#reblogging in case i get a chance to make you edge longer though~
kiryoutann · 2 years
Before reading, please check series masterlist to read the warning(s), disclaimer, and to make sure you’re on the right chapter. Minors do NOT interact.
I appreciate the likes, replies, and reblogs! Thank you so much. You can buy me a Kofi to give me tip for my writings (no pressure!) I’ll forever be grateful to u! <3
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The thin clouds that had previously covered the moon finally left, giving it a chance to shine Snezhnaya under its pale light. The wind howled, moving the branches that knocked on the windows of the classic building.
Childe lay with a woman in his arms. They both share one thing in common—naked under the covers after their love-making. Although the burning fireplace had provided enough warmth for them not to shiver in the Snezhnaya autumn chill, neither one wanted to let each other go.
Lumine closed her eyes while enjoying the rhythm of his heart beating against his chest. She hoped that time would pass slowly, because tomorrow she had to return to Monstadt with her twin brother. Which meant she didn't know when she would see Childe again.
Therefore, Lumine chose to open her mouth despite the possibility of spoiling the atmosphere. "I heard you talked to the Princess." She says.
As expected, Childe groaned in annoyance from her words, not hiding his annoyance in the slightest. “Really, Babe? We just had a nice sex and you have to spoil the mood by bringing that up?”
“You have no intention to tell me so, I guess I should ask.” Lumine watched as he let go of his embrace and lay staring at the ceiling. "So, what did she say? What did you say?"
From the question, he lost his mind to his fiancée who had probably arrived in her country after sailing home for four days. He remembered that day. The day he knelt before her, apologizing and begging for her to continue the marriage. She melted her heart for him after he made a promise to leave his lover, and yet now he is in bed with the said woman.
"Childe." Lumine brought him back to reality. "What did she say?" She demanded, getting impatient now.
Childe was a liar to the Princess but an even bigger liar to Lumine when he said: "She said she wouldn't call off the wedding." A shrewd lie without hesitation.
Lumine furrowed her brows, "She said that?" She shook her head in disbelief. "And here I thought she was going to curse you."
Crazy that he thought that would be better if that was the case. However, let alone cursing, any negative expression didn't stop on her face even for a second. Childe clenched his jaw from irritation as soon as the memory of the calm Princess played back. She really made him look like an idiot, kneeling begging like she was the most important thing to him.
"What did you say afterwards? Why don't you just cancel the wedding?" Lumine still has her questions.
Childe sighed as he closed his eyes. "And here I thought you know it's not that easy." He got up to sit on the edge of the bed, picking up his shirt which was hanging carelessly on the nightstand. She had already started with her interrogation session and he had to leave before this got any longer.
Lumine sat on the bed, “Are you going home? When I asked you questions?”
“Babe, let's not end this with a fight.” He said while buttoning his shirt.
Her golden eyes did not hide her displeasure at his response. He was way too calm even though he knew the wedding that would separate them would take place shortly after the Princess' coming-of-age banquet—which would be two months away. He had the authority to cancel it, but he didn't.
Or maybe that's what he wanted too. So, is all their talk about the future just nonsense then? Where should Lumine throw those dreams?
Childe who dodged the questions put a doubt in her heart.
"Do you really love me?"
Childe paused for a moment from her question, turning around to find her head hung low. He didn't need to see her expression to know she was sad, the trembling in her voice was enough to represent that.
“Hey, what are you talking about? Of course I love you, you know that."
"Do I?" Lumine raised her gaze. "Then cancel the wedding."
Childe laughed dryly, crawling to her. "I can’t do that." He told her.
Those golden eyes glared at him, "Why? You don't love her, do you?"
Childe choked on his own laughter. What Lumine said was by far the funniest joke he had ever heard in his entire life. Him loving the Princess? If that day came, then he believed the sun would rise from the west and the entire universe would collapse.
"You're so funny." He pinched her cheek lightly. "Don't worry about things like that. You know I’ll marry you once I have full authority as king.”
Lumine raised her eyebrows asking for more explanation. “Can you imagine what those bastards would do if they found out I threw away their princess for you? I don't want to put you in danger when I'm just a prince."
Apart from being a liar, Childe is a sweet talker. He brushed off her irritation and doubt, which was replaced by a nod and a smile.
"Fine then."
Childe kissed her lips, then her knuckles. “You have my word on that.”
The ginger haired man got up from the bed. He walked towards the dressing table where Lumine had put the things she hadn't put in the suitcase. A smile was carried on his face when he found the pink perfume he had given her. Lumine watched him pick it up, spraying it all over his body before setting it down slowly.
“Gotta smell like my girl.” Childe gave her a wink.
Lumine suppressed her smile. "Just leave already."
"Alright, alright." He picked up his jacket from the floor and put it on. "Don't miss me too much, okay?"
Childe turned the doorknob. He stepped out of the room, greeted by a dim hallway supported only by a row of wall lamps. He descended the carpeted stairs one by one and ended up in the voyer, where a man he recognized stood as if waiting for him.
Even though he couldn't see it clearly, Childe had grown familiar with Aether—Lumine's twin brother. The Duke bowed respectfully, then continued to glare at him.
"Your Highness Crown Prince Childe."
Childe wore a smile that didn't reach his eyes, "Duke."
Aether didn't reply. He had always been one of those people who dared to show his distate for him. "I see you are still visiting my sister."
"What's wrong with that?"
Golden eyes closed to relieve anger from his rhetorical question. "You are someone else's fiancé and will be getting married soon." Aether hoped it would knock some sense into him.
"Oh, don't be so cold, Duke!" Childe laughed, placing a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "You talk as if you don't know how marriage works in our world."
Aether paid no heed to his attempts to make the situation less hostile. “With all due respect to you, please stay away from my sister. This will only bring bad things not only to you and Lumine but, to the Princess as well.”
From his words that sounded commanding, Childe erased the fake expression he was wearing, now not covering the cold gaze from those blue eyes of his. He was just a duke from another country, and he had the audacity to speak in that way to the heir to the Snezhnaya throne? Aether must know his place.
There was so much he was holding back from not strangling him right now. “Apparently there are some people who have forgotten their position.” He took a step closer to Aether. "If I was in a bad mood, that would have been your last breath."
This was precisely why Aether didn't want Childe anywhere near Lumine. Besides the fact that he will justify any means to get what he wants, he is the most selfish human he has ever met. Despite having the achievement of becoming Snezhnaya’s war general, it does not rule out the fact that he is one of the most dangerous people in Teyvat.
Feeling that his point had been made, Childe walked past him, leaving a cold wind blowing against his face. Aether watched his back as he headed towards the horse carriage that was waiting for him.
Sooner or later, Lumine will be pulled down with him. Aether had to stop him before that happened.
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Two months later, Childe set foot on the famous Liyue capital pier. He took off the red scarf that was wrapped around his neck when he realized the temperature here was much warmer than his home country. The voices of the merchants around greeted his ears.
“This way, Your Majesties and Your Highness.” Viktor—his right hand man—said after bowing, leading him to the waiting horse carriage.
On their way to the imperial palace, boredom hit him. Even so, he made no effort to bring up the conversation with his parents sitting in the opposite direction. Blue eyes looked out the window, hoping that Liyue would cheer him up.
A country that seems more lively than Snezhnaya. He thinks it's because of their favorable climate. Many people on the roadside peddling merchandise in the form of spices and fresh fruits. Lanterns hung above with other decorations they were trying to put up as they climbed the wooden stairs.
Childe couldn't help but comment, "Is Liyue always this colorful?" He smiled mockingly.
His mother stopped fanning herself and looked outside, realizing what he was talking about. "You didn’t know? They have a tradition of holding a festival every time a member of the imperial family has a birthday.”
"Is that true?" Childe put on his bored face again. "That's troublesome."
His father laughed. "What can we do about it? Their daughter's birthday is today. Soon enough, she will marry into another royal family.”
Marry into another royal family. Childe doesn't realize how close he is to letting go of his single days. After today, the days where he would be busy taking care of the wedding preparations would come. He wanted to speed things up to finish quickly.
"Make sure to look good in front of the Princess." His father reminded him.
Childe smiled bitterly. "Of course. After all, she is my fiancée."
Although he had been waiting for her coming-of-age in sight but, Childe found himself wishing for a postponement. However, time stops for nobody let alone him. Morning turned to night in the blink of an eye—Childe was now standing in the celebratory hall.
The walls of this large open hall were carved in gold, either because the royal family saw its artistic value or simply showing off its wealth to guests. Beneath the solidly colored chandelier, the people were lost in their conversation. The waiter who passed by was carrying a tray filled with Liyuean's drinks and food.
"Your Highness!" A shrill voice called out for him to turn around.
Childe found a woman—if she could enter here, she was definitely royalty—smiling so wide that he felt his jaw hurt from looking at her. She was the fourth woman to approach him tonight. In fact, none of them hide their intention to flirt with him.
Childe replied with his typical fake smile. How did people do that even though they knew he was the fiancé of the host of tonight's banquet?
"Good evening, Lady..?"
The woman was gloomy from him asking her name. “Your Highness, we have met before. Have you forgotten me?”
Oh, can you just give me your name and get out of my sight? Childe wanted to say however, did not. He laughed in an apologetic way, "If I didn't have a bad memory, I couldn't have forgotten the name of a woman as beautiful as you." He slipped a flirt that made a blush rise to her cheeks.
"I-it's Sophia, Your Highness. The daughter of Count Lancaster of Monstadt."
From the mention of that country, his mind wandered to a certain someone. He looked at Sophia again, remembering that Lumine had introduced her to him at a banquet earlier.
"Ah, Lady Lumine's friend." Childe felt strange calling her that.
Sophia nodded, "That's correct, Your Highness!" She cried out in joy. “Ever since you stepped foot here, I wanted to greet you right away! However, Lady Lumine is holding me back from doing that.”
There is a tug in his heart. “Lady Lumine did that?”
The brown-haired woman nodded not noticing the change in his expression. “I don't know what's wrong with her,” She said softly before getting excited again, “But, isn't that good? We can talk alone.”
“Where is Lady Lumine now?”
Regardless of the words or the smile that fell from her face, Childe looked her straight in the eye with his blue eyes. Even though he wasn't sure it would be a good choice to look for Lumine right now, he wanted to take a quick look. Is she wearing that blue dress he sent last week? The necklace that he specially ordered must have graced her neck beautifully, right?
Just as Sophia was about to raise her index finger to show where he could find her, the trumpet sounded without warning. Guests automatically face the large door.
"His Highness, the Crown Prince and Her Highness, Princess (Y/N) have arrived!"
In the arms held by your older brother, you passed through the door so gracefully wrapped in a traditional Liyuean dress that is more majestic than the one you wore in his coming-of-age. Your hair was styled and tucked in accessories that glowed under the light. After descending a few wooden steps, people see the makeup that adds to your beauty.
You captured all the attention of those in the room, Childe was no exception. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath this whole time.
Every time you swept your eyes across people who weren't him, Childe still wouldn't admit he wished those beautiful eyes landed on him. He just stares at you, standing in a sea of ​​people who didn’t do much for you to notice his presence.
Without even realizing it, he had forgotten his intention to search for Lumine.
After the emperor raised his glass high to give a toast, the floor that was left empty was filled with professional performers. They danced gracefully, slender hands decorated with various striking jewelry that entertained guests from all over the world. On the sidelines, there are still many people who come to you to congratulate.
"Someone's getting older today."
You turned quickly when you heard a voice you would recognize everywhere. Within your line of sight is Zhongli. To support the appearance in his traditional dress, the long hair that is usually tied is loose but, neat enough to still show the earrings in his ears. You smiled even though you couldn't remember the last time you saw him like this.
Your enthusiasm from his presence widens his smile. "I congratulate Your Highness' coming-of-age." He bowed politely.
You laughed at his formal way of speaking. Nonetheless, you nodded in acceptance of his words, “Thank you, Duke Zhongli. Though, I have to admit I was quite curious about what you gave me as a present this year.”
Of the many people who give you gifts every time you get older, Zhongli's is the one you care about the most (or you could say the one that doesn't end up being kept in an empty palace room). He has a strange taste in choosing what he wants to give, the proof of which is that he gave a flower statue made of gold last year.
“Something different from previous years. Considering it will likely be your last year staying in the imperial palace.”
The line does its job to put a burden on your heart, erasing that smile for a moment before being replaced with a fake one. You notice a change in your mood, trying to ward it off by repeating the reasons you would do it. However, it is undeniable that lifting your foot from where you grew up is not as easy as turning your palm.
"Oh, he's coming."
Zhongli's voice took you from your long thought to turn to Childe who was walking towards you. He put on a smile that didn't sparkle in his eyes as usual to make him look friendly to you. Before he arrived, Zhongli thought of leaving first. He excused himself from your presence, reasoning that he wanted to talk to Duchess Ningguang.
"Who is that?" One of the nobles whispered curiously.
"I think it's Crown Prince Childe of Snezhnaya, the Princess's fiancé." Another one answered.
From the movement and gazes he doesn't take away from you, Childe gathers people's gazes on the two of you. You pay attention to him, examine his clothes and thought that grey is good on him. If you weren't capable of seeing the future, you'd think he was more like a golden retriever than a wolf in sheep's clothing.
You bowed slightly as he stood before you, “I greet His Highness Prince Childe.” Your facial expression is no less fake than his.
Childe holds out a hand which you welcome with yours. He lands a kiss on the skin of the back of your hand, then looks up with a smile. "Congratulations on your coming-of-age, Princess." His voice has honey and sweetness in it.
You slowly pulled your hand away as he let go. "Thank you, Prince Childe. I hope you enjoy the celebration.”
"What do I not enjoy when my fiancée stands so beautifully in front of me?"
You laugh at the compliment which is actually one of his camouflage as a future love-struck partner. Even if you're not convinced yet, it's enough to make the nobles around you whisper behind their glasses and fans. Maybe you should give Childe some credit for his hard work.
"Prince always knows what to say." You said.
"Your Highness." You both turned to the bespectacled man whom you recognized as your father's confidant. He bowed to the two of you before saying his point into the conversation. “Pardon for the intrusion, Your Highness. His Majesty asks for your presence."
"Oh, is that so?"
You look the other way in search of your father but, back to Childe when you can't find him. "That is unfortunate, I'd love to talk to you more, Prince." You speak to him so apologetic despite knowing the possibility he finds pleasure in this.
Childe smiled. "So do I. However, I can't be selfish when the Emperor is asking you."
You nodded, “Thank you for understanding. Then I'll go." You curtsied to him.
Childe reflects what you do. He watched you turn around, walking away with your long dress sweeping the hall floor. Once he sensed you were far enough away from him, he dropped all his exhausting fake expressions.
Blue eyes scanned the entire room. He noticed the fireworks exploding in the sky over the capital. It was golden in color, reminiscent of someone's eyes.
Lumine. He had to find Lumine.
His guess was right about looking for her in the gardens of the Liyue imperial palace. It was far enough away that he felt safe to approach her who was standing under the gazebo by the lake. He had sneaked glances at the hall before, however, being in front of her like this made him notice the glittering details of the blue dress he had chosen for her.
Lumine recognized his presence behind her but, for some reason chose to keep staring at the moon's reflection in the water. "Turns out it's not that easy."
"What is?" Childe walked over.
The blonde woman turned around, finding him looking handsome and not so far away. “Seeing you with the Princess, kissing her hand and praising her in front of the crowd.”
"I can give you more."
A bitter scoff slipped out of Lumine, yet, she wasn't worried he'd hear it. "Have you both set a wedding date yet?" She asked, hoping that at least a shake of his head was the answer.
Maybe Aether was right. That not everything is worth holding on to the end. Choosing to be with a man who was soon to be married was wrong, Lumine should know that. However, she still thought it would be unfair for them who loved each other to just give up when Princess's relationship with Childe didn't have that.
As if reading her complicated thoughts, Childe lifted her tiny chin. He stared at her beautiful golden orbs, then landed a kiss that hoped to ease the pain in her chest.
People in love mostly do unreasonable things. People who have their partner in their arms tend to forget about their surroundings. However, the two of them should have known not to think they were completely alone.
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Childe didn't know what was wrong with the room the Liyue empire had prepared for him. He judged the furniture and atmosphere as very comfortable for him. However, no matter how much he tossed and turned on the bed, his eyes refused to close to go to sleep.
That was the reason he chose to take a walk in the garden at the very end of the palace even though his bones ached from the banquet that ended four hours ago. However, he did not expect to meet her here.
You turned your head from his call, "Prince Childe?"
The man approaches you. You notice he's wearing a long robe, while he wonders where you're going in a hooded robe like that—not to mention the absence of bodyguards around you.
"Are you going somewhere?" He couldn't help but ask.
For a moment he thought you wouldn't answer him, feeling it was none of his business to know. He watched you nod before setting your sights on the fireworks exploding in the sky outside the high walls of the imperial palace. The festival of celebration that the Liyue people hold whenever a member of the imperial family gets older.
"The festival." You answered.
Childe didn't expect you to sneak around at night just to visit the festival, alone. You don't seem to think about the risk of being kidnapped or killed. Isn't this very reckless of you? Have you not yet realized your value to your own people and your enemies? Many people will do anything to harm you (him included).
You nodded again, "I've done this many times."
“However, it is still dangerous.” Childe reminds you.
You don't want to hear his protests, so you ask him a question: “What about you? Why are you here?”
Childe looked back at you, "I can't sleep."
A frown on your face. "Is the bed not to your liking?"
Childe shook his head quickly, “It's not like that. I'm just not sleepy." He says.
Silence fell upon you both. You are lucky enough that the wind blows even though it doesn't wash away the awkwardness between two people who are about to get married but, doesn't quite know each other. The cool night brings new ideas to your brain.
“Would you like to join me?”
"Allow me to come with the Princess."
Unexpectedly, the two of you are talking at the same time, with the same topic. Two pairs of different colored eyes stare at each other for a few moments before you are the first to laugh, finding the situation amusing.
As soon as your laughter died down, you spoke up saying: "Okay, I'll be your tour guide, Your Highness."
This night is full of strange things. At the banquet earlier, there was a guest who was too generous to offer you a large gold-plated frog statue. Then a group of noble ladies asked you to have a tea party tomorrow morning and made you order your ladies-in-waiting to prepare it. And as the closing, you sneaked out of the imperial palace with your soon-to-be husband who was secretly planning to kill you in the future.
Even if you believe that many stars stretch across the dark night sky, the light of the lanterns seems to dim them. On the streets where people pass by, you feel the warmth in your chest when you see their happy smiles.
Your birthday.. do they like it that much?
Crowds crowded the festival. All around them was the rhythm of musicians, echoing softly as drums were pounded to enliven the atmosphere. Meanwhile, the fireworks they continued to launch seemed endless. People carrying a variety of Liyuean street food in their hands.
To Childe, Liyue was a foreign land. However, now that he was standing here, he no longer found it a bad thing if it meant that he would continue to discover new things every day.
"Very crowded." You commented to yourself but, Childe who heard it realized the potential for the two of you to be separated or lost.
His hand is stretched high enough for you to catch it from the corner of your eye. Under the hood that shielded his face from the light, you stared into his blue eyes with yours widening.
"Take my hand. I don't want us to be separated here." He said followed by a smile.
At first, you looked at his big, naked hands with some doubt. However, when the fireworks exploded in mid-air once again—showcasing their colorful crown and making you excited to go further into the festival—you let Childe hold your hand.
Strange. Didn't you say you'd be the tour guide for this festival? Then, why was he the first to walk through the sea of ​​people? Protecting you from colliding with others by putting you behind his broad back.
You end up visiting several tenants including one selling street food. From end to end you make sure your special guest try the sweet and savory that Liyue has to offer. Oddly enough, Childe has no problem with that other than not being able to use chopsticks (which you both solve by buying food that doesn't require one).
Your next stop is a person who sells various accessories and jewelry. Although it can't be compared to what you usually get from your father and other nobles, it's enough to make you approach enthusiastically.
“Come and find what you want! Lady, what kind of accessories are you looking for?” The merchant greets you as soon as you stand in front of his desk.
"Ah, let me have a look."
You swept your eyes at the merchandise. From brooches, necklaces, rings, bracelets, to hair accessories he sells. Your hands want to take a closer look at the pink hair pins, but you remember having something almost the same to this. You're not a big fan of jewelry so you have no intention of collecting anything similar.
"How about this one?"
Childe opened his mouth when you were about to excuse yourself for not finding what you wanted. When you turned around, you found him picking up a brooch. He lifts it close to you to reveal its leaf shape with diamonds that coincidentally have the same color as your eyes.
"It has the same color as your eyes." Childe said. The diamond he was talking about reflected the light of the lantern on it.
You smiled amused, "Do you think it's beautiful?"
Childe nodded, "Yes." You think he's referring to the diamond.
You took one more glance at the brooch. "Hmm, I guess that's not bad."
“No,” Childe said suddenly, making you look up at him in confusion. "I was talking about your eyes. I think you have beautiful eyes, Princess."
You didn't expect that, at all. And so, your mouth hung open for a few moments before muttering the quietest thank you. You watched as Childe showed the brooch to the old merchant, said he would buy it and then took some gold coins out of his pocket.
The warm wind blows again. The petals of the cherry blossom tree that you didn't even know existed danced in the air. As soon as you look up, you find the dark sky still stretched out, making you wonder if the night is still long.
After leaving the merchant earlier, Childe again cupped your hand in his. He splits the crowd and makes sure you stay behind him. That broad back... you wonder if he has the scars from all the battles he's survived. A battle that spreads fear at the utterance of the name 'Tartaglia'.
Then, you’re curious about one more thing.
If the circumstances were different—if he wasn't the same person who would wage war on your homeland, where would you two stand?
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@thelovelydiviner @r0ttenhearts @tsunotaro-san @yguchild @a-random-bored-person @hoshikechi @dandelimoonus @cherlynono
(i don't know why there’s some username that I can't tag(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`), i’ll try to do it in the reply if it’s possible.)
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slut4buckysarm · 3 years
Fuck Buddies
Warnings: SMUT (praise kink, orgasms, fuck buddies, oral f receiving, no protection, d in v), language.
ALL mistakes are my own.
Do NOT copy, repost, translate or rewrite my fics!!.
I admire every single comment, reblog, follow, and like to a great extent :).
He’s my best friend. I shouldn’t feel the way I do about him but hey ‘you can’t stop who you fall for’ right? Except in this case I didn’t fall for Chris, I fell for his body. I was begging to touch every curve on that mans abs and to feel every vein on his cock. I wanted all of it. I wanted all of him.
Chris felt the same about me. “We could be fuck buddies, ya know? Come on Y/N, trust me with this one”. But I put his idea to the side knowing that it could never work out.
My phone dings and my mind snaps back to reality. The device illuminates my face as I read Chris’ text.
So bored.. ..and horny.
Not if you don’t want it to be.
don’t be gross😂
Haha. Anyways, i’m going to go help this thing out.
This is my chance. If I don’t tell him now I will quite literally have to forever hold my peace.
Do it. Do it. Do it.
Without thinking, my fingers start typing.
I need you.
The bubbles appear on the bottom left side of my phone and then disappear. For a moment I feel as though the ground beneath my feet vanished. My hearts racing and my fingers are fidgeting.
He doesn’t feel the same anymore. Oh God, I fucked up.
As I’m about to place my phone on the couch beside me, the bubbles reappear. I wait and wait until I finally see the grey message.
Tell me again.
A burst of confidence finds its way out of my depths and I send a message back.
I need you so bad.
Be there in 5.
I hear a bang on my door and rush to open it.
“He-” Chris’ lips make contact with mines before I get to finish.
He slams the door shut and pushes my body onto it, keys jingle behind us.
His tongue swirls inside of my mouth and I can swear that it’s the most passionate kiss i’ve ever had. I fight for dominance, but soon give in knowing that he won’t.
We stumble to my bedroom, knocking over a vase on our way.
“Chris” I moan into his mouth.
“Tell me what you want, Y/N” he speaks grabbing a fistful of my hair.
I break the kiss and stare at him, his crystal blue eyes piercing through my Y/E/C ones.
That’s all it takes for his palm to make contact with my chest and push me onto my mattress.
He eagerly pulls my shorts off of my waist and my tank top along with them.
I yelp as Chris grabs ahold of my ankles and pulls me to the edge of the bed. Sitting up, I fumble to unzip his pants, not wanting to wait to feel him inside of me any longer.
“Uh uh.” he mutters. “Not yet”.
I can feel his fingers run up and down my already wet slick. The mixture of my heat with his cool fingers being the perfect combination.
“First, I’m going show you how long i’ve been waiting for this. Then, I’m gonna destroy this little cunt of yours and even then…” he pauses. “I promise that you’ll be beggin’ for more.” Chris finishes dropping to his knees.
He spreads open my legs with his left hand. He then moves my lace panties to the side and collects my wetness. He spreads it over my nerves and starts to rub circles around my clit.
“Fuck Chris. Faster.” I choke out, getting a smirk as a response.
He moves his mouth to my heat and presses his tongue flat. Chris then places a kiss on my clit while maintaining eye contact and I swear that alone could make me cum. A couple more kisses to my inner thighs alert me as to what he’s doing.
“Chris come on!” I whine.
“Use your nice words darlin”
“Please.” I give him a pout.
Chris doesn’t waste any more time. He swirls his tongue around my clit and pumps two fingers inside of me.
“Fuck yes. Right there!”.
“You like that gorgeous?” The vibrations from his dirty talk send chills up my spine and I try to squirm away from his hold but he pins me down with his forearm to my lower stomach.
Feeling the knot in my stomach grow tighter, I tighten my thighs around his neck and arch my back in pleasure.
“Chris, m’close”.
“Shhh. I know sweetheart. I know”.
“Don’t stop. Fuck. Please don’t stop”.
He starts to pump faster and my thighs shake in his hands.
“So pretty” Chris mutters, mostly to himself.
That’s all it takes for me to release on to his fingers.
My body slams against the mattress and Chris stands to his feet.
“Already?” he mocks unbuckling his pants.
His cock springs out once free, tip covered in a white liquid. He spreads his pre-cum onto the rest of his dick and lines himself up with my entrance.
Chris moves the tip of his cock up and down my slick and looks up at me, waiting for an answer. I nod my head, desperate to feel him inside of me and gasp when he does so.
“Fuck Chris. Yes Chris, right there. Don’t stop, Chris” I moan his name like a prayer.
My velvet walls flutter contacting with Chris’ vein.
“Yeah. This what you needed darlin’?” he groans in my ear.
All I do is bite my bottom lip and nod, agreeing.
He grabs ahold of the backboard behind me and the cheap wood cracks with the pressure of his fist, but he doesn’t stop and God I don’t want him to. He keeps rocking his hips into mines over and over and over again.
“You’re fuck perfect” he mutters.
I can feel Chris’ hands dig deeper into my hips. He moves his right one to my mouth and rubs a finger on my lips. Chris then trails his hand down to my right boob and starts playing with my nipple. He twists, turns, and squeezes the bud, and I throw my head back in pleasure.
I feel his cock spasm inside of me and that’s all I need to reach my climax. I let go onto him screaming his name, and he follows behind me.
Chris' body falls onto mines, but he catches himself with his forearms. He pulls himself out of me and tugs his pants up.
“Yeah, you’re fucking perfect” he chuckles, watching a mixture of our juices run down my leg.
please give feedback and reblog if you enjoyed.
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little-diable · 3 years
Only her - Spencer Reid (smut)
Just a small drabble to get you guys (and myself) through the weekend. Also its @playboysbunny wedding day, so, I dedicate this to you my fellow Spencer lover. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Some sweet lovemaking in the early morning hours.
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink, oral (f), fluff
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
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Heat engulfed her, danced along her naked limbs, stroking the marks her body was covered in. Spencer had his front pressed against her side, curls tickling her throat, clinging to her like a baby needing to feel his mother close. The invisible bond that kept them chained together strengthened with every rising of the sun, keeping them bound to one another.
The day had just begun, the sun was painting the horizon in a deep red, allowing (y/n) to linger for a moment or two. Another case would keep them on their toes, would force them apart as they would protect the ones in need. But in this very moment only their time together counted, they couldn’t afford to worry about the what if’s, not when every day could be their last.
Mornings like these were rare for the couple, though not unwelcomed. (Y/n) loved to feel Spencer near, breathing calmly into the crook of her neck, not plagued by nightmares or reminders of the past days, though content and safe. Both needed to feel one another after tiring cases, needing to know that at the end of the day they would still have their significant other wrapped around their frame.
Carefully she let go of him, stretching her body to shake off her tiredness before she pulled his shirt over her head. Her naked feet tapped against the cold floor, carrying her into their kitchen, towards the coffee machine she called her best friend. Spencer groaned as he followed her, eyes still half closed to hold onto the all too comforting warmth sleep had brought upon him.
“Morning,” he pulled her in for a kiss, tongue running along her lower lip. But (y/n) gently pushed him away, mumbling something along the lines of “morning breath”. He felt needy, wanting to run his fingers up her sides, to explore the soft skin he would shower in kisses at any given chance.
A shriek bled from her lips as Spencer picked her up and placed her on their kitchen island, standing between her thighs, staring down onto her shirt covered chest. The shirt acted like a film of dust covering the spine of an expensive book to keep its secrets hidden from nosy eyes, like a butterfly flapping its wings to rise into the air above.
“I need to feel you, can I?” Spencer’s hands moved up her thighs, creeping closer to her heat, eyes trained onto her exposed cunt, the glistening wetness he wanted to feast from. (Y/n) nodded her head, eyes fluttering close to fully focus on the feeling of his plush lips kissing her skin.
As if he was working a case, he began to eat her out, his hands were experienced enough to pin her down onto the tabletop, shoulders keeping her thighs spread for him to linger down there. He didn’t hesitate once, ran through the routine that would push (y/n) over the edge in no time.
“Fuck, Spence’, feels so good.” Her lips moved, though her brain couldn’t catch up with the words that flooded from them. Pleasure dampened her brain, covering it like a wet towel wanting to cool down burn marks left on her skin. Her orgasm began to crawl closer as if it was rainwater that kept crashing down to the floor, rising from the ground.
His tongue brushed through her slit, scooping up drops of her arousal, while his thumb rubbed her clit. It was easy, oh so easy, to pleasure her, to coax the most sinful sounds out of her mouth. She was perfect for him, not just behind closed doors, but in those intimate moments, Spencer found himself reminded once again, that she was his salvation, his saving grace.
“Look at me when you cum.” The vibrations from his words trembled on her skin, eyes struggling to find his as the coil inside her began to tighten. A cry left her, back struggling not to arch her off the island, but his hands kept her pinned down.
(Y/n)’s orgasm clashed through her, danced through her limbs, shaking every single one of her bones. Her pants filled the kitchen, drowning out the sound of her coffee brewing in the  distance, even managing to distract her from the heavenly scent that began to wrap itself around the couple.
“Thank you,” a chuckle left her, hands combing through his locks as Spencer began to stretch back, towering over her. His bulge twitched against his boxers, begging her to touch him, to pump him with her nimble fingers before he would dive into her tightness.
But Spencer was too impatient, couldn’t wait any longer, he had to feel her, had to pound into her as he would do on most nights and mornings.
“I love you,” he pulled her in for a kiss, upper body momentarily leaving the hard surface. (Y/n)’s reply got swallowed by the moan that clawed through her, walls clamping down on his cock.
“Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me.” Spencer kept her pressed to his body, hips jerking against hers, forcing his cock into her tightness with every thrust. Their bodies danced together, swayed back and forth in the most intimate way one could imagine.
“You feel so good, so pretty wrapped around my cock.” His words left her heart pounding, shaking in pleasure, ready to burst into the morning atmosphere. Clouds of fog were covering the city, keeping the lovers hidden in their shadow, allowing them to let their sounds claw through them without any shame.
Spencer was burning her from inside out, a fire she found herself worshipping, a fire she didn’t find herself fleeting from, though chasing it with her mind set on its flames that would consume every part of her body. It was annihilating her, an insanity both found comfort in as time seemed to stand still.
“Wish I could stay buried in your cunt.” Spencer spoke with his eyes closed, desperate to chase the high he needed to make it through another day filled with murder and despair. Only (y/n) could take away his sorrows, only (y/n) could make him feel like he was loved and cherished, only (y/n) could save him.
With his hand fisting her hair he pulled her in for a kiss, forcing his tongue into her mouth, not giving her any chance to move away from him. Her breaths fell short, no longer able to pump any air through her burning lungs, the ache shot shudders right down her clit, making her walls flutter in pleasure. She squeezed his cock with every pump of his, teasing him, wondering how long he could drag out his spiel.
“Spence, I want you to-” his tip hit her sweet spot, cutting her words short for a second. Her moan left her, like a prayer, like a call in the middle of the night, begging whoever was out there to care for her. “I want you to fill me up, please.”
The words left his cock twitching in anticipation. Every now and then they’ve talked about taking the next step, to try for a baby, without any pressure nor expectations chasing them.
But hearing her say those words pushed him into a mindset he had never found himself in before. Pictures of (y/n) with a round belly filled his mind, the skin that would stretch as she would carry his child, thoughts that threatened to hurl him straight off the edge.
“Yeah? Want me to breed you, to fill your tight cunt?” His raspy voice met her skin like a snowflake tumbling to the ground, making earth freeze for a second. (Y/n) moaned his name as her body began to shake, her second orgasm of the morning rocked through her, walls clamping down on his cock like a vice.
Spencer kept on fucking her, slamming into her over and over again till he felt her fall limp in his grasp, only then he allowed his body to let go. His cum filled her, painted her walls white with heavy, hot ropes.
“Fuck, are you okay?” Spencer murmured against her hairline, smiling as she wordlessly nodded her head, legs wrapped around his waist to keep him close. Both would stay like this for a few more moments, basking in one another’s company, hoping that the day would stay calm and quiet, just like their morning.
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Follow my sideblog @little-diableswriting for taglist reblogs
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Hopes and Dreams II
First of all: HOW AMAZING ARE YOU PEOPLE?! You gave me so much serotonin. All the reblogs with added tags, all the comments and favs and all the new followers, you are amazing. I will add a taglist for future chapters, so if you wanna get tagged, hit me up, and you will be added to that list. Seriously, I love you guys. ***
“Will you be able to walk?” Alcina asked and you just shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way. You walked in companionable silence for a while, which gave her the chance to take a longer look at you. You were pretty tall, even though you were still rather small compared to Alcina. She was pretty sure that you were taller than Heisenberg though, and that made her feel odd. You held yourself with a confidence she wouldn’t have expected after everything that happened in the last few minutes, reminding her again that you were not unfamiliar with the supernatural. It unnerved her to no end, and she found herself wanting to solve the mystery that surrounded you. Where did you come from? Exactly what is it what you were doing here? Would you turn into a threat or into an ally? Alcina wasn’t stupid, far from it. She knew that Mother Miranda’s hold on the Lords was slipping, Heisenberg’s silent plotting was proof enough. Did Mother Miranda know that you were here? Alcina sure didn’t, and the other Lords didn’t mention a stranger roaming the village and the surrounding woods. Although Heisenberg mentioned that an unusual amount of Lycans had disappeared. 
Her eyes roamed your figure again. Your hair was kept in a neat undercut, colored in a hideous blue that still looked good on you. You were clad in a black Hoodie and equally black Cargo pants, as if the cold didn’t bother you at all. It was the middle of the winter and yet you strolled through the cold as if it was springtime. Which made her wonder if you were really just a mere human. Everything she experienced with you implied that you weren’t ordinary and that intrigued Alcina greatly.
“You could just ask me about myself, you know?” you said and smiled up at her knowingly. Alcina flustered and wiped some non-existent lint from her long dress. So, you were aware that she was watching you.
“We usually don’t see strangers in these parts, especially ones who seem to know more than they should. Which raises the question why exactly you are here?”
“Considering that we just met, my lady, it wouldn’t be wise to reveal my whole tragic backstory. And further considering that I don’t know if I’ll see the light of day ever again if I were to enter your castle, forgive me if I won’t trust you with my motives yet. All you need to know for know is, that I am a traveler and have been for my whole life. I search for artifacts, among other things, that my benefactor can sell for good money. He took me in when I was just a child and took great care in training me. He is the closest thing I have to a father figure, although most people think me insane for the trust, I have in him. And as for why I am in Romania, I don’t really know to be honest, or wasn’t when I first got here. It was a gut feeling telling me to come here, and I find that I can trust those feelings, whenever they arise.” You said and stretched.
“I won’t keep you locked in the castle if you don’t give me a reason to mistrust you. There is a reason why no one come to these parts, so I am very wary of strangers. I have daughters to protect after all.” Alcina said, musing about what you said. If you were a traveler looking for artifacts, it would explain why you look at the supernatural as if it was a normal occurrence.
“You will have to see for yourself then, but I can assure you, that I am not here to hurt you or your daughters. My last mission… Didn’t go well and I originally came here recharge a bit, if you know what I mean. Again, forgive me if I am being too careful, but I have more enemies than I have friends, and I really like living.” You said carefully and Alcina kept staring at you. You didn’t seem dangerous to her, how could you, looking like you did, but she was still wary. She felt the sudden urge to protect you from whatever enemies you were talking about, but you were strangers. That realization hurt her more than it should, but with your past lives, it was so different. She always knew who was in front of her, whenever she met you, but this time around was just so complicated.
She felt drawn to you, even with your boyish looks you were still immensely attractive to her, and the way your blood sang to her made you all the more alluring. More than ever before if she was honest. But that is the problem, you were still familiar to her, but not as much as before and it scared her. You still had the potential to destroy her, even if you didn’t know about that.
You could practically smell the curiosity rolling of Lady Dimitrescu. She was wary of you and yet there was something in her eyes that you couldn’t quite place, even though it made your heart soar to new heights. She was as much a mystery to you as you were to her, and you felt so drawn to her. Like a moth to the flame. You briefly wondered if it had something to do with her nature. She seemed like a careful person, but considering from what you heard in the village, you totally got that. Which is why her next question caught you quite a bit off-guard: “Do you actually have a place to stay or are you just roaming around the forest, picking fights with Lycans?”
“Are you offering, my lady?” you said, wearing a Cheshire grin and wiggling your eyebrows. The blush that colored the Lady’s cheeks was worth every punishment you could possibly get from that comment. You still valued your life though, so you said: “I don’t mean you any harm. I just enjoy some friendly banter and it has been ages since I felt comfortable enough to do so. To answer your question, no, I don’t really have a place to stay. I’m helping someone with their housework every now and then though, so as a thanks they let me sleep on their couch whenever possible.”
“What kind of housework?”
“Nothing much, some cooking and general repairs.” You shrug and the smile she gave you was positively sinful when she asked, “What else are you able to do with your hands?”
It was your turn to blush and blushing you did; you even felt the tips of your ears go warm and it didn’t help at all that Lady Dimitrescu started chuckling. Still, you weren’t one to miss an opportunity so you said “Well that’s for you to find out, my lady” with a smaller voice you would have liked. How had one woman such a power over you?
“Hmmm, maybe I will, my dear,” she said and winked, making your brain short circuit. You stumbled in your steps and her hand steadying you didn`t help one bit. Sparks shot through your arm when she touched you and you felt something niggling at the back of your mind. No one ever had such an effect on you, no matter how stunningly beautiful they were. Suddenly, shivers ran down your spine, and not the good ones, so you took a protective stand in front of Lady Dimitrescu and said “Careful. Someone is watching.”
And just as you spoke the words, a shadow descended upon you and your instinct started to kick in. Your knife was out in seconds, a voice in your head urging you to protect your Lady. So, when the shadow descended upon you, you had it pinned down, snarling furiously. You felt your fangs elongating and your sense grew ever sharper. Well, seems like the cat was out of the bag now.
“Let go of me!” the girl you had pinned to the ground snarled, but her attempts to flee were futile. 
“Give me one good reason to not kill you on the spot. How long have you been stalking us?” You snarl, feeling your blood start to boil.
“Let go of her, dear. She had no ill intentions.” Lady Dimitrescu said, and against all odds, you calmed. Huh. That had never happened before.
“Is this a new plaything, mother?” the girl asked, and you started snarling again, but a hand at the back of your neck made you freeze.
“Don’t be rude, Daniela. She is our guest, and she needs some medical attention. So be nice.” Lady Dimitrescu said and the girl, Daniela started pouting and muttering something under her breath. You were still on edge, bare containing the snarl that wanted to leave your throat. The hand around your neck tightened in warning and another shiver ran down your spine. One of the good ones.
“So, I was right about you. You are not entirely human.” Lady Dimitrescu purred, and you had the sudden urge to bolt and hide away. You noticed how much she must have hold back until now, the danger rolling of on her in waves was something you never once encountered.
“I told you that something happened to me. If you promise not to harm me, I will tell you what happened. But I can promise you that I am no danger to you or anyone else, if not properly provoked.” You said and dusted of your knees. She let go of you and turned to Daniela, conversing with her in Romanian. Daniela looked at you with sudden intrigue and a nasty smile. She practically screamed trouble, and you weren’t sure if you could handle it.
“Come now, it isn’t far anymore. Daniela will alert the castle of our arrival, to avoid any nasty surprises.” Lady Dimitrescu said and led you away. And sure enough, a few minutes later you reached the castle gate, three figures awaiting you. One you recognized as Daniela, so the other two must be her sisters. One of them looked at you with mild interest, while the other one looked at you with a spark of recognition in her eyes. Had you met before on one of your travels? You were pretty sure that wasn’t the case, but let it slide anyway, since you had bigger problems right now.
“Bela, would you please prepare the sitting room in the west wing? I will need some antiseptic and bandages, warm water would be wonderful too. When you are finished with that, prepare the guest room next to mine. We will talk later.”
The one who seemed to recognize you from somewhere left in a flurry of… bugs? What the fuck? 
“Cassandra, Daniela, please prepare a light super. I will talk to you two later two. Just bring the food into the sitting room when you are finished, yes?” The order was given gently and in another flurry of bugs, you were alone again.
“You can explain yourself when I am cleaning and dressing your wounds. Come now.” She said and led you into the castle. You were still processing the abilities of her daughter, so you followed her silently into the dimly lit entryway. *** Taglist: @imdreamingblo
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free-pool-trash · 3 years
come off it - george weasley
i wrote this because i was bored and in my george feels :) if you know me irl no you dont
word count: 5k
warnings: swearing, y/n absolutely bullying draco 💓😌, angst at the start for 0.2 seconds, mentions of blood, umbridge being a bitch, kissing 😽 slytherin!reader
summary: george wants to break up just until you graduate to keep umbridge off your case but it comes out wrong. eventually you both agree to keep your relationship on the low until you can see each other at graduation <3 (im terrible at summaries)
this is my first time ever writing for hp so please let me know what you think, id love feedback <3 reblogs are so appreciated
let me know if you’d like more hp stuff
(also i dont support jkr if i saw her on the street she’d need new kneecaps <3)
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The silence was screaming, the room completely devoid of volume, and yet, you’d never heard anything quite so loud.
He never moved from his spot, perched on the arm of an old grandfather chair, his head hung and his hair blocking his eyes from view, hiding any chance you had of reading his expression.
Feeling suffocated by his lack of dialogue, you spoke up again, your voice nothing more than a whisper to be swallowed up by the silence, “So, that’s that then.”
The quiet in the room didn’t bother you so much after you heard the words that had slipped from your lips, you could find solace in the hollow silence. Relating it to your thundering heart, that was beating rapidly, but the thought that you no longer knew what it was beating for left you like the aforementioned silence; hollow.
“I’m sorry, love.” His voice, as smooth as ever, brought your thoughts back to the situation at hand. All you managed was the weak shake of your head, willing your wet eyes to dry out before you lost hold of what little dignity you had left.
How could you possibly cry? You wondered miserably.
If you had only listened to the whispers in the back of your mind, you’d have seen this coming, foolish girl. You scolded yourself mentally.
“Don’t be.” You told him simply. Regaining your composure long enough to make it to the exit of the room, you spared the boy one last glance, he was looking at you then, brown eyes cloudier than you’d ever seen them.
What would he have to be sad about? This had been his choice, after all.
With a steadying breath you left the room, uttering an almost pathetic, “Look after yourself, Georgie.”
Only when he was sure you were truly gone did he allow his tears to fall, he hadn’t wanted to end things with you, not really.
It was for the best though. Tensions were high in Hogwarts at the minute, with Umbridge’s take over of the school putting everyone on edge. George knew well enough that the pink sporting she devil wouldn’t take too kindly to the prestigious, pure-blooded, princess of Slytherin embroiled with the likes of him. A supposedly lowly Weasley. A blood traitor.
Of course, status never mattered to you, or to your family for that matter. But it mattered to the new headmistress and George couldn’t bear the idea of putting you on the wretched witches radar knowing that he and Fred would be leaving you before the end of term.
He hadn’t expected it to be so bloody hard though. He thought he’d breeze through it with the thought process of “it’s only temporary”, as he’d initially intended. His plans for a temporary reprieve were hushed the second he saw your heart shattering right before his eyes.
You should’ve known really, you can’t just break up with the girl you’ve been completely in love with since third year out of nowhere. Merlin, you’ve really done it this time, haven’t you? She must think you’re a right tosser.
He reprimanded, the words trapped in the confines of his muddled mind.
His sadness turned to anger as it dawned on him, he’d just let you go and for what? Merlin, his mother was going to kill him.
Molly Weasley absolutely adored you, George recalled the first time he’d introduced you to his family. You’d been so nervous, it wasn’t every day a Slytherin found themselves in the midst of mostly Gryffindors.
Of course, yourself and George were just friends at the time. Fred had been the one who had begged you to visit the burrow as a matter of fact.
George cringed at the thought of the letter he’d surely be getting from his mother when she got wind of what he’d just done.
Overcome with frustration, George lifted himself from the arm of the chair and began storming through the stone halls in search of you. The conversation, if you could even call it that, hadn’t gone the way he planned.
He’d planned to sit down with you, talk you through his thought process and then hopefully you’d promise each other to rekindle your love in six months after you graduated.
Obviously that’s not how it ended up going. He’d screwed it up completely, he’d frozen on the spot and suddenly he’d forgotten everything he had planned to say.
He spotted you then, sluggishly moving down the corridor, small sniffles emitted from your retreating form and George jogged to reach you.
His large hand grasped your wrist, stopping you in your tracks, “Wait. Please.” His voice was strained, pleading.
Inhaling shakily you turned to face him again, the redhead tried his best to ignore your red rimmed eyes as he could already feel his guilt eating him alive as he held your wrist.
You didn’t speak. Just looked at him expectantly.
Carefully, his hand slipped from your wrist to your own hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“Can we talk?” You nodded wordlessly, allowing him to lead you wherever he intended to go.
The pair of you didn’t speak until you reached your destination. You found yourself standing in the privacy of the astronomy tower, hugging yourself to lessen the chill you felt when George released your hand, you stared at him expectantly, praying that you wouldn’t cry anymore.
“I didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did.” He confessed while taking a calculated step closer to you, acutely aware of your habit of simply walking away if you felt as though you were being ridiculed. It was a characteristic that he loved about you, you didn’t take anyone’s shit, including his. Which is why he wanted to keep a close proximity, knowing that there was a very real possibility that he’d say the wrong thing and you’d tell him to shove it.
“First of all, I love you. I don’t want you thinking for a second that I don’t.” He couldn’t quite hold back his grimace as you shuddered and turned your face away, staring out at the view as opposed to at him.
With an aggressive sniff you blinked away the water forming in your eyes before meeting his gaze again, “Then what is this about then?” Your tone was demanding, the cold air making itself comfortable in your bones while you waited for an answer.
George took another step forward, the sound of your shaky voice sending a pang directly to his heart. Throwing caution to the wind, he grabbed hold of your arms, just above your elbows.
“I want to be with you more than anything, honest. But I can’t have you in Umbridge’s bad books because of me, especially when Fred and I will be gone in two weeks.” He tried his best to explain, his grip on you softening when he felt your body become less rigid, although you still shook slightly from the cold.
“Why didn’t you just tell me that in the first place?” You chastised him weakly, your lips turning downward as you realised he was right. Umbridge had been on your case since she had arrived, with being the top student in her house, she didn’t take kindly to your “fraternisation with the likes of them”.
He let out a sigh, tugging you gently to his chest, his long arms wrapped around you tightly. “Because I’m a knobhead.”
His words had obviously been intended to get a laugh out of you and he was pleased to confirm that it had worked when he heard the soft giggle leaving your lips.
You gave his shoulder a halfhearted whack, “Yeah, you are.”
“Are you still breaking up with me?” You asked, voice a whisper, arms tightly around his waist, afraid if you loosened your grip he’d disappear.
George chuckled at that, “I was never breaking up with you, love.” His lips met the top of your head before he continued, “I just think we should keep a low profile for a bit.”
“I hate it when you’re right.” Your grumbled, pulling away from his hold slightly to look into his eyes.
“I know this isn’t ideal… but we’ll get through it. I need you in one piece for our wedding, after all.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows and causing you to bark out a laugh.
“One minute you’re breaking up with me and the next your banging on about marrying me? I’ll never understand you Weasley.” You reciprocated his teasing, eyes finally dry and shining a little brighter than they had been just a few minutes prior.
George lowered his face close to yours, your noses nudging together ever so slightly as his mouth, formed in a grin, hovered in front of your own. “I’ve got to keep you interested somehow, love.”
With that his lips met yours, his hands sliding up to cup your cheeks when you began to move your lips in unison with his and your own hands tangled in his ginger hair.
All too soon, he removed his lips from yours and rested his forehead on yours. “Maybe we should make up some code words.”
“Like what?” You entertained him, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck as he thought about possible code words.
“Right, how about this? When I say “ Merlin, you’re hard work”” he spoke, his hands leaving your cheeks to make air quotes and you watched him fondly as his hands moved to your hips, “That will mean. You’re bloody incredible and I wish I could snog you right here on the spot.”
Throwing your head back, you laughed, “Perfect.”
Then you paused, thinking for a response and then you bit back a smile, hands sliding to his chest pushing him away ever so slightly, “And when I say “Oh, come off it, Weasley” that will mean You’re a prat but I love you regardless.” A dopey smile crossed his lips.
“I’m choosing to ignore the part where you called me a prat.”
Innocently, you shrugged your shoulders, “You are a prat.” George scoffed at that, pulling you into his chest again, rocking your bodies together and lulling you into a sense of tranquility as your cheek rested against his chest.
He let out a long sigh, tightening his grip around you, muttering cheekily in your ear, “Merlin, you’re hard work.”
A small laugh left your mouth and you looked up at him with a half hearted glare, “Oh, come off it, Weasley.”
This ‘keep it on the down low’ plan was to put it plainly: dreadful. Acting as though you and George had broken up didn't do too much to keep Umbridge off your back. What it did do however was have, what seemed like every girl in the entire castle, crowding around your boyfriend in hopes of being the next one to catch his attention.
He entertained them all with charming smiles and false niceties, more often than not passing them over to Fred, who basked in the new found attention.
Not that George was the only one being bombarded with love offers, you had your fair share of Slytherin boys sniffing around you over the last couple of days.
One boy had been particularly persistent though, and it was easy to see it was driving the youngest Weasley twin absolutely mental.
The boy in question was currently sat beside you at the Slytherin table in the great hall, doing his very best to keep you interested in what he was saying.
“I don’t know if I mentioned it earlier, but I’m sorry to hear about you and Weasley.” He told you, his voice uncharacteristically shy.
You supposed you shouldn’t be so curt with him, as far as Slytherin boys went Adrian Pucey was probably the kindest of the lot. With a small sigh you turned to the Slytherin chaser and gave him your best fake sad smile, “Thanks, Adrian.”
The boy cleared his throat and you couldn’t help but notice the flush beginning to form on his cheeks, Merlin he is going to be upset when he realises you're not really available.
“If you ever want to talk about it I’d be more than happy to listen.” He offered up kindly, his kindness wasn’t necessarily out of the ordinary, the pair of you had always been friendly with each other, but your perception told you that Adrian was definitely hoping for something a little more than friendly to come of this situation.
Giving him another small smile you nodded your head, deciding to cut the poor boy some slack, “I appreciate that. It’s been pretty strange honestly, feels like every girl in school is lining up to take my place…” You trailed off, eyes landing on George who was sat at the Gryffindor table, a fifth year Hufflepuff girl sitting way too close to him for your liking, twirling her hair and you let your eyes roll at the sight.
Adrian followed your gaze before giving you a sympathetic look, “He doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that left you at that, you returned your gaze to him, giving him an expectant look, “You seem more upset than I am.” You pointed out, trying not to smile at the furrow in his brow.
Adrian looked away from you towards George who was now laughing with Lee, the Hufflepuff girl now long gone, shrugging his shoulders lightly he began to speak his eyes never leaving the red headed Gryffindor, “The pair of you were great together. I just don’t see what he could possibly want that you couldn’t offer… if you ask me he’s a right idiot for letting you go.”
George was looking in your direction now, his jaw set in a tight clench as he watched Pucey playfully bump his shoulder against yours. Why on earth were you smiling at something Adrian Pucey said?
You caught his gaze from across the room, sending him a sad smile then turning back to the Slytherin beside you, keeping in character as you were very aware of Umbridge’s eyes on you and what she would consider an eligible bachelor.
“Yes well, you know how Gryffindors are. Don’t often think before they act.” You told him, pushing yourself away from the table and collecting your things.
Adrian nodded in agreement, quickly standing up too, “Um, I was wondering if you were after a new potions partner?” He asked quickly, voice shaking ever so slightly with nerves.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you glanced towards George- your usual potions partner desperately, turning back to Adrian you reluctantly nodded your head, you’d need a new partner in a week or so anyway. “Sure.”
Seeming pleased with your answer the brown haired boy sat back down and smiled happily as he watched you leave the hall.
The evening was drawing to an end as you found yourself on the balcony of the astronomy tower, eyes set on the sunset, your body leant comfortably on the railing in front of you.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the future Mrs. Pucey.” Came the voice you’d recognise anywhere, his tone teasing.
Without looking away from the view you chided him playfully, “Don’t be jealous, Georgie. Or should I say Hogwarts’ most eligible bachelor?”
You let out a content sigh as George wrapped his arms around you from behind, leaning his chin on your shoulder and placing a delicate kiss to the curve of your jaw, “I quite like that title. But I’d prefer to be known as your future husband.” He shot back cheekily, placing a flurry of kisses against your neck making you giggle joyfully.
As you threw your head back, your laughter was silenced by his lips catching your own in a passionate kiss, his hands moving to your hips to flip you around to face him, your back pressed against the railing now as you looked up into his eyes.
“That’s all I’ve been thinking about all day.” He admitted, his hands sliding up and down your sides gently as you slid your own around his shoulders.
You hummed approvingly, pulling him towards you and placing your lips against his again, tongue moving against his as his hands gripped your hips. When you pulled away, he chased your lips, pressing short kisses to them while simultaneously pressing his body closer to yours.
“Bet Pucey wouldn’t be able to kiss you like that, eh?” George smirked cockily and you let out a breathy laugh.
Matching his energy, your hands slipped up his neck and you let them get tangled in his hair, you raised an eyebrow, “I could always go and find out… how much are you willing to bet, Weasley?” At your challenge, his lips returned your neck, dragging along the sensitive skin and making your stomach flip.
George’s lips paused right at your ear, his voice gruff and low as he whispered, “No amount of galleons would tempt me if it meant you’d be kissing that git, darling.”
“Stop, you’ll make me swoon.” You joked dryly, tugging softly on his long hair causing him to detach from your neck.
His forehead met yours as the sun finally retreated, leaving just you, George and the stars in the darkness of the tower.
“You know, you could always run away with me. Then we could go back to snogging whenever we want and that old cow wouldn’t be able to punish either one of us for too long.” You could tell he wasn’t truly joking despite the tone of his voice, you released a sad sigh, running your hands through his hair, your nails scratching his scalp the way you knew he liked.
“Mm, but imagine how incredible it’ll feel when we reunite at graduation.” He let out a small puff of air against your face, tightening his arms around you.
It was then that a worry crossed your mind, would he and Fred even bother showing up? Ron wasn’t graduating until next year, Ginny in two, so there would be no family members there for them to see. But surely they’d show up to see Lee?
“You’ll come won’t you? To graduation?” You wondered out loud, his hands rubbing soothing circles into your hips as he sensed your nerves.
He pressed his lips to your forehead and hugged you close, “Freddie and I wouldn’t miss it for the world, love.”
“If I don’t see you there I’ll hex you both.” You promised, snuggling into his embrace.
George let out a small chuckle, hand running down your hair with a content smile, “I don’t doubt it.”
All too soon, Fred and George disappeared from Hogwarts in a blaze of lights and explosions and you couldn’t have been prouder of them. With the ambition those boys had you sometimes questioned how they weren’t placed in Slytherin.
You’d managed to stay on Umbridge’s good side for the most part, you’d become quite close with Adrian too, but to avoid leading him on you’d fed him a story about how you were still mad about George and that you were sure he’d only broken up with you so it wouldn’t hurt you so much when he left, he accepted it far more gracefully than you’d expected and continued to be a great friend to you despite knowing you weren’t interested in anything romantic.
There was only a week left until you graduated from the school you’d called home for the past seven years and you’d managed to make it this far with no detentions with Umbridge and her favourite quill.
You were so close.
It’d been a long day of classes and you were on your way back to the Slytherin common room, Adrian by your side when you’d come across the scene.
Some of the fifth years were crowding a scared looking fourth year, you let out a low growl as you recognised Ginny to be the girl cornered by Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. Throwing all your previous caution to the wind you stamped towards the scene, wrapping an arm around the youngest Weasley’s shoulder and pulled her into your side protectively.
“What do you three little demons think you’re doing?” You seethed, checking Ginny over for any injuries only to find she had tears pooling in her eyes.
It was no secret that you adored the Weasleys. You’d visited the burrow six Christmases in a row and Molly has never failed to send you an owl with a present attached on your birthday. It was also no secret to the family, even George, that you’d both kill and die for little Ginny. When she’d been taken to the chamber of secrets in her very first year you’d nearly popped a blood vessel worrying about her and very nearly ended up petrified while looking for her. Your fake break up with George hadn’t changed how you felt about the family.
Malfoy scoffed, turning his nose up to you, “What’s it to you, you’re just as bad as them. Filthy blood traitor you are.” It was then Adrian stepped in, clamping a hand down on the blonde’s shoulder.
“I’d watch your mouth if you’re looking to play in the final game on Saturday.” The chaser spoke lowly, his threat scaring the younger boy only slightly.
“Oh you’re such a big hard man, Draco.” You laughed mockingly, you’d known him since he was in nappies due to the fact that your mother and his were quite close up until recent years.
Pushing Ginny gently into the grasp of Adrian who had again moved to be standing by your side, he gave her a kind smile and you nodded reassuringly and that was all she needed to go willingly to Adrian.
Now that Ginny was out of the line of fire you squared up to the spoiled brat in front of you, you were anything but intimidated by him, it was high time you gave him a little reminder of exactly why you’d been named the Princess of Slytherin for so many years.
You were never mean for no reason. In fact, everyone believed you’d been misplaced at first. That was until half the student body had watched you absolutely verbally obliterate a Ravenclaw two years above you after he’d called you a slut. You had been absolutely ruthless. Nobody dared to speak badly of you or your friends as you proved on several occasions that you’d not hold back in retaliation. It seemed that little Draco needed a reminder of this.
“You’re so cool. Bullying girls…” You told him dryly, smirking wickedly as he swallowed harshly when Crabbe and Goyle had the good sense to take a few steps back, you raised an eyebrow lowering your voice and forming your lips in a pout, “Tell me, Draco, is your daddy proud of you? Or have you yet to catch his attention?”
Draco fumed then, huffing and gritting his teeth, by now there was a small crowd forming and Ginny had retreated into the arms of Ron, another one of George’s siblings that you simply adored.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He spat out, venom lacing his words, only egging you on further.
The grin on your lips only widened and your eyebrow rose higher, “Oh? Because the last time I checked” You lowered your voice so only he could hear before going on, “He’s missed your birthday for the last three years.”
His face turned red and he lunged. Shouts came from the crowd and you considered your options, were you really, as a seventeen year old, about to fist fight a fifteen year old prat with daddy issues? You got your answer in the form of Draco connecting his first to your jaw and busting you lip. The fifth year being restrained by Adrian and Ron, both of whom looked like they were going to fight him themselves.
The crowd watched with bated breath as you dabbed a finger under your cut lower lip. Noticing the blood that now painted your finger you let out a humourless laugh and tilted your head to the side.
You were absolutely about to fist fight the fifteen year old with daddy issues.
Just as you realed your fist back, a voice that met your ears like nails on a chalkboard sliced through the jeers of the crowd, “What is going on here?”
Umbridge screamed when she took in the scene. And you’d be the first to admit it looked bad. Draco with his hands being restrained by a seventh year and your fist in the air, there was absolutely no question about what was going on.
“Why Ms.(L/n)! My office this instant!” She seethed but you could tell she was biting back that horrid grin of hers. She’d been waiting for a reason to lock you in detention with her before you left.
You didn’t bother arguing with the women as she glared at Adrian, Ron and Draco.
“Pucey, Weasley let the boy go. I will deal with the three of you later.”
She motioned for you to follow her and you obliged, sighing softly when the voice echoed from behind you, “My father will be hearing about this.” He couldn’t quit could he? Seeing as you were already in trouble, you continued walking but turned your head over your shoulder and gave him a look of agreement, “Yes Draco he’ll be hearing, but will he really be listening?”
“You have been soiling the good name of Slytherin for far too long, positively whoring yourself out to that Weasley boy.” Umbridge had been criticising you for what felt that hours, watching intently as your hand bled as you wrote.
Not too bothered you let her go on her little rant as you write out your line: house embarrassment, her words stung far less than the growing wound on your hand.
The women took a deep breath as she continued, “A bright girl like you should be putting her talents to good use not entertaining the likes of blood traitors.”
It took everything in you to bite your tongue and refrain from stabbing her with her own enchanted quill. It was funny how you’d ended up in that position really, not because of George but because of his little sister.
“I had half a mind to hold you back. But you’d only get in my way. Consider yourself lucky.” She shut up after that, obviously growing bored of your lack of response she relieved you after another half an hour.
When you got back to the dungeon Adrian was sat waiting for you, a tired smile on his face, “You’re ridiculous.”
“Oh how your words injure me.” You jested, flopping onto the sofa, dropping your feet into his lap.
He patted your shin with a chuckle, “How’s the hand?”
You wiggled your bloody hand at him and he winced, “Merlin, (Y/n)...” It looked at lot worse than it felt.
You only shrugged, a dazed smile on your face, “My only regret is not getting a punch in.”
“That Ginny girl is quite worried about you. Kept saying how George was going to prank her so badly for getting you in trouble.” Pucey told you, laughing lightly when you sighed dreamily at the mention of the twin you loved.
“I’ll protect her.” You murmured, thoughts trailing off, “Did I tell you he’s coming to graduation next week?” Adrian nodded, soft smile on his face.
“D’you reckon a reconciliation is on the cards?” He asked teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Mimicking his eyebrow movements you nodded with determination, “No doubt about it, mate.”
He barked out a laugh, pushing your feet off his lap and standing up, “Save me the details, a man’s heart can only take so much.”
With a wicked smile you watched as he walked towards the dorm stairs, “So are you going to tell that Ravenclaw girl you fancy her before the end of the week?” He went rigid then, blushing furiously as you laughed.
“How’d you find out about that?” He whined miserably.
Just like earlier, you wiggled your eyebrows at him, “Saw you snogging at the back of the library.”
Adrian groaned, grabbing a cushion from the armchair by the stairs and chucked it at you, “Why’d you ask if you already knew?”
You placed your uninjured hand over your chest and faked hurt before it morphed into a triumphant grin, “Thought it’d be fun to rile you up considering you didn’t think to tell me.”
Adrian shook his head before finally heading up the stairs, “Don’t stay up too late.”
The days until graduation flew by and before you knew it you and the rest of your year were shouting in delight, a few even crying.
“(Y/n)!” Lee’s voice caught your attention and you met him with a bright smile and squeezed him tightly when he pulled you into a hug, “Come on, the twins are here!”
Being Fred and George’s best friend, Lee knew all about your fake split, never shy to tell you how utterly stupid he thought the whole thing was. But it didn’t matter anymore because the jig was about to be up. Finally.
Eagerly, you followed Lee through the crowd, rushing ahead of him when you locked eyes with George.
When the pair of you collided it was as if you’d never been apart. Your hands immediately tangled in his hair as he lifted you from around the waist, spinning you around excitedly before placing you down but keeping his arms around you
“Merlin, I’ve missed you.” He whispered lowly into your ear, you pulled your lip between your teeth, and leaned away to look at him fondly.
“Hi.” You whispered, a huge grin on your face.
“Hello.” He whispered back, the look on his face nothing short of enchanted when he studied you for the first time since he left.
Without another word you used your grip on his hair to bring his lips to yours, kissing him softly through your smile as you heard Ginny giggling from her place beside Molly.
George grumbled at the short length of the kiss, settling for holding you hard and leaning down to whisper, “You’re hard work, my love”
With a laugh you pecked his cheek adoringly, staring deeply into his eyes as you murmured with a shit eating grin, “Come off it, Weasley.”
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quicksilversquared · 4 years
Superhero Salary
It all started with a joke. It ended with Ladybug and Chat Noir finally getting some of the compensation that they deserved.
After all, fame isn't going to pay the bills.
links in the reblog
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It all started with a (mostly) joking comment from Chat Noir, blurted out in a moment of frustration.
"I hate it when that happens," he had grumbled after Ladybug knocked him free from the akuma's control. "Stupid, stupid mind-control akumas. Tell Hawkmoth that if he's going to insist on akumas like that, he's gonna have to pay for my therapy after this is all over!" he hollered after the akuma, who was clearly hopping mad about no longer having a superhero under his control. "A superhero salary doesn't exactly pay enough for it!"
He had been kidding, at least mostly. Kidding or not, though, the complaint was out there.
The moment had been picked up by the Ladyblog, of course, just as part of the bigger fight. But it wasn't long before it absolutely exploded over the internet.
Sure, maybe in comic books it was implied that superheroes always worked for free. But was that really fair? After all, Ladybug and Chat Noir were providing a service to the city. They were taking the time out of their normal lives to save Paris and put things back to rights, and they were doing it often. They had to come out whenever Hawkmoth sent out an akuma, not just when they had a spare bit of time that they could use to fight crime. Just like policemen and firefighters, they were putting themselves in danger by fighting on the front line. And if they were in jobs, or were in school- well, having to duck out regularly had to be affecting them, and not in a positive way.
If they had jobs, they could very well be on the edge of losing them because of all of the times they went missing. Even if they were self-employed- well, then they would still be losing out on some serious work time and having to work late into the night instead. And if they were in school...
Then they would be in danger of falling behind and need help to keep on top of their schoolwork. Tutors and online courses both cost money.
And on top of all of that, there was superhero merchandise being made using their colors and images, clothes and dolls and souvenirs and toys. Surely they should be getting a cut of the profit from that.
With only a few exceptions, Paris was soon in agreement: their superheroes needed to be earning a salary.
Marinette wasn't quite certain what to think of it all.
"Tikki, what do I say if the mayor decides to give us a salary?" she implored, slumping back in her chair. "I mean, even if it would be possible to safely get the money, I just don't know."
Part of her wanted to do the noble thing and say no to a salary. After all, she was Ladybug because she wanted to help! Plus, would public perception of them change if they were technically city employees? The mayor might think that he had the power to call them up on command, which would really stink.
But- well, Marinette was a teenager, and no sane teenager would turn down money, particularly when it was money for work that she had done. Even though she wasn't exactly struggling- she got an allowance, plus money from babysitting Manon and of course commission money, and besides she was a teenager and not an adult with a million living expenses- having more money in her account for fabric or design classes or her future career wasn't a bad thing.
"Well, Plagg and I could certainly set things up so that all of the money you get would be funneled through us and our magic," Tikki told her. "And we would be careful about not matching up the amounts or making them regular! There's ways that we can do it without attracting attention."
Marinette nodded. That was one question answered, but the other?
"As for if you should take the money..." Tikki considered that. "I mean, there's a lot to consider. But I'd like to point out that you don't know how long you'll be fighting Hawkmoth, or if there'll be any other threats after he's gone to deal with. That could interfere with you having a regular job. And if the akuma attacks keep disrupting your school day and you need to hire a tutor to help you keep up but you don't want your parents knowing, having the extra money could help. Or if you decide to sign up for an online school so that you can look up lessons that you missed in class, you could pay for that! But people might have strong opinions about superheroes taking money, too."
"That's a lot of positives and only one negative," Marinette pointed out. "I mean, it could be annoying to listen to people judging, but unless they're in the majority..."
Either way, it was going to be disheartening to hear people judging her for taking the money. But as long as they weren't in her face or spreading lies about her and Chat Noir now not being motivated to take down Hawkmoth because that would mean an end to the money or something ridiculous like that, she could probably ignore it. Maybe she could make some donations with the money she was getting to dispel those rumors.
Honestly, she'd probably do that anyway. There were so many organizations and people in need in Paris, and if Marinette was earning money then of course she would want to support them.
Of course, that all depended on if the officials even offered the salary in the first place, which was honestly looking really likely. It looked like public opinion was strongly in their favor, and the mayor was seriously easily waived by public opinion most of the time. And anything to do with the superheroes- well, it was publicity gold.
And in the end, it only took a week of deliberations- entirely about how much Ladybug and Chat Noir should be making, and puzzling out how much of the profit from sales of their merchandise they should be getting on top of their salary- before the announcement went out that the superheroes would be offered payment. A day after that, Ladybug and Chat Noir accepted their salary and gave the city's head payroll officer the information their kwamis had given them for the kwami bank accounts, so that they could get their paychecks without risking their secret identities.
"I didn't expect things to blow up like this when I said that, about not earning enough for therapy," Chat Noir admitted after they had left. He had seemed put-together and confident when they were in the office- which Ladybug had appreciated, because the sums that were being discussed were absolutely intimidating and having Chat Noir being so confident next to her helped her not get flustered. "I mean, yeah, down the road, I wouldn't be surprised if I get nightmares about fighting all the time and need to get help with that, but- well, I don't think I'd be able to, not unless I sign up as Chat Noir instead of my civilian self. And I don't know if I would necessarily want to do that, in case too much civilian stuff comes out."
Ladybug winced. Yeah, that was a real concern. And- well, she didn't ever admit it to anyone other than Tikki, but she sometimes had nightmares about the fights, too. And Chat Noir was right- a therapist could probably help.
But the identity concerns...
It was more than likely that some personal information would come out if they were talking to any sort of therapist, and that was dangerous. Maybe the chance of their therapists stumbling on their identities was low, but she still couldn't risk it.
Maybe they could go out of Paris to find someone, using the Horse to jump. Then their therapist would be even less likely to make the connection between Ladybug and Marinette, and with the distance from Paris, having the superheroes in their office might be less exciting than it would be for someone who saw the superheroes on a daily basis. But even that wouldn't really be a possibility until Hawkmoth was gone, when they actually got some semblance of free time back.
"I can't deny that the money could be helpful, though," Chat Noir added after a moment. "I mean, depending on how long the conflict drags on, or if we need anything that Tikki and Plagg can't provide to help us, or- well, when I get old enough to move out of my father's place, I want to. There's way too many people who think that they can just barge into my room without warning and poke around, and- well, it's not safe."
Ladybug glanced over at her partner again. He looked like he was her age- in fact, they had shared enough information inadvertently that she was positive that they were probably a year apart at most- which meant that he was facing years of people disregarding his privacy and potentially discovering his secret. "That's ages away, though."
"I know. I can't do much about it right now, though, besides just paying attention to where I'm detransforming." Chat Noir sighed. "I guess the money can't really help with that, not right now."
"Yeah. And that's not great." Ladybug tapped a rhythm against her leg, trying to come up with a solution and finding none. She just didn't have enough information about the situation to find places where they could do something. "I mean, the most I can come up with is a camera that you could connect to and move around to see if anyone is in there before going back in. And you could see if anyone is coming around and poking around that you don't know about. But- well, the problem is that cameras can be hard to hide, and if your father finds out and decides to review footage..."
"It could backfire on me, really fast." Chat Noir glanced around, then back at her. "Yeah, I know. I guess- well, for now, I won't change anything. Maybe something will come up in the future."
"Yeah, I'm not going to be changing much either, I think. But it's nice to have that money there in case I need it." It made her feel a little weird, honestly- after over a year of volunteer superheroing, accepting money for that was just strange- but maybe eventually, it would sink in that she was doing a job and deserved pay for it.
Chat Noir nodded. "Just in case. And, well- if we don't use it, it'll be a good start for my retirement account!"
Ladybug laughed at that, the awkwardness and concerns that she had had earlier flying away in an instant. "Teenagers with retirement accounts. Who would have thought?"
"Well, you can never be too prepared, right?"
Ladybug giggled again, imaging the looks on her parents' places if she sat down for dinner and started asking questions about retirement accounts and for their advice in setting one up. Maybe it wouldn't be completely out of left field- after all, unlike most of her classmates, Marinette did earn money with commissions, and enough that she would not be spending it all- but it was also a strange thing for a teenager to ask about.
Well. At least it wasn't a bad problem to have.
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  A week later, Ladybug and Chat Noir officially received their first paychecks, with back payments pending. And by that time, the two of them had figured out where those payments were going.
Most of the money, of course, would be held in the kwami bank accounts until it could be trickled into their civilian bank accounts. How much, exactly, could be deposited without being noticed was still being decided- Ladybug could definitely get away with more than Chat Noir, though she figured that varying amounts and not at regular intervals would stick out less than regular payments. They were still trying to figure out how they might get retirement accounts going- even as much as they joked, it wasn't exactly a bad idea.
And then part of the money would go to charity. It was just a nice thing to do, after all, and since they had spare money- well, it would just be a good idea to help out a little bit more. They didn't want to make too big of a deal out of their donations, since it was very possible that people would judge where they were donating, how much they were donating, how often they were making their donations, and how their donations did or didn't change over time. There would no doubt be people petitioning the superheroes to support their favorite charities, which- well, maybe it would be a good way to learn about new causes, but it sounded like more stress than it would be worth. Besides, Ladybug and Chat Noir were private citizens behind the mask, and they deserved to have some privacy about their finances.
All they needed to tell the public was that they were donating anonymously and wouldn't be disclosing the places or amounts for those reasons. It was a simple answer, and should satisfy most of the population. There would no doubt be a few naysayers- there almost always were a few people who just had to be difficult- but it was a reasonable answer.
Thankfully, the person who had interviewed Ladybug and Chat Noir about what they were going to do with their first paychecks- a kind man from a mid-sized newspaper, who had earned the spot of first interview entirely because he hadn't been pushy about asking- had thought that their reasoning was plenty sound. They were hardly going to be millionaires, and so expecting them to donate large amounts on a regular (and frequent) basis was completely ridiculous. Keeping things private- well, that meant that people who were out of touch wouldn't be moaning about donations that they were perceiving as too small.
Just because Ladybug and Chat Noir were famous didn't mean that they were rich.
Marinette hummed quietly to herself as she skimmed the article that the reporter they had talked to had written. While the interview itself had taken place several days prior, the article had just been released that morning to coincide with both their first payment and the start of the month. It was very nicely written, and framed their reasoning in an even more clear and articulate light than they had managed themselves. She didn't doubt that it would get noticed soon, and then the speculation about whether or not Ladybug and Chat Noir would donate some of their earnings would be put to rest for once and for all-
"Wait, Ladybug and Chat Noir aren't donating any of their salary? That's so unlike them!"
-or maybe not.
"I was surprised too, they just completely brushed me off when I suggested that they donate part of their salaries," Lila told her audience as they swept into the room as a- well, as a flock, really, that was the only way to describe it. "It's what I would do if I was a superhero, of course, so I thought that they would feel the same! It's such a let-down, I really thought that they were better than that..."
"I would say that maybe it's because they've donated so much of their time to the city already, but I know I heard something at some point about backpayments to cover their time from the start," Alya commented, her eyebrows furrowed. "So that's not really donated time anymore, is it?"
"Maybe they have bills to pay," Rose piped up, clearly ever-hopeful. "And they need to get caught up with that first, of course. That would make sense!"
Of course, Lila was shaking her head as she headed up to her seat, with the rest of the group following not far behind to keep listening. "They're too young for bills. I met up with them again this morning and was trying to talk some sense into them because really, they could just do small donations, even a little bit helps- I would know, I've seen how far money can stretch and help in a charity! But even now that they have the money in their hands, they just want to keep it."
There were murmurs of disappointment all around the group gathered around Lila at that. Even though donations clearly weren't mandatory- well, they thought that the superheroes should be better role models than that! If they didn't have bills to pay, surely...
"And it's not like they're not getting enough to have both spending money and do a little charity," Lila said, shaking her head sadly. "Plenty of spending money, even! And I pointed that out, but they got really upset with me. I'd hate for our friendship to be destroyed over this really, but it's just- I feel like I don't know them at all now!"
Frankly, Marinette had heard enough. She wasn't going to let her reputation as Ladybug- or Chat Noir's reputation- get slandered by Lila's nonsense.
"Funny thing," Marinette commented in the most deadpan, disinterested voice that she could muster, not even taking her eyes off of her tablet as she talked. "You say that you met up with the superheroes this morning and they weren't interested in doing donations, and yet there's an article in La Trib this morning about an interview they did with the superheroes days ago that say otherwise. It says that donating was in their plan from the start."
The group in the back of the room went quiet.
"Marinette is correct," Markov commented after a moment, breaking the silence. "The article was posted one hour ago, though the paper copy presumably went out earlier. The superheroes stated that they have been looking at charities since they first heard that they might be getting money for their superhero work, as they wish to continue to help Paris. Their donations will be anonymous and private to protect their privacy and to prevent unwanted commentary on their choices."
Marinette glanced back. All eyes were slowly turning from Markov to Lila.
"There is also a video of the interview linked on the online version of the article," Markov added. "And the metadata confirms that it was filmed several days ago."
Several of the eyes pointed towards Lila were getting narrowed and suspicious.
"Oh, that- that's lovely!" Lila exclaimed, somewhat belatedly pressing her hand over her heart. "Maybe they were just trying to wind me up to tease me, then! And I misread the situation and took them seriously. Or they were trying to give me a pleasant surprise! It happens, sometimes- I'm not always great at catching sarcasm-"
This time, not everyone looked entirely convinced.
Smiling to herself, Marinette looked back at her tablet, closing out of the article and opening up their reading for Literature so that she could review it- or, well, finish reading it, because an akuma had interrupted her the previous night and it had been too late to pick it up again once the fight was over. If she hurried, she might be able to finish it before Ms. Bustier called for a start to class, and then she wouldn't get in trouble again for not doing her homework.
Honestly, if Lila's track record was anything to go by, she would probably wriggle her way out of the lie by the afternoon and the whole incident would be forgotten. But maybe this time would end up different- after all, Marinette had never seen that doubt before- and Lila's tower of lies would finally come toppling down. It was long overdue, really, but Marinette wasn't going to hold her breath.
If it happened...well, if their superhero salary was like a surprise cake, then a Lila downfall would be the cherry on top.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.13
The Honeymoon’s Not Over
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,309
Warnings: jealousy, slight angst, light smut, language, talks of pregnancy
A/N: I’m sorry these are taking longer. My grandparents are living with me for a few months and these are going to get a little slower now that they’re here. I hope you enjoy it! If you have a favorite part, let me know what it is! I’d love to hear. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my stories on any other blogs or sites.
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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Not knowing what to expect from a marriage to a veritable stranger is predictable. Of course, you’re not going to know what’s to come when you don’t know the man you’ve agreed to marry.
Apart from the responsibilities of the throne you’ve chosen to sit upon, and the obligations you have to provide the kingdom with an heir, the marriage you have chosen for yourself was entered into blindly.
You knew absolutely nothing about Thor when you agreed to marry him. You knew a little bit more by the time you stood directly opposite him and said your vows.
Now, after spending time with him in the company of his comrades, his friends, you know what Thor sounds like when he busts a gut. You see the twinkle in his one eye when they all sit around the living room reminiscing about battles won.
You see sadness over their losses, and the loyalty of his friendship. You see the weight they all carry on their shoulders to give this world its best chance against all forms of threat.
Most of all, you know how proud Thor is to have you by his side. At every moment possible, he’s pulled you into their games and conversations. He’s invited Tony to give you a tour of the compound and Bruce had tagged along and whispered to you smaller things that Tony conveniently left out because they weren’t things for him to boast about.
As the night went on, the Avengers told you their farewells and those that lived outside of the compound took their leave. They told you it was so nice to meet you, shook your hand—or hugged you as was the case with Wanda, Nat, and Steve—and then made you promise to stop by again and stay for longer than a day.
“We’ll make a real vacation of it, I assure you,” Thor promises Bucky who has taken a shine to you more enthusiastically than you thought he would.
Since you made your opinions on Loki clear, he’s been much more eager to speak with you and exchange ideas on more than just overlooking the troubled pasts of people desperate to make a change.
By one o’clock in the morning, Tony and Bruce are the only two left in the living room.
Bruce sits at the edge of the sofa, his glasses balanced at the end of his nose as he scrolls through large amounts of text and numbers on a sleek black tablet.
Tony has taken over the corner of the sectional, his phone pressed to his ear again as he yawns but resists sleep.
You hear him say Pepper’s name and a quick acknowledgement that he misses her when you decide that maybe it’s time to give them their privacy.
You rise slowly, Thor back in the main common room where you’d all eaten dinner, talking to Loki or Hilde on his own phone to keep up with what’s happening back home.
Bruce notices, not as invested in his reading as you’d thought.
“I think I’m gonna head to bed.” You admit, gesturing over your shoulder towards the other room.
“Oh, okay. Have a good night. I think Tony has breakfast set up for eight o’clock tomorrow morning so, the others will be back by then. I think?”
Bruce turns towards Tony who has his legs folded up on the seat, his hand combing through the back of his head as a sappy grin overtakes his face.
“Hey, breakfast at eight, right? Tomorrow morning?” Bruce asks, reaching over to place his hand on the seat of the sofa to attempt and get his attention.
“Hold on, Pep, there’s some weird old man trying to ask me something. I think if I ignore him long enough, he’ll leave me alone.” Tony mutters, loud enough for everyone to hear but muffled enough to make it clear that you’re not supposed to.
From the other end of the phone, you hear a clearly amused female voice speak back, “Be nice. He’s trying to be accommodating for Thor’s wife.”
He throws his hand back towards Bruce and waves his hand at him in clear dismissal.
Bruce sighs and gives you an apologetic smile, but you’re smiling from ear to ear.
“Sorry. Just to be safe, we’ll say eight o’clock.”
“Thanks, Bruce. For the tour and everything.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Bruce nods.
“Good night. Good night, Tony.” You call at him pointedly.
Tony makes a point to look back at you, fixing you with a buttery smile, “Goodnight, Cherub.”
You scoff, laughing a little, but give them a wave and move into the common room.
Thor’s back is tense, and it makes you worry.
Despite the conversation you’d overheard in the kitchen, you’re more confident now than before that Thor is devoted to you.
Because it’s in his touch. It’s in his gaze. It’s in the way he pulls you into his side when the others teased you about now being obligated to be an Avenger and the consequent terror that filled your eyes.
“A jest, my sweet.” Thor had whispered, then chuckled with the others.
He’d promised to tell you about this threat when the two of you were alone, but you’re so exhausted and as much as you want to go over and demand he fill you in now, you turn down the long hallway and pass two or three doorways before you reach the bedrooms.
The first door on the left is Thor’s and you slip in quietly, hoping not to interrupt Thor’s phone call.
It’s toasty warm inside. You peel off your clothes and despite wanting to just snuggle into bed, you make your way into the bathroom and the deep tub is long and wide enough for two people.
You flip on the shower instead, the water burning hot and as it glides down along your skin it summons goosebumps as the cold is chased away.
You hadn’t realized how chilly the compound is until now, and wonder if the Avengers are just hot natured. It would be weird for all of them to be like that, but if the ones with powers are like Thor, then maybe they all run a little hotter?
A tickle around your arms, just above your elbows, coaxes your eyes back open.
You hadn’t even realized you were falling asleep. Looking down you see two sets of large familiar fingers.
The hands they’re attached to turn you around and pull you close until Thor’s lips press down against yours, pushing you even further into peaceful bliss.
He opens his mouth wide, coaxing your own to respond as his tongue delves hungrily into your mouth.
You’re slow to respond, so tired but eager and pleased with the affection.
Thor’s knee nudges against the inner part of your thigh and you take a step, but he catches it as you do, and he lifts it up against his hip.
Water rains down along your naked bodies and Thor slides into you slowly.
You moan, low and sweet. Quiet and pleased but lazy.
“Thor…” You whimper, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he dips down to nibble at your throat.
He pumps in and out so deliciously slow that the stretch of him pulls an orgasm from you quickly.
You’re so sensitive at the moment. You go limp in his arms, and he adjusts to support your body as you relax while he continues to push into you.
He rests your back against the shower wall, hips pulled against his as he fucks you slow. Watching him thrust into you, hips rolling slow, is perfection.
You caress the side of his face and he pulls back to look at you before he kisses you sweetly.
It all feels like a dream, and as he speeds up, you shut your eyes and you’re sent off with another wave of pleasure.
The morning is toasty. Large warmth wrapped around you.
You twist where he holds you, straining to look at his face which you know like the back of your hand by now. No eyepatch, you reach up to trace the edges of his missing eye.
He croons and curls into your touch, the space gets red and itchy sometimes from wearing the patch all day.
This feeling, this soft glow in your chest, the way it aches and makes you feel like you could fly is something you didn’t know to expect from your marriage.
This iridescence, this shine that grows from your very center to entangle itself around you and Thor.
“Sleep longer,” Thor whispers, his voice deep and gravelly with sleep.
He pulls you closer, large hands splayed against your back as he rubs it several times up and down.
It almost does lure you back to sleep but you force your eyes open.
“We have to go down for breakfast. Everyone will be waiting.”
“Mmmmmm,” Thor protests.
No, he’s straight up whining. Tightening his hold, you groan as he squeezes. Any harder and he’ll crack your back.
“Thor,” You insist, and after a bit he opens his eye and peeks at your face before shutting it again.
“I do not appreciate early mornings when I am supposed to be enjoying uninterrupted time with my new wife.”
“You’re the one that brought us here!” The chuckle that slips through your lips is unintentional, but he’s so cute all pouty.
“It doesn’t matter,” He frowns, “I am King. Things should go my way.”
“Well, excuse me Your Majesty. Should I go tell the Avengers that they need to reschedule breakfast until you’re ready to wake up?”
“Yes,” When you start to move, he shoots up, tackling you to the bed and pinning your arms over your head as you laugh. “Wait, I don’t want you to leave the bed.”
“How the hell else am I supposed to go tell them then?”
“I suppose we can’t make them wait. I am so glad that we’ve still got a few days left to spend at your home. I want to make sure we go back to the palace with my child firmly planted in your womb.” He gushes and even though the words aren’t exactly dirty, it’s got your core throbbing and aching for more of what you think happened last night.
“Did we make love last night?” You really don’t know if it was just a dream or not.
It was all so sleepy, the memory like smoke. It could very well have been a wet dream.
“Don’t you remember?”
“Kinda. I was so tired.”
The amused curve of Thor’s lips give you the confirmation you need, “Yes, you were very tired. I had to catch you after your second climax. You fell asleep just as I also reached mine.”
“I don’t remember,” You confess, trying hard to remember what happened after your eyes shut.
You vaguely remember feeling supportive hands on the back of your head and back.
The soft mattress of his bed supporting you as he placed you on it?
“I’m not allowed to get drunk or to get really tired around you anymore. I hate not remembering my nights with you.”
He settles down on top of you, keeping his weight light and balanced on his side. His hands he brings down along your arms until he has his right cupping the left side of your head while his left hand finds its usual spot on your hip.
“I quite enjoy it when you can’t keep your eyes open. You sang for me on our wedding night.”
His reminder makes you groan and you turn away from him but he catches your lips in a kiss before you can turn away fully.
Thor gives you a good morning. A very good morning.
You both shuffle out into the common room where you’d had dinner last night with wide smiles, playful chuckling, and completely satisfied.
Both of you are so into what the other is saying or doing with their hands that you don’t really hear the murmur of conversation by the long table.
“When we get back, we should break in that bench in your backyard.” Thor whispers.
“Are you joking? That thing is gonna leave so many marks on my body. No way.”
“Come on, I’ll put a blanket, and you can be on top.” He presses his lips right up against your ear as he seduces you, but you’re stronger than that...maybe.
“Mmm, that’s really tempting there, Your Majesty,” you tease, reaching up to tug on his ear until he meets your lips in a quick peck.
It’s noisy and it smacks. So loud in fact, that you two finally notice the way the murmur of voices has disappeared and turned into silence.
Both of you stop, searching ahead for what might have caused the sudden death of conversation and at first don’t see anything.
Well, you don’t see anything.
“Good morning, everyone. What’s-is everything okay?” You ask, finding Steve’s face as he stands with his arms crossed across his chest, looking at you and Thor with his chin tucked in a bit.
He looks pensive and worried.
A quick look at Natasha and Wanda tells you that they’re worried for you for some reason. Both of them sitting at the edge of their seats.
Beside you, Thor has gone stiff.
“Thor?” You look at him, not sure why and search his face to see if there might be a clue but his eye is lasered in across the room and you follow his gaze.
You’re still not quite certain what he sees until movement on the furthest seat of the table draws your attention to a small brunette, with peachy skin, rosy cheeks, and bright brown eyes.
She’s so nervous that she’s almost clumsy, pushing her long hair over her shoulder, her lips quivering into a smile and then back into a straight line several times before they settle into a teeny uncertain curve of her lips.
Pink lips. Not chapped. Perfectly proportioned so that both lips are the exact same thickness.
“Jane…” Thor says, almost like it’s a realization.
“Oh,” Your voice is more timid than you expected it to come out if you ever came face to face with this woman. “That’s Jane.”
You’re suddenly really sad you never Googled her so that you’d at least have been prepared for the absolute petite beauty that she is.
Thor’s head whips towards you and he blinks, mouth opening as he searches for the words.
“I-we-er-I mean...This-this is my wife,” He introduces you breathlessly.
Clearly seeing her has caught him by as much surprise as you. Maybe more.
“Queen of Asgard,” he gives her your full name.
In Asgardian tradition, since Thor doesn’t technically have a last name in the traditional sense like humans do, you’ve kept your own.
“Right,” Jane shuts her eyes, claps her hands gently then nods slowly. “Right, of course. You’re King now! RIght. Your Majesties.”
Her greeting is simple and she even gives a quick somewhat off balance curtsy, probably from her nerves.
“Oh, that’s-”
Thor takes your hand, pulling you just a smidge more into his side, cutting off your protest to her curtsy.
“Thank you for that,” Thor tells her, nodding once. “None of these rascals bothered to bow to my new Queen.”
There’s something odd about Thor’s voice that you’ve never heard before. An anger. Subdued rage. Surprise too. His own sprinkle of nerves thrown in there as well.
You steal a glance up at his face and find a tightness around his eyes as he then drops your hand to slip it around your shoulders.
“What are you doing here?” He asks her, and the Avengers take this as their cue to rise from their spots and move into the living room or the kitchen.
Jane comes around the table, stopping a few feet away from the two of you.
Their eyes are locked on each other, her pretty browns and Thor’s one electric blue.
The silence, though it lasts only a quick three seconds, is endless. Instantly you’re an intruder and you spot Bruce peeking from the kitchen. He makes eye contact with you and there’s a beckoning from him, a promise of safety and sanctuary in this super fucked situation you find yourself in and you pull out from Thor’s arm and nearly scamper into the kitchen but a large hand wraps around your wrist gently, pulling to stop you from moving.
“Where are you going?” Thor’s face has softened, all tension leaving his beautiful face as he steps towards you to close the distance between your bodies.
It’s still respectful, a good two feet between you as opposed to the narrow six inches he’s kept you in all week.
Something tells you that he’s also keeping you at arms’ length because Jane is right there and it’s only been at most, two weeks since he ended things with her.
“I was going to give you two some space.” You whisper, though Jane is literally right there, so she can hear you.
“Oh, you don’t have to-” She starts, but Thor cuts her off, almost as if he can’t hear her.
“You do not have to give us space, cherub. You are right where you should be, at my side.” Thor doesn’t bother to whisper, but it’s clear in the volume of his voice that his words are meant only for you.
“It feels weird…” You whisper more quietly that it makes Thor move closer and lean his head down.
“It shouldn’t,” He reaches up to stroke your cheek, and you can’t help but peek at Jane.
She’s watching the two of you, her eyes darting away and back and away again, a fleeting look of confusion on her pretty face.
You reach around Thor’s side and give his side a little pinch to bring his attention back to Jane.
“She’s waiting,” you inform him, and flick your head in her direction before turning to face her again, planting yourself beside Thor just as he wants.
“Right,” Thor agrees, then wraps his arm right back around your shoulders. “What brings you to the compound, Jane? I can’t imagine anything would get you out of the desert with what you showed me last time I was there.”
Your heart gives an upsetting lurch at the reminder to Thor’s and Tony’s conversation last night, but you simply lean into Thor’s side some more, pushing down your insecurities for now.
“Yeah, um...I was in the lab when a weird energy spike completely threw off my sensors. It fried my stabilizer. So, I checked with NASA and UNOOSA, CNSA, SUPARCO, and a whole bunch of other contacts at various space agencies around the world and all of them also had similar readings. Not as strong, but they all swear that they don’t have anything in orbit or out in that quadrant. Given the strength of the surge, I contacted Tony to let him know so that he could get word to you but then he told me that you’d be here this week for a day, so I...I decided to stop by and tell you myself.”
She smiles, just a quick awkward little thing, at you and then at Thor.
Thor’s mind processes what she just told him as quickly as it can while you steal a glance at the kitchen again where Tony is peeking out this time.
“To be fair, I didn’t know you were going to be so nice.” He tells you, unapologetic that his words will reach all ears in all three rooms.
He quickly ducks out when you frown at him, leaving Bruce peeking out behind him who then panics and also pulls himself back out of sight.
What you can infer from his words is that he’d invited her to come when he’d known that you and Thor would be on your honeymoon in an attempt to get them back together?
As you look back to Jane who stands there staring at Thor with those stupid big brown eyes, you wonder if she knew Tony’s plans and that’s why she’s here.
“What’s the trajectory of the energy you found? What’s it heading towards?” Thor wonders, taking a half step forward, dropping his arm from your shoulders.
Your mind goes into a sudden frenzy as you, like him, put two and two together quickly.
“The threat?” You guess, stepping away from him but also moving around so that you can look at him and speak a little more face-to-face with him and Jane too.
You’d completely forgotten about the damn threat! You’d been so seduced and tired last night that you passed out. Then Thor woke you up so sweetly with more seduction that you’ve put the secret threat Thor has been trying to hide from you out of your mind.
His furrowed brow, large biceps bulging as he crosses his arms across his chest, betray his guilt at having kept it from you. But the two of you know that you have no time to dwell on petty arguments, so you table the argument you’d planned on having last night for another time.
“Could that be it?” You push, looking to Jane who looks a little confused by the tension in both your and Thor’s bodies.
“It might be.”
“What threat?” Jane wonders.
“What’s the matter, Cherub? What’s got you all worried?” Tony shuffles over, probably having heard the bit about the threat.
You give him a quick glance before you look at Jane, “What kind of energy reading was it? Cosmic? Solar? Celestial?”
All of the Avengers who had begun to make their way back into the common room for breakfast along with Thor, Tony, and Jane stop to look at you, several of them with mouths open and in complete surprise.
The silence is deafening, pressing in on you from every direction. Thor takes a step towards you and seems to be the only one unphased by your question.
“I don’t know that Jane would be able to determine the type of energy at this distance.” And yet, he turns to look at her once he’s spoken. “Jane?”
She blinks, still completely in shock by your knowledge, “Uh, I might be able to find a way to determine...how do you know about-?”
“As soon as Thor formally asked me to marry him I started to make a list of things that would probably be good to know in my position. Loki helped me um…” Wait, shoot...maybe you shouldn’t be so open with them?
“The weird sister helped you what?” Tony asks, casual disdain in his voice for the younger Asgardian prince.
You frown at him.
“Nevermind.” You cross your arms across your chest and sit down on the seat right behind you.
“He didn’t mean that, cherub.” Thor cuts in, moving towards you he pulls the seat beside you out to sit down, facing you. “Isn’t that right, Stark?”
“No.” You frown, really not liking the way some of them seem to really hate Loki.
Part of you knows that you can’t blame them. Loki did a lot of bad the last time he was here for an extended period of time.
He killed a lot of people and wreaked havoc on New York. They have every right to be angry at him. Even though you know this, you can’t find yourself letting them get away with their open hatred for him in front of you.
Thor looks at Tony with a pleading, his large hands on your knees as he strokes your legs softly to try and soothe you.
You see Tony roll his eyes from the corner of your own and with a silent exasperated sigh, he throws his hands out in front of him to physically push away his words.
“Alright, you’re right. I’m sorry. He’s made amends, right? He’s spent the time since he came back doing right by those people that he hurt. You’re right.” The longer Tony speaks, the more it looks like it physically hurts him to say sorry.
“Wait, you actually like Loki?” Jane asks, her smile in slight disbelief.
“Didn’t he save your life before?” You throw at her, having heard all about her infection by the Aether and how she’d helped Thor save many worlds.
It’s intimidating and not a story you’d easily forget.
At the time, you’d wondered how you’re ever going to compare to that. She’s helped Thor save Earth twice. What can you do?
Your words have the desired effect, and she quickly deflates as you meet Thor’s eye and sigh slowly.
“They don’t mean anything by it, cherub,” Thor promises, his voice soft and gentle and soothing.
You see the way Jane’s head twists in your direction at his pet name for you but he reaches up to take hold of your chin and turn your face towards his.
“Loki is lucky to have your loyalty.” He praises, looking genuinely happy about it too, but the smile leaves quickly in favor of his curiosity. “But how did you learn about different types of energy?”
“Loki hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. mainframe when I told him that I wasn’t sure that I was up for the task of being Queen and wife of an Avenger since I knew almost nothing about anything. I-I did a lot of reading.” You admit, heart in arrest as you gauge everyone’s reaction to Loki’s deceit. “But he only did it because I was crying and really worried and I was almost having a straight up panic attack, and he wanted to help so he offered me a place to learn and I couldn’t-I didn’t have it in me to say no even when he told me how he was going to get me the info so if you’re going to blame anyone, blame me because I was feeling so inadequate and he was just trying to make me feel better.”
Once again, the room is left in silence, save for Thor who smiles at you and reaches around to grab the back of your neck and give it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s alright. We’re not angry. Any of us, right?” As he looks around at everyone, they all nod quickly, giving you reassuring smiles save for Tony who has his arms crossed over his chest now, hand covering his mouth as he shakes with silent laughter.
“You’re angry?” You ask him, and he startles slightly when he realizes you’re talking to him.
“Me? Oh, no. No, I’m not. I just can’t wait to tell Fury that Loki hacked into his servers.” Tony bursts into laughter and has to turn away from all of you and move back into the kitchen to get a hold of himself.
“I’m sorry.” You repeat, reaching down to take hold of Thor’s hand, “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me, love. Never.” He smiles at you, then pulls you down to kiss your forehead before rising and moving to stand behind you. “Can you get to work on detecting the type of energy it was that destroyed your instruments?”
Jane straightens up out of her slouched pouting as she realizes that he’s talking to her, “Yes. I can. That’s kind of why I came here, to get some help from Bruce. It could also be gamma, so I wanted to consult with him before I made any decisions.”
Bruce lumbers forward between Nat and Bucky, waving Jane over, “We can go now? I don’t exactly have an appetite at the moment. If you don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” Jane shakes her head and moves for him as he turns to lead the way.
Before she can get too far, she stops and turns to look at you and Thor as he moves back to take his seat next to you, your hands pulled up to his lips.
“Uh, congrats again, both of you,” With a firm nod, she turns and leaves you all to your breakfast.
“We don’t have to cut our honeymoon short?”
“Definitely not.” Thor frowns, “I would quit my job as King of Asgard if we had to end our private time.”
You smile, despite the pit in your stomach, “You can’t quit, silly.”
“I can. Loki would be more than happy to take over.”
“Well, I won’t let you quit. You’re an amazing King.”
“You’re my wife. You are clearly biased in my favor. I can’t believe a word you say.”
You chuckle at his playful banter, but after a few seconds, your worry for the people of your kingdom takes over.
“But really, Thor. If the threat coming is the same thing that destroyed Jane’s equipment, shouldn’t we go home and, I don’t know, deal with it?”
Thor breathes in deep, considering your words as he finishes pulling off his armor, tossing the last piece onto his red cape leaving him in a plain dark shirt and pants.
In a clear attempt to distract you, he rolls up the sleeves to his elbows, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a distraction.
“I already have Sif and Hilde working on it. Loki is managing things with the palace, beefing up security for when we get there and until Tony and Bruce can come and make their own modifications.”
“Then we can enjoy our last four days?”
“Enjoy them?!” Thor moves to you, slipping his hand down around the waist of your skirt where it intertwines with the lower piece and with a firm tug, he rips through the fabric leaving only the bodice.
You gasp, hand pressed to your chest as you laugh in surprise.
“I’m going to impregnate you in the next four days if it’s the last thing I do.”
Oh my.
“No, turn around for me cherub, so I can finish ripping this dress off of you.” He coaxes you around and leans down to press a kiss to your back, then rips down the back of your bodice with more firm tugs that shake your body.
His lips trail open mouthed kisses down the side of your neck, hands gripping the flesh of your thighs with a possessive squeeze.
Despite your worries, it doesn’t seem like seeing Jane has affected his desire for you in any way. Somehow you’d never believed his devotion to you, until now.
With meeting Jane now that you’re married out of the way, and Thor’s cock still solid as he rutts into you from behind as he strips you, you feel a lot more secure in the emotions and passion you’re able to summon from him.
Almost like he knows you need it, “Tell me you love me, cherub.”
How can he doubt it?
“I love you, puppy.” It just slips out and Thor freezes.
You panic, turning to look at him because you hadn’t meant to say it, and it was something you’d just been calling him in your head in secret because of that look he gives you when he’s begging you to give in for whatever he wants in the moment.
“I’m-” He cuts you off, smashing his mouth down onto you, open wide as he delves into you, tasting you, tongue searching and coaxing.
“Mmmph,” You whimper, wrapping your arms around him to grip the back of his shirt tight.
He suddenly tosses you back onto your bed, pulling his shirt over his head and then shoving his pants down before he grabs your ankles and pulls you towards the edge. With wide splayed out hands he pushes your thighs open and settles between them, two fingers run up along your slick slit making you quiver.
“Tell me again,” he orders, voice so deep you feel it in your toes.
“I love you, pu-AH!”
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the-hidden-writer · 3 years
And Into The Fire
Chapter 6: Robo-bonding
Summary: Months after the Mitchells saved the world, Linda gets a phone call asking if she’s seen two defective Pal MAX bots. Powerful people are after Eric and Deborabot 5000, and it’s up to the Mitchells to protect them.
Check reblogs for AO3 link!
Rick usually loved the sound of crickets at night. On camping trips, he’d make it his mission to get his family to sit outside and appreciate them for at least one night. Truly, the aura of peace and serenity they brought was unmatched.
But now, he’d give anything for them to shut up and stop adding to the awkward atmosphere.
It was their first stop after a full day’s worth of driving. The route to Silicon Valley would take at least two days and the Mitchells had decided to break the journey.
Usually they’d stop at a motel for the night, but ever since they’d technically been harboring fugitives that was no longer an option. Or at least that was the case for the moment, since Rick was happy to leave the bots in the car overnight as long as they were both awake and feeling responsible.
His wife and son were currently in the backseat together, curled up closely against one another as they slept. Monchi was snoring away on his back beside them. Rick had quickly pulled out his camera and snagged a quick photo of the heartwarming sight.
They’d put Eric (actually, Deborahbot had since he was much too heavy for any of them to lift) into the trunk. Deborahbot himself had sat in silence next to his robot friend for most of that first stretch of the journey. He’d only spoken when Linda had asked him directly if he was alright, and once again when the family were saying goodnight to each other.
But when it was clear that Deborahbot wasn’t going to sleep (or go into rest-mode or whatever those robots did) when everyone else was, Rick had listened to his inner Linda and asked him to join him in the front.
Even without his wife’s guidance, Rick knew deep down that it wasn’t healthy to not take a break from watching his brother like a hawk.
So that’s where they were. Rick sitting in the driver’s seat, Deborah sitting in the passenger’s seat, and between them only the crickets had something to say.
“So, uh,” Rick eventually began in a low voice, knowing that the android wouldn’t start a conversation himself, “this is all kinda sudden.”
Deborahbot didn’t reply.
“...Right.” Rick was at a genuine loss for words. He’d obviously talked to the bots before, but never really talked to them. They came as a pair and were always sort of doing their own thing. You could guide them and give them instructions and stuff, sure, but they only really got into deep conversations with each other or maybe sometimes Linda. And even then, it was Eric that tended to do most of the talking.
“It must be hard, huh?”
Deborahbot did not lower his voice when he replied. “What do you mean?”
“SHHH!” Rick pointed at his sleeping family.
Deborahbot 5000 hung his head slightly. “Apologies, Mother’s Husband.”
“No no, you’re good.” Rick wished he’d stop calling him that, though he couldn’t think of an alternative.
“But I mean, um…” he continued. “You bots never leave each other’s side. It must be tough with him gone.”
“But he is not gone.” Deborah said. “He is in the trunk.”
Rick sighed. “That’s not what I…”
The problem with robots is that they weren’t great with picking up on subtext. But to be fair, neither were the Mitchell family.
“Still, you’re worried, right? About him? Heck, even I’m worried and I barely know you guys. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. If you do... feel.”
There was a short pause. Rick had never realised that robots needed thinking time. Or maybe it was just a defective robot thing.
“I am worried about us, yes.”
“Aw shoot I totally forgot they’re after you too!” Rick exclaimed quietly. “Have you had any more attacks since, or..?”
Deborahbot turned his head to face forward before answering. As far as Rick could tell, he didn’t have any cameras on the side of his head so the gesture must have just been for dramatic effect. “Not since this morning. Now that my brother is turned off, they can access him without resistance.”
Deborah said it so casually that Rick almost missed the implication of the words.
“Wait, wait wait wait, hold on,” he said as he shuffled to face Deborahbot better, “what does that mean? You mean they can still get to him when he’s like this? They’re, what, doing stuff to him as we speak?”
“Yes.” Deborahbot answered bluntly.
This was bad. All this time, Rick had assumed that the reason Eric was switched off was to stop Pal Labs from hacking him (or whatever the technical term was). But if that just made it easier for them…
“So then why are we even doing this?” He asked, his voice raising a little. “If he’s just gonna get mind-controlled anyway, why are we taking you guys right to them?!”
Deborahbot’s head turned to face him again. “We are going to ask them to stop.” He said it firmly but there was an edge of doubt creeping into his voice.
“But that was to stop them before they took over Eric, wasn’t it? What if they can’t change back what they’ve already done or something? It might already be too late- I don’t know how this works!”
“Wh-What if…” Deborahbot’s voice was barely audible.
“Yeah, man, what if?!” Rick whispered angrily. “You should’ve thought about this beforehand! We should’ve thought about it before we went along with this spontaneous plan!”
“What if…”
It was then that Rick realised what he’d said and who he’d said it to.
“Oh, Deborah, I-”
“What if they delete his memory?” Deborahbot started to speak faster. “What if they reset him? What if they fix him? What if they break him completely? What if-”
This was a mistake. Rick shouldn’t have brought it up, or at least not in front of the poor android. The two were like twins, practically joined at the hip, and were so childish at times that catastrophizing in front of one of them regarding the other was probably the worst thing he could've done. Even though his own concerns about Eric were very real and genuine, Deborahbot didn’t need to hear them.
It had taken 18 years to start getting things right with Katie. He wanted to have another chance to get it right with the bots.
“Listen, that’s not what’s happening.” Rick said, putting a lot of effort into sounding as convincing as possible. “They probably just want you guys back. But once we get there and show ‘em you’re harmless, they’ll let you go! Don’t listen to what I said, you know how I get angry for no reason, haha.”
Deborahbot seemed to think it over. Sometimes, Rick wished that they had proper faces so that he could gauge their expressions properly. It would make his life a lot easier.
At some point during that conversation, the crickets had stopped chirping. He hadn’t even noticed.
“...Do you really think so, Mother’s Husband?”
Rick smiled reassuringly. “‘Course I do, Deb.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes. Rick sincerely hoped that he’d mended the pit of fear he’d opened within Deborahbot. It was funny, the rift that had once been between him and Katie was caused by technology. Now he was trying to fix a rift with a piece of technology itself.
Deborahbot seemed content to just sit in silence like that for the rest of the night, but Rick wanted to get some sleep.
He nodded toward the trunk. “Hey, you might wanna get some rest. Don’t stay up all night thinking about this.”
“Ah ah, no buts.” Rick waggled his finger. “That’s an order.”
Dangit, for a moment there it had felt so much like he was talking to another human being that he’d completely forgotten to mind his language. He didn’t want it to seem like he was forcing him.
Deborahbot had already opened the door to move back into the trunk with Eric. "Goodnight, Mother's Husband."
“Deborah! Before you go-” Deborah stopped mid-motion to listen to him- “maybe cut it out with the whole ‘Mother’s Husband’ thing.”
Rick couldn’t believe he was about to do this. It was a step that Linda wanted him to take but he’d never quite felt ready for. But the bots needed family now more than ever, and who else was going to give it to them?
“Just call me ‘Dad’.”
Deborahbot cocked his head for a second (long enough for Rick to consider backtracking) before he exited the car and stood up straight.
“Goodnight, Dad.”
Comments make my day! :)
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hereticalmother · 3 years
[personals can reblog! This is general game analysis and not RP specific.]
Outlast 2 makes it very clear that there are parallels between Blake's past abuser, Father Loutermilch, and his current abuser, Val. But, what I find more interesting are the parallels between Blake himself and Val. 
She's symbolic of Blake's past trauma, but not only of Loutermilch; she's simultaneously Loutermilch, Blake himself, and Blake's guilt and self loathing as a result of his abuse. She's symbolic of every person involved and of the emotions Blake felt both at the time and now looking back on it. 
I think a large part of what makes her such an effective antagonist to Blake is how much she mirrors him. Val is what Blake could've turned into, and what Loutermilch tried to convince him that he was. 
[continued under the cut]
Blake and Val are both very driven by their past trauma, which, in both cases, stems from being groomed by religious leaders. 
Blake saw his teacher, Father Loutermilch, murder his childhood best friend, Jessica, after months (if not years) of sexual abuse. Val was ordered by the leader of the cult she had been raised in to murder her adopted children. 
I think it's easy for people to say that Blake witnessed a murder while Val committed a murder, but Val's situation isn't so black and white. Val does a lot of bad things that are absolutely her own choice, but I don't think the deaths of her children can be included. She truly had no other choice. She was forced. Her life was at stake, as were the lives of her other children.
She could kill them quickly and as painlessly as she could, continue taking care of her living children despite the fear that she may be ordered to kill them next, or refuse. Refusal would mean someone else would kill them, not quickly, not painlessly, and that she would no longer be around to care for the others (who may be killed prematurely as a result of that, or even killed just to punish her.) There was no option that could save their lives. 
In both cases, their trauma revolved around the death of a child/loved one at the hands of a religious leader that they had always been taught to trust. Following the deaths, they were made to believe that they were responsible for these deaths and that they were perverse, sinful, people for their involvement. 
This brings us to the differences in their situations. Blake was a child, and knew only to trust teachers. He had options, to tell his parents, to tell the police, but was made to believe that he didn't; that no one would believe him, that, if anyone found out, he would get in trouble rather than Loutermilch.
Val was an adult (for the worst of her trauma; though, arguably, her upbringing was traumatic as well.) But, she was also led to believe that there was no one she could turn to and that she wasn't allowed to speak out against Papa Knoth. That if she did, she would be the one in trouble, not him. However, born and raised within a cult, it was true. There was no law enforcement, no government, no one in charge of her but Knoth and no one with the authority to punish him for his crimes or to protect her.
Blake and Val were both left to feel completely powerless and alone and at the mercy of the authority figures abusing them, and were set up to take the blame for what these authority figures had done.
Additionally, Loutermilch’s dialogue towards Blake, such as “did I interrupt something between you two?” and the tone that he says it in, implies that there’s something sexual going on between Blake and Jessica (though there isn’t, and Loutermilch knows that there isn’t.) He tries to confuse Blake into thinking that Blake is doing something perverse and wrong, even before the murder. He tries to convince Blake that, if Blake were to tell anyone the whole story, Blake would end up sounding like the pervert. 
This is where Val, again, embodies Blake's fears for himself. She is sexually motivated and sexually aggressive. She doesn't prey on children the way Loutermilch did, but she doesn't need to; what's important to her character is that she preys on men like Blake. She is shameless and selfish in her wants. Blake, after years of Catholic school and guilt, struggles to tell the difference; Is any sexual urge perverse and shameful? Is he a bad person for them? Val is certainly a bad person for hers, and where does the line lie? 
He knows he isn't as bad as Val, but how far away is he? How many mistakes can he make before they're identical? Covering up the murder of a child for his own selfish (in his own opinion) reasons is a pretty big mistake to start with; he has a head start on the path to being a terrible person. Val, coupled with the flashbacks from the towers, gives him too much to think about, too much self doubt.
But, while there's similarities between the two of them, the differences are what separate them into protagonist and antagonist. They had similar trauma, but opposite reactions to the trauma. They both felt overwhelming guilt and shame, both from the situation itself and from the things told to them by authority figures, but they both chose to respond to that shame in different ways. 
Blake feels as though he has to prove people wrong; he has to prove that it wasn’t his fault, that he isn’t a bad person, but deep down he doesn’t believe it. He’s on edge that he’s going to slip up and everyone is going to know what kind of person he really is. Especially during the events of Outlast 2, Blake feels as though if he can save others (Anna Lee, Lynn, their child,) that it will make up for his inability to save Jessica. He has hope that he can still be a good person and a hero.
But, suffering comes along with this optimism. He isn’t content, isn’t happy in the moment; he’s looking towards an unachievable future in which he can undo what’s been done. He isn’t happy with himself or his surroundings and won’t be until that future goal is reached. He feels as though he’s missing a piece of himself due to his trauma and he’s forever searching for it.
Val, meanwhile, feels as though she’s too far gone. There isn’t a way of proving people wrong or a point in doing so. When any little misstep means you’re irredeemable and betraying god himself, what chance of forgiveness is there for the things that she’s done? She believes that nothing she does could be worse than what she’s already done, so what’s the point in trying? Plus, the messages of what is good and what is evil has been so warped for her. People she’s trusted have told her that god wants her to do evil things, that she’s evil for not doing them. She has no one who’s moral guidance she can trust and no one who will judge her through an unbiased lens. 
With being in a lose/lose situation comes freedom. Val is happy with her life because Val does the things she wants to do; no shame, no judgement, no guilt. Other people’s opinions of her have been so conflicting and so harsh that they’ve become meaningless. She knows other people won’t ever approve of her or her actions, and so she lives only for herself. 
At the end of the day, this is what Val preaches. More importantly, she sees the similarities between Blake, in game, and herself, years previous. She remembers feeling ashamed and searching for the right answers. She’s found that the right answer is to accept that there is no right answer. That acting on impulse, acting on what makes you feel good, brings so much more joy than stressing over what’s morally right or what other people want you to do. 
She sees Blake suffering in such a familiar way and she knows how she saved herself; she knows she can save him, too, if she can open his eyes to the truth. Though Val’s actions towards Blake are horrendous, they’re merciful from Val’s perspective. She wants him to see what she sees. She wants him to push past the wall of his trauma and come out the other side stronger for it, as she did. She wants him to just give in to his urges, without any concern to what’s proper or acceptable in the eyes of god. She believes that if he tries, just once, to act without guilt and shame holding him back, he’ll get addicted to the freedom the way she has. 
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kjhmyg · 4 years
rough edges pt. 5 (m)
pairing: jungkook | (f) reader genre: college!au, badboy!jk warnings: mentions of drugs, implied sex, cursing, violence, alcohol, drinking word count: 10K
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / part 5 / 6
author’s note: hello everyone, i know there are lots of things going on in the world right now. i hope that my writing can provide, for those of you who need it, some form of temporary escapism. at the same time i have reblogged posts with info on how you can help if you wish to. anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter i’m sorry for taking so long heh. love u guys!
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Students bustle about the lawn, heading in different directions towards the booths that line the footpath. You’ve spent most of your day manning the track and field booth, handing out flyers to freshmen. Up until ten minutes ago, it wasn’t too bad. But as morning classes end, the area starts to fill up with the second years and above, probably with the excitement of having freshmen around. You try your best not to get pushed around as you scan the area for your boyfriend. 
“He’s all the way on the other side.” Sunhee says, having observed you for a while. “You know, where all the other frats are.”
“Oh.” You sigh. “Do you think I could slip away for a while? You have enough people here.” 
Sunhee looks around and thinks about it. Along with the two of you, other members are present as well, making sure all areas of the booth are covered. “But I wanna come with.” She pouts, knowing full well she can’t leave the booth, being in charge for today’s event.
“Ugh. Fine. But don’t be long.” She gives in, handing you a stack of flyers. “Pass these out while you’re there.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
“I’m coming with!” Hana chimes in, standing from where she was seated on the grass. She grabs you by the wrist and makes a run for it before Sunhee can object and you slow down to a stop when you’re far enough, giggling as you catch your breath. 
You scan the area again, keeping a lookout for familiar faces. Hana shakes her head. “You look like a kid about to meet her favourite rockstar at a concert.” 
“Shut up. I miss him.” You mutter, shoving flyers carelessly to people as you pass them by.
“You saw each other this morning. And last night.” She adds. You pause and look at her from the corner of your eye. “I heard you.” 
“You did?” She waves her hand, dismissing the apology that’s about to come out of your mouth. “I’m so sorry. We’ll keep it down next time.” 
“There’s no going back.” She sighs. “You’re whipped.” 
“Am not.” 
“Right.” She nodded, a smirk on her face. 
“Just because I miss him all the time doesn’t mean I’m whipped.” You defend yourself, though you realise how that doesn’t help your case.
“Alright, alright.” She resigns. She takes on a more serious tone right after. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.” 
“Sounds serious. What is it?” When you stop in your tracks, she urges you to carry on walking, checking her surroundings before speaking. 
“So I’ve been hearing lots of rumours recently...something about a faculty member involved with drugs.”
“What?” You stop again and she pulls you along. 
“I’m not sure who started the rumour or how true it is.” She looks at the ground as she speaks. “But I thought you’d wanna know. You know, cause…”
“Yeah.” She gives you a sympathetic smile. “I mean, there’s a chance it could be false.” 
“Could be.” You get lost in your thoughts. If the rumour is true, why would Jungkook risk dealing with a staff member? 
“Anyway,” Hana flings her arm over your shoulder. “Let’s just find him so you can exchange saliva and then we can get back to the booth before the other members realise we’re gone.” You pinch her side at the subtle remark she thought you would miss.
Soon you reach the area where guys and girls are on separate sides, making the most noise to attract future pledges. You try to ignore the obnoxious yelling, walking past the booths until you find the one with faces you recognise. A big grin appears on your face when you see him. 
You squeeze past groups of people in your way to get to him. He stands by his booth with a couple of girls from Eta Iota. They laugh at whatever he says and he revels in the attention he’s getting, as apparent from his big smile and creased eyes. But their conversation is cut short when he looks up and notices you, body suddenly on autopilot as he excuses himself and walks away from the girls, over to you instead. 
He engulfs you in a big hug. You ignore looks from the girls as they disperse. “I was just walking around. Thought I would drop by your booth.”
“Huh.” Hana interjects. “She practically begged to be able to leave so she could come see you.” 
“Shut up.” She bolts off before you can try and reach for her. 
Jungkook lifts your chin towards him and presses his lips onto yours in a slow, gentle kiss. The fabric of his shirt bunches up in your fists. He tastes so sweet. You just can’t get enough of each other. You almost lose yourself in the kiss till the sound of someone clearing their throat brings you back. 
“Keep it PG guys, we’re still on campus.” Jimin says, arms folded with a look of disgust on his face. 
Jungkook’s lips glisten with saliva and you lick your own lips at the sight of it. So pretty and tempting. But heat creeps up your cheeks when you remember where you’re in the middle of an event with hundreds of students around you.
“Hey Jimin.” You greet him properly when you finally remove yourself from Jungkook. His hand remains on your waist. But Jimin’s eyes are no longer on you. A group of girls huddled around the sorority booth behind you has his attention for now. 
“Did you come all the way here just for me?” You turn your attention back to Jungkook. Of course you did and he knows it. 
“No.” You avoid his eyes. “I was just walking by and I saw you.” 
“What a coincidence then.” He taps the tip of your nose and your lips form a tiny pout. 
“Hey,” Hana appears next to you again, holding a little gift bag with a cookie inside and the Eta Iota logo plastered in the middle. “Maybe we should pledge. They seem kinda cool.” 
Jungkook snorts, earning questioning looks from the two of you. “What? You guys aren’t really the sorority type.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask.
“Well you know,” he fidgets. “Sororities do a lot socialising. And fun things. Not that you guys aren’t fun or anything. You are⎯ But you’re different⎯ You’re cool⎯”
“Smooth.” Jimin comments. “Anyway, I fully support this. If you join them, we'll get to spend more time together. We’re close with Etas."
"Oh. I'm out then." Hana says with a playful smile and Jungkook notes the way Jimin’s falter. 
“In case you change your mind, next week is rush week. So we’ll probably be hosting some parties.” Jimin says. “You guys should come. Get a feel of the greek life.” 
Jungkook’s phone vibrates just then and he pulls away from you after checking the screen. “I gotta take this.” He says, walking some steps away. 
“Speaking of which, are you guys coming tonight?” Jimin asks, turning your attention back to him. 
“For what?” 
“Jungkook didn’t tell you?” 
You look over at him, back turned to you. “Nope. You guys having a party tonight?”
Jimin calls out to Taehyung. He jogs over from where he’s standing and looks as happy to see you as he always is. “Hello!” He hugs you first and nods towards Hana, then goes back to Jimin’s side. “What’s up?”
“You didn’t invite them for tonight?”
“Oh of course you guys are invited!” He grins. “It’s my birthday party. We’re gonna head to the club that just opened downtown and have some drinks. Join us!” 
“Your birthday?” You squint. “Wasn’t your birthday four months ago?”
“Yeah but I didn’t get to celebrate it with you guys.” He shrugs. “Come out and have fun with us okay?” 
Taehyung beams, the excitement on his face apparent. Jungkook comes back shoving his phone away quickly. With a hand on your elbow, he pulls you aside. “I gotta go, I’ll call you later okay?” He pinches your cheek when you frown.
“You’re leaving?”
“There’s something I gotta take care of.” He grabs his bag, stored under the table at their booth. Surely, he isn’t going to work? You think it’s better if you don’t ask. “Love you.” He says, pressing his lips to your forehead before going on his way. 
“Where the hell are you going?” Jimin yells, when he realises this. 
Jungkook turns, walking backwards with a smile on his face. “Something came up, sorry!” His apology gets lost among the sea of people he disappears into, and you only manage to catch a glimpse of him running across the lawn as he goes. Jimin groans, walking off to complain to the others. 
“Is Jungkook coming tonight?” You ask Taehyung, walking back to him.
“Dunno. He knows about it. Not sure if he’d come though.” Taehyung shrugs, then walks back to his booth as he waves to the two of you. “See you later!” 
“See you.” You say. Your shoulders slump as you let out a sigh. When you turn to Hana, she gives you a comforting smile and hooks her arm over your shoulder again, offering you her cookie. 
You: you coming to celebrate Tae’s birthday tonight?
Jungkook: nah. 
You: I’ll be there 
You: don’t you wanna see me :(
Jungkook: i’ll pick you up after?
You: [IMG_0394.jpg]
Jungkook: what the fuck
Jungkook: is that what you’re wearing
You: idk how to act in this dress. You better be there to make sure I behave. 
Jungkook: are you doing this on purpose
You: yes
You: so i’ll see you there?
Your last message was sent five hours ago. Read, yet not replied. Sitting in the car you’re sharing with Jimin and the others, you check the chat once again just in case. “Bet you two shots of tequila he won’t show up,” Jimin whispers, leaning in close. You narrow your eyes at him. Hana called shotgun and is in the passenger’s seat while Taehyung drives. Unfortunately, you’re stuck at the back, in the middle seat no less because the middle seat makes me dizzy, said Jimin back at the house.
“You trying to get drunk quick huh?” 
“No, I’m trying to get you drunk.” 
“He’ll be there.” The confidence you attempt to display only has half its effect as Jimin rolls his eyes and looks away. 
Your attention turns back to your screen, waiting till the screen goes black. Turning to your left, where Hoseok is, you realise he’s already staring. You only manage a small, pressed smile before looking elsewhere, wondering if he had seen your messages too. 
“Has he said anything yet?” Suga asks directly into Jungkook’s ear. 
Jungkook maintains his composure. Judging by the smile on Mr. Kim’s face, it’s not so bad. At least he hopes so. “Well, he hasn’t said anything bad.” They exchange glances then turn back to their boss, sitting in the VIP section of the club on the second floor, designed for a little privacy or whatever the booths and translucent curtains can offer. 
They stand by the glass barrier which overlooks the dancefloor. It’s a good spot which allows them to keep an eye on the club while staying at a distance. Much less people up here too, which means more room to breathe. Suga rests his hands on the railing, looking down at the mass of people below. 
Jungkook taps his side urgently. Kim is getting ready to leave, gathering up his things and shaking the hands of his guests. A couple of ladies show them the way, down the stairs and out the back exit while their boss stays behind. Hands behind his back, he walks towards them with a satisfied smile on his face. 
“Pretty good.” He says. Jungkook and Suga nod respectfully. 
“The crowd should start to pick up soon.” 
“Oh I bet.” Kim chuckles. “If things go well, you can start bringing in the drugs earlier than planned.” 
He surveys the area for a while, walking to one end of the parapet and back to them. The wheels in his head seem to be turning but he doesn’t say much. Only a smile, before giving a rough pat on their shoulders. “I’ll be in touch.” His men walk in front as he follows along down the stairs and out the same exit as the others earlier. 
“I think that went well.” Suga grins and Jungkook snorts at the glee on his face. 
“You really got me all worried when you called.” Jungkook sighs, watching waiters and waitresses clear the empty booth. He joins Suga, resting his forearm on the barrier, eyes roaming the place. “We’re clear now. He probably won’t be back anytime soon. He rarely does spot-checks in person.”
“Didn’t you see the look on his face?” Suga wets his bottom lip. “I think he’s planning something.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know but be ready for anything.” His words are unsettling but Jungkook leaves it for now. Suga ruffles the back of Jungkook’s head like he does to a kid. “You can go now. I’ll handle things tonight.”
With a twist of his face Jungkook shakes his head. “I’ll stay for a while.” 
From the corner of his eye, Jungkook sees the slight surprise on Suga’s face. Usually, he’d jump at the chance to clock off early. Suga wonders if he’s finally going back to the old him. That is, until something, or someone, catches his eye. 
“Oh. I see why you wanna stay.”
He nods in the direction of the bar. A shimmery sky blue dress catches his eye. One that Jungkook recognises. 
“Oh this is nice,” your words insincere, “and loud.”
“It’s a club.” Jimin says, looking at you unbelievably. It’s been a while since you last stepped foot in one. Your hand is in his as he makes sure you don’t get separated from the group. Hana grabs on to your elbow as she follows behind. 
Finally reaching the bar, you find an empty spot, pulling Hana along with you. Among the crowd, you spot some people you know and some you don't; all of them friends of Taehyung. He then rushes over and wraps his arms around the three of you. “Just have fun tonight guys! Hoseok’s the designated driver so don’t be shy, drink up!!” He cheers, running back to where his other friends are, already downing some shots. 
“What’re you having?” Jimin asks. 
“Ooh, I’ll have⎯”
“Not you.” He tilts his head to the side. “You.”
You look behind you. Hana stares back blankly but you notice the tiny smile on her lips. She’s never been one to take interest in men like Jimin. He’s much too loud for her.
“Oh my god.” You laugh. “I’ll stay out of this.” You remove yourself from your spot and switch places with Hana. She gladly entertains Jimin, whispering to you that it’s only for tonight. 
You scan the shelves of bottles on display, hundreds of them, not making your choice any easier. You haven’t been to a club in a long time and the only way you would last the night in this atmosphere is if you had some alcohol in you. 
Someone slips in next to you, body brushing against yours as they squeeze between others. When a hand appears on your lower back however, you tense up. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all alone on a Friday night?” He says. Your grip his arm, wanting to push him away, until you spare him a glance. 
Mirroring the silly smile on his face, you shove his hand away anyway. “I’m not alone, I’m with my friends.” You point your thumb in the direction of the others behind you. 
“You look awfully lonely standing here while your friends are out there.” He gives you a once-over. “How about I keep you company?” 
“No thanks.” 
“Wanna go somewhere else? Somewhere with more privacy?” 
“I don’t think my boyfriend would like that.” 
He looks away to fight a smile forming. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” 
“Tempting...” With his back against the bar, he makes room for you between his legs and pulls you in. Your hands rest on his arm while he holds you by the waist. “You do look like the type I’d go for.” He’s distracted by the choice of lip gloss you have on, which seems to have a magnetic effect on his lips.
“Wow, you actually showed up.” Jimin hits his shoulder a little too hard and he glares at Jimin for ruining the moment yet again. “I guess I’ll have those two shots now.” He shrugs. 
“As if you weren’t going to have them anyway.” You roll your eyes as you watch him watch the bartender fix them up. He downs them in seconds, wincing as it burns but enjoying it nonetheless. 
“If you hadn’t shown up, she would’ve taken the shots.” Jimin lifts the empty glass in his hand as a toast. 
“Aw, that would’ve been fun.” Hana snickers. She turns to you. “I haven’t seen you drunk in a while. She’s a real gem when she’s drunk.” She directs the last part to Jungkook. 
“Oh I’ve had the pleasure of meeting that special lady.” Jungkook winks.
“Hey, no judging.” 
Hana raises her hands in surrender but she’s interrupted by Jimin’s hands snaking around her waist. You watch as they get into a squabble. The others have dispersed, most of them on the dance floor, Taehyung in the middle of it all. Watching him gets you stirred and you drag Jungkook with you through the dancing bodies. 
You find a spot in the centre and start swaying your hips against Jungkook. He keeps his hands on you as if to make sure every other person there knows you’re taken. With your back pressed against him, he leans down and captures your lips, tongue fighting for dominance as your hips grind against him. He has half a mind to take you right here in the middle of the floor. 
You turn abruptly to face him, disrupting his fantasy. “I know that look.” You say into his ear. “You pervert.” Those sultry eyes of his drops to your chest, openly ogling at your cleavage. Giggling, you push his face to the side and he laughs, kissing you again. You spend close to an hour dancing, or actually, grinding against him.
“I’m glad you’re here.” You say, back at the bar, thirsty from all the dancing. Your hands run up his chest. “I missed you.” 
Jungkook shakes his head. “I’ve spent every day with you in the past week. Every night too.” He winks and you play with his collar. “You still miss me?” You nod and he holds you closer, bringing his lips to your neck where it tickles and your shoulders raise as a reflex. 
“Well, look who’s here.” 
It’s a voice you recognise. And one you weren’t expecting but also glad to hear. Jungkook lifts his head up from you. Suga nods in your direction, looking at Jungkook for just a second, then back to you. 
“Hi.” You say. “You’re here too?” You look at Jungkook but his face is impossible to read. He doesn’t seem surprised nor does he look angry. He must have been with Suga before this. 
Suga ignores your question but tells Jungkook he’s needed somewhere. “They’re asking for you.” Is all he says and you feel Jungkook’s chest rise and fall in a sigh under your touch. 
“Be right back.” He says to you regretfully, kissing your cheek. Jungkook grabs Suga by the arm as he moves to take the place next to you. They share an awkward look before he says, “Keep an eye on her for me.”
“I’d be happy to.” He smiles playfully. 
Jungkook slides between bodies till he disappears in the crowd. With an elbow resting on the bar, there’s a hint of amusement in the way Suga looks at you. 
“What?” You ask. 
“Nothing. I just didn’t think you’d be the clubbing type.” 
You’re not offended, but the way he smiles makes you feel like you should be. The judgement that’s apparent on his face challenges you to prove him wrong. Even though of course, he’s right. He calls the bartender over and orders himself a vodka. The bartender’s hands get busy but she keeps her attention on you. “And for the pretty lady?” She asks.
“Oh my bad. Can I get you anything?” Suga asks. “We have iced tea.” 
You ignore him and order a shot of tequila, much to his surprise. “Coming right up.” The bartender says, as she fixes up the drink. Suga watches as you down a single shot and immediately orders another. 
“Is that all you’re having?” You nod to the vodka in front of him. You’re reaching for some cash in your purse when he stops you. 
“It’s on the house.” He says, downing his drink. “And yes, I’m not trying to get drunk tonight. I have work to do.”
“On the house? Work?” Your face scrunches up. “You work here?” 
“Work here?” Now he looks confused and slightly offended. “You don’t know? Jungkook and I run this place.” 
It hits you like a slap in the face and you wish the alcohol would start to kick in already so you wouldn’t just be staring at him in surprise. “I definitely did not know that.” 
“Oh. I’m sure there's a reason he didn’t tell you.” 
Though his face remains void of any emotion, you can’t ignore the bitterness in his tone. You hesitate before asking. “You don’t like me very much, do you?” 
“What makes you say that?” He looks elsewhere, suddenly finding interest in the people on the dance floor. 
You think over your choice of words carefully. Getting close to Suga has been your game play from the start. But with Jungkook always keeping you at a distance from him, it set you back. Once Suga trusts you, it’ll only get easier from there. Since Jungkook won’t be letting you into the world of his secret life anytime soon, the only way in is through someone he trusts. 
“We could be good friends you know.” You smile.
He waits for you to convince him, a doubtful look on his face. “Really? What could we possibly have in common?” 
“Have a drink with me and maybe you’ll find out.” 
You hold out a drink in front of him. Your cheerful demeanour makes it hard for him to say no, even though he thinks it might be the alcohol getting to you. Suga lets out an exasperated breath, and takes the glass from you.
Jungkook groans, kicking the door shut behind him. He tosses the book in his hand on the table, knocking over a bunch of stationery. What he thought was going to be a short call, ended up being a trip back down to the HQ just to double check the inventory. 
He’s just about to let his butt touch the seat when there’s a knock on the door. “Please don’t come in.” He begs.
It opens and he sighs. The music travels inside now that the door’s open and he massages the front of his head, feeling a headache coming in. “Hey. Someone wants to speak to the manager.” Suga says casually. 
“What? Why?” Jungkook shakes his head and turns to face him. “You talk to them then, you’re the manager too.” 
“No, she wants the other manager.” 
Jungkook frowns. Suga keeps the door open with his foot and reaches over to the side. Jungkook watches as he struggles with the other person. They resist and pull away but Suga easily gains control. Jungkook sighs, preparing himself for what’s to come. 
“Stop! I said, I only wanna speak to the other⎯” You stand by the door leaning against Suga while you try to maintain your balance. Your eyes go wide when you see Jungkook and he looks back at you, perplexed. 
“The other manager.” Suga finishes your sentence. 
“Oh hi.” You fix your hair and dress before making your way towards Jungkook, stumbling a few times until he meets you halfway. 
“Um. Hi.” Jungkook says. 
“She’s had a few drinks.” Suga informs him. 
“A few?!” Jungkook guides you to his desk. 
“Don’t look at me. It was her idea.” Yoongi raises his hands in a surrender and slowly backs off, closing the door before he leaves. 
“Shh! I have a complaint!” You fail to stand on your own, needing Jungkook’s hands on your arms to keep you upright. He backs up, sitting on the edge of his desk, holding on to you while you rest your entire weight on him.
“Do you now?” He lets you lean on his chest. When you lift your head, he pushes away the stray hair. “What is it?” 
“I’m upset! You left me.” 
He laughs quietly. “I’m sorry. I had to go check on something.” 
“And why didn’t you tell me about this club?” You say in a tiny voice, pouting. “Is it because I’m not cool enough? Cause that’s what the other manager thinks...”
“Suga?” Jungkook asks. 
“Yeah him.” Your tired eyes focus on something behind him while you mumble, face a little swollen. “We’re friends now, you know?”
“That’s nice. But don’t listen to him okay? You are cool. The coolest girlfriend ever.” Jungkook kisses your forehead and you break into a giddy smile.
“Really?” He nods. “Then why didn’t you tell me about this club?”
“Because I didn’t know what you would think about it. What if you hated it?” 
“Jeon Jungkook.” You stand up straight. Or try to, at least, holding on to his arms before your hands cup his face. “I would never. I will always support you. You got that?” 
He chuckles, holding you tight against him. “You’re adorable.” 
“Also!” You push away. Your eyes roam over his body and you drag your hand down his front. “It’s kinda sexy...you being a manager.” 
“There she is.” Jungkook laughs, being reminded of the Valentine’s situation. “I knew you were in there somewhere.” 
“She missed you.” 
“Aw, I miss her too.” His hand finds the back of your neck to guide your lips onto his. The shaky sigh that comes from you as he grabs a fistful of your hair to tug on makes him smile. You hike your leg up on his thigh, trying to get whatever friction you can get. The tight dress makes it hard for him to slip his hand under, so he grabs your thigh instead, digging into your skin. “This damn dress.” He mutters, lips on yours. 
“You don’t like it?” You ask innocently. “Maybe I should take it off⎯”
The door slams open and Suga comes back inside. You separate from Jungkook with a gasp but then groan when you realise it’s only him. It’s like the two of you are invisible as he moves around the table to collect his things from one of the drawers. “What?” He stops when he notices your stares. 
“Do you mind?” Jungkook asks.
“Yes actually I do.” His eyebrows raise. “This is a shared table. I don’t want your nasty fluids all over.” He gathers his belongings, and puts on his jacket. Glancing at Jungkook, he nods to the door, “Come on, let’s go. The guys can handle things tonight.”
Jungkook turns to you. “I’ll send you home okay?” 
“No! I wanna go with you.” You whine, hanging on to his neck for dear life. 
“Y/N,” he tries to reason, prying your hand off him. You don’t budge, only clinging on to him tighter. “Fine but. We’re going to Suga’s apartment. Are you sure you wanna come?” 
“Yes.” You say, muffled. 
“Okay then. Let’s go tell the others you’ll be with me.” 
The unfamiliar setting doesn’t bother you much, thanks to the alcohol. Jungkook comes out of the shower to find you on the floor, between the couch and the coffee table, laughing at something your new best friend is saying. He sighs however, looking at the drink in your hand. He jumps over the back of the couch and picks it out of your hand. 
“Hey!” You frown. “Give it back! We’re playing never have I ever.”
“Y/N, he’s not even drinking.” Jungkook speaks to you gently, hooking his hand under your arm to pull you up on the couch. “He’s just messing with you.” 
You turn to Suga for confirmation. That’s probably why his glass has been full since the start. “Maybe he just has never ever all the never have I evers.”
“Stop it.” Jungkook holds back a laugh as he warns Suga who’s laughing quietly, finally taking a sip of his drink. He helps you up and you get comfortable next to him on the couch. He had left you with Suga and a glass of water to sober up, but came back to the glass still full and an opened bottle of whiskey on the table.
“You smell nice.” You mumble, rubbing your head against him like a cat. “Gimme kiss.”
He complies, leaning down for chaste kisses that has you breaking into giggles. But it’s not enough. You yank him by the neck and let yourself fall back onto the couch. With a hand on the cushion behind you, he pulls away and the sticky sound of your lips separating makes Suga wince. “What are you doing?” He mutters. 
“Okay. Can we kiss inside?” Jungkook glances in Suga’s direction and you tilt your head back. His hands slide down your side to your hips, making sure your dress doesn’t ride up any further. 
Suga smiles, sipping on his drink. “Just pretend I’m not here.” 
You laugh but Jungkook sits back up, pulling you along with him. “I think I need a drink too.” He sighs, reaching for your glass of whiskey still sitting on the table. 
“What’s wrong?” You cup his head and speak to him like he’s a child. “Is everything okay?” 
“It’s been a long night.” 
“Aw.” You embrace him, giving him soft pats. “I’m sorry Kookie.” 
“Kookie.” Suga repeats, pressing his lips into a thin smile. Jungkook drops his face into his hand and groans.  He can’t even be mad at you, not with how you’re looking at him lovingly with soft, glossy eyes and a tender smile. 
“Hey Suga,” you look around the place, suddenly curious as the paint peeling off the walls distracts you. “Why is your place so...ugly.” 
“See?” Jungkook snickers, licking his lips after a sip of the whiskey. “I’ve been telling you to at least get the walls fixed or something.” 
“Look, why does it matter?” Suga sighs. “I’m only here to sleep, shower and sometimes eat. I’d rather save my money for something else.” 
“Are you rich?” You ask, leaning your head against Jungkook’s arm. “Can you buy me a pony?” 
Suga furrows his brows then glances at Jungkook. “Why would I buy you a pony?” 
“Why not?” You say in a soft voice. “I’ve always wanted one. If you’re a real friend you’d get me a pony…” 
Jungkook breaks into a laugh, shaking his head as he squeezes you, kissing the top of your head. “Sorry. She talks a lot when she’s drunk. She’s not normally like this though.”
“It’s cute.” Suga shrugs, looking at you. 
“The last time you were drunk you wanted a navel piercing.” Jungkook says to you. “The next day you almost cried when I said I���d bring you to the piercing shop to get one.” 
Jungkook sips more of the vodka. You think about what he said for a second. “I know...I actually have been thinking of getting nipple piercings instead.” 
Jungkook chokes on his drink, coughing and clearing his throat as Suga whistles at your confession. You look at them confused. “Okay.” Jungkook sets the glass down and stands. “You’re done. It’s time for bed.” 
“Bed? Oh, bed.” You wink dramatically, with a light tone to your voice. Suga shakes his head, feeling somewhat endeared by you. You are adorable, he'll give you that. He kinda prefers you drunk than sober though. Before you leave, you turn to him. “You’re not joining us?”
“What?” Jungkook hisses. “Of course he’s not joining us.”
“Are you inviting me for a three⎯”
“You wish.” Jungkook spits out, lifting you over his shoulder. Suga sighs, swinging his legs over the side of the armchair, muttering a soft “kinda do wish though” under his breath. 
The bed you’re sleeping on tonight isn’t any bigger than yours, but it is older and squeakier. It’s in a guest room which Jungkook has spent many nights in, although he prefers the couch. After a quick shower, Jungkook lets you wear one of his spare tees for you to go to bed in. The shower seemed to have calmed you down a little, though he can tell you’re still out of it. He lets you snuggle up in his arms. 
“You’re cute when you’re drunk,” Jungkook says, patting your head. “But you really shouldn’t drink so much. I just know you’re gonna regret it tomorrow.” 
“I just wanted Suga to like me.” You pout. “I thought it would help us bond.”
Jungkook chuckles. “He does like you. I know it.” 
“Really?” You blink up at him. 
“Yes baby.” Jungkook smiles reassuringly. “You did good.” 
You giggle, very obviously proud of yourself. You wish to talk more, but your eyelids feel so heavy. Jungkook notices this and kisses you on the forehead while his hand runs up and down your back.
“You’re not gonna remember any of the shit you said tonight, are you?” 
“Probably not.” You hum, “but I remember that I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You giggle and let out a sigh after a while. He thinks you’ve fallen asleep until you speak again. “My boyfriend would be very sad if he knew I said I love you to someone else.” 
“He’ll be okay.” 
“Will he?” Your voice goes soft. You clutch his shirt a little tighter, burying your face into him. “I hope so…”
Jungkook frowns. He figured you were messing around, but it seems like the alcohol and sleep has you sleep talking. “What do you mean?” 
“Lots of trouble...lots..drugs.” Jungkook stiffens, feeling his heart leap in his chest. “...and like...the detective...mess.” 
He remains silent for a while. It’s not like he thought you were unaware of it all. But what were you saying about a⎯ “Detective?” 
“What detective?” You mumble, slowly drifting away.
Jungkook shakes his head and lets out a breath. “Must be the alcohol. Get some sleep, baby.” Stroking your head, he kisses you goodnight. He tries to sleep himself but he finds it difficult, mind going back to what you said. He reaches under his pillow, careful not to wake you, sleeping on his arm.
Jungkook: i think we have a problem.
“Everything sucks when you have a hangover.” You groan, trying not to drool against the counter. Hana replaces the cold coffee in your cup with a fresh batch. She transfers a blueberry muffin from the glass display onto a plate and slides it over to you. 
“Ugh.” You wince, lifting your head off the table from the sound. 
“I told you it was a bad idea.” Hana says, wiping the counter. Thankfully, you don’t have a shift today. “Was it worth it though?”
“I think he trusts me now, kinda.” You take a small bite of the muffin. “He said bye to me when we left his apartment this morning.” 
Hana gives you a displeased look. “What?” 
“The point is that he stayed with me the entire night last night, let me stay over at his place and Jungkook isn’t trying to keep me away from him.” 
“Okay so,” she gestures, “now what?”
“Now...we wait.” You take a sip of the coffee in front of you.
Hana eyes you down curiously. She steps away to attend to a customer, giving you some time to think. When she comes back, she leans against the other side of the counter and presses her lips together. “I don’t like that look on your face. You’ve thought of something.” 
You check your surroundings. The usual customers are around, scattered across the cafe, absorbed in their own work. You speak softly. “I think I’m gonna try and join his crew.”
“Are you crazy?” Hana snaps at you. She keeps her voice hushed. “Y/N, these are dangerous people.” 
“I know but Jungkook will be there to protect me.” You say it, but you don’t even believe it yourself. Sure, Jungkook’s there. And he would protect you, but to what extent can he do that?
“No. You’re not doing this.” 
“Okay wait.” You breathe out, rubbing your aching temples. “Okay how about this, I’ll see if they’ll let me work at the club. As a bartender or something.” 
“Dude no. You already have a bartending job.” She gestures around her. “Here.” 
“Hana you’re making this difficult for me.”
“Me?!” She gasps. “You’re the one joining a syndicate when you’re supposed to be getting your boyfriend out of it.” 
“This is how I’ll get him out!”
“How?” She folds her arms. “Tell me. How will joining them help you get Jungkook out?”
“Um…” You bite your lip and answer in a soft voice. “I haven’t thought of that yet.”
She shakes her head. You hate it when she does that. You sit quietly and sulk, a frown apparent on your face. “You’re getting yourself into trouble.” 
“We all know Jungkook’s very sensitive when it comes to this. Maybe if I’m part of his circle, he’ll get more comfortable talking to me about it.” You convince yourself as you’re saying it. “And then it’ll be easier to convince him to leave.” 
Hana is silent, just watching you. She leans on her forearms against the counter, moving in closer to you. “I don’t know much about these kinds of groups but, I don’t think it’s that easy. You can’t just leave as an when you want to. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” 
You let her words sink in as she goes back to work. You have nothing to say because she’s probably right, it’s not going to be as easy as you make it out to be. There are many other factors to consider. It’s not a solid plan, but you stand by it, thinking it might be worth a shot once you figure things out. You just don’t know where to start. 
An alarm goes off on your phone and your jump in your seat. You’d set one as a reminder to head to the campus library. The sound worsens your already throbbing head while you pack your things and take the last few bites of your muffin. You follow up with the coffee and groan softly, feeling your tummy protest. A small burp follows.
“Excuse me.” You say, glancing at the man standing nearby, waiting for his drink. 
He smiles back and the first thing you notice are his dimples. “Hangover?” He asks.
“Yeah. Is it that obvious?” 
“Not to be rude but,” he leans in closer to whisper, “you look like crap.” He winks after, so you know he’s kidding. 
“You’re lucky I’m not on my shift today, otherwise you’d be getting something else with that coffee.” He raises a brow at your weak attack and you close your eyes, sighing. “Sorry. That was meant to be intimidating but...it sounded better in my head.” 
“I get it.” He nods, smiling. “Hangover.” 
“Right.” You stand from your seat and sling your backpack over your shoulder. Hana comes over and places the stranger’s coffee on the counter top before turning her attention to you. “I’m gonna go.” You say to her and she nods with a smile before going back to work. 
“And I’ll see you around Mr….” You tilt your head slightly, focusing on the name scribbled on his cup. “Namjoon.” 
He nods again with an amused smile as he watches you walk swiftly out the door. 
You check the time on your phone and slot the book in your hand back in its place. You’ve lost track of time in the Fiction section and Jungkook will be coming to get you in an hour. You speed walk over to the References section and start scanning for a specific book. The lack of sudden, loud noises in the library is pure bliss to you. You had taken an Aspirin a while back, still waiting for its effects to kick in.
You gasp a little too loudly and jump at the sudden intrusion of your space. Hoseok holds his hands out before him to show he means no harm. “What are you doing?” You hiss. “You scared me.” 
“Sorry.” He scratches the back of his head. “What a coincidence, running into you here.” 
A towel hangs over one shoulder and a duffel bag on the other. He’s dressed in jogger pants and a basketball tee. “Is it a coincidence?” You raise a brow, eyeing his outfit.
“Okay, I kinda just wanted to talk to you about something.” He admits. He recognised you from across the library where he was printing some documents. 
“Is it about Jungkook again?” You ask. 
“Kinda.” He shrugs. “I don’t know if you’ve heard but⎯” 
“Something about a staff member?” You cut him off and watch his face twist. 
“You knew?” 
“I’ve heard.” 
“And you’re not worried? Why would he do something so stupid?”
You tense up over his words and he notices this with the way your body changes.  “He’s not stupid. Okay? And it might not even be him. The rumour might not even be true,” 
“How would you know?” 
“I don’t. And neither do you. We don’t know anything.” You roll your eyes and turn to walk away, having had enough of him. He grabs your wrist to stop you. 
“You’re not gonna do anything?” He asks, making you even more annoyed.
“Hoseok, what are you doing about it?”
He watches you silently. 
“Exactly. I said I’ll handle it so let me handle it.” You say. “Besides, my plan is working already.” That’s a lie considering you don’t have much of that plan. 
“What plan? Getting drunk and flirting with his drug pusher friend?” 
Does he mean Suga? You’re livid. Is he actually judging you for what happened the night before? Hoseok senses the change in your demeanour yet again. But it’s too late to take it back. His eyes soften though it doesn’t do much to calm you down. “Are we done here?” 
You turn to leave and he calls for you once again. This time you only stand with your back to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m really worried. For Jungkook...for you.”
“Me?” You turn back around. “You don’t have to worry about me. Jungkook would never let anything happen to me.” 
The corners of his mouth twitch a little. “Fine. But I haven’t been able to reach my friend. I’m starting to think they got to him. I don’t even know if he’s still alive.” 
“Don’t say that. I’m sure he’s fine.” You say softly, feeling sympathetic towards him. He must be really worried. “Why don’t you call his office or something.”
“I can’t because I’m not supposed to know about this investigation in the first place, remember?” Hoseok sighs, running his hand through his hair. “Look, just be careful okay? And let me know if you need anything.” 
You nod. “I gotta go.” 
He doesn’t stop you this time and you rush out of there without the book you came here for. You’d come back tomorrow perhaps. Just as you reach the exit, you hear a whisper of your name. Give it up Hoseok! You think to yourself. You pick up speed and consider running off. That is until a hand slaps onto your shoulder and tugs on it.
“Slow down.” Sunhee whispers. She notices the look of trouble on your face. “Calm down. It’s just me. Not Hoseok.” 
Of course she would know. “You saw us?” 
“Yeah. I saw you, Hoseok, and the tension between you two.” She looks back and Hoseok’s no longer there. “So what was that all about?” 
“I don’t know.” You shrug, feigning ignorance. “He’s kinda weird.” 
She narrows her eyes at you but doesn’t push you any further. You ask for her company, just in case he comes back, knowing he’d never talk about anything in front of someone else.  As you walk around campus, you realise that almost everyone you come across along the way says hi to Sunhee. She really does know a lot of people. It’s no wonder she knows everyone’s business before they even know it themselves. 
A guy dressed in a black tee and jeans walks in your direction and you make a bet with yourself that he’d know Sunhee too. He gets closer and you smile to yourself as he nods to Sunhee, greeting her. But then he greets you too. “Hey Sunhee. Y/N.” 
“Oh. Hi.” Your reply comes late. It took you a while to register that he had just said your name. But you don’t know him. “Who was that?” You ask Sunhee.
“That guy? That’s Jae.” She says. You turn and watch his back as he walks down the hallway. 
“I don’t think I know him.” You try to remember if you may have been introduced to each other before. “How does he know my name?”
“Pretty sure anyone who knows Jungkook would know your name.” 
“Oh so he’s friends with Jungkook?” 
“You could say that.” She presses her lips together in a thin smile. 
You slow down. “Fine. Everyone knows Jae gets his supplies from Jungkook.” 
“Oh. It’s that kind of friendship…”
Sunhee leans in close, her wide eyes staring right at yours. “Rumour has it, he saw Jungkook selling some drugs to a faculty member.” 
Your heart leaps in your chest at the thought of it being true. It’s one thing for it to be a rumour, but this person has actually seen Jungkook in the act. You grab Sunhee’s arm urgently. “I need to talk to him.” 
Before she can utter a reply, you’re bolting off in the direction you came from, towards Jae. He hasn’t gone too far so it didn’t take long to catch up to him. Sunhee trails after you, calling out your name to get you to slow down. You only do so when you close up on him and with all the ruckus, he turns and stops, glancing at you with a confused look on his face. 
“What’s going on?” He asks carefully, eyes darting to Sunhee finally reaching your side. She catches her breath and glares at you unbelievably. 
“I need to ask you something.” You say gently. “It’s about Jungkook.” 
The mention of Jungkook’s name changes the look on his face. His tall, confident posture turns fidgety and anxious. “I don’t really know Jungkook.” He spits out before turning away hurriedly, pulling his cap down to cover his eyes. 
You move to stand in front of him. “You get your...prescriptions from him don’t you?” He gulps, looking around. The hallway is empty. But that doesn’t mean no one’s listening. “You’re not in trouble or anything. I just wanted to ask you about the rumour going around. Is it true?” 
“I don’t know, I didn’t start it.” He huffs.
“That’s not what I heard.” Your eyes move to Sunhee who stands behind him. He follows your gaze. 
Sunhee stares back blankly and shrugs, “What? That’s what I heard.”
Jae closes his eyes in defeat and sighs. “Let’s talk somewhere else.” He says, checking the empty hallway again. Then he leads you both down the hallway. He stops at a staircase just as the hallway ends, extending left and right into another one. As it just so happens, that’s where the staff rooms are. You would expect to more likely be in trouble if any faculty members overheard you, so why would he bring you here. 
He climbs up a few steps and takes a seat, resting his arms on his knees. “I didn’t start that rumour.” Is all he says. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Look, all I said was that I get my supplies from Jungkook.” He starts. “The rumour had already spread by then, about a staff member.” He keeps his voice low and you look around the corner every now and then to make sure no one is coming. “The thing is, it’s not that this guy gets his supply from students. He’s the supplier.”
Sunhee’s jaw drops like you’ve just promised her everything she’s ever wanted. “Are you serious? Oh my god.” She bites her lip and quietens down when you give her a look. 
“So where does Jungkook come in?” 
“When the word spread about this guy, a few guys who usually deal with me came and asked if this other guy is legit. Of course I told them I don’t know anything about it. I’ve only ever dealt with Jungkook.” He shrugs. “As far as I know, Jungkook’s the only supplier. It’s kinda weird that this guy suddenly pops out of nowhere. And since Jungkook’s been kinda missing in action lately, I guess a lot of his buyers assume he might be the one supplying the new guy to replace him.” 
“Jungkook’s been missing in action?” 
“Well not completely.” Jae says. He gets up and brushes the back of his jeans. “He’s been kinda slow on the orders. Maybe he’s busy.”
“Right.” You nod, trying to put together everything you just found out. 
“Speak of the devil. That’s him right there.” So that’s why he chose to speak to you here. Jae looks over your shoulder, and along the hallway lined with doors that are staff-only accessible, he struts down with a book in his hand and a cup of coffee in the other. 
“No way.” You whisper to yourself as you watch him. He enters the admin room, tapping a card on a small machine next to the door which unlocks it. You keep your eyes on the door, blinking away, wondering if your eyes were playing tricks on you. “That’s him?”
“That’s him.” Jae confirms. He slips between the two of you. “I gotta go now. I won’t get in trouble with Jungkook, will I?” 
“Of course not.” You reassure him, “I just wanted to know about the rumour and who started it.”
“Cool.” He nods. “You know, I’m loyal too. I never switched over cause I trust him.” 
“Good to know.” You say with a hint of amusement in your voice. “I’ll be sure to let him know you’re a big fan.” 
He only smiles before walking away, waving to the two of you. Before Sunhee can leave too, you grab on to her arm. “Keep whatever you heard today to yourself.” 
A soft whine is her response and she looks at you with puppy-dog eyes, silently pleading. You stand your ground. “Not even one person?” 
“Not even one person.” You hold out your pinky in front of her. “Promise.”
“Which part though, the Jungkook part or the new guy or⎯”
“All of it. No one has to know anything.” 
“Alright, alright.” She groans but hooks her pinky around yours and you tighten your grip. “I guess I won’t tell anyone. What’s this all about anyway?”
She raises a brow when you don’t reply. “It’s nothing. I can’t tell you.”
“You’re as mysterious as your boyfriend these days.” Can’t tell if it’s a compliment, seeing as how she’s narrowing her eyes as though she’d be able to read your mind if she tries hard enough. “Probably for the best, you know I can’t keep my mouth shut anyway.” 
“If you can keep this quiet, we’ll go for rush parties together.” There’s a sudden sparkle in her eye. Who you go with is crucial in determining what kind of night you’ll have. Being seen entering with the right people, means you’ll probably be making lots of new friends. And being seen with you, a girlfriend of someone in the host house, will lead to lots of new socialising opportunities for Sunhee.
“Deal.” Is all she says, no further bargaining. Her body turns in the direction you were headed earlier before Jae, “You coming?” 
“Um.” You look around the quiet hallway. “You know what, I'll just take this exit. Jungkook’s picking me up anyway.”
“Alright. See you next week.” She winks and heads off. 
You text Jungkook, to let him know where you’d be waiting for him. While you wait, you scan the long board display between doors. Pictures of staff members everywhere along with their names and designated roles underneath each photo. By the end of the entire row, you hadn’t found him. 
Past the glass display, full of trophies and medals from inter-college competitions, you find a board plastered with information on new extracurricular clubs. An acapella group, self-defense classes, poetry⎯ wait, self-defense classes. “Led by special instructor Kim Namjoon...” 
You hadn’t realised when he appeared behind you but his low sounding voice makes you jump. “Interested?” He chuckles when you make a squeaking sound. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“So you work here.” You say the obvious. 
“Yeah.” Now he’s looking at the flyer on the board. “Not to brag but, I designed this myself.” 
“It’s cute.” You nod. “Self-defense instructor and a flyer expert. Truly a jack of all trades.” 
He laughs then looks down at his feet as his hands sink into his pockets. He wears a brown checkered v-neck vest over a light blue shirt. To think this is the guy everyone’s talking about. The one dealing drugs. “Are you waiting for someone?” He asks, looking around.
“Yes, yeah, I better go wait by the exit, he’ll be here any minute.” You check your phone. 
“I’ll walk with you.” He offers. With his arm stretched forward, he gestures for you to walk with him. “Was on my way to get some fresh air anyway. How’s the hangover by the way?” 
“Oh much better, thanks.” You’re reminded of the lame attempt at a comeback at the cafe earlier and wince. “So how long have you been working here?”
“Not long.” He faces forward as he walks. “The school only confirmed my classes like a month ago.” 
“I see.” 
“Will you sign up?” 
“Oh I don’t know.” You shake your head and laugh dryly. “I have so much on my plate already.”
“Well if you ever wanna drop by one of the classes, just let me know.” 
“That’s nice of you, thank you.” You smile and once again you’re distracted by his dimples. “How’s the response though?”
“It’s great! I might have to split the class into three and have them on different days of the week.” 
“Wow, really?” You ask, surprised. “That good huh.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting this either, honestly.” 
He shrugs, still wearing that cute smile on his face. You actually wonder if Jae might have gotten it all wrong. Maybe it wasn’t Namjoon. Maybe it was someone else, someone other than this big, huggable guy beside you. “That’s great though, I’m happy for you.” 
Late afternoon sun rays kiss your skin as you step out the doors. Down the steps, you see a familiar figure sitting on his bike. As it is, you get a text from Jungkook just then, telling you he’s here. “Is that your friend?” 
“Yup. I better go.” You say, one foot already down the step. “I’ll see you around. Maybe I will drop by for one of your classes.” 
“Please do.” He grins and looks so painfully handsome. “Oh and, I haven’t gotten your name.” 
“See you y/n.” 
You trot down the steps and towards Jungkook who watches your little exchange. He removes his helmet to give you a kiss before handing over yours. “Who’s that?” He asks as you swing your leg over the pillion seat. You wrap your arms securely around his torso. 
“That’s Namjoon. We just met. He’s some self-defense instructor.”
Jungkook watches him not so subtly, hands on the handles but head twisted, burning holes in his direction. Namjoon doesn’t care too much for it. When you turn, he’s waving goodbye cheerfully. You wave back before turning to Jungkook. “What’s the matter? You know him?”
“So is it true?” A haughty voice fills the room as the door barges open with a kick. Jungkook keeps his back to its owner and continues sipping on his martini. Suga, sitting adjacent to him at the bar, turns in his chair. “Heard there’s a new guy in town. Have you finally lost your touch, Ace?”
Back at the headquarters in the early morning, the bar is empty save for the cleaners, picking up trash and wiping everything down. They had been called in by the lieutenant for a short meeting. Unfortunately, so had the other runners from another district. One who constantly makes it known that he hates them.
“Dude, why’re you so obsessed with him?” Suga asks calmly. They’re so used to Hongjun and his buddies running their mouths by now. 
Hongjun scoffs and the two other guys behind him laugh. “Obsessed? You wish.” He sneers. “I’m just concerned.”
“Worry about yourself.” Jungkook spits out without even sparing him a glance. 
“Are you kidding me?” Hongjun laughs dryly. “I’m so much better than you. Always have been.” 
The stool scrapes against the floor as Jungkook gets to his feet. He steps up to Hongjun, getting all up in his face. “And yet, you’re not the one they call Ace.” 
The scowl on Hongjun’s face says it all. His lips tremble with anger and he starts swinging Jungkook’s way. He lands a punch to Jungkook’s side and Jungkook retaliates with an uppercut to his nose. Staggering backwards into his friend, blood starts dripping down his nose. “You idiot! You⎯”
“What the fuck is going on.” Lieutenant Kyun appears, eyes moving from Suga to Jungkook, to Hongjun and his bloody nose, and back at Jungkook. Kyun is always calm. But dangerous. You never know what he’s thinking. “Explain.”
“I was returning the favour.” 
“You’ll pay for that!” Hongjun yells again. One of his guys slips behind the bar to get some ice and a towel. 
“Shut up.” His deep voice echoes through the empty room. “Stop acting like a bunch of kids. And you, stop whining, it's just a little blood.” 
Hongjun sinks into one of the chairs and sulks, holding up the towel-wrapped ice to his nose. Jungkook moves back to his seat, giving Suga a fist bump that doesn’t go unnoticed by the other guys. 
“First of all, you three.” He points to Hongjun and his friends. “You have a whole key of crack missing. Your numbers don’t tally, I don’t know how you guys missed this.” 
“What no, that’s impossible.” One of them says. 
“Either find it, or fix your numbers then.” Kyun says. “You know every little amount is evidence, if it lands in the wrong hands. Boss is not gonna be happy when he hears about this so I’m giving you guys three days to sort it out. Otherwise, it’s out of my hands.” 
Jungkook looks in their direction and gives a thumbs up with a smile on his face. The most genuine smile he’s ever given them probably. He gets the finger from all of them. 
“And you.” The focus is now on Jungkook. The smile is wiped from his face and he takes on his usual serious look. “What’s with the dip in your sales? You have a forty percent difference from previous months. This is ridiculous, honestly.” 
Some faint snickering comes from the other guys. Jungkook stays silent. “Come on, you know he’s being watched.” Suga says in defense. “He’s just trying to be careful.” 
“You can be careful and still do your job.” 
Jungkook has nothing to say. Besides, he thinks it’ll only make things worse. It’s best to get his ass chewed now and get it over with. Kyun checks his phone and a while later the bouncer steps in through the front door, someone behind him. “Sir, this man says he’s here to see you.” 
“Just in time.” He smiles for the first time that night. “Come, join us.” 
All eyes are on him as he steps out from behind the shadows and into the light. Suga and Jungkook watch him closely, observing the slick jacket he’s wearing above a tight tee, with tapered pants and his hair slicked back. He looks like another one of those businessmen they deal with. He exchanges handshakes with the lieutenant and the dimple on his face stands out as he smiles.
“Guys, this is our new recruit. RM.” Kyun says. He looks at Suga and Jungkook. “He was dispatched to your district. We wanted to see if he has what it takes. And so far, he’s doing well, for a rookie. You sure you haven’t done this before?”
“No sir.” The new guy says with a smile. He has a deep voice that rivals Kyun’s.
Hongjun is the first to get acquainted with him, offering a handshake with his non-bloody hand. “About time we had some fresh blood. What with how lazy some people are.” He emphasises on the lazy bit, subtly nodding his head in Jungkook’s direction. RM looks at Jungkook who stares back.
“That’s enough.” Kyun says. “Go out back and double check your numbers. Talking about lazy when you lose a whole key...” 
When the rest of the men are gone, Kyun turns to Suga and Jungkook. “He’ll be joining you from now on.” 
“No offense but,” Suga chuckles. “We’re a duo. We don’t need an extra guy.”
“No offense but you do. He’s the only reason the numbers in your district, which is under your supervision, is still steady.” Kyun says, wiping the smile on Suga’s face. “Before I let you guys off, RM I need a word with you.”
The two guys watch as he follows Kyun to a corner. They give each other a look of disapproval. Jungkook looks over at RM again, giving him a once over. 
“Now listen here,” Kyun says, keeping his voice low. He knows the other two are watching, so he speaks carefully. “I want you to keep an eye on Ace for me.”
“The kid?” RM asks, raising a brow. 
“He hasn’t been performing as well as of late. And he’s one of our best.” Kyun fakes a smile, pretending as if he’s saying something nice. “Just make sure there’s nothing we need to be worried about. He’s sharp, so don’t make it obvious. Update me weekly.”
“Done.” RM nods, returning the smile. Kyun gives him another handshake and a pat on the back.
“You okay?” Suga asks Jungkook, patting him reassuringly on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about him.”
Suga’s goes on saying some nasty things about RM but Jungkook tunes him out, only nodding as a response. He doesn’t tell Suga that he’s seen the new guy just earlier today. On those steps, with you.
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youarejesting · 3 years
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[Full Master List] [Mania Master List]
Beta: N/A Rating: Mature 18+ Pairing: BTS OT7 Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy, Omegaverse Words: 1.3k Blood types: Namjoon, Jhope, Jungkook, Yoongi (A) Taehyung (AB) Jin, Jimin and Yoongi (O) (Jimin in real life is an A blood type)
Summary: At eighteen everyone takes a blood test to find out their blood types. A, B, or O. Each blood type represents the person's secondary gender Alpha, Beta or Omega and can be Dominant (+) or Recessive (-). 
When small thin Yoongi receives his letter he doesn't expect A+. There was no way he was an Alpha especially not a dominant. But as time passes he shows no Alpha nor Omega tendencies and frankly he doesn't care. Working in his father's electrical business helps pay the bills but Yoongi's real passion is music. 
One very hot day in the roof space of a luxury apartment that Yoongi is rewiring an intoxicatingly pleasant smell churns his insides and he finds himself in need of something to quench his thirst.
[First] [Mania] [Next]
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Yoongi was guided by Seokjin's hands into an unfamiliar room, his heart beating out of his chest like it was trying to escape. Behind the haze of wanting to be mated, he cursed the stupid test. They said he was an alpha but they were wrong. They said he was going to be the one in control but it seemed he was the one losing complete control. Yoongi never groveled or begged but he could smell the faint alpha scent and more than that he just knew they were in the house. So he called for them. He cried out and pleaded for them to relieve the pain. He was scared.
“I want to go home!” He pleaded in a moment of clarity, he wanted the safety of his own room away from the unfamiliar scents and feelings. He wanted everything to stop, it was too much.
“See he doesn’t want to be here,” Jimin threw his arms up in the air exasperated, he turned to leave wanting this omega out of his territory as soon as possible, “I will send him home.”
Before he had the chance to leave the room, his exit was blocked by Seokjin who grabbed him  firmly, “If you open that door those alphas will barge in here, he is not in his right mind and he is scared. The Alphas in our band are not bad guys who would ever do something without consent,” Seokjin words came out harsh reprimanding the younger omega for being selfish, “don’t make them the bad guys here?”
“How do we help him?” Jimin sighed, "I am just confused why we are putting so much effort into protecting someone we don't even know." 
"I'm sorry," Yoongi's weak voice drifted towards them as feeble as a leaf fluttering in a gentle wind, destined to fall. Seokjin walked over, taking the Omega's hand and giving it a squeeze. Yoongi blinked through the ache in his abdomen and saw the older Omega dab the sweat from his face and reassure him that everything would be okay.
"Of course, Jimin is a kind-hearted person, and if he had seen you having your first heat he would help, but when it threatened his relationship with the Alpha’s, he grew a bit defensive." Seokjin said, "He knows deep down he wants to protect you and yet he just can't bring himself to open his hands or heart with fear of being betrayed. Omega’s and their Alphas are very territorial."
"I'm sorry," Yoongi repeatedly felt himself drift into a half conscious state, his eyes were too heavy to open and his body too heavy to move but his senses were still going strong.
“We will be here with you the whole time until your first heat passes,” Seokjin explained tiredly, getting some cool towels to help try to relive the heat.
The pain came in waves and they tried to get him to eat and drink when he plateaued between them, he had a few sips of water but it took a few waves for them to convince him to eat something only for him to bring it back up.
“He is in a lot of pain and he isn’t keeping anything down, so if we can’t calm him we will have to call an emergency doctor,” Seokjin expressed his concern and Yoongi knew if he had the strength to open his eyes this Omega's brows would be pressed together in worry. “It doesn’t look good at all?”
“I might have something that can help him calm down.” Jimin announced thoughtfully, before Yoongi heard the door open and shut. Jimin wasn't gone long or perhaps Yoongi had passed out at some point but the most pleasant of smells hit him. His eyes opened as clothes littered the bed and then the familiar spritz sound of a spray bottle. Yoongi felt his whole body relax, as pheromones filled the room lightly cutting though his haze with a thin blade of clarity. Jimin felt his body easy and the stress the three Omega's were holding seemed to melt away.
“Jimin, Thanks for helping?” Seokjin sighed as the scent hit him as well. The two Omega’s relaxed sitting comfortably on the bed around Yoongi. It took a lot more pills and pheromones before Yoongi’s heat began to weaken. By the time his heat had safely ended three days had passed. 
“How are you feeling?” Jimin smiled, laying beside him on the bed, somehow during the three days Yoongi had grown accustomed to Jimin's presence and he thought perhaps Jimin no longer felt threatened by his scent, maybe he could see him as a potential friend. 
Yoongi blushed, the two had spent each new morning talking about their favourite things, Yoongi confessed he loved making music, and Jimin asked to listen to some of his songs so finding some headphones the two shared them listening to some of Yoongi's favourite tracks. 
“These are really good,” Jimin enthused Yoongi still felt a little apprehensive about him, every smile felt more like fanservice. He didn't allow himself to dwell on these thoughts instead focusing on the pretty Omega beside him wiggling to the beat and enjoying Yoongi's fast and yet intricate raps. "I like this one a lot."
“You are just saying that, it’s definitely not as good as your music, that’s why I am an electrician and not a producer” Yoongi sat up stretching, he felt his muscles ache and his bones creaking. It was the first time he felt the strength to sit up and he could already hear his bed at home calling for him. 
Unsure about when he would be deemed safe enough to leave, he was leaving it up to the Omega's more accustomed to heats and pheromones. Seokjin poked his head inside with a funny expression that almost made Yoongi laugh. Yoongi thought of himself as a quiet person. He rarely ever smiled, but he found around his two newly acquired friends he was on the edge.
“What were you talking about?” Seokjin asked, brandishing a serving dish containing a few blueberry muffins, fresh fruit, saltines, and cheese cubes. "I didn't know what you would like but I knew you would be hungry.
“Thank you” Yoongi thanked the man sincerely before eating the muffin in mere seconds not realising how hungry he was from his heat. They laughed and Jimin began handing him more and more foods, seemingly happy to watch him eat.
“Jimin you are being creepy,” Seokjin said, almost warning him to back off.
“He is just excited to see me leave,” Yoongi said quietly, “I think you must be really popular Jimin, you are very pretty and have a lovely voice, from what I heard, you were singing to me every night when Seokjin fell asleep. I like your voice a lot. It is sweet.”
Jimin blushed at the compliment and froze, “I wasn’t trying to rush you to leave,” his voice was small, almost guilty like he was trying to deny it. “I like your songs, maybe we could collaborate on something.”
“Maybe, someday.” Yoongi stood up, and collected his things off the bedside, he looked at the two and nodded, “Thank you for taking care of me, and sorry that you had to take care of me.”
“It was no trouble at all, if you would like, I can drop you off at your house and make sure you get back safe.” Seokjin smiled, “Also I booked you in at a specialist as yours is a rather special case, the doctor is really good and will get you some medication that will suppress your heat and make things more bearable and ease to manage.”
Seokjin handed Yoongi a card after writing the appointment date on the back, Yoongi followed the two Omega's to their vehicle and they dropped him off with a wave.
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scribble-blog · 4 years
Soulmate AU part 3!!
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Side note, I’m a grandma in a 22 year old body who doesn’t understand technology. If somebody can teach me how to get readmores to work on tumblr mobile, and possibly how to start linking the posts together, I’d appreciate it!
Also, the taglist is now full! Though if people want, I could try doing a supplemental taglist? Either in a reblogged or in a separate post to notify you? Let me know in the replies!
Damian Wayne, as it turns out, is almost very certainly the son of Bruce Wayne, who sponsored their entire trip to Gotham. There are only two official pictures of him that are clear enough to truly check against, but Marinette sees the eyes and she nods. “That’s him.”
Trixx, Pollen, Kaalki, and Plagg are scattered about the bed, napping and lounging. Adrien also lounges, catlike and crosswise with the bed, entirely over the pillows at their back. Chloé holds the laptop that Marinette is hovering over, even from her seated position with her much smaller stature.
“It would be you,” Chloé snorts. “Oh, let’s just traipse over to America for a quick class visit! Oops, my soulmate is the incredibly handsome son of the incredibly wealthy man who invited us here!”
“Still more believable than you, Miss ‘My soulmate and I have literally been standing two feet from each other for weeks because not only do we have the exact same friends, but we’re part of the same superhero group and never realized until Ladybug allowed us to learn each other’s secret identities.’” Adrien doesn’t move as he calls her out, lazily curled into the warmth of his two friends and the pillows cocooning him.
“I don’t think any of us can speak,” Marinette groans. “I’m living a cheap rom com, Chloé’s got all the plot elements of a high budget Shakespearian drama, and Mr. ‘Didn’t know I wasn’t straight until my soulmate mark was a guys name” is straight out of a b movie comedy.”
“At least I got my act together pretty quickly once it occurred to me that I could like guys too,” Adrien points out. “And now Jon and I talk all the time, and he even comes to Paris sometimes to see me, or we’ll meet up for my occasional business trips in America. Which reminds me,” he pulled out his phone, sending off a quick text, “he wants to come meet you guys. Next week, while we’re all actually on the same continent.”
“Kudos to you for shaking off whatever Gabe tried to stuff your head full of,” Chloé says. “Took me ages to admit that I was gay, and that was even WITH my soulmark and both Marinette and Ladybug constantly in front of me.”
“Feeling pretty objectified,” Marinette protests.
“Oh shut it, I know for a fact that you’ve basically been the gay awakening crush of every not straight girl in our class. And several outside of it. And that’s not even counting all the dudes that fall in love with you.”
“I still object,” Marinette pouts at Chloé.
“Objection overruled.” Adrien sits up. “Marinette. You’re like, the perfect crush. They have a warning about you in the introductory packet for Mme. Bustier’s class.”
“They do not,” Marinette gasps, outraged. “I wrote that packet!”
“And then the class unanimously decided you were too dangerous to be walking around without a warning sign,” Chloé pinched her cheek. “If it makes you feel any better, it’s still in the packet despite Lila’s best efforts to get it thrown out.”
That does make Marinette feel better.
“Damian Wayne resurfaces after year of being believed dead,” Adrien reads from his phone. “Gotham’s Newest Wayne: The True Son! These all read like tabloids but as far as I can tell the Wayne’s don’t tolerate stuff like that. So I guess it’s true?”
“I’m tired of looking him up,” Marinette groans. “Can we just leave it be?”
“Nope,” Chloé pops the P. “Congrats, Dupain-Cheng, this is what friends are for.”
“I wish I could talk to Tikki about it,” Marinette sighs. “Especially because I have literally never heard anyone talk about that- electric feeling when we touched. Is it a Ladybug thing?”
Plagg opens one big green eye. “Cool it, Spots. It’s definitely a Ladybug thing. You’re literally the reason these marks exist.”
Marinette sticks her tongue out at the mini god. “I just miss her.”
“Join the club,” he grumbles, closing his eye and going back to napping.
“Good news,” Chloé says, bringing her attention back to the laptop. “Searching your name very easily leads to you, and our class, and the fact that we won the contest. So, unless he decides he’s not ready to meet you, you’ll have the chance to find him at the gala. Or at Wayne Enterprises. Or at any of the places the Wayne’s own, which is two-thirds of our trip destinations.”
“Oh god,” Marinette says. “What if he didn’t want to find me?”
Adrien, Chloé, and four Kwamis hit her at the same time, shoving her back into the bed.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Mari,” Adrien scolds her from his position atop the newly formed cuddle pile. “I saw his face too. If the boy isn’t already in love with you, he’ll be hunting you down just for the chance to fall.”
Trixx nuzzled into her side. “I may not be Tikki but all of us Kwamis know how incredible you are, Marinette.”
She sighed. “Alright guys, get off.”
Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Tim already knew who the girl was, because he’d been curious when his favorite artist had started talking about the source of his newest looks.
But having Damian demand his help in searching for everything he could find on her, and then only asking for the bare minimum of information about her trip itinerary- Tim wasn’t an idiot.
“So. She’s your soulmate.” Tim takes a sip of the coffee he’d been working on, making a face and instantly setting it back down when he realized it had gone cold.
Damian carefully did not change his expression, but it wasn’t fooling anyone. “And so what if she is?”
Tim looked back at the monitor. “So nothing. Congrats, Demon Spawn. I’m happy for you.”
He barely caught the edge of the scowl the younger Wayne tried to hide.
“Hey, no.” Tim spun his chair to face Damian. “Look, we’ve had our differences and disagreements-“
“You had me on the superhero equivalent of a terrorism watch list,” Damian interrupted.
“And you literally tried to kill me within the first day of meeting me.”
“A byproduct of my indoctrination from birth into a murder cult,” His brother kept his face still but the tone was wry.
“You kept trying to kill me.”
“I wasn’t trying to kill you!” Damian finally exclaimed, losing his collected demeanor. “Just-“
“Point being,” Tim stressed, “even if we haven’t always gotten along- haven’t ever, really- I’m still happy for you. Soulmates are a special thing. We all kind of thought you might not have one, with the way you always acted when Dick tried to ask.”
Damian forced down the immediate retort and looked at Tim. “I thought that maybe my dying would have prevented my name from showing up for them. And my teachings-“ he said the word with the inflection that meant he was discussing Assassin Upbringing rather than here- “were as such that most connections, be they familial, friendly, or romantic, were- unnecessary and even dangerous.” It felt tantamount to a betrayal of his younger self to confide anything in Drake like this, but... Damian really was, in many ways, a better and more mature person than the spoiled, aggressive, near sociopathic brat he’d arrived as seven years ago. He still kept the veneer of it up, but he was no longer the boy who needed to fight Drake to prove his worth as Bruce’s son.
Now he just waited for Drake to embarrass himself by passing out after staying up for far too long surviving on caffeine and energy drinks. Much easier.
And Drake didn’t ever seem as eager to blackmail and fight as Damian ever had, so he figured a small amount of vulnerability was a proper thank you for his discretion in finding Marinette.
Tim just took another grimacing sip of the cold coffee. “Man. In that case, even happier for you that you’re shrugging off yet another of the Child Assassin School’s upsetting and frankly terrible rules. Though as for the dying thing, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter as long as you don’t actively die now that you have the mark.”
Damian shrugged. “Irrelevant now, as I will not be dying anytime soon, and neither will she. And she clearly knows that we’re soulmates.”
“Still confused about that,” Tim frowned, looking back at him. “You said there was an electric current between you? Or it felt like that?”
Damian couldn’t stop his hand from twitching, the memory of it clear enough to feel. “Yes. I don’t understand it myself either.”
“I’ll search around. See if anything comes up.” Tim handed him a pile of papers. “Here, the info you wanted on her itinerary, plus things I thought would be pertinent without going over whatever line you seem to have drawn.”
Damian took them, and very begrudgingly said, “Thank you,” before ducking out of the room.
He waited until he was back in his own room before flicking through them, finding the trip schedule and the hotel rooms listed, the names of her class and teachers, and finally a list of her accomplishments and a copy of the paper that had won her class the trip, authored by her.
He read through it, noting the names of her classmates and their own community efforts, and the way her own section in the paper was minuscule compared to both each other persons section and the list of accomplishments Drake had drafted.
One classmate had, if no less written than than any other person, a distinctly different tone to what Marinette had written, and most of her community building and service events were merely echoes or assisting what another person had done. Damian shrugged it off, as there were sometimes people who simply tagged along, and never put their own effort out there. Followers, and not leaders.
All in all, he found himself more intrigued than ever about her.
@the-fusionist @rebecarojas07 @lowandco @kotaleartzu @resignedcatservant @alenee13 @mystery-5-5 @ladybug-182 @actual-disaster-human @loysydark @rumbelle18 @magic-miraculous @vixen-uchiha @athena452 @mochegato @ash-amg @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thestressmademedoit @sassakitty @doriebell @jessigurl-design @emotionalsupportginger @kceedraws @kuroko26 @moonystars14 @toodaloo-kangaroo @myazael @theatreandcomicfreak @mer-mel @dahjokester @northernbluetongue @area51qt @renscorpio @redscarlet95 @razzledazzle247 @rosep16 @tired-butterfly @catthhay @shamefullove @imanerddealwith @chaosace @captainmac6 @bigpicklebananatree @abrx2002 @cici-schnee @multplelifes @shreky-boi @purple-people-eaters-productions @crazylittlemunchkin @weird-pale-blonde-person
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Crimson Portrait (Seto Kaiba x Reader)
So as I said in my drabble a couple days ago, I’m wanting to write some short fics to get back into the swing of things and I wanted to gift said drabbles to some mutual I adore. Next on my list is @ohyema​ the top Vampire and Yugioh enthusiast on this site! I’m sure you’ve all seen her amazing art floating around already, but in case not please check out her stuff (and reblog the heck outta it!), the way she colors her pieces and adds dramatic flair is something I aspire to tbh <3 
For this fic I decided to spread my proverbial wings and write Seto for a change (don’t get used to this though, Kaiba fans, I’m still not a Kaiba stan lol) and I hope you enjoy our dark, mysterious blood thirsty, CEO ;)
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You gulped, eyes traveling up the metal and glass of the building as though counting each towering floor would make it any less intimidating. It wasn’t just the size, of course, it was the marble path spread out in front of the entry, it was the literal red carpet on the other side of doors- it was the gold etching and suited man around said doors! You found yourself clutching the portfolio case under your arm even tighter to your chest. Subtle lights brightened the edges of the building, though you were sure they were meant to make it shine like a beacon of wealth at night, rather than give it any cheer or levity. 
This was by far the fanciest place you had ever been and the doorman casting a glance at you made you tug at your clothes for probably the seventeenth time since heading here. The outfit was fine, you reminded yourself; professional, but simple. Nothing that would impede your movements and work, all while still being close enough to your true fashion to offer you some self assurance. And you needed every ounce of self assurance possible right now.
After taking in a long, deep breath and straightening your posture, you started for the door. Despite the high chance that he was suspicious of you, the doorman pulled on the finely crafted handle and allowed you entry with a polite bow, nothing less. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to acknowledge him, but you returned the silent respect automatically. Then again, it didn’t really matter if you broke etiquette, you weren’t the high-class that lived here anyway.
The lobby was just as fancy as the outside. Your shoes clicked on more marble floors, and rich colored walls wearing frames of fine art surrounded you. There was a large wooden desk to one side, and the receptionist behind it clocked you as a non-resident, because she instantly greeted you with a “can I help you, miss?”
“Um- yes! Yes, I’m here to visit Mr. Seto Kaiba?” you followed the claim with your name and silently praying that was all you needed. The only way you were getting passed the front desk was if Kaiba (or his assistant) left your name with the attendant.
With a polite smile plastered on her face, she nodded and typed something quick on a computer obscured by the large backing of the desk. “Ah yes, Mr. Kaiba is expecting you. Please take the center elevator, he’s on floor 40.”
She waved her hand to the other side of the lobby, where three elevators with doors as clean and reflective as new mirrors stood. You gave her a quick thank you before following her instructions. The inside of the elevators were just as polished, the metallic sides reflecting your image. 
As the floors passed by, you checked to make sure the journey here hadn’t ruffled your appearance any, tucking hairs back into place, swiping your hand over the pristine portfolio briefcase, tugging at your hems yet again. You almost jumped when the elevator dinged, announcing your arrival at the top floor. You waited a few heart beats, long enough to start worrying you had the wrong floor- until it finally slid open.
The apartment was dimly lit, all the ceiling lights set to a dull, intimate glow one might see in a fancy bar. Then a different wave of nerves overcome you, hopefully this guy didn’t have the wrong idea of what service you were providing. 
“Are you going to come in, or continue wasting my time?”
You did jump that time, especially with how impatient the deep rumble of a voice sounded. With hurried steps you entered the apartment and ventured down the short hallway, following the voice. The hallway quickly opened into an expansive room, a couch, coffee table, TV, and desk on one side, and a kitchen, breakfast bar, dining table, and wet bar on the other. On the living room side, where the desk’s back sat, there was a large floor-to-ceiling window, the curtains pulled back to reveal the spiderweb of city lights and life beyond. 
Of course, what really drew your attention was the man standing in front of the window.
He hadn’t turned from the view to look at you let alone greet you, hands tucked in his pockets as he watched the pulsing city life. He wore a white suit, with a blue button-up shirt and a dark blue tie, making for nice, clean lines for your portrait. Seto Kaiba. A household name in most countries, the secretive CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world who’s fame for innovation was only matched by his notorious hermit tendencies. He appeared on magazines often enough, but many pointed out that they were likely deliberate presentations to the world. Deliberate to alleviate rumors because, besides them, neither Kaiba nor his younger brother were ever seen out in public and even rather rarely in their own corporate buildings.
You weren’t exactly someone who bought into that celebrity gossip, but it was still rather surreal seeing him in person like this.
“You can set up on the other side of the desk,” he started, still not turning from the window. “This is the background I want, I expect you to be able to handle it considering the portraits on your online portfolio.”
You tried not to gulp, “Of course, but it may take me an extra session or two to get the details.”
“As long as it’s done before I return to Domino,” he answered in a drawl, then, finally turned to face you. He placed a slender hand on the back of the leather desk chair, and you quickly made yourself busy with setting up. 
You felt that nerve-wracking, almost burning sensation of eyes watching you, and you could just imagine the icy blue of the eyes, remembering how Kaiba’s gaze always pierced through the magazine covers and into the viewer. Instead of thinking of how hawk-like he was watching you, you focused on how challenging and fun it will be to capture that quality in your painting.
Once your blank canvas was set up and your tools were spread out, ready for use, you finally locked eyes with the man. “I’m ready when you are, Mr. Kaiba, please take whatever pose you feel most comfortable with.” You had to ignore the shiver that ran down your spine, especially when he held your gaze for a moment more before finally shifting his stance.
After some verbal redirecting so his pose looked the best and got the key parts of the cityscape behind him, you actually got started on the canvas. Tokyo Tower stood like a sentinel behind him, making for nice framing, and he was a natural at posing, of course choosing one that was strong and commanding to the onlookers. 
It was quiet as you worked, he wasn’t playing any music, nor offering any chitchat. It was only then that you realized just how alone you two were in the penthouse, didn’t rich dudes like him have platoons of bodyguards?
Within the free seconds you had between maping your piece, your mind wandered back to the rumors surrounding the Kaiba family and their reclusiveness. Tales of Kaiba insisting on specially tinted windows for all his buildings and never being seen in the light of day led to some interesting ones. Mostly conspiracies about him being the secret illegitimate son of royalty, and inheriting hemophilia from said parentage. Now, noting how pale he looked against the background of vibrant city lights, you could slightly understand buying into that rumor. 
Not only that, but, the more glances you took while working, the more you noticed just how...sickly the man looked. His cheeks were a bit sunken, made worse by the dark circles under his eyes And on top of that, there was a sore redness around his eyes that was seeming to get worse every time you peered passed your canvas. None of his magazine pictures ever showcased these...unwell qualities. He must just be tired, you decided, being a CEO likely didn’t allow for much sleep, and here he was posing for a portrait late at night.   
You were just finishing up his outline when you decided attempt conversation. If he didn’t like it he would just tell you to shut up, after all.
“I was actually pretty surprised when you hired me, most people don’t bother with traditional portraits any more.”
There was awhile of silence, where Kaiba’s eyes flickered towards you before staring off to the other side of the room again. Your were just taking the mental note not to try a conversation again, when-
“It was my brother’s idea. I always look ahead, and cut out traditions and old ways that no longer serve me. But, he made the point that there are some classics still worth something. Besides, improving things like canvas portraits with modern settings was appealing.”
You found yourself smiling and nodding along, “Yeah, I really like the idea of having the city in the background, it’ll make for a really unique piece!” 
After picking your next brush, you peered over to refresh your mental image of the scene, only to find him staring at you again. His expression was rather indecipherable, and though his eyes were almost hooded the rest of his features were as blank as an empty page. Your heart was practically beating in your ears as you stayed transfixed in his gaze, which you swore were actually hued in red now, instead of solid icy blue.
A sound similar to a squeak, and you finally broke the contact to flick your gaze down to the hand resting on the back of the desk chair. His fingers were a sickly white, seeming to have no blood in them as his nails dug into the leather with a grip so strong he might be on the verge of puncturing the fabric.
Feeling that nervous heat again you quickly averted your gaze back to the canvas, even going as far as to shuffle behind it just slightly as though you could hide.
That didn’t help, much like when you were setting up, you could feel his gaze burning into you. Maybe he was offended, upset that you stared back at him, but he had no right to judge considering he was staring first! Seriously what was with this guy?
You weren’t sure how much time passed after that, it felt like an eternity but you were sure it wasn’t much longer than a half hour or so. You only stole glances at him when you absolutely felt like you had to refresh your mental image of the scene before giving another stroke of the brush. You avoided any eye contact even then and managed to skim over his face only once, during which you noted any previous color in his cheeks had vanished completely, but that was beside the point. You were just telling your brain to stop conjuring up theory’s on why he looked so sick and biting your tongue to keep from asking if he was alright when-
“We’re done for the night, you can continue tomorrow.”
If the sudden dismissal wasn’t enough to snap your attention back to him, the heavy breath within the words was. Your eyes snapped up to Kaiba and before you even registered his movement you were jumping from a harsh thud! He had removed his hand from the chair so swiftly that it spun and thudded into the desk with enough force to crack furniture of a lesser quality. 
Now Kaiba was pacing around his desk, gaunt jaw clenched so tight he might very well chip a tooth. Not wanting to argue with someone who apparently had the mood swings of an angst-ridden teen, you planned to start packing up without a word. However, just as he passed the coffee table, Kaiba took in a sharp breath and doubled over so fast he barely caught himself on the glass top.
Empathy won in a heartbeat and before you could reconsider you were by his side saying a frantic, “Are you okay? Mr. Kaiba you look sick, should I call a-?”
The concerned questions died in your throat and so too did a scream when something too red and too luminous to be eyes flashed up at you. The next moment something was wrapping around the prison that held your words and scream. The third moment your back was slammed none too gently into a wall you could have sworn was half a room away and a body colder than any you had felt before was pressing into you.
Eyes wide, body held still with fear, all you could do was take in a few shallow breaths as Kaiba’s mouth hovered over your neck. One heart thundering in your ears, two heartbeats, three-
But nothing happened. 
The hand pressing into your clavicle hadn’t tightened, and the mouth hovering dangerously close had not moved in for the kill (proverbial or otherwise), rather, Kaiba’s body seemed to be as frozen as yours.
Or at least you thought it was. A moment later you finally registered that Kaiba was shaking. Not violently by any means, hell, it was barely notable, but he was definitely shaking, as if he was trying to keep sickly shivers from wracking his body. His other hand moved up to grip your upper arm then, and his fingers were tight but not quite painful as he held you there.
“I shouldn’t have kept our appointment.”
The words were so shocking to your reeling mind that you almost didn’t register them. They were said lowly, in something akin to a growl or rumble.
“I should have told you to get out the moment I-”
Something on the other side of the condo sounded, a ding you had heard when first arriving on the floor, and not a second later footsteps were thundering.
The youthful voice almost snapped you back to your sense enough to move, maybe even break free of his hold, but in that same moment  you felt something sharp graze the skin of your neck as Kaiba’s face turned to meet the newcomer.
Thankfully your recovered control wasn’t needed, as the moment Kaiba locked sites on the newcomer, he released his hold on you. In a fearful blink as you recovered your balance, you saw Kaiba make his way across the room faster than any human possible could.
That’s when you saw who had intervened; Mokuba Kaiba, the youth of the Kaiba empire. He was looking pale and worried, looking between his brother and you as Seto snatching something out of his hands. 
You caught the sight of something encasing red as Seto tore the package open, but he halted long enough to growl another command, “You need to leave, now.”
Your legs were finally able to move again, when you caught site of something that confirmed the impossible theories running though your head: sharp, pearly fangs were flashing between Seto’s lips.
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Would you be willing to do the NSFW alphabet with Cassian?
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A/N: Gladly! Just as a reminder REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS! These take just as much time as drabbles to finish and the tags hate me.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cassian is downright clingy after sex. All he wants to do is hold you close and bury his head in your neck. He’s not letting you go for anything.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your hands. He loves how they feel against his skin whether your placing a gentle touch on his cheek or digging your nails into his back. He loves how your fingers intertwine with his. It keeps him grounded in the here and now with you.
Admittedly there isn’t much about his body that Cassian really likes. It’s more of a vessel to get his head from room to room. But you’ve been making an effort to show him how much you love his body. He is starting to grow an appreciation for his jaw line, considering how many kisses you seem to lay on it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cassian loves nothing more than cumming in your cunt and your cunt exclusively. Even if you bring him right to the edge with your mouth, he’ll pull you away and all but beg to let him finish deep inside your pussy. He stands no chance of pulling out, he gets to lost in the feeling to pull away. And if you cum before him? He’s following you seconds after.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You and Cassian once had sex on top of the holo table in command center.
He got back late from a mission and you were the only one still on the comms.  He hadn’t seen you in a month. So, rather than wait until your shift ended, he took you right on the table.  It was one of the most intense experience of your life. Neither of you can look at that table directly ever again.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Cassian has had a few partners over the years, but not as many as you’d think. Touch in general is borderline sacred so having enough trust in someone to sleep with them is kind of a big deal for Cassian. He’s been around enough to have experience, though.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Honestly, basically any position where he can feel your whole body pressed against his. Whether it’s your chest against his, or him bent over your back, he wants to feel every part of you. He wants to bury his face in your skin while his hands cling to you like a life line.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
That’s going to be a no in the humor department. 9/10 he’s using sex as a way to tell you things he can’t always properly put into words: I love you, I’ve missed you, I need you, I can’t lose you. You’re the one more likely to initiate playful sex and if that’s the case, he’s just there to tease you with a dry smile on his face.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s actually got a good amount of hair down below and doesn’t really trim it. He keeps everything clean if he can, but not much beyond that.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it until the end of time: CASSIAN ANDOR IS THE MOST TENDER LOVER IN THE STAR WARS FRANCHISE!!! He makes love to you every time you have sex. Whether it’s slow and sensual or fast and rough it’s all about showing you how he feels about you. It’s emotional and intense and utterly intimate.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Cassian jacks off as a form of stress release every now and then. Some times in his bunk, but most of the time in the cabin of his ship. It gives him some much needed privacy without much chance of getting interrupted. There’s some pleasure it in, but it’s almost of way to sort out his frustrations on his hand rather than you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Hair pulling.  Seriously, as soon as he’s getting anywhere near close all you have to do is rake your fingers through his hair, give it a hard tug and he’s gone.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your bunk or his. Like I said, his goal is to make love to you every time you’re together, so having a place where he knows he can take his time is important. It’s a safe place far away from the problems of the Rebellion where he can get lost in you. A close second is his ship’s cabin.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I’m not sure how else to phrase this except, whenever he sees you.  You guys are constantly coming and going, sometimes on missions together but often not.  It can be a few days or a few weeks between seeing each other.  But nothing really get him going like seeing you again safe and sound.  The first thing he wants to do after you give your reports is get you to his bunk as soon as possible.
A close second is anytime he sees you kick Imperial ass.  We all saw how he looked at Jyn.  You know I’m right.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any foreplay involving you guys in Imperial uniforms.  Seriously, Cassian is fighting space Nazis, having you in a space Nazi uniform is going to do the exact opposite of turning him on.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
It really is a toss up for him between given and receiving.  He’ll never turn down a blow job and is always happy to get his mouth inbetween your legs.  
He’s also, really good at eating you out; lots of small praises and moaning vibrations on your clit.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He leans toward the slow and sensual, but it really depends on how he’s feeling.  There are times he can’t contain how much he needs you, tearing at your clothes and pulling you close to him like it’s the only thing keeping him sane.  Other times it’s like he wants to memorize every inch of your skin as he listens in reverence to the noises you make.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies usually happen if you haven’t seen each other in a long time. As soon as Cassian gives his report, he grabs you by the hand and pulls you into the first empty room or cargo hold he can find and takes you against the wall. It’s fast and messy, but lacks none of the feeling. It’s also just a taste of what you’ll get later that night.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Probably, but you guys are both going to have to do all the proper research before hand.  He’s honestly pretty happy with what you’re doing now, but if you want to try new things, it doesn’t take much convincing.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The longer Cassian and you have been away from each other, the longer he seems able to go.  If you guys haven’t seen each other in a few days, it’s one fast one against the wall followed by a more thorough love making session involving at least two orgasms on your part.
If he hasn’t seen you in weeks to a month? Well, let’s just say you had to call in sick and nobody saw either of you for almost a full twenty-four hours.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
For himself, Cassian is more acquainted with his hand.  Time away from base added to the possibility of having to leave at a moment’s notice means buying one hasn’t been on his priority list.
For the pair of you, you have a vibrator you like to bring in on occasion, but not much else.  Same rules apply to you, being constantly on the move doesn’t give you a chance to build a collection.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not so much in the, “I’m having fun torturing you sense”.  More in the, “I want to make this last as long as possible so I don’t have to leave the feeling of your body against mine” variety.  He teases, but it’s more desperate than playful.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Years of thin walls have taught him to be quiet; however, he can’t help but moan your name against your skin mixed in with a serious of praises and cursed grunts towards the end.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He doesn’t tell you he loves you for a really long time. 
You know he does, through his actions and all the ways he tries to make you happy.  But, it takes a while for him to find the words.  He’s truly afraid that if he says those three little words out loud, it will somehow jinx everything and the galaxy will conspire to take you away from him like everyone else in his life.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Perfectly average girth with slightly above average length (6-7 inches).   But, you don’t need anything more than that.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s not so much a yearning for sex as a yearning for you.  Sex is just a way to show you how he feels about you.  He’s not a man of words, he’s a man of action.  And sometimes the best way he knows to show you how much he misses you, or loves you, or needs you is to make love to you. So, with the knowledge that either of you can die the next time you’re out of each other’s sight, it’s pretty often.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Give him a few minutes to make sure you’re tucked against him with no plans on leaving and he’s out like a light.  Seriously, nothing get him to actually sleep faster than a night of love making followed by you snuggled up against him.  Nothing but pleasant dreams and darkness can follow that.
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wasteland, baby! | kol mikaelson - chapter ten
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Summary: Kol makes a deal with the Hollow to revive the first woman he ever loved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go as planned.
Trust’s Note: Please like and reblog! I hope you enjoy. I added some Rebekah and Aniya content for y’all <3
Word Count: 2,708
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
❝ kiss me on the mouth and set me free ❞
TO BE CLEAR, Aniya Grover had never been talented at confrontation. Quite the opposite, really. Growing up, she’d been caught between her mother’s culture and that of the Vikings. Regardless, they’d both valued two traits in a woman: submissive, and quiet. She wasn’t to speak unless spoken to, not to act even when acted against. She was meant to cook and bear children for her husband -- something Rebekah had always rebelled against. Aniya, however, had learned to give into these ideals; and it was now, in the twenty-first century, that she was learning to lose them.
    Aniya looked up at Kol, staring daggers at him from across the dining table. It had been several hours since they’d left the diner and returned to the Abattoir. Aniya had left first, refusing to say her goodbyes after nearly murdering the witch that suggested Henry’s sacrifice. It had been Kol that stopped her, claiming that she ‘was only trying to help.’ It was then that she left without another word. Kol followed shortly after.
    When they returned, Kol called for his siblings to have a family meeting in the dining area. He excused Hayley and Hope, and gave Freya an open invitation despite not having met Aniya when she was alive. The two sat across from each other in the dining area, the air growing thicker with each second. Finally, they heard the sound of heels clicking against the pavement, and internally let out sighs of relief as Rebekah took her place next to Aniya.
    “Now, what might this be about?” Rebekah asked, pushing her chair in. “Have you come to ask for a custody agreement, Kol?”
    Kol smiled tightly at her, eyes crinkling at the edges. “I’ll have to say ‘no’ to that offer, sister. I wouldn’t want to run off with your only friend. After all, no one else seems to like you.”
    “Yes, well, at the very least, I have a friend,” Rebekah pointed out, a sickly sweet smile on your face. “You haven’t had a friend since the 1800s.”
    “1700s, really,” Niklaus cut in, taking his seat at the head of the table. He smiled smugly, and folded his arms in front of him, blue eyes glimmering with delight. “I’m afraid he was daggered for most of that century.”
    “That reminds me, I haven’t had the chance to return the favor,” Kol sneered and stood from his chair. Aniya’s brows furrowed at the harshness of his voice -- the way he seemed to growl the veiled threat at his half-brother. Slowly, she began to feel the weight of a thousand years on her chest. Whatever human version of Kol Mikaelson she’d loved had died centuries ago, and she began to wonder if all her suffering had been the result of pining after a person that no longer existed. If perhaps returning her memories would do more harm than good.
    Subconsciously, she reached hand up to touch the ring around her neck. Kol noticed and glared.
    She watched as Elijah placed a calming hand on his brother’s shoulder, suggesting that he take a seat. Kol clenched his jaw at his elder brother, but obliged, sitting back in his chair. Elijah nodded and took his place between Kol and Niklaus. He took a moment to adjust his appearance before giving a polite smile. Even this Elijah seemed foreign to her. More confrontational and protective, compared to the mere child he’d been before. He was well put-together, calm and a perfect mediator; and, in Aniya’s eyes, a perfect stranger.
    “So, what did we need to discuss?” Elijah asked, looking around the table. Rebekah and Niklaus shrugged in unison, and it occurred to Aniya that Henry’s life would mean nothing to the Mikaelsons so long as they had what they wanted. It would be Rebekah who would be most eager to have her memories returned to her, and Niklaus who would want Vihaan resurrected and return to -- somewhat -- mortal life.
    “It seems that Kol and a New Orleans witch have found a way to return your memories,” Aniya spoke slowly, watching for negative reactions among the siblings. Elijah and Niklaus had reacted the fastest, their eyebrows furrowing in confusion at her statement. Rebekah’s eyes widened as she turned her attention to the young witch. Aniya continued, “As well as a way to resurrect my brother.”
    “Kol, the last thing we need to do is be involved with the witches again,” Rebekah spoke quickly.
    “The witches have lost their link to their ancestors, and are being forced to practice Earth magic. They are at their weakest, meaning they will be willing to deceive and manipulate anyone who is foolish enough to play into their games,” Elijah explained. “In case you don’t remember, they were willing to sacrifice four teenage girls not ten years ago.”
    “As if we’re any better,” Kol shot back. He paused for a moment, his gaze flickering in Aniya’s direction. “If it hadn't been for you and Freya, Davina might still be alive."
    "If it hadn't been for me and Freya, the Mikaelson family line would have been murdered before your very eyes," Elijah corrected. "You may have loved that girl, but she was not your family."
    Rebekah placed a hand on Aniya's hand, which had been resting in her lap. "That's quite enough from both of you. I'm sure there's a way Aniya can return our memories without having to confide in the witches."
    "On the contrary, I have heard of her brand of witches less than a dozen times in my immortal life," Kol argued. "She refuses to practice magic unless provoked, so we aren't even sure she can do simple spells--"
    "You do not speak for me," Aniya cut him off, narrowing her eyes at him. She turned to the Mikaelsons, wringing her hands as she spoke. "I possess an offensive magic. It's a finite source, depending on the state of my health in order to be put to use. As of late, I have combined it with defensive tactics, in which I essentially use nearby resources to protect myself against the attacker."
    "And what the bloody hell does that have to do with memory erasure?" Rebekah questioned.
    "It seems that when I was sacrificed, all traces of my brother and I's existence was wiped off the face of the Earth," Aniya responded. "According to Kol's little witch, I can return your memories by erasing the memories of others."
    Nik spoke up finally, though his face remained blank as he processed the information. "And why would you need the help of New Orleans witches to achieve this? We have a witch, too. One who is not hellbent on returning to power at this very moment."
    "Our dear sister practices earth magic, Nik," Kol said with a sickeningly sweet smile. "She's only practiced sacrificial magic once, she's barely familiar with the concept."
    Aniya raised an eyebrow at his behavior. "Why are you so willing to hand me away to them? I'm not a New Orleans witch. They have no motive to help me."
    "Their motive is that they are indebted to me, and this is their way of paying it off," Kol said with a shrug. "It only cost a few dark objects."
    "You're interested in our marriage," Aniya stated. A light scoff left her lips and she crossed her arms over her chest. It had only taken a few short years of friendship to learn when Kol was lying. She'd recognized it in most of the Mikaelsons, outside of Niklaus. Each time, she'd been kind about it. Smiled politely and calmly asked for the truth. She took no interest in doing so now.
    If he'd simply asked, she might have shown him the memories herself. It might have hurt his head, the way it had done the night before, but at least then she might have been able to prevent the wall of ice building itself around her chest. Not only as a result of Henry, but of his doubt. She wouldn't need a grimoire to teach her the spells she'd spent eighteen years memorizing. She wouldn't want it.
    In her later years, her father began to teach heavier sacrificial magic. Spells to return or take away memories; to ensure the misfortune of an enemy; and spells to take a life. Her father had never taught her to return it, stating it wasn't the job of a witch to interfere with the will of the god's. It had been a pathetic excuse, of course, but she and Vihaan had kept their mouths shut.
    "And you're interested in a human," Kol remarked. "How did he know about Tyaag witches? Perhaps he's a New Orleans witch himself."
    He hadn't been. Henry Pearl had been perfectly human -- a tall, gentle mortal. He wouldn't have survived living in the village a thousand years ago, and she was afraid he wouldn't survive now. Perhaps she should have said goodbye after all.
    Kol watched the pendant that hung from her neck, its velvet ribbon covering the darkened scar she'd refused to heal. She might have gotten hurt if she'd tried to return the memories on her own, and there was no telling whether she would know where to begin. Every time he so much as thought of her within Death's grasp, an aching pain seemed to spread through his body. Some part of him would have rather died than see her get hurt, and he was no longer sure how to fight that side off.
    Turning his attention to his brothers, Kol pointed out, "You two are being ridiculous."
    "And you are being reckless," Rebekah snapped. "I want my memories of Aniya back as much as you do, but I am not willing to risk the life we've built for Hope. Are you?"
    He didn't answer. Instead, he clenched his jaw and turned to walk out of the room. Rebekah let out a sigh and stood behind Aniya's chair, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
    "I'm not sure why, of all people, you chose to marry one of my brothers."
    Aniya nodded, a look of defeat crossing her face. "He's the meanest boy I've ever met."
    Elijah and Kol made their way out of the dining room after saying their farewells to the two girls. Rebekah accepted a forehead kiss from Elijah before taking her seat next to Aniya, a gentle smile forming on her pink lips as dark waves fell over Aniya's face. "Let me know when you want me to plait these. I'm sure you're quite famished after a night out with my brother."
    "Quite," Aniya chuckled. "He was never like this."
    Rebekah's smiled dimmed a bit. "No, he wasn't. I suppose it's a difference between who you are and the person you need to be in order to survive; and in the presence of Niklaus, whilst running from Mikael and fighting bloodlust, we all changed a bit. Tell me, have I always been this way?"
    "Yes. I did admire you," She admitted. There had been a time during a bon fire, where she had chosen to stay indoors and help the women prepare food, while Rebekah stood outdoors and sat by the cattle. "Your father should have considered you a Viking."
    "I am sure I have always been a Viking," Rebekah said with a small laugh. "I can't think of other people that traveled around the world on ships; but then, we were running from our father, so I suppose we were more pirates than anything."
    Aniya's lips turned downward, her gaze falling to her hands. "The years not have been kind to you."
    "They were not, but what of you? A thousand years of sleep?"
    "Of nothing."
    She recalled having woken up to nothingness. She was met with a cold, dark silence, as if someone had locked her in an endless room and shut the lights out. She remembered waiting for Vihaan, who'd been killed two minutes earlier, and screaming when she realized he wouldn't come for her. She could recall the pang in her chest, and the sobs that had wracked her body as she bargained with the gods to bring her back.
    She'd been given someone who would observe her silently, capture all of her habits and flaws and loved her despite. Someone that had gotten lost in all of her features, and it had been ripped away from her. She'd been given a taste of freedom with each Mikaelson. Even little Henrik had been a chance for her to escape into a life she would never have: one where she might have raised a child.
    And she'd been left with nothing.
    After a moment, Aniya reached for Rebekah's hand shut her eyes, opening her mind to the Original. Rebekah fell into the void, and a few moments passed before her sight was able to adjust to her environment. She blinked, and notice a frail Aniya sitting a few feet away, her arms holding tightly onto her knees as she stared at the ground. She appeared to be the same way they found her: covered with dirt and dried blood. The blonde pursed her lips at the sight, and pulled her arm away from Aniya.
    "There's no need to worry now," Rebekah assured her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're immortal. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
"WHY AM I HERE?" Aniya huffed as she stood at the gates of Lafayette Cemetary. Kol had promised her a milkshake. "Nik and Elijah agreed that we weren't to seek help from New Orleans witches."
    "Nik and Elijah are not my fathers," Kol remarked, pushing the doors open. He stood and held it for her, causing her to stare blankly at him. "All of your problems would be solved if you did two simple spells. Both of which you would have aid in, if you only asked."
    "They threatened Henry."
    "And they shred the soul of my former lover. Everybody makes mistakes."
    "Then why trust them?"
    "Because we haven't a choice in the matter, and at worst, we double cross each other," Kol said, as if it were obvious. "I am well-versed in the art of massacres."
    "Lovely. All the more reason to trust you," Aniya muttered and begrudgingly took a step into the cemetary. She hadn't returned since the night she was resurrected, though the Mikaelsons had dealt with the Hollow shortly after. They's done something with a parallel dimension or Geminis -- truthfully, Aniya never paid much attention to Nik's coffee chats.
    "I feel caught," Kol snickered as he walked alongside her. He looked down at the shorter girl, his eyes barely glancing at the path in front of him despite the graveyard's sharp turns.
    Aniya scoffed at his response, taking a moment to think before asking, "Do you want to know what I honestly think of you?"
    "I despise you."
    It was his turn to scoff. "You despise me. Why do you despise me?"
    "With every chance you have to do the right thing, to be kind and selfless and caring; you are nothing but conceited, selfish, and miserable," She listed, despite the mocking look painted across Kol's face. Aniya rolled her eyes at his response. "I feel sorry for you, I really do. I just wish you'd bear it better."
    "Well, you wouldn't understand, now would you? You've never had to watch who you thought was the love of your life, truly die."
    Aniya stopped and turned to face him. She analyzed his every feature, his brows twitching in anger and eyes filled with spite as he looked back at her. His lips were somewhat pulled behind his teeth, as if baring them at her in defense. Even his posture looked as though he were ready to pounce, despite the fact that they'd only had a verbal argument.
    She smiled tightly at his statement, fingers reaching for the old wedding ring before she remembered the previous night. "No. I'd move on if I couldn't be loved. I suggest you do the same."
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itwillbeall-dwight · 4 years
what’s your favourite scary movie?
danny “jed olsen” johnson | the ghost face/felix richter; post-canon; halloween movie nights; 1398 words
a/n: i just wanted to write something short and simple for halloween, since i’ve been writing longer pieces lately and i needed to chill out and write me some pointless fluff. you can consider this a continuation of/good end to trials in error if you want, or not, either or. happy halloween :)
likes < reblogs, any comments in the tags are appreciated
ao3 mirror & kofi link in the reblogs!
Preview: “Drink?” “Ja, please. ”He was already doing so without much prompt from the other man, holding both glasses gently and setting them down on the island, looking around to the large and comfortable living room behind him. “Say, do you like scary movies, Felix?” He paused, grabbing a towel from the handle of the oven and opening it to check the food. “Can’t say I’m a fan, but they’re… alright.” “Oh really?” He gave a sly grin, leaning his elbows on the kitchen island and fiddling with a knife in the block sitting just by the edge. “What’s your favourite scary movie?”
The quiet sound of the TV humming was only drowned out by the sound of his shoes against the linoleum, moving around the kitchen as he continued to prepare dinner. The house had always seemed emptier since his girlfriend had moved out, and especially now, on Halloween night. It was the weekend, and the child’s bedroom upstairs was not giving out noise, as it had done most weekends like this one. His young daughter was staying with her mom tonight, in the bigger part of the city, where she could have the best experience of the night she could. Felix didn’t mind. There was always next weekend, and the weekend after. So the night was probably occupied with wine, pizza, and staying up to work on another project almost done but due months in advance… not the most glamorous of evenings, but he could think of much worse alternatives.
 The phone rang suddenly, and after closing the door to the oven with his leg, the architect moved to grab the receiver from the kitchen island. “Richter residence.”
“Hello, Felix.” The voice on the other side of the phone was distorted, and foreign to him. A stranger’s voice. 
He paused. “...Hello?”
Whoever was down the phone chuckled. “How’re you doing?”
“...Well enough. Who is this?”
“Oh, that’s not important.” Despite the overlay, the voice had an… odd smoothness to it, like caramel. “What’re you doing right now?”
“I’m not going to answer that.”
“Oh really? Because I’d say you have about, hm… 20 minutes before you start a nasty fire. Pizza, was it? Can almost smell it from here.”
“From where?!”
A knock against the window by the kitchen sink made him jump where he stood, tossing the phone between his hands in surprise as his eyes shot up to the window, at the familiar olive ones staring back at him.
The architect practically slammed the phone back down onto the receiver, opening the kitchen window and looking outside, cold air hitting his face as he spoke through gritted teeth. “Danny.”
“Felix!” He sounded absolutely delighted, slapping the top of his old phone down into itself and shoving both it and the small voice distorted box he held into opposing pockets, as he smiled up at him. “How lovely to see you, darling. How have you been?”
“What is your problem?!”
“Alphabetically or in order of relevance, babe? Look, let me in, would you? I’m cold.”
“You… I thought you were working?”
“I was! I took care of it.”
He blinked.
“...Not like that. Christ, have some faith in me, sunshine.”
“You’re making it very hard to.”
Danny chuckled. “I’ll meet you at the door.”
 It had been over a year now since he’d woken up from the fog, and a few months since he’d found Danny Johnson, of all people, had also escaped the Entity’s clutches, apparently having grown tired of killing for sport and allowing himself to be let go from his playground. The two had messed around in that realm, yes, and had gotten dangerously close to a fairytale ending, but never got around to popping that ever-present question of what they really were. Now, out of the fog, they’d taken that chance, and while Felix was still getting used to the journalist’s odd ways of coping with the lack of murder in his schedule, things were going smoothly. 
 “No little tyke today?” He asked this as he walked in, taking off his light jacket and hanging it from the racks by the door, rubbing his arms from the cold October air outside as he turned around again.
“Ah, no. Not this weekend.” Felix replied, locking the door behind him again, and making sure to do the chain, in case any… real mystery callers came to stalk the house tonight. Not that it was likely, but it was never impossible - after all, he had an expert in that field standing right in front of him.”
Danny scoffed a little. “Shame. I’ve started to enjoy seeing her more than I do you.”
“Charming. Remember who’s house you let yourself into, Johnson.”
“Aht, you let me in of your own free will, Richter, and I expect you to be hospitable to your most handsome of guests.” And yet, he was already making himself well as home, reaching for two champagne flutes from glass-doored cupboards above his head and for a glass of champagne in the small wine rack below the counter. “Drink?”
“Ja, please.”
He was already doing so without much prompt from the other man, holding both glasses gently and setting them down on the island, looking around to the large and comfortable living room behind him. “Say, do you like scary movies, Felix?”
He paused, grabbing a towel from the handle of the oven and opening it to check the food. “Can’t say I’m a fan, but they’re… alright.”
“Oh really?” He gave a sly grin, leaning his elbows on the kitchen island and fiddling with a knife in the block sitting just by the edge. “What’s your favourite scary movie?”
Felix stood up fully as he shut the door, glancing back catching Danny staring back. He turned with a slight smile as he walked back over to the island, and matched him, placing his hand on top of his, holding the knives in place. “You say this as if we haven’t lived in one.”
“But it was fun, right?”
“It was not… but I did like the ending.”
He hummed, tilting his head in a mock curiosity, the two of them sharing a quiet laugh together before Danny leaned in and placed a quick, soft kiss on his lips, before pulling away. “And we haven’t even got to the after-credits scene yet. Won't that be a scream, eh?” A quick wiggle of his eyebrows sent Felix into giggles, as the man ran a hand down his face.
“Oh, you’re insufferable.”
He pushed himself away from the kitchen island, grabbing his champagne as he did shooting the architect a wink as he took a quick drink and went to go scour the shelves in the main room for something to indulge in, very loudly critiquing his small collection of older movies, mostly documentaries for background noise while he was working (“Jesus, I thought you were in your thirties, not from the 1930s, you old coot”).
 The pizza was soon prepared with a loud beep of the oven, served on the coffee table in front of the large flatscreen in the centre of the room. Felix swapped his glass from one hand to the other to take the remote from Danny, who had taken to scrolling down various streaming sites to pick a movie to watch, but the journalist moved his arm to keep it out of his reach.
“C’mon. It’s on me.”
“It’s my house.”
“And I had it first.”
“You are an absolute… child.”
He looked over to the architect, sticking his tongue out to match a childish persona, before looking back to the television.
And though Felix knew he should be annoyed, he couldn’t help but chuckle, more than used to this behaviour as he leaned in as rested his head on Danny’s shoulder, listening to the way his heart beat in his chest, and how he breathed in and out. At one point, he doubted the man was human, hunting as an animal would. But here, in his own home, where he should have thought of a man so calm as nothing more than a stranger to him… he was so very human, and he loved every part of him.
Especially as an arm was wrapped around his shoulder, and a kiss was planted on his head, as if it was second nature to the man who, from the way his memory served, would have rather died than do something so… cliche.
It was an indie horror he ended up picking, a site original, and the two of them took great pleasure in picking it apart, finding more humour in the whole thing as they shared pizza and more than a few drinks. Felix didn’t remember seeing the credits, but he did remember the way a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and how he woke up with a neck cramp and the sun in his eyes, still held in Danny’s arms, where he smiled to himself, and quickly fell back asleep again.
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