#just bc I was invested in setting the mood
phant0mmm-jaiden · 16 days
i got deep into making up set ages for characters that lack them, and also set years they joined the gang (it started bcs i needed to know whose there at the point my OC is so i can write her backstory, and now here we are)
I’m basing it mostly on zodiac signs bcs that’s like the easiest was to get a personality vibe and i can narrow down the specific date from there
but also i don’t care, ill take anything if it makes sense JSKDJFN
(source for all traits is zodiacsign.com, idk it helps me be narrow down a specific day🤷‍♀️)
- Founding member, for 23 years (1876, when he was 21)
- 44 in May 1899
- Born April 11th 1855 (Aries)
Positive April 11 traits: “Assertive, strong and remarkably passionate, they will burn every obstacle in their way if they have something to strive for. They are excellent workers and managers, showing initiative with just enough tact to be loved by a team they work in.”
Negative April 11 traits: “Preoccupied with their own problems, they could fail to see what their friends and close people are going through. Self-centered, too feisty, ready for battle when it isn't necessary, reactive, and sometimes aggressive when they should remain calm.”
- Founding member, for 23 years (since 1876, when he was 32)
- 55 in May 1899
- Born October 22 1844 (Libra)
Positive Oct 22 traits: “Warm, open for emotional contact, and nurturing, they are tender and kind to those they love and treat everyone with enough empathy to resolve issues at hand. Their emotional sensitivity is their greatest strength.”
Negative Oct 22 traits: “Covered in sadness, broken and depressed, they might lose faith if they don’t give themselves time to rest and regenerate from past experiences. Tied by stories of their ancestors, they could simply play parts of others without getting truly invested in their own life and their happiness.”
- In gang for 23 years (since 1876,when he was 13)
- 36 in May 1899
- Born September 30th 1863
Positivity Sep 30 traits: “Truthful, powerful, deep and ready to commit to issues that are too painful for other people, they have the power to change the unchangeable and build a sense of magic in their life that allows them to attract and control their own destiny and heal others of prejudice.”
Negative Sep 30 traits: “Depressed or lost in what they’ve been taught, they could be too scared to get out of their usual directions and choices in life, getting stuck in mental activities that keep them unsatisfied, egocentric or grumpy.”
- In the gang for 14 years (since 1885, since she was 29)
- 45 in 1899
- Born March 27th 1856 (Aries)
Positive March 27 traits: “Standing out, innovative and wide in perception of the world, they are good friends and tend to build a social circle that can support them in their path. Free to shine and give freedom to other people.”
Negative March 27 traits: “Stressed, torn between extremes, their mood changes without warning. They can get aggressive if too much anger builds up, unsure how they will react or what their next move will be.”
- In gang for 14 years (since 1885, when he was 12)
- 26 in May 1899
- Born August 3rd 1873 (Leo)
Positive August 3 traits: “Straightforward, on the move, and wide in their opinions, they are the travelers with a cause, those who share their views and their knowledge selflessly, and wish to give their energy to those willing to follow.”
Negative August 3 traits: “Stubbornly chasing after things that aren’t real, they could get stuck in a loop of disappointment and mental efforts that won’t lead them where they wish to go.”
- In the gang for 13 years (since 1886, since he was 35)
- 48 in 1899
- Born December 16th 1851 (Sagittarius)
Positive Dec 16 traits: "Laughter, positivity, and a fun personality ordain those born on December 16th for as long as they are in tune with their talents. Emotionally charged, they stay on the move, give love to be loved, and understand how to create balance when they find themselves falling into an extreme."
Negative Dec 16 traits: "Lost in confusion of relating with others, they absorb atmospheres, feelings and ultimately opinions of others, thinking that their personality is defined by what others see instead of feeling their own core of Self."
In the gang for 12 years (since 1887, since he was 41)
53 in 1899
Born in September 10th 1846 (Virgo)
Positive Sep 10 traits: "Deep, intelligent and extremely powerful, they are focused and dedicated to the higher truth and find change satisfying, without fear of what tomorrow might bring. They bring order to large things in the lives of people around them and announce change everywhere they go."
Negative Sep 10 traits: "Obsessive, possessive and jealous, they can get dismissive of other people's ways and unwilling to recognize their own shadows while judging others. When bruised, they may become vindictive or manipulative."
- In the gang for 11 years (since 1888, since he was 43)
- 57 in 1899
- Born May 6th 1842 (Capricorn)
Positive May 6 traits: “Loving, creative, good with children, they are positive individuals with a lot of energy to live life to the fullest. Humorous, smiling, and grounded, they search for a place to belong to and connect easily to other people.”
Negative May 6 traits: “Unaware of the bigger picture, too focused on problems when they become aware of them, they can get obsessive and go into negative details for days. At times superficial in search for pleasure, but only if their heart isn’t open for relating.”
- In the gang for 9 years (since 1890, since he was 31)
- 40 in 1899
- Born May 26 1859 (Gemini)
Positive May 26 traits: “Loving, emotional, kind and caring, they are the messengers of beauty and laughter, humorous enough to make a grown person turn into a little child if this is their intent.”
Negative May 27 traits: “Using the power of words for strange things, unsatisfied and unable to find balance between emotion and reason, they get lost waiting and thinking about times when they were actually free while missing opportunities to set free in the now.”
- In the gang for 8 years (since 1891, since he was 38)
- 46 in 1899
- Born November 29th 1853 (Sagittarius)
Positive Nov 29 traits: "Idealists with a cause, they dream big and aren’t afraid to try themselves out in talents that make them who they are. On the quest for inner truth, they are sensitive, empathic and honest about the way they feel with people they love."
Negative Nov 29 traits: "Seeking attention and unable to untangle issues that keep them intoxicated or tied to the past, they could get lost, searching for ways to anesthetize that pain and forget what bruised them in the first place."
- In the gang for 5 years (since 1894, since he was 28)
- 33 in May 1899
- Born in April 27th 1833 (Taurus)
Positive April 27 traits: “Strong-hearted individuals, filled with vigor and energy for things that make them feel passionate. They are different but social, well-incorporated into society, and make excellent friends who find humanitarianism and compassion to be everything that is right in the world.”
Negative April 27 traits: “Sloppy, unsure what they wish to do with their energy and frustrated with their own nature. In opposition to themselves, they are unable to heal their own inner differences, becoming frustrated and passively angry at other people.”
- In the gang for 5 years (since 1894, since she was 17)
- 22 in 1899
- Born October 20th 1877 (Libra)
Positive Oct 20 traits: “Deeply emotional and empathic, if they keep their heart open throughout changes in their life, they become healers and incredible support in times of crisis and all possibly dangerous situations in the lives of others.”
Negative Oct 20 traits: “Casting their feelings away, they could become cold, distant, too difficult to relate to, and vindictive. They need a strong foundation to grow from and won’t be at all pleasant if they don’t learn to regenerate and flow with the beat of their heart.”
JAIDEN COHEN (my character )
- In the gang for 5 years (since 1894, since she was 23)
- 28 in 1899
- Born December 5th 1871 (Sagittarius)
Positive Dec 5 traits: “Witty, fun to be around, finding their way through the largest of social groups, they are the ones to speak their mind and say what everyone needs to hear, and those who boost confidence in others.”
Negative Dec 5 traits: “Talking too much, unreliable and insecure, they might turn to dishonesty to get out of troubling situations. They get distracted by too many things that spark their interest and don’t keep their focus and move in tune with greater priorities they have.”
- In the gang for 4 years (since 1895, since she was 21)
- 25 in 1899
- Born June 12th 1874 (Gemini)
Positive Jun 12 traits: "Emotional, sensitive, compassionate and willing to listen, they are less rational than other Gemini representatives and this gives them more space for relating and reaching for the Divine Love."
Negative Jun 12 traits: "Moody, torn between different roles and too adaptable to people and situations that don’t make them feel good. They get self-destructive when unable to deal with their own emotional baggage."
- In the gang for 4 years (since 1895, since he was 22)
- 26 in May 1899
- Born August 13th 1873 (Leo)
Positive Aug 13 traits: “Energetic, focused visionaries, ready to act with initiative and clarity of ideals, they are the ones to fight for the cause and move forwards when others would stay behind. They are warm, passionate people, ready to learn new things and move one step ahead of the rest of the world.”
Negative Aug 13 traits: “Feeling as if they were all mighty, they often get caught up in their own ambitions and strivings, expecting nothing less than perfect from their ways of expression and battles that might be impossible to win.”
- In the gang for 4 years (since 1895, since he was born)
- 4 in 1899
- Born ()() 1895
- In the gang for 3 years (since 1896, since she was 20)
- 23 in 1899
- Born March 3th 1876 (Pisces)
Positive Mar 3 traits: “Great learners, teachers, and healers, they find love and beauty in everything they see and touch. It is their talent to use their optimism and beliefs, and turn every negative thing and experience to art, acceptable fate, and a step to a brighter future.”
Negative Mar 3 traits: “In denial, distant, lost, they can be wanderers that cannot find the right direction to move in. Their defense mechanism protecting them from hardship is delusion.”
- In the gang for 3 years (since 1896, since she was 17)
- 20 in 1899
- Born ()() 1879
- In the gang for 2 years (since 1897, since she was 22)
- 24 in 1899
- Born () () 1875
- In the gang for 1 year (since 1898, since he was 22)
- 26 in May 1899
- Born July 23rd 1873 (Leo) (sign rec from anon)
Positive July 23 traits: “Optimistic, with a fine sense of humor and ready to chase off any negative emotions with their smile, they are positive, loving and supportive of those they care for. Travelers and teachers, they have something important to give to the world.”
Negative July 23 traits: “Scattered and pushed by too many beliefs they never questioned, they tend to spin in circles of negative choices, lost in their inability to receive as much as they give away or vice versa.”
- In the gang for 9 months (Since August 1898, since he was 26)
- 27 in May 1899
- Born November 1st 1872 (Scorpio)
Positive Nov 1 traits: “Centered, standing firm on their identity and seeing the light in others, they make wonders in therapeutic and supportive relationships with those who are insecure and find it hard to stand confident on their own two feet. Strong-willed and ready to learn, they are the ones to lead the way when their beliefs are set in place.”
Negative Nov 1 traits: “Getting lost among strong individuals meant to inspire them, they give up on their true role due to lack of belief in their own emotional world and their personal convictions. This could get them lost and put their talents to waste out of the need to prove themselves worthy.”
- In the gang for 9 months (since 1898, since he was 19)
- 19 in 1899
- Born June 5th 1880 (Gemini)
Positive June 5 traits: “Childlike, curious, excited about life and focused on their daily sources of happiness, they are humorous and always with a nice thing to say in just the right moment.”
Negative June 5 traits: “In need of a different view, they could get stuck in patterns that don’t give much room for personal growth. If their hearts close, they become superficial and uncaring for the wellbeing of those who aren’t in their closest social circle.”
- In the gang for 4 months (Since December 1898)
- 39 in May 1899
- Born January 1 1860 (Capricorn)
Positive Jan 1 traits: “Powerful and resourceful individuals with an incredible potential for a successful life, influential and knowing exactly where they belong. They are assertive, strong-willed, with a deep understanding for natural development of any issue at hand.”
Negative Jan 1 traits: “Inventors and great minds that turn to solitude and separate from the ideal of emotional fulfillment. Manipulative, they may be using questionable methods to reach their goals.”
- In the gang for a few months (since May 1899, since she was 25)
- 25 in 1899
- Born July 4th 1874 (Cancer)
Positive July 4 traits: “Focused on their goal point, ambitions and understanding the consequences of their deeds, they are strong, endurable and extremely reliable as friends and confidants.”
Negative July 4 traits: “Dark and filled with depressing thoughts, they can get pulled by negative emotions, memories they don’t know how to metabolize, and nostalgic turns that pull them into harmful circumstances that weaken their boundaries.”
- In the gang for a few months (since May 1899, since he was 28)
- 28 in 1899
- Born ()() 1871
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meanbossart · 5 months
I normally don't get too invested in other people's characters (bc I already spend so much time thinking and promptly forgetting stuff about my own) but I've really liked how you flesh your characters out and how they interact with one another in your fic! So I wanted to ask if you have a process when getting asks about your characters or writing chapters for ANE.
Thank you so much! For lore asks I don't have much of a process besides for spilling out whatever information I have as comprehensively as I can. I do try to make it an enjoyable reading experience and to establish a bit of a mood through the writing (for the longer/in-depth replies, at least) to make it more fun for both myself and whoever is reading it.
As for how I come up with them, it's usually something I have already thought about prior, other times I might take a few hours or days to think it through. I'm just having fun so I take my time.
Questions about Companion Drow take some minor research. For the Dryad's love quizz ask, for example, I went and looked at the questions the rest of the companions got and their answers for them - broke it down in a kind of pattern that I could identify and then wrote my Q&As based off of it.
Naturally, ANE takes a lot more prep lol the first 4 chapters in it were complete stream-of-conscious stuff, but it was soon after that when I figured out where I wanted the story to go and outlined the plot for myself. Each chapter gets a bullet-point list of plot beats I wanna hit and roughly how to get there, dialogue is often pre-written in as little or as much detail as I feel necessary. Main plot/twists/ending is already set, with some connective tissue in-between roughed out and subject to change as I write more.
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helyeahmangocheese · 8 months
realistic-ish percabeth uni au where
annabeth starts school a year ahead of percy so he has time to write (at least) the first pjato book. and get into school etc.
this makes their graduation years actually line up bc a b.arch is a 5 year degree
more on that in a bit though annabeth does not design olympus at 16/17
she probably drafts it but continues developing it through her introductory and intermediate studios
that would be years 1, 2, and the first term of 3. nru is probably on the quarter schedule but she probably only has 2 studios per year
her advanced studios (second half of 3, one or both of 4) are used to finalize olympus' plans and set some of them to action. if the 2nd studio in year 4 is still on olympus, it would be a design/build where she is there for actual construction
personally I think that she might spend the 2nd studio in year 4 getting ready for her thesis with preliminary plans
she probably spends a summer anyway working on these drafts. new rome inspires her a lot even though she is so in love with new york and would like to go back.
her 5th year thesis is new athens. it takes at least a year to configure basic city planning with camp halfblood (which is also designed with upgrades for halfblood longevity of life) as well as sample plans for housing and civil buildings. they aren't perfect bc each of these buildings really could have used a studio of their own, but they're a damn good place to start. her thesis defense is mostly just convincing the Olympians (now in a pretty good mood with her Olympus design) that they should invest in new athens with her anyway.
this lines up pretty well with percy's mission with the pjato books to educate young demigods for their own safety and to help them all grow old in a place with the infrastructure for it.
percy either continues writing or eventually becomes a teacher? or someone else majorly involved in the community. an organizer even.
they just make new athens and chb and nyc just a better home for halfbloods in general they build smth permanent ITS SO GOOD FOR THEIR ARCS
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wellnoe · 18 days
Since your in a Maddy mood and I'm always up to talk about Maddy what do you think of scott's marriage with Maddy arguably being his most at peace happy times (see x-men/Alpha flight) but at that time Maddy arguably having the least agency. Not arguing that Maddy did not love Scott but at this point Mr Sinister had set up most everything in her life.
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[id in ALT]
i think the fact that maddy's marriage with scott is something she ultimately has little control over is one of her big tragedies!
i (maybe predictably) disagree with the take that scott's marriage with maddy is his most at peace happy time. while you can argue that, i think he's clearly a jerk to her at various points throughout his relationship with her, from questioning whether she's jean to thinking she'll take care of the baby to his various x-men based hang-ups. i think their whole relationship is worth looking at here, and not just the married portions, bc things progress relatively quickly and last for a relatively short time compared to some of his other relationships. in total i think their relationship has a lot of ups and downs, with one of the main tension points being scott's continued connection to the x-men. sometimes they're very sweet!! i like them a lot! but i also like them bc i think their marriage is pretty much doomed.
you're right that scott becomes a big jerk around trial of magneto. "Who Will Lead Them?" is scott in one of his jerkiest moments, and he's not great in the lead-up either (not calling maddy, for example) but i personally still enjoy it, and i don't think its too discordant a characterization from earlier issues. who will lead them is, in addition to a big scott/maddy fight, an issue about scott's feelings about leaving the x-men, being abandoned by xavier, and the x-men changing beyond his recognition. it makes sense to me that he sucks in that context.
to the other point: the idea that chris claremont did not initially conceive of maddy as a clone doesn't particularly matter to me. personally, i think maddy is framed as jean or jean-like so frequently in so many different ways that the idea that something is NOT up with her becomes bizarre. she's identical to jean, something immediately apparent to everyone when they first meet her. she jokes about reading minds, her wedding issue has mastermind placing her in the role of jean grey, she was in a fiery plane crash the day that phoenix died! if she's just a normal woman scott is happily married to that refuses to pay all of that off and is very boring to me (and also i don't think claremont could expect it NOT to be paid off, setting up all that in the realm of superhero comics, where future writers will continue the story). she may not have been initially conceived of as a clone, but she had to have SOME connection to jean to justify all the coincidences building up around her.
all that is not to rag on your investment in claremont's intentions, but to explain my own ambivalence. basically i think whether claremont wanted to make her a clone or not, from the start he wrote a story where that turned out to be a surprisingly natural and compelling reveal. and that trumps whatever he initially intended for me.
also: thank you!! i'm glad you like my compositions
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notsogreatpotoo · 6 months
1, 7, 13 and 17 for your ask game!
hello!! thank you for the ask friendo :]
ask game link for reference
1: favorite or funniest nicknames you've gotten
I haven't gotten a ton of nicknames that I've liked, bc usually nicknames are based off of your 'real' name and I'm closeted to most people I know irl, but one of my friends nicknamed me Emsy, and some of my friends used to call me Mouse in middle school bc I was a very wide-eyed and confused child. but I do really like nicknames when I get them :]
7: an excerpt from your funniest, weirdest, or worst essay from middle school or high school
okay so freshman year of high school, we read romeo and juliet, and i had read it before but not in an academic context and so when my teacher said we were going to write an argumentative essay on which character was to blame for the whole... situation, i was like. no. that's not the point. so i very spitefully wrote an essay that i ended up getting an A on, which was cool because it very much did not fit the prompt. here's the intro:
Placing the blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet has been debated for centuries. Their tragic fate leaves the audience wondering: who was most at fault? Can the blame even be fairly shifted onto only one person? In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two people become infatuated with each other, but their families have an ongoing feud that limits their relationship. Many characters have expectations set for the two, whether those expectations be that they should be enemies or that their love will fix the feud. They eventually take their lives as the result of a misunderstanding. However, it is clear that Romeo and Juliet’s deaths are ultimately caused by the toxic society and surroundings their own families helped create, and the arbitrary laws of society that their families enforced.
idk, i just think it's funny that younger me was like, i don't want to do this. i'm not gonna blame one character, that's not the point of the story. fuck society.
13: something you really want someone to ask you about
i could literally talk at you forever about my oc insert hunger games fic, the first part and the second part (wip) (i have three parts planned) are currently almost 46000 words and the main character is the closest thing i will ever have to a child. i've decided i'm gonna post the first chapter of it on ao3 in a few days and then figure out a regular update schedule after stuff gets straightened out (i'm moving), but if you ever want to get distracted send me an ask about literally any of it
17: government assigned ao3 tag (choose one you really like, one that seems accurate to your life, or find a generator)
one i really like: Mutual Pining
if i'm in the mood to read fics with ships, i'll find one of my fandoms and sort by mutual pining. i love these fics bc usually the complications are internal emotional complications instead of things like cheating. (note: i do not support censorship. just because i don't like reading about cheating does not mean i support censorship of that sort of reading material. curate your own experience, do not attempt to control others'.) i also like fics that have a little bit of emotional build up through pining or smthn bc it helps me get more invested :]
one that seems accurate to my life: Alternate Universe - College/University
mostly self explanatory (i'm in college and it feels like a different universe)
generator assigned tag: Historical Inaccuracy
as a History major that's hilarious
thank you again for the ask!!! :]
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stoopid-turtle · 1 year
BTS in Order Addendum 2
Second and final addendum for rn! This covers the translated bts clips for June that I found. Sadly, the playlist did not have July or Aug, so I can't go over those. If I ever do find July and Aug, I'll try to add it on.
As before, the timeline posts are already updated. I'm just highlighting some things here for those who don't want to hunt for the updates. Also, I tried to clean up some of the formatting but y'all, the formatting on Tumblr is just weird. I can't figure it out and I'm not gonna invest the time to do so, so I've done my best!
I can see where the WZC/GG pairing came from. GG and WZC seem quite close, often playful, and similarly physically affectionate to ggdd. Their dynamic is different, but I can def see how people could pull together a compilation of their bts clips for CPFs. (Not saying they were a real couple, like ggdd.)
Madam Jin did not seem to realize she was cast in a bl adaption.
There's much mentioned of dd's afterglow on 6.19 after the Dragon Boat Festival date, but I've never seen anyone mention that GG is also in a really great mood the next day. His first scene is in the forest with JC and JL, and he's all smiles and says, "I'm so happy this early morning. I really love my team."
JC says "Happy? What nonsense!" For some reason, this sets gg off on the giggles.
Needless to say, GG had his own afterglow.
Also on 6.19, there's this cute exchange between gg and the older lady producer (?), who is also from Chongqing:
Crewmember: So many beauties come from Chongqing. GG: I'm beautiful. Producer lady: More beautiful than me? GG: How can that be? Can't compare!
And then, a couple days later on 6.23, when dd is still gone, gg is in a hellishly rotten mood. He's visibly moody and unresponsive to xl and JC, both of whom try to cheer him up. At one point, he asks someone (his assistant?) if he has any crying scenes that day. And later he says, "Remember this feeling. After a month, when filming, definitely will..." I think he says something more to XL here, but I guess it was too quiet for the translator to hear. The implication to me is that he's gonna try to bring up the experience of his feelings in later scenes when WWX is having similar feelings.
Not everything with regards to the boys has to be about ggdd, so it's possible that gg's bad mood is bc of something else going on in his life. Family, friends, something with his company, politics, a stranger being a jerk, whatever. DD's one possibility among many. I did check out what dd was doing on 6.23 and 6.22, and he's on Produce 101, where he looks as DD (with a mullet) as ever. But there aren't any bts or unscripted clips of him where he might reveal a similar mood, so it's hard to say anything.
So basically, make of gg's bad mood what you will. It could be literally anything.
I need to talk about JC's fake butt
So the clip on 6.25, with JZX, Mianmian, dd, XL, and gg all chatting starts with them talking about JC wearing a "fake butt". I'm guessing butt padding? Some highlights:
DD is confused because he's "not even wearing jeans", to which gg asks if it makes sense to wear a fake butt in jeans.
The "reason" why JC wears this is apparently only known to XL and GG. XL refuses to explain.
GG says if she doesn't explain, dd will just walk up to JC and ask him, "JC, you wear a fake butt?"
Poor WZC did seem a bit put-upon on the set.
Also, unrelated, dd thinks sweat is sexy.
Also, the nasal spray that got passed around: looked sus, but not actually that sus. It's a Thai herbal nasal inhaler, which apparently looks a lot like people doing some uppers. (So much so that gg chastises the cameraman for filming it and XL turns her back to do it)
Also also, gg's rotten mood is gone. The clip on 6.23 of him being in a bad mood is only about 5 min long, and there's only a 45sec clip for 6.24. So basically, we have no idea what might have cheered him up and there are almost a full 2 days of stuff we know nothing about.
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
You're doing the Lord's work posting all of these pics from the boys instas, etc bc I do not have an Instagram or whatever and I would never see these things otherwise! Thank you!
you're welcome!!!! also, i am Not a social media person At All (i'm a tumblrina through and through). the only reason i have an instagram, really, is to message friends/family who almost exclusively message people through instagram for some reason lol
+ (overly-detailed) storytime about instagram research under the cut (since i'm using your ask to take a trip down memory lane...)
back in 2021, with tremendous help from @carninator-blog (who was equally as interested in the "MotA Cast Investigation"), i managed to cobble together a growing list of cast and crew members (sometimes, i was faster than imdb lol). instagram was the Key tho, like it was INVALUABLE! if you found one person, they might post a story that shows Another person with them and, if you recognized That person, then you could find Their profile (if they had one). and so on and so forth.
dramatic reenactment of this:
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anyway, it's a lot easier to do the instagram stuff now (can you believe i mainly use it for "research"). i browse the search term "mastersoftheair" and have retired the rest: "mota" (too much weed lmao), "masteroftheair" (an easy typo, but no one makes that mistake anymore), and "whirlwind" (production name which yielded 1 result out of like. 50 or more). i even had to download an old version of the instagram app bc they just HAD to get rid of the "recent" tab which is crazy inconvenient! that's where all the timely information is!!
another thing. a few guys straight up Do Not have an instagram profile (....like nate mann. it'd be hypocritical of me to not respect it but come onnnnnnn, nate mann!!) and, while some guys Do have a profile, they never post anything about MotA Ever (like fionn o'shea). further- some guys don't have a profile anymore, but they used to (like kai alexander). some guys have a private one (valid. also callum turner), some guys suddenly got Verified some time inbtwn the production and the premiere (the elliot(t)s), and some guys changed their user name (like josiah cross). every once in a long while, i have to go update my cast/crew instagram profile list on google docs with all the names and links and GODDDD i sound like a weirdass stalker now that i've put this all into words, but believe me when i say i'm very much not invested in any of the actors' personal lives!! i try to keep it as professional as i can (everything's sourced, like an archive). i'm only ever looking for the MotA stuff, Exclusively.
additionally, a lot of behind the scenes pics and videos would Only get posted in cast members' stories. if i missed that 24hr window, i'd never see it again (unless they decided to put them on their profile), so, i'd check their instagram profiles Every Day whenever i was free. on the bright side tho, a lot of them were Fantastic behind the scenes pics/videos and "watching" the production of this show from afar (through instagram, of all things) was a lot of fun in the midst of pandemic anxieties and boredom (go check my 'video' tag if you're ever in the mood for some on-set cast shenanigans!)
while i'm here tho, i've gotta say that while keeping up with the cast back then was fun the Vast majority of the time (if nothing else, it gave me something to do during the chaos of 2021/22), i had a sorta anxiety about it sometimes wrt the, idk, "sensitivity" of the content. it was very NDA This, NDA That. i figured, "well, if they already posted it in their stories, it's probably fine" until one of the cast members Literally made a whole tumblr account and very kindly asked if i could please remove a few of the pics i posted of him bc he technically wasn't allowed to post them in the first place, so having them Out There could get him in trouble! i was SOOOO embarrassed about it and i felt Awful about the possibility of him getting in trouble all thanks to some hyper-observant internet rando (thankfully, tumblr is famously lowkey. it'd be different if it was as popular as twitter lol). after that incident, i had this semi-anxiety about "should i post this pic or just That one? should i Not post this?? should i download/save them and post them after there's a big announcement of some kind??? where's the line?!! What Do Now???!!". it didn't help matters when, in the MotA behind the scenes facebook page, a bunch of really cool set pictures would sometimes get deleted within an hour bc Whoops! the poster actually wasn't allowed to share those (and, even if i'd already downloaded them before they got wiped, would i be able to post them, despite being under no such NDA myself? or would i get another mysterious DM?)
but that's all in the past, now! i'm pretty sure i've posted Every Single One of those behind the scenes pics/videos, provided i downloaded them in time. if not, sometimes the (finally active) MotA subreddit has my back lol.
further, looking for Any MotA content during from 2021 to 2023 came with acknowledging the eventual "droughts" (what i nicknamed them) where it'd be a good while before i saw anything new at all. bc of this, i have a legitimate soft spot for certain cast members who posted a lot of updates/pics/videos Wayyyy before we even got the first teaser (s/o to luke coughlan, louis greatorex, jordan coulson, josh bolt, and josiah cross for keeping hope alive)
tl;dr- it's no problem and i'm happy to do it!
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piperscharm · 1 year
Nico Hcs bc I have wayyyy too many
He likes fruit snacks. Not bc hes gay or anything he just likes fruit snacks. That’s it.
He can play violin like his mother, Maria. He also learned the acoustic guitar at camp (Will likes to suggest the Star Wars theme track for him to play and Nico rarely does so for him). He also can play piano bc I think it goes with the whole “I grew up in the 30s/40s” thing.
The lord of darkness, controller of shadows, the ghost king is so ticklish. Him and Bianca used to have tickle fights and when Will tickles him he feels melancholy and happy at the same time.
This hc is very popular, he can sing beautifully. But it doesn’t end there, he can only sing good in the shower and he sounds decent at the camp fire but since hes 15 going thru puberty, theres lots of voicecracks.
As much as everyone loves the hc that Bianca would accept him for being gay if he could still visit her, I disagree. They grew up in the 30s/40s and you all saw how Nico was closeted for 4 years before being outed. He obviously grew up in a place where it was heavily discriminated against and that included his home so I think Bianca would be hesitant/taken aback at first but after some time, she eventually accepts it (I like to think this because of how she saw Achilles and Patroclus interact in Elysium and started to reconsider her homophobic acts).
After Will introduces him to 80s rock, he is invested and involved and geeking out about music more than Will atp. He also likes calmer artists tho like Fleetwood Mac and MAYBE Lana Del Rey. Idk tho.
His first job would totally be a haunted house operator. Also his dad and Will would force to get a job to build social skills too lol.
Everyone thinks his eyes r creepy and dehumanizing but if you actually, like, LOOK into them carefully, his eyes are full of a lot if pain and misery but they are kind and gentle as well. Also, after meeting Will, you can start to see some sparkle in his eyes.
His favorite types of movies are the ones with big plot twists. You would think his fav genre is horror and he likes it but he actual fav genre is actually like tender and loving romance and coming of age movies. But as I said, big plot twists. Like Sweeny Todd, The Village or Pan’s Labyrinth. Idk if he would watch those specifically but movies like those. Especially Sweeny Todd, tho, he would watch that.
He is so soft for his little sister (cannon) and he gets her any candy she wants from a nearby store or gas station when she’s on her period. And usually, Hazel doesn’t tell anyone bc that how it was in the 30s/40s but Nico can see the change her mood for a few days straight or here a pad opening in the bathroom before bed or something. He also doesn’t just go like “bought you chocolate for ur period” and hand it to her in front of everyone, no. He is actually very understanding after living with Bianca for decades and gets her a red show box or something and puts candy, a heating pad and a new stuffed animal every time in there for her and sets it on her bed bc Hazel’s last, like, a week as a personal hc. So yeah, he’s very soft and loves his little sister rjrnrbbebe.
ONE MORE, some solangelo for the heart ig. He likes to personally teach Will how to play the guitar bc he wanted to learn and Nico helps him tune his guitar and all of that. Nico usually teaches him in Cabin 7 in winter when no one’s in there so they have some alone time and just have fun w/ it in general. (Bonus: Will asks Nico to kiss his callused fingers after the first few lessons when his fingers are red after and Nico does so when he said Will did good this time. Nico means good as in being extra cute and fun today.)
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
(forgot to add to my last ask) you do a similar thing with wiring the reader insert characters!!
Enough character in them to; get us invested, set out the themes of the story, establish the setting and important details, and not bore us or annoy us with vague and personality-void characters. But leave enough room for personalisation (especially of physical looks, which I really appreciate) bc it's about the setting; where, when, what job the character has, etc. (background info) and their values that drive the plot & interactions so they don't seem forced. You allow us room to insert ourselves into the things that matter when it comes to personalisation (not assigning our interpretations and thoughts to us). But you've built a foundation for us to insert ourselves into instead of leaving us to do it ourselves.
It's kind of like DnD and other role-playing games, where the background, class, job, past, etc. Is fixed and the game master is the one orchestrating the interactions but you can individualise your experience through the roleplay. It says a lot about your skills in writing that you can achieve that vibe bc instead of an interactive roleplay setting you're writing something without our interaction, to an audience you don't know personally, having to cater to different readers not just someone you can personalise the experience for.
Again, I really appreciate how, even when putting in all this detail about the character, you manage to make your stories so welcoming to any physical description. It's difficult to (esp with NSFW) encompass all body types and physical descriptions. I can't speak for the experience of everyone reading but I don't run into any problems while reading, which is good bc I have some dysphoria related to perceiving myself (not necessarily insecurities, just struggling to perceive my physical body beyond its functional existence).
You making your inserts physical description so reader-friendly without the vagueness of it halting the immersivity of the story is impressive skill-wise too. Even when you have to add a physical trait for a scene/context in the story it's easy to gloss over/not be distracted by and doesn't detract from the overall reading experience.
Thank you again??? This is something I work really hard to achieve in any reader-inserts. I used to hate reader inserts, and honestly I don't read them in my spare time, but I enjoy the challenge of making as blank a slate as I can for people to slot themselves into the story. I try not to describe the reader physically (unless it's a commission and I've been given specifics), and obviously my own experiences will get in the way and shape how I tell the story and how the characters speak etc., but I try to make it as unobtrusive as I can.
I also vehemently dislike using "Y/N" because nothing tears me out of a piece of writing quicker than accidentally reading 'yes/no' instead of 'your name' and even if I don't do that, I certainly don't insert my own name, I just read it as 'your name'... haha.
As for it being a bit like DnD, I'd actually really love to be a DM one day but I don't really know enough about the mechanics of the game to manage that haha (or, you know, have any friends to play it with. Slightly bigger issue...).
Anyway, thank you again for taking the time to leave me two beautiful asks to boost my mood and confidence for the day. I hope you have a wonderful day and take care of yourself, and that your studies are going well.
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miengsol · 1 year
6, 13, 20, 7, 11
romance is a genre here ( ft. romance & relationship headcanons meme w/ @irrwicht )
6. would your muse kiss on the first date?
if the mood is right and there's chemistry, sure! i do think sex would be a no-go though simply because this isn't just a one night stand, this is someone who could potentially be someone sticking around for the long run...someone whom sol could become acquainted and so calum wouldn't want sex to get mixed in right away.
7. where is your muse most sensitive?
probably his back! weird place, i know, but if you wanna make him melt, just give him a lot of back kisses <3
11. how comfortable is your muse with their appearance and their body?
hmmmm i think when he was younger he was a lot more self-conscious about how he appeared in public since his family put a lot of pressure on him to always look 'presentable' to the public....that being said, he does try to keep in shape as it helps with his mental health and maintaining his busy life, so I would say over the years, he's become neutral in relation to his body and appearance although he might get self-conscious if he's like, naked in front of a partner....i think he's someone who's more comfy with covering up in general.
13. what traits does your muse value in a romantic partner?
i used to try to pinpoint what his ideal type would be bc I was intent on calum one day perhaps going single ship...that being said, since I've set him to multiship for good, I will say the most important thing for calum is that regardless of the circumstances and the personalities, they have to be first and foremost reliable. someone who he can rely on in a crisis.
i also think it helps if they're a tad competitive too since calum does tend to get invested in say, card games... someone snarky, just someone who can bring out his playful side so he can have a bit of fun too.
one other thing i've found as well is that in a romantic partner, he's more likely to drawn to someone who is also lonely at the core? there's something about that kind of loneliness that he can empathize with and therefore would feel more comfortable with unveiling his own loneliness as well...this often also applies to friends as too :'D
20. how does your muse feel about public displays of affection? would they engage in them?
he doesn't mind holding hands, hugging, giving a kiss here and there, but you won't find him engaging in anything more explicit...he would prefer to have some kind of privacy in moments of intimacy. it's a decorum thing ( one that his parents ingrained in him ), but just he doesn't like having eyes drawn to him and his relationship.
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serenaberngraves · 1 year
this or that? tag game
I wasn’t tagged but I’m tagging along with @rownanisntwriting who left the floor open :) You can read their answers here!
historical or futuristic
The fantasy genre has been so dominated by Tolkien that I basically default to historical settings. It requires a lot of googling since I’m not the kind of person that really cares about history, oddly enough. I try to balance being somewhat accurate and hoping the reader is more invested in the events than the setting :’)
I think another part of it is that I don’t feel very confident in my ability to design futuristic technologies; whenever I try, I end up trying to draw my own blueprints and getting lost in the sauce. I find it more comfortable to rely on stuff that has already existed so I can focus on my blorbos
the opening or closing chapter
Oh my GOD how I love beginnings! I get to seduce the reader and oh how I like to play coy.
Closing chapters are wonderful in their own right, but it’s a goodbye. I poured my heart and soul into this piece and I never want it to end. Sometimes I actually cry
light & fluffy or dark & gritty
As much as I try to surround myself with nice, pleasant things, all of my work has to include a heavy dose of grit and strife to get that sweet, sweet payoff of relief.
Yes, I’m that guy who puts their blorbos in situations just for the narrative
animal companion or found family
You really made me choose.
It’s in my DNA to create a cast of characters that complement each other. There’s something so compelling about someone feeling like a black sheep, and then meeting people that show them love in a way they’ve never felt before. And that’s probably an insight about me but we won’t talk about that
horror or romance
Well I’m currently writing a romance…
Both genres can have a similar structure of suspenseful buildup. I just prefer the release of a romance climax hehe to a horror one. I feel that I can be far more self-indulgent, too >:}
hard magic system or soft magic system
There need to be rules
I often feel like soft magic systems are a copout but don’t take personally bc I know they have their place it’s just my silly little opinion
standalone or series
Whenever I start a standalone it always turns into something more whether I like it or not. I’m either too attached to the world or the characters — or both — to let them rest. I have to keep poking around in there…
one project at a time or always juggling 2+
Bruh I have so many. But I’m only actively working on one at a time.
one award winner or one bestseller
Awards don’t mean anything to me.
I’d much rather my work reach a wide audience that enjoys my story <3 also awards can’t buy me a new couch
fantasy or sci-fi
character description or setting description
I’m trying to be better, but describing people has always been tough for me. “He’s tall with blond hair and has the correct amount of limbs. Also he’s wearing clothes.”
Whereas describing a setting I find it much easier to delve right into the mood.
Realistically the two aren’t so different — something in my mind just blanks when I’m trying to tell you what a person look like. I think part of me wants the reader’s imagination to fill in the blanks; your image of the villain based on his demeanour, dialogue, and actions is the most compelling version.
first draft or final draft
Again — I have a hard time with goodbyes!
The first draft is filled with emotion: frustration, enthusiasm, novelty, disappointment, desperation, epiphany! The roller coaster is not an easy one to ride, but dear god it makes me feel alive
love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
…I love a love triangle, but in everything? No, there are too many ideas and concepts to explore than has nothing to do with romance.
But I mean, it would be funny to insert a love triangle in every work. It would be a running gag. It doesn’t have to be the main characters — make it some tertiary characters. If I had a following, I would go feral waiting for my readers to guess who would be in the triangle this time
constant sandstorm or rainstorm
I think a constant rainstorm would be kind of dreary in a setting but having to think about how crusty a sandstorm is would make my skin itch. I couldn’t possibly endure
We’re at the end! I also don’t have anyone in mind to tag, so if you’re up for it tag me in your responses! :)
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bisexualamy · 2 years
top five fonts!!!!!
Tumblr media
oh shit oh fuck ok this is really tough bc of how contextual fonts are but so i think i gotta do one for general common uses my workhorse besties and another for my fun accent fonts
again in no particular order right now my standbys are
garamond my best friend. i like adobe garamond the best out of all the versions cuz she’s a little tighter and has a little bit of a smaller x height really sets a great mood
mrs. eaves is another fun serif i think she’s fun and quirky and i use her a lot
i like futura!! she’s good you don’t mess with a classic i don’t care if some people think it looks dated the 70s are coming back
theinhardt is a great all-purpose font that used to be my "brand" font for my resumes etc. people act like sans-serifs are all the same or all easy to design but that's not true!! i think this font is a really great example of how clean and timeless a well designed sans-serif can look
hhhh okay for some variety my last one is gonna be DIN even tho it's tied with a bunch bc 1) i love grotesks and there isn't one on this list yet and also the condensed version is great
for more statement fonts i love:
bodoni is a classic but for a reason. it's used in a lot of branding/magazines and i get why it feels luxurious. like garamond it has a million versions but the one i like/have become accustomed to is bodoni 72
justice for handwriting fonts some of them can be GOOD actually. clattering is a font i love that i've been wanting to find a use for for a while
programme is a really fun statement font and i'd love a reason to use their rotated version
i'm a sucker for a big wide slab serif as a statement font. my current goto for that is mighty slab
bc alphapipe is another font i love as a piece of design and wish i could find an application for
apologies for all the adobe links 🤢 that's often where i source my fonts. anyway please remember that just like with pirating blockbusters vs indie films, font design is hard work and designers are rarely compensated fairly for the massive time investment font design can be. pirate from the big typehouses like monotype. don't pirate fonts from indie creators.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
next up if your "Silly lil HPES class trial" idk why you haven't posted it The murder? SOMEONE pushed Kiibo off the play set and caused his arm to pop off (he’s fine he just needs to wait for Souda to get there and reattach it) When the kids find him at the scene of the crime they are instantly in INVESTIGATION MODE (Kirumi helps him get to the nurse’s office) They spend all recess investigating the crime (this is elementary school so I’m gonna assume 30~ minutes) Lunch after recess none of them are in the lunchroom. Where are they? Classroom, it’s fucking trial time (Also instead of Monokuma presiding over the case, it’s an old Monomi plushie Shuichi has in his backpack) The plush can’t talk, but the camera will awkwardly pop over to it sitting on The Throne Of The Gods (they stacked all their chairs together) waiting for witty commentary. To the kids the Monomi plush talks tho (Ofc) But YEAH they have the desks ordered in a circle and treat it very seriously. Kaede bumped into Kiibo when they were on the slide and thinks she did it. Also psyche taxi is those little tyke cars Kaede’s about to be convicted when none other than KIIBO HIMSELF BURSTS INTO THE ROOM Everyone is silent The music gets intense it’s that one song y'know the one dr3 was in love with overusing that one He explains his side of the story (still doesn’t know who does it but presents evidence that Kaede didn’t do it) And yah tldr they have a whole 4-hour trial (they barricaded the door to the classroom ) and find out it was Kokichi who did it. He was in a silly goofy mood. His punishment? Call home
Komaeda anon added: it'd be really funny if Kokichi wasn't in the trial room bc he went off to get like, motor oil as an apology. He doesn't know what robots drink, okay?
firedemongaming added: Plot twist, Kokichi is innocent (a random bird hit Kii-bo). Everyone was just so invested that Kokichi decided to take the blame for the fun of it
Komaeda anon added: he would do that, wait, wait it'd be really funny if Kiibo knew. Like, okay hear me out: Kiibo n Kokichi were playing, but Kokichi goes to get some drinks n gets delayed bc what do robots drink, Kiibo falls, a trial happens, by the time Kokichi comes back, he was like "hehe, it was ME! I SNUCK BACK!! I WAS GONE BC I WAS HIDING" (TOTALLY NOT BC I DIDNT KNOW WHAT ROBOTS CAN DRINK AND SPENT LIKE, HALF AN HOUR ASKING UNCLE SOUDA IN A ROUNDABOUT WAY IF KIIBO CAN DRINK
firedemongaming added: Hajime: 'why did you lie and take the blame?' Kokichi: 'because a trial is no fun If everyone is innocent' Hajime: 'we need to reevaluate your definition'
Komaeda anon added: Hajime years later: we did not get to reevaluate your definition
I’ve been meaning to make this one a little mini comic so uh teaser for the future lmao
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a-libra-writes · 2 years
oh my god !! absolutely not intending to hassle u about updating (bc i used to write and i've BEEN on the receiving end of extremely forceful requests lol i won't subject u to that) but i've spent the last few hours reading ur ned/brandon fic and by GOD i needed to show appreciation for it 🙏🙏
ur writing style itches the brain just right and i was LIVING for the drama! i've never seen any fic handle romantic tension that well without delving into sexual themes and i can't get over how realistic reader/ned's interactions were!! it's so rare to see crushing teenagers acting like actual, fumbling and awkward CRUSHING TEENAGERS but u balanced it so well with the typical asoiaf themes so i never once forgot how dark/mature the universe setting was!! and lyanna and benjen and brandonnnnnn i've never been particularly invested in their characters due to the lack of canon source material, but you wrote them so well and it makes me want to stalk their wiki pages 😩 and don't get me started on roose! his presence (especially your description of his eyes) was so chilling!
i think my favourite part was how rare the physical reader/ned interactions were. every single time they met i had to put down my phone and take a breather, the tension was THICK even through the screen. benjen's interactions with her are so sweet as well, especially the part where u mention he used to follow after her and lyanna when they were younger <3 it's gonna rotate inside my head like a rotisserie chicken for however long my Stark hyperfixation lasts thank u so much for that! hope you're well 💘
this was such a kind message to receive! 😭😭 im never bothered by the low notes/"traffic" Salt & Snow gets bc these kinda messages are just so nice to read. like i think you sent this a few days ago and i read it in the morning at work and it was SUCH a boost to my mood.
Im so happy you enjoyed it! i hope the stark fixation keeps on ~
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modpoppy · 9 months
and ANOTHER au im gonna draw soon: ace assurance where eveythings the same but theyre all accountants
i think the prosecutors are in finance bc finance and accounting are posited as enemies, meanwhile trucy and all the magicians are marketing peeps bc marketing is directly seen as opposite to accounting
athena: audit, she uses her psychology learning and mood matrix to critically assess the intent behind errors or inconsistencies in forms, but mostly because she doesnt believe that simon would do something as basically unjust (👀) as insider trading
apollo: tax preparation, he tries to be as fair and honest with it as possible and doesnt appreciate people/companies trying to cheat the system (obviously he will advise but not to the extent klavier does). going into SoJ he starts diving into tax law (i think dhurke is probably straight up a tax attorney)
phoenix: starts off with simple bookkeeping roles like payroll, sorta just becomes well versed in most roles
edgeworth: personal finance??? like phoenix also a bit more general but he has a reputation for cutting costs without waiting for excuses for them
man what the fuck am i doing
franziska and manfred: also personal finance but way way WAY harsher, manfred probably included bs stipulations that instantly made him more money/less culpable for fucking things up
klavier: tax advising, like telling people how to get the best tax treatment (avoidance, not evasion, though apollo still dislikes it bc klavier finds more loopholes than hed like)
blackquill: investment. guy. i dont. know what its called rn. he reads companys financial statements and assesses how bs they are. was arrested for serious charges of massive insider trading (took the fall for athena who he suspected had been idly listening in on his and his mentors calls and telling people what she learned)
nahyuta: he is the sec
kristoph also did tax preparation but was found to have been doing illegal money shit with his clients tax returns (meanwhile the main incident irt phoenix losing his cpa was evidently having never sent his clients tax return even tho he DEFINITELY did, and with drew misham he set a long term tax trap knowing that vera was actually filing her fathers tax forms, so the moment he did it itd be flagged and he’d get caught for forging and shit)
everythings actually mostly the same tho there are less deaths but not NO deaths
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crimeronan · 10 months
ooh, 27 & 30 for the wrap?
27. What do you listen to when writing?
this year as i was driving around imagining stories, i'd put on two playlists: the princess luz playlist, which is about being unbelievably sad, and my devin and nova playlist, which is all songs about having a HORRIFICALLY dysfunctional relationship.
when ACTUALLY writing, i gravitate toward instrumentals. i have still-very-much-in-progress instrumental playlists collecting music for each of the OCs, but they arent curated enough to link. if i'm writing a scene with a specific mood, i'll go on youtube and type "[x mood] epic orchestral mix."
if you've never done this for writing, it's a GODSEND. my most common searches are shit like "horror orchestral music," "drama/suspense epic orchestra mix," "devastation orchestral music mix," "powerful and emotional orchestral music mix"
there are too many bands and production companies i like to list them all here -- a LOT of musicians make electronic and orchestral scores that would fit intense movies. i've heard people say they use these mixes for setting the mood in TTRPGs, it's just as effective for writing.
as for specific instrumentals, i HAVE to recommend any and all of within temptation's. the instrumental versions of their songs showcase INCREDIBLE violin, piano, guitar, and general musical craftsmanship that usually gets lost under the vocals. they are fucking STUNNING.
my favorite one always fluctuates depending on my mood but for now i'll suggest trying shot in the dark to see if you like it. it's a pretty good preview of what their stuff sounds like.
30. Biggest surprise when writing this year?
honestly, i was surprised to rediscover how much i love horror writing, and equally surprised that so many people could get invested in my horror writing.
i know i'm a Good writer obviously. but i often think about fandom in terms of interaction with other people. i write a lot of dark shit in my own time that's just for me, but i'd sorta gotten used to thinking of fandom as being somewhere that i should write easy-to-read stuff. i didn't expect anybody to want to read anything else
(this isn't a Totally unfounded belief -- in my fandom immediately preceding this one, i was extremely invested in a main character with the darkest storyline in the books. at one point i wrote a novella about her and the people surrounding her that she killed/drove to suicide/emotionally destroyed, and unsurprisingly it's almost exclusively been read by like. tumblr mutuals. like ~12 kudos on each installment. which is still more than most writers would get!)
i started writing the longer luz fic bc horror has always been the easiest thing for me to write & i was in a lot of pain that needed venting. i didn't expect there to be an audience for it, i actually had braced myself for pushback bc sometimes certain toh circles can have...... interesting opinions about what is or isn't OK to do to a blorbo.
i really didn't think anyone would like reading my writing if it wasn't funny enough. and it's 100% true that the princess AU has a fraction of the kudos-based readership of wwaitsoatl. but the investment of that small readership is WILD.
i am. so grateful. aha
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