharp jawline, thick brows looking rather broody over his green—
Was that a hickey?
Surely, that wasn’t from you. There was no way.
Your face heated up. You told yourself it was anger. 
But you were angry. Hot with it. Sticky under your sweatshirt and when you shuffled, the backs of your thighs suctioned to your chair. As much as you wanted to leave, the meeting only dragged on. From what you gathered, these were the parts that actually mattered:
This was supposed to be your funeral if not for the fact that the world woke up to your and Eren’s ship name trending on Twitter. Apparently, the two of you were a hit. Something about everyone’s favorite sweetheart pop sensation getting caught up with the industry bad boy really did it for them.
Your team pitched it to you as if it were another one of their marketing tactics. Like a milkshake and fries, you and Eren didn’t belong together but somehow, it just worked. 
Yeah, that was exactly how they put it. You thought you might get sick in your mouth, but that could have been the vodka at it again. It was vile, watching them flaunt their brilliancy around as though this was just another step in their grand plan for you. 
Your team wasn’t tactful about it when they informed you this situation didn’t align with your image. They gave you the same speech they always did—you know, think of the kids that look up to you. That type of deal. You only interrupted when you heard them use the words ‘one-night stand.’
“We didn’t hook up,” you asserted.
“Doesn’t matter,” one of your representatives said. He had this ridiculous mustache that you couldn’t help but gawk at. It had to be new. “The only thing that matters is what the fans think, and that—” He paused only to zoom in on that awful photo again. “That doesn’t scream just friends to me.”
“We’re not friends either,” you grumbled. He shot you a look. You were speaking out of turn, and Pieck reminded you of it with a sharp heel to your toes. 
Luckily for you—as Mustache phrased it—they had a solution to restore the balance in the universe.
“We’ve decided it’s best for all parties involved that you and Eren go on as if you had been in a relationship,” he said, hands clasped together. “How’s that sound?”
That last bit was only cursory. He was telling you exactly how it was going to be. Your only job was to nod and smile.
To your surprise, Pieck was the one that spoke out of turn this time. “You didn’t say anything about that on the phone!”
“It wasn’t your decision to make. We already spoke with Dad,” he knowingly said. He wasn’t talking to Pieck this time but you. Still, you each visibility tensed.
Another member of Eren’s team, one who hadn’t made a peep yet, started to break it down for you. She didn’t fit in with the rest of them, she was much softer. Her red hair was bobbed and bounced as she talked with her hands. It was clear she was trying to sell you on the idea, but she stuttered the whole way through.
Apparently, the band’s songs, even some of the older ones, had a steep increase in streams just overnight. Fans were rabidly trying to theorize which songs were written about you (ha!) because, as you just learned, Eren wrote all their songs.
She then told you that your relationship—air quotes—with Eren only needed to last until the hype died down. Maybe after a tour or two. Like that made it any better.
Her scrambling cut out when Mustache stood up, signaling the end of the meeting. He turned to you and said, “Don’t take it personally. We really don’t care what you do in your free time. Just try not to make it our business again.”
“My image—”  Cue the air quotes again. “Doesn’t have to be your business in the first place. You don’t seem to care that much about it when you put me in dresses like that.” You pointed to the picture, then to Eren next. “And it’s not like dating him makes me look like an angel.”
“You’re the only person that got yourself into this. Don’t be mad when you leave us with no choice but to clean it up.”
Pieck pinched your thigh to stay quiet. You watched while your team left the room in their weird, little flock.
The door shut behind them. All that was left was silence. It loomed over the room. You felt Levi’s glare again. When you looked at him, you couldn’t read his expression. You shook it off by the time they started to leave.
You asked Pieck to meet you out by the car while you searched for the bathroom. You needed a moment to collect yourself.
The sweat on the back of your neck went cold as you stepped into the restroom. You fanned the bottom of your sweatshirt as you made your way to the sink and let the icy water run over your hands. You didn’t dry them but patted the backs against your cheeks. It quelled some of the fluster, but you still felt queasy with a disgusting mix of a bad hangover and the claustrophobia that always came with these meetings. You gave yourself a pep talk in the mirror before the panic could set in.
This is what you wanted to do with your life, isn’t it? Then this is the price you have to pay. It’s all worth it. 
You repeated the last line a few more times before emerging from the sanctity that was the women’s bathroom.
Without Pieck, it took a bit longer for you to find the elevator. After a few loops around the floor, you finally found it, along with another waiting on its arrival.
Call it what you wanted—ironic, poetic, a cruel twist of fate, or perhaps plain old misfortune—but here you were again, side-by-side, waiting on yet another elevator.
You kept your eyes forward, watching the number above the elevator tick higher as it approached the twelfth floor. From the corner of your eye, you saw Eren turn to you.
“Don’t talk to me,” you snapped. You wanted him to stay quiet like he had during the meeting.
Eren snorted. “Right, and I’m the asshole.”
“Yeah, you are.” You breezed by him when the elevator doors opened. He joined you, hitting the button for the ground floor, then the one that made the doors close faster.
You caught him glancing at you again. You wished he wouldn’t. He took it as another invitation to try and talk again. 
“Look, I’m sorry if I called you boring or whatever. But for the record, you’re the one that called my band shitty.”
You didn’t remember that last part, but it didn’t stop you from saying, “No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did.”
“If I did, then I didn’t mean it.” You folded your arms over your chest. “I can’t even name one of your songs.”
“Oh, well, that’s perfect then. Apology accepted,” Eren sneered. He rolled his eyes again like he did with Levi. It was probably something you’d have to learn to endure for now.
“That wasn’t an apology.” When the elevator door opened, you walked out first, waiting for him, but only because you had more to say. “Shouldn’t you be more upset about this? Doesn’t having me around cramp your style?” 
His nose scrunched. “Who says that?”
You walked through the lobby together but far enough apart that it looked awkward. Not to mention, it probably wasn’t smart to talk this loudly about your fake relationship. Even more when Eren said, “And I don’t really care. You got me laid last night, so I can’t complain.”
Then you remembered the hickey.
Eren stopped once you were on the sidewalk out front. You each had your respective cars waiting on you, and they would have to wait until this conversation was over. Without the table between you, the way he stared down at you made your pulse quicken.
“Whoever took that picture must have sent it to a lot of people. Like, a lot. Within the hour, my ex hit me up.” He shrugged to spare you the gritty details. “You know how it goes. Figured this would make her jealous.”
He said it far too casually for your liking. You were seeing red. “You can’t fake cheat on me!”
He almost did a double take, looking at you as if you had sprouted a third eye or something just as insane. “I didn’t fake cheat on you. We weren’t even in a fake relationship yet!”
You took a daring pace toward him. He didn’t appear threatened by it, not that you didn’t expect him to. “Those pricks upstairs might want to protect my reputation for their own fucked up reasons, but I will not let you ruin me. I would never stay with a cheater, fake or not.”
Pieck called you to the car but you ignored it. Your thoughts were racing, echoing in your head and bouncing off your skull so fast that you couldn’t keep up. It only pissed you off more when Eren offered you nothing more than a slightly raised brow.
“I promise you, if you get caught with her, this will not end well for you,” you threatened.
He laughed, like an asshole. “Yeah, I’m real scared.”
It ended the same way as last night—with you huffing, marching off, and feeling less than victorious. Pieck was still holding the car door open for you as she mouthed, ‘Yikes.’ 
She stopped you short of crawling inside, whispering, “Listen, if I knew it was going to be like that, I wouldn’t have agreed to this meeting. You know that, right?”
You gave her a look, long and hard, then sidestepped her to get inside the car. She followed in after you, sitting beside you this time.
She buckled herself in and repeated, “Right?”
Pieck wasn’t only your manager; she had also been your best friend for as long as you could remember. Back when you’d sit on the floor, backs pressed up against her family’s tweedy couch, with cotton balls shoved between your toes as you painted your nails. You’d throw snacks into each other’s mouths and see who could catch the most in a row. You always won.
She was only a year older than you, but there were times when it felt more like a decade. She was always the more mature half of the friendship. Maybe that was why she wasn’t great at catching popcorn in her mouth. You knew she’d call herself sisterly, but you thought of her as more of the motherly type. Overbearingly so, at times.
Your dad only permitted her to work as your manager because she was like family to you. It was the same reason that it only took a few days of begging until he agreed to the arrangement a few years ago. If you knew it would have wound up like this, perhaps you wouldn’t have been so persistent.
That wasn’t to say you didn’t like having her around. It was just that you thought she’d let you get away with more, considering you were best friends. That turned out to be only wishful thinking.
You eventually conceded with a hollow sigh. “I know.”
The car hit a pothole. You felt sick again, but you couldn’t blame the hangover this time.
“I assumed you at least liked the guy. You know, based on the photo,” she said.
You could tell she was trying to lighten the mood, but you only grunted a response.
She patted your head and let you rest it on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll talk to your dad, okay?”
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oh-meretseger · 2 months
part 7 - Date Me
attack on titan modern college au // Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
notes: fluff (your first date🥹) with a little more dialogue with the others <3, kind of 18+! [a prequel to the smut that comes in the next chapter hehe], explicit language, making out, groping, dry humping
word count: 5,3k
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"Look, I know him. I can see he adores you. You shouldn't worry about it" Sasha glanced up at you for a second, then turned her attention right back at the work she was crocheting, comfortably propped up by a bunch of her fluffy pillows.
"I just— I thought the same when I talked to Marco, but he's been avoiding me like the fucking plague"
"Oh my god, quit being so dramatic" Ymir rolled her eyes with an insufferable agony on her face. She wasn't the most supportive when it came to boy drama, but you still considered her a good friend after this short time you've known her - so when she came over to your dorm on her way to meet up with Historia, you decided to cry out all your pent-up frustration to the girls. "I just saw you two talking after morning class"
"AND he literally agreed to the movie night with us tomorrow, just us three" Sasha added.
"Yeah but— Y'know, I mentioned the night of the party and he instantly changed the subject" you replied quietly as your eyes dropped to your lap. "He doesn't even look at me like it happened, he doesn't joke with me or touch me—"
"What, do you expect him to finger you in front of the whole class?" Sasha frowned, pointing at you with her crochet hook.
"EEWWW" Ymir yelled out, wrinkling her freckled nose in utter disgust, and you shook your head as you tried to bite back your chuckle. You kinda started to regret telling them.
"NO, but— do you understand what I'm saying?"
"No" Ymir bluntly replied as she kept pushing herself off the desk, spinning on Sasha's swivel chair with an ungodly speed.
"I do, but again, I don't think he feels any differently about you" Sasha said without looking up from her work. "Just talk to him, pookie"
"For real. Y'all are like two mentally handicapped middle schoolers" Ymir pulled a face at you, then looked up at the ceiling, opening her arms theatrically. "Just kill them, dear God, don't make them suffer anymore"
"Get lost" you grinned as you grabbed the closest pillow on your bed to toss it right against her head. "You're right though, I should've just initiated... Jean's just always so straightforward, him being so awkward about it catches me off guard"
It's almost been a week since Connie's party and as soon as you ran into Jean on Monday, something instantly felt off. 'Missed my dumb ass?' you asked and he looked away sheepishly 'I don't really miss any body parts', seeming flustered before swiftly changing the subject to civil law (ok, great move, Jean). You had no idea what could be going on, you've never seen Jean being so awkward. Maybe even embarrassed. But why is he embarrassed? Maybe he regrets it..?
Even though you were originally the one to kick against the vulnerable moments happening between you two, you still felt like your subconscious hopes were shattered into pieces.
"Pfft, awkward" Ymir snorted. "I still can't believe the king of arrogance himself is acting sheepish about this shit"
"He's not arrogant" Sasha smirked up at her and you smiled. Kind of the same conversation happened between you when you were the one despising Jean's cocky attitude, just a few months ago. "You just don't know him that well"
Ymir huffed condescendingly.
"Who knows anyway what them stupid men have sloshing around in their ugly skulls" she grimaced as she momentarily stopped spinning, hugging her pulled up knees. "Instead of a brain"
"Jean has a pretty skull though" you pouted, but you knew there was no use arguing. You could point your finger at any man, and Ymir would wrinkle her nose in disgust at every one of them.
"Bruh" Ymir glared at you. "That man looks like a ponderosa pine with limbs, you're a dumbass for crying about him"
"BAHHHAHAHA" laughter bursted out of Sasha uncontrollably, and you stared at her squeezing her eyes, mouth wide open as she screamed hysterically, as if Ymir just dropped the most hilarious joke on planet Earth.
"What on earth is a ponderosa" you gazed blankly, then scoffed at Sasha as she wiped her tears. "And what the hell are you laughing at? A few days ago she told you Niccolo looked like a dumpling with a blonde mop on top of it"
"I like dumplings" Sasha shrugged as her shoulders shook with laughter and a satisfied grin grew on Ymir's face.
"See?" Ymir raised her eyebrow at you, then started pushing herself again to get the swivel chair to reach a space shuttle's centripetal force. "I think you should quit thinking about his praying mantis lookin' ass, like, altogether"
A small chuckle bursted out of you but you tried your best to bite it back, wanting to keep the situation serious, even though Sasha was still wheezing in the background.
"What? He should actually be grateful a girl like you let him touch her princess parts" Ymir sneered at you scornfully. "I mean, I'm not trying to judge your taste in men, but girl—"
"Yeah, I can see that" you grimaced at her. "You're not judging, I'm just naturally attracted to pine trees and you support my fetish"
"Hey, all the way" Ymir started spinning herself the other way. "If that's what you're into"
"Thanks a lot"
"You know I understand you girls, I just don't condone you crying after all these athletes that are gross and stink like a skunk after practice, and act like dickheads after you touch their pickle"
"Fair" Sasha glanced up, and you continued your game trying to hit Ymir in the head with all the pillows and stuffies you could find in the room as she swivelled with the speed of a tumble dryer.
Until Sasha bursted out laughing once again.
"What's so funny?"
"If I told you a few months ago you were gonna be all lovey-dovey about Jean you would've decked me" Sasha chuckled and you felt your stomach flip at her words. Lovey-dovey, huh?
"I'd never deck you, Sasha"
"I would" Ymir chimed in.
"You'd deck anyone" you chuckled, holding your arms up to your head to protect yourself from Ymir's vengeful blow as she launched a pillow back at you with the force of her insane spinning.
"Indeed" she replied, then stopped the swivel chair, finger gunning at you as she got up. "And now if you'll forgive me, I have an angel to meet who absolutely never stinks like a skunk"
"My brother in Christ, only God can forgive you for the shit you've said in this room" Sasha said without looking up and you laughed as Ymir stumbled to the door, obviously feeling dizzy from turning about three million times in the last twenty minutes.
"Tell Hisu we're saying hi!"
"Ight, see ya fools!" the door slammed shut behind Ymir and you looked at Sasha's skilled hands moving for a few silent seconds. Jean filled your mind like a heavy, intoxicating fog at all times, making every single cell in your body tingle with excitement. You wanted more. So much more of him.
"Look!" Sasha jumped to her feet as she finished her work, the crochet hook hanging from the piece of clothing she just made herself. She held the skirt up to her hips as she stood in front of the mirror. "What do you think?"
"It's really cute" you grinned at her reflection. "Colorful and pretty, just like you"
Although your dilemma seemingly dissolved, you still wasn't a hundred percent sure that Sasha was right. Your mind told you to believe her, considering how she was one of the few people who truly knew Jean - but your curiosity still got the best of you. That day, while Sasha went lurking around in the kitchen to watch Niccolo cook, you turned to Connie above your half eaten lunch in the canteen.
"That's me" he replied, mouth full of food as he glanced at you, earning a quick roll of your eyes.
"Did Jean tell you anything about being mad at me?"
"Nah, why?"
"He's avoiding me" you said as your eyes dropped to your fork, jumbling the food around in your plate.
"He's trying his best not to fuck you, probably" Connie shrugged and you almost choked on your own saliva.
"You mean like— Did he—tell you?" you asked as you felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment. You absolutely didn't calculate on the possibility of Connie knowing all about your naughty business when you opened this topic.
"Tell me what" he furrowed his eyebrows and your heart almost jumped out of your chest. Fuck. You basically just told on yourself.
"Nothing, forget it" you muttered, but looking at Connie's expression, you already knew it was too late. The bright red tint of your face probably told him everything he needed to know.
"NO" Connie slammed his fists on the table, cutlery clattering against your plates with the devastating sound of his realization. You squeezed your eyes.  "Say sike right now"
"You FUCKED?!" he yelled as he stared at you, jaw hanging open in utter shock, and your hands instantly moved to your eyes as a few turning heads around you caught your eye.
"Connie!" you hissed angrily, but there was no amount of sternness that could jolt him out of his shocked state.
"I can't believe that little dipshit didn't tell me" his eyes stared at you widened. "Was it good?"
"What?! No—I mean yeah, but—Connie, no, you don't get it" you stuttered as you tried to calm and collect your thoughts. "I talked to Marco beforehand and—"
"About fucking Jean?"
"No, about us, and how he feels—or, like—how he assumes he feels, and how I feel—"
"Huh?" Connie blinked at you. "Who feels what?"
"HIM. I mean, us both. I don't know what, but— I thought we both felt it, but now I'm not sure anymore and I'm starting to think he just misunderstood him, and all he felt was something temporary and completely different from what I feel" you gabbled in one breath, but looking at Connie's motionless face, you quickly realized it only made sense in your head. "You know?"
"You are on so many drugs" Connie said blankly and you sighed, defeated.
"Nevermind, forget it"
"So... You banged, but it was bad?"
You and Connie gazed at each other for a good few moments before you opened your mouth to reply, still not sure you were talking to an actual cognitive being. "Where's the factory reset button on you?"
He was at least considerate enough to drop the stupid questions when Reiner appeared at your table, grinning and happy to see your now familiar faces, then joined you having lunch - while ditching his teammates at the other table who wore the same varsity jackets as him, seemingly confused as to why Reiner chose to sit with you two randos.
But you didn't mind, moreover, were glad you finally got to talk to him a little more after just a few exchanged sentences at Connie's party. From the outside, Reiner looked exactly like your typical buff, intimidating jock type, but as soon as he spoke to you and Connie with that soft smile, a joyful warmth filled your chest at the realization: he was just a sweetheart in a huge, scary body.
"'Aight, I'll see you guys around" you grabbed your tray as you prepared to leave, but Reiner's hand stopped you in your tracks as it reached for your arm.
"Wait, which way y'going?"
"To the library" you smiled at him and he immediately returned it, a grin plastered on his face as he threw his gym bag over his shoulder.
"You can walk me to my class, then"
"Yeah? Should I drop you off on my way there?" you laughed and Reiner's warm eyes glared into yours as he winked at you.
"I know I'm in safe hands with you"
As you said bye to Connie and you felt Reiner softly place his hand on your waist to guide you to the way out of the canteen, you raised your eyes to suddenly meet a pair of familiarly intense hazel ones. Jean sauntered your way and you muttered a quiet 'hi' as he shook hands with Reiner while passing. His scent hit your nose and you felt dizzy all of a sudden, but he seemed so nonchalant and absolutely not touched by seeing Reiner by your side that you quickly shook the feeling off. He doesn't care.
Oh, but he did, very much so.
He had to force himself to relieve the clench of his jaw to save his teeth from breaking. Why did Reiner touch your waist like that? Who the fuck does he think he is? You barely even know him. And where the fuck are you going with him, just you two? Jean felt his muscles tense up, making great effort not to look back as he walked towards Connie, and away from you.
"What the fuck was that?" a growl bursted out of Jean as soon as he reached Connie's table.
"Dude, how can you fuck it up this bad? You have it so easy" Connie immediately complained in response and Jean sat down with a confused frown.
"What are you talking about?"
"You're all she talked about, she actually went fucking nuts about ten minutes ago—"
"What? Why?" Jean cut him off, the tension of his muscles increasing as he got more impatient.
"She asked me if you were mad at her, and I said no, and she told me you two fucked—" Connie jabbered, but Jean's frustration took over again.
"Okay, she most definitely did not tell you that" he shook his head.
"Whatever, you kept it a secret from me anyway, so I'm quite disappointed in you at the moment, don't cut me off" Connie replied like the assertive gentleman he was. "Anyways, now she thinks you just wanted to get her laid and dip cause you avoid her, or whatever"
"What?! That's stupid" Jean's eyebrows furrowed and he felt his heartbeat intensify. Is that really what you think? The exact opposite was what he was trying to do. After that drunken night, Jean was scared you'll get the wrong impression and think he just wants to fool around. However, after talking to Marco, he was certain in one thing: he didn't want the two of you to stay casual, and he wanted you on the same page as him. "Why the hell would I dip?"
"THAT'S what I'm saying, you have it so easy, man. She's infatuated with you. Don't fuck it up"
"Where did that word come from?" one of Jean's eyebrows raised in suspicion and Connie shrugged.
"I was reading Sasha's magazine in class earlier" he replied and Jean shook his head with a smile. The nervous beating of his heart and the uneasy feeling in his stomach remained - an awful guilt started to twist his mind as he imagined you having these stupid thoughts. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel like he didn't cherish all the intimate moments that'd happened between you like the most precious little treasure in his heart. He wanted more, so much more, but he was so scared of you believing sex was all he wanted from you.
"I don't want to fuck it up, but—" Jean nervously rubbed his temple. "I was thinking earlier—"
"Wow, impressive" Connie said bluntly and Jean's face dropped.
"Shut the fuck up" he growled, then slapped Connie's hand away as he poked his hand.
"You're holding the knife in the wrong hand, by the way"
Jean stared at him for a few moments, contemplating if he should just stab that knife into his own neck.
"I'm left-handed, you fucking dumbass"
You smiled at Reiner one last time before you parted ways in front of his class, then continued your way to the library. Reiner was a sweet guy - he gave you the impression of a seemingly confident, but secretly timid man who mastered the art of flirting, yet still became flustered when the same flirty comments were thrown right back at him. Although they were light-hearted, you didn't take them seriously. He probably flirted like that with most of the girls around campus.
You turned left at the familiar bookshelf, making your way to your favorite quiet corner of the library. Though it looked like the single table there was already occupied. You gazed at the back of the black jacket that had hand-painted lettering on it, dark strands of hair falling to his shoulder and moving with a familiar shine as he turned his head to the sound of your steps.
"Eren" you smiled at him, trying not to spontaneously burst into flames at the intensity of his bright greenish eyes piercing through yours. Eren closed the book in his hand, kindly removing his crossed legs from the other chair and moving over so you could get seated. "What are you reading?"
You grabbed the book handed to you, examining the dark cover of The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe. Your eyes flicking to the other two books lying on the table, you instantly realized Eren didn't pick them for himself - you knew Mikasa was mad about gothic literature. A smile curved your lips at the thought of Eren browsing around for hours, looking for books that'd make Mikasa happy.
How sweet.
"Where did you leave your mullet-man?" Eren asked with a smirk and you lifted your gaze at the metallic sound hitting your ear. A balisong was spinning and turning smoothly between Eren's fingers, the insane speed of his effortless movements catching you off guard. It could've been interpreted as kind of a threat, but you knew Eren.
You didn't expect any less from a man who regularly visited bars around campus to find dudes that harassed vulnerable, drunk girls, and beat those dudes up just for fun.
"I don't have any cash, if you're trying to threaten me" you said and Eren laughed as your eyes were glued to the effortless flicking of his wrist, the butterfly knife swinging around in the air like a toy. "But I—I don't know, his business is not mine"
"Ah, right" Eren all-knowingly smiled as he closed the balisong. "That's why he's followed you here"
"What?" you turned your head to follow Eren's eyes with a confused frown and your heart skipped a beat as you saw Jean's tall frame walking towards you.
"Your business is his, apparently" Eren winked at you and put his knife in his pocket, then grabbed the books as he stood up. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone"
You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment. He knew exactly how to make you flustered in just seconds.
"I know those are for Mikasa, ya big ass lovebird" you said to quickly snap back at him, earning a roll of his eyes and an irritated huff. Eren didn't like you knowing about the existance of his emotions, apparently. It was never fully obvious to you whether him and Mikasa were together or not, but they basically lived their lives attached at the hip, so it wasn't hard to figure.
"Look who decided to finally get into a six foot radius of a book" Eren turned to Jean to greet him with a huge grin.
"What are you doing here?" Jean frowned at Eren. "You're not illiterate anymore?! You could've told us, we would've thrown a party or something"
You chuckled, although you tried to keep it quiet. These stand-offs between Jean and Eren could get brutal and usually, the more you gave voice to your amusement, the more hostile they got.
"There was a party, I just timed it to coincide with the hockey team's twentyseventh lost game of this season, that must be why you missed it" Eren deadpanned. "Sorry"
You bursted out laughing this time, the honest hurt on Jean's face at Eren's stupid remark was just too much to bear.
"Your girl laughs at my jokes harder than yours" Eren grinned, and you immediately blushed at the title. You're not even 'his girl'. Though you weren't so quick to correct him. "Get your shit together, my man"
"Alright Jäger, we get it, your balls finally dropped" Jean sat down next to you as his hand motioned for Eren to go away. "Now walk. And never stop"
"Oof, did someone feed you after midnight, Kirstein?" Eren smiled as he looked to you, then winked at you one more time before turning to leave. "Bye, little birds"
"Bye, Romeo!" you sneered at him and looked at his head shaking as he walked away.
Your eyes darted to Jean as a moment of silence set between you and he felt himself get flustered right away. He felt unbelievably weak for a second as he realized how he always melted under the twinkle in your beautiful big eyes. He liked to think he's got his emotions under control at all times, but the way he became bewitched by how pretty you are every single time told him otherwise. Your soft lips curved into a slight smile, pretty little freckles on your nose moving with the movements of your face, your eyelashes slowly blinking, alluring Jean to breathlessly lose himself in the endless depth of your eyes. He just couldn't not stare.
"You love each other, just admit it" you smirked at him and Jean snapped out of his trance, gritting his teeth.
"He's an idiot"
"Sure" you smiled to yourself, knowing exactly what was actually hidden behind Eren and Jean's whole hating-each-other's-guts facade.
"Hey, I wanted to ask you something—" Jean's eyes dropped to his hands on the table, his fingers nervously fidgeting as he tried to gather all his strength to force the words out. "I just—I don't want you to feel like fooling around is all I'm interested in"
"Is it not?" you cheekily raised an eyebrow as you bit back your smile, secretly loving the way this big and gruffy man got so shy and timid all of a sudden.
"No, it's not. And you know that" Jean replied bluntly as his eyes shot to yours and your heart jumped in your chest at the intense eye contact. He was right, you did. Your eyes flicked to his again as you heard your name roll off his tongue, sounding so beautifully sweet. "I’m taking you out on a date"
"Do I have a say in it?" you chuckled, and although it sounded more like a demand, your heart still started fluttering with pure happiness.
"No" he smirked, his heart unknowingly matching the fluttering of yours as he looked at you smile. "Date me, it's a command"
"Yes, sir!" you nodded. You didn't want to further force a conversation about his exact thoughts and feelings, you just felt happy to see where things were going. "So no fooling around, you said?"
"Uh-uh" he shook his head, then smirked as his eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "For now, at least. What do you say?"
"Sounds good" you returned his playful smile. You'll be curious to see how long he'd obey his rule. "Tomorrow night?"
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The key turned in the lock, the door slowly opened and your hand quickly started to fumble around to find the light switch. You walked into the empty dorm as it lit up, then swiftly reached out to your night lamp to switch to that light instead. It was more friendly.
The room was empty, but that didn't take you by surprise. After you and Jean cancelled on you three's movie night, Sasha was more than happy to go home for the weekend instead, leaving the dorm empty for you on accident. She was internally in hysterics as soon as she heard about your little date, but you tried your best to convince her it was just a "casual hangout, nothing special", so she left it to you.
Jean stepped in the dorm after you, closing the door behind him. A comfortable silence filled the room as he shook his jacket off of his shoulders, laying it on Sasha's swivel chair. Warmth spread in your chest as you felt his scent fill your nose, his presence making the butterflies in your stomach flap around in ecstasy.
"Can I use your charger?" he grabbed the cable lying on your bed.
"Sure" you replied as you kicked off your shoes, then watched as he plugged his phone in. The dark band shirt fit loose on his broad shoulders, soft strands of ashy brown hair fell to his neck, and the way the warm light grazed the side profile of his pretty face made you melt.
Jean flopped down on your bed, making you immediately jump to push him off.
"NO!" you pressed your palms on his back as hard as you could, but he just chuckled, not flinching one bit. "Get your outside clothes off my bed!"
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot you're clinically insane"
"Take these off" you tugged on Jean's cargos with a frown. He just sat on the bus with those pants, you couldn't have all the nasty bus-germs all over your clean bed.
"Hey, cool it. I told you, no naughty stuff" he smirked up at you and you chuckled. Right, no naughty stuff. We’ll see.
“Take it off”
Jean felt the blood in his body start to wander to a different place from his brain as memories flooded his mind at hearing your demanding tone. He couldn’t be more confident in his decision to slow things down with you - but he felt his presence of mind fading as your eyes blinked at him with that playful glint.
“Your wish is my command, smartass” Jean kicked off his shoes and you bit down on your lower lip as you watched his hands move to fumble with the buckle of his belt. You felt a familiar heat spread in your core as you looked at him and you hesitated for a moment before reaching for the button of your own jeans.
Neither of you really overdressed for your cute little date. You agreed that a simple milkshake in the café near the campus and a walk in the park would perfectly fit for a first date, eliminating any excessive pressure and frustration of a fancier one. Jean told you to dress ‘sleazy’ and ‘preferably like a homeless person’, so you did just that, you even kinda matched with him in your baggy jeans and big hoodie. Jean secretly hoped it’d be easier to keep his composure this way, but homeless-you mesmerized him just as much as if you dressed up, maybe even a little more. He found your smaller frame in those huge clothes adorable - especially now that he knew what you were hiding under them.
The plan worked, with some of the pressure lifted off, it felt amazing to be in his presence. An unknown kind of happiness filled both of your brains as hours flew by, your conversation only stopping when your eyes sank too deep into each other, erasing all existing thoughts in your hazy minds.
“You won’t make me take a shower this time?” Jean smirked as he pulled his legs out of his cargo pants, then quickly squeezed his eyes shut when his eyes flicked up to you just as your baggy jeans fell to your ankles. He already felt himself getting hard as the soft skin of your beautiful legs caught his eye. Oh, no.
“No, not this time” you smiled, then pulled your hoodie to take it off. Jean sat there spellbound as he watched you lay your clothes on a chair, then put your glasses on the desk, light grazing the round ouline of your ass in your cute little panties, a tight cropped top letting the skin on the curve of your beautiful waist show. He felt the blood rush to his groin and you turned around, your hard nipples of your perfect tits showing through the small top, letting him know you had no bra on all along.
You bit your lower lip as you looked at Jean, his pretty lips parted as he stared at you, a growing bulge in his boxers between his deliciously spread thighs telling you he liked the view just as much as you did.
“This is not a good idea”
“Why? We’re not gonna do anything” you replied softly while you stepped closer to Jean, standing between his legs as he looked up to you with already flushed cheeks. His lashes fluttered as your fingers found their way through his hair. “You said it yourself, right?”
“Right” Jean mumbled as his eyes closed at the heavenly feeling of your touch. His face looked so beautiful like this, him melting between your hands, you just couldn’t help leaning down to press a soft kiss on his lips.
The kiss was sweet and slow, full of tender emotions. Although it still sent a burning heat through both of your cores, this time it also felt so delicately warm and affectionate.
Your lips started moving in perfect sync as you laid down on your bed, hands slowly roaming each other’s bodies, gentle strokes and deep, passionate kisses heating them up. Your sense of time vanished as you made out and the wet noises of your lips filled the room, along with your desperate whimpers and Jean’s quiet groans as your hips slowly rolled into his, one of your legs wrapped around him as you laid on your sides. The wet spot on your panties rubbed on his aching bulge so well, Jean couldn’t help his fingers digging into your hips, driving them to grind into him harder.
“You feel so good, baby” he moaned into your mouth and another whimper fell from yours in response. His warm tongue in your mouth, his strong hands groping you and the friction of grinding on his bulge was enough to already push you to the edge.
“Y—you too, Jean” you moaned back, but neither of you moved your hands to each other’s desperately aching, sensitive parts. Neither of you took it further.
Jean meant what he said - even if you both knew you weren’t going to endure very long, he wanted you to know he’s not there for the fun only. He felt like listening to your laughter and looking into your sparkling eyes above your milkshakes was just as fun as your hands brushing, then gently intertwining while you walked in the park, or as pulling on your hair to leave sloppy kisses all over your neck while you moaned in pleasure.
“D’you wanna stay the night?” you asked quietly as your hands cupped each side of his jaw, admiring the golden glint of his beautiful hazel eyes. “Please”
“Of course” he softly smiled at you.
Jean felt like he was on cloud nine. For him, fun was the way your muffled laughing sounded and how radiant your pretty face looked in the mirror while you both brushed your teeth in the bathroom, or the tingling he felt as your bare skin brushed against each other, and also watching you do your nightly routine before lying down in your bed and having the silliest, most stupid coversations as you laughed together. Fun was also the intense eye contact before tangling into each other again, sloppily making out and grinding heavily until both of your underwear was soaked with the mixture of your wetness and the precum leaking from his sensitive tip.
But the most fun part was hugging you tightly, feeling the warmth of your body and inhaling the sweet scent of your hair as you pressed your ass into Jean’s hard-on before quickly drifting off in the safe embrace of his strong arms. Even like this, he felt so full, so at peace.
Jean couldn’t have been happier.
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chososheart · 15 days
Trainwreck - Eren Jaeger (9)
Chapter seven: Third Time’s a Charm?
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Reader
Series summary: Reader is an 18-year-old, high school student. On her way to school one day, she meets a boy on the train. Will their train, wreck or will they somehow make it work?
Info on Reader: Reader is a logical person. She’s organized and tidy. She uses logic and common sense when she makes choices. Some events in her life and some people in her life will cause her to question her sanity as she no longer can differentiate if she’s using her heart or brain.
Info on Eren Jaeger in this book: Eren doesn’t think. He uses his heart to express himself. If he feels like something is wrong, he will act on those feelings. He’s very emotional and speaks his mind. There haven’t been many times when Eren felt regret after acting on his emotions; until he met you.
Content: High school! Au, Eren x Reader, strangers to friends, friends to lovers, eventual smut.
word count: 6.2k
CW: alcohol consumption, suggestive content.
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You like to think back to that moment. Replay it in your head as if it were a record player, but one of those old record players. The ones that get jammed and replay the same tune over and over again. It was ridiculous. You felt pathetic. It was as if you had never had a romantic interaction with a boy. All he did was hand you a sweatshirt because you were cold. Many others have probably done that to you; why is it only a big deal now?
That's the thing about Eren, that's the thing that terrifies you the most about him. You feel like a kid. You feel nervous looking at him and making eye contact, hot and sweaty after your skin accidentally touches his. It's twice as intense as that first crush everyone remembers, that first love everyone carries with them. God, you can't even remember your first love's name! Eren makes you question the feeling in your chest. He makes you feel like this is the first time you've ever fallen, and it's treacherous; it haunts you. You feel unsure of when to move or step forward and when to proceed and advance. So you don't. You simply stand still.
A raindrop quickly slides down the window you lay your head against.
It has been a few weeks since Eren invited you to Historia's beach house. You finished the first semester of your senior year. The thought of how fast the year has gone by makes your head spin. You can't believe this time next year, you'll be in college, probably stressing about your grades and coming back home for Christmas.
I wonder if Eren and I will still be together.
You tightly close your eyes and squeeze that thought away. It isn't important.
You hear the girls in the car blabber and sing along to whatever song is jammed on the radio, well, glitching because the music they downloaded illegally isn't working, shocker! You don't know whose it was; you have kept your eyes focused on the cloudy weather outside for the past few hours. You feel a bit sick, but you are not sure what you can blame it on, the car or your disgustingly sweet thoughts of Eren.
You've never been the obsessive type and have never felt sick to your stomach over not having someone. Frankly, you've spent most of your teen years away from boys because all they bring is drama and pain. You don't know what's remotely different about Eren from every other boy you've met before, but it works; God, how it works in his favor. You feel miserable at times. You feel as if this is all in your head. What if this is entirely one-sided? What if he's perfectly fine and doesn't care about you and the potential relationship you've built in your head?
The closer you get there, the lower down your stomach falls. With every meter passing by, the tingle on your fingertips grows more feeble, unstable. It worries you, really. How bad have you gotten that even the anxious feelings within you have become unpredictable?
You were up all night, for your excitement forbade you from peace. All you were able to get were a few measly hours. A haze so painful encircled your head that the rocking from it resting against the window surprisingly soothed you; your eyelids fell heavy. Your head felt stuck as if you had just crashed after allowing yourself to indulge in a much too-sweet pastry—your brain, finally ready to admit defeat and slow down. You don't fight it off; you allow your body and mind to rest.
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"Hey, c'mon! Wake up. We're here!" Historia shakes you awake.
It's brighter now than it was before. It's still cloudy, of course, but the sun has managed to shine through. You still feel the heaviness you did this morning, but it is now evenly spread throughout your body instead of residing only in your heart and mind. With a quick stretch, you're out the door.
Historia lives in a house on the top of a small hill, not that close to the sea, but close enough to walk there. Her home is average-sized, actually. The stairs are a bit tight, but the main room is large, with two queen-sized beds.
Is he here already?
Historia noticed your hesitant look. "The boys will sleep in the small bedroom downstairs, a bunch of bunk beds." She scrunched her nose and smiled.
"Oh, okay." You smile back.
"Who are you sleeping with?" Historia says, dragging her suitcase through the door. "Me? Or stinky Sasha?"
Sasha sets her bags down next to the bed closest to the window. "Hey!"
You laugh, "Can we join the beds? I'll sleep in the middle."
Historia thinks for a second. "Yeah, sure."
After moving the beds and putting your clothes away, you go downstairs. If you had to describe how you felt in one word, it's lagged, even though you haven't been on an airplane this evening. The car ride didn't mix well with you.
You go down each step, tightly holding on to the railing. Not only were the stairs on the smaller side, but they were also circular; the steps were short. When you get to the kitchen, you stop in your tracks.
There he stood, surrounded by a black kitchen counter and island. The cabinets and drawers were tinted a dark brown. He turns and catches your eyes in his. He looks away briefly, only to meet your eyes with his yet again.
"Hey," you say, approaching him.
"Hey." He turns back around, a soft smile on his face.
"Why are you hogging the blender?"
"Ha. Ha." He shakes his head. "I'm making a banana smoothie." He faces you. "Want some?"
You smile. "Sure, what's in it?"
"Banana and almond milk."
"Okay, skinny."
Eren laughed and pushed you slightly with his elbow. "It's how my mum made it for me growing up."
"No protein powder?"
"Don't think Carla Jaeger was on the bulk grind, so no."
"I mean," you jump and sit on the counter, "maybe not with you, but definitely with Mikasa. I bet she's been strong all her life."
"Yeah, except she's adopted."
You roll your eyes with a laugh. "Okay, sue me for not making assumptions."
"She's wasian, bro, c'mon." He unpeels a banana and throws it in the blender.
"Yeah, and so was Miranda Croscove, according to the masses."
"No, you're just dumb. Pass the almond milk."
You pass him the tall container next to the sink and continue looking at him. "Bet the 'you're adopted jokes' went crazy, huh?"
"No, because I'm a decent human being, weirdo." He pours the milk into the blender and hits start.
You punch his arm. "Hey!"
He points to his ear, signaling he can't hear you from the blender's noise, and laughs.
He gapes at you.
"Oh, so that you hear?" You laugh and hop off the counter. You playfully push him.
"You punch like that bitchboy Jean," he screams and runs away.
That's like the worst insult.
You chase him around the kitchen island as he covers the arm you keep hitting. It hurts, but he won't give you the satisfaction.
Then the blender stops by itself, and he turns and grabs both your arms by the wrists. "Hey, we're even, we're even." He pants, and suddenly, you realize how much you wish he was on top of you.
Eren is wearing a casual grey shirt and sweats, the same as you, but a different color scheme distances your choices. You fight off the flush that burned the back of your neck. You snatch your arms away from him and sit on the counter again.
"But, yeah, Mikasa was better than me in everything regarding physical shit, so I resorted to psychological torture."
"You're so evil, my God.”
"Hey, I had to survive. Armin was the mediator and fixed it before she told on me, so it's okay."
"Evil. Pass me a cup." You feel a slightly cooled air swimming deep in your stomach. It isn't too noticeable, not in a way that would paralyze you, but it is there, in the back of your mind, acknowledged.
"Say pretty please." He teased, which only made you smile.
"God, you are so corny."
"Say it." He had an empty cup in his hand, which he held back while looking into your eyes. Smile lines and joy reached his eyes despite his smile being faint.
"Pretty please," you say, annoyance staining your voice but not your face.
He places two cups on the counter and pours the drink into them.
You take a sip. "Okay, it's good."
"Told you. What'd you come in here for?" He takes a bigger gulp.
"Oh, right. I wanted lime."
He stops drinking and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, "Lime?"
"Yeah, I got car sick."
"You look fine to me." He had an arrogant expression on his face, as always.
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, but I still want it."
Since Eren is standing before you, you try to move him away with your hands so you can hop off the counter, but he stops you.
"I'll get it." he goes to the fruit cart next to the balcony door and grabs you a lime. He cuts it and gives you a half. "Smell it."
"The lime?"
"Yeah, it helps."
You do as he says and feel some tension lift away. He grabs you a plate and pours some salt into it. "It's better to have it like this."
You scrunch your nose, "I was going to squeeze it in a cup and shot it."
"Do this first. If you're still ill, do it your way."
"Fine." You put some salt on the lime and suck it. Eren looked at you attentively, waiting for you to scrunch your face once the sour taste kicked in, but you didn't.
"Why aren't you making a funny face?" He frowned.
"Oh," you laugh. "I used to have a lime obsession when I was little."
"What do you mean? Like you'd straight up have them like this?"
"Yes. I'd always forget to put the peel away. I left a trail wherever I went."
Eren scrunches his face. "Oh, that's nasty."
"Yeah, but it was physical proof of my love for limes."
Jean walks in. He ignores you and Eren in the kitchen and goes to the sliding doors surrounding the entire kitchen/breakfast table area. He looks at the rays that had snuck through the mound of clouds covering the sky.
"Have you guys seen the weather?" he says, approaching you.
Eren furrows his brows. "Don't talk about the weather."
"Shut up." He looks at you and says, "It's nice, isn't it?"
"Mmm, I hadn't noticed yet; Eren was forcing me to drink his mummy's banana juice."
Jean looks at Eren with disgust. "Ew, why?"
"That's not what you were saying before Jean showed up, though," Eren said, turning his back to you. He picked up the blender and put it in the sink.
You hide your smile and look at Jean. "I don't know. He's so weird, right?"
"Okay, okay." Eren took the small plate with lime he had given you before and put it in the sink, along with the other dirty dishes. "Keep talking, and I won't let you ride on my motorbike."
Jean grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl in the island's center. "What motorbike?"
"The bike that I keep here?"
"The pink one?" Jean smiled.
Eren shoved Jean. "No, idiot, the green one."
"It's not yours, though." Jean took a bite from his apple, attempting to hide a smile.
"It is."
You silently watched them argue, your pupils jumping from each boy like a ping-pong ball every time one answered.
Jean turns to you and says, "The bike he's claiming is only his when Dirk isn't around."
"And what about it? Where's your bike?" Eren says.
"Who's Dirk?" you say.
"Historia's little brother," says Jean.
Eren answers, "Older, dumbass," as he washes the dishes he placed in the sink, never once directing his attention towards the other boy.
Jean takes another bite from his apple and says, with a full mouth, "Stop riding his meat, Jaeger." He pauses to swallow and then states with a clear voice, "It's weird."
Eren stopped scrubbing the plate he held, turned the water off, and said, "How!?"
"How to stop? I don't know, man; ask someone else."
You laugh with Jean and watch Eren angrily continue washing the accumulated dishes.
"Hey, don't get mad," you say, getting off the counter and bumping him with your elbow.
"I'm not mad; I'm just tired from looking at his horse face," he said, ending the sentence while looking at Jean and emphasizing the word 'horse.'
"Overused joke; come up with something else," said Jean. He then looked at you and said. "Plus, Historia's got like a bajillion other siblings you can borrow shit from."
"Yeah, but did you get their permission, though?" Eren said as he passed the rinsed dishes into the drying rack.
"Okay, I'm leaving. Jaeger's pissing me off. We're going to the beach in twenty, so be ready," Jean said, leaving you two alone.
As soon as he left, Eren started laughing.
"You pissed him off, stop laughing," you say, giggling yourself.
"He's so easy to piss off. It's funny."
"You're evil. I'm leaving you and your empty soul. Make sure to scrub those dishes real well!!" You run away before he can say anything back.
You go to your room and see Sasha slipping on a sundress over her bathing suit. She has a gorgeous green bikini that compliments her eyes. Her hair is in a messy pony, and she has a bag ready on her bed.
She notices your presence in the room and says, "Stop staring, freak."
"Oh, you wish." You scoff. "I'm just enjoying the peace; Jean and Eren have yet to discover the concept of an 'inside voice.'"
She laughs. "Don't even get me started on those two; they're so close and fight all the time but don't like admitting to it."
"Yeah, like brothers," you say.
"No, I'd say more like an old couple."
You laugh. "Why?"
"I don't know. They remind me of my grandparents. It's sweet if you think about it."
"I'd rather not, Sasha." You walk to your bed, grab your suitcase, and plop it on your bed. "So, what's the plan?"
"For today?"
"Beach day!" Sasha says, dragging out the 'ay'
"Yes, but what do we do there? Sure, the weather's miraculously 'nice' right now, but I'm sure it won't last long."
"I guess we'll just have to find out." You hear her bag's zipper close and see her head towards the door. "Don't take too long." She points at you and walks out the door.
You roll your eyes and take out your beach bag from your suitcase.
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Thud, thud, thud…
You hear as you take your last few steps down the stairs. Before you reach the wooden floor of the living room. You look to your left, where you hear loud voices, and see your friends, along with Yasmin, Mikasa, and Armin, whom you had yet to see. They're at the door, being greeted by everyone.
You walk towards them to say hello and catch up for a bit. There are about nine people at the entrance of the house. Sasha and Connie are bickering; Jean is talking over them; Historia and Yasmin are trying to hear themselves by matching the volume of the room, and Mikasa is staring, waiting for it to go away. Armin waits awkwardly for silence with a shy smile. You'd think it'd be impossible for your thoughts to work during the tumultuous ambient your friends have created, yet you're proven wrong.
You can think, and you do, about Eren and how he's missing.
You sigh and quickly scan the room. Why's he always disappearing?
You left the crowd and walked forward, and you saw him. He sat alone in the living room, putting on sunscreen, which was directly in front of the entrance where you stood, yet a bit far. His back faced you.
You walk over to him.
He hears your steps and turns his head, his hair falling over his face as he looks at who those steps belong to. Once he sees it's you, he focuses on spreading the sunscreen on his legs.
"Hey," he says quietly. You can still hear your friends' slightly muffled voices.
"Hey." You drag out the 'y' feeling awkward already because you know why he's here. You sit on the sofa in front of him. "Why're you here?"
He doesn't look at you; he only shakes his head.
"Mostly Armin," he says, eyes never leaving his legs.
You've talked about this over the last few weeks. As you've grown closer, Eren has had to explain his random disappearances more than a few times.
"Mikasa's my sister. Sure, I'm pissed at her, but we live together; she's easier to tolerate, especially with my mom down my neck telling me to be nice to her. But Armin's different. I only see him at school, and it's just... I don't know. It was weird seeing him unexpectedly."
"He doesn't go to your house anymore?"
"I guess Mikasa stopped inviting him over as much once the arguments stopped. I appreciated it."
You cross your legs. "And how do you feel now? I didn't know he was coming."
"Neither did I, but it's fine, just awkward." He looked at the ground for a bit after saying that.
"Guys, we're leaving!" yelled Sasha from the hallway. You and Eren looked at Sasha, but she was halfway out already. The others followed after her, including Armin.
You stand up and say, "We should go."
Eren wasn't far behind you, already standing by the time the word 'go' left your mouth. "Yeah."
"Hm?" he looked at you.
"Don't let him ruin your time here."
With a gentle smile, he said, "Of course not."
You walk outside with Eren by your side. Just walking feels awkward when it's in his presence. Or maybe it isn't him, maybe it's you. You don't think he gets awkward; if he does, he's doing a great job hiding it.
You said miraculous, and miraculous it was. The sun that had managed to expose itself earlier is gone as quickly as it appeared. Okay, 'sun' is an exaggeration. It was mostly light beaming through the clouds. The weather is back to what it was earlier in the morning, save for the exposure. It was about a shade lighter, which was evidence of the short-lived life that England seemed to have.
You followed in the direction of the sounds your friends made, that and Eren served as a good guide, not that you relied entirely on him, for obvious reasons, the first being that he's Eren, the second, his face. One glance at him, and you knew he wasn't there with you. He was someplace else, far, far away. It disappoints you a bit.
You sigh and look away. Beneath you lies the trail of footsteps towards the beach. You're surprised by the greenery you have to walk through. It isn't much, but you weren't expecting any, if at all. The way isn't long, and if you had to guess, you'd say Historia's house was around 7 minutes away. It is a short time but still long enough to admire the view. Though the sun is hiding, the scenery is still lovely. Light blue water crashes and bubbles against the sand, and the greyish sky that coats the great abundance above you wouldn't be as impactful if not followed by that crisp air that cuts through your lungs.
You reach your friends and see them place towels and beach chairs on the ground and plop their belongings there. When you set your towel down and are about to sit, Jean asks, "Where's Jaeger?"
You're about to roll your eyes at the thought of him randomly leaving you until you hear footsteps and look behind you. It's Eren catching up to you.
"What the fuck?" he says as he struggles to take the handle of his backpack off.
You help him, and with a thud, the black bag is against the cold, damp sand. "What do you mean?" you say.
Jean grabbed the bag and placed it on the towel where all the bags were being placed.
"You left me."
You're taken aback. "No, I didn't; you disappeared.”
He looks at you, "Disappeared where? I'm here, aren't I?"
"Yeah, but-"
"You started power walking, couldn't even keep up."
"Christ, I didn't notice." You're stunned as you look at him.
Jean laughs and places his hand on Eren's shoulder. "Damn, Jaeger, how forgettable are you?"
Eren takes Jean's hand off of him and walks towards the group. You stare at the boy left with you in bewilderment, a look he knows too well. Does he not know how to read a room? You think about going after Eren but let it go for now.
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“Okay, then what?”
Jean looks at you and says, "I don't know, she didn't want to."
"I mean, no girl wants to break up with her boyfriend." You laugh.
You were sitting on the beach chairs Jean and Connie had brought. As you requested, your chairs faced the shore, but your other friends, like Mikasa and Yasmin, were sitting beside each other directly in front of Historia and Armin. They were a bit further back and, by the position of the chairs, couldn't care less about the ocean. Sasha and Connie were attempting to go in the water, Sasha's excuse being that her bathing suit was too cute to go to waste, though they'd been trying to enter for the past thirty minutes. Their only progress had been getting the water ankle-high and only enduring it for twenty seconds.
As for you, you were in between Jean and Eren, and after bugging Jean about what happened between him and Amelie, he finally started speaking.
"She called me last night." He looked at you, a beer bottle resting on his chest.
You place your sunglasses on your head. Way too interested in the gossip. "At what time?"
"Two AM"
"Is that why she isn't here?"
"If I know." He scoffed.
"I thought she was on holiday?" said Eren. He's been quiet for the most part, not sulking, just squinting at the ocean. Jean didn't have that problem as he had sunglasses on, but Eren thought it foolish to wear sunglasses when there was no sun, and so he squinted.
"No, that was a Hitch," you say.
"And Indira?" asked Jean.
You sit up and look at Jean. "Do we not have the same friends?"
He adjusts his sunglasses. "We don't text, though."
"Yeah, me neither," said Eren.
"Well," you say as you lay back down, "she's visiting family in India." You pull the blanket you had on over your chest. It's getting colder. "Emilia?"
You look at Eren, confusion on your face.
"She told me."
"She didn't tell me," you say.
"Same," Jean said.
"Anyway, Marlowe?" you ask.
Jean crinkled his nose. "We barely know him."
"Well, you barely know me, too."
"It's different," said Eren.
"How so? Didn't even know I existed until a couple of months ago."
"You're hard to get rid of," said Jean, which makes Eren laugh.
You grab a handful of sand and throw it at him. "Keep talking about Amelie; don't change the subject."
He clicked his tongue in annoyance and wiped the sand off his chest. You're disappointed; you thought it'd piss him off more. "I don't know what else to tell you. We broke up, then she gave me a letter. She called and texted me last night, and now she isn't here."
"But you guys broke up like a week ago. Was she going to come anyway?" you ask.
"I barely even remember it."
"No, they broke up. Then, she said she wouldn't come because it would be awkward, and when that didn't get a reaction out of Jean, she blew up and got super angry," Eren answered while still looking at the ocean. If you couldn't hear him, you'd assume he had no interest in the conversation.
"Out of Amelie and Jean, who's closer to Historia?" you say.
"So even if you were dating, she wouldn't be here if you weren't?”
"Nope." Jean placed his sunglasses on his head, holding his long hair back. He took a sip from his beer.
"Give me more insider drama; you haven't said why you broke up."
Jean passed you the beer. "Isn't she your friend?"
"Well, you ruined her. She hasn't talked to me since you two started dating." You took a sip and scrunched your nose.
"No way," Eren said, almost accusingly.
"Yes, way. I didn't notice it until now because we saw each other at school. The last time we texted was probably three months ago. I didn't even know it was serious between you two."
"Me neither, man," says Jean.
"You're the most confusing man alive. What do you mean by that?"
"They were hooking up, then Amelie wanted them to be official, Jean didn't, and they broke up," Eren said, extending his hand to you, and you passed him the drink.
"What an asshole." You sneer.
"Right," said Eren.
"Since the beginning, I told her we were only hooking up. I broke it off because I noticed she was falling. You should give me a medal for that."
"Okay, superman, talk about the letter," you say.
His brows rose. "She told me she felt it in her bones we would meet again in the future."
"That's a long way to say 'see you next semester'," Eren laughed.
You cover your face with your hands, hiding your smile, and say, "I hope she kicks you in the balls next time she sees you." You look at Jean.
"Didn't she ghost you?" asked Jean.
"Oh, shut up, she had her reasons. I'd go crazy, too, if I had to date you."
Eren laughed as he took a sip.
Jean rolled his eyes and said, "I need a cigarette."
Eren scrunched his nose. "Don’t even think about it, you know I hate cigs."
"Yeah, I know," Jean said, standing up and walking toward Mikasa, who had a box in her hands.
"Do you think he's an ass, Eren?" you say.
"No," he adjusts his sitting position and takes a big gulp. "She agreed to it."
"Yeah, logically, but even I thought they were getting serious. Imagine how she felt."
"Sucks to suck." Eren shrugged. He holds the bottle between his lips and takes three big gulps. With the last one, he empties the bear and leaves it on the ground. He then looks at you and says, “Want to see something cool?"
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After taking a quick detour to Historia's house and leaving your things there, Eren got the motorbike out of the garage.
"What do you think?" he said.
"It's green."
He smiled, and next thing you know, you held his waist as the wind blew on your face. You were high on adrenaline, but not from the bike. Since it was four-wheeled, it was fairly safe, but you had never been this close to Eren. Your chest lay flat against his back, your face on his nape, where you could feel the sweetest scent. Your eyes were closed as you felt gusts of wind smacking against your skin and clothes. You didn't know where he was taking you, and you didn't care.
The birds chirped as nightfall approached. It was getting darker and colder. As you scanned your surroundings for a place, you saw a few logs in a circle and what seemed to be an unlit bonfire.
"Stop here!"
"You sure?"
"Yes, yes!"
You held onto him tightly when you felt the bike slow its pace.
"Wait!" You look back, wind blowing on your face. "Go back!!" you tap impatiently on his shoulder.
He does as you say.
You get off the bike and cross the street to the beach, walking on sand instead of the pavement now. "There! The fire thingy!" You take Eren by the arm and pull him towards the place.
"Shit!" you say after stumbling on sand. Laughing uncontrollably the longer you spent in his presence.
Eren laughs and says, "How do you manage to fall on sand?"
“I didn't fall!” you whisper shout, practically being held up by his arm as your legs give out from laughter.
"Shh." Eren places his index finger on his lips. Ironically, his laughter could nearly drown out the sounds of the waves as they angrily hit the shore. Night growing deeper than your feet have sunk in the iced sand. "You're so loud."
You laugh even harder but place your hand on your mouth.
A particular wave hit the shore so hard that its sound completely overpowered how loud you and Eren were. While shocked, you looked at the source of the sound. "Guess we won't be having a dip," you said, laughter quickly joining you again.
"Can I give you a movie recommendation?" Eren says, looking down at you.
"The Titanic? Don't know if you've heard of it."
"Oh, shut up. I was being sarcastic."
"No, you weren't. Just know that I wouldn't sacrifice myself like Jack for you."
You laugh with your mouth agape. "You're so fucking mean, Oh my God."
"Here!" he runs until he's close to one of the logs. "Is this it?!"
You try to keep up with him, your feet sinking into the sand and making it hard to move as freely as you'd like. You reach him, "Yes! Isn't this cute!"
"Guess so!" He beds down and fans the sand off one of the logs. He sits down and does the same to the piece of wood beside him. "Here."
His skin looked paler amongst the light that shone from the ocean—the perfect reflection of what was in the sky. Eren was captivating. You sit beside him and say, "Do you think it'll be awkward with Amelie and Jean?" You're not interested in them, but you'd die if the moment passed in silence.
"No, not really. Not Jean's first rodeo."
"Yeah, but will she be shunned?"
"Oh, that I don't know. I hope not, she's fun."
"Yeah, and Mikasa? Have you spoken to her today?"
He looks at you and sighs. "Yeah, actually. She reminded me Armin was staying with us; I forgot about that."
You look at him, confused, and he answers before you can ask.
"Almost every holiday, Armin's parents travel abroad for research. Ever since Armin's grandad died, he has stayed with us. Not always, though; that's why I forgot."
You nod. "Right."
Eren rests his elbows on his thighs and looks down, fidgeting with his hands.
"You miss them."
"I can't talk to him."
"What did he do, Eren?"
He looked at you, frustrated. "He-" he sighed. "No, I can't. He betrayed me. They both did, but I guess Mikasa's easier to understand." The dip between his brows grew deeper the more he thought about it. The topic, visually, makes him uncomfortable.
"Have they tried talking? Have you tried listening?"
He let out a breathy laugh, which felt more like a snicker. "Yes, and no. There's no excuse because it has nothing to do with them. They butted into my business and kept saying 'it was to protect me.'"
You furrow your brows. "Protect you from what?"
"Exactly!" he exaggerated by lifting his arms. "Thank you; they won't tell me. It's part of the 'protection,' I guess."
"Serial killer on the loose, maybe?”
He laughs. "Right. Got little Armin working overtime.”
You laugh. "Okay, but seriously," you elbow him. "Surely it can't be that bad. They're being dramatic.”
"Yes, I know. I won't have to deal with it soon, though." He kicks some sand.
You look at him to continue his sentence.
"Oh." You quietly say. "Do you know which one he's attending?"
"Oxbridge, probably. No problem there, God knows I'll never attend."
"Did you apply to them?"
"Yes, Mum convinced me to, but I wouldn't want to go even if I got in."
"Why not?"
"Bunch of private school tories." He shook his head.
You laugh. "Oh, that's rich coming from you."
"Yes, but I'm cool; they're all losers."
"And you?"
"What about me?"
"This isn't an interview, dummy," he bumps you. Where will you be going?"
You sigh. "It's stupid."
"Just say it."
"I applied to quite a few, but I really want to get into Kings."
"I applied there, too." A smile crept into his face.
You smile back. "Let's see if it happens then."
Silence overtakes the moment, the waves behind you serving as enough noise for the silence not to be punishing, or maybe the punishment part had long departed. Perhaps you and Eren had grown so close that the lack of conversation between the two did not make you nervous but comfortable. Surprisingly, the silence felt like a warm blanket, covering the two in warmth and happy feelings, with no thoughts tormenting your every move and no anxiety creeping up your spine to cloud your actions—or lack thereof—just peace. You look at Eren, your head slightly lifting for your eyes to gather all there was to him. Eren looked down at you.
Many times, you would've looked away and continued with the conversation, but this time, you simply stared at him, not shy of intense eye contact—eye contact so powerful that it'd feel sinful to look away from such beauty.
If only you knew you shared thoughts. Almost as if there was an indescribable, transcendental connection between your minds. You always carry each other in your minds, whether by thinking of one another or sharing consciousness, reasoning, morals, even personalities. The way in which you process information and how you experience and see the world—you were the same, a mirror created by the same being, only slightly incomplete. For when you were to be reunited, you'd feel the affection of a thousand lifetimes, the love and care cultivated by a hundred different versions of yourselves.
The moon and the stars only aid your passion. Your skin glistened, and specks of sand on your skin got caught in the light of the rock that floated from thousands of kilometers away. You were breathtakingly gorgeous. And Eren found himself, yet again, unable to hold back. Unable to look away from the places in your body that yelled for his attention, for his affection. He let the trail of light the moon shone on your skin guide him. From the highest points of your shoulders to the supple skin of your breasts. You quietly follow his gaze, knowing the blues of your bathing suit mixed so well with those in the pigment of your skin. Eren looked at you in a way you had only dreamed of before.
You reach out a hand on his thigh. "Hey," you say.
He looks up at your eyes, and it's torture. You looked up at him in a way he had only dared to fantasize. In a way, he never thought he'd see. Your eyes stared into his very soul, and he knew this sight too well. He had seen it only a hundred times as the nights came down and all 'goodnights' had been said. Only when he'd be alone in bed, with his hand beneath his sheets, would he allow himself to breathe you in the ways he needed.
Though they were mere thoughts, they felt every bit as real as this moment. Eren felt like a simple pinch would be the answer to all his problems, including solving the question of whether this was real, but if it was, wouldn't he look foolish after doing so?
And so he held your gaze in his and decided to extend a hand to you. Once feeling your warm skin against the palm of his hands, he knew this was real.
This was real.
An uncontrollable stride bubbled up inside him, a want, a need to have you, to feel you, to bathe in the scent of your unforgiving and cruel body—so torturous, for it hasn't been his yet. He took the hand he had placed on your chin and put it on your waist, feeling the shape of you he had dreamed of. He pulled you closer.
He looked down at you, into your eyes, again, whispering softly. "What, what?" He pulled you closer.
You grab his face. You appreciate his eyes, the locks of hair that were caught in between the tips of your fingers, his overall beauty.
You simply smile at him before ending all it all and joining your lips with his.
CHOSOSHEART 2022 © All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, modify, or repost.
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Hello, everyone!! Last time I updated this story was two years ago, and I wanted to apologize for my inconsistency, hopefully this chapter will make up for it!! Chapter ten is almost finished, it'll definitely be out this month!!
Thank you so much for reading, I’m ready to come back for good and finish trainwreck!!
ps: Also, I'm so sorry if it isn't as good as my past chapters, or if it's fast paced, I'm veryyy rusty and I struggled so much with remembering how to describe things and expressions. Hopefully it wasn't too bad.
See you guys next time!! :))
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romantichomicide95 · 1 year
So, you know how Levi is always saying “don’t die” to the people in his squad/comrades? Could you write a Drabble about that but about his s/o in his squad? A fem reader who’s smaller
Levi x fem!reader
summary- Levi can’t bear the thought of you dying. Takes place during season 3.
“You ok?” you ask. You and Levi were sitting by the fire. Everyone else had gone to bed at this point, but you knew Levi couldn’t sleep and you wanted to stay up with him for as long as you could. It was really the only time you had together all day. There was too much worry about fighting and staying alive to think about any chance of being alone, or having any extra time together. This time you weren’t fighting Titans, you weren’t fighting those wretched monsters. This time you were fighting people. People who you thought were on your side. The interior police. And they had one person on their side, a person from Levi’s past, someone who could keep up with him. And that wasn’t an easy feat.
Levi doesn’t answer. He just shakes his head. His eyes are focused solely on the fire, narrowed and sunken. He looks solemn. His eyebrows furrowed, his body slumped over. For the first time since you started dating you couldn’t tell how he was feeling. You hated that.
“Is it Kenny?” you ask “You’ve only told me a little bit about him. Or is it Eren and Historia? We are going to get them back Levi!” you try to add determination to your voice. You did believe what you were saying. They may have been captured but you had faith in these kids. You were part of Hanges squad, (and she was gracious enough to let you tag along with Levi and his given the circumstances) but you’d seen these cadets in action. You knew what they were capable of, you knew they’d do anything to get their loved ones back. They all survived today; sure Eren and Historia were captured but you all knew they weren’t dead. They were safe for now. And the rest of these kids were safe for now too.
“It’s Kenny…” he pauses, running one hand through his dark hair and turning to look at you. “He knows your name, he knows what you look like, he knows who you are to me.” he finishes adding emphasis to the last phrase. You take his hand in yours running a finger across his thumb. It was something you’d picked up over time as a means of comfort, comfort for the both of you.
“Okay? I’m sorry I’m not following Levi.”
“Ughhh. Listen y/n he will try to get to me through you. I know how he works. It’s what I would do, he taught me everything I know.”
You sit for a second in silence. Absorbing the gravity of everything he was telling you. It was scary, the thought of someone using you and your relationship to get to Levi, someone using you to inflict pain on the person you loved most. This whole thing wasn’t fair. Titans were supposed to be your enemy, humanity was supposed to be united on that. But here you were humans killing humans. It was too much.
“Levi I-I’m sorry. If he’s going to come after me I don’t know what you want me to do” you’ve scooted yourself closer. Both hands in his, being close to Levi made you feel safe, he made you feel safe. You didn’t think anything bad could happen to you as long as you had him.
“Don’t die.” he says, looking into your eyes. “Don’t die, that’s what I want you to do..”
“Ha! Like I have a say in the matter Levi.” you chuckle ironically to yourself. Don’t die. You repeat the words in your head. You didn’t plan on it that was for sure. But you couldn’t be certain if Kenny came after you that you could stay alive. You weren’t strong like Levi, you weren’t smart like Hange, you didn’t think you could take him on your own.
“Tsk Well I have a say. I won’t let anything happen to you. I can’t…he won’t use you to get at me. He can try. I won’t let him.” Levi wasn’t normally like this. He was usually quiet, reserved, sarcastic could honestly be kind of rude. Confident in his abilities. You’d never seen him scared before, not once. It was new, and you didn’t like it. You didn’t like that it was the thought of losing you that made him hurt like this. You didn’t want him to be any kind of pain.
“I know Levi. I trust you. I’m not scared, not of the titans, not of Kenny. I’m not scared of anything cause I have you. I know that’s stupid and a little reckless but I know you’ve got me, just like I’ve got you.” you smile, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek and rest your head back on his shoulder.
“It is stupid and reckless.” he says after a moment. “You should be scared. Fear will keep you alert, it will keep you on your feet…but you’re right. I’ve got you. Just don’t die.”
“I won’t…This is all so different, it’s too much. We should be fighting Titans not each other.”
“I know…I know.” Levi says, shaking his head. “You should go get some sleep, it’s getting late.”
“No, I just wanna stay here with you for awhile if that’s okay?” you say, nuzzling in close to him, comforted by the warmth of his body and the smell of his skin.
“Mhhmmm.” he says and for once he nuzzles you back, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and holding you in close.
“I love you Levi.” You say with a peck to his lips.
“Yeah…I love you too y/n”.
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aotopmha · 5 months
What are your thoughts on the whole Mikasa's new family thing? As a normal person with some romantic experience, I think it makes sense for her to have a family and not be stuck single on a dead guy for life. As an AoT fan who can basically not separate her from her 'Eren' rhetoric, it feels like a twist... or dare I say, betrayal? I wish we had a bit more padding to the ending, because it seems these things were wrapped up very quickly, and besides the literal deaths, I feel like my girl Historia and Levi got such bitter endings...
This is quite a few questions so I'm answering them in a list:
1) I really like Mikasa moving on because from the framing of her final moments in the story and the passing time in the extra pages and credits, I feel like she had a mourning period and then was able to move on and start a new family, something she always wanted. And I think earning that ending is at least some (and an appropriate one) reward after what she went through.
2) She has always loved Eren, but she has also punched him in the face when she thought he was doing stupid shit and being hot-headed. She threw him in chapter 1, punched him in the face in episode 2, is perfectly capable of making her own decisions without him, which was the point of the first half of episode 6. As much as she loves him, her attachment has actually comparatively little to do with him and everything to do with the death of her parent(s) figure(s) twice in a row in the span of a year when she was a child.
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(Episode 6 in the anime, chapter 5 in the manga.)
Her attachment to Eren has caused a bunch of issues and is her biggest "flaw", but she has never been a *doormat*, which is what so many people read her as and I disagree with.
The decision to kill Eren was made by her when she saw families and children suffer because of him, something she can deeply relate to and works to prevent.
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(Chapter 48)
Mikasa isn't a crying damsel, she's a warrior who went through some pretty tough shit and is reacting accordingly.
She will fight when she needs to fight and do the right thing when she needs to do the right thing.
3) Pacing was actually probably the biggest issue I personally had with the manga's ending, but the anime pretty much fixed all of it in my eyes. Mikasa's feelings for Eren, though, and vice versa was one of the most obvious things about the entire story from start to finish, so you've got a disagreement there as well. From the moment you see the subtle blush from Eren in the flashback, the trope became really clear to me and nothing onward from there really convinced me otherwise because Eren never had any other relationship like that in the story, no other love interest characters or characters framed in relation to his character in the same way.
4) Likewise, I think Levi probably had the best ending out of every single character in the story. As much of a pyrrhic victory as defeating Eren was, he got his revenge and kept his life. He got the most strongly defined closure he could get in context of the story.
5) What I agree with you on is how Historia was treated, though I'm not sure if for the same reasons or in the same way. The final arc basically destroyed her character and the anime equally did not even mention or even have a nod towards any of her defining moments as a character or her important relationships (because I suspect Isayama just could not figure out how to write her in this context in any other way).
In my eyes, she went through one of the best, most strongly defined character arcs in the entire story, but all we got from it was a metaphor for the birth of a new world... through a clearly gay-coded character. It's pretty awful and contradicts the theme of freedom her character is about and embodies by the end of the Uprising arc AND the general ideas of freedom the story is about, but I choose to put it in its own awful box and reluctantly close my eyes to it.
I think her arc was about her finding out what she wants and no longer living in a role and I think the entirety of the final arc went against that.
I've gone into why Historia's arc is awful in many other asks and posts, so I don't feel like reiterating it all right now (I have a tag for her character and pretty much all characters, so if anyone is interested, you'll probably find my detailed thoughts looking around there, but, yeah I think it's pretty awful even if you don't see her as gay-coded.)
Thank you for the ask!
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seeingivy · 22 days
method acting asks + extra headcanons!!! (don't read if you haven't read the final chapter yet!!)
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marco and maya are twins and born on new year's day 💌
in the first met gala chapter, when y/n performs seven with marco, she calls marco her sunshine boy - which is actually what eren and y/n call baby marco too!!!!
maya is a little bit more shy and sensitive and eren calls her star girl, which he says is perfect because he then calls baby marco, maya, and y/n his little universe bc they're the sun, the moon, and the stars 🥹 (he's literally a sap)
eren is SUCHHHH a girl dad like he literally practices braiding hair on y/n before the baby comes just so he can be a pro at it (and gets really annoyed when her hair grows super slow)
teddy LOVESSSS marco and maya sm like those are literally his pseudo-baby siblings and he loves them just as much as lily
they let their kids decide if they want to do acting/singing - and they both end up doing it! marco ends up being an actor and maya ends up being a singer (kinda like their parents hehe)
levi CRIES over the names AND when he holds them the first time.
maya has a crush on connie the way teddy had a crush on y/n. eren HATES it btw.
jeankasa's second kid is born around the same time as them and when they get a little older, jean tells eren to keep his "cooties infested son" away from his second daughter
(jeankasa kids are all girls btw like I don't make the rules)
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THIS IS ONE OF THE SWEETEST, MOST CRAZY, MOST PERFECT ASKS I'VE EVER RECEIVED IN MY LIFE!!!! i'm so flattered that you said all of these sweet words, and truly being chronically online has somehow brought this insane piece of work to all of us, and honestly it makes me all the happier for it!!!!
like not to be a miss fan account girl, but I love celebrities I think they're so silly, I think celebrity drama is insane, and I am very cLEARLY obsessed with olivia rodrigo that this just kind of came out of that.
I wish there was a triple threat award I could give YOU for all the love you've given ME. while some of your asks did get eaten by how annoying tumblr is, the ones I did receive were always so like...well thought out and fully expressive about each little detail that i'd put into like....my 13k damn chapters...like it takes time and dedication to show love to writers - which mind you, most people don't and really makes it all the more special that you do!
I literally just do this for free, in my own time when I get a chance out of how busy I tend to be outside of this. i'm a walking stressball at most times bc I have like two jobs, a bunch of volunteering and EC's outside of that and getting sweet comments like this makes this feel all the more worth it and like im reaching peopel AGH
I love you so much!
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not to be a disappointer but:
she doesn't! she actually doesn't win any more awards from the institute for her albums, but wins TONS of other smaller award shows and breaks records all the time
she gets information about it after birds of a feather doesn't win anything or even get nominated, and while she's initially irritated, she just decides that she's not going to submit to have them bc nominated anymore if they're not going to get nominated since she's blacklisted anyways
eren writes a very threatening letter ofc
^^historia gets KIND OF annoyed about her not submitting anymoer, bc like I said, she's kind of meant to be a foil to y/n in the sense that she's y/n if y/n was still obsessed and cared about this stuff too much - and she thinks y/n is kind of being pretentious by not nominating herself
she actually doesn't care after some point bc she literally breaks records all the time and knows that it's just some type of thing that they're holding against her
(eren + marco + maya always tell her that she's a triple threat in their hearts)
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I literally had to put this in two screenshots bc @najaemism left me a literal ESSAY OF SWEET STUFF ABOUT THIS FIC and it kind of makes my heart hurt.
first of all, to my name twin - I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO SO MUCH WTF. first and foresmost, so glad that you've joined the dark side by watching aot bc lord it is literally one of the most painful shows i've watched and (clearly) I haven't stopped thinking about it since I finished it. i'm so flatted that some silly little words I wrote convinced you to watch four whole damn seasons of the show 😭 LIKE thats actually insane to me
THE TWEETS (while they're so time consuming to make) LITERALLYYYY ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS OF THIS FIC like I love to make the dumbest jokes on there for my fellow chronically online siblings bc its literally so fucking funny to me. connie truly meeting his soulmate on stan twitter - bc of course he would - and the most insane anime villian oikawa making an appearance, bc duh, of course he would
(he was never a big fan of y/ns music but his girlfriend was so he decided to give it a try and now he's obsessed with her.)
(side note ymir and sofia are literally taylor lautner and taylor lautner. like girl taylor being a fan of twilight and taylor swift when she was younger just to date the guy from twilight when she's older and be besties w y/n??? that's LITERALLY SOFIA bc sofia loved aot when she was a kid, and was in one of the old chapters - I think new year's day - and then grew up to literally date someone from aot like that's mrs. taylor lautner of method acting)
they literally rot my brain and take up like 50% of my cortex bc I think about them all the time to the point where it's ACTUALLLYYY unhealthy like
I'm so glad you're here!!! i've got some fun things planned hehe <3
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like I shit myself too I can't believe i've been writing this shit since july. like this is the definition of out of hand this was literally supposed to be a request for someone and 280k words later we're all here feeling all types of ways about it
AND AGH!!!! not the roommates fans like why are you guys kind of the ogs THANK YOU SM FOR BEING HERE!!
fun fact: eren and y/ns cat in the last chapter of method acting has the same name as the cat from roommates! <3
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y/n does in fact get her new ring with an emerald in it. eren is annoyed he didn't think of it earlier bc its actually perfect
eren, in general, gets really into jewelry after he custom designed the saturn necklace for her during the second met gala so he always gets her really unique pieces
they do have the kids! I gave marco and maya headcanons at the top of the post <3
I love you @tangerine-neonlight <3
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@feelya THANK YOU SO MUCH - BOTH FOR YOUR SWEET WORDS AND YOUR CURIOSITY <3 i'm so glad you enjoyed the silly little words I wrote about literally the best boy ever eren jaeger I love you sooooo soo much <3
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whxre4hange · 2 years
attack on titan but dodgeball hc’s
eren is most definitely trying his best to DEMOLISH the other team
nothing will stand in his way. anything that does will be crushed.
probably hits a bunch of his teammates accidentally during his rampage
mikasa is mvp
well she would be if she wasn’t constantly lurking around ereh
has dove and skidded on the ground at least 20 times to catch the ball and/or protect ereh
armin cowered on the ground behind his teammates for the first 20 minutes and was the last one standing cause everyone else got picked off before him
tries to psych the other team out- “cmon, let’s talk it out- we can talk this out! violence isn’t the answer!” [boos] “you wouldn’t wanna hit me, would you? i’m so weak and defenceless and you would NEVE-‘ [gets hit by 5 different balls]
sasha ate 10 baked potatoes before the game and she gets stitches 30 seconds into the game
she is on the floor crawling around the whole time
‘pls im an injured woman dont throw anything at me :(‘
she also snuck a bunch of snacks into her pockets so she’s snacking at the back until someone gets her out
and she’s still snacking on the sidelines #girboss
connie does not understand what is going on, he thinks it’s catch, so he keeps throwing it at his teammates
and he’s like :’o when everyone yells at him
“ur just mad because u cant catch properly” connie no ur just dumb sweetie
jean wants to be the leader and is the control freak of the team, but no one cares about anything he says
and because eren is not petty at all, he ignores everything jean says and instead gets everyone to do the opposite
marco is the wholesome one. shakes everyone’s hand. smiles and wishes everyone good luck (including the opposing team). is the first one out because he got distracted whilst smiling and waving to his mom, who was in the crowd. yells encouragement from the sidelines. (he’s so precious PLS)
reiner is following historia around constantly trying to be a human shield
spoiler; it doesn’t work
ymir keeps intercepting anything that dares come near historia and “accidentally” whacks reiner every time he gets too close
annie is the true mvp. she’s an absolute machine. but she kicks the balls instead of throwing it. beat up the referee when he tried to tell her it was against the rules
given his size, bertholdt is seemingly an easy target
or is he? bertolto is actually a very speedy player
although he struggled to get how the game worked at first, bertoloto quickly grasped the rules and became the runner up mvp
bertrololololololol has kind of made it his mission to be annie’s back up- always catching/intercepting anything that might hit annie and attacking would-be annie attacks
very good at running, ducking - you name it, birthcontrol can do it!
erwin, surprisingly, is really really really bad at dodgeball
gives a really huge inspirational speech to his team but doesn’t understand the point of it
why throw balls when he has the biggest balls out of everyone? [this was a joke about what a great brave commander he was, not a sex joke. pls don’t cancel me]
anyways all jokes aside, he just stands there like 🧍🏼 what is going on
gets hit very quickly and sits on the sidelines researching the origins of dodgeball
hange managed to invent this robotic arm that throws dodgeballs at an insane pace
but it malfunctions and targets her & her team instead
oh and she built it legs that have suddenly started working and it’s chasing her around now
moblit is frantically running after hange with the remote screaming because he can’t find the off button
(spoiler: there is no off button. hange forgot. in her defence, she made it at 3am on a grand total of -50 hours of sleep)
levi is above this nonsense and is silently judging you all
lmao you thought. he’s lurking in the back throwing stuff at hange #pettygirlboss
some r from aot junior high but I tried to expand on them and add more stuff :) hope u enjoyed
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karizard-ao3 · 7 months
I just noticed that Anamnesis passed 15,000 hits! To celebrate, here are some lines I wrote for it that didn't quite work, but that I saved in case I could use them later (I couldn't).
Deleted Lines
Eren longed to see the stars again but the constellations he missed most were the ones that sparkled in Mikasa's eyes.
“We could just leave him,” suggested Eren, tapping his cartridge cap. The chemicals inside helped a lot, but even they couldn't cure him of being petty.
Mikasa frowned when yet another ad for Quantum Zee began to play, the familiar lullaby jingle accompanying the voice actor’s intimate, knowing murmur. She shoved her earbuds into her ears, turning on her music quickly to drown out the words. She didn’t want to think about this. 
Eren grimaced to himself, irritated that he’d revealed the macabre underpinnings of his psyche. 
"Hey, sex machine," purred a voice.
of the climate control grid malfunctioning overhead, dooming her region to the desolation of an eternal summer. 
He wasn't young, like them. Meren had been watching him, too, and he stood as though his body was a burden he had borne for years, one that was beginning to weigh him down. 
"If you break his heart, I will destroy everything you have ever loved and make sure that you are never happy again. If he breaks yours, call me," Historia winked. 
her dark gaze as lush as black velvet.
Eren knew that his main concern should be all the stuff about unknown persons bringing Erens over from other universes, but he wasn't from another universe and despite the efficacy of the new chemical blend he was on, which he still needed to go get replenished because he could feel his mental health declining, he didn't really care much if he lived or died.  
As an Eren, he could say beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no way he or any of his other selves would let anything happen to any of her. It was impossible. He was so invested in her well-being that he was still kind of freaking out about how the other Mikasa's labor would go and he wasn't even going to be in the same universe to help.
He didn’t want to die. Not now. Not now that he was doing better and he’d found a chemical cocktail that worked and might even keep working to the point that he could get genetic surgery to start making them himself. Not now that he had someone he wanted to spend his life with. 
Her heartbeat took on a frantic clamor as she considered his involvement, whether he was safe. She told herself her fear for him was because he had become such a close friend over the past several weeks. She was sure she would be equally distraught if it were Annie or Sasha, or even Reiner or Ymir. But, despite her insistence to the contrary, her worry for Eren was different, more shrill; her desire to keep him safe from harm was laced with the sharp desperation of self-preservation. She was already barely alive. What would become of her if he disappeared or died? What if they damaged him, like she had been damaged? She knew quite well how swiftly and irreparably someone could fracture another person, each crack fissuring until the entire structure of a personality crumbled into something unrecognizable. 
"True love means accepting someone for their flaws."
"She doesn't have flaws."
"She doesn't do anything that annoys you?"
"If she annoys me, that's a problem with me, not her."
“We’re on a date?” Eren asked, his mood lifting somewhat.
Mikasa’s eyes darted to him, her lips tugging into a frown. “I… I mean, I asked you to come with me tonight, and… and you were holding my hand over there, so I thought…” She ducked her head,  letting her hair fall in front of her face so Eren couldn’t see her blush. “I guess I don’t really know what constitutes a date.”
Eren slipped his fingers through hers. 
Erwin didn’t have to schedule himself for night duty, but he did it because he was fair. However, he did whatever he wanted between calls because he was the captain and who was going to tell him not to? He accepted his ice cream cone and left a nice tip in the jar, then strolled down the sidewalk towards the karaoke bar to see if anyone was being rowdy. 
What you’ve done doesn’t change who you are, right?”
But then he’d met Mikasa, and in an instant there was no longer any question of whether he was capable of love, only whether he could survive without her. "Yes,” he said.
boring into her with a searing gentleness 
he craved her so violently that he was powerless against himself, desperate to bask in the light of even the palest imitations for as long as he could bear the counterfeit glow
 asked Mikasa, more brusquely than she had intended, her heartbeat as rapid and devastating as machine gun fire.
her fingers digging into his arm, shackling him to her.
Eren’s heart caved in.
“I’m in love with you, Mikasa,” said Eren. 
She froze, her entire body going rigid in his arms. 
“I’m sorry!” he gasped, releasing her, his face creased with panic. “I didn’t mean to say it. It was supposed to stay in my head. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
She began to shake, her muscles so tense that he could see them straining against her skin. “I’m sorry,” she squeaked. 
“Why are you sad, Hange?” Levi asked. 
Hange shrugged. “Just mostly because I feel like no one understands me,” they said. “I’m a strange bird, Levi. And I know it.”
"Jean told me you were a troublemaker," Mikasa said, her eyes shining. 
"That fucker! When?" Eren demanded.
"Right when we first met," said Mikasa. "I
Not a line, I’m just disappointed I didn’t find a good place to have Meren say something was “urchy” instead of “shitty”. 
, her jaw setting. “It would actually be kind of nice not having to worry about staying on my bastard father, Rod Reiss’, good side anymore.” Her angelic blue eyes hardened, an evil glint sparking inside them. “I mean, imagine the damage I could do to the family if I decided to stop pretending to be Daddy’s perfect little bastard princess.” Armin cocked his head and Historia grinned. 
Ymir's forehead creased as she pushed the salt back and forth in front of her. A brief, residual rankle of jealousy prickled behind her ribs, but it was gone almost before she realized it was there, a mere echo of feelings long past that were replaced with a golden warmth when Historia appeared and plunked a wire number holder clip down on the tabletop and slid into the chair next to Ymir’s, her blue eyes sparkling like sunlit dew and her cheeks as pink as geraniums. 
“He keeps trying to get me to try it, but I want a port like I want a hole in my head.” He cocked his head. “Oh, hey,” he laughed. 
Mikasa grinned. 
Mikasa wrinkled her nose back. “It seems like you and I have the real life version.”
Eren laughed. 
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theclearblue · 2 months
favorite sapphic ships (can be from any media), go‼️‼️
Happy to do my part during Lesbian Visibility Week 🫡 (No order except for the last one being my fave)
1. Clarke/Lexa (The 100) - Unfortunately a victim of bury yours gays but first time for me seeing a Sapphic ship and I was like "girls....kissing girls?! Interesting this means nothing to me." (<- liar)
2. Emma/Regina (Once Upon a Time) - Same as before, just one of the earliest f/f ships for me
3. Korra/Asami (TLOK) - Didn't get why this was canon when I first watched it (I had yet to have some Realizations lmao), rewatched it at some point and was like Oh. oooohhhhh
4. Nobara/Maki (JJK) - Nobara is the lesbian of all time omg....the way she talks about Maki and appreciates her SO much. Maki so clearly appreciating her company and her support (but also maybe doesn't even know how much Nobara is so Ready to Fight anyone). They keep getting put on dates in official art....I know what they are....
5. Nami/Vivi (One Piece) - It has been...twenty one years (of irl time) since these two were separated...when they're reunited (which seems like it could hopefully be soon) it's gonna be the biggest Yuri event in the world (to me). LOVE them so much the way they looked out for each other throughout everything and Vivi recognizing Nami's strengths and Nami even though she's scared of fighting getting hurt because she loves Vivi SO much. Girls of all time.
6. Ymir/Historia (AOT) - I've had my issues with AOT so I don't end up talking about it a lot, but this is hands down the best ship. Historia was my fave character and they were IT to each other and the final letter Ymir sends to her is top five most devastating moments in the whole series. Love some tragic lesbians.
7. Hinako/Asashi (Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon) - Read a lot of published yuri at one point and this one was a standout. Hinako struggles with comphet, anxiety, trying to meet people's expectations of her, and is also good ace rep! The two of them start out as friends and Hinako coming to accept herself is sooo good, probably some of the best canon rep I've read (need an anime for this asap)
8. Rhaenicent (HOTD) - After Game of Thrones bombed so spectacularly at the end I thought I would not like HOTD, but they brought me back on board with the toxic lesbians. Literally inseparable from each other at the start and the one person that they trust, and it just devolves as EVERYONE around them fucks them over in a way where they end up blaming the other and are bitter and hostile about it, but even still after everything you can tell there's some love that never went away truly? Insane.
9. Pharah/Mercy (Overwatch) - ...Exposing myself as an overwatch fan....But these two have some of the gayest voicelines in the entire game (Pharah is my main so I would know lmao. I'm also automatically gay for any Mercy that pocket heals/buffs me ajssllflglh). Fly through the skies together and protect each other...HEAVY flirting while they're at it...Mercy is like the one person to know about Pharah's mommy issues....Yeah I like them lmao.
10. Utena/Anthy (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - Woooaaahhhh who saw this one coming as my fave sapphic ship....everyone? Ok. Anyways ship of all time to me. It's healthy. It's toxic. It's doomed. It's saved. It's canon. I can't even really put into words in one short paragraph why they work so well, but them and their relationship are the heart of RGU. When they get to the point where Utena realizes that what Anthy doesn't need is a prince to save her, rather that Anthy needs her own agency, and Anthy is FINALLY able to leave her abusive situation through that agency, and be able to find and love Utena with full trust. The queer and feminist themes of RGU really just make it unlike any other ship that I've seen.
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lozriftsintime · 1 day
Rainbow Rupees (redone)
Did I miss posting a chapter? Yes I did. Have a worked on my next pride picture? No, not really. Have I read more of that book I need to read? Nope. Am I now posting part of a set of character studies of my own characters? You bet I am!
The first chapter (posted here) is about Crimson, if you want to see the others I also posted head on over to cha
Crimson is the first Hero of Courage in the timeline and is from the short Skyward Sword manga/comic that is found in the back of the Hyrule Historia. He’s the hero who first helped Hylia fight against Demise and seal the Demon King away. He managed to survive the end of the battle, but Hylia and the Crimson Loftwing both passed on, leaving him on the surface with no way to reach his people who Hylia had sent to live in the sky to protect them. Since then he’s been wandering the surface, cleaning up various remnants of the demon army with only minimal interactions with some of the other surface-dwelling races for company.
Thanks to the way Crimson was treated shortly before being thrown in prison and his time while in prison he sometimes has trouble trusting people. Especially people in political positions. And the war that followed left him with scars in both body and mind.
Despite all this Crimson gets along fairly well with all of the other heroes, but he gets along best with Dove and Captain. Dove looks up to him a good deal, having grown up with stories about him it’s hard for the Hero of the Sky not to do so, but the near hero-worship mellows over time. As does Crimson’s guilt at being unable to kill Demise, leading to Dove having to do it instead. On the other hand Crimson sees himself in Captain. And vice versa. Both of them were leaders in an army and both dealt with betrayals from those they should have been able to trust. The two of them often find themselves sharing similar thoughts on things.
Crimson is also one of the oldest members of the group, but is quite content to leave the actual leading to the others who have a better aptitude for such things. Much like Captain he can step in if needed, and has a good mind for strategy, but he’s far happier staying back and letting others decide things if he can.
Crimson never bothered with labels for things, but over the years he’s lived he did learn a few other things about himself. One is that he doesn’t like being referred to by she/her or any nouns related to those pronouns. He/him are alright, as are they/them. But not she/her. On top of that while Crimson does enjoy sex from time to time (with little care for the sex or gender of the person) he never found himself forming any sort of romantic attraction to anyone. Nor does he care enough to try to. It was never something that he wanted, even before his time in prison. In our terms, he would be considered transmasc as well as pansexual and aromantic, but he doesn’t care for such labels.
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Ouuuu you write angst? can we get an angst drabble with one of the aot men but it's a happy or petty ending for us and not for them
here i go here i go here i gooooo🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️
“ian ready for no relationship.” the excuse of excuses. the words that were always thrown your way after you’d try to convince your little “fling” that you wanted to be more. eren stood up, zipping his pants before grabbing his hoodie and heading out your dorm room. your situation was…complicated. well not really. you grew very attached to this man, looking for him at parties, going to every single one of his games, giving him your notes so he wouldn’t fail and get kicked off the team, and letting him fuck you whenever he wanted.
you were practically dating. or that’s what you thought. eren saw you as just another pretty little thing to keep his grades up and his dick wet. using you constantly while labeling it at love to keep you coming back for more. “b-but why ren?” eren dropped his shoulders, sighing before he walked back to you and raised your chin with his fingers. “you know the rules pretty. cant be tied down worrying about a girl during the season. when all of this craziness is over then we can work sum out.”
a smile bloomed on your face as you looked at eren in complete adoration. you couldn’t wait for the season to end so you could finally be with the man you love. your friends seen you as a complete idiot and they had no problem trying to shut down your delusions. “girl what don’t you get? as soon as the season ends he gon drop you like a bad habit.” “yea he’s lying to you baby.”
you shook your head as your friends annie and sasha tried to speak some sense into you. “he wouldn’t do that to me. h-he lo-” “he doesn’t love you and m’gonna prove it.” before you could reply annie pulls out her phone, clicking historias instagram story to show you what she posted in her close friends. there eren was, laying his head on her stomach with his arms wrapped around her as the rest of his body laid snug between her legs. the caption reading ‘pussy put his ass to sleep🤣’.
your eyes instantly welled with tears as you watched eren, your eren be with someone else the same way he’d be with you. annie was contemplating telling you for awhile. hoping that you’d come to your senses on your own without having to get hurt, but she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “w-why would he-” “because historias dumber than a bag of rocks and she doesn’t mind sucking and fucking a dick that’s been in half the campus.” sasha spit.
annie wiped your tears with a napkin from her purse before standing up with you on the quad bench. “fuck him furreal. there’s so many guys that have been tryna get at you, but you’ve been oblivious to them because of eren.” you nodded your head, acting as if you were agreeing but you were really heartbroken. the three of you said your goodbyes and you went back to your room. tears flooded your pillowcase as you thought about what you had just witnessed.
you were being played by the one person you wanted. you weren’t the type to dwell on things so you decided to just leave him alone. praying that one day he gets what he deserves, but right now you wanted nothing to do with him. weeks went by since you’ve last talked to eren. he wasn’t suspicious of it since he’d usually only talk to you when he needed something anyways. covering up his absences with “practice” to keep you from pestering him.
the first couple of days were hell. nonstop crying and constant reminiscing were what filled your mornings and nights. saying you missed him was an understatement. you felt like you couldn’t live without him. you’d see him after him games, flirting with girls while looking around to make sure you weren’t watching. when he felt that the coast was clear he ended up taking one by the hand and leading her into the locker room with him.
that was your breaking point. you practically ran to your room with tears soaking your cheeks. you wanted absolutely nothing to do with this man anymore. packing all of the clothes he left there and putting them in a trash bag before throwing it outside. you were finally washing your hands of this man and your friends couldn’t be prouder. comforting you whenever you needed but also trying to get you out there more so you can finally replace that piece of shit.
as annie said, a lot of guys have tried to get at you and instead of shooting them down like you usually did, you gave one a chance. you and reiner have gotten pretty close over the last few weeks. texting almost everyday, eating lunch together, and sharing your favorite books with each other in the library as you studied. he was sweet and charming.
always paying for your lunch no matter how many times you’ve tried to return the favor, walking you all the way to your dorm after a particularly late study sesh, and holding your hand when the two of you would cross the street. he mostly did that for his enjoyment, but you didn’t mind.
the two of you weren’t dating, but your friends thought you were, given that one was barely seen without the other. “where’s your boo suge.” sasha would say when you finally hung out with your girls after three long weeks. “hush uppp. we just talking.” annie, sasha, and pieck busted out laughing before pieck leaked some information to you.
“girl you know we seen you getting your back blown out in the back of his jeep right?” your hands flew to your mouth as you gasped in shock. “yupp. saw him pulling your hair and allat right in our dorm parking lot.” sasha said as you covered your face in embarrassment before mumbling into your hands. “ooouuu yall so nosey i could strangle all three of you right now.” annie scoffed as she pulled your arms from your face.
“you think we’re dumb? you’ve been ditching us every chance you got. and when you do decide to finally hang out with us for a little, you come with a bunch hickies and a pimp walk.” all of you laughed at her last comment. rolling your eyes before checking your phone. speak of the devil.
‘got everything ready for movie night!’
‘waiting on you now mama💛’
you looked up from your phone, instantly getting pissed off looks from your friends. “don’t even say nun. go be wit your man. enjoy it too because this weekend you all OURS. you hear me?” you giggled as you stood from your spot on sasha’s beanbag chair. “i hear youuu. love yallll!!” each of your friends replied with “love you toos” before you left to go spend time with reiner.
“aight i got nightmare on elm street and i got fri-” “princess and the frog” reiner chuckled as you looked up at him. sitting on his bed in nothing but his t shirt that you changed into as soon as you got there. “we watched that last time princess. you said you’d let me switch it up.” pink lip jutting out in a pout at he looked at you with sad eyes.
you laughed, watching this huge man with black ink dancing around his arms and chest being such a softy for you. his sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he situated himself under you on the bed. “okay then coco. i love un poco locoooo” a groan flew from his lips as he rolled his eyes at your choices. “no more disney. if i hear another song ima rip my ears off.”
the two of you ended up settling on john wick, but that didn’t really matter since it was one thirty minutes into the movie where you found yourself sleeping soundly on his chest. straddling him with your head in the crook of reiner’s neck as he played games on his phone. he was thinking about asking you to be his girlfriend soon, but he didn’t know how or when to ask.
the sound of your phone snatched him out of his thoughts. looking at the screen in disgust as he read the contact on the screen.
ren ren💚
‘yo. you up?’
he seen the name pop up and instantly got heated, knowing what he’s done to you. he made quick work to delete his number before replying.
‘yea what’s up?’
‘miss you mama🤧’
‘let me pull up on you’
“the nerve of this guy” reiner thought as a quick idea came up into his head. first he checked on you, making sure you were still deep in your slumber before taking a picture of your sleeping figure on his hard chest. sending it with a smirk as he watched erens typing bubble pop in and out of the chat. reiner dropped the phone back on the bed, figuring he just wasn’t going to answer until he heard a bunch of vibrations start coming in. texts popping up left and right and he scrolled through each of them.
‘wyd y/n?’
‘man you so lame for that fr’
‘how you just gon give my pussy away like that?’
‘he never gon be able to fuck you like i do’
‘cmon baby don’t pass up a relationship with me…’
‘i swear i’ll never text historia again’
‘or any other bitch’
‘she could never amount to you ong baby’
‘text me back y/n :(‘
‘at least still study with me…historia’s so dumb i’ll get kicked off the team fasho’
*caller blocked*
reiner put your phone on his nightstand before laying you on you your side. kissing you on the cheek before cuddling up behind you and falling asleep as well.
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shadyruinskryptonite · 7 months
Titan Bending Chapter 7
Warning: Violence consistent with cannon, NSFW so MDNI, language, major character death (both consistent with canon of both AOT and ATLA as well as diverging from canon), so much trauma literally everyone is so traumatized, very much slow burn, a little enemies to lovers, SO MUCH ANGST, hurt/comfort, hurt and delayed comfort, AFAB reader
Chapter Warnings: fear of horses, graphic depiction of Eren after failed tests (a la S3Ep1 Smoke Signal), death, titans killing people (pretty par for the course but still), loss of entire village, it’s implied that the reader is short (I try not to give these kinds of descriptors so that as many people as possible will identify with it but I’M short and it just fits so well, apologies in advance)
WC: 3967
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
Tags: @mochminnie @sseleniaa
When Hange said we’d be taking a field trip, she failed to mention that it meant that the entirety of her and Levi’s squads would be going into hiding at a cabin in the woods. It’s not a bad place to stay, it’s actually rather cozy even if it does mean we’re keeping tight quarters. Tight quarters aren’t all that bad though, it means that I’ve gotten to know each of the kids quite well. They don’t always get along, but it’s more in the family sort of way than like they don’t actually like each other. 
Every day they remind me more and more of the Gaang.
“We’ll discuss your complete and utter failure at a later date,” Levi’s voice cuts off my thoughts. “Eren, Hange is anxious to get started on today’s experiment.”
Good, that will give me a chance to clean while they’re all out. I think I’m the only one whose cleaning Levi actually approves of.
My thoughts make me giggle to myself and I notice Levi glance in my direction despite no one else seeming to notice.
God, is there anything that little shit doesn’t notice?
As everyone heads out to the clearing, Krista, or rather, Historia and I stay behind to keep working on the house. As per usual we finish in no time - even the bottoms of the tables and the walls.
“Your cleaning certainly makes up for anything else Captain Levi might not like about you,” Kri- Historia remarks. I laugh at her observation.
“You think so? I don’t know, it seems like he’s always scrutinizing me more than everyone else so I wouldn’t say it completely makes up for it. And besides, it’s like he checks my cleaning more thoroughly like he’s waiting for me to make a mistake,” I lament.
“Honestly, at this point I think he just expects a lot out of you,” Historia counters.
“Oh really? How so?”
“Well,” she begins, “you are able to clean at a level that no one else physically can so you’ve set the bar high there. Then as far as performance goes, your waterbending has proven more than once now to be faster than ODM gear and, frankly, watching you maneuver looks like when I’m watching him so I think he just expects you to perform like him at everything now.”
Her description gives me pause. 
Is it really possible that I’ve been reading him wrong? No, right? While sure he may have this arbitrary set of expectations, he surely is also waiting for me to fail. He’s called “Humanity’s Strongest Soldier” so he probably just views me as a threat to that title.
Unaware of my internal dialogue, Historia continues, “plus, you take care of all of us like a mom, which I’m sure he appreciates.”
This catches my attention. “You think? I don’t understand, why would that matter to him?”
She giggles, and I can see why so many of the boys pine after her because it’s truly a beautiful sound. Her little laughter alone makes me smile before she says, “I think he cares about people more than you give him credit for. I’ve seen him hold dying soldiers’ hands and promise not to forget them and when his squad was killed by the Female Titan, he collected all of their Wings of Freedom patches. Rumor has it he keeps those patches in his desk.”
I feel an immense sense of guilt wash over me. I stand there, pensive, lost in my thoughts for a moment.
I wanted to crack him, figure out how he ticks, and I thought I had but it seems I didn’t even try. I can’t believe I was so shallow…
In the distance, Eren’s titan lets out a scream that sounds more like a platypus bear caught in a trap and I swear I can hear Hange shrieking.
“Should we go check it out?” I wonder aloud.
“We might as well, Hange probably wants to work with you too,” she says with a playful elbow to my side. I throw an arm around her in a hug as we head out.
When we get to the clearing, Hange is tearing Eren out of a sickly looking Titan. His face is gone. The sight is repulsive. 
Historia goes up to where Levi and Armin are standing, and I head towards Eren and a seemingly livid Hange.
As she spouts off whatever, I hear Moblit accuse her of having no compassion to which I frown.
She just gets carried away.
Walking up to them, I call out “ya know, I know he can heal himself but that looks pretty gnarly so I can try to help. We haven’t tried my healing on him yet.” This seems to perk Hange back up, and she nearly throws the poor kid at me, much to Mikasa’s chagrin.
Instead of going straight for his face, since that’s the worst, I go for something with lower stakes - his arm. As I begin healing he lets out some guttural noise and I stop in my tracks. Not only does it seem like it’s hurting him, but it seems like it’s making it worse as I see the spot now starting to bleed where it didn’t previously.
“Huh! Fascinating! Perhaps try a different spot?” Hange inquires over my shoulder.
“What?! No! Clearly that’s hurting him. He can heal on his own, I just wanted to see if I could speed up the process but clearly that’s not the case so no, I’m not going to torture the poor kid!” At my response, I can see Hange almost get angry with me. Just as she’s about to order me to try again, I speak up saying, “remember our agreement Hang. I won’t do anything that I don’t agree with. And I don’t agree with hurting this boy just because you got carried away with an experiment.”
She comes back to reality and her face immediately takes on a bit of guilt. “I-I’m sorry,” she admits quietly. 
I put my hand on her shoulder, catching her off guard, before I say, “It’s alright, everyone knows how into it you get in the moment.” I smile at her before it’s her turn to catch me off guard, capturing me in a tight hug. I smooth down her untamed hair and hear Levi calling from the cliff, stating that he and Hange’s squad were heading back to Trost and for the rest of us to return to the cabin.
I bid Hange a farewell before realizing that everyone besides Historia and I had come here on those horse…things. Eren was in no position to ride alone so he was placed with Mikasa, leaving a horse for Historia.
“I, uh, I’m good walking,” I say while rubbing my neck. All of the kids just stare at me a little.
“Just hop on with someone,” Mikasa says like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t want to be a bother,” I say with a nervous chuckle. 
“Have you never ridden a horse?!” Connie cajoles.
“No! I’ve never ridden a ‘horse,’” I say in a mocking tone. “I’ve ridden an OSTRICHhorse but those are far less…intimidating.” Eying up one of the horses, I decide that they are, in fact, terrifying. 
Now it’s Jean’s turn to tease me. “Ahhh come on, they’re harmless! Plus you won’t even be riding alone!”
“Easy for you to say, you’re already half horse anyway!” I retort, drawing unbridled laughter from all of the kids and making Jean blush.
Sasha approaches me on her horse and I take a step back. She gets down and sweetly says, “I’ve been riding my whole life, if you’re safe with anyone on a horse, it’s me. So, you just get up there first and then I’ll join you. You don’t have to do any of the work, just enjoy the scenery!”
I blink at her for a few moments, but I can tell she’s being completely sincere. “You just wanna get back so we can eat lunch,” I joke and her mouth waters slightly. I continue, “but…I’ll give it a try.”
I put my foot in the stirrup and hoist myself up, clutching the little knobby thing on the saddle as if my life depends on it. Sasha gets back up with ease. She wraps her arms around me to grab the reins and I’m struck by the intimate possibility this has.
“Damn, at least take me on a date first,” I say with a wink over my shoulder at her. Sasha, Historia, and Mikasa laugh, but the boys just chuckle, with seemingly all of them blushing.
Then suddenly we’re riding, and the fear returns and I stiffen up. Over my shoulder, I hear Sasha reassure me, “relax, you’re totally fine. Horses can sense fear.”
“Oh yeah, that’s REAL reassuring.”
It’s a short ride back to the cabin and as we continue, I do start to loosen up. I even go so far as to pat the horse’s neck. At one point Connie and Jean decide to try to make Sasha fuck with me by challenging her to a race and then taking off, and while I can tell she wants to join she refrains.
“Thanks, Sash. I think going full speed would traumatize me.” She just giggles at me.
We soon arrive back at the cabin and when we do, the boys are bickering about who won. I simply roll my eyes and laugh as I feel Sasha slide off of the horse’s back before she helps me down. As I’m walking inside, I hear Jean stop arguing with Connie and call out, “Y/n! Tomorrow: you’re learning how to ride a horse even if it kills you!”
I try and fail to hide my distaste for the idea, thinking that it just might kill me. But, reluctantly, I agree shooting back, “Are you going to be the one to teach me Kirstein? Since you’re more at one with the horses, I mean?” I smirk at him as he stands there sputtering to the sound of Connie’s laughter.
With the departure of Levi and Hange, we had to be extra vigilant on watch. I had one of the earlier shifts along with Mikasa. After we were relieved by Sasha and Jean, we return to find Connie also awake. While Mikasa just stares at him, I can tell something is wrong.
“Can’t sleep?” I inquire softly.
“Uh, yeah, you could say that,” he responds.
I shoo away Mikasa to get some sleep and offer to make him some tea which he happily accepts. We sit in silence for a moment before I ask, “so, do you want to talk about the nightmare or would you rather have a distraction?”
He stares at me surprised for a moment, so I explain, “this isn’t my first rodeo. I’m pretty sure everyone I’ve ever been close with has been plagued by nightmares, myself included.”
He smiles slightly as I can tell he’s pondering what he needs. After a deep sigh, he just softly says, “it was about my village.”
I sit quietly, waiting for him to continue. As he stares at his tea, I cautiously say, “I’m sorry Connie, I don’t know what happened in your village.”
It’s almost as if realization dawns on him, and based on the pain in his eyes I quickly add, “-you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, bud.”
“No, it’s okay. I didn’t know that you didn’t know but it makes sense,” he begins talking and it’s clear it’s hard for him to talk about, but it also seems like he needs to talk about it. “After Annie attacked and we captured her, there was a supposed breach in the walls. Titans wiped out my entire village, but,” he trails off.
I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder, overwhelmed with sadness and empathy. He takes a deep breath before continuing, “but there’s something strange about it.” I furrow my eyebrows, searching his face and only finding confusion.
“Strange how?”
“Well, there is no evidence that they were eaten by titans. Neighboring villages, yes. It’s clear that titans killed everyone. But mine is like they all just…vanished. And there was this giant titan too. Looked like some kind of hairy beast. Clearly an abnormal. I think it has something to do with it. The weirdest part, and the worst, honestly, is that there’s one titan that seems like it can’t walk just stuck on top of my house. As weird as it sounds, it looks like my mom and I know it sounds crazy but I swear on everything that it talked to me!”
I can only hope my face doesn’t betray me as he’s telling me this, because I AM shocked but I don’t want to freak him out or worry him more.
I muster all of my composure to respond, “I…I’m sorry Connie. I believe you, and I’m sorry that people have made you feel crazy for what you experienced. That sucks, though. I wish there was something more eloquent I could say but it just truly sucks. When tragedies happen, people often say things like “you’ll be okay,” and shit like that, and while that’s true that eventually you will be okay, it doesn’t make the right now any better. So I guess the best I can do for you is recognize that yeah, what you’re going through is unimaginable. And you’re allowed to be sad, angry, confused -- all of it.”
I see his eyes get glassy, and I rub his shoulder again as I pour another cup of tea for the both of us. Not wanting to make him speak before he’s ready, I speak again saying, “ya know, I think you’ve made Ragako very proud. Even though war isn’t a glorious thing, you’re definitely the hero of the village because you’ll keep their memory alive.” I smile as I finish, and by now the tears have spilled over so I pull him into a tight hug.
After we stay like this for a moment, he shakily says, “thank you, y/n.”
I smile again and assure him that he doesn’t have to thank me. “I’m glad you felt comfortable enough with me to tell me.” I chuckle a little before continuing, “and actually, if there’s anyone that even sort of understands what you’re going through, it’s probably me.” His eyebrows furrow so I give him a sad smile and add, “my village was actually attacked by the fire nation about 10 years ago. So, yeah, I don’t get it, but I know the feeling. So if you ever need to talk to someone, I’m always here for you, Connie.” I pause before smiling wider and saying, “plus, I barely sleep so there’s a good chance that I’m awake whenever you might need me.”
“I-I-I’m sorry. I…I had no idea,” he stutters out.
“Oh no, don’t worry about it I know that you didn’t know -- no one here knows that about me, actually. Not even Hange, come to think of it. But no, I didn’t tell you for you to feel sympathy or anything like that, I just wanted you to know that even though this is a unique situation you’re in, you’re not alone.” I patted him on the shoulder and he smiled back at me.
Finishing his cup of tea, Connie yawns and I bid him a goodnight before he has to take his guard shift. 
Smiling at our interaction, I finish my own tea and clean up before I slip out unnoticed to get some training in.
It’s probably not my brightest idea to go out on my own right now, but I’ve been fine on my own before so I’ll be fine now.
I return as the sun is rising and slip back in just as I had slipped out, only a few people are awake now.
Jean confronts me, “Where were you?” It almost sounds like he’s trying to scold me like a parent, making me laugh.
I walk up to him and ruffle his hair, which clearly flusters him. “Just getting a workout in, that’s all.”
At our conversation, more people seem to stir. Jean grunts and grumbles out, “just making sure you weren’t trying to skip out on your riding lesson.”
I sigh and exasperatedly say, “are you really going to go through with this?” to which I’m met with all of the kids nodding in excitement. 
Huffing, I say, “aight, let’s just get this over with then.”
I can almost feel their excitement in the air, and while I’m putting on an annoyed face, I can’t begrudge them the fun they’re having with this. The joy quickly melts into a dispute about who has the most well-mannered horse for me to practice on. I let them go for a moment before I ultimately made the final decision.
“How about I just use Sasha’s horse since I’m already familiar with it?” I ask. 
This starts a new round of bickering about who should be the teacher because “Sasha can’t teach if she’s not on her horse but Jean isn’t a good teacher and…” so on and so forth.
From over my shoulder, I hear an almost imperceptible, “why not Eren or Mikasa’s horses? Since neither of them are here.” I turn and smile at Historia, who made the suggestion. Knowing I’m the only one that heard her, I clap my hands loudly and declare that it’s settled, I’ll ride whomever’s horse is the calmest between Eren and Mikasa.
To make the final decision, I’m given two carrots and told to try to feed them both and whichever one I “vibe” with the best will be who I ride. Sasha shows me how to feed a horse and I’m horrified that it has to be from the palm of my hand.
Connie, getting a kick out of the situation, mocks me and points out, “oh come on, you mean to tell me you’re not afraid of basically ANYTHING but you’re afraid of horses?”
I grit my teeth because I know he’s right. Putting on some fake confidence I approach the horses at the same time, because they’re next to each other.
Damn, even Eren and Mikasa’s HORSES are in love.
They eat simultaneously, but Eren’s seems a bit gentler and nuzzles me a bit which, while terrifying, melts my heart a bit so that’s the horse I choose. Now for getting on it. I didn’t struggle too much since I had gotten on Sasha’s yesterday, but I’m actually putting my feet in the stirrups to ride today and they BARELY reach. I try my hardest to focus on what Sasha and the others are saying about how to hold the reins, but when they tell me to keep my legs straight I can’t help but laugh out loud.
“What option do I have?! My legs are too short for me to have anything BUT straight legs! How the fuck does Levi do this?” Everyone finds this hilarious, and while I wasn’t intentionally making a joke, I have to laugh along with them.
We begin moving at a snail’s pace and after about 20 minutes, I’m gettting the hang of it. Then Sasha suggests we go a bit faster.
“Just bring your heal back and kick right where the leg and stomach meet, it’ll tell her to speed up,” she instructs.
“Oh hey now, let’s not do anything brash,” as I say this, Sasha makes a noise and speeds off. Not a problem in and of itself, but it makes me jump and kick the horse and against my better judgment, we’re now speeding after her. Running towards the woods at break-neck speed, I realize I’ve made a terrible error. Then Sasha is yelling next to me to turn, I hear the kids screaming to turn from behind us, and I pull the left rein hard. We make a tight left turn just before the treeline and as everyone is cheering, I realize this isn’t so bad. Calling at me to pull back on the reins if I want to slow down, I do so and we grind to a trot.
Everyone approaches me, beaming with pride, and I have to admit, “ya know, that wasn’t so bad. I hate to admit it, but I’m glad y’all forced me to do this.”
Returning to the cabin, Sasha and Jean take lookout and the rest of us start prepping our food for the day. I don’t know how much time passes, but eventually out of the corner of my eye I see Eren emerge.
Smiling, I greet him, “well, well, well. Look who’s out of hibernation!” He and Mikasa proceed to argue about him resting when Connie brings up wanting revenge on the Beast Titan. Silence falls over the room before he suggests that he and Mikasa go relieve Sasha and Jean. As the four of them switch off, Historia makes some comment about someone named Ymir and I can tell it’s a sensitive subject. As Eren turns to talk to her, I take some of the vegetables over to a different table to give them privacy. Just as I do, Sasha calls that Hange and Levi are returning and to meet in the main room.
That’s convenient, at least I can keep working while they talk at us.
I remain seated as everyone enters, and although I smile brightly at the sight of Hange I can tell something is very wrong. No one bothers to sit down before she announces that someone named Pastor Nick was murdered.
I’ll have to ask about what the religion is here. I didn’t think they worshiped, well, anything.
Everyone reacts other than Levi, and in an effort to be less judgemental after what Historia had said about him, I fight the urge to judge him.
It’s so hard though when clearly everyone else cared about this man and the little shit has the audacity to stand there without an ounce of care in the world. It’s like someone just told him that taxes are due in a month.
No matter my opinion, no one else seems to care about Levi’s apathy so I decide to let it go as Hange tells us about her theory that he was tortured, and by another branch of the military at that.
I don’t know if I’m happy or disappointed to hear that other governments are just as corrupt as the Earth Kingdom.
“This was my fault, I should’ve been more careful,” Hange laments. Hearing her say this -- hearing her speak without her normal excitement in general -- breaks my heart.
“...how many nails was the good pastor missing?” Levi asks.
Why that little -
“How many? You saw right?”
I’m gonna fu-
“All of the nail beds I saw were empty,” Hange responds, surprise still laced in her voice.
“People who talk, talk after one. If they don’t, ripping off more won’t make a difference.”
Oh. OH. He’s got a good point. Shit, I hate to admit that. But wait, I know how I know that but how does HE know that? God, he could’ve phrased it differently at least, Hange looks like she’s going to cry.
As all of us sit with our own thoughts, a girl that I recognize from Hange’s squad comes in and gives a note to Levi, stating that it’s from Erwin. I don’t know if I imagined it, but I swear there was a flash of worry on Levi’s face before his features shifted ever so slightly into determination. When he speaks, his voice is subtly deeper and sounds more commanding.
“Get your gear, now. We’re leaving. Make it look like we were never here.”
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everlark777 · 8 months
holding you is like the new past
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chapter nine
it was almost three in the morning before i returned home. i spent an hour pacing around campus trying to clear my head, which didn’t work.
if i asked you to kiss me, would you?
i shook my head trying to make the thought disappear. i couldn’t stop shaking, as i was pacing my bedroom floor when i finally returned. i had cleaned my room, drank a bottle of water and i still couldn’t sit still. i was having to be quiet so as not to wake mikasa in the next room. titan wondered about the room brushing up against my leg when i passed him.
i sat down at my desk to work on some homework i had but it was no use. i closed my laptop and wandered over to my bed. i didn’t even bother to turn off my bedside lamp, just curled under the covers and begged sleep to take over.
the next morning i woke up around noon, with titan sleeping on my head. i rubbed my eyes my exhaustion still prevalent. i stumbled out of bed, my head pounding from the night before, and headed towards the kitchen. as soon as i walked into the living room i knew something was wrong. mikasa’s door was closed and there was no evidence of her being up. mikasa never missed breakfast always making us something, but the kitchen was spotless from the night before.
i walked towards mikasa’s room and stood outside her door. i took a deep breath. it was so unlike mikasa to not be the first one up much less at noon. i knocked quietly on her door. i waited for an answer. then knocked again.
“mikasa, you okay?”
no answer.
“mikasa, i’m coming in,” i raised my voice slightly.
when i opened the door, Mikasa had her back turned toward me but i could see that she was shaking from crying. i walked up behind her and gave her a hug.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
“i’m sorry, i thought it would be okay, i thought i could tell you and i would laugh, but then i heard you wake up and…” she trailed off sobs pushing through her body. i gently rubbed my hands up and down her arm trying to soothe her.
“hey, it’s okay, what’s wrong? are you hurt?”
“no, it’s just…” she went quiet looking down at her hands.
“i kissed him,” she barely raised her voice above a whisper.
i felt my heart sink.
“kissed who,” i questioned panic rising.
“eren,” mikasa choked out.
i exhaled a sigh of relief and then felt bad because mikasa was obviously devastated.
“what happened? why isn’t that a good thing?”
mikasa took in a shaky breath, “you should have seen his face,” mikasa paused, “he had this look of horror on his face.”
i pulled mikasa face up to look at me. my hands rested around her ears.
“listen to me, mikasa, he’s not worth it.”
“but he is, because i love him, and not what i thought was love before, i mean really love him,” mikasa broke down into sobs and i held her and rocked her trying to soothe her.
i reached into my pocket and texted historia and ymir “S.O.S”. before i put it back and pulled the covers over us.
four hours later, all four of us sat around the coffee table in our living room, piled with pizza boxes and three empty bottles of wine. we had finally gotten mikasa to brighten up a bit. she was joining in on our jokes but i could tell she wasn’t taking this well.
“so, know that we are all liquored up you think you can let me and historia know what the fuck is going on,” ymir questioned. she had a big smile on her face and historia was laying against her in her lap.
historia looked up at ymir with dagger eyes and shook her head.
“i think what ymir is trying to say is are you both okay? do you need anything from us?”
ymir let out a laugh, “i said the same thing you are just trying to be sweet about it,” ymir kissed historia on the head, “plus you know you want to know as well” ymir turned to mikasa and i expecting answers.
i looked at mikasa and knew she couldn’t say it again, so i took a deep breathe and told them what happened.
“first, i want to say you guys being here is more than enough, but apparently, according to my sources, mikasa kissed eren and he didn’t take it very well.” i looked over at mikasa, she was folding into herself, head in her lap.
“define, didn’t take it well,” historia stated.
i looked at mikasa not quite knowing how to answer this based on the amount i was given.
“yeah, i want the details mikasa,” ymir was practically jumping up and down.
“you kissed eren? i just don’t understand how this could happen,” ymir moved to playfully jostle mikasa.
mikasa looked up at historia and ymir with a faint smile on her face.
“fine, fine, i’ll explain.” mikasa took a deep breath, composing herself.
“eren and i’s tutoring session went on for a lot longer than we anticipated. so we decided to go get food, and the dinner was really good. we just get along really well and,” mikasa paused wiping a tear that was streaming down her face. i moved closer to her putting my hand on her knee.
“and i knew he liked someone else, but he hadn’t been asking me for help recently, so i figured maybe, just maybe he didn’t care about her anymore. so we left the restaurant and were walking back to his apartment because i was going to go to the party.”
mikasa looked over at me then. and i felt my pulse quicken. in trying to comfort mikasa i had forgotten about the events of last night. i needed to text armin, but it would have to wait.
“but we stopped outside his place, he started talking about how it would be loud and he really just wanted to talk to me, and i don’t know, i kissed him.”
historia and ymir didn’t look convinced.
“so he didn’t want to kiss you?” ymir questioned and then looked to historia, “men.”
“what did he say after you kissed him?” historia looked at mikasa expectantly.
mikasa looked down in her lap and then back up at us, “i kind of didn’t wait for a response.”
ymir let out a sigh.
“then how do you know if he didn’t want to kiss you?”
“you should have seen his face, ymir he didn’t want to kiss me.”
“did you ever think it could have been a shock,” historia questioned hopefully.
“i think you should at least hear him out.”
mikasa looked at historia and ymir like they were crazy.
“so you want me to talk to eren about my feelings?” my mind drifted off to armin. i wondered what he was doing. i wondered if he would text me. i really needed to talk to him.
“okay, maybe not the best idea…” historia trailed off before her eyes landed on me.
“could you ask armin if eren likes anyone?” the room started to spin at the mention of his name. it flowed so smoothly off her tongue. the name that had been on repeat in my head.
i froze up looking at them all. waiting for me to give a positive response back. i couldn’t let them down. plus it was just a question, armin wouldn’t think anything of it.
“okay, i’ll ask him,” i said hesitantly.
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 2 months
Persona 5-The Daybreakers
This has never been dubbed into English, it is subbed through. Just letting people know.
I love Morgana 🤣🤣
They have to go down to the train station to access Mementos? I thought they entered from above. So they just disappear into thin air?
So this takes place sometime after Yusuke.
Why does Ren look pissed and disinterested?
I love the shot of them getting in.
Ren drives like I do. 🤣🤣
I can drive the cat. No, I can't.
They make Akechi even prettier 🥰🥰Also his eyes look more red here.
This dude looks like Wonder.
I know that beer brand 🤣🤣
Pink chalk?
Yusuke's friend looks like a wet puppy.
Does the game ever ask "Why don't they go to the police"? Like I know it's established pretty early on that the police aren't going to do anything (the game's words, not mine) and that's basically why the Phantom Thieves exist.
Ren is pretty 😍😍 And basically stalking that dude. Way to take tips from your boyfriend🤣🤣
I've never seen Ren wear a cross-body bag. Minus that uh, fashion disaster (IMHO) of a collab with a tourism thingy.
Damn, he really pissed... and hot.
Ren looked normal for a frame. Is this an AU? Like Ren's harder than usual.
Why does he react like he forgot Morgana was there? 🤣🤣
My man is risking his ass using Leblanc. Like I remember reading about this on the Wikia but really. I like how they weren't concerned about using Leblanc. Like really, especially cause Ren could get kicked out, property could be damaged, Morgana could get hurt, Sojiro could get hurt if he walks in. Not to mention it's just plain rude to be that careless. Ren has balls.
Where'd the panic light come from? They don't have Futaba yet. Iwai!?
If it wasn't Makigami? then who was it?
It was his brother, Yusuke's wet puppy friend. 😲😲
He's the leader? I thought he was the lackey😲😲 I thought the older dude was the leader.
That transformation was uh...
Where'd the bloody Oni come from? I thought we were fighting Mitras.
Add in the onion bird.
Ren is badass 😍😍🥵🥵
If Arsene's gonna get more lines. I would love it if it got dubbed. That's part of the reason I kept him. 😋😋😋😋
I like how they do baton pass all athletic and dramatic.
Long legs 😍😍
What I wouldn't give to be his position. 😍😍
"The arrogance in your heart. I stole it". (I accidentally flipped it although I think it works better the other way). It reminds me of a line from dancing. "Did you enjoy the show? Well, until next time". 🥵😍
Although, it sounds like intil to me. Same thing happened with Ippon Datara. I thought it was Ippon Tatara. In my defense, I had to learn what his voice sounded like.
Wait, this dude is a Mementos Mission. He's a combo of 2MM. 6/18 you get The Phantom Thieves vs. Burglary Ring. The story matches up halfway and the dude's name is Makigami but it never mentions him having a brother. It's even the same shadow. Fake-Man Show in 3rd sem has a brother that he abused and he says the same thing as his shadow disappears.
Morgana's dopey face. Maybe because I have it paused? 🤣🤣
Pretty girl in the crowd.
Just hear a random cat and find a key and a note 🤣🤣. That's how we got some of our cats. Minus the key and note.
He's kinda cute. Why does he look like a mix of Akechi and Natsume? But add in wet puppy.
😍😍😍🥵 Fuckin' gorgeous shot. Reminds me of when Morgana's floating away at the end/near the end of 5.
They went straight into Kaneshiro, without Makoto? I wish the game did that. 🤣🤣 Maybe it was near Kanoshiro to begin with.
So, that was a test run? I don't know how to word it. It makes sense, given that Ren's not that confident when he starts. It does provide insight on what thiefy lengths Ren is capable of.
A-1 (Steak Sauce🤭) animated this? It looks amazing. What happened between episode 0 and 1? Come to think of it they did the opening for Radiant Historia too. Which also looks great and it's on the 3DS. I think they also did a couple of P3 movies too. So, why does the anime look like it does?
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