#record temps
mossandfog · 10 months
Waters Around Florida Are So Hot, Scientists Are Removing Coral to Save Them
With the recent, massive heatwaves around the northern hemisphere, there’s more than just human suffering when the temperatures get that hot. In southern Florida, the ocean temperatures have reached a shocking 101º F (38.3 C) or higher, the highest recorded. In addition to feeling like a hot tub on a hot day, the extreme ocean temperatures are wreaking havoc on coral reefs, with many of them…
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secundus-cinaedus · 3 months
while i 1000 percent believe it has been twisted to suit a leftist agenda, the people who believe climate change is completely fake are legitimately fucking braindead
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medieval-canadian · 6 months
so i'm crocheting a temperature blanket this year. my initial instinct was to say it's for my 32nd year but that's not actually how birthdays work so instead i'm awkwardly going with "the year i'm 32" and shortening it to just 32 mostly. anyway, that's besides the point.
i have the colour palette/yarn, i have the pattern (toni lipsey's linen stitch pixel temp blanket), i made a gauge swatch, i've started tracking temps (i've recorded hi/lo starting on dec. 8).... but fuck, i'm having so much trouble figuring out the temperature gauge!!!
i can't decide what the intervals should be, i can't decide if i want purples to be warm temps or cold temps or where to put the neutrals, i can't decide if i want to fiddle/tweak(/cheat?) and use the lows for the cold temps instead of the high which was the initial plan.... i just don't know!!! ugh.
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eggplant-dolma · 3 months
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12/100,, march 2, 2024
watered all my plants this morning which I haven't done in a looooong time; I cleared out dead leaves and ends, and enjoyed interacting with them again
washed most of my dishes (tho have yet to put them away, but that's ok)
i met up with my friend at the gym on campus to work out, then she invited me over for a lunch of sandwiches (which were delicious)(hummus, red pepper relish, arugula, feta and cucumber) and Boston creme donuts for dessert 🍩💕
it's been a rough week, but it was super nice to get out of my house, move my body, and see a good friend for a while ❤️
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mildmayfoxe · 2 months
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ugly pics as always but dude this came out so fuckin good. cooked up my marinated chicken (cilantro lime shallot ancho etc, blended) and put it over cilantro lime rice (this i did not make i took a shortcut & used pouch rice. sorry) with room temp marinated bean & corn (lime cilantro shallot poblano spices. u kno the drill) that i left to sit out for like an hour so it got really flavorful. and then more cilantro & avocado on top plus i made a drizzle with some leftover greek yogurt & a couple hot sauces incl a chocolate ghost pepper my sister gave me for christmas 👌 i always forget how good food i make is bc i never cook anymore but i’m so great at this. everybody come over
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
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From this article (published july 12, 2023)
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wyrmfedgrave · 2 days
What if even Death Valley gets too hot? - Vox
It sounds pretty strange that Death Valley might soon become too hot to open for visitors...
But, the hottest place on Earth keeps hitting record temps every year now!
What's worse is that these high temps are spreading outside of the area!!
This kind of heat is a well known killer of normal folk like you or me...
Every year, the high temps basically smother many, mostly poor people.
And, that's in places that are usually far from Death Valley - where you can literally cook to death...
It's high time that Big Oil pays for the deadly side effects of their main product - gasoline.
Or, stops pumping it - something that's quite impossible for them to contemplate!
So, expect worse heatwaves, more deaths - human, plant & animal!!
Hopefully, some of the scientific work been done, will find a non-polluting answer to our most 'suicidal' problem.
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boyswanna-be-her · 2 months
It's Existential Crisis Tuesday lads 😎
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alchemiclee · 3 months
it was snowing heavily today. it didn't stick, but it made driving a bit hard to see a few times when it picked up more. I took some pictures of flowers around my house while it snowed on me. happy spring, everyone!
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Still too many layers 🥵🌡️
Treat me ~ Tip me
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bearbench-img · 15 hours
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rubberbandballqueen · 6 months
How was Taiwan?
it was good!!!!
i had my donut stolen by a monkey with its little grabby hands, studied the fonts they use on road signs over there, ate some really good fruit that is either unavailable in the states (蓮霧) or just Not The Same (buddha's head), HAD SOME RANDOM GUY CLAIMING TO BE A JOURNALIST COME UP TO ME AND GIVE ME HIS CALLING CARD AND INSIST I CALL HIM IF I EVER GOT IN TROUBLE WITH THE POLICE??, executed Tumblr Code In Real Life when i met up with a Beloved Mutual for the first time and had like this ginormous smoothie like a whole fucking goblet just a massive smoothie chalice at the cafe we hung out in, rode the train AND the subway a couple times, tried to look up a bunch of music ultimately too obscure to be found by the shazam app, photographed several dozen flowers, and then seem to have left my school ID behind after i had to hang my jacket out to dry the night before we left c':
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heyooo finally did the week-wise stats! :D
Earlier, in this post and this one, I looked at the ao3 stats for Bad Buddy. In those posts I looked at the most popular tags every two months, but figured it would be v interesting to see what the most popular tags were in the week after each episode released.
And well, it is! Here's a chart race of the top 10 freeform tags used by Bad Buddy fics on ao3 in the week following each episode's release: (The numbers on each row are the number of fics with that tag posted that week.)
[Video Description: A bar chart showing the top 10 tags after each episode. The bars increase and decrease with time to reflect the changes after each ep. I discuss some of the takeaways below. /end description]
First off, as @pestobepis pointed out, fluff suddenly shoots up after ep 5 (the rooftop kiss ep).
Makes sense, because of course ep 5 would've inspired fluffy fics as folks processed That Scene xD
Fluff also jumps after ep 9 (iirc that's when they're dealing with the curtain drop fallout), which, again. people were really craving the fluff while PatPran were going through that aksfksf
(Not pictured, but the number fics written doubled in the week after ep 5, heh. The number of fics peaked after ep 9 with 100 fics written that week alone. Ep 11, in which they run away to the beach, was second-highest with 84 fics written that week.)
Personally, I'm baffled at how there aren't more pining fics tbh. I fully expected more pining fics in the week between eps 5 and 6.
And I do love how fluff is the most popular tag every week, except after eps 2, 4, and 7.
Angst is the top tag after eps 2 and 4. I haven't checked what those fics were about, but based just off the thumbnails of those eps, I'm 100% crediting the angst of those weeks to Pran's PiningTM 😌
But my fav thing is the top tag in the week after ep 7 being canon-compliant. Pran finally stops denying himself (well, almost) and people finally get to use the tag canon-compliant tag :]
Canon-compliant remains in the top 10 tags every week after that, except one. It disappears from the top 10 in the week after ep 11, lmao. (Ep 11 is when they run away to the beach and the preview for the next week implied they break up for real after returning. love the implication of authors going fuck that <3, we're ignoring canon here)
And that brings me to canon divergent fics! The canon divergence tag rises noticeably after ep 5 (Pran walks away after the kiss) and ep 11 (they head to the beach). OF COURSE those two eps caused a spike in that tag, heh.
Ooh, and the hurt/comfort tag! Appears in the top 10 for the first time after ep 5 (rooftop kiss) and then again after ep 8 (curtain drop). It jumps again after ep 10, which makes me go aww (that's the ep when they parents find out and yeah. yeah we all needed the h/c after that ep).
oh, and unsurprising: anal sex makes it into the top 10 for the first time after ep 11 with its 'how many points do i get' bsddskg
[edit 17/7/23: I finally realised today that the date filters use date updated rather than date posted. so these numbers are kinda inaccurate now. as in, consider multi-chaptered fics that started, say, after ep 5 but finished after ep 8. they get counted under the ep 8 fics. but im leaving this post up because I think those are only some of the fics, plus ALL of this post is only an estimate. like, it is always possible someone wrote an ep 4 inspired fic two weeks after the episode released. this whole post is just about trends and I think they're still fairly correct.
I also ran the numbers for the our skyy eps in this post! they inspired so much smut <3]
[edit 23/11/23: can confirm now that the number of multi-chaptered fics released while the series was airing was low enough to justify ignoring them!]
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blackmoldmp3 · 5 months
ohhits gonna be cold starting on saturday thank god. not that i’m i to it being cold i’m just disturbed by how warm it’s been
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castielsupernatural · 9 months
hell hath no fury like a woman getting the city to deliver a court summons to her landlord after months of being told she was crazy and the air conditioning isn’t broken
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nagalias-mindscape · 1 month
Sis: Oooh! I haven't see you write anything for SCP in awhile! Hey- odd question. Can Iceberg keep Dry Ice solid?
Me: ... Negative Degrees Seven. Celsius. That's his average temperature when he's aware. Dry ice melts if it gets warmer than negative seventy-eight.
Sis: Yeah, but isn't it canon for your story that his temp drops even lower when he's asleep?
Me: ... One sec, I need to check something. Hmm... I don't think he can. Negative Thirties is his recorded sleeping range in my notes, and while it can get to around negative eighty-nine if he's badly injured and unconscious, that's not really Icy intentionally keeping dry ice solid. So, for the sake of the next question I bet is bouncing around in your head, no. iceberg cannot, and will not, play around with solid carbon dioxide for shits and giggles. Fiery explosives, on the other hand... well, it's Iceberg.
Sis: Boo!
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