#rebekadjarin character comfort
rebekadjarin · 4 months
Character comfort requests are OPEN
Send me what's bothering you or whatever that's on your mind, tell me which of your favorite characters you want to comfort you and I'll answer in their voice (mostly the bad batch but I write for everyone in SW).
I know we are all going through something and this is my way of spreading kindness and giving back to the community.
The answers are going to be tagged with: " #rebekadjarin character comfort " and if it's triggering or too much for you feel free to block it.
And if you appreciate my work and would like to say thanks, I would be most grateful if you could give me a follow.
I'm trying to get to every ask as soon as I can, please be patient with me <3
Love you.
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Heya, just found your blog pure chance and thought I'd send something for your comfort character request game.
The characters will be as follows; Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo, Omega and Rex.
Here goes. . .
Things aren't going so great in my life right now; not working a lot of days, *hardly* doing things around the house, just a general lack of motivation to get things done. All I ready need is just some words of advice and that I can get out of this damn slump I'm in..
(Thanks for looking at this, btw.)
(The characters are a lot, I know, but I wanted to put those that just get me grinning, ya know?)
"For me it seems like you need to find your purpose. Think about what moves you and what makes you feel passionate. Concentrate on that and everything else will follow." - Hunter
"I would gladly help you draw up a schedule to get your things done! Perhaps if you saw the steps clearly it would be easier to start!" - Tech
"Ehhh, a motivational speech from me? What if we just hang together and let the others take care of stuff?" - Wrecker
"If it needs to be done, then do it. I don't know why it's so complicated. You will feel much better after. " - Crosshair
"It's okay to go through a hard time. I know that you're doing your best. Take your time to recharge, rest and find yourself again." - Echo
"Let me help you with that! Pleaseeee! I will do anything! What should we start with? Yay, I can't wait to spend more time with you!!" - Omega
"Trooper, I hear you are feeling demotivated. Let me remind you that you are here for a purpose. There are days when it's hard to see but you need to remember it always. Do everything with that goal in front of you." - Rex
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hi! I saw your Clone comfort request thing and it’s awesome of you to offer something so kind.
If I could request one, could I have Echo reassuring me before my upcoming surgery? It was supposed to be next month and got moved up to this Friday, so I have a lot to organize and reschedule in a very short period, and while I’m not afraid (it’s not my first surgery this year) I am very, very tired and could use some steadying words.
Thank you <3
" I know what you are going through. I had my fair share of surgeries while recovering. It's okay to be tired. You are going through a lot right now, and what's most important for you is to recover. Let me help you with that. You are not alone, and I will be here for you the whole time. We will get though this together. You are one of the strongest person I have ever met. But please never tell Fives I said that…"
- Echo
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hello! I'm just coming off a 16 hour shift because my relief was a no-call/no-show. Whoever you think would be most comforting for a security supervisor who needs to find out if the 3rd shift officer is injured/ill/kidnapped by aliens, or if they just quit.
Imma go fall over now. Not enough caf in this system to pull a double tonight, too...
"You are clearly overworking yourself. Are there no capable people here anymore to distribute the workers in an efficient way? I might have to take a look and reorganize their system, I was getting bored anyway. Your work is admirable and you are clearly the hardest working here. I would give you an immediate promotion if I were to lead this place. Now, I wish you to have a good rest."
- Tech
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hi there. I absolutely adore what you're doing with the comfort series, that is an absolutely amazing thing to do :3
If possible, may I request some support from Fox of the Coruscant Guard? I had a very difficult surgery to remove my gallbladder and recovery is kicking my behind.
Thank you if you're able to get to me, and have a wonderful day/night/dusk/dawn
"You are a strong one, trooper. I am glad to see you over your surgery and in recovery. I look forward to having you back in my squad. When you are there, I get at least a bit of a rest, knowing that everyone is in good hands. But for now recovering is your number one priority. Let me check on the medical droid to make sure that they know your importance. Do you have everything you need? Can I bring you anything? Let me know and it's done.
I will be back tomorrow to check on you. And the day after. Until you're recovered and can leave by my side."
- Fox
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
this character comfort idea is such a sweet, kind thing to do for others. Thank you.
i’d love to get some comfort from Echo.
My mom has a habit of making unprecedented comments about my body, which would be annoying for anyone, but I’m also visually impaired, and rely more on visual feedback from other people because I can’t look in a mirror myself. I’m naturally a smaller person, so the second I started getting even a little bit of stomach, the comments about how it looks, especially if I’m wearing a crop top, have been really hurtful. Especially if I’m wearing an outfit that I feel cute in, and then she says something about how my belly looks, or that I have body acne on my chest or shoulders, suddenly I don’t feel pretty anymore, and I feel undesirable and unwanted. It’s harder for me to just shake it off and know my own worth.
"Cyar'ika, come here to me. Can I take your hand? I want you to know that you are beautiful inside and out. It hurts me to hear that you're being treated that way. But do not let her influence the way you feel about yourself. She's projecting her own struggles onto you. I want you to see yourself through my eyes. You are lovely when I look at you and you are lovely when I listen to you with my eyes closed."
- Echo, placing a tender kiss on your hand
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hiya, I saw your post on comfort characters and I would like Tech to comfort me please.
I’m scared for next school year since last year was horrible. I’m afraid of not meeting the high expectations younger me unknowingly set for myself. I am considered a “smart student” which is awesome until imposter syndrome hits and you feel like you don’t really deserve that title.I also am scared for next school year since last year was horrible. I’m afraid of not meeting the high expectations younger me unknowingly set for myself. I am considered a “smart student” which is awesome until imposter syndrome hits and you feel like you don’t really deserve that title. I’m afraid of disappointing people so I’ll do everything I can to not to but in doing so I’ll make the next ten months a living nightmare.
(What you are doing is extremely kind and I wish the best for you!)
"Let's put this into perspective: you are setting up yourself for failure with that train of thoughts. You dwell too much on the past and the expectations you set for yourself. You need to let that go. What is a field that makes you feel passionate? What made you stand out to be a smart student? Hold onto that and build on that passion. You don't have to cater to anyone's expectation. Being passionate about a topic or occupying yourself with a task that interests you is a lot more valuable. Look for that passion and dive into it. You have my full support and I expect such a promising student to go a long way. I can't wait to work with you in the future."
- Tech
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hi, I saw your comfort post and would very much like some comfort from Hunter please.
Life's been rough lately, my mom has epilepsy and her seizures have been ratcheting up so I've been trying to help take care of things, my younger brothers included.
School has been stressing me out, and everytime I try and talk to my best friend, my brother butts in an starts talking about other stuff.
I everytime I talk something stops me, be it family, loud noises, or an urge to stay silent. It sometimes feels like the whole world just wants me to stay quiet and shove it away. I barely even talk around my family anymore because of it.
I've been struggling with speaking up against bitches at work, especially one who physically pushed my because I was in her way. I'm not even 5'2 so it's easy to move me around.
So yeah, I would like some Hunter comfort if it isn't a bother
"Oh, Meshla.. I'm sorry that you are going through this. But please never think that it's better if you stay silent. Your voice matters. You matter. I'm here for you. Talk to me. Or if you don't want to, then write your thoughts down.
I know how hard it is to take on more responsibility than you should. But I'm really proud of you for stepping up. Only a really strong person is able to do that. Know your worth and don't be afraid to show it. You can stand up for yourself if it's the right thing to do. I just wish I was always there to protect you.
Never lose faith in yourself. That's how we got through everything. And I'm here for you. You can always turn to me. "
- Hunter
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
hello hello! i saw your clone comfort requests are open, so here is mine:
i have dpdr, so for most of the time it feels like i'm just playing a video game and not really alive. i have a hard time concentrating on things and get overwhelmed by too much noise and too much movement. pretty sure it stems from a bunch of losses that I had when I was younger. it's been going for 2 years straight now, and sometimes i wonder if it'll ever get better. what makes me feel better is being away from lots of noise and outside.
tech is my fave so with him plz
have a great day/night!
"Can I disturb you for a minute? I wanted to ask your opinion on... What? You are not feeling well? We have to change that. Elaborate on that to me. I see. That is highly understandable. I don't prefer those environments myself, either. I would appreciate it if you let me help you. Based on my previous knowledge, I would say to go at your own pace. It is irrelevant what others say. We need to draw up a plan and get to the root of your problem. If I were you, I would just pull out one of my data journals from when I was a cadet, but I believe it's unlikely that you have followed such a protocol. Nevertheless, writing down your feelings helps cope with them. We could work on widening your comfort zone. Sometimes you can't detect progress when it's slow, but it's clearly there. I know that you are capable of doing this. I will be here with you with every step you take, shall it be forward or backwards. "
- Tech
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hi!! I just saw your post about the character comfort requests and I think this is such a sweet a lovely thing to do for others! Thank you for taking the time to respond through all our favorite SW characters. 🫶🏻
My favorite character is Tech and he has been occupying a pretty significant space in my heart for months lol.🧡
Okay, so lately I’ve been having the worst struggle with trying to find balance in my life in almost every facet. Sleep, my relationships, literally everything. Trying to stay on top of everything going on in my life is just beyond exhausting at this point and I just want to feel something other than worn out and emotionally depleted. And on top of all of that, I feel like majority of the effort I put in to finding balance just isn’t paying off, nor do I feel appreciated by those around me. There’s my sob story, haha.
"Cyar'ika, you seem to be distant. Perhaps, have you considered that things will work out? You cannot control everything around you, nor do you have to. I see that you have been operating at a 100% capacity and would like to tell you that it is not going to be sustainable in the long run. You have to slow down and refocus on yourself. I would suggest doing more things solely because they elevate your mood. You need to recharge in order to give to others. I would be delighted to help you make a plan. We should start with making a priority list where you and your mental health come first. Secondly, your needs and goals. And only then come external factors like what other people want you to do. I want you to know that you amaze me every day with how much you give to others. Let me help you now. "
- Tech
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hey girl! Love your blog (and the Crosshair gif is *chef's kiss*)
For your comfort ask game could I get Tech and Crosshair?
I have an interview coming up this week and I'm so insanely nervous over it. It's for a leadership role. I know I want to get it but I also have so many thoughts of if I'm even right for it, if I'll do a great job, if I can handle it, if I'll be too busy for my friends, things like that. (And especially because I feel I'm more on the chubbier side, compared to my friends and the people I'd be working with).
This is such a great thing that your doing for people and I appreciate it! <333
"I always expected you to take on a leadership role. It was inevitable with your people skills and quick thinking. They would be utter idiots not to choose you. You are the perfect fit for the role. But if it's not this one, then it will be next one. I know that you will succeed. It was a pleasure to work with you and I know your next team will share this opinion. You will be able to keep the balance in your life, of course you will. You already have the intention and you just have to translate that to action. And your figure? I find it odd that you havw doubts because you look absolutely divine."
- Tech
" Cyar'ika, you're overcomplicating this. Of course you are right for the role and they would be stupid to not recognize that. In fact, if they don't I might pay them a visit.. You will make the time to be with your friends and no one can stop you. You are your own commander and can make the right decisions. You know how to balance your life. You always have."
- Crosshair
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hello there! Thank you for offering comfort from our favorite characters :)
I’m sick and really stressed out at work. I’ve been falling asleep to the clone wars so I can listen to Captain Rex’s voice and I’d love to hear from him.
Bonus image: I really want a forehead kiss from him in my fever dreams lol
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"Cyar'ika, it's going to be okay. Come here to me. I missed you. I hate being away from you for so long. But I'm here now and everything will be okay. I'm staying here with you and will take care of you. Has a medical droid seen you? Are you sure it's nothing serous? I will get one to examine you again, just to be sure. On the way I will get us something to eat and you can tell me everything that has happened while I was gone. We will work out everything together. "
- Rex
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
hello lovely!! i hope my request doesn’t come as one more stack on a burden, but i saw your little character comfort letters were open, and i couldn’t resist! i would also love to do one for you too, if you’d like! but it’s just an offer 💗💗
would it be alright for me to request a letter from hunter? recently, i haven’t been really hungry at all/eating, and insomnia’s coming back at me full swing, and there’s some days where either a deep amount of grief, stress or anxiety gnaws away at me. and i’m usually a light in others’ lives so while i know it’s okay to need help yourself, i have a hard time asking for help in fear that i’m disappointing people.
with that aside, you are so sweet to do these for others. thank you so much for your time, and i hope you are taking care of yourself too!! lmk if there’s anything else i can do for you!! 💗💗💗
"Meshla, you are the light in my life even when you feel like everything is dark around you. You are my star, my sun and my moon and nothing will ever change that. You are too good to this world and forget to take care of yourself too easily. Please, put yourself first. Promise me that you will try. You make everyone's life better but forget the treat yourself the same way you would treat a friend. You need to treat your body andd eat balanced meals. Slow down before you go the bed and calm yourself. It's okay to feel down but what you can do is turn it over and talk kindly to yourself."
- Hugs from Hunter
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
hi! this is for the clone comfort request!
if it’s alright I’d like to request a response from Rex. What’s going on right now is that it’s the busiest week of the year at my job right now and that I also just moved and have a few appointments coming up for it next week. These last few months have been pretty busy also, so I was already pretty much burned out. I got sick last weekend and it’s actually pretty bad. My doctor insisted I stay home from work for a couple of days, and the upcoming shifts that I could still do had to be rescheduled because of the appointments. I kinda get the feeling that my manager is a little angry with me (which I understand) and I feel like I’m letting my community at work down
"Meshla, you are doing a great job. You are the hardest working in my squad and that will get you far. But I cannot let my troopers burn out. You have to take care of yourself. If the medic said that you need to take some days for rest than as your Captain I order you to do so. You know when it comes to the health of the squad, Kix outranks even me. Don't tell him I said that, he will get full of himself. You are not letting anyone down with recharging and coming back stronger. It benefits no one if you don't recover. Take your time and let me know when the medics clear you. It's not gonna be the same without you. "
- Rex
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hey there...saw your post and would love a quick note from Tech telling me things will be all right.
" I am absolutely certain that everything will work out. Look at us! We always find a solution. At least I do. And you have me, I'm not planning on going anywhere, especially because I'm the most important member here. I read that physical contact helps with emotional distress. What do you say for a handshake? A hug?? Actually, that's quite nice. Maybe we could do this more often. "
- Tech
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
Hello! This is for the character comfort requests. Could you do Fives comforting someone’s who’s dealing with stress and anxiety relating to college and university, specifically someone who’s going to be a junior? Thank you so much!
"Hey there beautiful! That's gonna be an exciting time for you! You're anxious about it? Why? Think about all the experience you will gain! When I was a cadet, I waited and waited to finally leave Kamino and get out to where the real action was! You will see and learn so much, and you can turn that to your advantage! Go meet new people, make friends and allies, learn something that interests you. I know you will do amazing. And coming from an Arc trooper, that's not a small thing to say!"
- Fives
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