#really low stakes stuff
magikfish · 2 months
im just thinking. albus is such a liar. I know he lies about everything.
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planet4546b · 5 months
been realizing as ive been writing lately that i truly love nothing more than writing useless arguments between characters that go nowhere its my passion in life. what this means is i need to add more of this in signosie and i have the perfect place to do it so the address' plotline is gonna get all the horrible interpersonal arguments. yay <3
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sn0wbat · 1 year
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aroaessidhe · 6 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
The Poisons We Drink
YA urban fantasy
a girl who brews powerful potions is coerced into making potions to interfere with D.C.’s most influential politicians in an attempt to stop a dangerous Witcher Registration Act from passing, and will do anything to protect her sister after their mother is killed
bi MC, nonbinary love interest
arc from netgalley
#The Poisons We Drink#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#this is…….a lot of cool ideas but also so many elements and high stakes that i kinda lost track of them#the pacing is weird. the worldbuilding is random?#why is brewing SO overpowered & risky for her but the other powers seem to have pretty normal low-scale risks?#it’s definitely ambitious and has some cool ideas and also some great characters just. didn’t execute as well as I’d like#as much as we’re told the main threat is the government trying to put through a Registration Act#most of the actual antagonism we see is from other Witchers?#like the systemic discrimination got a bit lost in the witcher family drama and murder politics#important things to say about oppression and police violence but like....idk#she has this ‘deviation’- essentially evil sentient magic inside her head (and you KNOW I love that trope)#but it’s barely explained and very underutilised? other than helping her get out of bad situations you could take it out & would barely#change anything#also it’s explained at the start that she’s an empath but other than the very occasional mention I kept forgetting#will also note that I bumped this up my tbr because I saw the author talking/promoting it as the MCs sister being aroace but no mention#maybe it’ll come up in a sequel (there weren’t really any places where it would have made sense to bring it up here) but idk#(just the way the author was asking for advice on how to write an ace character and stuff you’d assume that they’d….put that in the book?)#not really a critique of the book itself but anyway. I really wanted to like this but the way it was put together just did not vibe with me#edit: I saw the author say on twitter that the version used for ARCs was before ace stuff was added and that there's other signif changes?#so perhaps that will be there! i'm not sure if I want to read it again but might skim just to see what that's about
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pregstiel · 9 months
watched the first episode of lucky star (was curious because this anime shaped a generation). did i click the wrong thing. i watched 3 anime girls stand in the same spot and talk about pastries for 7 minutes
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I love slower pacing in shows.
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ctl-yuejie · 1 year
gonna queue some new posts but will have a quick rant before that
just love when people sue in court but only provide bits of the contracts they base their claims on
i am sorry that i cannot decide whether this court has jurisdiction because you only gave me selected pages of some general terms and conditions and idek what the name of your contract is so i can’t determine which of these terms even apply
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dbssh · 2 years
i also think these early takes on sayains + super sayains are really interesting and im curious to see if they hold up to modern db or if they kind of get left behind.
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b-blushes · 2 years
mundane post for the day because i've been Posting so much lately: cold enough to wear fluffy socks over my regular socks, and a fluffy 'jacket' over my tshirt and flannel shirt at home today! Guess it's winter!✌️
OH DANG ALSO! regained enough brain power to correctly reorder a replacement for the accidental green fabric, as the replacement i got that arrived the other day was also wrong! Sad! Oh well, there's other uses for very specific fabrics i guess :P
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bogsuckerecologist · 2 years
Our official Sweets Baker has the rest of the week off volunteering at a camp for cancer survivors, so I've been in charge of the whole sweets bake. Was a bit nervous yesterday but I did good!! No slip ups and I got the whole bake done by just after opening :)
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dw-flagler · 8 days
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now this is character design
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lucifer-kane · 2 months
A dead jock with a heart of gold who when alive was really into the supernatural/paranormal (who's also a nerd ), a goth mortician who can see ghosts (wow really breaking news with that one), and another goth who's the biggest skeptic you know (he literally lives with the dead jock who he grew up with and can see while he's dead)
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neon-danger · 2 months
Drabble request omegaverse edition
Alex is in heat for the first time with a partner Jack of course and they get stuck
Okay don’t hate me I know I already passed on like every single drabble but like I swear to you there is more omegaverse content on the way, I’m just not sure how to write the getting stuck thing because that’s,,, that’s what knotting is
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sn0wbat · 10 months
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i finally did something lineless again for the first time in A While, so i felt like comparing!!
old ones are from october 2018, new ones are from very recently (august 2023)
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teledild0nix · 4 months
I had this idea for my 8th year fic (that I have mostly dropped bc I felt like this storyline was making the fic too complicated) about the muggle studies class doing a play and Ron and Draco are playing the leads bc they’re the best actors in the group but the leads happen to be a married couple so they have to (petition to of their own volition bc it’s not in the fucking script) kiss onstage.
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lieutenant-amuel · 5 months
I have such ambitious plans for the new year.
I want to write at least one more chapter of WBTL.
#Personal#Low stakes I know XD#But no you don’t understand 2023 was a nightmare to me especially the last 3-4 months#and right freaking now I’m still half dead#Хнык хнык I hate January#It drains all my energy and any hope for the positive outcomes#(yes this is because of exams I’m generic as heck I’m crying because of school (uni))#Oral exams my beloathed#As my teacher said she wants us to show our knowledge in stressing situations 🥰#Ajshndkfjnf PLEASE#I can barely speak in unstressful situations what are you even talking about#Anyway January won’t last forever I have a long-awaited break in February#And THEN I’m going to have fun#Not for long but still fun#Anyway back to WBTL#You know I actually miss those times when I updated every month x)#I wrote almost every day even if it was little#and now I just open my new doc every now and then add 1-2 paragraphs that don’t move anything forward and cry internally#What happened to me…#I make quite a lot of ‘off screen’ stuff now but really it doesn’t count#Buuuut I think I figured how to put all the upcoming events in order because when I tried to connect all of that in my head#I panicked that nothing of it made sense and started to rearrange the entire timeline thinking when every event would be more fitting :’D#Eventually I just wrote down my original idea read it and calmed down because yeah it actually was coherent#The last sentence of this plan is everything was good again#Yeah writing is my therapy#(Валерио пафосно снял свои перчатки)#Oh and I just have to say I’m going to introduce quite a lot of new characters in the next chapters#and I’m extremely excited to make another post with my characters picrews#Most of them are already made but I cannot share them :’D#Well a good motivation to keep writing
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